Parent and Student Handbook 2021-2022 - Lancaster ...
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Student/Parent Handbook ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM Just like other schools, our school has important rules and regulations in place to protect our students and help our school run smoothly. We take the safety of your child, and every child very seriously. Your cooperation and help in reviewing these procedures with your child will help us all have a wonderful and safe year. Please read the handbook online at and discuss the contents with your child. To ensure that you have reviewed the handbook and covered it with your child, we ask that you sign and return this sheet to your child’s teacher by Friday, September 17, 2021. If you would like a printed copy of the handbook, please indicate below. If you have questions concerning the contents of the handbook, please contact Laura Haggard, Principal. We have read the Lancaster Elementary School Student Handbook and agree to follow the included policies. Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Teacher Date Please provide a PRINTED copy of the handbook.
Lancaster Elementary School 133 Pine Creek Drive Madisonville LA 70447 School #985-792-0156 fax # 985-792-5716 Cafeteria # 985-792-5376, Beverly Fleming, Manager Laura Haggard, M.Ed ~ Principal Benjamin Strohl ~ Assistant Principal Jerrilyn Swett, M.Ed ~ Assistant Principal Erin Roy, M.Ed. ~ Technology Resource Teacher Carrie Anguzza, M.Ed ~ Administrative Assistant SCHOOL HOURS Full Day: 8:05 – 3:11 Early Dismissal: 8:05 – 12:11 MASTER SCHEDULE HALF-DAY SCHEDULE 7:35-8:05 Buses and cars unload 7:35-8:05 Buses and cars unload 8:05 Classes Begin / Tardy Bell 8:05 Classes Begin / Tardy Bell 10:30-10:50; 10:55-11:15 6th Grade Lunch 10:30 Lunches begin 11:20-11:40 4th Grade Lunch 12:11 Bus and cars load for 11:45-12:05; 12:10-12:30 3rd Grade Lunch dismissal 12:35-12:55; 1:00-1:20 5th Grade Lunch 3:11 Buses and cars load for dismissal
Laura Haggard, Principal Jerrilyn Swett, Assistant Principal Benjamin Strohl, Assistant Principal 133 Pine Creek Drive ● Madisonville, LA 70447 ● 985-792-0156 ● fax: 985-792-5716 Dear Parents or Guardians, The faculty and staff welcome you to Lancaster Elementary School for the 2021-2022 school year. It is my belief that students, parents, and the school all share the responsibility of the educational development of a student. Parental involvement throughout the year is a vital component to the success of this process for every child. I encourage you to communicate with the teachers and the administration team of Lancaster Elementary. Your ideas and suggestions can make meaningful contributions and improvements to the overall school climate and educational experiences afforded to all students. Each year at Lancaster has proven very successful for our students. Our faculty will continue to grow, develop and enrich our academic programs and school activities this year. Lancaster is fortunate to have an outstanding and enthusiastic faculty and staff. Everyone is ready and prepared to make Lancaster continue to stand out proudly among the best schools in St. Tammany and across the nation. We will need your help this year, and I look forward to working with you and your child. The Student and Parent Handbook is designed to provide information about school policies, rules, and procedures for helping secure a safe and caring school environment where all students have the opportunity to learn and grow. Please take time to read over the handbook carefully and feel free to review any parts which you feel would be beneficial to your child with him or her. If you have questions about this handbook or other school issues during the school year, please don't hesitate to call me or email me. We strive to maintain open and productive communication with parents and welcome your comments, questions, and involvement. Sincerely, Laura Haggard Principal Lancaster Elementary School
MOTTO Teaching Us Responsibility To Learn Every day. MISSION The faculty and community at Lancaster Elementary School strive to provide a quality education where students are held to high standards and respected as individuals. We envision our students taking an active role in their education and having the confidence to be risk takers in their learning. As future citizens, our students will be prepared to succeed in a technology- based, global society of the 21st century. BELIEF STATEMENT We believe that….. ● all students can achieve. ● all children deserve a quality education in a safe, positive and engaging environment. ● students should be recognized and supported as individuals. ● students should be engaged in meaningful and relevant learning experiences that challenge them individually and as a group. ● technology skills are essential. ● everyone should be treated with respect and kindness. ● students succeed best when it is a team effort between home, school and community.
