Perinton - 2022 Winter Programs - Town of Perinton

Page created by Alice Ingram
Perinton - 2022 Winter Programs - Town of Perinton
                      Recreation & Parks

Registration Begins                          Winter
January 4, 2022

Town Supervisor’s
Message Page 3
Perinton - 2022 Winter Programs - Town of Perinton
James E. Smith Center
        JAMES E. SMITH CENTER                      Mon.-Fri. 6:00 AM-9:00 PM           Pool/Gym Schedules available at PCC Reception Desk
                   Located at                       Sat. 7:00 AM-7:00 PM               or • Office: 223-5050 • Fax: 223-4045
               1350 Turk Hill Road                  Sun. 9:00 AM-6:00 PM                              Taped Info: 425-1170

THE INDOOR TRACK                                                                 ROOMS AND GYM FOR RENT
The Indoor Track is available to residents at no charge and non-residents        An ideal location for family parties, birthday parties, showers, reunions,
for $1. Simply sign in daily at the window by the track and please wear          business meetings or informational seminars. We also offer group rate
rubber soled shoes. The gymnasium and track are climate controlled for           discounts for swim parties tied to room rentals. For information, contact
your comfort. The inside lane (1/17th mile) is for walkers and the outside       Jeff Ackerman at 223-5050 or
lane (1/16th mile) is for runners.                                               GYM DROP-IN PROGRAMS
THE FITNESS/WELLNESS CENTER                                                      Drop-In Programs are available for all ages. Admission is $4.25 per
The Fitness/Wellness Center offers a fully equipped Cardio-Fitness Lobby         person with proof of residency. Admission for non-residents is $5.50. All
and Strength-Resistance Room for participants at least 14 years old.             participants must show ID every time. 10X stamp passes are available
THE AQUATIC CENTER                                                               to residents ($37.00) and non-residents ($50.00). For RESIDENTS 14
The Aquatic Center features a 25 yard lap pool, leisure pool and whirlpool.      years and over. Show your monthly or 20 Visit Fitness Pass and get $1
The facility is totally enclosed for year-round use.                             off your daily drop-in fee or half off your purchase of a new stamp pass.
DROP-IN FITNESS CLASSES                                                          All participants must still sign in at the registration desk for basketball/
Drop-In Fitness is offered for $7.00 per class. Non-resident rate, $8.00 per     volleyball/pickleball/table tennis and/or fitness/aquatic area(s).
class. Check out our adult and teen fitness classes inside this brochure.        PERSONAL TRAINING/WELLNESS COACHING
Group Cycling classes are $8.00 for residents and $9.00 for non-residents.       Personal training and wellness coaching will help you achieve your
Only the classes on the Fitness pages are eligible for drop-in rates.            fitness goals. $38 per hour, or purchase 6 visits for the price of 5. Call for
PASS FEES                                                                        an appointment with one of our Certified Personal Trainers or Certified
Upon purchase or renewal of your pass, you will be issued a photo ID             Health Coach.
card to be used as your pass. Under this procedure, a separate pass will         DAILY FAMILY PASS FOR AQUATICS
be required for each pass holder. LOST PASS REPLACEMENT FEE - $10.                                           (Perinton Residents)
                                                                                            2 Adults, 2 Children = $16, $2 each additional child

                                              RESIDENT                                                          NON-RESIDENT
             Child*             Youth          Adult        Senior       College   Active     Child*                   Youth         Adult         Senior
           (13/under)          (14-18)        (19-54)        (55+)       Student   Military (13/under)                (14-18)       (19-54)         (55+)
    Daily        $3.50             $4.00          $6.00         $4.00        $4.00     $4.00      $5.00                   $6.00         $9.00          $6.00
 Monthly        $26.00            $32.00         $48.00        $32.00       $32.00    $32.00     $33.00                  $39.00        $59.00         $39.00
  20 Visit      $38.00            $45.00         $68.00        $45.00       $45.00    $45.00     $66.00                  $90.00       $135.00         $90.00
  6 Month     $127.00            $156.00        $245.00       $156.00      $156.00  $156.00    $158.00                  $196.00       $300.00        $196.00
 12 Month     $226.00            $281.00        $440.00       $281.00      $281.00  $281.00    $285.00                  $352.00       $538.00        $352.00

     MONDAY             TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY THURSDAY                             FRIDAY               SATURDAY                 SUNDAY

       Pickleball                                  Pickleball
       Ages 18+                                    Ages 18+
     6:00-8:00 AM                                6:00-8:00 AM

      Basketball            Beginner               Basketball            Beginner               Basketball
      Ages 18+              Pickleball             Ages 18+              Pickleball             Ages 18+
  11:30 AM-1:15 PM      11:30 AM-1:15 PM       11:30 AM-1:15 PM      11:30 AM-1:15 PM       11:30 AM-1:15 PM

      Pickleball             Pickleball            Pickleball             Pickleball            Pickleball

     1:30-3:15 PM          1:30-3:15 PM          1:30-3:15 PM           1:30-3:15 PM          1:30-3:15 PM

       Basketball                                  Basketball                                   Basketball
       Ages 30+                                    Ages 30+                                    Ages 18-29
     8:15-9:45 PM                                8:15-9:45 PM                                 8:15-9:45 PM

                                          Schedule subject to change. View website for current schedule.

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Perinton - 2022 Winter Programs - Town of Perinton
Town News / Table of Contents

                                       Town Supervisor’s
                               Ciaran Hanna
                                                                                                               Message to the Community
Wishing everyone a safe and healthy winter and holiday season!                                                  In other news, you may have seen a local media report stating Greenlight has paused their
                                                                                                                work in Perinton. While Greenlight is actively working in a permitted portion of the Town,
We are seeing more snow accumulation on the roads, which means our Public Works                                 they have sought new permits, which involve drilling in the Right of Way, where all of our
Highway crews are out early salting and plowing 22 routes covering nearly 460 miles                             underground utilities are, including storm and sanitary sewer, water, electric, gas, and
of Town, County, and State roads. Our crews are well-prepared for the winter season,                            communication. It is essential for the safety of our residents and infrastructure that any and
transforming equipment used to haul asphalt in the summer and collect leaves in the fall                        all drilling in the Right of Way meets a certain set of standards - the same standards we hold
into a full fleet of winter-ready plow and salt vehicles. While our community is as winter-                     any utility to meet. There is no doubt we want to see Greenlight move forward in Perinton.
ready as they come, please take extra precautions while driving in poor weather conditions                      I’ve reached out to Greenlight and met with them directly, and it is my hope that they will
and always give plows plenty of space on the roads.                                                             work collaboratively to determine how they can safely install their service and connect more
Looking forward to 2022, we have a new Town Budget that provides a stable property tax                          residents.
rate at $2.34 - the third-lowest town tax rate in Monroe County. What does that mean for                        As previously announced, the Town of Perinton is negotiating a new Host Community
the average Perinton taxpayer? It means $6 of every $100 on your tax bill goes to the Town.                     Agreement (HCA) with Waste Management. The HCA is an important document that
Where does that money go? It goes into our parks and trails, senior and youth programming,                      outlines the protections and benefits provided to Perinton residents for hosting a portion
Community/Aquatic Center, road and drainage improvements, weekly yard debris pick up,                           of High Acres Landfill within the Town of Perinton. While the New York State Department
and more. I am proud of the work our Town has done to guarantee quality services while                          of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is the regulatory agency with primary permitting
delivering a stable tax rate.                                                                                   authority over the landfill, the Town has taken this opportunity to negotiate added
Soon, we will be wrapping up our 2021 Comprehensive Plan Update. As we also face the                            protections and heightened accountability for our residents in a new, revamped HCA.
recommencement of New York State’s Earthen Embankment Integrity Program, we are                                 In August, the Zoning Board of Appeals renewed a Special Use Permit for High Acres Landfill
pursuing strategies in this 2021 Update to safeguard the Erie Canal in Perinton and its                         to operate as a business in Perinton for another five years; however, for the first time, this
future maintenance and development. The Erie Canal is one of our most significant cultural,                     permit was issued with several odor mitigation requirements. Even more will be included in
natural, and historic landmarks, and we must safeguard it for the generations to come. I                        the new, revamped Host Community Agreement. Among them are restrictions on rail waste
want residents to know that Perinton is prepared to protect the Canal and the safety of our                     coming from New York City and age restrictions prohibiting the acceptance of waste more
community to the greatest extent we can.                                                                        than seven days old, which tends to be highly odorous. There are also strict requirements
The Town recently sent a letter to the New York State Canal Corporation outlining several                       on air quality monitoring and operational restrictions that have been incorporated at the
requests before any clearing occurs along the Canal. These requests include more                                request of the Town. All of these requirements are beyond what any Town administration
community input and engagement, alternatives to clear-cutting, and the release of hazard                        or agency has previously imposed on High Acres Landfill. I look forward to sharing more
and risk information to the Town and its residents. While we understand the State wants                         information on our new HCA soon.
to modify its canal embankment maintenance practice to permit easier inspection and                             I hope everyone has a wonderful winter and finds joy in the holiday season. As always, if you
identification of potential hazards, we do not believe a clear-cut is the answer. Instead, a                    have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to stop by, call or email any time. My
pragmatic, selective and intentional approach should be taken. It is our intent to require the                  number is (585) 223-0770 and my email address is I look forward
State to actively engage all stakeholders – from the public to property owners to the Town,                     to hearing from you.
and provide all with an opportunity to have more input, communication, and engagement
on their plan moving forward.                                                                                   Sincerely,
                                                                                                                Ciaran Hanna

