Global Labor and Employment Law Strategic Topics - Employment documentation management globally - EY
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Global Labor and Employment Law Strategic Topics Employment documentation management globally 2019 Edition #2
In this issue, we focus on: employment documentation management globally Editorial 5 India 24 Albania 6 Italy 26 Argentina 7 Lithuania 27 Australia 8 Mexico 28 Belgium 9 Netherlands 29 Brazil 10 New Zealand 30 Bulgaria 11 Peru 31 Canada 12 Poland 32 Colombia 13 Portugal 33 Costa Rica 14 Russia 34 Czech Republic 15 Serbia 35 Estonia 16 Singapore 36 Finland 17 Slovakia 37 France 18 Spain 38 Georgia 19 Sweden 39 Germany 20 Switzerland 40 Greece 21 United Kingdom 41 Guatemala 22 Contacts for Labor & 42 Employment Law Services Honduras 23 Recent EY publications 44 Hong Kong 24
Editor’s letter Companies operating cross border with employees around the world are facing increased challenges to ensure compliance with the various labor and employment law documentation and retention requirements. Global organizations often have difficulties ensuring that documentation is properly managed and retrievable by the right people at the right time and for the right reasons. Moreover, the GDPR requires companies to allow employees access to the information and documents retained by the employer concerning them in order to verify the accuracy, and request correction or erasure. In this edition of our EY Global Labor & Employment Law hot topics guide, we focus on the rules for employment documentation and management across 36 jurisdictions. EY’s legal advisory and managed services teams not only advise companies on compliance with these legal rules; we also assist companies in setting up systems to easily process, store and retrieve documentation in compliance with those rules. Roselyn Sands Paula Hogéus EY Global Labor & Employment EY Global Labor & Employment Law Markets Leader Law Leader roselyn. sands@ ey-av ocats. com paula. hogeus@ law. se. ey. com
Albania Soena Foto Employment documentation However, in a fast-paced technological Employees have the right to be informed working world, where outsourcing and about their personal data being processed management cloud computing of personal data are and to request from their employers the As a general principle, personal data widely used — enhancing business agility following: should be collected by employers at the and accelerating change for all industries • Information free of charge regarding the amount needed to fulfill legal obligations worldwide — new challenges arise for processing’s scope, the categories of imposed by the labor legislation and employers as data controllers. processed data and the data receivers individual or collective contracts. From a data-privacy perspective, • Blocking, correcting or deleting his or In addition to the personal data that is the allocation of responsibilities, the her data, free of charge, whenever the traditionally expected to be processed in applicable data-privacy obligations and employee becomes aware that such data the employer-employee relationship, such rules for cross-border transfers of data is incorrect, untrue, incomplete or has as contact details, salaries and leaves, remain major challenges. Pursuant to been gathered or processed in violation employers also process data about their the Commissioner on Data Protection, of the law employees as part of their day-to-day the data controller cannot transfer In conclusion, personal data security is a working lives. In this respect, one of the personal data outside of Albania or to very important aspect of modern human main challenges that employers face countries other than European Union resources management and is certainly while gathering and processing personal Member States, in the cloud, without not to be taken lightly. Employers need to data is data management — i.e., keeping obtaining preliminary opinion from the ensure they conduct adequate periodic such data confidential and safe without Commissioner. due-diligence controls on the security, exceeding timelines specified by the law. With respect to the retention period of retention and erasure of data when it is Employers are obliged to protect the personal data, generally such data should no longer required. It is fundamental for confidentiality of an employee’s personal be retained until the termination of the ongoing compliance and reducing risk of data and should not disclose such employment relationship. Employers may exposure. data unless required by the applicable process personal data in excess of such legislation. Employers should implement terms only upon consent of the employee. an information security management However, certain personal data, such as system based on the identification, salaries and other work-related benefits, analysis and mitigation of potential risks personal income tax, social security and imposed on the security of personal data. health contributions paid for employees, Further, personal data should be held in should be kept for a period of five years as private physical or electronic files. Special a requirement of the tax legislation. measures should be implemented for Regarding work-related accidents and the security of sensitive personal data illness, employers should keep a separate (i.e., race, ethnicity, health and sexual registry that should be kept for a period life). This includes keeping files separate of five years. After the lapse of such term, and allowing access only to authorized the registry is archived at the Regional persons. Directory of Social Security. Soena Foto 6 Employment Documentation Management Globally
Javier Sabin Argentina Employment documentation Even more, the term for an employee place of work a certified copy of the to claim payment of the applicable documentation that, according to law, management retirement fund or pension with the should be there. In Argentina, information backup is Argentine Government does not become Moreover, the Federal Public Revenue key to safeguarding employers from statute-barred; therefore, employers Agency (AFIP) deployed the digital wages employee claims in labor courts. Thus, as should keep documentation related and salaries book system to replace established in section 143 of Employment to pension fund contributions during physical forms. This new tool provides Contract Law (ECL) No. 20,744, “The the effective term of the employment safe information storage to avoid issues employer shall keep receipts and other relationship. Once it is concluded, the concerning information loss, destruction payment vouchers during the term employer should provide the employee or theft, and the lack of physical space in which the statute of limitations is with the related documentation and available to keep such documentation. applicable for the relevant benefit.” certificates. Finally, over the past few years, labor The statute of limitation is two years. In our opinion, the salaries and wages authorities