Page created by Juan Cobb

JUDGE       ALONE           BILL
                  OF REPRESENTATIVES
                              SEE PAGE 5

POLICE INVESTIGATE APPARENT SUICIDE                                 PAGE 3
PAGE 2                                                          FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021


We reside in a world         featured a high collar       their buses on every trip,    building, or a restau-
today in which rapidly       and wide sleeves. While      overtake as many ve-          rant.
developing technolo-         is quite acceptable          hicles as space permits       Gentlemen of yore,
gy is not only changing      for taste in fashion to      and cause as many near        those who held doors
the way we experience        evolve from the outra-       accidents and heart at-       open for women and
life on a daily basis, but   geous to haute couture       tacks to innocent by-         children, greeted every-
also, it could be sug-       only to return to the ab-    standers, as possible.        one with a warm smile,
gested, as a spin-off, is    surd, why should we, as      Customer service or           and whose vocabulary
having a deleterious ef-     a society, be just as ri-    lack of it comes a close      was littered with phras-
fect on the way we treat     diculous and toss good       second. One can be            es such as ‘Good Morn-
each other, even in ba-      manners and politeness       gripped with dread            ing, Good Afternoon,
sic everyday functions.      out of the window? Why       when having to ven-           Please, and Thank You’
Whilst we might scurry       are we hastening our         ture into certain busi-       are a fast vanishing
to lay the blame on the      descent into this appar-     ness     establishments,      species in the way of
changing times or the        ently bottomless pit of      not at the fear of being      the Dodo. The least ut-
same technology, it is       doom?                        robbed but rather at          tered on the subject of
pertinent to question        Our society is rife with     the thought of having to      cursing, the better, as
whether it is not just us,   examples of this crass       speak to the employees        this manner of com-
the people, who are the      kind of behaviour which      of the said entity. The       municating is now so
real problem.                has invaded every facet      culture which perme-          engrained that to hear
Civility in society to-      of it. The roll of honour,   ates indicates that those     children of kindergarten
day — not to be con-         not unexpectedly to say      standing behind the           age wield that ‘alphabet’
fused with civil society     the least, is headed by      counter are just doing        with the expertise of a
— seems to have be-          those minibus drivers        you a favour by attend-       drunken sailor is to real-
come like an outdated        whose daily ambitions        ing to you. One could         ise the depths to which
mode of dress, such as       seem to be attempts          be exposed to this un-        we have plummeted as
the Houppelande of the       to break every law in        fortunate development         a society.
late Middle Ages, a full-    the Highway Code Act.        whether one is in Bour-       It might be proposed
length, robe-like gar-       They try to out blast the    da Market, a hardware         that those in positions
ment which fell in folds     music systems of their       store, a financial insti-     of leadership should be
into a bell shape and        competition, overload        tution, a government          the ones righting the
                                                                                                     Cont’d on pg 3
FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021                                              LOCAL NEWS       PAGE 3

keel in this instance,       Why are we flounder-
but one might cringe at      ing in this abyss? “The            POLICE
that idea after casting
one’s memory back to
                             fault, dear Brutus, is
                             not in our stars//But           INVESTIGATE
the rudderless chain of      in ourselves, that we         APPARENT SUICIDE
events which unfolded        are underlings,” Cas-
                                                           The police are inves-       hanging but when
after the 2020 Gener-        sius, a Roman noble-
                                                           tigating the death of       police attached to the
al and Regional Elec-        man utters to Brutus in
                                                           a young woman who           Grays Farm station
tions. Integrity, without    Shakespeare’s play Ju-        is believed to have         arrived on the scene,
which there can be no        lius Caesar (Act I, Scene     died from what ap-          the body was no lon-
civility per se, has long    III). Cassius is trying to    pears to have been          ger hanging.
since been abandoned         persuade Brutus to stop       an apparent suicide.        The call to the police
in real terms and the        Caesar from becoming          The woman – Melissa         station came in at 1:50
society has evolved into     a monarch, by present-        Browne, thirty, - was       a.m. and informed
a monster of its own         ing the argument that         living with her four        sources say the call
making. The uncouth          it is their weak position     children – all girls – at   was made by a family
exchanges which fol-         rather than fate that is      Nut Grove. She was          acquaintance.
lowed on social media        preventing them from          a Guyanese national         It is expected that an
between supporters of        acting against their will.    who was said to have        autopsy will be per-
the two major parties,       It would be apt to para-      been unemployed.            formed on the body
both locally and in the      phrase Cassius in this        There are reports that      to determine the pre-
diaspora, signalled a        instance, since, only
                                                           the woman died by           cise cause of death.
virtual cold civil war. It   we can be held ac-
was not, in hindsight,       countable for this sad
something we, as a so-       state of affairs in which
ciety, by any means,         we, as a society, have
should be proud of. And      submerged ourselves.
to what end? Lifelong        There are no excuses to
friendships with origins     be had, as good man-
dating back to school        ners and basic decen-
days, primary school,        cy, the tenets of civility
in some instances,           cost absolutely nothing
were tried, tested, torn     to learn or to put into
asunder or irreparably       practice. Fortunately,
damaged by our own           some good examples
lack of civility and basic   of how we should con-
respect for each oth-        duct ourselves still ex-
er. Now, many of us,         ist. We would do well
probably in our quieter      to seek their guidance
moments of late, are si-     for a forthright return
lently bowing our heads      to civility. Time is of the
in shame, at least those     essence.
who still possess some       Reprinted from Sta-
element of civility.         broek News
PAGE 4    LOCAL NEWS                                          FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021

Attorney General and         permit for the journalist   ment has a policy           explained. Despite her
Labour Minister, Stead-      in question – Gemma         known to all and sun-       negligence, the labour
roy Benjamin, issued a       Handy of the Observ-        dry that applications       minister further ex-
statement in the House       er Media Group – was        for work permit renewal     plained that the officials
of Representatives on        brought to his atten-       must first be submitted     in the department took
Thursday to ‘clear the       tion when he received       to the department at        it upon themselves to
air’ over allegations that   a phone call from vice      least three months pri-     fast-track her applica-
the government had re-       president of the In-        or to the expiry of the     tion which was placed
fused to renew a work        ter-American Press As-      work permit. In the case    on his desk for signa-
permit for a foreign         sociation, Julian Rogers,   of Handy, her work per-     ture the very morning
journalist attached to a     who queried why the         mit expired on January      he received the call from
local media group.           work permit application     6, 2021, and she did not    Rogers.
Benjamin told the na-        submitted by Handy          make her application        Additionally, he said,
tion that the matter of      was not approved.           for renewal until Febru-    had she made contact
the renewal of the work      “The Labour Depart-         ary 16, 2021,” Benjamin     with the department or

                                                                                                 Cont’d on pg 5
FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021                                            LOCAL NEWS           PAGE 5

with him as minister, courtesies       raising the matter in the House        who are peddling false infor-
would have been extended for           of Representatives because there       mation about the government’s
her to continue work until the         were some in the community             stance on press freedom, stop
work permit was processed, but         who were making an issue of the        spreading false information. The
this was not done. “Because of         situation and had been accusing        government’s record on press
her profession, the department         the government of attempting to        freedom is quite good,” he stat-
processed the application in less      stifle press freedom. Benjamin         ed. He emphasised that the work
than the normal processing peri-       vehemently rejected this notion.       permit was granted even though
od and it was placed on his desk       “This government, was one of the       Handy continued to work illegal-
on May 4, 2021, as part of a batch     first in the region and the first in   ly in the country for more than a
of fifty applications,” according      the OECS to make criminal libel        month. “We overlooked this fact
to Benjamin. He told his parlia-       as an offence, thus leading the        and granted the work permit
mentary colleagues that he was         way for press freedom. For those       anyway,” he declared.

