POWER - Flourish Psychology

Page created by Jamie Alvarez
POWER - Flourish Psychology
The Spirit

          Small daily actions,
           done purposefully,
            can infuse more
          joy and satisfaction
             into your life.
                    by Janet Lee

               THE HEALING
          OF RITUAL

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S            avoring an aromatic cup
                                                                           of tea as you watch the
                                                                           sunrise. Taking a moment
                                                                before eating to appreciate the
                                                                food in front of you. Stepping
                                                                                                                   FAVORITE RITUAL
                                                                                                                  “Each year on my birthday,
                                                                                                                I make sure I get in a workout
                                                                                                                  as a way to honor the good
                                                                                                                  health that brought me to
                                                                outside before bed to look at the                this day and help ensure that
                                                                stars. These actions—aka rituals—                 I get to celebrate another
                                                                are small ways of extracting more                  one.” —Janet Lee, Prairie
                                                                meaning and pleasure out of life.                       Village, Kansas
                                                                   More than just rote habits,
                                                                rituals are imbued with intention.
                        Thrive Tip
                                                                “A ritual is mindful and that’s why
                     Enhance your New
                                                                it’s beneficial. You’re making the             The New Year is an excellent time
                      Year’s resolutions
                                                                decision to engage with it and              for a ritual that expresses gratitude
                   by creating a mindful
                                                                you’re also likely trying to do it as       for everything that happened
                     routine around the
                                                                a type of self-care,” says Sadi Fox,        during the prior 365 days or one
                     making of your list.
                                                                PhD, a psychologist and owner of            that helps you release things
                   See yourself achieving
                                                                Flourish Psychology in Brooklyn,            you’ve been holding onto that no
                       them and think
                                                                New York. “Any time we tap into a           longer serve you. Then you can
                    about how you’ll feel
                                                                form of mindfulness it’s beneficial. It     set intentions for what’s to come,
                     when you do. Then
                                                                helps us feel better about ourselves        says Thompson. (For a New Year’s
                   create a step-by-step
                                                                and it may help relieve stress or           ritual you can use to set the tone for
                      plan to get there.
                                                                help us cope with anxiety.”                 2022, turn to page 87.)
                                                                   Whether you’re doing them                   Keep these tips in mind to create
                                                                to start or end the day, “seal” in          more powerful rituals:
                                                                an experience, show your love
                                                                for family or just to give yourself            Find the Right Time They
                                                                a minute to relax, rituals can be           can be performed daily, monthly,
                                                                a powerful way to check in and              yearly—whenever. “Early in the
                                                                keep yourself on course. “We’re             morning, midday and at night
                                                                constantly seeking ‘the way’ in             before bed are times of the day
                                                                life,” says Gin Love Thompson,              that are naturally protected
                                                                PhD, a psychotherapist in Orlando,          [quieter and not as busy], so it’s
                                                                Florida. “Rituals help us thrive by         easier to engage in a ritual,” says
                                                                setting an intention.” Maybe you’re         Fox. If you’re a morning person,
                                                                appreciating your life or even just         think about how you want to start
                                                                     a beautiful day, vowing to be          your morning and what intention
                                                                         done with a past lover or          you want to set for the rest of the
                                                MY                          take new steps toward a         day. Is it with meditation, prayer or
                                     FAVORITE RITUAL                          goal. “I think it causes      exercise, for example?
                             “Every morning I get my second cup                  a shift and that               “A lot of people’s rituals are
                             of coffee at my local coffee shop. I’ve              intention moves into      around getting their first cup of
                            become friends with the baristas there                 the subconscious.        coffee or having their breakfast,”
                          and we banter and joke around about our                   It’s more powerful      says Fox. She has created a
                             outfits, the news, or the day’s plans.
                                                                                    than an affirmation.    feel-good ritual in the evening:
                         I started this ritual during the pandemic as
                                                                                    You can have an         stretching her hips before bed. “It
                          a reason to get out of the house every day.
                                                                                    elaborate ritual,       helps me feel like I’m winding down
                          Even if I didn’t talk to anyone else, I knew
                                                                                   but if the intention     and I’m doing it for myself. There’s
                              I could at least have that interaction
                                to get the day off to a good start                isn’t behind it, you’re   a mind-body connection and it tells
                                 and not feel isolated.” —Holly                  just  putting on a         my brain that we’re approaching
                                     St. Lifer, New York City                 performance.     It’s all     sleep.” Other good times for a
                                                                            about the intention and         ritual are around birthdays or
                                                                         being in the moment. That’s        anniversaries of big events, such as
                                                                      where our power is.”                  a marriage, graduation or death.


