PERSON of the YEAR - Los Angeles Sentinel

Page created by Ken Mann
PERSON of the YEAR - Los Angeles Sentinel
VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 52 • $1.00 + Ca. Sales Tax   “For Over Eighty Years The Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself”   THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2020

                                                                                                Bakewell Media
                                                                                             Vice President-Elect

                                                                               Kamala Harris
                                                                                                   as L.A. Sentinel’s

      PERSON of the YEAR
                                                                See Story on Page a2

                                                                                                                          AP PHOTOS
PERSON of the YEAR - Los Angeles Sentinel
A-2       LOS ANGELES SENTINEL                                                      NEWS                                                      THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2020

 The Life of Kamala Harris Represents
    Preliminary Steps for Change

  Betti Halsell                                of honor and embodied the statement:         into the glass ceiling; Harris cultivated         Public policy is being represented
  Contributing Writer                          “Kamala Harris, For the People.” From        her answer for evolution of human             by a Black woman, Harris continues
                                               there, she has installed those words as      quality to be the vehicle navigated           to mirror a new dimension of change
              he presence of Madam Vice        part of her personal trait that shines       by the Biden Administration. There            and aspires the nation to accept the

  T           President-elect Kamala Har-
              ris represents the new era of
              America. She solidified the
  time for change and exemplifies the tide
  of cultural balance. As the first Black
                                               through her platform of public policy.
                                               Harris followed in her destined role
                                               with the armor to fight against an enemy
                                               of any size.
                                                   Harris shared experiences fighting
                                                                                            is a shared goal of moving forward
                                                                                            with a new sense of purpose, healing
                                                                                            generational wounds, and restoring the
                                                                                            health of the nation.
                                                                                                The Harris name now embarks
                                                                                                                                          new frontier. She continues to lean on a
                                                                                                                                          pillar of Justice and center her purpose
                                                                                                                                          to bring balance back into a system
                                                                                                                                          that has seen the same type of political
                                                                                                                                          figures in seats of power.
  and South Asian woman to be listed           in court; she fought for the residents of
  on a major political ballot, and the first   working-class communities and victims
  woman to be voted on as vice president,      of a failed system. Harris expressed
  Harris raises the awareness of a nation      that she could recognize the hunter and
  before her words begin to cut through        hunted, and she is well suited for the
  her lips.                                    battle for the sovereignty of fairness.
      As the past generation takes her win         Before she was the first Black
  as a nod to the countless steps made in      woman and South Asian American to
  the past for women empowerment and           be voted in as vice president, Harris
  racial equity, the future will use her re-   was a student in a sea of new minds.
  solve as a vessel to sail through the fu-    Harris attended Howard University and
  ture with a fresh force. She is symbolic     she graduated with her B.A. in 1986.
  of the change America is seeing, Harris      She completed her courses to earn a
  embodies the energy of a new day in          Juris Doctor degree from Hastings
  American history.                            College. Passionate to fight for justice,
      Kamala Devi Harris was born on           Harris was admitted to the state bar in
  October 20, 1964, in Oakland, Califor-       1990. She was the leading attorney of
  nia to Donald Harris and Shyamalan           the Career and Criminal Unit in San
  Gopalan. Harris was the first-born and       Francisco, eight years later.
  that preliminary title follows her into a        As U.S. Senator, her “quiet and
  professional career. Harris’ family were     exquisite power” burrowed through
  people of strategy, with her parents         testosterone filled rooms, creating the
  holding their own in economic study          tunnel vision needed to become the vice
  and cancer research center; Kamala and       president. Harris overcame strongholds
  her younger sister Maya were brought         that left the previous political aesthetic
  up in a house of mental elevation.           narrow, she was the first Black woman
      As a daughter of South Asian and Ja-     to be on a major ballot, breaking the
  maican genetic makeup, she was aware         mold of the White male line up found
  of cultural awareness early on. That         in the American timeline of political
  energy is draped over her heart; Harris      candidacy.
  plans to be planted in that solidarity, to       Harris continues to stand on the
  be persistent until physical evidence of     words she discovered while being a
  Justice. She knows how to continue on        prosecutor; she is for the people. Rel-
  into battle, even if the odds seemed to      ishing in the memories of fighting for
  be stacked up against her.                   children and survivors of sexual assault,
      Empowered by the jostle of her           Harris was never afraid of confronta-
  mother, Harris pushed through seem-          tion. She would take on some of the
  ingly unbreakable boundaries. She            most prominent banks and conglomer-
  holds the title as the first Black woman     ate companies that tried to take advan-      Vice President-elect Kamala Harris continues to break barriers with each step she takes on
  to have held district and general attor-     tage of smaller voices.                      Capitol Hill soil and her position works as a pivotal point for the course of history.
  ney roles in California’s history. From          Harris formally accepted her
  2004 to 2011, Harris had a meteoric ef-      nomination as vice president on              on authority; she has pushed a new                Vice     President-elect     Harris
  fect on many communities as district at-     August 19. Her speech consisted of           standard forward. The story of her            continues to break barriers with each
  torney, finding her essence in the initia-   mindfulness, alignment, faith, and the       victory told America, there is no need        step she takes on Capitol Hill soil and
  tive that gives first-time drug offenders    fight this country needs to elevate to a     to wait permission to make the change         her position works as a pivotal point
  the chance to earn a high school diplo-      new definition of equality and freedom.      for equality. COVID-19 has heavily            for the course of history. There is
  ma and find employment in California.        Harris disclosed the details of her          influenced the need for change. Harris        much to be admired about this time of
      Knowing her place was at the top,        alignment with Biden, she stated, “We        stressed her strong faith in the Biden        acceptance. Harris intends to bring an
  Harris bloomed with the determination        must elect Joe Biden. I knew Joe as Vice     Administration to be the best guide           overflow of inclusivity and balance in
  and perseverance to become a law-            President. I knew Joe on the campaign        through this new terrain. She stated,         the White House. Her words come with
  yer, district attorney, and U.S. Senator.    trail. But I first got to know Joe as the    “We believe that our country—all of us,       high potency to make needed change,
  Longing for change, Harris wore her          father of my friend.”                        will stand together for a better future.      but her presence solidifies that it will
  courtroom introduction, like a pendant           Her election is the steepest crack       We already are.”                              take place under her watch.

                                                                                                                           Vice President-Elect


      PERSON of the YEAR
PERSON of the YEAR - Los Angeles Sentinel
A-6         LASENTINEL.NET                                                              NEWS                                                    THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2020

Top Local Stories of 2020
                                These were the local news and stories of 2020
BY EDITORIAL STAFF                                               program designed to provide extra business support to our         Shirley Weber’s CSU Ethnic Studies Bill is
                                                                 local businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.               Now State Law
Community Organizations Are the Other First                      The drive-thru event saw an endless line of cars come                 In August, Gov. Newsom signed AB 1460 into law
Responders During COVID-19                                       through to receive food and produce delivered by masked           which requires California State University (CSU), the
   Despite COVID-19 and throughout the “Shelter in               volunteers observing social distancing. The L.A. Regional         nation’s largest four-year
Place” mandate, community-based organizations like               Food Bank provided groceries and pre-packaged meals               public university system, to
                                                                 that were cooked off-site for distribution following strict       provide courses in Ethnic
                                                                 COVID-19 health restrictions approved by L.A. County              studies at each of its 23 cam-
                                                                 Public Health.                                                    puses, beginning with the
                                                                                                                                   2021–22 academic year and
                                                                 Thousands Show up for George Floyd and Justice in                 requires CSU students to
                                                                 Los Angeles                                                       take a 3-credit course in Eth-
                                                                     More than 30 protests, march and vigils were held             nic studies to graduate,
                                                                 throughout the                                                    beginning in the 2024-2025
                                                                 Southland, from                                                   academic year.
                                                                 Venice to Hunt-                                                       The bill was introduced
                                                                 ington Beach,                                                     in 2019 by Assemblymem-
                                                                                                                                                                                    COURTESY PHOTO
                                                                 and      Beverley                                                 ber Shirley Weber (D-San
                                                                 Hills to Fuller-                                                  Diego), professor emeritus of Africana studies at San
                                                                 ton, in remem-                                                    Diego State, on behalf of the California Faculty Associa-
                                                COURTESY PHOTO
                                                                 brance of Floyd.                                                  tion (CFA) and with support from the legislative ethnic
Brotherhood Crusade, YWCA of Greater Los Angeles, the            Thousands      of                                                 caucuses (Black, Latino, and Asian Pacific Islander).
Jenesse Center for battered women, and other non-profits         people participat-                                                    Ethnic studies is an interdisciplinary study of race and
remained open, operating and serving a community that            ing in a symbolic                                                 ethnicity that gained acceptance nationally in universities
was already in desperate need of resources. The Brother-         funeral proces-                                                   following the 1960’s Black student uprisings. Research
hood stated it has an obligation to remain open and pro-         sion for Floyd                                                    shows that students of color and White students benefit
vide services to the community, this would not be possible       and local vic-                                COURTESY PHOTO      academically and socially from taking Ethnic studies
without the support of so many of their corporate partners       tims.                                                             courses.
who have stepped up during these most critical of times.             June 7th, 2020 held the largest protest event to date
Beyond basic needs, like food and shelter; the YWCA stat-        jammed Hollywood Blvd between 50,000 and 100,000                  Naked and Bleeding: One Woman’s Story of
ed these times are tough on many residents within the            people.                                                           What Happened When the Sheriff ’s Came
community mentally as well. The YWCA provides coun-
                                                                                                                                   Through Her Front Door
seling services and said that during these stressful times,      Gov. Gavin Newsom leads California through                            In July it had almost been a year when deputies from
their 24-hour rape and domestic abuse hotline is a critical      COVID-19 pandemic                                                 the Los Angeles County
part of providing services within the community.                   Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Depart-                Sheriff’s Lancaster station
                                                                 ment of Public Health released guidance directing coun-           armed with rifles and shot-
Kobe Bryant Memorial at L.A. Live                                                                                                  guns kicked in “Jane Doe’s”
   In the wake of Kobe Bryant’s death, fans from near                                                                              door without warning, and
and far turned the Staples center and L.A. Live into a                                                                             dragged her outside naked
                                                                                                                                   and bleeding from her men-
                                                                                                                                   strual cycle. It goes without
                                                                                                                                   saying that Jane Doe is a
                                                                                                                                   Black woman.
                                                                                                                                   Jane Doe was home alone
                                                                                                                                   with her 5-year-old son and
                                                                                                                                   13-year-old sister. Guns in
                                                                                                                                   hand, the deputies ordered a                      COURTESY PHOTO

