OUR TIMES - South Granville Seniors Centre Connecting Adults 55+ to the Community

Page created by Jacob Goodwin
OUR TIMES - South Granville Seniors Centre Connecting Adults 55+ to the Community
Newsletter of the South Granville Seniors Centre

 South Granville Seniors Centre
Connecting Adults 55+ to the Community
  1420 W12th Avenue, Vancouver | 604.732.0812
OUR TIMES - South Granville Seniors Centre Connecting Adults 55+ to the Community
South Granville Seniors Friendship Centre
            1420 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6H 1M8
             T. 604.732.0812 | www.southgranvilleseniors.ca
                     Open 9am-4pm, Monday-Friday
                      Annual Membership Fee: $20
                                Our Mission
 We work together with adults 55+ to support their well-being in ways
      that promote friendship, diversity, and individual worth.

                               What We Do
South Granville Seniors Centre is a non-profit, drop-in community
centre for seniors located in the heart of South Granville/Fairview.

Founded in 1979, the Centre has been a strong and active pillar in the
Granville/Fairview community ever since. South Granville Seniors Cen-
tre provides drop-in programs and services for more than 450 members
and over 2,000 seniors in the community. Our centre offers a safe, wel-
coming, inclusive, and friendly environment for seniors to meet, connect
with others, and stay active. Our programs help seniors participate in
their community, broaden their social support network, and experience
an increased sense of belonging. Our mission is to work together with
seniors to support their well-being in ways that promote friendship, diver-
sity, and individual worth.

The success of our programming is, in large part, the result of valuable
community partnerships we have established with organizations. As a
non-municipal, independent centre run by a non-profit organization, we
are dependent on the support and generosity of community partners,
volunteers and members.

                  Staff                           Board of Directors
    Executive Director: Douglas Dunn                 President: Les Blond
      ed@southgranvilleseniors.ca             Vice President: Patrick Couling
                                                 Treasurer: Fred Zhuang
   Program Coordinator: Danna Garcia             Secretary: Shelley Milne
   programs@southgranvilleseniors.ca &                   Directors:
                                                        Jag Sangha
    Office Administrator: Cindy Beltrán              Bijan Pourkarimi
   officeadmin@southgranvilleseniors.ca                Beatrice Gill
                                                      Vessa Samson
     Program Assistant: Sarah Nelson                 Vicky Albarracin
 programassistant@southgranvilleseniors.ca                Iro Lugo
                                                         Bill Marler
   Program Assistant: Chantal Kiruoac                  Irene Loncar
OUR TIMES - South Granville Seniors Centre Connecting Adults 55+ to the Community
February 2022 | page 2

Message from the Executive Director

 Dear Friends,
 “The future’s so bright I gotta wear shades.” – TImbuck 3.
 As promised, we are going to MAKE 2022 a good year. Look at
 the great lineup of programs for February and take your pick. Get
 involved, dive in, reconnect. We are now offering a full weekly
 virtual schedule of programs. Check the MyActiveCentre at
 Granville-Seniors-Centre or reach it via our website.

 Due to the Provincial Health Orders in effect, we have delayed
 the return of meals. However, stay tuned and watch the weekly
 emails or sign board outside the Centre for the March 1st restart
 of hot meals.
 “My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest
 of my life there.” Anonymous
 As always, Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Loving!
 Douglas Dunn


 Note: Everyone who enters the Centre will have their vaccine
 passport scanned and verified by our receptionist prior to en-
 try. Masks are required.

     To our community partners and donors for their support. SGSC is funded through
                        generous grants and private donations.

“We acknowledge the financial assistance
    of the Province of British Columbia”
OUR TIMES - South Granville Seniors Centre Connecting Adults 55+ to the Community
February 2022 | page 3

       Volunteer and Staff Spotlight
Meet Wayne,

He is our Tai Chi instructor at the South Granville Seniors Centre.
Wayne is a patient and talented instructor and is a joy to have around
the Centre.

Here is what Wayne says about volunteering at
the Centre: “Teaching at the Centre is a great
way to pay forward the gifts that tai chi chaun
has to offer. My Sifu imparted that teaching oth-
ers deepens our own understanding of the art
while embodying the tenets of taoist giving. I en-
joy wilderness adventures in the mountains.
Winters I can be found ski mountaineering, nor-
dic skiing and summers I can be found paddling
and fly fishing remote lakes and rivers, but I can-
not disclose where they are.”

Thank you Wayne!

