PASA DLM Getting Ready: Annual Updates & 1% Compliance - September 2022
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Audience • PASA Assessment Coordinators (ACs), *Special Education Administrators, and Building Administrators associated with PASA • New PASA ACs must contact and be added to the online assessment system and email distribution list. * NEW for 2022-23: The PASA AC must be a Special Education Administrator (see slide 21 for details). 9/2/2022 2
• Participation Requirements and PASA Eligibility • Overview and Roles 2022-23 • Before the Assessment • During the Assessment PASA DLM • After the Assessment Getting Ready • 1% Policy and Participation Threshold Requirements for LEAs • Resources and Supports for PASA ACs and Teachers 3
Equity in Assessment IDEA • A State must ensure that all children with disabilities are included in all general State and district-wide assessment programs, including assessments in Section 1111 of the ESEA, 20 U.S.C. 6311, with appropriate accommodations and alternate assessments, if necessary, as indicated in their respective IEPs. (Sec. 300.160(a)). • Participation of students with disabilities in state assessments used for accountability is ESSA reaffirmed by Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), known as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). • Aggregated scores show how well schools and districts are helping all students with their learning. Disaggregated scores are shown for subgroups including students with disabilities Meeting • PA Future Ready Index and ESSA Report Card • State Performance Plan: Annual Performance Report Requirements • 1% Waiver and 95% participation rate for IEP subgroup 9/2/2022 5
Inclusive Assessment for ALL Students NCEO (National Center on Educational Outcomes) provides a host of resources for states and schools on best practices for inclusive assessment systems for all students, including students with disabilities and English Learners. • Principles and Characteristics of Inclusive Assessment Systems in a Changing Assessment Landscape (NCEO Report 400) ( • Supporting the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Assessment (School Leaders Series Brief #1) ( – 2-minute read • Guidebook to Including Students with Disabilities and English Learners in Assessments (NCEO Report 420) ( 9/2/2022 6
PA Participation Data Subject Students 2018 2019 2020 2021 ELA All Students 97.00 96.85 70.46 ELA Students with Disabilities 94.05 93.72 66.69 Math All Students 97.22 96.93 73.66 Math Students with Disabilities 94.18 93.65 68.29 Science All Students 96.45 96.00 71.95 Science Students with Disabilities 92.83 92.25 65.81 9/2/2022 7
Taking Action… Why does participation matter? How should the state and LEAs address low participation rates? • Analyze and understand the data • Identify root causes for low participation rates • Gain stakeholder input and identify strategies that fit the school context and address particular needs • Develop a timeline and milestones for action plan implementation and monitoring 9/2/2022 8
Taking Action… (Continued) NCEO Resources • What New Special Education Directors Need to Know about Academic Assessments | What New Special Education Directors Need to Know about Academic Assessments | Institute on Community Integration Publications ( • The 95 Percent State Assessment Participation Requirement: Current Landscape, State Challenges, and Recommended Strategies (NCEO Report #429) ( • NCEO Particpation Toolkit 9/2/2022 9
PASA Eligibility Criteria • PASA Eligibility Criteria: Decision-Making Companion Tool is the resource that teams are required to use when determining eligibility for participation in the PASA. • PASA Eligibility Criteria is available on the PDE website. 9/2/2022 11
PASA Eligibility Training and Resources New Special Education Administrators or those who need a refresher on PA’s six criteria used to determine PASA Eligibility • PASA Eligibility Training (see slides 39-76) • Characteristics of students eligible for the alternate assessment- DLM training video 9/2/2022 12
PASA Eligibility Guidance for IEP Teams Eligibility determination is for all tested subject areas for the given testing year. It is not permissible to take the PASA in one subject and the PSSA/Keystone in another in the same testing year. The IEP team cannot exempt a student from state assessment. The role of the IEP team is to confirm whether the student meets all criteria or not. The IEP team does not have the authority to change or override the state eligibility criteria. 9/2/2022 13
