Pinewoods 2021 Lost and Found - Session 1: July 9 - 12 Session 2: July 12 - RSCDS Boston
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Our Deepest Appreciations Button Design Ellen Scannell-Woods Button Assembly Mary Ellen and John Scannell Tour Guides Laura and Meyer Billmers Parking Coordinator John Crabtree Bookstore Manager Alena Taylor Bookstore Assistant Ellen Scannell-Woods Webmasters Laura and Meyer Billmers Dance Binders Betty Allen IT Guru Ross Parker Session 1 Welcome Party Hosts Kat Dutton and the ESC Crossovers First Night Party Host Jessi Kittel First Timer Party Host Dale Birdsall Ball Decorations Hannah McArdle Grand March Devisor Geoffrey Wood Pinewoods Reel Demystified Teacher Lara Friedman-Shedlov Ceilidh MC Jack O'Connor Ceilidh Refreshments Debbie Jarvis Teacup Auctioneer Jeff Graham Tea Party Host Ilene Goldstein Sound Manager Peter Olszowka Session 2 Welcome Party Host Laurie Somario Games Party Host Neil McMullen Feelies Creators Neil McMullen and Kat Dutton First Timer Party Host Laurie Somario Live Auction Host Terry Harvey Silent Auction Hosts Janet Anderson and Leslie Drost Auction Accountants The accounting firm of Friedman- Shedlov and Friedman-Shedlov Auction Refreshments Lance Ramshaw and Gail Wine Ceilidh MC Linda McJannet Ceilidh Refreshments Sally and David Grubb Liqueur Party Host Jessi Kittel Candlelight Dinner Decorations A wonderful volunteer Ball Decorations Hannah McArdle Grand March Devisor Howard Lasnik Pinewoods Reel Demystified Teacher Ellie Briscoe Sound manager Ward Whitlock
Greetings from the Co-Chairs Well. The last time we wrote one of these letters, it was full of joy and excitement for another year of camp. In the two years since, the world has changed significantly and we are all bearing the burden of loss. Some of us have lost friends or family, some of us have lost jobs or houses, some of us have lost time or experiences. It has been a hard time, and we are all still readjusting to this version of the world. We chose the theme "Lost and Found" this year for a reason --because despite the loss and after the loss there is a chance to discover something new and wonderful. Maybe you will find a new friend, someone you'd not hung out with before at camp. Maybe you will find a dance that you'd forgotten, bringing a moment of joy. Maybe you will just find peace, and happiness, and a return to what should be. We hope that this Lost and Found year brings a lot more finding than losing --so make sure you check that box in the Camphouse for your misplaced towel! This Gazette is a resource to be used throughout camp, to help you identify what classes you'd like to take and what time all the parties are. Some things this year will be quite different --the parties will be a little smaller and the second session a little shorter-- but many are still the same. There are fewer class options than most years, but we hope you'll have a good time in our new conditioning class, to help you get back in shape if you've maybe not danced so much the past few months. Of course there will still be ceilidhs and auctions and late night rowdiness at Pinecones --it just wouldn't be Pinewoods without! The Gazette also has rules and regulations about camp itself, to help keep the spaces and dancers safe and in good order. Be extra cautious of ticks this year (a summer off made them think they own the place!) and make sure you're washing your hands frequently. Even though all campers, crew, and staff present are fully vaccinated, it's still the first chance many of us have had in a while to share more mundane germs --we don't want to hear of a sudden rash of colds after camp! While no PPE is required, we encourage all campers to find their own comfort levels. If you see a friend wearing a mask or gloves, know that they're making the best choices for themself and their families. We'll end this with a HUGE thank you to all the people who have kept the flame alive -- both through last year's "virtual Pinewoods" and stepping up to support this year. We think we've thanked most of you in the list at left. If there's a name we lost we ask that you find it in your heart to be gentle. After all, it has been a very hard year for everyone and it's time to do some very hard partying to make up for it. With love, joy, and excitement Katarina Dutton, Laurie Somario, and Ellen Scannell-Woods Co-Chairs, Pinewoods 2021
Pinewoods Camp Rules and Policies Campers are responsible for abiding by all Pinewoods Camp regulations. Please read and follow the full list of regulations found in your camper packet (on back of the map) or posted in all bathrooms. Pinewoods Camp reserves the right to remove any camper who knowingly does not follow these regulations, or whose actions or behaviors endanger the health and safety of other campers, camp facilities or the camp environment. ENVIRONMENT: Pinewoods Camp is very fragile. Stay on the designated paths. Do not use soap or shampoo in the ponds. Please limit water usage - particularly the length of showers. AUTOMOBILES: Keep cars in their assigned spots; do not drive around camp. WILD ANIMALS: Do not feed them! Please be sure cabin doors are latched at all times so they will not come in and explore your cabin. Please empty your trash each morning. SMOKING: Smoking is permitted only in two designated areas; ashes and butts must be deposited in the cans provided. Smoking in cabins is not permitted. DANCE PAVILIONS: To maintain the quality of the dance floors, no food or drink (except water) is permitted inside the pavilions. For your safety, you are required to wear shoes. Please do not dance in the same shoes you are walking in around camp. Grit on shoes damages the floors. AMPLIFIED SOUND AND LATE NIGHT NOISE: After 11 pm end the activities in C# and turn off amplified sound. After midnight move all dance and music activities indoors (this means off of porches), with pond-side doors and windows closed. CELL PHONE AND LAPTOPS: Cell phone use is prohibited in all public spaces, including all dance pavilions, dining hall, paths between buildings or the Camphouse. Please be considerate of other campers and their desire to retreat in the woods away from your laptop computer/tablet use. SCENT POLICY: Pinewoods Camp is working to create a safe environment for those with chemical sensitivities. Please use only fragrance-free deodorant while at camp, and do not use perfumes, colognes, or scented/essential oils. Additionally, no scented products should be used in the Paris 1 bathroom and shower. Thank you for your care in this matter. WATERFRONT: Pinewoods does not assume responsibility for campers swimming, using the boats, or needing medical attention. You must follow the instructions of lifeguards and obey all Pinewoods Camp Inc. Waterfront Regulations (posted in the bathrooms).