Danna Garcia Wigueras

Danna is originally from Mexico and began working for the Centre in
April 2019 as the Coordinator of the Spanish Program, and in 2021 she
took the position of Programs and Volunteers Coordinator. One of the
things that she is most passionate about in her life is being able to help
others, and that is why she feels comfortable
and happy to be able to work in an organization
dedicated to providing quality services to older
adults. Danna has a background in education
and is a recent BBA graduate, and she hopes to
apply all of her knowledge in both areas to ben-
efit the organization, members, and society.
She thinks that kindness is choosing to do
something that helps others or yourself, moti-
vated by genuine and warm feelings and that
these actions eventually bring about the happi-
ness you need in your life. Danna enjoys sunset
walks, a good chat, spending time with her fam-
ily and friends, and she is a huge lover of Mexi-
can food!
OUR TIMES - South Granville Seniors Centre Connecting Adults 55+ to the Community
February 2022 | page 4

                  Memory Exercise


Learn about your brain and participate in fun group activities at the
 Happy Memories Cafe or Taller de Memoria (Spanish)! You can
  register using MyActiveCentre or by phoning (604)732-0812.
OUR TIMES - South Granville Seniors Centre Connecting Adults 55+ to the Community
February 2022 | page 5

                     Did You Know?
By Sharon Esson

Feeding Hummingbirds

My friend, Betty P. tells me that you should only use
white sugar and water. Mix the ratio of 1 part sugar
to 4 parts water. Please don't use food colouring,
honey, brown sugar, unrefined sugar or sugar sub-
stitutes, as they can be harmful to the wee hum-

Mantras from the Dali Lama

Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
Spend some time alone every day.
Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.

Uses for White Vinegar

Cleaning Windows – I use white vinegar in a spray bottle to clean any mirrors
and all my windows. First I spray on the vinegar, use a good squeegee to re-
move then I finish up with a good-sized piece of linen (rip up an old tablecloth
for rags). Best no-spots, no-smear job!

Microwave – You can boil a solution of 1/4 cup of white vinegar and 1 cup of
water in the microwave until steam forms on the window. Then just wipe away
food residue.

Bathtub film - Remove bathtub film by wiping it first with white vinegar then
with baking soda. It should rinse away the grime with clean water.

When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand. Ideas
actually begin to grow in us and come to life. It makes people happy and free
when they are listened to. - Brenda Ueland 1891-1985
Newsletter Submissions

We need submissions for the Monthly Newsletter! Share your creative works
such a poem, painting, or photograph. We also want to hear your thoughts
about the Centre! Share your experiences or fond memories that you made at
the Centre. Email
programassistant@southgranvilleseniors.ca to submit something for the news-
OUR TIMES - South Granville Seniors Centre Connecting Adults 55+ to the Community
February 2022 | page 6
OUR TIMES - South Granville Seniors Centre Connecting Adults 55+ to the Community
February 2022 | page 7

                 Current Programs
Fitness Programs                          Arts Programs

Tai Chi with Wayne (online until          Knitting Circle (Limited capacity
February 28th)                            starting February 22nd)
Mondays, 10:00 - 11:00 am                 Tuesdays, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
$8 members / $10 non-members              Free for members / $2 non-members

No previous experience is necessary.      Join this friendly group to knit, share
The standing postures are slow and        conversation, and drink tea. Use the
gentle movements that can bring about     group’s wool to knit items for Centre
a boost to your energy, mood, and bal-    fundraising, or bring your own wool to
ance while strengthening muscles, ten-    use!
dons and ligaments. Breath work coor-     ____________________________
dinates with the movements and we
will explore standing and sitting medi-   Amaryllis Singing Group (online un-
tation.                                   til February 28th)
____________________________              Mondays, 12:00 am - 1:00 pm
                                          $2 members / $3 non-members
Yoga with Bonnie (online until Feb-
ruary 22th)                               This informal choir meets each Mon-
Tuesdays, 10:30 - 12:00 pm                day to sing jazz, musical, and classical
$8 members / $10 non-members              favorites and is lead by Alice Antran-
                                          ikian. No training necessary, all are
A yoga practice adapted for beginners     welcome!
and those interested in a more gentle     ____________________________
approach. You will learn how to deal
with stress, feel more relaxed, gain      Social Services
awareness, and keep your body mov-
ing with ease.                            Information & Referrals
____________________________              Thursdays, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
                                          Free for members / $2 non-members
Osteo-Fit with Elizabeth (online until
February 23th)                            Our trained Information and Referral
Wednesdays, 11:00 - 12:00 pm              volunteers are available to provide you
$10 members / $12 non-members             with information about government
                                          programs and subsidies (Canada Pen-
This class is a BC Women’s Hospital       sion Plan, Old Age Security, Guaran-
certified fall prevention program for     teed Income Supplement), Disability
individuals with osteoporosis, low        Pension, Medical Services Plan, BC
spine density, and those who are at       Bus Pass, housing subsidies for low
risk of fractures. It provides safe and   income seniors, and more. Volunteers
gentle exercises to improve strength,     can also help with completing govern-
coordination, balance, enhance confi- ment forms.
dence, and reduce risk of falls. Partici-
pants must get medical clearance from
physician prior to participating.
February 2022 | page 8