“Most Significant Cognitive Disability” – Defined (Criteria #2) Chapter 14 Primary Disability ‘Red Flags’ • Specific Learning Disability • Speech and Language Impaired (as a primary) • Emotional Disturbance 9/2/2022 14
PASA Eligibility Common Misconceptions All students in a Life Skills class should take the PASA. • No- eligibility decisions must be made according to the PASA criteria. • Eligibility decisions are not made based upon classroom placement, disability category or administrative convenience. The student reads well below grade level. They will not be able to read the content of the PSSA/Keystone Exams. • No – reading below grade level alone does not qualify a student for the PASA. • The IEP team should consider what accommodations may be helpful on the general assessment for the student. 9/2/2022 15
PASA Eligibility Common Misconceptions (Continued) My student does not qualify for PASA, but the PSSA is going to be too difficult for them. Should I talk to the parent about opting the student out? • No – eligibility decisions are not based on which assessment may be a better fit. • The IEP team must be able to answer ‘yes’ to all 6 PASA criteria for the student to qualify. • Schools cannot initiate a parent opt out. If the student does not pass the Keystone Exams, the student cannot graduate. • No – the federal requirement is for students to ‘participate’ not necessarily pass. • Explore PA’s Pathways to Graduation and Special Populations Guidance. 9/2/2022 16
Graduation – Special Populations A student with an IEP can graduate based upon the IEP if they do not meet one of the 5 traditional pathways to graduation. Any student with a disability who satisfactorily completes a special education program developed by an individualized education program team under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and 22 Pa. Code Ch. 14 (relating to special education services and programs) that does not otherwise meet the requirements of Act 158 or Act 6 shall be granted and issued a regular high school diploma by the student’s LEA. Note: Students who graduate in this manner are not considered to have been granted waivers under Act 158. Act 158: Pathways to Graduation Toolkit - SAS ( see ‘Special Populations’ Guidance 9/2/2022 17
PASA DLM Overview & Roles 9/2/2022 18
PASA DLM • The Dynamic Learning Maps® (DLM®) Consortium is made up of 21 state departments of education who use the DLM Alternate Assessment system. • DLM is facilitated through the University of Kansas. • DLM assessments are computer-based and accessible to students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. • DLM provides a system of instruction and assessment resources (state assessment and instructionally embedded assessment). NOTE: PA transitioned to PASA DLM as the vendor in the 2020-2021 school year. 9/2/2022 19
PASA DLM Tested Subjects and Grades Tested Subjects Tested Grades ELA (Reading and Writing) 3-8 and 11 Math 3-8 and 11 Science 4, 8 and 11 9/2/2022 20
PASA AC Role Requirement • NEW for 2022-23: A Special Education Administrator must be included as the PASA AC role in Kite Educator Portal. • More than one PASA AC may be assigned in Kite Portal. • If your LEA has an individual other than the Special Ed Administrator (e.g., Lead Teacher, Administrative Assistant) currently serving as a PASA AC, that person can remain, but a Special Education Administrator must be added this year. • Email to add/update PASA AC. 9/2/2022 21
PASA AC Responsibilities • Understand data including the PIMS PASA DLM Enrollment report and special education data • Understand the interaction of the PIMS data and the effect on accountability • Manage the four-step enrollment and data management process • Communicate to teachers the training and enrollment requirements • Direct teachers to the appropriate DLM assessment resources 9/2/2022 22
• Ensure teachers are managing test administration effectively and efficiently during the assessment window and communicate with teachers as needed • Inform relevant staff and families about score reports PASA AC • Communicate on behalf of the LEA or service Responsibilities provider with the assessment vendor and/or the PA Department of Education, Bureau of (Continued) Special Education(BSE) • Has decision making authority for the LEA or service provider Reminder: the LEA may assign more than one individual as a PASA AC role 23
• The PA Alternate Assessment emails PASA ACs routinely. • Emails come from • Emails are posted to the PaTTAN PASA PASA AC webpage. Communications • Email to add/update or a PASA AC (e.g., add a - Email special education administrator). • Provide first name, last name and email address. • Provide notification of any ACs no longer serving in the role who need removed from the system. 24
