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19th WADP Congress XXXII International Symposium of the German Academy for Psychoanalysis (DAP) e. V. Affiliated member of the WPA PEACE AND AGGRESSION A SOCIAL CHALLENGE FOR PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY 31.03 – 04.04. 2020 CONGRESS PROGRAM Co-sponsered by WPA, WASP, WFMH, DGG, ICPCM, IFE Fromm
GENERAL INFORMATION | ALLGEMEINES TABLE OF CONTENTS | INHALTSVERZEICHNIS Congress Venue | Veranstaltungsort General Information | Allgemeines Page 02 UdK, University of Arts | Universität der Künste Table of Contents | Inhaltsverzeichnis Page 03 Hardenbergstraße 33 | 10623 Berlin Introduction | Einleitung Page 04 01.04.2020: Konzertsaal 02.04.-04.04.2020: Hardenbergstraße 33 Compact Balint Group | Kompakt-Balintgruppe deutsch Page 07 Key Lectures, selected Lectures, Symposia and Workshops Page 08 Congress Program | Kongressprogramm Page 10 Reception of Lectures Additional Information | Zusatzinformationen Page 36 Referentenempfang How to get there | Anfahrt Scientific Chair | Wissenschaftliche Leitung Berliner Lehr- und Forschungsinstitut (DAP) e.V. UdK | University of Arts (Konzertsaal) Scientific Committee | Wissenschaftliches Komitee Kantstraße 120 | 10625 Berlin With public transportation|ÖPNV Organisational Chair | Organisatorische Leitung 31.03.2020 | 08.00 p.m. Regional train line: S5, S7, S75, U2, U9 31.03.2020 | 20.00 Uhr For more information see| mehr Informationen Organisational Committee | Organisationskomitee Treasurer of the Congress | Schatzmeister Stop|Haltestelle: S+U Zoologischer Garten Technical Equipment for Presentations | Technische Voraussetzungen Bus lines|Buslinien: M45, M46, M49, X9, X10, X34, 100, 109, 110, 200, 204, 245, 249 Presentations | Präsentationen Bus stop|Haltestelle: Am Steinplatz Congress Fees | Kongressgebühren By car|mit dem Auto Registration | Registration Parking Garage, Fasanenstraße 6, 10623 Berlin Congress Organisation and Information | Kongress Organisation und Information Congress- and Exhibition Office | Kongress- und Ausstellungsservice Congress Language | Kongresssprache Hotels and Accommodation | Hotels und Unterkünfte The congress language is English. German lectures will be translated with a power point presen- Congress Dinner | Kongress Dinner tation or you will receive an English handout. Social Program | Rahmenprogramm Die Kongresssprache ist Englisch. Es gibt jedoch Recommended Restaurants | Empfohlene Restaurants einige im Kongressprogramm vermerkte Vorträge auf Deutsch und eine deutschsprachige Balintgruppe. Book Store | Bücher Your Questions | Ihre Fragen Floor Plans | Raumpläne CME Credits | Zertifizierung Becoming a WADP Member | WADP Mitglied werden Page 44 International CME credits will be applied for and granted by WPA certification. National credit points (6 credits per day) will be applied for at “Psychotherapeutenkammer Berlin”. Internationale CME-Credits werden durch die WPA-Zertifi- zierung beantragt und gewährt. Nationale Creditpunkte (6 Punkte pro Tag) werden von der Psychotherapeuten- kammer Berlin gewährt. Page 2 Page 3
INTRODUCTION | EINLEITUNG This congress will therefore be about understanding Dear colleagues and friends, Dear colleagues and friends, Liebe Kolleg*innen, liebe Freund*innen, the roots and dynamics of aggression. While construc- it’s a real pleasure for us to inform the 19th World Congress of the tive aggression furthers responsibilty and solidarity, der 19. Weltkongress der World Association for Dynamic you about our 19th World Congress of World Association for Dynamic destructive aggression destroys them. What possibil- Psychiatry und das 32. internationale Symposium der the World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry and the 32nd Interna- ities can we develop in psychiatric and psychothera- Deutschen Akademie für Psychoanalyse e.V. wird dieses Psychiatry (WADP) that is going to tional Symposium of the Deutsche peutic treatment for dealing with aggression, conflict Mal unter dem Thema „Frieden und Aggression – eine be held in Berlin, Germany, March Akademie für Psychoanalyse e. V. resolution, and even the ability to live in peace? Con- gesellschaftliche Herausforderung für Psychiatrie und 31–April 4, 2020 on the topic “Peace has this time the topic “Peace and gress topics will also be suicide and self-aggression. Psychotherapie“ stehen. and Aggression – A Social Challenge Aggression – A Social Challenge for Processes for developing peace skills in psychother- Dieses Thema, mit dem wir uns tagtäglich auseinander- for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy”. Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.” apy and psychiatry will always call for new thinking, setzen müssen, hat auch besondere Auswirkung auf die The topic of the congress goes beyond the specific This theme has special relevance to the field of dy- new research findings, and new aspects of treatment Behandlungswissenschaft der Psychiatrie, Psychothera- medical problems and considers the global social namic psychiatry and psychotherapy. Furthermore it for activating and creating arrested and destructive pie und der Dynamischen Psychiatrie. problems of the modern world, because mental is a topic which people have to deal with daily. identity development. The common interest running through our congress will be to find new possibil- Mit dem Verständnis von konstruktiver „Aggression“ als health is inseparable from the social environment Understanding “constructive aggression” as an ities, hypothesis, assumptions, and new creative eine dem Wesen des Menschen inhärenten Entwicklungs- and value based care can be only provided by specif- inherent developmental force in human beings, is conditions in our rapidly changing world. kraft, die sich erst durch zwischenmenschliche gruppen- ic attention to the issues of peace, tolerance, security a matter that occupied Günter Ammon as early as abhängige Entwicklungsenergie zu einer destruktiven and respect to human rights, by building inclusive We hope that the encounter between scientists from 1970. He showed, that this force can become de- oder defizitären Aggression entwickeln kann, hat sich societies free of stigmatization for mentally ill. various disciplines such as medicine, psychiatry, structive or deficient only through interpersonal Günter Ammon schon 1970 eingehend befasst. Er hat The founder of the WADP, Professor Günter Ammon, group-dependent developmental energy. He thereby psychology, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy can sich mit diesem Verständnis von dem Freudianischen is known for his struggle for peace as a citizen and detached himself from the Freudian notion of death promote the integration of interdisciplinary research. Triebkonzept gelöst und in seinen Theorien die Grund- his creation of a new aggression concept as a