                    Current Programs
Educational Programs                   Have your hair cut and styled by our
                                       friendly hairdresser, Annette. Please
Digital Literacy (Appointments are 45 wash your hair before your appoint-
minutes)                               ment. This program fills up quickly and
Wednesdays, 10:00 - 12:00 pm           registration is required!
(Jacinta - YMCA)                       ___________________________
Thursdays, 2:30 - 4:00 pm (Loc)
Fridays, 10:00 - 11:30 am (Em)         Gentle Hand and Foot Care
$2 members / $3 non-members            Friday, February 18th, 10:00 am - 2:30
In partnership with our friends from   Appointments are 45 minutes
YMCA, we offer one-on-one computer $30 members / $35 non-members
and technology consulting. Learn at
your own pace with our expert instruc- Let our Licensed Practical Nurse and
tors. Our instructors are Jacinta, Loc Certified Foot Care Nurse pamper your
and Emiliano.                          hands and feet! As a nurse, she knows
____________________________           the proper techniques to ensure that
                                       your hands and feet will be well taken
English Classes (online)               care of. She will nurse them back to
Wednesdays, 2:00 - 3:00 pm             health!
$2 members / $3 non-members            ____________________________

 If you are just starting to learn English,   Social Programs
or want to practice and improve it, join
our English group conversation les-           Happy Memories Cafe (Virtual)
sons. We offer a friendly introduction to     Monday, February 28th, 4:00 - 5:00 pm
the language. All levels are welcome.         Free
                                         A Memory cafe is a safe place to ask
French Conversation Practice             questions and share your experiences.
(online )                                We will do brain stimulating activities,
Thursdays, 2:00 - 3:00 pm                listen to speakers, have discussions
$2 members / $3 non-members              and build lasting friendships. For peo-
                                         ple living with dementia and their care-
If you are interested in practicing con- givers and or relatives and anyone
versation in French, we have the ideal else who is interested.
space for you. Join our French conver- ____________________________
sation group to become an expert!
____________________________             Tea with Douglas (Virtual)
                                         Monday, February 28th, 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Health and Self Care                     $2 members /$4 non-members

Hair Care                                     Help bring heart back to the Centre.
Thursday, February 10th and 24th,             Join Douglas and members for social-
10:00 am - 12:00 pm                           ising over tea, and chat about any top-
½ Hour appointments                           ic.
$15 members / $17 non-members
February 2022 | page 9

                 Current Programs
QMUNITY (Virtual)                           this fun activity where we will have a
Tuesday, February 8th, 3:00 - 4:00 pm       good time together.
$2 members /$4 non-members                  ____________________________

Qmunity is what happens when queer,         A Tuktu Way of Life Experience
trans, and Two-Spirit folks looking for a   Online
sense of community come together to         Friday, February 11th, 1:00 - 2:30 pm
meet, guide, and support each other.        Free for members / $2 non-members
The drop-ins offer a place for older
adults searching for a community to   Join us for an online presentation from
come together and meet, guide, or     Tuktu and learn how they can simplify
support each other. Sessions offer allyour life! Tuktu is a community based
kinds of opportunities—from intergen- app that connects seniors or their loved
erational panels to relationship-building
                                      ones with community members to get
                                      help with everyday chores and com-
seminars, to financial and estate plan-
ning workshops, to philosophical dis- panionship. Seniors or their loved ones
cussions, to informal coffee gatherings.
                                      can sign up and select a Tuktu near
We strive to offer programming that’s them for a wide range of services. The
relevant for and led by older         Tuktu app is simple, secure and is built
LGBTQ2SAI+ folks.                     specifically for seniors’ easy use. Tuk-
____________________________          tus can sign up on the providers app
                                      and start offering services on their
Special Events                        schedule. Services include personal
                                      shopping, dog walking, tech help, com-
Valentines Day Art Workshop           panionship, rides and accompaniment,
Monday, February 14th, 3:30 - 5:00 pm hobby lessons, and more!
$2 members /$4 non-members            ____________________________

