Renewable Energy Scenarios - for Municipalities in South Africa January 2018 - CITY ENERGY
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Opportunities in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Municipalities in South Africa Contents 1 Introduction................................................................................................................2 1.1 Structure of This Booklet.............................................................................................2 2 What is Renewable Electricity Generation?............................................................3 2.1 Some Key Terms..........................................................................................................3 2.2 Overview of the Legislation.........................................................................................4 3 Procuring Renewable Electricity..............................................................................6 3.1 Scenario One: Procuring Electricity From a SSEG......................................................6 3.2 Scenario Two: Procuring Electricity From an IPP........................................................7 4 Generating Renewable Electricity............................................................................10 4.1 Scenario Three: Generating RE for Own Use..............................................................10 4.2 Scenario Four: Generating RE for Sale........................................................................11 5 Facilitating Additional Electricity Services..............................................................13 5.1 Scenario Five: Wheeling of Private Sector Electricity..................................................13 5.2 Scenario Six: Increasing Energy Access and Reducing Energy Poverty.....................14 5.3 Scenario Seven: Operating a Storage Facility.............................................................16 Produced by SALGA, in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Pretoria, January 2018 1
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa 1. Introduction The electricity industry is undergoing consider- ipalities. It is targeted at municipal councillors able changes around the world. The key global and officials and outlines several possible sce- trend in the electricity sector is to move away narios that a municipality may be faced with. The from centralised generation and distribution booklet also outlines some ways in which mu- monopolies to more localised and integrated nicipalities can respond to changes in the sector. electricity systems. Increasingly, new play- ers are becoming involved in generating and This booklet is part of a series of booklets about distributing electricity at a local level. There is Energy and Electricity for Municipalities. This also a growing trend towards digitisation and booklet is about Renewable Energy. Another alternative low-carbon electricity technologies. booklet in the series is about Opportunities for This is driven by a reduction in the costs of Municipalities in Energy Efficiency. Other book- renewable energy technologies, such as so- lets are under preparation, including a booklet lar photovoltaic and wind turbines, combined on the Challenges in the Electricity Distribution with increasing integration with telecommuni- Industry. The purpose of the series of booklets is cations networks through smart metering. to provide municipalities with information on key topics within the energy and electricity sector that These trends are also becoming visible in South Af- have implications for the role of municipalities in rica, which has a traditional monopolistic electricity energy and electricity. The booklets also provide industry. Eskom has been the primary generator guidance on dealing with the various issues as and transmitter of electricity, with bulk electricity well as access to additional resources. being distributed to customers by both Eskom and municipalities through local grids. However, there 1.1 Structure of This Booklet is now an emerging trend where municipalities This booklet summarises three primary areas of and consumers (such as local businesses and res- potential change, linked to the renewable ener- idents) are beginning to generate their own elec- gy trends. These are: tricity. This is due to high electricity tariff increases, • Procuring electricity supply constraints and load shedding, cost reduc- • Generating electricity tion and increasing environmental awareness. This • Facilitating electricity results in both a reduction in demand for electricity and an increase in new players in the market. Within each of these sections, possible scenarios facing municipalities are presented, outlining the Changes in the electricity sector have the po- key challenges and possible ways in which munici- tential to create both risks and opportunities for palities can respond to these trends and challenges. municipalities. Without adequate preparation, municipalities may not be able to adapt quickly It is important to note that this is a snapshot in enough to the changing market. This could have time representing the status quo in early 2018. a significant impact on income streams for mu- The renewable energy sector is very dynamic, nicipalities, as well as result in a potential loss of and opportunities and risks are evolving con- opportunities in the new emerging sector. stantly. However, by proactively engaging with the changing environment of the electricity sector, The purpose of this booklet, therefore, is to pro- municipalities can continue to ensure that com- vide background information on the current key munities have access to affordable, sustainable topics in relation to renewable energy in munic- and simplified electricity services into the future. 2
