Laboratory Informatics Guide 2021 - Understanding the needs of the laboratory - Scientific Computing World

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Laboratory Informatics Guide 2021 - Understanding the needs of the laboratory - Scientific Computing World
Guide 2021
Understanding the needs of the laboratory

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Laboratory Informatics Guide 2021 - Understanding the needs of the laboratory - Scientific Computing World
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Laboratory Informatics Guide 2021 - Understanding the needs of the laboratory - Scientific Computing World
Laboratory Informatics Guide 2021 - Understanding the needs of the laboratory - Scientific Computing World

                                                                                                                                         t is clear that Covid-19 has had a
                                                                                                                                         significant impact on laboratory
                                                                                                                                         operations. Even for laboratories that
                                                                                                                                         are not working directly on Covid-19
                                                                                                                                  testing, drug and vaccine development,
                                                                                                                                  restrictions on laboratory space and access
                                                                                                                                  to equipment are putting a significant
                                                                                                                                  burden on scientists.
                                                                                                                                       Thankfully, laboratory informatics
                                                                                                                                  software tools can shoulder some of that
                                                                                                                                  burden by providing a platform for remote
              Software tools help combat
     4 Covid-19                                                                 22 Digitial transformation                        access, automation of laboratory operations
                                                                                                                                  or by providing access to data and tools for
                                                                                                                                  collaboration to keep scientists working
Robert Roe looks at how Covid-19 is driving                                   Sophia Ktori looks at the role software plays in    productively.
changes in the laboratory                                                     transforming the laboratory                              This issue of the Laboratory Informatics
                                                                                                                                  Guide aims to highlight the working
                                                                                                                                  practices of researchers, and highlight
   10 Vendor predictions                                                        28 Looking at cancer                              technologies and tools that can help
                                                                                                                                  overcome the challenges that scientists
How laboratory technology and software could                                  Advances in computer vision combined with AI        face in the laboratory. We start with an in-
change due to increased pressures to work                                     computing help pathologists to more accurately      depth look at the work that has been going
remotely caused by the pandemic                                               identify subtypes of cancer                         on around the world to fight against the
                                                                                                                                  pandemic on page 4.
                                                                                                                                       We’ve a series of vendor predictions for
               Making science open                                              30 Empowering   collaboration
                                                                                   with the cloud
                                                                                                                                  the year ahead beginning on page 10. Thie
                                                                                                                                  features experts from several informatics
The European Bioinformatics Institute is                                      Cloud technologies can simplify data sharing        software providers discussing the role of
developing tools and infrastructure to promote                                and collaboration, writes Thermo Fisher’s Darren    automation, cloud-based systems, remote
open science and provide programmatic access to                               Barrington-Light                                    access tools, and other technologies that
biological data                                                                                                                   can ensure laboratory productivity, despite
                                                                                                                                  reduced access for many users.
                                                                                                                                       Starting on pages 16 and 20 are two
   20 Leading
                                                                                32 Supplier’s directory                           interviews with research leaders. The first
                                                                                                                                  features the European Bioinformatics
                                                                                                                                  Institute and the second takes a look at the
The Wellcome Sanger Institute’s Julia Wilson                                  Our guide to find where to turn to for the          Wellcome Sanger Institute. The interviews
discusses the role of the research centre and its                             suppliers you need                                  share some of the work that has been
impact on the wider scientific community                                                                                          conducted on Covid-19 and the importance
                                                                                                                                  of open science in fighting the pandemic.
                                                                                                                                       Digital transformation in the laboratory
                                                                                                                                  is the focus on page 22, as Sophia Ktori talks
                                                                               EDITORIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM
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Laboratory Informatics Guide 2021 - Understanding the needs of the laboratory - Scientific Computing World

Covid-19 changes
the laboratory
Demand for testing and requirements for remote working
tools drive changes in the laboratory

                                                                                     “The tooling and
         he pandemic has defined the    laboratory information management
         development of laboratory      system (LIMS) and electronic laboratory       solutions, like
         software and technologies,     notebook (ELN) software to help
as collaboration and remote working     manage collaborative work, and
                                                                                     the LIMS that we
tools become requirements to a          promote reduced-capacity working               offer, become
productive laboratory.                  environments in the laboratory.
   It has increased demand for             Patrick Rose, digital science product     more pivotal and
laboratory services in areas such as    manager at Thermo Fisher Scientific,              critical”
testing, genomics studies and vaccine   notes that there has been a pivot in
and drug development. However           the tools used in laboratories due to         ‘What we are seeing is an increased
these demands must be met with          Covid-19. ‘The labs are starting work      need to work remotely due to
restrictions on laboratory space and    leaner, they are having to collaborate     alternating days, slimmer shifts trying
more demanding project timelines.       with other partners, other contract        to minimise the time people are in there
   To facilitate this research and      research organisations [CROs] to           together. But, they still need to work
scale-up testing capabilities,          help battle the pandemic and find the      on their results, gather and share data
laboratory scientists are using         vaccine.                                   and collaborate,’ added Rose. ‘So the