                         Table of Contents                                                                                                                               When you see this sign in
                                                                                                                                                                      your neighborhood, it means
James E. Smith Center Information...........................................................2                                                                         the property is scheduled to be
                                                                                                                                                                      reviewed by the Town’s Planning
Special Events........................................................................................ 12                                                             Board, Zoning Board of Appeals
WebTrac Info...........................................................................................13                                                             or even Town Board.
Parks Programs...................................................................................... 14                                                           Depending on the scope of
Preschool............................................................................................... 15                                                     work, some projects require
                                                                                                                                                                Board approval before work may
Youth and Teen...................................................................................... 21                                                         begin, which triggers a public
Youth and Teen Arts & Crafts and Cooking.............................................. 28                                                                       hearing on the proposal. These
                                                                                                                 signs are one of the ways the Town notifies residents of the hearing.
Aquatics................................................................................................. 29
                                                                                                                   If you see this sign and you would like to know what is being considered for
Aquatic Fitness....................................................................................... 35
                                                                                                                 the property, go to and click on Properties Under Review on the
Adult Fitness.......................................................................................... 37       Home Page to see the plans and project description.
Adult Programs...................................................................................... 40
Adult Arts & Crafts and Cooking............................................................. 46                         Town Hall Closings:                                  PCC Closings:
                                                                                                                 Dec. 24: Christmas Eve                                Dec. 25: Christmas
55+ Prime Time Programs..................................................................... 47
                                                                                                                 Dec. 31: New Year’s Eve                               Jan. 1: New Year’s Day
General Information.............................................................................. 52                                                                   April 17: Easter
                                                                                                                 Jan. 17: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Refund Policy/Drop Off Policy................................................................ 54                 Feb. 21: President’s Day                              May 31: Memorial Day
Registration Information........................................................................ 54              April 15: Good Friday                                 July 4: Independence Day
Registration Form.................................................................................. 55          Recreation and Parks Content Starts Page 14
Registration Begins: Tuesday, January 4, 20223
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Town News

           Town of Perinton
                                                                         “Living the Values”
Phone: (585) 223-0770 • Fax: (585) 223-3629                        The Town’s employee recognition program, “Living the Values,” is a way to recognize our employees who
   Recorded information: (585) 425-1170                          provide superior public service and display our Town Values of integrity, community, respect, customer
                                                                 service, and stewardship.
       DPW Service Center: (585) 223-5115
                                                                    For the third quarter of 2021, Town Supervisor Ciaran Hanna and the Town Board recognized Town Hall
      After Hours Emergency: (585) 425-7380
                                                                 and PCC Maintenance Team members Scott Allen, Mike Sozio and Scott “Zeke” Ellis for exceptional work that
             Website:                           often went beyond their regular duties.
           Facebook: Town of Perinton, NY                          During the pandemic, the outside of the Town Hall building was in bad need of a facelift. The Maintenance
                 Twitter: @TPerinton                             Team, instead of waiting for contractors to start working again, repaired, sided and painted the Town Hall
             Instagram: townofperinton                           exterior.
                    Thomas A. Klonick                              Last month, the Traffic Loop and North Parking Lot of the PCC was being sealed and at the same time
                       Town Justice                              residents were flocking to Town Hall to pay their school taxes. The Maintenance Crew dropped what it was
                                                                 doing and directed traffic. When they noticed that seniors were having to make a long walk from where they
                        Avik Ganguly
                                                                 parked, the trio started transporting residents in golf carts.
                         Town Justice
                                                                 Just two examples of how Scott, Mike and Zeke make life better for Town staff and residents.
                  Wayne Pickering, IAO
                                                                 Congratulations to Scott, Mike and Zeke and all of our nominees!
                     Town Assessor
                                                                 Other “Living the Values” nominees included: Jim Donahue, IT and Tara Giali, Assessment Office
                        Joseph LaFay
                        Town Attorney
                     Robert J. Kozarits
                       Town Engineer
                          Bill Poray
                        Town Historian
                     Jason R. Kennedy
                     DPW Commissioner
                  Jeffrey D. Myers
          Commissioner of Recreation and Parks

             Board Meetings
                    Town Board
        2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month
                     at 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                     Zeke, Scott, Mike (L-R)
                   Planning Board

                                                                 Perinton Alert Services
             3rd Wednesday of every month
                     at 7:30 p.m.

                 Conservation Board
             Tuesdays before the 1st and 3rd
               Wednesday of each month
                                                                     System (PASS)
                                                                    The Town of Perinton urges residents to sign up for our Perinton Alert Services System (PASS). This free
                      at 7:30 p.m.                                service will either text or email alerts or send alerts to you through Social Media. Residents can receive
                                                                  messages about everything from scheduling and deadlines to emergencies in the area. Residents can also
               Zoning Board of Appeals
                                                                  choose to receive all Town alerts or only ones from specific departments.
               4th Monday of every month
                     at 7:30 p.m.                                    Go to the home page at and click on the PASS icon at the top of the home page or the PASS
                                                                  section lower on the home page to sign up for the alerts you would like to receive. The system allows you
     Updated state guidelines allow for the public in board       to opt out whenever you like.
     meetings, but seating is extremely limited due to social
     distancing. Thus, all meetings are also offered virtually      The Town strives to not overload you with alerts so only important messages will be sent out and only at
     through StafLeaf. For more information, please go to All meetings begin at 7:30 p.m.
                                                                  appropriate times – unless the emergency is vitally important and time sensitive.
                                                                    PASS is designed to help improve communication between the town and its residents. More than 8,000
                                                                  residents have signed up already. So sign up to get alerts about your town and PASS it on to neighbors.

