PACK Filing, Storage and Desking - April 2017 - Trendway

Page created by Connie Vasquez
            Filing, Storage and Desking

                                Price List

                        Pricing Effective

                   April 2017

For Canadian pricing, please visit
   to see the current conversion rate being used.
Order Information
Pack                                              Placing an Order                              Lead-Times
                                                  To make placing an order simple,              The majority of Pack products

                                                                                                                                                Overview &
The Pack Collection offers a complete
furnishing solution for the work                  Trendway On-Line Order Entry                  are shipped within Trendway’s
environment. It includes desking, filing,         automatically prompts the product and         standard lead time. Extended
storage and bookcases. The collection             option decisions that are required. For       lead-time items in the catalog are
offers many surface material options              accurate order processing on faxed            designated by shading. Complete
                                                  orders, please type or use legible            orders entered electronically will
for flexibility in design and price point,
                                                  handwriting, and be sure to include the       ship within an average of 3 working
including metal, high-pressure laminate           following information:                        days. Products and their options
and anodized aluminum door units. The                                                           available for specification on Express

Pack collection is SCS Certified - Indoor         1. A complete “sold to” address with          are indicated with an in front of

                                                                                                                                               of Line
Advantage GOLD for indoor air quality.               correct Zip code.                          the catalog number. Note that all
Trendway product catalogs are available           2. A complete “ship to” address with          chosen options for a product must
                                                     correct Zip code.                          also be available in the Express
in the following design software: CAP,
                                                                                                program to qualify.
Data One, Giza, Midnight-Oil, and                 3. A purchase order number. (The order
Project Matrix. The Pack price list is also          is issued to Trendway Corporation,         Note: Shipping lead-times are
available in .pdf (Acrobat Reader) format            Holland, Michigan.)                        subject to product availability due

on For Architects                                                           to order size. For exact lead-times
                                                  4. A signature or name of person              on your order contact Trendway
and Designers, a free FSL (Furniture                 authorizing the purchase order.
Symbol Library) is available on www.                                                            Customer Care.                                     5. A contact name and phone number
                                                     at your company.                           Product Questions, Quotes &
Product dimensions are given throughout                                                         Order Placement On-Line
the product catalog and are followed              6. An actual calendar date for the  
by parenthesis which have the metric                 requested delivery date (not ASAP).        Hours: 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week

equivalent in millimeters. For example: A
                                                  7. Line items that are complete, which        Customer Care Representative
Rectangular Work Surface is available in
                                                     means all catalog numbers and              Hours: Monday-Friday
a 48" (1219)-width.
                                                     descriptions, options listed for                   7:30 am to 5:30 pm EST
Ordering Information                                 each product selected, fabric/finish       Phone: 1-800-893-8115
The most efficient way to enter an order             pattern and color descriptions, and        Fax:    1-800-893-8121
                                                     all corresponding letter or number

                                                                                                                                             Returns &
is through Trendway On-Line Order                                                               e-mail:

Entry on, which                   codes. Be sure to make a pick for
also accepts .sif files from the design              all available options. Also, combine       Trendway Custom Solutions
software listed above. Faxed orders are              identical items and specify total          Phone: 1-800-893-8117
available as well but may extend lead-               quantity unless using special marking
                                                     or tagging.                                For more information on Order
times.                                                                                          Placement, Confirmation, and
For ease in specifying, Trendway’s                   (Refer to your price list for ordering     Lead-Times, see the Pricing,
                                                     options.)                                  Procedures & Policies section in

catalog numbering system uses
meaningful characters to convey                   8. Special products referenced by their       the back of the price book.
description, surface type, and size. For             control numbers as well as their
example, PSLAT436 represents a Pack                  descriptions.
Four-High Lateral File that has 4 drawers
and is 36" (914)-wide.                            9. Line items that include price per unit,
                                                     as well as extended totals.
Order specification examples are shown

                                                                                                                                             Filing &
throughout the price book at the bottom           10. A total dollar amount for the purchase
of each page. Be sure to follow the order             order.
sequence carefully to ensure complete             11. Any special shipping requirements
and accurate order specification.                     clearly noted; i.e., “call before
After placing an order, Trendway will                 delivery.”
send an order acknowledgement that
follows the sequence of information
                                                  By placing your orders correctly and                                                       Accessories
                                                  completely the first time around, your
outlined below. Trendway encourages               order will be processed and scheduled
you to follow the same steps so that              without delay (subject to credit approval).
checking your order against the
acknowledgement will be as easy as
                                                                                                                                             Terms, Policies

Sequence Information
The table below shows a sample of the price book format’s sequence of information which will assist when placing an order
                                                                                                                                                & Index

and checking an order acknowledgement.

                 Catalog     Pull       Trim
                 Number      Style      Color        Lock
 Part Number:   PSLAT436
                ______          .L
                                 _           .J
                                              _         .R

April 2017                                        P | 1-800-893-8115    F | 1-800-893-8121                                               1
Order Information

                           Pack | Desking | Filing + Storage | Statement of Line
   Overview &


                                            D W                                                       D*     W*                                                         D     W
                                           36" x 72"                                                  24" x 30"                                                         30" x 60"
                                                                                                      36" x 72"                                                         30" x 66"
                                                                                                      *widths in increments of 6"                                       30" x 72"
  of Line

                                           D     W                                      D     W1 W2 D2                                   D     W1 W2                                                           D     W1 W2
                                           30" x 60"                                    24" x 48" x 60" x 30"                            24" x 48" x 60"                                                       24" x 36" x 17"
                                           30" x 66"                                    24" x 48" x 66" x 30"                            24" x 48" x 66"                                                       24" x 42" x 17"
                                           30" x 72"                                    24" x 48" x 72" x 30"                            24" x 48" x 72"                                                       24" x 48" x 17"

                                                                                        30" x 48" x 60" x 24"                            30" x 48" x 60"                                                       24" x 36" x 251/2"
                                                                                        30" x 48" x 66" x 24"                            30" x 48" x 66"                                                       24" x 42" x 251/2"
                                                                                        30" x 48" x 72" x 24"                            30" x 48" x 72"                                                       24" x 48" x 251/2"
                                                                                        24" x 48" x 60" x 30"                                                                                                  24" x 36" x 34"
                                                                                        24" x 48" x 66" x 30"                                                                                                  24" x 42" x 34"
                                                                                        24" x 48" x 72" x 30"                                                                                                  24" x 48" x 34"
                                                                                        30" x 48" x 60" x 24"
                                                                                        30" x 48" x 66" x 24"
                                                                                        30" x 48" x 72" x 24"
                                                                                                                                          Hutches                         File Hutch                     Transaction Counter

                                                                                                                                          D        W* H
                                                                                                                                          135/8" x 36" x 37"              D        W     H                     D     W H
                           D     W*                              D     W*                             D     W*                            13 / " x 72" x 37"
                                                                                                                                            5 8
Returns &

                                                                                                                                                                          123/4" x 30" x 37"                   14" x 48" x 15"

                           24" x 24"                             24" x 30"                            24" x 36"                                                           123/4" x 36" x 37"
                           24" x 72"                             30" x 72"                            30" x 72"                           *widths in increments of 6"                                          14" x 60" x 15"
                                                                                                                                                                          123/4" x 42" x 37"                   14" x 66" x 15"
                           *widths in increments of 6"           *widths in increments of 6"          *widths in increments of 6”                                                                              14" x 72" x 15"

                            Filing + Storage
                           Freestanding Towers                                       Tower with Bookcase                                       Vertical Pedestals              Mobile Towers                        Storage Lockers

                           D1         W         H                                     D         W        H                                   D        W        H                    D        W        H              D     W     H
                           231/2" x 1511/4" x 3977/8"                                 231/2" x 231/2" x 493/4"                               277/8" x 151/4" x 513/8"               231/2" x 231/2" x 431/4"        18" x 12" x 513/8"
                           23 /2" x 23 /2" x 39 /8"
Filing &

                                                                                      23 / " x 15 / " x 513/8"
                                                                                        1 2      1 4                                         277/8" x 151/4" x 63"                  231/2" x 231/2" x 543/4"        24" x 12" x 513/8"
                           231/2" x 231/2" x 493/4"                                   231/2" x 231/2" x 513/8"                                                                                                      18" x 12" x 657/8"
                           2311/2" x 1511/4" x 5133/8"                                                                                                                                                              24" x 12" x 657/8"
                           23 /2" x 23 /2" x 51 /8"                                   231/2" x 231/2" x 573/4"                                                                                                      18" x 18" x 513/8"
                           231/2" x 231/2" x 573/4"                                   231/2" x 151/4" x 657/8"                                                                                                      24" x 18" x 513/8"
                           2311/2" x 1511/4" x 6577/8"                                231/2" x 231/2" x 657/8"                                                                                                      18" x 18" x 657/8"
                           23 /2" x 23 /2" x 65 /8"                                                                                                                                                                 24" x 18" x 657/8"

                           Storage Lockers continued                                                       Dome Tops

                            D     W     H                  D     W     H           D     W     H
                           18" x 12" x 657/8"             24" x 18" x 657/8"      18" x 18" x 34"
                           18" x 12" x 657/8"                                     18" x 18" x 65"
Terms, Policies

   & Index

                           D       W      H              D       W       H        D        W      H       D       W      H            D        W     H               D       W      H
                           181/4" x 30" x 283/8"         181/4" x 30" x 273/4"    181/4" x 30" x 397/8"   181/4" x 30" x 513/8"      181/4" x 30" x 657/8           181/4" x 30" x 773/8"
                           18 / " x 36" x 283/8"
                             1 4
                                                         18 / " x 36" x 273/4"
                                                           1 4
                                                                                  18 / " x 36" x 397/8"
                                                                                    1 4
                                                                                                          18 / " x 36" x 513/8"
                                                                                                            1 4                      18 / " x 36" x 657/8"
                                                                                                                                       1 4
                                                                                                                                                                    18 / " x 36" x 773/8"
                                                                                                                                                                       1 4

