Oxygen Therapy - HealthManagement.org

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Oxygen Therapy - HealthManagement.org
INTENSIVE CARE - EMERGENCY MEDICINE - ANAESTHESIOLOGY                                       VOLUME 21 - ISSUE 3 - 2021

Oxygen Therapy in Intensive Care Medicine,               Practical Strategies in Mechanical Ventilation
J. Grensemann, S. Sakka                                  for Patients With Acute Respiratory Failure Due
Oxygen: Too Much is Bad, B. Pastene, M. Leone            to COVID-19, O. Pérez-Nieto, E. Zamarron-Lopez,
                                                         J. Meade-Aguilar et al.
Oxygen Therapy in COVID-19 Patients: The Role of
HFNC and CPAP, S. Ferrari, A. Isirdi, E. Taddei et al.   Airway Management in Critically Ill Patients –
                                                         Striving to Improve Outcomes, K. Karamchandani,
Apnoeic Oxygenation for Intubation - Where is the        A. Khanna, S. Myatra
Evidence? A. De Jong, C. Monet, S. Jaber
                                                         Hyperoxia – A Journey to the Centre of the Cell,
Major Adverse Peri-intubation Events in Critically       J. Poole
Ill Patients – Update on the INTUBE Study,
V. Russotto, S. Myatra, J. Laffey et al.                 Diaphragm Ultrasonography in ICU: Why, How,
                                                         and When to Use It? Y. Aarab, A. De Jong, S. Jaber
New Applications of Pulse Oximetry, F. Michard

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Oxygen Therapy - HealthManagement.org
                                                        COVER STORY: OXYGEN THERAPY

                                                   New Applications of Pulse
                     Frederic Michard
                     Founder & Managing



                                                   During and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic

P      ulse oximetry was developed in the          The clinical applications of pulse oximetry go far beyond the mere monitoring of
       1970’s to monitor oxygen saturation         SpO2. From home to ICUs, pulse oximeters may help to improve quality of care
       (SpO2) during anaesthesia. It is today      in patients with respiratory and circulatory disorders, in particular those with
a mainstay of perioperative and intensive          the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
care unit (ICU) monitoring, and is also
widely used in ambulances, emergency               themselves, several remote monitoring           cellphone (Michard et al. 2019). During
and respiratory departments. In this article,      programmes have been created. They usually      epidemics, remote monitoring also has
new applications of pulse oximetry are             combine the use of a finger wireless sensor     the advantage of decreasing the number
described, with a focus on patients with           by the patient and a supervision by a           of physical interactions and thereby the
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).               dedicated and remote command centre             risk of virus transmission.
Pulse oximetry is increasingly used for            receiving SpO2 and pulse rate measurements         In a large study done in the medico-
remote and self-monitoring of SpO2 from            via the patient’s smartphone. In case of        surgical wards of 360 US hospitals (Lyons
home, for continuous wireless monitoring           abnormalities detected by the pulse oximeter,   et al. 2020) before the pandemic, over
on hospital wards, and for controlling             a dedicated staff is available to advise the    20% of rapid response interventions were
closed-loop oxygen administration systems.         patient on a 24/7 basis. In addition to         triggered by a decrease in SpO2. On the
In addition, tracking changes in the               classical finger sensors using transmittance    wards, vital sign spot-checks are usually
peripheral perfusion index (PI), a variable        photoplethysmography, reflective sensors        done every 4-8h and another study showed
derived from the pulse oximetry waveform,          part of adhesive patches, wrist devices         that because of the intermittent nature of
may help to detect tissue hypo-perfusion,          or watches are now available (Figure 1).        SpO2 measurements, nurses may miss up
as well as guide fluid management. In the          In theory, these tools have potential to        to 90% of hypoxaemic events (Sun et al.
future, pulse oximetry may also be useful          expand the use of pulse oximetry. However,      2015). In this context, continuous pulse
to quantify respiratory efforts and to detect      their accuracy remains to be established        oximetry systems, able to inform nurses
changes in blood pressure.                         by well-designed clinical studies and most      directly on their pager in case of clinical
                                                   have not been approved for medical use.         deterioration, have been shown to be
Remote and Self-Monitoring of                                                                      useful to decrease the number of rescue
SpO2 From Home                        Continuous Monitoring on Hospital                            interventions and ICU transfers. Continuous
Over the last decade, pulse oximeters Wards                                                        monitoring of SpO2 and other vital signs
have been miniaturised and have become             The recent surge of hospitalised COVID-         was already on the rise before the pandemic,
wireless. They also became affordable,             19 patients created both ICU bed and            and is today, more than ever, considered
and several medical grade products can             healthcare worker shortages, raising concerns   as a major opportunity to improve patient
now be ordered online for less than €100.          regarding patient safety. Therefore, the        safety (Vincent et al. 2018).
As a result, pulse oximeters are more              adoption of remote monitoring systems,
often part of our home medicine cabinet            specifically designed for hospital wards,       Automated oxygen administration
and the COVID-19 pandemic definitely               dramatically increased. These systems           In patients hospitalised for respiratory
boosted their adoption. Home monitoring            enable the continuous monitoring of vital       failure who require supplemental oxygen,
enables the early detection of patients            signs, including SpO2, in a large number of     precise manual oxygen titration is difficult to
requiring oxygen and hospitalisation,              ward patients at the same time, display the     achieve and is time-consuming. Automated
or the surveillance of patients after early        information on a central station, and, in       oxygen titration devices have been
discharge from the hospital (Shah et al.           case of clinical deterioration, immediately     developed to avoid periods of hypoxaemia
2020). For patients unable to monitor              alert nurses directly on their pager or         and hyperoxaemia (L’her et al. 2017).