Legislation which will       matters. “The object of         made several useful rec-    two years,” he declared.
introduce a new system       the bill is to facilitate the   ommendations to the         The law also spells out
of conducting criminal       trial of much of these          committee.                  the cases that are eligi-
trials in Antigua and Bar-   criminal matters in the         In addition, Benjamin       ble for hearing before
buda has received ap-        High Court by a Judge           said several of the other   a judge sitting alone.
proval from the House        alone, that is, a judge sit-    entities involved in the    However, he noted that
of Representatives.          ting without a jury,” he        criminal justice system,    consent of the accused
The House on Thurs-          explained.                      from police officers to     must be sought in those
day passed the Criminal      Benjamin reported that          those involved in the       cases not listed in the
Proceedings (Trial By        this legislation was first      administration, are all     law for judge alone hear-
Judge Alone) Bill, 2021,     submitted for further           on board with enacting      ings. Barbuda Repre-
following a robust de-       discussion and review           the legislation and mov-    sentative, Trevor Walker,
bate. Mover of the Bill,     to a select parliamen-          ing ahead with its im-      said he had issues with
Attorney General Stead-      tary committee which            plementation.               certain provisions of
roy Benjamin, said that      discussed it at length          He further explained        the bill as in his mind it
as a result of the occur-    and recommended its             that the Judge Alone Bill   constitutes a major de-
rence of the COVID-19        approval by the Parlia-         is what he described        viation from the system
pandemic,         criminal   ment. According to the          as a ‘sunset bill’, which   of trials that has been
trials in the High Court     attorney general, the           means that it has a spe-    practised in the country
have been almost com-        Antigua and Barbuda             cific lifespan. “This law   over many years.
pletely halted. As a re-     Bar Association’s Pres-         comes into effect on a      Walker noted that while
sult, there is now an        ident, Lenworth John-           date prescribe by the       earlier in the bill speaks
even more serious back-      son, was part of the se-        minister and will be in     to consent being sought
log of pending criminal      lect committee and he           operation for a period of   for a judge alone trial,
PAGE 6   LOCAL NEWS                                              FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021

the prosecution has a       the legislation, noting       people on multiple oc-        ning of a narrative which
right under Section 6 to    that it is now common         casions. Secondly, she        suggests that the govern-
make application for a      practice for judge alone      noted, there have also        ment was introducing
judge alone trial under     trials in several Carib-      been cases where this         this type of trial because
certain circumstances.      bean jurisdictions as         type of trial may also be-    it wanted to trample on
He suggested that this      well as in the United         come necessary because        individual’s rights.
section gives him reason    States. She emphasised        of threats to jurors.         He stated that this meth-
for pause. In her turn at   that because of Antigua       Adding his voice to the       od of conducting trials
debate, St Mary’s South     and Barbuda’s popula-         debate, St Mary’s North       only became necessary
representative, Saman-      tion, the jury pool has       representative, Sir Mol-      because of the pan-
tha Marshall, reassured     become quite limited          wyn Joseph, said he is        demic and the narrative
the House that there was    and the juries have been      concerned that there          should be rejected out-
nothing ominous about       comprised of the same         seems to be the begin-        right.

                                                      GOVERNMENT HALTS
                                                      DEBATE ON HEMP BILL

The government has          committee that met to         ought not to proceed at      tween the two and that
decided to withdraw         consider the legisla-         this time,” he reported.     would negatively affect
the proposed Hemp           tion ahead of any par-        Benjamin listed the          the quality of the plants
Bill from further con-      liamentary debate and         concerns as follows:         produced here.
sideration by the Par-      to make recommenda-           there were submis-           He said after listening
liament.                    tions to the full house.      sions by the technical       to the various submis-
The     announcement        “Having heard the sub-        people that it would         sions from both the
was made in the House       missions of all the par-      be impractical and not       technical and legal per-
of Representatives on       ties present and the          workable to have both        sonnel, there was a rec-
Thursday by Attor-          technical      difficulties   hemp and cannabis            ommendation to halt
ney General, Steadroy       that appear to result if      being grown in Anti-         discussions on the bill
Benjamin, who said          this bill was passed and      gua and Barbuda at the       and submit it to further
that this was the rec-      enacted, it was felt in       same time. There were        technical and other re-
ommendation from a          the interest of all con-      also concerns about          views that may be con-
select parliamentary        cerned that this matter       cross fertilisation be-      sidered at a later date.
FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021                                         LOCAL NEWS      PAGE 7

By Shelton Daniel          mooted increasingly       the twin-island state      was sought by Cabinet
                           in recent times amid      as a vacation destina-     whether, like other ho-
Hoteliers and asso-        a considerable slow-      tion, should it fail to    tels associations in the
ciated private sector      down in vaccine up-       achieve the level of in-   Caribbean, the ABH-
stakeholders in the        take by the public.       oculation that would       TA would have a vol-
hospitality industry       This has jeopardised      make tourists feel safe    untary or mandatory
have so far not an-        Antigua and Barbu-        or less at risk from       policy regarding vac-
swered      definitively   da’s goal of achieving    the virus. It was with     cination and employ-
whether they support       the seventy per cent      this in mind that the      ment at the hotels.
making vaccination         of its one hundred        Cabinet of Ministers,      “The officials did re-
mandatory for their        thousand population       chaired by Prime Min-      veal that many North
employees, or whether      that must be fully vac-   ister Gaston Browne,       Americans       making
they would like the sta-   cinated in order to       invited officials of the   bookings for the up-
tus quo to remain. The     achieve herd immu-        Antigua and Barbuda        coming season, in-
decision on whether        nity by the 2021 sum-     Hotels and Tourism         quired whether the
or not to present one-     mer target date of 1st    Association (ABHTA)        hotels’      employees
self for free inocula-     July. Further, Antigua    to appear before it on     were vaccinated. The
tion against COVID-19      and Barbuda’s heav-       Wednesday during the       Cabinet      concluded
is for now entirely per-   ily-tourism-depen-        apex executive body’s      that there is a strong
sonal and voluntary.       dent economy could        regular weekly meet-       desire by the travel-
However, the pros-         be further damaged if     ing. According to the      ling public to ensure
pect of it becoming        visitors from its main    post Cabinet briefing      that the persons with
mandatory has been         source markets avoid      notes, “The assurance      whom they must in-
PAGE 8    LOCAL NEWS                                        FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021

