2018 REPORT Ethics Advisory Group - European Data ...
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EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 Foreword When I first espoused ethics three years ago, while the legislative procedure for the adoption of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation was still underway, it is fair to say my initiative raised a few eyebrows. Today, ethics and data protection are intertwined like never before and I observe an ever closer convergence between the two. Many issues related to ethics involve personal data; data protection authorities now face ethical questions that legal analysis alone cannot address. Ethics and the law each have an important role in our societies. Convergence allows us to put the human being, their experience and dignity at the centre of our deliberations. This report by the members of the EDPS’s Ethics Advisory Group engages thoughtfully with this question. The report presents the main shifts provoked by the digital revolution and the impact they have on the values we hold dear. I am grateful to the group for helping to advance this still young debate on digital ethics. The EDPS will continue, over the coming months and through the 40th edition of the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners which we host in October, to consider more deeply and widely how we can make technology work in the interests of the dignity of the human being. Giovanni Buttarelli European Data Protection Supervisor 1
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 The Ethics Advisory Group (EAG) is composed of six Members: J. Peter Burgess holds the chair in the Geopolitics of Risk at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, is Professor at the Centre for Ad- vanced Security Theory (CAST) of the University of Copenhagen, and member of Interdisciplinary Research Group on Law, Science, Technology and Society Studies (LSTS) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Trained in engineering, literary studies, political science and philosophy, his research and writing focus mainly on the theory and ethics of security and insecurity. Luciano Floridi is Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information and Director of Research of the Digital Ethics Lab, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. He is also Turing Fellow and Chair of the Data Ethics Group of The Alan Turing Institute. The philosophy and ethics of information have been the focus of his research for a long time, and are the subject of his numerous publications, includ- ing The Fourth Revolution: How the Infosphere is Reshaping Human Reality (Oxford University Press, 2014), winner of the J. Ong Award. Jaron Zepel Lanier is an American computer philosophy writer, computer scientist, visual artist, and composer of classical music. A pioneer in the field of virtual reality, Lanier and Thomas G. Zimmer- man left Atari in 1985 to found VPL Research, Inc., the first company to sell VR goggles and gloves. In the late 1990s, Lanier worked on applications for Internet2, and in the 2000s, he was a visiting scholar at Silicon Graphics and various universities. From 2006 he began to work at Microsoft, an Interdisciplinary Scientist in Microsoft Research from 2009 to 2018, and currently working in the Office of the CTO, Prime Unifying Scientist (OCTOPUS). 2
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 Aurélie Pols is an economist/econometrist and statistician by education and has been involved in the analysis of data from the very beginning of this activity. She is an important actor in the field of “digital data”. She runs her own consulting business in Spain after selling her own first start-up company a few years ago. Antoinette Rouvroy is Doctor of Laws of the European Uni-versity Institute (Florence), she is permanent research associate at the Bel- gian National Fund for Sci-entific Research (FNRS), senior researcher at the Research Centre Information, Law and Society, Law Faculty, and Professor of “Questions of applied ethics after the digital turn» in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Namur (Belgium). In her writings, she has addressed, among other things, issues of privacy, data protection, non-discrimination, equality of opportu- nities, due process in the context of “data-rich” environments (the so-called genetic revolution, the so-called computational turn) with an ap¬proach combining legal and political philosophy. Her current interdi¬sciplinary research interests revolve around what she has called algorithmic governmentality. Under this foucauldian neologism, she explores the semiotic-epistemic, political, legal and philosophical im¬plications of the computational turn (Big Data, algorithmic profiling, industrial personalisation) and the impacts of automated algorithmic processes on human evaluations, decisions and judgments. Jeroen van den Hoven is University Professor and Professor of Ethics and Technology at Delft University of Technology. He has written extensively on ethical aspects of information technology. He is Founding Editor in Chief of the Journal Ethics and Information Technology, since 1999. In 2009, he won the World Technology Award for Ethics as well as the IFIP prize for ICT and Society for his work in Ethics and ICT. Jeroen van den Hoven was founder, and until 2016 Programme Chair, of the Dutch Research Council on Respon- sible Innovation. He chaired the EU expert group on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and he is member of the European Group on Ethics (EGE) of the European Commission. 3
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 Authors of this report J. Peter Burgess, Chair Luciano Floridi Aurélie Pols Jeroen van den Hoven With thanks to Jaron Lanier & Antoinette Rouvroy for their valuable advice and contributions 4
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 Preface analyse current and future paradigm shifts which are characterised by a general shift from The EDPS Ethics Advisory Group (EAG) has analogue experience of human life to a digital carried out its work against the backdrop of one. On the other hand, and in light of this two significant social-political moments: a shift, it seeks to re-evaluate our understanding growing interest in ethical issues, both in the of the fundamental values most crucial to the public and in the private spheres and the im- well-being of people, those taken for granted minent entry into force of the General Data in a data-driven society and those most at risk. Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018. For some, this may nourish a perception that The objective of this report is thus not to gen- the work of the EAG represents a challenge to erate definitive answers, nor to articulate new data protection professionals, particularly to norms for present and future digital societies lawyers in the field, as well as to companies but to identify and describe the most crucial struggling to adapt their processes and rou- questions for the urgent conversation to tines to the requirements of the GDPR. What come. This requires a conversation between is the purpose of a report on digital ethics, legislators and data protection experts, but if the GDPR already provides all regulatory also society at large - because the issues iden- requirements to protect European citizens tified in this report concern us all, not only as with regard to the processing of their per- citizens but also as individuals. They concern sonal data? Does the existence of this EAG us in our daily lives, whether at home or at mean that a new normative ethics of data work and there isn’t a place we could travel protection will be expected to fill regulatory to where they would cease to concern us as gaps in data protection law with more flexible, members of the human species. and thus less easily enforceable ethical rules? Does the work of the EAG signal a weakening of the foundation of legal doctrine, such as the rule of law, the theory of justice, or the funda- mental values supporting human rights, and a strengthening of a more cultural approach to data protection? Not at all. The reflections of the EAG contained in this report are not intended as the continuation of policy by other means. It neither supersedes nor supplements the law or the work of legal practitioners. Its aims and means are different. On the one hand, the report seeks to map and 5
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 1. Introduction values may be understood as part of the new data protection ecosystem. The EDPS Opinion Toward a new digital ethics (2015) grounds the ‘new digital ethics’ in the Mandate fundamental right to privacy and the protec- tion of personal data, understanding both as It is this new ecosystem that is the object of crucial for the protection of human dignity1. reflection for the EAG, as described in the The Opinion cites dignity—the bedrock of EDPS 2015-2019 strategy, with the mandate the European Union Charter of Fundamentals ‘to explore the relationships between human Rights—as the signpost for the new digital rights, technology, markets and business ethics. It highlights the interdependence of models in the 21st century’2. This new data technology and human values, stressing that, protection ecosystem stems from the strong while technological evolution is informed roots of another kind of ecosystem: the Euro- by human values, those same values do not pean project itself, that of unifying the values remain untouched by technologies. drawn from a shared historical experience with a process of industrial, political, economic and The EDPS Opinion identifies several tech- social integration of States, in order to sustain nological trends that require a rethinking of peace, collaboration, social welfare and eco- the relation between technology and human nomic development. This project is sustained values, thus calling for the formulation of a by the common destiny of all European citi- ‘new digital ethics’: big data generated from a zens and by the principles and practices em- variety of sources, from public administrations bodied in the European institutions, including and private companies, social networks and the European Data Protection Supervisor. other online platforms, the internet of things and networked sensors, cloud computing, and With the digital age, European ambition has artificial intelligence, in particular machine evolved rapidly. And yet, the fundamental learning. These digital technologies require freedoms and values set out in the EU treaties what the Opinion calls a ‘big data protection and accords of the last 60 years, and culminat- ecosystem’: an interactive and accountable ing in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of assemblage of ‘future-oriented regulation’, the European Union, ratified in 2000, remain ‘accountable controllers’, ‘privacy-conscious the same. However, bridging the gap between engineering’, and ‘empowered individuals’. traditional principles and a new digital world, with all its social, legal, and economic implica- This report aims to provide a preliminary tions, is daunting. There is a distinct need to account of the socio-cultural shifts that have fundamentally revisit the way ethical values taken place in concert with these technolog- are understood and applied, how they are ical trends, and to examine how European changing or being re-interpreted, and a need 1 European Data Protection Supervisor (2015) Towards a new 2 European Data Protection Supervisor (2015) Leading by digital ethics: Data, dignity and technology. Opinion 4/2015. Example: The EDPS Strategy 2015-2019, p. 18. 6
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 to take stock of their relevance to cope with with that of emerging data processing systems the new digital challenges. (machine learning and deep learning algo- rithms, for example), can have the effect of The right to data protection may have so far distancing supervisory authorities and un- appeared to be the key to regulating a digit- dertakings from the meaning and the spirit ised society. However, in light of recent tech- of the right to data protection. Ethics allows nological developments, such a right appears this return to the spirit of the law and offers insufficient to understand and address all the other insights for conducting an analysis of ethical challenges brought about by digital digital society, such as its collective ethos, its technologies. Personal data protection claims to social justice, democracy and per- regimes, like the GDPR, remain the privileged sonal freedom. instruments for the governance of data flows and data processing. These remain valuable The General Data Protection for the protection of personal data in line with Regulation classical data processing. And yet, they appear The work of the Ethics Advisory Group has inadequate to address the unprecedented been carried out in anticipation of the General challenges raised by the digital turn. In par- Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will ticular, the tensions and frequent incompati- become fully applicable on 25 May 20183. The bility of core concepts and principles of data GDPR supersedes the 1995 Data Protection protection with the epistemic paradigm of big Directive, and strengthens and harmonises the data suggest limits to the GDPR even prior to protection of personal data within the Europe- its application. an Union. It also expands the territorial scope of the EU data protection regime, by bringing For example, the principles of purpose limi- a large number of overseas businesses and tation, data minimisation, and data retention other organisations within its reach. The GDPR may be at odds with some premises and appli- is itself a true product of globalisation, in that cations of big data aiming at the almost limit- it considers not only the location of the data less collection and retention of any informa- processing, as in the current Directive, but also tion that exists in digital format and with the whether personal data relating to individuals fact that the purpose data may not be known located in the EU are being processed, regard- before an algorithmic analysis is carried out. Indeed, the purposes of algorithm-driven big data analysis is often to discover otherwise invisible patterns in the data, rather than to apply previous insights, test hypotheses, or 3 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and develop explanations. of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and Moreover, the technical sophistication and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive complexity of data protection rules, together 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), OJEU L119, 04/05/2016. 7