PASA AC Communications – Test Updates • PASA ACs and Teachers should subscribe to test updates from the PASA DLM vendor at https://dynamiclearningma 9/2/2022 25
PASA DLM – Before the Assessment Training Requirements, Timelines, and Communications 9/2/2022 26
Important 2022- PASA Activity Dates 2023 Dates DLM Kite Educator Portal Scheduled to Open August 3, 2022 Required Test Administrator Training and Lessons August 3, 2022 – 2022-23 PASA DLM Learned January 15, 2023 Instruction and Assessment Beginning August 15, Calendar (pdf) Required Data Management Training 2022 August 15, 2022 – PASA DLM Data Management/Student Enrollment February 27, 2023 March 13, 2023 – Test Administration Window May 5, 2023 Electronic School Reports Available in Kite Beginning June 23, 2023 Educator Portal 9/2/2022 27
PASA DLM Instruction and Assessment Calendar • The 2022-23 PASA DLM Instruction and Assessment Calendar (pdf) is a comprehensive calendar of dates and details of required training, enrollment procedures and test administration timelines. Roles are listed alongside the required assessment tasks. • An At-A-Glance PASA Instruction and Assessment Calendar (pdf) was also developed as a visual organizer to help PASA ACs with long-term planning. 9/2/2022 28
Screenshots - for visual familiarity. Visit links on prior slide for details. 9/2/2022 29
Required Teacher Training • PASA ACs should notify teachers of required trainings. • Teachers who administer the test are required to complete: • Required Test Administrator Training (RTAT)/ Lessons Learned (PA specific module added to RTAT) • Both asynchronous trainings are available August 3 – January 15 via the PA DLM website by choosing the link “Training Courses” • PASA ACs may complete in RTAT. NOTE: In order to access the trainings, the PASA AC must first add any new teachers in the DLM portal. 9/2/2022 30
Required Training Time PASA AC Hours PASA Assessor Hours PASA Getting Ready 1.5 *RTAT (refresher) and 2 Lessons Learned DLM Data Management 2 RTAT refresher and Lessons Learned 2 Total 2 (optional for PASA ACs) Total 5.5 *RTAT/Lessons Learned for new assessors is approximately 3.5 hours Other non required trainings such as ‘Charting the Course’ and training specific to teachers supporting BVI students can be accessed through the PaTTAN website. 9/2/2022 31
PASA AC Data Management Training and Activities PASA ACs are required to view the Data Management training modules before completing each of the activities below. The 4 modules are available beginning August 15th at: PASA DLM Data Management Modules- Required for ACs Module/Activity When Updating Users Aug 15- Sept 30 Enrolling Students Nov 1 – Dec 31 Rostering Students Nov 1 – Jan 31 Verifying Student Progress/Completion March 13-May 05 It is recommended to view each module in accordance with each step of the process. 9/2/2022 32
• NEW for 2022-23 The PIMS PASA DLM Enrollment Report was updated to improve the process for enrolling students. • All required data is preloaded. • Testing district is now captured under ‘PASA 2022-23 Data Testing Agency’ AUN in the PIMS Student Template. Management • Full details on procedures to access the PIMS PASA DLM Enrollment Report are included in Data Management Training Module 2. Procedures Student data must not be entered manually into the Enrollment Template Upload or the Kite Educator Portal. Data entered manually will be removed. The PASA AC must complete the survey questions at the end of each module. 33
Required PASA PIMS Report for Enrollment • Why use the PIMS PASA DLM Enrollment Report? • Accountability is based upon PIMS data. Enrollment data must align to PIMS for participation and performance to count and be attributed correctly. • Who is responsible for completing and uploading the PIMS PASA DLM Enrollment Report? • PASA ACs, Special Education Directors and PIMS Data Managers must work collaboratively to Ensure Field 212 accurately identifies students eligible for the PASA. Ensure that the data for the PASA eligible students in PIMS matches IEP data system prior to data uploaded onto the student enrollment template, particularly for PaSecureID, Student Last Name, Student First Name, Birthdate and Grade. Ensure that the PASA Testing Agency AUN (field 226) is accurate*. * The entity that is testing the student is responsible for uploading student data into Kite Educator Portal. 9/2/2022 34
