Course Guide 2021 - South Devon College

Page created by Patrick Lane
Course Guide 2021 - South Devon College
Course Guide
Course Guide 2021 - South Devon College
Course Guide 2021 - South Devon College

CONTENTS                                                                                        INTRODUCTION

    APPLYING FOR                                  OPEN DAYS                                     Contents                                          2

    YOUR COURSE                                   To find out when all the College

                                                                                                Student Success

                                                  Open Days and Events are happening,
                                                  visit                Destinations and Progression                      8

                                                                                                South Devon High School                           9

                                                                                                Apprenticeships                                  10

                                                  OUR NEW HI TECH &                             University Centre South Devon                     12

                                                  DIGITAL CENTRE
                                                                                                Campus Locations

    Let us help you begin your journey.                                                         Hi Tech & Digital Centre                         16
    It’s simple to get started. Read on
    to find out more about applying
    for your course.
                                            8                                                   Careers                                          18

                                                                                                Financial Help                                    19

                                                                                                Travel                                           20

                                                                                                Learning Support and Resources                   22

                                                                                                Student Wellbeing                                24
    The majority of our students go               The latest addition to the Paignton
    on to do great things, whether                Campus is our revolutionary Hi Tech           Student Life                                     25
    that’s continuing their studies               & Digital Centre. Read on to find
    with us or elsewhere, or going out
                                            26    out what impact the class-leading
                                                                                           16   How to Apply                                     26
    into employment.                              facilities could have on your studies.
                                                                                                Your Study Programme                             27

                                                                                                Your Course Explained                            28

                                                                                                Course Information                               29

    GETTING TO THE COLLEGE                                                                      Index                                            92

                                                                                                Get in Touch                                     94
    South Devon College is made up of a range
    of different campuses and facilities around
    South Devon. Read on to find out where all
    the College campuses are.
                                                                           14      20      98
                                                                                                          FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •
Course Guide 2021 - South Devon College


A Levels and T Levels                   Construction                         Protective and
                                                                             Public Services
A Levels                           30   Brickwork                       48
                                                                             Protective Services         72
T Levels                           32   Carpentry                       50
                                                                             Uniformed Public Services   74
                                        Electrical Installation         52
Arts, Media, and Games
                                        Painting and Decorating         54   Science
Art, Design, Fashion,              34
and Photography                         Plumbing                        56   Animal and                  76
                                                                             Land-Based Studies
Creative Digital Media             36
                                        Hair and Beauty
                                                                             Applied Science             78

Automotive, Vehicle Refinishing,        Beauty Therapies, Make-Up,      58
and Motorcycle                          and Nail Technologies                Society, Care, Education,
                                        Hairdressing and Barbering      60   and Development
Automotive, Vehicle Refinishing,   38
and Motorcycle                                                               Children, Young People,     80
                                        Hi Tech Engineering                  and Education

Business, Law,                          and Computing
                                                                             Health and Care             82
and Professional                        Computing and Digital           62
                                                                             Social Sciences             84
Business                           40   Technologies

Law                                42   Hi Tech Engineering in          64   Sports and Fitness
                                        Electronics and Manufacturing
                                                                             Adventure Sports            86
Catering, Hospitality,
and Tourism                             Marine Technologies                  Sports Science, Coaching,   88
                                                                             and Fitness
Catering                           44   Marine                          66

Tourism and Hospitality            46                                        Supported Learning
                                        Music and Performing Arts
                                        Music                           68
                                                                             Supported Learning          90
                                        Performing Arts                 70   Opportunities
Course Guide 2021 - South Devon College

I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you to South Devon College,
and thank you for considering us as the people to help you grow and
achieve your goals.

Everything we do is centred on giving you       But being at South Devon College isn’t just
the best possible experience as a student,      about gaining qualifications. It’s also about
inside and outside of the classroom. We         the lively and friendly community here.
want to see every individual succeed and        There’s opportunity to take part in a variety
achieve their goals, tackling whatever          of events and activities, including some you
obstacles there may be, together. Our           may never have considered before.
passion for learning is constant and is why
                                                As a result of our values, you can be
the delivery of programmes at all levels is
                                                confident that you’ll feel included and
consistently recognised as excellent.
                                                receive the support you need to progress
The College offers progression routes from      as part of this aspirational community.
foundation level all the way through to         Our forward thinking focus and innovation
degrees. Thanks to this, we’ve seen many        ensures that you’ll be working with state-of-
thousands of students go on to reach            the-art facilities and equipment no matter      Laurence Frewin
positive destinations following their studies   what subject you’re studying.                   Principal and CEO
with us. Our delivery of essential skills as                                                    South Devon College
                                                So, please feel free to visit our campus by
part of your learning will also improve
                                                attending one of our open events to meet
your job prospects.
                                                your future teachers and lecturers and see
This is something that we take great pride      everything that we have to offer. Thank you
in. I speak from experience when I say that     for considering us as the people to support
our tutors and lecturers find no greater        you at such an important time in your life.
satisfaction than seeing students go on to      I look forward to welcoming you to South
achieve great things year after year.           Devon College very soon.

                                                                                                  FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •
Course Guide 2021 - South Devon College

South Devon College promotes five core values through its
teaching, learning, and assessment. These are: inclusion,
aspiration, support, innovation, and the progress of students.
Find out more below...

                     Our learning culture aims to remove the

 INCLUSION           barriers to learning, to meet the needs
                     of every student, and to promote the
                     importance of equality and diversity.

                     South Devon College’s aspirational
                     learning culture recognises and celebrates
 ASPIRATION          achievement. We set high standards and
                     continuously inspire you to succeed on your
                     journey into employment or further study.

                     Our learning culture provides the necessary

  SUPPORT            support for staff and students to develop
                     as individuals in a safe and positive
                     learning environment.

                     A successful learning culture is innovative

 INNOVATION          and experimental. We embrace ideas and
                     encourage a positive attitude, allowing you
                     to put these skills into practice.

                     Our students make progress towards
                     individual goals and targets. Gaining
 PROGRESS            confidence through your learning, you’ll
                     develop knowledge and skills in a wide range
                     of subjects, including maths and English.
Course Guide 2021 - South Devon College

We’re here to ensure that you have every
opportunity to succeed during your time
with us, and we pride ourselves on the
accomplishments of our students.
Just see for yourself what our
students achieve...

          100% 98%
                                     PASS RATE
                                     IN 80 DIPLOMA
                                     QUALIFICATIONS          OVERALL GCSE
     A LEVEL                                                 PASS RATE
     PASS RATE                                               Based on South Devon High
     Based on 2020 A level results   Based on 2019 results   School 2019 GCSE results
                                                                                         FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •
Course Guide 2021 - South Devon College

We regularly win national and local awards and accolades that confirm
our status as a leading further and higher education college.