scien- instincts, and his theories established the basis for We also seek to have interdisciplinary findings from lage für eine humanistische, dem Frieden dienende Auf- tist. He introduced the definition of the constructive a humanistic view of aggression serving peace. To sociology, philosophy, pedagogy, cultural anthropol- fassung von Aggression geschaffen. aggression, which is defined as the capacity to be quote G. Ammon: “Peace means living, loving, work- ogy a.o. and areas of research to the discourse on this topic. It is our wish to have those humanities to Ich möchte hier ein Zitat von G. Ammon zum Thema active, determined, self-confident, to be capable to ing for oneself and others, having joy and resting in contribute to the 2020 WADP Congress in a way that Frieden anführen: „Frieden heißt leben, lieben, für sich invest in reciprocity and trust and in this sense to live oneself, being content with oneself as well as being makes it possible for problems related to aggression und andere Menschen tätig sein, Freude haben und in in peace with oneself and others. On the other hand able to lead a life that is interesting for others within and freedom to be perceived, consolidated, and sich ruhen, erfüllt für sich selbst und auch für andere the implemented deficient aggression theory by the framework of the possibilities that are set indi- addressed on behalf of our patients. interessant leben können im Rahmen der Möglichkeiten, G. Ammon assumes the lack of self assertive behav- vidually for all of us by the circumstances of society die uns allen individuell durch gesamtgesellschaftliche ioural skills, the impaired ability to regulate inner as a whole ... with the possibility of changing social Again, we would like to thank the international orga- Umstände gesetzt sind ... mit der Möglichkeit im Rahmen tension, the inner accumulation of frustration that conditions within the scope of our strengths and in nizations – WPA World Psychiatric Association, WASP unserer Kräfte und in Solidarität mit anderen gesell- can bring the tragic outburst of violence with a great solidarity with others” (Ammon 1986). World Association for Social Psychiatry, WFMH World schaftliche Bedingungen zu verändern.“ (Ammon 1986) number of innocent victims. That means that speak- Federation for Mental Health, ICPCM International In a world where people continue to be confronted ing about aggression, we as mental health special- College for Person Centered Medicine, IFE Fromm In einer Welt, in der wir mit vielen Herausforderungen by many challenges, including wars throughout the ists, should emphasize in our discussion not only the International Foundation Erich Fromm and DGG konfrontiert sind, seien es Kriege, die Auswirkungen world, as well as the effects of globalization and the problems of the aggressive behaviour of seriously Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gruppendynamik und der Globalisierung oder die Bedrohung unserer Umwelt, threat to the environment, such as climate change, mentally ill, but the needs and highlights of the psy- Gruppenpsychotherapie – for their support. sind wir als Psychiater, Psychologen und Psychothera- we as psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, chotherapeutic aggression prevention programs in peuten sowie Sozialpädagogen besonders gefordert, uns and social educators are particularly called upon to We greatly look forward to welcome you in Berlin, a society. The challenges we face today and the lessons mit dieser Thematik zu beschäftigen. Ich möchte hier deal with this issue. In an article entitled “Freedom is city that has shown how to overcome politically im- we learned defined the topic of the congress. More Ralf Fücks zitieren, der im Tagesspiegel vom 09. Novem- wonderful – and vulnerable,” which appeared in the posed division and how to enable its people to grow than 400 specialists – psychiatrists, psychotherapists ber 2018 in seinem Artikel „Freiheit ist wunderbar – und newspaper “Tagesspiegel” on 9 November 2018, the together again. and other professionals – from Germany, USA, Russia, verwundbar“ schreibt: „Freiheit ist wunderbar und an- social scientist and politician of the Green Party Ralf France, Italy, Israel, India, Australia and other coun- strengend zugleich. Wer selbstbestimmt leben will, muss Fücks stated: “Freedom is wonderful and exhausting tries are going to participate in our congress. Our auch Verantwortung tragen.“ „Die Zukunft der offenen at the same time. A person who wants to live in a main goal is to provide a vigorous discussion and cre- Professor Maria Ammon Gesellschaft wird sich daran entscheiden, ob wir die gro- self-determined way must take responsibility, too. ... ative experience exchange to the wide spectrum of President German Academy for Psychoanalysis, ßen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit bewältigen.“ Und The future of an open society will depend on wheth- specialists involved in the treatment and prevention weiter: „Gerade in Zeiten stürmischer Veränderungen, in er we can master the great challenges of our time. ... Executive Secretary of mental illnesses and also maintenance of mental denen alte berufliche und kulturelle Sicherheiten dahin- Especially in times of turbulent change, in which old World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry health. We cordially invite you to participate at our schmelzen, wächst das Bedürfnis nach solidarischer professional and cultural certainties are dissolving, congress and make your contribution to the topic. Gemeinschaft.“ there is a growing need for community based on solidarity.” Professor Nikolaj G. Neznanov President World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry Page 4 Page 5
COMPACT BALINT GROUP | KOMPAKT-BALINTGRUPPE So wird es auf diesem Kongress um ein Verständnis der Auf unserem Kongress bieten wir deutschsprachigen Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit, an einer kompakten Wurzeln und Dynamiken der Aggression gehen. Welche Balintgruppe teilzunehmen. Die Gruppe wird auf Deutsch an zwei Nachmittagen an der UDK stattfinden. Möglichkeiten im Umgang mit Aggression, Konfliktlö- Die Teilnahmegebühr ist bereits in den Kongressgebühren enthalten. Die beiden Tage können auch individuell ge- sungen bis hin zu Friedensfähigkeit können wir entwi- bucht werden (Tagesticket 180,00 Euro). Die Tagestickets beinhalten ebenfalls die Teilnahme an den übrigen Kon- ckeln und Wege finden, diese in die psychiatrische und gressveranstaltungen an diesem Tag. Sie erhalten dafür 6 FoBi Punkte/Tag. Wir bitten um Ihre rechtzeitige Anmel- psychotherapeutische Behandlung einfließen zu lassen? dung unter dem Punkt Registration auf der Website der WADP ( Umgang mit Suizid und Autoaggression sind ebenfalls Thema. Prozesse für die Entwicklung von Friedensfä- higkeit in Psychotherapie und Psychiatrie