Pondosey Bay Wilderness Resort, Taylor Burk - Fraser Basin Council

Page created by Michelle Harper
Pondosey Bay Wilderness Resort, Taylor Burk - Fraser Basin Council

                                              MEETING SUMMARY

                                                         November 17, 2021

Pondosey Bay Wilderness Resort, Taylor Burk
Pondosey Bay Wilderness Resort, Taylor Burk - Fraser Basin Council

       3    Welcome & Acknowledgements           The Nechako Watershed Roundtable (NWR) was
                                                 established in 2015 to address this need for
       4    Strategic Plan
                                                 collaboration and to develop a strategy to further
       6    Youth Engagement Working Group       advance the vision of a healthy Nechako …
                                                 Building on past collaboration in the region, the
       7    Nechako First Nations & RDBN MOU
                                                 NWR is a group of representatives from a
       8    Nechako Engagement                   diversity of organizations, local governments, First
                                                 Nations, private sector and federal and provincial
       9    Updates & Initiatives from the       agencies with a shared concern and commitment
                                                 to protect and improve the health of the Nechako
       12   Attendees                            watershed (Fraser Basin Council 2016; p.4).

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Canva Stock Photo
Pondosey Bay Wilderness Resort, Taylor Burk - Fraser Basin Council

The 6th Annual Meeting of the Nechako Watershed Roundtable, entitled "Better Together: A New Phase
of Collaboration and Partnership" took place on November 17th, 2021 from 9:00am to 12:30pm. The
meeting was held virtually due to the covid-19 pandemic.

The Nechako Watershed Roundtable (NWR) is grateful to the Saik'uz First Nation for the opportunity to
virtually host the Annual Meeting on their Traditional Territory near Vanderhoof, BC. We would like to
thank Rodeney Teed, Saik'uz Elder and Councillor for providing a welcome to the territory.

Professor Margot Parkes and Councillor Kevin Moutray, Nechako Watershed Roundtable Core
Committee Co-chairs, chaired the meeting and provided opening remarks.

Thank you to the following individuals for their contributions to this years annual meeting: Joan Chess,
Kim Menounos, Jordan Cranmer, Clint Lambert, Jackie Thomas, David Luggi, Gerry Thiessen, Mike
Robertson, Keith West and Jasmine Thomas.

Funding to support the NWR in 2021 is provided by Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, Cheslatta Carrier Nation,
District of Vanderhoof, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Fraser Basin Council, Ministry of
Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, Regional District of Bulkley
Nechako, Regional District of Fraser-Fort George, and the University of Northern British Columbia.

The purpose of this document is to summarize the key learnings from the annual meeting. The meeting
package including the agenda and a complete recording of the meeting are available to members at

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Pondosey Bay Wilderness Resort, Taylor Burk - Fraser Basin Council

     Presented by: Joan Chess and Kim Menounos (Fraser Basin Council)

     The NWR is pleased to launch its first ever Strategic Plan. The purpose of the plan is to guide the NWR's
     activities over the next five years. Recognizing that the NWR has no formal jurisdiction authority, the NWR
     strategic plan is to provide focus to the NWR's primary role as a collaborative body that convenes and
     connects related efforts across the watershed. The plan is intended to guide how the NWR works with
     others to benefit ecosystems, communities, and the vision of a healthy watershed for future generations.

     The planning process began in the Fall of 2020. A number of methods were used to seek input from
     Roundtable members and others interested in the Nechako Watershed. Approximately 93 people
     participated in "in-person" activities, an online questionnaire, open-house discussions and telephone
     interviews. Planned in-person "learning journey" engagements were thwarted by COVID-19 restrictions for

     The strategic planning process reconfirmed the vision, the NWR's roles, and important areas of focus,
     which in turn lead to identifying strategic priorities, goals and projects. See the table on page 5.

     The NWR would like to thank everyone who participated in the strategic planning process and the
     ongoing support of its members.

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Burns Lake, 6ix Sigma Productions
Pondosey Bay Wilderness Resort, Taylor Burk - Fraser Basin Council

       The Strategic Plan is a living document and we invite people to review and provide feedback.

