Pitmaster Recipe Made Easy - Max Lavoie House of BBQ Experts

Page created by Freddie Hodges
Pitmaster Recipe Made Easy - Max Lavoie House of BBQ Experts
Pitmaster Recipe Made Easy

        Max Lavoie
    House of BBQ Experts

      2021 HPBExpo Education
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Pitmaster Recipe Made Easy - Max Lavoie House of BBQ Experts
Pitmaster Recipe Made Easy - Max Lavoie House of BBQ Experts
The secret ' not so secret '
on the bbq, always cook to internal temperature and not to time
Pitmaster Recipe Made Easy - Max Lavoie House of BBQ Experts
Flavor boosters
 some suggestions to up your game
Pitmaster Recipe Made Easy - Max Lavoie House of BBQ Experts
our best sellers
          great on the bbq and in the kitchen

                                                                                                                                                                                  size : 2,25'' W x 5'' H
                                                                                                                                                                                      qty/box : 12
                                                                                                                                                                                    msrp : $ 7.99 USD
CARRIBBEAN | BEU0017                KANSAS | BEU0013                    MONTREAL | BEU0011                  CALIFORNIA | BEU0014              ARGENTINA | BEU0012
With its coriander and citrus       the favorite rub for all fans of    This rub is just like the           This rub stands out by its very   This rub is without question
flavors, this jerk style fine rub   slow and low cooking on the         original... only even better with   herbaceous flavours. With its     the most versatile of our line of
will enhance the taste of
scallops and shrimps. You can
                                    grill. Originally designed with
                                    pork and chicken in mind, this
                                                                        half the salt! You can use it to
                                                                        enhance your steaks and ribs
                                                                                                            mix of rosemary and coriander
                                                                                                            topped with citrus aromas, it
                                                                                                                                              spices. You can use it to flavor
                                                                                                                                              your pizzas, your vegetables,
                                                                                                                                                                                  F.O.B. Champlain NY
also sprinkle it on salmon for      spice mix can also be used on       or even replace the classic salt    makes it a perfect rub to use     and even your favorite piece of
amazing results every time! An      salmon or seafood. Its special      and pepper mix in your pantry!      on grilled chicken or lamb. You   meat! Go ahead and light up
extraordinary seasoning for         blend of cane sugar, garlic,        It’s most definitely the ideal      could also add this mix of        your charcoal BBQ and rub it
anything that comes out of          onion, sea salt and lemon zest      rub for all your burgers and        spices to your salads, your       on your tenderloin right before
water, this rub is also great       gives it a sweet and salty taste,   that gigantic T-bone, since it’s    potatoes or your grilled          grilling.
with pork and chicken.              sure to satisfy any BBQ fan!        the perfect blend for beef.         vegetables to brighten them
Pitmaster Recipe Made Easy - Max Lavoie House of BBQ Experts
our best sellers
             great on the bbq and in the kitchen

                                                                                                                                                                                               size : 2,5'' W x 7 3/4'' H
                                                                                                                                                                                                     qty/box : 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                  msrp : $ 6.99 USD
KETCHOT | BEU0202                    COLONEL MUSTARD | BEU0206                MAPLE BOURBON | BEU0207              SWEET LEMON | BEU0201                  SWEET DREAM | BEU0204-1
This sauce is a delicious, lightly   Inspired by the South Carolina way       This sauce consists of an            If you like the sweet and smoky        This sauce is light and will
spiced tomato based sauce that
gives a smoky taste to all dishes.
                                     of barbecuing, this sauce enhances
                                     the flavor of pork ribs and chicken
                                                                              impeccable       combination    of
                                                                              original flavors from the USA and
                                                                                                                   flavors of barbecue sauce, you will
                                                                                                                   love this one. Its citrus aroma will
                                                                                                                                                          enchant you with its sweet, fruity
                                                                                                                                                          aromas and subtle peach flavor.       F.O.B. Champlain NY
There’s finally another good         just    right.    This    all-purpose    Canada. Made with typical            be a remarkable addition to your       Perfect     with       beautifully
ketchup on the market! This          beautifully balanced sauce can be        "Kentucky BBQ style" flavor          next recipes. With just a hint of      caramelized ribs, this sauce is as
multipurpose secret weapon can       savored with slow-cook meats,            profiles, this sauce marries         lemon, it adds acidity and             delicious when paired with
be used in your sandwiches and       create the perfect glaze for ribs, and   bourbon and maple, which             balances out flavors. Perfect with     anything slow-cooked on the
burgers, as well as with your        even be used to make your favorite       makes it taste heavenly. Use it      ribs, chicken, pork chops, burgers,    BBQ, and tastes as excellent cold
ribs, vegetables, chicken and        rub stick to your pork shoulder!         where you see fit: in your sauté     and salads. You can use it as a        with chicken nuggets!
french fries.                                                                 or over your meat.                   marinade, brush it on your meat
                                                                                                                   while grilling or serve it as a dip.
Pitmaster Recipe Made Easy - Max Lavoie House of BBQ Experts
safely playing with fire                                             High flavors & Low fat
For the confidence to start fire                                     Smoke infuse your food and cook
and grill everything safely                                          vertically to allow crisp cooks

                                                                                                       pizza trend
                                      family fun                                                       For the creative or gourmand
                                      Food prepping fun guaranteed           veggie rack                Pizzaiolo in everyone
                                      for children 7 to 77!                  smoker box
                                                                              rib rack

           the apron
         suede gloves
    black stainless spatula

                                                                                                       pizza stone
                                        thermomax jr.                                                   pizza peel
                                   twist-o-max for hot dogs                                            pizza cutter
                                    the stuffer for burger                                                all-in-1
Pitmaster Recipe Made Easy - Max Lavoie House of BBQ Experts
what makes us who we are
products sold in over 1000 point of sales in canada

hundred of thousands of followers on our social media platforms, who have attended
bbq demos or classes in person and online

in 2021, dozens of millions of QR codes linking to Budweiser's summer campaign;
canadian coast-to-coast contest, with over 650K prizes units contributed & bbq tips,
recipes and video content

canada's fastest-growing companies' ranking with a 660% revenue growth

Recognized as a top 10 North American BBQ Experts, Maxime Lavoie, House of BBQ
Experts' President, has won prizes in BBQ competitions in North America and in Europe.
He is also known as an expert in BBQ judging and with his All-in-1 BBQ accessory, has
won first place in the renowned Vesta award program

The BBQ Sauces, Rubs and accessories are developed based on real expertise gained in
the field. To know more, visit www.bbq-experts.com/about-bbq-experts/
Pitmaster Recipe Made Easy - Max Lavoie House of BBQ Experts
what we promise
superior supplier's customer service with on-line marketing & pos support tools,
digital staff training platform, products knowledge material made easy, +++

fueling the growing american movement of bbq adepts' count (over 60% of usa
population) with passion & knowledge sharing presenting only what's
thoroughly tested and made of the highest quality ingredients

A friendly and helpful team to help you acquire new customers
discover their last 4 years:
youtube / house of bbq experts / lifestyle

personalized accounts' services tailored to your needs
contact Edith Brisson
business development
450-693-1227 x173
Pitmaster Recipe Made Easy - Max Lavoie House of BBQ Experts
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