ICU Management & Practice 3 - 2021
                                                            COVER STORY: OXYGEN THERAPY

      Tethered pulse oximeter                                    Wireless pulse oximeter               The evaluation of the capillary refill time is
                                                                                                       intermittent and NIRS sensors are expensive.
                                                                                                       Whether they have any advantages to guide
                                                                                                       haemodynamic therapy over the mere and
                                                                                                       continuous monitoring of PI with a pulse
                                                                                                       oximeter remains to be demonstrated.

                                                     PPG                                               Fluid Management
                                                                                                       During general anaesthesia
Classical (transmittance) PPG                                                                          In anaesthetised and mechanically
Reflectance PPG                                                                                        ventilated patients, the respiratory changes
                                                                                                       in left ventricular stroke volume induce
                                                                                                       proportional changes in arterial pulse
                                                                                                       pressure (PPV) and in PI, known as the
                                                                                                       pleth variability index (PVI). PVI has been
                                                                                                       shown to be a good predictor of fluid
                                                                                                       responsiveness in the operating room, but
                     Smartphone                                          Smartwatch                    not in the ICU where motion artifacts are
                                                                                                       frequent, and the pulse oximetry signal
                                             Adhesive e-patch                                          is sometimes far to be optimal (as often
Figure 1. How to record a photoplethysmographic (PPG) waveform
                                                                                                       evidenced by a low PI).
                                                                                                           Because intra-operative PPV-guided
                                                                                                       fluid therapy has been shown to decrease
These systems are based on a closed-loop              low (
                                                                COVER STORY: OXYGEN THERAPY

Figure 2. Examples of new medical devices using photoplethysmography (PPG). Left: modified Foley catheter with a PPG sensor enabling the continuous recording of the
urethral mucosal perfusion (from Vygon, with permission). Right: closed loop system adapting automatically oxygen flow to individual needs (from Oxynov, with permission).

