Postgraduate Prospectus - Programme Guide 2022 - - Massey University

Page created by Jamie Olson
Postgraduate Prospectus - Programme Guide 2022 - - Massey University
Postgraduate Prospectus
Programme Guide
Postgraduate Prospectus - Programme Guide 2022 - - Massey University
                                         03   Welcome
                                         04   What is postgraduate study?
                                         06   Reputation and rankings
                                         07   Why choose Massey University?
                                         08   Scholarships
                                         09   Māori at Massey
                                         10   Pacific at Massey
                                         11   Admission
                                         12   Resources and services for Postgraduate Students
                                         13   Massey Doctorates

                                         WHAT CAN I STUDY?
                                         14 What can I study?
                                         18 A-Z of postgraduate programmes

                                         CONTACT MASSEY
                                         36 Contact Massey for more information

                                         UPDATED MAY 2021
                                         Please note: The information contained in this publication is indicative of the
                                         offerings available in 2022 and subsequent years. This information may be subject to
                                         change. While all reasonable efforts will be made to ensure listed programmes are
                                         offered and regulations are up to date, the University reserves the right to change the
COVER: Yiran (Emma) Mao,                 content or method of presentation, or to withdraw any qualification or part thereof,
Master of Business Studies (Economics)   or impose limitations on enrolments. For the most up to date information please go to
graduate and year 2 PhD candidate.
Postgraduate Prospectus - Programme Guide 2022 - - Massey University
Mahinarangi Kerehoma
Te Aho Paerewa:
Postgraduate Diploma Māori Medium
Teaching and Learning
Postgraduate Prospectus - Programme Guide 2022 - - Massey University
                                                                                                                                                 POSTGRADUATE STUDY
                                                                                                                                                   AT MASSEY IN 2022

WELCOME                                                                      HE MIHI
FROM THE VICE-CHANCELLOR                                                     E te huinga tauira e tau nei, nau mai, haere mai.

I am proud of Massey University. As a world-class research university,       Haere mai rā ki Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa. Tomokia te whare ako, te whare
it solves real-world problems in partnership with its industries and         o te mātauranga, kia tīkina mai ai ngā kete o te wānanga. Mā tēnei ara,
communities. It is unique amongst the New Zealand universities,              e tutuki ai ngā wawata me ngā tūmanako e ngākaunuitia ana mō te
providing flexible, high quality teaching across a range of subjects which   rangi āpōpō. Haere mai ki ōna whenua kura, ko Turitea ki Manawatū, ko
are informed, and taught by world-renowned researchers.                      Otehā ki Ōkahukura, ko Pukeahu ki Te Ūpoko o Te Ika. Ko Te Pūrehuroa
Our research covers critical areas such as food, agriculture and             e whakahuatia nei, he rarangi whetū ki te rangi, he hīnātore ki te
environmental science. We excel in design, creative arts and music. Our      māramatanga. Inā hoki, ahakoa he tīmatanga, kāhore he mutunga o tēnei
strengths across the humanities social sciences, health, engineering         mahi te whai i te mātauranga. Nō reira, nau mai, kia mārama ai ngā
and business ensure graduates are innovative, enterprising and               pūmanawa, kia pakari ai ngā pūkenga. Ka ea te kōrero, mā tini, mā mano
entrepreneurial. Wherever you choose to study you will be able to access     ka rapa te whai, ka hua ai te wānanga.
a comprehensive range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.          Koia tēnei ko te reo maioha o Te Kunenga Pūrehuroa, e tukuna atu ana
Massey is recognised as a student-centred university, and we are proud       ngā mihi manahau ki a koutou katoa. E rarau ki te tapuwae nui o Tāne,
of our commitment to Māori and the Treaty of Waitangi, alongside our         ko Tāne-i-te-Wānanga, ko Tāne-nui-ā-Rangi. Kia ū ki te ara, kia mau ki te
emphasis on equity of outcomes for Pacific Peoples. It is host to the        mātauranga, kia manawanui ki te ako, hei oranga mātauranga mōu, mō
National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence and the Riddet Institute.   tātou katoa. Kia toi te mana, kia tau te mauri, kia tupu te māramatanga ki
International collaboration in education and research is fundamental to      a tātou katoa.
how we succeed.                                                              The name Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa is a symbolic reference to the
By joining Massey you are making a decision to carry on a tradition          knowledge journey that you are about to embark upon. Te Pūrehuroa
that has shaped New Zealand and made significant contributions               represents the infinite constellations of stars that radiate the skies
around the world. It is that history which makes Massey students so          above us, illuminating a pathway towards a future that you will cultivate
in-demand. Employers like the mix of values, practical competencies,         and forge during your time here at Massey University. The acquisition
entrepreneurship and relevant knowledge that a Massey graduate               of knowledge brings with it a lifelong commitment to learning and is a
represents.                                                                  journey without end – from inception to infinity. We encourage you to
This prospectus showcases all of our postgraduate offerings. You will        draw inspiration from the many kōrero, or ancient narratives, that make
learn about our three campuses at Auckland, Manawatū and Wellington          Massey University so distinctive. In the spirit of the great knowledge
and the flexibility of online and blended learning. There is information     seeker Tāne, we hope that you prepare yourself well for the challenges
about resources and services available for postgraduate students at          ahead and that you may aspire to attain ultimate success.
Massey. The back of this book lists postgraduate programmes offered at
Massey, with brief descriptions and information about availability.          Nāku noa, nā
Whatever you choose to do, Massey is committed to ensuring you are
prepared to take on whatever challenges you may encounter in the future.     Professor Meihana Durie
With a Massey degree you will make a difference in your world. I look        Te Pūtahi-a-Toi, Massey University.
forward to welcoming you.

Professor Jan Thomas, Vice-Chancellor
Postgraduate Prospectus - Programme Guide 2022 - - Massey University