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Town News

            Craft Bits and Pieces
           helping seniors in Town
   When Sandra Agnew-Olin saw the chance
to manage Craft Bits and Pieces, she jumped
at it. Sandra had been working at Fairport
Baptist Homes for 9 years and loved the
idea of doing even more for the seniors in
Perinton and Fairport.
  “I have always leaned toward the elderly,”
she said. “They are just so wonderful and
such an asset to the community.”
   She started as manager of the Fairport
Village Landing shop on Sept. 7 and has
been working hard to get it into shape.
   During the pandemic, Craft Bits and
Pieces moved across the plaza to be next to
its donation center. Now next to Skip’s Meat
Market and just down from the Fairport
Public Library and the Tool Thrift Shop, Craft
Bits and Pieces is a busy place.
   Craft Bits and Pieces is similar to the Tool
Thrift Shop. Besides Sandra, all employees
are volunteers and the money raised goes
to helping seniors through SOFI and other
   “We don’t dicker over prices,” Sandra
said. “Everything we make goes toward seniors. Keeps them in their homes                The shop is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9am to 4pm
longer. Helping with transportation. Anything they need.”                             Thursdays from 9am to 7pm and Saturdays from 9am to 3pm.

         Important information for the upcoming
            2022 Town and County Tax cycle
       • Tax bills for the upcoming 2022 Town and County tax collection will be         • By credit card online at - A fee equaling
         mailed on December 31.                                                           2.75% of the total amount paid for any transactions greater than $100
                                                                                          will be charged by the credit card company when paying by credit or
       • If you do not have escrow and have not received your tax bill
                                                                                          debit. Payments of $100 or less will be charged $2.75.
         by January 7, please call our office at (585) 223-0770 or log on to to obtain a copy.                                         • By electronic check online at – A sliding
                                                                                          scale fee is charged based on the amount of payment.
       • The full payment or first installment will be due on
         Thursday, February 10.                                                         • For more detailed tax information and frequently asked questions go to
       • The Town will accept payments in the following ways:
                                                                                      If you have questions, feel free to call our office. We are always happy to help
              - By check or cash in person at the Town Tax Office (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.,
                                                                                      our residents in any way possible!
                Monday through Friday).
                                                                                        We hope you all have a happy holiday and a wonderful New Year!
              - By check via mail (receipt date determined by U.S. postmark only).
                                                                                        Jen West, Town Clerk and Tax Receiver
              - By check only in the Town Tax Drop Box located out front of the
                Town Hall (adhering to all tax due dates and interest schedules).

Registration Begins: Tuesday, January 4, 20225
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Town News

                                                                                                                     Alexandra Winner
                                                                                                                        Town Council

A Public
Servant Who
Made History
By Bill Poray, Perinton Town Historian
   Shortly after the conclusion of what was often referred to as the “Great War” in
November of 1918, the New York State Legislature adopted a law which required
municipalities to appoint a local historian. Legislators were motivated by the
importance of capturing the role of the state’s villages, towns, and cities in the war
effort. In Perinton, the first municipal historian was Charlotte Clapp (1884-1964).
She was appointed to the position in 1921, and immediately immersed herself in
the collection of information, documents and photos related to the community’s
involvement in the war. Perinton has had a municipal historian ever since, for a
total of 100 years.

                                                                                         community as she won her first election by more than a 3-1 margin. Charlotte
                                                                                         Clapp was the first woman to hold elected office in the Town of Perinton, an
                                                                                         accomplishment achieved only a few years after women gained the right to vote.
                                                                                            During the next 32 years, Charlotte Clapp enjoyed wide support in her position
                                                                                         as town clerk, and was easily re-elected every two years. For more than 34 years,
                                                                                         she also functioned as town historian, while setting the bar high for those who
                                                                                         followed. During WWII and immediately after, Clapp amassed an amazing
                                                                                         collection of data, photos, and artifacts relating to the community and the soldiers
                                                                                         that served. The collection continues to be of immense importance.
                                                                                            Charlotte Clapp lived virtually her entire life in the family home at 15 Perrin
                                                                                         Street. A graduate of the Fairport High School class of 1904, she earned a diploma
                                                                                         from Mount Holyoke College in 1909. She was employed for a period of a time
   Historian Clapp gathered documentation from all available sources, and by             as a teacher in Fairport schools, but soon found her calling as a public servant in
August of 1922, had submitted a comprehensive report to county and state                 town government. Upon her death in 1964, her hometown newspaper published
officials. Her efforts were recognized as the benchmark for such records.                the following statement: “This week the community mourns the passing of a
                                                                                         great lady and dedicated public servant. Charlotte Clapp was probably Perinton’s
   Not long after her appointment as town historian, Charlotte Clapp was
                                                                                         best known woman, one who had given her life to service and in the process, won
recruited to also serve as deputy town clerk, assisting A. W. Palmer. When he died
                                                                                         the admiration and respect of all that knew her…Charlotte Clapp will always be
unexpectedly in November of 1924, the Perinton Town Board appointed Clapp
                                                                                         remembered, and those remembered in mind and heart, never die.”
to complete his two-year term. The confidence shown in her was shared by the

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Town News

Class at PCC helps residents learn
the art of swords through iaido
   Jeremiah Jordan has been practicing the art of iaido for 10 years, and he is very      “Like other forms of Martial Arts, iaido is a life-long practice,” Jordan said. “With
excited to bring the practice to the Perinton Community Center with his class on       time and practice, students learn the history, tradition, and art form that make up
Wednesday nights.                                                                      today’s iaido. As one of our instructors, Sensei Fallon, is fond of saying, ‘there’s
   Sensei Jordan, a second degree black belt, Sensei Brian Fallon (third degree        bound to be an Old Master who is still perfecting his first kata.’”
black belt) and Sensei Dana Stolka (second degree black belt) are instructors in          Kata, a sequence of techniques and movements designed to address a
the Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido class. Iaido is the art of the Japanese Sword.              wide range of scenarios, is at the core of iaido. Individual kata are focused on
   “A regular iaido practice has benefits beyond the physical,” Jordan said.           handling specific types of encounters, whether in number of opponents, multiple
“Students hone their ability to maintain intense focus as they maintain a calm         directions, or other variables.
spirit, and they learn discipline through precision and attention to detail.”             The skills that are developed include cutting techniques, proper sword grip,
   The class started in January and is held at the same time as Karate class in gym.   drawing and sheathing the sword, footwork, body posture, spatial orientation,
Both started at Fairport Karate Academy, which closed when the pandemic hit in         attention to detail, and concentration. Training in iaido involves the ability to
2020. Ann Peck brought the karate classes to the PCC, and Jordan followed soon         control the sword and body in precise ways and with a calm spirit.
after with swords in hand.                                                                Information on this program can be found on page 43. If you are interested in
   Similar to other martial arts, students reach new levels as they improve. The       seeing what iaido is all about, Jordan invites possible students of all levels and
level of complexity increases gradually through the six parts of the series: Keshi     abilities to sit in on a class Wednesdays at 7 p.m.
Ryu (yellow belt), Shindo Munen Ryu (orange belt), Omori Ryu (green belt),
Kendo Seitei Gata (brown belt), Hasegawa (black belt, first degree), and Okuden
(black belt, second degree). The training starts with a white belt.