                                                                                                                  COURTESY PHOTO
                                                                                                                                   naked Jane Doe — who was
                                                                                                                                   upstairs getting out of the shower and had run to the stairs
                                                                 ties that have been on the County Monitoring List for three       to see what the commotion was — to come downstairs
                                                                 consecutive days or more to close indoor operations for           naked. Screaming and asking to see the warrant and be
                                                COURTESY PHOTO   certain sectors which promote the mixing of populations           allowed to get dressed, she was forced at gunpoint to come
                                                                 beyond households and make adherence to physical dis-             downstairs naked in front of a group of male deputies.
memorial, leaving flowers, posters, shirts, basketballs, and     tancing and wearing face coverings difficult. The guidance            The deputies ignored her pleas not to tie her up and
homemade signs to honor him. Lakers guard Quinn Cook             applies for a minimum of three weeks and is subject to an         dragged her naked across her front lawn to the patrol car.
even joined the throng of mourners. Fans recalled his 81-        extension based on epidemiologic indicators. These sec-           Crying, Jane Doe recounts one of the deputies smiling and
point game and his final Lakers game where he scored 60          tors may modify operations to provide services outside or         laughing at her naked body in the back of the patrol car.
points. They loved him for his commitment and dedication         by pick-up. In addition, all brewpubs, breweries, bars, and           “I was sitting in the back of the police car bleeding
to basketball, calling him “legend,” “icon,” “A Family           pubs in these counties must close immediately, both               from my menstrual cycle,” she cries. “My aunt pulled up.
Man,” and “a role model.”                                        indoor and outdoor. California will continue to update and        The only way for me to identify to her that I was back
                                                                 issue guidance based on the best available public health          there like that was to smear blood on the window to show
15th Annual Taste of Soul goes Virtual and delivers              data and the best practices currently employed. All indus-        her that I am back here undressed on my period.”
                                                                 try or sector guidance documents that have been issued to             To add insult to injury, Jane Doe was arrested and
with Community Food Drive
                                                                 date, including all infectious control measures outlined in       charged with three counts of resisting arrest.
   On Saturday, October 17, The Taste of Soul Online and
                                                                 those guidance documents, apply in outdoor settings, and              She’s currently represented by the Cochran Firm and
On-time Virtual Concert saw the 15th Annual Taste of
                                                                 thus must be adhered to.                                          has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the County of Los
Soul festival go virtual to keep everyone safely at home
                                                                                                                                   Angeles, citing a violation of her civil rights, battery, neg-
                                                                 How Mayor James Butts turned Inglewood Into Cali-                 ligence, and negligent infliction of emotional distress, and
                                                                 fornia’s Premier Sports and                                       intentional infliction of emotional distress. Interestingly
                                                                 Entertainment City                                                enough, since filing her lawsuit, the three counts of resist-
                                                                     Even in these challeng-                                       ing arrest have been dropped.
                                                                 ing times, Inglewood’s trans-
                                                                 formation from a South Bay                                        Black Leaders confront Chief Moore, demand changes in
                                                                 city that once made head-                                         the midst of gang database corruption scandal
                                                                 lines for its economic and                                           January 23, Los Angeles Titans in the collective com-
                                                                 crime struggles has morphed                                       munity brought their united attention towards the mis-
                                                                 into an economic power-                                           count of vulnerable youth. Under the leadership of Chief
                                                                 house and development oasis
                                                COURTESY PHOTO
                                                                 that has attracted three pro-
watching online and provided entertainment and positive          fessional sports teams – the
community messaging to everyone during these challeng-           Rams, the Clippers and the
                                                                                                                COURTESY PHOTO
ing times. The virtual show featured musical performanc-         Chargers. It has become the
es by artists After 7, Anthony Hamilton, Deborah Joy             home to the headquarters of the Girl Scouts of Greater Los
Winans, Doug E. Fresh, En Vogue, Fred Hammond, Jade              Angeles as well as the L.A. Philharmonic’s Youth Orches-
Novah, Kool Moe Dee, MAJOR., Tamela Mann and Mon-                tra program and its Frank Gehry-designed headquarters.
tell Jordan. The virtual event will also had appearances by      Inglewood stands out as Southern California’s most
Darrin Dewitt Henson, Roland Martin, Lamman Rucker,              remarkable story of transformation and triumph.
Loni Love, Kim Fields, Dr. Bobby Jones, Faithe C. Her-
man, Wendy Raquel Robinson and Debbie Allen. Comedi-             Mayor Garcetti shows Poise and Strength During
an and actress, Kym Whitley hosted the virtual event with        COVID-19 Crisis
D.J. Mal-Ski hosting the final part of the show: Virtual             Los Angeles City Mayor Eric Garcetti navigated the
Taste of Soul House Party. Also, the same day, the Taste of      city through the                                                                                PHOTO BY E. MESIYAH MCGINNIS/L.A. SENTINEL
Soul Community Food Distribution took place in the               outbreak         of                                               L.A. Sentinel Executive Publisher, Danny J. Bakewell, Sr.
block of the Los Angeles Sentinel Newspaper on Cren-                                                                               and community advocates speak out for change within
                                                                 COVID-19, since
shaw Blvd. from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The food distribution                                                                            LAPD.
                                                                 the drastic change
came at a critical time as the economy has been severely         in course earlier
hit due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The food distribution          in          March.                                                Michel Moore, policemen added children from underrep-
helped local families and supported Black businesses             Garcetti has been                                                 resented communities to a database that notifies law
struggling to stay in business during the pandemic. Pre-         “consistent,                                                      enforcement of any gang relations. However, the selected
                                                                 steadfast,     and                                                youth would not have any previous gang-related history.
                                                                 action-filled” dur-                                               The CalGang shared criminal intelligence system tracks
                                                                 ing a time of                                                     the movement and stores a profile of people who are con-
                                                                 grave uncertainty.                                                sidered gang members. Civic Powerhouses that were pres-
                                                                 The         mayor                                                 ent at the meeting included: Executive Leader of the L.A.
                                                                 stressed the main                                                 Sentinel media outlet, Danny Bakewell, Sr., Khalid Shaw,
                                                                 priority during                                                   founder of Stop the Violence, Increase the Peace Founda-
                                                                 this     time    is                             COURTESY PHOTO
                                                                                                                                   tion, and Yvonne Wheeler, national representative, Ameri-
                                                                 human life. As                                                    can Federation of Government Employees. Bakewell
                                                                 the pandemic continues to unfold, Mayor Garcetti has led          spoke directly to the chief, “Unfortunately, Chief, we have
                                                COURTESY PHOTO   the city with science and data being the main factors of his      these meetings too often,” the executive publisher of the
                                                                 decisions. The mayor created a platform of transparency           L.A. Sentinel and L.A. Watts Times newspapers contin-
packaged meals were also purchased from Dulans on                with the community, breaking down the risks and solu-             ued, “We believe you have the right intent and the right
Crenshaw, Harold & Belles, Mels Fish Shack and The Dis-          tions to the problems that has transpired since the pan-          spirit, but there’s not a lot of things changed.”
trict by GS. These businesses are a part of the Sentinel’s       demic has taken over the city.
Support Black Business Campaign which is an ongoing                                                                                               {See TOP LOCAL STORIES OF 2020 on A-8}
PERSON of the YEAR - Los Angeles Sentinel
A-8         LASENTINEL.NET                                                              NEWS                                                  THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2020

{Continued     TOP LOCAL STORIES OF 2020                                                                                                       from A-6}