COVID-19 Policy All campers, crew, volunteers, and staff at Pinewoods are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and there are not currently any restrictions on gatherings or activities at camp. Even so, some campers may choose to wear a mask or socially distance, and we expect all campers to respect that choice. Any camper who displays COVID symptoms at camp may be asked to leave to get tested and self-quarantine. If you do develop symptoms of COVID-19, please mask up, isolate, and have someone inform our first aid person, who will let you know how to get tested. RSCDS Boston will refund all or part of the Pinewoods attendance fee of any camper who cannot attend all or part of their session(s) as a result of COVID symptoms or a positive test. In the unlikely event that the town of Plymouth, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or Pinewoods Camp, Inc. should impose any restrictions during our sessions, we will abide by them.
Class Descriptions For further information about timing and location, please consult the daily schedule During the first class period, we offer multiple different SCD dance classes. Please consult the formation list and your own dancing levels and goals on the opposite page to help identify the class that would provide the most enjoyment for both you and your fellow dancers. Not every class will be offered every day -- check the daily schedules for specifics! Essential Skills (Beginner, Capable, Competent/All Welcome): For dancers who want to learn or work on steps and figures included on our list of standard steps and formations of Scottish Country Dancing. Classes will also explore social aspects of dancing, such as teamwork, handing, and eye contact and may expand into skills such as smoothing transitional flow between formations, musical phrasing, deportment, and covering. Engaging Figures (Proficient/Low Impact): For dancers familiar with all steps and formations on our list of standard steps and formations of Scottish Country Dancing. The class will present interesting and spatially challenging dances, emphasizing essential group skills such as teamwork, phrasing, covering, handing, and eye contact. Technical Challenges (Proficient/High Impact): For dancers familiar with all steps and formations on our list of standard steps and formations of Scottish Country Dancing, who can execute travelling and setting steps at a high standard as well as perform smooth transitions between them. These will be physically demanding classes expecting fluency in formations and stamina and strong form in dancing. SCD Conditioning (Alignment, Technique, and Conditioning): For dancers familiar with all steps and formations on our list, these classes will focus on dancing from the inside out, exploring healthy movement habits and encouraging fully-embodied dancing. We will strengthen muscles crucial to Scottish Country Dancing technique, practice efficient alignment, and cultivate bodily and spatial awareness individually and in the context of formations and set dances. Additionally, there are many other classes offered throughout the week. Some are offered only once, others occur regularly. Please check each day’s schedule grid to know when the classes are occurring! Morning Social: This class is for all dancers who wish to expand their repertoire of dances and formations in a social setting. Attendees are expected to dance all steps and formations in our list of standard steps and formations of Scottish Country Dancing, with little or no teaching.
Some Standard Steps and Formations of Scottish Country Dancing: Formations: Hands Across Casting Rights and Lefts Back to Back Balance in Line Figures of Eight Reels of Three and Four Crossover Reels of Three Promenade Allemande Grand Chain Ladies’ Chain Mens’ Chain Poussette and Poussette Right Round Turn Corners and Partner The Rondel Set and Link for Two and Three Set and Rotate Set to Corners and Partner Double Triangles (Hello-Goodbye Setting) The Knot Steps: Skip Change of Step Pas de Basque Slip step Strathspey Travelling Strathspey Setting Highland Schottische Setting Glasgow Highlanders Setting Teacher’s Choice: Each class is a chance for our staff teacher Ellen Ternes to focus on a particular theme. On Sunday she will be celebrating devisor Harry Ways (a wonderful dancer who always had a twinkle in his eye). On Thursday, when we're all a little brain dead, look for any simple dance that will "float your boat". Tonight’s Easy Dances: This class is taught by the evening MC and is for everyone who wants to practice the easier dances on the evening program (those marked with an [E] on the program. The class is aimed to increase newer dancers' enjoyment of each evening's easier dances, and is especially recommended to those who consider themselves as Beginner, Capable or Competent dancers. Tonight’s Tricky Dances: This class is taught by the evening MC and is for everyone who wants to practice the trickier dances on the evening program (those marked with a [T] on the program). The class is recommended for dancers who consider themselves as Competent or Proficient dancers and who are unfamiliar with the evening’s tricky dances. Pinewoods Reel Demystified: This is a class specifically focused on the fun but relatively complicated Scottish country dance Pinewoods Reel. It was written for and debuted at Pinewoods Scottish Sessions by John Bowie Dickson in 1969 and is danced during each session’s Highland Ball. If you have not done the dance before but would like to, we encourage you to attend.
Highland Dancing: Highland Dancing is an energetic, athletic, solo performance style of dance. Attendees of all experience levels are welcome and encouraged to attend, and should be prepared for a high-energy class with much hopping and jumping. In Session I, Jen will teach some old-school Fling and Reel steps which we will use in a Strathspey and Highland Reel pattern. In Session II, Katherine will teach Blue Bonnets Over the Border. Step Dancing: The term "Step dancing"is used in Scotland to refer to any dance performed as a string of steps. This class will share Step dances from soft-shoe and percussive legacies. In Session I, Robert will teach two dances: a simple hornpipe, "Come Ashore Jolly Tar," that requires no previous experience with highland or step dancing, and a more advanced ladies step dance, "Bonny Jean." In Session II, Jen will teach "Treepling" and "Miss Gayton's Hornpipe" for dancers of all levels. Potpourri Classes: These are camper-led classes exploring other elements of social dancing enjoyed by our community. Thank you to those wonderful teachers and musicians for offering their time and knowledge! Stretching for ALL Dancers: Taught by Martha Matthews, we will learn easy, gentle stretches and yoga poses that reduce fatigue and make dancing more enjoyable. All stretches can be done standing, sitting, or using a chair for support. Some can even be done while you are the inactive couple during a dance! Line Dancing: Taught by Holly Sherman, line dancing is a way of performing dance movements in a line. It consists of foot patterns in a sequence and then the sequence is repeated over and over. The usual pattern for a line dance is 4 sequences of 8 counts each totaling 32 counts facing one, two or four walls. So for Scottish dancers line dancing is quick, easy and fun to learn as we are already familiar with the concept of 4 figures and 32 bars of music. Although line dancing started with country and western music it is now danced to all genres of music including rap. It is especially appealing to young kids because it is easy to learn and it is appealing to us older folks because it is easy on the knees. Yoga: Led by Roberta Lasnik, this is a restorative class meant to keep bodies and minds flexible and refreshed for dancing. Please bring a yoga mat and belt if you have them, or a blanket and bathrobe tie if not. Music Class: For all instruments and levels. This class focuses on playing music for Scottish Country Dancing, and will cover such topics as strathspeys, jigs, and reels, arranging music sets suitable for dancing, and playing in a band.
