PART A - Project summary - A.1 Project identification - HEATER

Page created by Heather Mcguire
PART A - Project summary
A.1 Project identification
                                                                                          Priority Axis 3 - Energy Efficiency &
Programme priority
                                                                                          Renewable Energy
                                                                                          3 - Increased use of energy efficiency and
                                                                                          renewable energy solutions in housing
Specific Objective
                                                                                          and public infrastructures in remote,
                                                                                          sparsely populated areas
Project acronym                                                                           HEATER
                                                                                          Heat and Energy Education and
Project title
                                                                                          Empowerment for Rural Areas
Project number                                                                            442
Name of the lead partner organisation/original language                                   Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Name of the lead partner organisation/English                                             Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Project duration                                                                          12 months 0 days
Start date                                                                                01.07.2021
End date                                                                                  30.06.2022

A.2 Project summary
Provide a short overview of the project. Note: (parts of) this summary will be published on the programme website and in other
HEATER is a cluster of projects with synergies across HANDIHEAT, SMARTRenew, TechSolns, SENDoc and eLightHouse. The
partnership with WiSAR Lab, Letterkenny Institute of Technology (SMARTRenew project), Ulster University (SENDoc/TechSolns),
Oulu University of Applied Sciences and HANDIHEAT, Northern Ireland Housing Executive aims to collaborate and cluster the
transnational outputs from previous projects to educate and empower local communities to effect positive behavioural change
and inform decision makers to influence policy across climate change mitigation and adaptation and sustaining communities.
Clustering allows the four lead partners to collaborate and maximise transnational impact of existing outputs to local
communities and decision makers through a sustainable and enduring network with the aim to virtually educate and empower
communities and decision makers. The HEATER project will deliver this by establishing an enduring network, with regional hubs
through either academic or regional authorities, utilising the array of full and associate partners from previous projects. This
network will disseminate the best of project outputs to every settlement and locality across the regions with the focus to educate
and empower local communities and inform decision makers of the transnational learning from previous projects. The delivery
method will utilise virtual knowledge sharing through a campaign of webinars, workshops, and a final conference. The target
audience will be an array of end user groupings, such as householders, young people, estates managers, housing authorities,
SMEs, and decision makers. This will be supported by an ongoing social media campaign to promote the outputs and results of
the projects. All partners are now highly competent in the online medium across the spectrum of social medium to populating
virtual rooms.

Project summary in another EU language than English
HEATER kokoaa yhteen useita projekteja: HANDIHEAT, SMARTRenew, TechSolns, SENDoc ja eLightHouse. Yhteistyötä tehdään
WiSAR Labin, Letterkenny Institute of Technology (SMARTRenew -hanke), Ulsterin yliopiston (SENDoc/TechSolns), Oulun
ammattikorkeakoulun ja HANDIHEAT:n, Northern Ireland Housing Executive välillä. Yhteistyön tavoitteena on jalkauttaa
toteutettujen hankkeiden tuloksia ja saada alueen yhteisöille tietoa, kapasiteettia ja sen myötä ilmastomyönteistä
käyttäytymismuutosta. Päätöksen tekijöille tuodaan tietoa, kuinka tehdä vaikuttavaa ilmastopolitiikkaa, sekä sopeutuvia ja
kestäviä yhteisöjä. Hanke mahdollistaa neljän organisaation yhteistyön ja kyvyn maksimoida rajat ylittävän tiedon jakamisen,
tulosten jalkauttamisen ja niiden vaikuttavuuden. Tavoitteet saavutetaan toteuttamalla kestävä yhteistyöverkosto ja tuomalla
tietoa paikallisille yhteisöille ja päätöksen tekijöille. Tietoa jaetaan alueellisten hubien kautta joko akateemisten tai viranomaisten
kanavilla ja hyödyntämällä hankekumppaneiden ja aiempien projektien verkostoja. Hanke tiedottaa onnistuneista tuloksista
ohjelma-alueella keskittyen paikallisyhteisöjen kouluttamiseen ja voimaannuttamiseen sekä tiedottamaan päätöksentekijöille
aiemmista hankkeista saaduista rajat ylittävistä opeista. Tulosten jakamisessa hyödynnetään virtuaalisia kanavia erilaisissa
webinaareissa, työpajoissa ja päätöskonferenssissa. Kohderyhmään kuuluvat kuluttajat, kuten asukkaat, nuoret, kiinteistön
ylläpitäjät, viranomaiset, pk-yritykset ja päätöksen tekijät. Tietoa jaetaan myös sosiaalisen median kampanjoissa, joissa
hankkeiden tuotoksista ja tuloksista tiedotetaan. Hankkeen kaikki toteuttajat ovat päteviä hyödyntämään erilaisia sosiaalisen ja
virtuaalisia median kanavia.

                                                              Page 1 of 32
Project main outputs
Overview of project outputs as defined in the work plan
                                                                  Project main
  Programme        Project output            Measurement             output              Project main           Project main
output indicators indicator targets              Unit            quantification         output number           output (title)
Number of
renewable energy                                                                                              Educate and
solutions (services)                                                                                          Empower Local
                                       1,00 Number                               1,00 T1.1.1
for public                                                                                                    Communities across
infrastructures and                                                                                           the NPA regions
housing (specific)

Project Co-financing

                       Programme Co-financing                             Contribution
                                                           Public              Private            Total          Total Eligible
     source            Amount           Co-Financing
                                                        Contribution         Contribution      Contribution
ERDF                      100.000,00           65,00%        53.846,20                  0,00        53.846,20         153.846,20
Total                     100.000,00           65,00%        53.846,20                  0,00        53.846,20         153.846,20

PART B - Project partners
B.1 Project Partner
Lead partner

Partner Role In The Project                                    LP
Partner Name                                                   Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Partner Name in English                                        Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Abbreviation                                                   NIHE
Department                                                     Land and Regeneration Services
Nuts Id0                                                       UK, UNITED KINGDOM
Nuts Id1                                                       UKN, Northern Ireland
Nuts Id2                                                       UKN0, Northern Ireland
Nuts Id3                                                       UKN03, East of Northern Ireland
Postal Code & City                                             BT2 8PB Belfast
Street & House Number                                          Adelaide Street 2
Vat Number                                                     8888 090 56
Recover Vat                                                    yes
Type of Partner                                                local public authority
Small or Medium Enterprise                                     no
Co Financing Source                                            ERDF
Co Financing (%)                                               65.00
Legal Representative Name                                      Ailbhe Hickey
Legal Representative Email                           
Legal Representative Telephone                                 02890318781
Contact Person Name                                            Robert Clements
Contact Person Email                                 
Contact Person Telephone                                       02890318781
Legal Status                                                   public