            IPP Platinum Awards                  TEF Gold                       FE Choices
            This is the highest                  University Centre South        South Devon College students
            ranking any national or              Devon was awarded ‘Gold’,      are amongst the most
            international employer or            the highest level possible,    satisfied in the country. We
            institution can achieve.             by the Teaching Excellence     were recognised in 2019 as the
            We’re the only college in the        Framework, which               top college in South England
            world to be re-accredited            recognises outstanding         for student satisfaction in the
            Platinum rating.                     teaching in our university-    annual FE Choices learner
                                                 level curriculum.              satisfaction survey.

            AAC Outstanding                      IIP Health and                 Herald Express South
            Contribution to the                  Wellbeing Award                Devon Business Awards
            Development of                                                      In 2019, the College was
                                                 South Devon College made
            Apprenticeships                                                     awarded Outstanding
                                                 a number of new initiatives
            South Devon College was              that prioritise care for       Business of the Year and
            nationally recognised for its        students’ and staff’s mental   Best Digital or Tech Business,
            Outstanding Contribution             health, including training     whilst also being nominated
            to the Development of                over 40 members of staff       for Apprentice Employer of
            Apprenticeships at the FE            to become Mental Health        the Year.
            Week AAC Apprenticeship              First Aiders.
            Awards 2020.

            TES FE Awards                        AAT Training                   Matrix Award
            South Devon College
                                                 Provider Award
                                                                                In 2019, the College was
            was shortlisted for College          In 2019, we received an        delighted to be
            of the Year in 2018, and             award for the Innovation in    re-accredited with the Matrix
            won the Employer                     Course Design and Delivery     Standard, the unique quality
            Engagement Award at                  of our accountancy courses.    benchmark for the effective
            the 2017 TES FE Awards.                                             delivery of information,
                                                                                advice and guidance (IAG).
Course Guide 2021 - South Devon College

Our students go on to achieve great things every year.
Whether you want to find your dream job or progress
to further study to become an expert in your field,
you can do it with us.

                                                           97%                                    94%
                                         Level 2 Courses
                                                                          Level 3 Courses

     Entry Level and
                                                                          	of our students continued
     Level 1 Courses
                                         	of our students continued        their studies with us
                                           their studies with us            (including university

     	of our students continued
       their studies with us
                                         	of our students had other

                                           positive destinations (such
                                                                          	of our students progressed

     	of our students progressed          as an apprenticeship,             on to an apprenticeship,
       on to an apprenticeship,            employment,                       employment (including self
       employment, or voluntary            self-employment, or               employment), university, or
       work                                voluntary work)                   voluntary work

     8%                                  3%                               6%
     	of our students pursued           	of our students pursued        	of our students pursued
       other interests                     other interests                  other interests

                                                                               FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •
Course Guide 2021 - South Devon College

South Devon High School is an exciting opportunity
for pupils studying at Key Stage 4.

Pupils can join us at Year 10 to study       We currently offer technical qualifications in:
GCSEs in core subject areas, including
                                             • Animal Care
English, maths, science and up to four
                                             • Business
specialist technical qualifications and
                                             • Childcare and Development
additional GCSEs in art, computer science,
geography, history, or photography.          • Computing
Combining academic and technical             • Creative Arts
qualifications gives many young people       • Digital Media
the best chance of success. With expertly    • Engineering
trained staff and state-of-the-art           • Games Development
resources, you’ll develop the key skills
that prepare you for employment or
                                             • Photography                                     FIND OUT MORE
                                             • Health and Social Care                          You can find more information about
further study.                                                                                 South Devon High School by visiting
                                             • Hospitality                           
                                             • Sports and Adventure

                                                                  How does it work?
                                                                  Apprenticeships are available in almost every
                                                                  industry, and they usually last two years. You’ll
                                                                  be based in the workplace for four days each

                                                                  week, with the remaining day spent at the
                                                                  College. You’ll also have a dedicated workplace
                                                                  coordinator, who will ensure you gain the
                                                                  relevant skills, knowledge, and behaviours
                                                                  required to complete your apprenticeship.

                                                                  What are the benefits?
Apprenticeships combine paid employment, valuable work            Not only will you be paid a wage during
skills, and practical training. There are higher levels too, so   your training, but you’ll also develop real
now you can go even further with an apprenticeship.               working experience, which is highly valued by
                                                                  employers. Apprenticeships help you get your
                                                                  foot in the door and often lead to a full-time job
                                                                  once completed. You’ll also gain transferable
                                                                  skills that are relevant across various industries,
                                                                  so your progression opportunities are endless.

                                                                  What if I’m not ready?
                                                                  If you don’t feel quite ready to start an
                                                                  apprenticeship, we offer courses, including
                                                                  traineeships, that will help you prepare for
                                                                  one. These courses are available in almost
                                                                  every area of study, to help you develop the
                                                                  essential skills you’ll need to succeed on an
                                                                  apprenticeship programme.

                                                                  How do I get started?
                                                                  Think about which apprenticeship programme
                                                                  you’d like to study - you can find more
                                                                  information in our course listings or search sdc
                                                                  apprenticeships online. Once you’ve applied,
                                                                  we’ll invite you into the College to discuss your
                                                                  suitability and support you in identifying the
                                                                  perfect employer for your apprenticeship.
                                                                  Whether you have a job already or not,
                                                                  apprenticeships are a great way to upskill in
                                                                  your current workplace or get into employment
                                                                  whilst studying.

                                                                               FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •

WE CURRENTLY OFFER THE                      CONSTRUCTION:                                    HORTICULTURE:
FOLLOWING APPRENTICESHIPS:                  • Advanced Carpentry and Joinery
                                            • Bricklayer
                                                                                             • Landscape/Horticulture Supervisor

                                            • Building Maintenance Operations                MARINE:
 AUTOMOTIVE, VEHICLE REFINISHING,           • Carpentry and Joinery -
                                                                                             • Boatbuilder

 AND MOTORCYCLE:                              Architectural Joiner                           • Composites Technician

                                            • Carpentry and Joinery- Site Carpentry          • General Welder
 • Autocare Technician
                                            • Decorative Finishing                           • Marina and Boatyard Operative
 • Body Refinishing
 • Body Repair                              • Decorative Finishing and Industrial Painting   • Marine Engineer
 • Motorcycle Maintenance and Repair        • Gas Engineering Operative
 • Motor Vehicle Service and
   Maintenance Technician (Light Vehicle)
                                            • Installation Electrician/                      SCIENCE:
                                              Maintenance Electrician
                                                                                             • Laboratory Technician
 • Supply Chain Warehouse Operative         • Plastering/Dry Lining
 • Vehicle Damage Paint Technician
                                            • Plumbing and Heating
                                            • Property Maintenance Operative
 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL:                 • Roofing Occupations
                                                                                             • Community Sport and Health Officer

