"Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it." - Karl Marx - Issue 368 | 13th May 2022 ...

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"Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it." - Karl Marx - Issue 368 | 13th May 2022 ...
Issue 368 | 13th May 2022

“Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it.” - Karl Marx
"Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it." - Karl Marx - Issue 368 | 13th May 2022 ...
What We Stand For                                                                                  socialist.net
2                                                                                                                      Issue 368

                                                                       WHO ARE WE? and WHAT
                                                                       ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?

     ocialist Appeal seeks to organ-            wages, we say: open up the books!           business and the billionaires.
     ise the most class-conscious               Let the working class and the labour      ■ No   to austerity! Reverse the cuts!
     workers and youth around a                 movement see the accounts! If               The working class must not pay for
Marxist programme to change society.            firms plead bankruptcy, they should         this crisis!
                                                not be bailed out, but nationalised       ■ For a mass campaign to bring down
We have no truck with the Tories or             under workers’ control.                     this criminal Tory government and
their hangers on, whose worship of            ■ To fight job cuts and unemployment,         do away with this rotten system.
the market has brought the country to           work should be shared out without
its knees. They are the enemies of the          any loss of pay, in order to lower the   It is clear that the market has failed
working class.                                  hours of the working week.               and capitalism is in a deep crisis. The
                                              ■ Repeal the anti-trade union laws.        anarchy of capitalism prevents the
We have no trust also in the Starmer            No to class compromise. All union        planning of society’s resources, in
leadership of the Labour Party, whose           officials to be regularly elected with   Britain and internationally.
actions are destroying the party.               the right of immediate recall by the
                                                membership. Officials to receive no       ■ We    therefore stand for the na-
The bosses and their craven political                                                       tionalisation of the 100 biggest
                                                more than the average wage of a
representatives have shown that they                                                        monopolies, banks, and insurance
                                                skilled worker.
will always prioritise profits over lives.    ■ Fight for the real emancipation of          companies – under workers’ con-
                                                women. Remove all barriers to               trol and management – without
We demand bold socialist policies to
                                                women working: provide free nurs-           compensation. They have stolen
defend workers and fight the crisis of
                                                eries, after-school childcare, and          enough from us already. On this
                                                care for the elderly. End all forms of      basis, the economy can be demo-
    ■ For a fully publicly-owned and free       discrimination. Equal pay for work of       cratically planned in the interests of
      health service, under workers’            equal value.                                the majority, and not for the super
      control and management. Reverse         ■ Abolish the relics of privilege and         profits of a few billionaires.
      all privatisation and outsourcing.        feudalism: the monarchy and the           ■ A Socialist Federation of Britain
      All private health and care services      House of Lords. The assets of the           should be linked to a Socialist Unit-
      must be nationalised without com-         parasitic landlord class and aristoc-       ed States of Europe and a World
      pensation, and integrated into the        racy should be expropriated for the         Socialist Federation, in order to
      NHS.                                      public good.                                plan resources internationally for
    ■ Nationalise the pharmaceutical          ■ Scrap tuition fees and student rents.       the benefit of all. This would put an
      companies – without compensation          Free education and full maintenance         end to the barbarism of capitalism
      – in order to ensure that vaccines        grants for all. End marketisation –         and allow humanity to begin solving
      are produced rapidly and made             kick the profiteers out of education.       the urgent issues of climate change,
      freely available to all worldwide.        Put staff in control in schools and         disease, and poverty that face soci-
    ■ Fight the climate catastrophe and         universities.                               ety and our planet.
      inflation with expropriation and        ■ Many small businesses are faced
      socialist planning. Nationalise the       with bankruptcy – squeezed not           There is, however, a crisis of leader-
      energy monopolies, big supermar-          only by the banks, but by the big        ship in the labour movement. Those
      ket chains, and distributors, without     monopolies. By nationalising the         who have attempted to patch-up
      compensation.                             banks we can supply these small          capitalism have been found wanting.
    ■ Ban evictions and cancel housing          businesses with the lifeline of guar-    It is therefore time to energetically
      debts. Give local authorities the         anteed low-interest credit.              build the forces of Marxism, which
      power to cap rents at affordable        ■ The financial resources required to      alone offer a real way out of this
      levels. And bring empty properties        fight the crisis must not come from      crisis. ■
      and the assets of the big landlords       increased taxes or more austerity,
      and management companies under            but through the nationalisation of         Like what you read?
      public control.
    ■ For a crash programme to build
                                                the banks and finance houses.
                                                Rather than a ‘wealth tax’, we call        JOIN US TODAY!
      a million council houses a year.          for the expropriation of the monop-
      Nationalise the land, construction        olies.                                           contact@socialist.net
      companies, and banks to provide         ■ Instead of building up the national
      the resources to accomplish this.         debt through government borrow-                  socialist-appeal
    ■ For a real living wage of at least        ing, the money needed should be
      £15 per hour. If the bosses say           obtained entirely from expropriating             socialist.net
      they can’t afford to pay for workers’     the accumulated profits of big

SOCIALIST APPEAL                              Editor: Rob Sewell                         Content/Layout:
Left Publications LTD                         editor@socialist.net                       Khaled Malachi and Nye Shaw
newsdesk@socialist.net                        Next issue date:                           Queries:
Issue 368, May 2022                           27th May 2022                              subscribe@socialist.net
"Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it." - Karl Marx - Issue 368 | 13th May 2022 ...
      Editorial and Britain

 4    Marxists and May Day
 5    Editorial: Local elections
 7    Stormont elections
 9    Tower Hamlets elections
11    Establishment scandals
12    Capitalism and football
13    Right to buy
14    Women’s life expectancy

      Youth and Theory

15    Student debt
16    Holland Park School & academisation
17    Ukraine and the national question

      International, Review, and Philosophy

 21   Hands off our bodies!
22    US abortion rights
24    Sri Lanka
26    Shanghai lockdown
29    Cartoon
30    Letters
31    Review - Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story
32    History of Philosophy - Descartes

      Trade Unions
33    Fawley refinery strike
34    CHEP strike victory
35    CWU conference
36    PCS conference

Join us today!
"Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it." - Karl Marx - Issue 368 | 13th May 2022 ...
MAY DAY 2022
 4                                                                               13th May 2022

Socialist Appeal                                          workers in the garment industry, which is
                                                          a huge part of the city’s economy.