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa 2. What is Renewable Electricity Generation? Renewable electricity (RE) is generated by ogies, such as coal, nuclear and various renew- resources that are easily replenished, such able energy technologies. as wind, solar, biomass and hydro power. Re- newable electricity generation, therefore, re- Independent Power Producer (IPP) fers to electricity from non-traditional forms An IPP is defined as an entity in which the of base load generation, such as large-scale government or any organ of state does not coal and nuclear. Renewable energy is much hold controlling ownership that undertakes or more scalable than traditional forms of elec- intends to undertake the development of new tricity, with installations ranging in size from generation capacity. small residential ones to large-scale wind farms. However, they are limited by the avail- Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) ability of the renewable resources and often An LCOE is way of calculating the value of a a mix of technologies is required to accom- unit of electricity (at present Rand value) over modate fluctuations in resource availability. the lifetime of a generating asset. LCOE con- RE may also involve additional investment in siders a range of factors, such as financing, the electricity grid infrastructure to allow for a fuel, operational and maintenance costs, to more flexible flow of electricity. determine a price for electricity generated from a particular installation. LCOE costs are often 2.1 Some Key Terms required for financing large-scale RE projects. Balancing Costs Balancing costs are the costs of having elec- Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) tricity reserves in place to accommodate the A PPA is a contract that outlines the conditions of difference in forecasted generation and the an agreement by a generator of energy and a pur- actual generation from RE facilities. For exam- chaser of that energy. PPAs are usually long term ple, a wind farm may forecast production of and specify the rate at which the electricity will be 100MWh but only manages to produce 80MWh. bought for between the period of the agreement. The system still needs to have the additional 20MWh in reserve. The cost of maintaining this Renewable Energy Independent Power reserve is called the balancing cost. Producer Procurement (REIPPP) The REIPPP Programme was set up by Grid Parity the state to add new sources to the ener- Grid parity refers to a situation where the cost gy mix in South Africa, as defined in the IRP. of producing energy from a renewable energy Through the REIPPP, renewable energy is source is similar to, or less than, the cost of pur- purchased from IPPs and connected to the chasing energy from the traditional electricity grid. national electricity grid. For more info see: Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) The IRP is the National Electricity Plan and is a Small-Scale Embedded Generator (SSEG) subset of the Integrated Energy Plan (IEP). The Small-scale embedded generation refers to IRP directs the expansion of the electricity sup- power generation facilities located at residential, ply over the long term. The IRP lists targets for commercial or industrial sites where the electric- generation of electricity from different technol- ity is generally also consumed. These are mainly 3
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, but also include lution on the financial benefits of the con- other technologies such as wind and biogas. A tract and authorised the municipal man- SSEG customer generates electricity on the cus- ager to sign the contract on behalf of the tomer’s side of the municipal electricity meter, to municipality. which the generation equipment is connected, and which is synchronised with the municipal The Electricity Regulation Act (No. 4 of 2006) electricity grid (i.e. ‘embedded’). and the Electricity Regulation Amendment Act (No. 28 of 2007) defines ‘municipality’ that Wheeling has executive authority and rights to reticulate Wheeling refers to the transportation of elec- electricity within its boundary. These regula- tricity from a generator to a customer using the tions provide municipalities with the ‘authority electricity grid. Since the wheeling of electric function’ of energy reticulation. This function energy requires the use of transmission and/or includes the development of policies, drafting distribution infrastructure, there is often an asso- by-laws, setting tariffs, deciding how energy re- ciated fee paid by the users to the infrastructure ticulation services are provided and regulating owners. This fee is called ‘use of system charge’. the provision of these services in terms of the by-laws and other mechanisms. 