 • Accounts/Finance Assistant                                                                • Outdoor Activity Instructor
                                                                                             • Personal Training
 • Assistant Accountant
 • Business Administration
                                            DIGITAL MEDIA:                                   • School and Community Activator
                                            • Digital Marketer
 • Customer Service Practitioner                                                             • Supporting Teaching and Learning in
 • Customer Service Specialist              • Junior Content Producer                          Physical Education and School Sport
 • HR Support
 • Paralegal                                ENGINEERING:                                     SUPPORTING TEACHING:
 • Team Leader/Supervisor                   • Engineering Technician                         • Learning Mentor
                                            • Maintenance and Operations Engineering         • Teaching Assistant
 CATERING:                                    Technician
                                            • Utilities Engineering Technician
 • Chef de Partie
 • Commis Chef
                                                                                             TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY:
 • Production Chef                          HAIR:                                            • Hospitality Supervisor
                                                                                             • Hospitality Team Member
                                            • Beauty Therapist
 CHILDCARE AND EARLY YEARS:                 • Hair Professional
 • Children, Young People, and Families
 COMPUTING:                                 • Adult Care Worker
                                            • Dental Nurse
 • Digital Support Technician
 • Infrastructure Technician
 • Software Development Technician
                                            • Healthcare Support Worker
                                            • Lead Adult Care Worker
                                                                                             FIND OUT MORE
                                                                                             We also have higher apprenticeship
                                            • Senior Healthcare Support Worker
                                                                                             opportunities available. See page 13,
                                                                                             or visit for more details.

                                                              By studying a degree close to home, you have a
                                                              platform to achieve your goals here in the South
                                                              West, while keeping your studies affordable and
                                                              within a budget.

                                                              A key feature of our higher education courses
                                                              is the exceptional support we provide for our
                                                              students. We have an experienced team who
                                                              offer a range of services, and provide regular
                                                              one-to-one contact time with your personal
                                                              tutor, ensuring you have every opportunity to
                                                              excel on your course.
As well as a first-class further education, we also offer a   We deliver many of our courses in partnership
range of university courses, including foundation degrees     with University of Plymouth, with whom we
and full honours top-up degrees.                              share an incredibly strong relationship. We also
                                                              gained Foundation Degree Awarding Powers
                                                              (FDAP) in 2019 which allows us to write and
                                                              award our own foundation degrees by working
                                                              with employers to ensure that the degree
                                                              programmes are relevant and tailored to local
                                                              business needs.

                                                              In 2017, University Centre South Devon (UCSD)
                                                              was awarded ‘Gold’, the highest level possible,
                                                              by the Teaching Excellence Framework, which
                                                              recognises outstanding teaching within our
                                                              university-level curriculum.

                                                              The 2020 HESA Graduate Outcomes Survey has
                                                              shown that South Devon College supports more
                                                              full-time undergraduates into full-time skilled
                                                              employment than any other college in the South
                                                              West through the University Centre. When ranked
                                                              nationally, South Devon College places third.

                                                              This means your studying experience will be the
                                                              best around and lead you onto an incredibly
                                                              successful future.

                                                                          FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •

WE CURRENTLY OFFER THE                        HEALTH:                                  HORTICULTURE:
                                                                                       HIGHER AND DEGREE APPRENTICESHIPS:
FOLLOWING DEGREE COURSES:                     • HNC Enhanced Care Work
                                              • FdSc Assistant Practitioner
                                                                                       • Landscape/Horticulture
                                                                                         Advanced Manufacturing
                                                                                         (Electrical) H

                                              • FdSc Community Health and Wellbeing    MARINE:
                                                                                       • Advanced Manufacturing Engineering
                                                                                         (Mechanical) H
 ARTS:                                        • FdSc Hearing Aid Audiology             •• Assessor/Coach
                                                                                          Boatbuilder    H
                                              • BSc (Hons) Enhanced Integrated Care      Composites
                                                                                       • Associate   Technician
                                                                                                   Project Manager Level 4 H
 • FdA Contemporary Arts Practice
                                                                                         General Welder
                                                                                       • Chartered Legal Executive D

                                                                                       • Chartered
                                                                                         Marina andManager
                                                                                                    Boatyard D
                                                                                       •• Marine
                                                                                          Children, Young People, and Families
 • FdSc/HNC Computing                                                                     Practitioner H
                                              • HNC Business
 • FdSc/HNC Electronics and Robotic Control                                            • Construction Site Engineering
                                              • FdA Business and Management
                                                                                         Technician H
                                              • FdA/HNC Tourism, Hospitality,
 • FdSc/HNC Manufacturing and Mechatronic                                                Laboratory Technician
                                                                                       • Construction Site Supervisor H
                                                and Events Management
                                                                                       • Construction Management H D
                                              • BA (Hons) Leadership and
 • FdSc/HNC Marine Technologies
                                                Management (top-up)                    SPORT:
                                                                                       • Civil Engineering Site Management        D

                                                                                       ••Data  Analysis
                                                                                         Community      Leveland
                                                                                                      Sport   4 HHealth Officer
 CONSTRUCTION:                                SCIENCES:                                 •
                                                                                         Digital and Technology Solutions D
                                                                                         Outdoor Activity Instructor
 • FdSc/HNC Civil and Coastal Engineering                                               •Healthcare Assistant Practitioner H
                                              • FdSc Animal Science                     •Personal Training
 • FdSc/HNC Sustainable Construction and                                                •Hearing Aid Dispenser H
                                              • FdSc Biosciences                        •School and Community Activator
   the Built Environment
                                                                                        •Hospitality Manager Level 4 H
                                              • BSc (Hons) Applied Animal Science       •Supporting Teaching and Learning in
 • BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering (top-up)
                                                (top-up)                                •HR Consultant/Partner
                                                                                         Physical                 H
                                                                                                  Education and School   Sport
                                                                                       • Leader in Adult Care H
 DIGITAL AND MEDIA:                           SOCIAL SCIENCES:                         SUPPORTING TEACHING:
                                                                                       • Learning Skills Teacher H
 • FdA Creative Digital Design                                                         •    Network Engineer Level 4 H
                                              • FdSc Criminology and Psychology        •    Learning Mentor
 • FdA Film and Photography                                                            •    Nursing Associate H *
                                              • FdA History with English               •    Teaching Assistant
 • FdA Games and Interactive Design                                                    •    Operations/Departmental Manager H
                                              • FdSc Law
 • FdA Illustration with Graphics and                                                  • Professional Accounting Taxation
                                              • FdSc Psychology and Counselling        TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY:
                                                                                         Technician Level 4 H
                                              • FdSc Psychology and Criminology        • Software  Developer
                                                                                         Hospitality         Level 4 H

 EDUCATION:                                   • FdSc Psychology and Sociology          • Technician  Scientist
                                                                                         Hospitality Team      H

 • Diploma Education and Training                                                       H Higher Apprenticeship   D Degree Apprenticeship

 • FdA Early Years Care and Education
                                              SPORTS AND COACHING:                     * Subject to approval
                                              • FdSc Adventure Leadership
 • FdA Teaching and Learning
                                              • FdSc Sports Coaching and Fitness
 • FdA Working with Children, Young People,
   and Families                               • BSc (Hons) Coaching
                                                (Outdoor Leadership) (top-up)
 • BA (Hons) Child Development and
   Education (top-up)
 • BA (Hons) Education, Development,
                                              • BSc (Hons) Coaching
                                                (Sports Performance and Development)   FIND OUT MORE
                                                (top-up)                               To find out more about our university courses, visit
   and Society (top-up)
                                                                             , drop-in to the University Centre, or
                                                                                       call 08000 21 31 81.