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 less of where the controller is established in name of something that can neither be cal- the world. culated nor computed. While some of the EAG’s deliberations concern By providing interpretive tools, arguments and some of the same issues addressed by the a vocabulary of ethics for the digital age the GDPR, its scope, focus, and purpose is dif- EAG seeks to help the data protection commu- ferent. Where the GDPR is concerned with nity to reassert the core values that underpin regulating the processing of personal data, its principles and to ground the application the EAG is interested in understanding the of data protection principles in a way that is assumptions about both the ethical status relevant to the everyday experiences of Eu- or personhood of the individuals whose ropean citizens. data is in question in the GDPR and the way these assumptions challenge and appeal to Scope and aim of the report a reinterpretation for the digital age of the This report seeks to propose terms and con- fundamental European values and principles cepts that contribute to a constructive debate that the GDPR seeks to protect. Ethical reflec- about the future of ethics in a full-fledged tion developed by the EAG seeks to provide digital society. It identifies and clarifies some concepts and arguments for dealing with of the ethical questions that emerge in the regulatory issues that were not and cannot application of data protection regulations to be adequately foreseen. By providing some the new forms of data collection and process- interpretive tools, arguments and a vocabulary ing and to the new economy that has rapidly for a digital ethics, the EAG seeks to help the formed around it. data protection community to make relevant the core values that underpin its work and The EAG expressly avoids an instrumental ap- to ground the application of data protection proach to ethics of a kind that would result principles in a way that is more relevant to the in an ethical checklist or set of measures that, everyday experiences of European citizens. once accomplished, would essentially exhaust ethical reflection and release its practitioners In this sense, the EAG has sought to develop from further discussion. The EAG wishes to dis- an understanding of human action—behav- courage approaches to ethics governance that iour, decision-making, judgment, conduct, equate data protection with the application etc.—without taking for granted that these of do’s and don’ts. On the contrary, it seeks can be digitally captured, computed, calcu- to encourage proactive reflection about the lated or optimised. The EAG has focused on future of human values, rights and liberties, understanding conduct that resists digitisa- including the right to data protection, in an tion, conduct as contingent, fortuitous, unpre- environment where technological innovation dictable, even risky. It sees the ethical moment will always challenge fundamental concepts as the moment of engaging autonomy in the and adaptive capabilities of the law. It seeks to inspire all relevant stakeholders to identify 8
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 the areas where ethical problems not only with equal facility. There is significant variation emerge from the development and operation in what segments of life and experience can of today’s digital technologies, but integrate be inserted into a digital framework, what in both their designs and business planning information can be transformed or translat- reflection about the impact that new technol- ed to a globally digestible form, what knowl- ogies will have on society, generating their edge can produce added-value in the digital own guidelines for addressing them tomor- economy. Just as there is a limit to what can row while remaining vigilant to what their be globalised in the age of globalisation, there own guidelines had not foreseen, when by is an inherent limit to what can be digitised all accounts the premise, aims and impact will in the digital age. Indeed, the question of the be astonishingly different from today. Ethical limit of digitisation is at the very heart of social foresight, like technological foresight, will be and political debate today. The starting point the key to commercial success in the digital of any ethical reflection on the digital age is economy. the simple observation that human beings are not identical to their data, despite the in- European data protection in an creasing precision with which human beings interconnected world can be digitally modelled, their qualities and properties catalogued, their patterns system- More than any other human enterprise, the atised and their behaviour predicted. On the wide-reaching circulation of data through contrary, they may be understood in an in- worldwide networks, the global reach of its finite number of ways. power to set standards across national borders and its trade and use in the business of every- The work of the EAG is founded on the belief day life, fulfil even the most audacious visions of the universality of human values. However, of globalisation, be they utopian or dystopian. history teaches us that these values must be And yet, just as there is a gap between per- understood and implemented in the social, sonal knowledge and personal data, there is cultural, political, economic and not least, also a gap between immediate or local human technological contexts in which the crucial experience and global or universally shared link between personal data and personal ex- experience. Some kinds of concrete local perience is made. In other words, any digital experience, set free from space and time by ethics should also make us aware of the widely the economy of global circulation, will wither changing relationship between digital and and perish. Other kinds will flourish. Human human realities. Notwithstanding the great culture does not adapt uniformly to globali- variety in which different countries around the sation. globe respond to the challenges of digitisa- tion, there are commonalities in how human Understanding the human limits to globali- beings experience the digital world and in sation helps us to understand the limits of data protection regulation. We know that not all human experience lets itself be digitised 9
