Overview and Recommendations - Town of Marlborough, CT

Page created by Max Torres
Overview and Recommendations - Town of Marlborough, CT
Overview and Recommendations

Overview and Recommendations - Town of Marlborough, CT
Board of Education Statement
This presentation highlights the problems with the current
main track and competition field, and the recommendation to
replace and install a new multi-use synthetic turf field.

Our responsibility is to provide our children with a safe and
reliable playing field to serve as the focal point for RHAM’s
major sports programs, and for Andover, Hebron and
Marlborough sports programs to use as needed.

Overview and Recommendations - Town of Marlborough, CT
Yearly Field Usage
        300                           318
        275                                                                                                                            291

        200                                                                                                 215

         75          86
         50                                                                    66                                          66

              Competition Field 316 Field (South) 316 Field (North) Softball Outfield      MS Baseball   HS Baseball   MS Baseball   Softball     Veterans
                                                                                            Outfield                                            Memorial Park
                                                                                        Hours of Use

         Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) recommends no more then 250 hours of use per year.
         Data provided from the RHAM Strategic Athletic Facility Master Plan

Overview and Recommendations - Town of Marlborough, CT
What are the existing conditions?
The field has a long history of drainage issues due to original improper
construction over 20 years ago. Poor field drainage leads to ponding of
water at the track and field interface. Standing water on track surfacing
can lead to de-lamination of the surfacing from the base below.

Overview and Recommendations - Town of Marlborough, CT
What are the existing   • Additional pictures of ponding due to inadequate drainage

Overview and Recommendations - Town of Marlborough, CT
What are the existing conditions?
The track has reached its expected life span and needs to be replaced. It lacks the
recommended safety zone from obstructions from the outside lane line. Track
surfacing can only be re-coated 2 times before it is no longer pervious, trapping water
under the surface leading to delamination.

Overview and Recommendations - Town of Marlborough, CT
Why is this project being proposed now?
Measures taken over the years to improve the field have not resolved
the issues of the field being non playable during the school year.
Region 8 School District will have a significant drop in debt obligations
due to low retiring current debt. The cost of this project over
10-year bond interest rates will be at an all-time low.

It will be a benefit to student education and the communities RHAM

Overview and Recommendations - Town of Marlborough, CT
What current sports activities are the fields used for?
Why a new synthetic field would be better to play on?
• The competition field is currently being used, if weather permitting, for
  football and boys and girls soccer and lacrosse.
• A synthetic surface provides a consistent and uniform playing surface no
  matter how much it is used.
• It reduces the amount of use on other natural grass fields on campus.
• It minimizes game and practice cancellations due to inclement weather.
• There will be improved safety when compared to bare, compacted soils.
• A new turf field will allow use by other sport groups in the Region service

Overview and Recommendations - Town of Marlborough, CT
What has been done to date to mitigate the current situation?
         And why hasn’t that solved the problem?

   Over the last few years, sand top dressing was added to improve slope and surface
   drainage, but the perimeter of the field has not been addressed leading to ponding.
   UCONN scientists took core samples and reviewed area water flow to identify the causes
   of the field’s drainage problems. These projects have focused on localized areas without
   addressing the more comprehensive causes leading to poor drainage.

   Work Completed on the Competition Field to Address Drainage Issues

   Fall 2015 -       Installation of lateral drains -                               $5,000
   Spring 2015 -     Core sampling showing that the field was built incorrectly -   $5,000
   2018-2020 -       Raising the crown 5 inches -                                   $7,000
   Fall 2019         Sideline Drains -                                              $25,000
   Fall 2020         Linear decompaction with sand into aerification slits -        $5,000
   Summer 2021       Perimeter Drain(this project was postponed                     $150,000
                     so that the BOE could pursue the Turf Field project)                      9
Overview and Recommendations - Town of Marlborough, CT
New Competition Synthetic Turf Field Project Assets

• Eight lane running track and
  field events
• Pedestrian and maintenance
• Existing bleachers usable
• Visitor bleacher pavement
• New security fence
• LAX safety netting
• Maintenance equipment
• Pre-fabricated storage shed
• Sports field lights

What are the benefits of a synthetic athletic field?
  • More consistent play compared to natural grass
  • Early and late season play (wet and frozen conditions)
  • Added sports programming & participation
  • Takes best advantage/cost per use of related infrastructure (e.g.
    bleachers, lights)
  • Avoids having to purchase and develop additional land to
    accommodate current demand for fields
  • Lower maintenance costs/no special maintenance skills
     • No application of pesticides, herbicides/fungicides and fertilizer
     • Improved groundwater recharge
     • No mowing, striping and aeration or topdressing