South Devon College has a range of campus locations throughout
Torbay and South Devon, providing opportunities for more students
to access the great facilities and teaching that we offer.

      PAIGNTON                              NEWTON ABBOT                             TORQUAY
      Our inspirational Paignton campus     The Newton Abbot campus provides         Our Centre is located close to
      provides the very best learning       a fantastic learning environment, with   Torbay Hospital and all major bus
      environment, featuring                industry-standard equipment and          routes, providing a range of facilities
      state-of-the-art equipment and        expert teachers delivering the skills    dedicated to training in health, care,
      facilities in a range of locations.   needed in the local area. The campus     and professional sectors. The campus
                                            is also home to a range of adult and     is also home to a range of adult and
                                            community learning courses.              community learning courses.
      • South Devon College                 Campus:                                  Campus:
      • University Centre South Devon       • Automotive and Construction,           • Centre for Health and Care
      • Hi Tech & Digital Centre              Bradley Lane                             Professions
      • The South West Energy Centre        • Hair and Beauty Academy
      • South Devon College Sports Centre   • Brunel Skills Centre
      • South Devon High School

                                                                                          FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •



KINGSWEAR                                         KINGSWEAR
Based on the banks of River Dart,
our South Devon Marine Academy is
a centre of excellence with access
to the water for marine training and
education on and off the shore.

• South Devon Marine Academy

                                                     DISCOVER OUR LOCATIONS
                                                     For a list of all our campus contact details, please

The new, purpose-built facility is innovative in its design and use, as well
as nationally significant.

The Centre provides individuals with the       There’s also the Java Café - a thriving
skills that employers need to support          space where students and businesses
their growth in a range of important local     can share ideas over a delicious selection
hi-tech businesses such as: electronics,       of refreshments.
lasers, fibre, satellite and communications,
                                               Traditional whiteboards and projectors are
aerospace, marine, medical, and big
                                               replaced with large, 4K touchscreen displays.
data analytics.
                                               There are also plenty of manufacturing
The offer also extends to creative and
                                               areas, computer and Mac suites, and
digital industries, including gaming, app
                                               large, collaborative spaces, giving you
design, digital design, film and digital
                                               every opportunity to make big ideas
media, smart clothing and textiles, and
                                               become reality.
many others.

The facilities on offer include a cinema
screening suite with 7.1 surround sound,
and the ability to cast content throughout
the building on multiple screens.

                                                                                               FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •


As well as helping you achieve your goals and begin a successful career,
we support your personal and social development.

We have a fantastic Careers Programme        How we can support you:                    This ensures our courses provide you with
at the College, which includes group and                                                the skills you need to excel, as well as
                                             • Free, impartial careers information,
one-to-one tutorials, guest speakers,                                                   reflecting job opportunities in the region.
                                               advice, and guidance
college wide activities, employability
                                             • Writing and developing your CV           This gives you a unique learning experience,
sessions, and various theme weeks.
                                             • Helping you with your UCAS application   getting your foot in the door early, and
We also have a professionally accredited       for university                           preparing for industry, which is something
and Level 6 qualified, advice and guidance   • Gaining part-time work                   many schools and institutions can’t offer.
team available to help support you make
                                             • Finding the perfect course               Many of our programmes of study include
the most of a range of opportunities.
                                             • Linking you with employers               work placements with relevant employers,
                                                                                        helping you gain real vocational experience
                                             Our links with employers                   which can be invaluable.
                                             We work closely with over 800 local and
                                                                                        We also contribute to various local and
                                             national employers, including Spirent,
                                                                                        community projects, often involving
                                             Linden Homes, the NHS, and The Ritz.
                                                                                        external businesses, providing yet
                                                                                        another opportunity to develop and build
                                                                                        connections with industry.

                                                                                                FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •

We offer a range of student support options, whether you’re starting or
                                                                                                     NEED BURSARY HELP?
                                                                                                     You can apply for a bursary online –

continuing your studies with us in September 2021.

This support, which includes bursaries,      The Helpzone team can support you in
free College meals, and travel support,      finding out what funding you could be
helps remove any barriers to learning you    eligible for.
might have.
                                             For example, 16–18 year-old students
We also offer tailored support packages      who remain in full-time education
for distinct groups, including young adult   (excluding apprenticeships) are still
carers and care leavers.                     eligible for Child Benefit.

                                             The team are here to help you with
                                             everything so you can focus on what
                                             matters most - your studies.

                                                                                                            Books for
                                                                                                           your course

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                                                                                                      MONEY COULD BE

                                                                                                     AVAILABLE TO HELP
                                                                                                        YOU PAY FOR
                                                                                     Kit hing



                                                                                                         College meals

                                                                                                  APPLY FOR A TRAVEL PASS
                                                                                                  Apply online for our exclusive
                                                                                                  South Devon College Travel Pass

We work with Stagecoach to ensure you can travel to College safely
and affordably, wherever you are in South Devon, including Exeter
and Plymouth.

The College can provide free and unlimited        The unlimited pass lets you use the           Our exclusive offer also extends to South
bus travel for full-time, 16–18 year-old          Stagecoach network on any day. You            Devon High School pupils and home-
students who have a household income of           can use it to get to College, to work, and    educated students, providing you live more
less than £25,000 per year.                       travel around South Devon whatever the        than two miles away from the College and
                                                  reason. So, wherever you are, thanks to our   have a household income of less than
If you don’t meet these criteria, an unlimited
                                                  outstanding transport network, you can get    £25,000 per year.
travel pass is still available for as little as
                                                  here and achieve your goals with us.
£300 per year. It can be purchased by
direct debit in 10 instalments, and works out
as less than £1 a day!

                                                                                                        FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •

Bus Routes
1     Tavistock – Plymouth
2     Exeter – Dawlish – Teignmouth – Newton Abbot
2a    Saltash – Plymouth
13    Newton Abbot – Paignton – Brixham
13D   Kingsteignton – SDC
22    Dawlish – Teignmouth – Torquay – SDC                                                                        Exeter
                                                                                                              X38               2
23    Goodrington – SDC                                                                                 connect to 88C   connect to X84
                                                                                                         in Ashburton      in Dawlish

41    Chudleigh – Bovey Tracey – Newton Abbot – Totnes

88C Newton Abbot – Ashburton – Totnes – SDC                                                                                                                    Exmouth

120   Kingswear – Churston – Paignton                                                                            Chudleigh

X38   Exeter – Buckfastleigh                                                               Bovey Tracey



X84 Dawlish – SDC                                                 1
                                                                                           connect in Totnes to
                                                          connect to Gold                                           41
Gold Plymouth – Totnes – Paignton – Torquay                 in Plymouth                                                                               Teignmouth


                                                                                                                                 13, 13D

                                      Saltash                                South Brent
                                           2a                                                                                              Paignton
                                   connect to Gold   2a                                                                                    23
                                     in Plymouth            Plymouth                        Go                                                   Brixham

                                                                 Gold       Ivybridge                                                      120

                                                                                                                    connect to

      Tavistock Train from Exmouth to Paignton
      Connect to 22 bus to SDC
      Bus routes
      Kingsbridge Coach
      Dartmouth Ferry
      South Devon College Campuses

We take our responsibility to support your learning very seriously,
and can provide various services to help you.