fordern neue Zeit 01. und 02. April, je 14.00-18.15 h Denkansätze, neue Forschungsergebnisse und Behand- Leitung Dr. Lothar Schlüter-Dupont lungsansätze, um arretierte Kreativität wieder zu be- Ort UDK | Hardenbergstraße 33, 10625 Berlin | Raum 102 leben und destruktiver Identitätsentwicklung entgegen- zuwirken. Neue Möglichkeiten, Hypothesen, Annahmen und kreative Voraussetzungen in unser sich schnell ändernden Welt zu finden, wird ein gemeinsamer Aspekt unseres Kongresses sein. Wir hoffen, dass die Begegnung der Wissenschaftler aus den Bereichen Medizin, Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Psy- choanalyse und Psychotherapie den interdisziplinären Austausch fördert. Interdisziplinäre Erkenntnisse aus Soziologie, Philosophie, Pädagogik und Kulturanthropo- logie werden den Diskurs bereichern. Darüber hinaus ist es unser Wunsch, dass bei dem 19. WADP Kongress 2020 die Humanwissenschaften ebenso zu dem Themen- komplex Frieden und Aggression beitragen, um im Sinne unserer Patienten eine Konsolidierung und Integration zu bewirken. Wir möchten nochmals den internationalen Organisa- tionen für Ihre Unterstützung danken, der WPA World Psychiatric Association, der WASP World Association for Social Psychiatry, der WFMH World Federation for Mental Health, dem ICPCM International College for Person Centered Medicine, der IFE Fromm International Foundation Erich Fromm und der DGG Deutsche Gesell- schaft für Gruppendynamik und Gruppenpsychotherapie (DGG) e. V. Wir freuen uns sehr, Sie in Berlin zu begrüßen – in einer Stadt, die bewiesen hat, dass die Menschen nach der politischen Spaltung wieder zusammenwach- sen können. Professor Maria Ammon Präsidentin Deutsche Akademie für Psychoanalyse (DAP) e. V. Exekutivsekretärin World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry Page 6 Page 7
KEY LECTURES, SELECTED LECTURES, SYMPOSIA AND WORKSHOPS Gerson, Janet (New York) Key Lectures Selected Lectures Selected Workshops Challenges and Peace Alternatives for (Subject to Changes) (Subject to Changes) (Subject to Changes) Human Relations in the 21st Century Alfonso, César (New York) Fuchs, Sven (Hamburg) Bihler, Thomas (Munich) Herrman, Helen (Melbourne) Overcoming Hatred and Xenophobia – The Childhood Origins of (Political) Violence and Working with Aggression and Reconciliation in From Clinic to Community: Supporting Young Psychodynamics of Violence and Aggression Peacelessness Inpatient Treatment of Dynamic Psychiatry Women and Men Living with Adversity Ammon, Maria (Berlin) Hermelink, Daniel (Munich) Giovannozzi, Gabriella Holm-Hadulla, Rainer (Heidelberg) Peace Ability, Group Dynamics and Identity in Working on Peace Ability in Inpatient Dynamic Zaccagnini, Enrico (Florence) The Transformation of Destructiveness into the Understanding of Dynamic Psychiatry Psychiatric Treatment Neurobiologically Based Psychotherapy: Creativity – Goethe, Freud and The Rolling Stones A Main Path to Peace Bauer, Joachim (Berlin) Leßner, Erwin (Munich) Janus, Ludwig (Dossenheim) Predictors of Violence – Social Peace Requires Politically-minded Milosevic, Vladimir (Idrija, Slowenia) The Contribution of Prenatal Psychology and A Neuroscientific Perspective Individuals “Men don’t Cry”, Film with Discussion Psychohistory to the Understanding of the Psycho- Benedetti, Fabrizio (Turin) dynamics of “Peace and Aggression” Mahler, Lieselotte (Berlin) Words can Heal, Words can Kill: Das Weddinger Modell Understanding the Mechanisms through Kallivayalil, Roy (Kerala) Panel Influence of Culture and Acculturation on the Schmolke, Margit | Hoffmann, Nataly (Munich) (Subject to Changes) Placebo and Nocebo Research Practice of Psychotherapy Psychotherapeutic Work Between Insult and Botbol, Michel (Brest) Connectedness – Reflections on a Challenging Peace Facilitating Processes and the Machleidt, Wielant (Hanover) Overcoming of Socio-political Splittings Differential Psychopathology of Violence Interpersonal Event The Impact of War and Aggression on Migrants’ in Difficult Adolescents Sonnenschein, Nava (Tel Aviv) Social Wellbeing and Mental Health Brisch, Karl-Heinz (Salzburg) Salaime, Samah (Tel Aviv) Attachment – Trauma – Attachment Disorders – Mezzich, Juan (New York) Selected Symposia and The School for Peace at Wahat al Salam Neve Aggression – Prevention Positive Health, Cooperation and Solidarity WPA Section Psychoanalysis in Psychiatry Shalom, The Working Method between Profession- Neznanov, Nikolaj (St. Petersburg) (Subject to Changes) al Groups from Conflict Zones Brockman, Richard (New York) Aggression between Survival and Illness Alfonso, César (New York) | Bar-el, Juan (Haifa) | Gil, Tsvi (Tel Aviv) Shame: Murder, Suicide – as Self Defense Thome, Astrid (Munich) Tasman, Allan (Louisville) El Haja, Enaam Abu (Tel Aviv) von Bülow, Gabriele (Berlin) Psychodynamic and Social Determinants Group Dynamics of Arabs and Jews working Discomfort and Liberation – The Acknowledgement of Suffering as a of Violance Together in a Therapeutic Space Aspects of Group Psychotherapeutic Work Precondition of Reconciliation. Experiences and Reflections from Psychotherapy Tschuschke, Volker (Berlin) Makris, Nikos (Massachusetts) Duchonova, Katerina (Prague) Why do Hostility and Destruction Increase in Wes- Neuroscience of Anger and Disgust in a Perspec- Totalitarian Systems, Recycling of Victimhood Burbiel, Ilse (Munich) tive of Current Precision Psychiatry and Applied and Possibility of Recovery tern Societies? A Psychoanalytic-Politic Synthesis Günter Ammons Concept of Aggression Neuroimaging Tyano, Shmouel (Tel Aviv) Falkai, Peter (Munich) Gökalp, Peykan (Istanbul) Adolescents’ Aggression and Peace Effects of Physical Exercise on Psychosis – Violence in the Society on the Street and at Home a Challenge for Social Functioning Urspruch, Ingeborg (Munich) Capability for Peace – Key Considerations from a Psychoanalytic Perspective Page 8 Page 9
