POWER GENERATION - Baker & O'Brien, Inc.

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POWER GENERATION - Baker & O'Brien, Inc.

          Baker & O'Brien's consulting services in the power generation industry have been
          directed primarily toward the development, analysis, and valuation of cogeneration
          projects fueled by natural gas or petroleum residues, such as coke or petroleum tars.
                                                                                                       RELATED SERVICES
          We have also worked with power plant clients on disputes involving: (1) the alleged          Accident/Incident Investigation
          improper use of proprietary technologies; (2) the root cause of equipment failure or         Due Diligence and Advisor to
          construction cost overruns; and (3) substandard plant operations and performance.            Lenders and Investors
          From time-to-time, our consultants have also assisted major utility companies in the         Engineering, Procurement, and
          evaluation of potential fuel substitution opportunities and the pricing of competing fuels   Construction (EPC)
          in baseload power projects.                                                                  Merger and Acquisition Support
                                                                                                       Property Damage and Business
                                                                                                       Interruption Insurance Claims
          PRIMARY CONTACTS                                                                             Technology Assessment

                                      Robert L. Beck

                                      Gary N. Devenish
                                      Vice President, Houston Office Manager

                                      Thomas L. Holtzclaw
                                      Consultant, Recruiting Manager

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POWER GENERATION - Baker & O'Brien, Inc.

                                      E. Shawn McDonald

             Cogeneration Plant Property Tax Dispute
             Assisted municipality in developing preliminary value estimates for cogeneration facility under appeal. Work focused primarily on
             income approach values based on various forward pricing scenarios.
             Damages from Steam Turbine Failure
             Assisted in determining economic damages resulting from failures associated with a new steam turbine that was provided and
             installed by a turbine manufacturer at a power generation facility. Conducted independent assessment of economic losses suffered
             by electric cooperative as a result of both short-term and long-term performance shortfalls and outages.
             Electric Incident Investigation
             Conducted a Root Cause Failure Analysis on a power generation facility following the failures of a surge arrester and a backup
             battery system. Identified required inspection assistance, evaluated failed component inspection results and examined practices
             and procedures in place at the facility.
             Fair Market Valuation
             On behalf of a major U.S. gas power plant developer, estimated the fair market value of a 1,000 MW natural gas-fired electric
             power project. Evaluated turn key fixed-price contract for engineering, procurement, and construction for the combined-cycle
             generation facility along with utilities, rights-of-way, and permits. Reviewed the procurement and delivery of four natural gas
             turbines and two steam turbine generators.
             Gas Turbine Damage
             Assisted in a root-cause analysis and damages dispute concerning a major turbine failure in the start-up of a power plant.
             Independent Power Production
             Assisted in the development proposals for two independent power projects in southeastern Japan. One facility, which was
             successfully implemented, involved a $180 million investment for a petroleum coke-fired 130 megawatt condensing turbine
             generator. Assisted in the creation of a sophisticated linear program model, which was used to justify the project, based on cash
             flows and probable rates of return.
             Natural Gas Pipeline and Processing Plant Due Diligence
             Assisted an electric utility in its merger with a gas transmission and distribution company. Inspected pipeline and processing
             facilities and reviewed natural gas and natural gas liquids supply and marketing issues. Conducted operations review and an
             analysis of staffing levels.
             Review of Power Development Projects
             Evaluated the economic value of five interim power projects in various stages of development for an international power project
             Power Plant Construction Dispute

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POWER GENERATION - Baker & O'Brien, Inc.

