Petz - Your Local Pet Resource Publication

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Petz - Your Local Pet Resource Publication
                               APRIL 2019

 Your Local Pet Resource Publication
Petz - Your Local Pet Resource Publication
           Your Local Pet Resource Publication

                                 WELCOME TO THIS
                                  MONTH'S ISSUE
                    We hope you will open your hearts
                     to the many rescue animals who
                                need saving.
                      Please check out our Pet Rescue
                      Lists and who knows - love may
                    come your way and rescue you too!

                     Your Local Pet Resource Publication
                           Published monthly online by

                                      Editor in Chief
                                        Eleanor Dixie

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                  Petz is a FREE monthly
               online publication that reaches thousands
                             of pet lovers!

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Publications and is for informational and entertainment purposes only. No responsibility is assumed
for any written and/or content contained herein. No responsibility is assumed for unsolicited materials.
Petz - Your Local Pet Resource Publication
Barks & Meow’s Express!
                                      APRIL 2019

                          EASTER EGG HUNT ORIGIN
 According to some sources, the Easter bunny first arrived in America in
 the 1700s with German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania and
 transported their tradition of an egg-laying hare called “Osterhase” or
 “Oschter Haws.” Their children made nests in which this creature could lay its
 colored eggs.

                                        FUN TRIVIA
*The largest recorded litter for a dog was 24 puppies delivered by caesarean section for a
Neapolitan Mastiff in 2005. 20 of the puppies survived, setting another record for most
surviving puppies.
*Chow Chows are not alone in having blue/black tongues. Their cousin, the Shar-Pei also
have blue/black tongues, which can vary from Lavender hue in dogs with diluted
pigmentation to black in the fully pigmented ones.
*Aside from carrots and other vegetables, rabbits like licorice.
*Parrots don’t have vocal cords. They produce sound by pushing air out of their tracheas and
control their pitch by changing the shape and depth of the trachea.
*The rock star Ozzy Osborne rescued his wife’s Pomeranian from a coyote by wrestling the
coyote until it released the dog.
*Barking Sands Beach, on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, is known for its unusual dry sand that
squeaks or "barks like a dog”.
*Horses can lock the muscles in their legs so they can go to sleep standing up and not fall
*Dog’s noses secrete a thin layer of mucous that helps them absorb scent. They then lick
  their noses to sample the scent through their mouth.
*Zorba, an English mastiff, is the biggest dog ever recorded. He weighed 343 pounds and
measured 8' 3" from his nose to his tail.

                                      Silly Jokes
Bad Bunny Wabbit!
A woman walks into a vet's waiting room dragging her wet rabbit on a leash.
"Sit, Fluffy!" she says. Fluffy glares at her, and sopping wet, jumps up on another
customer's lap, getting water all over him.
"I said sit, now there's a good Fluffy," says the woman, slightly embarrassed.
Fluffy, wet already, squats in the middle of the room and urinates. The woman,
mortally embarrassed, shouts, - "Darn it, Fluffy, will you be good?!"
Fluffy then starts a fight with a Doberman and pursues it out of the office.
As the woman leaves to go after it, she turns to the rest of the flabbergasted
customers and says: "Please pardon me... I just washed my hare, and I can't do a
damn thing with it!"

  1.   What creatures were Flopsy & Mopsy in the first book by Beatrix Potter?
  2.   What were the names of the dog parents in Disney's "101 Dalmatians"?
  3.   What is the normal body temperature of a cat?
  4.   What is a spectacled Caiman and where would you find one?
  5.   What wild creature does a Shiba Inu dog most look like?
  6.   What is a Rabbit’s habitat called?