CONGRESS PROGRAM | TUESDAY 31.03.2020 CONGRESS PROGRAM | TUESDAY 31.03.2020 LFI Berlin | Kantstraße 120 | 10625 Berlin UdK | University of Arts (Konzertsaal) Hardenbergstraße 33, Fasanenstrasse| 10623 Berlin 11.00 Press Meeting 8.00 h Registration Pressemeeting 14.00–16.00 h Meeting of the Executive Council of the World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry Chair | Leitung Hermelink, Daniel (Munich) Sitzung des Executive Council der World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry 9.30 h Opening Ceremony 16.00–18.00 h Meeting of the Board of Governors and Eröffnungszeremonie Chairmen of the regional branches of the WADP Sitzung des Board of Governors und Leiter der regionalen Zweige der WADP Greetings Grussworte 20.00 h Reception for lecturers hosted by the German Academy for Psychoanalysis e. V. Referenten-Empfang der Deutschen Akademie für Psychoanalyse e. V. Gold Medal Award of the German Academy for Psychoanalysis to Professor Juan Mezzich Überreichung der Goldmedaille der Deutschen Akademie für Psychoanalyse an Professor Juan Mezzich Abstracts Key Lectures morning You find a short description of all Chair | Leitung Botbol, Michel (Paris) | Tyano, Shmouel (Tel Aviv) key lectures, lectures, symposia, workshops and panels 11.00 h Neznanov, Nikolaj | Vasileva, Anna (St. Petersburg) on our website under Aggression between Survival and Illness 11.30 h Herrman, Helen (Melbourne) From Clinic to Community: Supporting Young Women and Men Living with Adversity Legend 12.00 h Ammon, Maria (Berlin) Symposium Peace Ability, Group Dynamics and Identity in the Understanding of Dynamic Psychiatry Lectures in English, subtitels in German Panel Workshop 12.30–14.00 h Lunch Break | Mittagspause Film Exhibition Key Lectures early afternoon Chair | Leitung Burbiel, Ilse (Munich) | Mezzich, Juan (New York) 14.00 h Kallivayalil, Roy (Kerala) The Influence of Culture and Acculturation on the Practice of Psychotherapy 14.30 h Mezzich, Juan (New York) Positive Health, Cooperation and Solidarity 15.00 h Urspruch, Ingeborg (Munich) Capability for Peace – Key Considerations from a Psychoanalytic Perspective 15.30 h Janus, Ludwig (Dossenheim) The Contribution of Prenatal Psychology and Psychohistory to the Understanding of the Psychodynamics of Peace and Aggression 16.00–16.15 h Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Page 10 Page 11
CONGRESS PROGRAM | WEDNESDAY 01.04.2020 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Konzertsaal 3rd Floor | Room 336 3rd floor | Room 310 1st floor left | Room 110 Afternoon Lectures Chair | Leitung Alfonso, César (New York) Compton Dickinson, Stella (London) Schmolke, Margit (Munich) Thome, Astrid (Augsburg) Tasman, Allan (Louisville) Guzek, Andrzej (Munich) Granier, Hervé (Montpellier) Machleidt, Wielant (Hanover) Section | Psychodynamic and The Role of Music Therapy Psychiatry and Society Aspects Stress and Inner Peace Sektion Social Determinants of Violence in Creating Harmony SYMPOSIUM OF WPA SECTION SYMPOSIUM Psychoanalysis in Psychiatry: Hate, Causes, Consequences and Cures: Psychodynamic and Social Determinants The Role of Music Therapy in Creating of Violence Harmony Where There is Discord and Violence 16.15–16.35 h Olarte, Silvia (New York) Maguire, Alex (London) Mahler, Lieselotte (Berlin) Vogelsänger, Peter (Magdeburg) | Brenner, Silke The Cycle of Violence in the Family, Psycho- Hatred in Rap Music: Das Weddinger Modell (Magdeburg) | Herrmann, Markus (Berlin) dynamic Considerations and Treatment The Music Therapist’s Approach Less Stress, more competence and Responses when Working with Weniger Stress, mehr Kompetenz Psychopathic Patients who have Offended 16.35–16.55 h Tavakoli, Saman (Tehran) Compton-Dickinson, Stella (London) Freisleben, Julia Anna Overholser, James Promoting Peace in a Community, Psycho- The Aetiology of Hatred. Causes, Nicastro, Nicoletta (Prato) Hernandez, Silvia (Cleveland) dynamic Considerations and Treatment Consequences and Cures in Music Therapy Alternative Measures to Detention, Alternative Finding Inner Peace: for a Patient in Prodromal Stage of Measures to Aggression: Group Work with The Path toward Suicide Prevention Schizophrenia Psychodrama to Process and Re-modulate SYMPOSIUM Counterpoint of Disturbance 16.55–17.15 h Tasman, Allan (Louisville) Taylor, Celia (London) Battaglini, Irene Khokh, R. I. | Timerbulatov, Ilgiz Divergent Psychoanalytic Perspectives on The Origins of Aggression Galgano, Andrea (Florence) Evtushenko, E. M. (all Ufa) Aggression Antrieb and Dasein: An Epochè Case Study and Investigation of the Duality of Bullying Experience as The Daseinsanalyse in the Mishima´s Novel “Music” Aggressiveness or Victimhood 17.15–17.35 h Katz-Bearnot, Sherry (New York) Compton-Dickinson, Stella (London) Grenon, Marion (Paris) et al. Trkulja, Mirjana (Paris) Countertransference Aggression and Modifying the Aggressive Impulse Psychiatry and Radicalization: Overcoming Emotion A Strange Trio : What happens to Psychologists, Difficult Patients in Integrated Care Surgeons and Patients in Plastic and Reconstructive Settings Surgery (with video vignettes) 17.35–17.55 h Tosarelli, Lorenza | Martelli, Caterina Maguire, Alex (London) Leßner, Erwin (Munich) Kerekes, Medard Ferenc (Braunschweig) (Castel San Pietro Terme) Specific Clinical Applications in Music Social Peace Requires Politically-minded Individuals 2 Years of Transcultural Brief Psychodynamic Wars of Solitude in the Sunset of Therapy Gesellschaftlicher Friede erfordert politisch denkende Psychotherapy in a German Private Practice Tenderness: Reflections on Psychoanalytic Menschen Treatment 17.55–18.10 h Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Page 12 Page 13
CONGRESS PROGRAM | WEDNESDAY 01.04.2020 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 | 3rd Floor | Room 336 3rd floor | Room 310 1st floor left | Room 110 1st floor left | Room 102 Ground floor left | Room 004 Workshops Chair | Leitung Doctor, Roland (London) Aladjem, Asher Gerson, Janet (New York) von Bülow, Gabriele Battaglini, Irene (Florence) Urban, Nina (New York) Schmolke, Margit (Munich) Kiem, Petra (Berlin) Leßner, Erwin (Munich) 18.00–19.30 h Singh, Mandeep Aladjem, Asher Gerson, Janet (New York) Burbiel, Ilse (Munich) Giovannozzi, Gabriella Doctor, Ronald (London) Urban, Nina (New York) Schmolke, Margit (Munich) Groupdynamics of Peace Zaccagnini, Enrico (Florence) Improvised Spoken-word Workshop: Traumatized LGBT Refugees and their Jain, Vidya (Jaipur) Neurobiologically Based Exploring Peace and Aggression Through Integration in Mainstream Lives Psychotherapy, Peace Education, Psychotherapy: A Main Path to Group Free Association and Gandhian Framework for Peace Exploring Peace and Aggression Staatlich anerkanntes Ausbildungsinstitut Staatlich anerkanntes Ausbildungsinstitut für Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse für Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung Information und Anmeldung Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung Information und Anmeldung Psychologische Psychotherapeut*in Münchner Lehr- und Forschungsinstitut Psychologische Psychotherapeut*in Kantstraße 120/121 | 10625 Berlin Kinder- und Jugendlichen- Deutsche Akademie für Psychoanalyse Psychoanalytiker*in Sekretariat +49 30 3 13 26 98 psychotherapeut*in Goethestraße 54 | 80336 München Ärztliche Psychotherapie Ausbildungsbüro +49 30 3 13 28 93 Psychoanalytiker*in Tel. +49 89 53 96-74/-75 Gruppenpsychotherapeut*in Fax +49 30 3 13 69 59 Ärztliche Psychotherapie Fax +49 89 5 32 88 37 Gruppendynamiker*in E-Mail Gruppenpsychotherapeut*in E-Mail Gruppendynamiker*in Informationsgespräche Wir bieten kostenlose Informations- Informationsabende Mitglied der Deutschen Fachgesellschaft für gespräche zu unseren Aus- und Weiter- 11.04., 18.06., 15.10., 12.11.2020 tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie / bildungsangeboten an. Bitte melden Sie Psychodynamische Psychotherapie (DFT) e. V. sich telefonisch oder per E-Mail an. Page 14 Page 15