                                            WHAT IS
                                   PAERUA? STUDY?
                              HE AHA TE AKO

            Postgraduate study enables you to take your career to the next level,         FINDING TIME FOR STUDY
            through in-depth study in a particular area of interest. It helps you take    Studying at university requires a significant time investment. Students
            your prior experience and knowledge, and use your initiative as you           often comment that balancing their everyday commitments with study
            research, and contribute to your field of expertise. It requires planning,    requirements can be challenging. It is important to carefully consider how
            dedication and will take time away from your everyday life, but ultimately    many courses you should take, especially when beginning your study.
            your hard work could open the door to new opportunities and greater           You should be realistic about the number of courses you can take in a
            responsibility.                                                               semester and consider all your existing commitments. You will need to
                                                                                          spend approximately 20 to 24 hours each week for a 30-credit single
            HOW DOES IT DIFFER FROM UNDERGRADUATE STUDY?                                  semester course, or 10 to 12 hours each week for a 30-credit double
            During your undergraduate study, you will have learned many of the            semester course.
            skills required to study successfully at postgraduate level. However,
            it is important to realise that postgraduate study requires greater           PATHWAYS TO POSTGRADUATE STUDY
            independence, and you’ll need to use your own initiative in completing        Most postgraduate students enter their study already possessing a
            course work and undertaking research projects.                                bachelor’s degree. However, if you want to change the direction or focus
            You’ll generally be expected to have some knowledge and prior experience      of your study, you may need to begin with a graduate diploma. Master's
            in your subject area, however postgraduate study can also be used to          degrees can be between 12 and 24 month programmes, depending
            support a career transition. As an example, a person with a science PhD       on your entry route, and the degree's credit value. They can be mainly
            may contemplate an MBA. You’ll be supported and encouraged by your            coursework, a combination of coursework and a research project or thesis,
            supervisors in a range of ways, but in many circumstances, you’ll be in the   or a thesis only. Doctoral degrees are awarded entirely for research
            driving seat when it comes to getting work done.                              reported in your thesis (PhD) or for a combination of coursework and a
            Postgraduate study is more strongly focused on theory and research in         thesis (the ‘Named’ doctorates).
            the discipline, and many postgraduate qualifications have a research
            component. You’ll also be expected to possess a higher level of critical      TYPES OF PROGRAMMES AVAILABLE
            thinking and analysis, show that you read extensively, and can develop        HONOURS DEGREE
            your own views, and defend them.                                              Honours degrees are postgraduate qualifications comprising an
                                                                                          additional year of study beyond the bachelor’s degree in the discipline.
            ARE YOU READY FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDY?                                         Entry to an honours degree requires prior high academic performance in
            Postgraduate study requires time, commitment, and a range of skills           undergraduate degree study. Students selected for an honours degree
            beyond those you may have needed as an undergraduate. We have                 will enrol in the postgraduate degree after completing the undergraduate
            provided a series of online tools and resources to help you think about the   degree. Completing an honours degree may qualify you for doctoral study
            different aspects of studying at a distance, and to assess your abilities,    if your achievement is high enough.
            time commitments and motivations for study. Check them out on the
            Massey website:                                         MASTER’S DEGREE
                                                                                          A master’s programme allows you to undertake advanced study – usually
                                                                                          on the main subject in your qualifying undergraduate degree. Some
                                                                                          master's programmes allow you to move into a different discipline from
                                                                                          your undergraduate study.

                                                                                          POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA
                                                                                          A postgraduate diploma builds on your prior academic achievement, and
                                                                                          generally takes one year of full-time study to complete. It can lead to
                                                                                          further study at master's or doctorate level.
Postgraduate Prospectus - Programme Guide 2022 - - Massey University
                                                                               POSTGRADUATE STUDY
                                                                                 AT MASSEY IN 2022

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree is the qualification to kick-start
your research career. It is the highest degree Massey offers and can be
acquired in most of the disciplines. It may involve external supervisors
from a research institute. It is Massey’s most supervised, fully research-
based degree.
A PhD is awarded for a thesis, which is an integrated and coherent report
demonstrating your ability to carry out independent research and analysis
at an advanced level in a particular field, or an advanced creative-practice
work including a substantial written component. Your thesis should make
an original contribution to knowledge of the subject it focuses upon.
It will be assessed by three independent examiners in a process that
includes thesis assessment reports and an oral examination. It normally
takes at least three years of full-time study to complete a PhD. If you’d
prefer to study part-time, you need to allow five to six years to complete
the research and writing.

Massey University offers two named doctoral degrees:
> Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsych)
> Doctor of Social Work (DSW)

These are specially-designed degrees involving high-level study and
research. They are ideal professional development options for existing and
prospective senior managers and leaders.
Named doctorates comprise one-third course work/practicum and two-
thirds supervised research. In all other respects, including the examination
procedure, they’re equivalent to a PhD, especially in the standards of
discipline, rigour and scholarship required.

Entry requirements for each programme vary, so it’s best to talk to the
team at Massey University to find out what level of postgraduate study is
right for you.

                             Te Ara Hihiko College of Creative Arts building
Postgraduate Prospectus - Programme Guide 2022 - - Massey University

                                          REPUTATION AND
                                 TAUMATA RANKINGS
                           TE RONGO ME TE

            Each year more than 20% of Massey University’s student population study        TE KURA PŪKENGA TANGATA
            at postgraduate level, including 1000 Doctoral (PhD) degree students.          COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES
            Massey University has an international reputation for its research             The College of Humanities and Social Sciences has a strong research
            innovation, practices and results, which are applied to postgraduate           tradition and profile, representing a diverse range of themes, research
            programmes of study. The University also has strong international links        methods and groups, from individual researchers to major research teams
            across the globe, with accreditation and endorsements across a number          and centres. It also has a strong outreach focus, and is well-connected to
            of programmes.Massey University's teaching and research departments            government departments including the Ministry of Education, the Ministry
            are divided into five colleges:                                                of Social Development and Treasury. The College is also connected to
                                                                                           national and international research and policy communities, including the
            TOI RAUWHĀRANGI                                                                Health Research Council, the Asia New Zealand Foundation and the Max
            COLLEGE OF CREATIVE ARTS                                                       Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity.
            Based in Wellington and Palmerston North, the College of Creative Arts
            is a world-class art, design, music and creative media production college      TE WĀHANGA PŪTAIAO
            offering courses across a broad range of creative arts subjects, from          COLLEGE OF SCIENCES
            undergraduate through to doctoral level.                                       The College of Sciences' world-leading scientists are internationally-
            > It is ranked in the top three for the Asia-Pacific region by international   acclaimed and ranked. Its programmes of study and research attract
               design awards agency RED DOT, giving Massey a distinctive seal of           world-leading academics and we have active research collaborations with
               quality for its design programmes.                                          the world's most prestigious scientific institutions.
            > The College of Creative Arts has the largest number of top-ranked            The College demands excellence in its research and brings together
               researchers in design and visual arts and crafts of all tertiary            experts from several disciplines to focus on four fields to further
               institutions in New Zealand, with 77% of our research staff ranked A        knowledge and make a difference in New Zealand and the world. Those
               or B. With their global connections and our outstanding facilities, the     fields are:
               College offers a stimulating and highly innovative learning environment     > Agriculture, veterinary and life sciences
               for creative innovators who wish to make a positive difference to our       > Land, water and the environment
               world through creative practice and scholarship.                            > Industrial innovation through engineering and technology
            > Postgraduate programmes at the College are predominantly practice led.       > Natural and fundamental sciences
            > The College has been ranked in the QS Universities Top 100 for art and
               design for the past 5 years.                                                TE KURA WHAI PAKIHI
            > The College has led creative education in New Zealand for more than          MASSEY BUSINESS SCHOOL
               135 years.                                                                  As the country’s largest business school, Massey Business School
                                                                                           (MBS) is ranked among the top two per cent of business schools globally.
            TE KURA HAUORA TANGATA                                                         Massey’s business and management programme has been ranked in the
            COLLEGE OF HEALTH                                                              top 250 universities in the world by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). Massey
            As the University’s newest college, established in 2013, the College of        Business School's discipline areas rank highly in the 2019 QS ranking,
            Health partners with national and international stakeholders to lead the       with accounting and finance ranked in the top 200, and business and
            improvement of health, wellbeing, equity, and social justice. Its approach     management studies in the top 300.
            to learning, teaching and research is to view health and wellbeing as          MBS is also highly accredited having achieved AACSB (general),
            the outcome of multiple factors encompassing individual differences,           AACSB (accounting) and AMBA accreditations, and many professional
            diversity, social determinants, and environmental interactions.                accreditations including, accountancy (ACCA, CPA, CIMA, CAANZ), finance
            The College connects people across four collaborative units with               (CFA teaching partner), property/construction (RICS) and communication
            outstanding expertise and programmes in nursing, human nutrition and           (ACEJMC).
            dietetics, health science, physiology, public health, sport and exercise,
            social work, social policy, environmental and occupational health, and
            disability and rehabilitation.
Postgraduate Prospectus - Programme Guide 2022 - - Massey University
                                                                                                                                                   POSTGRADUATE STUDY
                                                                                                                                                     AT MASSEY IN 2022