allowed the preparation of pay Regarding social-security matters, book (section 52 of the ECL) should be slips digitally, replacing paper, which was section 16 of Law No. 14,236 determines kept indefinitely. The remaining labor and gladly welcomed by many companies. that “legal actions to collect employer social-security documentation (signed Yet, at the height of the 21st century, contributions, employee contributions, pay slips and file documents, among employers still need to keep labor fines and other obligations arising from others) should be kept indefinitely. documentation in physical format, social security laws will be statute-barred However, should it not be possible, we incurring storage costs and hours of their after 10 years.” Section 24 of Law No. believe that it would be reasonable to own or third-party resources to manage 23,660 establishes the same 10-year keep the documentation for 20 years these tasks. However, we are seeing that term for legal actions related to statutory considering the statute of limitations for regulations are slowly moving toward an health care organizations. Therefore, social security purposes and the maximum electronic document-management system documentation should be kept for term of a labor-claim interruption. to meet legal requirements. this period. Regarding the place where such labor However, since these terms may be documentation should be kept, please altered by the suspension or interruption note that employers performing their of the statute of limitations (for example, activities in more than one jurisdiction an interruption of a labor court claim is may opt to centralize official labor possible during years of proceedings, documentation in the entity’s legal provided they do not exceed the statute domicile or at its main place of business, of limitations period), we believe that the provided that at least 20% of the term during which payroll documentation company’s personnel actually work in the should be kept could be much longer than jurisdiction. However, such centralization 10 years. requires that the employer has at each Javier Sabin Sebastián Calciati Employment Documentation Management Globally 7
Australia Andrew Ball Employment record-keeping What employment records must Conclusion obligations in Australia employees be given access to? Employee record-keeping is a key In Australia, employment documentation Employers must provide employees compliance consideration for any management is primarily regulated under access to pay slips in either hard copy or employer engaging workers in Australia. federal workplace laws. The Fair Work Act electronic form within one working day of Failure to comply with a record-keeping 2009 imposes significant record-keeping paying an employee for the performance obligation under the act will subject obligations on employers who engage of work. Furthermore, former and current employers to a risk of prosecution from employees under the national workplace employees are entitled to request the the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) and, relations system. employer to provide a copy of their in the most serious cases, significant employment records. civil penalties up to $126,000 for an What types of employment records individual and $630,000 for corporations. Where there is a transfer of business, must be kept? Furthermore, in proceedings for the old employer must provide the new Under the act, employers must keep employer with employee records in contraventions of the act and industrial records for each employee with basic relation to all transferring employees. instruments, the onus of proof will be employment details, including pay, reversed, and the employer must prove What record-keeping obligations the contravention did not occur. overtime hours, averaging arrangements, are applicable to industrial leave entitlements, superannuation However, besides the significant sanctions instruments? contributions, termination of employment, for noncompliance, the courts have also individual flexibility arrangements and Industrial instruments are legal emphasized the importance of record- guarantees of annual earnings. instruments that set out minimum keeping for the enforcement of workplace entitlements for certain groups of laws. To ensure compliance with record- How must employment records employees. Employers need to be aware keeping obligations, it is best practice for be kept? of any industrial instruments (i.e., modern employers to maintain accurate and up-to- Employment records must be in English awards or enterprise agreements) that are date records in the event of an inspection (preferably plain, simple English) and applicable to its workplace or employees. by the FWO and implement adequate kept by the employer for seven years. In addition to the record-keeping systems (e.g., a physical document- Records may be held either physically or obligations under the act, industrial management system, electronic database electronically in a location convenient instruments will often prescribe additional or cloud storage) so that employment to the employer. However, employers record-keeping obligations. For example, records can be made readily available. must ensure that a copy of an employee modern awards, which cover employees record can be made readily available within a specific industry or occupation, in a legible form for inspection and will generally impose an obligation on the copying if requested by a former or employer to ensure copies of the award current employee, a Fair Work Inspector are available to all employees. or an organization official (such as a trade union). Andrew Ball Michael Starkey 8 Employment Documentation Management Globally
Yasmina Benali Belgium Managing employment for a term of five years. Collective labor law documentation The employer can keep the social Collective labor law documents are less documents in any form of reproduction, regulated. Introduction provided they are clearly legible and that The Law on Collective Bargaining the form of reproduction used allows Belgium has had legislation regarding Agreements and Joint Committees (5 effective supervision. employment documentation storage December 1968) stipulates that every for decades. A simplification of this legislation collective bargaining agreement (CBA) came into being via the decree on the Employment documents must contain a reference to its period of introduction of an immediate declaration validity. Further elaboration on how long The foundation of this legislation can of employment (5 November 2002). (or where) CBAs must be retained does be found in Royal Decree No. 5 (23 This declaration, referred to as DIMONA, not exist. October 1978), referred to as the Law replaces several social documents and Social bodies, such as the works council on Social Documents. This decree lays allows the employer to communicate all and health and safety committee, do have out which documents are considered to data on employment, wages and working the obligation