        his 1 May, for May Day 2022,                          Our comrades put forward radical
        comrades from the International                   demands for the garment industry,
        Marxist Tendency participated in                  including workers’ control and nation-
demonstrations, protests, and other ac-                   alisation. As a result, we stood out as
tivities in dozens of locations across the                the largest, youngest, and most vibrant
globe, raising the revolutionary banner of                group present.
socialism as the only road forward for the
working class.
                                                          Around 150-200 people attended the
London                                                    Tyne and Wear May Day march and rally
Thousands of trade unionists and social-                  in Newcastle on Saturday 30 April.
ists gathered at the Marx Memorial Li-                        A sizeable bloc of Socialist Appeal
brary at Clerkenwell Green for London’s                   activists attended – by far the largest
May Day celebrations.                                     and most dynamic contingent on the
    This year’s event highlighted the                     day. The energy and youthfulness of the
renewed sense of militancy that is                        comrades, in particular, stood out.
spreading across the labour movement,
as workers and youth move into action         Leeds       Office appeal
against the bosses’ attacks.                              The energy and dynamism of Socialist
    Union membership is on the rise                       Appeal activists on display on May Day
across Britain, with new layers of workers                is testament to the growth of our organi-
being drawn into the struggle to defend                   sation over the past few years.
their lives and livelihoods.                                  We have grown so rapidly that we
    Unfortunately, however, the largest                   have almost outgrown our current office.
trade unions did not mobilise their mem-                  We cannot afford to stay still and remain
bers for this commemoration of workers’                   where we are.
struggles throughout history.                                 For that reason, we are campaigning
    Socialist Appeal activists formed the     Newcastle   this year to purchase our own office
most dynamic, energetic, and revolu-                      space, with room in which to continue to
tionary bloc, with chants including: “The                 expand.
system is broken. Time to fight. Workers                      We are therefore issuing this appeal
of the world, unite!”; “No cuts. No job                   – to all our readers and supporters; to
losses. Expropriate the bosses!”; and                     all of our comrades and friends – to help
“One solution: Revolution!”                               us meet our bold target of £200,000, for
                                                          this special office collection!
Leeds                                                         Having our own office space will
Leeds Marxists were out in force on Sat-                  bring priceless benefits to the building of
urday 30 April to celebrate International                 the tendency. All of the generous dona-
Workers’ Day.                                                              tions that our friends and
     The city’s May Day                                                   supporters make require
celebrations,     organised                                                     sacrifice and com-
by Leeds TUC, saw a                                                                mitment.
coming together of trade                                                       As things stand,
unions, campaigns, and                                             much of that sacrifice ends up
left-wing organisations for an                            in the pocket of a landlord. But if this
afternoon of music, marching,                             campaign is successful, then all future
and speeches.                                             donations will contribute to strengthen-
     Led by a jubilant brass band,                        ing the financial resources of the Marxist
and with banners held high, the                           tendency.
march through Leeds city centre                               Please help us by digging deep and
was met by the public with equal                          donating what you can. Forward to a
parts appreciation and intrigue,                          permanent office! And forward to the so-
with the majority of people respond-                      cialist revolution, when we can abolish
ing kindly to flyers and slogans.                         these profiteering landlords for good! ■

                                                          CLICK HERE TO
Socialist Appeal comrades from across

                                                          DONATE NOW!
Leicestershire attended the recent May
Day event in Leicester, celebrating 150
years of the local district TUC. The
event itself aimed to build solidarity with

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"Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it." - Karl Marx - Issue 368 | 13th May 2022 ...
 5                Editorial                                                                                             Issue 368

                                        WHAT WE SAY
 local elections: no enthusiasm
for main parties as crisis deepens
Editorial                                                                                       Keir Starmer nevertheless declared
                                               Labour stalls and falls                      the results to be a “turning point”. “We’re

       here is never much enthusiasm for       In London, where Boris was once the          changed Labour and we’re seeing the
       local elections. This is particularly   mayor, the Tories did especially badly.      results of that,” he asserted. But few
       the case now. With a growing            The party’s loss of councils to Labour in    really believed him.
anger towards the establishment, the           Westminster, Wandsworth, and Barnet
low turnout at the recent local elections      was rather more than “mixed”. It was a       Starmer's failure
reflects an increasing disdain amongst         massive blow. The Conservatives had          After 12 years of Tory governments,
voters for all the political parties.          held Westminster since 1964 and Wand-        and given the Conservatives’ disastrous
     As the dust settles, it is clear that     sworth since 1978. Labour won Barnet         record, the Labour Party should be miles
support for the Tory government is fall-       for the first time.                          ahead. The Tories are mired in sleaze
ing like a stone.                                  But the election results were just       and scandal. Johnson has been clearly
     Boris Johnson – regarded as a liar        as much a verdict on Starmer’s Labour        revealed as a crook and a cheat. He has
by most people – insisted that the poor        Party.                                       broken the law, whilst two Tory MPs have
showing for the Tories represented a               Considering the mess that Johnson        been forced to resign – one convicted of
“mixed” result. The Prime Minister insist-     and the Tories are in, Labour didn’t do      sexual assault on a minor.
ed that his party had made “remarkable         particularly well. Outside of London,            At the same time, workers are facing
gains” in some places.                         Labour’s share of the vote actually went     a dire cost-of-living catastrophe, with
     This was a futile attempt to put a        down.                                        energy prices going through the roof.
shine on failure; to defect away from              In Wales, Labour improved by distanc-        And yet there was no ‘breakthrough’.
the unpopularity of his corrupt, criminal      ing themselves from the national party.      In fact, Labour’s vote share in some
government. Above all, the Tory leader         In Scotland, the collapse of the Tories      places was below that achieved by
wants to derail any potential leadership       pushed Labour into second place, but still   Corbyn in 2018, despite (or because of)
challenge.                                     way behind the SNP. Elsewhere, rather        Tony Blair’s endorsement of Starmer.
     “One thing about this government,”        than barnstorming victories, Labour’s ad-    Clearly this wasn’t enough to spark a
stated Johnson, is that “it does big,                         vance was rather anaemic.     surge to the polling booths.
difficult things”.                                                                              Instead, many looked to the Lib
     But most ordinary people will strug-                                                   Dems and the Greens as an alternative.
gle to think of any real achievements                                                       In Hull, for example, the Lib Dems even
from Johnson and his government.                                                            gained the city council from Labour. Of
More likely, voters will have had                                                           course, these are ‘protest’ votes, but
partygate and the cost-of-living                                                            they reveal a lot about Labour’s failings.
crisis on their minds when they
entered the polling booth.                                                                  Establishment's man
                                                                                            Under his stewardship, Starmer has
                                                                                            dramatically shifted Labour to the right,
                                                                                               purging the left from the party and

                                                                                                             (continues on next page)

                                                                                                                    Back to Contents
"Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it." - Karl Marx - Issue 368 | 13th May 2022 ...
 6                Editorial                                                                                              13th May 2022