                                                         Page 2 of 32
Established in 1971 as Northern Ireland’s strategic housing
                                                                authority the NIHE (Housing Executive) offers a range of
                                                                services to people living in socially rented, privately rented and
                                                                owner occupied accommodation as well as working with an
                                                                extensive range of other public bodies. As a landlord to 87,000
                                                                dwellings it manages a budget of £750m. In its statutory role as
                                                                the Home Energy Conservation Authority (HECA) for NI with
                                                                some 3,100 staff it provides a wide range of services including
Which are the organisation's competences and experiences
                                                                home improvement grants to homeowners and private tenants
relevant for the project? Add role in the project.
                                                                and support to improve the energy efficiency of private
                                                                dwellings. Since October 2018 NIHE is Lead Partner in the €2m
                                                                EU HANDIHEAT project. The role of the NIHE in the project will
                                                                be to provide experiences and results from the HANDIHEAT
                                                                project in developing and promoting renewable energy models
                                                                to provide options for rural communities which combine
                                                                innovative energy solutions to achieve policy objectives. NIHE is
                                                                a VAT registered organisation.
                                                                NIHE is one of the largest social housing providers in the United
                                                                Kingdom and the regional housing authority in Northern
                                                                Ireland. It is the lead authority in all residential housing sectors
                                                                in Northern Ireland with extensive experience in research
                                                                projects and has the relevant support and administrative
If applicable, describe the organisation's experience in
                                                                departments and mechanisms in place to lead on research and
participating in and/or managing EU co-financed projects or
                                                                innovation activities. The Housing Executive successfully
other international projects.
                                                                sourced ERDF funding via our sponsoring Department for
                                                                energy efficiency projects for its own stock and for funding of
                                                                the Boiler Replacement Grant system for private sector
                                                                residential dwellings. The Housing Executive is currently Lead
                                                                Partner in the €2m NPA HANDIHEAT EU project.
Please indicate if the organisation is following public         NIHE is a Centre of Procurement Expertise (COPE) and follows
procurement procedures. Yes/No                                  public procurement procedures.
This partner does not have any subpartners.

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B.2 Project Partner
Project partner 2

Partner Role In The Project                                     PP
Partner Name                                                    Letterkenny Institute of Technology
                                                                Letterkenny Institute of Technology Port Road Letterkenny F92
Partner Name in English
Abbreviation                                                    LYIT
Department                                                      WiSAR Lab
Nuts Id0                                                        IE, IRELAND
Nuts Id1                                                        IE0, Ireland
Nuts Id2                                                        IE01, Border, Midland and Western
Nuts Id3                                                        IE011, Border
Postal Code & City                                              F92 FC93 Letterkenny
Street & House Number                                           Port Road
Vat Number                                                      IE6539078V
Recover Vat                                                     yes
Type of Partner                                                 higher education and research
Small or Medium Enterprise                                      no
Co Financing Source                                             ERDF
Co Financing (%)                                                65.00
Legal Representative Name                                       John Andy Bonar
Legal Representative Email                            
Legal Representative Telephone                                  +353749186060
Contact Person Name                                             Nick Timmons
Contact Person Email                                  
Contact Person Telephone                                        +353868722445
Legal Status                                                    public
                                                                The WiSAR lab has a long history of developing technical
                                                                solutions in the field of smart renewable energy. The WiSAR Lab
                                                                specialises in wireless sensor networks (WSN), embedded
                                                                networks, Internet of Things (IoT), and machine to machine
                                                                (M2M) technologies. It has worked on many EU, nationally and
                                                                privately funded applied research projects in embedded
                                                                systems design for industry. WiSAR has specialised in
                                                                developing smart electronics, inverters, and monitoring
Which are the organisation's competences and experiences
                                                                technology for renewable energy systems. The WiSAR Lab and
relevant for the project? Add role in the project.
                                                                LYIT have experienced engineers in embedded system and
                                                                wireless design. The role of LYIT and the WiSAR Lab in the
                                                                project will be to provide the experiences and results from the
                                                                SMARTrenew project in developing and promoting smart
                                                                renewable energy and heat and storage solutions across the
                                                                NPA region. LyiT will participate fully in designing and
                                                                participating in all dissemination activities in promoting the
                                                                outputs and results of the 5 participating NPA projects
                                                                Currently lead Partner in NPA Interreg SMARTrenew project.
                                                                Partner in the successful Interreg IIIA project EpiCentre which
                                                                was a three-centred project supplying a range of technology
                                                                services and expertise to SMEs and start-ups. Partner in 'SAFER
If applicable, describe the organisation's experience in
                                                                - Smart Atlantic Seafood Clusters' innovation project co-funded
participating in and/or managing EU co-financed projects or
                                                                by the EU INTERREG Atlantic Area Programme. Partner in
other international projects.
                                                                Interreg IV North West Centre for Advanced Manufacturing
                                                                NWCAM Interreg VA Bryden Centre for Advanced Marine and
                                                                Bio-Energy Research - Partner LYIT is partner in Centre for
                                                                Personalised Medicine - Interreg V
Please indicate if the organisation is following public
procurement procedures. Yes/No
This partner does not have any subpartners.

                                                          Page 4 of 32
Project partner 3

Partner Role In The Project                                  PP
Partner Name                                                 Ulster University
Partner Name in English                                      Ulster University
Abbreviation                                                 Ulster
                                                             Faculty of Computing and Engineering, School of Computing
                                                             and Intelligent Systems
Nuts Id0                                                     UK, UNITED KINGDOM
Nuts Id1                                                     UKN, Northern Ireland
Nuts Id2                                                     UKN0, Northern Ireland
Nuts Id3                                                     UKN04, North of Northern Ireland
Postal Code & City                                           BT48 7JL Londonderry
Street & House Number                                        Northland Road
Vat Number                                                   GB672390524
Recover Vat                                                  yes
Type of Partner                                              higher education and research
Small or Medium Enterprise                                   no
Co Financing Source                                          ERDF
Co Financing (%)                                             65.00
Legal Representative Name                                    Tim Brundle
Legal Representative Email                         
Legal Representative Telephone                               +447955813249
Contact Person Name                                          Joan Condell
Contact Person Email                               
Contact Person Telephone                                     +447955813249
Legal Status                                                 public
                                                             Ulster will bring their previous NPA extensive experience to the
                                                             HEATER project; bringing large project management experience
                                                             alongside novel community monitoring technology (and
                                                             post-COVID) concepts to the project (SENDoc/TechSolns). The
                                                             national assessment of research quality reinforced Ulster’s
                                                             influence; its impact in areas as diverse as energy, health,
Which are the organisation's competences and experiences
                                                             economy, creative industries and social policy. Ulster as a
relevant for the project? Add role in the project.
                                                             regional university, are uniquely placed to engage with
                                                             communities and partners. Ulster’s Computing department
                                                             have strong alliances with partners globally. This exchange of
                                                             knowledge will showcase Ulster’s strong experience and
                                                             reputation as it enhances and enriches this transnational