         HE AHA I WHIRI AI                           WHY CHOOSE MASSEY
              PŪREHUROA?                             UNIVERSITY?
For more than 80 years, Massey University has helped shape the lives and       accommodation, health, counselling, recreation, childcare, and other
communities of people in New Zealand and around the world. Its forward         personal services, while our workshops and seminars will help you
thinking spirit, research-led teaching, and cutting-edge discoveries make      develop the academic and research skills needed to excel in your studies.
Massey New Zealand’s defining university.
INNOVATIVE RESEARCH                                                            We offer three locations for on-campus study - Auckland, Palmerston
Massey has a reputation for research excellence on an international            North and Wellington. We also have an extensive distance learning
scale with inspirational people, stimulating subject matter and extensive      (extramural) programme, so you can choose where and when you want to
resources and support.                                                         study. Nearly half our students study via distance learning, with about a
We offer a wide-ranging academic portfolio designed to satisfy global          fifth of them being postgraduate students.
research needs and pave the way for future generations. We are
associated with and receive public funding from leading organisations
such as the Marsden Fund, the Health Research Council and the Ministry
of Education.
Massey is home to many innovative research initiatives:
> New Zealand’s most powerful nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer
> The EpiCentre
> New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study
> The Centre for Public Health Research
> Riddet Institute

Massey works closely with businesses and the wider community. These
links have helped ensure our postgraduate degrees are highly sought
after, with great value and relevance in the marketplace.
We also encourage students to build relationships with external partners
by undertaking research projects off-campus. Often this research is with
staff in the private sector, the government, and industry research entities,
both domestically and internationally.
Recent initiatives include:
> Biocommerce Centre, established adjacent to the Manawatū campus,
   to grow the Biotechnology industry in the Manawatū region of New
> The Centre for Organisational Excellence Research
> Auckland’s Albany-based ecentre, a highly successful incubator for new
                                                                                                                                                           Manawatū Campus, Palmerston North

> Te Pūmanawa Hauora: Research Centre for Māori Health and
                                                                                                                                                           Sir Geoffrey Peren Building

Massey is also active in national and regional business incubators that
bring together the skills of industry and academia, such as Creative HQ.

We want to help you succeed in your postgraduate studies. Massey
offers student services and workshops designed to give students
assistance where it’s needed. Our student services can assist you with
Postgraduate Prospectus - Programme Guide 2022 - - Massey University

                                                                   TAHUA NGORE                     SCHOLARSHIPS
                                              MASSEY MASTERATE SCHOLARSHIP                                                   Nepal, Nicaragua, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia. Candidates
                                              Masterate Scholarships are offered for the purpose of encouraging              independently apply for scholarships that covers tuition, return airfare,
                                              postgraduate research at Massey University. Applicants must be enrolled,       medical and travel insurance and a living allowance. Applicants must
                                              or eligible to enrol, full time or part time in a 90 credit minimum research   have an offer of place before the application deadline, or the application
                                              component of a master's degree, with a start date which aligns with the        will not be considered. Download the application form or visit the New
                                              scholarship regulations.                                                       Zealand Aid Programme website:
                                                                                                                             The New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Award provides postgraduate
                                              MASSEY DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIP                                                    scholarships for applicants from Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines,
                                              Massey University Doctoral Scholarships are offered to encourage full-         Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam. Selection criteria are determined by
                                              time doctoral studies at Massey University. They are open to domestic and      partner governments. Applicants must apply for the scholarship via their
                                              international students. Applicants require an excellent academic record        home country. Scholarships cover tuition, return airfare, medical and
                                              and must be enrolled or eligible to enrol in a 120-credit doctoral research    travel insurance and a living allowance. Funding is no longer available
                                              course. The Vice Chancellor’s Doctoral Scholarships are awarded on             for dependants. Candidates from Myanmar need to directly apply to the
                                              academic ranking to the top domestic doctoral recipients who start their       institution. Download the application form or visit the New Zealand Aid
                                              scholarship within the funding year. Applications close on 1 October for       Programme website:
                                              the following year tenure and 1 April for the current year tenure.
                                              The Massey Doctoral scholarships are offered through the Colleges.             COMMONWEALTH SCHOLARSHIPS
                                              Please see the regulations for the individual college you wish to study        These are offered to students from other parts of the Commonwealth
                                              with. Currently Creative Arts, Health, Humanities and Social Sciences, and     under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan. The
                                              Sciences have specific information for interested students.                    scholarships aim to provide opportunities for students to pursue advanced
                                                                                                                             courses or undertake research at a university in New Zealand. Candidates
                                              INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATES                                                    are required to be Commonwealth citizens or British protected persons
                                              NEW ZEALAND INTERNATIONAL DOCTORAL RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS (NZIDRS)              and must have graduated from an institution in their own country.
                                              New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships provide
                                              financial support for postgraduate students seeking doctoral degrees by        ENGLISH LANGUAGE AWARDS FOR PHD STUDENTS FROM THAILAND, VIETNAM OR INDONESIA
                                              research in New Zealand universities. Up to 10 scholarships are awarded        Massey University offers English Language education awards, covering
                                              annually. These scholarships are funded by the New Zealand Government          tuition fees for up to six months per student, to selected students from
                                              and administered by the Education New Zealand Trust.                           Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia who have been offered a place in a PhD
                                                                                                                             research degree at Massey University.
                                              NEW ZEALAND DEVELOPMENT SCHOLARSHIPS
                                              New Zealand Development Scholarships are available to candidates from
                                              the following countries: Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras, Kenya, Mongolia,
      Buildings on Massey's Auckland Campus
      Albany, Auckland
Postgraduate Prospectus - Programme Guide 2022 - - Massey University
                                                                                                                                                 POSTGRADUATE STUDY
                                                                                                                                                   AT MASSEY IN 2022