       The full Strategic Plan, Executive Summary and one-pager can be found at

                           IN THE NECHAKO WATERSHED

Binche Whut'en                Nak'azdli First Nation         Ts’il Kaz Koh First Nation        Prince George
Cheslatta Carrier Nation      Nee Tahi Buhn Band             Wet’suwet’en First Nation         Vanderhoof
Lake Babine Nation            Saik’uz First Nation           Yekooche First Nation             Fraser Lake
Lheidli T’enneh First         Skin Tyee Nation               Regional District of              Fort St. James
Nation                        Stellat’en First Nation        Bulkley-Nechako                   Burns Lake
Nadleh Whut’en First          Takla Lake First Nation        Regional District of
Nation                        Tl’azt’en Nation               Fraser-Fort George
                                                                                                                Page 5
Pondosey Bay Wilderness Resort, Taylor Burk - Fraser Basin Council
                                                  WORKING GROUP

      Presented by: Jordan Cranmer, NWR Youth Engagement Working Group Lead

      The NWR established a Youth Engagement Working Group in 2019, enabling youth participation in NWR
      meetings and allowing youth to determine how they want to engage with the watershed and identify
      meaningful projects that are "designed for youth, by youth".

          Youth were involved in several in-person engagement activities during the participatory phase of the
          NWR strategic plan development.
          Nechako Valley Secondary School youth engagement project is ongoing.
          In August, 12 youth, 2 facilitators and 2 guides participated in a canoe trip. The purpose of this trip was
          to facilitate youth interaction with the river system.

      In October 2020 the NWR in partnership with UNBC initiated an Indigenous youth video project. The film
      entitled, 'Stories from the Nechako: Youth Perspectives' is now complete. The purpose of the film is to
      document the Nechako through the stories, history and culture of individuals living on the watershed. Ten
      youth from the watershed developed questions to ask elders and other community members, which are
      documented in the film.

      Individuals featured in the film are: David Coombs (Takla Nation Youth), Jeremiah Korolyk (Takla Nation
      Youth), Desmond West (Takla Nation Youth), Pierre Charlie (Takla Nation Youth), Steven Wright (Cheslatta
      Carrier Nation Youth), Trista Joseph (Yekooche Fist Nation Youth), Kim Menounos (Fraser Basin Council),
      Henery Abel Joseph (Elder, Yekooche Fist Nation), Minnie Peter (Elder, Cheslatta Carrier Nation), Mike
      Robertson (Senior Policy Advisor, Cheslatta Carrier Nation).
      Special thanks to Johnathan French and Jordan Cranmer for producing the video.

             A public launch event of the NWR Indigenous Youth Video Project will take place in 2022. Stay tuned for
             event details.

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'Stories from the Nechako: Youth Perspectives'
Pondosey Bay Wilderness Resort, Taylor Burk - Fraser Basin Council
                                                   NATIONS & RDBN MOU

     Panel discussion featuring: Jackie Thomas (Saik'uz First Nation), David Luggi (Panelist, Stellat'en Fist
     Nation), Gerry Thiessen (Panelist, Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako, Margot Parkes (Moderator,
     NWR Co-chair).

     A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on Septmeber 29th, 2021 between Nadleh Whuten, Saik'us
     Fisrt Nation, Stellat'en First Nation and the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako. The MOU comes as a
     result of concerns surrounding the impacts of the Kenney Dam and the Nechako River Reservoir by Rio
     Tinto Alcan. The parties have a mutual interest in implementing a new flow regime and will explore a new
     governance mechanism involving Nechako Fist Nations with the intent to restore the health of the river
     and its tributaries for the benifit of the aquatic life, other wildlife, the Nechako Fisrt Nations communities
     and other non-Indigenous residents of the Nechako Watershed.

         In early 2121 Nechako First Nations approached the RDBN to begin discussions on impacts to the river.
         The Board of the RDBN adopted a resolution on February 25, 2021.
         This is the first MOU of its kind in British Columbia.
         The panelists agree that while there is much work to be done, this MOU is a step forward in the
         reconciliation process.

            David Luggi shared historical photos of the Nechako First Nations, highlighting changes in the reservoiur
            between 1950 and 1902. David is willing to share these images and the NWR upon request.

