Our new Ambassador: Corrie's Lucy Fallon - Blackpool Carers Centre

Page created by Maria Gutierrez
Our new Ambassador: Corrie's Lucy Fallon - Blackpool Carers Centre
1 NOV 2018-28 FEB 2019
The FREE magazine for unpaid carers on The Fylde Coast

 Our new Ambassador:
 Corrie's Lucy Fallon                   'Interactive' Group                     NEW! RISE Project
 Page 4                                 Page 5                                  Page 26
                                Also Inside: Masquerade Ball | True Stories | Carers' Action Plan | Photo Gallery
Also Inside: What’s On! | True Stories | Duke of Edinburgh Programme | Cash Quest update | Rocco's Pantry
Our new Ambassador: Corrie's Lucy Fallon - Blackpool Carers Centre
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2                      t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
Our new Ambassador: Corrie's Lucy Fallon - Blackpool Carers Centre
Welcome...                                                                                   Contents
...to our Winter edition of Caring Times.     We value your
                                                                                             Welcome from Faye                                  3
                                              feedback, so
After a glorious summer of sunny                                                             Contact us                                         3
                                              please spare a
events here at Beaverbrooks House, we                                                        How to refer to our service                        4
                                              couple of minutes
are reluctantly packing away the                                                             Please let us know!                                4
                                              to complete our
outdoor furniture and tidying up the                                                         Our Board of Trustees                              4
                                              Carers' Questionnaire (details on pages
gardens for the darker months.                                                               From Corrie to the Carers Centre                   4
                                              6 and 12).
It’s a time for us to look back on all that                                                  Dementia training across
                                              We are excited to re-launch our Adult          the north west                                  4
has been achieved so far in 2018, from
                                              Carer Respite sessions, known as               Carer True Story                                5
our pilot summer holiday project of
                                              ‘Interactive’, with lots of new activities     NEW! Interactive support group                  5
RISE (see pg 26) seeing children from
                                              planned (see pg 5) and our Active              What's On Guide                                 6
Highfurlong School rivalling The
                                              Minds group has got off to a great start.      Venetian Masquerade Ball                        9
Apprentice with their entrepreneurial
                                                                                             Carer True Story                               10
skills, new funding for Young Carers and      Our Young Carers' respite becomes
                                                                                             Makeover for Health Hero, Pauline              12
Adult Carers and another busy and             busier and messier each week as the
                                                                                             Carers' Questionnaire                          12
vibrant Carefest festival bringing music      children get baking, making and
                                                                                             New Research: 1 in 5 young people
fans and carers together to enjoy live        creating, and our Parent Carers                identified as young carers                     12
music, food and dancing.                      continue to develop their workshops for        Focus on: Aiming Higher                        13
                                              sibling carers.                                Making a difference to family time             13
Alongside the fun and laughter here at
Beaverbrooks House, the reason we all         The addition of Escape Hair and Beauty         Duke of Edinburgh Programme                    14
come to work each day is to make a            here on-site for both carers and the           Staff Profile                                  14
better life for our carers and their          general public, also provides some             Carers' 50:50 Club                             15
families. It was a real opportunity for       sanctuary and time out from the                Family Focus Project wins
us, as the children went back to school       humdrum, helping carers to have                critical acclaim                               16
in September, to be involved in telling       cherished ‘me time’. (see pg 11)               Carer True Story                               16
the stories behind the new research                                                          Local MP listens to our
                                              As Christmas approaches, we know that          young adult carers                             17
carried out by the BBC and our
                                              this can be a difficult time for many of       Young Carers' Fun Zone                         18
President, Professor Saul Becker with
                                              our carers and their families. Our             Young Carers' Team update                      19
the University of Nottingham, revealing
                                              support continues throughout the               Young Carers' Christmas Present
that 1 in 5 children in high school (11-                                                     Appeal                                         19
                                              holiday period and we urge those who
16 year olds) has a caring role. (see pg                                                     Cookery Corner with the Ice Cold Chef          19
                                              are feeling less than festive to get in
12).                                                                                         Volunteer update                               20
                                              touch and reach out for help. As a
This was a national news story, and           supporter of Blackpool Carers, you can         Stable Advice from Rocco                       20
locally here in Blackpool, we know that       also help to make a difference. See            Hand in Hand Project update                    21
those statistics hold up. Now, more           page 19 for ideas of how to donate,            Christmas Donation Form                        21
than ever, the message has got to be          whether that be gifts, food or your time       A gift in your Will is priceless to us         23
that it is everyone’s responsibility to       as a volunteer. We would love to hear          Footcare Service                               23
recognise carers of all ages and make         from you.                                      Carer True Story                               24
sure that they get the right support at                                                      Remembrance Weekend events                     24
                                              Wishing all of our carers, volunteers,
the right time.                                                                              Carer True Story                               25
                                              funders and supporters a very Happy
                                                                                             Care Fest 2018 update                          25
There really isn’t a better time than now     Christmas and New Year.
                                                                                             Our uplifting RISE Project                     26
for carers in Blackpool to get the right
                                              Best wishes                                    Terry's fundraising update                     28
support. Our offer continues to expand
and our teams are becoming ever more          Faye                                           Tower to Tower Cycle Ride                      28
                                              Head of Services                               Wakepark Wipeout                               28
creative in their provision of services.
                                                                                             Cash Quest update                              29
                                                                                             Katherine's last poem                          30
 Contact us                                                                                  Our supporters ad awards                       30
 Blackpool Carers Centre, Beaverbrooks House
 147 Newton Drive, Blackpool FY3 8LZ                                                       Front cover: Young adult carers during a
                                                                                           Duke of Edinburgh expedition
 Tel: 01253 393748                                                                         Blackpool Carers Centre is a registered charity in
 Fax: 01253 393450 Email: admin@blackpoolcarers.org                                        England and Wales No. 1114558.
                                                                                           Registered as a company limited by guarantee in
                                                                                           England and Wales No. 5633524.
 You can also send us a message using the ‘Contact Us Form’
 on our website: www.blackpoolcarers.org/contact/contact-us-form                           This magazine is printed by Brightprint, Blackpool.
                                                                                           01253 399121

    /blackpoolcarers           @BlackpoolCarers             blackpoolcarers                                                                         3
Our new Ambassador: Corrie's Lucy Fallon - Blackpool Carers Centre
How to refer to us                   From the famous cobbles of
    and access our                       'Corrie' to the Carers Centre!
    services                                  e were very excited to welcome          to come along and meet carers and
 • Call or email the office using
   the details on page 3.
                                         W    Lucy Fallon of Coronation Street
                                         fame through our doors a few weeks
                                                                                      learn about their lives.