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 how they may become vulnerable in light of law and the question of where the law ends their new technological condition. and where ethics begins. While the work of the EAG is set in a European The second workshop, held on 18 May 2017, context, the concerns are global and can be focused on the pragmatic challenges involved observed beyond Europe (e.g. development in squaring the radically new means and of social scoring in China, biometric identi- methods enabled by the digital revolution fication in India, the weakening in the USA with the equally unique ethical issues gener- of legal constraints on digital markets such ated by new digital technologies. To this end, as privacy, net neutrality). The EDPS strat- the workshop was aimed at members of the egy stipulates that the EU should lead the data science community and data engineers. conversation on the ethical consequences of the digital transformation. Digital Ethics Through these workshops, and subsequent will therefore be the core topic of the 2018 discussions it became clear that the task of the international conference of Data Protection EAG was not to define the rights and wrongs and Privacy Commissioners hosted by the of navigating the digital ecosystem. It was EDPS in Brussels. The report of the EAG intends rather about posing a broader and more pri- to contribute to the reflection to launch this mordial set of questions about what it means global debate. to do ethics in the digital age; about how to construe the object of ethical analysis about The EDPS Ethics Advisory Group work how to make explicit how the preconditions process and aims of ethics have changed in the new digital age, and about where ethics will need Since it began its work in March 2016, the EAG to adapt in the future. has met 9 times and convened two workshops aimed at collecting input and reactions from Digital ethics can be understood from a different communities. number of perspectives. The first workshop, held on 31 May 2016, was A basic distinction is commonly drawn in organised to interact with members of the ethical reflection between normative (or pre- data protection community. The workshop scriptive) ethics and metaethics. Normative helped the EAG to understand the percep- ethics involves reflection leading to the formu- tions and concerns in relation to the GDPR. The lation of moral standards intended to regulate discussions raised questions about the role of conduct. Metaethics is concerned with discov- ethics in the relation between law and techno- ering and formulating the cultural, social, po- logical innovation. It led the EAG to consider litical and value-based conditions formulating the unique boundaries between ethics and rules of moral conduct. In its deliberations the EAG took the consensus-based decision to focus primarily on metaethical questions 10
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 of digital ethics. Its work thus consisted of 2. Socio-cultural shifts of the considering more general and fundamen- digital age tal questions about what it means to make Below we highlight the seven ‘shifts’ that claims about ethics and human conduct in define the new landscape for digital ethics the digital age, when the baseline conditions to emerge, to map problems, questions and of ‘human-ness’ are under the pressure of in- concepts in each. terconnectivity, algorithmic decision-making, machine-learning, digital surveillance and the From the individual to the digital enormous collection of personal data, about subject what can and should be retained and what can and should be adapted, from traditional Responding to a growing demand for person- normative ethics. alised experiences, direct encounters between persons in the digital world are increasingly This led the EAG to confront a range of ques- replaced by remote algorithmic profiling. As a tions: consequence psychological, spiritual, cultural, social, moral and other qualities of persons •• how to link new data technologies to tend to be more often detected through per- European values; sonal data, directly mined, or triangulated •• the meaning and consequences of through multiple sources, as well as by as- human interactions with machines; serting personal identity through traditional •• dignity in situations of declining au- means of self-affirmation, individual or col- tonomy; lective identity claims, group recognition, •• the market’s power to define what it conventional social network, or conventional means to be human; political categories. Today identity is often •• the dilemma of the multitude of established through digital constructs and choices provided by a digital ecosys- patterns. Yet in the new digital age, we must tem that is controlled by new forms remember that data exhausts neither personal of automation; identity, nor the qualities of the communities •• new challenges brought to tradition- to which individuals belong, that data pro- al understandings of ownership and tection is not only about the protection of property rights applied to personal data, but primarily about the protection of data; and the persons behind the data. •• responsible innovation in the digital ecosystem. The persuasiveness of algorithmic processes, which seek to optimise human interactions in a growing number of sectors, nurtures a perception that digitisation is only one among many possible ways of representing the world and its inhabitants and the digital 11
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 transcription of behaviours and propensities of the scope and limits of personhood, of its is neither neutral nor exhaustive. The ques- non-digital values and non-digital customs. tion is whether the digital representation of persons may expose them to new forms From governance by institutions to of vulnerability and harm. Data protection governmentality through data is not a technical or legalistic matter. It is a Traditional expectations of governance in profoundly human one. The reflection of the Western societies is based on an assumption EAG and the present report have consistently that distinct institutions hold the power to drawn upon the wide-reaching premise of govern and are held democratically account- an ontological shift in governance from an able for their application of power. The gov- analogue logic to a digital one. Individuals, erning and the governed are distinct, but as well as public and private organisations, nonetheless linked by mutually recognised experience the world differently as a result principles of legal obligation and account- of the socio-cultural shifts of the digital age. ability. The traditional representations of identity and the self, morality, social relations, cultural Digital technologies have changed all this pro- belonging and political action are undergoing foundly. The use of algorithms and large data a number of socio-cultural shifts due to digi- sets can shape and direct the lives of individu- tisation. As a consequence of these socio-cul- als. Individuals may be increasingly governed tural shifts, individuals, as well as public and on the basis of the data generated from their private sector organisations experience the own behaviours and interactions. The distinc- world differently. tion between the forces that govern everyday life and persons who are governed within it From analogue to digital life thus become more difficult to discern. In some Human life may be understood by reference contexts, algorithmic profiling – carried out by to the values that people hold and express means of behavioural