OUT Evolution Complete! - Baltimore Outloud

Page created by Juan Rodgers
OUT Evolution Complete! - Baltimore Outloud
Evolution Complete! Obama switches on gay marriage
                                                                                                             May  18,  2012  |  Volume  X  Issue  1
                                                                                                                                                            Richard Larison

May 9, 2012 became an historic day for
                                                                                                                                                          Chase Brexton
U.S. President has unequivocally and pub-
                                                                                                                                                        Finds New Leader
lically given his support for the legalization
of same-sex marriage. While this statement                                                                                                             After an extensive and relentless
may be symbolic and does not carry the full                                                                                                            search for the appropriate candi-
IRUFH RI )HGHUDO ODZ LWV VLJQLÀFDQFH FDQQRW                                                                                                    date, Chase Brexton Health Ser-
be overstated.                                                                                                                                         vices board of directors announced
     In an interview with Robin Roberts of                                                                                                             that Richard Larison will begin as
ABC News, President Obama acknowledged                                                                                                                 chief executive officer on July 15,
he had believed civil unions would have been                                                                                                           2012.
VXIÀFLHQWEXWQRZKHGHFLGHGWRWDNHLWWRD                                                                                                             A senior health care executive
new level.                                                                                                                                             with more than 27 years experi-
     “I have to tell you that over the course                                                                                                          ence, Larison brings with him a
of several years as I have talked to friends                                                                                                           portfolio of successful leadership
and family and neighbors when I think about                                                                                                            in both domestic and international
members of my own staff who are in incred-                                                                                                             health care. He has lead startups
ibly committed monogamous relationships,                                                                                                               and turned around underperforming
same-sex relationships, who are raising kids                                                                                                           organizations, effectively meeting
together, when I think about those soldiers                                                                                                            financial and patient quality goals
or airmen or marines or sailors who are out                                                                                                            and objectives.
WKHUHÀJKWLQJRQP\EHKDOIDQG\HWIHHOFRQ-                                                                                                               Larison comes to Chase Brex-
                        —continued on page 2                                                                                                           ton from Johns Hopkins Medicine
                                                                                                                                                       International where he is currently
                                                                                                                                                       CEO for Hospital Punta Pacifica in

                                                      Where San Francisco Meets Mexico                                                                 Panama City, Panama. His experi-
                                                                                                                                                       ence as CEO and executive leader-
                                                                                                                                                       ship is global – reaching to Dubai,
                                                      BY RODNEY BURGER                                 men owned it from back in Michigan. He          United Arab Emirates, where he led
                                                      Many years ago, I took my first trip to Mexi-    gathered a collection of friends from all       the American Hospital; Bangladesh
                                                      co. I went to the popular resort of Cancun. I    over. There were seven of us. Sir Steve         and India, at Apollo Hospitals; and
                                                      was very excited to discover that there was      and I were delighted to be included. The        Ft. Worth, Texas, at the MD Ander-
                                                      a gay bar in town. I couldn’t wait to find my-   house was a four-story structure with a         son Cancer Network, among others.
                                                      self in a room full of hot, sweaty Latin guys!   pool and views that stretched all the way           “After conducting an extensive
                                                      Imagine my disappointment when the bar           to the ocean. It even came with a cook and      search reviewing many excellent
                                                      contained nothing but American tourist. I        a maid. Although the villa was up a hill, it    candidates, the search committee
                                                      wrote it off as part of the “macho” culture. I   was still within walking distance to the bars   has found the perfect leader for
                                                      was not okay to be gay in Mexico.                and the beach. (That climb at the end of        Chase Brexton,” notes Guy Van
                                                           On the week of May 2-9, 2012, I ven-        the night could be murder- but it was the       Tiggelen, president of the Chase
                                                      tured south of the boarder once again. This      perfect way to work off all of those beers!)    Brexton board of directors. “We are
                                                      time I headed to the west coast of Mexico            A great way to get to know people and       excited about our future and thrilled
                                                      to the beautiful resort town of Puerto Val-      find many of the fun places in PV is to take    to have Mr. Larison at the helm
                                                      larta. Guess what? You can be gay in Mex-        the Gay Vallarta Bar-Hopping Tour. The          as we believe his experience and
                                                      ico! In fact in Puerto Vallarta you can be       tour is held on Friday and Saturday eve-        commitment match the exceptional
                                                      really, really gay!                              nings and begins at 7:45 p.m. in the lobby      qualities of Chase Brexton Health
                                                           My dear friend Mr. Michigan Leather         of the Hotel Mercurio. This is a quaint gay     Services.”
                                                      2004 Bob Rose had rented a stunning              hotel with a nice bar and pool in the atrium.       Chase Brexton is expected to
                                                      villa in the hills of Puerto Vallarta. Three                         —continued on page 37       move its Mt. Vernon headquarters
                                                                                                                                                                     —continued on page 5
    S P E C I A L                 T R A V E L                S E C T I O N m S T A R T S                                  P A G E          17
OUT Evolution Complete! - Baltimore Outloud
                                                   posed by David Gregory. “The president             riage in Maryland. “In Maryland, we agree.”
              – continued from front page
                                                   sets the policy. I am absolutely comfortable            Chad Griffin, the incoming president of
                                                   with the fact that men marrying men, women         the Human Rights Campaign released the             Co-Publishers
strained, even now that ‘don’t ask don’t tell’     marrying women, and heterosexual men and           following statement: “If you are one of those      Jim Becker • Jim Williams
is gone, because they are not able to commit       women marrying another are entitled to the         who care about this issue, you will not forget
themselves in a marriage, at a certain point       same exact rights, all the civil rights, all the   where you were when you saw the president          Executive Editor
                                                                                                                                                         Jim Becker
I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is   civil liberties. And quite frankly, I don’t see    deliver those remarks. Regardless of how old       becker@baltimoreoutloud.com
important for me to go ahead and affirm that I     much of a distinction – beyond that.”              you are, it’s the first time you have ever seen    Managing Editor
think same sex couples should be able to get            For his part, the president indicated that    a president of the United States look into a       Dana LaRocca
married,” the president said.                      his announcement was going to take place in        camera and say that a gay person should be         editor@baltimoreoutloud.com

    Most observers speculated that Vice            the near future. “I had already made a deci-       treated equally under the law. The message         Production Director
President Joe Biden’s comments on Meet             sion that we were going to take this position      that that sends, to a young gay or transgen-       Bill Andriette

the Press three days earlier pushed the            before the election and before the conven-         dered person struggling to come out, is life       Sales Director
                                                                                                                                                         Mary Taylor
president in making this move now. On that         tion,” Mr. Obama said on ABC the next day.         changing.”                                         taylor@baltimoreoutloud.com
broadcast, Mr. Biden said that he was per-         “He probably got out a little bit over his skis,        Carrie Evans, the executive director for      Leather Columnist
fectly “comfortable” with gay people being         but out of a generosity of spirit.… Would I        Equality Maryland said, “The President came        Rodney Burger
married.                                           have preferred to have done this in my own         out in support of the freedom to marry for         Contributing Writers
    “I am vice president of the United States      way, on my own terms without there being a         same-sex couples. Although this statement          Shawn Bradley • Cathy Brennan • Terrence Brower •
of America,” Biden replied to a question           lot of notice to everybody, sure.”                 does not undo the results of [the] vote in         Joshua Buchbinder • Steve Charing • Jeffrey Clagett •
                                                                                                                                                         Chuck Duncan • Michael Farley • Gerry Fisher • Eva Hersh MD •
                                                        This occurred a day after voters in North     North Carolina, it does provide us with hope       Sam Kunz • Jessica Lemmo • Jay Loane • Meredith Moise • Vann
                                                   Carolina – a battleground state in the upcom-      – the hope that people’s hearts and minds          Mills • Corey Reidy • Gregg Shapiro •
                                                   ing presidential election – resoundingly voted     can evolve on this issue. Though this evolu-
     Marriage                                      by a 22-point margin to forever ban marriage
                                                   for same-sex couples and as well as civil
                                                                                                      tion may not always be on the timetable we
                                                                                                      would devise, we must embrace this historic
                                                                                                                                                         Joe Velasquez • Bob Wellington

