PARENT GUIDE Kindergarten Standards and Rubrics for Reporting Student Progress
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Kindergarten Standards and Rubrics for Reporting Progress 2021-2022 The Florida B.E.S.T. Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics Florida Standards below are reported to families on the Kindergarten Progress Report. In selecting the standards that are reported to families, consideration was given to the standards that are most critical to success in first grade. Many of the standards selected encompass mastery of other standards; therefore, not all standards will be individually reported. Language Arts Mathematics • Print concepts (ELA.K.F.1.1) • Count forward (MAFS.K.CC.1.2) • Letter names (ELA.K.F.1.1) • Represent a number of objects with a written numeral • Phonological awareness – Working with spoken words (0-20) (MAFS.K.CC.1.3) (ELA.K.F.1.2) • Understand the relationship between numbers and the • Letter sounds (ELA.K.F.1.3) concept of “one more” (MAFS.K.CC.2.4; MAFS.K.CC.2.4c) • High frequency words (ELA.K.F.1.4) • Compare groups of objects (MACC.K.CC.3.6) • Read emergent texts (ELA.K12.EE.2.1) • Compare written numerals (1-10) (MAFS.K.CC.3.7) • Retell stories - Literature (ELA.K.R.3.2, ELA.K.R.1.1) • Solve addition and subtraction word problems within 10 • Retell topic/details – Informational text (ELA.K.R.3.2, (MAFS.K.OA.1.2) ELA.K.R.2.2) • Use addition and subtraction within 10 (MAFS.K.OA.1.a) • Draw, dictate, and write texts (ELA.K.C.1.1, ELA.K.C.1.2, • Work with numbers 11-19 (MAFS.K.NBT.1.1) ELA.K.C.1.3, ELA.K.C.1.4) • Name 2-D and 3-D shapes (MAFS.K.G.1.2) • Collaborative conversations (ELA.K.C.2.1, ELA.K12.EE.4.1) • Compare 2-D and 3-D shapes (MAFS.K.G.2.4) The Florida B.E.S.T. Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics Florida Standards are written with the skills and knowledge required of students by the END of the school year. Teachers will use a rubric to determine how students are progressing toward mastery of the standards. Since the standards are end of the year expectations, families should expect to see students’ performance levels grow across the year from a score of 1 to a score of 3 or 4 by the end of the year. Below is a list of the performance levels that are used on the report card. Definitions of performance levels that are used on the report card: The student has an advanced understanding and exceeds end of year, grade level standard mastery. A student receiving a 4 4 shows self-motivation and demonstrates this advanced knowledge at school. The student demonstrates mastery on end of year, grade level standard. A student receiving a 3 shows solid knowledge and 3* has proficient understanding of concepts and skills. The student is approaching end of year, grade level standard mastery. A student receiving a 2 understands basic skills and 2 concepts but is not yet independent. The student is applying concepts and skills with increasing success. The student is beginning progress towards end of year, grade level standard mastery. A student receiving a 1 benefits from 1 additional support. L The student has limited progress towards end of year, grade level standard mastery. Z The standard is not assessed during this quarter. *The 3 is the grade level expectation and is what all students should meet by the end of the year. 1
L 1 2 3 4 Limited Progress Beginning Progress Approaching Benchmark Exceeds the Benchmark Performance Level Notes Toward Toward Benchmark Mastery Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark Mastery Mastery Mastery Demonstrates an Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Applies an understanding of understanding of 2 of understanding of 3 of understanding of ALL understanding of ALL 0-1 of the the following: the following: of the following: of the following in a Print Concepts following: · Left to right · Left to right · Left to right variety of texts (e.g., · Left to right · Top to bottom · Top to bottom · Top to bottom books, charts, etc.): Quarters · Top to bottom (return sweep) (return sweep) (return sweep) · Left to right 1,2,3,4 (return sweep) · Page by page · Page by page · Page by page · Top to bottom · Page by page · Voice-print match · Voice-print match · Voice-print match (return sweep) · Voice-print match · Locate a printed word · Locate a printed word · Locate a printed word · Page by page · Locate a printed on a page on a page on a page · Locate a printed word on a page · Distinguish letters from · Distinguish letters from · Distinguish letters from word on a page · Distinguish letters words within a words within a words within