Also on the Schedule Auctions: In S1 there will be a Teacup Auction (run by Jeff Graham)with tickets drawn on Sunday after dinner. In S2 there will be a live auction (run by Terry Harvey) on Tuesday night and a silent auction (run by Janet Anderson) closing on Wednesday before dinner. Please talk to our auctioneers about donating your items or time, then dig deep to help keep Pinewoods Camp thriving. After all…it’s for a good cause! Ceilidh: In each session, there will be a Ceilidh in the Camphouse —it’s a talent show…or sometimes a lack of talent show! If you’d like to show off, please talk to Jack O’Connor (S1) or Linda McJannet (S2) who will be our lovely MCs! Staff Concert: Wednesday afternoon, there will be an informal concert held in C# minor for all our staff musicians to show their stuff. Come enjoy beautiful music while resting your feet! Bookstore: The Boston Branch runs a bookstore service that offers dance-related books, instruction manuals, reference materials, and lots of CDs and music from our awesome musician staff. The shop itself is located near the Camphouse and accepts cash and checks. Scottish Vendors: During Session 1, you can find our Scottish vendor, Thistles & Things, in the User Group Office next to the Camphouse. They will have ghillies, Scottish clothing, kilt pins, and other goodies! Parties: There will be multiple parties each session, which campers are welcome to costume for or not as their whims demand. In Session 1, enjoy the Saturday evening Highland Ball at Brigadoon, or the Sunday afternoon Sailors and Sirens tea party. In Session 2, get into the Pinewoods spirit with our Monday night games and floats party (preceded by a Clue-themed dance) or the Roaring 20s Highland Ball on Thursday. Both sessions will end with a rollicking last-night event at Pinecones, where the sturdiest dancers will stay up to greet the dawn!
Friday, July 9th - Schedule for the Day 3:00 Session 1 Begins - Welcome back to camp!!! 4:45 Camp tour departs from Camphouse 5:00 Welcome party in front of Dining Hall 6:30 Dinner is served (note time!) * 7:45 Announcements in C# 8:15 Friday Welcome Dance in C# 11:00 First night party in the Camphouse! *It's very important that all dancers be on time. Please arrive as quickly as you can to announcements so we can begin the evening's dance promptly at 8:15!
Friday Welcome Dance Program Devisor and MC: Marc Hartstein Ecclefechan Feline [E] 8x32 J 3C Le Petit Chat Celtique Catch the Wind [E] 8x32 R 3C RSCDS Bk 45 Monymusk 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Bk 11 Kendall's Hornpipe [E] 8x32 J 2C RSCDS Graded Mrs MacPherson of Inveran 8x32 R 3C Bon Accord Intermission The Flight of the Falcon 8x32 J 3C Anniversary Tensome Bonnie Stronshiray 8x32 S 3C Glasgow Assembly Petronella [E] 8x32 R 2C RSCDS Bk 1 Adieu Mon Ami [E] 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Bk 24 The Falls of Rogie 8x32 R 3C Alexander Dances 1 [T] Tricky dance; [E] Easy dance Following the dance there will be a "Come as you are" party in the Camphouse. We can't wait to see you there for refreshments, laughter, and maybe even more dancing!
Saturday July 10th - Schedule for the Day 7:00 - 7:45 Piper greets the day -- Good morning, campers! 7:45 Breakfast is served 9:00 - 10:15 Class I 10:30 - 11:45 Class II 11:50 - 12:25 First-timers' Reception -- Outside Pinecones Bookstore open and lifeguard on duty 12:30 Lunch is served 1:15 - 2:10 Bookstore open and lifeguard on duty 2:15 - 3:30 Class III 3:45 - 4:45 Class IV 6:00 Dinner is served 7:30 Assemble outside Camphouse for the Grand March 7:45 Session 1 Highland Ball in C# 11:00 Ceilidh in the Camphouse C# C# minor Ampleforth Newbiggin Class I Engaging Fig. Conditioning Essential Skills 9:00 - 10:15 (Low Impact) (High Impact) Ellen Lois Jen Class II Morning Social Tonight's Easy Highland 10:30 - 11:45 Ellen Lance Jen Class III Tonight's Tricky Step Dance 2:15 - 3:30 Lance Robert Class IV Potpourri - PWR Demystified Music Class (here 3:45 - 4:45 Stretching Lara or in Camphouse) Martha Elke
Saturday Highland Ball at Brigadoon Devisor and MC: Lance Ramshaw Hooper's Jig [E] 8x32 J 3C MMM 2 Bridge of Nairn [E] 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Bk 13 Summer Wooing [E] 8x32 R 3C RSCDS Bk 38 Kamo Karousel [T] 8x32 J 3C West/Whangarei Book Strathcare 8x32 S 3C Ladies of Dunse Pinewoods Reel [T]** 8x32 R 3C Yankee Sampler Intermission Tie-dyed and Gone to Heaven [E] 8x32 J 3C Le Petit Chat Celtique Ysobel Stewart of Fish Hoek [T] 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Bk 52 J. B. Milne [T] 8x32 R 3C Angus Fitchett Pelorus Jack 8x32 J 3C RSCDS Bk 41 Linnea's Strathspey [T] 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Bk 47 Mrs. MacLeod 8x32 R 3C RSCDS Bk 6 [T] Tricky dance; [E] Easy dance ** Taught in the Pinewoods Reel Demystified Class You can find the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne on the page for Friday, July 16th. After the ball, join us for a riotous ceilidh in the Camphouse!
