Pinger studies in Muara Pela, Mahakam River, Indonesia - Study executed by Yayasan Konservasi RASI Supported by

Page created by Seth Wells
Pinger studies in Muara Pela, Mahakam River, Indonesia - Study executed by Yayasan Konservasi RASI Supported by
Pinger studies in Muara Pela,
      Mahakam River, Indonesia

Study executed by Yayasan Konservasi RASI
              Supported by
Pinger studies in Muara Pela, Mahakam River, Indonesia - Study executed by Yayasan Konservasi RASI Supported by
• Pesut is a protected dolphin species in Indonesia since 1990
• Annual mortality between 1995-2019 = 4 dolphins/ year
  , whereas population was estimated at 80 dolphins in 2019
• Gillnet related mortality accounts for 67% of all known
  mortality causes.
• Gillnets are legal fishing tools
• RASI is lobbying to either 1) ban all gillnets inside the dolphin
  PA, or 2) ban gillnets with > 4 cm mesh size only. In both
  options, replace with alternative fishing gear
• Meanwhile preliminary success with pinger trials
  seems like a potential alternative for the time being…
Pinger studies in Muara Pela, Mahakam River, Indonesia - Study executed by Yayasan Konservasi RASI Supported by
Pingers & willingness of fishermen to use them
• Based on interviews with 97 fishermen who had gillnets, 71% often saw
  dolphins and 25% said dolphins had eaten fish from their gillnet and/or
  damaged their nets but only 2% admitted that dolphins had been
  entangled in their gillnets.
• 96% of fishermen set gillnets at night as well as during the day.
• 46% of gillnet fishermen have gillnets, which are potentially at high risk
  because it has a mesh size above 10 cm, which greatly increases the risk of
  fluke entanglement.
• 91% of fishermen are willing to install pinger as a tool to expel dolphins
  from gillnets
• Per 1 July 2020, 40 pingers were placed on gillnets with the consent of
Pinger studies in Muara Pela, Mahakam River, Indonesia - Study executed by Yayasan Konservasi RASI Supported by
• The aim of the initial pinger studies (Dec 2018-Dec 2019)
  were to design the pinger with a) the right frequency and
  volume to keep dolphins away from the pinger source with
  the preferred smallest possible radius, which is 10 to 20m;
  b) the pinger should not expel dolphins from the feeding area
• The aim of the larger-scale pinger trial (July-December 2020)
  with 40 pingers attached to nets aimed to study the impact on
  fish catch and dolphin fish-predation behavior as well as fish
  predation by dolphins
• The aim of the repeated dolphin-pinger interaction study
  conducted between 15-29 January2021 were to record
  habituation of dolphins towards pingers
Pinger studies in Muara Pela, Mahakam River, Indonesia - Study executed by Yayasan Konservasi RASI Supported by
Study location:
Confluence of Pela/ Mahakam River, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Study Period:
• Study period 1: 5-18 December 2018; Study period 2: 9-18 January 2019
• Study period 3: 10-19 December 2019; Study period 4: 15-29 January 2021
Pinger specification:
• Survey period 1 &2: frequency : 50-120kH & 115 dB output
• Survey period 3 & 4: frequency : 50-120kH & 125 dB output
Rotating observation teams
Team 1) : 7:30-10:00; 12:30-15:00
Team 2): 10:00-12:30; 15:00-18:00
 @team = 3 observers
@ 10 hours of observation per day
Pinger studies in Muara Pela, Mahakam River, Indonesia - Study executed by Yayasan Konservasi RASI Supported by
Physical set up
• Study 1: The pinger is attached on the head rope of a
  gillnet in Pela confluence in a usual fishing location.
• Study 2, 3 & 4: The pinger is attached on a rope 2 m
  underneath the red buoy in high dolphin surfacing
  location, which is point 0. N, W, S, E of point 0 there are
  buoys with distance 0-10m; 10-20m; while buoys at
  horizontal positions are at 20-40m; 40-60m; 60-80m
  dan 80-100m from 0.
• Pingers are running for 24 hours on and then 24 hours
  off and so on.
• Pinger best placed in favorite surfacing area or second
  favorite if depth/current or traffic restraints
Pinger studies in Muara Pela, Mahakam River, Indonesia - Study executed by Yayasan Konservasi RASI Supported by
Visual study
•  Recording each surfacing and
distance in relation to pinger
• Recording each individual
behavior also in relation to
distance to pinger
• Recording general group
• Instead of using exact
distances, distance ranges were
used (too many dolphins
surfacing to use theodolite)
Pinger studies in Muara Pela, Mahakam River, Indonesia - Study executed by Yayasan Konservasi RASI Supported by
Acoustic study

