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EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE PROVINCIAL TREASURY PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN PTB No.15 09 JULY 2021 Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22 FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 1
NOTICE TO ALL SUPPLIERS! Suppliers need to be aware of the phishing scams! “National Treasury will NEVER ask you to click on a link to provide your CSD username and password. Please be vigilant when online.” SUPPLIERS MUST ALSO NOTE: More details of the bid notices and conditions are available on E-portal on this website: www.e-tenders.gov.za / ADVERTISED Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22 FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 4
ATTENTION TO ALL SUPPLIERS It has come to our attention that there are small businesses and co-operatives in the Province who are manufacturing and supplying cloth masks but are not registered with the Department of Small Business as per the requirement of Paragraph 4.6 (d) of the National Treasury Instruction Note No. 05 of 2020/2021 and as such do not appear on the list accessible from the link. You are kindly requested to take note of the attached REQUEST FOR INFORMATION and small businesses and co-operatives are encouraged to register as advertised. In addition, you can email Mr Kgolane Thulare from the Department of Small Business with requests on behalf of small businesses and co-operatives for inclusion in the list. Please note that the closing date for registration has been moved to the end as per the email from Mr Fani from the Office of the Chief Procurement Office within National Treasury. Mr Thulare’s email address is: KThulare@dsbd.gov.za. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 5
ERRATUM DEPARTMENT/ PTB NO CONTACT PERSON INSTITUTION BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION EASTERN CAPE PTB NO.13 21/22 SCMU21/22-0050: The supply, delivery and construction of a packshed with SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES DEPARTMENT OF FY cold room facility for gamtoos flower and vegetable project in Kouga LM in the Enquires: Mr Z Mooi RURAL Sarah Baartman District. Cell No.: 066 476 4195 DEVELOPMENT Email Address: AND AGRARIAN PTB NO.12 21/22 SCMU8-21/22-0051: Design and construction of 3 environmentally controlled REFORM poultry structures on a turnkey basis, for Masihlangane Baphuhlise & Zongezile.Mooi@drdar.gov.za Siyabonga Co-operatives In Makana Local Municipality – Sarah Baartman Location: Grahamstown Poultry Development. TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES Mr G Rautenbach PTB NO.13 21/22 SCMU21/22-0052: The construction of storage with ablution and waste Tel No.: 083 447 1513 FY management facility for Grahamstown poultry development under Makana Email: Local Municipality. Skillie.Rautenbach@drdar.gov.za PTB NO.13 21/22 SCMU21/22-0054: The supply, delivery and construction of 2 piggery-rearing FY structures with waste management facility for usta rangers hill piggery project in Uitenhage under Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. PTB NO.13 21/22 SCMU8-21/22-0055: The design, supply and installation of two aquaponic FY systems, on a turnkey basis, in Beyers Naude LM of Sarah Baartman District. PTB NO.13 21/22 SCMU8-21/22-0087: De-silting and upgrading of 5 earth dams in the DR FY Beyers Naude Local Municipality in Sarah Baartman District. REASONS FOR ERRATUM Compulsory site briefings for the above-mentioned tenders has been cancelled because of Covid19 alert level 4. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 6
DEPARTMENT/ PTB NO CONTACT PERSON INSTITUTION BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION EASTERN CAPE SCMU8-21/22-0118 - Design, supply and installation of a centre pivot at Shiloh SCM & TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT OF PTB NO.14 of irrigation scheme on a turnkey basis in the Chris Hani District. ENQUIRIES RURAL 2021/22 Enquires: Ms N. Mquqwana DEVELOPMENT REASONS FOR ERRATUM Tel No.: 045 807 7007 AND AGRARIAN REFORM No WHAT IS CURRENTLY WRITTEN ERRATUM Cell no.: 073 434 6177 IN THE DOCUMENT Fax No.: 045 807 7096 1 Bid Notice Bid Notice Email Address: VIRTUAL BRIEFING SESSION VIRTUAL BRIEFING SESSION : nokude.mquqwana@drdar.gov.z Click here to join the meeting 14 July 2021 @11:00 a Click here to join the meeting TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES 2 Pg. 5 of Tender Notice and Invitation Compulsory virtual briefing and Brendon Muir to Tender: clarification meeting will be held No.4: Invitation to Tender on Tel no.:083 440 0613 A compulsory site briefing and 14 July 2021 at 11:00 Email: bmuir729@gmail.com clarification meeting will be held on 14/07/2021 at 11:00 at DRDAR Please note: Click control + Click OFFICE, SHILOH IRRIGATION to follow link SCHEME, SADA, WHITTLESEA (32º11’01”S / 26º49’26”E). No printing of hard copies of tender documents will be done documents will be available on AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Departmental website DRDAR Office, Block H, Komani (www.drdar.gov.za) or Office Park, Supply Chain https://etenders.treasury.gov.za/. Management Office, Queenstown, and can be emailed to the 5320, from 08h00-16:00 on supplier on request. 02 July 2021 Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 7
DEPARTMENT/ PTB NO CONTACT PERSON INSTITUTION BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION EASTERN CAPE SCMU5-21/22-0026 SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES DEPARTMENT OF PTB NO. 09 Leasing of office accommodation for department of social development in Mr. Z. Billie PUBLIC WORKS & Tsomo within the vicinity of home affairs, magistrate court/saps (not more than Tel No: 040-602 4563 / 4000 INFRASTRUCTURE 1km from CBD) Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office hours SCMU5-21/22-0027 Email Address: Leasing of office accommodation for department of social development in zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za Pearston within the vicinity of home affairs, magistrate court / saps( not more than 1km from CBD) TECHNICAL ENQUIRES Enquires: Ms N.Mpeta or Ms P. SCMU5-21/22-0028 Jacobs Leasing of office accommodation for Department Of Social Development And Email Address: Department of Rural Development And Agrarian Reform In Qumbu within the noyiseprincess.mpeta@ecdpw.gov.za vicinity of Home Affairs, Magistrate Court/ Saps (not more than 1km from CBD) or pamela.kingrooi@ecdpw.gov.za Contact details 066 489 6116 or 082 SCMU5-21/22-0029 4999 660 Leasing of office accommodation for department of social development in maclear within the vicinity of home SCMU5-21/22-0030 Leasing of office accommodation for Department of Social Development In Lady Grey within the vicinity of Home Affairs, Magistrate Court/Saps (not more than 1km from CBD) SCMU5-21/22-0032 Leasing of office accommodation for department of social development in Hankey within the vicinity of home affairs, magistrate court/saps ( not more than 1km form CBD) SCMU5-21/22-0033 Leasing of office accommodation for Department of Social Development In Graaf Reinet within the vicinity of Home Affairs, Magistrate Court/ Saps (not more than 1km from CBD) SCMU5-21/22-0034 Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 8
