Parks Australia science news - Bait Technology

Page created by Ruth Malone
Parks Australia science news - Bait Technology
Parks Australia science news
Edition 8 — July 2020

Welcome to the 8th edition of the Parks Australia science news. In this edition we take a second trip to Ashmore
Reef and share results from the first voyage. We also check in on Booderee’s eastern quolls, get an update on
the Christmas Island blue-tailed skink translocation, and see how Kakadu has made use of the recent lockdown
to undertake an opportune survey.

Field highlights from Ashmore Reef
In July last year, we took you to the heart of the Timor Sea, tracking the adventures of an intrepid
team of scientists that spent two weeks surveying the islands of Ashmore Reef Marine Park. These
tiny dots in the middle of the ocean are a magnet for seabirds, turtles and shorebirds, some of which
travel many hundreds of miles to eat, rest and breed.

Learn more about the vegetation, bird and invasive species surveys the team completed during the
first half of the Ashmore Environmental Assessment Project by reading Ashmore Reef Marine Park:
An Indian Ocean Oasis which was published in 4th edition of the Parks Australia Science
Newsletter. If you’re short on time, you can just watch the short video below.
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Ashmore Reef Marine Park: an isolated sanctuary

Ashmore Environmental Assessment Project

The project set out to see how life is fairing at Ashmore Reef and what management steps will be
needed to address threats to this ecosystem. In this article, we’ll share some field highlights from the
second half of the project and overall project results.

In mid-2019, a different team of scientists from institutes across Australia, including CSIRO and the
University of Western Australia, gathered in Broome for the 30-hour trip to the marine park. Their
mission was to assess the health of the reefs and seagrass beds that surround the islands and
survey the marine species that call these habitats home. Globally, Ashmore Reef is known for its
internationally significant populations of birds: 15 seabird and four heron species have been observed
breeding on the islands, many other seabird species roost there and a further 30 species of migratory
shorebird stop over on their journey along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway.

However, under the waves, Ashmore’s biodiversity truly comes to the fore: 275 species of coral and
over 750 species of fish have been recorded here, along with many, many more invertebrate species.
Notably this list includes 47 species of sea cucumber, 178 species of echinoderms (e.g., sea stars
and urchins) and 433 molluscs. This diversity is significantly higher than nearby reefs. Green,
hawksbill and loggerhead turtles breed and feed here, and the West Island lagoon is home to a small
dugong population. Historically, Ashmore was a recognised global hotspot for sea snakes but
populations started to decline in the early 2000s and in recent years, only a handful of animals have
been sighted.

Assessing the health of such a diverse marine ecosystem is challenging, with many different
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components to consider. The team focused on completing comprehensive surveys of the coral reef
communities, with a specific focus on trochus, giant clams, sea cucumbers, sea snakes, fish and
sharks. They also assessed benthic cover of coral, macroalgae and seagrass, and took a closer look
at the biomass and productivity of the seagrass beds. The principal survey method used followed a
globally standardised Underwater Visual Census approach; however, a very important aspect of this
project was trialling innovative technologies and survey techniques.

Like many of the Australian Marine Parks, Ashmore Reef Marine Park is remote. Typically, this
means that conducting science is expensive and opportunities are few and far between, so we’re
always looking for ways to improve our research efficiency. On this trip, CSIRO scientists trialled the
environmental DNA (eDNA) approach to monitor marine biodiversity, filtering approximately 700
kilograms of seawater from 110 sites around Ashmore Reef. The method involves sieving tiny genetic
remnants from seawater samples and comparing their unique “fingerprints” against databases to
identify species. While still relatively new, the eDNA approach promises enormous benefits, from
detecting species that like to stay hidden to vastly reducing the time it takes to complete biodiversity

Zebra shark on Ashmore Reef. Image credit: Ru Somaweera.

What has the project told us?

The Ashmore Reef voyages might be a distant, tropical memory for the project team, but the work
hasn’t stopped. In the intervening months, they’ve been processing and analysing the huge amounts
of data (more than 50,000 observations) collected. The results are now in, and overall they reinforce
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the message that Ashmore Reef is an ecosystem worth taking great care of.

The status and diversity of seabirds and shorebirds appears healthy, with an increase in the number
of adults observed across several species since at least 2014. There has also been an expansion in
breeding territory for a handful of species including the lesser frigatebird, brown and red-footed
booby, sooty tern and brown noddy. For the first two species, the data indicates that ≥1% of their
global population depends on Ashmore Reef, adding further weight to the marine park’s Ramsar

Introduced species, known to occur on Ashmore’s islands were also assessed. The invasive tropical
fire ant, believed to have been introduced in the 1990s, showed evidence of recovery from an earlier
pilot control project and was found on all three islands. Encouragingly, despite targeted searching, no
clear evidence of interference with nesting seabirds or turtle eggs was observed. Based on the
impacts tropical fire ants have had elsewhere, these findings suggest we need to clarify what is
happening on Ashmore’s islands before we settle on the best management strategy.