• Recording surfacing and distance as well as behavior in
relation to the pinger on a voice recorder while simultaneously
recording underwater vocalizations and echolocation on a
recorder device attached to the hydrophone.
Pinger studies in Muara Pela, Mahakam River, Indonesia - Study executed by Yayasan Konservasi RASI Supported by
Fish study
• July 2020, daily study (5)
•Fish species, number of
individual fish and weight
were recorded from a
gillnet where a pinger was
attached to. Water levels
and dolphin-fish predation
were recorded too.
• The fish pinger was
attached 24 hours on the
net and then 24 hours off.
• July-Dec 2020, weekly
study (35 nets) with pinger
constant active
Pinger studies in Muara Pela, Mahakam River, Indonesia - Study executed by Yayasan Konservasi RASI Supported by
Water & observation condition
• Three times a day water and observation condition was
recorded during the dolphin-pinger observation trials
Survey periods 1 & 2:
• No difference was found between the time spent in the confluence
  by pesut during days when pinger was ‘on’ or ‘off’. Indicating that
  dolphins were not expelled from the feeding area.
• Pesut was observed more often in the 0-20m zone when pinger was
  'on' than when pinger was 'off'. The difference between the two
  surveys is the difference in the frequency of occurrence between
  zones that do not depend on whether the pinger is on or not: In the
  first survey dolphins appear more often at a distance of 20-60m
  from the pinger (on and off) so for the second survey the pinger is
  deliberately installed at the most frequent surfacing point as
  observed in survey 1.
• At the time of the second survey we examined whether there were
  differences in surfacing frequencies at distances from 0-10m and
  10-20m. A significant result (Chi-square = 5.5, p
Survey period 1 (n=5041 surfacings)-
                                                       Pinger 115 dB output

                                      Surfacing distances pesut towards pinger-December 2018
                                                                                         pinger on-dec 18
Frequency of surfacings (%)

                                                                                         pinger off- dec 18




                                    0-20 m   20-40 m     40-60 m    60-80 m   80-100 m
Survey period 2 (n=3851 surfacings)
                                                          Pinger 115 dB output
                              60.0      Surfacing distances pesut towards pinger January 2019
Frequency of surfacings (%)


                              40.0                                                          pinger on-Jan 19

                                                                                            pinger off- Jan 19



                                     0-20 m     20-40 m      40-60 m   60-80 m   80-100 m
Survey period 2 (Pinger 115 dB output)
                                    Surfacing distances pesut towards pinger
Frequency of surfacings (%)
                              80                                        pinger on-Jan 19

                              70                                        pinger off- Jan 19

                                       0-10 m                10-20 m
                                                         Distance pesut to pinger (m)
The chi-square statistic is 22.4466. The p-value is .000002.
This result is significant at p < .01.
Conclusion study period 1& 2
• Pesut seemed aware of the pinger and may have deliberately
  approached out of curiosity. But the approach applied to a 10-
  20m while a decrease in surfacings of dolphins was observed for
  the distance 0-10m.
• Dolphins were never observed feeding in the 0-10m zone when
  the pinger was on while they were observed at a distance of 0-
  10m when pinger was off. Feeding behavior was observed in the
  10-20m zone in both pinger on and off conditions.
• One time within the 0-10m zone while pinger was active and
  while dolphins were playing, the jerrycan attached to the rope
  with pinger was observed to move. Also when dolphins enter
  the 0-10m zone while pinger was active, dolphins often were
  seen leisurely playing and waving their fins on the surface.
• The third study was conducted to avoid net attraction and
  obtain more unambiguous results using a louder pinger as well
  as record behaviors per distance from pinger.
Survey period 3 (pinger output 125 dB)
                                       (n=1822 dolphin surfacings)
                                  Surfacing distances pesut towards pinger
                                                                      pinger off-Dec 19
Frequency of surfacing (%)

                                                                      pinger on- Dec 19





                                     0-20   20-40     40-60      60-80      80-100
                                            Distance towards pinger (m)
Survey period 3
                                                   (pinger output 125 dB)