ATTENDANCE, TARDIES & CHECKOUT POLICIES In any case of absence, it is important to provide a written note from the parent or doctor stating the reason for the absence in order for the absence to be determined “excused” or “unexcused.” The school office does not have to be notified daily if a child is going to be out sick. The office should be called only when a child has been out 2 consecutive days. Parents may call the school to arrange a pick-up time for missed work, but must provide the office 24 hours to provide teachers the time to prepare materials. We strongly encourage you to schedule medical and dental appointments, vacations, etc. during school holidays or after school hours to minimize school absences. COVID STATEMENT: Parents should notify the principal immediately upon symptoms of COVID, or if a child has been exposed to COVID. Students should remain at home until guidance is given from the school or central office on when it is safe to return. Students in grades K-8 may not miss more than 10 days per year. Any student who misses more than three hours of instructional time during the school day will be considered absent from school. Students shall be excused from school for personal illness, serious illness in the family, death in the family (not to exceed one week) or for recognized religious holidays of the student’s own faith. Days of absence will include excused, unexcused, and suspensions. Students missing more than 10 days will be required to have seat time made up either on the weekend, after school or both. Please refer to the St. Tammany Parish School Discipline Policy Handbook given to you at the beginning of the school year for a more thorough explanation of the Attendance Policy. STUDENT CHECKOUT For your child’s safety, if he/she has an appointment during school hours, please sign him/her out in the office before leaving. Unless the appointment takes the entire school day, students are expected to attend class both before and after the appointment. Please checkout students prior to 2:45 in order to avoid confusion during dismissal for students. The person picking up the child must be listed on the Emergency Card. This person must be able to show identification (driver’s license) upon arrival. When checking out your child, please remain in the front office until your child arrives. CHECK OUTS MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO 2:45 P.M. Non excused early check-outs count towards the 5 check-ins/check-outs allowed per nine weeks. For the safety and security of all students please respect this rule. ** During crisis situations such as Shelter in Place, Evacuation, or Lockdown, students will remain in their safe locations. For the safety of our students, checkouts will not be processed during the crisis. ** COVID STATEMENT: The front doors of the office will remain locked at all times. The school will be closed to all visitors. Parents needing to check-out a child or admit a child for a tardy will need to call the number on the office door to state why they are here. After calling, a secretary will meet you at the door to process your request. Make-Up Policy Parents should allow the teacher 24 hours to gather and send all make-up work to the office for pick-up. Students will be given 48 hours to complete and turn in all make-up work. ATTENDANCE DURING AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Students participating in afterschool activities must be able to commit to the full length of time of the activity. Lancaster will not have office staff available to check students out during this time. TRUANCY Any juvenile student who is habitually absent from school or is habitually tardy will be reported as a truant child to the supervisors of Child Welfare and Attendance, the family, or juvenile court, according to the provisions of Louisiana’s Children’s Code regarding families in need of services.
TARDIES TO AND FROM SCHOOL Students arriving after instructional time begins at 8:05 are considered tardy. Tardy students must be signed in or out by a parent in the front office. A staff member will meet a parent by the office door to complete a wellness check and to sign the student in. Students with excessive unexcused tardies or excessive checkouts will be expected to serve detention as follows: 5 unexcused tardies – 1 detention, 10 unexcused tardies – 2 detentions A parent conference with administration will be required for any student with excessive tardies, absences or earlier checkouts due to it being a loss of instructional time. BAND/CHORUS Chorus is open to all fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students; band is open to all fifth and sixth grade students who would like to participate. Students are allowed to participate in only one: band or chorus. We strongly encourage students to maintain a grade point average of 2.0 while participating in the band program. Students are expected to follow school rules while participating in chorus or band. If students misbehave on a regular basis in band or choir, they will be excused from the program. State discipline forms will be completed, and administration will handle according to the school’s discipline policy. COVID STATEMENT: Band and choir will not start right away. Once these programs are ready to begin, students and parents will receive notification. CALLING HOME BY STUDENTS POLICY Due to the large school population, Lancaster students will be allowed to call home regarding transportation concerns, illness, and true emergencies. Students will not be allowed to call home for items such as lunch, binders, homework, projects, test folders, band instruments, book bags, IDs, required club or afterschool supplies, etc. If you have concerns, please drop off necessary items to the front office or email your child’s teacher. CELL PHONE & SMART WATCH POLICY It is school board policy that students are allowed to have cell phones at school and on the school bus provided the device is turned off, completely stowed away, and not in use. Cells phones may be placed in cubbies, school bags, or purses and shall not be displayed in view using a clip or other device. Students cannot have cell phones in their pockets. If a student is found using a cell phone, displaying a cell phone, or in possession of a ringing cell phone during the instructional day or on the school bus, then proper disciplinary procedures will occur. Phones found in use will be placed in the office for parents to pick up at their convenience. First offense is a warning, second offense is a detention and third is administrative decision. Cell phones may be used in the event of a life threatening emergency situation or injury only. The School System is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen cell phones. The cell phone policy includes field trips. Smart watches will be treated the same as cell phones. Students are allowed to wear them, but they should be turned off so that phone calls and texts cannot be received or delivered, pictures/videos cannot be taken, alarms cannot go off, etc. Policies and discipline for smart watches will be the same as cell phones which is stated above.
CHILD CARE ~ AFTER SCHOOL After care will be offered for all 3rd through 6th grade students. Our after care services are available on a full time basis only. All students must have proper paper work on file prior to attend child care. Due to safety concerns, parents must walk to the cafeteria and sign their child out. Students will be expected to follow all school rules and behave accordingly. REGISTRATION Parents or guardians are required to complete a registration packet prior to attending after care. A $10 registration fee is due with the packet. Parents or guardians should complete the Special Needs Form if their child has special needs. If the student has an IEP/504 Plan, the parent must inform the Child Care Director of this student plan. In addition, the parent or guardian must sign that they are fully aware of the fee structure and specific guidelines of the program. AFTER CARE ~ 3:11 PM-6:00 PM Payment is due by the first of each month. There is a $20 late fee assessed for any payments received after the 10th of the month. If the fee is not paid in full each month, the child will not be allowed to attend the following month until all fees are paid. ATTENDANCE DROP-INS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. This jeopardizes the safety and security of students. We will follow the same school calendar as the St. Tammany Parish Schools. When there is a holiday, there are no childcare services. Aftercare services will not be provided on ½ days of school. After Care 3:11 – 6:00 p.m Phone # 985-635-1974 · If a student is absent from a school day, they may not attend After School Care that day. · If a parent checks out a child from child care, they may not return that same day. · If a child becomes ill while attending child care, the persons on the registration form will be contacted immediately to pick up the child from the program. · The program closes at 6:00 p.m. According to the new parish guidelines, parents will be charged a $10.00 late pick-up fee for every 15 minutes as follows: 6:01 PM – 6:15 PM $10.00 6:31 PM – 6:45 PM $30.00 6:16 PM – 6:30 PM $20.00 6:46 PM – 7:00 PM $40.00 Late fees are due upon pick-up through cash, check, or money orders. Multiple occurrences of disrespecting the 6:00 pm pickup time will result in loss of participation in the program. Five incidents of late pick-up will result in refusal of services for the remainder of the school year. *Aftercare will close at 5 pm on the afternoons of Mandeville Mardi Gras parades. The parade dates will be given in January. * RELEASE OF CHILDREN from aftercare Children will arrive directly to the aftercare program from their classrooms. Children must be picked up by a parent/guardian or someone listed on the student’s emergency card. No one under driving age is allowed to sign out a child. Identification will be required. PROCEDURES FOR CHILDREN NOT PICKED UP BY 7:00 P.M. OR ONE HOUR AFTER CLOSING TIME: If neither parents nor emergency contacts can be reached and there has been no communication from parent/guardian, the local police will be called, and the child released to them. A police officer will sign the child(ren) out. If the police do not find someone to take the child, they will then notify the Office of Child Services (OCS).