2.2 Overview of the Legislation Electricity Distribution Mandate New Generation Regulations The Constitution of the Republic South Afri- Over and above the energy reticulation mandate, ca (No. 108 of 1996) assigns to municipalities there are also a number of regulations and rules the responsibility for administering services to that provide guidance on how municipalities can communities in a sustainable way, including deal with new generation in their areas of control. electricity reticulation and street lights. Some of these are summarised below: The Municipal Systems Act (No. 32 of 1998) Electricity Regulation Act, 2006. New Gener- defines the roles of municipalities as service ation Regulations of 2011 (published as GNR. authorities and assigns to municipalities the 399 in Government Gazette No. 34262 dated right to determine the service provider that will 4 May 2011) provides regulations targeted spe- distribute electricity within their boundaries. cifically at government structures and outlines the rules for the procurement and new gener- The Municipal Finance Management Act (No. 56 ation capacity of electricity by organs of state. of 2003) outlines the requirements for municipal- The regulations state that the Minister of Energy ities to set tariffs for service provision, including may make a determination as to whether any electricity tariffs. Section 33 of the MFMA stip- new generation capacity shall be established ulates that a municipality can only enter into a by Eskom, another organ of state or an Inde- contract imposing financial obligations on the pendent Power Producer (IPP). If the new gen- municipality beyond a three-year period if: eration capacity is established by an IPP then • A draft of the contract is publicly adver- the Minister may also determine the identity tised for comment 60 days prior to the of the buyer or, where applicable, the procur- municipal council meeting at which the er and the buyer. The REIPPP is a programme contract will be considered for approval. managed through such determination. • The municipal council has considered the financial implications of the contract and The New Generation Regulations are important any comments received on the proposed for municipalities to take into account, particu- contract. larly if they are intending to procure electricity • The municipal council has adopted a reso- from an IPP. The potential impact of the New 4
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa Generation Regulations for municipalities is tricity is supplied either directly, through wheel- discussed under sections 3 and 4. ing or to a facility on the same property, does not need a generation licence but is required Electricity Regulation Act, 2006. Schedule 2 to be registered with NERSA. These types of Licensing Exemption And Registration Notice systems also have to enter into a connection (2018) defines which energy generation activi- and use-of-the-system agreement with the lo- ties are exempt from the requirement to apply cal electricity distributor. These examples are for and hold a licence. However, these activities covered in more detail in the scenarios overleaf. must be registered with the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA). There are many different types of exemptions that are potentially relevant for municipalities. For example, one of the new exemptions is that a system with installed capacity of no more than one megawatt (1MW), and where the elec- 5
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa 3. Procuring Renewable Electricity The first broad area of transition linked to re- What are the Key Challenges? newable electricity is where the municipality is If there is no system in place to accommodate presented with the option of procuring elec- SSEGs (such as an application form), it is like- tricity from generators other than Eskom. This ly they will proceed to connect to the distribu- could be from embedded small-scale genera- tion grid in an uncontrolled manner. This could tors (SSEGs) which have excess electricity that cause safety risks when there is a need for grid they wish to sell to the municipality or projects maintenance and it is not clear whether or not run by Independent Power Producers (IPPs) there are SSEGs feeding into the grid. set up specifically to sell electricity. There is also a risk of loss of income to mu- 3.1 Scenario One: Procuring nicipalities that distribute electricity, as a result Electricity from a SSEG of increasing numbers of SSEGs purchasing What is the Scenario? less electricity from municipalities once they One of the most common scenarios a municipal- have invested in their own RE systems. This ity is presented with is when a small-scale em- migration of customers could be motivated by bedded generator (SSEG) has excess electricity security of supply, cheaper electricity or envi- that can be fed back into a municipal grid. In ronmental concerns. this scenario, an existing customer who is con- nected to the municipal grid installs an electricity The loss of customers could be further inten- generation system, such as solar photovoltaic sified if tariffs are increased to try and com- panels or mini wind turbines. The customer is pensate for a decrease in revenue, pushing not able to use all the electricity generated by up prices further. This creates an additional in- the SSEG system and would therefore like to sell centive for customers to migrate to renewable the excess electricity to the municipality. energy. It is, therefore, important to ensure that the municipality establishes the correct pricing structure to ensure that all customers, including customers with SSEG, contribute to the cost of maintaining the grid. SSEGs intending to sell electricity to munici- palities could fall into one of the categories for exemption from licensing in terms of the new “Schedule 2 Licensing Exemption And Regis- tration Notice (2018)”. For example, a solar PV rooftop installation that is 1MW or smaller in- stalled on a property that is connected directly to the municipal grid will not need a generation licence. However, they will still be required to be registered with NERSA and sign a connec- tion and use-of-the-system agreement with the municipality. Credit: GIZ/Glenn McCreath 6