Laboratory Informatics Guide 2021 - Understanding the needs of the laboratory - Scientific Computing World

tooling and solutions, like the LIMS
that we offer, become more pivotal
and critical. It is being able to see what           “We put automated software
other users have done – potentially
what they may have done in the last
                                                  processes in place to help capture
shift, what you need to do for the next         testing data: that may be challenging
                                                   because you are out in the field
Tools facilitate remote working                             somewhere”
LIMS or ELN systems can help to
minimise the time scientists have
to spend in the lab, as mobile alerts
or other features can help notify
scientists when their experiments will       patient, according to their age, sex,       background. Importantly, it could also
be finishing. Streamlining data sharing      whether they have other diseases –          feedback information to the prescribing
and access also helps facilitate agile       comorbidities – and other factors, and      physician, so that they will know how
decision making, and lets scientists         thereby give guidance to clinicians on      well the patient is sticking to their drug
access data and analyse or work on           likely optimum dosing.                      schedule,’ Astic suggested.
data from home.                                  Development of the drug exposure           ‘Our first model, for paracetamol,
    Several LIMS and ELN vendors are         models will leverage data held in           could help dramatically reduce
now equipping their software with pre-       thousands of drug-related documents         overuse of the drug and even prevent
configured workloads to help scientists      in Elsevier’s PharmaPendium drug data       overdose-related deaths.’ ‘We signed
get set up with key laboratory               resource, which contains decades of         a partnership with Vidal, a key player
operations. This reduces the amount          searchable FDA and EMA regulatory           of medical information in France, to
of setup and administrative work that        approval and related documents on the       integrate our technology into their
needs to be done by scientists, which        drugs.                                      Vidal Sentinel platform designed
should lead to increased productivity.           Olivier Barberan, director of           for hospitals. They call our API
    Lauren Taylor, digital science           translational medical solutions at          [Application Programming Interface]
solutions manager at Thermo Fisher           Elsevier explains: ‘We will provide         and the pharmacist or doctor can run
Scientific, said: ‘Some of those             ExactCure with information held in          personalised simulations until they
workflows we have already pre-               PharmaPendium that spans more               reach what they estimate to be the best
configured to get customers up and           than 50 drug-specific parameters,           posology for a given patient,’ added
running as quickly as possible. In terms     including PK and pharmacodynamic            Astic.
of the integration of instrumentation,       data, safety data, adverse events and          Digital companion apps could also
for example, you may have specimens          drug-drug interaction records, together     be utilised by the pharma industry
in the lab that you want to sequence,        with data on drug efficacy. This may        to support clinical drug trials and
that information needs to be put onto        encompass many thousands of reports,        potentially speed time to market, while
the sequencer so that you know which         for example, there were in excess of        reducing attrition at the trials stage.
samples you are sequencing, and that         13,000 records just for the antiviral
information can be relayed back to the       drug ritonavir, which is one of the drugs   Dosing optimisation for Covid-19
correct sample.                              under consideration for Covid-19            Certara launched the Covid-19
    ‘The integration really is automating    therapy.’                                   Pharmacology Resource Center in April,
the push of information to the                   ExactCure is exploiting the             an online resource giving scientists
sequencers, so that you are not              PharmaPendium data and its own AI           around the world access to simulation
copying and pasting or uploading and         tools to build a simulation-based digital   and modelling tools to aid the design
downloading files manually.’                 companion – a digital twin application      of clinical trials and optimise dosing
                                             for smartphones that patients would         regimes for candidate drugs such as
Using AI in the fight against Covid-19       use to help make sure that they use         hydroxychloroquine, and lopinavir/
AI tools are becoming increasingly           medicines safely, and at an appropriate     ritonavir, against Sars-CoV-2. Funded by
useful to laboratory scientists. A           dose and frequency, ‘whether that           the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
partnership announced between                be an OTC painkiller, or an antiviral       and supporting global collaboration in
Elsevier and ExactCure provides a            medicine,’ Fabien Astic, ExactCure          the drive to develop new treatments for
software platform collaboration to           co-founder, said. ‘This can help to         Covid-19, the centre offers researchers
develop and offer to hospitals – without     prevent underdosing, overdosing,            a workbench of in-silico modelling tools,
charge – drug-specific exposure              and to prevent drug-drug interactions       integrated with existing and emerging
models for 20 already approved               or adverse events relating to the           data.
medicines that are being tested as           individual’s health status, or even             The centre offers an accessible
potential treatments for Covid-19.           genetic profile.                            outreach of the expertise that Certara
    Each drug-specific model,                    ‘The AI-based software derives the      provides in the global Covid-19
generated using ExactCure’s AI-driven        personalised guidance according to key      Therapeutics Accelerator, which has
simulation platform, will help to predict    patient-specific characteristics such       been set up with an initial $125m in
a drug molecule’s pharmacokinetic            as weight, age, gender, renal and liver     funding from the Gates Foundation,
properties in each individual                function, smoking status and genetic        Wellcome and Mastercard, through                                                                                               5
Laboratory Informatics Guide 2021 - Understanding the needs of the laboratory - Scientific Computing World