                  1. Rabbits. 2. Pongo & Perdy. 3. 101.5 degrees.
                4. Crocodile - Amazon River. 5. A Fox. 6. A Warren.
Petz - Your Local Pet Resource Publication
PET SITTERS/DOG WALKERS                                                      PAW-SCOPES
 Animal Magnetism                       310-621-6979                        DOGS
 Lewis & Bark                           310-980-2325                        Your dog is often the leader of the
 The Dog Walker                         310-383-3000                        pack or alpha dog, never faltering
 Walkin’ Doggies                        310-962-1697                        when new additions are added to the
                                                                            family. Often having shades of red in
     If you have a Pet Sitting or Dog Walking business and
     would like to be included in this list, please contact us:             their coloring; it matches a fast and | 805-905-9471                                feverish pace. Their actions seem like
                                                                            lightning bolts, often taking people by
                                                                            surprise. They could win a race hands
                    PET GROOMERS                                            CATS
       Bark Williams                    310-664-7009                        Having a ‘me first’ attitude makes it
       Sparky’s Pet Grm                 310-571-3191                        important that you feed your cat first.
  If you have a Pet Grooming business and would like to                     Keep this cat exercised with climbing
         be included in this list, please contact us:                       poles and a large deck they can watch | 805-905-9471                                the birds from. Maybe even a handful
                                                                            of catnip mice that they can tear apart
                                                                            for treats might keep them busy for a
          What Big Eyes You Have!
  Because they evolved for low-light
  hunting, cat’s eyes are proportionally
  large. The size of their eyes makes                                                 Did you know ….!
  focusing between near and far quite                                       There are over 2000 stars on the
  challenging, and as a result, the related                                 Hollywood Walk of Fame, includ-
  muscles develop with an environmental                                     ing such non-human characters as
  bias. Outdoor cats tend to be farsighted                                  Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Kermit
                                                                            the Frog and Winnie the Pooh.
  and indoor cats tend to be nearsighted.
  Because their eyes are so large, cats
                                                                            Dogs' eyes have large pupils and a
  cannot focus on anything less than a foot
                                                                            wide field of vision, making them
  away from them. However, their whiskers
                                                                            really good at following moving
  can swing forward to “see” what they                                      objects. Dogs also see well in fairly
  cannot see.                                                               low light.

                                             Fabergé Eggs
  Around 1885, Russian jeweler Peter Carl Fabergé took the decoration of eggs to new heights.
  He volunteered to create a jewelry egg for Czar Alexander III to give his wife, Marie. Fabergé
  kept the egg a secret, but delighted the royal family with an ordinary looking "egg," but with
  tiny surprises made of gold, enamel, and precious gems inside.
  Throughout Alexander's reign, only one Fabergé egg was made each year. It was presented to
  the Czar at Easter. When Nicholas II ascended the throne, Fabergé began making two eggs,
  one for the new Czar to give his wife, Alexandra, and the other for the Czar's mother. As they
  were being made, each egg was a closely guarded secret. Inside, each contained a surprise.
  Each egg was a masterpiece. In 1891, for example, Fabergé presented the Azova egg, carved
  from a solid piece of green jasper and covered with gold and diamond scrollwork in Louis XV
  style. A tiny replica of the ship Pamiat Azova, made in gold and set on a piece of aquamarine,
  was inside.

                                         Local Pet Rescues - SM
                       Name                                       Phone #                    Website

Boxer Rescue L.A.                                          310-862-0044 
Karma Rescue                                               310-512-7833   
J.J. Woofin' Paws Rescue Agency                                          
L.A. Love & Leashes                                        310-441-1150 
Love Leo Rescue                                                          
NKLA Pet Adoption Center                                   424-208-8840      
The Lange Foundation                                       310-473-5585 
Much Love Animal Rescue                                    310-391-5408    
Voice for the Animals                                      310-392-5153  
Save A Rescue                                              818-300-4616   
Westside German Shepherd Rescue of L.A.                    310-202-7283   
Petz - Your Local Pet Resource Publication
A Few Local Pet-Friendly Outdoor Restaurants
    Petz - 805-905-9471 -

         Restaurant                                Location                         Phone #

    Lazy Daisy Café                            Santa Monica                     310-450-9011

    M Street Kitchen                           Santa Monica                     310-396-9145

    3 Square Bakery                                 Venice                      310-399-6504

         Café Vida                          Pacific Palisades                   310-573-1335