                                                       Page 5 of 32
The University of Ulster has extensive experience in managing
                                                                co-financed projects; including participation in prior Northern
                                                                Periphery Programme projects and current INTERREG IVA and
                                                                Horizon 2020 programme projects, the University has engaged
                                                                in original research and innovation of regional, national and
                                                                international significance across the University’s 4 Faculties.
                                                                With a progressive approach to teaching, a dedication to
                                                                pushing research boundaries and a strong commitment to
                                                                economic development, Ulster University is a responsive,
                                                                dynamic and vibrant centre of learning. Ulster University's
                                                                international reputation for research excellence received
                                                                world-wide recognition in the 2014 Research Excellence
                                                                Framework. Regarding Ulster’s income as turnover and for
                                                                financial year to 31/7/14, the % of this from research income
                                                                was 27.3%. Ulster’s students numbered a total of 32072 in
If applicable, describe the organisation's experience in
                                                                2013/14. The University has the relevant support and
participating in and/or managing EU co-financed projects or
                                                                administrative departments and mechanisms to the provide
other international projects.
                                                                assistance to those staff engaged in research and innovation
                                                                activities. This has ensured that participation in co-financed and
                                                                international projects have had a demonstrable impact on a
                                                                diverse range of areas including health and well-being, the
                                                                environment and sustainability, manufacturing and business
                                                                performance, governance and human rights, and the creative
                                                                arts and industries. Since 1990 Ulster have participated in and
                                                                coordinated 121 EU Horizon 2020/FP7 projects totaling over
                                                                £20 million. Since 2000 Ulster have participated in and
                                                                coordinated 13 Interreg funded projects totaling £5.86 million
                                                                including a number of Northern Periphery funded projects. In
                                                                particular Ulster have participated in: Interreg IV A: Participated
                                                                in 3 Interreg IV B: Participated in 1 Interreg NPP: Participated in
                                                                3 Interreg III A: Participated in 2 Interreg III C: Participated in 1
                                                                Other Interreg: Participated in 3
Please indicate if the organisation is following public
procurement procedures. Yes/No
This partner does not have any subpartners.

Project partner 4

Partner Role In The Project                                     PP
Partner Name                                                    Oulun AmmattiKorkeakoulu
Partner Name in English                                         Oulu University of Applied Sciences
Abbreviation                                                    OUAS
Department                                                      Department of Civil, Energy and Building Services Engineering
Nuts Id0                                                        FI, SUOMI / FINLAND
Nuts Id1                                                        FI1, Manner-Suomi
Nuts Id2                                                        FI1D, Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
Nuts Id3                                                        FI1D6, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Postal Code & City                                              90570 Oulu
Street & House Number                                           Yliopistokatu 9,
Vat Number                                                      25097478
Recover Vat                                                     no
Type of Partner                                                 higher education and research
Small or Medium Enterprise                                      no
Co Financing Source                                             ERDF
Co Financing (%)                                                65.00
Legal Representative Name                                       Heidi Fagerholm
Legal Representative Email                            
Legal Representative Telephone                                  +358505771657
Contact Person Name                                             Arman M. Kouch
Contact Person Email                                  
Contact Person Telephone                                        +358404868948
Legal Status                                                    public

                                                          Page 6 of 32
OUAS is the biggest applied sciences university in the northern
                                                                region of Finland, providing higher applied science education to
                                                                over 9000 students annually and participating in international
                                                                and national projects actively. Since 1996, the Department of
                                                                Civil, Energy, and Building Services Engineering, besides its
                                                                professional human resources, modern labs and equipment,
                                                                has been participating in numerous international projects as a
                                                                lead partner and or a partner. The department has extensive
Which are the organisation's competences and experiences
                                                                experience and expertise in energy, construction, and civil
relevant for the project? Add role in the project.
                                                                engineering as well as a diverse range of networks and
                                                                partnerships including public and private enterprises of the
                                                                industry, universities, and research institutes. In this project,
                                                                besides participation and collaboration in all actions, OUAS’s
                                                                role is to participate and contribute to the building network,
                                                                with an emphasis on the WA T1.3 designing network across the
                                                                NPA regions using its previous and current partnerships and
                                                                The most recent projects (finished or ongoing) are as follows:
                                                                Projects funded by EU Interreg Nord: 1. Increasing Energy
                                                                Efficiency in Buildings (IEEB) role: as the lead partner & project
                                                                coordinator. 2. ICNB (Increasing Competence in Northern
                                                                Building and Construction), as the lead partner & project
                                                                coordinator. 3. TallWood (Supporting Wood as Multistory
                                                                Building Material), as the lead partner & project coordinator. 4.
                                                                ESBE (Enhanced Sustainability of Built Environment by
                                                                Collaboration and Digitalization), as the lead partner & project
                                                                coordinator. Projects funded by EU Interreg NPA: 1. Energy
                                                                Lighthouse Cities in the NPA Region (e-Lighthouse) role: lead
If applicable, describe the organisation's experience in        partner. 2. N-EEC (Northern-European Energy Cluster), as the
participating in and/or managing EU co-financed projects or     lead partner & project coordinator. 3. SMARTrenew (Increased
other international projects.                                   use of energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions in
                                                                housing and public infrastructures in remote, sparsely
                                                                populated areas) as a partner. 4. H-CHP (Micro Combined Heat
                                                                and Power System for Households), as a partner. Projects
                                                                funded by EU Interreg NPP: 1. SuLA (Sustainable Living
                                                                Assistant), as the lead partner & project coordinator. 2. OCTES
                                                                (Opportunities for Community Groups through Energy Storage),
                                                                as a partner. Projects funded by EU Kolarctic CBC: 1. FAMARB
                                                                (Facility Management in the Barents Region), as a partner. 2.
                                                                SBHN (Sustainable Buildings in the High North), as a partner. 3.
                                                                DHTrain (Development of efficient support and operation
                                                                model for the municipal energy sector), as a partner.
Please indicate if the organisation is following public
procurement procedures. Yes/No
This partner does not have any subpartners.