              “Manual data entry can lead to
               serious errors, meaning that
            samples cannot be tested or that the
            specimens cannot be traced back to
                    the correct source”

which the World Health Organization,          simulate drug pharmacokinetics (PK)          interaction with the host and symptoms.
governments, healthcare providers             that can predict and describe how the            ‘You can then link those models
and industry are collaborating to speed       body affects the drug-drug absorption,       together and that enables you to
the development of therapeutics to            distribution, metabolism and excretion       simulate what you think might happen
treat Covid-19 or prevent Sars-CoV-2          (ADME), and how PK may be altered by         in clinical trials. Ultimately, modelling
infection.                                    formulation, patient variables such as       and simulation can reduce the number
    Craig Rayner, president, integrated       age, gender or genotypic information,        of patients, or trial arms required, as
drug development at Certara explains:         or concomitantly administered                well as evaluate the influence of other
‘Certara is providing expertise in            medications.                                 design factors on trial outcomes, and
translational and clinical pharmacology,         The Simcyp Simulator links                so improve the probability of success,’
quantitative science and regulatory           laboratory data to in vivo ADME data         added Nieforth.
strategy to support critical stage            and when integrated with and extended
decisions, clinical trials design and         to pharmacodynamic (PD) information          Advancing viral testing
dosing optimisation for Covid-19.             (how the drug effects the body) such         With the world’s focus on the pandemic,
    ‘For a virus like Sars-CoV-2, for         as biomarkers or clinical efficacy and       LIMS providers are working to develop
example, Certara researchers invest           safety, is a powerful tool to support        solutions tailored to assist in the testing
significant efforts in bringing the           dosing decision-making in new trials.        and management of virus samples.
biology and math together to help                Keith Nieforth, senior director           By streamlining processes, increasing
improve decision making for new               of Certara’s software division, said:        connectivity and reducing manual data
therapeutics. One can now evaluate how        ‘Designing and running clinical trials for   entry samples can be tested more
the virus enters cells, how it interacts      any drug or vaccine is hugely expensive      efficiently and more accurately.
and replicates, what the immune system        and time consuming, so there is a great          Edward Krasovec, director of clinical
is doing in response, via sophisticated       need to boost efficiency, and improve        solutions at LabWare explains: ‘Manual
quantitative pharmacology frameworks          the likelihood of success.                   data entry can lead to serious errors,
and predictive tools and then simulate           ‘The Certara tools can also model         meaning that samples cannot be tested
new situations,’ he suggested.                drug activity at particular sites of         or that the specimens cannot be traced
    ‘We can take huge amounts of              action, and look at the physicochemical      back to the correct source. When
data from preclinical models, in vitro        properties of that molecule in the           dealing with healthcare, this means
testing and clinical experience, as a         context of other molecules with              potentially very sick patients missing
fundamental foundation on which to            similar structure and activity, to make      out on results from their tests.’
use math engines to model what will           predictions on whether the drug will             John Gabathuler, director of
happen in different trial scenarios, start    reach target tissues, such as the lung, if   industrial and environmental at
to simulate clinical trials accurately, and   we consider Sars-CoV-2,’ Nieforth said.      LabWare, also highlighted the
then add data derived from new trials            ‘In the case of Covid-19                  importance of removing errors from
back into the model, and validate in-         drug development, the Certara                manual data entry processes. ‘They are
silico learning,’ said Rayner.                models integrate simulations                 processes that have not been there
    Certara’s Simcyp Simulator has been       of drug pharmacokinetics and                 previously. They have had to set these
developed as a suite of modules that          pharmacodynamics, alongside virus            processes up, and therefore they are

Laboratory Informatics Guide 2021 - Understanding the needs of the laboratory - Scientific Computing World
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Laboratory Informatics Guide 2021 - Understanding the needs of the laboratory - Scientific Computing World