    Opponents                                      unions.
                                                        As portions of the broadcast were re-
                                                                                                      declaration by President Obama.
                                                                                                           In 1996, Obama indicated support in a
                                                                                                                                                         Bruce Garrett (www.brucegarrett.com)

   Halfway There
                                                   leased by ABC, within minutes leaders of           questionnaire, then reversed course in his         Bruce Garrett • Jay W Photos • Justin Nixon
                                                   LGBT organizations and elected officials           2004 Senate race, and in 2008, he argued           Web Editor
 BY STEVE CHARING                                  commended the president for this statement         for civil unions. In February 2011, President      Anja Saine
 According to the Maryland Marriage Al-            that many viewed as courageous, overdue            Obama instructed the Justice Department to         webmaster@baltimoreoutloud.com
                                                                                                                                                         Managed Web Services
 liance, the petition drive to overturn the        and in some quarters, even risky.                  no longer defend the constitutionality of the      The Fusio Group
 Civil Marriage Protection Act, signed                  “Today, President Obama affirmed that for     Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA, the legal        866-322-7498, www.thefusiogroup.com

 into law on March 1 by Governor Martin            a people of many different faiths – a people       prohibition on federal recognition of same-        National Advertising Rep
 O’Malley, has reached the halfway mark,           who are committed to the principle of religious    sex marriages.                                     Rivendell Media
 gathering over 30,000 signatures so far.          freedom – the way forward is always to be               To the frustration of marriage equality ac-
 “The effort continues, but this a great           found through greater respect for the equal        tivists, Mr. Obama maintained that his posi-       Founders
                                                                                                                                                         Jim Becker • Joe Berg • Mike Chase •
 moment, and one that obviously we are             rights and human dignity of all,” said Gover-      tion on marriage equality is “evolving.” With      Lee Mooney (1959-2007) • Jim Williams
 building on,” said Kathy Dempsey, com-            nor Martin O’Malley, who on March 1 signed         the president’s historic public statement on
 munications director for the Maryland             into law a bill that legalizes same-sex mar-       May 9, the evolution is complete. t                Baltimore OUTloud
                                                                                                                                                         PO Box 4887 Baltimore, MD 21211
 Catholic Conference. The Maryland Mar-                                                                                                                  410-244-6780
 riage Alliance is leading the referendum                                                                                                                www.baltimoreoutloud.com
 effort along with the Maryland Catholic
 Conference.                                                                                                                                             Additional Information
                                                                                                                                                         Baltimore OUTloud is published every other Friday by Pride
      Under Maryland’s election law,                                                                                                                     Media, Ltd. in Baltimore, Maryland. Readers comments and
 55,736 valid signatures are needed to                                                                                                                   unsolicited materials are welcomed and may be sent to: editor@
 place the referendum on the ballot. The                                                                                                                 baltimoreoutloud.com. All materials appearing in this newspaper
                                                                                                                                                         are the property of Pride Media, Ltd. and may not be reproduced
 law requires that one-third of that number                                                                                                              without the written permission of the editor.
 be filed with the State Board of Elections
 by May 31, with the remaining number to
 be submitted by June 30.
      “We have been extremely happy with
 the enthusiastic support of voters to stop
 the redefinition of marriage in its tracks,”
 said Maryland Marriage Alliance execu-
 tive director Derek McCoy in a statement.
 “In the 31 states to consider the marriage
 issue, 31 times voters have rejected                                                                                                                    The opinions expressed in Baltimore OUTloud are solely those
 same-sex marriage and reaffirmed the                                                                                                                    of the writers unless otherwise indicated and do not necessarily
                                                                                                                                                         reflect the views of Pride Media, Ltd., and the staff.
 definition of marriage as a union between
 one man and one woman,” “We are con-
                                                                                                                                                         © 2012 – All rights reserved
 fident that Maryland voters will have this                                                                                                              Chair of the Board of Trustees – Jim Becker
 opportunity in November, and that they                                                                                                                  President – Jim Williams
 will act on it.” t                                                                                                                                      Secretary and Treasurer – Mike Chase

OUT Evolution Complete! - Baltimore Outloud

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                                                                                                             BALTIMORE OUTLOUD MAY18, 2012 • BALTIMOREOUTLOUD.COM t   3
OUT Evolution Complete! - Baltimore Outloud
     Movie night FundrAiser:
     The Adventures of                                                                                  Leaders Respond to
 Pricilla, Queen of the Desert                                                                        Obama’s Announcement
         Proceeds benefit Chesapeake Pride Festival
                                                                                              BY STEVE CHARING                              States supporting marriage equality is an
        Saturday, June 2, 7 p.m.                                                              In the wake of President Obama’s revela-      amazing and historic event. Regardless of
                                                                                              tion on May 9 that he supports marriage       his timing or even his political motivations,
      YMcA camp Letts (Boathouse)                                                             equality, a number of elected officials and   this is a truly momentous occasion.”
     4009 Camp Letts Road Edgewater, MD 21037                                                 leaders of LGBT organizations weighed in.         Carrie Evans, executive director,
          Must be 18 years of age to attend,                                                       Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley:       Equality Maryland: “The President came
               21 to consume alcohol                                                          “Today, President Obama affirmed that for     out in support of the freedom to marry for
                                                                                              a people of many different faiths – a peo-    same-sex couples. Although this state-
      Donation: $10 in advance, $12 at the door                                               ple who are committed to the principle of     ment does not undo the results of [the]
             Tickets purchased online:                                                        religious freedom – the way forward is al-    vote in North Carolina, it does provide us
        chesapeakepridefestival.org                                                           ways to be found through greater respect      with hope – the hope that people’s hearts
                                                                                              for the equal rights and human dignity of     and minds can evolve on this issue. And
 Free Popcorn & Soft Drinks • Cash Bar • Come Dressed as Your “Favorite Queen!”               all,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. In       though this evolution may not always be
                                                                                              Maryland, we agree.”                          on the timetable we would devise, we
                                                                                                   Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawl-          must embrace this historic declaration by
     2nd AnnuAl ChesApeAke pride river Cruise                                                 ings-Blake: “This afternoon, President
                                                                                              Obama boldly voiced his support for
                                                                                                                                            President Obama.”
                                                                                                                                                Sharon Brackett, board chair, Gen-
                                                 Proceeds benefit Chesapeake Pride Festival   marriage equality. I am grateful that the     der Rights Maryland: “We are very
                                                Saturday, June 23, 6-8 p.m.                   President added his voice to the millions
                                                                                              of Americans who are fighting to ensure
                                                                                                                                            pleased to hear the President’s views on
                                                                                                                                            same-sex marriage. The reality is this has
                                                 (Boarding @ 5:30 • Rain Date June 30)        all people and families are treated equal-    impact on any trans person who is mar-
                                                   Scenic sunset cruise                       ly under the law. This year, Governor
                                                                                              O’Malley signed legislation to expand the
                                                                                                                                            ried today, or contemplating marriage in
                                                                                                                                            the future.”
                                                aboard the “Richard Lee”                      rights and responsibilities of marriage to
                                                                                              all Marylanders. President Obama’s state-
                                                                                                                                                Lea Gilmore, founder, Maryland
                                                                                                                                            Black Family Alliance: “This is a mo-
                                                      Departing from Discovery Village        ment today reinforces our argument that       mentous occasion that should not be di-
                                                        Marina, 4800 Atwell Road,             marriage strengthens society and protects     minished in any way. I am proud that the
                                                              Shady Side, MD                  children.”                                    President of the United States has clearly
                                                          Donation: $40/person.                    Evan Wolfson, founder and presi-         stated his beliefs that gays and lesbians
                                                                                              dent, Freedom to Marry: “Today, Presi-        have the right to marriage. After years of
                                                      AdvAnce purchASe OnLY                   dent Obama added his voice to the grow-       ‘evolving’, he has evolved on the side of
                                                             Purchase online at               ing chorus of Americans who believe that      fairness and justice. Thank you, Mr. Presi-
                                                 chesapeakepridefestival.org                  all loving and committed couples should       dent.”
                                                                                              share equally in the freedom to marry.            Mark Patro, president, PFLAG-Bal-
                                                   Heavy Hors D’oeuvres Served                Like so many others who have made this        timore County: “President Obama has
                                                       Cash Bar Available.                    journey – from Bill Clinton to Laura Bush,    shown his courage in evolving as a public
                                                                                              most recently Vice President Biden, and a     figure on same-sex marriage while main-
                                                                                              majority of the American people – Presi-      taining respect and dignity for both his of-
                                                                                              dent Obama has come to know loving and        fice and the LGBT community. We applaud
                                                                                              committed gay couples.”                       his leadership on this issue.”
                                                                                                   Joe Solmonese, president, Human              Dwayne Jenkins, International Fed-
                                                                                              Rights Campaign: “Our families deserve        eration of Black Prides: “As he has done
                                                                                              nothing less than the equal respect and       on so many other important and historical
                                                                                              recognition that comes through marriage.      occasions during his political career and
                                                                                              President Obama’s time in office has          his first term, President Obama has again