economics for purposes through their social, cultural and political ac- ranging from exploiting detected vulnerabili- tivities. Today the experience of persons as ties in personalised marketing strategies to the moral beings who think in moral terms, experi- influencing of human behaviours through en- ence pleasure and pain in aesthetic and affec- vironmental, contextual, informational stimuli tive terms, participate in social relations with – gradually transform how we may govern other individuals whom they consider worthy ourselves. Behaviour may be governed by of recognition and who express and confront ‘nudging’, that is by minute, barely noticeable life in and through emotions, typically experi- suggestions, which can take a variety of forms enced and expressed through digital means and which may modify the scope of choices as an aggregate of digital facts detached from individuals have or believe they have. Because the social, cultural, and historical conditions influences are minute and often unnoticed, of life. As a consequence, digitisation puts while at the same time remaining within the pressure on our traditional understandings bounds of democratic norms, nudging can be 12
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 used together with forms of artificial intelli- justice or fairness, putting in doubt the role of gence and large quantities of data to promote solidarity in the face of uncertainty and chal- particular interests or values. This shift repre- lenges the premise of the social contract that sents a change in our premise about what it makes us a society. Shifts of this kind suggest means to govern ourselves and be governed changes in the norms and methods available by others, to marshal political power and to for describing, understanding and analysing influence perceptions, choices and behaviours social relations, replacing the interpretation of persons. of human intentions and conditions with the likelihood of numeric correlation between From a risk society to scored society inputs to human action and their outputs. It has been common for institutions and or- From human autonomy to the ganisations to collect and aggregate informa- convergence of humans and machines tion in order to improve situational awareness for decision-making about the future. In the An increasing number of technological ar- so-called risk society, risk assessment is carried tefacts, from prostheses like eyeglasses and out using techniques of probability calcula- hearing aids, to smartphones, GPS, augment- tion, allowing individuals to be pooled and ed reality glasses and more, can be experi- situations with the same level of risks to be enced in a symbiotic relationship with the identified with each other for the purposes of human body. These artefacts are experienced understanding the value of loss and the cost less as objects of the environment than as of compensation. In the digital age, algorithms a means through which the environment is supported by big data can provide a far more experienced and acted upon. As such, they detailed and granular understanding of indi- may tend toward a seamless framing of our vidual behaviours and propensities, allowing perception of reality. They may shape our for more individualised risk assessments and experience of the world in ways that can be the apportioning of actual costs to each in- difficult to assess critically. This phenomenon dividual; such assessment of risk threatens of incorporation or even embodiment of tech- contractual or general principles and widely nologies is even more intense whenever the shared ideas of solidarity. devices are implanted in the body. In this scored society, individuals can be hy- A parallel frontier of convergence between per-indexed and hyper-quantified. Beliefs human and machines is on the verge of being and judgments about them can be made crossed by intelligent, or rather ‘autonomous’, through opaque credit or social scoring al- machines that are able to adapt their behav- gorithms that must be open to negotiation iours and rather than merely executing human or contestation. The tendency to replace ag- commands, collaborate with, or even replace gregations of potential costs in terms of loss, human agents to help them identify problems damages or harms with ‘real’, ‘individualised’ costs, challenges conventional theories of 13
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 to be solved, or to identify the optimal paths the governance of crime around the science to finding solutions to given problems. of possible transgression and possible guilt, removing moral character from the equation. From individual responsibility to The aim of criminal justice remains the same: distributed responsibility to provide security within society while at the same time adhering to high standards of We are becoming familiar to problems of many human rights and the rule of law. However, the hands and problems of collective action and shift that marks one of the main backdrops collective inaction, which can lead to trage- of the digital age and calls for a new digital dies of the commons and problematic moral ethics is that of trying to predict criminal be- assessments of complex human endeavours, haviour in advance, using the output of big both low and high tech, where a number of data-driven analysis and smart algorithms to people act jointly via distant causal chains, look into the future. while being separated in time and space from each other and from the aggregated outcomes The shift is twofold. First, the object of legal of their individual agency. The problems of regulation can become less interesting, as a allocation and attribution of responsibilities phenomenon in the here-and-now and more are exacerbated by the networked configura- an object for reasoned speculation about its tion of the digitised world. It seems that our future role, all based on the predictive powers conception of responsibility and control are of the big data and algorithmic processing. hard to reconfigure in increasingly complex Second, while the analysis of legal issues is eco-systems of big data and advanced digital being pushed into the future, what is un- technology. Algorithmic transparency and derstood as existing in the future becomes accountability are among the most vividly drawn into the assessments of the present. debated themes of our time, yet, rendering Estimates of what the future will hold, gen- algorithms more transparent and accountable erated through the patterns gathered in big can never decrease or alleviate the responsi- data analysis, are continuously gaining in im- bility of human agents. portance for the way criminal justice operates today and is purported to operate tomorrow. From criminal justice to pre-emptive justice In legal practice, the detection and investi- 3. Ethical reflection for the gation of crime is no longer only a science of digital age criminal acts, of identifying and adjudicating events authored by identifiable, accountable As a result of these shifts, it becomes clear that individual actors under precise conditions and the key concepts that have supported our un- in terms of moral and legal responsibility, but derstanding of our lives, society and social and also a statistically supported calculation of political order, no longer adequately relate to the likelihood of future crime, a structuring of a world dramatically changed by the rise of 14