• Night Games to Bring the Community
            • Expanded Youth Sports Opportunities
Community   • Enhanced Recreation Opportunities for
Benefits      Residents of All Ages
            • Attract Families to the Area Looking for
              First Class Academic and Athletic
              Programming and Facilities

What are the important statistics regarding use, water
savings and safety issues?
• The new field provides 650 hours of use per year (higher with lights) vs. 250
  hours per year grass
• Field will be 100% recyclable
• Water savings of 360,000 gallons per year for the competition field
• A 5-year study comparing synthetic turf to natural grass, concluded:
   • 66% reduction in neural injuries
   • 50% reduction in cranial/cervical injuries
   • 33% reduction in third degree injuries

Synthetic Turf Specifications for the Athletic Field
• Crushed stone base for drainage and stability
• 2-inch high, woven, polyethylene turf carpet with 10-year warranty, 100%
• Blended fibers mimic natural grass aesthetics and playability
• 17mm resilient pad, expanded polypropylene underlayment for enhanced
  safety (lower Gmax and HIC)
• Organic particle infill, sustainable, 100% recyclable

   Organic Particle Infill   Typical Cross Section       Resilient Pad       14
Synthetic Turf Specifications for
           the Track
 • Mill and overlay asphalt base
 • 8 lane, 400 meter running track with
   polyurethane base mat (porous
 • High School track event layout &
   standard markings
 • Needs to be recoated every 5-7 years
   based on maintenance and use

What type of maintenance is required for a synthetic field?
  • The estimate life cycle is 12-15 years, but could last longer, depending on
  • The warranty is for 10 years with seam and turf failures covered for that
  • The field is brushed weekly to redistribute infill, sweeping every 100 hours
    to remove debris.
  • Sanitation/bacteria treatments are not typically required for outdoor fields
    due to UV exposure

What is the project cost and the
estimated homeowner property
tax per town for a 10-year bond
The total cost of project will not exceed
$3,560,000. The average property tax
additional cost per household for:
• Andover with a medium $250,000
  assessed value will be $65 annually
• Hebron with a medium $210,510
  assessed value will be $52 annually
• Marlborough with a medium
  $250,000 assessed value will be $71

What is the project cost and the
estimated homeowner property
tax per town for a 10-year bond
The total cost of project will not exceed
$3,560,000. The average property tax
additional cost per household for:
• Andover with a medium $250,000
  assessed value will be $65 annually
• Hebron with a medium $210,510
  assessed value will be $52 annually
• Marlborough with a medium
  $250,000 assessed value will be $71

Projected Project Schedule*
•   November 2, 2021 — Referendum Date
•   November 2021 — RFP for Consultant Services Early
•   December 2021 — Kick Off Design
•   February 2022 — Town Permitting
•   March 2022 — Final Design
•   April 2022 — Bidding
•   May 1, 2022 — Bid Award
•   July 1, 2022 — Start of Construction
•   November 4, 2022 — Final Completion (126-Day Construction Period)
*Based upon approval of the referendum


Did the RHAM Board of Education consider other options for the replacement of the
competition field?
   Replace grass field with new grass field at an estimated cost of approximately
   Purchase land and construct an additional grass field for a total cost of
   approximately $1,000,000
   Would still have to carefully manage field use and would be limited to 250
   hours/year compared with 650 to 750 hours/year for a Turf Field.

How many days each season lost due to poor field conditions
  10-15 days per season for each team are lost in practice or competition due to wet
  or weather-related conditions that a turf field would remedy.


How much will it cost to replace the turf at the end of the field’s 12–15-year
     Current estimated replacement costs range from $500,00 to $767,000
     Replacement cost will likely be less expensive as Turf Field recycling plants come

Will the turf field address the current water retention and drainage issues?
   Yes, the engineered plan for construction of the Turf Field and replacement of the
   Track includes the site work and drainage pipe installation to alleviate any excess
   water and drainage issues on the new field

Go to https://www.rhamschools.org/athleticfieldproject for additional
information about the project.

Please join the board of education for online information sessions on the
following dates and time:
         August 16 6:30PM
         Or phone: +1 240-356-1187
         PIN: 342 982 851#

        August 19 6:30PM
        Or phone: +1 786-886-2236
        PIN: 216 894 566#

Board of Education Members
 Kathleen Goodwin, Chairperson – Hebron
 Judy Benson Clarke, Vice-Chairperson –
 Jessica Dapsis, Treasurer – Hebron
 Susan Stolfi, Secretary – Marlborough
 Lori Blake – Andover
 Mary Cochefski – Marlborough
 Mike Morris – Hebron
 Joseph E. O’Connor – Hebron
 Robert Schadtle – Hebron
 Jean Wilson – Marlborough

 Scott Leslie, Interim Superintendent of Schools

RHAM — Regional School District 8
85 Wall St
Hebron, CT 06248
(860) 228-9474
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