         SAturdAY, AuguSt 4, 2012, 12-6 p.M.                                                  shown that our nation can move beyond
                                                                                              its shameful history of discrimination and
                                                                                                                                            shown America the promise of possibility
                                                                                                                                            and equality by coming out in support of
                                                                                              injustice.”                                   marriage equality.”
     Mayo Beach
          Beach park,
                Park, 4150
                      4150 honeysuckle
                           Honeysuckle dr.,
                                       Dr., edgewater,
                                            Edgewater, Md
                                                       MD 21037                                    Chad Griffin, incoming president,            Mary Ellen Russell, executive direc-
                                                                                              Human Rights Campaign: “Regardless            tor, Maryland Catholic Conference: “For
     visit chesapeakepridefestival.org for more info                                          of how old you are, it’s the first time you   us in Maryland, the vote on marriage this
                                                                                              have ever seen a president of the U.S.        November has nothing to do with politics.
     Find us on Facebook! facebook.com/chesapeakepride                                        look into a camera and say that a gay per-    It will be a vote on the issue of marriage
                                                                                              son should be treated equally under the       itself.”
                                                                                              law. The message that that sends, to a            Mitt Romney, presumptive Repub-
                                                                                              young gay or transgendered person strug-      lican presidential nominee: “I have the
                                                                                              gling to come out, is life changing.”         same view on marriage that I had when I
                                                                                                   Trevor Ankeny, board president,          was governor. I believe marriage is a rela-
 call 410-599-0273 for more information on all 3 events                                       GLCCB: “The president of the United           tionship between a man and a woman.” t
OUT Evolution Complete! - Baltimore Outloud
                                                   volunteers showed up to help create a float     signed into law the Civil Marriage Protec-           Tune into Secret Millionaire beginning
  The Den Opens                                    for the Pride Parade in Baltimore. The Den      tion Act, which allows same-gender cou-          Sunday, June 3 at 8 p.m. and watch the
Doors to LGBT Youth                                will continue to be open on Saturdays from
                                                   1 p.m. to 3 p.m. leading up to Pride to work
                                                                                                   ples to legally marry in Maryland effective
                                                                                                   January 2013. The law also protects reli-
                                                                                                                                                        We will be planning a “viewing event”
                                                   on the float. Also, every other month on        gious institutions from being forced to of-      for August 26, so that we all have an op-
BY STEVE CHARING                                   Saturdays the community may join in the         ficiate ceremonies involving same-gender         portunity to be together to recognize and
On May 5, the culmination of two years of          steering committee meetings.                    couples. Opponents of the law are cur-           celebrate our secret millionaire! t
planning and persistence took place as                  “With The Den opening its doors on         rently gathering signatures to petition the          Tom Bonderenko is the executive di-
the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of              May 5, we are hoping to take that first step    measure to referendum. If that effort is         rector of Moveable Feast
Baltimore (GLCCB) opened its doors to              in Baltimore to address these structural        successful, it will be put before the voters
The Den, Baltimore’s all-volunteer LGBTQ           challenges,” Young explained. “The Den          in November.
Youth Center. According to the organiza-           will provide a space for youth throughout            The chapter is also asking PFLAG
tion’s                   website      (Theden-     the city to establish healthy relationships     members to bring a friend to the meeting
                             baltimore.org),       with their peers, experience safe mentor-       who had never previously attended. t
                               “The Den will       ship with adults, receive access to com-                                                                               CHASE BREXTON
                                 serve as a        petent mental and physical health screen-                                                                          FINDS NEW LEADER
                                  safe space       ings, access tutoring help when needed                                                                         – continued from front page
                                  for     Balti-   and experience social and cultural enrich-          Moveable Feast
                                                   ment opportunities. All of these services
                                  more’s LG-
                                  BTQ      ado-    are designed to support and strengthen             to be Featured on                             and clinic into state of the art facilities in
                                                                                                                                                    2013 at the Monumental Life Building pur-
                                 lescents and      the next generation of LGBTQ youth in
                                                                                                     ‘Secret Millionaire’                           chased in 2011 under the interim leader-
                                young adults                                                                                                        ship of Dan Neumeister.
                              ages       13-24          Fusion Partnerships is the fiscal spon-
                                                                                                                                                        During the past year of his term as in-
                            with       reliable,   sor for The Den. They are currently raising     BY TOM BONDERENKO                                terim CEO with Chase Brexton, Neumeis-
cultur-                 ally competent, high       funds to hire a coordinator. t                  Last summer Moveable Feast chosen from           ter has overseen growth in the number of
quality services that will aid in their social,                                                    more than 25 nonprofits who were inter-          patients served, as well as provided lead-
physical, mental, scholastic and career de-                                                        viewed in Baltimore to be part of a docu-
velopment.”                                                                                        mentary film, America Works. In the final
     Kalima Young, a professor and activist,           PFLAG to Host                               taping it was revealed to us that it was in
is chair of steering committee for The Den.                                                        fact a taping of
“It is critical that we make youth a priority         Marriage Equality                            ABC’s show Se-
in the LGBTQ movement. For far too long
LGBTQ youth have suffered from our un-
                                                            Panel                                  cret Millionaire
                                                                                                   (Abc.go.com/                                     ership as the organization pursues a high-
willingness as adults to address structural                                                        shows/secret-                                    er level of integrated patient care as a Pa-
issues such as poverty, classicism, racism         PFLAG Westminster-Carroll County (Par-          millionaire).                                    tient Centered Medical Home. Neumeister
and sexism in the LGBTQ community that             ents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and           While I am                                  will continue as interim CEO until Larison’s
directly impacts where and how youth ex-           Gays) – will present a                          not yet free to reveal the secret millionaire,   arrival in July.
perience the LGBTQ community,” she told            panel discussion con-                           I am thrilled to announce that Moveable               Chase Brexton has served the LGBT
Baltimore OUTloud.                                 sisting of same-gen-                            Feast will be featured on this national tele-    community since 1978, providing a range
     Prior to May 5, The Den was set up as         der and heterosexual                            vision show, along with one other nonprofit      of clinical services from primary medical
a roving project that offered safe events at       couples. All meetings                           organization, and one community-based            care to behavioral health services to phar-
various venues for young people. Now it            are free, confidential                          initiative in Baltimore, with whom we work       macy, among others. It currently operates
has a home at the GLCCB’s Chase Street             and open to the public                          very closely.                                    four centers located in Baltimore City, Bal-
building. On opening day, 25 youth and             with activities for chil-                            This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity    timore County, Howard County and Talbot
                                                   dren. Light refresh-                            for us to have national recognition for the      County. For more information, visit Chase-