             Power Plant Construction Dispute
             Provided expert report and oral testimony on roles and responsibilities of: (1) an EPC contractor under a Lump Sum-Turn Key
             contract; (2) owners in awarding and managing such projects; and (3) the capabilities of owner's and contractor's project
             management teams. The project involved provision of EPC services to retrofit selective catalytic reduction equipment to existing
             power generation units, as mandated by the regulatory authorities.
             Power Project
             Supported lenders in mezzanine financing for construction of a cogeneration plant in Western Siberia. Advised as to the collateral
             value of certain equipment ordered for the project and evaluated the technical capabilities of the company to manage the project
             under long-term project financing.
             Power Plant Construction Dispute
             Provided advice on a construction dispute between owner and contractor regarding a project to upgrade and modify a power plant
             in the Caribbean, which had alleged defects related to the boiler heat recovery section, the desalination plant, seawater cooling
             piping, and instrumentation.
             Root Cause Analysis
             Conducted a Root Cause Failure Analysis on a high pressure steam turbine that failed following a planned outage at a
             cogeneration power plant. Evaluated outage work procedures, actual outage work undertaken, start-up monitoring results, and
             post-failure turbine inspection results on turbine disassembly.
             Utility Feedstock Contract Evaluation
             On behalf of a regional utility in central Alaska, evaluated newly proposed long-term feedstock contracts linked to prices on the
             New York Mercantile Exchange. The proposed price adjustments were based on quality variations from the fuel specifications.
             Coal Gasification Plant Accident
             Provided assistance to a mechanical contractor for a root-cause investigation of a fatal accident at a coal gasification plant.
             Cause and Origin Analysis
             Conducted a cause and origin investigation of a fire at a natural gas combined cycle generation plant. Investigation included
             in-plant interviews and review of operational data, as well as metallurgical investigation to determine the probable cause and origin
             of the fire.
             Review of Power Development Projects
             Evaluated the economic value of five interim power projects in various stages of development for an international power project
             Turbine Fire
             Performed review of root cause analysis of the failure of a 125 MW generating steam turbine.
             Pump Failure Root Cause Analysis
             Root cause analysis of a boiler feed water pump failure including analysis of rotating equipment maintenance shop's pump
             maintenance and rebuild procedures. Provided recommendations to improve maintenance shop quality control.
             Power Transmission Fire Investigation
             Investigated the cause of major fire that resulted in a fatality.
             Wind Turbine Generator Failure Analysis
             Analyzed and provided expert testimony on the frequent failure of doubly-fed electrical generators located at a wind power
             generation facility. Examined and critiqued: the previous investigations concerning the possible causes, whether possible causes
             were linked to design, manufacturing or operation; and whether adequate steps had been taken to obviate further failures. Opined

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POWER GENERATION - Baker & O'Brien, Inc.

             on whether the equipment was fit for purpose.
             GTL Jet Fuel Scoping Study
             On behalf of a major airline, assessed the risks and benefits involved in entering into either a jet fuel off-take agreement, or
             participating in project ownership. The assessment, for a number of small-scale GTL technology providers, covered the following
             topics: state of technology development; technical risks for project completion; likely capital costs, yields, and operating costs;
             market price analysis for crude oil and natural gas; and economic sensitivity analyses.
             Power Outage Root Cause Analysis
             Root cause analysis of a Port of Houston container facility power outage and an assessment of potential exposure to business
             interruption claims.
             Residual Fuel Oil Valuation
             Provided an assessment of the quantity, quality, and value of fuel oil recovered during demolition of storage tanks at a power plant.
             Electrical Supply Disruption
             Following the sudden loss of electrical supply to a chemical plant, which resulted in equipment damage, the chemical plant owner
             claimed that the electricity supplier was negligent. In addressing the root cause of the equipment damage, our work assessed the
             following parameters: (1) the nature of the supply contract; (2) the nature of the outage - whether intentional or inadvertent; (3) the
             chronology of events following the outage; (4) the designs of the electrical systems in question; and (5) the operational procedures
             in the event of a power outage and whether they were followed.
             IPP/Refinery Power Generation Outage Dispute
             Assessed the cause(s) of supplier's steam and electricity generation failure and mitigating actions by the refinery/petrochemical
             customer. Preliminary findings and a document request were provided to the client.
             Cogeneration Project Feasibility Analysis
             Assessed the feasibility of developing a steam-power cogeneration complex using feedstock from a new refinery. Study
             considered local market supply/demand issues for petroleum products and anticipated power requirements for the region.
             Power Plant Insurance Claim
             Provided expert consulting services regarding operations and maintenance of a barge-mounted, diesel-powered
             turbine electric power generation facility..
             Power Market Analysis
             Provided advice and expert opinion on the commercial and technical assumptions used in the calculation of steam and power rates
             that an oil and gas producer charged its clients
             Power Plant Due Diligence
             Prepared a due diligence report describing the physical condition and maintenace practices of the gas fired steam and
             electric power co-generation facility, staffing and organizational issues, and other operational issues.
             Power Plant Construction Dispute
             Provided expert services to evaluate the design, construction, and operation of a gas turbine power generation plant. Evaluated
             the: (1) gas turbine selection process; (2) environmental conditions at the site and how these conditions may have impacted
             performance and reliability of the facility; (3) power generation capabilities; (4) roles and responsibilities of the plant operator and
             EPC contractor associated with this project; (5) power generation and steam losses due to plant unreliability and turbine repair
             costs; and (6) forecast business interruption damages. Developed expert reports and arbitration testimony.

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