postoperative outcome in high-risk                        ventilation, it is well established that                  What’s Next?
surgical patients (who usually have a radial              both PPV and PVI have a poor predictive                   Quantifying respiratory efforts
catheter in place), it is unlikely that goal              value, which is mainly related to a low                   The physiologic response to hypoxaemia
directed fluid therapy with non-invasive                  sensitivity. In contrast, the assessment                  is an increase in respiratory frequency and
methods may be cost-effective in low-risk                 of changes in cardiac output during a                     tidal volume. Work of breathing increases,
patients.                                                 passive leg raising (PLR) manoeuvre has                   resulting in large changes in pleural pressure
                                                          been shown to accurately predict preload                  which may be responsible for self-inflicted
In patients with acute respiratory failure                responsiveness. This approach requires the                acute lung injury. This phenomenon has
In patients with acute respiratory failure,               use of cardiac output monitoring systems                  been advocated to explain, at least in part,
individualised fluid therapy is desirable to              which are not always readily available                    the rapid deterioration of lung function in
balance the risks of fluid overload (increase             or used, particularly in spontaneously                    severe COVID-19 patients. A recent study
in pulmonary oedema) with the risks                       breathing patients. Interestingly, the two                (Tonelli et al. 2020) suggests that patients with
of fluid restriction (decrease in cardiac                 main determinants of the pulse oximetry-                  acute respiratory failure in whom respiratory
output and oxygen delivery to the tissues).               derived PI are vascular tone and cardiac                  efforts do not quickly decrease after initiating
Predicting preload responsiveness is a                    output. Assuming no significant changes in                non-invasive ventilation, ultimately require
way to identify patients who may benefit                  vascular tone, one may therefore assume that              tracheal intubation. In research studies,
from fluid administration and, maybe                      changes in PI may reflect changes in cardiac              respiratory efforts are quantified by monitoring
more importantly, to prevent unjustified                  output. A recent study done in critically ill             the respiratory swings in oesophageal pressure.
fluid boluses in preload non-responders.                  patients showed that a relative increase in               But in clinical practice, oesophageal probes are
Predicting preload responsiveness was                     PI >9% during a PLR manoeuvre predicts                    not used. In spontaneously breathing patients,
recently recommended by WHO, the                          an increase in cardiac output >10% with                   PVI depends mainly on the magnitude of
Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines                      a sensitivity of 91% and a specificity of                 changes in pleural pressure and could therefore
and the NIH for the fluid management                      79% (Beurton et al. 2019). In summary,                    be used to approximate respiratory efforts
of COVID-19 patients.                                     when cardiac output is not monitored,                     (Michard and Shelley 2020). Thus, when
   In spontaneously breathing patients                    PLR-induced changes in PI may help to                     initiating oxygen therapy or non-invasive
and during protective mechanical                          predict fluid responsiveness.                             ventilation, monitoring changes in PVI may

ICU Management & Practice 3 - 2021
                                                                   COVER STORY: OXYGEN THERAPY