What We Know about Data Mismatches for PASA • Grade level errors are common • PASA students sometimes remain in a grade for more than one year. • PIMS systems roll-over and progress students. • Grade mismatches invalidate tests; count negatively toward an LEAs accountability participation and performance. • Opportunity to make some corrections during corrections window • PASA students are less likely to have corrections made because students receive services outside of the LEA. • PASA students are not ‘recognized’ as ‘missing’ by those completing attributions in the system. • PASA students are more likely to be excluded from accountability. • Historically, PA lost up to 15% of PASA test takers in accountability as a result of data errors/mismatches. 9/2/2022 35
Enrollment Reminders • PASA AC must collaborate with PIMS Coordinator to receive the PIMS PASA DLM Enrollment Report. • Ensure the report is downloaded and saved as a CSV (comma delimited) file. • Licensed Private Schools and APS with non-4010 students should request the report from • Check to ensure the report is accurate before uploading to Kite Educator Portal. • Verify that all students who are eligible for PASA appear on the report. • Identify students who no longer qualify for PASA and remove. • Verify accuracy of grade levels and match to the current IEP. 9/2/2022 36
Enrollment Reminders (Continued) If any errors are detected, have the PIMS coordinator update the data in PIMS and re-run the PASA DLM Enrollment Report. • After data are verified: • Eliminate duplicate records on the report prior to uploading the report in Educator Portal. • Contact if there are anomalies in your report. • Do not contact DLM. PA manages PIMS and student level data, not DLM. 9/2/2022 37
Enrollment and English Learners (ELs) • English Learner (EL) students in their first 12 months of enrollment in U.S. schools are not required to take the ELA PSSA, Literature Keystone Exam, or PASA. • PASA eligible ELs should still be enrolled in Kite Educator Portal in ELA and rostered to a teacher. A special circumstance code (SCC) of ‘Other’ should be entered indicating their reason for non-participation in ELA. • Language translations are not provided via the computer, but test administrators may translate the test for ELs. • Test Administration Manual- see page 71 9/2/2022 38
Preparing for PASA DLM: Communication and Scheduling • Use the Parent Notification Letter template on the PA DLM website to inform families in advance of the testing window dates and expectations. • Remind teachers that the PASA DLM is not designed as a ‘one and done’ assessment. Rather, it is intended to be administered in short sessions (testlets) across multiple days. Provide teachers with Scheduling & Planning Tools and Sample Schedules • The window is approximately 8 weeks long, which provides sufficient time to make up sessions missed due to student or teacher absences. • No extensions to the state testing window can be granted. • Any student who does not complete testing must be marked with a Special Circumstance Code prior to the test window closing. 9/2/2022 39
Regulations and Testing Opt Outs • No federal law allows for opting out of statewide assessment for accountability (general or alternate). • PA provides an opt out for religious reasons only. • Not participating in the assessment for religious reasons or other reasons (e.g., parent refusal) will affect the participation rate of the LEA and can have a negative impact on accountability • An IEP Team cannot decide to opt out or exempt a student from participation in a state assessment. Note: The IEP document must reflect the assessment and appropriate accommodations determined for the student, even if the student is opted out by their parent for religious reasons. 9/2/2022 40
Parent Request for Religious Opt Out • Parent Religious Opt Out Procedure is located in the appendix of the Assessment Coordinator Manual for PA. • Request must be initiated by the parent, not the school. • Parents no longer need to come on-site to view the test materials, but must review released testlets online (see procedure for link to released testlets for online viewing). • Documentation of the annual request is kept on file at the LEA. 9/2/2022 41
PASA DLM – During the Assessment Test Administration Considerations 9/2/2022 42
Support Teachers During Test Administration • Consider using paraprofessionals and related service personnel to support test administration • Gather assessment materials • Monitor other students not being assessed by the teacher • Monitor breaks and transitions between testlets • Use the processes described in the 4th data management module: Monitoring Progress to ensure that testlets are generated for each student and to verify that students are progressing through the testlets in a timely fashion and that all testlets are completed within the testing window. • Answer accommodation and/or test administration questions and contact the service desk if needed. 9/2/2022 43