                           181/4" x 42" x 283/8"         181/4" x 42" x 273/4"    181/4" x 42" x 397/8"   181/4" x 42" x 513/8"      181/4" x 42" x 657/8"          181/4" x 42" x 773/8"

                       2                                                                        P | 1-800-893-8115                  F | 1-800-893-8121                                                                      April 2017
Order Information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Overview &
  Laterals with Shelves                                                                       Laterals with Storage Cabinets

  D       W       H         D       W      H            D       W       H                     D       W       H                    D       W       H                D       W       H
  181/4" x 30" x 513/8"     181/4" x 30" x 657/8"       181/4" x 30" x 773/8"                                                                                       181/4" x 30" x 773/8"

                                                                                                                                                                                                               of Line
                                                                                              181/4" x 30" x 513/8"                181/4" x 30" x 657/8"
  181/4" x 36" x 513/8"     181/4" x 36" x 657/8"       181/4" x 36" x 773/8"                 181/4" x 36" x 513/8"                181/4" x 36" x 657/8"            181/4" x 36" x 773/8"
  181/4" x 42" x 513/8"     181/4" x 42" x 657/8"       181/4" x 42" x 773/8"                 181/4" x 42" x 513/8"                181/4" x 42" x 657/8"            181/4" x 42" x 773/8"
  181/4" x 30" x 657/8"                                                                       181/4" x 30" x 657/8"                181/4" x 30" x 773/8"
  181/4" x 36" x 657/8"                                                                       181/4" x 36" x 657/8"                181/4" x 36" x 773/8"
  181/4" x 42" x 657/8"                                                                       181/4" x 42" x 657/8"                181/4" x 42" x 773/8"

  Laterals with Frosted Doors                                                            Double Door Storage Cabinets

                                                                                           / / / / / /
                                                                                          1 43 41 43 41 43 4                  D        W       H           D        W       H
                                                                                                                              181/4" x 30" x 283/8"        181/4" x 30" x 397/8"
                                                                                                                              181/4" x 36" x 283/8"        181/4" x 36" x 397/8"
 D       W       H          D       W       H          D       W       H                                                      181/4" x 42" x 283/8"        181/4" x 42" x 397/8"

 181/4" x 30" x 513/8"      181/4" x 30" x 657/8"      181/4" x 30" x 773/8"
 18 / " x 36" x 513/8"
   1 4
                            18 / " x 36" x 657/8"
                              1 4
                                                       18 / " x 36" x 773/8"
                                                         1 4

 181/4" x 30" x 657/8"
 181/4" x 36" x 657/8"

  Double Door Storage Cabinet                   Wardrobe Cabinet                          D        W       H

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Returns &
                                                                                          181/4" x 30" x 513/8"

                                                                                          18 / " x 36" x 513/8"
                                                                                            1 4

                                                                                          181/4" x 42" x 513/8"

                                                                                      File Centers                                Pedestal File Center                   Project Cart
  D        W       H                            D        W       H
  181/4" x 30" x 657/8"                         181/4" x 36" x 657/8"

  18 / " x 36" x 657/8"
    1 4
                                                18 / " x 36" x 773/8"
                                                  1 4

  181/4" x 42" x 657/8"
  181/4" x 30" x 773/8"
  181/4" x 36" x 773/8"                                                               D        W        H                            D       W       H                    D        W        H
  181/4" x 42" x 773/8"                                                               181/4" x 301/2" x 283/8"                       18" x 30" x 27"                      231/2" x 151/4" x 17"

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Filing &
 Freestanding Pedestals                                          Mobile Pedestals                                Work Surface                                                    Pedestal Locker
                                                                                                                 Supporting Pedestals

 D        W         H                                           D        W        H                            D        W        H            D        W       H               D        W        H           Accessories
 187/8" x 151/4" x 273/4"                                       187/8"         x 151/4" x 273/4"               217/8" x 151/4" x 273/4"       177/8" x 151/4" x 193/8"         217/8" x 151/4"x 273/4"
 21 / " x 15 / " x 273/4"
   7 8       1 4
                                                                217/8" x 151/4" x 273/4"                                                      21 / " x 15 / " x 193/8"
                                                                                                                                                7 8      1 4

 277/8" x 151/4" x 273/4"                                       277/8" x 151/4" x 273/4"

  Bookcases                                                                                                                                                                Mobile Bookcase
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Terms, Policies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                & Index

   D        W      H          D       W       H            D       W       H             D        W      H                   D       W       H                            D        W        H
   133/8" x 30" x 273/4"      133/8" x 30" x 397/8"        133/8" x 30" x 513/8"         133/8" x 30" x 657/8"               133/8" x 30" x 777/8"                        151/4" x 321/2" x 261/2"
   13 / " x 36" x 273/4"
     3 8
                              13 / " x 36" x 397/8"
                                3 8
                                                           13 / " x 36" x 513/8"
                                                             3 8
                                                                                         13 / " x 36" x 657/8"
                                                                                           3 8
                                                                                                                             13 / " x 36" x 777/8"
                                                                                                                               3 8

   133/8" x 42" x 273/4"      133/8" x 42" x 397/8"        133/8" x 42" x 513/8"         133/8" x 42" x 657/8"               133/8" x 42" x 777/8"
                                                                                         133/8" x 30" x 70"
                                                                                         133/8" x 36" x 70"
                                                                                         133/8" x 42" x 70"

April 2017                                                      P | 1-800-893-8115                 F | 1-800-893-8121                                                                                    3
Order Information
                           Standard Fabrics                                                               Standard Application Direction
                           All Trendway standard directional fabrics
   Overview &

                           are applied Down-roll on Intrinsic                                                    Pack Tackboards (component)
                           Freestanding Tackboards less than 60"                                           Pattern      Greater than 60" Less than 60"
                           wide. A tackboard 60" or greater in width
                           will be railroaded.                                                             Anchorage                 R
                                                                                                           Backdrop                  R
                           Down-roll ( )                                                                   Bird’s Eye                R
                           Down-roll means the height dimension                                            Cameo                     R

                           of the tile or component is parallel to the                                     Cape Cod                  R
  of Line

                           warp of the fabric (Fig. A).                                                    Encore                    R
                           Fig. A                                                                          Fine Point                R
                                 66" Fa
                                   Width                                                                   Frost                     R
                                                                                                           Glint                     R
                                                                                                           Kinect                    R





                                          idth                                                             Intermix                  R

                                                                                                           Meander                   R

                                                                                                           Metallation               R
                                                    n   el

                                                                                                           Netiquette                R


                                                                                                           Pact                      R
                                                                                                           Proverb                   R

                           COM Fabrics                                                                     Pursuit                   R
                           COM fabrics may be applied either Down-                                         Script                    R
                           roll (Fig. A) or Railroad (Fig. B). When                                        Sprite                    R
                           choosing Railroad on COM fabrics                                                Strata                    R
                           please note that tackboard widths 60" and                                       Tabby Weave
                           greater cannot be applied Down-roll due
                                                                                                           Tenor                     R
Returns &

                           to panel fabric being 66" wide (Fig. C).

                                                                                                           Universe                  R
                                                                                                           Verse                     R
                                Railroad (R)
                                                                                                                 = Non Directional Pattern will be applied for best yield
                                Railroad means the height
                                                                                                                 = Down-roll
                                dimension of the tile or component
                                is perpendicular to the warp of the

                                fabric (Fig. B).
                                Fig. B
                                        66" Fa
Filing &

                                                 Co Wid

                                                   m th


                                                                     Pa n e l H
                                                         36"                          66"

                                Fig. C
                                       66" Fa
Terms, Policies




   & Index

                                                                                c    tio
                                                           n el



                       4                                                                    P | 1-800-893-8115     F | 1-800-893-8121                                       April 2017
Order Information
 Surface Material Program                        Pre-Approved COM                            Surface Material Legend

                                                                                                                                         Overview &
 The Trendway Surface Material Program           Select from popular COM fabrics
 includes a broad selection of coordi-           pre-approved by Trendway. Customers            = 100% Recycled Content
 nated fabrics, laminate and trim finish         are able to search the COM library on
 options. Additionally, Trendway offers a for fabrics and
 Customers Own Material (COM) program            specific applications that have passed
 to allow customers to further personalize       manufacturability testing on Trendway          = Surface Trends Program
 their work stations.                            product.                                         (Samples available through
                                                                                                  supplier, refer to previous
 The following sections describe the             HOW TO ORDER SAMPLES                             column for a list of supplier

 Trendway Surface Materials vocabulary.                                                           contacts)

                                                                                                                                        of Line
                                                 Binder Cards
 Standard Program                                Standard and Surface Trends binder
 Trendway’s Standard Program of time-            cards are available through Trendway
 less fabrics, finishes, vinyls and lami-        fulfillment.
 nates, is recommended for corporate
 standards programs. These fabrics               Standard Program Samples
 are carded, swatched and stocked by             Samples of many fabrics and finishes

                                                 are available through Trendway fulfill-

 Trendway. Refer to individual panels for
 fire rating classifications.                    ment.