Police Union Group Places Gun Target on Image of                 Washington who was reas-                                         Single Black Mother of Three Murdered on Father’s
Black Elected Official                                           signed last Thursday to per-                                     Day, Community Responds with Open Arms
   As America heals from the several murders of                  form work on the city’s wire-                                        Heinous acts of murder widen the gashes of agony
                                         unarmed Black           less emergency alert system,                                     within the Black American community; the wounds never
                                         men          and        but no reason for the reas-                                      have enough time to heal. A
                                         women, the Cal-         signment has been made                                           recent homicide of 28-year-
                                         ifornia Correc-         public. Councilman John                                          old Tajanae Nelson has left
                                         tional     Peace        Kennedy and Vice Mayor                                           three little girls without a
                                         Officer Associa-        Tryon Hampton, the only                                          mother, as her family, along
                                         tion (CCPOA)            two African Americans on                                         with the rest of the commu-
                                         further stirred         the seven-person city coun-                                      nity, mourns. Tajanae leaves
                                         things up when          cil, agreed with members of                    COURTESY PHOTO    many loved ones behind and
                                         the     coalition       the NAACP and demanded                                           there are no words to
                                         placed a gun tar-       answers for the reassignment and wanted to ensure that           describe the hurt in their
                                         get on a photo of       Chief Washington was being treated fairly and afforded           hearts. Tajanae was seen as
                                         a Black politi-         due process. Washington was hired in 2014 from the Clark         the sole provider for her                      COURTESY PHOTO
                                          cian, Assembly-        County Fire Department in Nevada and has worked                  three      daughters;     the
                          COURTESY PHOTO
                                          member Reggie          aggressively to ensure that the Pasadena Fire Department         youngest being less than a year old. As a single mother,
Jones-Sawyer in a commercial released on Facebook.               is reflective of the city’s diversity. Members of the com-       she played both parental roles and worked twice as hard to
                                                                 munity vowed to continue to fight for the chief who is           raise her children, Azyriyah (9), Aaliyah (7), and Anasta-
Pastor Shep Crawford and Gang Leaders Bring                      highly regarded by many in the city and will continue to         sia (11-months). She created her own sense of family and
                                                                 question the decision until order is restored within the         loved them with every fiber of her being.
Awareness to the Peace Movement in L.A. Communities              city’s fire department.
   Experience Christian Ministries (ECM) Pastor Shep
Crawford brought together Bloods and Crips and other                                                                              Attorney: Dijon Kizzee Fatally Shot by Deputies
gang leaders to bring awareness about the peace move-
                                                                 Tiffany Haddish Joins Councilmember Herb Wesson                  While Lying on Ground
                                                                 to donate computers to Foster Care                                   At around 3:15 p.m. on Monday, in the proximity of
                                                                    Actress and comedian, Tiffany Haddish joined Los              West 109th Place
                                                                 Angeles Councilmember Herb Wesson and Sentinel                   and       Budlong
                                                                 columnist and political strategist, Jasmyne Cannick in           Avenue in South
                                                                 handing out over 700 laptops to students in the L.A. Coun-       LA,         LASD
                                                                                                                                  deputies       saw
                                                                                                                                  Dijon Kizzee, 29,
                                                                                                                                  and chose to stop
                                                                                                                                  him for “riding a
                                                                                                                                  bicycle in an
                                                                                                                                  unlawful manner.”
                                                                                                                                  The      encounter
                                                                                                                                  became fatal when
                                                COURTESY PHOTO
                                                                                                                                  two         sheriff
                                                                                                                                  deputies      shot                            COURTESY PHOTO
ment that’s been going on in neighborhoods on the East                                                                            Kizzee 15 times,
Side of Los Angeles. According to pastor Crawford, when                                                                           “seven times with his profile of the back pointing toward
the crime rate goes down in East Los Angeles, the police,                                                                         deputies” according to autopsy report. The killing has
                                                                                                                 COURTESY PHOTO
pastors, or politicians will get credit. Crawford stated that                                                                     sparked two days of protests exceeding the Westmont
                                                                 L.A. City Councilmember Herb Wesson, Good Plus Foun-
he got a front-row seat to the majority of the reason that                                                                        community, and has become another spotlight in the
                                                                 dation Director Dr. Alan-Michael Graves, actress and
crime and shooting are down is because of the gang lead-         comedian Tiffany Haddish and political strategist and            national controversy about police violence used on Black
ers that are striving to bring peace within the communities.     advisor Jasmyne Cannick.                                         people.
Gang leaders and Pastor Crawford held the press confer-
ence because they are tired of being targeted and arrested       ty foster system. The computers given away were a dona-          Compton Mourns the Loss of 14-Year-old Semaj Miller
when making a change in the community. They want to              tion from Wesson’s OurCycleLA project which is a digital            Young basketball prospect Semaj Miller was gunned
show unity within the Black and Brown gangs.                     inclusion program designed to bridge the digital divide in       down in South L.A. in late July. Compton Mayor Aja
                                                                 low-income households in Los Angeles and other margin-           Brown and rapper Percy “Master P” Miller were some of
Members of St. Paul First Lutheran Church Reprimand              alized communities.                                                                                     the many people
a Black Woman for Sitting on their Lawn                                                                                                                                  who spoke at his
   Los Angeles based actress and stunt woman Alex Mar-
                                                                 Kanye West Brings Sunday Service to DTLA’s                                                              vigil. Miller start-
shall-Brown was harassed by White church members for             Skid Row                                                                                                ed playing basket-
                                  sitting on the grass of St.        Kanye West faith was on full display on Dec. 29, as he                                              ball at the age of
                                  Paul's Lutheran Church in      marked the first anniversary of Sunday Service with a                                                   five and was a
                                  North Hollywood. The           rousing worship experience on skid row in downtown                                                      member of the
                                  video captured on Mar-         L.A. West, the Union Rescue Mission (URM) and Faithful                                                  L.A. City Wildcats
                                  shall-Brown’s smartphone       Central Bible Church (FCBC) collaborated to present the                                                 Youth Academy. A
                                  shows a church member                                            service at URM, which is                                              17-year-old was
                                  saying “You are not wel-                                         the site of FCBC’s regular                                            later charged with
                                  come here,” and then                                             DTLA Sunday worship                                    COURTESY PHOTO the    murder of
                                  making a point to drill a                                        and its various midweek                                               Miller.
                                  “No Trespassing” sign                                            activities that minister to
                                  into a tree next to her for                                      the homeless. The Rev.         Bakewell Brings Foot Locker to Compton
                                  reasonable cause for                                             Andy Bales, URM CEO,              L.A. Sentinel Publisher Danny Bakewell Sr. opened a
                                  police assistance. The                                           and Bishop Kenneth C.          Footlocker in the Compton Renaissance Plaza Shopping
                   COURTESY PHOTO video went viral when it
                                                                                                   Ulmer, FCBC pastor,            center. The store is committed to making a difference, the
                                  took a strange turn as the                                       were also on hand. Armed       mission is for the store to be a safe haven for youth. The
unidentified man finished drilling the sign and saying that                                        with his band, choir and
"All Lives Matter."                                                                                guest preacher, Pastor
                                                                                                   Kerwin Lee, West joined
                                                                                    COURTESY PHOTO with    homeless parish-
City of Pasadena Accused on Unfairly Reassigning                                                   ioners to lift up the name
Pasadena Fire Chief Bertral Washington                           of Jesus through prayer, music and the Word of God. After
    Pasadena City Councilmember John Kennedy and                 roaming through the crowd to shake hands and speak with
Vice Mayor Tyron Hampton called into question the deci-          some of the worshippers, West captivated the audience
sion of Pasadena City Manager, Stever Mermell for the re-        while rapping about life’s distractions over the choir’s
assigning of Pasadena Fire Chief Bertral Washington at an        chorus of “Hallelujah” and had people swaying as he
overcrowded city council meeting on Monday, February             delivered “Closed on Sunday” and “Follow God,” both
10. The Pasadena NAACP rallied to support Chief Bertral          from his “Jesus Is King” album.
                                                                                                                                                                                  COURTESY PHOTO

                                                                                                                                  Footlocker is committed to hiring local talent to make

                                                                                                                                  Councilmember Curren Price Announces Plans to
                                                                                                                                  Rename Portions of Figueroa Street to
                                                                                                                                  ‘Kobe Bryant Boulevard’
                                                                                                                                      Councilmember Curren Price on Aug. 25 introduced a
                                                                                                                                  motion to rename a stretch of Figueroa Street from
                                                                                                                                  Olympic Boulevard to Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard
                                                                                                                                  in honor of the basketball great Kobe Bryant. Councilman

                                                                                                                                                                                  COURTESY PHOTO

                                                                                                                                  Price announced the motion on Kobe Bryant Day, August
                                                                                                                                  24, alongside motion co-author Councilmember Herb
                                                                                                                                  Wesson, and KDAY radio personality Cece Valencia, as
                                                                                                                                  well as Lakers fans outside of the Staples Center.