                                                                                                As LIMS providers collect and
                                                                                           store data for laboratories, it is
                                                                                           crucial they play a role in working with
                                                                                           specialised software partners to ensure
                                                                                           interoperability. ‘It’s not just about
                                                                                           having an instrument that can do the
                                                                                           test. That is just one part of the process.
                                                                                           If you cannot get that test where it
                                                                                           needs to go, to the healthcare provider,
                                                                                           patient, or public health authorities, then
                                                                                           it is a wasted effort,’ noted Krasovec.
                                                                                           ‘Not to mention that the people you are
                                                                                           testing are out there, potentially not
                                                                                           knowing they are infected, and they
                                                                                           continue to infect others.
                                                                                                Gabathuler added: ‘That is why we
                                                                                           have this enterprise laboratory platform,
                                                                                           because there are a lot of parts to it and
                                                                                           they can all act up in a nice cohesive
going through them for the first time,       illness management. In addition to the        joined-up way to help in lots of different
or they are not as tried and tested, so      Covid-19 test, we are also developing         areas. You have got a functional
the chances of systems not getting           a sepsis panel and an antimicrobial-          platform and then everything can be
the right information can exacerbate         resistant panel, and are currently            leveraged from that going forward.’
problems. With the current situation you     looking for strategic partners for both.’          Rapid adoption of new technologies
want to be as accurate as you possibly           The firms are aiming to continue          requires LIMS providers to be agile in
can, as fast as you possibly can,            this partnership to include multi-target      ensuring interoperability with software
because people’s lives depend on it.         testing. The combination of Tangen’s          partners. This enables them to provide
    ‘We are trying to help by putting        rapid, highly sensitive and point-of-care     the infrastructure or platform that can
automated software processes in place        molecular diagnostics and LabWare’s           not only interact with instruments and
to help capture the testing data: that       real-time data reporting LIMS software        laboratory equipment, but also data
may be challenging because you are out       should enable public health systems           analytics or AI software frameworks.
in the field,’ added Gabathuler.             to react quickly in terms of quarantine            ‘There is a rapid adoption of
    Labware developed the Portable           guidelines, patient tracing, hotspot          new technologies in the healthcare
Disease Surveillance Lab kit in              monitoring and infection surveillance.        laboratory in terms of a genetic-based
partnership with Tangen Biosciences.                                                       testing platform which has spawned
They recently announced a partnership        Maintaining interoperability                  this order of magnitude difference in
for LabWare to distribute Tangen’s           Covid-19 demands that laboratories            the amount of data that is created – that
GeneSpark device as part of the kit in       adopt new practices and workflows             data has to be managed,’ said Krasovec.
response to the pandemic.                    quickly, but when new technologies            ‘Quite often it involves specialised
    The kit connects to the LabWare          are created and deployed quickly              technologies to interpret that data.’
LIMS software portal to capture patient      interoperability can become a                      ‘As a LIMS provider, we are not a
demographic and clinical information,        challenge. As Labware’s Krasovec              domain expert in analysing genetic
document field collection of respiratory     points out, the company’s strategy            data. It is important we are able to
swabs for Covid-19 testing, attaining        has been to recognise that no single          get data that may be captured from
the sample, and rapidly disseminate this     organisation can do it all – collaboration    an instrument and interact with
data to public health agencies.              with the right partners is crucial.           the software specialised to do that
    Beyond Covid-19, Tangen is making           With data analytics and AI                 interpretation of these gigabytes of data
a Flu/Covid-19 Panel that can detect Flu     applications becoming increasingly            that can be generated by sequencing
A, Flu B and Covid-19 simultaneously         widespread, new data sources and ways         processes,’ Krasovec added. ‘That is
from one patient sample in a single          of analysing data are now available. AI       obviously very important, because no
processing run, so that patients with flu-   and data analytics also asks questions        one system is the be all and end all,
like symptoms will know whether they         of existing data. Has legacy data been        and they need to coexist and share
have flu or Covid-19, or neither.            stored in a way that allows it to be easily   information with other systems.
    Richard Birkmeyer, president and         reused in the future? If that is not the           ‘We manage the workflow process
CEO at Tangen, said: ‘The pandemic is        case, then an organisation must clean         and there may be data analytics that
tragic for many families. Everyone at        and order that data before integrating AI     goes along with it that could be done
Tangen Biosciences has been working          into their workflows.                         by specialised software. Then we are
long hours to have our sensitive                Interoperability between software          responsible for distributing the final
Covid-19 assay on the market. More           systems, different workflows and the          report to whoever it needs to go to. We
importantly, we believe the combined         various outputs that these processes          have a role in the process. It is important
Covid-19 and Flu A/B test will be a          create, are key to providing a stable         that we are able to interact with the
critical surveillance tool for respiratory   platform for laboratory data.                 other systems as well,’ said Krasovec. n

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Informatics experts share their views on the
future of the laboratory and how things might
change due to the added pressure of Covid-19

What do you think will be the biggest      a lot of work going on at the moment
change in the laboratory?                  around connected instruments and
Richard Milne VP and general               how data can flow more easily.
manager of digital science at
Thermo Fisher:                             Stephen Hayward, Biovia technical
One of the things that 2020 has done       marketing manager:
is it has created a tipping point in the   Transformation of the user experience
laboratory. People will find they need     with the inclusion of advanced
to reconfigure lab space and the           techniques. For example, voice
configurations of labs. But we are also    recognition, where a use case would
seeing higher demand to make the lab       be dictating observations and results
available.                                 utilising scientific awareness in the
     How can people work from outside      recording process.
the facility? How can people access            Transfer to cloud-based systems,
data when they are not inside the          driven by corporate IT policy changes
laboratory? How can they collaborate       – this enables more remote access,
when they cannot travel as easily as       which is becoming critical in times of a
they did? How can they control their       pandemic
experiments and run their lab without          AI – truly leveraging all existing
being inside it?                           knowledge from the lab to better
     A lot of those drivers that we are    guide future work. Finally, augmented
seeing in all aspects of society at        reality technology which can transform
the moment are going to continue to        lab process execution – visualising
persevere. We are finding that there is    additional contextual information, or
a very significant increase in people      alerts about sample status and pending
wanting to see technology shoulder         tasks.
some of the burden and assist in               Many lab technicians are considered
the changing parameters of the             ‘essential workers’, so they have
workspace. We are seeing it in every       continued working during a pandemic.
industry and every walk of life, but it    But the way of working has changed.
is also being clearly illustrated in the   Teams working in the lab are now split
laboratory.                                into smaller groups that are working
     We are doing a lot of work around     in shifts to minimise contact while
cloud-based computing platforms,           covering the workload. This makes
collaboration environments, data           efficient and flexible laboratory
moment and data storage. There is          scheduling critical.


                                     “We are doing a lot of work around
                                     cloud-based computing platforms,
                                      collaboration environments, data
                                          moment and data storage”

                                                             Additionally, all tasks that are not
                                                        related to physical activities in the lab
                                                        are now performed remotely. Therefore,
                                                        it is important to be able to work with
                                                        experimental data away from the lab
                                                        while retaining contextual data for
                                                        decision making, which is typically
                                                        supported by cloud solutions.