 Surface Trends                                  Surface Trends and Alliance Partner
 Trendway’s Surface Trends Program is            Program Samples
 an evolving collection of fabrics, vinyls,      Surface Trends samples must be
 and laminates, and are designated               ordered directly through the supplier.
 by     symbol. Materials in this program        Contact information is listed below.

 comply with, and in many cases exceed           Reference the pattern name and color
 the industry standards for quality and          along with the supplier part number on
 performance.                                    the back of your binder card to order
 Surface Trends panel fabrics pass
 California Technical Bulletin 117-2013          Camira
 and are listed as part of the UL      

                                                                                                                                      Returns &
 recognized component program.                   616-288-0655

 Express                                         Guilford Of Maine®
 Express fabrics and finishes are available
 in a three-day lead time. Surface Materials     1-800-544-0200
 available for specification on Express
 are indicated with a in front of the            Momentum® Textiles

 3-digit code.
 Terratex®                                       Nevamar
 Terratex is a Duvaltex brand designat-
 ing fabrics that are made from 100%             1-800-638-4380
 recycled or compostable material using
 increasingly sustainable manufactur-            Pionite
 ing practices to produce a high-quality

                                                                                                                                      Filing &
 product that is recyclable at the end of        1-800-746-6483
 its useful life. For more information, go to                               Wilsonart®
 COM                                             1-800-433-3222
 Customers Own Material program allows
 customers to select and specify their own       Please note: Colors on printed sample                                                Accessories
 fabric or laminate on Trendway product.         cards are as accurate as offset printing
 For detailed information, see COM in the        allows. Please refer to the actual sample
 Pricing, Procedures and Policies section        before ordering.
 in the back of the price list.
                                                                                                                                      Terms, Policies
                                                                                                                                         & Index

April 2017                                      P | 1-800-893-8115    F | 1-800-893-8121                                          5
Order Information

                           Panel Fabrics
   Overview &

                           Framework                         Grade 0     Netiquette                    Grade 1    Cameo                             Grade 2
                           Value Fabric                                      Victor                                  Momentum
                             B4V          Sandy Pebble                   KK3           Chipset                     K0V      Almond
                             B4X          Gray Blue                      KK4           Dashboard                   K0W      Coffee
                             B4Y          Eucalyptus                     KK5           Analog                      K0X      Fawn
                             BJ7          Dove Gray                      KK6           Schema
                                                                                                                   K0Y      Ivory
                                                                         KK7           Inkjet
                             KJX          Grotto                         KK8           Gamma                       K10      Linen

                             KJY          Fresco                         KK9           Vector                      K11      Metal
  of Line

                             KK0          Capri                          KKA           Refresh                     K12      Mist
                             KK1          Cappuccino                     KKC           Pixel                       K13      Parchment
                             KK2          Espresso                                                                 K14      Smoke
                                                                         Pursuit                       Grade 1     K15      Stone
                           Fine Point                        Grade 1        Guilford   of Maine                    K16      Twig
                               Victor                                    KD8           Fern

                             BN2          Balique                        KD9           Whisper

                                                                                                                  Cape Cod                          Grade 2
                             BN3          Fresco                         KDA           Dove                          Guilford     of Maine
                             BN4          Porcelain                      KDC           Mist Grey                   BYF            Linen
                             BN5          Silvern                        KDD           White Linen
                                                                                                                   BYG            Cloud
                                                                         KDE           Lemon Zest
                             BN6          Sterling                                                                 BYH            Seagull
                                                                         KDF           Elephant
                             BN7          Vintage                                                                  BYJ            Key Lime
                                                                         KDG           Cement
                                                                                                                   BYK            Buff
                           Frost                             Grade 1                                               BYM            Shale

                             AH2          Whiteout                       Universe                      Grade 1     BYN            Apricot
                             AH3          Dew                               Momentum                               BYP            Dune
                             AH4          Icing                            B4G     Cosmic                          BYR            Surf
                             AH5          Flurries                         B4H     Creme Brulee
                             AH6          Crystals                         B4J     Depth                          Encore                            Grade 2
                             AH7          Snowcap                                                                    Momentum
Returns &

                                                                           B4K     Mica

                             AH8          Sleet                            B4M     Milkyway                        K00      Cocoa
                             AH9          Glaze                            B4N     Seneca                          K01      Graphite
                             AJ0          Blizzard                         B4P     Wheat                           K02      Honey
                             AJ1          Arctic                           B4R     Whitecap                        K03      Putty
                             AJ2          Wintry
                             AJ3          Glacier                        Backdrop                      Grade 2    Metallation                       Grade 2
                             AJ4          Chilled                           Momentum

                                                                                                                    SL5           18 Karat
                             AJ5          Black Ice          Fine Po      K0G      Barley                           SR4           Polished Pewter
                                                                          K0H      Bone                             SQ6           Welded Steel
                                                                          K0J      Bonsai                           SJ3           Etched Bronze
                           Intermix                          Grade 1
                                                                          K0K      Cement                           SP8           Chrome
                               Guilford   of Maine
                                                                          K0M      Charcoal                         SM3           Dark Annealed
                             KDH          Seagull
                                                                          K0N      Jute                             SS2           Wrought Iron
                             KDJ          Rocket Ship
Filing &

                                                                          K0P      Khaki                            SN1           Fired Titanium
                             KDK          Husky
                                                                          K0R      Mica                             ST0           Stove Pipe
                             KDM          Foggy
                                                                          K0T      Mocha                            BPP           Stainless
                             KDN          Coconut
                                                                          K0U      Rain
                             KDP          Butter Rum
                             KDR          Swan                           Bird’s Eye                    Grade 2
                             KDT          Neptune

                                                                           AG0         Rock
                             KDU          Marsh                            AG1         Vista
                             KDV          Smoky Quartz                     AG3         Outlook
                                                                           AG4         Impression
                                                                           AG5         Flight
                           Meander                           Grade 1       AG7         Glide
                              Momentum                                     AG9         Panorama
                            B48      Agate Taupe
Terms, Policies

                            B49      Nightshadow
   & Index

                            B4A      Overcast
                            B4B      Sandshell

                                                      Fabric patterns noted with   are available in Trendway’s Express program.
                       6                                               P | 1-800-893-8115   F | 1-800-893-8121                                      April 2017
Order Information
  Panel Fabrics

                                                                                                                                     Overview &
 Pact                          Grade 2     Tabby Weave                    Grade 2     Anchorage                     Grade 3
    Momentum                                 150      Wedgewood                          Guilford   Of Maine
   BM5     Aloe                              175      Crystal Blue                      AQ1         Vanilla
   BM6     Azure                             380      Quartz                            AQ2         Green Olive
   BM7     Calla                             390      Rose Quartz                       AQ3         Eucalyptus
   BM8     Coastal                           400      Cherry Neutral
                                                                                        AQ4         Cumin
   BM9     Delft                             401      Blue Neutral
                                             404      Apricot Neutral                   AQ8         Birch
   BMA     Dove

   BMC     Dragon                            QL2      Blue Spruce                       AQ9         Goose

                                                                                                                                    of Line
   BMD     Eureka                            QM0      Sienna                            AR0         Asteroid
   BME     Fern                              QN9      Blue Plum                         AQ5         Slate
   BMF     Harbor                            QP5      Bone                              AQ6         Quarry Blue
   BMG     Lily                              QQ3      Cement Mix                        AQ7         Deep Water
   BMH     Lime                              QR1      Light Moss                        AR1         Angora
   BMJ     Midnight                          QS0      Lake                              AR2         Henna

   BMK     Nectar                            QT8      Stream

                                                                                        AR3         Fossil
   BMM     Patina                            QV0      Desert Sand                       B9P         Straw
   BMN     Putty                             238      Grey Mix
                                                                                        BF1         Sunshine
   BMP     Roast                             423      Pumice
   BMR     Roma                                                                         BF2         Pumpkin
                                             BV2      Silver Papier
   BMT     Rubine                                                                       BF3         Geranium
                                             K96      Black
   BMU     Sketch                                                                       BF4         Aubergine
                                             K97      Coin
   BMV     Tanzanite                                                                    BF5         Mulberry
                                             K98      Flannel

   BMW     Taupe                                                                        BF6         Poppy
                                             K99      Medium Grey
   BMX     Toasty                                                                       BF7         Amber
                                                                                        BF8         Goldenrod
 Sprite                         Grade 2
                                                                                        BF9         Cobalt
     Guilford   Of Maine
  BU7           Butter                                                                  BFA         Lapis
                                           Tenor                          Grade 2       BFC         Thistle
  BU8           Harvest

                                                                                                                                  Returns &

  BU9           Khaki                                                                   BFD         Midnight
  BUA           Kiwi                        B0R      Bisque                             BFE         Sea
  BUB           Linen                       B0T      Champagne                          BFF         Green Apple
  BUC           Powder                      B0U      Chiffon                            BFG         Willow
  BUD           Sherbet                     B0V      Desert View                        BFH         Pine Needle
  BUE           Sky                         B0W      Driftwood                          BFJ         Wolf
  BUF           Snow                        B0X      Heatherglen                        BFK         Coffee Bean

                                            B0Y      Mysteria                           BFM         Graphite
 Strata                         Grade 2     B30      Rose Tan
     Guilford   Of Maine                                                                BFN         Red Delicious
  BY6           Linen                                                                   GEB         Onyx
  BY7           Straw                                                                   BXN         Magenta
  BY8           Sand                       Verse                          Grade 2       BXP         Waterfall
  BY9           Latte                         Momentum
  BYA           Cloud                       B31      Field

                                                                                                                                  Filing &
  BYC           Sky                         B32      Pyrite
  BYD           Cement                      B33      Sandhurst
  BYE           Sea                         B34      Twilight

                                                                                                                                  Terms, Policies
                                                                                                                                     & Index

                           Fabric patterns noted with   are available in Trendway’s Express program.
April 2017                                 P | 1-800-893-8115    F | 1-800-893-8121                                           7
Order Information

                           Panel Fabrics
   Overview &

                           Glint                     Grade 3        Script                         Grade 3
                               Momentum                                 Momentum
                           KG3        Barley                        KHK        Almond
                           KG4        Caspian                       KHM        Charcoal
                           KG5        Column                        KHN        Feldspar
                           KG6        Gobi                          KHP        Flint
                           KG7        Gypsum                        KHR        Nectar
                           KG8        Note                          KHT        Patina