to record meeting minutes. be social documents and therefore must hours to a single unified body for the The law also states that the bodies be kept by the employer. Examples of collection of social-security contributions. themselves determine how archives social documents include the general Later, the Law of 3 June 2007 gave should be retained in their internal and specific staff registers, individual legality to the sending and electronic house rules. accounts, the attendance register, archiving of certain social documents, the working-time register and specific such as individual accounts and pay slips. Thoughts and leadership employment contracts. Note that not all Employees must, at all times, be able to The introduction of the so-called DIMONA employee documentation and related have access to the electronically archived meant a big leap forward in simplifying obligations are covered in this decree. documents. Contrarily, no legal text exists employment-documentation obligations Specific documents, e.g., the overtime around the consultation of paper social and facilitating digitalization. In 2007, new register and the control document for documents by the employee. Yet we can steps were taken. It can be considered part-time employees, are not covered by assume that other forms of reproduction a positive thing that digitalization must the decree but are nonetheless documents should be accessible as well. happen in mutual agreement. That that should be kept by the employer due to It is crucial to note that, following way all employees have access in their provisions in specific legislation. Specific the changes that the Law of 2007 preferred form. On the other hand, we can provisions also apply to an employee’s implemented in the Law on Employment ask ourselves whether this slows down posting. Belgian employers working with Contracts (3 July 1978), both employer effective progress. Should electronic personnel hired abroad but working in and employee must agree that documentation be the default position? Belgium benefit from certain exemptions. documents will be kept electronically. In these rapidly changing times of the The decree and specific legislation There is, therefore, a double element of digital age, the constant need for updates prescribe the options as to where these voluntariness: the employer cannot be is always around the corner. documents must be kept. This can be at obliged to send documents electronically the address under which the employer and the employee cannot be forced is registered at the National Social to use documents sent electronically. Security Office (NSSO), at the employer’s As a result, we can conclude that residence, or at the headquarters when written documentation (or non- the latter is in Belgium. electronic documentation) remains the Karla Vuyts In general, social documents must be kept starting point. Yasmina Benali Employment Documentation Management Globally 9
Brazil Tatiana Carmona Employment documentation Some documents may require a 20-year The electronic reporting implemented by period of retention, such as the Social the Government starting in 2018 played management Security Professional Profile (PPP) and an important role in how companies Legislation overview Occupational Health Medical Control formalize and retain employment contract Program (PCMSO), both related to health information. Some documents, which for In Brazil, employers are subject to comply and safety. years were kept only in paper, have now with a series of obligations regarding And finally, documents regarding been inserted into a digital system. This employment contracts for both labor and severance fund (FGTS) payments must has helped companies centralize and have social security purposes. Such compliance be kept by the employer for 30 years, better control of information. Yet there requires assessing the document’s nature according to the law. However, the are several documents that are still not and purpose. Supreme Federal Court has decided that part of the electronic reporting so far. Employers are required to formalize and the statutes of limitation for queries In relation to where this information retain documentation of employee’s regarding FGTS is five years. should be stored, there is no specific law. payroll, ancillary obligations related to If the employer does not keep employment Companies may opt to store digital data payroll taxes, health and safety issues in contract documents retained for the in an internal server or in the cloud. It will the workplace, and work shifts, among necessary period, a penalty may be depend on the internal data policy. others. applied for the absence of the document Paper documents are usually kept Documents retention period itself. Additionally, the employer may with specialized providers due to The period during which employment- not be able to demonstrate compliance large volumes. related documents must be retained by a with the obligation during either an Conclusion company varies in Brazil. administrative inspection or a judicial claim. Considering the current scenario, in Documents related to labor obligations, order to assure appropriate control and such as a work-shift register, payment and Digital age compliance with document-retention rules, benefits receipts, should be retained for Currently in Brazil there are some it is important to establish processes to five years. This is because the statute of electronic ancillary obligations related centralize and digitalize the information limitations for queries is five years. The to labor and social security compliance. related to work contracts. employee has a deadline of two years In this sense, employers should retain after the work contract is terminated delivery receipts. This is not only in case to start a claim relating to labor rights. there is a query related to the delivery The five-year period also applies to of some information; it will also enable union documents: collective bargaining the company to rectify information if agreements. necessary and deliver adjusted files to the Government. Tatiana Carmona Luann Macedo 10 Employment Documentation Management Globally