                                                   ments will be served.                           life-saving work we do each day.                 Brexton.org. t
                                                       What: PFLAG Westminster-Carroll
                                                   County General Meeting
                                                       When: May 20 at 5 p.m.
                                                       Where: Fellowship Hall, St. Paul’s
                                                   United Church of Christ, 17 Bond St. (at                                                                                               e
                                                   Corner of Green St.), Westminster, MD
                                                       Contact: June Horner, 410-795-2418,         AN INDEPENDEN
                                                                                                                T VOICE FOR TH
                                                   e-mail: junehorner@gmail.com.                                                    E LESBIAN, GAY,
                                                                                                                                                      BISEXUAL  AND TRANSGEN
                                                       The program will feature a panel pre-         The owners of Ba                                                           DER COMMUNIT
                                                   sentation on marriage equality. Several                            ltimore OUTlou                                                              Y
                                                                                                    and others who                   d extend our war
                                                   couples – gay and straight – will participate                     have supported                   mest appreciatio
                                                                                                    to serving the co                and made our pa                     n to our reader
                                                   and will discuss why marriage is important                         mmunity anothe                  per the success                    s, staff
                                                                                                                                      r year when we                    it is. We look forw
                                                   to them. A general discussion and Q & A                                                            w ill ce lebrate our tent              ard
                                                                                                           Our warmest af                                                       h anniversary.
                                                   session will follow. Information on the legal                            fection,
                                                   rights of married couples will be available             Jim Becker and
                                                                                                                           Jim Williams,
                                                   as well.                                               Publishers
                                                       On March 1, Governor Martin O’Malley