          KIA WHITA E
           KNOWLEDGE                                MĀORI AT MASSEY
Piki mai, kake mai, nau mai, haere mai ki Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa.          MĀORI STUDENT RECRUITMENT ADVISERS
We look forward to supporting your journey to knowledge and                 Māori student recruitment advisors can help with advice about which
achievement. Our team is dedicated to ensuring student achievement and      courses to choose and how to enrol. Contact them at
committed to academic research that nurtures te ao Māori. We have more      SCHOLARSHIPS
than 100 Māori courses available, taught by top academics in their fields   The Pūrehuroa Māori Postgraduate Awards are available for Māori
across our campuses in Auckland, Manawatū, Wellington and distance.         postgraduate students. There are two types of awards. The Pūrehuroa
Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are available subject to approval.      Māori Postgraduate Study Award and the Pūrehuroa Māori Postgraduate
                                                                            Award: Professional Development are to support and encourage timely
We offer qualifications with a Māori focus:                                 completion of postgraduate study across a range of fields of study. Te Rau
> Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Māori Knowledge)                            Puawai is a highly successful scholarship programme providing support to
> Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Māori Education)                       Māori students studying in the area of mental health.
> Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science (Māori Health)
> Postgraduate Diploma in Māori Visual Arts                                 TE WHEKE A TOI
> Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching (Te Korowai Mokopuna)*        Te Wheke a Toi: The International Indigenous Centre for Critical Doctoral
  Subject to CUAP approval                                                  Studies offers cultural and whānau-centred support to Māori and
> Te Aho Paerewa: Postgraduate Diploma of Teaching and Learning in          Indigenous doctoral students. There are opportunities to come together as
  Māori Medium                                                              Māori to participate in workshops, along with access to presentations by
> Master of Arts (Māori Knowledge)                                          Māori and Indigenous speakers, writing retreats, conferences and weekly
> Master of Education (Māori Knowledge)                                     whanaungatanga online hui to keep connected and share ideas.
> Master of Health Science (Māori Health)
> Master of Māori Visual Arts                                               FIND OUT MORE
> Doctor of Philosophy                                                      Visitāori and connect with us on Facebook:
Study te reo Māori with courses that build into an arts degree. Available
at Manawatū, Auckland (Otehā) and Distance.                                 n STACEY HAYWARD
> Te Reo Whakawhitiwhiti: The Language of Everyday Communication              Postgraduate Diploma in Māori Resource Development
> Te Tau-Ihu o te Reo: Advanced Māori Literature                              Senior Policy Analyst at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA)
                                                                              I was always drawn to the environment and the importance of managing
TE RAU TAUAWHI: MĀORI STUDENT CENTRE                                          natural resources in a sustainable manner for future generations. I
Founded on principles of whanaungatanga, manaakitanga and                     lived in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands as a child. Living
mātauranga Māori, Te Rau Tauawhi offers pastoral support for all Māori        with those communities I was fascinated with how other indigenous
students. There are centres on each campus and an advisor dedicated           cultures lived in harmony with their environment. My family worked in
to our distance students. There are Māori study and whānau spaces             the primary sector for generations, so it seemed logical that I wanted a
on each campus and Māori student associations organise events and             career in the natural resource and environmental management sector.
whanaungatanga for students.                                                  Massey offered the right mix of tertiary education in natural resource
Email:                                             management. It is also world renowned for its research and tertiary
Phone:      08004 TAUIRA                                                      qualifications in agriculture, horticulture and forestry - a big hook for
                                                                              me. I really enjoyed my study experience. I had plenty of support and
MARAE                                                                         found it an enriching and stimulating environment. One of the most
The Pukeahu, Wellington campus has created a new state-of-the-art             positive outcomes of my study was learning more about my identity as
marae to provide a safe cultural space for students, staff and the            Māori. Having spent a large portion of my young life overseas I missed
community to connect and learn. Te Pūtahi-a-Toi, School of Māori              that opportunity. The time I spent studying allowed me to explore and
Knowledge in Manawatū, provides a Māori cultural space and wharekai,          discover more about Māori culture and values. The qualifications
Te Toi Ora, as the Māori heart of the campus. On our Auckland campus a        I obtained at Massey were highly sought after by government
new space, Te Whare Taupua, is available for Māori students to engage         departments.
with each other and support services.

                  KIA ORANA, NI SA BULA,
                  ATU, MĀLŌ E LELEI, HALO
                 OLAKETA, KAM NA MAURI,                                         PACIFIC
               IA ORANA, KIA ORA, TALOFA
                    LAVA, FAKATALOFA ATU                                        AT MASSEY
            Warm Pacific greetings to you.                                      n SULUETI TUPOUTU’A LAWAI MANU O’UIHA
            Welcome to Massey University, where success is the norm and           Master of Finance, PhD in Finance
            achievement is celebrated.                                            "In December of 2018, I was humbled to be the first-
            We are committed to providing services that support Pacific           ever Pasifika Doctoral Scholar in Finance to accept the
            students whether you have chosen to study on-campus or                prestigious Massey University Vice-Chancellor’s Doctoral
            by distance learning. To support our Pacific students during          Pasifika Scholarship. With such an honour also came
            their academic journey, Pacific Advisers are able to give             added responsibilities. In 2019, I was President for the
            academic guidance, helping students reach their academic              Investment Club at Massey University, Palmerston North.
            goals. Our Pacific staff are empathetic to student needs, as          I also serve on the Scholars@Massey Leadership Team
            they understand the diverse backgrounds and values of Pacific         and as a Teaching Assistant and Tutor for Finance in the
            students.                                                             undergrad program. My spare time includes mentoring
            Our students can access services, including student-based             business students and serving as an advisor to Pasifika students in finance and
            learning workshops, mentoring and tutoring programmes, and            business. I also take on test supervision and marking part-time. My days at Massey
            developmental resources in the online learning environment            are routinely crowded with a range of things to do while shuffling the writing of my
            'Stream', via the 'Pasifika Stream Community'.                        dissertation. I find my work both demanding and fulfilling, especially giving back to
            To provide a welcoming environment, we have established               Pasifika students who need encouragement.
            a Pacific common learning facility on each campus where               I am incredibly indebted to God for my own experiences, which has helped me to
            students can discuss their study progress with Pacific Learning       remain grounded, but, likewise, helps me to be compassionate to the academic
            Advisers. You can network with like-minded students and attend        struggles that others face. A piece of advice my father gave me is perhaps useful too
            academic preparation workshops within culturally sensitive            for all Pasifika students. He says, “in academia, there are always distractions. But,
            surroundings.                                                         remain focused. The going will be tough but never give up. Aim for the stars, so if you
            We provide twice-yearly writing retreats for postgraduate             miss the stars, at least you end up on the clouds. However, if you only aim at the top of
            students. We have made a commitment to the Pacific                    the trees, when you miss that, your fall to the ground will be unpleasant and painful.”
            community through our Pacific@Massey strategy – "Growing              Finally, get your priorities straight. Always put God first and in His rightful place, and
            Pearls of Wisdom" – written by Pacific people to benefit Pacific      everything else you desire in academia will follow.”
            peoples in New Zealand and throughout the region. The strategy
            aims to increase gains for Pacific peoples through teaching,        n IAN MILITONI
            research and consultancy services, and to make a positive             Master of Health Science
            contribution to Pacific communities and Pacific nations by:           “Massey provided me with that lifeline to finish my
            > Strengthening the capability of Pacific people to build Pacific     university degree, and for that, I'll always be in gratitude.
               communities                                                        Not only did they provide an opportunity for those like me
            > Making tertiary study accessible to Pacific learners through        that did not do so well in their last study programme, but
               learning communities, and campuses located in Auckland,            they also offered distance programmes for those like me
               Palmerston North and Wellington                                    that were currently employed full-time and wanted the
            > Providing supportive environments and Pacific staff and             opportunity to study while working.
               students to mentor and encourage (internal and distance            One of the services that helped me significantly as a
               learning) students                                                 distance student was Massey's online learning platform.
            > Reinforcing ties with Pacific nations, student and staff            The Stream site gave me the opportunity to connect peers and teaching staff, watch
               exchanges, joint research projects, mentoring and                  online lectures, lessons or presentations, submit assessments and much, much more.
               guardianship                                                       My Integrated Human Health major has provided me with the tools and acquired
            > Undertaking research using Pacific research methodologies,          knowledge to continue my passion into health science research. And hopefully, I'll
               and sharing the knowledge with Pacific communities.                make a contribution in my field of interest (being Pacific Island health) one day.
                                                                                  I would thoroughly recommend Massey as a study institution. Not only for those in full-
            FIND OUT MORE                                                         time employment or tied-up in life in general but also for those with future ambitions
            Visit and connect with us on Facebook:          or aspirations in providing essential knowledge in specific research areas within the
                                          health science field."
                                                                                                                                                     POSTGRADUATE STUDY
                                                                                                                                                       AT MASSEY IN 2022