Rebeka Kleytman Bulgaria Stricter regulation and new and cost-free access to their documents communicate electronically, the employer in both hard copy and electronic form, is not allowed to refuse the delivery of information-handling rules as applicable. If the employer opts for hard-copy documents to the employee. A struggle between employment electronic handling of information, a No special regulations apply for law and innovation number of formal steps must be covered the storage of collective bargaining to ensure the legality of the procedure. agreements and works council documents. Upon conclusion of an employment Moreover, all costs for handling and agreement, an employer must keep files As a general trend, local employers access to the system are the responsibility with all documents related to the position are still struggling to put in place of the employer, including training and its termination. Today documents appropriate procedures to handle employees on how to access and use are still kept primarily as hard copies. information in full compliance with the the system. However, recent employment-law changes new General Data Protection Regulation No special provisions apply to storage (GDPR) requirements, considering the introduced in 2018 regulated in detail location. However, the obligation of the limited case law and market practice. the option for an employer to keep employer to grant employees access to Another challenge for them is to find the documents in electronic form. The new documents related to them should be balance between technical standards regulation introduced measures that are considered when choosing the appropriate that they need to meet to ensure safe partially stricter than the existing legal document-handling policy. communication and the GDPR. Moreover, framework for electronic communication, such as stronger technical and Regarding duration, different storage certain safeguards previously used on a authentication requirements and access terms apply to different categories regular basis for employment relationships rules. Irrespective of how documents are of documents. For example, payroll — such as data processing based on an stored, employers must take appropriate documents, materials not returned to explicit consent granted by the data measures to protect any employee- employees, registers of labor books issued subject — have been regulated differently, related information. In general, hard- by the employer and copies of certain and the possibility to rely on consent copy documents must be stored on safe certificates issued must be stored for a regarding the personal data of employees premises with limited access, while files period of 50 years. Medical certificates, has been limited considerably. The risk of stored in electronic form must comply bank account information and claims for personal-data violations and the related with a number of requirements, such compensation payment are stored for principles, such as storage limitation, data as electronic signature, specific system five years. minimization and purpose limitation, must maintenance and restricted access. Any If the employer is liquidated before the be constantly monitored. Existing policies electronic system must also provide respective storage periods have expired, must be regularly updated to reflect new opportunities for generating reports the employee files must be handed over markets, authorities and court practices, and historical references for all actions to the National Social Security Institute as well all legislative changes. related to the inclusion of documents in (NSSI) for storage. Even if the employer the employment file. Employers must and the employee have agreed to provide employees with uninterrupted Rebeka Kleytman Employment Documentation Management Globally 11 11
Canada David Witkowski Employment documentation statutorily mandated stored documents where a claim by an employee regarding and their respective minimum storage a record could arise after the minimum management times are set out below. (These may differ storage period expires. Given the In today’s global environment, employers by jurisdiction and if the company has relatively low cost of electronic storage, and even individual employees often a specific policy that involves a higher we typically recommend retaining traverse multiple countries. As a result, obligation.): documents for longer than the minimum we often receive questions on employers’ • Name, social insurance number periods (e.g., 10 years). obligations to store their employees’ data (SIN), address and employment- Privacy in Canada. commencement date must be kept for Collection, storage, disclosure and Multiple jurisdictions three years after the employee’s end of employment. destruction of employee documentation Most employment-related matters in may be governed by applicable privacy • Records relating to daily, weekly and Canada are individually governed by legislation, depending on the jurisdiction. overtime hours worked, pay period, wage each of Canada’s 14 jurisdictions — 10 This means, among other things, that rate, overtime pay, gross and net wages, provinces, three territories and the federal employees should be allowed access termination pay, deductions, amounts for jurisdiction, if the employer is operating upon request to update information, and room or board, vacation pay and time, in an industry considered to be a federal appropriate safeguards should be in place statutorily protected leaves of absences, undertaking, such as banking, marine to ensure only those requiring access and health and safety training must be shipping, air transport, railways, and have it. kept for three years after the information radio and TV broadcasting. The relevant was given to the employee or after the Location jurisdiction is largely determined by the period to which the record relates. location of the employee’s work, unless While the requirements vary by the employer is federally regulated. • Books and records relating to payroll jurisdiction, the highest standard requires — including tax, Canadian Employment that employee records be kept at the The following guidance will focus mostly Insurance and Canada Pension Plan principal place of business within the on Ontario, Canada’s most populous deductions, as well as evidence of jurisdiction (in the case of cloud storage, province. Accordingly, the specifics collecting an employee’s SIN and his the location of the servers). However, may vary if an employee works in other or her form TD1 — must be stored for those jurisdictions tend to focus largely provinces. a minimum of six years after the filing on ensuring that the records are readily Document types and storage to which they relate. There are some accessible locally (e.g., electronically). It periods exceptions to certain types of tax-related is likely sufficient for documents stored While there are many different documents documents that may require indefinite centrally to be accessible from servers that an employer may be required to storage. within the jurisdiction at hand. store over the course of an employee’s Despite these minimum storage employment, the main categories of requirements, there may be instances David Witkowski 12 Employment Documentation Management Globally