The support we can offer includes:              dyscalculia, or have a Statement of SEN or   successfully complete your studies and
                                                an EHCP, have been in special education,     progress in your education. Personal tutors
• In-class support from dedicated learning
                                                or you’re worried you’re not finding some    will discuss your work and help you with any
  support assistants
                                                learning as easy as you expected, then       academic problems, as well as advising on
• Out-of-class support in our English and
                                                we can help.                                 careers or helping you with any personal
  Maths Zone
                                                                                             problems that may arise.
• Use of specialist software and equipment      We also have a dedicated space for
• Special arrangements for exams                students who have been diagnosed
                                                                                             Courses to careers
                                                with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC).
During the application process, you’ll have     The LODGE (Learning Opportunity for          During your time with us, you may find
the opportunity to tell us what support         Development and Guided Education)            that the course you choose is not quite
you need.                                       provides a calm, quiet environment where     as you expected or that you wish to focus
                                                you’ll receive support in managing your      on a different career path. We can offer
Letting us know at this early stage will help
                                                unstructured times during the day, as well   you an exciting and engaging learning
us plan the support you need, although
                                                as help with your studies and development    experience by producing a personalised
support plans can be developed and
                                                of your communication and social skills      study programme to suit your needs. It will
reviewed throughout your course and
                                                                                             give you the opportunity to develop both
study programme.                                Personal Tutors                              educationally and personally, preparing
If you have a learning difficulty or sensory    Every full-time student at the College has   you for further college studies, employment,
impairment that’s been identified - such        a dedicated personal tutor, who will make    an apprenticeship or a traineeship.
as dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, Asperger’s or     sure you have all the support you need to
                                                                                                     FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •

AMAZING LEARNING AND                                                                                            ALL SOUTH DEVON
                                                                                                             COLLEGE STUDENTS
                                                                                                             APPLICANTS NOW HAAND

We provide access to state-of-the-art equipment and learning
                                                                                                           ACCESS TO THE BRAN VE
                                                                                                               SDCONNECT APP! NEW

resources across all of our campuses. This will help you make the most
of your time here, and give you the very best learning experience.

Learning Resource Centre                      Keep track of your studies                      Computer access
The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is         You’ll also have full access to a virtual       When you enrol, you’ll have access
situated in the heart of the College, with    classroom that enhances your studies and        to the following services to support
two floors of resources, including books,     tracks your progress. You’ll be able to:        your learning:
journals and online materials. We have over
                                              • View resources, activities, and websites to   • 1TB OneDrive storage
25,000 books, which are up-to-date and
                                                support your classroom lessons                • Individual College email account
relevant to your studies.
                                              • Check assignment dates and                    • New industry software, including
The LRC is home to over 80 bookable             review feedback                                 Adobe Creative Cloud Suite available
computers and has free WiFi so you            • Track and manage your learning                  on College PCs
can use your own devices, or borrow
                                              • Get the latest news from the College          • Internet and campus-wide WiFi
one from the College. There’s also
                                              • Request support from the various services     • Online library catalogue
a silent study room and a meeting/
                                                in the College                                • Free Microsoft software for up to five
presentation room, so you can always
                                                                                                tablets, five phones, and five Windows
find a comfortable environment that
                                              SDConnect App                                     or Apple personal devices during your
suits your style of learning.
                                              With the South Devon College App,                 studies, including Office
                                              SDConnect, you’ll be able to keep up to
                                                                                              You’ll also have access to our wireless
                                              date with your timetable and lessons,
                                                                                              network, in case you prefer using your own
                                              communicate with your peer groups and
                                                                                              devices. Many of our services are available
                                              tutors, find out about events and special
                                                                                              remotely, outside of the College, meaning
                                              offers, and much more.
                                                                                              you can choose where and when to study.

We make sure that you have the best possible experience during your
                                                                                                                       38 like


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time here, in an inclusive and supportive environment.

Positive Intervention and Safeguarding          Medical support
We offer outstanding pastoral support           The College nurse is on campus to discuss
services and ensure the safeguarding of         any health-related concerns you may
all of our students. We have a dedicated        have. There are also qualified first aiders
team of professionals who can help with         throughout the College to resolve or assist
any issues that may arise from your studies     with any situations that may arise.
or personal circumstances. Whatever your
concern, you can be assured that you’ll be      Friends of South Devon College Students
supported discreetly in an environment          We have a dedicated charity whose main
you’re comfortable with. We’re committed        aim is to raise funds to remove barriers that
to your online safety and the promotion         may restrict students from participating in
of positive behaviour, respect, and             educational and enrichment experiences
tolerance to others.                            available at South Devon College.