DELIVERIES Students may not receive any type of delivery (flowers, balloons, etc.) from parents or guardians at school. COVID STATEMENT: For birthday’s this year, students may bring pre-packaged, individually wrapped snacks from the store, such as Little Debbie’s. You may not bag the snacks yourself or send cupcakes from the store. It must be wrapped from the manufacturer. You may also NOT drop these off at the office. You must send them in your child’s school bag. EMERGENCY CARDS & CHANGE OF STUDENT INFORMATION It is essential that the school has up-to-date information for each child. This information is written on the EMERGENCY CARDS each school year and kept in the office IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY. Please notify the school immediately if you have ANY CHANGES including phone numbers, addresses, contact names or any changes in after school care arrangements. Parents or guardians must come to the school office to make changes to the emergency card such as emergency contact information and who is allowed to check students in/out of school or pick up students in car line. This information cannot be changed over the phone. This information is essential in helping us provide for your child promptly and efficiently during an emergency. If your phone is disconnected, please inform us immediately. Please include cell and work phone numbers on all forms. FIELD TRIPS COVID STATEMENT: Due to current district requirements, students will not be participating in field trips at this time. CHAPERONES Parents may be asked to help chaperone. You will receive a Parent Chaperone Responsibility Form to sign before the field trip. We ask that you abide by these rules. Many factors will decide the number of chaperones needed. In accordance with the school board policy, there will be no smoking on school grounds or while chaperoning on school related field trips. We also ask that parents not use their cell phones while chaperoning field trips. School policy is that students leave for field trips together and return together on the bus. Checkouts at field trip location are not allowed. The purpose of the chaperone is to supervise a class group of 4-6 students. Parents who are chaperones must give their total attention to the students. Siblings may not attend field trips. Permission slips are required for all trips. FIELD TRIP FEES A deadline for payment will always accompany the permission slip. THIS DEADLINE IS FINAL. Because event sponsors require advanced notice, the deadline is strictly enforced. Ample time will be given to pay any fees. If it is not possible for you to send the money for the trip by the deadline, an extension may be granted if you contact the teacher and notify him/her of your intention to pay at a later date. However, a permission slip still must be returned by the deadline. Please check your child’s bookbag/binder daily to make sure that any payment has been turned in to the teacher. Bag lunches are provided by the cafeteria if the event is held during the lunch period. No cameras or electronics will be allowed on field trips! The cell phone and smart watch policy includes field trips
FOOD SERVICES / CAFETERIA COVID STATEMENT: School breakfast and lunch will be free this year to all students. Our school serves nutritionally balanced meals; a hot lunch and breakfast is served daily. Breakfast and lunch prices can be found on the school website. Payment should be made monthly, at the beginning of each month. If this is not possible, you must pay on a weekly basis. Payment must be enclosed in an envelope, labeled with the students’ name, homeroom teacher, and lunch I.D. number. This is very important as teachers do not collect and record lunch payment. Envelopes are turned in at the cafeteria daily. My Payments Plus is also available for all lunch payments to be made online. Simply go to our school’s website, and click the My Payments Plus logo. If your child accumulates charges totaling $25.00, you will be contacted in order to arrange for payment. All cafeteria accounts must be paid by the last full week of school. If you know that your child will NOT eat lunch in the cafeteria during the entire school year, please send a note stating that you would like your child’s lunch account blocked. We appreciate your efforts to keep your child’s lunch account current. Free and reduced meal information will be sent home. Applications for free and reduced lunch applications are online. Please visit the online application portal to apply for free and reduced lunch. For more information, please contact Mrs. Beverly Fleming, Cafeteria Manager at (985)792-5376. Breakfast is served daily from 7:35 a.m.– 8:05 a.m. Students eating breakfast at school must report to the cafeteria immediately upon arrival and should arrive by 8:05 a.m.; however, in the event that a bus is late, students will be allowed to eat breakfast before reporting to class. A monthly calendar of lunch and breakfast menus are posted on the school website. The menu is subject to change due to availability of food items. If you plan on eating lunch with your child, it is helpful that you send a note to the homeroom teacher or call the school cafeteria at 792-5376. Lunch Visitor Policy COVID STATEMENT: Parents and guests are not allowed to eat with students at this time due to visitor restrictions. Parents and guests who are listed on the student’s emergency card are welcome to join students in the cafeteria for lunch time only. For the safety of all of our students, parents are asked to check back out in the office after students are dismissed to recess. Due to the numerous food allergies among our students, we ask that you refrain from passing out special treats to other students. Please make sure that anyone coming to eat with your child is aware of this rule. Visitors shall sit at designated visitors’ tables. Only your child will be allowed to sit at the table with you for lunch. We encourage you to enjoy a meal from the cafeteria.