Leasing of office accommodation for Department Of Education In Engcobo SCMU5-21/22-0035 Leasing of office accommodation for Department Of Social Development in Burgersdorp within the vicinity of Home Affairs, Magistrate Court/Saps (not more than 1km from CBD). SCMU5-21/22-0036 Leasing of office accommodation for Department Of Social Development in Barkley East within the vicinity of Home Affairs, Magistrate Court/ Saps (not more than 1km from CBD) SCMU5-21/22-0037 Leasing of office accommodation for Department of Social Development in East London within the vicinity of Home Affairs, Magistrate Court/ Saps (not more than 1km from CBD) SCMU5-21/22-0038 Leasing of office accommodation for Department of the Eastern Cape Provincial Treasury and Department of Human Settlement in East London POSTPONEMENT OF CLOSING DATE o The closing date of this bid is hereby postponed from 13 July 2021 to: Thursday 28 July 2021 at 11H00 Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 9
DEPARTMENT/ PTB NO CONTACT PERSON INSTITUTION BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION EASTERN CAPE SCMU5-21/22-0083 - Leasing of office accommodation for Department of SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES DEPARTMENT OF PTB NO. 12 Office of the Premier in Bhisho Mr. Z. Billie PUBLIC WORKS & Tel No: 040-602 4563 / 4000 INFRASTRUCTURE POSTPONEMENT OF CLOSING DATE Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office hours o The closing date of this bid is hereby postponed from 20 July 2021 to: Email Address: o Thursday 28 July 2021 at 11H00 zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za ERRATUM TECHNICAL ENQUIRES PAGE Stated on the Document Erratum Enquires: Ms N.Mpeta or Ms P. Jacobs 2 & 47 Only tenderers who are 100% Black BBBEE status level 1 Email Address: owned, black managed, black and level 2 will be noyiseprincess.mpeta@ecdpw.gov.za or pamela.kingrooi@ecdpw.gov.za controlled and with BBBEE certificate accepted Contact details 066 489 6116 or 082 status Level 1 4999 660 DEPARTMENT/ PTB NO CONTACT PERSON INSTITUTION BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION EASTERN CAPE SCMU5-21/22-0012 - Bid for facility management services toSCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES DEPARTMENT OF PTB NO. 21/22-08 state owned facilities for a period of three years Mr. Z. Billie PUBLIC WORKS & Tel No: 040-602 4563 / 4000 INFRASTRUCTURE POSTPONEMENT OF CLOSING DATE Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office hours o The closing date of this bid is hereby postponed from Email Address:zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za 13 July 2021 to: Tuesday, 27 July 2021 at 11H00 TECHNICAL ENQUIRES Enquires: Mr J. Davies / Ms N. Rupende (ICT) Cell No: 0760900526/ 0786958627 (office hours only) Email Address: john.davies@ecdpw.gov.za/ nosihle.cele@ecdpw.gov.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 10
BID NOTICES DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU12-21/22- Appointment of a Panel of service providers to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 02 August 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0004 provide external quality assurance reviews for Enquires: P. Ndaleni PROVINCIAL P/BBBEE: 80/20 various Eastern Cape Provincial Government Tell no: 040 1010 122 BID BOX: TREASURY Institutions for a period of five (5) years. Provincial Treasury TECHNICAL ENQUIRES Supply Chain Management VIRTUAL BRIEFING SESSION Enquires: U. Madia Unit Below is the link for the meeting: Tell no: 040 1010 579 Shop, No.7 Corner Phalo & https://jitsi.sita.co.za/briefingsessionPanelExternalQ Independence Avenues ARs19July2021 Tyamzashe Building Bhisho AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT 5605 Department of Provincial Treasury, SCM Unit Shop No.7 Corner Phalo & Independence Avenues, Tyamzashe Building, Bhisho. Document will be available on departmental website http://www.ectreasury.gov.za on Friday 09 July 2021 VALIDITY PERIOD Bid document validity period is 120 days. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 11
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU3-21/22- Supply, delivery, commissioning and maintenance SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 13 August 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0102-HO of high dose rate brachytherapy after-loader for Enquires: Mr M Magula DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 Frere Hospital in the Eastern Cape Department of Cell no: 0605579601/ 0719780415 BID BOX: HEALTH Health. Email Address: Main Security Gate, SCMU, Mzuhleli.magula@echealth.gov.za Global Life VIRTUAL BRIEFING SESSION The briefing session will be held in observance of TECHNICAL ENQUIRES COVID-19 regulations under Level 4 measure, on Enquires: Mr M Mcsherry the 19 July 2021 at 11h00 at Clinical Engineering Cell no: 0833781597 Lecture Room at Frere Hospital in East London. Email Address: Malcom.mcsherry@echealth.gov.z AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT a Supply Chain Management Unit, Department of Health, Ground Floor, Global Life Building, Bisho, from 08h00 on the 12 July 2021 @ a non- refundable deposit of R100.00 per document or download bid document: www.echealth.gov.za. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 12