                                                                                                                                  Local Photographer, Haleigh Nickerson Sues Diesel and
                                                                                                                                  Terry Richardson for Stealing Her Work
                                                                                                                                     Haleigh Nickerson, an African American women, pho-
                                                                                                                                  tographer and digital artist based in Los Angeles, filed a
                                                                                                                                  lawsuit against controversial photographer Terry Richard-
                                                                                                                                  son. Nickerson’s “Sista Soulja” photo, which she created
                                                                                                                                                {See TOP LOCAL STORIES OF 2020 on A-9}
PERSON of the YEAR - Los Angeles Sentinel
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2020                                                                 NEWS                                                           LASENTINEL.NET                  A-9

{Continued      TOP LOCAL STORIES OF 2020                                                                                                            from A-8}

                                  in 2016. The lawsuit filed in federal court alleges copy-                                                         ated by an independent research team. Partici-
                                  right infringement.                                                                                               pant names will be kept anonymous, but pre-
                                      Nickerson claims Diesel included a photo similar to                                                           liminary findings will be reported at six-month
                                  hers in a new campaign “Rules for Successful Living.                                                              intervals and a live data dashboard will be
                                  She called it a “blatant act of infringement. Richardson                                                          shared once disbursements begin. The Comp-
                                  lost his prestige since the emergence of the #MeToo                                                               ton Pledge builds on the results of previous
                                  movement in 2017. Nickerson did not want her reputa-                                                              pilots to study many of the key unanswered
                                  tion to be affiliated with disgraced photographers, such                                                          questions about the policy: the optimal imple-
                                  as Richardson.                                                                                                    mentation and design, as well as ideas towards
                                      Nickerson reached out to Diesel before filing her                                            COURTESY PHOTO   long-term financing at the municipal level.
                   COURTESY PHOTO lawsuit, and argued that the brand intentionally copied
Haleigh Nickerson’s image the most recognizable elements of her ‘Sista Soulja’ pho-                   County Proclaims ‘Rev James M. Lawson Jr. Day’
(left) compared to Terry tograph. She is seeking that all reproductions be                                On a motion by Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, the Los Angeles County Board of
Richardson’s for a Diesel cam- destroyed and all profits derived from the image be
                                                                                                      Supervisors voted unanimously to proclaim September 22 as “Rev. James M. Lawson, Jr.
                                  handed to her. For this case to land in court, damages              Day.” September 22,
need to exceed 75,000.                                                                                2020 will mark the
                                                                                                      92nd Birthday of a
L.A. County Votes to Settle Ryan Twyman DIS Shooting for $3.9 Million                                 statesman        who,
                             24-year-old Ryan Tyman was shot by L.A. County sheriff’s                 since the 1950s,
                         deputies, who said he used his car as a weapon against them June             continues to be
                         6, in Compton. On November 12, the Los Angeles County Board                  actively involved in
                         of Supervisors voted to approve a 3.9 million settlement of a fed-           training countless
                         eral lawsuit brought by the family of Ryan Twyman.                           men and women on
                             Former Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas made a statement.                   nonviolent resist-
                         He said, “This is a sobering reminder of the families and commu-             ance to achieve
                         nity’s need for justice, healing and compassion. Although a $3.9             social justice. He
                         million settlement is unusually large, it is no substitute for jus-          has taught at the
                         tice.” He continued, “Justice indeed requires an investigation with          University of Cali-
                         legally mandated oversight by the Office of Inspector General to             fornia, Los Angeles,
ensure that careless tragedies like this one are repeated.”                                           California      State
                                                                                                                                                                                   COURTESY PHOTO
   According to the plaintiffs’ court papers, the deputies violently confronted Twyman                University, North-
even though he and Leffall were unarmed and not a threat to them.                                     ridge, and countless other educational institutions–and even in retirement continues to
                                                                                                      travel across the country to teach nonviolence. His commitment to social justice is long-
Two Sheriff ’s Deputies shot in Compton                                                               lasting, unwavering, and timeless. His experiences and his words have been used by gen-
    September 15, The County of Los                                                                   erations as the foundation and framework in the fight for equality and social justice.
Angeles updated the community with
critical news surrounding the COVID-                                                                  Death of Anthony McClain by Police Expedites City Council Decision to
19 outbreak. The county remained in a                                                                 Create Civilian Oversight Commission
state of caution, as numbers reflected                                                                    On Raymond Avenue and Grandview Street, Anthony McClain was sitting passen-
that the flattening of curve. In the same                                                             ger to his brother in a car that was stopped for a missing front license plate. There was
breath, Los Angeles experienced turbu-                                                                small conversation that led to the officers ordering the gentlemen out of the car.
lence between local residents and law                                                                 McClain in panic held his waistband and had his back turned away from the officer, he
enforcement. Chairwoman Barger dis-                                                                   began running. The officer took impulsive
closed that two Los Angeles County                                                                    action and shot McClain in the upper torso
                                                                         COURTESY PHOTO
sheriff’s deputies were ambushed and                                                                  while in chase. The victim of the shooting
shot, Supervisor Mark-Ridley Thomas and Barger offered $100,000 reward for any infor-                 was still handcuffed after he fell wounded.
mation that led to the capture of those who committed the violent crime.                              The body cam attached to the officer that
                                                                                                      pursued and shot McClain was inactive and
Compton Mayor Aja Brown and City Council Call on the State for Investigation on                       was not turned on until later. Cuffed, emer-
Compton Sheriff ’s Deputies                                                                           gency first responders began to administer
                                                                         On August 4,                 aid and transferred McClain to a hospital
                                                                     2020,       Compton              where he later passed away due to his shot
                                                                                                                                                                                     COURTESY PHOTO
                                                                     Mayor Aja Brown                  wound. Ideally the oversight committee
                                                                     called on state Attor-           would consist of 9-13 members nominated by city council. Each member would be
                                                                     ney General Xavier               required to have gone through 30 hours of training and complete a ride-along with the
                                                                     Becerra and the U.S.             Pasadena Police Department after 90 days of taking up their role. The commission will
                                                                     Justice Department               also include an auditor that will sit as advisor; with the power of subpoena and clear-
                                                                     to investigate the               ance to review controversial cases.
                                                                     Los Angeles County
                                                                     Sheriff’s     Depart-
                                                      COURTESY PHOTO
                                                                     ment. They were                    WWW.IMWLAW.COM
                                                                     accused of miscon-
duct, excessive force, discriminatory policing and improper stops, searches or arrests.
    Mayor Brown’s announcement followed allegations of a violent gang of sheriff’s
deputies who called themselves “The executioners” and control the Compton station
through threats to those that speak out.

Blunt Trauma: Cop Beats Black Teen Over Cigar, Sparking Outrage and Familiar
Swisher Sweet Debate
   The shocking video of a Rancho Cordova police officer beating an unarmed 14-year-
                                                          old African American boy
                                                          over a questionable cigar
                                                          purchase went viral across
                                                          social media platforms
                                                          around the world. Rancho
                                                          Cordova deputy, Brian Fow-
                                                          ell is captured on video pum-
                                                          meling the teenager in his                        #1 BLACK-OWNED FIRM IN CALIFONRIA
                                                          chest and pressing his face in
                                                          the ground. The incident                               PROVIDING LEGAL SERVICES
                                                          happened near a 7-Eleven
                                           COURTESY PHOTO
                                                          convenient store where the
                                                                                                                    TO THE COMMUNITY
Rancho Cordova Police Department (RCPD) reports that the youth received the tobacco
cigarette from an adult.
                                                                                                                        SINCE 1943
L.A. County Board Funds Body-Worn Cameras for
Sheriff ’s Deputies
    The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to
transfer $25.5million to the Sheriff's Department to fund
the roll out of body-worn cameras to patrol deputies over
the next year. Supervisors Janice Hahn and Kathryn Barger
co-authored the motion calling for a transfer of funds to
cover the first year of operation.                                                   COURTESY PHOTO

Dodger Stadium looks to be the Largest Testing Site in America
   On Tuesday, May 26, Los Angeles City Mayor Eric Garcetti delivered news sur-
                                                                     rounding the biggest testing
                                                                     site in America was devel-
                                                                     oped at the Dodger Stadium.
                                                                     The site is equipped to test
                                                                     up to 6,000 people a day.
                                                                     Mayor Garcetti presented the
                                                                     news from the baseball dia-
                                                                     mond arena, L.A. County
                                                                     implemented major efforts
                                                                     into opening the city safely.
                                                                                                          Rodney S. Diggs, Byron Michael Purcell, Marie Maurice,
                                                                     Public officials felt the                        W. Keith Wyatt and Rickey Ivie
                          PHOTO COURTESY OF THE CITY MAYOR'S OFFICE.
                                                                     severity of the current state
Mayor Garcetti at Dodger Stadium Testing Center.
                                                                     of the economy, and they              PERSONAL INJURY ■ ENTERTAINMENT LAW
worked on the blueprints of conducting business with social distancing.
                                                                                                             CORPORATE LAW ■ CIVIL LITIGATION
    The Compton Pledge, led by Mayor Aja Brown in partnership with the Jain Family
                                                                                                             EMPLOYMENT LAW ■ CRIMINAL LAW
Institute, an applied research group with a focus on guaranteed income, and the Fund for                                …AND MORE
Guaranteed Income, a registered public charity launched to steward guaranteed income
as a path to racial justice. The Compton Pledge is supported by a Community Advisory
Council of trusted leaders and activists to co-design the mission-driven program. Among
the groups represented are: Brotherhood Crusade, CHIRLA, One Fair Wage, My Broth-                        P: (213) 489-0028        444 S. Flower St., Suite 1800
er’s Keeper, Shields for Families, Neighborhood Housing Services, Color Compton,                         F: (213) 489-0552        Los Angeles, CA 90071
Sylvia Nunn Angels, Vecinos Unidos Por Compton, Compton YouthBuild, Compton Col-
lege, Compton Advocates, and Originals Nation. The program will be rigorously evalu-
PERSON of the YEAR - Los Angeles Sentinel
A-6            LOS ANGELES SENTINEL                                                     NEWS                                                         THURSDAY,JANUARY 9, 2014