GRADING POLICY Our grading policy will be as follows: A = 93-100 B = 85-92 C = 75-84 D = 67-74 F = 66 and below JPAMS Student grades are entered in JPAMS by their teachers. Using the access information (username and password) mailed, parents can access JPAMS to monitor students grades. JPAMS automated system calls student’s primary number in the event of a school absence. JPAMS is also used periodically to call student’s home in the event of emergencies, bus breakdowns, school events, etc. Please notify the office of changes in phone numbers to ensure you receive school information. We encourage you to monitor your child’s grades on JPAMS weekly. Interims will be provided for students who have a “D” or “F” in any subject midway through each grading period. The teacher should be in contact with the parent regarding lack of progress. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions. HOMEWORK POLICY We believe that support from home is critical to student academic success. Homework is meant as an extension of the day’s lessons and to offer our students opportunities to reinforce key skills and concepts. A good rule of thumb for typical students and classes would be about 10 minutes times the grade your child is in this year. For example, 3rd grade 30 minutes, 4th grade 40 minutes, 5th grade 50 minutes, and 6th grade is 60 minutes. Students should also be reading at least 15 minutes a night depending on the grade level. If you feel your child is struggling with homework, contact the homeroom teacher. Even though homework is considered optional, it is highly encouraged. The state of Louisiana and the St. Tammany Parish library offer homework help. These links are: State Library of La: St. Tammany Parish Library: https;// help/?_ga=2.213714388.1722592516.1611175009-1152565700.1580405775 HONOR ROLL Third through sixth grade students are eligible for special Academic Honor Roll Awards each grading period if they have a grade point average of a B or better. Honor roll awards are also given at the end of the year awards ceremony. MEDICINE Medicine cannot be administered by the school without proper forms completed by a doctor. These forms are available in the office. To ensure children’s safety, medicine MAY NOT be transported on a school bus. Children are never allowed to bring medicine of ANY kind to school. If you have questions, please call the office. MONEY COLLECTED When sending money to school for any event, please provide exact change or write a check for the exact amount. When writing checks, please write the student’s first and last name in the memo section. If exact amount is not given, a donation will be given to the school using the change.
PARENT INVOLVEMENT CONFERENCES COVID STATEMENT: Parent conferences may include phone calls and or Zoom/Google Meet video conferencing. Communication between the teacher and parent is important for a child’s success. If you are interested in meeting with your child’s teacher, please email, send a note or contact the school office at 792- 0156 to set up a conference with your child’s teacher. We ask that any concerns you have regarding your child be brought to the attention of the teacher first before contacting the principal or assistant principal. PARENT VOLUNTEERS / VISITORS COVID STATEMENT: At this time, visitors are not allowed on school campuses. Parents are always welcome at Lancaster! If you are able to volunteer your time and energy, please contact the school, classroom teacher, or a PTA officer directly. Anytime you come to the school to volunteer, please remember that you will need your I.D. in order to receive a printed identification tag. Volunteers are required to sign a confidentiality statement. Any classroom volunteer time should be arranged with the classroom teacher in advance. We truly appreciate all that you do to help make us a better school. PTA COVID STATEMENT: Our PTA is working on ways to do their programs virtually. Please check out their website for more information. Lancaster Elementary believes that parents are a vital link between student achievement and school success. We invite parents to be a part of our PTA and join us for meetings held throughout the school year. There are many opportunities for parents to get involved in their child’s education and participate in numerous events scheduled throughout the year. Please look for notices to go home and check the school’s website for more information. PTA sponsors a monthly newsletter. PARTIES COVID STATEMENT: For birthday’s this year, students may bring pre-packaged, individually wrapped snacks from the store, such as Little Debbie’s. You may not bag the snacks yourself or send cupcakes from the store. It must be wrapped from the manufacturer. You may also NOT drop these off at the office. You must send them in your child’s school bag. Birthday parties are NOT allowed at school. We ask that birthday invitations be taken care of at home unless the ENTIRE class will be receiving one. Individual serving items such as cupcakes or cookies may be sent to school for birthdays and will be handed out at the teacher’s discretion. Several holiday parties are held at school. The room mothers will ask for volunteers to send something to the party. Only Lancaster Elementary students are allowed to participate in our school parties. Siblings from other classes or those who do not attend Lancaster are not permitted to attend. PETS Students are not allowed to bring any type of pet to school at any time due to health and safety concerns of others.