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU8-21/22- Procurement of the Latest Version Veeam Server SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 30 July 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0114 Backup Licences for Head Office and Districts for a Enquires: Ms N Mfunda DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 Period of Three (03) Years. Tell no: 040 602 5206 BID BOX: RURAL Email Address: UIF Building(Opposite DEVELOPMENT SITA COMPULSORY VIRTUAL BRIEFING SESSION nomapha.mfunda@drdar.gov.za Bhisho Renal Clinic) Office AND AGRARIAN Accreditation 21 July 2021 at 10:00 D04, Rharhabe Road, REFORM https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- TECHNICAL ENQUIRES Bhisho, 5605 join/19%3ameeting_ODY1MGZmMDctOGE3OS0 Enquires: Mr S Gajana 0NjZhLTk0OWMtYWQ5NDA0MGYyMDQ1%40thr Tell no: 040 602 5268 ead.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22a53b Email Address: 95a8-01b3-43ea-81f3- simphiwe.gajana@drdar.gov.za 20ef20539a65%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22ddcd 3400-1a0c-4021-8755-8aff765caf8c%22%7d AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Tender documents will be available as from 09 July 2021 can be downloaded free of charge from the Departmental website (www.drdar.gov.za) or https://etenders.treasury.gov.za/ or request electronically from Khutala.mbuqwa@drdar.gov.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 13
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU8-21/22- Supply, Deliver, Install Ethernet Switches Across SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 30 July 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0115 The Departmental Network. Enquires: Ms N Mfunda DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 Tell no: 040 602 5206 BID BOX: RURAL COMPULSORY VIRTUAL BRIEFING SESSION Email Address: UIF Building(Opposite DEVELOPMENT 21 July 2021 at 11:00 nomapha.mfunda@drdar.gov.za Bhisho Renal Clinic) Office AND AGRARIAN https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- D04, Rharhabe Road, REFORM join/19%3ameeting_ODgxZGVjMjMtZDdjZC00N TECHNICAL ENQUIRES Bhisho, 5605 GZmLWE2MmMtMzk5YjM0NjgwZjMz%40thread. Enquires: Mr S Gajana v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22a53b95a8 Tell no: 040 602 5268 -01b3-43ea-81f3- Email Address: 20ef20539a65%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22ddcd simphiwe.gajana@drdar.gov.za 3400-1a0c-4021-8755-8aff765caf8c%22%7d AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Tender documents will be available as from 09 July 2021 can be downloaded free of charge from the Departmental website (www.drdar.gov.za) or https://etenders.treasury.gov.za/ or request electronically from Khutala.mbuqwa@drdar.gov.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 14
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU8-21/22- Extension of hardware warranty for the period of SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 30 July 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0116 three years. Enquires: Ms N Mfunda DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 Tell no: 040 602 5206 BID BOX: RURAL COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Email Address: UIF Building(Opposite DEVELOPMENT 21 July 2021 at 12:00 nomapha.mfunda@drdar.gov.za Bhisho Renal Clinic) Office AND AGRARIAN D04, Rharhabe Road, REFORM AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT TECHNICAL ENQUIRES Bhisho, 5605 Tender documents will be available as from 09 July Enquires: Mr S Gajana 2021 can be downloaded free of charge from the Tell no: 040 602 5268 Departmental website (www.drdar.gov.za) or Email Address: https://etenders.treasury.gov.za/ simphiwe.gajana@drdar.gov.za or request electronically from Khutala.mbuqwa@drdar.gov.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 15
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU5-21/22- Bid for the appointment of service provider to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: 03 August 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0106 provide safeguarding and protection services to DEMAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 properties occupied by the state for Amathole Fort Enquires: Mr Z. Billie BID BOX: PUBLIC WORKS & Jackson cluster for a period of thirty-six (36) month. Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000 Department of Public Works INFRASTRUCTUR Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office & Infrastucture; Qhasana E CIDB GRADING: AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT hours Building; Ground Floor, N/A Tender documents can be downloaded free of Email Address: Bisho charge from National Treasury’s eTender Portal: zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised- tenders or from the Department of Public Works TECHNICAL ENQUIRES website: www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 09 July Enquires: Mr. K Hughes 2021. Due to Covid19 Tender documents will not Tel No: 040 602 4554 / 4000 be available at the office. Cell No.: 082 493 5858 Email Address: COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION kevin.hughes@ecdpw.gov.za / N/A welile.mnyombolo@ecdpw.gov.za SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS 1. The bidder must have an Operational Office and must submit proof in the form of a valid/current lease agreement, municipal account or an electricity account not older than 3 months from the date of the closing of the bid). 2. The total working experience of the company in the security industry must not be less than one year. 3. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing date. 4. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid document. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 16