                                                        How has Covid-19 changed how the
                                                        scientific ecosystem works together?
                                                        Arvind Kothandaraman, general
                                                        manager diagnostics, PerkinElmer:
                                                        A major takeaway from Covid-19 has
                                                        been that every second matters when
                                                        it comes to a response. In order to be
                                                        more nimble and agile, labs require
                                                        tools with high levels of sensitivity and
                                                        reliability in order to detect disease,
                                                        develop therapeutics and discover
                                                        preventive measures that can be
                                                        taken before there is an opportunity
                                                        for a surge to begin. Early detection
                                                        and diagnostics are vital for labs, as
                                                        screening becomes the new normal.
                                                            We will also see a shift towards
                                                        molecular testing and surveillance
                                                        in general over the next year or two.
                                                        Covid-19 necessitated this shift, and
                                                        labs have realised that they must
                                                        be equipped with life science and
                                                        diagnostic tools to better manage
                                                        the spread of infectious diseases
                                                        now and in the future. While we hope
                                                        to never experience a pandemic of
                                                        this magnitude again, it is in our best
                                                        interest for labs to proactively conduct
                                                        surveillance to better manage the
                                                        potential risk.
                                                            Collaboration among scientists is
                                                        the backbone of labs. The fight against
                                                        Covid-19 has been prioritised across
                                                        the globe, and this has accelerated how
                                                        all organisations work in a united effort
                                                        to ultimately serve the public. In that
                                                        sense, pharmaceutical and biotech,
                                                        which are conventionally considered
                                                        competitors, have joined together to
                                                        work towards the same goal.
                                                            Information sharing will help                                                            11

ensure the abundance of testing kits        distance. The value that our solution
and therapeutics for everyone and           brings has never been greater in
                                                                                         “Teams working in
everywhere. The collaboration has           today’s world of virtual companies and      the lab are now split
been unprecedented, and we’ll see           distributed research teams.
this approach continue in many ways            In fact, we have written a white paper   into smaller groups
moving forward.                             on the subject of remote data access,        that are working in
                                            and interested readers can find it on the
Dr Barry Bunin, CEO of Collaborative        Scientific Computing World website.           shifts to minimise
Drug Discovery (CDD):
While the concept of remote working         What are the biggest challenges that
is nothing new, the Covid-19 pandemic       lab users face?
has created a new reality where many        Stephen Hayward, Biovia:
scientists are forced to spend less         Higher project throughput with the          still in a less digitised and connected
time in the lab and instead work from       same number of staff requires efficient     state. We expect that this will continue
alternate locations. One of the main        tools for handling data, observations       to increase as the benefits of efficiency,
challenges that comes with this is data     and result analysis. Distributed labs       better innovation, decision making
availability – do you have access to        means that all data must be available to    and faster time-to-market are too
your data outside of the lab? How do        all team members in real time.              compelling.
you share data with colleagues and              Although most labs have electronic          Disconnected systems, rigid
collaborate when everyone is physically     solutions in place, they are very rarely    applications and lack of sufficient
separated? And if you do share your         integrated and users are forced to          support from corporate IT in labs is
data, how do you make sure there is         transfer data and results manually          making it difficult for organisations
adequate access control to prevent          between systems, which is time-             to deploy new technology. Only a
unauthorised access? These are              consuming and error-prone. Only             transformative approach will enable
important considerations, in particular     flexible, integrated solutions across       labs to move to a truly digital lab that
in deadline-driven projects where           sites and collaborating partners can        also allows them to leverage new
achieving specific research milestones      fulfill such requirements.                  technologies. This transformative
is critical for the success of the              No competitive lab can work without     approach is typically supported by
organisation.                               digital support for process automation,     scientifically-aware collaborative
    At CDD, we have been enabling           data capture, sample management, data       business platforms.
scientific collaborations for the last 16   sharing and analysis. Most laboratories
years through our CDD Vault-hosted          in the life sciences space have already     Oscar Kox, CEO at iVention:
informatics platform. Anyone with           implemented digital solutions for           We started with cloud from day one and
access privilege for a project can          compliance and efficiency reasons.          we said ‘we want automatic upgrades’
manage and analyse data from any web            ‘We are observing that laboratories     we do not do custom software. And if
browser anywhere in the world, and the      in other process industries, as well as     we do some custom software it will be
whole team can work together in real        discrete industries, have started to        taken up into the core product, so that
time, even when separated by physical       implement electronic tools too, but are     we can still do the automatic upgrades.