                           KG9        Opal                          KHU        Pebble
  of Line

                           KGA        Pearl                         KHV        Sand
                           KJ2        Pumice                        KHW        Shadow
                           KGC        Relic                         KHX        Slate
                           KGD        Rune                          KHY        Sterling
                           KGE        Serene                        KJ0        Taupe
                           KGF        Shale                         KJ1        Zinc

                           KGG        Sisal

                           KGH        Turret
                           KGJ        Vera

                           Kinect                    Grade 3
                           KGK       Alloy
                           KGM       Ashen

                           KGN       Chiffon
                           KGP       Cove
                           KGR       Dew
                           KGT       Dove
                           KGU       Ivory
                           KGV       Mercury
Returns &

                           KGW       Mushroom
                           KGX       Nickel
                           KGY       Numbus
                           KH0       Passion
                           KH1       Smoke
                           KH2       Tin
                           KH3       Vapor
                           KH4       Veil

                           Proverb                   Grade 3
                           KH5       Anchor
                           KH6       Armor
                           KH7       Basalt
Filing &

                           KH8       Buff
                           KH9       Cinder
                           KHA       Crystal
                           KHC       Fog
                           KHD       Linen
                           KHE       Mist
                           KHF       Oyster

                           KHG       Rye
                           KHH       Steel
                           KHJ       Storm
Terms, Policies
   & Index

                                                Fabric patterns noted with   are available in Trendway’s Express program.

                       8                                       P | 1-800-893-8115    F | 1-800-893-8121                     April 2017
Order Information
 Standard Systems Finishes

                                                                                                                                        Overview &
 Trendway standard paints include smooth and textured styles in our five trim colors.
 Systems     Paints and Trim              Glazed Panels                                 Panel Vinyls
   G         Gray                         Plexiglass                                     V38           Textured Gray
   TG        Textured Gray                  01        Clear                              V39           Textured Charcoal
   J         Stucco                         02        Bronze Tinted                      V41           Textured Pebble
   TJ        Textured Stucco                E3A       *Frosted                           V48           Textured Sand
   K         Charcoal                     *Tempered Glass                                V49           Textured Stucco
                                                                                         V51           Textured Light Gray

   TK        Textured Charcoal              03        Clear

                                                                                                                                       of Line
   P         Pebble                         04        Bronze Tinted                      V52           Designer White
   TP        Textured Pebble                                                             V53           Textured Platinum
   Y         Sand                                                                       Note: Panel vinyls only available on
                                          The color options are semi-transparent
   TY        Textured Sand                                                              Choices VP Panels, Volo, TrendWall and
                                          with (or without) patterns.
   L         Light Gray                                                                 Doors.
   TL        Textured Light Gray           *Standard 3form Color Options
                                            E01     Solo Supermatte Ecoresin

   DW        Designer White

   TDW       Textured Designer White        E02     Solo Aqua Supermatte Ecoresin
                                            E03     Spider Ecoresin

                                          *Note: These options are offered at an
                                          upcharge. Please refer to a specific item
                                          in your price list to determine the amount
                                          of upcharge.

 Premium Systems Finishes
 Premium finishes are offered at a modest upcharge. Please refer to a specific item in your price list to determine the
 amount of upcharge. Textured metallic colors display a matte texture with metallic highlights. They coordinate with standard
 Trendway trim colors (indicated by the second letter in the code).

                                                                                                                                     Returns &
 Textured Metallic Paint          Smooth Metallic Paint                     Wood Veneer

   FG     Gray Frost                 PA       Platinum                         A       Oak             M4 Beigewood
   FJ     Stucco Frost                                                         F       Mahogany        M5 Brazilwood
   FK     Charcoal Frost                                                       I       Maple           M7 Chocolate Pear
                                                                               R       Cherry          M8 Empire Mahogany
   FP     Pebble Frost                                                         M1 Fonthill Pear        M9 Wild Cherry
   FY     Sand Frost                                                           M2 Fusion Maple
   FL     Light Gray Frost                                                     M3 New Age Oak

   FDW Designer White Frost                                                 Note: Extended lead times apply to wood veneers.

 Edge Detail
 Vinyl Edge Band                          Wood Grain    Vinyl Edge Band

                                                                                                                                     Filing &
   G      Gray                             W1           Crown Cherry
   J      Stucco                           W3           Fonthill Pear
   K      Charcoal                         W4           Chocolate Pear
   L      Light Gray                       W5           Fusion Maple
   P      Pebble                           W6           Wild Cherry
   Y      Sand
                                           W7           Empire Mahogany
   E1     Designer White                   W8           Beigewood
   E2     Slate Grey                       W9           New Age Oak
   PA     Platinum                         WE           Brazilwood
                                           WO           Cannella Rustik
                                           WA           Carmelo Mist
                                           WR           Drift Loud
                                                                                                                                     Terms, Policies

                                           WT           White Zebrine
                                                                                                                                        & Index

                                          Note: Wood Grain Vinyl Edge Band only available
                                          on Choices Systems and Choices Desking and Tables

April 2017                                 P | 1-800-893-8115    F | 1-800-893-8121                                              9
Order Information

                        High Pressure Laminates
   Overview &

                        Standard Program
                        Solid                                      Pattern                                         Wood Grain
                            Wilsonart       Grade 1                  551           Stipple Graphite                 J28         Fonthill Pear
                          520       Gray                             553           Stipple Gray                     J25         Fusion Maple
                          573       Light Gray                       JL6           Green Tigris                     J0G         Beigewood
                          583       Charcoal                         JM4           Evening Tigris                   J1J         New Age Oak
                          J11       Stucco                           JN2           Grey Tigris                      J1M         Brighton Walnut 38
                          J20       Sand                             J09           White Tigris                     J2A         Empire Mahogany 38
  of Line

                          J08       Slate Grey                       JP9           Natural Tigris                   J0A         Chocolate Pear
                          J0C       Designer White                                                                  J0D         Brazilwood
                                                                                                                    J1R         Wild Cherry
                        Wood Grain
                            Stevens Industries           Grade 3
                            *Artika Finish

                             JA1         Cannella Rustik
                             JA2         Carmelo Mist
                             JA3         Drift Loud
                             JA4         White Zebrine

                        *Note: Lead times may be extended.
                        Call Customer Care for specific

Returns &

                                Surface Trends Program
                        Solid                                            Solid                                        Pattern
                            Wilsonart                    Grade 1             Nevamar                    Grade 1          Pionite                Grade 1
                         J04         Shadow                               J0F        Cordial Gray                      J3E          Vanilla Fiber
                                                                                                                       J3F          Wheat Fiber
                        Pattern                                          Pattern                                       J3G          Negotiating in Geneva
                            Wilsonart                Grade 1                 Nevamar                  Grade 1          J3H          Cavalcade South

                          J12        Silicon Evolv                        J3U        Easy Elegance                     J3J          Travelin Light
                          J13        Titanium Evolv                       J3V        Calm Distinction                  J3K          Gold Pannin
                          J14        Nickel Evolv                         J3W        Cool Chic                         J3M          Cubicle Papel
                          J15        Carbon Evolv                         J40        VOUS Fawn                         J3N          Olive Serenity
                          J16        Tungsten Evolv                       J42        VOUS Serene                       J3P          Groundswell
                          J17        Windswept Bronze                     J43        VOUS Metal                        J3R          Passin Thru
                          J18        Windswept Pewter                     J44        VOUS Tempest
Filing &

                          J32        Pewter Brush                         J46        Stipple Straw
                          J33        Antique Brush                        JF1        Stipple Birch
                                                                                                                      Wood Grain
                          J1A        Canyon Zephyr                        K15        Kopi Susu
                                                                                                                        Pionite                 Grade 1
                          J1B        Misted Zephyr                        K16        Stipple Storm                     J3T          Spice Walnut
                          J1C        Loden Zephyr                                    (Storm Gray Matrix)               J39          Looks Likatre

                          J1D        Desert Zephyr                        K17        Regency Mahogany                  J3A          Leave Likatre
                          J1E        Twilight Zephyr                      K18        Wrought Iron                      J3C          Seems Likatre
                          J1N        Navy Legacy                          K19        Yunnan                            J3D          Appears Likatre
                          J1P        Cloud Nebula                                                                      J1X          Honey Maple

                            Wilsonart Extended Colors Program            Wood Grain
                            Trendway has graded in a large                  Nevamar                   Grade 1
Terms, Policies

                            selection of Wilsonart colors in Grade 1      J45       Illustrious Maple
                            and Grade 2 HPL Laminates. Extended           J47       Legendary Teak
   & Index

                            lead times may apply. See the Surface         J48       Luminary Teak
                            Materials section of Trendealer for the       J49       Recon Oak
                            current selection.                            JD5       Crown Cherry

                                                      Fabric patterns noted with     are available in Trendway’s Express program.
                       10                                              P | 1-800-893-8115    F | 1-800-893-8121                                 April 2017
Order Information
 Seating Fabrics

                                                                                                                                   Overview &
 Highbeams                     Grade A    Jane                          Grade A     Perk                         Grade A
     Guilford of Maine                        Guilford of Maine                        Momentum
   BC1             Buttercup               BR7            Blueberry                 Note: Not available on Live/ Live II
   BC2             Black                   BR8            Chive                     Chairs
   BC3             Navy                    BR9            Fuchsia                     B22           Auburn
   BC4             Bayberry                BRA            Gold                        B23           Cabana
   BC5             Kiwi