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU5-21/22- Bid for the appointment of service provider to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: 03 August 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0107 provide safeguarding and protection services to DEMAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 properties occupied by the state for Bhisho cluster Enquires: Mr Z. Billie BID BOX: PUBLIC WORKS & one (1) for a period of thirty-six (36) month. Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000 Department of Public Works INFRASTRUCTUR CIDB GRADING: Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office & Infrastucture; Qhasana E N/A AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT hours Building; Ground Floor, Tender documents can be downloaded free of Email Address: Bisho charge from National Treasury’s eTender Portal: zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised- tenders or from the Department of Public Works SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: website: www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 09 July ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT 2021. Due to Covid19 Tender documents will not Enquires: Ms. N. Makalima be available at the office. Tel No: 040 602 4000 Cell No: 081 895 2238 during office COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION hours N/A Email Address: nambitha.makalima@ecdpw.gov.z SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS a 1. The bidder must have an Operational Office and TECHNICAL ENQUIRES must submit proof in the form of a valid/current Enquires: Mr. K Hughes lease agreement, municipal account or an Email Address: electricity account not older than 3 months from kevin.hughes@ecdpw.gov.za / the date of the closing of the bid). welile.mnyombolo@ecdpw.gov.za 2. The total working experience of the company in Tel No: 040 602 4554 / 4000 the security industry must not be less than one Cell No.: 082 493 5858 year. 3. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing date. 4. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid document. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 17
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU5-21/22- Bid for the appointment of service provider to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: 03 August 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0108 provide safeguarding and protection services to DEMAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 properties occupied by the state for Bhisho cluster Enquires: Mr Z. Billie BID BOX: PUBLIC WORKS & two (2) for a period of thirty-six (36) month. Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000 Department of Public Works INFRASTRUCTUR CIDB GRADING: Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office & Infrastucture; Qhasana E N/A AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT hours Building; Ground Floor, Tender documents can be downloaded free of Email Address: Bisho charge from National Treasury’s eTender Portal: zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised- tenders or from the Department of Public Works TECHNICAL ENQUIRES website: www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 09 July Enquires: Mr. K Hughes 2021. Due to Covid19 Tender documents will not Email Address: be available at the office. kevin.hughes@ecdpw.gov.za / welile.mnyombolo@ecdpw.gov.za COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Tel No: 040 602 4554 / 4000 N/A Cell No.: 082 493 5858 SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS 1. The bidder must have an Operational Office and must submit proof in the form of a valid/current lease agreement, municipal account or an electricity account not older than 3 months from the date of the closing of the bid). 2. The total working experience of the company in the security industry must not be less than one year. 3. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing date. 4. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid document. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 18
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU5-21/22- Bid for the appointment of service provider to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: 05 August 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0109 provide safeguarding and protection services to DEMAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 properties occupied by the state for Cala cluster for Enquires: Mr Z. Billie BID BOX: PUBLIC WORKS & a period of thirty-six (36) month. Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000 Department of Public Works INFRASTRUCTUR CIDB GRADING: Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office & Infrastucture; Qhasana E N/A AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT hours Building; Ground Floor, Tender documents can be downloaded free of Email Address: Bisho charge from National Treasury’s eTender Portal: zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised- tenders or from the Department of Public Works TECHNICAL ENQUIRES website: www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 09 July Enquires: Mr. K Hughes 2021. Due to Covid19 Tender documents will not Email Address: be available at the office. kevin.hughes@ecdpw.gov.za / welile.mnyombolo@ecdpw.gov.za COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Tel No: 040 602 4554 / 4000 N/A Cell No.: 082 493 5858 SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS 1. The bidder must have an Operational Office and must submit proof in the form of a valid/current lease agreement, municipal account or an electricity account not older than 3 months from the date of the closing of the bid). 2. The total working experience of the company in the security industry must not be less than one year. 3. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing date. 4. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid document. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 19
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU5-21/22- Bid for the appointment of service provider to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: 05 August 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0110 provide safeguarding and protection services to DEMAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 properties occupied by the state for Ngcobo cluster Enquires: Mr Z. Billie BID BOX: PUBLIC WORKS & for a period of thirty-six (36) month. Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000 Department of Public Works INFRASTRUCTUR CIDB GRADING: Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office & Infrastucture; Qhasana E N/A AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT hours Building; Ground Floor, Tender documents can be downloaded free of Email Address: Bisho charge from National Treasury’s eTender Portal: zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised- tenders or from the Department of Public Works TECHNICAL ENQUIRES website: www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 09 July Enquires: Mr. K Hughes 2021. Due to Covid19 Tender documents will not Email Address: be available at the office. kevin.hughes@ecdpw.gov.za / welile.mnyombolo@ecdpw.gov.za COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Tel No: 040 602 4554 / 4000 N/A Cell No.: 082 493 5858 SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS 1. The bidder must have an Operational Office and must submit proof in the form of a valid/current lease agreement, municipal account or an electricity account not older than 3 months from the date of the closing of the bid). 2. The total working experience of the company in the security industry must not be less than one year. 3. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing date. 4. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid document. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 20