                 List your Restaurant here for FREE

                               OR SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS: |             

                          APR/MAY 2019 EVENTS
   SUNDAY, APRIL 28th, 2019
   Time:          10.00am - 4.00pm
   Hosted by The Rotary Club of Westlake Village
   The Rotary Club of Westlake Village and the City of Westlake Village present
   the 25th Annual Community Street Festival on Sunday, April 28, 2019. This
   family-friendly event is walking distance from First Neighborhood and County
   Line. Over 100 vendors show and sell a variety of goods and services, includ-
   ing arts and crafts, home decor, jewelry, accessories, toys, housewares,
   electronics, clothing, yard signs, and so much more.
    Free Admission and Free Parking.
   Location: Lakeview Canyon Road, Westlake Village, CA 91361
   For more info: |
   BARK IN THE PARK (Thousand Oaks)
   SATURDAY, MAY 4th, 2019
   Time:          11.00am - 3.00pm
   Hosted by Conejo Recreation & Park District
   This event is free to the general public and offers a variety of fun things to do
   with your dog or for possibly new dog owners. Our event is a fun pack day of
   vendors, dog apparel, Veterinarians, dog contests, dog races, dog entertain-
   ment, dog food, dog games, dog agility course, and our dog adoptions. No
   aggressive dogs. All dogs MUST be on a leash.
   Location: Conejo Creek North Park, Thousand Oaks CA
   For info: 805-375-1003
   22nd ANNUAL POOCH PARADE (Ventura)
   SUNDAY, MAY 5th, 2019
   Time:          10am - 4pm
   Hosted by C.A.R.L.
   Our 22nd annual Pooch Parade is on Sunday May 5th at Promenade Park in
   Ventura!!! Admission is FREE so gather your furry friends and stroll through
   the promenade! You can participate in the charity walk at 10am, which
   supports C.A.R.L. There will be booths, dogs, food, dogs, drinks, dogs, huge
   silent auction, dogs, music, dogs, and activities catered to pooches!! The
   pooch parade is our biggest fundraiser of the year,                            so please stop by!
   You can visit for all the info on this fantastic event! Remem-
   ber, sharing is caring.
   Location: Promenade Park, Ventura
   For info:

A cat's tongue is scratchy                                    Did you know . . . !
because it's lined with papillae,                             April is National Pet
tiny elevated backward hooks
                                                              First Aid Awareness
that help to hold prey in place.
Petz - Your Local Pet Resource Publication
First Aid Tips for Pet Owners

April is Pet First
Aid Awareness
Month. Please take
a minute to review
first aid tips so you   Pets are an important part of many families. April is Pet First Aid Awareness Month and its

can care for your       the perfect time to ensure you have the skills to take care of your furry family member.

pet should an           Pet First Aid Tips
emergency               Do you know what to do during a pet emergency? Here are some common emergency tips:
occur.                       To determine if your cat or dog is dehydrated, pull up on the skin between the shoulder
                            blades. It should spring right back; if it stays tented this is a sign of dehydration.
                            Signs of pet poisoning include bleeding externally or internally, dilated pupils, drooling
                            or foaming at the mouth, seizures or other abnormal mental state or behavior.
                            If your pet has a seizure, make sure it is in a safe place, but do not restrain the animal.
                            Keep your hands away from its mouth as your pet may not know who you are during a
                            seizure and could bite you.
                             Signs of heat stroke or heat exhaustion include collapse; body temperature of 104
                            degrees F or above; bloody diarrhea or vomiting; wobbliness; excessive panting or
                        difficulty breathing; increase heart rate; mucous membranes very red; and increased
                            Pets bitten by other animals need vet attention to prevent the wound (even if minor)
                            from becoming infected and to check for internal wounds. Never break up a dogfight
                            yourself because you could be bitten.
                             If your pet is bleeding, apply direct pressure using gauze over the bleeding site. If
                            blood soaks through, apply more gauze (do not removed soaked gauze) until you can
                        reach a veterinary hospital.

                            Always contact your local Veterinarian in case of emergency.

                  Don't miss next month's issue!
                     SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE
Petz - Your Local Pet Resource Publication


                                       DATE PENDING

Sunday, May 5, 2019
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