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 digital technologies. An early warning of this to adapt ethical principles to rapidly evolving misfit is the increasing number of traditional issues, which often outpace the evolution of concepts that have had to be amended in law. It is in this way that the EAG has under- order to mark their external transformation stood the EDPS strategic call to assess ‘the and extended scope, changing their seman- ethical dimension beyond data protection tics in yet unexplored ways. ‘Privacy’ becomes rules’. The EAG undertakes this work with a ‘digital privacy’, ‘trust’ becomes ‘trust online’, sense of urgency, based on the recognition ‘friendship’ is ‘Facebook friendship’, a ‘com- that common sense and traditional notions of munity’ is a ‘cyber-community’, ‘intelligence’ individual responsibility and ethics have come becomes ‘artificial’, ‘democracy’ becomes under pressure and risk becoming irrelevant. ‘tele-democracy’, ‘reality’ becomes ‘virtual’, and so forth. These new terms indicate a novelty. Digital ethics does not refer to a radically new The impact of these new concepts and the idea. From the moment the first computa- phenomena they describe places European tional devices and the first digital computers data governance in uncharted territory. became available in the 1960’s, ethical ques- tions were raised, and a number of different The new digital age generates new ethical approaches contributed to what can be called questions about what it means to be human in hindsight digital ethics: social informatics, in relation to data, about human knowledge computer ethics, information ethics, Science and about the nature of human experience. It and Technology Studies (STS), technology as- obliges us to re-examine how we live and work sessment, value sensitive design, democratic and how we socialise and participate in com- design, professional ethics for the IT field (IEEE, munities. It touches our relations with others ACM, IFIP). and perhaps most importantly, with ourselves. If we accept the idea of a new digital reality, The purpose of digital ethics is not only to we also accept that it brings with it changing account for the present, but also to perform a conditions of being human. It invites a new foresight function. Such a function has many ethical evaluation, a new interpretation of layers. Two of them are taken into consider- some of the fundamental notions in ethics, ation in this report. One is an anticipatory such as dignity, freedom, autonomy, solidar- function, preparing technology users and ity, equality, justice, and trust; and invites us policy-makers and providers for potential to test the conditions of their validity for the concerns lying on the horizon and requiring new realities that present themselves in this technologies to hold tools and concepts able new age. to confront our evolving digital reality. The other is to develop means for empowering In its deliberations, the EAG has regarded this individuals and groups to confront anxieties kind of ethical reflection as a means to fill crit- linked to both the potential weakening of ical gaps in existing legal regulations and as a way of supporting those actors who work 15
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 fundamental rights and to technological un- values of dignity, autonomy, freedom, soli- certainty itself. darity, equality, democracy and trust. Technological change has a significant soci- Dignity etal impact that is nonetheless experienced The notion of human dignity in the Europe- across a range of individual experiences. In the an intellectual tradition has its origins in the consensus view of the EAG digital ethics will Kantian idea that human beings are to be un- provide new terms for identifying, analysing derstood as ends in themselves and never as a and communicating new human realities, in means alone. Since the end of World War II in order to displace traditional value-based ques- particular, this concept has had a key impact tions and identify new challenges in view of on International Human Rights Law, in legal values at stake and existing and foreseeable scholarship and in jurisprudence. It has also technological changes. been acknowledged as a foundational value in most human rights instruments. The Uni- versal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 4. From foundational values recognises that the inherent dignity and the to digital ethics equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family are the foundation of A re-assertion of the fundamental values at freedom, justice and peace in the world. It the heart of European data protection and appears in every iteration of the Treaty of other fundamental rights and liberties is European Union (or Community) beginning needed in order to make way for a reflection from the Treaty of Rome (1957) together with and debate on the implications of the new freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, and digital technologies in relation to Fundamen- respect for human rights, as one of the core tal and Human Rights and the basic princi- values of the European project. The Charter ples at the heart of the European project. As of Fundamental Rights of the European Union we enter the coming era, new concepts of explicitly acknowledges the foundational role data protection will be called for. New kinds of the value of human dignity. of digital opportunities, risks, benefits and harms will need to be conceptualised and Revisiting the concept of dignity will, for addressed. In the new big data ecosystem, example, provide a foundation for the ethical unprecedented commodification of data gath- assessment of a range of next generation algo- ered from persons, behaviours and environ- rithmic profiling techniques which are increas- ments can be expected. This new ecosystem ingly deployed in most sectors of activities will directly challenge traditional European and government. The aim of these techniques is the anticipation and where necessary or useful, the influencing of future paths, be- haviours, preferences and performances of individuals. In the age of big data, this corre- 16