(continues from previous page)

attempting to bury Corbynism. But this
has reduced the Labour Party’s cam-
paigning force to a rump. Grassroots
activists have largely deserted the party.           With the UK – and world – economy heading for a
    The only people doing any work in
these elections – leafleting, canvassing,            slump, inflation set to rise to over ten percent, and
and knocking on doors – were the candi-
dates and their hangers on. There is no              an ever-growing mountain of sleaze surrounding
enthusiasm for Starmer or his Blairite party.
    On this performance, while the Tories            Westminster, the Tory government faces a deep
are likely to lose their majority, Labour
will not win a majority in the next general          (and ever-deepening) crisis.
    But it is clear that ‘Sir’ Keir Starmer
would love to jump into bed with the Lib        think that Starmer should resign if – like       he has turned a bad situation into a
Dems to form a coalition government.            Johnson – he ends up being fined by the          disaster.
That is why the Labour leader is trying         police.                                              His threat to do away with the North-
his best to ingratiate himself with the rul-        The Blairites may attempt to use this        ern Ireland Protocol will once again
ing class: fawning after big business and       opportunity to move against Starmer,             throw Britain into a head-on collision with
praising NATO, the western imperialist          and put an even more ‘reliable’ figure in        the European Union, possibly leading to
alliance. He can be relied upon to do           his place. After all, they are well versed       a trade war. But Johnson doesn’t seem
their dirty work in defending capitalism.       in backstabbing.                                 to care, as long as this appeases the
    Starmer, the former director of public                                                       Unionists and patches over problems in
prosecutions, however, comes across             Bluff and bluster                                the North of Ireland.
as a grey blob, lacking any charisma or         It is clear that Boris Johnson will attempt
feeling. His lawyer’s brief is as inspiring     to hold on like grim death, despite his          Kick them out!
as a brick wall.                                growing unpopularity. The Tories would           As with Tory MPs, the ruling class too
    Without socialist policies, he is inca-     like to get rid of him, but they have lit-       would like to see Boris Johnson go. But
pable of connecting with working-class          tle to choose from when it comes to a            they face the same problem regarding
people. In power, given the deep crisis         replacement. That is their real dilemma.         the lack of any alternative. City of Lon-
and his commitment to capitalism, he            They may be stuck with him.                      don golden boy Rishi Sunak has also
will act little differently to the Tories.           Undeterred by the local election            become tainted with accusations of cor-
                                                results, Boris told journalists that he          ruption. And other candidates are either
Beergate                                        wasn’t going anywhere. Instead, the              untested, unreliable, or both.
Now this ‘reliable pair of hands’ has           maverick Tory leader brushed aside                   In reality, the whole party is rotten
been hoisted by his own petard, with            concerns and criticisms, and simply              – from the head down. And with MPs
the Labour leader tripped up over alle-         declared: “Onward!”                              on both sides of the aisle embroiled in
gations about ‘beergate’. Our knight of              Others began to fall into line. Oliver      scandals, the entire political establish-
the realm is being investigated by the          Dowden, the co-chair of the Tory Party,          ment is being brought into disrepute,
Durham police over an event he was in-          stated: “I believe that Boris Johnson            eroding ordinary people’s trust in bour-
volved in that may have broken COVID                       does have the leadership skills,      geois democracy even further.
restrictions.                                                    in particular the energy            Whether the Tories manage to ditch
    Starmer denies everything. But                                 and dynamism, that we         Johnson or not, they are on the path to ruin.
Boris is over the moon. He hopes that                               need during this difficult       With the UK – and world – economy
Starmer’s slip up will deflect attention                            period of time.”             heading for a slump, inflation set to rise
away from his own misdemeanours.                                         Johnson’s skills are    to over ten percent, and an ever-growing
    If Starmer is fined, this will put                               bluff and bluster. He       mountain of sleaze surrounding West-
him in a very difficult position. Under                              certainly has animal        minster, the Tory government faces a
pressure, whilst cynically calling for                               cunning. But with this      deep (and ever-deepening) crisis.
‘integrity’ in politics, the Labour leader                             cavalier   approach,          All of this will serve to intensify
has now promised that he will do                                                                 the anger and bitterness within soci-
the ‘honourable’ thing and                                                                       ety – and, in turn, the hatred towards
step down if found                                                                               Johnson.
guilty by the police.                                                                                He and the Tories are running out of
    After all, he                                                                                road; “tobogganing towards catastrophe
has called on his                                                                                with their eyes closed,” in the words of
opposite number                                                                                  Leon Trotsky. Workers and youth must
to resign over                                                                                   organise and mobilise to kick them all
partygate – so                                                                                   out.
shouldn’t he do the                                                                                  The capitalist system is at an im-
same?                                                                                            passe, whilst reformism is a blind alley.
    According to a                                                                                The only way forward is to build the
YouGov poll, al-                                                                                   forces of Marxism, as embodied in
most half of those                                                                                  Socialist Appeal and the International
polled        (48%)                                                                                 Marxist Tendency. ■

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"Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it." - Karl Marx - Issue 368 | 13th May 2022 ...
 7                Stormont elections                                                                                      Issue 368

Ben Curry                                       of those sectarian camps nominates the
                                                First Minister, and the biggest party in
                                                                                              the IRSP and People Before Profit (PBP)
                                                                                              might have been squeezed, as were the

       inn Féin has emerged as the              the other camp nominates the Deputy           nationalist SDLP, but PBP’s Gerry Carroll
       first party in the Northern Ireland      First Minister.                               still retained his seat in West Belfast – a
       Assembly elections. With a remark-           Failure of either to nominate means       seat won in Sinn Féin’s heartland on the
able 29% of the first preference votes to       the Executive collapses. Oh, and de-          back of mounting anger towards austerity
the DUP’s 21.3%, the gap was even wider         spite the names, both positions have          back in 2016.
than predicted.                                 exactly the same powers.                           Although masked by polarisation on
     Within hours of the polls closing, #Uni-       Such a setup favours the status quo.      the national question, there is real anger
tedIreland was trending on Twitter. This is     It gives unionism the power of veto over      towards Stormont in general for having
another devastating blow to the prestige        legislation. The Good Friday Agreement        done nothing to solve the desperate
of British imperialism, and another tear in     always left the keys to the house in the      crisis of the NHS or the crisis of living
the fraying fabric of the so-called ‘United     hands of the unionists.                       standards.
Kingdom’.                                           So what is the problem for the un-
     Commentators talked about a ‘political     ionists?                                      Northern Ireland Protocol
earthquake’ in 2017, when the unionist              With some persuasion, the unionists       Over the past five years, the DUP has
parties lost their collective majority at       could agree to allow Sinn Féin a seat at      massively overplayed its hand. Having
Stormont, and Sinn Féin stood only 1,200        the foot of the table as ‘deputy’ to the      helped prop up Theresa May’s Tory gov-
first preference votes behind the biggest       unionist First Minister. But a unionist       ernment after 2017, they rejected her
party, the DUP (Democratic Unionist Par-        ‘deputy’ while a nationalist Sinn Féin        soft Brexit that would have prevented a
ty). Now Sinn Féin has taken over 66,000        First Minister sits at the head of the        land or sea border between the UK and
more first preference votes than the DUP.       table? Such a suggestion is an abom-          any part of Ireland. They then feted Bo-
     The imperialists designed Northern         ination! It is offensive to the dignity of    ris Johnson, who then proceeded to give
Ireland as ‘a Protestant state for a Protes-    unionism!                                     them a Brexit with…the Northern Ireland
tant people’. And 36 consecutive elections          None of the unionist parties would        Protocol and an Irish sea border!
in the last 101 years have returned a un-       agree to such a thing. Jim Allister of the        Johnson couldn’t have cared less
ionist party as the largest party. Election     TUV (Traditional Unionist Voice) put the      about what the border situation in Ireland
37 has upended all that.                        unionist attitude more plainly than the       looked like, as long as he could elevate
                                                rest: “I can tell you this party will never   himself to power. The NI Protocol al-
Bridesmaid to Sinn Féin?                        be bridesmaid for Sinn                        lowed him to ‘Get Brexit Done’ in a flash.
Formally speaking (but only formally            Féin.”                                                 Now the Conservative and Un-
speaking!) this election changes little.            That is not to say                                ionist Party are being paid back
    Whoever wins, all the parties are           that everything is                                      with interest for the games
forced into a mandatory coalition. An           rosy in Sinn Féin’s                                      they’ve played with Northern
executive is then formed by cooperation         garden. Left-wing                                         Ireland.
between nationalist and unionist                candidates from                                                 They have left unionists
parties. The biggest party in either                                                                        bruising with a sense of be-
                                                                                                             trayal, and have accelerated
                                                                                                            a process of polarisation and
                                                                                                            fragmentation in their camp.