CONGRESS PROGRAM | THURSDAY 02.04.2020 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 1st floor right | Hörsaal 158 1st floor left | Room 110 3rd floor | Room 336 3rd Floor | Room 310 Key Lectures morning Chair | Leitung Bauer, Joachim (Berlin) Burbiel, Ilse (Munich) 9.00–9.30 h Bauer, Joachim (Berlin) Predictors of Violence – A Neuroscientific Perspective 09.30–10.00 h Benedetti, Fabrizio (Turin) Words can Heal, Words can Kill: Understanding the Mechanisms through Placebo and Nocebo Research 10.00–10.30 h Burbiel, Ilse (Munich) Günter Ammon’s Concept of Aggression 10.30–11.00 h Falkai, Peter (Munich) Effects of Physical Exercise on Psychosis – a Challenge for Social Functioning 11.00–11.15 h Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Chair | Leitung Levy, Arnon (Givatayim) Gökalp, Peykan (Istanbul) Hoffmann, Nataly | Bihler, Thomas (Munich) Vasileva, Anna (St. Petersburg) Kiem, Petra (Berlin) Hinrichs, Reimer (Berlin) Section | Neuroscience and Psychology for Violence in the Society Neuropsychoanalysis and Aggression Psychodynamic Aspects and Psychopathology Sektion Intergroup Conflict Resolution on the Street and at Home SYMPOSIUM SYMPOSIUM OF WPA PIP SECTION Neuroscience and Psychology for Violence in the Society Intergroup Conflict Resolution – Lessons on the Street and at Home from the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict and Neuroscience Researches on Empathy under Conflict 11.15–11.35 h Levy, Arnon (Givatayim) Özcürümez, Gamze (Ankara) Makris, Nikos (Massachusetts) Benelli, Ezio (Florence) Neuroscience and Psychology for Rage Against the Refugees: Unconscious The Role of Modern Neuroimaging in Neuro-Psycho- Baroncelli, Serena (Florence) Intergroup Conflict Resolution – Lessons Roots of Othering, Xenophobia and Racism analysis and the Visualization of Brain Circuits – Clinic Supervision. Theory and Methods in the from the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict and Could Anger be Neuro-modulated? Formation of the Internal Therapist Neuroscience Researches on Empathy under Conflict 11.35–11.55 h Levy, Jonathan (Herzliya) Devrim Basterzi, Ayse (Istanbul) Lindstedt, Klaus (Berlin) Möbus, Bernhard (Berlin) Building an Empathic Brain in Times of Individual and Collective Influences of Our Brain – a Story Processor Splitting as a Social and Inner – Conflict – The Neuroscience of Intergroup Complex Man-made Traumas; Mental Phenomenon Conflicts From Political Traumas to Mass Violence 11.55–12.15 h Hriesh-Awawdi, Heba (Kfar-Cana) Gökalp, Peykan (Istanbul) Bihler, Thomas (Munich) Hinrichs, Reimer (Berlin) Remodeling by Coaching Psychology the "Unnoticed" Gender-based Violence Ammon's Concept of Aggression in the Light of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Value System Within the Young Arabic Attachment Theory and Neurobiology Aggression in Countertransference Population in Israel Page 16 Page 17
CONGRESS PROGRAM | THURSDAY 02.04.2020 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 1st floor right | Hörsaal 158 1st floor left | Room 110 3rd floor | Room 336 3rd Floor | Room 310 12.15–12.35 h Kiem, Eugen (Berlin) Bast, Sieglinde (Berlin) Urban, Martin (Bad Liebenstein) Vasilieva, Anna (St. Petersburg) The Aggression Model of G. Ammon in the Aggressionen und die menschliche Natur Aggression Must Be – Does War Has to Be as Well? Women’s Mental Health and the Costs of Light of Neurobiologic Research Peacekeeping Das Aggressionsmodell von G. Ammon im Lichte der neurobiologischen Forschung 12.35–12.55 h Golbon, Athieh (Tehran) Hassan, Arif (Canberra) Bolshunova, Svetlana (Moscow) Sorokin, M. Yu. | Lutova, N. B. Gholamian, Faezeh (Tehran) Moral Character and Dysfunctional Restoring the Internal Space of the Victims of Wied , V. D. (all St. Petersburg) Anxiety and Destructiveness Behaviour Aggression (From the Chaos of Destruction to Subjective Perception of Psychosis: Paths of Harmony with the World) Treatment Engagement and Govern Aggression 13.00–14.00 h Lunch Break | Mittagspause Key Lectures early afternoon Chair | Leitung Tschuschke, Volker (Berlin) Schmolke, Margit (Munich) 14.00–14.30 h Gerson, Janet (New York) Challenges and Peace Alternatives for Human Relations in the 21st Century 14.30–15.00 h Tschuschke, Volker (Berlin) Why do Hostility and Destruction Increase in Western Societies? A Psychoanalytic-Politic Synthesis 15.00–15.30 h Machleidt, Wielant (Hanover) The Impact of War and Aggression on Migrants Social Wellbeing and Mental Health 15.30–16.00 h Opening Art Exhibition, Charlotte Salomon Bibliothek “Peace and Aggression” Paintings of Patients of the Dynamic Psychiatric Hospital Menterschwaige (1st floor, Room 101) 15.30–15.45 h Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Page 18 Page 19
CONGRESS PROGRAM | THURSDAY 02.04.2020 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 1st floor right | Hörsaal 158 1st floor left | Room 110 3rd floor | Room 336 3rd Floor | Room 310 Afternoon Lectures Chair | Leitung Moussaoui, Driss (Casablanca) Makris, Nikos (Massachusetts) Hoffmann, Nataly | Guzek, Andrzej (Munich) Doctor, Ronald | Brouwers, Barbara (London) Granier, Hervè (Montpellier) Section | Future Aspects of Hate Neuroscience of Anger and Disgust Striving for Freedom in Literature Sexual Aggression; the Paradox of Disavowal Sektion in a Perspective of Current Precision Psychiatry SYMPOSIUM SYMPOSIUM Neuroscience of Anger and Disgust Sexual Aggression; the Paradox of Disavowal in a Perspective of Current Precision Psychiatry and Applied Neuroimaging 16.00–16.20 h Moussaoui, Driss (Casablanca) Makris, Nikos (Massachusetts) Reitz, Gertraud | Fink, Hildegard (Munich) Pachtinger, Veronika Empowering Communities on The Neuroanatomical Basis of Emotional The Analytic-Structural Dance Therapy Group – Brouwers, Barbara (London) Psychological Help in Villages processing in Anger and Disgust A Creative Space for Identity Development – Sexual Aggression; Paradox of Disavowal Especially Under the Aspect of Aggression 16-20–16.40 h Granier, Hervé (Montpellier) Westin, Carl-Fredrik (Boston) Weiss, Cornelia (Berlin) Pak-Maier, Sumi (London) The Future of Hate in Psychopathology Recent Advances in Structural Magnetic Albert Camus – Philosopher of Freedom and Peace Sexual Aggression; Music therapy With a Resonance Imaging (sMRI) Traumatised Female Patient 16.40–17.00 h Polozhy, Boris (Moscow) van der Kouwe, Andre (Boston) Mackenthun, Gerald (Berlin) Doctor, Ronald (London) Auto-Aggressive Behavior – a Social Current Neuroimaging using High-field and It's getting better all the time. Paranoia and Projective Identification in Challenge to Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Connectome Technology for