PATHSENSE (Pathogen Sensing) - H2020 MSCA-ITN 2016

Page created by Jennifer Bates
PATHSENSE (Pathogen Sensing) - H2020 MSCA-ITN 2016

                            H2020 MSCA-ITN 2016
                             (Pathogen Sensing)

   D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement
                        Responsible partner: NUI Galway

Authors: Nina L Tuite and Conor O Byrne, National University of Ireland, Galway
Coordinator: Conor O Byrne, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Project website:
Grant Agreement No.: 721456

             “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
            innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
PATHSENSE (Pathogen Sensing) - H2020 MSCA-ITN 2016
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                  PATHSENSE ETN

 Project acronym                                      PATHSENSE
 Project full title                                   Training Network to Understand and Exploit
                                                      Mechanisms of Sensory Perception in Bacteria
 Grant Agreement no.                                  721456
 Project start date                                   1-04-2017
 Deliverable Title                                    D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement
 Work Package Number                                  WP 8
 Work Package Title                                   COMMUNICATION, DISSEMINATION, PUBLIC
                                                      ENGAGEMENT AND EXPLOITATION
 Lead beneficiary                                     NUI Galway
 Author(s)                                            NUI Galway
 Date Due                                             31 March 2018
 Date of Submission                                   29 March 2018
 Dissemination level                                  Public

               “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
              innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
PATHSENSE (Pathogen Sensing) - H2020 MSCA-ITN 2016
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                                            PATHSENSE ETN

Table of Contents
Executive Summary: .................................................................................................................. 5

PATHSENSE Background: .......................................................................................................... 5

1. PATHSENSE Public Engagement ............................................................................................. 6

   1.1 PATHSENSE WEBSITE........................................................................................................ 6

   1.2 SOCIAL MEDIA .................................................................................................................. 7

   1.3 ESR BLOG POSTS ............................................................................................................... 7

   1.4 VIDEO BLOGS .................................................................................................................... 8

   1.5 PODCASTS......................................................................................................................... 8

   1.6 YOUTUBE CHANNEL ......................................................................................................... 8

   1.8 PRESS RELEASES ............................................................................................................... 9

   1.9 RADIO COVERAGE ............................................................................................................ 9

   1.10 OUTREACH EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 9

      1.10.1 Science on the Street .............................................................................................. 9

   1.11 LOCAL RESEARCH EVENTS AND SEMINARS .................................................................. 10

      1.11.1 Participation in the Ryan Institute Research Open Day ...................................... 10

   1.12 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES .......................................................... 11

      1.12.1 RTE Brainstorm ..................................................................................................... 11

      1.12.2 Video Game – ‘Save your pizza’. .......................................................................... 11

      1.12.3 Software programme – Open access ................................................................... 12

2. Forthcoming Events and Activities ...................................................................................... 13

   2.1 European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) 4th Microbial Stress meeting, Kinsale,
   Cork, Ireland. 23rd – 25th April 2018. .................................................................................... 13

   2.2 List_Maps Symposium EFB satellite meeting - International Symposium Foodborne
   pathogens: from farm to pharmacy! Kinsale, Cork, Ireland. Thursday 26th April 2018. .... 13

                   “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                  innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
PATHSENSE (Pathogen Sensing) - H2020 MSCA-ITN 2016
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                                             PATHSENSE ETN

   2.3 Annual Conference 2018 of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology15 –
   18 April 2018 Wolfsburg, Germany...................................................................................... 13

   2.4 Soapbox Science ............................................................................................................. 13

   2.5 University of Griefswald Open Day, ‘get to know us programme’ 3rd - 5th May 2018 .. 13

   2.6 Vitafoods Europe ............................................................................................................ 14

3. Summary .............................................................................................................................. 15

   Table 1. Summary of Public engagement activities M12. .................................................... 15

4. Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 17

                    “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                   innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
PATHSENSE (Pathogen Sensing) - H2020 MSCA-ITN 2016
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                     PATHSENSE ETN

Executive Summary:

An important objective of this Network is the effective communication of its science across Europe
and beyond. Key to this is to develop strategies to achieve optimum communication to different target
audiences. Activities related to this are managed through Work package 8.

The purpose of this document is to report on deliverable 8.3 ‘Annual Completion of Public engagement
events’ documenting the public engagement activities of the PATHSENSE project in the first 12 months
of the action.