                                                                                                               (continues on next page)

                                                                                                                      Back to Contents
"Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it." - Karl Marx - Issue 368 | 13th May 2022 ...
 8                Stormont elections                                                                                       13th May 2022

(continues from previous page)

Over to you, Mr Johnson
The Northern Ireland Assembly is now at
an impasse. The DUP have made them-
selves clear: they will not stoop to the in-
dignity of serving as Deputy First Minister
until Westminster scraps the NI Protocol.
    At least if they get that, they can enter
Stormont smug in the assurance that
unionist supremacy reigns, whether or
not the biggest party in the province is a
unionist party.
    Hostage to the hardening unionist base
upon which they rest, they will certainly
find it difficult to enter power at Stormont
without first seeing the NI Protocol dead and
buried in the grave. To do otherwise would
be political suicide.

    Does this mean the end of the Good
Friday Agreement and power-sharing? Pos-
sibly so. The ball is now in Boris Johnson’s
    In the coming period, Johnson is going

                                                     For decades, British imperialism tried to crush the
to be forced to either overturn the NI Proto-
col or overhaul the Good Friday Agreement.
    As we have explained before, it is
impossible for the EU to compromise on
the question of the border. The integrity            IRA into the dust, and with it the whole Catholic
of the Common Market depends upon
controlling what commodities are allowed             population... Now, just 28 years after the IRA
                                                     declared a ceasefire, British imperialism and the
in and out.
    Overturning the NI Protocol may well

                                                     Union have been humiliated by Sinn Féin.
cause the EU to respond with a full-on
trade war, perhaps collapsing the Brexit
agreement, leading to the replacement of
a sea border in the Irish Sea with a land
border on the island of Ireland.                taoiseach in the South in a few years has          national question than the class question.
    Would Boris Johnson risk a trade war        raised expectations that Irish unification             It has been based on left-wing rhetoric
with Europe and catastrophic damage to          could now be tantalisingly close. Michelle         around housing, healthcare, and making
the interests of British capitalism? The        O’Neill has spoken about reunification on          the rich pay (albeit through moderate tax-
answer to that question may well depend         the timescale of 5-10 years.                       es on the corporations and banks).
upon the momentary fortunes of the ca-              It is time to lay the groundwork and               Such a programme could have an
reer of Boris Johnson.                          prepare the fight for Irish unification.           impact in the North. But Sinn Féin can
    He’s certainly shown himself capable            But it would be foolish to assume that         hardly put forward even such a meek
of doing so in the past. And now he’s in        the British ruling class will allow Irish unity    left programme in the North with much
a sticky political situation, he may well be    to go into the history books as having tri-        credibility. After all, the party has been
ready to light another stick of dynamite        umphed through a legal and peaceful vote.          in government for a decade, carrying out
in the foundations of British capitalism to     Johnson and the Tories may yet block a             austerity.
keep his career going just a little longer.     peaceful road to unification for their own             What is needed is precisely a class
                                                shallow and short-term interests alone, as         programme. Class unity can only be
For a Socialist United Ireland!                 the above-cited quotes demonstrate.                forged through class struggle. In the fight
The victory of Sinn Féin has come as a              And loyalist sectarianism – a product          against the cost-of-living crisis, for higher
shocking blow to British imperialism and        of the legacy of British colonialism that          wages and better conditions, Catholic
its Union.                                      leeches off the alienation in Protestant           and Protestant workers will begin to see
    For decades, British imperialism tried      communities – will not stand idly by whilst        who their true allies are – and their real
to crush the IRA into the dust, and with        Irish unification peacefully triumphs either.      enemies: the capitalist class.
it the whole Catholic population. It em-        Its representatives would sooner set the               Through class struggle, the workers
ployed the most brutal means and it failed.     whole region on fire.                              of all communities can break down the
Now, just 28 years after the IRA declared           To undercut the sectarian bigots, and          suspicion that separates them and really
a ceasefire, British imperialism and the        to build a front for Irish unification that goes   open the road to unification.
Union have been humiliated by Sinn Féin.        beyond one community, a programme                      That road runs through the socialist
    This defeat has ignited tremendous          must be found to appeal to workers from            revolution, and ends with the formation
hopes. The thought of a Sinn Féin First         both communities. In the South, the rise           of a Socialist United Ireland as part of the
Minister in the North greeting a Sinn Féin      of Sinn Féin has had less to do with the           world socialist revolution. ■

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"Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it." - Karl Marx - Issue 368 | 13th May 2022 ...
 9               Britain                                                                                           Issue 368

Tower Hamlets                               themselves with an arrogance that              Fittingly, perhaps, the recent vote
                                            grated immensely on residents. The         count was hosted by the Canary Wharf
Socialist Appeal supporters                 first thing Mayor Biggs did in 2018 was    Group, the original developer of Canary
                                            to grant himself and his cabinet a big     Wharf, and one of the biggest develop-