Structural and Steven Pinker and his Thesis on the Decline of Female Aggression Functional Brain Imaging (fMRI) Violence in Modern Times 17.00–17.20 h Basu, Debasish (Chandigarh) Pallanti, Stefano (Palo Alto) Pedrosa, Gil Francisco (Hochweitzschen) Terrorism and Other Forms of Violent/ The Biosocial Meaning of Disgust – Ethics of Hannah Arendt in regards to Hateful Extremism – Role of Social Psychopathology and Clinical features Dynamic Psychiatry Psychiatry 17.20–17.40 h Mielimaka, Michal | Rutkowski, Gafarov, Valery (Novosibirsk) Krienke, Ute (Berlin) Krzysztof | Dembinska, Edyta | International Programs: WHO MONICA- Awareness of Speech Acts in Psychotherapy – Sobanski, Jerzy | Citkowska-Kisielewska, psychosocial, HAPIEE: Association of Which Kind of Narratives Do We Support? Anna | Klasa, Katarzyna (all Cracow) MAOA-uVNTR Gene Polymorphism with Heterogeneity, Diversity and the Hostility in Male Population Aged of 45-64 Dynamics of Symptoms Reported by in Russia/Siberia Patients Diagnosed with Neurotic and Personality Disorders 17.40–18.00 h Verma, Jyoti (Patna) Nadoushan, Jalali Working for Experiencing Inner Peace and Hosein, Amir (Tehran) Non-Aggression Happiness in the Absence Co-existence: Insights from the Indian of a Peaceful World Reflective Perspectives 18.00–18.15 h Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Page 20 Page 21
CONGRESS PROGRAM | THURSDAY 02.04.2020 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 1st floor left | Room 110 3rd floor | Room 336 3rd Floor | Room 310 1st floor left | Room 102 Ground floor left | Room 004 Workshops Chair | Leitung von Bülow, Gabriele (Berlin) Thome, Astrid (Augsburg, Munich) Bar-el, Juan (Haifa) Ammon, Maria (Berlin) Kiem, Eugen (Berlin) Burbiel, Ilse (Munich) 18.15–19.45 h Sonnenschein, Nava Welldon, Estela Levy, Arnon (Givatayim) Ammon, Maria (Berlin) Shapiro, Yakov (Edmonton) Salaime, Samah (Tel Aviv) Doctor, Ronald (London) Dynamic Positive Coaching Burbiel, Ilse (Munich) Psychodynamic Psychiatry in the 40 years for the Village of Peace Wahat Fear of Death or of Murder? Psychology – Introduction. Analytic-Structural Dance XXIth Century: Evidence-based al Salam Neve Shalom; Approach for Peace Challenges Confronted in the Modified Workshop for Therapists Workshop (Please bring your Principles of Care and Nonlinear Education Under Ongoing Conflict in Psychoanalytic Setting Established by music with you on CD) Dynamics of Clinical Interaction Israel-Palestine Forensic Psychotherapy 146. Klausurtagung 20.08.- 30.08.2020 | Paestum (Süditalien) Liebe, Freundschaft und kreative Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten Leitung Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Maria Ammon Dipl.-Psych. Ruth Lautenschläger Dipl.-Psych. Christel Kümmel Lehr- und Forschungsinstitut Berlin Kantstraße 120/121 | 10625 Berlin | Tel. +49 30 3 13 28 93 | Fax +49 30 3 13 69 59 E-Mail | Page 22 Page 23
CONGRESS PROGRAM | FRIDAY 03.04.2020 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 1st floor right | Hörsaal 158 1st floor left | Room 110 3rd Floor | Room 310 3rd floor | Room 336 Key Lectures morning Chair | Leitung von Bülow, Gabriele (Berlin) Schmolke, Margit (Munich) 9.00 h Alfonso, César (New York) Overcoming Hatred and Xenophobia – Psy- chodynamics of Violence and Aggression 9.30 h von Bülow, Gabriele (Berlin) The Acknowledgement of Suffering as a Precondition of Reconciliation. Experiences and Reflections from Psychotherapy 10.00 h Brockman, Richard (New York) Shame: Murder, Suicide – as Self Defense 10.30–10.45 h Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Page 24 Page 25
CONGRESS PROGRAM | FRIDAY 03.04.2020 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 1st floor right | Hörsaal 158 1st floor left | Room 110 3rd Floor | Room 310 3rd floor | Room 336 Chair | Leitung Hermelink, Daniel Alfonso, César (New York) Thomashoff, Hans-Otto (Vienna) Moin, Mahdieh (Tehran) Guzek, Andrzej (Munich) Jimenez, Alma (Manila) Section | Inpatient Treatment of Aggression Psychodynamic Approach The Roots of Human Aggression The Theory of Trauma and it's Victims Sektion to Suicide Prevention SYMPOSIUM OF WPA PIP SECTION SYMPOSIUM OF WPA SECTION SYMPOSIUM OF WADP IRANIAN BRANCH A Psychodynamic Approach ART AND PSYCHIATRY A Return to the Theory of Trauma and it's Victims to Suicide Prevention The Roots of Human Aggression 10.45–11.05 h Hermelink, Daniel (Munich) Sullivan, Timothy (New York) Thomashoff, Hans-Otto (Vienna) Hashemzadeh, Mona (Iran) Working on Peace Ability in Inpatient A Comparison pf Approaches to Suicide The Roots of Human Aggression Trauma: Dynamic Psychiatric Treatment Risk Prevention in High-risk Individuals History and its Relation with Loss and Mourning 11.05–11.25 h Schmolke, Margit Jimenez, Alma (Manila) Sukhanova, Ekaterina (Vienna) Kheradmand, Azadeh (Iran) Hoffmann, Nataly (Munich) Managment of Countertransference with Violence and Aggression: Trauma and Pain Psychotherapeutische Arbeit im Spannungs- Suicidal Patients Transforming the Campus Climate feld von Kränkung und Verbundenheit – Überlegungen zu einem herausfordernden zwischenmenschlichen Geschehen 11.25–11.45 h Schleuning, Gabriele (Munich) Lukman, Petrin Redayani (Jakarta) Kastrup, Marianne (Copenhagen) Shakiba, Shima (Iran) Wie der Spirit einer psychiatrischen Ein- Helping University Students who have Treatment of Traumatized Migrants: Unmentalized Trauma and Reenactment richtung Aggression eindämmen und Suicidal Thoughts An Issue of Public Health Concern Friedfertigkeit fördern kann – Kulturarbeit als Gestaltung gesellschaftlicher Prozesse 11.45–12.05 h Guzek, Andrzej (Munich) Elvira, Sylvia Detri (Indonesia) Botbol, Michel (Brest) Niazifar, Maedeh (Iran) Sredina, Tatiana (Munich) Spirituality as a Suicide Protective Factor Between Radicality and Radicalization in The Role of Trauma and Depression Therapeutic Work with Aggression in the in Indonesian Patients Adolescence: Banality of Breaking Music Therapy 12.05–12.25 h Jedrejcic, Gorana Steffen, Barbara (Berlin) Solhi, Amin (Iran) Kreiner, Sieglinde (Munich) Friedensfähigkeit und Aggression in der Kunst am A Case Study about a Childhood Trauma On Clinical Social Work – From Destructive Beispiel von Guernica von Picasso to Constructive Aggression towards Pacification 12.25–12.45 h Lautenschläger, Ruth Dehkordi, Kiani | Ahmadi, Nayere | Rouhi, Romina (Yazd) Engelhardt, Barbara (Berlin) Zarei, Jamileh | Rezaei, Homa | Ghola- Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Group Dynamic Convention as a Liberated mzad, Shakiba | Azizpour, Mohammad | Therapy on Self-Compassion and Distress Tolerance Field for Creativation and Peaceability Soleimani, Zahra Asl | Shams, Aziz in Students with Social Anxiety Disorder Gruppendynamische Tagung als befreites Feld (all Tehran) für Kreativierung und Friedensfähigkeit Balint Groups: The Nuts and Bolts of Making Better Nurses 12.45–13.45 h Lunch Break | Mittagspause WPA PIP Section | Meeting, Room 102 12.45–13.45 h WPA PIP Section Psychoanalysis in Psychiatry | Meeting, Room 102 Page 26 Page 27