                                                          Page 7 of 32
B.3 Associated Partner
Project partner 5

Partner Role In The Project            AP
Partner Name                           Karelia University of Applied Sciences Ltd
Partner Name English                   Karelia University of Applied Sciences Ltd
Nuts Id0                               FI, SUOMI / FINLAND
Nuts Id1                               FI1, Manner-Suomi
Nuts Id2                               FI1D, Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
Nuts Id3                               FI1D1, Etelä-Savo
Postal Code & City                     80200 Joensuu
Street & House Number                  Tikkarinne 9
Legal Representative Name              Ville Kuittinen
Legal Representative Email   
Legal Representative Telephone         +358 505326131
Contact Person Name                    Ville Kuittinen
Contact Person Email         
Contact Person Telephone               +358 505326131
                                       Karelia University of Applied Sciences (KUAS) is a key
                                       organisation in developing renewable energy solutions in the
Partner`s Role In The Project          NPA since 2004. KUAS have expertise in renewable energy and
                                       have existing networks which could facilitate the dissemination
                                       of the projects outputs.

Project partner 6

Partner Role In The Project            AP
Partner Name                           Orkusetur
Partner Name English                   Orkusetur Energy Agency
Nuts Id0                               IS, ÍSLAND
Nuts Id1                               IS0, Ísland
Nuts Id2                               IS00, Ísland
Nuts Id3                               IS002, Landsbyggð
Postal Code & City                     603 Akureyri
Street & House Number                  Rangárvellir
Legal Representative Name              Helga Barðadóttir
Legal Representative Email
Legal Representative Telephone
Contact Person Name                    Sigurdur Ingi Fridleifsson
Contact Person Email         
Contact Person Telephone               +354 5696085
                                       Orkusetur is a section within the National Energy Authority in
                                       Iceland, and will in this project act on behalf of the towns and
Partner`s Role In The Project          rural areas that benefit from HEATER solutions. Orkusetur also
                                       guides the municipalities involved on government policy,
                                       financial support and legal advice.

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PART C - Project description
C.1 Project relevance

                               Page 9 of 32
C.1.1 What are the common territorial challenges that will be tackled by the project?
When describing the project's relevance, please also demonstrate that the project is relevant for all partner areas by taking into
account the level of 'maturity in the field of intervention'. In addition, please describe how the project will base its outputs on
stakeholders needs and how stakeholder involvement during the project is envisaged.
Reducing energy demand, improving energy efficiency, renewable energy with a focus on decarbonising heating systems are
common themes across the partnership in HEATER. Within rural communities there are a number of barriers and challenges,
with energy and transport infrastructure focused to urban locations and continued fuel inequity and fossil fuel dependence for
rural residents.

The common challenge for NPA regions is to ensure the inequalities highlighted are minimised in a post-COVID world with
sustainable solutions and reduced carbon footprints. Within the scope of this clustering call the aim will be to influence
behaviour change through energy education and empowerment by utiising the tools, case studies, research and learning from
across the four partner projects. Ulsters project's bring wellbeing monitoring and technology (post-COVID) experience.

Common territorial challenges are identified below:
1. To reduce fuel inequity/poverty in each region which are more prominent in rural communities
2. To reduce dependence on fossil fuels
3. To address rural communities’ housing needs to reduce energy demand, improve energy efficiency and decarbonising heating
systems through education and awareness of grant sign posting and access to best practice examples for future technical

Stakeholders will directly benefit from these outputs as the above challenges will be addressed through work package activities.

C.1.2 What is the project's approach in addressing these common challenges and/or joint opportunities and what is new
about the approach that the project takes?
Please describe new solutions which will be developed during the project and/or existing solutions that will be adapted and
implemented during the project lifetime, and in what way the approach goes beyond existing practice in the sector/programme
area/participating countries.
The approach in HEATER will build on the outreach, capacity building and empowerment which was fostered through the
outputs from the previous projects. The partnership of lead partners is best placed to exploit the vast potential to reach into
rural areas across the NPA region, with the familiarisation established through previous projects.

HEATER has good working relationship across most of the local authorities in the NPA regions and will use this to facilitate virtual
outreach events.

The HEATER partnership is now highly competent in delivering virtual seminars, workshops and webinars, again another benefit
of using lead partners from previous projects.

All the partners have a learning product (or model) to offer communities, whether sparsely rural, rural villages and towns.
Whether its energy education of energy efficiency and decarbonisation options, remote monitoring or best practice around
COVID-19, there will be an offer for all rural demographics and communities.

With three of the lead partners currently finishing of 5th Call NPA projects, the resilience required to adapt to the 'new normal'
of COVID will be evidenced and provide additionality with experience taken from the TechSolns project which studied best
practice and how technology innovation with low threshold could be fast tracked for future COVID-19 waves and pandemics.

C.1.3 Why is transnational cooperation needed to achieve the project's objectives and result?
Please explain why the project goals cannot be efficiently reached acting only on a national/regional/local level and/or describe
what benefits the project partners/target groups/project area gain in taking a transnational approach. Consider how the project
applies principles such as joint development, financing, implementation, and staffing.
The NPA rural communities have shared challenges of environmental isolation, lack of services and cohesive sense of
community, which isn’t as obvious within a densely populated city location. It is only through delivering a NPA project that the
commonality of themes across rural areas become apparent and this will greatly enable the partnership to reach into rural areas
across the NPA region with a shared language of rural understanding.

The level of expertise assembled through the partnership makes best use of the available knowledge/technologies and shares
this across all NPA countries.

Transnational cooperation facilitates sharing of sustainable energy and decarbonised (technology) solutions to into rural
communities with the context of low economic diversity, lack of inward investment, low population density and peripherality.
Through transnational cooperation, the partnership will share their expertise and experiences and adapt innovative solutions to
rural housing challenges.

Within the HEATER partnership, the team can combine resources and best practice case studies to ensure the correct solution
for the array of potential scenarios across the NPA region, including post-COVID.