Test Security - Paraprofessionals and Related Service Personnel Anyone present during test administration or interacting with test materials who does not have an active User account in Kite Print, sign and provide the affidavit to the Educator portal must complete the PASA PASA Assessment Coordinator DLM Test Security Affidavit for Support Staff and Related Service Personnel (pdf) The LEA must keep a copy on file and NOTE: This applies to a student teacher provide during test administration who is observing test administration. monitoring if requested. 9/2/2022 44
• Ensure teachers are administering the assessment one on one. • Remind teachers to log the student out after each test session. This prevents system ‘lock Ensure Valid out’ and test administration errors requiring testlet resets. Improper test administration can and Reliable impact performance results and accountability for an individual student. Test • Review dashboard data in Kite Educator Portal including testlets completed outside of testing Administration hours and short duration tests. Follow up with teachers if there are questions. • If a testlet reset is required, gather details and email the PA Help Desk ( 45
Test Security • Use the Kite Educator dashboard to ensure testlets are administered during school hours. • Ensure secure assessment materials are properly destroyed in accordance with LEA policies. Communicate procedures with all test administrators. • Report assessment security violations to . 9/2/2022 46
Refer to Data Management Module 4: Verifying Student Progress/Completion Status Data Management During the Assessment 9/2/2022 47
• All students who fail to complete all testlets must be coded in the Kite Educator portal by the PASA AC with a ‘special circumstance code’ (SCC) by the end of the test window. • SCCs with descriptions and directions are posted by the Bureau of Special Education to Special the PA DLM website annually at the start of the testing window. Circumstance • All SCCs (except Medical Waiver) count negatively toward the LEA’s participation rate in Codes final accountability data. • SCCs cannot be entered after the testing window closes. • Prior to the close of the testing window, verify that every student has either completed testlets in the required subjects or has an SCC entered on one teslet in each subject. 48
PASA DLM – After the Assessment Scoring and Reporting 9/2/2022 49
Receiving PASA DLM Individual Student Score Reports (ISSRs) • Electronic reports will be delivered on June 16, 2023. Printed score reports will be mailed to service providers in late August/September. • Score reports are provided to the service provider who administered the assessment. • Electronic score reports are in Kite Educator Portal. • Service providers such as APS, Licensed Private Schools or IUs should identify how they will communicate results to the sending LEA. • Aggregate, classroom and individual score reports are provided. 9/2/2022 50
Understanding PASA DLM Individual Student Score Reports (ISSRs) 1 2 3 Sample score reports for Parent Interpretive Parent Cover Letters ELA, Math and Science Guide (available in •Talking with Parents About Spanish) Score Reports •Supporting Teacher Use of Understanding PASA Score Reports •Video About Score Reports DLM Individual Student Score Reports (ISSRs) 9/2/2022 51
Understanding PASA DLM PASA Legacy Performance PA Accountability Emerging Emerging Below Basic Levels on Approaching the Novice Basic Target Proficient ISSRs Proficient At Target Advanced Advanced Advanced 9/2/2022 52
Additional Score Reporting Site • All LEAs have access to eMetric Data Interaction for Pennsylvania Student Assessments for assessment data from 2002 to 2022 • PSSA, PASA, Keystone Exams • Individual performance • Aggregaate reports for LEA • Often Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents and/or District Assessment Coordinators may have access. 9/2/2022 53
1.0% Participation Threshold Requirement 9/2/2022 54
1% Threshold Requirement • The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) stipulates that states may not assess more than 1% of their total tested population on an alternate statewide assessment. • PA historically assessed 2% of students on the PA Alternate System of Assessment (PASA). • PA remains in corrective action with the US Department of Education for exceeding this federal regulation. • More information on the 1.0 Percent Threshold and requirements for LEAs can be accessed on the BSE website: 1.0 Percent Threshold Requirements 9/2/2022 55