Registration Begins: Tuesday, January 4, 20227
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Town News

    Annie Asberry was in Savers
Thrift shop in Webster a few
                                                        HATS                                                                                    “During the pandemic they
                                                                                                                                             really needed someone, not
weeks ago when she saw a                                                                                                                     just to help with school work,
goofy hat for sale and it sparked                                                                                                            but to talk to,” she said. “We had
an idea.                                                                                                                                     a great program and I think we
    “I thought, ‘wouldn’t it be                                                                                                              helped a lot.”
hilarious to wear a different                                                                                                                   She also worked for School
funny hat for the kids every                                                                                                                 Breakers and at the Pines of
day?’ ’’                                                                                                                                     Perinton summer program. Now
    Thus was born a new tradition                                                                                                            she works 2-6 p.m. opening
at the Lions Den Teen Center.                                                                                                                the Teen Center for young
    Annie tries to wear a different                                                                                                          teens after school. Annie has a
silly hat every day to keep the                                                                                                              Bachelor’s Degree in English
mood light in the after school                                                                                                               from the University of Buffalo.
program.                                                                                                                                        “Annie has been a real bright
    “Even the parents like it,” she said. “They will come in and say ‘nice hat!’ I think   spot for us,” said Recreation Supervisor Mike Clark. “She came to us during a very
it liven ups the mood. And if I don’t wear one, the kids are all ‘ah man, no hat           tough time, right when we were opening up after the pandemic shutdown, and
today.’ ”                                                                                  her ability to work with kids has been a great asset.”
    The Webster resident started working for the Recreation and Parks Department             The job has also given her a reason to stop by Savers more often.
in October of 2020, when the RecZone was helping kids cope with not being able               “I go by every week or so and hope they have more hats,” she said. “I want to
to go to school.                                                                           keep getting them and putting smiles on kids’ faces.”
    Annie, who had previously worked at Mary Cariola, picked Perinton because                The Lions Den Teen Center is open Monday-Friday from 2-6 p.m. Registration is
she really likes working with kids.                                                        required. Please go to for details.

Fairport native                                                                            the interview process, Chris showed
                                                                                           he will be able to think out of the box

is new Perinton
                                                                                           both in community engagement
                                                                                           and ideas for the parks. He also
                                                                                           presented a deep understanding of

Director of Parks                                                                          the need to maintain the assets that
                                                                                           we currently have at a level that is
                                                                                           expected by our residents.”
   Fairport native Chris Dudley and his young family spend much of their free
time enjoying the outdoors – whether it be the Crescent Trail or the Finger Lakes.           Chris graduated from Fredonia in
                                                                                           2003 with a Bachelor’s of Science
   So when Chris saw Perinton Director of Parks position open, it was natural
                                                                                           in Communication, specializing
for him to combine his work and his love for nature.
                                                                                           in sound/radio production with a
   “Our parks are a valuable asset and one of the most attractive aspects of living        minor in American Studies.
in our community.” Chris said. “I chose to raise my family here largely thanks
                                                                                             He is a trained classical pianist and also plays guitar and the banjo. Chris has
to the preserved outdoor spaces that are so accessible to us year round. I look
                                                                                           been in many rock bands over the years, but his current band is not together
forward to the opportunity to work with all of our community stakeholders to
                                                                                           because of family obligations. All three of his daughters take lessons for string
develop and evolve our parks to meet the changing needs of our community so
we remain a destination for generations to come.”
                                                                                             “We are excited to have Chris as part of the Town Team and we can’t wait to see
  The 1999 Fairport High School graduate has more than 24 years of experience
                                                                                           what he brings to the table,” Town Supervisor Ciaran Hanna said. “We want our
with The YMCA of Greater Rochester, starting as a part-timer and working his way
                                                                                           Director of Parks to really be in tune with the community and work with residents
up to Regional Executive Director of the Before/After School Programs Division.
                                                                                           toward common goals. We think Chris’ background will help him do that.”
  “I think Chris will make a great addition to our team; we are very excited he will
be joining our crew,” said Recreation and Parks Commissioner Jeff Myers. “During

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Town News


                On average, the
                  Town receives
               $6 of every $100
            on your tax bill, and
           this is where it goes:

                  Ciaran Hanna, Town Supervisor                Town of Perinton 2022 Budget

Program on
Pause this Winter
   The Electronics Recycling Program will be on pause during the winter months,
from December through March, due to facility and staffing demands of our Snow
and Ice Program. Residents have several options for
electronics recycling during those months. Please scan the
QR Code to check our website for a full list. This program
will return with monthly electronic recycling
opportunities beginning in April 2022.

Registration Begins: Tuesday, January 4, 20229
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Town News
                                                                              Rec & Parks wins
                                                                                 The Perinton Recreation and Parks Department took home major awards at the
                                                                              annual Genesee Valley Recreation and Park Society Conference Nov. 19.
                                                                                 The 55+ Curbside Lunch program was honored as the Program of Merit,
                                                                              Perinton’s relationship with Airquip Heating and Air Conditioning was honored
                                                                              as the Outstanding Corporate Partnership and a Perinton employee was the
                                                                              recipient of the Dr. Christine Z. Howe Memorial Scholarship.

Projects of                                                                      The Curbside Lunch program was started in June 2020 in hopes of helping
                                                                              seniors during the pandemic. Seniors could order over the phone or online and
Community Interest                                                            pick up their meal in the
                                                                              Perinton Community Center
   Town Supervisor Ciaran Hanna recently launched a new “Projects of          loop without ever getting out
Community Interest” resource for residents. This webpage highlights various   of their car.
projects happening in the Town of Perinton. From updates                         Since then, the program –
at Perinton Square Mall to the construction of Parker Place                   headed by 55+ Director Kelly
on Route 250, this webpage will help residents stay up-                       Attridge and Chef Preston
to-date on the latest openings and developments in Town.                      Bennett – has averaged more
Located on the Building & Codes page on www.perinton.                         than 109 meals 3 to 4 days a
org, you can also scan the QR Code to view it.
                                                                                    Continued on page 11

                                                  TOWN OF PERINTON

                            SNOW AND ICE OPERATIONS

         HIGHWAY &                                 DRIVEWAY                             WINTER                                 MAILBOXES
        ROAD SALTING                               CLEARING                             PARKING
    Perinton's Highway Department          Driveway maintenance is the         In order to facilitate snow             It is the Town’s policy to either
    follows the “Sensible Salting          property owner’s responsibility.    removal and eliminate potential         repair mailboxes that are
    Guidelines” established by the                                             hazards, the parking of vehicles        damaged by Town plows during
    County of Monroe, in conjunction       When clearing your driveway,        on all highways, shoulders, or          snow plowing operations or
    with      the     Environmental        please keep snow piles on your      within three feet of the                replace them with a new mailbox
    Management Council.                    own property. Any snow              pavement within the Town, is            and post.
                                           pushed, blown or plowed onto        prohibited November 1 - April 1
    This policy requires us to use         any street is a ticketable          between the hours of 2:00 a.m.          There is no legal authority that
    only enough salt to make our           offense under both NYS Vehicle      and 7:00 a.m.                           grants a property owner the right
    highways safe for motorists, but       and Traffic Law and NYS Penal                                               to place a mailbox along a public
    also requires you to reduce your       Law. If a driveway is plowed by     Vehicles in violation of this           road right-of-way. However, our
    driving speed according to             a private contractor, both the      ordinance are subject to a              policy of repairing or replacing
    conditions.                            property owner and plow             parking ticket.                         damaged mailboxes reflects a
                                           operator may be ticketed.                                                   long-standing Town courtesy to
                                                                               Repeat violators or vehicles that       our residents.
                                           Snow should be pushed to the        prevent plowing of a street will
                                           left side of the driveway (as       be towed and the vehicle’s              We use standard, black metal
                                           you are facing your house) to       owner will be responsible for all       mailboxes and wooden posts, for
                                           minimize the amount of snow         towing and storage charge.              replacements        as    needed.
                                           going back onto your driveway                                               Residents      with     expensive,
                                           when Town plows go by.                                                      decorative boxes/posts should
                                                                                                                       consider switching them out
                                                                                                                       temporarily with an inexpensive
                                                                                                                       alternative prior to the winter, as
                                                                                                                       we will not replace them in-kind.

