Platt College Catalog Addendum Edible Adventures Effective 03/27/2019

Page created by Ruth Moran
Platt College Catalog Addendum
                                           Edible Adventures
                                          Effective 03/27/2019
    Recreational Classes (Edible Adventures) – Platt College – Tulsa, Moore, and Oklahoma City
    Edible Adventures is a group of non-credit, non-certificate recreational cooking classes. Classes are
    held in one full length session on the date scheduled. Class dates and times to be announced each
    month. Fees are due and payable prior to each class start. These courses are not included within the
    school’s scope of accreditation by ACCSC.

    Edible Adventures Cancellation and Refund Policy: If the school cancels for any reason, participants
    are entitled to a full refund or credit towards a future class. If an enrollee cancels, the policy is as
         1. Cancellation greater than 48 hours, enrollee is entitled to a full refund or credit towards a
             future class.
         2. Cancellation within 24-48 hours, enrollee is entitled to full credit towards another class.
         3. Cancellation within 24 hours of the class start time, enrollee forfeits all monies paid and no
             refund or credit will apply.

    Classes may vary by campus and may include:

Big Night Out                             Learn the techniques involved in cooking your own romantic
                                          dinner and enjoy a great meal at the same time. We will learn
Length: 4 Hours
                                          how to make an entire meal including appetizers, salads,
Fee: $125/Couple                          entrees and desserts to win over your love

Southern Italian Made Easy                In this class we'll learn about the various ingredients that are
Length: 4 Hours                           available as well as the cooking techniques involved in creating
Fee: $75.00                               a delicious southern Italian meal.

Chocotology:    The      Ultimate         In this hands-on course, we will cover all things chocolate
Indulgence                                including chocolate tempering and basic chocolate
Length: 4 Hours                           confections. You will explore the origins of chocolate and learn
Fee: $75.00                               how to make decadent chocolate creations in your own

Sushi Madness                             Students in this course will learn sushi basics, including fish
Length: 3 Hours                           selection, preparation, and presentation.
Fee: $75.00

Knife Skills                              In this class we will cover all of the basics to proper knife skills
                                          including body posture and knife grip as well as all of the
Length: 3 Hours

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Platt College Catalog Addendum
                                       Edible Adventures
                                      Effective 03/27/2019

Fee: $60.00                         fundamental cuts to make following any recipe easy. By the
                                    end of the day, you'll be slicing and dicing like a pro.

French Cooking Made Easy            In this class we’ll learn about the various ingredients that are
Length: 4 Hours                     available as well as the cooking techniques involved in creating
Fee: $75.00                         a delicious Parisian meal.

Brunch for a Bunch                  Is there anything better than a lazy Sunday brunch? Learn how
                                    to make a delicious brunch that won’t keep you stuck in the
Length: 4 Hours                     kitchen all morning. Get timesaving tips and great recipes from
                                    our Chef instructor about how to craft the perfect balance of
Fee: $75.00                         savory and sweet for your weekend indulgence in this hands-
                                    on cooking class.

Cheesecake!                         Who doesn’t love cheesecake? And it’s not as hard as it looks!
Length: 4 Hours                     Learn how to make the perfect cheesecake – from plain to
Fee: $75.00                         pumpkin or whatever the season presents us for ingredients.

Bread Basics                        Bread making is a relaxing and often magical experience. The
                                    payoff is enormous – flavorful crusty bread that can be shared
Length: 4 Hours                     with friends and family. Gain the confidence and skill to
                                    produce truly exceptional rustic bread in your own kitchen.
Fee: $75.00                         Breads covered may include Country-Style Bread; Fougasse;
                                    Naan; Pane alle Olive (Olive Bread); Multigrain Bread; Ciabatta
                                    or others.

Dim Sum                             Dim Sum is a type of traditional Chinese cuisine that means
                                    heart’s delight. There are over 2,000 Dim Sum recipes in the
Length: 4 Hours
                                    world, but they all have common characteristics ingredients of
Fee: $75.00                         the best quality, a unique style, seasonal products, and tastes
                                    suitable for everyone.