                                                                                                                                        BALTIMORE OUTLOUD MAY18, 2012 • BALTIMOREOUTLOUD.COM t   5
OUT Evolution Complete! - Baltimore Outloud
compiled by Jim Becker
                                                 ments of support. Hansen, whose union            promise of equal protection for all.”            event, held the third weekend of May and
                                                 represents 1.3 million workers primarily in           The three former justices who were          September, just seems to happen every
Major unions back                                the food processing and retail industries,       honored in Boston May 7 – David Baker,           year by word-of-mouth. There is no orga-
Obama on marriage                                is a longtime supporter of LGBT rights.          Michael Streit and Marsha Ternus – had           nization, leader or sponsor. “It’s not spon-
                                                 ‘Marriage equality is an economic justice        the bad fortune to be the first three who        sored or run by anyone because of liability.
equality                                         issue and a social justice issue – and that      were up for a retention vote by the people       Everyone is responsible for themselves,”
                                                 makes it a union issue,’ he said. Cohen          of Iowa. National anti-gay forces poured         Julius said. The only cost to campers in-
Wa s h i n g t o n ,                             also noted that his union has supported          millions into the state and marshaled an         volves buying a Tonto National Forest pass.
D.C. – Within                                    marriage equality for almost a decade.           unprecedented scare campaign against                 Julius, a web designer, said he creat-
hours of Presi-                                  ‘Nearly ten years ago, CWA convention            the three justices. It worked. All three lost                          ed the Bartlett Bash
dent Obama’s                                     delegates called for full and equal rights in-   their seats, something they knew might                                 website more than a
historic      May                                cluding civil marriage, pointing out that far    happen when the ruling was made public.                                decade ago to keep
9      statement                                 too many benefits and protections of civil       It’s saying something that every justice de-                           the social event go-
on      marriage                                 marriage are denied to people on the basis       cided they would be willing to lose a seat                             ing. On the site,
equality,      the                               of sexual orientation,’ he said. CWA repre-      on the highest court in their state, just to                           campers can create
heads of a Obama and AFL-                        sents more than half a million workers in        prove that the law should apply to every-                              profiles with pictures
number           of CIO President Rich           the telephone, newspaper, and broadcast-         one equally.                                                           and other details,
major       labor Trumka                         ing industries. (Seattle Gay News – Mike              As Caroline Kennedy reminded ev-                                  such as if they want
unions         an-                               Andrew at Sgn.org)                               eryone at the ceremony, “{j}ust as judges        to carpool. The website recently showed
nounced their backing for his position.                                                           stood firm for civil rights 50 years ago,        profiles from 118 couples and 174 single
AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka said his                                                            Marsha Ternus, David Baker and Michael           campers. “Some have used it for dating,”
union federation was ‘proud’ to support                                                           Streit, their colleagues on the Iowa Su-         Julius acknowledged. Julius said the Bash
equality. “Working people believe in equal-                                                       preme Court, and dozens of other public          is special because it attracts all kinds of
ity and fairness and that’s why we are hap-                                                       servants all across the country – legisla-       people. “It’s not complicated, it’s just a
py to stand with millions of Americans and                                                        tors, governors, mayors, city councilors         good time,” he said. (Echo Magazine – Ray
with President Obama in supporting mar-                                                           and judges – have put their own careers          Parker at Echomag.com)
riage equality,” Trumka said. “LGBT work-                                                         on the line to uphold the rule of law and
ing people face numerous inequities in the                                                        extend the fundamental promise of equal
workplace and in society as they struggle                                                         rights to same-sex couples.” That was an
to care for their families. Civil unions do                                                       amazing moment. In that library, giving out      Trans man
not guarantee the 1,138 rights, benefits,
and responsibilities that are triggered by
                                                                                                  that award, to those Iowa justices – some        who gave birth
                                                                                                  of whom at first found the gay marriage is-
the word ‘marriage’ under federal law.                                                            sue to be a little foreign – who spoke of        separates from wife
Most important, we should respect and                                                             the epiphany many of them felt as they
honor our friends, neighbors, and family         Awardees David Baker, Michael Streit             examined the case. Their eyes were also          Phoenix, AZ – Thomas Beatie, a female-
members who want to take care of their           and Marsha Ternus                                opened to the raw hatred of some of the          to-male transgender who became known
families and their loved ones – whatever                                                          other side. (Bay Windows – Jeff Epperly at       as the world’s first man to give birth, has
their sexual orientation. We are proud to                                                         Baywindows.com)                                  separated from his wife of nine years.
come together for a more just America,” he       Ousted Iowa                                                                                       Beatie, his wife Nancy and their three chil-
     Mary Kay Henry, an out Lesbian and
                                                 justices receive                                                                                  dren moved to Phoenix in 2010 from Bend,
                                                                                                                                                   Ore. Nancy was originally from Phoenix.
president of SEIU – the largest union not        JFK Courage award Arizona gay                                                                          The breakup was first revealed by
affiliated with the AFL-CIO – also cel-
ebrated Obama’s announcement. ‘Earlier           Boston, MA – The JFK Library Founda-
                                                                                            campers to hold                                        Beatie during the taping of the syndicated
                                                                                                                                                   TV show The Doctors, which aired May 7.
today, President Obama joined a host of          tion’s Profiles in Courage Awards are pre- twice yearly event                                     He also said
faith, civil rights, business, and political     sented annually to public servants who                                                            that he has
leaders who have publicly voiced their           have made courageous decisions of con-           Bartlett Lake, AZ – More than 100 Valley         undergone
support of marriage equality,’ she said.         science without regard for the personal or       campers are expected attend the Bartlett         final     gender
The president’s support comes at a critical      professional consequences. Three former          Lake Bash weekend, a gay camping event           reassignment
moment as the rights of LGBT people are          Iowa Supreme Court justices were recog-          that has become a spring and fall tradi-         surgery.
under legislative attack in Minnesota, New       nized with an award that usually goes to         tion. The Bartlett Bash will be May 18-20 at          Beatie, 38,
Jersey, North Carolina, and elsewhere….          legislative officials from around the world,     Bartlett Lake in the Tonto National Forest.      had        legally
The president understands what we do –           but the awards committee made an excep-          The event started more than 20 years ago         switched to a Thomas Beatie and family
marriage equality is about family, commu-        tion this year. The justices were part of the    with a few friends and has grown to include      male identity
nity, love, and justice, she said. Noting the    unanimous Iowa high court that said in a         more than 250 “Bashers” who follow the           while preserv-
flurry of attacks on LGBT rights in North        landmark 2009 ruling, “Civil marriage must       event’s Facebook page.                           ing female reproductive organs. When
Carolina and other states, Henry added           be judged under our constitutional stan-             Troy Julius created a website that cel-      Nancy was no longer able to get pregnant
that ‘we cannot live up to our promise as a      dards of equal protection and not under          ebrates the event. “The original owners of       following a hysterectomy, Beatie interrupt-
nation until we extend equal rights to all.’     religious doctrines or the religious views       Apollo’s Lounge had a boat ... and some-         ed testosterone treatments to become ar-
SEIU represents some 1.8 million workers         of individuals. This approach does not dis-      one had the idea at the bar and it just grew,”   tificially inseminated. The news of his first
in health care, janitorial services, and the     respect or denigrate the religious views of      Julius said. “It’s a great social event and      pregnancy made headlines in 2007 when
public sector.                                   many Iowans who may strongly believe in          you’re getting away from the norm, into          photos were released of his pregnant belly.
     UFCW president Joe Hansen, CWA              marriage as a dual-gender union, but con-        a different environment.” Campers bring          He wrote the book Labor of Love, The Sto-
president Larry Cohen, and AFSCME pres-          siders, as we must, only the constitutional      tents, RVs and Jet Skis, and even play ping      ry of One Man’s Extraordinary Pregnancy.
ident Gerald McEntee also issued state-          rights of all people, as expressed by the        pong during the weekend at the lake. The         (Echo Magazine at Echomag.com)
OUT Evolution Complete! - Baltimore Outloud
                                               indicated that they oppose both same-sex         way, but will also become a venue where         ing as this looks, it’s all hypothetical right
Unlike GOP, Texas                              marriage and civil unions. (Dallas Voice –       API LGBTs and allies can gather to en-          now. The scientific minds behind RISUG,
Dems for US Senate                             David Taffet at Dallasvoice.com)                 hance and strengthen our community net-         another male birth control method already
                                                                                                                                                patented in the United States but not yet
                                                                                                work.” (Seattle Gay News – Shaun Knittel
favor gay marriage                                                                              at Sgn.org)                                     FDA-approved, are working on the clean
                                                                                                                                                sheets pill. The new pill totally inhibits the
Dallas, TX – While four names will appear      Pride Asia to hold                                                                               release of semen by relaxing the longitu-
on the Democratic ballot for U.S. Senate,
only two candidates are actively mounting
                                               first ever Pacific                     New male birth                                            dinal muscles of the Wolffian duct system
                                                                                                                                                while permitting the circular muscles to
a statewide campaign. Paul Sadler, 56, is a    heritage celebration control pill may                                                            contract. Thus, the circular muscles clamp
former state representative from East Tex-                                                                                                      down on the lax longitudinal muscles car-
as. Sean Hubbard, 30, of Dallas is seeking     Seattle, WA – Advocates, entertainers, help stop HIV                                             rying sperm. All fluids are stopped before
public office for the first time. The winner   and organizers from the Seattle-area Asian                                                       emission, and are recycled by the body
of the primary will try to become the first    and Pacific Islander (API) communities           Seattle, WA – Male birth control. Aside         normally. It doesn’t stop the orgasm; it just
Democrat to win a statewide race since         and their allies have scheduled the first-       from condoms and vasectomies, you’re            stops the release of fluid.
1994, in the race to replace retiring Sen.     ever Pride Asia event at Hing Hay Park in        probably asking yourself why you never               This obviously is going to turn off a lot
Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Dallas.                the heart of the Chinatown/International         hear of this and why is it relevant to the      of gay men as a potential way to halt HIV
     “The more established part of the         District of Seattle, on Saturday, June 23,       LGBT community? Still in the early stages       transmission, but if the clean sheets pill is
party is pro-Sadler,” Stonewall Democrats      from noon to 6 p.m.                              of research, non-hormonal birth-control         found after trials to work, not only could it
of Dallas President Omar Narvaez said.             “It is our hope to celebrate the diversity   methods designed for men could make             serve as a temporary way to deal with HIV
“Those of us who are non-conformist are        and culture of our LGBT communities with         birth control for straight couples a lot        transmission, but it could lead to a perma-
pro-Sean.” Both are solid on LGBT issues,      this event,” said Seattle API officials in a     simpler. Men could pick up the slack and        nent and more likeable solution. Dr. Nnae-
although Sadler’s views have evolved           statement.                                       women could finally stop taking the pill,       meka Amobi and Dr. Christopher Smith, the
since he first served in the House. Former         Aleksa Manila, host and co-organiz-          with its plethora of hormonal effects that      inventors of the pill, expect to reach 100%
state Rep. Harryette Ehrhardt, a pioneer-      er of this first annual event, Pride Asia,       can cause nausea, dizziness, depression,        efficacy, but because of funding problems,
ing LGBT ally, said she’s a big supporter      moved to the U.S. in 1995 from Manila,           and even de-creased sex drive.                  they can’t move forward at this time. Money
of Sadler. Ehrhardt said when she served       Philippines, with her family to continue             One new method of male birth control,       set aside for contraceptive research is very
in the Legislature, he was always some-        with college.                                    now dubbed the ‘clean sheets’ pill, could       limited, but for HIV transmission prevention,
one she relied on for advice. “He was a            Now 36 years old and one of Seattle’s        theoretically halt HIV transmission. How-       there’s nothing like it. t (Seattle Gay News
great leader,” she said. “In the early ’90s,   most recognizable entertainers, Manila           ever, it is important to note that as promis-   – James Whitely at Sgn.org)
it wasn’t popular to support hate crimes       told Seattle Gay News that the group of
[legislation].” Sadler was a co-sponsor of a   individuals working on this project are “a
gay-inclusive hate crimes bill in 1999 and     very important collective” working to ‘cre-
2001, when it finally passed. But Sadler’s     ate safe space for all LGBT Asians and
position on other LGBT issues seems to         Asian Americans in the Northwest to raise
have evolved. In a 1998 he did not sup-        awareness of the LGBT cause among API
port job discrimination protection for LGBT    individuals, families, and communities.”
people or same-sex marriages?” Now he              “As with most cultures, and although it
favors both.                                   varies from country to country,’ she said,
     Hubbard said he’s the candidate who’s     ‘family culture is a very important aspect
been consistent on LGBT issues. He calls       of API identity. Couple that with LGBT is-
the issue of marriage equality personal.       sues like coming out, faith / spirituality /
Because his wife is Asian, he said he would    religion, and self-esteem – the issues for
have been denied the right to marry her        Queer APIs can be overwhelming, and
in some states before the 1967 Loving v.       sometimes devastating.”
Virginia decision. “And I’m the only person        Victor Loo, director of recovery servic-
who can get Democrats excited,” he said.       es at Asian Counseling and Referral Ser-
All four of the major GOP candidates have      vice, said, “Pride Asia is an event where
                                               we can show that API LGBT individuals are
                                               creative and resilient people who are out
                                               and proud, just like you.”
                                                   Loo came to the U.S. in 2000 after re-
  These news notes have been compiled,
                                               ceiving the chance to further his education
  with permission, from the online version
                                               in social and human services.
  of various newspapers and other web
                                                   “I immigrated from Singapore to the
  sites. We thank these publications for
                                               U.S. to find a place where I can feel lib-
  allowing us to bring you their news sto-
  ries. Usually the reports have been sig-     erated to be who I am and be truthful to
  nificantly edited and you can read the       myself, since being gay is not only a taboo
  full story by going to the web site men-     in my home country, but it is also illegal. To
  tioned following the item. Comments          my understanding, there isn’t an organized
  are strictly the opinions of Jim Becker      entity that unites API LGBTs and allies in
  and not of Baltimore OUTloud or Pride        Washington state, and hopefully this event
  Media.                                       will not only generate more awareness to
                                               the public through an interactive and fun