                                         ago!                                         Lucy is now an Ambassador for
 • Visit www.blackpoolcarers.org/                                                     Blackpool Carers Centre. Please
   contact/online-carer-referral-        Lucy, who plays Bethany Platt on the         follow her on twitter @lufallon
   form/ and fill in the form            cobbles, is a Blackpool girl and has         to find out more.
 • Ask your GP or social worker to       chosen us as one of her supported
                                                                                        Lucy meeting Rocco at
   refer you                             charities. She had a grand tour of             Beaverbrooks House
                                         Beaverbrooks House and even got to
                                         meet our own celebrity, Rocco.
Please let us know!                      Lucy was keen to find a charity that
 f you no longer wish to receive the     supports local children and families
Imagazine, please let us know by
calling Matthew McMurdo on
                                         and we are very happy to have been
                                         taken under her wing.
01253 393748 or by email at
                                         As Bethany, she is no stranger to the
                                         stresses and strains of complex family
You can view our Privacy Policy at       life, even herself being a carer of sorts
www.blackpoolcarers.org/privacy-and-     in supporting her friend Craig to get the
cookies-policy/                          right help for his mental health
                                         condition earlier this year.

    Our Board                            You may see Lucy at some of our
                                         upcoming events, including our
    of Trustees                          Venetian Masquerade Ball (see page
                                         9), as she is putting dates in her diary
    Paul Jebb (Chair)
    Assistant Chief Nurse (Corporate),
    University Hospitals of
    Morecambe Bay
                                          Blackpool Carers to deliver dementia
    Sarah Lambert (Vice-Chair)            training to centres across the north west
    Retired Development Manager               lackpool Carers has
    James Carney                          B   recently secured funding
                                          to deliver dementia
    Finance Director,
    Blackpool Transport                   awareness training to other
                                          Carers Centres across the
    Barbara Cummings                      north west.
    Hospital Director,
    Spire Fylde Coast Hospital            The training we deliver at
                                          Beaverbrooks House has
    Linda Endicott                        proved to be very successful
    Carer                                 over the years for carers caring
                                          for a loved one living with         Anne delivering dementia training to carers
    Alison Gilmore                                                            at Beaverbrooks House
    General Manager,                      dementia.
    Imperial Hotel Blackpool              It helps people gain a better understanding of dementia and to benefit from
    Howard Lewis                          the experience of others in a similar situation.
    Hotel Manager                         Education can take away a lot of the fear of a situation, and by sharing our
    Claire van Deurs Goss                 successful course with others across the north west, we hope many more
    Police Officer                        carers will benefit.
    Tony Ward                             For more information, please contact Anne Wright on 01253 393748 or
    Retired Corporate IT Strategist       email anne.wright@blackpoolcarers.org

4                                                                               t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
Our new Ambassador: Corrie's Lucy Fallon - Blackpool Carers Centre

 Mental Health project supports Steffi and her mum
     teffi’s mum was referred into the project as a carer,
 S   due to her mental health issues.

 Steffi says: “My mum was referred to Blackpool Carers by
 the Mental Health Crisis team as she was struggling being
 the carer for me. I was really suffering with the ups and
 downs from bipolar disorder and had dropped out of
 medical school just before my final exams.

 We both received separate 1:1 support. More than
 anything this gave me hope that things could get better,
 which I didn’t believe at the time. Things have changed so
 much since then and I have achieved stability thanks to
 medication and counselling.                                           Steffi on a visit to
                                                                       Rocco's Pantry
 My mum and I are both doing much better, thanks to the
 support we have received at Beaverbrooks House. Being
 able to come and talk about things separately, lifts a               With intensive 1:1 sessions and support through her
 weight from us. Without that support our relationship                medical interactions, Steffi has been able to turn her life,
 would be very different.                                             and relationship with her mother, around. She has
                                                                      become an asset to the volunteer programme, which has
 I’ve also been volunteering at Beaverbrooks House, going             been of great benefit to her, as well as Blackpool Carers.
 on trips with the young carers, which has really helped by
 giving me structure, and the inspiration to go back to               If you would like to know more about our mental health
 University to be a teacher."                                         project, please contact Carla on 01253 393748.

NEW! 'Interactive' adult carers' support group
    eptember saw the launch of a                the activities on offer for our younger       caring, and people sharing their own
S   new group to support our adult
carers. “Interactive” meets
                                                carers. The Adult Team asked the
                                                question – “why should young carers
                                                                                              experiences of finding what works.

fortnightly and features a wide range           have all the fun?!” and so, after             Future Interactive sessions will include
of activities designed to provide a             consultation with some of our adult           crafts, gardening, IT training sessions,
space to connect, relax, unwind and             carers, we put together a rolling and         a walk and talk opportunity and a
learn new skills.                               varied programme for “Interactive”.           Christmas celebration. We are in the
                                                                                              process of inviting guest speakers to
Part of the inspiration came from the           Meeting fortnightly on Fridays 2.00-          deliver input and sessions. The focus
young carers' respite groups, and all           3.30pm in Rocco's Pantry, we have             will always be on giving carers the
                                                the use of the kitchen facilities so can      chance to “get stuck in” and have a
                             Making healthy     offer cooking sessions and creative           go, to chat with other carers and
                       smoothies at the first
                        'Interactive' Session
                                                activities, along with a cuppa. This is a     benefit from peer support.
                                                friendly group, where the activities on
                                                offer support carers in feeling relaxed       If you are an adult caring for someone
                                                and able to chat about their caring           over the age of 25, you are very
                                                role and their lives.                         welcome to come along. You can
                                                                                              choose which sessions you prefer – or
                                                The first session in September gave           come along to all of them. See the full
                                                carers the chance to prepare, make            timetable of dates for Interactive
                                                and enjoy various smoothies. We               sessions in our “What’s On” Guide on
                                                chatted about healthy choices and             page 8 of the magazine.
                                                easy, quick and economical meal
                                                options to support busy carers. As part       If you have any questions, or want to
                                                of the session there was plenty of            know more, please call Claire or
                                                laughter, and some supportive                 Julie Holland on 01253 393748
                                                conversations about the challenges of

    /blackpoolcarers             @BlackpoolCarers           blackpoolcarers                                                           5
Our new Ambassador: Corrie's Lucy Fallon - Blackpool Carers Centre
WHAT’S                                                                                  Please call Julie Holland on
                                                                                            01253 393748

                                                                                            for information or to book on

                                                                                            any of the events listed below.
                                                                                            New trips and events are organised
                                                                                            regularly. Please check for updates
                                                                                            on our website:

Respite Activities for                         those caring for a loved one with a life-
                                               limiting illness. 6 sessions of 2 hours      Dementia Awareness
Adult Carers                                   each, cover the practical information        Training
                                               and hands-on experience in a relaxed        • 9, 16, 23 & 30 January
Carers are welcome to bring the person         and supportive setting. The first 4
they care for, but staff are not responsible                                                   10.30am-12.30pm
                                               sessions take place at Beaverbooks          • 5, 12, 19 & 26 February
for their care.                                House and the final 2 sessions will be          1.00-3.00pm
                                               at Trinity.                                 • 4, 11, 18 & 25 March
 Active Minds Group                            Call Julie Holland to book your place.          10.30am-12.30pm
Held at Beaverbrooks House on the                                                          Our popular FREE 4-weekly dementia
second Friday of every month                    Carers’ Kitchen                            awareness courses are available to
1.30pm-3.00pm                                                                              carers with loved ones with a dementia
                                               Held at Beaverbrooks House on the
• 9 November                                                                               related illness. They provide coping
                                               First Saturday of the month
• 14 December                                                                              mechanisms and practical advice and
• 11 January                                                                               support to help carers understand the
                                               • 3 November
• 8 February                                                                               illness, as well as day to day
                                               • 1 December
• 8 March                                                                                  practicalities.
                                               • 5 January
For Dementia Carers and their loved                                                        Call Anne Wright for more information
                                               • 2 February
ones. A social group where we will                                                         or to book your place.
                                               • 2 February
enjoy Quizzes, Bingo & Crafts. We are          Carers and their families are welcome
open to suggestions so why not give us         to join us for breakfast, crafts, support    Dementia Hub
a ring and let us know what you would          and advice. No need to book.
like to do and we will do our best to                                                      • 16 November 2.00-4.00pm
facilitate it. £1.50 per person to                                                            Trinity Hospice, Low Moor Road
include tea/coffee and biscuits. Call           Carers' Mental Health                      • 25 January 1.00-3.00pm
Anne Wright for more information.               Awareness Training                            Trinity Hospice, Low Moor Road
                                                                                           • 22 February 1.00-3.00pm
                                               Held at Beaverbrooks House                     Trinity Hospice, Low Moor Road
 Bereavement Peer Support                      10.30am-12.30pm                             • 29 March 1.00-3.00pm
 Group                                         • 6, 13, 20 & 27 February                      Poulton Methodist Church Hall,
                                               • 6 & 13 March                                 Poulton
Held at Beaverbrooks House once a              Providing training and support to Carers
month 1.00pm-3.00pm.                                                                       Services who offer support and advice
                                               looking after a loved one with a mental     for Dementia Carers and loved ones are
• 22 November                                  health condition.
• 20 December                                                                              gathered together under one roof. Call
                                               Contact Carla or Paige for more             in on the day for a chat. Held on
• 17 January                                   information.
• 14 February                                                                              Fridays:
• 14 March
A safe, friendly and supportive                 Dementia Carers’ Drop-in                    2018 Carers'
atmosphere, where you can relax                Held at Beaverbrooks House every             Questionnaire
among other people coming to terms             other week 11.30am-1.00pm on the             All completed forms
with bereavement.                              following dates.                             will be entered into a
                                               • 8 & 22 November                            draw to
 CARE Group                                    • 6 & 20 December                            Win a £25
                                               • 3, 17 & 31 January                         store voucher!
• 7 & 28 January                               • 14 & 28 February
• 4 & 18 February                              • 14 & 28 March                              Complete the Questionnaire at:
• 7 & 21 March                                 Come and join other carers for a chat in     www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/
Carers and Relatives Experience (CARE)         a social environment with activities and     CarersQuestionnaire2018
Group provides training and support            information. Rocco's Pantry with be          or ask your support worker for a copy.
from an experienced Trinity Nurse to           open for refreshments too.                   See page 12 for more details.

6                                                                                      t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
Our new Ambassador: Corrie's Lucy Fallon - Blackpool Carers Centre
Afternoon                                                               Rocco's Pantry
                                                                             is now open to

Tea Dances
 The Imperial Hotel, Blackpool • 2.00-4.30pm
                                                                             the public!
                                                                             Rocco's Pantry inside
                                                                             Beaverbrooks House is
                                                                             open for refreshments
           Held on the following Thursdays:                                  10.00am-2.00pm
                                                                                                                          ROCCO’S PANTRY
                                                                             Monday to Friday.
                  22nd November 2018                                                                                       food prepared with care

     14th March • 6th June • 12th September
                                                                                                                Everyone is welcome for
                   28th November 2019       Tickets                                                             breakfast, lunch or coffee
                                            £15                                                                 and cake, served with a
•   In the elegant surroundings of the                                                                          smile by our team of friendly
    Washington Suite.
• Superb live entertainment from
  The Bill Barrow Quartet.                                                                                      If you're in a hurry, we'll even
                                                                                                                make you a takeaway!
• Deluxe Afternoon Tea including
  unlimited tea and coffee!
                                                                             Room Hire
• FREE Raffle ticket for every guest                                         Beaverbrooks House has a variety of rooms available to
  with all proceeds to                                                       hire. Ideal for meetings, training, functions and parties.
  Blackpool Carers Centre.                                                   Rocco's Pantry has a variety of competitively priced
• All welcome!                                                               buffets for you to choose from.

Tickets available from Julie Holland on                                      For more information,
01253 393748                                                                 please call Julie Holland on
prior to the event                                                           01253 393748.
These events are extremely popular and
numbers are limited, so please book early!

    Lantern Festival                                                         Sunday 2nd December
                                                                             11.00-2.00pm                                              FREE
      Friday 23 November • 6.00-9.00pm                                       Beaverbrooks House, 147 Newton Drive
                  Beaverbrooks House                                         Blackpool FY3 8LZ
         147 Newton Drive •Blackpool • FY3 8LZ
       Come and see our magical garden lit by candlelight!                  A whole host of festive fun for all the family!
         Join in the singalong around our glowing firepit
                                                                           ? Tombola                  ? Games                    ? Park Choir
                   whilst toasting marshmallows                            ? Raffle                   ? Private psychic          ? Refreshments
       Entertainment | Craft Stalls | Raffle                               ? Glitter faces               readings with Marilyn       and much more!

           Adults £5.00 • Children (12 & under) £2.50                        Plus a variety of stalls including: Jewellery ? Perfumes ? Garden ornaments
                 Family £10 (2 adults and 2 children)
                                                                                    ?   Avon ? Tropic Skincare ? Body Shop ? RISE enterprise
      Admission price includes Hot Pie Supper and Dessert
                 Drinks and refreshments also available to buy.
                          Adults may bring their own alcohol.                ? SPECIAL GUEST - FATHER CHRISTMAS! ?
              Call Julie H on 01253 393748 for Tickets                        Call Julie Holland on 01253 393748 for more information
                                                                                                        Everyone is welcome!