teract – at the hotels,    “I think where it’s go-
the taxi drivers, the      ing to come out is that
shops, the places of       they are all going to
high historical interest   face the challenge of
– are safely vaccinated    having to meet the ex-
and not likely to make     pectation in the trade
them ill or to infect      that their clients, their
them.”                     guests, want to feel
According to the Cabi-     comfortable in a safe
net statement, the ho-     environment. So, it
teliers disclosed that     has become a market-
one thousand, nine         ing and an econom-
hundred of their three     ic issue; how do you
thousand, six hundred      guarantee your guests
employees are vac-
cinated – roughly fif-
                           when they’re actual-
                           ly booking and asking       VACCINATION
ty-two per cent by our
                           you, ‘Do you have a
                           safe environment for
                                                       REQUIRED FOR
During the live post
Cabinet briefing on
                           me to spend my va-
                           cation?’ How can you
Thursday, Informa-         say ‘yes’ when less         OF INTENSE,
tion Minister Melford
Nicholas was asked
                           than half of your em-
                           ployees are currently
                                                       CONTACT SPORTS
whether the hote-          vaccinated? It’s going
liers had committed        to take at least eight to
to a firm position on      ten weeks to be able to     By Shelton Daniel
the      voluntary-ver-    get vaccination if they
sus-mandatory vac-         start in earnest now.”      Sports Minister Daryl Matthew is report-
cination issue. “While     Nicholas said the vac-      ed to have made “an impassioned plea”
the two officers who       cination status of em-      during the weekly Cabinet meeting on
came were not able to      ployees and prospec-        Wednesday.
make a broad determi-      tive employees is an        Matthew, who is also the elected Member
nation on behalf of the    inescapably       thorny    of Parliament for St. John’s Rural South,
entire Association …       issue. “As they go back     implored his colleagues for support “to al-
they engaged with us       to the question of re-      low recreational sports to take place.”
and understood bet-        hiring, they may be         According to the circulated post-Cabinet
ter the thinking of the    forced to give priority     notes, “On Saturday and Sunday morn-
government, and they       to those persons who        ings, scores of men gather on open fields
will take that back to     are already vaccinat-       to play soccer and other kinds of sporting
their Association for a    ed. These are issues        activities intended to keep their muscles
wider plenary discus-      they are going to have      taut and their lungs healthy. The Cabinet
sion.” He continued:       to contend with.”           agreed that it is to be encouraged, but that
                                                       every precaution must be taken to ensure
                                                                                     Cont’d on pg 10
FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021                                     LOCAL NEWS      PAGE 9

that these activities    briefing on Thursday     tous decision, argu-      ellers coming from
do not lead to [fur-     morning.                 ing that the IPL was a    or transiting India.
ther] spread of the      “There will be pre-      rare source of enter-     “There will be con-
virus.”                  conditions that will     tainment and cheer        cerns that will have
The notes went on        have to be met and       given the pandemic        to    be    satisfied,”
to spell out some of     satisfied before the     gloom that has blan-      Nicholas accepted,
those recommended        consent is given,” he    keted the Asian sub-      adding that “maybe
precautions: “Those      assured. “But, clear-    continent of 1.3 bil-     one of those condi-
who feel ill are to      ly, there has been       lion.                     tions will be vacci-
stay isolated in their   some spontaneous         But when it became        nation of the players
homes. Those who         engagement of per-       clear that even play-     to allow for that kind
participate must not     sons on fields across    ers’ bubbles were         of program to go for-
expose themselves,       the island – both for    being breached by         ward.”
but must practise the    cricket and for foot-    COVID       infections    Meanwhile, Cabinet
protocols that have      ball – and so the        with increasing fre-      has announced that
kept them healthy.       question being asked     quency and regular-       “a Public Health Pro-
They must all be en-     by the associations      ity, there was really     tection Policy is be-
couraged to vacci-       is: If persons can af-   no other choice left,     ing articulated; vac-
nate.”                   ford to be playing in    with a growing num-       cination being the
But should such ac-      that     environment,    ber of countries re-      most important ele-
tivities even be con-    why not have com-        fusing to accept trav-    ment.”
sidered at this time,    petitive sports.”
given the nature of      The minister’s at-
contact sports such      tention was drawn
as soccer which can-     to India’s decision
not be played while      earlier this week to
wearing masks, is by     discontinue it huge-
its very nature not      ly popular and lucra-
amenable to social       tive Twenty20 cricket
distancing, and in-      tournament, the In-
volves very heavy        dian Premier League
and forceful expul-      (IPL), after several
sion of exhaled drop-    weeks of resisting
lets via the nose and    calls to do just that
mouth because the        because of an over-
game is quite physi-     whelming and mind
cally demanding?         boggling daily surge
These were ques-         of new COVID-19
tions put to Infor-      infections, and a
mation        Minister   mounting death toll.
Melford Nicholas as      The Indian authori-
he hosted the live       ties had held off from
post Cabinet media       taking that precipi-
PAGE 10   LOCAL NEWS                                          FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021

                                                  HYMAN TO BE
                                                  APPOINTED MINISTER
                                                  OF STATE
                                                  Senator Maureen Hyman will be appointed as a
                                                  Minister of State in the Ministry of Legal Affairs
                                                  at a ceremony that will take place at Govern-
                                                  ment House on Friday morning. Hyman will
                                                  also be named Leader of Government business
                                                  in the Senate responsible for piloting govern-
                                                  ment’s legislation through the Upper House.
                                                  Government sources say the appointment of
                                                  Hyman becomes necessary as the substantive
                                                  Leader of Government Business in the Senate,
                                                  Senator Mary Claire Hurst is absent from the
                                                  state for medical reasons. Her appointment is
Senator Maureen Hyman                             therefore for a thirty-day period.