Dress Up Your Dishes (sauces)       Learn to dress up your dishes with five classical sauces. Sauces
Length: 4 Hours                     add zest, flavor, interest, and can act as the impressive finishing
Fee: $75.00                         touch to even an ordinary meal. Once you understand the
                                    framework of the classic mother sauces, you can create
                                    delicious variations with minimal effort and time. Learn to
                                    transform your meals with a spoonful of elegance and

Homemade Doughnuts & Muffins        This class will cover techniques for making your own muffins

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Platt College Catalog Addendum
                                       Edible Adventures
                                      Effective 03/27/2019

Length: 3 Hours                     and doughnuts at home including gourmet fillings and glazes.
Fee: $60.00

Pasta from Scratch Made Easy        Pasta can be a simple meal or an elaborate affair. We will cover
Length: 4 Hours                     how to make your own fresh pasta in a variety of shapes as well
Fee: $75.00                         as techniques for cooking dried pasta and a few basic sauces
                                    and toppings.

Gluten-Free Baking Made Easy        Learn how to make excellent baked goods without including
Length: 4 Hours                     gluten. We will cover the functions of gluten in baked goods
Fee: $75.00                         and how to mimic these functions without the gluten to give
                                    you tender, flavorful baked goods that would fool even the
                                    most discerning palate.

Canning and Jamming!                Preserve summer’s bounty! This course will cover the
Length: 4 Hours                     techniques involved in boiling water canning including pickling
Fee: $75.00                         and fruit jams.

Cheese Making Made Easy             This class will explore various soft cheeses and the techniques
Length: 4 Hours                     involved in making them. We will discuss the use of milks
Fee: $75.00                         including cow and goat, and the cheese making rennet.

Croissants!                         Want to know a secret? The mysterious, flaky, intimidating
Length: 4 Hours                     croissant is easier than you think! In this hands-on workshop,
Fee: $75.00                         we’ll learn the techniques to make buttery, flaky croissants at

Fast Meals for Back to School       School’s back in session soon – not to mention football,
Length: 4 Hours                     soccer…the list of activities goes on! If getting dinner on the
Fee: $75.00                         table is a challenge, join us for this class! We’ll discuss methods
                                    for making delicious meals quick and easy!

Get Hooked on Fish!                 Fish from lakes and streams and from oceans around the world
Length: 4 Hours                     are delicious and healthy. They’re surprisingly easy to prepare,
Fee: $75.00                         too! Learn the tricks of choosing the best quality fish, how to
                                    store it, and how to cook with marinades and sauces you and
                                    your family will love!

Holiday Cookies                     The holidays are here! In this hands-on class, we’ll learn to
Length: 4 Hours                     create holiday cookies so beautiful you almost won’t want to

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Platt College Catalog Addendum
                                    Edible Adventures
                                   Effective 03/27/2019

Fee: $75.00                      eat them but are too delicious to resist!

Holiday Desserts                 The holidays aren’t the holidays without spectacular desserts!
Length: 4 Hours                  Join us to learn how to make desserts that will be remembered
Fee: $75.00                      by family and friends for years to come. From truffles to a
                                 traditional Yule Log, learn how to create desserts that will make
                                 the holiday complete!

Pies and Tarts!                  As the weather turns cool, nothing warms the heart and tummy
Length: 4 Hours                  like a warm home-baked pie. Create flaky crusts and sweet
Fee: $75.00                      fillings that will have your family and friends coming back for
                                 seconds…and thirds...

Pub Favorites                    What’s the secret to the perfect burger, fish and chips, or
Length: 4 Hours                  French onion soup? This hands on class will show you the
Fee: $75.00                      secrets to making great pub food in your own kitchen!

Street Tacos                     Visit several parts of the world, each with its unique take on the
Length: 3 Hours                  universally-popular taco! Learn how to work with the proteins
Fee: $60.00                      that go into a taco as well as how to prepare salsas and
                                 toppings that will make your tacos the most popular in YOUR

Teen Cooking Skills              This hands-on workshop is perfect for any teen who loves being
Length: 5 Hours                  in the kitchen! This exciting class, geared toward the teen
Fee: $95.00                      learner, focuses on hands-on learning opportunities to keep
                                 your son or daughter engaged and having fun…and ready to
                                 cook for YOU for a change!

Spring Break Culinary Camp       This Cooking Techniques focused Culinary Camp is for those
Length: 15 Hours                 considering a career in cooking or baking, or anyone who wants
Fee: $300.00                     to learn quintessential culinary skills.

Clean Eating                     The "Clean Eating" trend is sweeping gaining momentum - and
Length: 4 Hours                  for good reason! There's more to eating "clean" than skipping
Fee: $75.00                      the donuts and eating salads! In this short course, students
                                 learn techniques and recipes to help enhance their wellbeing
                                 and their families, too!