PERSONAL PENCIL SHARPENERS COVID STATEMENT: Due to current restrictions in place with students sharing supplies, we ARE allowing personal pencil sharpeners at school as long as they are used in the correct manner. SCHOOL WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURES When withdrawing a student from Lancaster, please check to see what library books and textbooks your child has signed out in his/her name. Please contact the school office several days prior to withdrawing the child, as this allows the staff and teachers time to complete the necessary paperwork. Your cooperation will save you time and money in avoiding lost book fees and it ensures that records can be sent without delay. CAMPUS SECURITY Security cameras are currently installed throughout our campus. The cameras have been installed in strategic areas and monitor our school campus 7 days per week / 24 hours per day. Lancaster currently has a school resource officer assigned to our campus. CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE PREVENTION, EDUCATION, AND REPORTING PROGRAM As mandated by the St. Tammany Parish School Board, students in grades K – 8 will receive instruction on the topic of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Education, and Reporting. All materials used in the instruction may be previewed by contacting the school administration. We encourage you to talk with your child about this topic as well as other general safety issues. CIVIL RIGHTS LAW COMPLIANCE In order to comply with current laws, St. Tammany Parish School Board ensures that: 1. All homeless students will be enrolled in school. 2. The civil and constitutional rights of students with disabilities will be protected. 3. Students and employees shall be protected from sexual harassment. 4. Students and employees shall be protected from discrimination of the basis of race, color, national origin, religion or sex. DRUG FREE SCHOOL Lancaster Elementary is a drug free school. The drug free zone that encompasses our school requires maximum fines and imprisonment for drug violation within that zone. Please refer to the STPSB Student Handbook for consequences for student use of illicit drugs. A resource list of available drug and alcohol counseling programs may be obtained in the school office. All St. Tammany Parish Schools are smoke-free workplaces. No smoking is allowed on school grounds.
ILLNESSES COVID STATEMENT: If your child exhibits any of the COVID symptoms and/or has a fever of 100.4 or higher, he or she will be escorted to the sick room. You will be called to pick up your child immediately. If your child is diagnosed with COVID, has been exposed to someone with COVID, or has COVID symptoms, please keep your child at home and notify the school immediately. PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL WITH FEVER, VOMITING, DIARRHEA OR OTHER SYMPTOMS OF A CONTAGIOUS ILLNESS. YOU WILL BE CONTACTED TO PICK UP A SICK CHILD. Please DO NOT CALL the school to notify us if your child is absent, unless it is an extended illness of two days or more. (If your child has a communicable disease, please inform the school as soon as possible. This way the school can monitor the other students/staff that were exposed to the disease.) ANY CHILD WITH A TEMPERATURE OF 100.4 DEGREES OR MORE WILL BE SENT HOME. Parish policy recommends that a student is fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. Please send a notice the following day to school with your child in order to document the absence appropriately with a parent or doctor notice. HEAD LICE If you should find head lice or nits on your child at home, please notify the school or your child’s teacher. School personnel must check students for readmission to school. If we receive reports from parents, we send a letter home with all students in the class as a courtesy to parents and to prevent further issues. The more we know, the more proactive we can be. Please see the St. Tammany Parish School Board policy for more information. KIDS IN TRANSITION (K.I.T.) Education of Children and Youth in Homeless Situations The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law passed in 1987 to help people experiencing homelessness. The Act requires states and school districts to make sure students in homeless situations can attend and succeed in school. The McKinney-Vento Act applies to all children and youth who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including children and youth who are living in the following situations: · Doubled-up housing with other families or friends because they lost their home or their family is having temporary financial problems; · Living in a motel/hotel because of economic hardship or loss of housing; · Living in an emergency or transitional shelter, domestic violence shelter, or in a runaway/homeless youth shelter; · Living in a vehicle of any kind; campground without running water and/or electricity; abandoned building; substandard housing; bus/train station; · Awaiting foster care placement; or · Abandoned in a hospital. Children and youth in homeless situations have the right to the following: · Enroll in school despite the lack of a permanent address or lack of school and immunization records, or birth certificates and other documents; · Attend and succeed in school no matter where they live or how long they have lived there; · Receive services comparable to those offered to non-homeless children and youth; · Get transportation to school; if feasible · Access educationally related support services; Should you or your child meet these qualifications; please contact your child’s school office or guidance office to complete a form for consideration.
RELEASE OF STUDENT INFORMATION CONSENT FORM The Release of Student Information Consent Forms are for students who newly register. All previously signed forms will remain in the student’s cumulative file and follow the students year to year; therefore, students enrolled in school last year will not be asked to sign the form again. Students may only be photographed, video-taped, etc. for publication if this form is signed and on file in the school office. If for any reason you do not want your child photographed, we would appreciate you calling this to our attention verbally in addition to noting this on the Release Clarification Form. Parents/Guardians/Visitors may not take pictures of any other student except their own while on school property or during school sponsored events (Lunch, Playgrounds, Classrooms, School events, etc.). Please use caution during special ceremonies, such as plays. RESTROOM POLICY For the safety of students, adults must use the office restrooms only. Any incidence of this policy being ignored should be reported to the school administration immediately. SEXUAL HARASSMENT The purpose of the St. Tammany Parish School Board is to provide public education for the school aged children of St. Tammany Parish, LA. Sexual harassment is a violation of the law and school board policy and will not be tolerated, condoned, or overlooked. The board requests and encourages persons associated with the school system who believe there are acts of harassment to report them to the school principal or designee. The board through the school principal shall promptly, thoroughly, and fairly investigate reports of sexual harassment and take appropriate action that is consistent with the results of the investigation and the legal requirements afforded by law. Inappropriate behavior will be handled according to the school’s discipline procedures. The school system and board will not tolerate retaliation by anyone associated with the school system against one who files a complaint of sexual harassment. Some acts of sexual harassment are considered criminal and are subject to prosecution. The board and school system will fully cooperate with law enforcement agencies and the district attorney in investigating and prosecuting such criminal offenses. Reporting of incidents need to be made to the principal at your child’s school. A copy of the policy is available in every school’s library. VISITORS COVID STATEMENT: The school is closed to all visitors at this time. Please do not be offended if we ask for identification when checking students out. It is merely a protective measure. No student will be checked out unless a parent, legal guardian, or designated person signs the child out in the office. All visitors to our school must go directly to the office to scan in their driver’s license or state ID and receive a visitor’s pass. Everyone will need to enter through the single front office door going directly into the waiting area. You will need to return your visitor pass at the front desk when you leave. Your cooperation is appreciated. We appreciate your continued support at Lancaster!