                                      PAEARU WHAKAURU                              ADMISSION
Postgraduate programmes include honours and master's degrees as well as
postgraduate diplomas and certificates.
Students applying for admission to a doctoral programme should refer to
the Graduate Research School web pages for admission procedures. See for more information.
Recognised entrance qualifications for postgraduate programmes differ by
programme and you should refer to the admission requirements for your
programme of choice on the Programmes and Courses website at massey.
Generally, postgraduate programmes require students to hold one or more
of the following:
> A relevant Massey University degree with above-average achievement as
   measured by grade average
> A relevant degree from another New Zealand tertiary institution with
   above-average achievement as measured by grade average
> A relevant degree from a recognised offshore tertiary institution with an
   above average achievement as measured by grade average equivalence.
> Relevant practical, professional or scholarly experience equivalent to that
   of a graduate. Not all postgraduate qualifications permit entry on this

Entrance to postgraduate study is usually programme and major-specific,
and may have conditions attached. Applications require at least 15 working      n PAWEENA CHATSUNGNOEN
days to process. You should apply well before the start of the semester in        PhD student in Education (2015)
which you intend to study.
Verified transcripts from all of your previous tertiary study are essential       Studying my PhD in New Zealand has been the best experience, and I
unless you completed your previous degree at Massey University.                   have been blessed with the opportunity to live and study here with my
                                                                                  family over the past five years. The Massey Institute of Education has a
ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS                                                     strong reputation among New Zealand universities so I am proud to study
All students studying at Massey University are expected to be able to write       here.
grammatically correct English, read English actively and with understanding,      I completed an English language course at Massey followed by a short
listen to and discern key points in spoken English and speak English freely       course in qualitative and quantitative research in education. These short
and clearly. Procedures also exist for those students who wish to submit          courses gave me a strong foundation to begin my PhD project.
written work or examinations in Māori.                                            The best thing about Massey is the strong team of international student
All international students whose first language is not English will be            support. I am very appreciative of the support and guidance I received
required to provide satisfactory evidence of their English language               from them, and they would kindly help us anytime that we want. Also,
proficiency in the form of an academic IELTS or TOEFL score. More                 my supervisors looked after me very well. They provided lots of valuable
information is available on the international students web pages:                 suggestions for my study and encourage me to continue my writing. They            also gave me spiritual support during my PhD journey, allowing me to
requirements/entry-requirements_home.cfm                                          maintain a balanced life between my study and family.
                                                                                  I plan to move back to Thailand with my family and be an assistant
                                                                                  professor at Maejo University teaching English language to undergraduate
                                                                                  science students. I hope to develop a master's programme in TESOL
                                                                                  which will hopefully enter a MOU with Massey. My vision is to use my
                                                                                  knowledge and insight from my studies to develop students in my country.

                                      RESOURCES AND
                                      SERVICES FOR
                      NGĀ RAUEMI, NGĀ POSTGRADUATE

                        TAUIRA PAERUA STUDENTS
                      RATONGA MĀ NGĀ

            We understand the challenges of student life and provide services to help      PRINTED RESOURCES
            you achieve your academic and personal goals. Make the most of your time       WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS
            at Massey University and take advantage of all the services and resources      Throughout the year, each Centre for Teaching and Learning holds
            available to you.                                                              workshops and seminars providing useful strategies on topics such as essay
            > Academic and study skills          > Disability services                     writing, referencing and advanced writing. See the workshop and seminars
            > Career and employment services > Health and counselling                      web page for information on topics, dates, and venues. If you missed a
            > Chaplaincy and religious services > Library services                         session, some workshops are viewable through the OWLL.
            > Child care centres                 > Māori student services
            > Computer labs and wireless         > Pacific student services
               networks                          > Sport and recreation services
            > Course advice

            Get in contact with one your student advisers. We're available to help you
            with any questions you might have about studying with us and can help
            with advice about which courses to choose and how to enrol. There are also
            dedicated advisers for Māori and Pacific students.

            We have a wealth of academic support resources available online for all
            Massey University students. Materials have been developed by experts and
            are designed to enhance your academic skills. You can learn about useful
            strategies to help you with your time management, note taking and memory

            OWLL contains detailed information, interactive content, and online
            workshops on essay and report writing, referencing, study techniques,
            computer skills, and more. See

            Stream is your online learning community to support you in your studies.
            It allows you to share and exchange ideas with fellow students and the
            course coordinator. You will find two useful services here:

            ACADEMIC Q AND A
            You can ask questions in this forum for academic issues relating to study
            and assignment writing skills.

            This service is available to all distance students and first-year students
            studying on-campus. Postgraduate students studying taught courses via
            distance can submit a draft assignment and a writing consultant will look
            it over and provide feedback on structure and focus, style and presentation,
            sources and referencing.
                                                                                                                                          POSTGRADUATE STUDY
                                                                                                                                            AT MASSEY IN 2022