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 sponds to the intensification of algorithmic freedom and its value, independently of their profiling and ‘personalisation’. When individ- digital experience. uals are treated not as persons but as mere temporary aggregates of data processed at Thus, the World Summit on the Information an industrial scale so as to optimise through Society, convened under the auspices of the algorithmic profiling, administrative, financial, United Nations in 2003, declared that access educational, judicial, commercial and other to the internet is henceforth to be considered interactions with them, they are arguably, not a requirement in order to exercise and enjoy fully respected, neither in their dignity nor in one’s rights to freedom of expression and their humanity. opinion, stipulated in Article 19 of the Univer- sal Declaration of Human Rights. At the same Freedom time, freedom to navigate the web is enabled by decisions about technological functions. Like dignity, freedom is one of the founda- These functions are part of the background tional values of the European Union and a assumptions of most users. These technologi- pillar of the common provisions of the Treaty cal settings function like political assumptions of European Union. Since 1999, it has, in addi- about freedom in the internet. They are the tion, been the core feature of the Schengen tacit governing premise for online life, silently political program of offering all EU citizens and invisibly allocating band-width, routing an ‘area of freedom, security and justice’. In data and regulating speed. The suppression its core European ethical and judicial formu- of ‘net-neutrality’ by the U.S. Federal Commu- lations, freedom is understood as a determin- nications Commission will disrupt a range of ing, positive right. It determines in the sense premises of digital use that up until now have that it is not regarded as unconditional, but been taken for granted. rather made meaningful by its insertion into the European system of values, underpinning Autonomy a specific system of laws, directives, commu- nication and international obligations. The concept of individual autonomy is also deeply rooted in the Kantian concept of the The digital age reposes the question of what human person and its dignity. It is an individ- freedom means, how and to what extent our ual capability and a collective potential, the common and individual sense of freedom is implementation of which is always a matter of shaped and nourished by information and degree. Threats to autonomy in the digital age how new configurations of data and data can be observed as circumstances or modes of flows contribute to the production of new government that prevent people from devel- kinds of freedom. Freedom will need to be oping and/or effectively implementing their increasingly considered as a product of the potential for autonomy. Such threats include digital age. In some cases, citizens will find the potential substitution of computational or it increasingly difficult to understand their algorithmic optimisation for human delibera- tion and decision-making over time, eroding 17
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 rather than sustaining human potential for and the use of medical data in the context of autonomy. They include the algorithmic or employment or in breaches of context-specific human spreading of fake news that weakens rules of confidentiality. the capacity of individuals to discriminate between what is reliable information and Equality what is not. Similarly, democratic processes Like solidarity, equality is a concept with a risk being weakened through new practices of strong political tradition in Europe and fea- political marketing relying on micro-targeting tures heavily in the Charter of Fundamental and algorithmic psychographic profiling. This Rights (Title III) in reference to equality before includes automated decisions taken by digital the law, non-discrimination, diversity, gender systems on the basis of continuous observa- equality, the rights of children, the elderly and tion of the choices, behaviour and emotions the disabled. of individuals, without the possibility for them to understand and communicate their own In the digital age, novel forms of algorithmic motivations, intentions, reasons, and expla- discrimination pose a risk to equality of op- nations or to take autonomous decisions. portunity and to the fundamental right to be protected against digital networks that Solidarity offer a wealth of often free and accessible Solidarity refers to a relation to others, the information. unity of community values, aims, interests, ob- jectives or standards, past, present and future. Unlike traditional economic goods, which In its most elementary form, solidarity corre- obey a law of scarcity, information is multi- sponds to something shared, something that purpose. The use of digital information for holds a group together in an environment. one purpose does not deplete its availability Solidarity has played a key role in the geopo- for another. This opens up, on the one hand, litical discourse of European construction from a wide array of opportunities for creating and its very origin. It is a core concept of Title IV stabilising an economy of sharing based on of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, which equality and fairness in a digital society. Yet, contains guiding provisions about societal on the other hand, the equality of opportunity security, health care, access to economic ser- that is facilitated by the consumption of infor- vices and consumer protection, to name a few. mational goods by multiple consumers risks creating new inequalities resulting from the Threats to solidarity and empowerment in the fact that some people may have the advan- digital age are a consequence of the shift to a scored society as outlined in chapter two. They take the form of hyper-individualisation and for a focus on ‘real’ costs through, for example, behavioural profiling in the context of insur- ance, the interconnectedness of databases 18
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 tage by learning about content before others data aggregates exploitable on an industrial do and may extract value from it. scale rather than subjects in their own right. Democracy Interactions based on algorithmic profiling may exacerbate information imbalances Most of the core debates about the overall between decision-making governments and viability of the European Union, its institutions, companies on the one hand and individuals the inclusion and in some cases the exclusion, on the other hand. As a result, ‘data-rich’ public of Member States, have revolved around the and private organisations will have greater question of the democratic legitimacy of the ethical responsibilities towards citizens and European project. customers. Digital ethics must identify new perspectives, potential and boundaries for In the digital age, both the deliberative model dealing with data ethically, by formulating of democracy, grounded on citizenship and the terms of a proactive approach to ethics, the notion of the common good are chal- beyond mere legal avoidance measures. As lenged as a basis for the European social con- such it will set out the terms of a social inno- tract. Algorithmically processed big data play vation that parallels the rapid technological an increasingly dominant role in informing innovation we are experiencing on a daily and guiding individual and social action, in vir- basis. tually all sectors of business and government. Data-driven governance is often presented as Justice a ‘revolutionary’ mode of governance eman- cipated from the yokes of what is assumed to Like the concept of freedom, justice appears be biased human representation, ambiguous prominently as a core value in the Europe- human language, or subjective