10 Follow us on                                                                   Perinton Recreation & Parks • 223-5050 •
Town News
continued from page 10                                                                  “Airquip understands the benefits of sponsoring recreation and parks events,”
week and more than 125 a day in the past two months. Nov. 17, the program            Nutting said. “They realize it is an excellent opportunity for branding and exposure
served its 30,000th lunch.                                                           to the community. We are grateful for their support.”
   “Transitioning our regular senior lunch to a curbside option during the              Phillip Young, President of Airquip Heating and Air Conditioning said, “We
pandemic took this program to the next level,” said Recreation Director Jeff         are proud to partner with Perinton Recreation and Parks; they do amazing
Nutting. “We continue to be amazed at the amount of lunches served each week         work! We’re happy to support them in bringing wonderful programs and events
and plan on this program continuing for years to come.”                              to our community.”
   Bennett isn’t just serving grilled cheese sandwiches and chips every day. In         Linsey Reardon, Summer Camp Counselor, was honored with the Dr. Christine
a typical week, he serves meals such as pork chops, Salisbury steak, chicken pot     Z. Howe Memorial Scholarship by GVRPS. She is a Recreation and Leisure
pie and spaghetti and meatballs. That doesn’t include the weekly special salads      Management student at The College at Brockport.
and soups.
   “I knew this program could get to this level,” Bennett said. “I didn’t think it
would take a pandemic to make us realize our potential, but everyone has
stepped up and really produced great food. We just keep getting better. I am
proud of everyone involved.”
   Airquip has been a strong supporting sponsor with Perinton Rec & Parks since
2013 when it became a sponsor of the Center Stage Concert Series. It has also
sponsored the annual Mighty Machine Mania event.
   In 2019, two advertisers were added to the back cover of the quarterly Rec &
Parks Brochure. Airquip has sponsored an ad for every brochure since.
   Not only has Airquip sponsored events, but they have enhanced the experience
by bringing lawn games, giveaways and holding raffles.

Registration Begins: Tuesday, January 4, 202211
                                              Follow us on
Special Events

 Special Events
                                                                                                          The Science of Minecraft
                                                                                         Ages:         7-12 years
                                                                                                       There is math and science lurking behind every corner in Minecraft
              Register early to avoid program cancellation                                             Jump between the real world of science and the world of Minecraft
                         due to low enrollment.                                                        with a hands-on experiment.
                                                                                         Instructor:   Sharilyn Ross
                SAVE THE DATE!!                                                                        Code: 162821-D F., 3/11 6:15-7:00 PM (1 class) Res $10,
                                                                                                       Non-Res $11
  Friday   February 4                        Red Carpet Valentine’s Dance
  		                                         for the Stars!                                                          Family Zumba
                                                                                         Ages:         5 years and over
  Saturday February 5                        Red Carpet Valentine’s Dance
                                                                                                       “Ditch the workout…join the party!” Zumba blends hypnotic Latin
  		                                         for the Stars!                                            rhythms and easy to follow moves.
  Friday   March 11                          Family Fun Night                            Instructor:   Kristi Jung
  Friday   March 18                          Blarney Bingo                                             Code: 162821-E F., 3/11 6:15-7:00 PM (1 class) Res $10,
  Saturday April 9                           Mr. E. Bunny                                              Non-Res $11
  Saturday April 9                           Egg Hunts                                                               Blarney Bingo
                                                                                         Ages:         Open to families
        NEW!! Red Carpet Valentine’s Dance                                                             Do you have the luck o’ the Irish? Come join us for Blarney Bingo
                                                                                                       and find out! Fun prizes are up for grabs and pizza will be served for
          for the Stars! (Not just for Fathers/Daughters)                                              dinner. Bring the whole family for a great time together.
Ages:       3-11 years (adult participation required)                                    Location:     PCC
            Grab your dance shoes, be dressed to impress, and bring your favorite        Date:         Code: 162811-A F., 3/18 6:30-8:00 PM (1 class) Res $8,
            adult to the red carpet. Enjoy pizza and refreshments, dance and                           Non-Res $9
            bring home a craft to remember.
Supervisor: Kerry Lyon                                                                                                   Egg Hunts
Location:   PCC                                                                          Ages:         0-9 years
Dates:      8-11 years with adult                                                                      Join us for our Annual Egg Hunts! The hunts will take place rain, snow
            Code: 126808-A F., 2/11 6:00-8:00 PM (1 class) Res $12,                                    or shine so please dress accordingly. A container or basket to carry
            Non-Res $13                                                                                eggs is recommended. Registration is required for all ages as space is
            3-7 years with adult                                                                       limited so please pre-register!
            Code: 126808-B Sat., 2/12 11:00 AM-1:00 PM (1 class)                         Dates:        0-2 years
            Res $12, Non-Res $13                                                         Location:     PCC
                                                                                                       Eggs will be filled with stickers, tattoos and age appropriate treats.
            Enroll all who will be attending.
                                                                                                       Participants will trade eggs in after the hunt for various prizes/treats.
                                                                                                       Code: 122830-AA Sat., 4/9 10:00-10:20 AM (1 class) No charge
                   NEW!! Family Fun Night                                                              Code: 122830-AB Sat., 4/9 10:30-10:50 AM (1 class) No charge
              Are you interested in signing up for a specific class, but unsure what     Ages:         2-4 years
              it’s all about? Enjoy some family time together! Try one of the classes    Location:     Center Park West Soccer Field
              listed below and spend an hour (7:15-8:15PM) in our aquatics                             Eggs will be filled with candy, stickers or tattoos. Participants will
              facility! Enroll all who will be attending. Fee is charged per person.                   trade eggs in after the hunt for various prizes/treats.
                                                                                                       Code: 122830-BA Sat., 4/9 9:30-9:50 AM (1 class) No charge
               Cooking with Chef Preston                                                               Code: 122830-BB Sat., 4/9 10:00-10:20 AM (1 class) No charge
Ages:         9 years and over                                                           Ages:         5-9 years
              Join us in the kitchen to make a delicious dessert from scratch. Please    Location:     Center Park West Amphitheater
              bring either a hat or hair net.                                                          Eggs will be filled with candy, stickers or tattoos. Participants will
Instructor:   Preston Bennett                                                                          trade eggs in after the hunt for various prizes/treats.
              Code: 162821-A F., 3/11 6:15-7:00 PM (1 class) Res $10,                                  Code: 122830-DA Sat., 4/9 9:45-10:05 AM (1 class) No charge
              Non-Res $11                                                                              Code: 122830-DB Sat., 4/9 10:15-10:35 AM (1 class) No charge
                                                                                                       Code: 122830-DC Sat., 4/9 10:45-11:05 AM (1 class) No charge
     Family Yoga with Butterfly Kids Yoga                                                                             Mr. E. Bunny
Ages:         3-10 years                                                                 Ages:         Open to families
              Yoga and fun for the entire family! Join us for this Butterfly Kids Yoga                 Hop into Spring and join us for a visit with Mr. E. Bunny! The event
              class that will focus on playful poses, engaging games, simple breath                    also includes a small craft and preschool play time. Be sure to bring
              techniques, partner family poses and a relaxing family savasana.                         your camera for great photo opportunities. Children of all ages are
              Geared toward ages 3-10, but older children are welcome if they                          welcome to attend (with an adult), however the activities offered will
              would like to participate.                                                               be geared towards ages 2-6.
Instructor:   Allison Picciano                                                           Location:     PCC
              Code: 162821-B F., 3/11 6:15-7:00 PM (1 class) Res $10,                    Date:         Code: 162834-A Sat., 4/9 10:00-11:30 AM (1 class) No charge.
              Non-Res $11                                                                              Only enroll child.
                 Polymer Clay Art Project                                                              2nd Annual Snow Sculpture
Ages:         5 years and over                                                                              Building Contest
              You can welcome spring early with your new flowerpot! We’ll                Ages:         Open to families
              decorate a small pot with colorful polymer clay! You’ll be ready for                     Get creative and build a family friendly sculpture out of snow! Please
                                                                                                       email a photo of you and your sculpture to for
              spring planting!
                                                                                                       judging. Include your name(s), date, phone number and where
Instructor:   Kathy Fiete                                                                              your creation was built. Contest will run January 1-February
              Code: 162821-C F., 3/11 6:15-7:00 PM (1 class) Res $10,                                  28. We will post photos and announce winners on our
              Non-Res $11                                                                              Facebook page.
12 Follow us on                                                                                 Perinton Recreation & Parks • 223-5050 •
General Information
                     WebTrac Information                                                                               Stay Connected!
Save time and register for programs and parks shelters (NOT buildings) online!
                                                                                            Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for updates and
Register directly on the site, Under the “Member
Login” section, please click on the “Need an account?” link. All you need to do is
                                                                                            notifications about Perinton Recreation and Parks happenings. Join
fill out the required information. This information will be sent to recreation staff,       the conversation, share your thoughts, and show us your Perinton
and they will review and confirm the account. Once the account is confirmed,                pride by checking in, tagging us and using #PerintonRec.
you will receive an email stating that your account is now active. Please register
for WebTrac prior to the first day of registration to ensure your account is active.
                                                                                                                       Perinton Recreation and Parks
NOTE: Please ensure that the dates of birth and grades you provide for the                          @PerintonRec                                                   #PerintonRec
participants are accurate, as the system will not allow enrollment for a program
if the age and/or grade criteria are not met. These data fields cannot be changed                                    QUICK REFERENCE
once they are entered.                                                                  Weather Cancellation Policy: Programs conducted in school facilities are
                                                                                        cancelled when schools are closed. Call the Recorded Taped Information Line
Please go online to and enter the ‘user name’ and          (425-1170) for an updated program status. Programs cancelled due to poor
‘password’ that we have provided you. You can ‘shop’ by selecting your classes,         weather conditions will be announced by WHAM (1180 AM).
                                placing them in your ‘shopping cart’, and ‘check
                                 out’ using Visa, Mastercard or Discover to
                                 complete your transaction on our secured site.                                                 Holidays:
                                 A receipt may be printed for your records.             Monday-Friday, February 21-25........................................Mid-Winter Recess
                                                                                        Friday, March 25........................................................K-5 Parent Conferences
                                   For more information, call the Perinton
                                     Recreation and Parks Department at 223-            Friday, April 8............................................ Superintendent’s Conference Day
                                             5050.                                      Friday, April 15............................................................................ Good Friday
                                                   All classes, unless otherwise
                                                   indicated, are available on