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa Resource Tip What Should You Not Do? See the Small-Scale Embedded Generation Municipalities should not ignore SSEGs. There Impact Model to assess the potential impacts of is a risk that uncontrolled grid connection will SSEGs on municipal revenue: cause safety risks on the grid. Not responding to requests from SSEGs will also cause cus- tomer frustration and may force them to relo- cate or withdraw from the grid entirely. What Should You Do? Municipalities need to ensure there is a holistic What is the Way Forward? system in place to accommodate SSEGs con- These are some of the requirements: necting to the local grid. The components of • Finalisation of the NERSA regulatory rules this system should include: for SSEG to clarify the regulatory frame- • Revision of the metering and billing sys- work. tem (to allow for bi-directional flows of • Finalisation of technical standards or electricity). guidelines, for example, for wiring code or • Definition of the requirements for a gener- metering requirements. ator to connect to the municipal grid and • National registry and reporting systems for the adoption of a clear application pro- SSEGs. cess for SSEGs. • Support for municipalities in electricity tar- • Design of embedded generation tariffs iff design. and an assessment of their implications • Additional capacity (human resources) to for the municipality and for customers. be allocated by electricity departments to • Establishment of an embedded genera- this new area of work. tion tariff that is approved by NERSA. • Electricity distribution departments to in- • Setting up a system for monitoring and re- clude new approaches into their work to porting on SSEG installations, as required retain customers and develop new reve- by NERSA. nue streams. • A communications campaign highlighting the new SSEG system and how the tariff 3.2 Scenario Two: Procuring was designed. Electricity from an IPP What is the Scenario? Resource Tip There are Independent Power Producers (IPP) The AMEU SALGA SSEG Resource Pack provides templates for municipalities to establish that would like to set up an electricity gener- sound SSEG permitting procedures. More documents ation facility for the primary purpose of gener- are under development and will be added to the pack, ating electricity and selling it to a municipality which currently contains the following five documents: at a rate that is competitive when compared to • Technical Requirements for Embedded the Eskom bulk tariff. In this scenario, a munic- Generation: ipality is considering purchasing electricity from uploads/resource_410.pdf these IPPs. • Application Form: za/uploads/resource_412.pdf What are the Key Challenges? • Commissioning Report: http://www.cityenergy. For IPPs to have a viable business model they will often require a long-term power purchase • Customer Service Contract: http://www. agreement (PPA) with a municipality at a particu- lar tariff. It is widespread practice for PPAs to in- • Decommissioning Report: http://www.cityenergy. clude tariff escalation over time. A key risk is that the tariff escalation may result in the municipality 7
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa paying in the long term for renewable electricity at a higher rate than the bulk electricity price. Case Study: City of Cape Town The City of Cape Town (CoCT) initiated a There are also challenges related to capacity process to purchase electricity from IPPs within municipalities to adequately manage to meet its renewable energy and climate the technical and financial complexity intro- change commitments. From the outset the duced by projects of this nature. For example, CoCT acknowledged that the IPP would the intermittent supply of renewable energy need to obtain a generation licence from projects (only when the wind blows or the sun NERSA. However, NERSA indicated that shines) requires high levels of electricity de- there was a requirement for a ministerial mand-and-supply planning and tariff modelling. determination for it to grant generation licences, as per Section 34 of the Electricity There are also risks related to the current regula- Regulation Act (No 4 of 2006). Following two tions in South Africa regarding the procurement years of unsuccessful discussions between of electricity by municipalities. The key regula- the CoCT, NERSA and the Department of tions that impact licensing of IPPs are the Elec- Energy, the Minister of Energy refused to tricity Regulation Act 4 of 2006 (ERA), and the gazette the determination. New Generation Regulations of 2011 (NGR). The ERA states that ‘no person may operate a gen- In 2017 the CoCT initiated legal proceed- eration facility without a licence issued by NER- ings against NERSA and the Minister re- SA, unless exempt by the ERA as per Schedule questing the court to allow the municipality 2’. The NGR states that the Minister of Energy to buy electricity directly from the IPP. The may make a ‘Section 34 Ministerial Determina- basis of the court application is to test tion’, which allows for new generation to take whether a ministerial determination is in place and determines to whom this electricity fact needed (or is just a possibility) and, can be sold. In effect, a Section 34 determina- if the determination is needed, to test the tion from the Minister of Energy may be needed constitutionality of Section 34 of the Elec- for a municipality to purchase electricity from an tricity Regulation Act and the ministerial IPP. This could be a very lengthy process with determination process. no guarantee of a positive outcome. This read- ing of the regulations is, however, currently being challenged in the courts (see case study below). 8