                                                                                                                                    BALTIMORE OUTLOUD MAY18, 2012 • BALTIMOREOUTLOUD.COM t   7
OUT Evolution Complete! - Baltimore Outloud
Meet the Press that he is “absolutely com-        and “boots on the ground” to execute an          California has been cited as one of the fac-
                                                 fortable” with marriage equality.                 already formidable ground plan.                  tors in the Proposition 8 debacle in 2008.
                                                     Although not on the schedule of his                How this news will play out in Maryland     History must not be allowed to repeat itself
                                                 choice, the president made his historic           during the near-certain referendum battle        in Maryland. The persuadable “soft” voters
                         OUT                     announcement on May 9 (see front page
                                                 story). It was met with enormous enthu-
                                                                                                   in Maryland is also murky. Polls don’t offer
                                                                                                   many clues as the voters in the Free State
                                                                                                                                                    should be targeted with a robust education
                            Spoken               siasm from important components of the            are virtually split on the question of mar-           The Maryland Black Family Alliance
                       Steve Charing             Democratic base: gays and lesbians, vot-          riage equality. But with Obama being the         (MBFA) met in late April with Josh Levin,
                                                 ers under 40, college educated, subur-            first black president of the U.S., there is a    the new campaign manager for Maryland-
                                                 ban women, Hollywood types, and yes,              unique dynamic to consider.                      ers for Marriage Equality, to discuss a

How Will Obama’s                                 independents who lean towards marriage
                                                                                                        For the earlier column, I did receive
                                                                                                   some insight as a result of polling data
                                                                                                                                                    strategy for reaching out to African-Ameri-
                                                                                                                                                    can voters, particularly in Baltimore. Some

Support Play                                         Lacking the same level of enthusiasm
                                                 this cycle that was evident in 2008, the
                                                                                                   from OpinionWorks. African-Americans
                                                                                                   who comprise nearly 30
                                                                                                                                                    who attended that meeting, however,
                                                                                                                                                                                 voiced concerns

in Maryland?                                     revelation was the perfect catalyst to inject
                                                 much needed fervor into the 2012 cam-
                                                                                                   percent of the state’s
                                                                                                   population are more
                                                                                                                                                                                 that a clear plan
                                                                                                                                                                                 has not yet been
                                                 paign. Immediate tangible results followed:       inclined to vote against                                                      formulated.
In a column I wrote over six weeks ago,          the president raised around $15 million at        marriage equality in                                                               Levin did not
“Game Changer-in-Chief,” I indicated             a Hollywood fundraiser hosted by George           a referendum. And it                                                          respond to mul-
that there was at least a 50-50 chance           Clooney the next night.                           is expected that with                                                         tiple requests to
the Obama would come out for marriage                It is unclear how the risks and rewards       Obama on the ballot in                                                        go on record to
equality before the election and it could        will eventually play out with the election        November, higher than                                                         alleviate    those
help in thwarting a referendum attempt by        less than six months away. Some have              normal turnout among                                                          concerns.
marriage equality opponents.                     speculated this announcement may cost             African-Americans is a                                                             Nonethe-
    As we are now learning, Obama had            Obama among working class voters in               slam-dunk.                                                                    less, Lea Gilm-
already completed his evolution on mar-          some battleground states. I disagree.                  The       independent                                                    ore, a founder
riage for same-sex couples months ago                This election will be about the economy       survey taken in mid-                                                          of MBFA, who
and was planning to make the announce-           unless some international event changes           March reveals that in                                                         did not attend
ment probably right before the Democratic        the trajectory. And Obama’s public support        Baltimore City, the state’s most populous        that particular meeting but participated in
Convention in September. However, that           for marriage equality will continue to gen-       jurisdiction, voters oppose marriage equal-      a follow-up meeting stated: “The MBFA is
decision to go public was accelerated            erate passion, which not only translates          ity 49 to 35 percent. And among African-         looking forward to working closely with ref-
by Vice President Biden’s declaration on         into dollars raised but also adds volunteers      Americans statewide, those who oppose            erendum Campaign Manager Josh Levin
                                                                                                   the law outweigh supporters by a margin          and the marriage coalition. We will be an
                                                                                                   of 48 to 29 percent.                             active, necessary and informative part of
                                                                                                        Those are big deficits to overcome. The     the campaign and have been assured no
                           Monday & Tuesday Karaoke with Nikki                                     Maryland Marriage Alliance who is partner-
                                                                                                   ing with the Maryland Catholic Conference
                                                                                                                                                    less. Maintaining and gaining more Afri-
                                                                                                                                                    can-American support is crucial to a win.
                                                                                                   has reached the halfway point in obtaining       Of course, there have been missteps in
                                                                                  WeDNeSDay        the requisite number of valid signatures         the past, but we are looking forward and
                                                                                Happy Hour 4-8     to place the issue of marriage equality          will work in partnership to ensure that our
                                                                                                   on the ballot in November. Many African-         LGBT brothers and sisters retain the legal
                                                                                                   American pastors are aligned with this or-       right to marry in Maryland.”
                                                                                    Ladies Night   ganization and have used their churches               As the clock ticks down towards the
                                                                          $2.50 drinks til 11pm    to distribute petitions to volunteers and to     election, a considerable amount of work
                                                                                        FriDay     conduct training.                                remains.
                                                                                   Dance Party          Steve Raabe, President of Opinion-               What marriage equality advocates
                                                                          $2.50 drinks til 11pm    Works told me in late March that if Presi-       need to do is frame the issue as one of
                                                                                                   dent Obama were to publicly embrace              “equal rights,” not “civil rights,” The use of
                                                                                                   marriage equality, it could influence those      the latter term has been a key obstacle in
                                                                       DJ, Happy Hour 8-10pm       African-Americans who are “soft” on the is-      winning over African-Americans.
                                                                             $3 rail & Domestic    sue.                                                  In addition, emphasis must be made
                                                                                       SuNDay           “It is likely that people with the stron-   that religious institutions are protected by
                                                                           2-4-1 Drinks Sunday     gest feelings on this issue have already         the law. Some are still suspicious that they
                                                                           (excludes top shelf)    declared                                         will be forced to officiate same-sex unions.
                                                                                                        themselves, so that the referendum          And according to the above poll, those who
                                                                           buy your first drink,   battle will be waged over the small num-         attend church once a week – regardless of
                                                                 receive a token for your next,    ber in the middle who may be coming out          race – oppose same-sex marriage by 58
                                                                        can be used till 8pm or    to vote in the presidential race, but for        per cent to 28 percent.
                                                                            for any Happy Hour     whom this issue is not do or die,” Raabe              President Obama’s announcement
                                                                                                   explained.                                       could provide cover to those who are not
                                                                                                        Still, there needs to be a plan in place    deeply religious and may now find a reason
                                                                                                   to target those “soft” voters within the Afri-   to vote against the referendum. A fresh,
                               Grand Central Nightclub • 410.752.7133                              can-American community. Such a plan has          new independent poll will offer us more in-
                                                                                                   not yet been publicly articulated to those       sight into the prospects, but a strategy that
                             1001-1003 North Charles St., Baltimore, MD                            who are seeking marriage equality. A lack        is shared with the LGBT community must
                           www.centralstationpub.com • Visit us on Facebook                        of outreach to African-American voters in        be in place and soon. t
OUT Evolution Complete! - Baltimore Outloud
worked in the building where the construc-
                                                 tion was taking place, took notice of Eric.
                                                 She was a foreword woman, and invited
                                                 Eric to dinner. Eric accepted. He offered to
                                                 bring a bottle of wine and asked what wine
                                                 she preferred. “The kind in a pretty bottle,”
                                                 she said.
                                                      Eric, a oenophile, accepted the chal-
                                                 lenge and, ignoring his predilections,