This Valentine's Day, let's celebrate the   Volunteer Appreciation Special
friendship that unites us with a creative   Event
workshop in which we will elaborate a       Friday, February 25th, 12:00 - 1:30 pm
craft that will remind us how important
it is to stay close with our friends and    Enjoy tea, cake, and conversation as
loved ones. The artist Mariana              we celebrate the contribution that you
Gassman will lead us in this activity       and all our amazing volunteer team
with her good energy and her very           make to the South Granville Seniors
good sense of humor!                        Centre
____________________________                ____________________________

Let's Play Some Riddle Games                Member Evaluation Event
Online!                                     Friday, February 25th, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Friday, February 4th, 1:00 - 2:00 pm
$2 members /$4 non-members                  Following the Volunteer Appreciation
                                            event (in-person or online) we will re-
Guessing games are very good for            convenue to hear your thoughts and
your brain, they test your eyes, your       comments regarding the Centre, it’s
motor skills, your sense of color, your     programs and activities for the past two
vocabulary and much more! Join us in        years and your hopes for the future.
February 2022 | page 10
February 2022 | page 11

                            Tech Tips
                                 Google Drive

Google Drive is a free service that you can
use on your computer or device online.

Here is how you access it:
   • The simplest way to access it is from
   your Gmail account.
   • From your Gmail inbox, click the but-
   ton on the top right side of the screen with
   nine dots
   • When you click on it, you will see a
   button pop up with a triangle that says
   Google Drive
   • That will take you to your Google

It is also accessible on your web browser (for example, Google Chrome,
Safari, Firefox, etc.)
     • In your browser’s search bar, type ‘Google Drive’
     • It should be one of the first websites to come up. This is the web URL:
     https://drive.google.com › drive › my-drive
     • The website will prompt you to login or make an account. To login, you
     can use your existing Gmail address and create a password. To create an
     account you will need to create a Gmail account and you will automatically
     get a Google Drive.
     • From there you should be free to use Google Drive

What can you do with Google Drive:
  • You can use it to store files. It works like a USB!
  • You can use Google Docs through Google Drive. Google Docs is basi-
  cally a free version of Microsoft Word. It is a digital space to write. You can
  use it to write anything from lists to stories.
  • You can use Google Sheets through Google Drive. Google Sheets is a
  spreadsheet that you can use for many purposes. A very practical use of
  Google Sheets is to use it for your budget. Google Sheets has useful tem-
  plates for this.
  • There are many more uses for Google Drive. Make an appointment
  with one of our Digital Literacy volunteers to learn more!
February 2022 page 12

                  Senior Discounts
Hudson’s Bay: Offers a special Timeless Style Tuesday discount on the first
Tuesday of the month for Seniors aged 55+.
Phone: (604) 681-6211
Address: 674 Granville St

Murchie's Tea: On the first Wednesday of every month, Murchie’s Tea offers
15% for Seniors on all Murchie’s branded products!
Phone: (604) 222-3355
Address: 3309 Wesbrook Mall

Shoppers Drug Mart: Every Thursday is Seniors Day at Shoppers Drug Mart!
Seniors receive 20% off on almost all regularly priced items with their PC Opti-
mum card!
Phone: (604) 738-3107
Address: 2888 Granville St

Subway: Subway offers a 10% discount for seniors 60+.
Phone: (604) 609-4450
Address: 541 Granville St

Telus offers low cost internet for Seniors!

As part of their Home Internet for Good initiative, Telus offers home internet to
seniors on GIS (Guaranteed Income Supplement) for $9.95/month with no

To find out more go to: www.telus.com/en/social-impact/connecting-canada/


Income Tax Clinics - Starting March 1st

Our Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) affiliated volunteers
will help you prepare your income tax return free of charge. This service is
open to low-income seniors over the age of 55. Remember to bring all neces-
sary documents, including T4 slips, medical, donation, and other tax-
deductible receipts, as well as the previous year's tax return.