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                                                                        About Dotmatics
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    We have now developed the
automated OQ scripts [IQ/OQ Validation
Protocol] and system to enable the
automated execution of these scripts.
When we release software and you do it
agile, every two weeks, it is impossible
to have everyone testing the software
    For other providers, it can take
months to upgrade and even longer
to complete the validation. We do not
want to see upgrades taking longer than
days. We will validate, put the OQ scripts
in a document and even add some
screenshots. The system will try to login
in Chrome or Edge and this is how we
do it. It generates a complete report.
    We are still doing really well in
implementations because we can work
with people using Teams meetings to do
configurations together, because we are
in the cloud. From an implementation
standpoint it is massive, because some
people who cannot work right now as                                                         Organisations (CROs) and Contract
they cannot go to the office, they can
                                               “A major takeaway                            Development and Manufacturing
test software, when normally they would        from Covid-19 has                            Organisations (CDMOs) that they are
do that next to their day jobs.                                                             working with, as well as within their own
    The second thing is that if you look         been that every                            organisation.
at the old-fashioned implementations             second matters                                Our pharma services group is
from the more conventional providers,                                                       implementing our capabilities to
you need a VPN connection and then             when it comes to a                           manage their [customer] CDMO
there are still Excel files that are stored
on your PC in the office. This means
                                                   response”                                operations across 25 sites. This has
                                                                                            enabled us to partner with them as a
you cannot get to all of your data. The                                                     customer ,but also as a part of Thermo
old-fashioned implementations with the        our digital science team to make sure         Fisher to find the ideal state as they talk
client on the PC in the office means that     that [Amplitude] is working with minimal      about their scientific ecosystem, and
you cannot access that when you are           touch, minimal operator system.               how they take it from where they are
working from home.                                                                          today.
                                              Trish Meek, director of marketing at
What role do automation and                   Thermo Fisher:                                Richard Milne, Thermo Fisher:
integration technologies play in              One of the key things we are seeing           We recognise that a lot of organisations
overcoming laboratory challenges?             when we talk about connectivity and           have legacy investments in software
Richard Milne, Thermo Fisher:                 lab automation and ensuring that              applications and many of those
We are looking increasingly at how you        organisations are leveraging their data       can be deeply embedded in their
can connect devices to look at their          effectively, is the value of the scientist.   processes. Rather than looking at this
operating parameters and confirm that            For years people were filling in the       as a revolution where you disrupt the
they are online and within range.             gaps, with a lack of automation the           existing situation. We are looking at it
    We want to be able to do that from        scientists would fill the gap and do that     more as how do you integrate into that,
a mobile phone at a safe distance             work. I think there is a recognition from     and therefore protect the investments
to ensure that your experiments are           organisations that the scientists are         that people have made in other
running, regardless of where you may          their greatest asset, and any way that        software tools but provide integration
be.                                           they can automate and integrate data          across those, so people can get an
    We are doing a lot of work with our       and the workflow means that scientists        easier customer experience and also
laboratory automation team at the             can be more effective and focus on the        the value of the integration from the
moment. One of our most recent, big           science itself.                               different toolsets.
and impactful solutions that we released         When we talk about integration with             I don’t think Covid-19 is causing
into the market was the Amplitude             our customers, there are a few different      it. This is just my perspective, I am
solution, which is the high-volume            pieces. There are the partnerships            basing this on my own conversations
Covid-19 testing solution that is being       they have between organisations, the          with customers, but my feeling is that
used across the world at the moment.          integration with outsourcing and so we        Covid-19 is the catalyst for this change.
    There is significant integration          work with our customers to facilitate the     It would have happened anyway, but
between our laboratory automation and         integration between Contract Research         slowly and more sporadically.


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Open science drives
The European Bioinformatics Institute is developing tools and infrastructure to promote
open science and provide programmatic access to biological data

          oday the European
          Bioinformatics Institute
          (EBI) maintains the world’s
most comprehensive range of freely
available and up-to-date molecular
data resources. It provides 307
petabytes of raw data storage for
bioinformatics data and receives more
than 62 million web requests per day.
    The focus on open science and
delivering infrastructure to support
scientists’ access to scientific data
is at the heart of EBI’s mission to
support bioinformatics research. The
first steps to creating bioinformatics
data resources so that scientists and
researchers could share sequence
data in Europe were in 1980, with
the creation of the EMBL Nucleotide
Sequence Data Library (now EMBL
Bank, part of the European Nucleotide
Archive). The archive was established     and scientists realised other resources    of bioinformatics data; providing
in 1980 at European Molecular Biology     were being created that would also be      training on the use of these resources;
Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg,          of great value if they could be shared     hosting the Elixir hub; and supporting
Germany.                                  with the wider community. What began       scientific services and resources such
    Johanna McEntyre associate            as a straightforward task of abstracting   as the European Nucleotide Archive
director of EMBL-EBI services, senior     information from scientific literature     (previously the EMBL Data Library).
scientist and head of literature          soon grew to a major database, with
services, said: ‘EBI was started more     researchers submitting data directly.      Open access infrastructure supports
than 25 years ago now with a remit           In 1992, EMBL Council voted             Covid-19 research
to provide data resources for life        to establish the EMBL-European             Another aspect related to this open
sciences. The original resource, the      Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) and    access data is research paper
EMBL data library, housed nucleotide      locate it on the Wellcome Trust Genome     preprints, which have been very
sequences for research. Sequencing        Campus in Hinxton, UK, where it would      valuable for sharing data during
technologies were taking off. They had    be in close proximity to the Wellcome      the pandemic. A preprint allows
moved out of being a research project     Sanger Institute. In September 1994,       researchers to share results with the
in themselves, to something that more     EMBL-EBI was established in the UK.        scientific community in advance of
and more people were doing.                  ‘EBI was created almost 27 years        peer review, making data available
    ‘There was a requirement for          ago. The institute grew from just a few    much faster than was previously
a database to keep these things,          pioneers at that time to an 800-strong     possible.
because there is a lot of value in        institute today,’ noted McEntyre.              ‘Another very recent thing that
comparing sequences from different           EBI’s mission is split into five        we have done is a project based on
organisms.’                               distinct areas: computational              Covid-19 preprints,’ said McEntyre.
    This initial EMBL data library grew   research; supporting industry use          ‘Instead of being behind closed doors

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                                                                                           “Open science
                                                                                              is a great