C.2 Project focus
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C.2 Project focus
C.2.1 Project objectives, expected result and main outputs
Project main overall objective

How will the project results contribute to changes sought by the programme?
Please refer to the programme strategy as outlined in the Programme Manual, section 1.3. Demonstrate that you are aware of
the result sought by the Programme and describe how your project will contribute to it.
The 5 NPA projects represented by this collaboration will pool resources to develop a programme of dissemination activities to
communicate the benefits of their ongoing outputs and results to a much wider range of stakeholder groups (SmartRenew,
HANDIHEAT, SENDoc, TechSolns, eLightHouse). These projects were designed to enhance the capacity and preparedness in local
and regional communities to handle the risks connected to climate change and large-scale exploitation of natural resources.
They were also designed to improve energy security, reduce energy poverty and the region’s population on the over reliance of
fossil fuels for heat and energy. The objective of the clustering project will be to use the synergy created by combining the
activities of the NPA projects to significantly increase impact of these outputs by reaching a larger number local and national of
end-users. The clustering projects are complementary in terms of their objectives, activities, and outputs, these range from:
toolkits to allow residential end users to find the optimal way to maximise heat and energy efficiencies in their homes;
methodologies to optimise the energy efficiency of old and newer housing; innovative (remote/monitoring) technologies and
services for delivering smart renewable energy mix to residential and public buildings; smart and innovative use of energy and
heat storage to offset fluctuations in supply; pilots incorporating a range of smart management of renewable energy technology
and storage combinations. The synergy created by combining all these activities, outputs and results into one clustering project,
will allow us to present a more complete road map for end users to increase smart renewable energy and heat uptake and
efficiency in housing and public buildings, in the remote and sparsely populated areas of the NPA. These synergies will be
explored and developed further in this project to inspire stakeholders to engage with accessible (technology) solutions to energy
poverty and security based on transnational cooperation and knowledge sharing. It will provide information on access, services,
policy, (monitoring) technology, and economics. Various strategies will be used to maximise the number of stakeholders and end
users accessing this roadmap: • A new network will be devised and existing networks utilised beyond the life of the project, to
reach out to local communities from different countries • Assimilate all the project outputs from previous NPA projects across
the partnership in order to education and empower local communities • Virtual transnational knowledge sharing events for
various end user groupings, such as householders, young people, estates managers, housing authorities, SMEs, eg. Social Media
campaigns to promote the outputs and results of the projects.

Result indicator

Select the programme result your project is contributing to.
Awareness of energy efficiency opportunities and renewable solutions in housing sector and public infrastructures in remote
and sparsely populated areas

Project main result

Specify the project main result(s) and describe its contribution to the programme result indicator.
Please indicate your project's qualitative contribution to the programme result; positive or neutral.

Project Objectives

Describe the project objectives ensuring they are in line with your project's main result(s). Define max. 3 project objectives.
                                                                    Please provide a short explanation for the defined
Title of project objective
                                                                    project objectives.
Develop a network across local communities in NPA regions to        Using the array of partners across the previous projects
disseminate best practice from the key outputs of LP previous       partnerships establish a network to enable collaboration
projects                                                            initiatives that connect local communities across regions.
                                                                    Through shared knowledge and expertise, explore and
Assimilate all the project outputs from previous NPA projects       maximise the transferring of technical and innovative projects
across the partnership                                              outputs to empower rural communities across the northern
                                                                    periphery region.
                                                                    With the cluster of a suite of learning material to educate,
Virtual Transnational knowledge education and empowerment
                                                                    signpost, highlight best practice, with the endstate to empower
using the collated resources of the previous projects, via the
                                                                    local communities to reduce their energy demand, avail of
medium of the established network.
                                                                    incentives for energy efficiency and decarbonised heating.

Environmental indicator

Please describe your project’s contribution to the environmental indicator for the Priority Axis. See Programme Manual chapter

                                                             Page 11 of 32
C.2.2 Target groups

                                                                                                    Target value
                                              Please further specify the target
            Target group/-s                                                                Please indicate the size of the
                                                                                            target group you will reach.
                                           HEATER will target regional public
                                           authorities in supporting the
                                           dissemination of energy efficient
local public authority                     solutions, empowering and encouraging                                              3,00
                                           energy transition leadership, and
                                           highlighting regional energy innovations
                                           through communication outputs.
                                           Dissemination will target national public
                                           authorities active in the field of
                                           community energy such as utility
national public authority                  regulators, housing and planning                                                   3,00
                                           government departments, environmental
                                           protection agencies and energy agencies,
                                           profiling energy innovations.
                                           HEATER will target a range of NGO' s
                                           across the EU in the field of energy
                                           efficiency, energy regulation and
interest groups including NGOs             reduction, to build on international                                               4,00
                                           cooperation, facilitate energy policy
                                           dialogue, and exchange knowledge
                                           HEATER will engage with higher education
                                           and research institutions to promote
                                           evidence based research in the field of
higher education and research                                                                                                 3,00
                                           energy innovation, and the deployment of
                                           skilled workers and professionals in the
                                           transition to energy-efficient applications.
                                           HEATER will pioneer joint communication
                                           campaigns, targeting students, to raise
                                           awareness of good energy practices
education/training centre and school       among this target segment. Targeted                                                3,00
                                           information campaigns will also be
                                           conducted promoting upskilling/reskilling
                                           in the energy transition.
                                           HEATER will target members of the
                                           general public in Ireland, NI and Finland,
                                           with emphasis on hard to reach
General public                             segments, including young people,                                               200,00
                                           minority ethnic communities and older
                                           people through physical interface
                                           capacities, e.g webinar attendance.

C.3 Project context
C.3.1 Is the project part of regional/national strategies and policies? Is the project part of wider strategies and policies?
Please describe the project's contribution to relevant strategies and policies; in particular, those concerning the project or
programme area. Also consider existing synergies with past or current regional or national projects. If applicable, what concrete
measures does the project take to align with Macro Regional Strategies?
1. UK Climate Change Act 2008 (inc 2019 Net Zero Amendment). First G7 country to set a statutory duty for net zero GHG by
2. NI Climate Change Bill (currently passing through the regional government of NI), its in line with the UK Climate Change Act to
support the UK net zero ambitions with a balanced pathway including net zero carbon, which includes transport, energy sector
and housing.
3. NI Energy Strategy (currently under consultation), which will include targets for renewable energy generation, commercial and
residential levels of energy efficiency.
4. Finland’s Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region includes the challenge to reach bio-economy and circular economy including
renewable energy production, smart grids, security of supply and cooperation with regional and local governments and civil
5. Ireland approves Climate Bill in March 2021 to ensure Ireland reaches net zero emissions by 2050 and net reduction of 51% by
the end of the decade.

                                                           Page 12 of 32
C.3.2 Please describe your project's synergies with projects funded by other programmes or initiatives and, or if the
project draws on the experience of previously funded projects.
If applicable consider where this project is positioned in relation to other potential funding streams? Is this project part of a
longer term strategy to advance the results through other available funding streams?
NI: HANDIHEAT aimed to protect rural communities from energy price fluctuations, considering energy performance in rural
- TechSolns and SENDoc both considered technologies from different perspectives - from a COVID pandemic/crisis perspective
and also from a rural sensor (remote) monitoring perspective.