By appointment only. Please book your appointment with Reception at

February 2022 page 13
                                     MONDAY                       TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY
                                                                                       1                              2
                                                              •   Taller de Tecnolo-       •   SPANISH PRO-
                                                                  gia (En Espanol              GRAM
                                                                  online)                  •   Digital Literacy by
                                                                                           •   Osteofit
                                                                                           •   English Classes(

                                                          7                            8                              9
                                •   Tai Chi w Wayne           •   Yoga with Bonnie         •   SPANISH PRO-
                                •   Amaryllis Singing         •   QMUNITY                      GRAM
                                    Group                     •   Taller de Tecnolo-
                                                                                           •   Digital Literacy by
                                •   Social Hour in Span-                                       YMCA
                                    ish                                                    •   Osteofit
                                                                                           •   English Classes

                                                         14                          15                              16
                                •   Tai Chi w Wayne           •   Yoga with Bonnie         •   SPANISH PRO-
                                •   Amaryllis Singing         •   Colour Your Way              GRAM
                                    Group                         Home Workshop            •   Digital Literacy by
                                •   Social Hour in Span-      •   Taller de Tecnolo-           YMCA
                                    ish                           gia                      •   Osteofit
                                •   Valentines Day art                                     •   English Classes
                                                         21                          22                              23
                                              •                   Yoga with Bonnie         •   SPANISH PRO-
                                  Family Day  •                   Knitting Group               GRAM
                                                                                           •   Digital Literacy by
                                CENTRE CLOSED •                   Colour Your Way
                                                                  Home Workshop
                                                              •   Taller de Tecnolo-
                                                                                           •   Osteofit
                                                                  gia                      •   English Classes

                                •   Tai Chi w Wayne
                                •   Amaryllis Singing
                                •   Tea with Doug
                                •   Happy Memories
February 2022 | page 14
    THURSDAY                           FRIDAY
                           3                                4
•   French Conversation        •   Digital Literacy (Em)        We have lots of
•   Taller para la memo-       •   Let’s Play Some Riddle         special events
    ria con Beatriz                Games Online!                this month, and
•   Information & Refer-                                           they all have
                                                                limited capacity.
•   Digital Literacy (Loc)
                                                                Be sure to book
                        10                                 11
                                                                your spot ASAP
•   French Conversation        •   Digital Literacy (Em)
                                                                   to guarantee
•   Hair Care                  •   Tuktu Way of Life Ex-
                                                                     your spot!
•   Taller para la memo-           perience                     Please call if you
    ria con Beatriz                                                   require
•   Information & Refer-                                            assistance.
•   Digital Literacy (Loc)
                        17                                 18
•   French Conversation        •   Foot Care
•   Taller para la memo-       •   Digital Literacy (Em)
    ria con Beatriz            •   Let’s watch the new
•   Information & Refer-           Disney movie                 Groups after the
    ral                            “Encanto” together!           21st only run in
•   Digital Literacy (Loc)                                          person if
                        24                                 25   Provincial Health
•   French Conversation        •   Digital Literacy (Em)        Orders are lifted
•   Hair Care                  •   Volunteer Appreciation           on indoor
•   Taller para la memo-           Special Event                  activities. See
    ria con Beatriz            •   Member Evaluation              pages 7-9 for
•   Information & Refer-           Event                        program details.
•   Digital Literacy (Loc)
February 2022 | page 15

Queridos amigas y amigos de South Granville Seniors Centre,

Esperamos que ustedes, sus familiares y amigos se encuentren bien, seguros y

Este mes festejamos el amor y la amistad, y queremos agradecer y reconocer a
cada uno de ustedes, nuestros amigos, por permanecer unidos y apoyandose
ante tiempos dificiles y de crisis. Seguiremos creando espacios especiales para
ustedes, en donde puedan disfrutar de momentos agradables y compartir sus
experiencias y sentimientos con otros adultos mayores hispanohablantes.
Por favor, no olviden revisar nuestras publicaciones mensuales y semanales pa-
ra que continuen enterados de todo lo que pasa en el Centro, y se unan a las
actividades de su agrado.

                            ¡Feliz dia de San Valentin!

Queremos informarles que debido a las Directivas Provinciales de Salud, no ha-
brá actividades grupales o de acondicionamiento físico en persona en el Centro
durante Febrero. Algunos programas grupales o de acondicionamiento físico es-
tarán disponibles en línea a través de Zoom.