                                        Surfacing distances pesut towards pinger
                                                                                     pinger on- Dec 19

                                 60.0                                                pinger off- Dec 19
   Frequency of surfacings (%)






                                               0-10 m                      10-20 m

                                             Distance towards pinger (m)

The chi-square statistic is 19.6128. The p-value is < 0.00001. Significant at p < .01
Survey period 3
                               Dominant group behavior < 10 m and >10
Survey period 3

                        Water spitting behavior of pesut per distance to
% Water spits (n=63)

                                                                     pinger on
                       60                                            pinger off





                                                                 distance from pinger
Results survey period 3 (pinger output 125 dB)
• The pinger study significantly shows that when the pinger is
  on, dolphins occur more frequently in zones with a radius of
  10-20m than in zones of 0-10m. Conversely, when pinger is
  off, dolphins surface more in the 0-10m zone than in the 10-
  20m zone.
• Behavioral observations indicate that dolphins never appear
  to forage in the 0-10m zone when the pinger is on even
  though they are still foraging in the 0-10m zone when the
  pinger is off. Foraging activities are still carried out at 20m
  distance or further away when pinger is active.
• When the pinger is on, dolphins can only be seen spitting
  water (as an indicator of foraging) in a radius zone above 20m
  while when the pinger is off dolphins have also been seen
  spitting water and feeding in the 0-10m zone.
Results survey period 3 (continued)
• Differences are also prominent when the pinger is on that dophins
  relatively more often do fast travel in the 0-10m zone than when pinger is
  off and compared to other zones. Fast traveling overall scored highest in
  all zones because during study period 3 there was less fish than usual and
  no feeding or milling was observed when pinger was active in the 0-10m
  distance range to pinger, which inherently increased the portion of fast
  travel here.
• Dolphin's surface play behaviors are similar whether the pinger was active
  or not in the 0-10m zone.
• During underwater listening, feeding click trains with jaw claps were only
  hard when the dolphins were further away from the pinger (at least
• While socializing , dolphins would move in all zones just as much during
  pinger on than off. There was no evidence of increased aggressive
  behaviors when the pinger was on.
Fish catch study July 2020
Fish catch study results
                         (still ongoing)

• Less but larger fish was caught on pinger active days
• Total fish weight was 1.2 times larger on days with pinger on
  than off with higher total market value

• There has been no fish
  predation from gillnets
  with pingers attached on
  them from July until
Conclusions & recommendations for Mahakam
                   related to pingers

•   Dolphin fish predation from gillnets and dolphin entanglement was regularly
    recorded in the Mahakam.
•   Initial pinger trial studies showed that dolphins would not feed within a 10m range
    from a gillnet with active pinger but would when the pinger was off. Dolphins were
    still feeding at 20m distance when pingers were active. This and the fact that an
    equal amount of dolphin surfacings were recorded in the feeding area during all
    study periods whether pingers were active or off, indicates that dolphins were not
    excluded from their feeding area.
•   Therefore, it is recommended for those gillnets that have been identified as high
    risk to attach active pingers to reduce accidental gillnet entanglements.
•   Ongoing evaluation studies should be done for the pingers already installed on 40
    nets to see if the same results may be achieved over longer periods.
•   Awaiting the 4th dolphin-pinger trial results, and if no habituation was
    found, additional pingers may be considered to be attached to new nets.
•   Alternative solutions to reduce fishermen’s dependence on gillnets need to
    become part of government management program including alternative, safer
    fishing gear or sustainable forms of fish-breeding
•   New regulations that ban gillnets from confluence areas will be advocated for.
Recommendations for other study site/ species
1.   Order a prototype pinger that is developed for the dominant frequencies
     of the species, river background noise and causing minimum loudness.
     For pesut the effective pinger transmitted between 50-120 kHz with 125
     dB loudness after the initial trials with a 115 dB pinger.
                    Decibel      Estimated deterrent
                                from Pinger(meters)
                    145                         200
                    139                         172
                    133                         144
                    127                         116
                    121                          88
                    115                          60
                    109                          32
Recommendations for other study site/ species

2. Conduct a trial observation study to assess differences in
   surfacing patterns, behavior, vocalizations and echolocation
   per distance zone towards pinger location 0 when the pinger
   is active or inactive.
3. Conduct a comparative fish catch study with alternating days
   pinger active or inactive
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