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU5-21/22- Bid for the appointment of service provider to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: 05 August 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0111 provide safeguarding and protection services to DEMAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 properties occupied by the state for OR Tambo Enquires: Mr Z. Billie BID BOX: PUBLIC WORKS & cooperatives sites for a period of thirty-six (36) Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000 Department of Public Works INFRASTRUCTUR CIDB GRADING: month. Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office & Infrastucture; Qhasana E N/A hours Building; Ground Floor, AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Email Address: Bisho Tender documents can be downloaded free of zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za charge from National Treasury’s eTender Portal: http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised- TECHNICAL ENQUIRES tenders or from the Department of Public Works Enquires: Mr. K Hughes website: www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 09 July Email Address: 2021. Due to Covid19 Tender documents will not kevin.hughes@ecdpw.gov.za / be available at the office. welile.mnyombolo@ecdpw.gov.za Tel No: 040 602 4554 / 4000 COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Cell No.: 082 493 5858 N/A SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS 1. The bidder must have an Operational Office and must submit proof in the form of a valid/current lease agreement, municipal account or an electricity account not older than 3 months from the date of the closing of the bid). 2. The total working experience of the company in the security industry must not be less than one year. 3. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing date. 4. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid document. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 21
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU5-21/22- Bid for the appointment of service provider to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: 10 August 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0112 provide safeguarding and protection services to DEMAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 properties occupied by the state for Queenstown Enquires: Mr Z. Billie BID BOX: PUBLIC WORKS & cluster for a period of thirty-six (36) month. Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000 Department of Public Works INFRASTRUCTUR CIDB GRADING: Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office & Infrastucture; Qhasana E N/A AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT hours Building; Ground Floor, Tender documents can be downloaded free of Email Address: Bisho charge from National Treasury’s eTender Portal: zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised- tenders or from the Department of Public Works website: www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 09 July TECHNICAL ENQUIRES 2021. Due to Covid19 Tender documents will not Enquires: Mr. K Hughes be available at the office. Email Address: kevin.hughes@ecdpw.gov.za / COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION welile.mnyombolo@ecdpw.gov.za N/A Tel No: 040 602 4554 / 4000 Cell No.: 082 493 5858 SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS 1. The bidder must have an Operational Office and must submit proof in the form of a valid/current lease agreement, municipal account or an electricity account not older than 3 months from the date of the closing of the bid). 2. The total working experience of the company in the security industry must not be less than one year. 3. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing date. 4. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid document. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 22
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU5-21/22- Bid for the appointment of service provider to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: 10 August 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0113 provide safeguarding and protection services to DEMAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 properties occupied by the state for Sarah Enquires: Mr Z. Billie BID BOX: PUBLIC WORKS & Baartman cluster 1 for a period of thirty-six (36) Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000 Department of Public Works INFRASTRUCTUR CIDB GRADING: month. Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office & Infrastucture; Qhasana E N/A hours Building; Ground Floor, AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Email Address: Bisho Tender documents can be downloaded free of zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za charge from National Treasury’s eTender Portal: http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised- TECHNICAL ENQUIRES tenders or from the Department of Public Works Enquires: Mr. K Hughes website: www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 09 July Email Address: 2021. Due to Covid19 Tender documents will not kevin.hughes@ecdpw.gov.za / be available at the office. welile.mnyombolo@ecdpw.gov.za Tel No: 040 602 4554 / 4000 COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Cell No.: 082 493 5858 N/A SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS 1. The bidder must have an Operational Office and must submit proof in the form of a valid/current lease agreement, municipal account or an electricity account not older than 3 months from the date of the closing of the bid). 2. The total working experience of the company in the security industry must not be less than one year. 3. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing date. 4. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid document. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 23