      ower Hamlets residents decided        pay increase. The leading unelected        ers in the borough.
      to give Labour a bloody nose in       council bureaucrats are paid far more:         The figures about how many council
      the recent local elections, as they   back in 2019, 19 earned over £100,000,     homes have been built are disputed, but
returned Lutfur Rahman to office. This      with chief executive Will Tuckley paid     campaigners put the number at around
is a decisive rejection of the Labour       £237,900.                                  200 – compared to the 2,000 that Biggs
council’s shameful policies over the past        Then followed a string of cuts: to    promised back in his 2018 campaign.
seven years.                                child care provision; to community             These homes are often expensive,
    Gaining 39,533 first preferences        language services (teaching of mother      as house prices in Tower Hamlets have
against incumbent Labour mayor John         tongues); to social care, and so on.       skyrocketed in recent decades; and they
Biggs’ 27,894, Rahman almost managed                                                   are overwhelmingly one- or two-bed-
to get an absolute majority of the vote.    Cosy relationship                          room houses, suitable for young couples
    Labour lost 10,000 votes since 2018,    Developers – particularly those building   without families, but not really anyone
whilst Rahman gained 3,000 votes com-       around Canary Wharf – forged a close       else.
pared to his 2014 results. Rahman was       relationship with the council, with the
disbarred from standing in the 2015 and     Mayor and his cabinet approving one        Fire and rehire
2018 mayoral elections. His party had       massive scheme after another.              At the start of the pandemic, the council
split by the time of the 2018 election,          Tower Hamlets has had more con-       launched a brutal attack on its work-
where the candidates of the two factions    struction than any other borough in Lon-   force. They fired council employees
only got 24,000 votes between them.         don: 30,000 homes in 10 years – around     en masse, and rehired them on worse
    Alongside Rahman’s mayoral victory,     50% more than the runner-up. But very      terms and conditions. In particular, they
his party, Aspire, also won a majority      little of that has benefited the people    attacked severance pay, in order to
of three on the council. Labour got an      who live in Tower Hamlets.                 make it cheaper to make further cuts.
absolute hammering by the electorate,                                                      What followed was a bitter dispute
losing around 20% of its votes and more                                                with Unison, which still hasn’t been
than half of its councillors.                                                          resolved. This exposed the hypocrisy of
    These results cannot be consid-                                                    the Labour right wing, who try to court
ered as anything but a disaster for                                                    the support of the unions, but then use
the local Labour Party, which has                                                      the most draconian anti-union measures
managed to alienate a huge                                                             when it suits them.
section of its core voters.                                                                Many Labour-affiliated union mem-
                                                                                       bers will undoubtedly have cast their
Council cuts                                                                           votes for Rahman to give the Labour
It is not hard to see why                                                              council a good kick.
this has happened. The                                                                     These policies were opposed by
council has dutifully carried                                                          grassroots members in the local Labour
out cuts on behalf of the Tory                                                         Party, with resolutions passed in both
government. Lutfur Rahman                                                              CLPs against Tower Rewards (the
also carried out some cuts in                                                          attacks on the conditions of council
his term, but they were tiny in                                                        workers), and against the cuts in child-
comparison.                                                                            care provision, community language
     Many residents will have com-                                                     provision, etc.
pared the two administrations, and                                                         But the Labour councillors and the
found the Labour administration want-                                                  Mayor paid no attention whatsoever
ing. Of course, the Labour council did                                                 to members’ feelings. The truth is that
have to contend with bigger cuts in their                                                these ladies and gentlemen thought
funding from central government – but                                                      they were unassailable, with their
they passed them on without so much                                                          crushing majority in the council, and
as a squeak of resistance.                                                                    in the Labour group.
     In fact, Labour councillors
in Tower Hamlets conducted                                                                              (continues on next page)

                                                                                                               Back to Contents
"Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it." - Karl Marx - Issue 368 | 13th May 2022 ...
 10                Migrant crisis
                   Britain                                                                                                 13th May 2022

(continues from previous page)

    They held the local Labour Party
hostage, packing the Labour group with
careerists who have refused to listen to
the membership. Now they have paid the

Attack on Apsana
Last year was dominated by the council’s
attempt to take one of the local Labour
MPs, Apsana Begum, to court over her
social housing, which she acquired after
leaving an abusive relationship.
    This was a thinly veiled attempt to get
rid of a popular, Bangladeshi left-wing MP.
    The fact that the council lost the case
caused no small amount of celebration.
Parallels were immediately drawn with the

case of Lutfur Rahman. Except here was
a case where the establishment tried to
remove an elected politician – and failed.
    To this day, we don't know who was re-
sponsible for that prosecution. The Mayor

                                                       Socialist Appeal will support any attempt to resist
refused to hold an inquiry, in spite of both
constituency Labour parties passing a
motion demanding it.

Discrimination                                         the cuts, defend services, and fight for more – better
To top it all off, they ran roughshod over
residents regarding low-traffic neighbour-             – affordable housing. But only a determined struggle
hoods (‘liveable streets’). And then they
approved a new development in the vicin-               that mobilises the whole working class in the borough
                                                       and beyond will yield the desired results.
ity of Brick Lane, adding further pressure
on existing Bangladeshi businesses in the
area, including the famous curry houses.
    The borough has seen an influx of             people from Bangladesh and what could
young professionals with different tastes         be expected of them. Rahman himself ran          Struggles ahead
and wallets than the people who have              out of money and couldn’t appeal.                Rahman and his party will now have a
lived there for longer.                                The trial followed a concerted cam-         tough time implementing their programme.
    Along with rising rents of housing and        paign of slander by the Evening Standard,        They will face fierce resistance from the
commercial property, many working-class           the local Labour Party, and the Tory gov-        tops of the council, who have done very
residents – particularly those of Bangla-         ernment.                                         well out of the past seven years.
deshi background – feel that they are being            Whatever the truth regarding the spe-           They will also face further cuts to their
pushed out.                                       cific allegations, it is abundantly clear that   budget from central government. And they
    In the 70s and 80s, Bangladeshis were         the Tories (who frequently break electoral       will face the hostility of the developers
faced with racist attacks from the National       laws themselves) were after Rahman, and          who are investing billions in various con-
Front.                                            were just looking for a way of removing          struction schemes in the area.
    But they also faced discrimination from       him, after they had failed to do so at the           The truth is that Rahman will not be
the Labour Party, which refused to accept         ballot box.                                      able to deliver on his promises without a
them as members, and the council, which                The election of Lutfur Rahman has           serious struggle with the Tory government
introduced policies that discriminated            caused uproar in the establishment. There        and local developers.
against them.                                     have already been racist accusations of              In these battles, the labour movement
    All these memories are being stirred up       fraud, just like before. Apparently, the fact    and Labour Party members must side
by the actions of the council over the past       that Lutfur Rahman got elected is suffi-         with the working-class residents of the
seven years: from abolishing community            cient evidence for these people that fraud       borough, and against the Tories and the
language services; to their cosy relations        has been committed.                              developers. At the same time, a battle
with developers; and the prosecution of                But, as defeated Tory mayoral can-          must be waged against the majority in the
Apsana Begum MP.                                  didate Andrew Wood (running as an                Labour Group, which is determined to
    No wonder they have deserted Labour           independent) pointed out, it’s very hard         side with the rich and powerful.
for an alternative.                               to commit fraud on such a scale, with so             From our point of view, Socialist Ap-
                                                  many people watching the process.                peal will support any attempt to resist the
Campaign of slander                                    If the Tory government or the courts        cuts, defend services, and fight for more
Lutfur Rahman was disbarred seven years           move against Rahman, it will merely be           – better – affordable housing. But only
ago for electoral fraud, after a trial that was   another attempt to remove an elected             a determined struggle that mobilises the
marred with controversy. The judge made           leader from a position because the elec-         whole working class in the borough and
a number of irregular statements about            torate voted for the ‘wrong’ candidate.          beyond will yield the desired results. ■