a · Distinguish letters from words within a sentence sentence sentence from words within a sentence sentence Q1 expectation Q2 expectation Q3/Q4 expectation Identifies less than Identifies 40-45 letters Identifies 46-50 letters Identifies 51-52 letters Identifies all letters of Letter 40 letters of the of the alphabet of the alphabet of the alphabet the alphabet fluently Names alphabet (52) Quarters 1,2,3,4 Q1 expectation Q2 expectation Q3/Q4 expectation Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates understanding of understanding of 2 of understanding of 3-4 understanding of ALL understanding of ALL 0-1 of the following: the following: of the following: of the following: of the previous skills Phonological · Recognizes and · Recognizes and · Recognizes and · Recognizes and AND able to segment produces rhyming produces rhyming produces rhyming produces rhyming single syllable words Awareness words words words words with blends (working with · Identifies syllables · Identifies syllables · Identifies syllables · Identifies syllables spoken words) · Identifies onset & · Identifies onset & · Identifies onset & · Identifies onset & rime rime rime rime Quarters · Identifies initial, · Identifies initial, · Identifies initial, · Identifies initial, 1,2,3,4 medial, and final medial, and final medial, and final medial, and final sounds sounds sounds sounds Q1 expectation Q2 expectation Q3/Q4 expectation Identifies 12 or less Identifies 13-19 Identifies 20-27 Identifies ALL sounds Identifies ALL sounds Letter Sounds sounds sounds sounds (including long/short (long/short vowel vowel sounds) sounds AND Quarters consonant digraphs) 2,3,4 fluently Q2 expectation Q3 expectation Q4 expectation High Reads 10 or less high Reads between 11 to Reads between 21 to Reads 35 to 40 high Reads 41 or more high frequency words by 20 high frequency 34 high frequency frequency words by frequency wordsby Frequency sight words by sight words by sight sight sight AND writes at least Words 20 of the words without support Quarters 2,3,4 Q2 expectation Q3 expectation Q4 expectation 2
L 1 2 3 4 Limited Progress Beginning Progress Approaching Benchmark Exceeds the Benchmark Performance Level Notes Toward Toward Benchmark Mastery Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark Mastery Mastery Mastery Read Working in Pre-A Reads level A or B Reads level C text Reads level D text Reads level E text or routine. Does not text with with comprehension with comprehension higher with EmergentTexts read leveled text comprehension as as measured by a as by a running comprehension as Quarters as measured by a measured by a running record record measured by a 2,3,4 running record. running record running record Q2 expectation Q3 expectation Q4 expectation Describing the Describes the main Describes the main Includes main Retells familiar Retell Stories- main character, character(s), setting character(s), setting character(s), setting, stories including setting, or OR important events AND/OR important AND important main Literature important events from 1 part of a events from the character(s), events from 2 parts of requires familiar story: a familiar story: beginning, middle, setting, and Quarters excessive and · Beginning · Beginning and end when important events 1,2,3,4 continuous · Middle · Middle retelling a story (may from the prompting OR · End · End not be in sequential beginning, unable to retell order). middle, and end any part of the in sequential story even with order. prompting and support Q1 expectation Q2 expectation Q3/4expectation Identifying topic Retells informational Retells informational Retells informational Retells more than and details in a text including 1 of text including ALL of text including ALL of one informational Retell text requires the following: the following: the following: text on the same Topic/Details- excessive and · Identifies the topic · Identifies the topic · Identifies the topic topic including ALL continuous · Identifies a detail(s) · Identifies multiple · Identifies multiple of the following: Informational prompting AND from one section of details from one details from · Identifies the topic Text unable to retell the text section of the text multiple sections of Identifies multiple anykey details the text details from both Quarters even with texts 2,3,4 prompting and support Q2 expectation Q3 expectation Q4 expectation Uses a Demonstrates the Demonstrates the Demonstrates to Demonstrates the combination of following: following; following: following: any of the ·Uses drawings, ·Uses drawings and ·Uses drawings tohelp ·Uses drawings to following to dictating, and dictating to convey convey thoughts help convey Draw, Dictate, convey thoughts: random strings of thoughts ·Uses sentences that thoughts and Write · Scribbling letters to convey ·Uses labels with most can be read by an ·Uses sentences that · Drawing thoughts sounds represented educator can be read by an Texts · Mock Letters ·Uses some structure phonetically ·Prints both upper and educator of the genre ·Uses some structure lower case ·Uses structure of the Quarters of the genre ·Uses structure of the genre AND 1,2,3,4 genre ·Adds details to elaborate ·Provides a sense of Q1 expectation Q2 expectation Q3/4 expectation closure 3