Sunday July 11th - Schedule for the Day Join the Scottish Vendors in the User Group Office this afternoon! 7:00 - 7:45 Piper greets the day -- Rise and shine, campers! 7:45 Breakfast is served 9:00 - 10:15 Class I 10:30 - 11:45 Class II 11:50 - 12:25 Bookstore open and lifeguard on duty 12:30 Lunch is served 1:00 - 5:00 Vendors present in the User Group Office next to the Camphouse 1:15 - 2:10 Bookstore open and lifeguard on duty 2:15 - 3:30 Class III 3:45 - 4:45 Class IV 4:30 - 5:30 Sailors and Sirens tea. Come to Pinecones and get lost at sea at Pinewoods. Sailors, Sirens, Sea monsters are all invited! Costumes are welcomed but not required 6:00 Dinner is served Teacup Auction drawn after dinner 8:00 Sunday Evening Dance in C# 11:00 Farewell Party at Pinecones C# C# minor Ampleforth Newbiggin Class I Engaging Fig. Tech Challenges Essential Skills 9:00 - 10:15 (Low Impact) (High Impact) Jen Holly Ellen Class II Teacher's Choice Tonight's Easy Highland 10:30 - 11:45 Ellen Charles Jen Class III Tonight's Tricky Step Dance 2:15 - 3:30 Charles Robert Class IV Music Class (here Yoga 3:45 - 4:45 or in Camphouse) Roberta Elke
Sunday Evening Dance Program Devisor: Connie Kent, MC: Charles Liu Jubilee Jig [E] 8x32 J 3C RSCDS Leaflets Miss Ogilvie's Fancy [E] 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Bk 20 Starlight 8x32 R 3C RSCDS Bk 44 Quarries' Jig [T] 8x32 J 3C RSCDS Bk 36 The Lea Rig 8x32 S 2C RSCDS Bk 21 Sleepwalking [T] 8x32 J 3C Giacoletti Intermission Blue Bonnets [E] 8x32 J 2C RSCDS Bk 3 Gypsy Weaver [T] 8x32 S 3C Between the Rivers High Society [T] 4x40 R 4C Set RSCDS Bk 46 Joie de Vivre 8x32 J 3C RSCDS Bk 39 Miss Gibson's Strathspey 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Leaflets The Reel of the 51st Division 8x32 R 3C RSCDS Bk 13 [T] Tricky dance; [E] Easy dance The word "gypsy" is viewed poorly by many Romani people. We include it here as the full name of the dance, but recognize its complicated history. Following the dance, there will be a farewell party in Pinecones which may last to greet the sunrise. Feel free to bring refreshments, instruments, and your own good time!
Monday, July 12th - Schedule for the Day 7:00 - 7:15 Piper greets the day -- Up and at 'em, campers! 7:45 Breakfast is served 9:00 End of Sesson 1 If you're leaving after Session 1, please clear your cabin and be on the road by 10:00 AM so the Pinewoods crew will have time to prepare the camp for the next session. Thanks for coming to Scottish Session 1! See you in 2022! If you are staying for Session 2, you will have the option of eating the crossover lunch at 1:00 in the Dining Hall. 3:00 Session 2 begins -- Welcome back to camp! 4:45 Camp tour departs from Camphouse 5:00 Welcome Party in front of Ampleforth 6:30 Dinner is served (note time) * 7:45 Announcements in C# 8:15 Clue Who? Dance in C#. Come show us your favorite colors and characters! Costumes are welcomed but not required. 11:00 Games and Root Beer Floats in the Camphouse *It's very important that all dancers be on time. Please arrive as quickly as you can to announcements so we can begin the evening's dance promptly at 8:15!
"Clue Who?" Monday Welcome Dance Program Devisor and MC: Terry Harvey Granville Market [E] 8x32 J 3C RSCDS Graded 2 Flowers of Edinburgh [E] 8x32 R 3C RSCDS Bk 1 Invercauld's Reel 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Bk 11 Roaring Jelly 8x32 J 3C Glendarroch Maxwell's Rant 8x32 R 3C RSCDS Bk 18 Intermission Fair Jenny's Jig [E] 8x32 J 3C Redwood Forest The Braes of Breadalbane 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Bk 21 The Rambling Pitchfork 8x32 R 3C All Kinds of Everything Neidpath Castle 3x32 S 3C Set RSCDS Bk 22 The Deil amang the Tailors 8x32 R 3C RSCDS Bk 14 [T] Tricky dance; [E] Easy dance Following the dance, there will be a board games and (root) beer floats party in the Camphouse. Come to drink something sweet and bubbly, play games with friends, and see if you can become this year's Feelies champion!