WEAPONS POLICY Students found using, possessing and/or concealing a knife, firearm, weapon capable of discharging a projectile, or other dangerous instruments capable of causing bodily harm shall be immediately suspended and recommended for expulsion. Police notification will be made immediately. Students using, possessing and/or concealing any look-alike object that may have the principle appearance of a weapon or dangerous instrument shall be immediately suspended from school and recommended for expulsion. Upon the recommendation for the expulsion, a hearing shall be conducted by the Superintendent or his/her designee. Students in grade five or lower who have been found in the hearing process of using, possessing and/or concealing a weapon, or look-alike weapon shall be disciplined in accordance with the decision made by the Superintendent or his/her designee. Any case involving a student in grade five or lower found in possession of a firearm on school property shall be referred to the School Board through a recommendation for action from the Superintendent. TRANSPORTATION COVID STATEMENT: Due to bus capacity regulations and dismissal safety protocols, we are NO LONGER accepting transportation changes. This includes changes in writing, over the phone, by email, or in person. BUSES COVID STATEMENT: Due to bus capacity regulations, buses will no longer accept guest riders. Lancaster encourages you to send your child to school on the bus. A student may only ride a different bus home if the parent first receives permission from the bus driver and sends a note to school with the child stating that permission was obtained. This note will be approved by the office and given to the child to hand to the bus driver in the afternoon upon dismissal. Several of our buses are at full maximum capacity and cannot accept guest riders. If a request like this occurs, the office will contact the parents. Please talk with your child about the importance of good behavior on the school bus. All children must comply with the bus driver’s rules. Your child may lose bus privileges if he/she does not behave on the bus. The following discipline plan will be followed concerning school bus discipline. DISCIPLINE PLAN FOR BUS RIDERS Please refer to the “Safe Procedures for School Bus Riders” pamphlet for specific safe riding practices. This pamphlet is given to parents at the beginning of each school year. Bus discipline infractions are submitted to administration by the bus driver. Discipline consequences are assigned based on the student’s misconduct. Examples of discipline consequences include: parent contact, detention, recess detention, In-School Support, suspension from bus, suspension, removal from bus. **Administration reserves the right to suspend a student from riding the bus on any offense depending on the severity of the offense.
CAR RIDER INFORMATION COVID STATEMENT: Car riders will use both foyers to enter and exit the building. At this time we are not accepting any transportation changes. STUDENTS MAY BE DROPPED OFF ONCE THE 7:35 A.M BELL RINGS. Please do not drop off prior to 7:35 am. For safety reasons, please do not let your child out of the car until a staff member is present. Car riders must be dropped off in the car loop which will be located on the WEST SIDE OF CAMPUS. Cars may only enter through the Pine Creek Subdivision. The car line will form within the Pine Creek Subdivision off of Hwy 22 and must loop around once inside the school to also exit back into the Pine Creek Subdivision. Cars will also be turning into the subdivision from the east side of Hwy 22. Please allow for cars to turn onto Pine Creek Drive. Please refer to the map below to enter and exit the school. CARS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE THE LANCASTER CAR RIDER SIGN in clear sight in order to pick up their child from school in car line. Those without the approved sign will be asked to report to the office to receive their child/student. If you foresee someone else needing to pick your child up, please secure the car rider sign in advance. TRANSPORTATION CHANGES COVID STATEMENT: We are NOT accepting transportation changes at this time. Changes will only be accepted with a handwritten, signed note from the parent/guardian on day of change. No phone calls, faxes, nor emails will be accepted. If students know how they are getting home in the afternoon, a note is not needed unless it is a guest rider.
See map for morning and afternoon car line procedures below. Morning & Afternoon Car Rider Drop Off MORNING CAR LINE The duty teacher will signal to cars when it is time to begin unloading children. Please pull up all the way to the front of the car loop where the overhang ends in order to get the maximum number of students safely unloaded at a time. Please watch for a signal from the duty teacher before unloading. Students should be ready to unload quickly when you have safely stopped the vehicle. All children will enter into the front of the school through the appropriate entrance. A duty teacher will be there to help direct them to either breakfast or the playground.
AFTERNOON CAR LINE COVID STATEMENT: Please be patient when we are dismissing car line, as our students will be social distanced throughout the building. Please be PROMPT when picking your child up after school. The afternoon car line will form the same as the morning line. Please do not park your car and walk to get your child as this creates an unsafe practice in crossing the street into the parking lot. All attention should be placed on the student’s safety. Be sure to pull your car all the way to the end of the overhang and sidewalk in order to load as many students as possible and avoid further traffic leading to Hwy. 22. During afternoon car line, the first 9 cars park by the respective numbers and no one should pull in front of another parked car that is in line. You MUST have the assigned car display with your child’s first and last name clearly written. Anyone without the DESIGNATED CAR DISPLAY given from Lancaster Elementary will need to park in the parking lot and come into the office to check out the student with proper identification. Any student not picked up by 3:35 pm after school will be sent to aftercare and aftercare registration and drop in fees will apply. Parents will not be allowed to wait and pick up children from the front office at the end of the day except in an emergency situation and approved by administration. Students who WALK to School Morning: Walkers may enter the FRONT OR BACK – Any students who walk to school MUST make prior arrangements with the front office. FRONT entry - parent walks student all the way to bus duty personnel outside cafeteria BACK entry - parent walks student to gate and duty teacher monitors students entering. The back gate is for Pine Creek students only. Students that use this gate will be provided a yellow walkers pass. Afternoon: A duty teacher will walk students to the BACK gate and parents should be waiting at the gate. Walkers are dismissed at the BACK ONLY in the afternoon. UNIFORM POLICY TOP: Royal blue polo style knit shirt, long or short sleeve (school logo/emblem optional) Royal blue crew neck T-Shirt, long or short sleeve (school logo/emblem preferred) Optional: Solid white, grey, or black shirt, long or short sleeve, may be worn underneath uniform shirt BOTTOM: Plain cotton twill Khaki pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, jumpers, or capris (Cargo-style shorts acceptable) Optional: White, grey, or black leggings may be worn under khaki bottoms Every FRIDAY students may wear a Lancaster spirit shirt. This includes Lancaster yearly spirit shirts, club shirts or past official Lancaster spirit shirts. PTA sells school shirts; order forms are available in the front office.