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa What Should You Do? Resource Tip The following steps outline a possible starting Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality is currently following the process as described above. The point for a municipality intending to explore the eThekwini Municipality has a draft PPA that can be possibility of procuring electricity from IPPs. used as a template for other PPAs. See: These steps have been developed based on lessons from municipalities that have started to experiment with RE procurement. What Should You Not Do? ŦŦ Step1 – Assess the need and set targets Many municipalities are approached by pro- for alternative electricity procurement spective IPPs with unsolicited bids requesting and generation. This assessment should municipalities to sign memoranda of under- take into account costs not necessarily standing (MoU) or PPAs that will allow them to reflected in the tariff, such as additional generate electricity for the municipality. A PPA grid management costs. This assessment without a formal procurement process should could lead to a general energy procure- NOT be entered into with an IPP. ment strategy for the municipality which would analyse all scenarios and options What Is the Way Forward? and their respective costs. These are some of the requirements: ŦŦ Step 2 – Develop a local energy supply • Secure policy clarity from the Department plan to define the best mix for a diversified of Energy and other national departments energy supply portfolio. around the scope for municipalities to procure ŦŦ Step 3 – Ensure that NERSA and Treasury their own electricity. This could include the fol- (national and provincial) are aware of the lowing, or a combination of the following: municipality’s intention to investigate pro- • Specific allocation for municipal RE curement from IPPs. projects within the IRP with determi- ŦŦ Step 4 – Develop a standard PPA that can nations from the Minister. be used for IPPs. • An implementation programme un- ŦŦ Step 5 – Draft terms of reference for the der the IRP, which could be managed procurement of electricity from IPPs, out- in partnership with with IPP Office, lining the size and technology limitations. for example, where a municipal IPP ŦŦ Step 6 – Conduct a procurement process procurement programme could be and assess the offers made by different developed and managed. IPPs. • Dedicated support from NERSA for ŦŦ Step 7 – Award preferred IPPs, subject to assisting the IPPs through the licens- the Section 33 process of the Municipal ing process. Finance Management Act (MFMA) of 2003 • Municipalities developing their own being concluded (i.e. approval to commit individual programmes. the city budget for a period exceeding • Conduct evidence-based research to three years) and the necessary electricity quantify the costs and benefits of such generation licences being obtained by the programmes to strengthen the municipal IPP from NERSA. and SALGA lobbying position. ŦŦ Step 8 – Conclude a final agreement on a • Undertake pilot projects (once policy clari- PPA between the municipality and the IPP, ty and evidence-based research is in place) based on conclusion of the licensing and through the most capacitated municipalities. section 33 processes. • Share lessons learnt and tools, such as ŦŦ Step 9 – Conduct a grid connection as- standardised PPAs, terms of reference sessment. and technical specifications, from these pilot projects with other municipalities. 9
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa 4. Generating Renewable Electricity The second broad area of transition linked to re- proves the handover and long-term functional- newable electricity is where a municipality gen- ity of the system. erates its own electricity from renewable sourc- es. This could be through the installation of a The steps that can be followed include: solar photovoltaic system, biogas digester or a ŦŦ Step 1 – Assessment of the renewable en- range of other renewable energy technologies. ergy resources available in the municipal- ity to help determine which technologies 4.1 Scenario Three: Generating to focus on. This assessment could lead RE for Own Use to a general energy procurement strategy What is the Scenario? for the municipality which would analyse The municipality may decide to install a renew- all scenarios and options and their respec- able energy system on existing infrastructure or tive costs. buildings. This size of installation is designed to ŦŦ Step 2 - Assess the need and set targets supplement the electricity use of the infrastruc- for alternative electricity generation and ture, but may also have excess energy to feed procurement. into the grid during less-busy periods. ŦŦ Step 3 – Assessment of infrastructure (e.g. wastewater treatment works, building roofs, What are the Key Challenges? parking lots, etc.) for possible integration of The primary risk with these types of smaller in- alternative electricity technologies. stallations is the upfront capital cost associated ŦŦ Step 4 – Conduct a feasibility study of po- with the technology. For example, a one mega- tential installations. watt (1MW) solar photovoltaic roof-top system ŦŦ Step 5 – Ensure a budget allocation for the may cost