                                                                                                                       signs on hospital wards and closed-
                                          Home                                                                         loop administration of oxygen (Figure
                                                                                                                       3). In patients with acute respiratory
                                          monitoring                                                                   failure, tracking changes in PI during
                                                                               Continuous                              a PLR manoeuvre may help to identify
          Blood                                PR      SpO2                    monitoring on                           fluid non-responders and hence prevent
      pressure ?                    AI                            PR
                                                                               hospital wards
                                                                                                                       unjustified fluid administration. In
                                                                                                                       spontaneously breathing patients, a decrease
                              PWTT                                  SpO2                                               in PVI may reflect a decrease in respiratory
                                                PPG                                                                    efforts. Therefore, monitoring PVI may help
                                                 signal                                                                to assess the efficacy of oxygen therapy,
                                  PVI                              SpO2                                                CPAP or non-invasive ventilation. Changes
Fluid                                                                           Closed-loop O2                         in PWTT predict changes in blood pressure
responsiveness                                          PI                      admin.                                 and could be used to trigger upper-arm
                                                                                                                       cuff measurements (automatic smart
                                    Tissue perfusion ?                                                                 triggering). Machine learning systems
                                                                                                                       have potential to extract more information
                                                                                                                       from pulse oximetry waveforms, and
                                                                                                                       such waveforms can now be recorded by
                                                                                                                       smartwatches or adhesive patches. These
                                                                                                                       innovations should further push the envelope
Figure 3. New and future applications of photoplethysmography (PPG)
PR, pulse rate; SpO2, oxygen saturation; PI, perfusion index; PVI, pleth variability index; PWTT, pulse wave transit
                                                                                                                       of photoplethysmography and create new
time; AI, artificial intelligence; admin., administration.                                                             opportunities for physiologic monitoring
                                                                                                                       beyond the operating room and the ICU.
help to assess the impact on respiratory                     (to detect cardiac contraction) and a finger
efforts and has potential to prevent intubation              pulse oximeter, tracking changes in PWTT                  Conflict of Interest
delays. Clinical studies are currently ongoing               has been used to unmask hypotensive events                FM is the founder and managing director
to confirm these hypotheses.                                 that, otherwise, would have been missed                   of MiCo (michardconsulting.com), a Swiss
                                                             by nurses who were spot-checking blood                    consulting and research firm. MiCo does
Tracking changes in blood pressure                           pressure only every 4h (Turan et al. 2019).               not sell any medical device and FM does
Pulse oximeters can be used to calculate the                     More recently, a machine learning                     not receive royalties from any medical
pulse wave transit time (PWTT), which is the                 algorithm has been developed to predict                   device company.
time difference between cardiac contraction                  blood pressure from photoplethysmographic
and the peripheral pulse arrival. The PWTT                   waveforms (Ghamri et al. 2020). A large                   Beurton A, Teboul JL, Gavelli F et al. (2019) The effects of passive
depends on blood flow and the mechanical                     number of pulse oximetry waveforms and                    leg raising may be detected by the plethysmographic oxygen
                                                                                                                       saturation signal in critically ill patients. Crit Care, 23:19.
properties of the arterial bed. Both a decrease              corresponding invasive blood pressure
                                                                                                                       Denault MH, Péloquin F, Lajoie AC, Lacasse Y (2019) Automatic
in cardiac output and in vascular tone                       numbers were used to “teach” the algorithm                versus manual oxygen titration in patients requiring supplemental
(the two determinants of blood pressure)                     how to recognise specific patterns or                     oxygen in the hospital: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
                                                                                                                       Respiration, 98:178-188.
induce an increase in PWTT. Thus, tracking                   signatures of blood pressure changes
changes in PWTT has been proposed to                         (learning phase). During the validation                   Dépret F, Leone M, Duclos G et al. (2020) Monitoring tissue
                                                                                                                       perfusion: a pilot clinical feasibility study of a urethral photo-
predict changes in blood pressure. For                       phase, the algorithm demonstrated an                      plethysmography-derived perfusion device in high-risk patients.
                                                                                                                       J Clin Monit Comput, 34:961-9.
instance, continuous monitoring of PWTT                      excellent performance to detect changes in
has been shown to be useful to detect beat-                  arterial pressure during anaesthesia induction.           Fischer MO, Lemoine S, Tavernier B et al. (2020) Individualized
                                                                                                                       fluid management using the pleth variability index: a randomized
to-beat changes in systolic arterial pressure                                                                          clinical trial. Anesthesiology, 133:31-40.
during anaesthesia induction (Kim et al.                     Conclusion                                                Fischer MO, Fiant AL, Debroczi S et al. (2020) Perioperative
2013). It could therefore be used to predict                 The surge of patients with COVID-19                       non-invasive hemodynamic optimization using photo-
                                                                                                                       plethysmography: a randomized controlled trial and
hypotension and automatically trigger                        has been a catalyst for the adoption of                   meta-analysis. Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med., 39:421-8.
oscillometric brachial cuff measurements.                    SpO2 monitoring from home, remote
                                                                                                                       For full references, please email editorial@icu-management.org
In ward patients wearing wireless electrodes                 and continuous monitoring of vital                        or visit https://iii.hm/19z8

                                                                                                                                       ICU Management & Practice 3 - 2021
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