2019 Briefing Hon Damien O'Connor - for Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity and Food Safety - nzppi

Page created by Francis Daniels
2019 Briefing Hon Damien O'Connor - for Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity and Food Safety - nzppi
2019 Briefing
for Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity and Food Safety
              Hon Damien O’Connor
2019 Briefing Hon Damien O'Connor - for Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity and Food Safety - nzppi
About New Zealand Plant
     Producers Inc                                   Our contribution
     New Zealand Plant Producers                     A successful and thriving nursery sector
     Incorporated (NZPPI) is the peak industry       is critical to the success of NZ’s economy,
     body for the nursery and plant production       environment communities and regions.
                                                     It also enables the government to meet its
     NZPPI was established in 2017, continuing       targets across a range of economic, social
     over a century of industry representation,      and environmental areas.
     bringing together a membership base
     that includes the nursery businesses            •   Our sector drives innovation.
     that propagate, grow and sell plants and            Introducing new plant varieties and
     seedlings for forests, ecology, horticulture,       production systems enables our
     wine and amenity plantings.                         horticulture, wine and forestry sectors
                                                         to remain competitive in global

         Our vision                                  •   Producing plants for gardens and
         A vibrant plant production                      amenity spaces improves the physical
         industry widely respected for its               environment, which will support the
                                                         government’s wellbeing indicators.
         professionalism, innovation and
         contribution to New Zealand.
                                                     •   Supplying seedlings for riparian
                                                         plantings and carbon sinks will enable
                                                         the government to achieve its targets
                                                         for freshwater quality and climate
     About our industry                                  change.

     New Zealand’s nursery industry has              •   Nurseries are critical to meeting the
     experienced rapid growth over the past 5            government’s target to plant 1 billion
     years, largely in response to the growth in         trees by 2028.
     the plant based sectors: horticulture, wine
     and forestry.                                   •   We are working closely with
                                                         government and the community to
     This growth is set to continue as NZ’s              tackle kauri dieback and myrtle rust.
     primary industries make the transition to
     higher value and more sustainable
     production systems, with more
     horticulture, forests and plants.

2   2019 Briefing to Minister | NZPPI
2019 Briefing Hon Damien O'Connor - for Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity and Food Safety - nzppi
Key Facts

                       $600                million
                       The estimated annual value
                                                       The estimated number of
                       of the nursery sector           nursery businesses in NZ

                       (we are the 5th largest         159 indoors
                       horticulture sector by value)   366 outdoors

                           The estimated rate of
                                                       The area of crops

                           growth of the nursery       that are planted with
                           sector                      seedlings

                           The number of people
                           employed in nursery         The increase in
                           production                  indoor nursery
                                                       workers since 2011
                           1250 outdoors
                           1150 indoors

3   2019 Briefing to Minister | NZPPI
2019 Briefing Hon Damien O'Connor - for Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity and Food Safety - nzppi
Our priorities                                                Our concerns
    Over the past 18 months NZPPI has                             Our ability to progress
    brought the nursery sector together                           our work is at risk due to
    under a single, united industry                               deepening frustration within
    umbrella.                                                     our industry.

    For the first time in decades our sector has a single         •   The poor handling of the myrtle rust
    voice and the ability to make progress on the things              crisis within nurseries has left many
    that matter. But this progress is at risk due to increasing       of our members frustrated and out of
    frustration with parts of the biosecurity system.                 pocket. Poor decision making, lack of
                                                                      planning and delays in compensation
                                                                      payments has left a legacy of mistrust
                                                                      among the affected nurseries.
                                                                  •   Over the past 2 years plant importers
    Over the past 18 months our sector has been hit by an
                                                                      have faced new rules and administrative
    unprecedented number of biosecurity events including
                                                                      hurdles. While they support the need
    poinsettia thrips, contaminated pelleted seed, GM
                                                                      for a strong biosecurity system, many
    petunia, myrtle rust, the PEQ crisis and the recent
                                                                      of the new rules are considered to be
    impatiens downy mildew incursion.
                                                                      unnecessary and unworkable. In many
                                                                      cases they have been poorly planned
    MPI has seen the benefits of NZPPI’s work with our
                                                                      and implemented.
    involvement in these crises.

                                                                  •   Lack of resourcing within the MPI
    We are preparing for possible incursions of pests
                                                                      imports team has led to unacceptable
    and diseases such as Xylella and Brown Marmorated
                                                                      delays in administrative tasks, such
    Stink Bug and we are working to bring our sector into
                                                                      as processing import permits. These
                                                                      delays have caused significant financial
                                                                      losses for a number of importers and
    Biosecurity Certification Scheme
                                                                  The impact of these issues is that many
    In partnership with MPI, NZPPI has led the development        have simply lost faith in the system and
    of the Plant Producers Biosecurity Scheme (PPBS). This        disengaged, while tension continues to
    programme sets standards for biosecurity management           build among others.
    in nurseries, ensuring the safety and hygiene of plants.
    This programme will drive a step change in biosecurity        Left unresolved, these issues may lead to
    management, reducing risk of pests & diseases                 further mistrust and become a barrier to
    spreading form nurseries into production areas and the        engagement and progress on important
    natural environment.                                          initiatives, such as our industry signing GIA.

    We are also strong advocates for the ‘Biosecurity 2025        Progress on these issues is now a matter of
    strategy, participating in a number of national and           urgency.
    local initiatives, including Tauranga Moana Biosecurity

    Continuing to do this work with the support of our
    members is important for our sector, for industry and
    for the government.