            The full MOU document can be found at https://www.rdbn.bc.ca/application/files/4316/3286/0602/RTA_-

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Gloria Quaw, Cheslatta Carrier Nation Elder at Pondosy Bay Wilderness Resort, Taylor Burk
Pondosey Bay Wilderness Resort, Taylor Burk - Fraser Basin Council

     Video Premiere: ' Stories from the Nechako: The Nechako Watershed Roundtable'

     In October 2021 the NWR in partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada, Fraser Basin
     Council, Koh-Learning in Our Watersheds and the University of Northern British Columbia began work on
     a short film that introduces viewers to the Nechako River and the issues facing communities through the
     NWR. The video entitled, 'Stories from the Nechako: The Nechako Watershed Roundtable', has now been
     completed and we are thrilled to be able to share it with the membership.

     The video includes:
        Geographic location, size and communities of the Nechako Watershed.
        The overarching goal of the NWR, "the health of the watershed".
        Diverse stakeholders and membership of the NWR.
        Impact to the watershed by industry and climate change.
        Project highlights in the watershed, including the impact to the Nechako White Sturgeon and the
        Nechako White Sturgeon Conservation Centre.

     Featured members: Kim Menounos (Regional Manager - Northern Interior, Fraser Basin Council), Wayne
     Salewsky (NWR Core Committee Member/ NEWSS Director) and Jordon Cranmer (NWR Youth
     Engagement Coordinator/ Nechako White Sturgeon Centre).
     Special thanks to Johnathan French and Jordan Cranmer for producing the video.

            The NWR Core Committee and Secretariat are working on a distribution plan for the 'Stories from the
            Nechako' videos. Look for an update at the next Technical Meeting.

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Wayne Selewski at Nechako White Sturgeon Recovery Centre in Vanderhoof, Mike Seehagel
Pondosey Bay Wilderness Resort, Taylor Burk - Fraser Basin Council
                                            INITIATIVES FROM
                                            THE WATERSHED
Presented by: Mike Robertson, Senior Policy Advisor, Cheslatta Carrier Nation

In the spring of 2021, the Cheslatta Carrier Nation undertook a mapping project to accurately illustrate the
the effects of the the creation of the Nechako Reservoir on the Nechako river system and the
communities that were once there.

A video presentation was created using old bathymetric data from the pre-flood era and integrated
LiDAR technology to show the Nechako watershed pre and post flood. Marco Jorge, "technical wizard"
played an integral part in overlaying the data for a full visual representation. Mike gave a verbal walk
through of the the graphical tour shown in the video.

   1950 Alcan receives a water license giving the company rights to surface water above the Nechako
   Grand Canyon.
   Surface area of the the reservoir is about 240,000 acres or about 100,000 hectares.
   The reservoir is the second largest body of of fresh water in British Columbia.
   The shoreline of the reservoir is over 3,2ookm.
   Over 140,000 acres or 57,000 hectares of farmland and forested lands were flooded.
   The video maps the locations of pre-contact village sites and archeological sites that are now

      Work on this project will continue, with a focus of including the Cheslatta and Tetachuck systems in more
      detail. Mike is happy to give a similar presentation to other interested groups.

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Pondosey Bay Wilderness Resort, Taylor Burk - Fraser Basin Council
                                         INITIATIVES FROM
                                         THE WATERSHED
Presented by: Keith West & Cory Williamson, Takla Nation Lands Department

Keith and Cory gave an overview of Takla Nations interest from a fisheries perspective. Key messages

   The impacts on salmon and subsequently the Takla Nation culture have been extreme.
   Historically three salmon runs populated Takla Lake: the Early Stuart Sockeye run, a Chinook salmon
   run from the Driftwood River and Chinook salmon run from the Sakaneechi River.
   Salmon restoration is a big part of Takla culture and reconciliation. Leadership has identified
   restoration as a main priority when handing the territory down to next generations.
   NWR priority project, community based lake monitoring (Limnology Project) is continuing.
   Takla Nation is taking leadership to provide opportunities for salmon restoration. They have hired
    technically inclined individuals and are working with partners in the watershed.
   In 2020 the Takla Nation purchase a "Hatchery in a Can", now situated on the bank of the Takla Lake.
   Integris Credit Union has provided $30,000 over two years to help the project get started.
   A stream restoration project was completed this year. The stream is one that will be used for releasing
   fry from the hatchery. More work to be done on restoring other streams.
   Working with DFO on major limnology project in coming year.