    What’s New For WINTER
      Preschool                                         Youth and Teen                         Adult
      Active Art!                                       Circus Fun                             Adult Tap
      Are You Ready to Tumble?                          Fairport Soccer Club Micro             Beginner Belly Dance
      Busy Buddies                                           Program                           Board Game Night
      Discovery Days with Ms. Judy                      Friday Gymnastics                      College Debt – What You
                                                        Friday Gymnastics Adv.                     Need to Know Before,
      Happy Hoppers                                                                                During & After College
      Little Hands Little Bakers: Pink Pancakes!        Running Club I & II
                                                                                               Fund Your Future
      Little Hands Little Bakers: Wacky Winter Day      Running Ready
                                                                                               Hands On Shake Up Your
           Cupcakes!                                    Taekwondo – Child Beginner                 Makeup
      Preschool Adventures: If You Give a Mouse         Tri-Athletes Squad                     Hands On Skin Care
           a Cookie                                     Tumble Level 1, 2 & 3                      Workshop
      Preschool Adventures: Valentine’s Day             Tween/Teen Hands                       Taekwondo – Adult Beginner
      Preschool Adventures: My Five Senses                   On Makeup Class                   Volleyball – Indoor for Adults
      Preschool Adventures: Dr. Seuss’ Birthday         Tween/Teen Hands
                                                             On Skin Care Workshop             Adult Arts & Crafts
      Preschool Adventures: Baskets and Bunnies
                                                        Under the Big Top!                     and Cooking
      Princess and Prince Camp
                                                        Whizzing and Waffles at Greystone      Beginning Drawing
      Rock Rhythm and Roll
                                                                                               Crochet a Hat
      Sports Starters                                   Youth and Teen Arts &
                                                                                               Knit a Hat
      Superhero Camp                                    Crafts and Cooking
      Teeny Tiny Artists: Valentines!                   Caricature Cartooning                  Special Events
      Teeny Tiny Artists: Snowy Day!                                                           Family Fun Night
      Teeny Tiny Artists: Frogs!                                                               Red Carpet Valentine’s Dance
                                                        Aqua Circuit                              for the Stars!
      Teeny Tiny Artists: St. Patrick’s Day!
      Teeny Tiny Artists: “Easter Bunny Express!”
                                                        Interval Training
      The Hat