                                                                                        science, as more people can see the
                                                                                        outputs and access the contextual
                                                                                        data that supports the research paper.
                                                                                        However, linking the data is also very
                                                                                        important for research, and trust in that
                                                                                             ‘Coming from the data point of view,
                                                                                        you might argue that linking to the data
                                                                                        is less important, but where that really
                                                                                        comes into its own is where people
you just post your finished manuscript     Europe, and so it is called Europe PMC,’     have developed algorithms to search
to a preprint server. When you do that,    said McEntyre.                               through the data,’ stressed McEntyre.
what happens is a very light screening         Europe PMC is a global, free,            ‘I think, and many other people think,
process. That means that your results      biomedical literature repository,            that linking to the data is very important,
are available in 48 hours of submitting    providing access to worldwide                because you need to have as big a
it, as opposed to months.                  life sciences articles, preprints,           collection as possible of open access
     ‘During the pandemic pre-prints       micropublications, books, patents            literature for people to invent new ways
have been very important in very           and clinical guidelines. The resource        of doing things. For example searching
quickly sharing results. The model is      currently contains more than 36 million      or browsing literature.’
that it doesn’t avoid peer review, it’s    abstracts and more than five million full-        In order for AI and machine learning
just that peer review happens after the    text articles. A subset of the full-text     to be possible, data needs to be made
fact,’ McEntyre added.                     information corpus is the open access        available, and in a way that allows
                                           literature that can be downloaded and        scientists to generate huge datasets.
Need for open access research data         used from the FTP site, for example for      Creating a large database of open data
Today EBI has a huge collection of tools   text-mining research.                        enables researches to access data
and data resources, including Europe           ‘This database was originally created    from several different sources that have
PMC, a full-text database of research      to support those open access policies        all been stored and made available for
articles and abstracts that are openly     introduced by research funders, but          reuse.
available for everyone to read, with a     it does lots of other things as well.             If data is not managed in the correct
subset of those available for reuse.       One of the most important things is to       way, these types of activities are made
    ‘The point of running this database    provide bulk downloads and APIs for          much harder, as individuals would
is because funders of life science         programmatic access to the content,’         need to seek out that data manually
research in the UK needed some             said McEntyre.                               from several different sources. This
infrastructure to support their open-          ‘The second very important               data may be stored using different
access policies. Very simplistically       thing is linking to the data. When           formats, making data cleansing and
put, their policies will say something     someone deposits data into one of            pre-processing necessary. ‘Managing
along the lines of “we expect all our      our databases, it is usually because         in the correct way means open data, it
researchers to publish the outcomes of     they have generated the data in the          also means storing in formats that can
their research openly”,’ said McEntyre.    course of doing some experiments,            readily be consumed by machines and
‘That will often specify that these        and typically those experiments will         humans, and having the appropriate
papers should have a CC-BY licence,        be written up in the form of a research      amount of metadata,’ said McEntyre.
a licence that allows people to reuse      paper. You want to link the data to the           Open science infrastructure can
that work without having to request        literature for the biological context, and   open up new ways of conducting
permission – this can be very important    you want to link from the paper to the       research and interrogating data, but
for machine learning and AI,’              data, to show the provenance of the          ultimately the driving factor of open
    As the data volumes and types          research results,’ McEntyre said.            access research is to drive scientific
of resources increased, some of the            ‘This means that you can look at         discovery by sharing insights with other
organisations funding research were        the data behind the paper and see            researchers.
trying to find a way to make results       for yourself whether it supports the              ‘Open science is a great equaliser.
openly available. ‘A lot of research       assertions that have been made in the        It is far more likely that someone in a
funders, not just EBI, needed a            research paper. That linking between         developing country is going to have an
repository to support that open access     the literature and the data is very          internet connection, than access to a
policy. They invented what was called      important in both directions.’               library of scientific data.
UK PMC at the time, which has also now         Open access to the data generally             ‘It opens up research to everybody in
grown to include 30 funders across         improves the reproducibility of the          the world,’ said McEntyre. n

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The leading-edge of
genomics research
Wellcome Sanger Institute’s Julia Wilson tells Robert Roe about the
research centre’s role and impact on the wider scientific community

          he Wellcome Sanger Institute     goals at Sanger which adapt and
          aims to tackle some of the       evolve over time to constantly
                                                                                         “When the rest
          most difficult challenges in     push the boundaries of scientists’           of the world can
 genomic research. This demands            understanding of genomics.
 science at scale alongside a                  ‘The history, in a nutshell, was that
                                                                                         do what we do,
 creative approach to research that        Sanger was established to sequence           then we need to
 pushes the boundaries of scientific       that first human genome. That took
 understanding.                            ten years and cost millions of pounds       change direction –
    Sanger’s scientific niche is in        to get that one first human genome           we should always
 large-scale, high-throughput biology,     sequenced,’ said Wilson. ‘We needed
 often incorporating systematic            to then be able to understand the            be breaking new
 genome-wide screens. These are            information in the human genome,                 ground”
 enabled by major data generation          map it to health and disease, so
 platforms in DNA sequencing, and          scientists can compare between
 genetics with an accompanying large       populations.                                Pushing the boundaries
 IT platform supporting computational          ‘Since then, Sanger has been            One of the mandates or hallmarks
 data analysis.                            studying the biology of genomes             of scientific research at Sanger is
    An overarching theme of the            – the DNA code. Everything we do            the constraint drive to break new
 centre’s science is genome variation;     at the Sanger Institute involves            ground. Pushing the boundaries of
 naturally occurring and engineered,       understanding genome sequences              understanding in genomics requires
 inherited and somatic; explored in        and applying them to improve human          that the focus must frequently shift, as
 human beings, pathogenic micro-           health or increase the understanding        the understanding of a certain topic
 organisms, human cells and mice.          of the living world,’ added Wilson. ‘Our    becomes more ubiquitous.
    The Wellcome Sanger Institute          mission is to advance understanding            ‘When the rest of the world can do
 Associate director Julia Wilson           of biology and to improve health.           what we do, then we need to change
 describes the history of the institute,   Everything we do is about genomics          direction – we should always be
 which highlights the research             so that runs through all of our science.’   breaking new ground in genomics,’