                                           BRC            Grape                       B24           Cedar

                                                                                                                                  of Line
   BBN             Nude                    BRD            Guacamole                   B25           Crimson
   BBP             Gold Rush               BRE            Jet                         B26           Dijon
   BBR             Barley                  BRF            Lapis                       B27           Ebony
   BPU             Rust                    BRG            Lichen                      B28           Flint
   BBU             Expresso                BRH            Natural                     B29           Patriot
   BBV             Maroon                                                             B2A           Pewter
                                           BRJ            Persimmon
   BBW             Tangerine
                                           BRK            Pomegranate                 B2B           Regal

   BBX             Slate

   BBY             Grape                   BRM            Ruby                        B2C           Sesame
                                           BRN            Rust                        B2D           Walnut
                                           BRP            Steel
 Hue                           Grade A     BRR            Ultramarine               Sketch                       Grade A
                                                                                       Guilford of Maine
    AJ8         Black
    AJ9         Dandelion                Open House                  Grade A          KA6           Berry
                                                                                      KA7           Brass

    AK1         Frothe                     Guilford of Maine
    AK2         Annato                                                                KA8           Buttercup
    AK3         Pacific                    A63          Red Delicious                 KA9           Carrot
    AK4         Eggplant                   A64          Onyx                          KAA           Cocoa
    AK5         Sky                        A65          Pumpkin                       KAC           Flamingo
    AK6         Night                      A66          Pine Needle                   KAD           Flannel
    AK7         Cocoa                      A67          Midnight                      KAE           Grass

                                                                                                                                Returns &
                                           A68          Willow

    AK8         Golden                                                                KAF           Khaki
    B54         Aspen                      A69          Aubergine                     KAG           Kiwi
    B55         Currant                    A70          Mulberry                      KAH           Lagoon
    B56         Fern                       A71          Cumin                         KAJ           Merlot
    B57         Indigo                     A72          Deep Water                    KAK           Navy
    BB4         Char                       A74          Thistle                       KAM           Sage
    BB5         Chipotle                   A75          Goldenrod                     KAN           Teal
    BB6         Laurel                     A76          Fossil

    BB7         Paprika                    B5A          Coffee Bean
    GHK         Latte                      B5B          Green Olive                 Ticker                       Grade A
    BUG         Hibiscus                   B5C          Henna
    BUH         Quarry                     B5D          Poppy                          Guilford of Maine
    BUJ         Seaport                    B5E          Straw                         KDW           Caribbean
    BUK         Shade                      B5F          Amber                         KDX           Cinnamon
    BUM         Stem                       BE1          Angora                        KDY           Cobalt

    K7E         Grape

                                                                                                                                Filing &
                                           BEH          Asteroid                      KE0           Espresso
    K7F         Grass                      BE4          Cobalt                        KE1           Fairway
    K7G         Juniper                                                               KE2           Flint
                                           BE3          Geranium
    K7H         Saffron                                                               KE3           Ginger
    K7J         Salsa                      BEG          Goose
                                           BE9          Graphite                      KE4           Grain
    K7K         Smoke                                                                 KE5           Grape
    K7M         Tropic                     BE7          Green Apple
                                                                                      KE6           lavender
                                           BE5          Lapis
                                           BEE          Quarry Blue                   KE7           Meadow
                                                                                      KE8           Midnight
                                           BE8          Wolf
                                                                                      KE9           Orchid
                                           BXR          Magenta                       KEA           Raspberry
                                           BXT          Waterfall                     KEC           Raven
                                                                                      KED           Terracotta
                                                                                                                                Terms, Policies
                                                                                                                                   & Index

                     Fabric patterns noted with     are available in Trendway’s Express program.
April 2017                                P | 1-800-893-8115   F | 1-800-893-8121                                          11
Order Information

                            Seating Fabrics
   Overview &

                            Canter   Polyurethane     Grade B    George                           Grade B   Current                   Grade C
                              Momentum                              Guilford of Maine                         Momentum
                             BVK          Alfalfa                 K9A             Antler                     K7P          Birch
                             BVM          Ancho                   K9C             Aquamarine                 K7R          Cadet
                             BVN          Ballad                  K9D             Bamboo                     K7T          Eclipse
                             BVP          Baltic                  K9E             Ebony                      K7U          Espresso
                             BVR          Basalt                  K9F             Flannel                    K7V          Moss

                             BVT          Bordeaux                K9G             Gold
  of Line

                                                                                                             K7W          Pecan
                             BVU          Brazen                  K9H             Ground                     K7X          Plum
                             BVV          Chestnut                K9J             Harvest
                             BVW          Cordovan                K9K             Honey Mustard
                             BVX          Earth                   K9M             Hudson                    Habit                      Grade C
                             BVY          Ink                     K9N             Ivy
                             BW1          Iron                    K9P             Lawn                         Momentum
                             BW2          Lucid                   K9R             Liberty                    K7Y          Aspen

                             BW3          Maize                   K9T             Marine                     K80          Blueprint
                             BW4          Mica                    K9U             Mercury                    K81          Dune
                             BW5          Night                   K9V             Ocean                      K82          Kindle
                             BW6          Nimbus                  K9W             Plum                       K83          Pier
                             BW7          Onyx                    K9X             Poppy                      K84          Salt
                             BW8          Pyrite                  K9Y             Purple
                             BW9          Quarry                                                             K85          Tailor
                                                                  KA0             Raspberry
                             BWA          Sable                   KA1             Root Beer

                             BWC          Saddle                  KA2             Suede                     Infinity                   Grade C
                             BWD          Safari                  KA3             Uniform Blue
                             BWE          Sand                    KA4             Vermillion                   Momentum
                             BWF          Storm                   KA5             Wheat                      K3F          Aluminum
                             BWG          Sumac                                                              K3G          Aster
                             BWH          Tango                                                              K3H          Atoll
                             BWJ          Tawny                  Punchline                        Grade B
Returns &

                                                                                                             K3J          Barley

                             BWK          Thatch
                             BWM          Toasty                    Guilford of Maine                        K3K          Berry
                             BWN          Tusk                    BDT             Angora                     K3M          Beyond
                             BWP          Verdite                 BTE             Azure                      K3N          Capri
                             BWR          Willow                  BTF             Cherry                     K3P          Dove
                             KKD          Adobe                   BTG             Cobalt                     K3R          Eclipse
                             KKE          Blush Grey              BTH             Copper                     K3T          Graphite
                             KKF          Citrus                  BTJ             Eucalyptus                 K3U          Gull

                             KKG          Espresso                BTK             Graphite                   K3V          Hyacinth
                             KKH          Folkstone Grey          BTM             Linen                      K3W          Java
                             KKJ          Graphite                BTN             Mist                       K3X          Lemongrass
                             KKX          Kiwi Green              BTP             Nugget                     K3Y          Links
                             KKM          Pine                    BTR             Peacock                    K40          Macintosh
                             KKN          Polar Blue              BTT             Pepper                     K41          Maize
                             KKP          Red                     BTU             Spring                     K42          Papaya
                             KKR          Sand Dollar             BTV             Straw
Filing &

                                                                                                             K43          Pewter
                             KKT          Summer White            BTW             Tangerine
                             KKU          Teal Green                                                         K44          Pumice
                                                                  BTX             Vanilla                    K45          Radiant
                             KKV          Twilight                BTY             Willow
                             KKW          Wood Rose                                                          K46          Rinse
                                                                                                             K47          Russet
                                                                                                             K48          Sable
                                                                 Sockhop                          Grade B

                            Fuse                      Grade B
                                                                    Guilford of Maine
                                                                  A86             Graphite
                             BNE          Morel                   A87             Cobalt
                             BNF          Azurean                 A88             Twilight
                             BNG          Carmine                 A89             Pine
                             BNH          Cress                   A91             Silver Lining
                             BNJ          Ginger                  A92             Platinum
Terms, Policies

                             BNK          Iris                    A93             Custard
                                                                  A95             Bronze
   & Index

                             BNM          Lunar
                             BNN          Malted                  A96             Pumpkin
                             BNP          Pepper                  A97             Garnet
                             BNR          Pimento                 BEK             Blue Moon
                             BNT          Pristine
                             BNU          Saffron
                             BNV          Walnut

                                              Fabric patterns noted with     are available in Trendway’s Express program.

                       12                                       P | 1-800-893-8115   F | 1-800-893-8121                                 April 2017
Order Information
 Seating Fabrics

                                                                                                                             Overview &
 Infinity                    Grade C Millennium                    Grade C       Skip                      Grade C
     Momentum                            Momentum                                  Momentum
   K49          Stucco                  K5H           Aglow                       KJ3         Alloy
   K4A          Terrain                 K5J           Amber                       KJ4         Captain
   K4C          Tyrian                  K5K           Anchor                      KJ5         Chalk
   K4D          Umber                   K5M           Cascade                     KJ6         Clementine
   K4E          Vanilla                 K5N           Cavern                      KJ7         Cobalt

                                                                                                                            of Line
   K4F          Vine                    K5P           Cerise                      KJ8         Deep
                                        K5R           Clean                       KJ9         Elm
 Knack                       Grade C    K5T           Coastal                     KJA         Flax
                                        K5U           Copper                      KJC         Flint
     Momentum                                                                     KJD         Fuchsia
                                        K5V           Crisp
Note: Not available on Live/ Live II    K5W           Electric                    KJE         Keylime
Chairs.                                 K5X           Geode                       KJF         Mushroom
                                                                                  KJG         Nickel

 BNW            Brisk

                                        K5Y           Ush
 BNX            Fresco                                                            KJH         Onyx
                                        K60           Mocha                       KJJ         Pewter
 BNY            Reed                    K61           Monument
 BP0            Sax                                                               KJK         Pool
                                        K62           Nector                      KJM         Ruby
 BP1            Teak                    K63           Onyx
 BP2            Zest                                                              KJN         Saffron
                                        K64           Orchid                      KJP         Sparrow
 BP3            Zing
                                        K65           Peridot                     KJR         Sprite
 BUR            Berry
 BUT            Carbon                  K66           Plateau                     KJT         Straw