Asian house geckos and a number of weed species, particularly buffel grass, were also the subject of
targeted surveys. Geckos were found in abundance on native octopus bushes (Heliotropium
foertherianum) on West Island but further research will be needed to determine if their presence is
having an impact, for example on invertebrate communities. The hardy, fast-growing buffel grass, as
well as a number of other threatening weeds, were found to be well established on West Island. The
presence of these weeds is a cause for concern because they can out-compete native species. At
Ashmore, this could potentially have important ramifications for the seabirds that rely on this
vegetation for nesting sites.

Below the waves, eyes were peeled for marine species of concern like the crown-of-thorns starfish. A
single individual was observed but no widespread evidence of damage. Across the reef flats, the
corals were in good condition and species diversity is high, with signs that recovery from historical
coral bleaching events is well underway. Coral cover varied across the reef, with reef edges showing
the highest density, dominated by Acropora, Pocillopora, Porites and favid species. The continued
health of the reefs here will depend, in part, on the frequency and strength of future coral bleaching

The seagrass beds, important feeding grounds for resident turtles and nursery habitats for a range of
species, were also found to be healthy. While shoot density was not high and fewer species were
observed from previous studies, the beds were extensive and very productive. Observed fish
assemblages were highly diverse, with a total of 22,121 finfish from 43 families recorded. Sharks
were rarer and while there are other studies that suggest numbers have rebounded since the
cessation of fishing, this work suggests that populations may still be depressed.

Unfortunately, populations of exploited sea cucumbers, clams and trochus continue to suffer the
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effects of historical harvesting. The abundance of many species remains extremely low, and some
species are thought to have reproductively ineffective populations, suggesting they may never
recover. Further surveys to confirm this are required. Sea snake numbers also continue to be very
low at Ashmore, with the team spotting a single olive sea snake from the diving tender after two
voyages and extensive survey efforts. The mystery surrounding the disappearance of sea snakes
from Ashmore Reef continues, with a number of theories being the focus of continued research.

Where to next?

This integrated terrestrial-marine project is the first of its kind at Ashmore Reef Marine Park. It has
provided data which will help us consolidate our baseline understanding of the marine park’s
terrestrial and shallow water ecosystems. It has also provided data that will add to historical data sets,
providing insights on how species, communities and habitats have changed over time. Together, this
information helps us assess priority management needs for this remote ocean oasis. Parks Australia
will continue to work with the science community in ensuring Ashmore Reef Marine Park is protected
for the benefit of all Australians.

A bale of turtles gather in the sheltered waters of Ashmore Reef. Image credit: Tommaso Jucker, CSIRO.
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Indigenous rangers check on Booderee quolls
Earlier this month Booderee National Park Indigenous rangers were out trapping the park’s eastern
quolls (Dasyurus viverrinus) to conduct health checks and to look for any pouch young. Three
females were captured and two had 10mm-long pouch young; four in one female’s pouch and three in
the other. The third is likely to have pouch young the next time we catch her as she was spotted
frolicking with a male a few weeks ago, and the gestation period is 21 days. These quolls are part of
an effort to re-establish a wild population of this species in Booderee National Park, with two
translocations into the park undertaken in 2018 and 2019.

These translocation have been successful in meeting a number of milestones, including: the ability of
the quolls to survive in the wild after being raised in captivity, with some individuals monitored in the
park for over two years; and the ability not only to survive but also to breed successfully in the wild. In
addition to this is the good news that their habitat in Booderee was not impacted by the summer

We have also learned a great deal from these first two translocations, and these lessons are
informing management and plans for future translocations. High mortality shortly after release has
been attributed to loss of condition after the shock of release from captivity, combined with naivety
making them more susceptible to predation by foxes, dogs and pythons. However, monitoring has
revealed that if released quolls can survive for around eight weeks then they typically survive for far
longer. Therefore, in order to boost the survival of captive bred quolls during this early period, we plan
to release the quolls into a 400ha predator-free sanctuary enclosure for a few months prior to their
move to Booderee. We believe this will significantly increase survivability as the quolls will have time
to learn how to find food and shelter more effectively.