Mama Bear’s Day Nursery                         Equality and diversity
If you’re responsible for young children,       As a leading College, we believe in the
Mama Bear’s is based at the College and         principle of freedom from discrimination
                                                                                                  @south                                                     21
provides Ofsted-approved childcare and          for everyone, regardless of age, gender,                  _devo
                                                                                                                     ege •
high-quality education for children aged        disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation,        When
                                                                                                       you                 5-13
                                                                                                           try you
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from three months to five years. In this safe   religion, or social background. We have                u #fyp
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and stimulating environment, children can       numerous processes in place to ensure                         #south
                                                                                                                               e #ch
enjoy learning through a wide range of          that we provide equality of opportunity                                                              1
activities, supervised by qualified staff.      for all of our students and staff. We
                                                                                                Add co
                                                continue to reach out to the whole
Mental Health support                           community, and work closely with
With fully trained staff, we have a dedicated   organisations that represent
team to support you throughout your studies.    minority groups.                                      South
                                                                                                     @sdco evon Coll
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                                                                                                STUDENT LIFE
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                   nd lsnd alsinto peinoto      peopale                                                                                         Find us at the Student Space on Level 1.
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         Read mRead m
                  ore ore                                                                                                                       locations throughout the year.
                                                                                                Studying at South Devon College is
                                                                                                about more than just your studies.
                                                                                                You’ll be treated like an adult and             Erasmus+
                                                                                                have fantastic experiences that will
                                                                                                                                                Erasmus+ is the European Union programme
                                                                                                shape you for the rest of your life.
                                                                                                                                                for education, training, youth and sport. Staff
                                                                                                Whether that’s an educational trip or           and students have travelled to France and
                                                                                                getting involved in the many social             Sweden to take part in work experience and
                                                                                                activities that are available, you’ll get       to sample the different cultures. European
                                                                                                the full College experience.                    work placements and cultural experiences
    56       56
                                                                                                                                                offer a great way for vocational students to
                                                                                                Course Representatives                          gain valuable work experience and to start
      Like    Like                                                                              You can become a ‘Course Rep’, which gives      their journey of self-discovery. Please note
                           ent ent                                                              you the unique opportunity to improve the       this is subject to travel restrictions in place
                                                   Share Share
                                                                                                student experience by attending termly          due to covid-19.
                                                                                                management meetings to discuss what
         devondevon                                                                             matters to you and your fellow students. It’s   Common Room
                     ge    ge
                                                                                                a great way of making a difference, and also    The Common Room is a space where you
                                                                                                impresses employers on your CV.                 can chill out and socialise between lessons,
                                                                                                                                                play pool, listen to music or just hang out.
                                                                                                Student Ambassadors                             Everyone’s welcome in the Common Room,
                                                                                                The Student Ambassador role is an               so say hello and introduce yourself!
                                                                                                excellent opportunity to gain some
                                                                                                valuable work experience and develop
                                                                                                your personal and professional skills. You’ll
                                                                                                represent the College during a number of
                                                                                                activities including campus tours, open         Duke of Edinburgh’s (DofE) Award and
                                                                                                events, and applicant days.                     National Citizen Service (NCS)
                                                                                                                                                DofE and NCS are just two examples of
                                                                                                                                                the many enrichment programmes at
                                                                                                Your Students’ Union                            the College. These opportunities help
                                                                                                                                                you develop key skills and values that
                                                                                                The South Devon College Students’ Union
                                                                                                                                                employers look for, all while having a great
                                                                                                (SDC:SU) plays an important part in helping
                                                                                                                                                time. They showcase your dedication,
                                                                                                you settle into College life, and gives you
 llege llege
                                                                                                                                                enthusiasm, and personal responsibility, as
ws exc     W NEWINNE                                                                            the chance to get involved and make new
eptioneptioIN       R!     R! “R                                                                                                                well as giving you unique experiences and
o        l dendaicl dedic“Rache
                                                                                                friends. The SDC:SU organises a range of
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     e mane man
            y challe       nd
                     y challe      nd                                                                                                           memories that will last a lifetime.
ments                  n     n
                        ges inges in
                               ...    ...                                                       social and fundraising events, so there’s

APPLYING IS EASY...                                                    WHAT NEXT?
                                                                       Welcome Meeting
                                                                       Once you’ve applied, you’ll have
                                                                       a chance to meet a course tutor
                                                                       and discuss your studies in more
                                                                       detail. This is a great opportunity
                                                                       to ask any questions you may

                              EXPLORE                                  have, and make sure the course
                                                                       is right for you.

     Take a look at the range of courses in this prospectus, or view
                                                                       My Night
               our website for more detailed information
                           about the course.                           This is a taster evening that
                                                                       helps you get to know your new
                                                                       classmates. It’s a fun event that
                                                                       takes place in the spring term,
                                                                       and gives you another chance to
                                                                       explore the College and settle
                                                                       into student life.

                             DISCOVER                                  My Course
                                                                       This is your chance to spend a day
       If you’re worried what the best course for you is, contact
                                                                       as a South Devon College student.
            our fully trained Advice and Guidance Team for
                                                                       It’s a taster day that helps you get
                        careers guidance support.
                                                                       to grips with your studies and
                                                                       prepare you for when you start
                                                                       in September.

                                                                       Your enrolment in September

                               APPLY                                   gives you an official place on your
                                                                       course, so you can get started and
                                                                       make your dreams a reality!
               Visit to apply directly
                  through the specific course page.

                                                                          FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •

                                                                           Your dedicated and personalised study
                                                                           At South Devon College, we recognise
                                                                           that your education is more than just a

                                                                           qualification. That’s why we add value to
                                                                           your development by enriching every area
                                                                           of your time at College.

                                                                           Find out how your personalised study
                                                                           programme will help you make the most
                                                                           of your time with us.

   PERSONAL                                                                      AND MATHS
                                         WORK                                • GCSE and Functional Skills

• Setting and monitoring
                                       EXPERIENCE                            • Development of applied literacy
                                                                               and numeracy to support
  personalised learning targets       AND INDUSTRY                             employability and progression
• Safeguarding, prevention and
  student wellbeing
• British values/College values/
                                   Developing sector specific and
  equality and diversity
                                   transferable skills for employment

• Careers information advice and
  guidance to support continuing

  learning and progression into    • Preparation and support for
  employment                         gaining employment
• Participation in external        • Learning in simulated work
  programmes and activities          environments and contexts
• Enrichment and visits            • Work experience                         • Technical, professional, and
• Development of character,        • Industry placements with an               academic qualifications
  confidence and resilience,         employer                                • Developing knowledge, skills,
  independence, group working,     • Enterprise activities and community       and behaviours in your chosen
  and life skills                    and social action projects                subject area

YOUR COURSE                                                       CURRENT GRADING STRUCTURE
                                                                                                PREVIOUS GRADING STRUCTURE

GCSEs in England have been reformed and

                                                                                                              A* A

are now graded with a scale from 9 to 1, with
9 being the highest grade.                                                    5                                B C
All subjects follow the 9 to 1 grading structure. If you aren’t
sure what the numbers mean, you can see in this chart
what they are equivalent to against the previous letter
grading structure.                                                           3
                                                                              2                            D E F G
                                                                             U                                   U
                                                                                              FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •

If you need help deciding what level to study, our Helpzone team are always available to
explain your options in more detail. But to get a better idea, take a look at this guide…

          ENTRY LEVEL                          LEVEL 1                          LEVEL 2                             LEVEL 3
  Who is it for?                    Who is it for?                   Who is it for?                    Who is it for?
  Entry Level courses are ideal     Level 1 courses provide basic    Level 2 courses are slightly      Level 3 courses develop
  for you if you don’t have         knowledge, and are ideal if      more advanced and                 specialist knowledge and
  any formal qualifications,        you’re new to a subject area.    begin to build specialist         can help you to enter
  and are looking to return to                                       knowledge.                        employment or prepare you
  academic study.                                                                                      for university study.

  What type of courses              What type of courses             What type of courses              What type of courses
  are available?                    are available?                   are available?                    are available?
  • Supported Learning              • Technical and Professional     • Technical and Professional      • Technical and Professional
    Opportunities                     Diplomas                         Diplomas                          Diplomas
  • Courses to Careers              • Traineeships                   • GCSEs                           • Apprenticeships
  • Technical and Professional      • Certificates                   • Apprenticeships                 • A Levels
    Certificates                                                                                       • BTECs
                                                                                                       • T Levels

  What do I need?                   What do I need?                  What do I need?                   What do I need?
  All you need is a genuine         Usually, you’ll need some        Usually, you’ll need some         Usually, you’ll need five
  desire to learn.                  GCSEs at grade 3 and             knowledge of your chosen          GCSEs at grades 9-4
                                    above and must have a            subject. You’ll also need         (or equivalent) or to have
                                    genuine interest in your         GCSE grades at grade 3 and        completed a relevant
                                    chosen subject.                  above or have completed a         Level 2 qualification.
                                                                     relevant Level 1 qualification.