Cupcakes                         Cupcakes are fun and delicious. In this hands-on class, students
Length: 4 Hours                  will learn to create delightfully moist cake and scrumptious

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Platt College Catalog Addendum
                                          Edible Adventures
                                         Effective 03/27/2019

Fee: $75.00                            frostings to make perfectly-sized bites of indulgence.

Mexican Night                          Go beyond tacos and burritos to discover why this cuisine is so
Length: 4 Hours                        popular. The techniques are simple and the flavors are
Fee: $75.00                            complex. Learn how to bring the excitement of Mexican
                                       cooking to life in your home. Invite your amigos!

Smoking & Brining                      Hands-on cooking class in which the chef will show the class
Length: 4 Hours                        how to make brine, apply it to meat, and properly smoke meat.
Fee: $75.00

Grilling                               Hands-on cooking class that explores grilling from the scientific
Length: 4 Hours                        (why, exactly, does grilling make everything taste better) to the
Fee: $75.00                            useful (how do I know when t’s done) to the delicious (have you
                                       ever had grilled watermelon). Learn and practice grilling meat
                                       such as ribs, poultry, and fish.

Cooking for Parents and Children       Hands-on cooking class in which you explore techniques and
Length: 4 Hours                        recipes appropriate for parents and children ages 10-17. Learn
Fee: $75.00                            basic knife safety and how to cook a complete meal.

                                       Hands-on baking and culinary arts instruction from industry
Culinary Camp                          leading chefs and chef instructors. Learn to make a variety of
Length: 25 Hours                       dishes and meals.
Fee: $300.00

Vegan Done Right                       In this class we’ll learn the definition of Vegan, and the various
Length: 4 Hours                        ingredients and cooking techniques involved in creating a
Fee: $75.00                            delicious Vegan meal.

Culinary Camp - Advanced               Hands-on Culinary skills development with a focus on advanced
Length: 20 Hours                       food preparation, advanced skills practice, and experience
Fee: $400.00                           preparing entire meals and desserts.

Instructor Workshop                    For culinary instructors, life skills/life science instructors, and
Length: 5 Hours                        those that teach in related areas. Learn a variety of culinary
Fee: $100.00                           skills to teach your students. Courses are designed to impart
                                       knowledge of the skills while preparing you with pedagogy
                                       training for use in your future classes. Workshop topics may

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Platt College Catalog Addendum
                                       Edible Adventures
                                      Effective 03/27/2019
                                        vary (contact the school for topics of upcoming workshops).

Tailgating & Barbeque                   With the fall football season approaching, nothing is more
Length: 4 Hours                         American than Tailgating & Barbeque! The Chefs at Edible
Fee: $75.00                             Adventures will show you the best way to plan and prepare
                                        your next party. Students will learn how to make the very best
                                        BBQ baby back ribs with a homemade and easy sauce.
                                        Students will learn to make appropriate sides like coleslaw and
                                        potato salad and easy grill side cobbler. Let the Chefs teach
                                        you the timesaving tricks and techniques to enjoy the Game.

Southern Classics                       Southern food is more popular than ever and it is appearing on
Length: 4 Hours                         menus all over the country. Nothing is more southern than
Fee: $75.00                             fried chicken. The chefs at Edible Adventures will show you all
                                        the tricks to make the best fried chicken and all the customary
                                        sides. You will learn how to make mac-n-cheese, collard
                                        greens, and sweet potato pie. Finally, no southern meal is
                                        complete without cornbread. The class will teach you how to
                                        cook like a true chef from the south and make everything from

Cheese and Wine Pairing 101             Learn the major varieties of wine, how to taste them, and how
Length: 4 Hours                         to pair them with cheese and other foods.
Fee: $75.00

                                        Dough too tough? Same toppings time after time? Or tired of
Pizzeria Pizza at Home!                 frozen slices? Join us to learn how easy it can be to create pizza
Length: 3 Hours                         pies that beat anything you’ll find in a restaurant!
Fee: $60.00

   Seminar Refund/Cancellation Policy

   Cancellation Prior to Commencement of Seminar
   Should a participant decide to cancel their seminar registration, the participant will be refunded 50% of
   seminar price if notified in writing prior to seminar start date otherwise, no refund will be made.

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