One milestone this project is yet to meet is confirmation of young surviving through to breeding age.
As the fate of young from the past two breeding seasons remains uncertain, this year we plan to
place tail-mounted radio tracking devices on the joeys as they are weaned so that we can monitor
their movements. The recent pouch checks have informed us which individuals have young and how
advanced they are, allowing us to plan for radio tracking work to occur in October/November. We are
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hoping that this will answer the question of whether they are succumbing to predation, or dispersing
out of the park.

This project is a collaboration between Parks Australia, the Australian National University, Rewilding
Australia, Taronga Conservation Society and WWF Australia, with support from Wreck Bay Aboriginal
Community Council.

Image left: Pouch young. Image right: Park staff weighing a quoll. Image credit: Rewilding Australia.
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Bruce the quoll's hind foot. While the other five quoll species have five toes, the eastern quoll has only four, missing
a halux (big toe).

Blue-tailed skink update
On National Threatened Species Day last year (7 September 2019), 300 blue-tailed skinks
(Cryptoblephaurus egeriae), extinct in the wild in their home range of Christmas Island, were released
as part of a Conservation Introduction on the tiny, 2.08ha island Pulu Blan, part of the Cocos
(Keeling) atoll. This release, designed to augment a successful captive breeding program, has been
highly successful with the population on Pulu Blan already increasing through natural recruitment.

Following this success, a second release of 300 skinks was attempted on neighbouring Pulu Blan
Madar (1.78ha) in March 2020. However, the skinks released on this island immediately encountered
problems. Undetected during a survey of the island in February 2020, a high-density colony of
invasive yellow crazy ants (Anoplolepis gracilipes) began impacting the animals, causing scarring to
their tails and pushing them to the edges of the island.

In a bid to save this new release of skinks, Christmas Island National Park staff began looking for
ways to remove yellow crazy ants (YCA) from the island.

A fipronil based paste-like ant bait, Vanquish ProTM has been found to be highly effective in the control
of YCA on Christmas Island. However, its non-target impact on vertebrates such as reptiles is
unknown. Park staff developed a baiting strategy using small sample vials with 4mm holes drilled in
them as bait stations attached to vegetation, to prevent non-target animals accessing the bait. Trials
also indicated that reptiles were unaffected by secondary poisoning (eating insects that had
consumed Vanquish ProTM).

On the 17 June, park staff deployed over 1000 bait stations containing over 5kg of Vanquish Pro TM
across the island with dramatic effect. In less than 24 hours ant numbers had declined dramatically
and are now only present at 17 of 100 monitoring locations on the island. Further monitoring will
establish if the blue-tailed skink population recovers following the baiting. We wish them well!
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Image left: Yellow crazy ants accessing Vanquish Pro™ from a deployed bait station. Image right: A blue-tailed skink
investigates his new home on Pulu Blan Madar.
Parks Australia science news - Bait Technology
Lockdown provides survey opportunities in Kakadu
Kakadu staff have used the recent COVID-19 lockdown as a rare opportunity to collect baseline data
on the impacts of vehicle traffic on wildlife in Kakadu National Park. Collisions between vehicles and
animals are a significant cause of animal mortality within the park and dead animals on or by the side
of the road (roadkill) are frequently seen throughout the park. While the park was closed to outside
visitors to reduce the risk of the virus spreading to communities, the only vehicle movements in this
traditionally high visitor season were of locals and essential services. With traffic significantly lower
than usual a survey of roadkill was undertaken between April and June 2020. The survey will be
replicated during the same period in 2021 when visitors are back and there is high tourist traffic.

The survey was undertaken by driving with a spotter along three, 10km stretches of road, on the
Kakadu Highway, Arnhem Highway and Oenpelli Road. Data was collected three times a week over
two months. For each roadkill spotted data was collected on species, environmental characteristics
(vegetation, weather, fire history, proximity to closest water crossing), position on road and road
characteristics (surface, straight or bend, speed limit), condition of roadkill, observations of
scavengers, and photos and measurements were also taken. Four traffic counters that already occur
within the park provided the data on traffic levels.

A total of 57 roadkill sightings were made over 24 survey days across the three sites. The greatest
proportion were found on the Arnhem Highway (68%), with 21% on Oenpelli Road and 11% on the
Kakadu Highway. The vertebrate group mostly impacted by vehicle strike were amphibians (39%),
followed by mammals (37%), birds (16%) and reptiles (9%). The species most often found was the
agile wallaby (32%) and the cane toad (19%). Kites were observed scavenging from 37% of roadkill

After the follow-up survey in 2021, we will be able to compare the results from the two traffic
scenarios (low and high tourist traffic) and gain a greater understanding of the impacts of tourist
vehicles on the vertebrate species of Kakadu.
Parks Australia staff undertaking roadkill survey.

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