                                                                                                                            Back to Contents
 11              Britain                                                                                                 Issue 368

Charles Patrick                                  At the same time, we now have an            times as many (25%) believe that major
                                             almost-farcical situation in which the          party donors are able to shape policy.

       y hook or by crook, it seems like     leaders of both main political parties –        This is followed by business groups
       the Tories are doing everything       one, the Prime Minister; the other, the         and corporations (16%), newspapers
       they can to erode what little trust   former Director of Public Prosecutions          and the media (13%), and lobbyists and
the public may have previously held in       – are under investigation by the police         pressure groups (12%).
Parliament and the institutions of bour-     for potentially breaking the law during
geois democracy in Britain.                  the pandemic.                                   Polarisation and volatility
    From fines over partygate, to su-            But the stench is not just limited to       It is not just recent events that have
per-rich Rishi the tax-dodging chancel-      Parliament. Each-and-every pillar of the        chipped away at the public’s faith in
lor; and from horny Tories caught red-       British establishment is being shaken by        ‘democracy’. This is a process that has
faced in the Commons, to convictions of      scandals and corruption.                        been in motion for some time, especially
paedophilia; not to mention numerous             The Metropolitan police, for exam-          amongst younger generations.
revelations of sexual misconduct and         ple, has been proven to be institution-             Confidence in the British establish-
misogyny by MPs – all of this within the     ally racist and sexist. The Royal Family,       ment has been in steady decline since
space of a month or so!                      meanwhile, have been rocked by the              the 1950s. Voter turnout in the UK has
    To top it all off, we have the sick-     allegations against Prince Andrew,              been consistently below the average
ening sight of Boris Johnson, the King       amongst others.                                 across advanced capitalist countries in
of Corruption, hypocritically taking the         All the while, workers in Britain are       every general election since 1951.
moral high ground, as he attempts to         facing the biggest cost-of-living crisis in         And not only do we see low voter
deflect from his own crimes by handing       decades.                                        turnouts, but according to the IPPR re-
out pious criticisms of these fellow de-                                                     port: “The 2010, 2015, and 2017 general
generates.                                   Them and us                                     elections had the highest ever levels of
    All the sleaze and gross misconduct      This sharp contrast between the lives of        voter switching.”
in the Tories comes straight from the        ordinary people, and those who claim                This is a reflection of the deep polit-
top. The whole party is rotten from the      to represent them, is certainly not going       ical polarisation and volatility in society
head down.                                   unnoticed.                                      – itself a symptom of the deep crisis of
    The actions and behaviour of this            The scandalous behaviour of those           British capitalism. It is, says the IPPR,
unaccountable cabal in Westminster           at the top of society is contributing to a      “evidence of a ‘protest’ against the dem-
has become so out-of-hand in recent          massive rejection of the establishment,         ocratic status quo”; another sign of the
times, it almost beggars belief. We           sowing seeds of deep distrust in Brit-         stormy period that we have entered.
shouldn’t be surprised, however. These           ain’s political representatives, and in
scoundrels are only as corrupt and                the entire ‘democratic’ system.            Class divide
putrid as the system they uphold and                    A recent report from the Insti-      The IPPR goes on to warn that a failure
represent.                                             tute for Public Policy Research       to tackle the root causes of this dis-
                                                         (IPPR), in association with         content will result in the foundations of
Stench and sleaze                                          the Observer, has revealed        liberal democracy being jeopardised.
To be fair, such outrages are not just                       a dramatic loss of trust            This is true. As the capitalist system
limited to the Tory Party.                                    amongst young adults           continues its decay and decline, with
According to recent reports, as many                           towards          bourgeois    its representatives continuing to follow
as 56 MPs are said to be under inves-                           democracy in the UK,         this same downward trajectory, the
tigation for sexual misconduct – almost                         with as many as “four        consciousness of workers and youth
1-in-10.                                                             in five people in       will become increasingly radicalised. At
                                                                     Britain [saying that]   a certain point, this will express itself in
                                                                    politicians    poorly    revolutionary explosions.
                                                                    understand       their       As with the rest of the world, British
                                                                    lives”. And who can      society is on increasingly choppy waters.
                                                                     blame them?             Inflation, cuts, attacks on living stand-
                                                                         Just 6% of UK       ards are exposing evermore the growing
                                                                     voters believe their    class divide between them and us.
                                                                     views have any real         And this, in turn, is stripping back
                                                                     influence over the      the establishment’s mask, revealing the
                                                                      decisions taken by     ugly face of capitalism and its defenders
                                                                      government minis-      for all to see. Let us do away with these
                                                                      ters. By contrast,     monsters – and fight to ditch their rotten
                                                                      more than four         system! ■

                                                                                                                     Back to Contents
 12                Football                                                                                               13th May 2022

                       CAPITALISM AND FOOTBALL
Lewis Griffiths                                  a reflection of the inequality embedded
                                                 within capitalist society in general.
                                                                                                 large. As John Barnes, the former Eng-
                                                                                                 land player, correctly stated: “The only