4    2019 Briefing to Minister | NZPPI
2019 Briefing Hon Damien O'Connor - for Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity and Food Safety - nzppi
Plant & seed imports                                   Plant importers are experiencing
                                                           significant delays in processing
    Plant and seed imports are vital                       plant import permits.
    to New Zealand’s plants-based
    industries, firstly as a source of new                 Import permits that previously took 1-3 weeks to
    genetic material and also for clean,                   process are now taking from 1-3 months, creating
                                                           frustration and significant financial losses for
    virus free propagation material.                       importers and plant producers.

    Over the past 3 years new phytosanitary requirements   These delays are due to new importation rules
    in the nursery stock pathway have become a             and under-resourcing within MPI’s plant imports
    significant barrier to plant and germplasm imports.    team.

                                                           We are concerned that a lack of funding, capacity
        We encourage greater recognition of the            and workforce stability is undermining the ability
        value and importance of plant imports              to achieve meaningful action and resolution of
        to the NZ primary industries.                      significant issues.We note that these resourcing
                                                           issues in the plants team are happening while
                                                           resourcing for M Bovis has increased.
        NZPPI is calling for strong leadership
        and a fundamental change in the way
        in which risk is managed for imported
        nursery stock. Continuing to impose                   We welcome the recent announcement
        barriers to plant and seed imports will               of additional staff and resourcing in
        ultimately leave our horticulture and                 the plant imports team. This comes
        plant-based sectors uncompetitive and                 after a long period of under-resourcing
        vulnerable.                                           in this important area.

        We applaud MPI for initiating the First               We request that this team gets the
        Principles Review, which will look into               support and resources it needs to
        the plant imports system. We hope                     undertake its responsibilities in a
        that this review will deliver a more                  timely and efficient manner.
        workable plant imports system.

5   2019 Briefing to Minister | NZPPI
2019 Briefing Hon Damien O'Connor - for Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity and Food Safety - nzppi
Pelleted seed testing                                        Quarantine and
     (ornamentals)                                                laboratory facilities
     In June 2016, MPI implemented                                The quarantine and
     emergency measures that require                              laboratory facilities that
     testing of imported pelleted seed                            are provided by MPI at the
     in response to an incidence of                               Tamaki site in Auckland, are
     contamination of fodder beet with                            outdated, under capacity and
     serious weed species, including velvet                       inadequate for their purpose.
                                                                  A lack of investment in this site over
                                                                  many years means that this site has fallen
     The testing regime has captured all types of pelleted
                                                                  behind what is available in many of our
     seed, including plant species used for bedding plants and
                                                                  competitor countries, including Australia.
     vegetables for use in home gardens. The testing protocols
     require the destructive testing of 10% of the quantity of
                                                                  Capacity at the Tamaki facility is fully
     seed. This trial has cost seed importers and bedding plant
                                                                  booked until 2022, with bookings in place
     nurseries business over $200,000 in testing and lost seed.
                                                                  out to 2029.
     The testing requirement remains in place despite test
     results showing no detected contamination from risk
                                                                     NZPPI supports MPI’s proposal
                                                                     to rebuild and relocate the
                                                                     Plant Health and Environment
                                                                     Laboratory (PHEL) and Level 3B
          We request the immediate withdrawal of
                                                                     Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ)
          the testing programme for ornamental
                                                                     Greenhouse facilities.
          pelleted seed.

          This testing programme was introduced as
          a temporary measure to assess risk. Test
          results have confirmed that this category
          of seeds presents no material risk and
          continuing to include ornamental seeds in
          this programme is unjustified.

6   2019 Briefing to Minister | NZPPI
2019 Briefing Hon Damien O'Connor - for Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity and Food Safety - nzppi
One billion trees
     NZPPI welcomes the government’s
     announcement of the One Billion Trees
     fund, in particular the commitment
     of $120 million partnership fund for
     innovation and capability building.

     This investment is urgently needed to develop the
     science, innovation and skills that will enable our
     sector to grow the quantity of seedling needed
     to meet the increase in demand over the coming

          There are some significant challenges
          to overcome, including:

          •    subsidised and government funded
               plant production from prison, DoC and
               regional council nurseries operating in
               competition with commercial nurseries.

          •    government procurement practices that
               drive down value are impractical, lack
               fairness and push risk back to plant

          •    a lack of forward planning and
               engagement with nurseries initiating
               planting projects.
                                                           NZPPI BOARD MEMBERS
                                                           Andrew Harrison
      The One Billion Trees programme has taken time to    Independent Chair
      get underway and we are looking forward to making
      faster progress during 2019.                         Geoff Thorpe (ONZM)
                                                           MD Riversun Nursery Ltd

                                                           Vince Wylaars
          NZPPI has applied for project funding
                                                           MD Zealandia Horticulture Ltd
          from the PGF to scope out many of these
          pipeline issues and work out solutions in        Mike Simpson
          order for these projects to have a far better    MD Waimea Nurseries Ltd
          chance of success without putting local
                                                           Patrick Murray
          business out of business.
                                                           MD Murray’s Nurseries Ltd

                                                           Greg Kitson
                                                           MD Ambrosia Nurseries Ltd

7   2019 Briefing to Minister | NZPPI
PO Box 3443 Wellington 6140 l Level 5, 23 Waring Taylor Street, Wellington
P: 04 918 3511 F: 04 499 9589 E: office@nzppi.co.nz W: www.nzppi.co.nz
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