BOOKBAGS~ Due to safety concerns, we ask that students not bring rolling book bags to school. Since we are a 2-story school, this could present a dangerous situation to students using the steps. WEATHER EMERGENCIES School closing due to weather emergencies will be posted on the local news or the school board website, All STPSB severe weather guidelines will be adhered to in case of emergency conditions during school hours. STPPS will provide high quality learning through on- going communication and digital resources. Distance learning attendance and completion of coursework is mandatory using chrome books in the event of emergency shutdowns. Teachers will use Google Meet as their platform for posting assignments and participating in live lessons. To stay current on the official weather alerts effecting schools, sign up for Emergency & News Alerts on the School Board website, Instant messages may be sent to you directly from the school system in the form of text messages and/or e-mail. Lancaster Positive Behavior and Intervention Support (PBIS) J. B. Lancaster Elementary, in an effort to promote school-wide positive behavior, has developed a school- wide plan that will benefit all students and staff. This plan was developed by the Positive Behavior Support Committee and includes measures to recognize appropriate behavior, as well as, preventative measures to make our school safe and enjoyable. Our committee, made up of teachers, parents, administrators, and students, will work throughout the year to implement and review the PBIS plan. Our number one goal is safety while also promoting a positive learning environment where all students feel safe and secure. Lancaster practices the FISH Philosophy. The rules and expectations for all areas of the school are based on this philosophy. The 4 basic principles of the FISH Philosophy are Make Their Day Be There Choose Your Attitude Have Fun Included below is information about the PBIS plan including rules for each area, rewards for students, and examples of FISH principles. Please take time to review this booklet with your student.
Formal Behavior Plan (Discipline and Discipline Referrals) J. B. Lancaster Elementary maintains a school-wide discipline plan that follows the St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Discipline and Attendance to help students reach their maximum potential. Each teacher maintains a classroom management plan. The classroom plan is communicated via the teacher website, first day letters from teachers, grade level procedures letter, websites, open house presentations, etc. Teacher plans will include verbal warnings, restorative practices, buddy time outs, detentions, parental contact and referrals to the administration. All classroom teachers will communicate student misconduct via a weekly behavior log that should go home with weekly graded papers. This discipline log can be marked by any adults (duty teachers, enrichment teachers, etc.) who observe misconduct by the students. Each time the student’s behavior escalates, the discipline will be documented on the discipline log and a minor/major infraction form will be written as necessary. When behavior is continual or severe in nature, the student’s behavior will be documented on a state referral discipline form which is submitted to the school administration. Student discipline logs go home weekly with students. Parents will receive a phone call and a copy of any discipline form, minor or major, for office referred behaviors. If the student demonstrates a need for additional support, the administration along with the school counselor, parents, teachers and student will work together to develop an individual behavior plan to assist the student in reaching behavior and academic expectations. Discipline Policy and Bullying As in all of St. Tammany Parish Schools, J.B. Lancaster Elementary School does not tolerate bullying of any kind. Bullying is a form of aggression that is repeated and usually an imbalance of power. Physical bullying includes, but is not limited to shoving, poking, strangling, hair pulling, beating, teasing, kicking, or punching. Verbal bullying includes, but is not limited to, such acts as malicious name calling, teasing, or gossip. Emotional bullying includes, but is not limited to, rejecting, wronging, humiliating, diminishing personal characteristics. Stealing or damaging someone’s property Ganging up on someone Leaving someone out intentionally Incidents should be reported immediately to an adult. Allegations of bullying will be promptly investigated, giving due regard to the need for confidentiality and the safety of the alleged victim and/or any individual(s) who report an incident(s) of bullying. An individual has the right to report an incident(s) of bullying without fear of reprisal or retaliation at any time. Proven allegations of bullying can have serious consequences for the person deemed guilty, concluding verbal or written reprimand, in-school or out-of-school suspension, disciplinary reassignment, and/or expulsion. Refer to the St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Discipline and Attendance for additional information regarding incidents of bullying.