By Betti Halsell                                                                                were a part of where they
Contributing Writer                                                                             made cherished memories,
                                                                                                before a global pandemic
    Found in the heart of                                                                       shut down massive crowd
Compton, CA, stands an                                                                          attractions. Husband, Jon
oasis that provides a re-                                                                       “Ken” Stewart, and herself
freshing moment for the                                                                         decided to commemorate
collective        community.                                                                    their vows intentionally on
The Pucker Up Lemonade                                                                          the day of one of the top
Company’s storefront sits                                                                       local attractions, Taste of
happily alongside other                                                                         Soul, which would have
small businesses, but there                                                                     taken place in October of
is something different                                                                          this year.
about this community wa-                                                                            According to the food
tering hole.                                                                                    media outlet, Foodzooka,
     Inspired by her child-                                                                     each combination of lem-
hood, founder and lemon-                                                                        onade creates a different
ade connoisseur, Karnei-                                                                        aroma for the customer
sha Christian-Stewart has                                                                       to enjoy. With traditional
found a way to add that ex-                                                                     strawberry lemonade being
tra zest to life. With over 50                                                                  a house favorite, Pucker
different variations of lem-                                                                    Up Lemonade pushed the
onade on the menu, Pucker                                                                       envelope and developed
Up Lemonade brings a                                                                            innovative concoctions of
vibrance to the streets of                                                                      lemonade, such as cucum-
Compton that reflects the                                                                       ber, watermelon, ginger,
diversity within the com-                        Karneisha Christian-Stewart                    and pineapple. Pucker Up                 Teamonade Pint BY TOUSHONTA HOGAN @TOUSHONTACREATES
munity flavor.                                                                                  Lemonade uses premium
    “Everyone knows lem-         had one to prepare in, but      line of business, Pucker Up    Italian syrups, teas, and       from the previously noted         soul of the flavoring stays
onade,” Stewart declared,        we didn’t have our own          offers beverage catering.      handcrafted sweeteners to       media, the heart of the           true to the family’s “secret
as she explained the busi-       exclusive space … ” build-      As a “beverage boutique,”      give that extra nod to the      lemonade starts with a spe-       ingredient.” Quoting Stew-
ness in refreshments is          ing from a general com-                                                                                                          art, “I’m always about the
nothing new. However,            mercialized kitchen, Stew-                                                                                                       quality. Water is the major
she managed to give the          art is now planted in her                                                                                                        ingredient in the recipe, so
traditional American fam-        storefront, located on 723                                                                                                       it has to be on point.”
ily beverage a whole new         E. Compton Blvd, Comp-                                                                                                               Stewart came full circle
twist. Stewart shared her        ton, CA. They have been in                                                                                                       by explaining the com-
experiences in her youth, of     their brick-and-mortar for                                                                                                       pany’s slogan, “When Life
her father’s perseverance        approximately two years.                                                                                                         gives you lemons, pucker
in his landscaping projects          Reflecting on her jour-                                                                                                      up!” She said, “Pucker up
within the community, that       ney to ownership, Stewart                                                                                                        means different things to
led her to the current legacy    described the first debut of                                                                                                     different people; for us, it
of lemonade.                     Pucker Up Lemonade was                                                                                                           means—with whatever you
    Stewart said, “My dad        at her children’s fundraiser                                                                                                     are handed in life, ready
wore many hats, and one          and it was carnival-themed,                                                                                                      yourself, position yourself,
of his businesses was a tree     noted in the Foodzooka                                                                                                           use your resources, and
and lawn service. He would       media outlet. The whole-                                                                                                         that’s what Pucker Up has
always have access to re-        some lemonade stand got                                                                                                          really been.” One can taste
ally good, fresh, and home-      their first taste of success,                                                                                                    all 50 flavors of Pucker Up
grown fruits from people’s       and Stewart’s wheels began                                                                                                       specialty lemonade by or-
trees.”                          to turn, seeing the profit                                                                                                       dering online or by calling
    She continued, “…            one could have if they           Lemonade(Tangerine,HabaneroLime, and Blue Raspberry+Lifetime Cup) BYJESYKAWHITE                 for takeout. They are open
Daily, he would bring back       squeezed the lemons a little                                                                                                     every day except Monday,
really big grocery bags of       bit harder.                     they provide drink stations,   flavoring in their refreshing   cialized fusion of reverse        from 1 – 5 p.m. One can
seriously big juicy, oddly           Being the beacon for        tea parties, and mocktail      beverage.                       osmosis as the Pucker Up          also call ahead of time, at
shaped lemons … “ Stew-          possibility, Stewart ex-        drinks, pressed, stirred and       Rendering information       Lemonade base. But the            (562) 507-8177.
art’s father would come          plained the energy of en-       ready to order. With flavors
home with handpicked             trepreneurship that flows       like mango, lavender, and
lemons; she made note of         within her family. Her chil-    charcoal, tastebuds will be
her amazement in all the         dren share the spirit of in-    shaken up from the surpris-
different sizes they were,       genuity that is highlighted     ing notes of the unique lem-
and following a triple wash      in the Pucker Up ambiance.      onade combinations.
method, the family of six            Stewart revealed the            In a five-year window,
children would make the          thought that fuels her to       Pucker Up is looking to
household beverage. Stew-        keep pushing, its the em-       expand past Los Angeles,
art’s father passed away,        pire that she envisions. She    Stewart is looking to be the
but his zest for life and pro-   hopes it will live through-     nation’s household drink.
viding for his family lives      out her family line, she        Stewart said, “We are on
on through the Pucker Up         said, “I think the kids real-   track to go into mass pro-
Lemonade Company.                ized, that anything is pos-     duction and distribution,
    Juice was never on the       sible. We started this with     regionally and then nation-
family grocery list, because     backyard lemons, and to         ally,” she continued, “We
the household lemonade           see where we come today,        will also license our brand
was always in stock. Stew-       they really see the pos-        to other entrepreneurs that
art described after the lem-     sibilities of consistency,      would like to open up Puck-
ons were properly cleaned,       hard work, and great work       er Up Lemonade Company
her dad would create their       ethic.” Charli Smith, 13,       in their hometown.”
thirst-quenching elixir and      Khamarli Jarrett,19, and            Stewart went on to de-
she watched the process          Ken Stewart, Jr., 23, have      scribe the future of the
from start-to-finish. She        all witnessed their mom’s       lemonade stand is going
joked at her father’s ver-       unwavering dedication to        mobile, the Pucker Up food
sion being way too sweet,        owning her own business.        truck will be available in
being an expert of the taste         After nine years in the     the first quarter of 2021.
herself. In 2021, Stewart        beverage industry, Stew-        Stewart emphasized her
is producing a version that      art has seen the difficulties   excitement in growth by
has reduced sugar, an up-        of entrepreneurship. She        saying, “For people to see
dated version of the house-      credits the support of fam-     where we started and 2011,
hold drink everyone that’s       ily and staff, mentors, and     and now we are going into
health-conscious will en-        faith that has pulled her       2021, which will be our
joy.                             through all of the hard-        tenth year, can see this
    Peering into the pres-       ship and obstacles Pucker       growth. And our growth
ent growth of the business,      Up Lemonade has faced.          was scaled in a different
sales reached over 300%          Stewart grew her business       way.” Stewart said that the
in profit this year. Stewart     from the lessons learned        community has shown so
reminisced on the humble         as a new business owner,        much love and support dur-
beginnings that started          lack of funding, and start-     ing her journey.
from the chilled pitcher         ing from home. Although             Feeling the community
in her personal kitchen, to      she saw every hurdle, she       connection, Stewart reflect-
now a full commercialized        did not stop the lemonade       ed on the pivoting note that
storefront, and visions of       locomotive.                     made all outdoor events on
mass production soon.                Stewart is now looking      the calendar come to a halt,
     Stewart said, “We came      to have a Pucker Up Lem-        due to COVID-19. The
a long way from not having       onade stand on every cor-       Pucker Up Lemonade fam-
a commercialized kitchen         ner, expanding the opportu-     ily was looking forward
to prepare in—then, we           nity within the refreshments    to the festivities that they
PERSON of the YEAR - Los Angeles Sentinel
B-2                           LASENTINEL.NET                                                                                                                    THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2020