Calico Apron                                     chose a bottle based solely on the beau-
                                                 ty of the label. It wasn’t long before Eric
                                                 was living with Shirley. Her country home
After Erica’s first attempt at transitioning,    featured a pool table and a bar in the liv-
she lost her well-paying job, was divorced,      ing room. Come winter Eric was hauling
and lost all of her savings in a failed busi-    in firewood for the wood burning stove; a
ness venture. She thought to try living as       whole new world for Eric. Nevertheless, it
a male, one more time. She was not suc-          was warm.
cessful at that, and now lives full time as a         One night, Shirley’s adult son, John-
woman, happy at last. That was 20 years          ny, arrived with his buddies and a fresh-
ago. This is the saga of her “manly” ad-         killed dear. Bambi burgers on the grill! Eric
venture.                                         pulled out from his secret place a bottle of
     Unable to find employment in her field      vintage port. It was memorable feast. Eric
and about to be evicted she took up work         male-bonded with Johnny’s friends.
in construction. She was at the bottom                One Sunday afternoon, while Eric was
of the totem pole, working for minimum           making shrimp étouffée for Shirley and the
wage, unloading trucks. Weighing it at 128       boys as they watched the football game,
pounds, “Eric” was the natural choice to         Eric emerged from the kitchen in his calico
climb into the top of the shipping contain-      apron to see if the boys wanted snacks
ers to retrieve 120-pound boxes of steel         before dinner. When he entered the room,
fixtures from the nose of the containers.        the boys were discussing what makes a
This involved crawling to the front of the       “real man.” Eric held back the tears when
container, where the August outdoor heat         he heard Johnny say, “Eric is a real man.”
was 98 degrees. Eric never ventured to           The guys were perplexed. “More like Felix
guess what the heat was at the nose of the       Unger,” laughed one of the boys. Johnny
container.                                       went on to explain that Eric stood up for
     On Eric’s first day of work the project     what is right even when outnumbered, had
coordinator laughed, “Those pants won’t          told people clearly that certain language
last very long,” he said. Eric was wear-         could not be used in the house, even
ing Armani slacks, he owned no jeans. He         though it was not his house. At length, the
wore an 18kt gold Patek Philippe watch.          guys agreed.
Though worth more than a Rolex, it resem-             The shrimp étouffée was a success.
bled a Timex and went unnoticed. Eric was        Eric thought about his youth and the men
out of place.                                    and women that guided his worldview. In
     A few weeks into the project coordina-      his personal life, it was mostly dykes. He
tor asked Eric, “Come on, what are you           thought also of Fred Rogers. In his young
doing here? You don’t belong here, what’s        adult years he worked with young children.
the catch?”                                      He thought about Mister Rogers’ Neigh-
     Eric, feeling mischievous that day, said,   borhood, and the be-sweatered man who
“I’m working on my doctorate in sociology.”      was always himself, a man who stood
He quoted Levi Straus, the anthropolo-           against the tide of what some think it is
gist, not the jeans manufacturer. Eric said      to be a man. “Now there is a “real man,”
that he was studying male troop-bonding          Erica thought.
in primitive cultures, quoting the French             In 1997, Fred Rogers was awarded an
anthropologist, Lévy-Bruhl, he said, “The        Emmy, amongst the glitterati of daytime
primitive mentality is a condition of the hu-    TV, Rogers accepted his Emmy with hu-
man mind, and not a stage in its historical      mility. “All of us have special ones who
development.”                                    have loved us into being. Would you just
     It was a big fib, but James, the proj-      take, along with me, ten seconds to think
ect coordinator, swallowed it. They went         of the people who have helped you be-
out drinking that night and male-bonded.         come who you are. Ten seconds of si-
This was really quite liberating for Eric. He    lence,” he said.
could play at being male much better than             Today Erica, once Eric, would like you
real males because nothing could threaten        to join with her in taking ten seconds of
his masculinity. His “masculinity” was a         silence to think of the people who have
farce, an actor upon a stage.                    helped you to become who you are. t
     Shirley, an attractive woman who                 Names have been changed.
                                                                                                 BALTIMORE OUTLOUD MAY18, 2012 • BALTIMOREOUTLOUD.COM t   9
OUT Evolution Complete! - Baltimore Outloud
                                                   MAYOR STEPHANIE RAWLINGS-BLAKE
                                                          WISHING BALTIMORE

          A HAPPY
         PRIDE 2012
                                          410.396.3835                   www.BaltimoreCity.gov



COUNCIL PRESIDENT       DISTRICT 1            DISTRICT 2          DISTRICT 3          DISTRICT 4                   DISTRICT 5

   Bernard C.         James B. Kraft      Brandon M. Scott      Robert Curran        Bill Henry              Rochelle “Rikki”
  “Jack” Young                                                                                                  Spector
                       410.396.4821          410.396.4808        410.396.4812        410.396.4830
   410.396.4804        James.Kraft@         Brandon.Scott@      Robert.Curran@        Bill.Henry@                410.396.4819
 CouncilPresident@    baltimorecity.gov     baltimorecity.gov   baltimorecity.gov   baltimorecity.gov          Rochelle.Spector@
  baltimorecity.gov                                                                                             baltimorecity.gov

    DISTRICT 6          DISTRICT 7            DISTRICT 9          DISTRICT 11        DISTRICT 12                  DISTRICT 12

 Sharon Green          Nick Mosby          William “Pete”        William H.         Carl Stokes              Mary Pat Clarke
  Middleton                                     Welch             Cole IV
                       410.396.4810                                                  410.396.4811               410.396.4814
    410.396.4832       Nick.Mosby@           410.396.4815        410.396.4816        Carl.Stokes@              MaryPat.Clarke@
 Sharon.Middleton@    baltimorecity.gov     William.Welch@       William.Cole@      baltimorecity.gov          baltimorecity.gov
  baltimorecity.gom                         baltimorecity.gov   baltimorecity.gov


                                                                                      BALTIMORE OUTLOUD MAY18, 2012 • BALTIMOREOUTLOUD.COM t   11
Republicans pushed DOMA to prevent                                                                       LO: This struggle reminded me of the
                                                the federal government from recognizing                                                                  strength it takes to stand on your faith and to
                                                                                                                                                         walk in it, as Christ did so many times dur-
                   Ladybug’s                    any marriage between gay couples and to
                                                ensure that states didn’t have to recognize                                                              ing his short tenure of activism. It encouraged
                        Political               gay couples legally married elsewhere. They                          Crossroads                          me to believe in the power of love, because
                   Smackdown                    pushed DOMA because they are bigots kick                                  Chronicles                     although the amendment passed, those in the
                                                                                                                                                         struggle were able to step across their bound-
                        Cathy Brennan gays in order to advance their political agen-                   Rev. Mother Meredith Moise                        ary lines and see justice as the light. I learned
                                                da. Bill Clinton signed DOMA in a low-key
                                                manner, knowing even then that his act con-                                                              how strong I could be when embraced with