Tuesday, July 13th - Schedule for the Day 7:00 - 7:45 Piper greets the day -- Let's do it, campers! 7:45 Breakfast is served 9:00 - 10:15 Class I 10:30 - 11:45 Class II 11:50 - 12:25 First-timers' Reception -- Outside Pinecones Bookstore open and lifeguard on duty 12:30 Lunch is served 1:15 - 2:10 Bookstore open and lifeguard on duty 2:15 - 3:30 Class III 3:45 - 4:45 Class IV 5:45 Dinner is served (note time) 7:30 Tuesday Evening Dance in C# 10:30 Live Auction in the Camphouse C# C# minor Ampleforth Newbiggin Class I Engaging Fig. Conditioning Essential Skills 9:00 - 10:15 (Low Impact) (High Impact) Katherine Ellen Jen Class II Morning Social Tonight's Easy Highland 10:30 - 11:45 Ellen Arthur Katherine Class III Tonight's Tricky Step Dance 2:15 - 3:30 Arthur Jen Class IV Potpourri - Line Music Class (here Yoga 3:45 - 4:45 Dancing or in Camphouse) Roberta Holly Elke
Tuesday Evening Dance Program Devisor and MC: Arthur McNair Slow Simmer [E] 8x32 J 3C StrathsBabes The Gentleman 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Bk 35 The Ullapool Ferry [T] 4x32 R 4C Set RSCDS Bk 52 Follow Me Home 8x32 J 3C RSCDS Bk 38 John McAlpin 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Magazine A Reel for Alice [E] 5x32 R 5C Set Reel for Alice Intermission Gothenburg's Welcome [T] 8x32 J 3C RSCDS Bk 37 The Braes of Tulliemet 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Bk 7 The Wind on the Heath [E] 8x32 R 3C Vive la Danse! The Hollin Buss [E] 8x32 J 2C RSCDS Bk 24 A Dance for Susi [T] 3x32 S 3C Set World Wide Weavings The Highlandman Kissed His Mother 8x32 R 3C MMM1 [T] Tricky dance; [E] Easy dance Promptly following the dance, there will be a live auction in the Camphouse to raise money for Pinewoods Camp (and our spirits for the evening!)
Wednesday, July 14th - Schedule for the Day 7:00 - 7:45 Piper greets the day -- You got this, campers! 7:45 Breakfast is served 9:00 - 10:15 Class I 10:30 - 11:45 Class II 11:50 - 12:25 Bookstore open and lifeguard on duty 12:30 Lunch is served 1:15 - 2:10 Bookstore open and lifeguard on duty 2:15 - 3:30 Class III 3:45 - 4:45 Music Staff Concert in C# minor 6:00 Dinner is served Silent Auction Bidding closes at the second bell 8:00 Wednesday Evening Dance in C# 11:00 Ceilidh in the Camphouse C# C# minor Ampleforth Newbiggin Class I Engaging Fig. Tech Challenges Essential Skills 9:00 - 10:15 (Low Impact) (High Impact) Ellen Jen Katherine Class II Morning Social Tonight's Easy Highland 10:30 - 11:45 Ellen Karen Katherine Class III Tonight's Tricky Step Dance 2:15 - 3:30 Karen Jen Class IV Staff Concert 3:45 - 4:45 with all staff musicians!
Wednesday Evening Dance Program Devisor and MC: Karen Sollins Lady Catherine Bruce's Reel [E] 8x32 J 2C RSCDS Graded The Silver Tassie [E] 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Leaflets He Built a Crooked House [E] 3x32 R 3C Set Yankee Sampler EH3 7AF 8x32 J 3C RSCDS Bk 40 MacDonald of Keppoch [T] 2x32 S 2x32 R 4Sq Set RSCDS Bk 49 Auld Reekie Hornpipe [T] 8x32 R 3C Boston 50 Intermission Best Set in the Hall [T] 8x32 J 3C RSCDS Bk 46 Asilomar Romantic 8x32 S 3C San Francisco 2 Miss Johnstone of Ardrossan [T] 5x32 R 5C Set Goldring 2000 The Chequered Court [T] 8x32 J 3C RSCDS Bk 42 The Minister on the Loch 3x32 S 3C Set RSCDS Magazine The Reel of the Royal Scots [E] 8x32 R 3C RSCDS Leaflets [T] Tricky dance; [E] Easy dance Following the dance will be this session's ceilidh. Come be amused, amazed, and astonished at the acts performed by your fellow campers!
Thursday, July 15th - Schedule for the Day 7:00 - 7:45 Piper greets the day -- One more day, campers! 7:45 Breakfast is served 9:00 - 10:15 Class I 10:30 - 11:45 Class II 11:50 - 12:25 Bookstore open and lifeguard on duty 12:30 Lunch is served 1:15 - 2:10 Bookstore open and lifeguard on duty 2:15 - 3:30 Class III 3:45 - 4:45 Class IV 6:00 Candlelight Dinner is served Dress for dinner in your formal ball outfit if you wish! 7:15 Liqueur tasting party outside the Camphouse 7:45 Assemble outside the Camphouse for the Grand March 8:00 Session II Highland Ball in C# 11:00 Farewell Party at Pinecones C# C# minor Ampleforth Newbiggin Class I Engaging Fig. Tech Challenges Essential Skills 9:00 - 10:15 (Low Impact) (High Impact) Jen Katherine Ellen Class II Teacher's Choice Tonight's Easy Highland 10:30 - 11:45 Ellen Robert Katherine Class III Tonight's Tricky Step Dance 2:15 - 3:30 Robert Jen Class IV PWR Demystified Music Class (here Yoga 3:45 - 4:45 Ellie or in Camphouse) Roberta Elke
Thursday Roaring 20's Highland Ball Devisor and MC: Robert McOwen Ladies' Fancy [E] 8x32 J 2C RSCDS Bk 13 Rakes of Glasgow [E] 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Bk 11 Davy Nick Nack 8x32 R 3C Glasgow Assembly The Compleat Gardener [T] 8x32 J 3C RSCDS Graded 3 Sugar Candie [T] 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Bk 26 Pinewoods Reel [T]** 8x32 R 3C Yankee Sampler Intermission The Duke of Atholl's Reel [E] 8x32 J 2C RSCDS Bk 16 Gang the Same Gate [T] 8x32 S 3C RSCDS Bk 36 The College Hornpipe [E] 8x32 R 3C RSCDS Bk 20 The Last of the Lairds [T] 8x32 J 3C RSCDS Bk 22 The Sauchie Haugh 6x32 S 2C (3C set) RSCDS Leaflets Mairi's Wedding 8x40 R 3C Cosh 22 SCDs [T] Tricky dance; [E] Easy dance ** Taught in the Pinewoods Reel Demystified Class Costumes for tonight's ball are welcome but not required. You can find the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne on the following page. After the dance, there will be a farewell party in Pinecones to last us until we can all dance together again!