     /blackpoolcarers                   @BlackpoolCarers          blackpoolcarers                                                                          7
Our new Ambassador: Corrie's Lucy Fallon - Blackpool Carers Centre
Freshers Young Onset Café                      Mental Health Peer                               Special Events &
Held at Beaverbrooks House, every
                                                Support Group                                    Respite Trips for all
other Tuesday 11.30am-1.30pm.                  Held at Beaverbrooks House on the
• 13th & 27th November                         first Tuesday of every month                       Weekly Footcare Clinics
Then the second Tuesday in the                 10.30am-12.30pm                                    at Beaverbrooks House
Month from December 2018,                      • 6 November
                                               • 4 December                                      Every Thursday
                                               • 5 February                                      9.00am-4.00pm
• 11 December
                                               • 5 March                                         Tracy, our Footcare Practitioner, will be
• 8 January
                                               Have a brew, a chat and meet others in            holding special clinics at Beaverbrooks
• 12 February
                                               the same situation.                               House. Call for an appointment.
• 12 March
A relaxed, social get-together for people      Contact Carla or Paige for more
with early onset neurological conditions.      information.                                       Centenary Coffee Morning
Come along for a chat, peer support                                                              Monday 12 November
and information. Call Peter on 07856                                                             at Beaverbrooks House
933033 for more information.                                                                     11.00am-1.00pm
                                                                                                 A special event to commemorate the
 HUGS Group                                                                                      end of the First World War.
                                                                                                 See advert on page 10 for details
Held at Beaverbrooks House on the
first Thursday of the month                                                                       Afternoon Tea Dances
• 3 January                                                                                      Thursdays 22 November & 14 March
• 7 February                                                                                     at The Imperial Hotel, Blackpool
• 7 March                                       Adult Carers' Christmas                          2.00-4.30pm
A group for those providing care and            Shopping Trip                                    Enjoy a wonderful afternoon of dancing
support to a loved one with a Mental                                                             to the Bill Barrow Quartet, Afternoon
Health condition. Run by support               Friday 7 December                                 Tea including sandwiches, cakes, fresh
workers who specialise in those                Depart Beaverbrooks House 8.30am                  cream scones and unlimited tea and
conditions, the group will offer advice,       Return at approx. 5.30pm                          coffee. All welcome. Tickets £15 per
support and practical information.             All aboard the Walton Coach to Hayes              person and include FREE raffle ticket.
Contact Carla or Paige for further             Garden Centre, Ambleside followed by
information.                                   some time in Windermere. Festive fun               Winter Lantern Festival
                                               for our Adult Carers but pre-booking is
                                               essential. Subsidised places are limited          Friday 23 November
 'Interactive' Carers' Group                   and are £14 per person.                           at Beaverbrooks House
                                               Contact Julie Holland to book                     6.00-9.00pm
The group meets fortnightly on                                                                   See advert on page 7 for details.
Fridays, 2.00-3.30pm at
Beaverbrooks House, with different              Adult Carers'                                     Carers' Rights Day and
activities taking place each month.             Christmas Party                                   AGM
Forthcoming dates and topics:
                                               Thursday 13 December
• 2 Nov: IT Training.                                                                            Friday 30 November
                                               at Beaverbrooks House
• 16 Nov: Walk and Talk                                                                          at The Imperial Hotel
• 30 Nov: Coffee and chat                                                                        11.30am-2.30pm
                                               Come and join the Adult Carers team
• 14 Dec: Christmas celebration                                                                  See advert on page 10 for details
                                               for a fabulously festive Christmas Party.
• 4 Jan: Cooking                               Contact Julie Holland to book.
• 18 Jan: Craft
                                                                                                  Christmas Fair
• 1 Feb: Gardening                                                                               Sunday 2 December
• 15 Feb: Guest speaker TBA                                                                      at Beaverbrooks House
• 1 March: Walk and talk                                                                         11.00am-2.00pm
• 15 March: Coffee and chat                                                                      See advert on page 7 for details
• 29 March: Cooking
Come and join our friendly group, learn                                                           Young Carers'
new skills, take part in activities, or just                                                      Awareness Day
relax, unwind and get to know other
                                                                                                 Thursday 31 January 2019
carers. Contact Claire for more
                                                                                                 at Beaverbrooks House
                                                                                                 Time TBC
                                                                                                 A special event for young carers and
                                                                               Enjoying a        professionals. Details to follow on our
                                                                    gardening session at
                                                                   the 'Interactive' Group       website: www.blackpoolcarers.org

8                                                                                            t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
Our new Ambassador: Corrie's Lucy Fallon - Blackpool Carers Centre
Complimentary table of 12
   Venetian                                           In aid of Blackpool Carers Centre

                                                                                          for all our Ball sponsors!
   MASQUERADE                                                                                  e have a limited number of Sponsorship Packages

                                                        Ball                              W    available for our Venetian Masquerade Ball, to be
                                                                                          held on Saturday 9th February 2019, at The Imperial
                                                                                          Hotel, Blackpool.
                                                                                          Our annual Ball is the highlight of our fundraising calendar.
                                                                                          Sponsoring our event will demonstrate your company’s
                                                                                          commitment to supporting a local Blackpool charity,
                                                                                          whilst exposing your company name to an audience of
                                                                                          over 300 guests and dignitaries on the night.
                                                                                          At our Spring Ball in March 2018, 330 guests raised
   Saturday 9th February 2019                                                             £15,300 to help support unpaid local carers.

    Imperial Hotel, Blackpool | 6.30pm 'til 2.00am                                        Sponsorship Benefits for your organisation
 Fantasy Fizz Reception | Four-course decadent dinner including cheese course
   Half bottle of wine per person with dinner | Bacon Sandwiches at 1.00am
                                                                                          • A complimentary Table of 12
        Awards Presentation plus fun and fundraising throughout the night                 • Logo and a full or half page advert featured in the
        Nocturnal Grooves with Phil Swift and Trident | Disco until 2.00am                  evening programme
                      Selected wines only £15 per bottle                                  • Acknowledgement in the welcome address
           Masks will be sold on the night in aid of Blackpool Carers
                                                                                          • Name and link on a dedicated page of our website.
             Tickets £50 from Kay on 01253 393748
             or email: kay.soper@blackpoolcarers.org                                      For further details of Sponsorship Packages available,
                   Individual tickets or tables of 12 available.                          please call Kay Soper on 01253 393748 or
 Dress: Black Tie | Masks optional                                                        email: kay.soper@blackpoolcarers.org or visit
 Over 16s only                               PRIZE FOR THE BEST MASK!

Call Kerry for details.
 Venetian Masquerade Ball                                      Chat with Children
Saturday 9 February 2019                                    Held at Beaverbrooks House on the
                                                                                                                Do you need
at The Imperial Hotel, Blackpool
                                                            last Monday of the month
                                                                                                                benefits advice?
The highlight of our fundraising                            Bring your pre-schools or home-                     Don't forget, if you need any
calendar. Tickets £50 from Kay on                           schooled children along to                          Benefits help or advice, Alan our
01253 393748.                                               Beaverbrooks House for a chat with                  Benefits Advisor is here to help.
See advert above for details                                other parent carers, where the children
                                                            can play in a safe environment.                     Ring 01253 393748 to arrange an
Respite Activities                                             CHILL Social Group
for Parent Carers                                           Held at Beaverbrooks House every
                                                            Monday 5.15-7.00pm                                  Family Bowling Session
The following activities are open to
Parent Carers accessing our service. If                     Come and join our fun and friendly                 Sunday 18 November
you would like to register with us,                         social group for young people aged                 Time and price TBC
please contact Hannah or Ann H on                           14+. To book on weekly sessions, call              A fun bowling activity for the whole
01253 393748 to book your place or                          or book via the Facebook page.                     family.
for more information.                                       £1 per person.

                                                                                                                Family Fun Sessions
 Afternoon Tea
                                                                                                               Held at Beaverbrooks House every
Held at Beaverbrooks House on the                                                                              Tuesday (term time) 4.30-5.30pm
first Wednesday of the month                                                                                   Fun for all the family. To book on weekly
12.30-2.00pm                                                                                                   sessions, call or book via the Facebook
Come and join other parent carers for a                                                                        page. £1 per person.
brew, sandwiches and cake and have a
chat. £2 per person. Call to book.