 BUU            Dark Roast              K67           Pool                        KJU         Terrain
 BUV            Filament                K68           Pyrite                      KJV         Vanilla
 BUW            Glaze                   K69           Safari                      KJW         Yacht
 BUX            Wave                    K6A           Sapphire
                                        K6C           Spark
                                        K6D           Steel                      Syntax                    Grade C
 Marathon                    Grade C

                                                                                                                          Returns &
                                        K6E           Tanzanite                    Momentum

     Momentum                           K6F           Thrill                      K8N         Asphalt
   K4G          Alert                   K6G           Voyage                      K8P         Camel
   K4H          Arbor                   K6H           Zinc                        K8R         Carmine
   K4J          Caravel                                                           K8T         Cocoa
                                       Odyssey                     Grade C        K8U         Flare
   K4K          Chili
   K4M          Clay                     Momentum                                 K8V         Hudson
   K4N          Clove                                                             K8W         Mahogany

                                        K1D           Alloy                       K8X         Nectar
   K4P          Curry                   K1E           Amp
   K4R          Cyan                                                              K8Y         Pewter
                                        K1F           Breeze                      K90         Plant
   K4T          Deep                    K1G           Captain                     K91         Shale
   K4U          Flax                    K1H           Carbon                      K92         Steel
   K4V          Fluorite                K1J           Cedar                       K93         Tiger Eye
   K4W          Foliage                 K1K           Craft                       K94         Turquoise
   K4X          Herb                    K1M           Cruise

                                                                                                                          Filing &
                                                                                  K95         Violet
   K4Y          Lantern                 K1N           Duon
   K50          Marigold                K1P           Eggplant
   K51          Noir                    K1R           Emerald                    Tradition                 Grade C
   K52          Oats                    K1T           Fossil
   K53          Oz                      K1U           Ink                          Momentum
   K54          Pinot                   K1V           Inlet                       K2E         Ash
   K55          Pollen                  K1W           Iris                        K2F         Branch                      Accessories
   K56          Rain                    K1X           Kiss                        K2G         Class
   K57          Ridge                   K1Y           Linen                       K2H         Distant
                                        K20           Lively                      K2J         Flirt
   K58          Sprite
                                        K21           Maritime                    K2K         Frond
   K59          Storm                   K22           Nettle                      K2M         Grain
   K5A          Sunset                  K23           Oliver                      K2N         Hedge
   K5C          Tint                    K24           Opaque                      K2P         Hidden
                                                                                                                          Terms, Policies

   K5D          Toile                   K25           Primary                     K2R         Isle
   K5E          Violet                  K26           Roast                       K2T         Jazz
                                                                                                                             & Index

   K5F          Vivacious               K27           Rue                         K2U         Kelly
   K5G          Wren                    K28           Sangria                     K2V         Latte
                                        K29           Skim                        K2W         Malbec
                                        K2A           Smith                       K2X         Miller
                                        K2C           Tinge                       K2Y         Mist
                                        K2D           Western

                    Fabric patterns noted with   are available in Trendway’s Express program.
April 2017                             P | 1-800-893-8115   F | 1-800-893-8121                                       13
Order Information

                            Seating Fabrics
   Overview &

                            Tradition Cont.               Grade C    Cosmopolitan                 Grade D     Cover Cloth              Grade E
                              Momentum                                  Guilford of Maine                       Momentum
                             K30              Peel                    BPD            Amber                     KF8          Antique
                             K31              Plated                  BPE            Cornsilk                  KF9          Bouquet
                             K32              Regal                   BPF            Crimson                   KFA          Coffee
                             K33              Sly                     BPG            Earthen                   KFC          Cyan
                             K34              Soar

                                                                      BPH            Everglade                 KFD          Delft
  of Line

                             K35              Soy                     BPJ            Ivory                     KFE          Electric
                             K36              Spiced                  BPK            Shadow                    KFF          Flame
                             K37              Sprout                  BPM            Spring                    KFG          Fuchsia
                             K38              Sterling
                                                                      BPN            Stream                    KFH          Graphite
                             K39              Sun
                             K3A              Tango                                                            KFJ          Heirloom
                             K3C              Theater               Free                         Grade D       KFK          Hickory
                                                                                                               KFM          Indigo

                             K3D              Wash                     Momentum

                             K3E              Weld                                                             KFN          Jet
                                                                      K8E           Cocoa                      KFP          Navel
                                                                      K8F           Evening                    KFR          Oat
                            Via                           Grade C     K8G           Graphite                   KFT          Platinum
                              Momentum                                K8H           Oasis                      KFU          Savor
                             K86              Cayenne                 K8J           Orbit                      KFV          Shire
                             K87              Cornsilk                K8K           Pearl                      KFW          Sorrel
                                                                      K8M           Platinum                   KFX          Taiga

                             K88              Fieldspar
                             K89              Galaxy                                                           KFY          Taupe
                                                                    Boom II                       Grade E      KG0          Vesper
                             K8A              Khaki
                             K8C              Pristine                 Momentum                                KG1          Vessel
                             K8D              Slate                                                            KG2          Zest
                                                                      KEH           Black Ice
                                                                      KEJ           Butterscotch
Returns &

                                                                      KEK           Cloud

                            Bravo II Polyurethane         Grade D
                                                                      KEM           Foliage
                              Momentum                                KEN           Frothe
                              BWT             Alfalfa                 KEP           Heather
                              BWU             Bark                    KER           Honeycomb
                              BWV             Barn                    KET           Klein
                              BWW             Black                   KEU           Living
                              BWX             Brick                   KEV           Mirror

                              BWY             Cinder                  KEW           Mushroom
                              BX0             Clay                    KEX           Mystic
                              BX1             Copper                  KEY           Pewter
                              BX2             Driftwood               KF0           Poppy
                              BX3             Dusk                    KF1           Sapphire
                              BX4             Graystone               KF2           Slate
                              BX5             Hematite                KF3           Spruce
Filing &

                              BX6             Iron                    KF4           Stout
                              BX7             Marina                  KF5           Toucan
                              BX8             Mica                    KF6           Wall Street
                              BXA             Night                   KF7           Zeal
                              BXC             Outback
                              BXD             Patina

                              BXE             Ranch
                              BXF             Saddle
                              BXG             Slate
                              BXH             Sunset
                              BXJ             Tumbleweed
                              BXK             Twilight
                              BXM             Willow
Terms, Policies
   & Index

                       14                                           P | 1-800-893-8115   F | 1-800-893-8121                             April 2017
Order Information
 Seating Fabrics

                                                                                      Overview &
 Brisa/Brisa Distressed   Grade G   Leather               Grade Leather
 Ultrafabrics                         L25            Teal
                                      L42            Black
   BWT          Alfalfa               L45            Charcoal
   BWU          Bark                  L50            Saddle
   BWV          Barn                  L4A            Blue
   BWW          Black                 L4B            Expresso

   BWX          Brick                 L4E            Bright White

                                                                                     of Line
   BWY          Cinder                L4F            Doe
   BX0          Clay                  L4G            Burgundy
   BX1          Copper                L4H            Parchment
   BX2          Driftwood             L4J            Light Gray
   BX3          Dusk                  L4K            Dark Brown
   BX4          Graystone             L4M            Blueberry
   BX5          Hematite              L4N            Hunter

   BX6          Iron                  L4P            Bone
   BX7          Marina
   BX8          Mica
   BXA          Night
   BXC          Outback
   BXD          Patina
   BXE          Ranch
   BXF          Saddle

   BXG          Slate
   BXH          Sunset
   BXJ          Tumbleweed
   BXK          Twilight
   BXM          Willow
   K79          Aztec

                                                                                   Returns &
                                                                                   Filing &
                                                                                   Terms, Policies
                                                                                      & Index

April 2017                          P | 1-800-893-8115   F | 1-800-893-8121   15
Order Information

                            This form can be used as a worksheet                Pack Core/Key Set                                                Pack Core Installation/Removal Key
                            or an order form to determine what key              The Pack Core/Key Set is needed when                             Pack Core Installation/Removal Key is
   Overview &

                            alike Pack Core/Key Sets are needed                 the Key Alike Option ‘T’ is selected,                            needed to install Core/Key Sets and
                            for key-alike Pack filing and storage,              or if a lock needs to be changed out                             to remove or replace existing Pack
                            Pack locks on Choices and Contrada                  in an existing unit. The Core/Key Set                            lock cores.
                            flipper units and for additional Pack               provides the ability to pick the key
                            Lock Keys, Core Keys and Master                     number for a single storage piece, each                          *Pack Master Key
                            Keys*. It is also used to specify special           individual office or group of offices.                           Pack Master Key is used to open
                            tagging instructions to designate                   Pack Core/Key Sets includes a lock                               any Pack style lock. Master keys are
                            installation locations, which is offered            core and 2 lock keys. Additional lock                            sent out separately from the product

                            free of charge.                                     keys are available.                                              order. Request for Master keys must
  of Line

                                                                                                                                                 be made on the end users letterhead
                            The information on this form can either                                                                              and faxed to Trendway Customer
                            be entered in Trendway’s design                                                                                      Care at 1-800-893-8212. Orders are
                            software, or through Trendway On-line                                                                                shipped within 24-hours of receipt.
                            Order Entry on using
                            the catalog numbers listed below or
                            it can be used as an order form and

                            faxed toTrendway Customer Care.