Ireland: SMARTrenew is foccusing on transnationally shared knowledge to improve the uptake of smart renewable energy from
multiple sources, and smart heat and energy storage through the development of a Directory of Services and 6 "showcase"
pilots for public and residential buildings.

Finland: e-Lighthouse has supported local and regional organisations to increase energy efficiency, uptake of renewable energy
in buildings, and energy-saving for the public as well as at the political decision-making level. It's expected to share smart
solutions in energy management and renewable energy and learn from the other results and developments.

C.4 Horizontal principles
Please list contributions to horizontal principles that apply to your project, and justify your choice, stating whether your choice is
neutral or positive to all three principles - Environmental Sustainability, Inclusion and Diversity and Equality between men and
Horizontal principles                         Description of the contribution              Type of contribution
Sustainable development (environment)         Y                                            positive
Equal opportunity and non-discrimination Y                                                 positive
Equality between men and women                Y                                            positive

C.5 Work plan per work packages
Type: Management

         WP Nr                     WP Title                WP Start date               WP End date            WP Budget in EUR
M                          Management                 07.2021                    06.2022                    36.996,03
WP responsible partner                                              Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Partner involvement
                                                                    Name: Northern Ireland Housing Executive
                                                                    Role: LP
                                                                    Name: Letterkenny Institute of Technology Port Road
                                                                    Letterkenny F92 FC93
Partners involved                                                   Role: PP
                                                                    Name: Ulster University
                                                                    Role: PP
                                                                    Name: Oulu University of Applied Sciences
                                                                    Role: PP
Describe how the management on the strategic and operational level will be carried out.


        Structure, responsibilities, and procedures, for the day- to- day management and coordination
        Communication within the partnership
        Reporting and evaluation procedures
        Risk and quality management

As lead partner, NIHE will lead the management of the project, however input and co-ordination with all 4 partners will be crucial
to ensure a successful project. Monthly management meetings will be held to ensure progress is monitored and goals are
achieved. These meetings will also serve the purpose of establishing communication between all partners and identifying any
risks to the delivery of the project. NIHE will track progress of all partners against the activities, deliverables and milestones.
Financial management of project finances will the undertaken and advice and support to project partners will be given to ensure
their expenditure is in line with NPA guidelines. Final report(s) will be compiled with input from all partners and submitted to the

                                                             Page 13 of 32
Please describe activities and deliverables within the work package
Activity Number           Activity Title             Activity Start Date       Actitity End Date
Activity M.1              Project Management         01.07.2021                30.06.2022
A partnership agreement will be produced by the Lead Partner in accordance with NPA template and issued to project partners
for signing. The completed document will be filed by the Lead Partner and reported to the NPA. The project will be managed to
ensure all milestones and deliverables are completed according to the project work plan.
                                                     Deliverable               Deliverable                Deliverable Delivery
Deliverable Number        Deliverable Title
                                                     Description               Targetvalue                Date
Activity Number           Activity Title             Activity Start Date       Actitity End Date
                          Internal project
Activity M.2                                         01.07.2021                30.06.2022
Communication with partners will be ongoing during the project. Partners will be encouraged to advise the Lead Partner of
achievements and progress within the project as well as any issues which may arise.
                                                     Deliverable               Deliverable                Deliverable Delivery
Deliverable Number        Deliverable Title
                                                     Description               Targetvalue                Date
Activity Number           Activity Title             Activity Start Date       Actitity End Date
Activity M.3              Management Meetings        01.07.2021                30.06.2022
Monthly virtual project management and progress meetings will be organised by NIHE. The meetings will be attended by all
partners and associate partners (if/where relevant).
                                                     Deliverable               Deliverable                Deliverable Delivery
Deliverable Number        Deliverable Title
                                                     Description               Targetvalue                Date
Activity Number           Activity Title             Activity Start Date       Actitity End Date
                          Communication with
Activity M.4                                         01.07.2021                30.06.2022
                          NPA Secretariat
NIHE will communicate with the NPA Secretariat on behalf of the entire partnership. This will include notifying of any risks,
delays or problems which arise during the project.
                                                     Deliverable               Deliverable                Deliverable Delivery
Deliverable Number        Deliverable Title
                                                     Description               Targetvalue                Date
Activity Number           Activity Title             Activity Start Date       Actitity End Date
                          Risk and quality
Activity M.5                                         01.07.2021                30.06.2022
Risk and quality management will be undertaken throughout the project by the Lead Partner and will be a standing agenda item
at the monthly management meetings.
                                                     Deliverable               Deliverable                Deliverable Delivery
Deliverable Number        Deliverable Title
                                                     Description               Targetvalue                Date

Type: Implementation

         WP Nr                    WP Title               WP Start date               WP End date            WP Budget in EUR
                          Build the Network,
                          Collaborate the Learning
                          Outputs, Deliver the
T1                                                 07.2021                     06.2022                    79.709,42
                          Education and
                          Empowerment to Local

                                                            Page 14 of 32
WP responsible partner                                             Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Partner involvement
                                                                   Name: Northern Ireland Housing Executive
                                                                   Role: LP
                                                                   Name: Letterkenny Institute of Technology Port Road
                                                                   Letterkenny F92 FC93
Partners involved                                                  Role: PP
                                                                   Name: Ulster University
                                                                   Role: PP
                                                                   Name: Oulu University of Applied Sciences
                                                                   Role: PP
Please give a summary description of the work package and its objective. Please specify to which project objective it contributes.
1. All four partners will work collaboratively and jointly with the partnerships from the previous NPA projects, to establish a
network across the NPA regions to provide reach into local communities to promote collaboration to increase the awareness of
the transnational added value and the potential of transnational cooperation.

2. Assimilate and collaborate from the previous project outputs will allow HEATER to maximize the transnational impact of
existing outputs on local level and widen the preparedness for transnational cooperation to local communities.