L 1 2 3 4 Limited Progress Beginning Progress Approaching Benchmark Exceeds the Benchmark Performance Level Notes Toward Toward Benchmark Mastery Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark Mastery Mastery Mastery Not yet Participates in Participates in Participates in Participates in participating in conversations with conversations with conversations with conversations with collaborative diverse partners diverse partners diverse partners diverse partners conversations about topics and about topics and about topics and about topics and texts by texts by texts by texts by demonstrating 1 of demonstrating 2 of demonstrating ALL demonstrating ALL of the following: the following: of the following: the following: Collaborative ·Conversations with ·Conversations with ·Conversations with ·Conversations with peers and adults in peers and adults in peers and adults in peers and adults in Conversations small and larger small and larger small and larger small and larger groups groups groups groups Quarters ·Follows agreed ·Follows agreed ·Follows agreed ·Follows agreed 1,2,3,4 upon rules,taking upon rules,taking upon rules,taking upon rules,taking turns, and listening turns, and listening turns, and listening turns, and listening to others to others to others to others ·Continues a ·Continues a ·Continues a ·Continues a conversation through conversation through conversation through conversation through multiple exchanges multiple exchanges multiple exchanges multiple exchanges AND ·Applies skills in other Q1 expectation Q2 expectation Q3/Q4 expectation content areas 4
L 1 2 3 4 Limited Progress Beginning Progress Approaching Standard Exceeds the Standard Performance Level Notes Toward Standard Toward Standard Standard Mastery Mastery Standard Mastery Mastery Not yet able to ·Counts forward from ·Counts forward from ·Counts forward from ·Counts forward from count forward from a given number a given number a given number numbers within 100 Count a number other within 20 within 50 within 100 AND than 1 ·May occasionally ·May occasionally ·Answers before and Forward omit or substitute a omit or substitute a after questions and number number explains thinking Quarters 3,4 Q3 expectation Q4 expectation Represents Not yet able to ·Counts groups of ·Counts groups of ·Counts groups of ·Counts groups of read, write, or objects 0-5 objects 0-10 objects 0-20 objects 0-20 Sets of represent a given ·Reads numerals 0-5 ·Reads numerals 0-10 ·Reads numerals 0-20 ·Writes numeral to Objects with number in random order in random order in random order represent the set 0-20 Written ·May write numeral to ·May write numeral to ·Writes numeral to AND Numerals represent the set 0-5 represent the set 0-10 represent the set 0-20 ·Counts groups of objects with flexibility Quarters (e.g., arranged in a 1,2,3,4 line, scattered, etc.) Q1 expectation Q2 expectation Q3/Q4 expectation Not yet able to ·Answers “one more” ·Answers “one more” ·Answers “one more” ·Answers “one more” understand that questions (0-10) questions (0-20) questions (0-20) questions (0-20) Concept of each successive ·Not yet able to justify ·Not yet able to justify ·Able to justify the ·Able to justify the One Larger number name answer answer answer answer refers to a quantity AND that is one larger. ·Answers “two more” Quarters May recount or “three more” 1,2,3,4 objects beginning questions with 1 Q1 expectation Q2 expectation Q3/Q4 expectation Not yet able to ·Compares groups of ·Compares groups of ·Compares groups of ·Compares groups of determine whether objects (0-10) by objects (0-10) by objects (0-10) by objects (greater than the number of using matching OR using matching OR using matching 10) by using Compare objects in one counting strategies counting strategies AND counting matching AND Groups of group is greater ·Identifies 1 of the ·Identifies 2 of the strategies counting strategies Objects than, less than, or following: following: ·Identifies ALL of the ·Identifies and