         n Sunday 1 May, having been                  It was only a year ago, for example,       way to destroy racism is to destroy cap-
         expelled from the English Football      that the ‘Big Six’ attempted to break away      italism.”
         League three years prior, Bury FC       and form the European Super League
were brought out of administration by a          (ESL), lured by the prospect of even            Logic
fan-led buyout.                                  greater profits.                                The formation of the Premier League in
     This will no doubt come as a huge re-            Their fat-cat owners didn’t care about     1992 was itself an attempt to guarantee
lief to local fans, who were the real losers     those left behind – a callous, ruthless         the profits and position of those teams
when the club was driven into liquidation,       attitude found amongst all big business         already at the apex of the footballing pyra-
with rumoured debts of over £15 million.         bosses. In fact, in many cases, it is largely   mid. As a consequence, the top division of
     But Bury is no isolated case. In 2020,      the same billionaires involved.                 English football went from receiving 50%
citing similar debt woes, Macclesfield                For the super-rich investors and klep-     of TV revenues to nearly 98%.
Town were expelled from the National             tocrats who own football clubs, sport is            In the 30 seasons since, with the FA
League just four days before the start of        just another business venture. Corruption       Cup this weekend set to be contested
the season.                                      and dodgy deals, therefore, will remain         between Chelsea and Liverpool, just five
     Clubs such as Bolton Wanderers and          in football so long as the same class of        teams have won 75 out of the 90 domestic
Oldham Athletic have also faced chronic          parasites hold the reins.                       trophies available. Similarly, only 15 dif-
financial difficulties, with the former facing                                                   ferent clubs have won at least one of the
liquidation, and the latter recently becom-      Racism                                          three domestic competitions contested
ing the first founding Premier League side       It is not just capitalist inequality that we    each season.
to drop into the 5th tier of the country’s       see replicated in football. Racism too              The ESL was not an aberration, in
footballing ladder.                              has remained a central issue in the sport       this respect – some harebrained scheme
     In response, during their recent match      over recent decades, maintaining an ugly        concocted by a cabal of exceptionally evil
against Salford City, Oldham fans stormed        presence – on and off the pitch – despite       businessmen. It was the logical conclu-
onto the pitch, unfurling a huge banner          countless campaigns aimed at giving             sion of a sport gripped by the dog-eat-dog
demanding that the owners “get out of our        bigotry the boot.                               laws of the capitalist system.
club”.                                                The ruling class relies on racism and          As Karl Marx noted: under capitalism,
     Such pervasive crises are a symptom         other forms of oppression in order to           accumulation of wealth at one end is at
of capitalism’s insidious influence over         divide and distract the working class; to       the same time an accumulation of ruin and
the sport. Only by putting club ownership        dissipate and deflect anger that would          degradation at the other.
and control in the hands of fans, staff, and     otherwise be aimed at the establishment.
working-class communities can we kick                 The world of football is not immune        Socialism
out the rampant corruption, inequality,          from this, as was seen with the Tories’         Grassroots buyouts of local clubs can
and obscene concentration of wealth and          attempts to whip up a culture war during        therefore only provide a temporary re-
power that plagues the ‘beautiful game’.         last year’s Euros tournament.                   prieve for fans and workers. After all, most
                                                      The truth is that we can’t talk about             supporter bases cannot afford to
Inequality                                       ending racism in sport, without ending                   take such action.
Captivated by the                                     racism in society at                                     Clubs that have been bought
extravagant      wealth                                                                                      by supporters, meanwhile, will
promised at the top                                                                                            still be beholden to the same
level of English foot-                                                                                           competitive laws and logic
ball, lower league                                                                                                that govern other teams. In
clubs     regularly                                                                                               practice, this means: cuts to
spend more than                                                                                                   staff wages and conditions;
their annual in-                                                                                                 hikes in matchday prices;
come on players’                                                                                                  and inflated pay offers to
wages alone, ac-                                                                                                   primadonna players.
quiring huge debts                                                                                                       To end the inequality,
in the process.                                                                                                     corruption, and racism
    The     extraor-                                                                                                that    blights    football,
dinary        riches                                                                                              therefore, we need to drive
accumulated       by                                                                                            profit off the pitch, and bring
the biggest clubs,                                                                                            the game under the control of
compared       with                                                                                           fans and workers, as part of
the     bankruptcy                                                                                             a mass movement to trans-
facing those in the                                                                                             form society along socialist
lower leagues, is                                                                                               lines. ■

                                                                                                                           Back to Contents
 13              Housing crisis                                                                                         Issue 368

Joe Coker                                     ‘level-up’ their ‘Red Wall’ seats, it will
                                              end in tears for them at the next general
                                                                                           building; and expropriate the empty
                                                                                           properties of the super-rich and the
Canterbury Marxists                           election.                                    speculators to house the homeless.
                                                  But with capitalism in crisis, the To-       Solving the housing crisis is not a

       he Tories are planning to revive       ries are well aware that further austerity   technical question. Plenty of land and re-
       Thatcher’s flagship ‘Right to Buy’     is necessary. With no money to invest        sources exist in order to house everyone
       scheme, by extending it to two mil-    in healthcare, education, or housing, all    at a good standard. But under capitalism
lion housing association tenants. This has    they can offer to a thin layer of workers    this isn’t done, as it's not profitable to do
nothing to do with attempting to solve the    is the sell-off of semi-publicly-owned       so.
housing crisis. Instead, it is a desperate    assets – at the housing associations’            The wealth to end the housing cri-
attempt by the Tories to reverse their tum-   expense.                                     sis already exists. It is sitting unused
bling popularity.                                 Ultimately no amount of gimmicks         in the accounts of the banks and big
    The original Right to Buy in 1980         can save the fortunes of this govern-        businesses, where it will remain until the
was marketed as a means of helping            ment, which will be battered from pillar     capitalists can find something profitable
working-class families onto the property      to post as it attempts to manage the         to invest in.
ladder. Council homes were sold off with      crisis of capitalism.                            To solve the housing crisis, the
massive discounts of up to 70% off their                                                   only option is to nationalise the banks,
market price. For some, this proved very      Socialist solution                           land, big construction companies and
popular.                                      The experience of the last four decades      developers, and to bring them under a
    In reality, however, the scheme was       has demonstrated what a disaster the         socialist plan of production.
simply a means of opening up social           Right to Buy ultimately was.                     The capitalist system is unable to
housing to the market – to become an-             One million families are currently       meet the most basic of human needs,
other source of profits for the rich.         waiting for social housing. 282,000          even when there is the wealth to do so.
    Before Thatcher, public sector hous-      single people, couples, and families are     The best that its representatives can
ing was primarily funded by the central       homeless, despite over 600,000 homes         do is offer a few people the right to buy
government. Not only did the Tories put       being empty. Rents continue to drasti-       their own property, the flip-side of which
a stop to this, they also forbade local       cally increase as wages stagnate or fall.    is the ‘right’ of the banks to profit from
authorities from using the money they             The solution to the housing crisis               their mortgages, or for landlords
made from sales to build replacements.        is simple: abolish the Right to Buy                     to later acquire these homes.
    Today, an estimated 4-in-10 for-          in England (as has already                                  Instead of the right to buy,
mer council homes sold off under the          been done in Wales and                                  workers must demand the right
scheme are now owned by private               Scotland); embark on                                       for all to live in a decent and
landlords – charging two or three times       a mass programme                                              affordable home.■
the level of council rents. And of the 2.6    of council house
million homes sold, only 5% have been
    It is clear from this that the real
goals of Right to Buy were austerity and
electoral gains in the short term, and ex-
panding the portfolios of landlords and
mortgage lenders in the long term.

The idea of extending the Right to Buy
to housing association tenants has
been floated by Tory governments
since 2015. But it was consistently
kicked into the long grass due to
a backlash from housing associa-
tions, whose profitability would be
hit hard.
    The Tories are resurrecting the
policy now in a desperate bid to win over
working-class voters, whose support
they are haemorrhaging due to the cost-
of-living crisis and endless government
    No doubt many Tories are nerv-
ous that unless something is done to

                                                                                                                    Back to Contents
 14                Analysis                                                                                                 13th May 2022