  Top Crenshaw & Around Stories of 2020
        These are the top stories of what happened in Crenshaw & Around this year.
BY EDITORIAL STAFF                                                       parking lots in South Los                                                son said the most important thing is that the fire did not delay
                                                                         Angeles to serve as interim                                              the timeline of the scheduled reopening of the Vision Theatre.
CDU Embarks on Bringing Historic                                         housing for families. The trail-                                         An exact date has not been set but the councilman said he is
                                                                         ers were supplied through an                                             hopeful the revitalization project will stay on course for
Medical School to Watts-Willowbrook                                      executive order by Gov. Gavin                                            reopening at end of the calendar year.
    Charles R. Drew University embarked on an historic and               Newsom, who also committed
ambitious project to develop a four-year, fully accredited inde-         to spending more than $1 bil-                                            Wondalunch
pendent medical school dedicated to eradicating local health             lion in fighting homelessness
                                                                                                                               AP PHOTO
                                                                                                                                                      Wo n d a l u n c h
care disparities. The effort will build on the original McCone           statewide during the 2020-21 fiscal year. The county’s crisis            held their second
Commission Report published in the aftermath of the 1965                 strategy, as laid out in the motion, called for the county’s             event in Watts giv-
Watts Rebellion that called for an aggressive, proactive                 Homeless Initiative and Office of Emergency Management to                ing away contact
approach to providing the highest level of local resident health         work together on a framework for prioritizing strategies that            free, prepackaged
                                                                         build capacity and accountability.                                       meals that included                            SENTINEL FILE PHOTO

                                                                                                                                                  fresh fruit, vegetables, and poultry. Community leaders gra-
                                                                         Chief Deputy Emada Tingirides Serves as the                              ciously contributed their time to ensure people have food on
                                                                         Bridge to a Better Relationship Between the                              the table. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, singer, rapper, and
                                                                         Community and Law Enforcement                                            actress Janelle Monae, and CNN political commentator Angela
                                                                              Tingirides has been policing for over 25 years, she devel-          Rye showed up to lend a hand.
                                                   SENTINEL FILE PHOTO   oped her skills in the central division located in downtown Los
care. The building is projected at 100,000 square feet, with an          Angeles. Tingirides grew throughout                                      Bakewell Media Launches the ‘Support a
ambitious $100 million targeted fundraising goal. The IMEP               the department and served different                                      Black Business’ Advertising Campaign
will be housed on the university campus. The project was                 communities, but there was a pivotal                                         Bakewell Media launched the Support a Black Business
kicked off with nearly $2 million in planning grants from the            point in her career. The South East                                      Advertising Cam-
Cedars-Sinai Foundation and the California Endowment. Key                Community Police Station had an open-                                    paign     as     the
relationships with the county of Los Angeles, private sector             ing for a supervisor, Officer Tingirides                                 COVID-19 pan-
donors, foundations, the National Institutes of Health, and state        felt the position pulling at her roots.                                  demic put Black
and local funders, will spur the effort.                                 Presently filling the role of newly                                      businesses in dis-
                                                                         appointed Deputy Chief, Los Angeles                                      tress. The advertis-
                                                                                                                                    FILE PHOTO
LIVWRK DEVELOPMENT TO BUY                                                reflected on the L.A. native, being                                      ing campaign pro-
                                                                                                                         Chief Deputy
                                                                         raised in Watts, molded Tingirides to be Emada Tingirides                gram was designed
BALDWIN HILLS-CRENSHAW MALL                                                                                                                       to provide assis-
                                                                         supportive and aware of her communi-
     In October, Asher Abehsera, founder and CEO of
                                                                         ty. She stated, “Every day, I try to pause, and really think about       tance and help
LIVWRK, spoke candidly about his purchase of the mall and
                                                                         what happened in the position that I’m in.” She described her            Black businesses
his commitment to com-
                                                                         personal adjustment to capture the magnitude that this progres-          secure desperately
munity inclusion, and his
                                                                         sive step that's been taken by the city of Los Angeles.                  needed advertising
partnerships with CIM                                                                                                                                                                            SENTINEL FILE PHOTO
                                                                                                                                                  and outreach mech-
and the Kushner Family.
                                                                         CEO of TDE, Anthony ‘Top Dawg’ Tiffith                                   anisms. The goal is to provide information that serves as a
Abehsera was born and
                                                                         Pays Rent for over 300 Senior Units residing                             reminder that these businesses are still open and desperately
raised in Los Angeles
                                                                                                                                                  need the community’s patronage. Some of the local businesses
and grew up in the Pacif-                                FILE PHOTO
                                                                         in Watts Developments                                                    highlighted this year included Harold’s and Belle’s, Earles’
ic Pan Park area (Fairfax District). Despite his loyalty to the              TDE record label CEO Anthony                                         Grill, The District by GS, The Hawkins Company and more.
city, Abehsera found himself and his company, LIVWRK                     “Top Dawg” Tiffith has a heart of
Development, in the middle of a heated debate regarding his              gold. On April 22, 2020, Tiffith pro-
company’s plans to purchase the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw
                                                                                                                                                  Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. & the Taste of Soul
                                                                         vided a solution to senior citizens
Mall; a vastly outdated shopping mall built-in 1947 in the heart         who were struggling to pay their                                         Team Visit Food Vendors
of the Crenshaw Corridor, and entrenched in heart of the                 rent. He committed to covering on                                            Taste of Soul, one of the largest one-day food and music
African American Community. In early 2005, a group of                    month’s rent to the seniors residing                                     festivals in the world, didn’t happen in 2020, due to the
investors, led by Quinton Primo (one of the few African Amer-            in HACLA’s Watts Developments.                           FILE PHOTO      health risks of
ican owned investment firms) Capri Capital Partner, purchased            HACLA’s president said, “This charitable contribution will               the pandemic,
the shopping mall. Despite the early success of the mall, the            cover one month’s rent for 311 units, benefitting some of our            but           TOS
investor group led by LACERA(LosAngeles County Employ-                   population’s most vulnerable and at-risk residents.”                     Founder, Danny
ees Retirement Association) grew weary of the investment and                 The Top Dawg CEO donated a total of $86,000.00 to the                J. Bakewell, Sr.
decided to sell the mall. In April 2020, the CIM Group agreed            help the residents. Tiffith was born and raised in Watts and has         and his staff felt
to buy the mall for more than $100 million. However, by June             a strong connection with his community. He is known for his              it was critical
2020, the sale was dropped due to community opposition to the            philanthropic work. Tiffith credits his grandmother for his giv-         that the festival
plan without the residential component. The mall has been                ing heart towards the community. “Giving back is what it’s all           reached out to
closed for much of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.                    about. My community has given me so much and I come from                 those vendors
                                                                                                                                                                                            PHOTO E. MESIYAH MCGINNIS
LIVWRK and its partners, DFH, are now proposing to pur-                  a giving family; my grandmother would give you the shirt off             who’ve        been
chase the mall, and at the time of filing this story in 2020, the        her back. She taught me that growing up.”                                supportive and committed to the festival and community for
closing seemed to be eminent. But, despite all of his good                                                                                        the 15-year run, as well as supporting new upstart restau-
intentions and promises to bringing forth quality and inclusive          Brotherhood Crusade Navidad en el Barrio                                 rants run by business-savvy Millennials. On Saturday, Sep-
development, many in the community have been reluctant to                     The Brother-                                                        tember 16, Bakewell visited Sip & Sonder coffee house in
support LIVWRK as the buyer for the mall. Rev. William                   hood       Crusade                                                       Inglewood, Hawkin’s House of Burgers in Watts, Chef Mar-
Smart of SCLC says “This mall is a landmark building within              filled a large sec-                                                      ilyn’s in the Crenshaw District, and Mel’s Fish Shack in the
our community and I want to see a group of African American              tion of the Cren-                                                        Jefferson Park area, to show moral and financial support,
Investors own and be afforded this opportunity within our                shaw       District                                                      despite the festival producers’ decision to cancel the mas-
community.”                                                              with car lines of                                                        sive event, opting for a safer, virtual concert experience.
                                                                         people, spanning
Destination Crenshaw                                                     from Crenshaw                                                            ‘Leimert Park Rising’ brings out thousands in
    The beginning of 2020 for Destination Crenshaw was                   Blvd. and 39th                                  SENTINEL FILE PHOTO
                                                                                                                                                  support of Juneteenth and Black Lives
about spreading a message of Black ownership. New busi-                  St., and stretching around the entire block, hoping to receive                On June 24th, 2020 community members from South L.A.
nesses emerging such as the Office of Racial Equity and South            much needed resources at Brotherhood Crusade’s annual Navi-              filled Leimert Park to honor Juneteenth. On the South section
LA Cafe coffee showed the urgency among Black entrepre-                  dad en el Bario, or Christmas in the Neighborhood event.                 of the event, the Pray for the Hood stage hosted various artists
neurs, community leaders, and elected officials alike fight to           Brotherhood’s administrators, staff, along with select commu-            with a common goal of solidarity, love, and ownership. “This
                                                 preserve its his-       nity volunteers, gave their time to help out other community             was arguably one of the most monumental events of the year,”
                                                 toric Black cul-        members in need, serving up to 3,000 families.                           says Jimetta Rose of Voices of Creation. One moment during
                                                 ture and physical                                                                                the performance breaks, everyone was chanting Queen Lati-
                                                 presence in South       Leimert Park Fire Damages Historic                                       fah’s lyrics U-N-I-T-Y in solidarity.
                                                 L.A. Destination        Vision Theater                                                                The energy surrounded Leimert Park filled the African
                                                 Crenshaw aims               During the early morning hours on Tuesday April 21, fire-            American community with love and hope for brighter days.
                                                 to help ensure the      fighters from the Los Angeles Fire Department extinguished               For many people in the community, Leimert Park has always
                                                 value generated         flames that damaged part of the historic Vision Theatre located          been a hub for people to shop and bond with each other.
                                                 by the culture          in Leimert Park. Firefighters extinguished the fire in about 25               In appreciation for his efforts of activism and organizing
                                                 stays      within                                                                                events that empower and unify Leimert Park community, event
                             SENTINEL FILE PHOTO South L.A. by
                                                                                                                                                  co-organizer, attorney, Jaaye Person-Lynn presented Dom
investing in the community with initiatives intended for current                                                                                  Kennedy with the Ben Caldwell award. Kennedy wasn’t able
residents, a move many hope will allow Black businesses to                                                                                        to make the event because of prior obligations; he still sent a
compete with newcomers. Destination Crenshaw also plans to                                                                                        powerful message to encourage the community read by RJ
have an impact on the community well in advance of its phys-                                                                                      Lewis. This Juneteenth celebration for Black independence
ical completion. In conjunction with Councilmember Mar-                                                                                           was an essential gathering for people to release the hate, anger
queece Harris Dawson, it aims to create a robust local work-                                                                                      and fear, and to be filled with love. As such, we made the city
force while increasing access to high-paying jobs and afford-                                                                                     a safer place, said Person-Lynn.
able housing. In March, at the intersection of Crenshaw and
Leimert, hundreds gathered to honor the history of Crenshaw
Boulevard and Leimert Park and to celebrate the groundbreak-
ing of Destination Park and its centerpiece, Sankofa Park.
                                                                                                                                     FILE PHOTO