R15 million. As a result, there needs installation in the Medium-Term Expendi- to be careful assessment of the financial impact ture Framework (MTEF). of the installation over a long-term period. ŦŦ Step 6 – Issue a terms of reference for installations and conduct a procurement Resource Tip process. See the CSIR’s “A Guideline for Public Entities on Cost-efficient Procurement of PV assets”: https:// What Should You Not Do? Municipalities should not install small-scale What Should You Do? systems that have very long payback periods The installation of renewable energy systems (e.g. longer than 15 years) as this could be con- will typically follow a standard supply chain sidered wasteful expenditure. Municipalities management process. It is also common should also not install systems that are inap- practice to finance an installation of this size propriate to the available resources. The design from the municipal budget rather than sourc- and size of the installations should match the ing finance from an external agency. It is good available resources (wind, sunshine) and the practice to include at least a three-year main- potential use for the electricity. tenance component in the installation contract, or even longer for more complex installations. What is the Way Forward? Lessons learnt from pilot projects have shown These are some of the requirements: that having a maintenance contract greatly im- • Easily accessible renewable energy re- 10
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa source information at a municipal level There are also various legislative and licensing (e.g. fine-scale wind and solar maps). requirements. The municipality will need to ap- • Support in identifying funding for pilot ply for an electricity generation licence and reg- projects. ister the plant with NERSA (if it is above 1MW). • Standardised procurement documents and The municipality may also need a determination technical specifications for installations. from the Minister of Energy to go ahead with the installation (refer to Scenario Two for more Resource Tip information on this). There are a number of case studies on municipal RE projects available on http://www.cityenergy. What Should You Do? Installations of this nature should be treated part- 4.2 Scenario Four: Generating ly as infrastructure investment projects and partly RE for Sale as potential income-generation projects (resulting What is the Scenario? from the generation and sale of electricity). A municipality may decide to install a renewable energy plant for the specific purpose of gener- The following steps should be considered when ating electricity and feeding into the electricity embarking on a project of this nature: grid. This could be in the form of a waste-to-en- ŦŦ Step 1 – Assess the renewable energy ergy project, solar farm, wind farm or other type resources available in the municipality to of renewable energy installation. determine which technologies to focus on. ŦŦ Step 2 – Assess the need and set targets What are the Key Challenges? for alternative electricity generation and Medium and large-scale electricity generation procurement. This assessment could lead facilities can be very expensive. They require to a general energy procurement strategy advanced technical, financial, contractual and for the municipality which would analyse project skills. Careful financial planning will be all scenarios and options and their respec- needed during the planning process. tive costs. 11
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa Credit: GIZ/Glenn McCreath ŦŦ Step 3 – Assess infrastructure (e.g. waste- It is current best practice to include an opera- water treatment works, building roofs, tional and maintenance component in the scope parking lots, etc.) for the possible integra- of work or the terms of reference, where the tion of alternative electricity technologies. external service provider will initially ensure the ŦŦ Step 4 – Calculate a levelised cost of elec- operation and maintenance of the facility, as well tricity (LCOE) for the potential installation. as the transfer of knowledge to the municipality. ŦŦ Step 5 – Conduct a feasibility study of po- tential installations. What Is the Way Forward? ŦŦ Step 6 – Investigate financing options, These are some of the requirements: which could include different types of • Ensure there is a clear framework for mu- ownership and investment options. nicipal energy generation projects, for ŦŦ Step 7 – Issue a terms of reference for in- example, through an implementation pro- stallations and conduct the procurement gramme under the IRP, in partnership with process. the IPP office, where municipal RE projects could be supported (refer to Scenario Two). A LCOE is recommended as it takes into account • Dedicated support from NERSA to assist the financing, operational and maintenance municipal RE projects through the licens- costs, as well as other costs, over the entire lifes- ing process. pan of the project. This will provide an accurate • Work with National Treasury and other finan- ‘best value’ assessment with comparison to oth- cial institutions to unlock funding support and/ er sources of electricity, such as Eskom. It will or surety for the investment in RE projects. also assist in securing financing for the project if required. There is currently a debate about how to include the co-benefits of renewable energy installations in LCOE assessments. 12