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The Spirit

                                                                                                                   Even something as
                                                                                                                     simple as making
                                                                                                                     the bed with your
                                                                                                                      partner can be a
                                                                                                                  ritual that enhances
                                                                                                                      your connection.

                                                          Be Present If you’re not paying            Get Grounded “People can be
                                                        attention, you’re just doing an           overly emotional, but not in the
                                                        activity, there’s no “ritual” involved.   right emotions,” says Thompson.
                                                        Making dinner for extended family         We worry, become fearful, ruminate,
                                                           once a month can easily veer           catastrophize, get anxious, all these
                        FAVORITE RITUAL
                                                            into chore territory if you’re        emotions and thoughts that happen
                “Every night before bed I start my
             prayers while brushing my teeth. Then           thinking about everything            in our head (and sometimes our
            I go out front and say good night to my           else you could be doing. But        bodies, too). A ritual that helps you
            dad (the moon), my mom (the brightest             being aware of the prepping,        get grounded—feeling centered and
                star) and other loved ones who’ve             cooking and cleaning it             stable and in the moment—can help
             passed (all the other stars). I come in,         takes while you’re doing it         take you out of that heady, spiraling
             make sure all the doors are locked and           and focusing on the love you        sensation that comes with many
               turn off all the lights. Then I can go        have for them and how much           feelings. “I love to sit by a tree and
                        to bed.” —Andy Nielsen,
                                                           everyone appreciates what              think about the roots going down
                         Sacramento, California
                                                         you’re doing will help you get           deep into the ground,” says Fox.
                                                        more pleasure and meaning out             “Being in touch with nature is very
                                                        of the event.                             grounding for me. If you can’t get

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POWER - Flourish Psychology
out and sit on the ground, you can
                 still close your eyes and take some    A Happy Way To
                 deep breaths while you’re thinking     Start the New Year!
                 about being in nature and sitting
                 next to a tree.”
                                                          For many people, the turn of        out while visualizing all the
                    Do a Self-Check A glass of            the calendar in January is a        negative energy from 2021
                 red wine at the end of the week,         fresh start. File last year away    leaving your body; sage your
                 a decadent cupcake on your               and start again with renewed        home or office by lighting a
                 birthday—these are enjoyable rituals     energy. Making New Year’s           small bundle of dried sage,
                 to mark ends and beginnings, but         resolutions is a way to celebrate   which kills bacteria, to clear out
                 if it turns into a glass of red wine     that “fresh start” energy—still     negative energy; or just do some
                 or cupcake at the end of every day       ripe with possibility—and           good old-fashioned breathwork,
                 or whenever you’re stressed-out,         set intentions for the coming       thinking about drawing in
                 that ritual may be headed down the       months. They can be powerful,       positive light and love with
                 wrong path, toward being a coping        but they’re often short-lived.      each inhale and letting go of
                 mechanism. “That glass of wine              Psychotherapist Gin Love         any darkness or negativity with
                 before bed may feel good and help        Thompson, PhD, suggests             each exhale.
                 you fall asleep quickly, but it also     coming into the year with less         Thompson likes to kick off
                 messes with your circadian rhythms       rigidity. “I think the powerful     the New Year with a body scan
                 during the night,” says Fox. That        way of looking at it is going       meditation: Find a comfortable
                 cupcake is adding empty calories         into the New Year without an        spot to rest where you won’t
                 that your body might not need at 10      agenda,” she says. “Yes, we have    be interrupted or tempted to
                 p.m. Rituals around food and drink       our goals and we know what          fall asleep. Lie faceup and take
                 also have the potential to set up        we want to accomplish but the       a few deep breaths to ground
                 unhealthy relationships that can be      ritual should be around where       yourself. “You go from head
                 hard to break.                           we give thanks and welcome in       to toe, listening to your body,
                                                          what is ours to receive. We don’t   letting it relax and asking what
                                                          know what that is yet. When we      it needs,” says Thompson. Start
                                                          open ourselves to that divine       at the top of your head and work
                                                          energy and welcome it, amazing      your way down through the
                                                          things can happen that surpass      neck, shoulders, arms, hands,
                                                          what our agendas are.”              chest, belly, pelvis, legs, ankles
                                                             Before you can welcome in        and feet, ending at your toes,
                                                          the new, Thompson says you          taking slow, deep breaths as you
                                                          have to clear out the old. You      go. End the scan with a few deep
                                                          can do that in many ways. You       breaths, this time breathing in
                                                          may write down what you’re          possibility and positivity and
                                                          happy to say goodbye to and         letting the exhale anchor these
                                                          burn the list in a fire; work       deep within you.