 The United Kingdom contin-            ONDCP, Resident British Com-
 ues its programme of assistance       missioner Lindsy Thompson re-
 to government agencies con-           inforced the UK’s commitment
 cerned with the defence of the        to support the Antigua and Bar-
 nation. The latest donation was       buda defence and security au-
 made to the Office of National        thorities, noting the challeng-
 Drug and Money Laundering             es both nations share in their
 Control Policy (ONDCP) which          fight against crime. Director Lt.
 received a selection of equip-        Colonel Edward H. Croft, in re-
 ment that will aid them in per-       sponse, expressed much appre-
 forming their duties, protecting      ciation to the UK Border Force
 the people of Antigua and Bar-        and the Resident High Com-           UK HCR, Lindsy Thompson (l)
 buda. “Cumulatively, the UK           missioner for their timely dona-     and Col Edward Croft (r)
 Border Force has donated ECD          tion. “Our partnership over the
 30,000 (£ 8,000) of equipment         years has resulted in successes      specified offences, money laun-
 to local law enforcement to in-       against criminals and organ-         dering, terrorism financing and
 crease the protection of officers     ised criminal groups by taking       financial crime,” he stated.
 and the efficiency with which         the profit out of crime. The do-     He added that the organisation
 they are able to carry out their      nated equipment will improve         would be closer to realising its
 duties,” a statement from the         the protection of the men and        vision which is to become the
 UK High Commission Repre-             women in their duties and en-        Caribbean’s leading law en-
 sentative office in St John’s stat-   hance the agency’s capability in     forcement agency combating
 ed. During a handover of the          its continued efforts in the fight   illegal narcotics, money laun-
 equipment to the Director of          against drug trafficking,            dering and terrorism financing.
FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021                                     LOCAL NEWS       PAGE 11

Media statement issued by Hon. Steadroy Benjamin
                                                 gal Affairs and Attor-   the constituency of
                                                 ney-General, Stead-      St John’s City South.
                                                 roy ‘Cutie’ Benjamin     In expressing his
                                                 reacted to the news      sincere condolenc-
                                                 of the death of Mi-      es to the family and
                                                 chael Burton.            friends of Mr Bur-
                                                 Mr Burton died to-       ton, Minister Benja-
                                                 day at a facility in     min recalled his ear-
                                                 the United States af-    ly association with
                                                 ter ailing for some      Michael Burton. He
                                                 time. He was a can-      said that “Michael
                                                 didate in the 2018       was a member of
                                                 general elections on     ‘Cutie’s Ovals OJ’,
                                                 a United Progressive     one of three basket-
                                                 Party ticket, running    ball teams that I had
 Michael Burton
                                                 against      Minister    established. He also
                         was my friend and       Benjamin who is the      worked with me in
St. John’s, 6th May      protégé, I am tru-      elected representa-      my       constituency,
2021 - “Before Mi-       ly sorry to learn of    tive, on behalf of the   and I was very fond
chael Burton was         his passing.” That is   Antigua and Barbu-       of him.” The Min-
my political rival, he   how Minister of Le-     da Labour Party, for     ister said that he
                                                                          chooses to remem-
                                                                          ber Michael Burton,
                                                                          “not as a rival for po-
                                                                          litical office, but as a
                                                                          friend and support-
                                                                          er,” adding that “we
                                                                          had fruitful times
                                                                          On behalf of the
                                                                          people of St John’s
                                                                          City South and on
                                                                          his own behalf, Min-
                                                                          ister Benjamin said,
                                                                          “Our sincerest sym-
                                                                          pathy goes out to
                                                                          Michael’s family and
                                                                          friends. Our hearts
                                                                          and our prayers are
                                                                          with them at this
                                                                          tragic time. May Mi-
                                                                          chael rest in peace.”
PAGE 12   LOCAL NEWS                              FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021

                HER MAJESTY’S PRISON

Ariel Withy, Supervisor of Eye Mobile Vision Care Inc. presented items to
Pauline Charles, Junior Prison Officer
A local company has     prison, we thought
stepped forward to
make a donation of
                        it quite timely to
                        make this donation,      UTILITIES
personal protective
equipment to offi-
cers at Her Majesty’s
                        in our efforts to con-
                        tribute to the prison
                        officers’ healthcare.
Prison.                 With the ongoing         MANAGEMENT
                        battle against the
The donation was        pandemic,       safety   DISCONNECTION NOTICE
made by Eye Mo-         remains a priority       APUA would like to remind both residential
bile Vision Care Inc.   within our society,”     and commercial customers to stay
whose Supervisor,       she noted.               connected by Managing Your Account.
                                                 Customers are reminded to settle
Ariel Withy, present-
                                                 Electricity, Water and Telecommunications
ed the items to the     The donation of the      (inet Mobile, Home and Business)
prison. She stated      healthcare package       accounts that are overdue by 30 days or in
that the company        includes personal        arrears. Disconnections will be carried out
was very pleased to     protective    equip-     during the period May 10th to May 31st,
be making the do-       ment of one hun-         2021.
nation. “At Eye Mo-     dred face shields        Please be advised that reconnections are
bile Vision Care, we    and     twenty-four      carried out within 1-2 business days after
are always happy        safety glasses was       payment.
to give back to our     made        possible
community.      With    through the com-                                             Visit us at www.apua.ag

the crisis currently    pany’s charity, I Can
being faced by the      See Foundation.
FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021        PAGE 13

                      Cont’d on pg 14
PAGE 14    FEATURE                                            FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021

          HAITI AT THE OAS
                                                       the police against pro-      inviting the Permanent
                                                       testors, widespread kid-     Council to do so”.
                                                       nappings and killing,         Whether or not Alma-
                                                       rape of women, and an        gro wrote to the Haitian
                                                       arbitrary decision by        President and “other
                                                       Moïse to hold a contro-      major       stakeholders”
                                                       versial referendum on a      is unclear.        Certain-
                                                       new constitution, as well    ly, no major political
                                                       as heightened political      party or human rights
                                                       contention, caused con-      group in Haiti has con-
                                                       cerned member states at      firmed receipt of any
                                                       the OAS, including nine      communication from
                                                       CARICOM countries, to        him. There has also
                                                       sponsor a Resolution at      been silence from him
                                                       the organization’s Per-      to two official requests,
                                                       manent Council to ad-        asking for details of
                                                       dress the situation ur-      stakeholders to whom
 By Sir Ronald Sanders
                                                       gently.                      he might have written
                           to respond to the ongo-
                                                        Specifically, the Res-      and when. There is no
 (The writer is Antigua    ing, grave political and
                                                       olution, adopted on          need for this – a straight
and Barbuda’s Ambassa-     constitutional crisis in
                                                       March 17, offered “the       answer is all that is re-
dor to the United States   Haiti.
                                                       good offices of the OAS      quired.
and the Organization        Since January 2020, the
                                                       under the authority of        This matter will be
of American States. He     Haitian President, Jo-
                                                       the Permanent Council        mired in controversy, be-
is also a Senior Fellow    venel Moïse, has been
                                                       to facilitate a dialogue     cause while uncertainty
at the Institute of Com-   ruling the country by
                                                       that would lead to free      prevails over whether or
monwealth Studies at       decree without any leg-
                                                       and fair elections”. It      not the Secretary-Gen-
the University of London   islative oversight. The
                                                       requested the Secre-         eral did write to the Pres-
and Massey College in      mandates of the mem-
                                                       tary-General, Luis Al-       ident and other major
the University of Toron-   bers of the Haitian Par-
                                                       magro, “to advise the        stakeholders in Haiti, a
to. The views expressed    liament, except for 10 of
                                                       Government and other         letter dated April 28 was
are entirely his own)      them, were terminated
                                                       major stakeholders in        sent to him by Claude
                           because elections were
                                                       Haiti, of the Permanent      Joseph in the latter’s ca-
 Strong disagreement       not held.
                                                       Council’s offer to under-    pacity as Minister of For-
may be brewing at the       The rising tension in
                                                       take a good offices role     eign Affairs. The letter is
Organization of Ameri-     the country, including
                                                       and to invite the Presi-     significant.
can States (OAS) on how    use of lethal force by
                                                       dent of Haiti to consider     First, it does not refer
                     FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021                                                  FEATURE