                TOHU KAIRANGI                        MASSEY DOCTORATES
The doctoral degree is the highest degree            COLLEGE OF CREATIVE ARTS                    COLLEGE OF SCIENCES
awarded at Massey. The degree constitutes a          > Design                                    > Agribusiness
significant piece of research in the form of a       > Fine Arts                                 > Agricultural and Horticultural Systems Mgmt
thesis or exegesis of up to 100,000 words or a       > Māori Visual Arts                         > Agricultural/Horticultural Engineering
series of publications that make a substantive       > Music                                     > Agriculture and Horticulture
and original contribution to knowledge. At                                                       > Animal Science
Massey the research must be defended before          COLLEGE OF HEALTH                           > Biochemistry
a panel of experts and takes three to four years     > Biosciences                               > Chemistry
maximum to complete for a full-time student. The     > Health Sciences                           > Computer Science
professional doctorates also include course work     > Māori Health                              > Conservation Biology
and in some cases internships/practicums.            > Medical Laboratory Science                > Construction
                                                     > Nursing                                   > Decision Science
INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED                           > Nutritional Science                       > Earth Science
Massey University is consistently ranked in the      > Occupational Health and Safety            > Ecology
top 3% of universities worldwide.                    > Psychology                                > Engineering
We are a global university. Our PhD students         > Public Health                             > Food Technology
come from more than 25 different countries,          > Social Policy                             > Genetics
and we have agreements with more than 200            > Social Work                               > Information Technology
institutions worldwide.                              > Sport and Exercise Science                > Logistics and Supply Chain Management
                                                     > Thesis Doctor of Social Work              > Mathematics
SUPPORT FOR DOCTORAL STUDENTS                                                                    > Microbiology and Genetics
We create an excellent experience and provide        COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES   > Nanoscience
great support to Massey's doctoral students. Our     > Applied Linguistics                       > Natural Resource Management
campuses are innovative, creative and host some      > Creative Writing                          > Physics
of the world’s leading research centres.             > Defence and Security Studies              > Plant Biology
                                                     > Development Studies                       > Plant Science
PROFESSIONAL DOCTORATES                              > Education                                 > Soil Science
Massey offers three 'professional' doctorates        > Emergency Management                      > Statistics
which have more specific requirements than the       > English                                   > Veterinary Science
general PhD programme:                               > Geography                                 > Zoology
> Doctor of Clinical Psychology                      > History
> Doctor of Social Work                              > Linguistics                               MASSEY BUSINESS SCHOOL
                                                     > Māori Studies                             > Accounting
EXPERTISE ACROSS MANY                                > Media Studies                             > Aviation
DISCIPLINES                                          > Museum Studies                            > Communication and Journalism
Massey's internationally-recognised research-        > Philosophy                                > Economics
led qualifications are hugely relevant in today’s    > Politics                                  > Finance
world. Massey can offer PhD-level supervision in     > Psychology                                > Human Resource Management
the following fields. For a more complete listing,   > Public Policy                             > Information Systems
visit and view      > Resource and Environmental Planning       > Management
the 'Areas of Research' document.                    > Social Anthropology                       > Marketing
                                                     > Sociology

                         HE AHA HEI AKO MĀKU                                WHAT CAN I STUDY?
             Area of study              ProgrammesPage                                  Area of study               ProgrammesPage
                                        Master of Business Studies                 20                               Master of Business Administration      20
             Accountancy                Master of Professional Accountancy and           Business Sustainability     Master of Sustainable Development Goals
                                         Finance                                   18                                                                      34
             Advisor on Deaf Children   Master of Specialist Teaching              32   Chemical and Bioprocess     Master of Engineering                    24
              (Subject to CUAP                                                            Engineering
              approval)                                                                  Chemistry                   Master of Science                        31
                                        Postgraduate Diploma in Agribusiness       18                               Master of Clinical Psychology            30
             Agribusiness               Master of Agribusiness                     18   Clinical Psychology
                                                                                                                     Doctor of Clinical Psychology            30
                                        Master of Management                       20
                                                                                                                     Master of Business Studies               20
                                        Master of Science (Agricultural Science)   31   Communication
                                                                                                                     Master of Management                     20
             Agriculture                Postgraduate Diploma in Science and
                                         Technology (Agricultural Science)         31                               Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist
                                                                                         Complex Educational
                                                                                                                      Teaching                                32
             Analytics                  Master of Analytics                        18    Needs
                                                                                                                     Master of Specialist Teaching            32
                                        Postgraduate Diploma in Sci & Tech         31                               Postgraduate Diploma Sci & Tech          31
             Animal Science                                                              Conservation Biology
                                        Master of Science                          31                               Master of Science                        31
                                        Bachelor of Arts (Honours)                 19                               Postgraduate Diploma in Construction     21
                                        Postgraduate Certificate in Arts           19   Construction
             Arts                                                                                                    Master of Construction                   21
                                        Postgraduate Diploma in Arts               19
                                        Master of Arts                             19                               Postgraduate Diploma in Education        23
                                                                                                                     Master of Counselling Studies            21
             Aviation                   Master of Aviation                         19
                                                                                                                     Postgraduate Diploma in International
                                        Postgraduate Diploma in Sci & Tech         31   Counter-Terrorism            Security                                27
             Biological Sciences
                                        Master of Science                          31                               Master of International Security         27
                                        Master of Health Science                   26   Creative Enterprise         Master of Creative Enterprise            21
                                        Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science     26
                                                                                                                     Bachelor of Creative Media Production
                                        Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist               Creative Media Production
                                                                                                                      (Honours)                               22
             Blind and Low Vision        Teaching                                  32
                                        Master of Specialist Teaching              32   Creative Writing            Master of Creative Writing               22

                                        Postgraduate Diploma in International            Dairy Science               Master of Dairy Science and Technology   20
             Border and Biosecurity
                                         Security                                  27                               Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist
                                        Postgraduate Certificate in Business       19   Deaf and Hard of Hearing     Teaching                                32
                                        Postgraduate Diploma in Business           19                               Master of Specialist Teaching            32
                                        Master of Analytics                        18                               Bachelor of Arts (Honours)               19
                                        Master of Management                       20                               Postgraduate Diploma in Arts             19
                                        Postgraduate Certificate in Business       19                               Postgraduate Diploma in International
                                        Executive Master of Business                     Defence and Security          Security                               27
             Business Administration                                                      Studies                    Master of Arts                           19
                                         Administration                            20
                                        Master of Business Administration          20                               Master of International Security         27
                                                                                                                     Master of Sustainable Development Goals
                                                                                                                                                   POSTGRADUATE STUDY
                                                                                                                                                     AT MASSEY IN 2022
Area of study             ProgrammesPage                                  Area of study              ProgrammesPage
                          Bachelor of Design with Honours           22                               Master of Business Studies                    19
                          Master of Design                          22                               Master of Finance                             25
Design                    Master of Design (Weta Workshop)          23    Finance                    Master of Management                          20
                          Master of Fine Arts (Fine Arts/Design)    25                               Master of Professional Accountancy and
                          Postgraduate Diploma in Design            22                                Finance                                      18
                          Postgraduate Diploma in Education         23    Financial Economics        Master of Management                          20
Digital Education
                          Master of Education                       23                               Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours            22
Digital Transformation    Master of Business Administration         20    Fine Arts                  Master of Fine Arts (Fine Arts/Design)        25
Disaster Management       Master of Sustainable Development Goals                                     Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Arts             25
 Programme                                                       34       Food Safety and Quality    Master of Food Safety and Quality             25
                          Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist               Food Technology            Master of Food Technology                     25
Early Intervention         Teaching                                 32                               Bachelor of Arts (Honours)                    19
                          Master of Specialist Teaching             32    Geography                  Postgraduate Diploma in Arts                  19
                          Postgraduate Diploma in Education         23                               Master of Arts                                19
Early years
                          Master of Education                       23    Geospatial Science         Postgraduate Diploma in Arts                  19
                          Postgraduate Diploma Sci & Tech           31    Gifted Education           Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist
Earth Science
                          Master of Science                         31    (Name change subject to     Teaching                                     32
Ecology                   Master of Science                         31     CUAP approval)            Master of Specialist Teaching                 32
                          Bachelor of Arts (Honours)                19    Global Development         Master of Sustainable Development Goals
                          Postgraduate Diploma in Arts              19     Programme                                                        34
                          Master of Arts                            19                               Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science        26
                          Master of Business Studies                19                               Postgraduate Diploma in Health Service
Economics for             Master of Sustainable Development Goals                                      Management                                   26
 Sustainability                                                  34       Health                     Master of Analytics                           18
                          Bachelor of Arts (Honours)                19                               Master of Health Science                      26
                          Postgraduate Certificate in Education     23                               Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health         30
                          Postgraduate Diploma in Arts              19                               Master of Public Health                       30
                          Postgraduate Diploma in Education         23                               Postgraduate Diploma in Health Service
                                                                           Health Service
                          Master of Arts                            19                                Management                                   26
                          Master of Education                       23                               Master of Health Service Management           26
Educational Administration Postgraduate Diploma in Education        23                               Bachelor of Arts (Honours)                    19
 and Leadership            Master of Education                      23    History                    Postgraduate Diploma in Arts                  19
                          Master of Educational and Developmental                                     Master of Arts                                19
                           Psychology                                23                              Postgraduate Diploma in Sci & Tech            31
Educational and                                                            Horticultural Science
                          Postgraduate Certificate in Educational and                                 Master of Science                             31
                           Developmental Psychology                  23   Human Nutrition            Master of Science                             31
                          Postgraduate Diploma in Educational and
                           Developmental Psychology                  23   Human Resource             Master of Business Studies                    19
                                                                            Management                Master of Management                          20
Electronics and Computer Master of Engineering                      24
 Engineering             Master of Engineering Studies              24                               Postgraduate Diploma in Education             23
                                                                           Inclusive Education
                                                                                                      Master of Education                           23
                          Master of Emergency Management            24
                          Postgraduate Diploma in Emergency                                           Bachelor of Design with Honours        22
Emergency Management       Management                               24                               Postgraduate Diploma in Design         22
                                                                           Industrial Design
                          Postgraduate Certificate in Emergency                                       Master of Sustainable Development Goals
                           Management                               24                                                                      34