CONGRESS PROGRAM | FRIDAY 03.04.2020 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 1st floor right | Hörsaal 158 3rd Floor | Room 310 1st floor left | Room 110 Key Lectures early afternoon Chair | Leitung Thome, Astrid (Augsburg ) Mezzich, Juan (New York) 13.45–14.15 h Thome, Astrid (Augsburg) Discomfort and Liberation – Aspects of Group Psychotherapeutic Work 14.15–14.45 h Holm-Hadulla, Rainer (Heidelberg) The Transformation of Destructiveness into Creativity – Goethe, Freud and The Rolling Stones 14.45–15.00 h Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Chair | Leitung von Bülow, Gabriele (Berlin) Hinrichs, Reimer (Berlin) Gerson, Janet (New York) Thome, Astrid (Augsburg) Section | Panel Film Workshop with Discussion 2 Symposia Sektion Peace Facilitating Processes and the Milosevic, Vladimir (Idrija | Slowenia) SYMPOSIUM Overcoming of Socio-political Splittings “Men Don’t Cry”, Film workshop with The Knife Examined – A Social and Psychoanalytic Discourse on the Rising Rates discussion of Knife-related Crimes Committed by Adolescents in London, UK 15.00–15.20 h Sonnenschein, Nava Harding, Duncan (London) Salaime, Samah (Tel Aviv) Adolescents who Kill: A Clinical and Societal Landscape The School for Peace at Wahat al Salam 15.20–15.40 h Chan, Christine | Harding, Duncan (London) Neve Shalom, The Working Method Peering into the Eye of the Storm: Countertransference from the Front Line between Professional Groups from Conflict 15.40–16.00 h Zones Chan, Christine (London) | Doctor, Ronald (London) The Knife Examined: Making Sense of Knife Crime from a Psychoanalytic Perspective Chair | Leitung Doctor, Ronald (London) | Jewell, Michael (London) SYMPOSIUM Psychosis and Serious Violence 16.00–16.20 h Bar-el, Juan (Haifa) | Gil, Tsvi (Tel Aviv) Jewell, Michael | Doctor, Ronald (London) El Haja, Enaam Abu (Tel Aviv) Delusional Mood; a Forgotten Concept in a Case of Patricide Group Dynamics of Arabs and Jews working 16.20–16.40 h Coates, George | Lowe, John (London) Together in a Therapeutic Space The Hound of the Baskervilles Effect in Psychiatric Practice in the 21st Century: Some Social and Psychodynamic Reflections Following on 2 Cases of Psychosis Associated with Serious Violence 16.40–17.00 h Duchonova, Katerina (Prague) Totalitarian Systems, Recycling of Victimhood and Possibility of Recovery 17.00–17.15 h Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Page 28 Page 29
CONGRESS PROGRAM | FRIDAY 03.04.2020 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 1st floor left | Room 110 3rd Floor | Room 310 3rd floor | Room 336 Ground floor left | Room 004 1st floor left | Room 102 Workshops Chair | Leitung Tyano, Shmouel (Tel Aviv) Burbiel, Ilse (Munich) Botbol, Michel (Paris) Finke, Gisela (Berlin) Sredina, Tatiana Keren, Miri (Petah Tiqva) Guzek, Andrzej (Munich) 17.15–18.45 h Brisch, Karl-Heinz (Salzburg) Bihler, Thomas (Munich) Beggi, Mattia Flor, Michael (Berlin) Sredina, Tatiana Keren, Miri (Petah Tiqva) Working with Aggression and Doctor, Ronald (London) Capturing Group Dynamics: the Guzek, Andrzej (Munich) Ghassan, Abdallah (Jerusalem) Reconciliation in Inpatient Treatment The Interpersonal Dynamics sociogram illustrates changes in Self Experience through Music What Can Clinicians From Both Sides of Dynamic Psychiatry Consultation: Mentalising groups and their members. Therapy, pls. bring your own of a Violent and Chronic Geopolitical Transference and Counter- A case study small instruments of any kind Conflict Do? transference Dynamics (e.g. flutes, drums etc.) 18.45 h Bus Transfer to the Congress Dinner Location from Hardenbergstraße 33 for all booked participants for the congress dinner. Please bring your Passports or Identity Cards, Tickets for Congress Dinner must be bought 5 days in advance via CPO Hanser. 20.00 h Congress Dinner Restaurant Käfer | Reichstag Page 30 Page 31
CONGRESS PROGRAM | SATURDAY 04.04.2020 Hardenbergstraße Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 1st floor right | Hörsaal 158 1st floor left | Room 110 3rd Floor | Room 310 3rd floor | Room 336 Key Lectures morning Chair | Leitung Ammon, Maria (Berlin) Kallivayalil, Roy (Kerala) 9.00–9.30 h Brisch, Karl-Heinz (Salzburg) Attachment – Trauma – Attachment Disorders – Aggression – Prevention 9.30–10.00 h Tyano, Shmouel (Tel Aviv) Adolescents’ Aggression and Peace 10.00–10.30 h Botbol, Michel (Paris) Differential Psychopathology of Violence in Difficult Adolescents 10.30–10.45 h Coffee Break | Kaffeepause Chair | Leitung Kiem, Petra (Berlin) Doctor, Ronald Vasileva, Anna (St. Petersburg) | Bar-el, Juan (Haifa) Alfonso, César (New York) Mielimaka, Michal (Cracow) Orrell, Katya (London) Della, Constantine (Manila) Section | Childhood, Adolescence, Gender War and No Peace Different Approaches for Post-Modern Ilnesses Suicide-Psychodynamic and Sektion Clinical Considerations SYMPOSIUM WAR AND NO PEACE WPA PIP SECTION SYMPOSIUM Challenges in Forensic Psychoanalytical Suicide-Psychodynamic and Clinical Psychotherapy Considerations 10.45–11.05 h Fuchs, Sven (Hamburg) Orrell, Katya (London) Risari, Giorgio (Florence) Alfonso, César (New York) The Childhood Origins of (Political) Violence War and No Peace: “The Decadence's Syndrome” in Erich Fromm’s Work The Social Context of Suicide – Revisiting the and Peacelessness Running away from Murder Contributions of Durkheim Die Kindheitswurzeln von (politischer) Gewalt und Friedlosigkeit 11.05–11.25 h Bar-El, Juan (Haifa) | Gil, Tsvi E. () Mundici, Elena (London) Ketteler, Daniel (Berlin) Kalayasiri, Rasmon (Bangkok) Impact of First Meeting with Therapist on ‘The Pit and the Pendulum’: Xenophobia as a Pathognomic Entity? Reviewing A Clinical Review of Addiction and Suicide Attachment Challenges in Forensic Psychotherapy Recent literature and Some Clinical Examples, which Illustrate Forthcoming Challenges in a Diverse, Multicultural Society 11.25–11.45 h Khalfina, Regina Robertovna | Timerbu- Spadaro, Francesco (Shreveport) Jevtic, Iva (Ljubljana) Della, Constantine (Manila) latov, Ilgiz Faritovich | Timerbulatova, Dead Calm on a Monday Morning Session: “Therapy of Desire”: Pre-modern Solutions Psychodynamic Considerations of Suicide in the Milyausha Fanilovna (all Ufa) Counter Transference and Sadism Detection for Post-modern Illnesses Medically Ill Gender Specific Manifestations of in Forensic Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Aggression in Young People 11.45–12.05 h Cyranka, Katarzyna | Szuldrzynski, Göring, Albrecht (Munich) Fehér, János (Budapest) | Urbán, Anna (Miskolc) Jeyasingam, Neil R. (Sydney) Konstanty | Konopka, Maria Nowina A Plea for Overcoming Criminal Justice. From the History of the Association for Dynamic Psychodynamics of Suicide in Older Persons (Cracow) | Dudek, Dominika (all Cracow) Reasons and Consequences Psychology and Psychiatry in Hungary between Communication Competence and the 1992–2012 Intensity of Anxiety and Stress in Medical Staff Page 32 Page 33