to any communication         tion specifically prohib-       68 members of the U.S.        Last year, the OAS and
received from Alma-          its referenda to decide         Congress wrote to Sec-       CARICOM, held all the
gro. Instead, it referenc-   constitutional chang-           retary of State, Antony      parties in Guyana to ac-
es the Permanent Coun-       es because a former             Blinken, pointing out        count to deliver a cred-
cil’s Resolution of March    dictator, Jean Claude           that Moïse “lacks the        ible result to general
17 as the basis for writ-    ‘Baby Doc’ Duvalier,            credibility and legiti-      elections held on March
ing. Second, it states       had used that artifice to       macy to oversee a con-       2. It took five months of
that “the Government         proclaim himself Pres-          stitutional referendum       the active attention and
of the Republic of Haiti     ident-for-Life.      There-     scheduled for June 2021,     diligence of CARICOM,
is willing to receive an     fore, if the OAS accepts        or to administer elec-       the Commonwealth, the
OAS mission in support       that facilitation of the ref-   tions that are free and      European Union and
of the ongoing dialogue      erendum is a condition          fair”.                       the OAS to ensure that
with all the nation’s        of its good offices’ role,       This position by such       democracy and the rule
stakeholders with a view     its purpose and credi-          a large number of U.S.       of law were upheld in
to concluding a political    bility are undermined           Congress persons, led        Guyana, and that gener-
agreement that will fa-      even before it starts. No       by Gregory W. Meeks,         al and regional elections
cilitate the organization    stakeholder would par-          the Chair of the Foreign     were not stolen by the
of the constitutional ref-   ticipate in any dialogue        Affairs Committee of the     incumbent government.
erendum and elections        where organisation of a         House, is a remarkable        What is happening in
at all levels during the     constitutional referen-         development. It shows        Haiti now is no less egre-
course of 2021”.             dum is a condition. It is       that important U.S. law-     gious than what was re-
 On the second point,        important to recall that,       makers are deeply con-       sisted in Guyana in 2020
the OAS Resolution of        prompted by the rapid-          cerned about what they       and is now being con-
17 March did not of-         ly deteriorating demo-          describe as, “lack of pre-   demned in other mem-
fer its good offices “to     cratic and human rights         paredness of electoral       ber states of the OAS
facilitate the organiza-     situation in Haiti, the of-     institutions to hold elec-   – and even in countries
tion of the constitution-    fer of good offices by the      tions, as well as the un-    outside of it.
al referendum”.        The   Permanent Council res-          constitutional compo-         The OAS must act in
proposed referendum          olution was “to facilitate      sition of the prevailing     the interest of Haiti and
is entirely of President     a dialogue that would           electoral council”. Con-     the Haitian people to
Moïse’s making and is        lead to free and fair elec-     trary to law, Moïse hand-    uphold their rights to
mired in claims of un-       tions”.      Nowhere did        picked the members of        democratic governance,
constitutionality.     The   the Resolution venture          the Council.                 human rights, and the
highly respected U.S.        to suggest that the OAS’         Of especial note is that    opportunity for eco-
Congresswoman, Max-          role would include facil-       the 68 U.S. Congress-        nomic       development.
ine Waters, describes it     itating the organisation        persons urged Secretary      The governing Charters
as “Moïse’s most auda-       of a referendum to alter        Blinken to use the U.S.      of the OAS mandate it.
cious and dangerous          the constitution.               vote within the OAS “to       Responses and pre-
power grab”. Legal ex-        Particularly significant       ensure U.S. taxpayer         vious         commentar-
perts inside and outside     is that on April 26, two        dollars are not spent in     ies: www.sirronaldsand-
Haiti have opined that       days before Joseph sent         support of this referen-     ers.com
the existing Constitu-       his letter to Almagro,          dum”.
FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021           PAGE 17

PAGE 18   REGIONAL NEWS                                     FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021

KINGSTON, Jamaica          top/digital device pro-   Ministry of Education,       PATH students.
(Jamaica Gleaner) —        grammes; while $140       Youth and Information;       “All the members of
Several needy students     million will be made      Members of Parliament        this House know from
are set to benefit from    available for the pur-    through the Constit-         experience that with
over $300 million allo-    chase of digital devic-   uency Development            the best-designed and
cated by the Govern-       es for needy students     Fund; the Ministry of        best-implemented so-
ment to purchase dig-      identified by council-    Local Government and         cial programmes any-
ital devices under the     lors.                     Rural Development,           where in the world,
SERVE Jamaica Digital      The Minister said once    and councillors.             for a variety of practi-
Device Programme.          the devices have been     Dr. Clarke noted that        cal reasons, there will
This was announced by      procured by e-Learn-      122,000 digital devices      always be coverage
the Minister of Finance    ing Jamaica Company       would have been pro-         gaps. Members of Par-
and Public Service, Dr.    Limited, the ministry     vided for PATH and           liament and council-
Nigel Clarke, during       will make payment di-     non-PATH students by         lors know needy con-
yesterday’s sitting of     rectly to the supplier    the end of the school        stituents and families
the House of Represen-     by instruction from the   year through initiatives     who are not enrolled in
tatives.                   Accountant General’s      such as the Own Your         PATH, for instance; and
According to Dr. Clarke,   Department.               Device Programme, the        others who, for techni-
$189 million will be       He said the programme     One Laptop or Tablet         cal reasons, wouldn’t
made available for         is a collaboration be-    per Child Initiative in      qualify but who are – in
needy students iden-       tween the Ministry of     collaboration with the       every practical sense –
tified by Members of       Finance and the Pub-      diaspora and corporate       in need of assistance,”
Parliament who have        lic Service; the Minis-   Jamaica, as well as the      the minister said.
not benefited from         try of Science, Energy    Government procure-
other Government lap-      and Technology; the       ment programme for
FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021                                  REGIONAL NEWS             PAGE 19

        Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley

       Help for former LIAT workers
Barbados Advocate -         time to put other mea-     payments to be made         being put in place to
After over a year of be-    sures in place that        just after the end of the   allow them to receive
ing out in the cold, dis-   would offer relief over    month. Prime Minister       an advance of $2000
placed LIAT workers are     a longer period. With      Mottley explained that      per month from the
set to receive a measure    the Barbadian-based        it had become neces-        Government of Barba-
of relief as government     workers having already     sary for the cases of       dos, to be paid back at
has pledged a commit-       exhausted their unem-      these workers to go be-     a future date from any
ment to a helping hand      ployment benefits and      fore the Tribunal since     eventual severance set-
in the coming days.         awaiting their sever-      the Judicial Adminis-       tlement.
Just under 100 former       ance from the National     trator of LIAT in An-       Prime Minister Mot-
LIAT workers are ex-        Insurance Scheme, the      tigua, Cleveland Sea-       tley explained that this
pected to receive a one-    statement shed light       forth, had so far failed    would be provided for
off gift of $2,000 – com-   on the situation which     to sign and deliver to      up to one year, to be
pliments of the Central     has kept them emp-         Barbados the paper-         terminated earlier if
Bank of Barbados – by       ty-handed for over a       work that would have        they are able to find al-
Friday or early next        year. “All former Barba-   automatically triggered     ternative employment
week at the absolute        dian LIAT employees        severance payments,”        before the end of that
latest. This was revealed   who were based here,       the statement read.         year.
in a statement from the     paid contributions into    As it relates to those      Mottley stressed that
Prime Minister’s Of-        the local National In-     Barbadians that were        she understood that
fice which was made         surance Scheme and         based in Antigua, their     $2000 a month would
available to the media      are therefore entitled     deductions were made        not equate to their sala-
late yesterday evening.     to severance, will now     to that country’s So-       ries or erase the debt or
During an extensive         benefit from expedit-      cial Security Scheme        hardships they have ac-
Zoom meeting with           ed hearings by the NIS     and they are entitled       cumulated since they
several of the former       Tribunal. It is expect-    to severance under the      stopped working, but
workers, Prime Min-         ed that these hearings     country’s laws. How-        she was trying to assist
ister Mia Amor Mot-         will also begin as early   ever, they are expected     them while balancing
tley made the promise,      as next week, with the     to be extended an ad-       it against all the other
which is expected to        hope that they will be     vance in the interim.       urgent needs of Barba-
give authorities some       wrapped up in time for     Arrangements are now        dians.
PAGE 20    REGIONAL NEWS                                          FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021

                                                           to COVID-19 as the great       Abdool-Richards urged
                                                           equalizer as it was no re-     the populace to listen to
                                                           specter of class, educa-       the advice from health
                                                           tion, age, sex, nationality,   officials, saying this
                                                           ethnicity and financial        could save their lives and
                                                           status.                        that of their loved ones as
                                                           “This concept of a bub-        well.
                                                           ble that I have been hear-     She lamented the long
                                                           ing touted around does         lines of people seen buy-
                                                           not work,” she said, add-      ing food in Woodbrook
                                                           ing, “Different persons        on Monday, some of
                                                           from different house-          whom were not wearing
                                                           holds carry different ex-      their face masks proper-
                                                           posure risks, so by you        ly. It was a heartfelt plea
                                                           saying you will be liming,     that      Abdool-Richards
                                                           or zessing, or wessing, or     made as she went on, “I
                                                           whatever term you want         am asking everyone to
                                                           to use with the same           stop the co-mingling,
                                                           group of persons…while         stop the mixing of per-
Trinidad Guardian - As       collapsing, as the num-       you are interacting with       sons. It is becoming over-
Trinidad and Tobago re-      ber of positive active cas-   persons at the supermar-       burdening to our health
corded its largest num-      es reached 3,024 up to        ket or at your workplace,      system and it may im-
ber of infections since      4:00 p.m. yesterday.          it means you have a dif-       pact on the treatment of
the start of the pandemic,   As she implored young-        ferent level of exposure.”     your relatives.”
health officials are send-   er people who were
ing a strong warning that    not previously adverse-
young people without         ly affected by the virus
comorbidities are dying      to heed the warnings,
from the virus.              Principal Medical Offi-
Four people, including       cer (PMO) Dr. Maryam
a 42-year-old man, are       Abdool-Richards said,
among the latest vic-        “Young people, we are
tims, pushing the toll to    seeing deaths and sud-
189. The Health Ministry     den deaths from the 30s
Wednesday announced          onwards. Please don’t
a record 399 new infec-      think you are immune.”
tions.                       She sought to drive home
Health officials are now     just how dire the situa-
signalling that the paral-   tion is now, as she spoke
lel healthcare system has    during the Ministry of
only seven more days at      Health’s media briefing
this rate before             yesterday and referred
FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021                                    REGIONAL NEWS             PAGE 21

Karim Nelson                                             Ashelle-Morgan

iWitnessNews,       SVG     reports against John.        the matter thoroughly       kill the senator?”
– Lawyer and govern-        The shooting victim          in light of the fact that   “I said, ‘What you’re
ment Senator Ashelle        told iWitness News on        senior public officials     talking about?’ I had no
Morgan and assistant        Wednesday that he re-        are involved.               understanding of what
director of public pros-    ported the shooting to       John told iWitness News     he was talking about
ecution Karim Nelson        police the very night        that Morgan and an-         so I asked, ‘What you’re
are “persons of interest”   it occurred, and that it     other man were among        talking about?’”
in an on-going investi-     was the police who had       a trio who entered his      He said that when he
gation into the shooting    taken him to the hospi-      yard about sometime         said this, “the tall guy”
of Diamond Estate resi-     tal. The commissioner        after 6 p.m. on April 13.   ran up to him, kicked
dent Cornelius John, 60,    said he was not aware        He said he had just ex-     him off the blocks and
at his home on April 13,    that John’s wife, Nicole     ited his house when he      started stomping on
St Vincent and the Gren-    John, also of Diamond        saw the trio and called     him on the ground.
adines Commission-          Estate, had filed a report   out to them, thinking       John told iWitness News
er of Police Colin John     against her husband.         that they had come to       that the man then took
told iWitness News on       “I have not seen a report.   order his concrete prod-    a gun from his waist
Wednesday.                  I cannot say for sure that   ucts.                       and shot him in his left
The police chief, howev-    she hasn’t, but I have not   He said that the short-     leg, just below the knee,
er, said he could not say   seen a report she has        er of the two men went      causing the bone to
how soon the investiga-     filed against him.”          and stood behind him        break.
tion would be complet-      The commissioner was         and the taller one greet-   John said that the wom-
ed. He confirmed that       asked what he would          ed him saying, “Good        an is Morgan, who
Nelson and Morgan           say to persons who           evening, Mr. John.”         he recognised by her
— who is also Deputy        might express concern        He said that when he re-    physique and voice as
Speaker of the House of     about whether the po-        turned the greeting, the    she grew up in the com-
Assembly — have filed       lice would investigate       man said, “You want to      munity.