   What can I do next?              What can I do next?              What can I do next?               What can I do next?
   Successfully completing          Once successfully                After successfully                After successfully
   your studies means that you      completed you could              completing a Level 2              completing your course, you
   may be able to progress to       progress to a Level 2            course, you may be able to        could consider progressing
   other College courses.           course, or go on to paid         progress to a Level 3 course,     to higher education at
                                    employment as part of an         consider a more advanced          University Centre South
                                    apprenticeship.                  apprenticeship, or gain full-     Devon or gain full-time
                                                                     time employment in a junior       employment in your chosen
                                                                     or entry level role.              profession, including an

                                               If you want to study at university or prepare for a fulfilling
                                               career, then our A Level subjects can help you achieve
                                               your goals.

                                               Studying A Levels with South Devon      To help get you there, we offer an
                                               College can open doors to a whole       exceptional support and guidance
                                               range of fulfilling careers.            service, provide trips to university
                                                                                       open days, and give you advice

                                               As an A Level student with us,
                                                                                       on your UCAS applications and
                                               you can learn with a full choice
                                                                                       progression opportunities, whether
                                               of subjects on offer. Whatever
                                                                                       your focus is on further academic
                                               you choose, it will help you take
                                                                                       study or employment.
                                               the next step towards studying

                                               a degree in the arts, sciences,         So, if you want to get the best
                                               humanities, or any other subject        preparation for university or a
                                               area, at universities throughout        higher apprenticeship, and achieve
                                               the country, as well as at University   the highest levels of academic

                                               Centre South Devon. The majority        success, apply with us today. As
                                               of our students successfully            a college with a 100% overall pass
                                               progress to universities all over the   rate, you’ll be glad you did.
                                               country, including Russell Group
                                               Universities, or they continue their
                                               studies locally choosing to join one
                                               of the degrees offered at University
                                               Centre South Devon.

     “The atmosphere is nice and
     supportive but also challenged
     and pushed me to what I could
     really achieve. I want to go into
     teaching biology and the A Levels
     here were great steps towards
     that, also giving me an experience
     similar to university. I really enjoyed
     it and look forward to reaching my
     dream career.”
     Kathryn Wiltshire
                                                                                       FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •

5 REASONS TO CHOOSE                              1                  2               3                    4                        5

A LEVELS                                       The College
                                               achieved an
                                               exceptional 100%
                                               overall pass
                                                                  A wide range
                                                                  of specialist
                                                                  subjects to
                                                                  choose from.
                                                                                  Tailored support
                                                                                  with UCAS
                                                                                                       You’ll get a fresh
                                                                                                       start and meet
                                                                                                       new friends in a
                                                                                                       new environment.
                                                                                                                               A range of
                                               rate in 2020 and                                                                the Duke of
                                               ranks as one of                                                                 Edinburgh
                                               the highest for                                                                 Award, Model UN,
                                               A Level progress                                                                debating society,
                                               in Torbay.                                                                      and sports clubs.

YOUR PROGRESSION                               YOUR OPTIONS
                                               ART AND DESIGN. BIOLOGY. BUSINESS STUDIES.
After completing their A Levels, most
students go on to university, higher
apprenticeships, start their own businesses,
or employment. The College has a
dedicated advice and guidance service
to help you decide on your next steps.
                                               CHEMISTRY. CORE MATHEMATICS. CRIMINOLOGY.
Study a degree on your doorstep
                                               ENGLISH LANGUAGE. ENGLISH LITERATURE.
                                               EXTENDED PROJECT. FILM. FURTHER
The TEF Gold-rated University Centre
South Devon offers a range of degrees.

Industry connections
You’ll have the opportunity to attend
motivational talks from industry               MATHEMATICS. GEOGRAPHY. HISTORY. LAW.
                                               MATHEMATICS. PHILOSOPHY. PHOTOGRAPHY.
professionals across a range of
disciplines providing advice and
insight into their career journey.

                                               PHYSICS. POLITICS. PSYCHOLOGY. SOCIOLOGY.

                                                                                                   APPLYING IS EASY         See how to apply
                                                                                                                            on page 26

                                           T Levels are a brand new qualification designed to give you
                                           a head start towards the future you want. They follow GCSEs
                                           and are equivalent to three A Levels.

                                           This two-year qualification brings   Your T Level will help you to step
                                           classroom and work placement         straight into your chosen career,
                                           together, on a course designed       an apprenticeship, or a degree.
                                           in collaboration with the

                                                                                Wherever your future is heading,
                                           best employers.
                                                                                take it to the next level.
                                           You’ll spend 80% of your time in
                                           the classroom and 20% within a
                                           placement linked to your T Level,
                                           giving you the real workplace
                                           knowledge and skills companies
                                           are looking for.

     “T Levels have been designed
     for young people to develop
     the skills, knowledge, and
     behaviours to support successful
     employment in a fast changing
     world. As technology and the
     world economy continues to
     develop, T Levels are a brand
     new qualification that blend high
     quality academic and practical
     learning with real life, first-hand
     industry experience, preparing
     students for the jobs of tomorrow.
     As well as providing great
     opportunities to progress straight
     into specialist employment,
     T Levels also support progression
     into higher education to degree
     level or a higher apprenticeship.”
     Maria Woodger
                                                                                FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •

5 REASONS TO CHOOSE                              1                    2                   3                 4                       5

T LEVELS                                       T Levels have
                                               been designed
                                               with leading
                                                                    T Levels provide
                                                                    extensive time in
                                                                    placement giving
                                                                    you the chance
                                                                                        T Levels give
                                                                                        you a good
                                                                                        balance of
                                                                                        classroom study
                                                                                                          When studying
                                                                                                          a T Level, you’ll
                                                                                                          be taught by
                                                                                                          people who
                                                                                                                                 T Levels will
                                                                                                                                 provide you
                                                                                                                                 with a range
                                                                                                                                 of progression
                                               and employers        to learn what a     and industry      have worked or         opportunities
                                               to provide the       career in your      placements.       continue to work       on completion.
                                               knowledge, skills,   chosen industry                       in the industry,
                                               and behaviours       will be like.                         providing
                                               needed for each                                            you with a
                                               industry.                                                  rich learning

YOUR PROGRESSION                               YOUR OPTIONS
                                               BUILDING SERVICES ENGINEERING. DIGITAL
After completing your T Level, you can
go on to university, higher or degree
apprenticeships, start your own businesses,
or employment. The College has a
dedicated advice and guidance service to
help you decide on your next steps.
                                               PRODUCTION, DESIGN, AND DEVELOPMENT.
Study a degree on your doorstep
                                               DIGITAL SUPPORT AND SERVICES. EDUCATION.
                                               HEALTH. ONSITE CONSTRUCTION. SCIENCE.
The TEF Gold-rated University Centre
South Devon offers a range of degrees.