Carlos Sandoval Colombia Employment documentation 3. Evaluations of the work environment It is important to keep in mind that the as a result of programs to control statute of limitations for labor actions management in Colombia hazards and risks in occupational is three years; it is five years for social In Colombia, certain labor documents safety and health security. For pension matters, however, must be retained for a specific period, 4. Records of training activities related to there is no statute of limitations, so it according to regulatory provisions. occupational safety and health is advisable to keep the labor history of employees for at least 100 years in Employment documents that must 5. Registration of the supply of personal physical or electronic form. be retained protection items and equipment Decree 1072 of 2015, in its article Data protection For other documents and records, establishes that the employer associated with the SG-SST, the employer Each employee must authorize the must keep records and documents must create a system of document processing and preservation of their that support the Occupational Health retention in accordance with current personal data according to the parameters and Safety Management System (SG- regulations and internal policies. established by Law 1581 of 2012, which SST), ensuring they are legible, easily regulates general provisions for the identifiable, accessible and protected Other employment documents protection of personal data. against damage, deterioration or loss. Although there is only express regulation Conservation can be done electronically on the obligation to preserve documents as long as the preservation of information associated with the SG-SST, for some is guaranteed. specialists, in accordance with commercial The following documents and records regulations, other employment documents must be kept for a minimum period of should be kept for at least 10 years, 20 years, counted from the moment the during which there is an obligation to employment relationship ceases: keep books and commercial documents on paper or in any technical, magnetic or 1. The employee’s epidemiological profile electronic means that guarantees their 2. Periodic health examination exact reproduction. (See Article 28 of assessments Law 962 of 2005 and Article 60 of the Commercial Code.) Carlos Mario Sandoval Adriana Alejandra Fernández Montejo Employment Documentation Management Globally 13
Costa Rica Laura Navarrete Hernández Costa Rica does not have extensive In this regard, Article 23 of the Labor Finally, it is crucial to document the legislation regarding an employer’s Code refers to the obligation of all cause of termination (e.g., dismissal with obligation to keep personnel files or employers to sign written employment or without cause, resignation, mutual the way in which such files should be contracts. Each party should have a agreement or retirement). Based on the kept. However, a good practice is to signed copy of such agreements, given cause, the employer will calculate how document all aspects of the employment that this contract should serve as evidence much is owed to the employee for his or relationship. Costa Rican law states of the agreed employment conditions. her labor liquidation. There should be no that if an employee files a claim before If an employer does not have a copy of the room for interpretation on the cause for the labor courts, the employer has the contract, the Labor Ministry is entitled to termination. In cases of dismissal with burden of proof and should be able to file a claim before the court for breaches cause, if the worker does not wish to sign produce the necessary documentation to to labor and employment law. This judicial the dismissal letter, a copy of the letter defend its actions within the scope of the process will look to impose fines on should be sent to the Labor Ministry within employment relationship. employers who are not compliant with this the next 10 calendar days. For a dismissal To support this burden of proof, it is obligation. without cause, the document should be recommended that all stages of the signed by two witnesses who may attest Also, the Labor Code defines that payment employment relationship be properly that the fired employee did not agree to slips should be handed over to employees documented — from the recruitment and sign the document. with the specific breakdown of all the selection process until the employee’s components that sum up the employees’ Concerning the proper place for storage, termination. total salary. Therefore, such payment slips the common practice is to keep personnel These documents should be kept should indicate the period that is being documents in a company’s main offices for the duration of the employment covered, payment amount for each hour in a physical personal file that is properly contract and at least a year after the of overtime, the employee’s base salary, secured. Although having a digital copy employment termination took place. whether commissions or bonuses were of the file is practical — it can serve Yet, for social security purposes, the paid, how many vacation days were paid as assurance against the potential statute of limitations is 10 years, and in and used, and other important data. destruction of the physical file — the practice there have been inconsistencies original version of certain documents, In addition to the above, internal rulings with the information kept by authorities such as the employment contract, will or policies should also be communicated when employees are looking to file always be the best proof. to personnel. The best way to ensure that their request for retirement. Therefore, employees understand and agree upon the recommendation would be for all the terms of such internal policies is for employers to save a scanned copy of each employee to sign an acceptance all the documents included in each document and have them stored in their employee’s personal file. personal file. What documents should an employer consider including? Under our view, the most essential document to include in personnel files is the employment contract. Laura Navarrete Hernández 14 Employment Documentation Management Globally
Ondřej Havránek Czech Republic Employment documentation signature that is in compliance with the EU • 30 years following the year to which such regulation concerning electronic services document pertains to a remuneration Employers must process personal and (eIDAS); and (iii) the employee must statement payroll information. They are entitled confirm acceptance by the employee’s • 5 years after termination of the work to keep the personal files of employees, recognized electronic signature within council’s term for its documents which may include only documents that three days. Otherwise, the electronic are necessary for work performance • 5 years after termination for collective documents will not carry any legal effects. (e.g., employment contracts, documents agreements To have fully electronic personal files concerning education, professional • 3 years after termination of employment requires either (i) the ability to deliver training and fitness to work, as well for a copy of a foreigner’s residency the important documents under the as special permits if required). Only above conditions or (ii) to have the paper Employee’s access to his or her supervisors and some public authorities documents converted into electronic personal file are allowed to inspect these personal documents by the contact centers of the Every employee has