                                                                                                   resolutions can
                 Create rituals that have
                                                                                                  be a ritual if you’re
                 meaning for you, not just                                                            intentional
                 something a friend or a                                                           and take time to
                 social media influencer
                 told you to do.                                                                     see yourself
                                                                                                   achieving them.


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The Spirit

          HOW TO
           LIVE WELL          These experts share
                              their best advice for
                            thriving. Here’s how they
                             make the magic happen
                                in their own lives.

                 Create a Boundary
              “I love my end-of-work routine
              where I take a walk around the
              block. This has truly helped me
                separate work from life and
              connect with what’s in front of
               me, which ultimately reduces
              burnout, irritability and stress.”

               Katie Miles, LMFT, a San Diego–
              based licensed psychotherapist
              and the co-founder of the online
                journaling and habit tracking
                      tool Habitbetter

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Clean Your Slate                           Feed Your Soul
                                                           “I’d love to say I start every             “I exercise every day, eat very
                                                           day with yoga or that I listen to          well, take a few supplements and
                                                           inspiring podcasts, but thriving           I spend five to 15 minutes a day
                                                           for me comes from maintaining              sitting and looking out the window
                              Stick to It                  connections and relationships              at the trees and trying to get out
                       “For me it’s about being            and gracing myself with a                  of my head and see the real world.
                  consistent with my exercise. It’s        fresh start every day.” —Diana             I’m a big reader and I have crazy
                  about checking a box and I like          Direiter, PhD, a licensed clinical         good friendships. I also spend a lot
                  to check boxes. I work out four          psychologist, associate professor          of time by myself and all of those
                   to five times a week and then I         of psychology and the dean of              nourish me.” —Kathy Sisson-Cross,
                  also go for walks even if it’s just      faculty at Lesley University in            certified health coach in Bermuda
                          15 minutes a day.”               Cambridge, Massachusetts                   Dunes, California

                    Anthony Wall, personal trainer         Heat It Up                                 Stay Curious
                     and senior director of global         “Sweating is a big way to stay             “My family and I are curious about
                    business development for the           healthy. It keeps the detox pathways       everything. We question things and
                    American Council on Exercise           open, lengthens telomeres and may          we engage in deep conversations,
                                                           improve longevity [by potentially          especially during our daily walks.
                                                           reducing oxidative damage]. That’s         We also play games and music
                                                           why saunas are so important. I like        together.” —Dean Sherzai, MD,
                                                           to warm up through heat therapy or         PhD, MPH, co-author of The
                                                           exercise. I do think the heat in a hot     30-Day Alzheimer’s Solution
                                                           yoga class is a little bit addicting...    in Loma Linda, California
                                                           you feel renewed.” —Sara Peternell,
                                                           holistic nutritionist in the Denver area

                                                           Play More
                                                           “I keep dreaming and keep playing.
                                                           One of the most self-sabotaging
                                                           things we do to ourselves is stop
                                                           playing. Whether it’s making art or
                                                           riding a bike or whatever gives you
                                                           that feeling you had when you were
                                                           a kid, whatever you have to do to                Walk and Learn
                                                           get to that place, that’s where the           “I’m constantly learning and
                                                           magic happens. That’s thriving in                  I maximize that when
                                                           life.” —Gin Love Thompson, PhD,               I do physical activity. I listen
                                                           poet, author and psychotherapist in             to podcasts and educate
                                                           Orlando, Florida                             myself about ways to improve
                                     A common theme                                                     cognitive health and longevity
                                    here is taking time
                                 for yourself, whether
                                                           Make Self-Care a Priority                       while I do my steady-state
                                 it’s through exercise,    “My work-life balance is my key                cardio training, namely fast
                                   healthy boundaries      to thriving. I don’t overwork. I                walking. Doing cognitive
                                      or being creative.
                                                           take breaks when I need them                     activity during exercise
                                                           and prioritize things outside of                is incredibly beneficial to
                                                           work. I know I won’t be beneficial                       the brain.”
                                                           to patients if I’m burnt out and
                                                           I have an ethical obligation to             Richard S. Isaacson, MD, director
                                                           be there for clients. Don’t skip              of the Center for Brain Health
                                                           self-care.” —Sadi Fox, PhD,                  and the Alzheimer’s Prevention
                                                           therapist and owner of Flourish                  Clinic at Florida Atlantic
                                                           Psychology in Brooklyn, New York                 University in Boca Raton


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