Registration Begins: Tuesday, January 4, 202213
                                              Follow us on
Parks Programs
         Register early to avoid program                                                        2022 Community Garden
                                                                                 Ages:        Open to resident families
       cancellation due to low enrollment.
                                                                                              The garden is a community space where people can rent a
               2022 Parks Reservations                                                        raised bed or participate in the Share the Harvest program.
The Recreation and Parks Department began accepting 2022 reservation                          Both areas allow members (novice or expert) to grow their
applications for the Fellows Road Park Building, Perinton Park Building,                      own produce and flowers as well as their gardening skills.
White Brook Nature Area Building and town park shelters for Perinton
residents on Wednesday, December 1, 2021. The month of December                  Location:    Potter Park
is for residents’ reservations only. Reservations will be open to non-           Code:        8’ x 4’ (single)     548100-A         $25
residents (and residents also), Monday, January 3, 2022.                                      16’ x 4’ (double)    548100-B         $45
The Fellows Road Park Building, Perinton Park Building and White Brook                        24’ x 4’ (triple)    548100-C         $60
Nature Area Building will be available for reservations from January 2022                     Share the Harvest    548100-D         $20
– December 2022.                                                                 Existing 2021 garden members began registering on September 1.
                                                                                 New members registration began on November 1.
Friday thru Sunday, the fee for the Fellows Road Park and Perinton               Not available on WebTrac. Residents only.
Park buildings is $180 for Perinton residents, and the fee for the building
at White Brook Nature Area is $160 for Perinton residents. For non-
residents, the fees will be $225 for Fellows Road and Perinton Park and
                                                                                                             Story Walk
                                                                                                      Peter’s Chair by Ezra Jack Keats
$180 for White Brook.
Monday thru Thursday, the fee for the Fellows Road Park and Perinton                             Co-sponsored by the Fairport Area Branch
Park buildings is $150 for Perinton residents, and the fee for the building                  of the American Association of University Women
at White Brook Nature Area is $140 for Perinton residents. For non-              Join us for our indoor Story Walk selection, Peter’s Chair by author and
residents, the fees will be $195 for Fellows Road and Perinton Park and          illustrator Ezra Jack Keats. Peter has a new baby sister. First his father
$170 for White Brook.                                                            paints Peter’s old cradle pink, then his crib. When his parents want to
The Fellows Road Park and the Perinton Park buildings will accommodate           paint Peter’s chair, Peter has had enough. “Let’s run away, Willie,” he
groups up to 65 people with tables and chairs and the White Brook Nature         says to his dog - and they do! This is a gentle and reassuring story about
Area building will accommodate groups up to 48. All three buildings are          sibling rivalry. If you enjoy this story about Peter, he appears in a total of
heated, have rest rooms, a refrigerator and stove. The Fellows Road              seven of Keats’ books during which Peter grows and takes on other of
Building also has a fireplace.                                                   life’s childhood challenges.
Picnic shelters are located at Center Park, Egypt Park, Fellows Road Park,
Kreag Road Park, Perinton Park and White Brook Nature Area and will be           The author is best known for introducing multiculturalism into mainstream
available for reservations from April 1, 2022 – October 31, 2022. Electrical     American children’s literature. He was one of the first children’s book
outlets are provided at all shelters.                                            authors to use an urban setting for his stories and he developed the use
                                                                                 of collage as a medium for illustration.
Friday thru Sunday, the fee for residents is $100 and non-residents is           Story Walk starts inside the Community Center in the north corridor.
Monday thru Thursday, the fee for residents is $80 and non-residents             This project is dedicated to Mary Wilkinson and Marty Ey, both long time
is $120.                                                                         AAUW members and Story Walk supporters.
Unreserved shelters are available for use on a first come, first served
basis.                                                                               Crescent Trail Monthly Guided Hikes
All applicants must be at least 21 years of age. Facility reservation forms      Free monthly guided hikes, no pre-registration required, are organized by
are available at the Perinton Recreation and Parks office located at the         the Crescent Trail Hiking Association. Adults, teens and children under
Perinton Recreation and Parks office at the Perinton Community Center,           16 supervised by an adult are welcome to participate. All hikes start at
1350 Turk Hill Road. Reservations will be accepted on a first come, first        1:30 PM on the second Sunday of the month, unless otherwise noted.
served basis. Please list clearly a second or third choice of data/location      At any point of the hike, you may turn around and return to the start if
in the event your first choice is not available. For further information, call   your time is limited. Hikes are usually around 1½ hours in duration. For
the Perinton Recreation and Parks office at 223-5050.                            more information, go to the Association’s website
                                                                                 or visit us on Facebook at If you have
                                                                                 an idea for a new hike or would like to lead a hike, send us an email at
                                                                                 • Sunday, January 9, 1:30 PM – Seneca Trail near Eastview Mall. Meeting
                                                                                   at Cobblestone Court, park just north of the TJ Maxx Store
                                                                                 • Sunday, February 13, 1:30 PM – Horizon Hill to Woodcliff (and back).
                                                                                   Meeting at Horizon Hill trailhead on Garnsey Road.
                                                                                 • Sunday, March 13, 1:30 PM – Pub hike! Meeting at Liftbridge Lane at
                                                                                   the parking lot behind B-side restaurant. We’ll stop for a quick one after
                                                                                   the hike!
                                                                                 • Sunday, April 10, 1:30 PM – Boughton Park in Victor. We’ll meet at
                                                                                   Boughton Park, Stirnie Road entrance.

14 Follow us on                                                                      Perinton Recreation & Parks • 223-5050 •

Register early to avoid program cancellation due to low enrollment.
A note on Preschool Programs:
Child must meet the age requirement of program by program start date.
* Please do not drop off your child prior to designated class time and be prompt in picking up your child.
You may register for more than 1 session during the registration period.
** Please note: When registering for a program that requires enrollment of both parent and child, it is imperative
that both names appear on the registration form.

   Preschooler and Parent Drop-In Gym                                                                      Art and Sensory Play
Ages:         1-5 years (infants in arms permitted)                                    Ages:         18 months – 7 years (adult participation required)
              Playtime in the gym for parents and children, 1-5 years (infants in                    This process-oriented art class is so much fun for young children.
              arms permitted). Colorful equipment to climb on, riding toys, etc.                     Not only do they make beautiful works of art, but they will explore
              for active fun. Equipment is sanitized regularly! Dry sneakers and                     STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) concepts
              comfortable clothes are required. Face masks required for adults                       through the process. They will make art by using catapults,
              and encouraged for children. Check in at the downstairs desk.                          bouncing & throwing, rolling & shaking, gluing & pasting, blowing
Location:     PCC                                                                                    & pulling, whacking & smacking, sticking & stacking and more!
Dates:        M.-F., Starts 1/3 9:00-11:00 AM                                                        They will get to explore a variety of materials with their senses. They
Fees:         $4.25/child (resident), $5.25/child (non-resident).                                    will explore slimy things, ooey gooey things, wet and dry things,
              No charge for parent or guardian.                                                      rough and smooth things and more! It will be so much fun, so
              10x stamp passes available for residents ($37.00) and non-                             please dress for a mess.
              residents ($50.00).                                                      Instructor:   Drew Beeman, Progressive Early Learning
              Not available on WebTrac.                                                Location:     PCC
                                                                                       Dates:        Code: 128838-A M., 3/21-4/11 10:30-11:15 AM (4 classes)
                                                                                                     Res $60, Non-Res $66
                                       Active Art!
Ages:         2-7 years
              ONLINE CLASS. Move your body with Coach Mary and turn                                                         Busy Buddies
              out some artistic masterpieces that are not only fun but keep            Ages:         2-4 years (adult participation required)
              little hands busy even over the February school break! Your                            Keep those toddlers happy! A fun class to strengthen and use all our
              inbox will get a link to a new project each week that you can access                   muscles in a super safe way while trying out climbing and jumping
              as much as you like. Specifically for these colorful projects you will                 obstacles. Some structured and free play time with mats of all sizes,
              be jumping, pounding, dipping and dabbing art materials with                           parachute games and obstacle courses fit for all! Perfect for girls
              great new colors and textures! Each video also includes a physical                     and boys alike! Taught by safety-certified Gymnastics Coach Mary.
              activity to move or bend that goes along with the theme of that          Instructor:   Mary Slaughter
              project! A list of any necessary materials will be given upon            Location:     PCC
              registration. Projects are not difficult in nature and are meant to      Dates:        Code: 115826-E F., 3/4-4/8 (ex. 3/25) 5:30-6:00 PM (5 classes)
              engage children ages 2-7. Session also includes option to be part of                   Res $59, Non-Res $64
              the slideshow “Gallery of Masterpieces” that displays the growing                      Code: 115826-F F., 3/4-4/8 (ex. 3/25) 6:00-6:30 PM (5 classes)
              body of accomplishments of the Active Art class! One registration                      Res $59, Non-Res $64
              covers all the kids in your household.
              Mary Slaughter
              ONLINE CLASS
                                                                                                             Butterfly Kids Yoga
                                                                                       Ages:         3-5 years
Dates:        Code: 115895-Z Th., 2/10-3/17 6:00-7:00 PM (6 classes)                                 A fun yoga class for ages 3-5! We’ll develop flexibility,
              Res $49, Non-Res $54                                                                   coordination, gross motor skills, and sweet moments with yoga
                                                                                                     poses fun activities, music and more. Please bring a water
                                                                                                     bottle each week. To learn more about Butterfly Kids Yoga,
                        Are You Ready to Tumble?                                                     please visit
Ages:         3-8 years                                                                Instructor:   Butterfly Kids Yoga Instructor
              Want to learn cartwheels, somersaults, bridges, backbends, group         Location:     PCC
              rhythms, and more? Boys and girls are invited to learn new tricks to     Dates:        Code: 121100-A Tu., 1/18-2/15 10:00-10:45 AM (5 classes)
              extend their tumbling and acrobatic skills individually and with a                     Res $55, Non-Res $61
              group. Everyone will work at his/her own skill level to learn to be                    Code: 121100-B Tu., 3/1-3/29 10:00-10:45 AM (5 classes)
              more confident and have fun! Great class for siblings and friends.                     Res $55, Non-Res $61
Instructor:   Judy Gillotte Drew
                                                                                                     Code: 121100-C F., 1/21-2/18 10:00-10:45 AM (5 classes)
Location:     PCC
                                                                                                     Res $55, Non-Res $61
Dates:        Code: 128860-A Th., 1/20-2/17 4:00-4:45 PM (5 classes)
                                                                                                     Code: 121100-D F., 3/4-4/1 10:00-10:45 AM (5 classes)
              Res $55, Non-Res $61
                                                                                                     Res $55, Non-Res $61
              Code: 128860-B Th., 3/3-3/31 4:00-4:45 PM (5 classes)
              Res $55, Non-Res $61