                          Master of Engineering                     24                               Postgraduate Diploma in Inf Sciences          26
Engineering                                                                Information Sciences
                          Master of Engineering Studies             24                               Master of Information Sciences                26

                          Bachelor of Arts (Honours)                19                               Postgraduate Certificate in Intelligence*     26
English                   Postgraduate Diploma in Arts              19                               Postgraduate Diploma in International
                          Master of Arts                            19    Intelligence                Security                                     27
                                                                                                      Master of International Security              27
                          Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental                                       *Subject to CUAP approval
                           Management                               25
 Management                                                                International Business     Master of Management                          20
                          Master of Environmental Management        25
Environmental             Master of Sustainable Development Goals                                    Postgraduate Certificate in International
 Sustainability                                                  34                                  Development                                   27
                                                                           International Development Postgraduate Diploma in International
                          Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science    26                               Development                                   27
Exercise and Sport
                          Master of Health Science                  26                              Master of International Development            27
Fashion Design            Bachelor of Design with Honours           22    International Marketing    Master of Business Administration             20
             Area of study            ProgrammesPage                                  Area of study                ProgrammesPage
                                      Postgraduate Certificate in International        Nutrition and Dietetics      Master of Science                        31
                                       Security                                  27   Occupational Health and      Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science   26
             International Security   Postgraduate Diploma in International             Safety                      Master of Health Science                 26
                                       Security                                  27
                                      Master of International Security           27   Organisational Technology Master of Management                        20
                                      Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism         27
             Journalism                                                                                             Master of Sustainable
                                      Master of Management                       20   Peace and Security
                                                                                                                    Development Goals                        34
                                      Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching
             Learning and Behaviour                                             32                                 Bachelor of Arts (Honours)               19
                                      Master of Specialist Teaching             32    Philosophy                   Postgraduate Diploma in Arts             19
                                                                                                                    Master of Arts                           19
                                      Postgrad Certificate in Learning Support   28
             Learning Support                                                                                       Bachelor of Design with Honours          22
                                      Postgrad Diploma in Learning Support       28
                                                                                       Photography                  Postgraduate Diploma in Design           22
                                      Postgraduate Certificate in Applied                                           Master of Design                         22
                                       Linguistics                               28
             Linguistics                                                                                            Postgraduate Certificate in Planning     30
                                      Postgraduate Diploma in Applied
                                       Linguistic                                28                                Postgraduate Diploma in Planning         30
                                                                                                                    Master of Resource and Environmental
             Linguistics (Applied)    Master of Applied Linguistics              28                                 Planning                                31
                                      Postgraduate Diploma in Education          23                                Postgraduate Diploma in Sci & Tech       31
             Literacy Education                                                        Plant Breeding
                                      Master of Education                        23                                Master of Science                        31
                                      Postgraduate Diploma in Education          23                                Bachelor of Arts (Honours)               19
             Māori Education                                                           Politics and International
                                      Master of Education                        23                                Postgraduate Diploma in Arts             19
                                      Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science     26                                Master of Arts                           19
             Māori Health
                                      Master of Health Science                   26   Primary Education            Master of Teaching and Learning          23
                                      Bachelor of Arts (Honours)                 19                                Postgraduate Diploma in Psychological
             Māori Knowledge          Postgraduate Diploma in Arts               19   Psychological Practice
                                                                                                                     Practice                                30
                                      Master of Arts                             19
                                                                                                                    Bachelor of Arts (Honours)               19
             Māori Visual Arts        Postgrad Diploma in Māori Visual Arts       28                                Bachelor of Science (Honours)            31
             Toioho ki Āpiti          Master of Māori Visual Arts                 28                                Postgraduate Diploma in Arts             19
                                      Master of Business Studies                 19                                Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science   26
                                      Master of Management                       20                                Postgraduate Diploma Sci & Tech          31
             Management               Postgraduate Diploma in Health Service                                        Master of Arts                           19
                                       Management                                26                                Master of Health Science                 26
                                      Master of Health Service Management        26                                Master of Science                        31
                                      Master of Business Studies                 20                                Master of Clinical Psychology            30
             Marketing                                                                                              Doctor of Clinical Psychology            30
                                      Master of Management                       20
             Mathematics              Master of Science                          31                                Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health    30
                                                                                       Public Health
                                                                                                                    Master of Public Health                  30
                                      Postgraduate Diploma in Education          23
             Mathematics Education                                                                                  Postgraduate Diploma in Quality Systems 31
                                      Master of Education                        23   Quality Systems
                                                                                                                    Master of Quality Systems               31
                                      Master of Engineering                      24
             Mechatronics                                                                                           Postgraduate Diploma in Construction     21
                                      Master of Engineering Studies              24   Quantity Surveying
                                                                                                                    Master of Construction                   21
                                      Bachelor of Arts (Honours)                 19
             Media Studies            Postgraduate Diploma in Arts               19                                Postgraduate Diploma in Sci & Tech       31
                                      Master of Arts                             19                                Master of Science                        31

             Medical Laboratory       Master of Health Science                   26   Secondary Education          Master of Teaching and Learning          23
              Research                                                                                              Bachelor of Arts (Honours)               19
             Medical Laboratory       Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science     26   Social Anthropology          Postgraduate Diploma in Arts             19
              Science                                                                                               Master of Arts                           19