                                                 Trendway Corporation
                                                 13467 Quincy St. Holland MI 49424                             Pack Keying Order Form

                                                 Phone: (800) 893-8115 Fax: (800) 893-8121

                                                 Customer P.O. Number _________________________
                                                                                             _ Trendway Order Number _______________________________
                                                 Ship To address if diff erent from P.O. _______
Returns &

                                                 Pack Core/Key Set – PLCAK              (Pack Lock Cores are Silver in color)
                                                    Qty.           List      Key Number                          Key—Alike Special Tagging Instructions
                                                                Price $14    S101-S200       Floor   Office

                                                     2             $28            0            3       5       John’s Office

                                                     6             $84            0            2               Offices 201, 252


                                                             A                               M P
Filing &

                                                Additional Pack Lock Key(s) – PLKS

                                                    Qty.          List       Key Number                         Key—Alike Special Tagging Instructions
                                                                Price $8     S101-S200       Floor   Office
                                                     1            $8             S101
Terms, Policies

                                                 Additional Pack Core Installation/Removal Key(s) - CRK
   & Index

                                                    Qty.          List
                                                                Price $4
                                                     3            $12

                                                 Pack Master Key(s)
                                                 Pack Master Keys are used to open any Pack style lock. Master keys are sent separately from the product order.
                                                 Requests for Master keys must be made on the end-user’s letterhead and faxed to Trendway Customer Care at
                                                 1-800-893-8121. Orders are shipped within 24 hours of receipt.

                       16                                                    P | 1-800-893-8115               F | 1-800-893-8121                                              April 2017
Order Information
                                                                                                                           Overview &
  Trendway Corporation
  13467 Quincy St. Holland MI 49424                             Pack Keying Order Form
  Phone: (800) 893-8115 Fax: (800) 893-8121

                                                                                                                          of Line
 Customer P.O. Number _________________________
                                             _ Trendway Order Number _______________________________
 Ship To address if diff erent from P.O. _______

  Pack Core/Key Set – PLCAK

                                         (Pack Lock Cores are Silver in color)
                    List      Key Number                          Key—Alike Special Tagging Instructions
                 Price $14    S101-S200        Floor   Office

                                                                                                                        Returns &
 Additional Pack Lock Key(s) – PLKS

                                                                   Key—Alike Special Tagging Instructions

                                                                                                                        Filing &
       Qty.        List       Key Number
                 Price $8     S101-S200        Floor   Office


  Additional Pack Core Installation/Removal Key(s) - CRK
       Qty.        List
                                                                                                                        Terms, Policies

                 Price $4
                                                                                                                           & Index

  Pack Master Key(s)
  Pack Master Keys are used to open any Pack style lock. Master keys are sent separately from the product order.
  Requests for Master keys must be made on the end-user’s letterhead and faxed to Trendway Customer Care at
  1-800-893-8121. Orders are shipped within 24 hours of receipt.

April 2017                                    P | 1-800-893-8115    F | 1-800-893-8121                             17
Order Information

                            Pack Core/Key Set                             Pack Core Installation/Removal Key         Pack Keys
                            The Pack Core/Key Set must be ordered         The Pack Core Installation/Removal         Replacement Pack keys are available
   Overview &

                            when the Key-Alike lock option is cho-        Key is needed to install or remove Pack    for order.
                            sen to replace the “disposable” core          Cores in Pack filing units or in Pack
                            that ships with Pack filing units in order    Locks for Choices and Contrada Flipper
                            for these units to lock. This set can also    Units (PKCHFLA and PKCTAFLA).
                            be ordered to replace an existing Pack
                            Core/Key Set. The set includes a Pack
                            lock core and 2 lock keys.
  of Line

                                                                          Pack Core/ Key Sets

                                                                                                                        List     Catalog      Key
                                                                                                                        Price    Number      Number
                                                                                                                         $14     PLCAK      S101-S200
Returns &

                                                                          Pack Core Installation/Removal Key

                                                                                                                        List     Catalog
                                                                                                                        Price    Number
                                                                                                                          $4      CRK

                                                                          Pack Lock Keys

                                                                                                                        List     Catalog      Key
Filing &

                                                                                                                        Price    Number      Number
                                                                                                                          $8      PLKS      S101-S200

                                                                                                           Build your complete
                                                                                                           Part Number here:     _____             _
Terms, Policies
   & Index

                                                                                                              Part Number:       _PLKS
                                                                                                                                   ____        _

                                                                                                              Total Cost $8 =    $8           N/C

                       18                                                P | 1-800-893-8115   F | 1-800-893-8121                                   April 2017
                                                                                 Order Information
                                                                                    Overview &
                                                                                   of Line
 Pack Desking
 Typical Workstations                                 20

 Features & Planning                                  22
 Rectangular Desk                                     26
 Bowed Front Rectangular Desk                         27

 Corner Desk                                          28
 Extended Corner Desk - Right and Left Hand           29

                                                                                 Returns &
 Extended Corner Dual-Depth Desk
 Right and Left Hand                                  30
 D-Top Peninsula Desk                                 31

 P-Top Peninsula Desk - Right and Left Hand           31
 Returns                                              32

                                                                                 Filing &
 Transitional Returns - Right and Left Hand           33
 Bridges                                              34

 Hutches                                              35
 Transaction Counters                                 36                         Representatives
                                                                                 Trendway GSA
                                                                                   Index and

April 2017                       P | 1-800-893-8115    F | 1-800-893-8121   19
Pack Typical – 6'x5' Work Station

                             LIST PRICE $4785                                Quantity      Number                     Description
                                                                                1          PFRD3060     30X60 Rectangular Desk, Full Modesty,
                                                                                1          PFR2436      24X36 Return, Full Modesty
                                                                                1          PFCU60       60 Hutch
     Order Information

                                                                                1          TLS42        Slim Profile Task Light, Fits 42"-60"W
        Overview &

                                                                                1          PSP6612      Work Surface Supporting Pedestal, 6/6/12 (b/b/f)
       of Line

                             Pack Typical – 7'x6' Work Station
                             LIST PRICE $6,643
     Returns &

                                                                             Quantity       Number                       Description

                                                                                1           PFCD2436    36" Corner Desk, Straight Front, Half Modesty
                                                                                1           PFR2436     24X36 Return, Half Modesty
                                                                                1           PFR2448     24X48 Return, Half Modesty
                                                                                1           PFCU72      72 Hutch

                                                                                1           TLS60       Slim Profile Task Light, Fits 60"W
                                                                                1           PSP6612     Work Surface Supporting Pedestal, 6/6/12 (b/b/f)
                                                                                1           PSP1212     Work Surface Supporting Pedestal, 12/12 (f/f)
     Filing &
Trendway GSA
  Index and

                            20                                   P | 1-800-893-8115     F | 1-800-893-8121                                       April 2017
Pack Typical – 8' 6"x8' Work Station

 LIST PRICE $8,505                                 Quantity   Number                          Description
                                                     1         PFRD2472        24 X 72 Rectangular Desk, Half Modesty
                                                     1         PFCU72          72" Hutch
                                                     1         TLS60           Slim Profile Task Light, Fits 60" W

                                                                                                                                      Order Information
                                                     1         PSP6612         Work Surface Supporting Pedestal, 6/6/12(b/b/f)

                                                                                                                                         Overview &
                                                     1         PFRDB3672       36X72 Bowed Front Desk, Full Modesty
                                                     1         PFBR2472        24X72 Bridge, Half Modesty
                                                     1         PSSTWL661212    66" Storage Tower - Left-Hand, 12/12 (f/f)

                                                                                                                                        of Line
 Pack Typical – 8' 6"x8' 6" Work Station

 LIST PRICE $8,755                                 Quantity     Number                        Description
                                                      1         PFRD3072           30X72 Rectangular Desk, Half Modesty
                                                      1         PFCU72             72" Hutch

                                                      1         TLS60              Slim Profile Task Light, Fits 60"W
                                                      1         PSP6612            Work Surface Supporting Pedestal, 6/6/12
                                                      1         PFBR2442           24X42 Bridge, Half Modesty

                                                                                                                                      Returns &
                                                      1         PFDP3072           30X72 D-Top Peninsula, Half Modesty

                                                      1         PSLATSC2330W       30X77 Two-High Lateral File w/ Storage

                                                                                                                                      Filing &
                                                                                                                                      Trendway GSA
                                                                                                                                        Index and

April 2017                              P | 1-800-893-8115    F | 1-800-893-8121                                                 21
The Pack Collection offers a complete              Ordering Information                                   Acknowledgement Defaults:

                             furnishing solution for the work                   For ease in specifying, Trendway’s                    If a grommet option is not required,
                             environment. It includes desking,                  catalog numbering system uses                         GN “no grommet” will be selected.
                             filing, storage and bookcases. The                 meaningful characters to convey
                             collection offers many surface material            description, surface type, and size.
                             options for flexibility in design and              For example, PFCD2436 represents a
                             price point, including metal, high-                Corner Desk, 24" (610) deep and 36"
     Order Information

                             pressure laminate and anodized                     (914) wide.
                             aluminum door units. Pack desking
        Overview &

                             products contain steel end panels,                 By following the Sample Part Number
                             modesties and hutches. Desking tops                Example at the bottom of each page,
                             are constructed of high-pressure                   you create a part number for each
                             laminate for a durable, long-lasting               product. This part number will appear
                             finish. The Pack Collection is SCS                 on your acknowledgement and packing
                             Certified – Indoor Advantage GOLD for              slip.
                             indoor air quality.                                When ordering Desking units, list the

                                                                                Quantity (combine the same products).
       of Line

                                                                                Complete part number; see Sample Part
                                                                                Number at the bottom of each page for
                                                                                the correct number sequence.
                                                                                For ease of reading, place a period
                                                                                between each option number


                                                                                  Desk    End               Inside                        Top
                                                          Catalog                 Top    Panel            End Panel           Top        Edge        Trim
     Returns &

                                                          Number        Modesty Grommet Grommet            Covers            Color       Color       Color

                                   Part Number:           PFRD2448
                                                          _ _____         .F
                                                                           _        .GY
                                                                                     __       .GYP
                                                                                               ___             .2C
                                                                                                               __             _.J28
                                                                                                                                 __        .W3
                                                                                                                                            __        .G