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa 5. Facilitating Additional Electricity Services The third broad area of transition linked to re- newable electricity is where the municipality plays a facilitator role in the sector. The munici- pality could grant non-discriminatory third-par- ty access to the grid to create an enabling envi- ronment for new generation capacity, promote alternative uses of energy as a service delivery option or even develop electricity storage ca- pacity as an economic driver. 5.1 Scenario Five: Wheeling of Private Sector Electricity Wheeling refers to the transport of electricity on a grid. To better understand wheeling electricity, it is useful to think of a road network analogy. If a road network is well run and allows for several types of vehicles, there is increased potential for economic development and social upliftment Credit: GIZ/Glenn McCreath opportunities. However, it is also important that there is budget for the maintenance of the road by stating there should be ‘non-discriminatory network. network access to all users of the transmission or distribution system’. NERSA has developed If this analogy is applied to the electricity grid guidelines and ‘Rules on network charges for it would make sense to allow other entities to third-party transportation of energy’, which out- make use of the grid. This would stimulate eco- line the process for calculating ‘use-of-system nomic opportunities and social development by charges’. Significant issues have been raised allowing for new users of the network. However, by municipalities and the sector regarding users help to pay for the ongoing maintenance these rules and, as a result, NERSA is current- of the grid. ly undergoing a consultation process to review the rules and regulations. What is the Scenario? An opportunity may arise where an IPP wants Another risk with wheeling is that the munici- to sell electricity to a customer who is connect- pality may lose the customer who is buying ed to the municipal grid. In this scenario, the electricity through a wheeling process. This IPP requests access from the municipality to can be partly managed if the tariff for grid ‘wheel’, or transport, electricity through the grid usage is properly set, which should enable to another entity or customer. the municipality to recover a large portion of the costs of managing the grid. However, the What are the Key Challenges? loss of cross-subsidisation from this customer The main risk with wheeling is that it is difficult would require a revision of the municipal reve- to determine how much to charge users of the nue model to identify other areas of income for grid. The ERA makes provision for wheeling cross-subsidisation. 13
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa A final challenge with wheeling is the increased grid, and support and capacity building to administration burden associated with new develop and analyse the cost-of-supply types of customers. For example, the billing studies in municipalities. system would need to be revised to accom- • Finalisation of NERSA rules and guide- modate wheeling charges and to differentiate lines and ‘Rules on network charges for between electricity provided as municipal elec- third-party transportation of energy’. tricity and electricity provided by a third party. • Greater understanding of the impact on municipal revenue (through the cost-of- supply study) and on the municipality’s ca- Resource Tip Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality pacity to cross-subsidise electricity from (NMBM) has initiated a wheeling agreement other revenue streams. process for green power trading. The Metro initially set a grid usage charge of 7% of the value of the electricity 5.2 Scenario Six: Increasing sold. This was later revised to 20% following a detailed cost-of-supply study. See: Energy Access and Reducing za/uploads/resource_341.pdf Energy Poverty The final scenario relates to additional elec- tricity services where municipalities provide What Should You Do? alternative energy services to households to in- Currently, there is uncertainty over estimating crease energy access and fight energy poverty. costs for the grid ‘system charges’. It is critical for municipalities to ensure that a cost-reflec- What is the Scenario? tive tariff for wheeling is charged so that the Opportunities exist for municipalities to provide municipality can recover all the costs associat- a basket of renewable and alternative energy ed with the grid. services to households that do not have access to grid-connected electricity. This could be The steps that a municipality could follow to fa- mainly in areas, such as informal settlements, cilitate wheeling include the following: where this is no grid infrastructure. It could • Conduct a detailed cost-of-supply study also be relevant in grid-connected areas where to determine the cost of the grid usage, supply is constrained, or where households are following the methodology from NERSA. energy-poor. • Establish an overall strategy for wheeling, including the aims and long-term implica- The basket of energy services may include a tions of wheeling. combination of gas stoves, solar water heat- • Draft a generic connection and use-of- ers, solar chargers and energy efficient light- system agreement. ing. These can be used instead of fuel sources, • Revise the billing system to accommodate such as paraffin, that contribute to the risk of wheeling charges and third-party sales. fires and air pollution. What Should You Not Do? Other benefits include reduced peak electricity Municipalities should not allow service provid- consumption, reduced theft of electricity, and ers to use the grid for wheeling without paying opportunities for small business development. for this usage. Resource Tip What Is the Way Forward? For information on effective solar water heating These are some of the requirements: programs see ‘Review of best practise solar water heating implementation by local government’. • A clear methodology and process for de- termining cost of supply for the electricity 14