                                      Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing        29                                Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate
             Mental Health            Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing            29                                 Diploma in Social Work                  32
                                                                                       Social Work
                                      Master of Nursing                          29                                Master of Social Work                    32
                                                                                                                    Doctor of Social Work                    32
                                      Postgrad Diploma in Museum Studies         28
             Museum Studies                                                            Social Work (Applied)        Master of Applied Social Work            32
                                      Master of Arts                             19
             Music                    Bachelor of Commercial Music (Honours) 29                                    Bachelor of Arts (Honours)               19
                                                                                       Sociology                    Postgraduate Diploma in Arts             19
                                      Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing        29                                Master of Arts                           19
                                      Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing            29
             Nursing                  Master of Health Science                   26   Spatial Design               Bachelor of Design with Honours          22
                                      Master of Clinical Practice (Nursing)      29
                                      Master of Nursing                          29
                                                                          POSTGRADUATE STUDY
                                                                            AT MASSEY IN 2022
Area of study              ProgrammesPage
                           Postgraduate Certificate in Specialist
                            Teaching                                32
Specialist Teaching        Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist
                            Teaching                                32
                           Master of Specialist Teaching            32
                           Postgraduate Certificate in Speech and
                            Language Therapy                     33
Speech and Language
                           Postgraduate Diploma in Speech and
                            Language Therapy                     33
                           Master of Speech and Language Therapy 33
                           Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science   26
Sport and Exercise
                           Master of Health Science                 26
                        Postgraduate Diploma in Supply Chain
Supply Chain Management Management                                  33
                        Master of Supply Chain Management           34
Te Aho Paerewa : Teaching Te Aho Paerewa: Postgraduate Diploma in
 and Learning in Māori     Teaching and Learning in Māori Medium
 Medium                                                          34
Teaching English to        Master of Applied Linguistics            28
 Speakers of Other
 Languages (TESOL)
Tertiary Teaching and      Postgraduate Certificate in Tertiary
 Learning                   Teaching and Learning                   34
Textile Design             Bachelor of Design with Honours          22
                           Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary
Veterinary Epidemiology     Science                                 34
                           Master of Veterinary Studies             35
                           Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary
Veterinary Medicine         Science                                 34
                           Master of Veterinary Medicine            34
                           Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary
Veterinary Public Health    Science                                 34
                           Master of Veterinary Studies             35
                           Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary
Veterinary Science
                            Science                                 34
Veterinary Studies         Master of Veterinary Studies             35
Visual Communication       Bachelor of Design with Honours          22
                           Postgraduate Diploma in Sci & Tech       31
                           Master of Science                        31


      Programme available and all majors/subjects available                            Programme available and all majors/subjects available

      Some majors/subjects available                                                   Some majors/subjects available

                                                                                       strategic issues. Massey’s agribusiness programme aligns itself with
      ACCOUNTANCY                                                                      agribusiness industries throughout the world - ensuring our graduates have
                                                                                       the skills and industry knowledge employers want today, and in the future.
     MASTER OF PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANCY                               ��            AVAILABILITY FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: Suitable for international
     AND FINANCE                                                                       students requiring a NZ study visa.
     Whatever your accountancy career ambitions are, Massey's Master of
     Professional Accountancy and Finance (MPAF) will help you get there. The
     MPAF is the only professional master’s degree in New Zealand combining the
     two popular disciplines of accountancy and finance. It is open to graduates
     with a bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
     Completion allows you to join key professional accountancy organisations
     in Australia and New Zealand. The MPAF meets the academic requirements
     of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ), Certified
     Practising Accountants (CPA) Australia and the Association of Chartered
     Certified Accountants (ACCA). It is accredited by all three organisations. The
     MPAF is also endorsed by the Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) Institute.
     Completing this qualification shows a commitment to gaining the business
     capabilities employers are looking for. It will build on your previous study
     and/or practical work experience. You'll gain an excellent understanding
     of accountancy and finance principles and practical applications. It is the
     only master’s qualification where your study covers both these disciplines.
     Whether you come from a background in accountancy and finance or not, the
     MPAF will help build on your skills to help you move into more senior roles.
     students requiring a NZ study visa.
                                                                                       POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE                               ���
     See the Master of Business Studies (Accountancy) on page 20 for more              See the PGDipSciTech on page 31 for more information.
                                                                                       MASTER OF SCIENCE (AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE)                      ���
                                                                                       See the Master of Science on page 31 for more information.
     POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN AGRIBUSINESS                           ��*
     *Can be completed via Distance Learning, but includes compulsory contact
     workshops.                                                                        MASTER OF ANALYTICS                                           ��
     A postgraduate diploma is the stepping-stone to a research-based degree           SUBJECTS: Business; Health.
     such as a master’s degree. This qualification will help you join this rapidly-    The Master of Analytics is a unique programme focusing on how to transform
     growing industry at a senior level. It is worth tens of billions in export        data into intelligence that drives innovation and new discoveries across
     earnings a year. International demand is predicted to continue to grow            organisations, while empowering businesses with a competitive advantage
     rapidly for New Zealand’s agricultural produce and services.                      and better decision-making.
     This postgraduate diploma is most suitable for those who wish to gain a           Massey’s Master of Analytics will equip you with technical ability and
     postgraduate qualification, without a research component. You can complete        competence in devising data-driven solutions. These are the skills needed to
     it in a year full-time.                                                           transform massive amounts of data into insights that enable better decision
     AVAILABILITY FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: Suitable for international               making and innovation both in the private and public sectors.
     students requiring a NZ study visa.                                               Businesses and organisations today collect unprecedented amounts of
                                                                                       detailed data. They can use this to become more competitive through greater
     MASTER OF AGRIBUSINESS                                         ��*             efficiencies and new product creation. But in practice the sheer volume of
     *Can be completed via Distance Learning, but includes compulsory contact          information is often overwhelming. The Master of Analytics will help you
     workshops.                                                                        understand all these things, as well as give you training in communicating
     Gain skills and knowledge sought by employers in New Zealand and                  your findings in a compelling way to a business audience. Your study will
     internationally and help address global challenges in the rapidly evolving        cover fundamental data analysis tools, including machine learning, data
     feed, food and fibre industries. Massey’s Master of Agribusiness is an            mining, statistics, and econometrics.
     internationally recognised qualification. You will gain the research and          In the last phase of study, you will complete an applied analytics project,
     professional skills required across the value chain from farm production to       where you will address a real-world problem in collaboration with an
     food marketing. Key skills you will learn include:                                organisation. We also give you training in communicating your findings in a
     > Advanced knowledge of agribusiness and agri-food value chains                   compelling way to a business audience.
     > Solving real world complex problems by application of appropriate               AVAILABILITY FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: The Business subject is
        methodologies                                                                  suitable for international students requiring a NZ study visa.
     > Communicating clearly the results of investigations
     > Working effectively in small teams and applying advanced knowledge of
        agribusiness to effective solutions to agribusiness issues in an ethical and
        culturally appropriate way.

     The Master of Agribusiness is a research-focused degree with a dissertation
     component. Our close links with industry and agribusiness faculty globally
     will help you identify relevant research topics that specifically address
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