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU5-21/22- Bid for the appointment of service provider to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: 10 August 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0114 provide safeguarding and protection services to DEMAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 properties occupied by the state for Sarah Enquires: Mr Z. Billie BID BOX: PUBLIC WORKS & Baartman cluster 2 for a period of thirty-six ( 36) Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000 Department of Public Works INFRASTRUCTUR CIDB GRADING: month Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office & Infrastucture; Qhasana E N/A hours Building; Ground Floor, AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Email Address: Bisho Tender documents can be downloaded free of zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za charge from National Treasury’s eTender Portal: http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised- TECHNICAL ENQUIRES tenders or from the Department of Public Works Enquires: Mr. K Hughes website: www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 09 July Email Address: 2021. Due to Covid19 Tender documents will not kevin.hughes@ecdpw.gov.za / be available at the office. welile.mnyombolo@ecdpw.gov.za Tel No: 040 602 4554 / 4000 COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Cell No.: 082 493 5858 N/A SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS 1. The bidder must have an Operational Office and must submit proof in the form of a valid/current lease agreement, municipal account or an electricity account not older than 3 months from the date of the closing of the bid). 2. The total working experience of the company in the security industry must not be less than one year. 3. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing date. 4. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid document. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 24
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU5-21/22- Bid for the appointment of service provider to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: 12 August 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0115 provide safeguarding and protection services to DEMAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 properties occupied by the state for Whittlesea Enquires: Mr Z. Billie BID BOX: PUBLIC WORKS & cluster for a period of thirty-six (36) month. Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000 Department of Public Works INFRASTRUCTUR CIDB GRADING: Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office & Infrastucture; Qhasana E N/A AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT hours Building; Ground Floor, Tender documents can be downloaded free of Email Address: Bisho charge from National Treasury’s eTender Portal: zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised- tenders or from the Department of Public Works TECHNICAL ENQUIRES website: www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 09 July Enquires: Mr. K Hughes 2021. Due to Covid19 Tender documents will not Email Address: be available at the office. kevin.hughes@ecdpw.gov.za / welile.mnyombolo@ecdpw.gov.za COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Tel No: 040 602 4554 / 4000 N/A Cell No.: 082 493 5858 SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS 1. The bidder must have an Operational Office and must submit proof in the form of a valid/current lease agreement, municipal account or an electricity account not older than 3 months from the date of the closing of the bid). 2. The total working experience of the company in the security industry must not be less than one year. 3. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing date. 4. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid document. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 25
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU5-21/22- Bid for the appointment of service provider to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: 12 August 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0116 provide safeguarding and protection services to DEMAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 properties occupied by the state for Alfred Nzo Enquires: Mr Z. Billie BID BOX: PUBLIC WORKS & cluster for a period of thirty-six (36) month. Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000 Department of Public Works INFRASTRUCTUR CIDB GRADING: Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office & Infrastucture; Qhasana E N/A AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT hours Building; Ground Floor, Tender documents can be downloaded free of Email Address: Bisho charge from National Treasury’s eTender Portal: zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised- tenders or from the Department of Public Works TECHNICAL ENQUIRES website: www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 09 July Enquires: Mr. K Hughes 2021. Due to Covid19 Tender documents will not Email Address: be available at the office. kevin.hughes@ecdpw.gov.za / welile.mnyombolo@ecdpw.gov.za COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Tel No: 040 602 4554 / 4000 N/A Cell No.: 082 493 5858 SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS 1. The bidder must have an Operational Office and must submit proof in the form of a valid/current lease agreement, municipal account or an electricity account not older than 3 months from the date of the closing of the bid). 2. The total working experience of the company in the security industry must not be less than one year. 3. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing date. 4. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid document. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 26