    /blackpoolcarers                   @BlackpoolCarers                         blackpoolcarers                                                       9
Our new Ambassador: Corrie's Lucy Fallon - Blackpool Carers Centre

Life after dementia diagnosis
    eceiving the news of a                failing because of mum needing more
R   Dementia diagnosis is often not
a surprise, but still, the aftershocks
                                          and more support.

and impact can continue to                Mum had moved in so that Charlotte
reverberate across families for a         could provide more care and
                                          Charlotte’s young son, Jack, who was     volunteering here at Beaverbrooks
long time until reaching a settling
                                          also involved in caring for his          House. This new routine gave
                                          Grandma, was becoming distressed         Charlotte a distraction whilst also
For some, a diagnosis means that          and confused. The stress within the      allowing more time to be at home for
they can move forward, look at new        home was escalating and affecting all    her mum.
ways of managing what they now            three of them.                           Jack became involved in the Young
have a label for, whilst for others the                                            Carers support, joining respite
future can feel overwhelming. For one     Charlotte began to attend our
                                                                                   sessions with other children who
such carer, Charlotte, her mum’s          Dementia Awareness Training and
                                                                                   understood, giving him time to be a
diagnosis meant an overnight              received support from our benefits
                                                                                   child and have fun. He also attended
upheaval of life, leaving her at          advisor.
                                                                                   Dementia training sessions aimed at
breaking point.                                                                    children which helped him share his
                                          Through accessing our service, she
A volunteer assigned to support her       found that with the right information    concerns and learn about Dementia
mum told Charlotte about our              and time to talk through everything      using fun activities.
Dementia Awareness Training and           she could manage her caring role         Although the caring challenges
persuaded her to take a look at the       more confidently and look to the         continue, things are gradually
support that we offer. Charlotte joined   future. Her work with our benefits       improving, leaving Charlotte and Jack
us and at that time said that she         advisor helped her to make a decision    feeling better able to cope, less
couldn’t find a way out. She was self     to sell her business and find a new      isolated and more connected to
employed and her business was             focus in part time work and              support.

10                                                                             t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
                                                                            THE FIRST WORLD WAR



                                                                           Monday 12th November
Friday 30th November

at The Imperial Hotel
                                                                           Beaverbrooks House, 147 Newton Drive, Blackpool FY3 8LZ
Promenade, Blackpool FY1 2HB

                                                                           Veterans, Land Army Girls, Evacuees?
An opportunity for carers and
professionals to find out more about
what is on offer for carers.                                               We would like you to attend to share and listen to stories and knowledge relating
                                                                           to WW1 and the military service. If you have any memorabilia to bring along for
                                                                           us to see and talk about, you'd be most welcome!
Programme includes:
•   Carers' Q&A Panel                                                      Blackpool FC Community Trust will be bringing two GUEST SPEAKER
                                                                           AUTHORS: Jordan Wylie, Blackpool-born veteran and Gerry Wolstenholme
                                                                           will share their own experiences and military knowledge.
•   Blackpool Carers Centre AGM
•   Information for carers                                                 To say thank you to all who served, sacrificed and changed our world,
                                                                           Blackpool Carers Centre staff and volunteers have created an
                                                                           Amazing Poppy Display
•   Lunch and refreshments
What are you                                                               which will adorn the front of Beaverbrooks House
                                                                           from the end of October until the end of November.
                                                                           FREE Admission | No need to book just turn up on the day
entitled to?
                                                                           For more information, please contact
                                                                           Ann Hardisty on 01253 393748
    Call Julie Holland on
 01253 393748                                                              Limited on-site parking.
                                                                           Small donations appreciated.
    to book your place.

      Open to the public
                                        10% OFF
How to book                           • first hair or beauty treatment
an appointment                        • for Senior Citizens (65+)
Telephone the main reception          • for Beaverbrooks House staff
                                        & volunteers
01253 393748, Nicola 07586 472399
                                      • for carers registered with
or Michelle 07944 754002
                                        Blackpool Carers
Our Location                          • for NHS staff
Our Treatment Rooms are situated
within Blackpool Carers Centre
Beaverbrooks House,
147 Newton Drive, Blackpool FY3 8LZ

    /blackpoolcarers          @BlackpoolCarers                   blackpoolcarers                                                                         11
Makeover for Health Heroes nominee, Pauline                                            Please complete our
  n September, Blackpool Gazette           in-house hair and beauty salon,             Carers' Questionnaire
I and Spire Fylde Coast Hospital
hosted the Health Heroes Awards to
                                           Escape (see page 11).                       by Friday 30 November!
recognise those unsung heroes who          They were all treated to some rare,         All
make a real difference and go out          relaxing 'me' time ard enjoyed having       completed
of their way to help others.               their hair, nails and makeup done.          forms will
                                           They all had a fabulous evening and         be entered
Nominations included Midwife and GP                                                    into a
of the Year plus many others. The          although Pauline didn’t win the
                                           award, she was highly commended             draw to
award closest to our hearts is Carer of
                                           for her hard work Pauline with her award    Win a
the Year. All nominees were invited to
attend a glittering award evening with     and dedication                              £25
a presentation dinner at the Imperial      as a carer.                                 store
Hotel on Thursday 20th September.          She is definitely                           voucher!
Pauline cares for her partner who has      a winner in our
                                                                                       Please complete the online
severe and enduring mental health          eyes!
                                                                                       Questionnaire at:
issues and this last year in particular                                                www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/
she has experienced an extremely                                                       CarersQuestionnaire2018
difficult time as her partner’s mental                                                 or ask your support worker for a
health has deteriorated and this has                                                   paper copy.
impacted Pauline’s own wellbeing.
                                                                                       Your feedback is important to us
Accompanying Pauline to the awards                                                     and helps to develop our services.
evening were three other carers. On                                                    Thank you for your time.
the afternoon of the awards
celebrations, all four ladies enjoyed                                  Pampering in    The first name drawn out on
some well-deserved pampering in our                            Escape Hair & Beauty    30 November will win the voucher.

 New research: 1 in 5 young people identified as young carers
      e were delighted to feature on BBC Breakfast as
 W    part of the launch of important new research by
 our President, Professor Saul Becker along with
 Nottingham University.
 The national research highlighted that 1 in 5 young
 people between the ages of 11 and 16 has a caring role.
                                                                                                   Young carer Poppy enjoying
 Previous statistics, collected in 2010, estimated that 1                                          some respite in the gardens
 in 12 school age children held a caring role. The updated                                             at Beaverbrooks House
 research emphasises how many young people in
 Blackpool have been providing care to a member of their
 family without potentially vital support.