Friday, July 16th - Schedule for the Day 7:00 - 7:15 Piper greets the day -- Goodbye, campers! 7:45 Breakfast is served 9:00 End of Sesson 2 Please clear your cabin and be on the road by 10:00 AM so the Pinewoods crew will have time to prepare the camp for the next session. Thanks for coming to Scottish Session 2! See you in 2022! If you are staying for Swing into Summer, you will have the option of eating the crossover lunch at 1:00 in the Dining Hall. Auld Lang Syne Should auld acquaintence be forgot, And never brought to min’? Should auld acquaintence be forgot, And auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet, For auld lang syne! And here’s a hand, my trusty fiere, And gie’s a hand o’ thine; And we’ll tak a right guid-willie waught, For auld lang syne! For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet, For auld lang syne! -Robert Burns
Teaching Staff Ellen Ternes When actually dancing on a floor with real people, I’ve been teaching in the Washington, DC area for about 20 years, also at Scottish Weekend, Nutmeg, and Delaware Valley workshops. In this crazy COVID year, I’ve been zooming around to a few other locations, including the Albany and New York groups. I sure have missed the real thing, but it’s been great to meet so many new people and stay connected to dancing. And now to be experiencing the magic of Pinewoods again…ah, wonderful. The music, dance, and friendship of Scottish Country Dancing have brought me more joy than one person should have in a lifetime. It is always fun. With the music we get to dance to, it is often glorious. And once in a while, with a partner who is in the zone with you, and it seems you are barely touching the floor, it is sublime. Every time I dance, I think “I am so lucky.” Jen Schoonover Jen Schoonover is a dancer and choreographer. She teaches movement principles, improvisation, dance pedagogy, and dance modalities including Cape Breton Step, Ceilidh, Highland, and Scottish Country dancing. This spring, Jen will be teaching Step dancing through Fèisan nan Gàidheal to celebrate the publication of Dance Legacies of Scotland: The True Glen Orchy Kick, a book she wrote with Mats Melin detailing the history of Scottish percussive dancing. Katherine Giacoletti Katherine Giacoletti has been dancing her whole life, training in classical ballet, jazz, and modern from a very young age. Then she discovered Scottish dancing in college and never looked back! Scottish dance has been her passion ever since, and along the way she also took up English country dancing and contra dancing. She takes great joy in dancing with her husband Justin and daughter Elena, and in the communities of friends they have all found through dance. Katherine has been teaching Scottish country dancing for over 20 years, including at workshops and camps up and down the Eastern seaboard. She also studies and competes in highland dance (along with Elena), and is a member of the Federation of United States Teachers and Adjudicators (FUSTA) of Highland Dancing, with her highland teaching certificate from the British Association of Teachers of Dance (BATD). When she has to be not dancing, Katherine supports the habit as a pharmaceutical statistician based in the Philadelphia suburbs.
Robert McOwen Robert began Scottish country dancing in Berkeley, California in 1973. Soon after that, he began highland dancing, ballet, and modern dance. After moving to Boston in 1979, he became artistic director of a Scottish performing group, the New Caledonians, which put on annual concerts 1980-1984. In 1985 he began teaching Scottish step dancing and in 1987 he became a member of the Scottish Dance Teacher's Alliance. He taught weekly highland dance classes in the Boston area, and has trained dancers to compete at highland games in the New England Area. He has also choreographed and performed highland dancing at various events across the United States, including Bonnie Rideout's "Scottish Christmas" Tour 1999-2005 and several concerts with Alasdair Fraser. In 2002, he and Karen Mahoney formed Highland Dance Boston, a company that performed traditional and choreographed highland dances at festivals and private events in the New England Area. Lois New Lois New has been dancing Scottish since college and completed her full teaching certificate in 1986. She helped Gregor and Vickery Trinkaus-Randall establish the SCD class that is now the RSCDS Madison Branch while completing graduate work at U. of Wisconsin. Returning to her home state of N.Y., she joined the Boston Branch and started a class in Albany in 1982. Now the Albany class meets regularly in Lois’s Halfmoon, N.Y. home, where Lois and her late husband Cecil built a sprung wooden floor in their great room which has served as the class location ever since. The small but dedicated Albany class hosts an annual dance party with live music every fall, and shares the joy of SCD with a strong following at the Saratoga Dance Festival every February. During the pandemic, the Albany Class was one of the first classes to start a regular Zoom class welcoming dancers from Albany and all over North America. Lois credits the success of her class to the generous support of countless teachers and dancers from the Boston Branch and all over the world over the years. Lois is currently working part-time for the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation after retiring from 40 years of state service in 2019. She continues her past 15 years’ effort leading the state programs to reduce climate emissions in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states. In her spare time, she is occupied with breeding and training her Lusitanos to dance in the French-Portuguese tradition. Her multiple passions are reflected in her farm, Bon Accord Lusitanos.
Holly Sherman Holly always wanted to learn to dance but work and other obligations always got in the way. When she retired from the airlines (TWA as a Flight Attendant) for the second time in the late 1990’s, she finally got her wish when a Scottish couple from Manchester, VT (her home town) started a class for Scottish Country dancing. She was immediately hooked and went on to get her Preliminary certificate in 2004 and her full Certificate in 2011. She has been a member of the Boston Branch since 2000. Holly’s love of dancing didn’t end with just learning Scottish. She is also a Ballroom dancer and has studied Argentine Tango for the past 19 years in Buenos Aires. She took up Line Dancing 5 years ago when she moved to Florida and disappointingly discovered no other type of dancing available. Roberta Lasnik Roberta began doing yoga in 1975 to help with the physical strains of her professional dance career. In 1986 she took her yoga teaching training with Ruth Bender and continues to study with teachers who emphasize the healing aspects of yoga. She’s danced with the RSCDS Boston Cambridge Class since the early 1970s. Since being certified as an SCD teacher in 1995, she has taught in Texas, Georgia, New York, California, and all over New England. She has been a member of the Boston Branch Demonstration Team since the 1990s.