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU5-21/22- Bid for the appointment of service provider to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: 12 August 2021 at 11h00 EASTERN CAPE 0117 provide safeguarding and protection services to DEMAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF P/BBBEE: 80/20 properties occupied by the state for amathole Elliot Enquires: Mr Z. Billie BID BOX: PUBLIC WORKS & dale cluster for a period of thirty-six (36) month. Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000 Department of Public Works INFRASTRUCTUR CIDB GRADING: Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office & Infrastucture; Qhasana E N/A AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT hours Building; Ground Floor, Tender documents can be downloaded free of Email Address: Bisho charge from National Treasury’s eTender Portal: zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised- tenders or from the Department of Public Works TECHNICAL ENQUIRES website: www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 09 July Enquires: Mr. K Hughes 2021. Due to Covid19 Tender documents will not Email Address: be available at the office. kevin.hughes@ecdpw.gov.za / welile.mnyombolo@ecdpw.gov.za COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Tel No: 040 602 4554 / 4000 N/A Cell No.: 082 493 5858 SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS 1. The bidder must have an Operational Office and must submit proof in the form of a valid/current lease agreement, municipal account or an electricity account not older than 3 months from the date of the closing of the bid). 2. The total working experience of the company in the security industry must not be less than one year. 3. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing date. 4. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid document. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 27
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION 2021- EOI – STP- Expression of Interest (EOI), for the Development SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 06 August 2021 at 12h00 EAST LONDON 006 of their Prototype within the ELIDZ Science & Enquires: Anathi Mzantsi INDUSTRIAL P/BBBEE: 80/20 Technology Park. Email Address: BID BOX: DEVELOPMENT anathi@elidz.co.za ELIDZ’s Head offices, East ZONE SOC LTD VIRTUAL BRIEFING SESSION London Industrial N/A Development Zone Head Office Building, Lower AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Chester Road, Sunnyridge, The document will be available for download at no East London. cost from 09 July 2021 12h00 (Noon) from the East London Industrial Development Zone website: www.elidz.co.za under opportunities DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCM0-21/22-003 Manufacture, supply and delivery of personal SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 10 August 2021 at 11:00am EASTERN CAPE protective equipment (plastics & chemicals) for Enquires: Ms Yolanda Bonase PROVINCIAL P/BBBEE: 80/20 Covid-19 emergency and future procurement to the Email Address: Yolanda.Bonase@ BID BOX: TREASURY and 90/10 eastern cape provincial government for a period of ectreasury.gov.za Supply Chain Management twenty-four (24) months. Unit, former Standard Bank LOCAL CONTENT TECHNICAL ENQUIRES Building, next to Standard For percentages, VIRTUAL BRIEFING SESSION Enquires: Mr Zilindile Bobani Bank ATM, Ground Floor, please refer to the No briefing session due to Covid-19 restrictions. Email Address: Zilindile.Bobani@ Tyamzashe Building, Tender Document. ectreasury.gov.za Bhisho or may be forwarded AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT to Provincial Treasury, Bid documents with the necessary specification Supply Chain Management may be obtained from Provincial Treasury Head Unit, Private Bag x 0029, Office, Supply Chain Management Unit, Former Bhisho, 5605. Standard Bank Building, Phalo Avenue, Bhisho on weekdays, during working hours only and from the website. www.ectreasury.gov.za as from 09 July 2021. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 28
AWARDS NAME OF INSTITUTION: EASTERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT TENDER BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION BID AMOUNT POINTS NAME OF BIDDER CONTACT PERSON BULLETIN NO PTB NO.31 of SCMU10-20-21- Upgrading to Surface Standard Road R136, 200, 000.00 100 Stefanutti Stocks Ms. N.P. Mqwebedu 2020/2021 0038 DR18045: Centane to Qholorha Phase Road Earthworks 2B (10KM) for a period of twenty four (24) months. PTB No.33 of SCMU10-2021- Reseal and Special Maintenance of R167, 000, 000.00 100 Tau Pele Construction Ms. N.P. Mqwebedu 2020/2021 0043 TR04601 (Grahamstown to Port Alfred) in the Sarah Baartman District for a period of fourteen (14) months. NAME OF INSTITUTION: EASTERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS & INFRASTRUCTURE TENDER BID NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION BID AMOUNT POINTS NAME OF CONTACT PERSON BULLETIN NO BIDDER PTB NO.31 of SCMU5-19/20- Construction of cookhouse public R 35 565 811.95 100 Zamisanani S. Magopeni 2019/2020 0015 library. (Incl. of Vat) Projects Tel.:040 602 4086 PTB NO.31 of SCMU5-19/20- Renovations and upgrades to Fort R10 519 905.21 100 Funezakho S. Magopeni 2019/2020 0006 Beaufort Public Library. (Incl. of Vat) construction Tel.:040 602 4086 NAME OF INSTITUTION: EASTERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND AGRARIAN REFORM TENDER BID NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION BID AMOUNT POINTS NAME OF CONTACT PERSON BULLETIN NO BIDDER PTB NO.05 21/22 SCMU8-21/22- Supply and delivery of fencing material R 977 622.18 100 KDC Trading Z Mooi 0012 to cover 19KM of boundary and 3km of Cell:066 476 4195 internal for Dr Beyers Naude mohair development community fencing projects-Sarah Baartman. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 29
NAME OF INSTITUTION: EASTERN CAPE RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY TENDER BID NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION BID AMOUNT POINTS NAME OF CONTACT PERSON BULLETIN NO BIDDER PTB NO. 40 SCMU 08 - Request For Quotations: Provision Of R 562 548.93 Level 2 Metrofile Pty Ltd Mrs M Esben 2020/21 Off-Site Document Archiving Facility (18) For The ECRDA. PTB NO. 42 SCMU 09 - Supply, Installation & Configuration Of R 760 292.00 Level 1 First Mrs M Esben 2020/21 Server Workload Backup Solution. (20) Technology Pty Ltd Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 30