                                   Total Cost $1165 =      $1030          N/C        N/C        N/C         $135              N/C          N/C        N/C

     Filing &

                                             :LUH                                                                            :LUH&KDQQHO
                                             0DQDJHPHQW                                                        ‡

                                                                                                      ‡                  7DFNERDUG

                                  5HFWDQJXODU'HVNZLWK             ‡                                                         ‡
                                  (QG3DQHO*URPPHWV                                                                                                         3RS8S3RZHU
                                  DQG)XOO0RGHVW\                  ‡                                                                            ‡           'DWD0RGXOH
Trendway GSA

  Index and

                                                                          :LUH0DQDJHPHQW                 &RYHUVZLWK*URPPHWV

                            22                                             P | 1-800-893-8115    F | 1-800-893-8121                                                   April 2017
Standard Features                                           Desk configurations. Attachment              Any modification to Trendway

Pack Desking and Components:                                hardware is included when ordering           product will change the criteria

• Freestanding desks include a 1¼"                          a bridge (four splice plates), standard      referenced above. Trendway’s
  (32)-thick high-pressure laminate                         return or Transitional return (two           product warranty is rendered
  work surface with a vinyl edge, an                        splice plates).                              void if modifications are made to
  end panel with or without grommets,                                                                    the product or if the capacities
                                                         • Modesty sizes: Half Modesty is 12"
  and wire management. Allow for a ½"                                                                    referenced are exceeded.
                                                           tall, positioned 17" from the floor. Full

                                                                                                                                                          Order Information
  work surface overhang on front, back
                                                           Modesty is 27 5/8" tall, positioned ½"        Glide Adjustment Ranges:
  and sides of all desks. Work surfaces

                                                                                                                                                             Overview &
                                                           from the floor.                               • End Panels   7/8"
  are pre-drilled for proper end panel
  leg positioning except transitional                                                                    • Post Leg     7/8"
                                                         Components Capacities
  returns.                                               Trendway Corporation will not, under            Special Products
• End panels are non-handed and                          any circumstances, guarantee or                 Please contact Trendway Custom
  can be specified with or without a                     assume responsibility for loading               Solutions 1-800-893-8117 for product
  grommet option. When specified                         performance beyond the basic                    availability and pricing on non-standard
  with a grommet, two black plastic                      individual component capacities given           products.
  grommets will be positioned at the top                 below.

  of the leg. The end panel grommets                                                                     Desking Component Planning

                                                                                                                                                            of Line
  are rectangular 3½"X2" ( 64X66)                        • Shelf Units: 3 lbs (1.4KG) per linear         The planning guidelines in this
  plastic grommets; inside dimensions                      inch of usable space.                         document provide important instructions
  2¾"X1½ (63X35).                                                                                        for safely configuring freestanding
                                                         • Overhead Storage Units: Inside –              product applications. The following
• Each 12-inch end panel leg includes                      3 lbs. (1.4kg) per linear inch. Top           diagrams illustrate the proper use
  an 18-inch (457) plastic wire                            cover of under storing door unit –            of supporting elements, connecting

  management channel, one (1) metal                        2 lbs. (.9kg) per linear inch of usable       hardware and overhead cabinet units.
  wire management cover, and a single                      space.
  centered grommet at the top of the                                                                     End Panel Grommets
                                                         • Desks: 5 lbs. (2.3kg) per linear inch,        End panels are available with
  leg. The grommet option provides                         uniformly distributed.
  seamless cable management down                                                                         and without grommets. End panel
  each side of the end panel. A one-                     • Center Drawers: 9 lbs. (4.1kg)                grommets provide the capability to

  piece end panel cover allows easy                                                                      link desk-to-desk or end panel to
  access to the cables.                                  Pedestals and File Centers                      wall wire management. End panels
                                                         Any pedestal or file center that is             for Pack Desking are non-handed.
• Each 23" and 29" end panel includes                    attached to the underside of a work             Installation teams must consult the
  an 18" plastic wire management                         surface must have glides adjusted so            included Instruction Sheet for location

                                                                                                                                                          Returns &
  channel. Metal wire management                         that the weight of the pedestal or file         of end panels with grommets.
  covers are sold separately.                            center is fully supported.
• The Peninsula desk is supported by                                                                     All Pack desks can be specified with
  an end panel and a column leg.                         WARNING:
                                                         Failure to observe the recommended              either Full, Half or No modesty (see
• Corner desks and extended and dual-                                                                    chart for availability exceptions). Full-

                                                         practices, such as loading beyond
  depth corner desks may not be used                     listed capacities, will result in unsafe        height modesties are 27 5/8" (1/2" from
  as a stand-alone or end-of-run desk;                   usage conditions and may result                 the floor) and Half-height modesties
  they must be attached on both sides                    in bodily injury or failure of other            are 12" (17" from the floor). All modesty
  to a bridge or return. For an end-of-                  components.                                     panels are single-piece, 22-gauge steel
  run application additional end panels                                                                  construction with forms on each edge for

                                                                                                                                                          Filing &
  will need to be purchased.                                                                             added strength and ease of attachment
                                                                                                         to end panels and work surfaces.
• The Transitional Return and Standard                                                                   Modesty panels attach to pre-drilled
  Returns are supported by an end-                                                                       holes located on the inside edges of
  panel leg.                                             Modesty Availability                            end panels.

• Bridges and returns are designed to                                                                  No               Half           Full
  be attached to other Freestanding                                  Desks                           Modesty           Modesty       Modesty

                                                                                                  Available on 30",
                                                    Rectangular                            36", 42", and 48"        •            •

                                                                                                     desk only.
                                                                                                                                                          Trendway GSA

                                                           Bowed Front Rectangular                                         •            •
                                                                                                                                                            Index and

                                                           Corner Desk                                                     •            •
                                                           Extended Corner, Right and Left                                 •            •
                                                           Extend Dual Depth Corner,
                                                           Right and Left                                                  •            •
                                                           D-Top Peninsula                               •                 •
                                                           P-Top Peninsular, Right and Left              •                 •
                                                           Standard Returns                                                •            •
                                                           Transitional Returns, Right and Left                            •            •
                                                           Bridges                                                         •            •

April 2017                                               P | 1-800-893-8115       F | 1-800-893-8121                                                 23
23" and 29" End Panel                       12-Inch End Panel                           Hutches

                             End Panels are non-handed and 27-3/4"       The 12-inch end panel is designed to sit    Hutch doors flip up to stow over the

                             high when leveling glides are fully         perpendicular to the edge of the work       top. Locks are concealed beneath
                             recessed. The leveling glides provide       surface, providing additional support       the shelf and may be keyed alike
                             7/8" adjustment. The 23- and 29-inch        and sufficient knee space. The 12-inch      or random. The hutch includes
                             end panel corresponds with 24"- and         end panel does not require a gusset         a tackboard and black cable
                             30"-deep work surfaces, and is placed       with a no-modesty-panel option, as it       management strip located between the
     Order Information

                             at the end of the work surface runs. All    is not to be used at the end of a work      tackboard and desk. The upright side
                             end panels are 1-1/2" wide so that work     surface run. The 12-inch end panel may      panels of the hutch must be located
        Overview &

                             surface fasteners are positioned within     also be used at mid-run to support two      within 2" of a pedestal, end panel or
                             the end panel, allowing for storage to      work surfaces simultaneously. When          corner leg to ensure adequate support.
                             set snug against the end panel. A           specifying a 12-inch end panel only one     The hutch width is 1" narrower than
                             gusset is required when a no modesty        (1) grommet will be included (3-1/2" x 2"   listed to allow for 1/2" setback on both
                             panel is specified. Each end panel is       – outside dimensions; 2-3/4" and 1-1/2",    sides.
                             pre-drilled for both half & full height     inside dimensions).
                             modesty panel attachment. Each 23"
                             and 29" end panel is available with or

                             without plastic grommets (3-1/2" x 2" –                                                                  "
       of Line

                             outside dimensions; 2-3/4" and 1-1/2",
                             inside dimensions). End panel grommets                                                                                    "
                             are located at the top of the leg. End
                             panel covers can be specified with or
                             without grommets and are located on                                                               "
                             the inside of the end panel. End panel

                             covers are an option.


                                                                                                                     Return and Corner Hutches
                                                                                                                     The return hutch connects to a
                                                                                                                     corner hutch to form an “L” desk
                                                                                                                     configuration. A corner hutch must be
     Returns &

                                                                         Corner Leg                                  specified with a right and left return

                                                                         The corner leg is L-shaped, 7-1/2" X        hutch. The corner hutch will add
                                                                         7-1/2" and 1-1/2" wide, so that work        18" to the overall width of the return
                                                                         surface fasteners are positioned within     hutch. The front panel of the cabinet
                                                                         the leg itself. The Corner leg is 27-3/4"   is removable to disclose a concealed
                                                                         high when leveling glides are fully         storage space. The corner hutch does
                                 Inside End

                                                                         recessed. Leveling glides provide 7/8"      not lock, or accommodate
                                 Panel Cover
                                                                         adjustment. All corner legs include         a task light and or have a tackboard.
                                                                         one (1) 18" plastic wire management                                  "
                                                                         channel with adhesive strips that can
                                                 Outside End             be attached to a modesty panel, work

                                                 Panel Cover
     Filing &

                                                                         surface or storage cabinet.
                                                                         When a no-modesty option is specified,            "
                                                                         two (2) gussets are included to support                          "                      "
                                                                         either a 23" or 29" panel leg.

                                                                         Gussets are 18-inch gauge steel.


Trendway GSA
  Index and



                                                                        Corner Leg        Corner Leg with Cover

                            24                                          P | 1-800-893-8115    F | 1-800-893-8121                                                April 2017
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