Music Staff Elke Baker Since discovering Scottish country dancing in college, Elke Baker (fiddle, Music Director) has returned to Pinewoods many times as a dancer and musician. She is a frequent performer at Scottish dance events across North America and around the world. 1995 U.S. National Scottish fiddle Champion, Elke taught at the Washington Conservatory of Music, as Artist-in-Residence at Montgomery College, and has taught monthly workshops for the Potomac Valley Scottish Fiddle Club for more than 25 years. She has played concerts at venues such as the Kennedy Center, the Birchmere, and countless festivals. Elke's recordings include two new releases, On a Cold Winter's Day, a seasonal album with Ken Kolodner and Wait 'til You Hear This One! a variety album with her band Sugar Beat; her most recent SCD album A Dancer's Best Friend (Terpsichore) and a pibroch single, The Finger Lock. Playing Scottish music for dancers is one of her very favorite things…although dancing runs a close second. Tim Macdonald Praised for his "athletic" and "impressive and stylistically Scottish playing" (Dr. John Turner & Dr. Melinda Crawford), Tim Macdonald is a regular performer, scholar, composer, and teacher of early Scottish fiddle music. The only US National Scottish Fiddling Champion to win on a Baroque violin, his unique combination of years of experience as a folk dance musician with the carefully-trained technique of a classical player and the historical rigor of a scholar have taken him from New York City’s Frick Collection and Scotland's Blair Castle to the villages of Indonesia, university lecture halls and academic conferences, countless country and contra dances, and beyond. He formed an internationally-touring Scottish fiddle duo with cellist Jeremy Ward whose "thrilling" music "only [gets] more thrilling as they shred [...] on" (Chicago Classical Review). The duo's debut album, The Wilds, is a "fresh and yet authentic sounding" (Dr. John Purser) celebration of the diversity of Scottish fiddle music in the 18th century. Learn more at
Kate Barnes Kate Barnes has been playing more instruments, in more genres, in more interesting locations, for longer than most of us can remember. She currently plays in the Latter Day Lizards, Bare Necessities, Celantrio and a myriad of pickup bands. Kate also keeps herself busy with teaching, recording, publishing music books, composing, ceramics and wisecrackery. Andy Imbrie Andy has had the good fortune to accompany some of today’s leading Celtic fiddle talent, including Judi Nicolson, Deby Benton Grosjean, Caroline McCaskey, Elizabeth Dequine, Neil Ewart, Elke Baker, Calum MacKinnon, Ryan McKasson, Hanneke Cassel, Laura Risk, and David Knight. He leads the “Reel of Seven” Scottish dance band (, and was delighted to be named music director for TAC Summer School 2019 and NZ Summer School 2015-16. He plays regularly for SCD, ceilidh dancing, and contra dances throughout the US and Canada, and has been on music staff at Pinewoods and for several tours through New Zealand and Scotland. He was invited to teach piano accompaniment at the Boston Harbor Fiddle School and the Valley of the Moon Scottish fiddling school for several years. Andy is married to Sherryl Fawx (also a dancer and musician); they live in Santa Clara, California. He is a retired aerospace engineer who specialized in simulation, guidance, and control design of flight vehicles. Dan Emery Dan (Ardentown, DE) has been an early morning fixture at Pinewoods off and on since 1986, and was lured into piping for RSCDS at his very first Scottish Pinewoods session. He has been the designated piper at Scottish Weekend since the first session at Buffalo Gap in 1989. He has also served as the piper for ESS (now ESC) Session from 2003 to present. He now plays with Dave Wiesler and David Knight in Thistle House and for various pick-up bands in the Delaware valley. As well as the Highland pipes, Dan plays the Scottish small pipes, Border pipes and flute. He is also an enthusiastic fiddler of middling skill. When not piping, Dan is a fine Scottish country dancer, retired highland dancer and a black belt in Goju Ryu karate. Dan is a retired architect and spent his COVID year building his retirement house.
Larry Unger Larry Unger has been a full-time musician since 1984, playing for contra dances, Scottish and English country dances, waltz events, dance and music camps, festivals, coffee houses and concerts all across the United States. He has also toured in Canada, England, Scotland, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Israel, Denmark and Sweden, and has taught music in Afghanistan and performed in India. Larry has played guitar, banjo, and bass with many top bands including Big Table, Notorious and has accompanied such fiddlers as Elke Baker, Ralph Blizard, Alasdair Fraser, Matt Glaser, Judy Hyman, Audrey Knuth, Rodney Miller, Lissa Schneckenburger, and Eden MacAdam-Somer, to name a few. In addition to his work with other musicians, Larry gives solo concerts that include a wide variety of music: finger- style blues and slide guitar, rags, old-time banjo tunes, original waltzes and fiddle tunes. He likes to play a number of unusual instruments such as banjo guitar, fretless banjo, jaw harp and piano harp. Larry's compositions have been widely recorded and have been featured in four different Ken Burns television documentaries and on the Grand Ole Opry and by the San Luis Obispo Symphony Orchestra. Scott Weaver Before relocating to the Boston area. Scott Weaver worked as a free lance musician in Seattle, performing many styles of music ranging from jazz and chamber music to opera. Retired from his custom woodworking business, he is free to explore art music and travel. Introduced to the Scottish tradition by Barbra McOwen, he has developed a love of the music, and always looks forward to Pinewoods. Marielle Webster Marielle began fiddle at the age of 4 under the tutelage of Barbara McOwen. Inspired by her parents, Lezlie and Gordon Webster, she has adopted a style of playing that takes inspiration from the bagpipes. She has played with a number of dance bands in the New England area including Tullochgorum and Millbrae. Alongside her brother, Campbell, she is a founding member of the ceilidh band Celtic Beats and has been performing and teaching Scottish music in New Hampshire for over 10 years.