Estas son las Actividades Virtuales en Español que se llevarán a cabo en Fe-

    • La Hora Social Via Zoom, Lunes de 4:00 a 5:00 pm (Espacio dedicado
    para compartir experiencias y charlar)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 881 9425 8782                Passcode: 456557

    • Taller de Tecnología Vía Zoom, Martes de 4:00 am a 5:00 pm (Manejo
    de dispositivo móvil, tablet, laptop, etc., manejo y uso del correo electrónico,
    utilización de aplicaciones como Zoom o Whatsapp.)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 0409 9329                Passcode: 228164
February 2022 | page 16
    • Clase de Inglés para Principiantes e Intermedios, Miércoles de
    2:00 pm a 3pm: Aprende Inglés y practica en un ambiente muy divertido!.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 3201 7802
Passcode: 850392

    • Taller de Activación de la Memoria, Jueves de 11:00 am a 12:00
Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 861 6978 5961               Passcode: 666626

En el caso de que las autoridades permitan las reuniones en grupo durante
Febrero, las actividades del Programa en Espanol Presencial seria el sigui-

        HORARIO                                ACTIVIDAD

10:00 am a 10:45 am       Clase de Zumba, Yoga, Taichi o Qi Gong en

11:00 am a 11:45 am       Clase de Tecnología virtual (manejo de dis-
                          positivo móvil, tablet, laptop, etc., manejo y
                          uso del correo electrónico, utilización de
                          aplicaciones como Zoom o Whatsapp.)

12:00 pm a 12:45 pm       Coro (Taller musical)

1:00 pm a 1:45 pm         Lunch

2:00 pm a 3:00 pm         ESL Clases de ingles para principiantes e in-
                          termedios (En persona)

¡Felicidades a todos nuestros miembros y voluntarios que cumplen años
                               en Febrero!
Danna Garcia Wigueras, Coordinadora de Programas y Voluntarios en SGSC.
February 2022 | page 17

              Volunteer Positions

We are looking for friendly, outgoing volunteers to help welcome visitors
to our centre and host our tea and coffee services. Host volunteers will
serve tea or coffee, provide information about the Centre to visitors, help
to promote programs and services, and create a warm and welcoming
environment for new and returning members during our Morning Coffee
or Afternoon Teas at our new 12th Avenue Cafe. We are looking for
English-speaking volunteers who will be available on Mondays, Tues-
days, and Thursdays and bilingual volunteers (English and Spanish
speakers) who will be available on Wednesdays.

Webcast Producer

We are looking for a friendly, dedicated volunteer to lead a group of
webcasters at our non-profit seniors' centre. The goal of this program is
to utilize our HI Definition, multi camera equipped studio to : 1 - develop
a webcasting program for the centre, 2 - produce webcasts of our di-
verse program offerings, and 3 - help older adults to learn about
webcasting to build the webcast team, strengthen their ties with their
community, and have fun!

Email Danna at programs@southgranvilleseniorscentre.ca to find out
February 2022 | page 18
                     Editorial Information

Our Times is published monthly and is available at the South Granville
        Seniors Centre and throughout the Fairview district.
 A copy of Our Times can be mailed to your address for $12 per year.
 Please pay at reception or send cheques (payable to South Granville
                           Seniors Centre).
    If you would like to subscribe and receive an email version of our
   newsletter or would like to advertise with us, please contact Cindy
Beltrán, office administrator, at officeadmin@southgranvilleseniors.ca or
                            call 604-732-0812.

                       Connect with Us Online!
         Visit our website at www.southgranvilleseniors.ca.
   You can also visit our Facebook (SouthGranvilleSeniorsCentre),
                   Twitter (@sgseniors), YouTube
     (SouthGranvilleSeniorsCentreVancouver), and Instagram
                     (@southgranvilleseniors) for
                     pictures, updates, and more!

          Not a member of the SGSC? Join us or renew
  Only $20 gives you access to all services at the Centre, as well as
       discounts on most programs, special events, and trips!

 To Renew online: complete this form https://docs.google.com/

 Payment Options:

 - Cheque: it should be mailed to the centre at 1420 West 12th
 Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V6H 1M8.
 - e-transfer: Please send it
 to officeadmin@southgranvilleseniors.ca.
 - Credit Card: Via MyActiveCenter or email Cindy
 at officeadmin@southgranvilleseniors.ca. She will call you back to
 process the payment over the phone. Do not email any of your
 credit card information.
If you’re 55+, South Granville Seniors Centre
wants to lend you a tablet free for 3 months.

What’s included with this loan?
• Internet access (no wifi, technical know-how or hardware re-
• a variety of fun pre-loaded programs connecting you with
  people and places you love
• one on one help from South Granville Seniors Centre volun-
• weekly check-in lessons

For more information and to register
call: 604-732-0812
or email: programs@southgranvilleseniors.ca
FAQs: www.southgranvilleseniors.ca/programs

Borrow a tablet; connect with the world.
You can also read