People are asking Alexa, Google and other voice assistants about your brand every day - Do you have a voice presence? - Microsoft

Page created by Jordan Pierce
People are asking Alexa, Google and other voice assistants about your brand every day - Do you have a voice presence? - Microsoft
People are asking Alexa, Google and other
voice assistants about your brand every day.

         Do you have a voice presence?
People are asking Alexa, Google and other voice assistants about your brand every day - Do you have a voice presence? - Microsoft
US households have   People will access     Of all searches   Voice-activated   Millenials use voice
   voice-enabled     voice assistants by    are started by     purchases by     search for reviews,
   smart devices        2021 globally      voice command           2023         services & products
People are asking Alexa, Google and other voice assistants about your brand every day - Do you have a voice presence? - Microsoft
1955                                 2019
Average Company Lifespan 75 years   Average Company Lifespan < 15 years
People are asking Alexa, Google and other voice assistants about your brand every day - Do you have a voice presence? - Microsoft
            Did you know that websites and mobile apps
TIME TO     do not work on Voice Assistants?
LAUNCH      Without a branded app for voice assistants, answers about your brand
            come from Yelp, Wikipedia, and media you don't control. Poor
YOUR        experiences can weaken your brand, while competitors win voice search
            optimization and market share.
VOICE APP   Or, create a branded Voice App through Zammo that provides you
            control of the content, user experience, and user engagement data—so
            you start fast then improve over time.

              Voice First – Every voice app is already a chatbot. However, a
                    chatbot must be reconfigured to extend to voice.
People are asking Alexa, Google and other voice assistants about your brand every day - Do you have a voice presence? - Microsoft
of businesses want to invest in   of businesses see value in    of Enterprises have
voice and 88% want to             conversational AI, yet only   conversational AI planned
support multiple platforms        2% have a solution            but lack an all-in-one solution
People are asking Alexa, Google and other voice assistants about your brand every day - Do you have a voice presence? - Microsoft
COMPLIANCE                              LOWER LAWSUIT RISK
A Voice App helps with ADA federal      Recent wave of lawsuits spotlights the
and state government mandates for       need for more accessible content for
content accessibility & transparency.   those with disabilities. See article.

Improve PR by leveraging your Voice     Post on your website, social media,
App as a positive & inclusive           newsletters, even send out a press
marketing tool.                         release to announce you are on voice.
People are asking Alexa, Google and other voice assistants about your brand every day - Do you have a voice presence? - Microsoft
Each voice assistant requires a different, expensive app. The
problem worsens when you add in the other side of
conversational AI: chatbots (I.e. kik, Skype, Slack, Teams,
Facebook Messenger, Telegram, SMS/Text, Web & Mobile Chat)

Zammo builds you one Voice App that works perfectly
on Alexa, Cortana and Google, then extend to popular chatbot
platforms—all for one affordable monthly price.

People are asking Alexa, Google and other voice assistants about your brand every day - Do you have a voice presence? - Microsoft
Your Voice App is launched by      Provide promos, news and
name. "Alexa, launch Sky           answers directly to users across
Harbor."                           voice assistants.

The correct answers to user        Get ahead of competition with
questions come from a Voice        strong voice search
App you control.                   optimization.

Users are happy with their         Cut costs with voice automation
experience and associate it with   and transactional capabilities.
your brand.
People are asking Alexa, Google and other voice assistants about your brand every day - Do you have a voice presence? - Microsoft
Without Zammo                                 With Zammo

- Difficult, experts-only coding              + No coding required

- Messy, multi-platform software              + Enterprise-grade architecture

- Large, expensive teams                      + One person, small team or large team

- You handle security, updates, maintenance   + Strict security, upgrades built-in

- GDPR risks, no data from platforms          + GDPR compliant, data-driven insights

- Expensive, difficult support                + Expert customer support included
People are asking Alexa, Google and other voice assistants about your brand every day - Do you have a voice presence? - Microsoft
Confident the voice domain you
                                                                  want will always be available?
Zammo registers your “voice domain” cross- platforms
                                                                  Search USPTO and your SOS.
Voice domains are spoken to a voice assistant to launch your
App. For example: "Google, launch Sky Harbor" or "Alexa, launch
                                                                  You may be surprised by how
City of Miami"
                                                                  many others could claim it.
Any organization with a similar-sounding name can claim the
domain you want, and Zammo is the only way to claim it without
an IT app dev project.

It's like a .com, but only for voice, and just as important to
The Zammo Guarantee

        1                     2                      3                       4

   SIGN- UP          V OICE- R EADY              L AUNCH                ENGAGE
 Create your free    Zammo makes your        Zammo builds and         Engage customers
account in seconds   content voice-ready   publishes your Voice App    and users 24/7
OWN YOUR DATA                           LEAVING IT TO CHANCE
Start strong and improve over time         Leave your brand to chance by hoping
 through a unified, cross-platform          the platform algorithms scrape your
 analytics dashboard showing user    VS.   website and deliver decent answers—
engagement trends, and eventually          and get zero data about how the world
   leverage Zammo’s ML-based                    is asking about your brand…
      conversational modules.
• Sentiment Analysis
                      • Overall % positive/negative experience
                      • By Topic:

                          • Topic 1 +%/-%
                          • Topic 1 +%/-%
                      • Keyword Extraction
                      • Conversation Duration
                          • Average Duration
                              • By Topic
                                  • Topic 1
                                  • Topic 2
                      • Trends
                          • % conversations longer than 30
                          • % conversations shorter than 30
                      • Website Conversion Rates
                      • % of Successful Transaction
                      • Transactional
                          • Use Case #1
                          • Use Case #2
Zammo is helping our entire portfolio of companies
to get ahead in the new voice marketplace. We
strongly recommend their solution for any forward-
thinking brand!

                                 - Miguel Forbes,
                                  CEO Forbes Family Trust
Zammo’s “Voice First” Path

        1                      2                      3                        4

  ESTABL ISH            DESIGNED                 EXTEND                 ADVANCED
Non-technical users    Design and deploy    Expand to many popular     Integrate with API’s
create channels and        multi-turn        chatbot channels, from   and backend software
 deploy content to     conversations for    Facebook Messenger to       using integration
  voice assistants     specific use cases   Slack, email, web, SMS…         modules
No-cost Proof of Concept (PoC) for qualified Enterprise Ultimate customers

   PRO VID E                                          RECEIVE
✓ Content                                          ✓ Vo i c e A s s i s t a nt s
   •   Web site URL                                   Yo u r c o n t e n t o n A l e x a , G o o g l e , C o r t a n a & B i x by
   •   FAQ-style URL
   •   Q&A spreadsheet
                                                   ✓ Tr a n s a c t i on a l C o n v e r s a ti on
                                                      Engage your conversation module and .json design file
✓ Use Case
   •   C on v er s a ti on a l Tr a n s c r i pt
                                                   ✓ Chatbots
                                                      Engage your content on Facebook Messenger & other
✓ B a c ke n d                                        popular chatbots
   •   API
   •   Enterprise System
                                                   ✓ Analytics
                                                      See user engagement data on unified dashboard

                                                   ✓ I n t e g r a ti on
                                                      Integration module enabling transactional
To learn more contact:
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