 The statistics are not surprising to our Young Carers’         The research signifies the importance of working
 Team, who are only too familiar with the increasing levels     extensively with schools, medical professionals, police
 of need and complexity.                                        and social services in order to identify ‘hidden’ carers
                                                                and make a better life for this group of young people and
 In 2016, 361 young carers accessed support with                their families.
 numbers increasing to 1,098 in 2018. It is important to
 recognise that the data itself doesn’t signify an increase     Young people are unlikely to self-identify as carers simply
 in the numbers of young people with a caring role, more        because they don’t know that their lives are any different
 that society is better able to identify young carers. What     from anyone else’s. They tend to be socially isolated,
 matters is that members of all communities are                 which means they have even fewer peers to compare
 encouraged to identify young carers at the earliest stage      themselves to. This is especially true if their relative
 of their caring role in order that they receive the respite    needs care due to substance misuse or mental ill health,
 and support that they need.                                    because of the stigma around these conditions.

12                                                                                t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
FOCUS ON...                                                                      Making a difference
Aiming Higher                                                                     to family time
                                                                                    or many of our families, time out

A   iming Higher is a unique
    charity, working with children
                                                                                  F together can be difficult to
with a disability and their families,
offering bespoke support and                                                      Caring roles can mean that the
services.                                                                         practical aspects of getting out
                                                                                  become overwhelming and that’s
In Blackpool, research has                  the complexities of raising a         before you factor in the cost of a trip
highlighted that there are more             disabled child, offering              somewhere special.
disabled children per capita than           professional advice, advocacy
any other part of the country. Due          and emotional wellbeing on            We know that time together, making
to austerity cuts and lack of               issues associated with the            memories and enjoying something
services, we aim to provide the             education, housing, benefits,         new is what children remember when
most practical help in various ways:        health, and social care systems.      they look back and for us it is a very
• Combat isolation; by inviting           • Stay and play sessions; We run        special part of the support that we
   families to attend events, support       five, two hourly stay and play        offer.
   sessions, accessing family               sessions a week. These sessions       We would like to thank Ensemble
   support services and peer                are targeted towards newly            Theatre for donating tickets for
   support                                  diagnosed and home educated           families to see performances of Oliver
• Increase financial stability;             children. The sessions offer a        the Musical at Blackpool’s Grand
   through offering professional            safe environment and                  Theatre in September. Reports from
   advice and information, ensuring         professional advice for families      the trips are lovely to hear. Families
   that all families are receiving          that may have issues associated       attending the theatre for the first time
   relevant benefits applicable to          with receiving support for their      thoroughly enjoyed the magic of the
   their needs                              child’s disability. It also allows    performance. A night that they will
• A child’s right to an education;          parents to network with other         never forget.
   by offering families professional        parents in similar circumstances.
                                                                                  We were also proud to work with
   support, advice, and advocacy to         Our aims and ambitions for this
                                                                                  Merlin Entertainments on 15th and
   have their child educated in an          service is to create and increase
                                                                                  16th September in bringing together
   appropriate environment with             social confidence in both the
                                                                                  a number of families to enjoy their
   adequate support. In addition,           children and their parents.
                                                                                  Merlin’s Magic Wand weekend.
   support families through their         • Counselling service; We provide
   journey with health and social           a counselling service that is held
   care system.                             in a relaxing, cathartic
• Inclusivity; by ensuring that all         environment. This service is
   families involved in the charity         intended to promote the families’
   are included in the creation,            emotional wellbeing. Our thought
   running, and, evolution of any           process behind this is that it will
   services provided by the                 then have a direct impact upon
   organisation.                                                                               Family time at Blackpool Tower
                                            their ability to cope with the
• Increase confidence; by                   complexities involved in raising a    Families were treated as VIPs, taking
   organising exclusive events on a         disabled child.                       in the circus performance, a visit to
   large scale we aim to attract          • Events; We hire out various           the Sea Life Centre, a tour of
   families. By ensuring these              venues enabling children with         Madame Tussauds and venturing into
   events are entirely inclusive, safe,     disabilities to experience a range    the Dungeons.
   and non-judgmental we hope               of activities. We ensure that all
   that in future families will have        venues are inclusive. We adapt        For many of our carers, attractions
   built up resilience in taking their      the environment within the            and events such as these feel out of
   disabled out into the community.         venues to meet the children’s         their reach, but with the
                                            various needs. This means that        understanding and support from
Aiming Higher provides families with                                              Ensemble and Merlin they were able
                                            families can create fabulous
the following services:                                                           to accommodate the needs of our
                                            experiences together in safe and
• The family support service; a                                                   families, make adjustments and
                                            non-judgmental surroundings.
  holistic service offered to families                                            arrangements to ensure they could
  with a disabled child. We support       For more information visit              fully take part. Many thanks for their
  and empower parents through             www.aiminghighercharity.org.uk          ongoing support.

  /blackpoolcarers          @BlackpoolCarers         blackpoolcarers                                                      13
Onwards and upwards for our Duke of Edinburgh programme
    t the beginning of the year                                                         As a result of delivering the Duke of
A   Blackpool Carers Centre was
licensed and provided with training
                                                                                        Edinburgh programme, our young
                                                                                        people have created new friendships,
to deliver the Duke of Edinburgh                                                        taken the opportunity for personal
programme to our young carers.                                                          and social development, gained
The Duke of Edinburgh mission is to                                                     valuable life skills and achieved an
inspire, guide and support young                                                        award that they felt was unattainable.
people in their self-development                                                        Their award will help them in their
and recognise their achievements.                                                       future decisions, giving them real life
                                                                                        experience and a qualification to use
The licence has helped to provide our                                                   in their applications for further and
young carers and young adult carers                                                     higher education and employment.
with an opportunity to take part in a                                                   For many of our young adult carers,
programme that would normally be                                                        the traditional route of education isn’t
inaccessible due to their additional                                                    always the path that they are able to
responsibilities as carers.                                                             take due to their caring role and
                                           Trekking through woods
As a group, these young people are         at Waddow Hall                               family situations. Being able to offer
particularly vulnerable and socially                                                    the Duke of Edinburgh programme is
                                           Sessions have been delivered to our          a real opportunity for many of the
isolated, with many of them
                                           young adult carers focussed on               young people that we work with in
identifying time and finance as
                                           improving life skills and physical           being able to gain practical and
barriers to accessing these types of
                                           fitness with extra sessions including        meaningful skills and education and
activities. We have also received
                                           camp craft, military fitness, map            finding their own way of achieving.
support from the Queen’s Trust which
                                           reading and cooking. Our first group
has helped to remove some of these                                                      We would like to take this opportunity
                                           participated in expeditions consisting
barriers and provide our young people                                                   to congratulate our participants on
                                           of two day hikes and an overnight
with the resources they need to                                                         successfully completing their Bronze
                                           camp at Waddow Hall leaving them
achieve success, such as camping                                                        Award. We are looking forward to
                                           exhausted and elated at having
equipment and kit to use on                                                             delivering this with many more of our
                                           completed these challenges and also
expeditions.                                                                            young people.
                                           made lifelong friends in the process!