Communication tools including news articles, blog posts, video blogs, and podcasts on the PATHSENSE
website; press releases and local radio were utilised throughout the year. Social media accounts were
established and these platforms are continually used to promote the PATHSENSE Network, to
communicate societal issues related to the programme and to announce scheduled events related to
the Networks activities.

PATHSENSE Background:
The PATHSENSE (Pathogen Sensing) ETN brings together an interdisciplinary team of world-leading
researchers from Europe to tackle a highly ambitious scientific project, focusing on the molecular
mechanisms of sensory perception in bacterial pathogens. PATHSENSE has established an innovative
doctoral training programme that will deliver 13 PhD graduates and high-impact scientific outputs.

The inter-sectoral team participating in this Network [8 leading Universities, 1 public research
institution, 4 companies (from spin-off to large multi-national) and 1 governmental agency] has the
infrastructure and track-record to train ESRs in these state-of-the art methodologies, including
structural biology, proteomics & protein biochemistry, molecular biology, bacterial genetics, food
microbiology, mathematical modelling, cell biology, microscopy and comparative genomics. The
project will involve extensive inter-sectoral mobility of the ESRs across 7 EU countries to make full use
of the complementary skills available at each of the hosting institutions.

A major objective of this Network will be to exploit the fundamental research to develop novel
antimicrobial treatments that have applications in the food and public health sectors. This project will
deliver high-impact science, 13 highly-trained innovative researchers and will produce a long-lasting
inter-sectoral network of collaborators who will continue to work together to exploit fundamental
research for the socio-economic benefit of Europe. See more at

                  “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                 innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
PATHSENSE (Pathogen Sensing) - H2020 MSCA-ITN 2016
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                  PATHSENSE ETN

1. PATHSENSE Public Engagement

The PATHSENSE website ( was established to communicate the Networks research
activities, outputs and researcher profiles as well as public events and outreach activities over the
course of the programme. The website is an important vehicle for communicating the Networks goals
and outputs to different target audiences. Blog posts are integrated into the profile pages of the Early
Stage Researchers (ESRs). To help to achieve a dynamic and current content; the website is regularly
updated with news articles, upcoming events and new blog posts. The social media pages of the
network are also integrated into the website. This allows the latest social media posts and followings
to be viewed from the projects website. This leverages the power of social media leading to a seamless
promotion of the online profile of the PATHSENSE network. It also has the potential to allow for
additional interactions and impressions.

               “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
              innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
PATHSENSE (Pathogen Sensing) - H2020 MSCA-ITN 2016
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                    PATHSENSE ETN

The PATHSENSE project is active on social media, promoting the PATHSENSE Network by regularly
sharing PATHSENSE related activities, ESR blogs, news items, scheduled events and to communicate
articles of interest and societal issues from and to the broader community. These platforms will also
be used to communicate ground breaking discoveries as the program progresses.

Two        social     media
platforms     have    been
utilised in this regard,
[Pathsense2017]        and
[@Pathsense2017]. With
both      platforms     the
PATHSENSE pages have been steadily growing in
followers and in reach over the last number of months
as the network continues to engage in direct
communication with members of the scientific
community and with the general public.

Facebook: Currently we have 93 Followers.

Twitter: Currently we have 62 Followers. Including
@EU_H2020, the official account for the EU's H2020
research      and     innovation      programme       and
@Mariecurie_alum a community of researchers
benefiting (or who have benefited) from Marie Curie.

ESRs have been encouraged to write blogs which are integrated into the PATHSENSE website. These
blogs have been disseminated on the projects social media pages and on the personal pages of the
ESRs and their connections. The ESRs will continue to write and share blog posts at various stages

                 “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
PATHSENSE (Pathogen Sensing) - H2020 MSCA-ITN 2016
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                  PATHSENSE ETN

throughout the programme. These blogs give the reader insight into the ESRs view of their unique
experiences and training activities throughout the programme and any issues they wish to share. The
ESR blogs can be found on the profile pages of the ESRs and in the NEWS tab on the PATHSENSE

So far one video blog has been created to showcase the ‘science on the street’ event held in November
2017. This video which can be viewed on the PATHSENSE website, YouTube and through social media.
The use of video blogs (Vlogs) will be encouraged to demonstrate complex laboratory techniques, to
capture experiences at training events and for general public interest to communicate issues related
to food pathogens and food safety. SCIENCE ON THE STREET VIDEO

As stated above, following the public engagement event on the streets of Galway in November 2017,
the ESRs visited the recording studio in Flirt FM, the NUI Galway campus radio station, and recorded
podcasts capturing four topics relating to their work, which were tailored for the general public. These
podcasts were recorded following direct interaction with the public and this aided the ESRs in their
execution since they had gained a better understanding on some of the concerns and issues the
general public might have with issues related to their research. These podcasts have also been posted
on our website and are being shared on social media pages.