Registration Begins: Tuesday, January 4, 202215
                                              Follow us on
       Creative Movement                                                                                          Fun With Ones
Ages:         3-5 years                                                                Ages:         12-24 months (adult participation required)
              This class introduces children ages 3-5 to ballet and creative                         Come and enjoy special play time with your little one! There will be
              movement. This class is meant to be fun and build self-confidence.                     equipment to play on, new friends to meet, songs and circle time!
              It covers a basis of movement found in all dance forms. Registrant       Instructor:   Sharilyn Ross
              must provide pink leotard, pink tights, leather ballet shoes and hair    Location:     PCC
              pulled back off face into a bun. Male students – ballet shoes, shorts    Dates:        Code: 115803-A M., 1/24-2/14 9:30-10:15 AM (4 classes)
              and fitted shirt.                                                                      Res $36, Non-Res $40
Instructor:   M.C. Classical Productions                                                             Code: 115803-B Tu., 1/25-2/15 9:30-10:15 AM (4 classes)
Location:     PCC                                                                                    Res $36, Non-Res $40
Dates:        Code: 115854-A Sat., 1/22-4/16 (ex. 2/26) 9:00-9:30 AM                                 Code: 115803-C M., 3/7-3/21 9:30-10:15 AM (3 classes)
              (12 classes) Res $84, Non-Res $92                                                      Res $27, Non-Res $30
                                                                                                     Code: 115803-D Tu., 3/8-3/22 9:30-10:15 AM (3 classes)
                          Dance With Me                                                              Res $27, Non-Res $30
Ages:         18 months – 3 years (adult participation required)                                     Code: 115803-E M., 3/28-4/11 9:30-10:15 AM (3 classes)
              Dance With Me is a half hour creative movement class suitable for                      Res $27, Non-Res $30
              young dancers. Parents/guardians will participate actively in the                      Code: 115803-F Tu., 3/29-4/12 9:30-10:15 AM (3 classes)
              class as children learn basic steps, movements and terminology                         Res $27, Non-Res $30
              through songs, stories and play.
Instructor:   Ramona Reuter
Location:     PCC & Studio East Dance Company                                                                           Happy Hoppers
Dates:        PCC                                                                      Ages:       2-4 years (adult participation required)
              Code: 115898-A Th., 1/20-2/17 10:45-11:15 AM (5 classes)                             The happiest hour of all! Put all that toddler energy to good use and
              Res $40, Non-Res $44                                                                 learn valuable tumbling skills! There is no better sports foundation
              Studio East Dance Company                                                            for coordination and strength than tumbling, climbing and
              Code: 115898-B Sat., 1/22-3/19 (ex. 2/26) 9:00-9:30 AM                               jumping! Some structured and free play time that is perfect for girls
              (8 classes) Res $70, Non-Res $77                                                     and boys alike! Taught by safety-certified Gymnastics Coach Mary.
                                                                                       Instructor: Mary Slaughter
                                                                                       Location:   PCC
                   Discovery Days with Ms. Judy                                        Dates:      Code: 115826-C F., 1/21-2/18 5:30-6:00 PM (5 classes)
Ages:         2-4 years (adult participation required)                                             Res $59, Non-Res $64
              Discover the world through art with Ms. Judy. Each class                             Code: 115826-D F., 1/21-2/18 6:00-6:30 PM (5 classes)
              will be a different activity. After our specially chosen stories about               Res $59, Non-Res $64
              the topic of the day, we’ll discover the world with hands-on                         Code: 115826-H Th., 1/27-3/10 (ex. 2/17, 2/24) 10:30-11:05 AM
              experimenting, designing, and discovering through arts and crafts                    (5 classes) Res $59, Non-Res $64
              projects, plantings, mixings and manipulations. The best part, no

              mess at home!
              Judy Gillotte Drew
                                                                                                              Hedgie’s Surprise
Location:     PCC                                                                      Ages:         Open to families (adult participation required)
Dates:        Code: 128858-A F., 1/21-2/11 10:15-11:00 AM (4 classes)                                Join us for a reading of Jan Brett’s book Hedgie’s Surprise followed
              Res $45, Non-Res $50                                                                   by the opportunity to meet a variety of animals and reptiles,
                                                                                                     including the star of Jan Brett’s book. We will get to watch our
              Code: 128858-B F., 2/18-3/18 (ex. 2/25) 10:15-11:00 AM
                                                                                                     animal friends interact with each other running around in a
              (4 classes) Res $45, Non-Res $50
                                                                                                     swimming pool.
              Code: 128858-C F., 3/25-4/15 10:15-11:00 AM (4 classes)
                                                                                       Instructor:   Anne Meade
              Res $45, Non-Res $50                                                     Location:     PCC
                                                                                       Dates:        Code: 125844-D F., 4/1 6:00-7:00 PM (1 class)
                                                                                                     Res $8, Non-Res $9
                              Friday Gymnastics
                      See Youth & Teen page 22                                                 Irish Dance for Little Leprechauns
                                                                                       Ages:         4-6 years
                                                                                                     Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Irish Dance! In this fun
                                                                                                     class, students will learn the skips, jig and some of Amy’s
                                                                                                     favorite legends from Ireland. Parents are invited to our
                                                                                                     performance the last day of class! Taught by Amy Coppola, TCRG of
                                                                                                     Dunleavy Irish Dance.
                                                                                       Instructor:   Amy Coppola
                                                                                       Location:     PCC
                                                                                       Dates:        Code: 125883-A W., 3/2-3/23 4:30-5:15 PM (4 classes)
                                                                                                     Res $48, Non-Res $53

                                                                                               Register Online Using Our WebTrac System
                                                                                                               See Page 13

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