Understanding the Participation Rates 95% Participation Rate 1% Threshold • PA must improve the overall • PA must ensure that no more than participation rate of students with 1% of total tested students are disabilities in statewide assessment assessed on an alternate (PSSA, Keystone, and PASA) assessment (PASA)
PA’s Tiered System of Oversight & Monitoring – 1% Threshold with LEAs Tier 3- Focused Tier 2- Targeted Tier 1- Universal 9/2/2022 57
Tier 1 - Universal • PA requires ALL LEAs to submit justification information to the Bureau of Special Education in the Fall of each year. The LEA must review their anticipated PASA rate and submit that estimate via a survey link. • The LEA receives an email with the directions, the 1% Justification Form, and a survey link, which serves as their official submission. Tier 1- • The paper survey mirrors the questions on the Universal electronic form exactly. LEAs must keep a signed copy on file for their records. • The survey submission allows PDE to collect and analyze data to determine trends, anomalies, and training needs. 9/2/2022 58
1.0 Threshold LEA Justification 2022-23 Due Dates: • ALL LEA Special Education Administrators (districts, charter schools, comprehensive CTCs) will receive the email from BSE by October 14, 2022 • Survey submissions are due December 31, 2022 • Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment – 1.0 % Participation Cap Justification 9/2/2022 59
The 1.0 Percent Calculation # of students enrolled to take the PASA # of students enrolled in grades 3-8 and 11 X 100 = PASA % For example: if the LEA has 2 students taking the PASA and 450 total students enrolled in the tested grades (regardless of what test they take), the calculation would be: (2)/(450)x100 = .4% 9/2/2022 60
1.0 Percent Justification Survey • ALL LEAs (school districts, charter schools and comprehensive CTCs) must submit their anticipated calculation for the upcoming testing cycle. • If the LEA does not anticipate exceeding the 1%, they are not required to submit the additional justification information. • Guidance to LEAs to use this calculation as an estimate in order to review their data more closely. • The LEA must include students they have placed in outside facilities (IU, APS, Licensed Private Schools) in their calculation. 9/2/2022 61
LEAs Anticipating Exceeding the 1% • Review participation data by disability category and identify ‘red flags’ • Special programs or circumstances • How does the LEA ensure IEP teams adhere to the state criteria • Small enrollment (defined as less than 100 total students in tested grades) • Additional variables * Keep signatures on file at the LEA 9/2/2022 62
1% Data – Public Availability • In accordance with 34 CFR 200.6 (c)(3), PA will make the justification information publicly available, excluding any personally identifiable information. • PDE will post the list of LEAs who anticipate exceeding the threshold to the PDE website • LEAs are required to make their justification information publicly available upon request, ensuring that no personally identifiable information is shared.
LEAs determine method/manner for 1% Data – making the justification information publicly available. Public • Example: LEAs may include a statement regarding their Availability justification submission on the district webpage (Continued) • Provide a point of contact for questions regarding public posting. 64
EXAMPLE - LEA PUBLIC POSTING STATEMENT The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires Pennsylvania to ensure that the total number of students assessed in each subject using the PASA does not exceed one percent of the total number of all students in the state assessed on the statewide assessments. Each local educational agency (LEA) must submit justification to BSE if it anticipates that more than 1.0 % of its students enrolled in grades 3-8 and 11 will be assessed using the PASA. A list of LEAs who anticipate exceeding the threshold will be made publicly available on the PDE website, in accordance with 34 CFR 200.6 (c)(3) regulations. LEAs must also make the document publicly available upon request, removing any personally identifiable information. The (school district/charter school/CTC) anticipates exceeding the 1.0 percent threshold for PASA participation for the 2022-23 testing cycle. The necessary justification information has been submitted to the Bureau of Special Education. Questions on the (district/charter school/CTC) participation rates should be directed to (Special Education Administrator contact information) 9/2/2022 65