   EU ‘ready to discuss’ COVID
   vaccine patent waiver as
   drug makers push back

  Reuters - The European      reached for capital letters    address the crisis “in an     world.
Union is willing to discuss   in a tweet calling Biden’s     effective and pragmatic         Germany, the EU’s big-
a proposal to waive intel-    move a “MONUMENTAL             manner”.                      gest economic power and
lectual property rights for   MOMENT IN THE FIGHT              “That’s why we are ready    home to a large pharma-
COVID-19 vaccines, Euro-      AGAINST        #COVID19”,      to discuss how the U.S.       ceutical sector, rejected
pean Commission Presi-        and said it reflected “the     proposal for a waiver on      the idea, saying the rea-
dent Ursula von der Ley-      wisdom and moral leader-       intellectual property pro-    sons for the lack of vac-
en said on Thursday, as       ship of the United States”.    tections for COVID-19         cines were capacity and
drug makers stood their         WTO Director-General         vaccines     could     help   quality standards.
ground and their share        Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala told       achieve that objective.”        Health Minister Jens
prices slipped.               member states that she           But drug makers – who       Spahn said he shared
  U.S.     President    Joe   “warmly welcomed” the          have produced corona-         Biden’s goal of provid-
Biden voiced support on       U.S. move, adding: “We         virus vaccines in record      ing the whole world with
Wednesday for a waiver,       need to respond urgent-        time – said the propos-       vaccines, but a govern-
in a reversal of the U.S.     ly to COVID-19 because         al could have the oppo-       ment spokeswoman said
position, and his top trade   the world is watching and      site effect by disrupting a   in a statement that “the
negotiator, Katherine Tai,    people are dying.”             stretched and fragile sup-    protection of intellectu-
swiftly endorsed negoti-        Von der Leyen, speaking      ply chain.                    al property is a source of
ations at the World Trade     to the European Univer-          They urged rich coun-       innovation and must re-
Organization.                 sity Institute in Florence,    tries to instead share        main so in the future”.
  WHO chief Tedros Ad-        said the EU was ready to       vaccines more generous-
hanom         Ghebreyesus     discuss any proposals that     ly with the developing
FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021                    INTERNATIONAL NEWS              AROUND THE WORLD   PAGE 23

             Florida Gov signs GOP voting law
                  critics call ‘un-American’
                                                                                                even if it was advertised
                                                                                                as a bill signing.This new
                                                                                                law restricts when ballot
                                                                                                drop boxes can be used
                                                                                                and who can collect bal-
                                                                                                lots — and how many.
                                                                                                It mandates that drop
                                                                                                boxes must be guarded
                                                                                                and available only when
                                                                                                elections offices and ear-
                                                                                                ly voting sites are open.
                                                                                                To protect against “ballot
                                                                                                harvesting,” an electoral
                                                                                                Good Samaritan can only
                                                                                                collect and return the bal-
                                                                                                lots of immediate family,
                                                                                                and no more than two
                                                                                                from unrelated people.
                                                                                                   Elections supervisors
                                                                                                across the state did not
Surrounded by lawmakers, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, speaks at the end of the                    ask for the changes, warn-
legislative session                                                                             ing that some of the new
  TALLAHASSEE,            Fla.   ald Trump’s false claim         Fox & Friends show with        rules may prove cumber-
(AP) — Gov. Ron DeSan-           that his reelection was         no other media outlets         some and expensive to
tis signed a major rewrite       stolen from him, an as-         allowed. The morning’s         implement. Voter advo-
of Florida’s elections law       sertion widely repeated         event apparently came as       cates assailed the law as
on Thursday, tightening          across the GOP. Florida’s       a surprise to FOX News         a blatant attempt to im-
rules around drop box-           Republican       legislators    Channel. The network           pede access to the polls
es and mail-in voting in         passed this law — with-         said Thursday that it had      so Republicans might
the presidential battle-         out a single Democratic         booked DeSantis’ appear-       retain an advantage. The
ground.                          vote — even though they         ance on its program “as        league joined the Black
  Critics say the chang-         acknowledged there were         an interview and not as        Voters Matter Fund, the
es will make it harder for       no signs of fraud in the        a live bill signing. Neither   Florida Alliance for Re-
voters, particularly the         state which Trump won           the network nor the show       tired Americans, and oth-
elderly and people of col-       handily in November.            requested or mandated          ers, in assailing the new
or, to cast ballots. It’s the      DeSantis, widely viewed       the event be exclusive to      law in a federal lawsuit
latest victory in the na-        as a potential presidential     Fox News Media entities.”      filed minutes after the
tionwide push by Repub-          candidate, clearly saw            A spokesperson for the       signing. A separate feder-
licans to restrict access        the political advantage in      governor, Taryn Fenske,        al suit filed in Tallahassee
to the polls, which party        fighting for what his par-      said later that the actu-      by the NAACP and Com-
leaders say is necessary         ty describes as “election       al bill signing took place     mon Cause also says the
to deter fraud. The cam-         integrity.” In an extraor-      elsewhere and the event        law targets people who
paign has been fueled by         dinary move, he staged          televised by FOX News          are Black, Latino, or dis-
former President Don-            his bill-signing live on the    was purely ceremonial,         abled.
PAGE 24      INTERNATIONAL NEWS                AROUND THE WORLD           FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021

  Global COVID-19 death toll more
than double official estimates - IHME
                                                                                                to miss COVID deaths,”
                                                                                                Christopher Murray, di-
                                                                                                rector of the Institute
                                                                                                for Health Metrics and
                                                                                                Evaluation, said in a
                                                                                                briefing call with jour-
                                                                                                  IHME estimated to-
                                                                                                tal COVID-19 deaths by
                                                                                                comparing anticipated
                                                                                                deaths from all causes
                                                                                                based on pre-pandem-
                                                                                                ic trends with the actu-
                                                                                                al number of all deaths
                                                                                                caused during the pan-
                                                                                                demic. In the United
                                                                                                States, the analysis esti-
                                                                                                mated COVID-19 relat-
                                                                                                ed deaths of more than
                                                                                                905,000. Official figures
                                                                                                from the U.S. Centers
                                                                                                for Disease Control and
                                                                                                Prevention on Wednes-
                                                                                                day estimated 575,491
                                                                                                deaths due to the novel
                                                                                                coronavirus. The CDC
                                                                                                did not immediately
                                                                                                respond to a Reuters re-
                                                                                                quest for comment on
                                                                                                the report.
                                                                                                  The report only in-
                                                                                                cludes deaths caused
Men wearing protective gear plave a white cloth over the body of a relative who died from       directly by the virus, not
COVID 19 disease in India                                                                       deaths caused by the
  (Reuters)     -    The           Deaths go unreported          lems and has been cited        pandemic’s disruption
COVID-19 pandemic                as most countries only          in the past by the White       to healthcare systems
has caused nearly 6.9            record those that occur         House. Its reports are         and communities.
million deaths across            in hospitals, or of pa-         watched closely by pub-          “Many countries have
the world, more than             tients with a confirmed         lic health officials.          devoted exceptional ef-
double the number of-            infection, the report             The             reported     fort to measuring the
ficially recorded, a new         showed. The IHME is             COVID-19 mortality is          pandemic’s toll, but our
analysis from the Uni-           an independent health           strongly related to the        analysis shows how dif-
versity of Washington’s          research organization           levels of testing in a         ficult it is to accurately
Institute for Health             that provides compa-            country, the IHME said.        track a new and rapid-
Metrics and Evaluation           rable measurement of              If you don’t test very       ly spreading infectious
(IHME) estimated.                the world’s health prob-        much, you’re most likely       disease,” Murray said.
FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021                  INTERNATIONAL NEWS            AROUND THE WORLD   PAGE 25