Session Staff Ellen Scannell-Woods Laurie Somario Katarina Dutton Co-Chair Co-Chair Co-Chair Catherine Scannell Julie MacRae Karen Cotting Jobs Coordinatior First Aid S1 First Aid S2 Jeremy Thorpe Hannah McArdle Anne George-Hallgren Housing Coordinator Rides Coordinator Lifeguard When you see these folks, please thank them for all they do! Pinewoods couldn't run without the help of all the marvelous volunteers who keep things going!!
RSCDS Boston Branch Participation Policies Non-discrimination Policy The Scottish Country Dance Society of Boston, Inc., also known as the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) Boston Branch, is committed to at all times providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members and guests. To that end, RSCDS Boston Branch does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), national origin, age, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, genetics, disability, marital status, or military service, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, the selection and hiring of teachers and musicians, the selection of volunteers and vendors, and election to and termination from its Executive Board. All dance names are presented in their original form. We recognize that some dance or tune titles may use words or connotations that may be upsetting to dancers. We regret if the use of these names causes any distress and would love to hear in the evaluations if there's anything we can do to create a more welcoming environment at future events. Policy Regarding Participation in Branch Events Classes and events sponsored by the RSCDS Boston Branch are intended to be pleasurable occasions for learning and enjoying the performance of Scottish Country Dancing. To foster those goals and to ensure the safety of all, the Branch expects that everyone attending its events will conduct themselves courteously and with appropriate respect for other participants. Physical contact and flirting are integral parts of Scottish Country Dancing, but it is important to be sure that everyone involved is a willing participant, both on and off the dance floor. If someone is making you uncomfortable by touching you, flirting with you, making suggestive comments, following you, etc., you are encouraged to inform the event organizers or any member of the Executive Committee, who will address the issue. The RSCDS Boston Branch reserves the right to expel from an event any person who is unable to conform to these standards or whose behavior is determined by the event organizers or the Executive Committee to be offensive, dangerous, or disruptive to the enjoyment of the event by other participants. If a person is required to leave an event for any of these reasons, no refund of registration or other fees will be made. Repeated offenses, or individual blatant and deliberate offenses, may result in a ban from future Branch events at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Alcohol Policy State laws prohibit the consumption of alcohol by anyone under age 21 and imposes severe penalties for supplying alcoholic beverages to such a person. It is the stated policy of the Boston Branch to ensure that participants in the events it sponsors comply with state law. Participants in Branch events who consume alcohol in violation of state law may be denied participation in the event or in future events. Anyone over age 21 who supplies alcohol to or otherwise enables its consumption by participants in Branch events who are under 21 violates Branch policy and, as a consequence, may be denied participation in Branch events.
The RSCDS Boston Branch Membership: You'll find a branch membership application in your camp packet. Membership has its privileges — any RSCDS member (of any branch) will get a discount on their Scottish Session attendance fee next year! You’ll also get discounts to other RSCDS events worldwide (like the Boston Highland Ball and Delaware Valley Hogmanay), and you’ll be supporting the Scottish dance tradition. Evaluations: We pay very close attention to your evaluation forms. Very close. We can’t take all your suggestions, but some of the changes to this year’s Scottish Sessions came as a direct result of what we read in the 2019 evals. There will be some paper forms available at lunch on the last full day of camp, or you can fill out an electronic evaluation. Those forms will be emailed shortly after camp ends. For More Information Boston Branch Email List: To keep abreast of news about Boston Branch dance parties and classes, future Pinewoods Scottish and ESCape Sessions, the Boston Highland Ball, the November ceilidh, our third Sunday online classes, and much more, you can subscribe to the Boston Branch email notification list or RSS feed. Both are free and fully confidential. Subscribe at Scottish Pinewoods Updates: You can follow the latest news about next year's Scottish Sessions on our website ( or our Facebook page ("Pinewoods Scottish Sessions"). Either of them will let you know when applications are available and when we have news The Facebook page is a great way to keep in touch with the people you met this year! We love watching the community share jokes, pictures, events, news, and other Scottish Dance related content throughout the entire year. Get in touch: Next year will be run by Debbie Jarvis and Cat Scannell. When you see them at camp this year, wish them good luck! If you need to get in touch with them outside of camp, you can reach them at the email address And one last huge thank you to all the hardworking members of the Teaching and Music Committee, who did so much behind the scenes to make this year, and every year, wonderful. There've been more last minute frantic meetings and plans being thrown around than you can ever imagine. Thank you SO MUCH to Debbie, Robert, Charles, Karen, Jen, Elizabeth, Laurie, Ellen, Kat, and Marsha!
Free Space for Notes and Doodles You could also use this space to record the name of that really good dance, the address of that really cool dancer, or the recipe of that really good gingerbread pancake!
Looking for more Scottish Dance fun? Pinewoods 2022! Session 1: July 8 – 11 Session 2: July 11 – 16 Contact the co-chairs (Cat and Debbie!) for more information and to volunteer to help! * Video Archive of recorded classes and special events from the past year! * Photo galleries from past Pinewoods * Information about future events, and balls! Join the mailing list at Art Credits for this Gazette include: "Forest Walk" cover by Harrison Weir, 1877 "Carnation" and "Hydrangea" drawings from the Scott Foresman archives, 2007 "Cherubs border" from the book "Embroidery and Fancy Work", 1899 "Float" drawing by Jeremy Thorpe, 2020 "Lady Slipper" drawing from the book Our Native Orchids, 1905 "Dance to the Music" drawing from "National Rhymes of the Nursery", 1895
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