the right to inspect files. The keeping of personal files is also public administration (Czech POINT), his or her personal file, to make extracts subject to the EU General Data Protection or by attorneys (converted electronic from it and to make copies of the Regulation (GDPR). documents have the same legal effects as documents contained therein, all at Form and location of keeping the paper originals). the employer’s expense. Further rights personal files Regarding the place where files are kept, on the side of the employee follow The Czech Labor Code (CLC) does not such location may be outside of the Czech from the GDPR. prescribe the form or the location where Republic or in cloud storage; in either Best practice personal files can be kept. case, storage of the files must be carried out in compliance with the GDPR. The majority of employers keep a Regarding the form, documents combination of physical and electronic concerning the start, change and Retention period personal files. Generally, copies are termination of an employment and salary The CLC does not expressly prescribe sufficient for an employer’s usual agenda. statement (the “important documents”) the retention period for keeping personal It is possible to store the physical files are required to be in written form. While files; therefore, it is recommended that outside of the employer’s offices, provided there is a possibility to maintain the the employee’s file be kept for the term of such storage is compliant with the GDPR. written form of legal acts by electronic employment and three months following It is also recommended that originals means, permitting one to (i) keep its termination unless a potential risk of of the documents are accessible within, contents and (ii) determine the person a legal dispute arises. In such a case, for example, five days in cases where who acted, the CLC also requires that the the employer may keep the documents the public authorities should require important documents be delivered into related to a prospective legal dispute for them regarding legal disputes, audits or the concerned employee’s own hands in a statutory or contractually time-barred inspections. compliance with the CLC. period. Delivery of electronic documents The below retention periods for specific is possible under the following CLC documents are set out in the legal conditions: (i) the employee grants regulation: consent and provides an electronic mailing address; (ii) all the employer’s documents • 10 years after the date of termination delivered in electronic form are signed of their validity for the internal rules stipulating employees’ entitlements Ondřej Havránek by a so-called recognized electronic Eva Procházková Employment Documentation Management Globally 15
Estonia Signe Viimsalu e-Estonia and employee files employee in the employment register, 3. Provide the internal rules of the reporting taxes and more; everything can organization and obtain an employee’s Digital governance be executed electronically and by using confirmation and acknowledgement digital ID. Thus, employee files are mostly of the rules. Estonia started to develop its information created electronically. 4. Notify the employee about who is society and digital identity over 20 years ago to improve the competitiveness of An employee’s file may be electronic using the employee’s data and on Estonia and the well-being of its people. what terms. The employee file must and maintained in a cloud as long as it is include the employee’s consent The aim was to implement a hassle- secured and the information is accessible and acknowledgement of the data- free governance. Starting from the and reproducible if needed. In accordance protection rules of the company. development and launch of e-Governance with data-protection rules, the employee in 1997, e-Tax in 2000 and digital has the right to demand information that is 5. File information that is the basis for identification (ID) in 2002, Estonia likely collected about him or her and request to accounting entries, such as salary has become the only country in the world amend information if it is incorrect. payments. where 99% of public services are available Work council and collective bargaining and accessible online 24/7, and people can Retainable documents agreements are not widely used in access their data, e.g., tax information or The statutory requirement mandates that Estonia, but if at any stage the council employment history, online wherever they the employment contract be in a written is established or a collective bargaining are located. format and preserved during the term of agreement is entered into, the documents Furthering its digital society developments, the employment contract and for 10 years and resolutions should be filed by the Estonia launched its e-Residency program after its expiry. employer. The documents may be in 2014, which is a transnational digital electronic as long as they are accessible The employer is obligated to organize and identity that provides e-residents and reproducible if needed. obtain the following consents and check- government-issued digital IDs and full ups regarding the employment relationship access to Estonia’s public services. This in addition to the written employment also enables a way to establish trusted contract: European Union businesses with all the tools needed to conduct business globally. 1. Provide risk analysis for the position The easy access and information-society and notify the employee about the risks services are attractive for both employers related to his or her tasks and position. and employees. So let’s have a look at File the information when the employee what impact these digital services have on has been notified and obtain the the employment relationship and filing. confirmation from the employee. 2. Organize the employee’s health check General rules and practices within four months of employment Using digital solutions in employment and conduct follow-up health checks in matters is very common in Estonia, accordance with the laws. An employee including the confirmation of the file must include the information employment contract, registering the and confirmations received from the occupational health care doctor. Signe Viimsalu Maris Merilo 16 Employment Documentation Management Globally