3. With the cluster of a suite of learning material to educate, signpost, highlight best practice, with the endstate to empower local
communities to reduce their energy demand, avail of incentives for energy efficiency and decarbonised heating.
Please describe briefly the role of each partner.
Each partner will be responsible for coordinating and collating the outputs and results of their respective NPA projects. All
partners will contribute to the remainder of the activities.
Please describe how this work package connects to or has interdependencies with other work packages.
This workpackage co-ordinates the main analysis and outputs integration across the cluster - positioning information for
knowledge transfer and dissemination across the NPA regions.
Please describe project main outputs that will be delivered based on the activities carried out in this work package. For each
project main output a programme output indicator should be chosen. Please note that they need to have the same
measurement unit.
                                                          Choose a
                                      Describe your       indicator to
                                                                            Measurement Quantify your
Project main output                   project main        which the                                   Delivery Date
                                                                            unit        contribution
                                      output              project main
                                                          output will
                                      All four partners
                                      will jointly use
                                      their established
                                      networks to
                                      enable future
                                                          Number of
                                      of future
                    Educate and       learning,
                                                          energy solutions
                    Empower Local     signposting
                                                          (services) for
T1.1                Communities       advice or funding                    Number                            1,00 06.2022
                    across the NPA    opportunities
                    regions           and best practice
                                                          and housing
                                      case studies to
                                      householders to
                                      reduce energy,
                                      heating and live

                                                            Page 15 of 32
Target groups per main outputs

                                                                           local public authority
                                                                           national public authority
                                                                           interest groups including NGOs
Who will use the main outputs
                                                                           higher education and research
                                                                           education/training centre and school
                                                                           General public

                                                                  HEATER will use a range of strategic communication activities to
                                                                  engage, educate, and influence the attitude of the target groups
                                                                  towards the development of the main project outputs. The
                                                                  primary goal of the project dissemination strategy is to
                                                                  combine and co-ordinate all project partners in the promotion
                                                                  and dissemination of project activities and outputs, ensuring
                                                                  maximum engagement and boosting awareness among the
                                                                  target audience. The best practices and most fundamental
                                                                  learnings of all four projects, will be combined and
                                                                  disseminated to key stakeholders. The consortium will primarily
                                                                  utilise high visibility workshops, webinars and other thematic
                                                                  events, profiling energy efficiency and renewable energy
                                                                  solutions on an ongoing basis to target the key stakeholder
                                                                  groups. These events will seek to profile policy change, the
                                                                  benefits of EU cooperation, and the territorial impacts of
                                                                  innovations in the field of energy, among dispersed regions of
How will you involve target groups (and other stakeholders) in
                                                                  the NPA, inviting contribution from key decision makers with
the development of the project main outputs?
                                                                  high influence on regional energy policy. Joint communication
                                                                  initiatives will be developed in partnership with public
                                                                  authorities, higher education and research bodies, and interest
                                                                  groups, to reach a more comprehensive audience, profiling and
                                                                  informing energy innovations and encouraging and
                                                                  empowering these groups to take ownership and leadership in
                                                                  the energy transition, beyond the project lifespan. The project
                                                                  group will also coordinate a strategic social media campaign,
                                                                  disseminating impacts and outputs in the field of energy, to
                                                                  regional and international stakeholders. Press releases and
                                                                  newsletters will be issued on an ongoing basis to disseminate
                                                                  pilot initiatives and regional policy changes, combining
                                                                  consortium audiences to maximise reach. A project website will
                                                                  be setup and updated regularly to communicate the various
                                                                  dissemination activities and main project outputs and impacts.
                                                                  Media assets also be developed to support visibility.
Durability and transferability of main outputs
                                                                  The proposed network will provide a critical mass with reach
How will the project ensure any project output listed above and   across the array of organisations and regions. As the HEATER
its results are applicable and replicable by other                predominantly has projects that are near completion or
organisations/regions/countries outside of the current            completed the existing partnerships can be primed for the
partnership?                                                      HEATER project, to maximise reach across the range of
                                                                 The resilience and mix of the existing partnerships which the
                                                                 HEATER partners are currently leading on make the HEATER
                                                                 project best placed to ensure a sustainable and resilient
How will the project ensure that any project output listed above duration. A second factor is the message being delivered. The
and its results have a lasting effect beyond project duration?   focus is on empowering communities into behaviour change to
                                                                 adapt and mitigate to the climate emergency, in short its a
                                                                 subject which will be a priority for the medium to long term,
                                                                 and a focus for all regions.
Please describe activities and deliverables within the work package
Activity Number           Activity Title             Activity Start Date        Actitity End Date
                          Collate all NPA projects
Activity T1.1                                        01.07.2021                 01.10.2021
                          outputs and results.
All four partners will reach out across the existing and previous partnerships for the main outputs, with a focus on learning
outcomes, tool kits, case studies, smart renewable energy solutions, energy storage solutions, smart remewable energy services,
and evidence of networks from previous projects.
                                                     Deliverable                Deliverable              Deliverable Delivery
Deliverable Number        Deliverable Title
                                                     Description                Targetvalue              Date

                                                           Page 16 of 32
This activity will collate
                                                      all the clustered project
                                                      outputs and results. This
                                                      will include ongoing
                           Summary Draft Report
Deliverable T1.1.1                                    outputs and results that                        1,00 10.2021
                           of Cluster Outputs
                                                      will continue to be
                                                      delivered during this
                                                      phase of the clustered
                           Evaluate the material
                           and outputs from
Activity T1.2              previous projects to       01.07.2021                   01.10.2021
                           establish the currency
                           and relevance.
This activity will be an analyses and evaluation of outputs and results collated from all the clustering projects to assess the value
of each and its impact on delivering the project objectives. This piece of work will also devise how each each of the cluster
project outcomes can be best tailored and presented in such a way as to maximise positive impact and deliver on the HEATER
                                                      Deliverable                  Deliverable              Deliverable Delivery
Deliverable Number         Deliverable Title
                                                      Description                  Targetvalue              Date
                                                      This report will
                                                      document the
                           Final Report of Cluster    evaluation and analyses
Deliverable T1.2.1                                                                                    1,00 10.2021
                           Outputs                    of the outputs and
                                                      results of the clustered
                           Design the network
                           across NPA regions
Activity T1.3                                         01.08.2021                   01.10.2021
                           using current and
                           previous partnerships
This activity will draw on all four partners and associated partners current networks and previously used networks in past and
current projects, in order to plan the organisation and operation of a new network which will have deeper reach across the
communities. It will also be designed to ensure it sustains beyond the life of the project, by encouraging and building new
interdependent relationships, and strengthening existing relationships.
                                                      Deliverable                  Deliverable              Deliverable Delivery
Deliverable Number         Deliverable Title
                                                      Description                  Targetvalue              Date
                                                      A summary of how the
                                                      new network can be
                                                      built on the networking
                                                      relationships of the
                           Summary of Network         partners, associated
Deliverable T1.3.1                                                                                    1,00 10.2021
                           Implementation Plan        partners, through
                                                      current and previous
                                                      projects, and also
                                                      through their various
                                                      stakeholder groupings.
                           Design communication
                           campaign and delivery
Activity T1.4              modes to selected target 01.09.2021                     01.11.2021
                           audiences. Also design
                           feedback measures.
HEATER will design a communication strategy and action plan of strategic communication activities to engage, educate, and
influence the attitude of the target groups towards the development of the main project outputs. The primary goal of the project
dissemination strategy is to combine and co-ordinate all project partners in the promotion and dissemination of project activities
and outputs, ensuring maximum engagement and boosting awareness among the target audience. The best practices and most
fundamental learnings of all four projects, will be combined and disseminated to key stakeholders. The plan will also devise
feedback measures to quantify the success of the communication activities.
                                                      Deliverable                  Deliverable              Deliverable Delivery
Deliverable Number         Deliverable Title
                                                      Description                  Targetvalue              Date
                                                  This plan will detail the
                                                  strategy, target groups,
                                                  communication tools
                           Communication Strategy
Deliverable T1.4.1                                and activities, feedback                            1,00 11.2021
                           and Action Plan
                                                  measurement, and
                                                  digital communication