Homeless Crisis                                                          minutes. The first reports of the fire came in around 4:35 a.m.
     In January of 2020, the Los Angeles County Board of                 on Tuesday. There were no reported injuries, and the cause of
Supervisors approved a handful of motions designed to more               the fire is still under investigation. The venue opened as a cin-
quickly respond to provide housing for people living on the              ema venue in 1931 under the name Leimert Park Theatre. It
streets. Supervisors Mark Ridley-Thomas and Janice Hahn co-              was purchased in 1990 by legendary actress Marla Gibbs, who
authored a motion for a Comprehensive Crisis Response Strat-             gave it the Vision name. The city eventually took over the the-
egy. Ridley-Thomas also garnered approval for deploying 30               ater and turned it into a performing arts center. The theater has
trailers provided by the state to public and privately-owned             been undergoing a year’s-long, multi-phase renovation. Wes-                                                                        FILE PHOTO
PERSON of the YEAR - Los Angeles Sentinel
B-3            LASENTINEL.NET                                                          NEWS                                                  THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2020

           Top Business Stories of 2020
                                                       Here is what happened in business in 2020.
By Editorial Staff             lion dollar increase in sup-   banker. While the job           Planning will submit its        ing reports that she was        rector and President of the
                               port in the coming decade.     switch appeared dramatic,       Racial Equity Action Plan       destined for Warner Bros.       Academy Museum, Bill
                                Magic Johnson Partners        it actually fulfilled John-     to the mayor’s office as                                        Kramer. Stewart joins the
                               with Cigna President Mike      son’s vision of giving back     well as join the City of Los    MSNBC Executive Pro-            Academy Museum from
                               Triplett to Address Racial     to his community in a tan-      Angeles Racial Equity Task      ducer Rashida Jones Pro-        the University of Chicago
                               and Gender Disparities         gible way. As executive         Force, both to promote          pels Forward as the First       Department of Cinema and
                               Among Small Businesses         director of Community           citywide diversity and eq-      Black Woman Network             Media Studies, where she
                               Magic Johnson Enter-           Development Banking for         uity. Roble and his team        President                       teaches American film his-
                               prises and Cigna launched      JPMorgan Chase, Johnson         will dedicate work effort       Jones will be succeeding        tory, specializing in African
JPMorgan Chase Com-            community-driven series        leads the company’s ini-        to implement the priori-        Phil Griffin to be the presi-   American cinema from the
mits $30 Billion To Ad-        of customized health pro-      tiatives to assist residents,   ties identified in the Action   dent of MSNBC. She is the       silent era to the present.
vance      Racial     Equity   grams for businesses in Los    businesses, schools and         Plan. The work to disman-       first Black woman to have       Stewart also is the direc-
JPMorgan       Chase     an-   Angeles. It’s put in place     nonprofits in accessing the     tle systemic racism will re-    the position at the network.    tor of the university’s Arts
nounced new long-term          to meet the Health officer     financial resources to im-      quire committed resources       A Hampton alum, Jones has       + Public Life initiative,
commitments to advance         orders, designed to meet       prove their neighborhoods.      and involve both internal       20 years of local and nation-   which provides platforms
racial equity. The firm will   each sectors unique needs.     His responsibilities include    and external efforts. Ro-       al news coverage. She is        for artists and access to arts
harness its expertise in       These programs are created     heading JPMorgan’s new          ble’s team will continue its    also known for her leader-      programming through artist
business, policy and phi-      to build a better founda-      platform that invests eq-       work well into the future       ship in breaking news cov-      residencies, arts education,
lanthropy and commit an        tion for everyone involved,    uity into affordable hous-      and augment the impor-          erage at NBC and MSNBC.         creative entrepreneurship,
additional $30 billion over    and then implant a stake of    ing projects in South LA        tant work in partnership                                        and artist-led programs
the next five years to pro-    equality within each com-      and other markets across        with the mayor’s office.                                        and exhibitions. Stewart is
vide economic opportunity      pound of the community.        the country. He also works                                                                      the host of “Silent Sunday
to underserved communi-                                       closely with Community                                                                          Nights” on Turner Clas-
ties, especially the Black                                    Development        Financial                                                                    sic Movies, which show-
and Latinx communities.                                       Institutions, which are pri-                                                                    cases silent films from all
The firm will also provide                                    vate institutions focused                                                                       over the world, and she
$2 billion in philanthropic                                   on community-based lend-                                                                        co-curated Pioneers of Af-
capital over the next five                                    ing. Johnson specializes                                                                        rican American Cinema for
years to drive an inclusive                                   in real estate finance and                                                                      Kino Lorber—a collection
economic recovery and                                         after joining JPMorgan in                                                                       of works of early African
support Black, Latinx and                                     2012 as the senior cover-                                                                       American         filmmakers.
other underserved com-                                        age banker, he underwrote
munities. This extends and     GLAAACC Celebrates 27          and arranged $3 billion in
increases the firm’s cur-      Years of Honoring Busi-        secured and unsecured debt                                      Ayo Davis Named EVP of
rent five-year $1.75 bil-      ness Leaders                   financing for publicly trad-    Monique Earl named as           ABC and Disney+ Talent
lion philanthropic commit-      The GLAAACC Econom-           ed and privately-held real      New Executive Officer of        and Casting Television
ment made in 2018. It will     ic Awards Dinner honored       estate developers and in-       LADOT                           Executive Ayo Davis, the
also include an emphasis       top corporate leaders such     vestment firms in Los An-       Los Angeles Department of       head of casting at ABC
on supporting Black- and       as L.A. Metro CEO Phillip      geles. But, it’s South L.A.     Transportation (LADOT)          Television is now expand-
Latinx-led organizations.      Washington and Los An-         where Johnson is really         Assistant General Manager       ing her role and has been
Bank of America Com-           geles World Airports CEO       focused on making a differ-     Monique Earl was selected       appointed to the newly cre-
mits to One-Billion-Dollar     Deborah Flint, the late Kai-   ence and the bank is fully on   to serve as LADOT’s new         ated role of Executive vice     Valeisha Butterfield Jones
Contributions to Local         ser CEO Bernard Tyson, as      board with that emphasis.       executive officer. The new      president of Creative De-       Named as The Recording
Communities over a             well as political leaders at                                   role of executive officer       velopment and Strategy for      Academy’s First Diver-
4-year-span                    the local, state and federal                                   will serve as the general       Disney Branded Television       sity & Inclusion Officer
Bank of America is looking     level. Awards were pre-                                        manager’s proxy including       which includes Disney+,         Valeisha Butterfield Jones,
to contribute one billion      sented in categories such                                      as her new designee for all     Disney Channel, Disney          a leader, a global influenc-
dollars to local communi-      as African American Busi-                                      discipline matters and trav-    XD and Disney Junior Net-       er, and culture shifter who
ties across the country over   ness of the Year, Banking                                      el authorization. Earl will     works. In her previous role     co-founded the Women in
a span of 4-years. A large     and Financial Institution                                      also oversee the Bureau of      at ABC Television, Davis        Entertainment Empower-
amount was confirmed to        of the Year, Public Service,                                   Employee Engagement &           been responsible for the        ment Network (WENN)
be funneled to Los Angeles;    Purchasing        Executive,                                   Performance which man-          casting of some of ABC’s        and served as the National
this commitment was made       Construction Company of                                        ages performance tracking       biggest hits including          Youth Vote Director for
to address the economic        the Year, Small Business                                       and agency-wide profes-         “Black-ish,” “How To Get        President Barack Obama’s
spiral across the nation.      Advocate, Public Works                                         sional development among        Away With Murder” and           2012 reelection campaign,
They will invest into local    Contractor of the Year and                                     other responsibilities. As      “The Good Doctor.” Davis        was named the Recording
communities that need it       Corporation of the Year.                                       AGM of Administration           is an alumnus of Dillard        Academy’s first chief di-
most. The dedication an-       The event recognizes indi-                                     and Field Services, Ms.         University with a BA in         versity & inclusion officer.