Maiju Kurvi Finland A fragmented data-retention period — i.e., for two years after the end of For foreign employees, employers must the calendar year, during which the right keep records on current and past foreign regulation employees and the grounds of their right for compensation has originated, or for In Finland, employers are only allowed two years from the end of the employment to work easily available at the workplace. to collect, process and keep recorded relationship. On request, an employee is This information must be stored for information concerning their employees entitled to a written clarification of the four years beyond the termination that is necessary for the employment entries in work-shift lists and working- of employment (see the Aliens Act, relationship. Such information must relate hours records concerning him or her. 301/2004). to each party’s rights and obligations, the Similar retention rules and an employee’s In addition to the examples presented benefits offered by the employer and the right for clarification apply to the records above, it is important to remember the special nature of certain work duties. As a of annual holidays in accordance with the retention times for payroll accounts and main rule, employee information must be Annual Holidays Act. accounting material, which generally collected from employees themselves, and According to the Employment Contracts should be kept for 10 years after the end the employees generally need to give their Act (55/2001), the employee’s right of the financial year. explicit consent to employers to allow to claim wages due (and any other As a final note, while employers should them to collect personal data elsewhere compensation due to the employment be aware of the regulation that sets out (see the Act on the Protection of Privacy relationship) will lapse after five years mandatory retention times, it is equally in Working Life, 759/2004). while he or she is employed and in two important to set up functioning and In addition to the EU General Data years after the end of the employment dynamic processes for data storage and to Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Finnish relationship. Thus, the related keep records up-to-date. regulation on retaining employment data documentation is to be kept for at least is widely spread across the legislation. this length of time for both circumstances. Special provisions set out mandatory However, a 10 years’ retention time has retention periods for employment data, been set for letters of references as whereas the data-protection regulation well as for documentation that relates sets out restrictions for keeping such to compensation on damages due to data. In general, all employment data personal injury. can be stored in electronic form — i.e., Keeping employees’ health information no paper files are required as long as the has been peculiarly restricted by laws. records are easily accessible and readable. Concerning information on employees’ However, it is not possible to store all health, the data may only be processed employment data for an unlimited time by persons who prepare, make or or for the same amount of time across implement decisions concerning the board. employment relationships based on such According to the Working Hours Act information. In addition, employers must (605/1996), the employer must keep store any information in their possession records of working hours (e.g., work- concerning employees’ health separately shift lists and records of working-hours from any other personal data that has systems) at least during the related claim been collected. Maiju Kurvi Annina Hyrskyluoto Employment Documentation Management Globally 17
France Roselyn Sands Employment documentation generally based on the applicable statute- For other countries, it must be ensured of-limitations period, for example: that minimum guarantees are provided. management • One year to challenge a dismissal In this context, employers need to be Most multinational organizations must careful when they use a cloud or a • Two years for claims related to the manage more and more data related to Software-as-a-Service mode, as servers execution of the employment contract their employees. can be located in various countries, • Three years for salary claims or social As a result, employers need to implement including places where guarantees are security contributions payment solid management employment not compliant with EU law. documentation systems. • Five years for discrimination claims. Can the employee have access? French law and authorities provide a Specific higher retention periods also may complete set of recommendations. exist (e.g., the French Labor Code provides Employees have the right to access their that pay slips in electronic format must be personal data if they desire, to rectify the Which documentation should be kept for 50 years!). data if needed, or to erase it. Employers retained by the employer need to inform their employees about Paper or digital? French employers should notably retain these rights. for each employee: French law does not impose paper or Conclusion digital format. The digitalization is • The employment contract and its however more and more encouraged Effective global management of successive amendments if any by the French Government and the documentation is paramount. • All documents related to employees’ administration (e.g., regarding proof The GDPR promotes the empowerment of working conditions, in particular working of professional expenses). The digital individuals regarding their personal data time performed format is highly regulated technically to and imposes liabilities on employers. • Payslips guarantee the integrity of the document. Sanctions provided by the GDPR are • Disciplinary file if any Where? very high (e.g., a fine of 4% of the Documents related to collective status and global turnover or EUR 20 million) — There is no obligation to keep relations with employee representatives this empowerment may also give rise documentation in the country of origin of should also be kept by the employer. to new forms of litigation around the the data. management of HR documentation, For how long? However, data transfer is geographically including employees’ personal data. The French Labor Code only provides for a limited by national and European On a final note, documents should not few mandatory retention periods (e.g., the regulations, notably the General Data be retained longer than necessary, CV of a candidate who is not hired cannot Protection Regulation (GDPR). Data specifically because employee access be kept for more than two years). transfer is authorized within the European rights can provide fertile ground for Union and with countries considered as However, employers need to retain employee to have “de facto” discovery in providing the same level of guarantee as employment documentation to defend employment litigation. in the EU countries. themselves in case of litigation Therefore, recommended retention periods are Roselyn Sands Aurelie Bernard 18 Employment Documentation Management Globally