Tier 2 - Targeted • The BSE will notify LEAs of Tier 2 status in January 2023 • The notification will come via an Tier 2-Targeted email to the Special Education Administrator associated with the LEA • Required actions and due date will be identified in the notification 9/2/2022 66
Tier 3 - Focused LEA Intensive Needs Review (INR) • Process in which LEAs are identified by BSE based upon excessive rates of PASA participation. • BSE will formally notify an LEA if they are identified as an Intensive Needs Review Tier 3 - Focused LEA • The LEA will be provided instructions on required actions and due dates in the notification. 9/2/2022 67
Next Steps… Pennsylvania will continue to update the 1% Compliance Plan of Action and notify LEAs of updated or new requirements moving forward. • Continued 3-tiered system of oversight and monitoring to address the 1% threshold requirement with LEAs • Additional focus on meeting the 95% participation requirement for students with disabilities (PSSA, PASA, and Keystone Exams) For full information on PA’s 1% Compliance Plan and updates submitted to the US Department of Education, visit the BSE website: ESSA 1% Threshold 9/2/2022 68
Support for PASA ACs and Teachers Ongoing Support, Resources and Websites 9/2/2022 69
• NEW PA Alternate Assessment Team communications to teachers directly • NEW Meeting with Data Quality Network to ensure PASA-related information is communicated to PIMS personnel PA Alternate • Continued: Routine PASA AC email Assessment communications • Continued: Office hours to demonstrate Team Support enrollment procedures and answer questions • Continued: Routine data analysis and email communication to PASA AC (and PIMS Coordinator as needed) identifying data errors. 70
PaTTAN Resource Hub Introducing the new PASA PaTTAN Resource Hub aresourcehub 9/2/2022 71
Publications for Parents and the IEP Team • PASA DLM: FAQ for Families • IEP Companion Tool • PA DLM – select ‘parent’ from toolbar • Resources for Families of Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities 9/2/2022 72
Websites Resource Topic of Support Web Address BSE website provides PASA information and 1% threshold requirement information 12/Special%20Education/Assessments/Pages/default.asp x DLM website homepage with test updates, news, test design information, opportunity to volunteer for test activities PA DLM website provides all DLM specific information (e.g., manuals, video tutorials, access to trainings, etc.) PaTTAN PASA includes all emails to PASA ACs, calendar, webpage and other resources from the PA Significant-Cognitive-Disabilities/Statewide-Assessments- Alternate Assessment Team and-Accountability/PASA 9/2/2022 73
PASA DLM on Social Media Resource Topic of Support Web Address PaTTAN Updates • Provides a full array of professional development and technical assistance targeted to improving student results. DLM Instructional Supports on • Created by the Center for Literacy Facebook and Disability Studies supporting DLM • Instructional focus • Ask questions and share resources KU/Atlas4Learning/DLM Twitter • Promotes learning and improved @atlas4learning outcomes for ALL students by creating accessible, tech-based learning and assessment systems. 9/2/2022 74
Service Desk Support • DLM Kite Service Desk • 1-855-277-9751 • • PA Alternate Assessment Team / PA Service Desk • • Topics specific to PA including PASA PIMS enrollment report and template uploads, exits, re-enrollments, etc. Remember never to use a student name or PII (personally identifiable information) when contacting either helpdesk. 9/2/2022 75
TOPIC NAME EMAIL ADDRESS PASA DLM General Lisa Hampe Questions and Accountability Lynda Lupp PASA Enrollment and Data PA Help Desk Management ESSA: 1% Threshold Lisa Hampe Justification PASA Eligibility, Test Lisa Hampe Irregularities, Test Security Lynda Lupp Violations DLM Trainings, Resources, Ron Logan (East) General PASA DLM Tara Russo (Central) Questions Kaylee Wynkoop (West) 9/2/2022 76
Contact/Mission For more information on the (the topic of the presentation) please visit PDE’s website at The mission of the Department of Education is to ensure that every learner has access to a world- class education system that academically prepares children and adults to succeed as productive citizens. Further, the Department seeks to establish a culture that is committed to improving opportunities throughout the commonwealth by ensuring that technical support, resources, and optimal learning environments are available for all students, whether children or adults. 9/2/2022 77
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