CONGRESS PROGRAM | SATURDAY 04.04.2020 Hardenbergstraße Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 Hardenbergstraße 33 1st floor right | Hörsaal 158 1st floor left | Room 110 3rd Floor | Room 310 3rd floor | Room 336 Chair | Leitung Kiem, Petra (Berlin) Doctor, Ronald Vasileva, Anna (St. Petersburg) | Bar-el, Juan (Haifa) Alfonso, César (New York) Mielimaka, Michal (Cracow) Orrell, Katya (London) Della, Constantine (Manila) Section | Childhood, Adolescence, Gender War and No Peace Different Approaches for Post-Modern Ilnesses Suicide-Psychodynamic and Clinical Sektion Considerations 12.05–12.25 h Jeda, Patrycja (Cracow) Kaczmarska, Anna (Cracow) Golshani, Sanobar (Kermanshah) | Firoozabadi, Headaches in Patients Undergoing Psycho- Relationship Between Repetitive Hypnotic Ali (Shiraz) | Shakeri, Jalal (Kermanshah) | Brand, dynamic Psychotherapy due to Personality, Procedures and Hypnotizability Serge (Basel) | Moeini, Mehdi (Kermanshah) Anxiety and Somatization Disorders Attachment Styles Among Iranian Families 12.25–13.45 h Lunch Break | Mittagspause Chair | Leitung Gerson, Janet (New York) Amini, Moozhgan (Tehran) Jalali Nadoushan, Amir H. (Tehran) Kokar, Sadaf (Tehran) | Nekouei, Nasim (Tehran) Rahmani, Anahita (Tehran) Farzin, Rezai (Sanandaj) Section | Peace as Relational Understanding of Suicide and Selfharm Some Aspects of Peace and War in Middle East Psychoanalytical Perspective of Psychotic Sektion and Non-Psychotic Patients WORKSHOP SYMPOSIUM SYMPOSIUM SYMPOSIUM Gerson, Janet (New York) Suicide: A Second Look – The Role Some Aspects of Peace and War in Middle East A psychodynamic|psychoanalytic perspective Tahmaz, Elma (Bosniea and Herzegovina) of Psychodynamic Attitude in and it’s Relevance to Psychotherapy to the understanding of psychotic and non- Chawla, Rosie (China) Understanding Suicide and Self-harm psychotic patients Barrera, Alejandra (Mexico, Austria) Rahmani, Anahita (Tehran) Jalali Nadoushan, Amir H. (Tehran) Artounian, Valentin (Tehran) 14.00–14.20 h Peace as Relational: Introduction and Clinical Aspects Some Gaps in Iran-Iraq War Survivors Car in Iran “What is Madness?” Regional Challenges and Approaches Amini, Mozhgan (Tehran) Salimi, Samrand (Tehran) Nekouei, Nasim (Tehran) 14.20–14.40 h Suicide and Self-harm as a Communication Impact of Political Instability in Iraq on Human A Case of Borderline Narcissistic Personality Disorder Security specially on Kurdish Woman Chapari, Atieh (Tehran) Saghebi, Ali (Mashad) | Binandeh, Ruholla Alaie, Solmaz (Tehran) 14.40–15.00 h The Trace of Narcissism in Suicide (Mashad) | Heidari, Javad (Shahed) Chronic Fictitious Psychotic Disorder (A Case Report) The Unresolved Grief of Martyrs Children (Video) Khalili, Navid (Kerman) Farzin Rezai | Hemmati Azad (Sanandaj) Kokar, Sadaf (Tehran) Understanding Suicide in Major Depressive Manifestation of Complex PTSD as Pathology among Psychosis in Individuals, in the Community and 15.00–15.20 h Disorder Compared with Borderline Born During and After the Iran-Iraq War (1980-2000): Society Personality Organization Under Scrutiny of Object-Relations Theory 15.20–15.40 h Firouzan, Batoul | Sadrameli, Hamideh (all Tehran) Management of Savagery; Psychoanalytic Contextual- 15.30–16.00 h isation of ISIS Aggression through the Lens of ISIS Manifest 15.40–16.00 h Coffee Break | Kaffeepause 16.00–17.00 h Closing Panel Page 34 Page 35
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION | ZUSATZINFORMATIONEN Scientific Chair | Wissenschaftliche Leitung Congress Fees | Kongressgebühren Neznanov, Nicolaj (St.Petersburg) Participants 530,00 Euro Ammon, Maria (Berlin) Teilnehmer Members of WADP, DAP, DGG, DGDP, DGPM 440,00 Euro Mitglieder der WADP, DAP, DGG, DGDP, DGPM Scientific Committee | Wissenschaftliches Komitee Students and trainees 150,00 Euro Alfonso, César Lindstedt, Klaus Studenten, Azubis, PIAs Bauer, Joachim Melamedoff, Silvia Botbol, Michel Mezzich, Juan One-day tickets for non lecturing participants 180,00 Euro Benelli, Ezio Schmolke, Margit Tagestickets für nicht vortragende Teilnehmer von Bülow, Gabriele Thome, Astrid Special Congress Ticket (Income up to 1.500,00 Euro gross per month) 250,00 Euro Burbiel, Ilse Tschuschke, Volker Spezial-Ticket (Einkommen bis zu 1.500,00 Euro brutto pro Monat) Doctor, Ronald Tyano, Shmouel Granier, Hervé Urspruch, Ingeborg Herrman, Helen Vasilieva, Anna Your registration will be valid as soon as your fees have been credited to the congress account. When regis- Kick, Hermes Welldon, Estela tered there will be no refund of the full amount of registration fees, irrespective of congress participation. On cancellation after November 01, 2019, no fees can be refunded. Cancellations have to be done in writing. Special fees for delegates from Eastern Europe and developing countries on request. Organisational Chair | Organisatorische Leitung Ihre Registrierung ist gültig, sobald Ihre Gebühren dem Kongresskonto gutgeschrieben wurden. Bei Stornierung Dorendorf, Annegret nach dem 01. November 2019 können keine Gebühren zurückerstattet werden. Stornierungen müssen schriftlich erfolgen. Sondergebühren für Delegierte aus Osteuropa und Entwicklungsländern auf Anfrage. Organisational Committee | Organisationskomitee Ammon, Maria Kiem, Petra (press information) von Bülow, Gabriele Mendelson, Anna Dorendorf, Annegret Steffen, Barbara Treasurer of the Congress | Schatzmeister Dormann, Beate Registration | Registration Technical Equipment for Presentations | Technische Voraussetzungen and E-mail Laptop and beamer available, please bring USB-Stick with you. We have assigned CPO HANSER SERVICE GmbH with the registration for our congress. Laptop und Beamer sind auf dem Kongress vorhanden. Bitte überspielen Sie Ihre Präsentation auf einen USB-Stick. We strongly encourage all participants to register online. Wir haben die CPO HANSER SERVICE GmbH mit der Registrierung für unseren Kongress beauftragt. Wir empfehlen allen Teilnehmern dringend, sich online anzumelden. Presentations | Präsentationen Paper 20 minutes Symposium 90 minutes Registration on site | Registrierung vor Ort Workshop 90 minutes 01th of April: Konzertsaal (new building | neues Gebäude) Including discussion time at the end of the presentation. 02th-04th of April: Room 101 (historic building | historisches Gebäude) Inclusive Zeit für Diskussionen am Ende des Vortrags. There you will receive your entrance ticket and information material about the congress. Dort erhalten Sie das Kongress Ticket und weiteres Informationsmaterial. Page 36 Page 37
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