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa Municipalities could also consider setting up ipality and the user. These include operational micro- or mini-grids. Mini-grids are smaller, de- and maintenance costs, as well as other factors centralised grids that often have renewable en- such as safety, levels of services and practica- ergy components and provide basic electricity bility for the users. needs to communities. A mini-grid pilot project is under development in Raymond Mhlaba Lo- What should you do? cal Municipality in the Eastern Cape. An appropriate basket of alternative energy technologies depends on the existing energy Resource Tip requirements of beneficiaries and communities. For more information on mini-grids, see ‘Energy Typically, this varies from community to com- Access in South Africa a toolkit for developing munity. Planning and research are, therefore, successful green mini-grids’: important parts of the process. The steps to For more information on alternative household energy follow could include: access, see the chapter on household energy access ŦŦ Step 1 – Conduct community surveys to in the ‘Sustainable energy solutions for South African gain an understanding of existing energy local government – A practical guide’: http://www. behaviour and financial affordability within a particular community. ŦŦ Step 2 – Select a sub-set of alternative What are the Key Challenges? technologies that are appropriate for the The key risk with offering alternative energy ser- community. vices is push-back from community members ŦŦ Step 3 – Conduct stakeholder consulta- who see it as a sub-standard service. It is import- tion processes that clearly communicate ant to manage the stakeholder consultation pro- the intention of the programme and ex- cess when initiating programmes of this nature. plain the technology. ŦŦ Step 4 - Pilot different combinations of the There also needs to be careful consideration of alternative technology in different areas. the long-term implications, for both the munic- 15
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa What is the way forward? required to ensure investment is made in appro- These are some of the requirements: priate technology. • Assistance with assessing and developing baskets of alternative energy options. What should you do? • Assistance with communicating the via- The steps to follow with storage facilities are bility of alternative energy technologies, the same as those for generation facilities (see particularly in communities that cannot be Section 4.2). It should be re-emphasised that electrified. storage options are currently very expensive for • Share learnings from the mini-grid pilot municipalities, despite this being a rapidly de- project in Raymond Mhlaba Local Munici- veloping field. Implementing time-of-use tariffs pality to enable further development if and could assist in making these storage options where found feasible. slightly more feasible. 5.3 Scenario Seven: Operating What should you not do? a Storage Facility Municipalities should be cautious about invest- Energy storage facilities store excess electricity ing in storage facilities as some technologies generated in times of lower demand for use at a can be prohibitively expensive. However, it is later stage when demand is high. In South Africa also worth noting that there is currently signif- the most common storage facilities are hydro- icant international investment and local studies electric pumped-storage schemes that make in electricity storage technologies. In future use of potential energy, and solar water heaters these technologies may be a much more viable and concentrated solar power plants that store option for consideration. heat energy. Batteries are another way to store electricity for later use, and could be used to provide storage where renewable energy instal- lations produce electricity intermittently. What is the Scenario? A municipality may consider investing in elec- tricity storage facilities, such as large-scale batteries and pump-storage schemes, to store excess electricity for use at times of peak de- mand or in the event of load shedding. In some instances, storage technologies can also be used in place of grid upgrades. At this stage, storage technology is a very expensive option for municipalities. However, electricity storage is seen as a key component of long-term renewable energy base load op- tions. The field is evolving rapidly, with contin- uous technological innovation and investment. What are the Key Challenges? As with electricity generation systems, the key risk is the capital cost associated with installa- tions of this nature. Careful planning is therefore 16
Renewable Energy Scenarios for Municipalities in South Africa Notes 17
For further information please contact SALGA energy unit Nhlanhla Ngidi: Lungile Manzini: 012 369 8000 For additional resources see: Head Office Physical Address: Menlyn Corporate Park, Telephone: (012) 369 8000 Block B, 175 Corobay Avenue, Cnr Garsfontein Fax: (012) 369 8001 and Corobay, Waterkloof Glen ext11, Pretoria In Partnership with
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