A PATHSENSE YouTube channel has been established to share videos and podcasts over the course
of the programme.

News articles are regularly shared on the PATHSENSE website (Table .1 lists the posts)

               “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
              innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
PATHSENSE (Pathogen Sensing) - H2020 MSCA-ITN 2016
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                  PATHSENSE ETN

There have been two press releases related to the PATHSENSE project thus far. The Network plan to
engage with local press offices at the different institutions to release news stores at various stages
over the course of the programme at different localities across the Network.

Title: NUI Galway Lead International Research Project to Develop Next Generation Antimicrobials to
Prevent Bacterial Infections, 26 July 2017. Article released by the press office at NUI Galway.

Title: Two NUI Galway ‘Research Champions’ Recognised Article released by the press office at NUI
Galway,      12      July     2017.

The PATHSENSE Project was described in a section on Galway Bay FM (National University of
Ireland Galway coverage Galway Bay FM, FYI Galway, 26/07/2017, 17:08:06).

1.10.1 Science on the Street
‘Science on the Street’ 30th November 2017, Galway, Ireland. Communicating the goals of the
PATHSENSE research project to the general public is an important objective for the network.

               “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
              innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                  PATHSENSE ETN

To help achieve this the 13 PATHSENSE doctoral students received training during Workshop 2, in
outreach and communication. This Workshop was organised by Prof Nicola Stanley Wall of University
of Dundee and the training was led by Erin Hardee from the University of Dundee and Dr Jessamyn
Fairfield of the School of Physics at NUI Galway. The ESRs prepared short talks explaining their projects
in lay terms and then delivered these by the Spanish Arch in Galway in a “Science on the Streets”

Afterwards the students visited a recording studio in Flirt FM, the NUI Galway campus radio station,
and recorded podcasts which are described below. A short video was created to highlight the event.
Click for more on Facebook

1.11.1 Participation in the Ryan Institute Research Open Day
On Friday 23rd February 2018, Dr Conor O’Byrne of NUI Galway (PATHSENSE Coordinator) delivered a
presentation entitled “The PATHSENSE Project: Understanding how Bacterial Pathogens Sense the
Environment” in the National University of Ireland, Galway at the Ryan Institute Research Open Day.
Theme: “Sustainability Horizons - Our Common Future”

               “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
              innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                  PATHSENSE ETN

1.12.1 RTE Brainstorm
An article by Dr Conor O’Byrne, PATHSENSE Coordinator
describing the goals of the PATHSENSE Network aimed at                                                  the
general public was published by Irish television
broadcaster RTE’s initiative ‘RTE Brainstorm’– which is a
unique partnership between RTE and Irish third level
institutions where academics and researchers
communicate with the public on a wide range of topics,                                                  and
contribute fresh thinking and reflection on various issues.

1.12.2 Video Game – ‘Save your pizza’.
One of the PATHSENSE ESRs has come up with an imaginative way to engage 8-16 year olds
or older! in the concept of food safety and has designed a game called save you pizza.

‘Play the game and see if you can stop the bacteria and stop the spoilage of food’


               “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
              innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                    PATHSENSE ETN

1.12.3 Software programme – Open access
ESR 5, Torkel Loman has written a software for modelling biochemical reaction networks. It allows the
user to input a set of chemical reactions, the software will the generated the equations needed for
both deterministic and stochastic models. In addition it have some additional function, like allowing
the user to generate LaTeX code for nice printing of the equations. This program has also become a
part    of   the     official   modelling     package     of    the    Julia    programming       language
( Julia is an up and coming programming
language for scientific computing, set to replace current languages such as matlab, R and Python. Now
that the software is a part of the official package it will become a free and easily accessible tool for all
users of Julia. Being Open Source has many advantages. Since it is part of the official package it will
become known to many working in the field who are also using Julia and they can both provide
feedback to the software, as well as making additions of their own.