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                                                     INITIATIVES FROM
                                                     THE WATERSHED
    Presented by: Jasmine Thomas, Saik'uz First Nation

         The Nations are collectively working to advance the water policies and laws set out in the 'Yinka Dene
         'Uza'hne Surface Water Management Policy'.
         The policy sets forth a direction for the Nations to maintain and manage their own water systems and
         the impacts to waters systems to be considered more formally.
         Saik'uz adopted water law, with the Blackwater Mine project being the first project where it was
         Work to be done in considering how these policies and laws can be implemented in other projects.

    The first two minutes of the newly completed video production, 'Old Growth, New Beginnings' was
    shown. The film highlights the impacts of logging to the Saik'uz territory, including the changing
    landscape and diversity. The 13:03 minute production is made up of four parts: (1) Growth, (2) How we got
    here, (3) A positive relationship and (4) New Beginnings.

            Saik'uz First Nation and NWR pilot project currently in the works. Stay tuned for more information.

            The 'Yinka Dene 'Uza'Hne Surface Water Management Policy' can be found at stellaten.ca/wp-

            View the complete 'Old Growth, New Beggingins' video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?

            In partnership with UNBCs Integrated Watershed Research Group, the NWR portal is being revamped and

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'Old Growth, New Beginnings', Saik'uz First Nation

Andrew Lecuyer, Rio Tinto                  Judy Greenaway, District of Fort St. James
Art Kaehn, RDFFG                           June Wood, Nechako Retreat
Ashley Raphael, Saik'uz First Nation       Justine Nelson, Rivershed BC
Barry Booth, UNBC                          Katherine Van Dam, UNBC
Chelton vanGeloven, Province of BC         Keith West, Takla First Nation
Christiana Onabola, UNBC                   Kevin Kriese, Forest Practices Board
Clint Lambert, RDBN & NWR Core Committee   Kevin Dobbin, Rio Tino
Cory Williamson, Takla First Nation        Kevin Moutray, District of Vanderhoof & NWR Core Committee
Daniel Wingham, Integris Credit Union      Kim Menounos, FBC & NWR Core Committee
David Luggi, Stellat'en First Nation       Kirsten McNeill, Province of BC
Deborah Koehn                              Lara Volgyesi, Rivershed BC
Denis Wood, Nechako Retreat                Leanne Elliott, Province of BC
Diana Kutzner, UNBC                        Lori Borth, Province of BC
Emily Perason, Rivershed BC                Margot Parkes, UNBC & NWR Core Committee
Gerald Pinchbeck, District of Vanderhoof   Mia Moutray, SD91
Gerry Thiessen, District of Vanderhoof     Mike Robertson, Cheslatta Carrier Nation & NWR Core Committee
Gina Layte Liston, NWR Core Committee      Murial Sam, Nak'azdli Whut'en First Nation
Hart Banack, UNBC                          Nadia Nowak
Ian Rogalski, ECCC                         Norm Bilodeau, NWR Core Comittee
Isabelle Szabo, Rivershed BC               Olga Schwartzkopf
Jackie Thomas, Saik'uz First Nation        Patty Borek, SD91
James Jacklin, Province of BC              Rahul Ray, EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc.
Jasmine Thomas, Saik'uz First Nation       Ray Pillipow, Province of BC
Jayson Kurtz, Ecofish Research Ltd.        Rodney Teed, Saik'uz First Nation
Jeremy Morris, UNBC                        Stephen Dery, UNBC
Jerry Petersen, RDBN                       Susan Scott, City of Prince George
Jim D'Andrea, Regrowth Consulting          Susi Porter-Bopp, First Nations Fisheries Council
Joan Chess, Planning Consultant            Taddea Kunkel, RDBN
John DeGagne, Province of BC               Tavia McKinnon, UNBC
Jordan Cranmer, UNBC                       Wayne Salewski, NEWSS & NWR Core Committee

Additional Information

The meeting package including the agenda and a complete recording of the meeting are
available to members at www.fraserbasin.bc.ca/Nechako_Watershed_Roundtable.html

Please connect with the NWR Coordinator at nwrcoordinator@gmail.com to request any
additional information from the meeting or about the NWR.
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                                          Nechako Watershed Roundtable
                                          1511 3rd Ave, Prince George, BC, V2L 3G3

Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, Taylor Burk
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