 Staff Profile - Jackie Yardley, Young Carers' Liaison Worker
   am very proud to have been given        wonderful team here. Achieving this         Blackpool and to set up and manage
 I the amazing opportunity to be a
 part of the Rank Aspire Programme
                                           placement means a lot to me as I
                                           can be involved in helping others as
                                                                                       a peer support group for the young
                                                                                       carers within schools. This is hugely
 (RAP) this year.                          well as getting the training I need to      important in making sure that those
                                           develop my own skills.                      who have the most contact with
 The opportunity                                                                       children and young people know and
 arose whilst I                            I am working with the Young Carers          understand what it means to be a
 was accessing                             team and have already had many              young carer and all of the challenges
 Street Life (a                            memorable moments that you can’t            that this can bring. I also enjoy
 young person’s                            get anywhere else! No two days are          working in respite sessions where I
 homeless                                  ever the same and that is what I love.      get to indulge in creativity, working
 charity) and                              The term ‘young carer’ has a personal       with children and parents to express
 also taking part                          meaning to me since I was a young           themselves through art and crafts.
 in ‘bitesize                              carer for both my mum and dad from
 volunteering’                             the age of 10 until being 16 years          There have been so many highlights
 there. I have also been a young carer     old. I can appreciate everything that       within my first few months of working
 myself and am looking forward to          the Young Carers team do for carers         here. Every respite session always
 being able to use my experiences to       and the difference that it makes,           has something special that just
 raise awareness across Blackpool.         whether that’s weekly respite               makes you happy to be there,
                                           sessions or one to one support.             whether that’s team games or
 I started my 12 month placement at                                                    creating a mess when making pizzas
 Blackpool Carers in August and have       My role is to promote the Young             with 5 year olds!
 quickly settled in, feeling part of the   Carers in Schools award across

14                                                                                  t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
What would you spend
                                                        your winnings on?

                                                                                                   Join our
                                                                                        Carers’ 50:50 Club
                                                   Your chance to win one of 5 great
                                                   cash prizes every month for ONLY £1!
                                                  Buy a monthly stake for £1 (you can buy more than 1)
                                                  30% of the monthly prize money goes to one lucky
                                                  winner who is drawn on the first working Monday of
                                                  each month, with a further 4 cash prizes of 5% of the
                                                  total. The remaining 50% of the stake money is donated
                                                  to Blackpool Carers Centre.
                                                  Winners will be notified by phone or post.
                                                  Just fill in and return the slip below. Good luck!

                                                     Carers’ 50:50 Club Membership
                                                  Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS

                                                   Name ......................................................................................
                                                   Address ...................................................................................
                                                   ................................................... Postcode .............................
                                                   Telephone ................................................................................
                                                   Email ......................................................................................
                                                   • We would prefer payment by Standing Order but are happy to
                                                     accept cash or cheque. Please note that if you pay by cash or
                                                     cheque you must join for a minimum of 1 year (£12).

                                                   • Minimum stake is £1 per month, but remember, the more
                                                     stakes you take, the more chance you have of winning!

                                                     Monthly or Annual Standing Order

                                                   Your Bank Name ......................................................................
                                                   Bank Address ...........................................................................
                                                   ................................................... Postcode .............................
                                                   Account Name .........................................................................
                                                   Account No. ................................. Sort code ............................
                                                   • Please debit my account and pay: Blackpool Carers Centre,
                                                     Account No. 65828557 Sort code: 08-92-99

                                                   The sum of: .............................................................................
                                                   On the (start date): ...................................................................
                                                   And then on the same day (please tick): Monthly J Annually J

                                                   Signed ....................................................................................
                                                   Date .......................................................................................

                                                   Please cut out and send this completed form to:
                                                   Blackpool Carers Centre, Beaverbrooks House,
                                                   147 Newton Drive, Blackpool FY3 8LZ

/blackpoolcarers   @BlackpoolCarers   blackpoolcarers                                                                                         15
Family Focus Project wins critical acclaim
     ur busy Family Focus Project         them, find out what is working well,
 O   has grown from the humble
 beginnings of the pilot project that
                                          looking at the positives (we can
                                          always find some!) before finding out
 began in 2013.                           what needs to change. The Family
                                          Focus Project aimed to bring both
 The project started on a shoestring      aspects (child and adult focus)
 budget, with two workers (one part       together to work with families
 time) taking on the mighty challenge     towards treatment and recovery,
 of winning over professionals and        better family routines, honest
 families alike in recognising the        conversations and prioritising family
 impact of parental mental ill health     time.
 and/or substance misuse on children.
                                          The following years have seen the
 Professionals often saw only one
                                          project become a ‘go to’ for                nationally, as the project has been
 side, either that of the adult
                                          professionals and families. Referrals       shortlisted for the Young Carers
 experiencing these issues or the child
                                          have increased and we see families          Award at the prestigious Children and
 displaying difficult behaviour; being
                                          now helping each other in their             Young People Now Awards. We have
 late for school, not completing
                                          recovery and coming forward                 everything crossed that the team will
 homework and mistaking tiredness
                                          themselves in times of need. The            win on the night at the glittering
 for disinterest in their education.
                                          project is now funded by The Big            ceremony in London on
 For those families coming into us for    Lottery Fund and has 3 full time            21 November. They’re already
 the first time, winning them over        Support Workers and an                      winners to us!
 could be difficult too. For many, the    Administrator on the team.
 allocation of a support worker often                                                 Look out on our website and social
                                          The dedication and tenacity of the          media to find out the result of the
 meant being told what to do, but our
                                          workers has now been recognised             awards.
 way is different. We walk alongside

The right support at the right time
      elissa came to us through her       Melissa started to feel interested in
M     tutor at college. She was
struggling with her own mental
                                          joining in with other activities. This
                                          started off small at first with her
health and carrying a huge caring         coming into girl only groups where
role at home. She looks after her         she began to make friends and
mum who has mental health issues          realise that she was not alone in her
and agoraphobia, her dad who has          caring role. The girls all had similar
physical disabilities, and her            situations and just knowing this            worked to improve support in college.
younger brother Tom who is autistic.      helped to cement the friendships and        Melissa is now managing her studies
                                          small changes could be seen. Melissa        well and making plans for university.
College was Melissa’s only time away
                                          started to attend regularly and             Family support is also now in place to
from the home and yet most of her
                                          became more confident in coming             help to reduce Melissa’s role at
time in lessons was spent worrying
                                          into larger groups. Her time with the       home.
about her family. The whole family
                                          groups has drawn out her talents, we
was socially isolated with no extended                                                We now see Melissa independently
                                          now see her welcoming new people
family support or help.                                                               accessing trips and respite activities,
                                          into sessions, mentoring and
                                          reassuring them. She has also shown         talking about her own needs and
Initially, Melissa was wary of support,
                                          her creative and artistic skills, helping   bringing new ideas to the groups. In
feeling that no one could help and
                                          others express themselves through           the future Melissa wants to be
that she had very limited choices in
                                          sharing her own art and encouraging         involved in fundraising for Blackpool
her life and her future. Through one
                                          the group to create their own work.         Carers and raising awareness of the
to one sessions with her Support
                                                                                      importance of getting the right
Worker focussing on emotional
                                          We supported Melissa to access help         support at the right time for young
resilience and confidence building,
                                          for her own mental health and also          carers.