                “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
               innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                  PATHSENSE ETN

2. Forthcoming Events and Activities

2.1 European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) 4th Microbial Stress meeting, Kinsale,
Cork, Ireland. 23rd – 25th April 2018.
This conference will gather scientists working in fundamental and applied research and interested in
understanding how microorganisms cope with stress. The meeting welcomes microbiologists,
biotechnologists, system biologists, biochemists and molecular biologist from both academia and
industrial sectors: . 11 of the individual research
projects will be presented at this conference in April, 12 will attend.

2.2 List_Maps Symposium EFB satellite meeting - International Symposium Foodborne
pathogens: from farm to pharmacy! Kinsale, Cork, Ireland. Thursday 26th April 2018.
This symposium is organized by the H2020 funded MSCA project List_MAPS http://blog.u- 12 of the PATHSENSE Early Stage Researchers will present their
research at this event. This will afford the students a valuable opportunity to network with other
H2020 project participants.

2.3 Annual Conference 2018 of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology15 –
18 April 2018 Wolfsburg, Germany
ESR 6 will present a poster at this conference.

2.4 Soapbox Science
ESR 7 – Laura Cutungo NUI Galway, has been selected to present her research in the Soapbox Science
Event in Galway on 7th July, 2018. “Soapbox Science is grass-roots science outreach organisation that
brings cutting edge research onto urban streets whilst also promoting the visibility of women in
science. We place inspirational speakers on soapboxes and encourage them to engage in and start
conversations with the public about their work”. Her selected presentation is entitled “The brains of

2.5 University of Griefswald Open Day, ‘get to know us programme’ 3 rd - 5th May 2018
ESR 6 – Maria Conway UG, will engage with secondary school students at the University of Griefswald
Open Day, ‘get to know us programme’ 3rd - 5th May 2018. As well as giving insight into daily life as a
student at the University of Greifswald which includes her work on the PATHSENSE Project, she will
be helping with microscopy demonstrations.

               “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
              innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                 PATHSENSE ETN

2.6 Vitafoods Europe
NIZO will have a booth at Vitafoods, 15-17th May 2018.

              “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
             innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                         PATHSENSE ETN

3. Summary

Table 1 below gives a summary of the public engagement events and activities during the first 12
months since the PATHSENSE programme was implemented.

Table 1. Summary of Public engagement activities M12.
 Date                    Title                     Description                Link
 12 May 2017             NATAC PARTICPATES         News         article:
                         IN     THE    MARIE       Published on NATAC         particpates-marie-sklodowska-
                         SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE          website                    curie-actions-innovative-training-
                         ACTIONS INNOVATIVE                                   network-pathsense/?lang=en
                         TRAINING NETWORK
                         “PATHSENSE”. Article
                         released by NATAC

 12 July 2017            Two NUI Galway            Press Release: In the
                         ‘Research Champions’      category ‘Dr Conor O’      us/news-and-events/news-
                         Recognised – Article      Byrne, received an         archive/2017/july2017/two-nui-
                                                   award       for      his   galway-research-champions-
                                                   leadership of the          recognised-.html
                                                   project *PATHSENSE.
                                                   Released by the press
                                                   office at NUI Galway.
 26 July2017             NUI Galway Lead           Press Release: Article
                         International             describing the launch      us/news-and-events/news-
                         Research Project to       of the PATHSENSE           archive/2017/july2017/nui-
                         Develop           Next    Network. Released by       galway-lead-international-
                         Generation                the press office at NUI    research-project-to-develop-next-
                         Antimicrobials      to    Galway.                    generation-antimicrobials-to-
                         Prevent       Bacterial                              prevent-bacterial-infections.html
 26 July                 Radio coverage of the     Radio:             The     Radio broadcast
 201717:08:06.           PATHSENSE Project.        PATHSENSE Project
                                                   was described in a
                                                   section on Galway Bay
                                                   FM           (National
                                                   University of Ireland
                                                   Galway       coverage
                                                   Galway Bay FM, FYI
                                                   Galway, 26/07/2017,