said Wilson. ‘That means we are at
the leading edge of technologies but
                                                   “There is always that push to adapt
also thinking about where genomics                  and evolve. Take on some of the
can take us. In that sense, it is quite a
fundamental research organisation.’                  biggest scientific challenges”
    The current research programmes at
Sanger are split into five distinct fields;
cancer, ageing and somatic mutation,          programme has evolved, because to           the DNA pipelines. Some of these are
cellular genetics, human genetics,            remain at the leading edge we have had      trained at PhD level and beyond but they
parasites and microbes and the Tree of        to pivot and change direction. There        are driven by working in team science
Life.                                         have been many examples of this over        to deliver something that is greater than
    All of these projects are research at     the organisations history.                  the sum of the parts,’ added Wilson.
scale, producing vast amounts of data             ‘We get funded in five year tranches,
which must be analysed. ‘We have got          so we can take on projects that may last    Open science
an enormous fleet of data generation –        five years, ten years or beyond. We can     Another hallmark of Sanger science is
particularly DNA sequencing machines          take on those riskier projects,’ added      that the tools, software, data and other
that generate vast amounts of data            Wilson. ‘There is always that push to       resources at Sanger are made freely
that needs to be interrogated and             adapt and evolve and take on some of        available to the scientific community.
interpreted to generate findings,’ added      the biggest scientific challenges. It is        This means that other organisations
Wilson.                                       a mixture of the technology and the         can pick up these resources and carry
    Two of the largest projects being         ambition and evolution to remain right      on the work, taking it in interesting
run are the Human Cell Atlas (HCA)            at the cutting edge.’                       directions as Sanger shifts focus.
and the Tree of Life. The Cellular                However these large-scale projects          ‘Everything we produce is made
Genetics’ Programme jointly leads             do not come without their own               freely available to the scientific
the HCA global consortium alongside           challenges. For Sanger this can mean        community with the expectation that we
the Broad Institute. The HCA vision is                                                    want others to take that data and those
to create comprehensive reference                                                         tools and build on our discoveries. We
maps of all human cells – the 37 trillion                                                 cannot follow all of the leads from the
fundamental units of life – as a basis                                                    data that we generate, so we want that
for understanding human health and                                                        data to be used by others,’ said Wilson.
diagnosing, monitoring and treating                                                           She also noted that this focus on
disease.                                                                                  open science was adopted at the start
    The Tree of Life investigates the                                                     of the Sanger Institute. ‘This happened
diversity of complex organisms                                                            at the very outset, when genomics was
(eukaryotes) through sequencing                                                           a new thing and our founding director
and cellular technologies. Sanger                                                         John Sulston was working on that first
generates and uses high-quality                                                           genome at the time. It was mandated
genome sequences to explore the                                                           this data should be released in real-time
evolution of life, provide the raw                                                        for humanity to benefit,’ added Wilson.
materials for new biotechnology and                                                           ‘International parties who
                                              Julia Wilson
deliver tools and understanding for                                                       contributed to that first genome signed
biodiversity conservation. This project                                                   up to these principles and historically
aims to sequence approximately 66,000         working to develop new methods or           it used to be released each day. There
Eukaryotic organisms.                         tools that can support genomics at an       was a ticker tape above reception and
    However while these ‘juggernaut’          unprecedented scale.                        the genomic data would go across as it
projects may take five to ten years to            ‘Another hallmark of Sanger             would come off the machine. Obviously
complete, ‘the programmes adapt and           science is that because we are a            we cannot do that any more because
change to find new challenges and             core-funded institute, we invest in this    the data has increased by so much, but
break new ground in genomics. Some            vast scientific infrastructure. We have     genomics was founded on open data.
have evolved. The cancer programme            got one of the largest fleets of DNA            Wilson stressed that this drive for
was previously focused purely on              sequencing machines, definitely the         open data is necessary in genomics
looking at genes associated with              largest in Europe but one of the largest    research, because a single genome is
cancer,’ said Wilson                          concentrations of that technology in        of very little use. ‘If they are all locked up
    ‘Now everybody can do that and as         the world. We have to be applying it        in individual labs, then none can benefit
it has been implemented into genomic          to projects that only we can do – like      from this,’ Wilson said.
medicine, we no longer need to make           sequencing all of life in the UK, or            ‘It is a principle of Wellcome funding
the associations between genes and            looking at 37 trillion cells in the human   as well. Wellcome, as a funder, has been
cancer. The programme evolved to look         body,’ said Wilson.                         so influential, and that ethos of open
at the ageing process and the links               ‘A huge amount of our budget goes       science has filtered through Sanger
between cancer and ageing, and to take        on kit and consumables, but also teams      since it has been open,’ Wilson said. n
a deeper dive at what we call mutational      of real deep-domain technical experts
signatures.                                   that run these pipelines. We have got       Julia Wilson is associate director at Wellcome
    ‘That is an example of where the          expert, skilled technical staff running     Sanger Institute                                                                                                   21
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