justifies equal to the ·greater than ·greater than following: how they know for Quarters number of objects ·less than ·less than ·greater than ALL of the following: 1,2,3,4 in another group ·equal to ·equal to ·less than ·greater than ·equal to ·less than ·equal to Q1 expectation Q2 expectation Q3/Q4 expectation Not yet able to With prompting AND With prompting OR Compares written Compares written Compare compare written support compares support compares numerals 1-10 numerals greater Numbers numerals 1-10 even written numerals 1-10 written numerals 1-10 independently than 10 with prompting independently AND is Quarters and support able to justify how 1,2,3,4 they know Q1 expectation Q2 expectation Q3/Q4 expectation 5
L 1 2 3 4 Limited Progress Beginning Progress Approaching Standard Exceeds the Standard Performance Level Notes Toward Standard Toward Standard Standard Mastery Mastery Standard Mastery Mastery Use Addition Not yet able to Solves addition OR Solves addition OR Solves addition AND Solves addition AND solve addition or subtraction word subtraction word subtraction word subtraction word and subtraction word problems within 5 by problems within 10 by problems within 10 by problems within 10 by Subtraction problems using objects or using objects or using objects or using objects or Quarters drawings drawings drawings drawings AND justifies 2,3,4 Q2 expectation Q3/Q4 expectation their thinking Not yet able to use ·Uses addition OR ·Uses addition OR ·Uses addition AND Uses addition AND objects or drawings subtraction within 10 subtraction within 10 subtraction within 10 subtraction greater Use Addition to solve addition to solve word to solve word to solve word than 10 to solve word and and subtraction problems involving problems involving problems involving problems involving word problems one addend both addends both addends both addends Subtraction to unknown unknown unknown unknown Solve Word ·Uses objects or ·Uses objects or ·Uses objects or ·Uses objects or Problems drawings drawings drawings drawings ·Not yet able to use ·May use numerals to ·Uses numerals to ·Uses numerals to Quarters numerals to represent represent objects, represent objects, represent objects, 3,4 objects, drawings, drawings, and drawings, and drawings, and and equations equations equations equations Q3 expectation Q4 expectation Not yet able to With prompting and Composes and ·Composes and ·Composes and compose or support composes decomposes decomposes decomposes Works with decompose and decomposes numbers 11-19 into 10 numbers 11-19 into 10 numbers 11-19 into 10 Numbers numbers 11-19 into numbers 11-19 into 10 ones and some more ones and some more ones and some more 11-19 10 ones and some ones and some more ones using objects ones using objects ones more ones using ones using objects AND ·Writes the equation Quarters objects even with ·Draws a pictorial (e.g., 18 = 10+ 8) 3,4 prompting and representation or ·Can justify their support writes the equation answer Q3 expectation Q4 expectation Identifies 0-2 Identifies 3-5 shapes Identifies 6-8 shapes Identifies all 9 shapes ·Identifies all 9 shapes shapes regardless regardless of regardless of regardless of regardless of of orientation or orientation or overall orientation or overall orientation or overall orientation or overall Name Shapes overall size (circle, size (circle, square, size (circle, square, size (circle, square, size square, triangle, triangle, rectangle, triangle, rectangle, triangle, rectangle, AND Quarter rectangle, hexagon, cone, hexagon, cone, hexagon, cone, ·Names at least 3 4 hexagon, cone, cube, cylinder, cube, cylinder, cube, cylinder, additional shapes cube, cylinder, sphere) sphere) sphere) (e.g., octagon, sphere) Q4 expectation trapezoid, etc.) Not yet able to Analyzes and Analyzes and Analyzes and Analyzes and analyze and compares 2 and compares 2 and compares 2 and compares similarities compare shapes 3 dimensional shapes 3 dimensional shapes 3 dimensional shapes and differences of 2D in different sizes and in different sizes and in different sizes and and 3D shapes using Compare orientations using orientations using orientations using formal language Shapes informal language by informal language by informal language by (e.g., vertices, angle, describing 2 of the describing 3 of the describing ALL of the two-dimensional, following: following: following: three-dimensional) Quarter ·similarities ·similarities ·similarities 4 ·differences ·differences ·differences ·parts ·parts ·parts ·other attributes ·other attributes ·other attributes Q4 expectation 6
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