 30th November 2017      ‘Science on the street’   Outreach       Activity    On street event
                                                   where     the    ESR’s
                                                   engaged           with
                                                   members of the public
                                                   on topics related to
                                                   their research
 30th November           PodCasts:         ‘The     Podcast recorded in       PODCAST: The Stressosome
                         Stressosome’              Nov 2017 and shared
                                                   later on Website and
                                                   YouTube and social
                                                   media platforms

                 “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                           PATHSENSE ETN

 30th November 2017       Podcast ‘What is a        Podcast recorded in        PODCAST: What is a Microbe?
                          Microbe’                  Nov 2017 and shared
                                                    later on Website and
                                                    YouTube and social
                                                    media platforms
 30th November 2017       Podcast     ‘Structural   Podcast recorded in        PODCAST: Structural Proteins
                          Proteins’                 Nov 2017 and shared
                                                    later on Website and
                                                    YouTube and social
                                                    media platforms
 30 November 2017         Podcast ‘PODCAST:         Podcast recorded in        PODCAST:       Working     with
                          Working      with         Nov 2017 and shared        companies
                          companies’                later on Website and
                                                    YouTube and social
                                                    media platforms
 6th December 2017        PATHSENSE Training        News          Article      PATHSENSE Training Network
                          Network Kicks-off in      published          on      Kicks-off in Galway Nov 2017
                          Galway Nov 2017  relating
                                                    to PATHSENSE Kick-off
 December 2017            SCIENCE ON THE            News          Article      SCIENCE ON THE STREET –
                          STREET – Training         published          on      Training Workshop -Outreach
                          Workshop -Outreach relating      and Public Engagement
                          and          Public       to WS1

 December 2017            FROM BENCH TO             News          Article      FROM BENCH TO MARKET –
                          MARKET – TRAINING         published          on      TRAINING WORKSHOP- Starting
                          WORKSHOP- Starting relating      up a spin-off company
                          up a spin-off company     to WS2

 23rd Feb 2018            “The      PATHSENSE       Talk delivered by Dr       Public talk
                          Project:                  Conor O’Byrne in the
                          Understanding how         National University of
                          Bacterial Pathogens       Ireland, Galway at the
                          Sense           the       Ryan           Institute
                          Environment”              Research Open Day.
                                                    Horizons      -     Our
                                                    Common Future”
 March 2018               Save your Pizza           Video            Game      PLAY NOW!
                                                    developed and shared
                                                    to engage a younger
                                                    audience      in     the
                                                    concept of food safety
 March 2018               Software Programme        Open access software       Click here
                          JuliaDiffEq               programme written
                                                    by ESR5
 28th March               How to kill bacteria by   Article published by       Click here
                          sensory deprivation       RTE Brainstorm
 ESR Blogs
 12 Jan 2018              Moving to         Umeå    Blog Post                  Moving to Umeå (Sweden)

                  “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                 innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
D8.1 Annual completion of Public Engagement Events                                      PATHSENSE ETN

 15 Jan 2018              A Simple Introduction     Blog Post              A    Simple  Introduction       to
                          to     Mathematical                              Mathematical    Modelling       in
                          Modelling in Biology                             Biology

 17 Jan 2018              A non-EU researchers’     Blog Post              A non-EU researchers’ guide
                          guide through the                                through        the   Spanish
                          Spanish                                          Administration

 17 Jan 2018              The first blog from ESR   Blog Post              The first blog from ESR 1

 18 Jan 2018              Switzerland and its       Blog Post              Switzerland and its four official
                          four official languages                          languages (or more?)
                          (or more?)

 22 Jan 2018              The Superpower of         Blog Post              The        Superpower          of
                          Bioinformaticians –                              Bioinformaticians – Click here to
                          Click here to discover                           discover

 7th Feb 2018             Structural     Biology    Blog Post              Structural Biology from ESR13
                          from ESR13

 27th Feb 2018            “Why”, story of a new     Blog Post              “Why”, story of a new PhD
                          PhD student                                      student

 21st March 2018          Save your Pizza!          Blog Post    

4. Conclusions

The Network will continue to encourage researchers to engage and communicate with the public as
much as possible throughout the action. The supervisory board will review and revise if necessary our
public engagement strategies as the programme evolves keeping public engagement and
communication as important agenda items at each meeting.

                  “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                 innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721456”.
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