Juliet Atkinson                                   working-class women bore the brunt of the             Burdensome caring responsibilities, do-
                                                  impact.                                           mestic violence, and higher levels of poverty
Leeds Marxists                                          When schools and childcare services         faced by women are not new phenomena,
                                                  shut, women were forced to take on even           but rather symptoms of women’s position

       recent report from The Health Foun-        more caring responsibilities at home. During      under capitalism and class society. Under
       dation has revealed shocking insights      the lockdown period, over 70% of mothers          capitalism women workers are doubly
       into the life expectancies of women in     reported being mostly or solely responsible       oppressed: expected to perform domestic
the poorest areas in England. In the 10%          for homeschooling.                                labour at home, and exploited by capitalists
most deprived local areas in England the                Given the undue burden placed on            at work for profit.
average female life expectancy now stands         mothers to provide care for children, it is un-       Full women’s liberation therefore cannot
at 78.7 years – lower than in every OECD          surprising that they were 47% more likely to      be gained solely through reforms – although
country in the world other than Mexico.           have permanently lost their job or quit than      we of course fight for these – but ultimately
    The contrast with the richest areas in        other workers during the lockdown period.         only through socialist revolution.
England is particularly stark. On average,        It was not only women with children who
women in the top 10% of wealthiest areas          suffered the effects of the pandemic.             For a socialist solution!
live almost eight years longer than those in            Working-class women as a whole faced        Only under a democratically-planned social-
the poorest. But how has this happened?           higher levels of unemployment than men.           ist economy can we lay the material basis
    Over a decade of Tory austerity has led       Women, forced back into the home and              for the end of women’s oppression.
to skyrocketing levels of poverty, with over      often facing a loss of financial independ-             Caring responsibilities and domestic
14 million people in the UK now living in         ence, faced a horrific increase in levels of      labour would be dramatically reduced by
poverty. The UK now has the largest gap           domestic violence and abuse.                      the provision of universal childcare and
between healthcare outcomes for men and                 Between April and June 2020, there          communal services that reduce the burden
women in the G20, and the 12th largest            was a 65% increase in reports of domestic         of domestic tasks such as cleaning and
globally.                                         abuse compared with the start of that year.       cooking.
    In fact, 25% of single women now live         Most shockingly, at the start of the pandem-           Instead of facing endless cuts to
in poverty, as well as 45% of single parents      ic the numbers of femicidal domestic abuse        women’s refuges under Tory austerity, we
(90% of whom are women). But it’s not             killings more than doubled in a matter of         could tackle domestic abuse and violence
merely Tory austerity that has led to an          weeks.                                            by ensuring that women are financially
increase in poverty, but also the global crisis                                                     independent, and by providing victims of
of capitalism.                                    A class question                                  abuse with accommodation elsewhere and
                                                  Although austerity and the pandemic have          sufficient support.
Women bear the brunt                              undoubtedly worsened women’s position                  Women’s healthcare would be dra-
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed even             in society, the roots of women’s oppression       matically improved by reversing decades
more women further into poverty. When                      are far deeper. Austerity and the        of privatisation and providing fully-funded
schools and businesses shut in 2020,                          pandemic have merely exacer-          healthcare services, including women’s and
                                                                bated conditions inherent to        reproductive healthcare.
                                                                 class society.                          Capitalism is in crisis and has nothing
                                                                                                    to offer working-class women but violence,
                                                                                                    abuse and exploitation. To end women’s
                                                                                                         oppression we must fight for socialist
                                                                                                             revolution. ■

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                                    STUDENT LOANS                                                                         socialist.net
                                                                                                                            Issue 368

Ezra Ellis
                                              Saddled with debt                                Where’s our money?
Sheffield Marxists                            For students entering university next            The backdrop to all of this has been a
                                              year, interest rates will be capped at a         barrage of cuts and privatisation in high-

       s inflation soars, interest rates on   lower level. But this does not mean that         er education. Government funding for
       student loans are set to rise to       they will be any better off.                     universities has fallen from £16 billion in
       12% in England this year.                  Instead of ludicrous levels of inter-        2010 to £4.9 billion in 2021. Students and
    This comes on top of an increase          est, the repayment threshold for these           graduates are expected to make up this
in National Insurance, council tax, and       students will be reduced from £27,000            huge shortfall.
energy bills, and without any equivalent      to £25,000. At the same time, the repay-             At the same time, university staff
increase in wages or benefits.                ment period will be increased from 30 to         continue to see their pensions, pay, and
    Yet again, we see how workers and         40 years.                                        conditions eroded by education bosses,
youth are being made to shoulder the              Analysis from The Times has demon-           leading to waves of industrial action on
burden for the crisis of capitalism.          strated that these changes will mean             campuses around the country in recent
                                              that an average university graduate will         months and years.
Footing the bill                              have to pay back £101,000 in total over              Russell Group universities, mean-
According to a report by the Institute for    their lifetime: more than double what they       while, have racked up a £2.2 billion cash
Fiscal Studies, interest rates for gradu-     would under the current system.                  surplus in the last academic year alone.
ates earning above £49,130 will almost            These future graduates, in other                 So students may reasonably ask:
triple, from 4.5% to 12%. This is the high-   words, will be paying back student debts         Where is their money going? And why do
est level of student loan interest since      well into their 60s – that is, essentially for   rates continue to increase, if university
2012, when tuition fees were increased.       their entire working lives.                      budgets are in surplus?
     Lower-income graduates will be hit           Martin Lewis, founder of Mon-
even harder, with interest on their student   eySavingExpert.com, has stated that              Fight for free education
debts skyrocketing from 1.5% to 9%.           these changes “effectively complete the          Right-wingers moan about university
     This huge surge in interest will only    transformation of student ‘loans’ for most,      students being a privileged minority. But
affect graduates who took out loans since     into a working-life-long graduate tax”.          this is blatantly untrue.
2012, when the Tory-Liberal coalition             Eye-watering interest rates and new               In the UK, 40% of those aged 15-64
pushed up university fees from £3,000 to      changes to repayment terms, meanwhile,           have a university degree. And this propor-
£9,000 per year.                              are likely to put off young people from the      tion is even higher amongst younger gen-
     This generation is once again being      poorest households from going to univer-         erations, for whom higher education has
taken for a ride. Having already been         sity, for fear of being saddled with debts       become a prerequisite of employment.
made to pay for the 2008 crash, they are      for the rest of their lives; debts that the           What these latest changes amount to,
now expected to foot the bill for capital-    government has demonstrated they can             in reality, is a further tax on the working
ism’s latest crisis as well.                  inflate at will.                                 class, in order to bail out the capitalists
                                                                                               and their system.
Interest and inflation                                                                              Due to the marketisation of education
For students from the 2012 cohort on-                                                          over the last decade, students have been
wards, student loan interest is linked                                                         treated as cash cows by university boss-
to the Retail Prices Index (RPI), a                                                            es, government ministers, and parasitic
measure of inflation. This has                                                                 landlords. And this latest interest rate
risen to 9% today, up from                                                                     hike shows that, under capitalism, there
1.5% last year – explaining the                                                                will be no change to this trajectory.
six times increase in interest                                                                      The fight for free education – funded by
rates.                                                                                         expropriation – has therefore never been
    At the same time, this                                                                     more important: a fight that must be linked
highlights the enormous                                                                        up with that of organised workers, against
squeeze in living standards                                                                    marketisation and austerity, and for the
that students and gradu-                                                                       socialist transformation of society. ■
ates are already grappling
    These sky-high in-
terest rates on student
loans, meanwhile, are
vastly higher than av-
erage mortgage rates
or unsecured credit.
Students, in other
words, are being
charged        even
more by the gov-
ernment      than
they      would
be by private

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