16                                                                                t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
Local MP listens to our young adult carers
    n Friday 14th September two of
O   our young people, Claire Taylor
and Caitlin Churchill, went to meet
Blackpool South MP, Gordon
Marsden in his constituency office.
Their meeting followed on from their
letters to Gordon earlier in the
summer to highlight issues that they,
and other young carers, had
experienced within schools and
colleges.                                                               Claire and Caitlin with Gordon in his constituency office

Their passion is to bring to the fore   Our current project, ‘My Mental           greater awareness, in the schools and
the need for additional support, with   Health’, funded by Carers Trust, has      colleges they attend, of those needs."
the emphasis on mental health and       provided our young carers with
emotional wellbeing.                    support and information to campaign       Gordon will be liaising with Blackpool
                                        to have their voices heard.               Council and writing to Ministers to ask
Following recently published research                                             what additional resources they can
from the BBC in conjunction with our    Gordon said "It was good to hear          provide for young carers across the
President, Professor Saul Becker with   Caitlin and Claire’s experiences as       country.
the University of Nottingham, they      young carers which reflected the new
feel that now is the time to harness    national findings. It needs to be         We look forward to meeting with
the public interest and influence       recognised though that young carers       Gordon again at the end of the year
decision makers in ensuring that our    need adequate support to deal with        with more of our young carers and
young carers are considered in the      the pressures their caring puts them      young adult carers to see how their
planning of services.                   under – and that especially includes      views have been taken forward.

  /blackpoolcarers          @BlackpoolCarers       blackpoolcarers                                                                  17
Young Carers’ Fun Zone
 Bonfire Night Quiz
1. Complete the saying, Remember, remember the
2. Where should pets be kept on Bonfire night?
3. What sweets do we traditionally eat at bonfire time?
4. What important building did Guy Fawkes try to blow
5. What was the name of the plan that Guy Fawkes and
    the rest of the conspirators had?
6. What should fireworks be stored in at a bonfire
7. What was the name of the real leader of the
8. Which king was the target of the plan?
9. What is sometimes put on top of a bonfire when
10. What should you never do with a firework after it has
    been lit?

 Do you want to
 build a snowman?
Get into pairs and choose one person to
be the builder and the other the                                           Where’s Rocco?
snowman. The builder has to wrap the
snowman up in toilet roll and then place a                                 Cheeky festive
hat on the head, black paper buttons for                                   Rocco, has hidden
                                                                           somewhere on a page
eyes on the face and a paper cone carrot
                                                                           in this magazine,
on the nose of their snowman.
                                                                           can you find him?
Why not play a Christmas tune and the
builders have the length of the song to
build their snowman for a bit more
excitement!                                                                 It's no joke!
Equipment Needed                                                           What do you get when you cross
• Toilet Roll (1 for each pair playing)                                    a vampire and a snowman?
• Hat (1 for each pair playing)                                            Frost bite!
• Black circles with tape in the back (2 for each pair playing)            Why did the student eat his
• Orange cone (make your own) with elastic attached                        homework?
  (1 for each pair playing).                                               Because the teacher told him it
                                                                           was a piece of cake!
How to Enter - Take a photograph of your snowman and send it to
andrew.gunn@blackpoolcarers.org by Friday 14th December.                   What is brown, hairy and wears
The funniest photograph will be chosen by the Young Carers' team. The      sunglasses?
winner notified by Wednesday 19th December and wins a prize - Good luck!   A coconut on holiday.

18                                                                    t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
Young Carers Team update
    here have been a lot of changes        peer led groups within schools for
 T  since our last magazine!               young carers, giving them the
                                           opportunity to share thoughts and
 Unfortunately, we have said goodbye
                                           feelings around their caring role. She
 to our Family Focus Support Worker
                                           will help to create awareness and
 Amy Williamson, as she has gone off
                                           change within schools to improve
 to pursue a new project but we wish
                                           support for young carers. (See page
 her all the luck in the world for the
                                           Emma Holland -
 The Young Carers team has now
                                           Family Focus
 recruited some new faces!
                                           Support Worker
 Andy Gunn -                               Emma is a new
 Respite Co-ordinator                      support worker for the
 Andy will be running                      Family Focus Project
 Respite Sessions                          within the Young Carers team. She
 alongside Sam. He                         has lots of experience working with
 has lots of experience
 delivering activities in youth clubs
                                           young children and families in
                                           Blackpool. She will be supporting        Young Carers’
 and organising outdoor adventure
 activities for children. He’s our very
                                           young carers aged 5-16 and their
                                           families around mental health or
 own Bear Grylls!                          substance misuse.
                                                                                    Present Appeal
 Jackie Yardley -                          Don’t forget Youth Clubs run every
                                           Wednesday 4.00-6.00pm for our                or many of the families we
 Young Carers
 Liaison Worker                            11-16 age group and every
                                           Thursday 4.00-6.00pm for our 5-
                                                                                    F   work with, Christmas is a time
                                                                                    where already strained finances
 Jackie has joining
 the Rank Aspire                           11 age group. There are lots of fun      can suffer even more. Many of
 Programme (RAP) and                       activities going on each week!           our young carers miss out on
 is with us on a 12-month                  Come and join us.                        things that we may take for
 placement. Jackie’s role is to assist                                              granted.
                                           For information regarding trips over
 with promoting the Young Carers in        school holidays, please request to       If you would like to make a real
 Schools award alongside Sam. As           join our closed Facebook group           difference this Christmas, please
 part of this work, she will be creating   ‘Blackpool Young Carers’.                consider donating small gifts for us
                                                                                    to distribute to our families. Your
                                                                                    gifts will help young carers in
Cookery Corner with the Ice Cold Chef                                               Blackpool to have a better
Edam Crisps                                • Place the triangle shapes of
                                             cheese onto the tray                   We especially welcome donations
These are a great                          • Lightly sprinkle any dried herbs you   of gifts that are suitable for
snack when you                               may have in the kitchen, it could      teenagers such as toiletries,
fancy something                              be basil/parsley/paprika in fact any   gadgets, essentials such as gloves,
crispy. A great recipe                       you might want to use up               hats, scarves etc. Maybe this is
for children who will love helping and     • Now place into the oven for 8-10       something that your workplace
of course eating them!                       minutes, you want the edges of the     could get involved in…..filling
                                             cheese to become golden.               shoeboxes of stocking fillers for us
• 1 pack of pre-sliced Edam cheese                                                  to give out is an easy way of
                                           Once happy, remove and allow to
• Herbs (optional)                                                                  helping.
                                           cool, then enjoy the crunch factor.
Method                                                                              All donors will receive a
                                           Feel free to join my Simple fresh food
• Set the oven to 220°c                                                             Certificate of Appreciation.
                                           ethos at the following links:
• Remove the cheese slices and cut         www.facebook.com/IceColdChef/            Please drop your unwrapped gifts
  into a triangle shape                                                             in at Beaverbrooks House, or call
• Line an ovenproof baking tray with       Join the Ice Cold Chef’s Cookery SOS
                                                                                    Kerry on 01253 393748
  a sheet of grease proof paper            Blog at https://cookerysosblog.
                                                                                    for more information.

    /blackpoolcarers          @BlackpoolCarers        blackpoolcarers                                                  19
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