         Brazil: At least 25 killed in Rio
             de Janeiro shoot-out
  BBC World News - At
least 25 people, includ-
ing a police officer, have
been killed in a shoot-
out in Rio de Janeiro,
according to local me-
dia. The shoot-out took
place during a police op-
eration in a favela in the
Jacarezinho area of the
city. Police launched the
operation after receiving
reports that drug traf-
fickers were recruiting
children for their gang.
  Two passengers on a
metro train were hit by
bullets but survived.
  Police in the Brazilian
city confirmed the death
of one of their officers,
Inspector Andre Leon-
ardo de Mello Frias. A
statement on Facebook
said “he honoured the        Rio de Janeiro is one of Brazil’s most violent states
profession he loved and
will be missed”. Police
Chief Ronaldo Oliveira       dia. One resident posted       the Laboratory for the       of Brazil’s most violent
told Reuters news agen-      a photo of his blood-cov-      Analysis of Violence at      states and vast areas
cy that Thursday’s raid      ered floor and said two        Rio State University, dis-   are under the control
was “the largest number      people had died in his         missed the reasons the       of criminals, many of
of deaths in a police op-    house as police chased         police gave for the raid:    them linked to powerful
eration in Rio”. Accord-     the criminals. The man,          “To say that drug traf-    drug-trafficking gangs.
ing to local news, the       who did not want to give       fickers recruit children       Security forces in Bra-
gang targeted in this raid   his name, said he would        and teenagers to deal        zil have often been ac-
engages in drug traffick-    try to move out of the         drugs is almost laugh-       cused of excessive use
ing, mugging, murders        area as soon as possible.      able because everyone        of force against the ci-
and kidnappings. Tele-         “We’re trying to sell the    knows that these gangs       vilian population during
vision images showed         house as fast as possible.     have minors who work         anti-crime operations
suspects trying to escape    We can’t continue to live      for them. To say that        in major cities. A court
across rooftops as po-       here,” he said. Other res-     you’re going to launch       ruling last June restrict-
lice entered the favela.     idents said officers had       a massive raid because       ed police action in poor
Meanwhile, residents of      seized their phones, ac-       you’ve discovered that       neighbourhoods of Rio
Jacarezinho have shared      cusing them of warning         traffickers recruit chil-    during the pandemic
accounts of what they        gang members of the            dren is a joke,” he told O   unless it was deemed es-
witnessed on social me-      raid. Sociology profes-        Dia newspaper.               sential.
                             sor Ignacio Cano from            Rio de Janeiro is one
PAGE 26   FUN ZONE                  FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021

                       Speedy crossword No 1,335

          YOUR DAILY        Some people might think you’re brash,
                            but if you go out of your way to be
                                                                       Never lose sight of what’s truly
                                                                       essential to your happiness. Endless
                                                                       wishing without concrete efforts

                            sociable, you can win them over. You
                                                                       can’t make your fantasies come true,
                            could easily work at cross purposes        so take action to get what you want.
                            with someone who is more ambitious         A friend may challenge you to think
                            and less warmhearted than you are.         logically.

                            When you love someone, you want
                                                                       Unwavering faith in a fulfilling future
                            them to have the best that money
                                                                       can reveal limitless possibilities. You
                            can buy. Don’t spend carelessly or         could be empowered by a passing
                            buy something based on an attractive       opportunity if you have the foresight
                            wrapper. Investigate before you invest     to accept it. Maintain a positive
                                                                       attitude about anything important
                            in something.
                                                                       in your life.

                            Although your heartstrings are
                                                                       that glitters is not gold, and not all
                            plucked, it may be wishful thinking
                                                                       things that attract your attention
                            that makes you believe you hear the        are worth pursuing. This isn’t an
                            song of true love. For some reason, a      ideal time to begin a new romantic
                            romantic spark may refuse to catch fire.   relationship because you might
                                                                       project your idealistic fantasies onto
                            It’s probably best to stay in the friend

                            Apply      everyday       organizational    You may be consumed by ambition
                            methods to stay on track with your         and focused on making headway
                                                                       toward material success. You could
                            budget. For instance, you could add
                                                                       miss out on opportunities if you
                            some reminders to your calendar to be      take too much time to prepare for
                            sure that bills are paid on time. Focus    business projects or meetings.
                            on achieving joint goals with a partner.

                            You may be motivated to place duty
                                                                       When you’re too wrapped up in
                            ahead of pleasure. You can do well with    your own ambitions, you might
                            any task that requires quick thinking      inadvertently push away those who
                            and organizational skills. It might        admire you the most. You could
                                                                       underestimate someone’s skills and
                            appear that a partner is too negative
                                                                       talents. Do your best to handle
                            and holds you back from doing what         obligations as promised.
                            you think is best.

                            Use your powers of persuasion and          Being vague or keeping your
                                                                       intentions private may be the
                            a friendly demeanor to arrive at a
                                                                       technique you think will help
                            compromise that pleases everyone.          avoid criticism. However, this may
                            You may encounter more thorns than         leave some people mystified. Be
                            roses while performing a tiresome job,     more straightforward to overcome
                                                                       someone’s concerns.
                            but you’ll be well compensated.
FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021        WHAT’S UP      PAGE 27



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PAGE 28    SPORTS NEWS                                           FRIDAY 7TH MAY 2021


  Chelsea will face          dy for two fine first-half   game to bed. Real’s for-     ing goal, fed substitute
Manchester City in the       saves from Karim Ben-        mer Chelsea goalkeeper       Christian Pulisic and his
Champions League fi-         zema. But they were          Thibaut Courtois saved       cross was turned in by
nal in Istanbul after con-   able to build on the 1-1     from N’golo Kante and        Mount with five min-
vincingly overcoming         draw they achieved           Havertz, who also head-      utes left.
a fading Real Madrid at      in Madrid when Timo          ed against the bar, while      The result adds an-
Stamford Bridge.             Werner headed in from        Mason Mount shot             other chapter to the re-
  On a night of high ten-    almost on the goal-line      wildly over the top when     markable transforma-
sion, even behind closed     in the 28th minute after     clean through.               tion under Tuchel since
doors, Chelsea fully de-     Kai Havertz had lofted a       It was Mount, though,      he succeeded the sacked
served a victory that sets   finish on to the bar.        who finally sealed Chel-     Frank Lampard in Janu-
up an all-English final        It set the platform for    sea’s place in their first   ary - and gives him the
against Pep Guardiola’s      a second half of total       Champions League fi-         chance to make amends
Premier League leaders       Chelsea       domination     nal since they won the       for the 2020 Champions
on 29 May.                   that was nevertheless        competition in 2012.         League final, when his
  Thomas Tuchel’s hosts      laced with anxiety as          The        outstanding     Paris St-Germain side
were grateful to goal-       the hosts missed chance      Kante, who was also in-      lost to Bayern Munich.
keeper Edouard Men-          after chance to put the      strumental in the open-
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