CANCELLATION DEPARTMENT/ PTB NO BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON INSTITUTION SCMU5-20/21-0156: – Provision of Professional Services for the SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES EASTERN CAPE PTB NO. 31 Maintenance of Mechanical Equipment in the Alfred Nzo Region Enquires: Mr. Z. Billie DEPARTMENT OF 2020/21 FY Health Facilities. PUBLIC WORKS & TECHNICAL ENQUIRES INFRASTRUCTUR REASONS FOR CANCELLATION Enquires: Mr. Bityo E Non- responsiveness of bids received. Tel No.: 040 602 4071 SCMU5-20/21-0158: – Provision of Professional Services for the PTB NO. 31 Maintenance of Mechanical Equipment in the Chris Hani Region 2020/21 FY Health Facilities. REASONS FOR CANCELLATION : Non- responsiveness of bids received SCMU5-20/21-0159: – Provision of Professional Services for the PTB NO. 31 Maintenance of Mechanical Equipment in the Joe Gqabi Region 2020/21 FY Health Facilities REASONS FOR CANCELLATION : Non- responsiveness of bids received SCMU5-20/21-0160: – Provision of Professional Services for the SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES PTB NO. 31 Maintenance of Mechanical Equipment in the Amathole Region Enquires: Mr. Z. Billie 2020/21 FY Health Facilities TECHNICAL ENQUIRES REASONS FOR CANCELLATION : Enquires: Mr. Mhlana Non- responsiveness of bids received Tel No.: (040) 602 4071 Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 31
SCMU5-20/21-0163: – Provision of Professional Services for the SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES PTB NO. 31 Maintenance of Mechanical Equipment in the Sarah Baartman Enquires: Mr. Z. Billie 2020/21 FY Region Health Facilities TECHNICAL ENQUIRES REASONS FOR CANCELLATION : Enquires: Mr. Mhlana Non- responsiveness of bids received. Tel No.: (040) 602 4071 DEPARTMENT/ PTB NO BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON INSTITUTION SCMU5-20/21-0127: Appointment of Suitable Service Provider to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES EASTERN CAPE PTB NO. 34 Implement a Provincial Wide Comprehensive Land Audit for All Enquires: Mr. Z. Billie DEPARTMENT OF 2020/21 FY State-Owned and Deemed Properties in the Province of the PUBLIC WORKS & Eastern Cape for a Period of 24 months Appointment of Service TECHNICAL ENQUIRES INFRASTRUCTUR Provider to Develop and Implement Records Management Enquires: MR. Pretorius E System for the Department of Public Works. Tel No.: (040) 602 4447 REASONS FOR CANCELLATION Technical errors in the bid document. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 32
PROVINCIAL TREASURY The Eastern Cape Provincial Treasury urges all suppliers, who have not yet registered on the National Treasury Central Supplier Database (CSD) to do so as a matter of urgency. The CSD is a self-registration process, which can be completed online at www.csd.gov.za. Contracted suppliers will not be able to receive orders or payments unless registered on the CSD. Suppliers are encouraged to check their banking details verification after registering on the CSD and ensure that the banking details are appearing on the CSD report as validated. Suppliers are similarly encouraged to register and/or update their information on CSD. Suppliers are welcome to visit the Provincial Treasury Helpdesk for assistance with registration, especially those that do not have access to a computer and/or internet. Enquiries must be directed to: Sintu Dumezweni at 040 1010 436; sintu.dumezweni@ectreasury.gov.za Zimkhitha Qina at 040 1010 359; zimkhitha.qina@ectreasury.gov.za Xoliswa Mzimkulu at 040 1010 421; xoliswa.mzimkulu@ectreasury.gov.za; Khanyiso Nqinileyo at 040 1010 407; khanyiso.nqinileyo@ectreasury.gov.za Oswald Free at 040 1010 635; oswald.free@ectreasury.gov.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No.15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 33
QUICK REFERENCE USER GUIDE CENTRALISED SUPPLIERS DATABASE (CSD) INTRODUCTION This guide serves to assist users of the new Centralized Suppliers Database (CSD). By following the steps in this quick reference guide access to the CSD and registration of suppliers will be possible. STEP 1 Prospective users will have register as users on the CSD website and follow the following actions; 1. Enter www.csd.gov.za in web browser The user is navigated to the CSD Home Page 2. Click on Register on the menu bar on the CSD Home Page 3. Enter your: E-mail address Name Surname Cellphone number 4. Select an identification type in the identification type dropdown 5. Enter identification number If a foreign passport number or foreign ID number is entered then a work permit number must also be entered 6. Enter a password A password must contain a minimum of 8 characters and include a capital letter, a lower case letter, a number and a special character 7. Confirm password 8. Select and complete 3 security questions 9. Check the I am not a robot Captcha 10. Check the I accept the terms and conditions 11. Click on the Register button The following message will be displayed: ‘Thank you for registering. An account activation e-mail has been Sent to you’. In order for you to use your account, you will have to click the link in the Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 34
e-mail to activate your account. The account then needs to be activated. Please follow the following steps; 1. Open the CSD activation e-mail and click on the Activate Account link A One Time Pin (OTP) is sent as an SMS to the cellphone number provided on the registration screen 2. Enter the OTP in the Account Activation screen 3. Click on the Submit button The following message will be displayed: Account activated. The message will have a Log In link STEP 2 Once the account has been activated then suppliers can start to be captured onto the CSD. By going to add supplier and clicking on each tab, supplier information is captured onto the CSD by category. Information entered is verified automatically through National Treasury, via the CSD linkages to various organizations. The last tab, Overview, gives detail on the progress of the application. Use it to reference if any information has been omitted. Once no outstanding tasks are flagged in the Overview, the application can be submitted by clicking SUBMIT. The supplier number and security code will then be generated for the supplier. Both are extremely important and need to be recorded for safekeeping. The supplier is now registered on the CSD. STEP 3 CONTINUED USE OF THE CSD Should you at any time require any assistance with the CSD, please contact (012) 406 9222 or csd@treasury.gov.za or oswald.free@ectreasury.gov.za or by 040 1010 365. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 15 21/22FY 09 July 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 35
You can also read