swered the calls for racial    viduals, small businesses      L.A. Metro CEO Phil Wash-       Earl is responsible for more    Communications and now          The Los Angeles-based Re-
equality, the focus is to      and corporations who have      ington Will Lead Biden          than 200 employees and          serves as a board member        cording Academy consists
encourage more resources       contributed to the econom-     Transit Transition Team         nearly one billion dollars in   of the university.              of musicians, producers,
in healthcare, career paths,   ic growth and development      The Biden-Harris transition     funding spearheading the                                        recording engineers, and
small business support, and    of the African American        team officials announced        overall financial strategy                                      other musical profession-
addressing housing short-      small business community.      that Los Angeles County         at LADOT, which includes                                        als, and it’s most famous
age. Key factors that will                                    Metropolitan Transporta-        budget, accounting, risk                                        for the Grammy Awards,
be covered through this                                       tion Authority CEO Phillip      management, procurement,                                        which recognize achieve-
program will include, vi-                                     Washington will head up         and facilities. In addition,                                    ments in the music indus-
rus testing, telemedicine,                                    their transit agency review     she manages infrastructure                                      try. She’s also served in
flu vaccination clinics, and                                  team. The teams of volun-       maintenance and project                                         the Obama Administration
funding of health within                                      teers are responsible for       implementation        includ-                                   as the Deputy Director of
communities of color.                                         evaluating the operations       ing crews responsible for                                       Public Affairs for the In-
There will be additional                                      of the federal agencies so      roadway striping, street                                        ternational Trade Admin-
collaborations with high                                      that the incoming admin-        signs, and traffic signals.     Amber Rasberry Secures          istration, and Butterfield
schools and historically       Comerica Bank Names            istration is prepared for its                                   the Title of Senior Film Ex-    Jones also held the post of
Black colleges and univer-     Irvin Ashford, Jr. Chief       first day. The agency re-                                       ecutive for Amazon Studios      executive vice president of
sities, supporting research    Community            Officer   view teams will meet with                                       As senior film executive,       Rush Communications and
and future career pathways.    Comerica Bank named Ir-        former agency officials                                         Rasberry will work on the       as the national director of
 Calif. Endowment Pledg-       vin Ashford, Jr., its new      and experts who closely                                         development of original         Diversity and Inclusion for
es $225M to Support Calif.     Chief Community Officer.       follow federal agencies,                                        movies and day-to-day           the Alzheimer’s Associa-
Black-Led Organizations        Ashford, will be respon-       and with officials from                                         production. She was the         tion. She maintains a seat
The Los Angeles-based          sible for community rein-      think tanks, labor groups,                                      vice president of Para-         on the National Board of
California Endowment an-       vestment nationally and        trade associations and non-                                     mount Player and director       Directors of ColorComm,
nounced a 10-year, $225        all associated activities,     government organizations.                                       of development at Tyler         MC Lyte’s Hip Hop Sis-
million pledge of fund-        including      development,                                                                    Perry’s 34th St. Films.         ters Network, and iVote.
ing support for Black-led      lending, community invest-                                                                     She also worked with Lee
organizing, activism and       ments, volunteerism and                                        Veteran TV Executive            Daniels on the film “the        Jennifer Giddens Joins
advocacy in the state. The     data analysis. Additionally,                                   Channing Dungey Named           U.S. vs Billie Holiday.”        OWN as Head of Marketing
funding is a long-term         he will lead Comerica’s                                        Chairman of Warner                                              Oprah Winfrey Network
commitment by the En-          diversity business resource                                    Bros. Television Group                                          (OWN) announced that
dowment to build and           groups. Ashford previously                                     Veteran TV industry execu-                                      Jennifer Giddens has joined
strengthen Black-Led or-       served as Comerica’s Na-                                       tive Channing Dungey was                                        the network as head of mar-
ganizations and organizing     tional Director of Financial                                   named chairman of the War-                                      keting reporting to OWN
throughout the state. While    Education and External                                         ner Bros. Television Group                                      president Tina Perry. In her
there will be an immedi-       Affairs and will maintain                                      after tenures at ABC and                                        new role at OWN, Giddens
ate infusion of one-time       these responsibilities in                                      Netflix in which she shep-                                      will oversee strategic mar-
funding support, the health    his new role. Ashford will                                     herded hit series including                                     keting for the network’s
foundation has pledged a       report directly into the Of-     L.A. City Planning De-        “Scandal.” Dungey, who at                                       diverse slate of African
decade-long commitment         fice of the Chairman. Ash-     partment Names Faisal           ABC in 2016 became the          Jacqueline Stewart Ap-          American female focused
of support to help sustain     ford joined Comerica Bank      Roble First Chief Equity        first African American head     pointed Chief Artistic          programming, including its
funding for organizations      in 2000 and has continued      City Planning, The larg-        of a network entertainment      and Programming Offi-           robust slate of acclaimed
working to reimagine sys-      to strengthen relation-        est planning department in      division, will succeed vet-     cer of the Academy Mu-          scripted and unscripted se-
tems built on structural       ships with the communi-        the United States, named        eran Warner executive           seum of Motion Pictures         ries, as well as special pro-
inequality and racism. The     ties served by Comerica        its first Chief Equity Offi-    Peter Roth when he steps        The Academy Museum              gramming and TV movies,
10-year pledge of support      through various financial      cer Faisal Roble to lead in     down from the post early        of Motion Pictures an-          which were recently intro-
builds upon existing ef-       literacy and community de-     a newly-created position        next year, the company an-      nounced that scholar, pro-      duced to the lineup. She
forts by the Endowment to      velopment initiatives. Last    to spearhead racial justice     nounced Monday. After an        grammer, and educator           will also handle marketing
fund community organiz-        year, Ashford and his team     efforts within the Depart-      ABC career that spanned         Jacqueline Stewart has          for the network’s growing
ing and activism in Afri-      established the Comerica       ment. This role will also       14 years, including as a        been named chief artistic       podcast business and work
can American-led organi-       Money $ense program to         help address implicit bias      series development execu-       and programming officer.        closely with OWN’s ad
zations across California,     address the critical need      in city planning policies       tive, Dungey was hired by       In this new executive po-       sales team to identify and
with a projected $50 mil-      of teaching sound finan-       and outreach. With more         Netflix in late 2018 as its     sition, Stewart will lead       create impactful marketing
                               cial principles to a wide      than 30 years of experience     vice president for origi-       strategy and planning for       solutions for partner brands
                               range of audiences from        and most recently holding                                       the Academy Museum’s            and advertisers. In 2017,
                               pre-K to senior citizens, as   the title of Principal city                                     curatorial,     educational,    Giddens was named as one
                               well as small businesses.      planner, Roble will help                                        and public programming          of the industry’s most no-
                                   JP Morgan Chase’s          craft City Planning’s Ra-                                       initiatives, including ex-      table marketing executives
                               Johnson is Banking on          cial Equity Action Plan that                                    hibitions,       screenings,    in Variety’s Marketing Im-
                               South L.A.’s Success           will better guide diverse                                       symposia,      publications,    pact Report. Over her il-
                               Back in the early 2000’s,      outreach and engagement                                         workshops, and K-12 pro-        lustrious career, her work
                               Malcolm       A.    Johnson    that informs 35 distinct                                        grams. Stewart will join the    has been recognized with
                               changed careers from an        communities during the          nal series. She resigned        museum in January 2021          Clio Awards, Emmy nomi-
                               NFL player to corporate        city planning process. City     earlier this month, spark-      and will report to the Di-       {See TOP BUSINESS B-4}
PERSON of the YEAR - Los Angeles Sentinel PERSON of the YEAR - Los Angeles Sentinel
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