George Svanadze Georgia Employment documentation Pursuant to applicable laws of Georgia, This supports easier control from the the employer must keep the data, consider perspective of state authorities as well management in Georgia the character of the work involved and as overall better management at the The global tendency of individual privacy observe principles of adequacy. employer’s level. has urged employers to resort to higher There are no specific regulations in The time period for holding documents standards of documentation management. Georgia as to what form the employment is directly regulated, with specific Employment documentation management documentation should be held. Therefore, requirements for every possible document in Georgia must safeguard the balance both public and private companies are that may be created in the work process. between the legitimate interests of the free to tailor their own methods of Depending on the type of document, employer and the rights of the employee. documentation management. periods will vary from one year up to Such balance is achieved via general The current legislation does not several decades. Personal data must regulations related to documents created explicitly state whether employment- be kept for as long as required by the in the ordinary course of business, laws on related documentation must be kept in duration and nature of the employment personal data protection and regulations Georgia or abroad. Employers are free relationship. existing in the public sector. to keep documents in cloud systems As a rule, employees must have full access In general, the laws of Georgia lack and transfer the personal data to other to their employment documentation, specifics in terms of required documents countries without further administrative subject to certain limitations provided by that the employer must retain. There is no procedures, considering that they provide the law. explicit list for private-sector companies. sufficient safety guarantees. Overall, the general framework on In contrast, a more precise approach is The Law of Georgia on Personal Data employment documentation management elaborated in the public sector. The Law Protection, however, requires employers is rather pliant and unmethodical, with of Georgia on Public Service lists that the to adopt certain organizational and room for some discretion by the employer. job application form, together with the technical security measures to secure The issue of personal data protection, candidate’s CV, certificates of education, employee information. More specifically, however, offers more certainty. identification documents, and medical they must ensure only designated This is particularly true for security and narcotic inspection notes, among personnel have access to this type of data, requirements, retention periods and others, must be kept by the public-sector with guaranteed confidentiality. employee access to employment employer. Employers are also free to retain physical documents, and the personal data given Any document related to the employee copies of documents. However, if the therein. Changes in regulations are and managed by the employer to some employer opts for the electronic system, further anticipated, potentially introducing extent consists of personal data. Normally, access must be secured with password more clarity. as proven above, such documents range authorization. Access is granted only to a from identity documents and biographies limited number of persons. To ensure the to certificates of education and financial efficiency of documentation management, information, depending on the type of employers are obliged to create a filing employment. system with a subsequent catalogue. Dr. George Svanadze Levan Kipiani Employment Documentation Management Globally 19
Germany Dr. Karsten Umnuss Employment documentation protection reasons. The documents need to be freely available, either in physical or electronic form. management globally There are different legal retention periods for documents — e.g., application If the employer wants to hold the Personnel files documents must be retained for three documents in physical form, the location There are few legal obligations for years after the end of the employment must be generally and freely accessible, employers to retain documents relating to relationship; pay slips should be kept for such as in break rooms, in canteens, the employment of employees. However, 10 years after. Documents ideally should on a notice board, or in the reception it is recommended to retain additional be held as long as claims can be asserted, or the office of the works council. Work documents in an employee’s personnel according to the limitation period. The agreements and collective-bargaining file, especially the employment contract. If statutory limitation period generally agreements can also be held in the there is no written employment contract, amounts to three years after the end of personnel office if an employee is given the essential contractual conditions of the employment relationship. Employment access upon request. It is important that all an employment relationship must be set contracts, works council agreements or employees have access to the documents. out in writing. This is necessary because collective bargaining agreements, however, Also, all effective documents need to be of legal requirements for the notification can determine a shorter cut-off period of at kept up-to-date. of conditions governing an employment least three months. Conclusion relationship and as an evidence in cases Every employee has the right to access his of legal disputes. Application documents or her complete personnel file by law at any Depending on the situation in the company, with the employee’s certificates and time, without naming a reason. A member the physical form of the stored documents qualifications, pay slips and possible of the works council can accompany the can be preferred — e.g., in cases where warning letters are also usually kept in the employee. employees do not work with computers personnel file. and would not be able to easily access Labor guidance in Germany the documents in an electronic form. Generally, employers can freely choose In general, the electronic form will be the form in which the information may be Employers are obliged to display laws preferred by the employer, as it is easier held (physical or electronic). If an employer that are important for the employment in practice. In this case, it is important to chooses the electronic form for the relationship, such as the Working Time consider co-determination rights of the personnel file, the co-determination right Act, the General Equal Treatment Act, the works council as well as data-protection of the works council (if existing) in issues Works Constitution Act and the Act on Part- issues if, for example, only a specific group regarding the use of technical equipment Time Work and Fixed-Term Employment, of people has access to personal data. to monitor the behavior or performance of as well as all relevant health and safety employees must be considered. regulations. Furthermore, works council agreements and collective bargaining The employer is free to choose where agreements must be displayed by the to keep the personnel file. Employers employer. may retain the physical documents in a secure personnel office so not everyone has access to the documents for data- Dr. Karsten Umnuß Dr. Yavuz Topoglu 20 Employment Documentation Management Globally
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