PBIS Rewards and Recognition Classroom Rewards: Each teacher maintains a classroom management plan with specific rules, routines, rewards and consequences. School-Wide Student Rewards and Reinforcements: A variety of rewards and recognition will be used school-wide to acknowledge students following the FISH Philosophy. These include: Turtle Tokens: Turtle Tokens are tickets used school-wide – classroom, playground, cafeteria, bus – to acknowledge students making good choices and following the FISH Philosophy. Turtle Tokens are placed in a box in the classroom. On Turtle Token Days, tokens are pulled in the classroom and students are recognized, receiving a prize from the office. Students can also purchase items from our Reef Store using their tokens. Terrific Turtles: Students recognized by their teachers for practicing the FISH Philosophy and going over and above will be recognized as Terrific Turtles. The administration will receive a written statement from the teacher and the students will be invited to a Terrific Turtle Celebration. The written statements will be shared with parents, along with an invitation to the Terrific Turtle Celebration. Turtle Treats: This is given to 2 students each month that are excelling or improving in a specific area. Students get a visit from the mascot, a classroom announcement, and a treat. The FISH Philosophy Lancaster practices the FISH Philosophy. The rules and expectations for all areas of the school are based on this philosophy. The 4 basic principles of the FISH Philosophy are Make Their Day, Be There, Choose Your Attitude, and Have Fun. Make Their Day Examples Non-Examples Doing nice things for others Bullying Helpful Excuses Using kind words Disrespectful Respectful Lying/fibbing Choose Your Attitude Examples Non-Examples Positive Whining Caring Negative Attitude Respectful Tattling Work and Play Safely Open to Other’s Ideas
Be There Examples Non-Examples Pay attention Bullying Engaged Making fun of others Encouraging Not willing to participate Helpful Not completing assigned classwork Safe Leaving others out Include others Not completing homework Responsible Ready to learn Come to school every day Have Fun Examples Non-Examples Play Safely Bullying Participation Not participating Engagement Bossy Teamwork Celebrating Include everyone Playground Rules When playing outside, all students should: Act friendly and respectful to all Report accidents and bullying immediately to an adult at recess Play safely; share and take turns Follow all equipment expectations Follow grade level expectations Stay within designated areas Keep hands to self – no tag Equipment / Ball Rules When playing with school equipment, students should: Share and take turns Follow game rules safely Return equipment promptly on signal Remain in designated areas with equipment
WALK and TALK recess (morning and slab only recess) When having walk and talk recess, students follow playground rules and also: Equipment and balls remain in bin Students talk to grade level peers Students remain in assigned areas Students walk, no running Third and Fourth Grade Recess Students can Walk and play in JB’s Cove area Run in the field, walk on the cement Play games (ball toss, hopscotch, four square, etc.) with correct equipment for each Play “horse” and “around the world” on basketball court and keep basketballs in this area Play kickball, taking turns Kick balls into the soccer goals, taking turns Play tetherball and funnel ball taking turns Walk the track/walking path Jump rope and hoola hoop Play in the Sensory Yard o Sit on Merry-Go-Round o Sit on the Teeter-Totter and hold onto the bars Stop, drop and hold when the first whistle blows o Stop moving o Drop off JB’s Cove o Hold balls, jump ropes, hula hoops, etc. Walk to lines when the 2nd whistle blows Students can not Play chase, tag, red hots, infected, gymnastics, football Hang upside down or flip on monkey bars Run on cement or JB’s Cove Have more than 2 people at a time on the See Saw Play cherry bombs during four square Use cell phones or electronics
Fifth and Sixth Grade Recess Students can Play Basketball – shooting drills (horse and around the world), only ONE game per goal, other games such as 5 on 5 Play four square using only four square balls Play funnel ball with no more than 4 students per game Run in the field, walk on the cement Play hopscotch Jump rope and hoola-hoop under corridor Play kickball, taking turns, with only ONE game of kickball at a time Kick balls into the soccer goals, taking turns Play tetherball, taking turns Walk the track/walking path Play in the Sensory Yard (5th grade only) o Sit on Merry-Go-Round JB’s Cove (5th grade only) Walk to lines when the bell/whistle blows, report directly to line (no restroom/water after whistle) Students can not Play chase, tag, red hots, infected, gymnastics, football Hang upside down or flip on monkey bars, jump off monkey bars, use slide incorrectly Run on cement or JB’s Cove Use rocking horse / spring equipment Engage in physical contact Use cell phones or electronics Car Rules When waiting to get in or out of your car, all students should: Sit quietly in line in the afternoon so you can hear your name being called Have belongings ready (keep all items in school bags and lunch boxes) Keep hands and feet to yourself Wait until vehicle is completely stopped before stepping forward to enter
Bus Rules When riding the bus, all students should: Keep their hands and feet to themselves Be on time to their bus both before and after school Listen to adult directions while getting on and off of the bus Speak in soft voices Stay seated on the bus Follow bus safety rules from district handbook Look and listen for your bus number to be called Arrive at home bus stop 10 minutes before the scheduled bus time Cell phone and electronic use prohibited Report to correct bus stop COVID: All students should wear a mask while riding the school bus to and from school daily. Hallway Rules When in the hallway, students should: Walk safely Stay to the right of the hall Keep hands and feet to yourself Keep backpacks on back Follow the brown tiles Stay quiet Cross on green tiles Stairway Rules When in the stairways, students should: Hold on to handrails at all times Stay to the right of the staircase Keep hands and feet to yourself Keep backpacks on back Take one step at a time Stay quiet Keep moving in safe manner
Restroom Rules When in the restrooms, students should: Be respectful of others and school property Wash hands before leaving Take care of their needs and return to class quickly Use quiet voices Keep the restroom clean and flush the toilet before leaving Refrain from using cell phones or electronics. Cafeteria Rules When in the cafeteria, students should: Use appropriate, respectful, and friendly talk Keep hands and feet to yourself Keep food on the plate Use proper manners while eating Pick up after yourself Use quiet voices Wash hands before eating Eat only your food Line up quietly and wait for signal to exit Sit quietly during arrival and dismissal Refrain from using cell phones or electronics.
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