                                                             Page 17 of 32
Deliver campaign of
                          events to disseminate
Activity T1.5                                        01.11.2021                  30.06.2022
                          Roadmap to all
The consortium will primarily utilise high visibility workshops, webinars and other thematic events, profiling energy efficiency
and renewable energy solutions on an ongoing basis to target the key stakeholder groups. Joint communication initiatives will be
developed in partnership with public authorities, higher education and research bodies, and interest groups, to reach a more
comprehensive audience, profiling and informing energy innovations and encouraging and empowering these groups to take
ownership and leadership in the energy transition, beyond the project lifespan.
                                                     Deliverable                 Deliverable                Deliverable Delivery
Deliverable Number        Deliverable Title
                                                     Description                 Targetvalue                Date
                                                     The campaign of
                                                     strategically targeted
                                                     communication events
                                                     and activities, will be
                                                     organised across the
                          Campaign and Ongoing
Deliverable T1.5.1                                   NPA region. it will be                           1,00 06.2022
                          Evaluation Exercise
                                                     combined with an
                                                     ongoing feedback and
                                                     evaluation mechanisms
                                                     to assess the impact of
                                                     the message.

Type: Communication

         WP Nr                    WP Title                WP Start date                 WP End date           WP Budget in EUR
C                         Communication              07.2021                     06.2022                   37.140,75
WP responsible partner                                              Ulster University
Partner involvement
                                                                    Name: Northern Ireland Housing Executive
                                                                    Role: LP
                                                                    Name: Letterkenny Institute of Technology Port Road
                                                                    Letterkenny F92 FC93
Partners involved                                                   Role: PP
                                                                    Name: Ulster University
                                                                    Role: PP
                                                                    Name: Oulu University of Applied Sciences
                                                                    Role: PP
Describe how the communication activities will be carried out in the project, on the strategic and operational level.


        structure, responsibilities and procedures for internal and external communications
        Adherence to EU and mandatory programme publicity requirements
        Responsible financing for quality communication tools of a professional standard
        Defining and targeting specific ‘target groups’ i.e. key project beneficiaries and likely end users, what methods will be
        Risks associated with communication activities

Given the relatively short duration of the project, a stand alone project website will not be created, instead the NPA mini website
will be used.

The HEATER Partnership are currently in detailed discussions with the GREENER Project to deliver a virtual launch event jointly,
inkeeping with the ethos of this Cluster Call.

All four partners are fully aware and will comply with the NPA Communication Guidelines, which will be highlighted at the first
virtual management meeting.

Communication (and adherence to guidelines) will be discussed at all management meetings. Ulster will provide communication
advice and support to all partners throughout the duration of the project. The LP (NIHE) will communicate regularly with all
other partners.

                                                             Page 18 of 32
Communication objectives - What           Approach/Tactics - How do you plan
Project specific objectives                      can communications do to reach a          to reach the communication
                                                 specific project objective?               objective?
                                                                                           As outlined in deliverables a range of
                                                                                           approaches will be taken to raise
                                                                                           awareness of HEATER - LinkedIn groups,
                                                Raise awareness
                                                                                           social media platform usage, website
Develop a network across local                                                             updates and wide-ranging stakeholder
communities in NPA regions to                                                              engagements
disseminate best practice from the key
outputs of LP previous projects                                                            HEATER will seek to influence attitude and
                                                                                           increase knowledge of low carbon smart
                                                Increase knowledge                         energy renewables and associated
                                                                                           technologies - particularly among younger
                                                                                           people groups.
Assimilate all the project outputs from
previous NPA projects across the
Virtual Transnational knowledge
education and empowerment using the
collated resources of the previous
projects, via the medium of the
established network.
Please describe activities and deliverables within the work package
Activity Number            Activity Title              Activity Start Date          Actitity End Date
                           Start-up activities
Activity C.1               including                   01.07.2021                   01.09.2021
                           communication s
All of the Start-up activities as identified in the NPA Guidelines will be delivered for the HEATER project.
                                                       Deliverable                  Deliverable                Deliverable Delivery
Deliverable Number         Deliverable Title
                                                       Description                  Targetvalue                Date
                                                       A project logo will be
Deliverable C.1.1          Project logo for HEATER                                                      1,00 09.2021
                                                       designed for HEATER
                                                   A description of the
                                                   HEATER project will be
                           Project description for
Deliverable C.1.2                                  finalised with input from                            1,00 09.2021
                           NPA website for HEATER
                                                   all partners for the NPA
                                                       A generic project poster
                           Project poster for
Deliverable C.1.3                                      will be designed for use                         1,00 09.2021
                                                       by all project partners
                                                       A presentation template
                                                       for HEATER will be
                           Presentation template
Deliverable C.1.4                                      produced and                                     1,00 09.2021
                           for HEATER
                                                       distributed to all project
                                                       partners for their use.
Activity Number            Activity Title              Activity Start Date          Actitity End Date
Activity C.2               Digital activities          01.07.2021                   30.06.2022
Given the nature of the project, most external communication activities will be online. A targeted HEATER Linkedin group will be
set up to disseminate project progress and findings to stakeholders and user groups. These will be updated regularly during the
project. A complete database of potential report readers and stakeholders will be collated and ready for use across the
                                                       Deliverable                  Deliverable                Deliverable Delivery
Deliverable Number         Deliverable Title
                                                       Description                  Targetvalue                Date
                                                       A Linkedin group will be
                                                       set up to communicate
                                                       and engage with
Deliverable C.2.1          Linkedin Group set up                                                        1,00 06.2022
                                                       relevant end users and
                                                       inform them of HEATER
                                                       project progress.

                                                              Page 19 of 32
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