DOMA and the                                    demned gays and lesbians to a lifetime of
                                                future heartache. That’s because DOMA de-
                                                                                                   Lessons from                                          others that are led by the love of God. I
                                                                                                                                                         learned what it meant to really fight, which is

Reckoning                                       prives gay couples of a whole host of rights,
                                                including medical leave pay for employees          North Carolina                                        not always about winning.
                                                                                                                                                              MM: How have you developed in light
                                                                                                                                                         of your activism?
                                                who leave to care for a partner, health care
A few months ago, Huffington Post featured benefits and work/injury compensation, pen-             Reverend Leslie E.E. Oliver is a seasoned                  LO: I found a power within me that gave
the story of Kathryn Lehman, a Republican sion and educational benefits, and equal                 faith activist living in North Carolina. This         me the capability of inspiring others. I de-
lawyer who helped pass the 1996 law the treatment in inheritance tax, joint income                 sister began marching with black poet Amiri           veloped a sense of pride in the heroes and
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which de- tax return filings, and spousal protections              Baraka in the late 80s. She was recently in-          sheroes before me, one that deepened as I
fines marriage as between one man and one for long-term care under Medicaid. All told,             volved in the fight against North Carolina’s          reflected on their courage, sacrifice, wisdom
woman. HuffPo heralded Lehman – who has DOMA deprives gay and lesbian couples of                   Amendment 1, which enshrined a ban on                 and vulnerability. I developed a passion for
now come out as a lesbian – for now lobby- some 1,138 rights afforded by marriage rec-             same sex marriage in the state’s constitu-            “war”, that is the war to uncover love where
ing to repeal the law.                          ognition.                                          tion. Rev. Oliver is a minister in an affirming       others try to bury it.
     HuffPo revised the history of 1996 and          DOMA also deprives same-sex bi-               African-American church, Unity Fellowship                  MM: Maryland may be facing a refer-
allowed Lehman to justify her DOMA support national couples of the ability to acquire a            Church of Charlotte, which played a profound          endum regarding same-sex marriage leg-
thusly:                                         green card for the non-U.S. citizen partner.       role in galvanizing constituents and building         islation. What are three points of advice
     “There was nobody married, it wasn’t This means that U.S. citizens cannot spon-               faith coalitions against the amendment. In the        you would give people of faith here in this
allowed anywhere… (t)he view of gay peo- sor their partners for legal permanent resi-              following, she brilliantly lays out her thoughts      community?
ple... it wasn’t Ellen [DeGeneres]. It wasn’t dent status, leading to citizenship. For the         about organizing affirming communities of                  LO: One; knowledge is your great-
Neil Patrick Harris. It was kinky sex and non-U.S. citizen forced to truck back and                faith in the midst of great challenge. She re-        est power. Being informed and thoroughly
women riding around on motorcycles without forth between the U.S. and their country of             minds us what can happen when crisis meets            searching all aspects of an issue are key for
shirts on. That was sort of the view that the origin, the government can deny entry into           opportunity through a Christian lens.                 leaders, listeners and followers. Two; let love
community projected as well.”                   the U.S. if it discovers the relationship – be-         Mother Meredith: What was your jour-             lead. It may be tempting to let other emotions
     What, what? This is clearly false, as cause, you know, such person might over-                ney to ministry and activism?                         drive the charge, but love will give you the
any lesbian with a pulse knows full well that stay their tourist visa.                                  LO: I began marching with Professor              peace and wisdom to charge gracefully to
K.D. Lang appeared on the cover of Vanity            With the real threat that the government      Amiri Baraka while a student at Rutgers Uni-          victory, even while the swords swing against
Fair with Cindy Crawford in 1993. I was 25 can decide to keep bi-national couples sepa-            versity in the late 80s. We were protesting the       you. Love always wins in the end. Three; look
in 1996, and fully active                                           rate if they speak publicly,   university’s refusal to grant him tenure. I’ve        for the unusual allies. You never know who is
in a gay community that                                             is it any wonder that many     been in ministry since my early 20s, although         willing to help you. Don’t put justice in a box.
went beyond “kinky sex”                                             in the gay and lesbian         I come from five generations of pastors and                MM: How can affirming faith leaders
and shirtless dykes (both                                           community had no idea          evangelists.                                          and lay people amplify their voices for
of which are awesome).                                              that DOMA impacted im-              MM: What role did your church, Unity             equality?
     “It wasn’t people that                                         migration?                     Fellowship Church of Charlotte play in the                 LO: We must continue to live and love as
you know, people that                                                     And that leads me to     Amendment 1 battle?                                   Christ the Savior did, not just from the word,
you work with, people                                               Inger and Philippa Knud-            LO: Our Charlotte church was a corner-           but also from the actions explained and de-
just like everybody else.”                                          son-Judd: These women          stone in the fight against the amendment. We          scribed in the word of God. We must also live
     What, really?                                                  – legally married in Iowa      held prayer services, information sessions,           authentic lives in our faith and know that we
     By 1996, the Balti-                                            and raising a child – can-     hosted community forums (including Jen                are called to preach good news in all sea-
more City Circuit Court                                             not currently live together    Jones and Equality N.C.’s “Race to the Bal-           sons. We must be the light that others can
                             Inger and Philippa Knudson-Judd                                                                                             seek out, even if it means we are the only
had been granting sec-                                              in the U.S. because of         lot”), and have participated in various rallies
ond-parent adoptions to                                             DOMA. Philippa, a citizen      to oppose the amendment. My pastor, Bishop            flicker in a dark room. Our authenticity, light
gay couples for a few years, marking the be- of the United Kingdom, must jet to and fro            Tonyia M. Rawls, has worked and traveled              and the power of love will amplify our voices
ginning of the “gay family” movement in the across the Atlantic to accommodate Kath-               across the state to join other faith leaders          loud enough to draw attention to the fight for
state. Perhaps more importantly, the Balti- ryn Lehman’s 1996 homophobic wish for                  and community activists in the fight against          justice.
more Justice Campaign spearheaded efforts gay-free marriages. Please understand this               Amendment 1.                                               MM: How do the lessons of the civil
throughout the early to mid-1990s to amend – Philippa is forced to be apart from her wife               MM: What significant roles did people            rights movement and the women’s rights
Baltimore City’s law to extend domestic and her child because of Kathryn Lehman’s                  of faith play in the Amendment 1 battle?              movement apply to the struggle for LGBT
partnership recognition to city employees work.                                                         LO: Not only has the faith community             equality?
and their families. The measure failed at the        This is an abomination. This is not how       led from the front lines in this fight for justice,        LO: These landmark movements became
time, but to say that gays and lesbians cow- things should be in the United States of              we have been a part of every major initiative         notable because of the willingness to act, per-
ered in dark corners in shame is pure fiction America. Gays and lesbians, if we do not             against the amendment and have been the               severe, join together and remain optimistic.
sprung from the recesses of Lehman’s ho- prioritize the safety and security of our fami-           voices that have inspired and encouraged                   Both movements endured battles over
mophobic mind.                                  lies, no one else will. We need to take ac-        others to look past religion and to embrace           many decades until justice rose to the sur-
     So, Kathryn Lehman is wrong, but this tion to ensure DOMA’s repeal, but we can                this fight as a challenge to human and civil          face.
piece isn’t about Kathryn Lehman and the take steps now to bring couples like Philippa             rights.                                                    Surely, we should expect history to give
lies she tells herself to assuage her guilt – and Inger that much closer to being at home               MM: What were the important lessons              us the armor needed to fight diligently.
it’s about DOMA.                                                                                   you learned from this struggle?                            MM: In the face of seeming defeat, how
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