points-of-view. an project. It features as a core principle of the Schengen area of freedom, security and Personal or anonymous data are the new co- justice. It also features in the Title IV provi- ordinates of social modelling. Big data rather sions on justice and rule of law, the primary than institutional or deliberative processes recourse to the guarantee of basic rights and threaten to become the basis on which indi- freedoms proclaimed by European Union law, viduals are classified, evaluated, rewarded or including the right to fair trial, presumption punished. These same categories are used to of innocence, legality and proportionality of evaluate the merits and needs of individuals punishment and against double-jeopardy. or the opportunities or dangers underlying the lives they lead. In this view of ‘data-driven The guarantee of justice in any institution governance’, the question arises whether the is dependent upon a complex and interwo- individual human person as a legal subject ven systems of information management. has a future and how one can ensure that in- Political rights are often deeply intertwined dividuals are not viewed only as temporary with the free flow of impartial information, transparency and accountability. Criminal 19
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 justice depends critically on information col- Strategy (2013) or the much-heralded A Digital lected and disseminated about the political Single Market for Europe (2015). context. Criminal investigations are linked to the processing of forensic data and ques- Crucially, trust has a double-meaning in data tions of appropriateness and admissibility of protection. One is a technologically-oriented, data. In criminal justice systems, data-driven functional or knowledge concept: trust in a algorithmic solutions play a privileged role technology refers to the confidence that it in the tendency towards performance-ori- will not fail in its pure functionality, that its ented management of justice systems. This design and engineered properties will carry tendency toward technical management of out their expected function. The second, trust judicial systems impacts the ecosystem of is a moral concept referring to belief and re- justice in terms of the presumption of inno- liance in a person or organisation that they cence, rules of evidence, processes of justifi- will honour explicit or implicit promises and cation and the ability to contest judicial deci- commitments. sions, non-discrimination, and equal access to justice. The new horizon of predictive litigation Human society has arguably taken the course may render law firms more selective in the it has, because cultural, social, institutional cases and the individuals they are willing to and technical solutions have been found to represent, encouraging advocates to assess create arrangements that can establish and the value of sources of evidence by algorithm reinforce trust: promises, contracts, witnesses, instead of by human judgment. institutions, ethical norms, laws and associat- ed compliance arrangements. Where trust is Trust absent, social cooperation is weakened and costly informational transactions, governance The development of human societies has also structures and enforcement mechanisms need taken the form of institutionalising trust. As a to be deployed, decreasing efficiency and in- concept, trust is related to the notions of risk creasing costs. Low-trust societies struggle to and uncertainty. Trust has grown in impor- exit this suboptimal equilibrium. tance in the evolution of information technol- ogies as a bridge between technical and moral Data protection faces three interrelated crises aspects of technically assisted communication of trust: systems. It does however appear prominently wherever the European Commission seeks to i) individual trust: trust in people, advance technological innovation against institutions and organisations that the apparent or proven resistance of public deal with personal data is low; trust, such as in the Digital Agenda for Europe ii) institutional trust: transparency and (2010), the Framework for Building Trust in accountability as a condition for the Digital Single Market (2011), the Cloud keeping track of the reputations of Computing Strategy (2012), the Cybersecurity individuals and organisations and 20
EDPS Ethics Advisory Group | Report 2018 trust-building in a society requires feel equal notwithstanding their individual access to personal data; and differences and experience trust? iii) social trust: trust in other members of social groups used to be an- Protecting fundamental values is not the same chored in personal proximity and as privileging an individualistic concept of physical interaction, which are fundamental rights. A digital ethics must be being increasingly replaced by precise and rigorous in its regard for the rela- digital connections. tion between ethics and innovation. A range of technological fixes to this triple-cri- sis have appeared on the horizon, though Among the issues raised by digital ethics, the the outcome of their implementation seems EAG has focused on the following conditions unclear: distributed ledger technologies (e.g. that it considers necessary for an ethically blockchain) and peer-to-peer technologies sustainable development of digital technol- and possibly quantum cryptography could ogies in relation to the fundamental values help to solve some of the problems with of dignity, freedom, autonomy, solidarity, eroding trust in digital societies. However, equality, democracy, justice and trust: blockchains and their functional equivalents give rise to a number of other problems that •• material conditions e.g. fair distribu- need to be identified and addressed in due tion of infrastructure, supplies, affor- course. In ethical terms, this costly crisis of dances, environment, social welfare, trust can be addressed by revisiting the terms health and economics; and qualities of digital communities. •• cultural conditions e.g. access to edu- cation, tradition, art, language, world Trust builds on shared assumptions about views; material and immaterial values, about what •• personal conditions e.g. the freedom is important and what is expendable. It stems to develop and express one’s identity from shared social practice, shared habits, without interference, the possibility ways of life, common norms, convictions and to revise one’s own preferences and attitudes. Trust is based on shared experiences, choices, the possibility to control the on a shared past, shared traditions and shared image of oneself and one projects; memories. •• political and social-structural con- ditions e.g. equal opportunities and What are the necessary conditions for non-discrimination, social rights, par- implementing foundational values? ticipation, transparency, accountabil- ity; In light of these values, what are the necessary •• legal conditions e.g. due process, ef- conditions for people today and in future to fective prohibition, prevention and be respected in their dignity, to develop their autonomy, to be able to count on solidarity, 21
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