Industry connections
You’ll have the opportunity to attend
motivational talks from industry
professionals across a range of disciplines,
providing advice and insights into their
career journey to help you on yours.

                                                                                                      APPLYING IS EASY        See how to apply
                                                                                                                              on page 26

                                             Our Art, Design, Fashion, and Photography courses offer you
                                             the chance to develop your ideas and make a career out of
                                             your creativity.

                                             Our courses introduce you to a          South Devon College works in
                                             wide variety of artistic disciplines    partnership with the University
                                             and a range of visual mediums,          of the Arts London (UAL), Europe’s
                                             letting you specialise in an area       largest specialist art and design

                                             you’re passionate about.                awarding body, giving you the
                                                                                     best possible platform from
                                             The facilities at the College include
                                                                                     which to progress and succeed.
                                             studio workspaces and specialist
                                                                                     The emphasis of an art and
                                             workshops, with dedicated and

                                                                                     design qualification at the College
                                             passionate staff who will help guide
                                                                                     is on developing creative thinking
                                             you on your journey from student
                                                                                     and innovative approaches to
                                             to professional. Our staff members
                                                                                     problem solving.
                                             all have a wealth of experience in

                                             art-related careers and are experts
                                             in their fields, making them the
                                             ideal people to support you in your
                                             chosen profession.

     “My foundation art course was
     truly life-changing. The course
     stretched me to solve problems
     creatively as I explored new ideas
     and built a strong portfolio of work.
     I then progressed to the University
     of Kingston where I graduated with
     a first-class degree before working
     with a renowned design company
     in London.”
     Ruben Bicknell
                                                                                     FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •

5 REASONS TO CHOOSE                                          1                        2                         3                           4                            5

ART, DESIGN, FASHION,                                      D
                                                            evelop your
                                                           creativity and
                                                                                    Explore a
                                                                                    wide range of
                                                                                    practices and
                                                                                                              range of
                                                                                                             opportunities to
                                                                                                                                          assionate and
                                                                                                                                                                       Links with Tate

AND PHOTOGRAPHY                                            skills.                  specialisms.             stimulate your
                                                                                                                                                                       and UAL.

                                                           AVERAGE EARNINGS £15,000                 AVERAGE EARNINGS £20,000                    AVERAGE EARNINGS £30,000
                   Progression                             Potential job roles:                     Potential job roles:                        Potential job roles:
                   The course available at this level is   • Junior Artist                          • Graphic Designer                          • Freelance Creative
                   a good opportunity to progress to                                                • Fashion Designer                          • Account Manager
                   higher levels of study
                                                                                                    • Freelance Creative Worker                 • Art Director
                                                                                                                                                • Producer
                                                                                                                                                • Creative Agency Worker

                   FOUNDATION LEVEL 1                      INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 2                     ADVANCED LEVEL 3                            HIGHER LEVEL 4 - 7

                   Study Programme:                        Study Programme:                         Study Programme:                            Study Programme:
                   • UAL Art, Design and Media Diploma     • UAL Art Diploma                        • UAL Art Extended Diploma                  • FdA Illustration with Graphics and
                                                                                                    • UAL Art Foundation Diploma                  Animation
                                                                                                                                                • FdA Contemporary Arts Practice
                                                                                                                                                • UAL Professional Diploma in
                                                                                                                                                  Creative Enterprise

                   ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                      ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                       ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                          ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                   • You must be working towards           • A minimum of four GCSEs at grade       • A minimum of four GCSEs at grade          • A minimum of 48 UCAS points
                     English and maths at Level 1            3 or above, including English and        4 or above, including English
                   • You should have a genuine interest      maths                                  • You should be in an appropriate job
                     in this subject                       • You should be in an appropriate job      role for your apprenticeship
                                                             role for your apprenticeship

                                                                                  For the most up-to-date information, including entry requirements, please visit

                                                                                                                                  APPLYING IS EASY               See how to apply
                                                                                                                                                                 on page 26

                                               Digital media is an integral part of modern life. It influences
                                               everything we see, shapes meaning, and defines us. That’s
                                               why a career in digital means a variety of opportunities in
                                               exciting industries that continue to grow and evolve.

DIGITAL MEDIA                                  Studying with South Devon College is
                                               the perfect start to your exciting career
                                               in this rewarding cultural industry.
                                                                                           Apple Mac editing and special-
                                                                                           effects software, and a specialist
                                                                                           screening suite. This means, whatever

                                               You’ll learn from our experienced staff,    area of interest and career path you
                                               who have worked across all sectors of       wish to follow, we have the tools and
                                               the media, including Games Design,          expertise to help you succeed in
                                               3D Animation, Graphic Design and            your journey, and begin a wonderful
                                               Scriptwriting. This means they can help     career that could take you anywhere.
                                               nurture your skills and develop you
                                                                                           South Devon College works in
                                               into an effective media professional.
                                                                                           partnership with the University of the
                                               You’ll also gain experience using
                                                                                           Arts London (UAL), Europe’s largest
                                               industry-standard equipment in the
                                                                                           specialist art and design awarding
                                               unrivalled learning environment of
                                                                                           body, giving you the best possible
                                               our £17m Hi Tech & Digital Centre. We
                                                                                           platform from which to progress
                                               have editing suites for film making,
                                                                                           and succeed.
                                               darkrooms and photography
                                               studios, state-of-the-art technical
                                               film equipment, recording studios,
                                               industry-standard cameras and
                                               virtual reality equipment,

     “I really enjoyed all of the activities
     during my course, including
     making short films from our
     own scripts. It was an excellent
     experience that helped me
     progress to a bachelor’s degree in
     Film and Screen at the University
     of Brighton.”
     Saffron Cobb
                                                                                           FREEPHONE 08000 380 123 •

5 REASONS TO CHOOSE                                              1                     2                          3                      4                           5

CREATIVE DIGITAL MEDIA                                      taff with
                                                           professional links
                                                           and knowledge.
                                                                                    routes to higher
                                                                                                               art film and
                                                                                                                                      to work on live
                                                                                                                                      creative briefs.
                                                                                                                                                                  Learn from
                                                                                                                                                                  leading industry
                                                                                                                                                                  speakers in
                                                                                                                                                                  a thriving sector.

                   AVERAGE EARNINGS £16,000                              AVERAGE EARNINGS £25,000                              AVERAGE EARNINGS £40,000
                   Potential job roles:                                  Potential job roles:                                  Potential job roles:
                   • Junior Content Producer                             • Interactive Designer                                • Games Designer
                                                                         • Camera Operator                                     • 3D Designer
                                                                         • Graphic Designer                                    • Video Editor
                                                                                                                               • Senior Content Producer
                                                                                                                               • Creative Director

                   INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 2                                  ADVANCED LEVEL 3                                      HIGHER LEVEL 4 - 7
                   Study Programme:                                      Study Programme:                                      Study Programme:
                   • UAL Digital Media: Creative Media Diploma           • UAL Film and Video Production                       • FdA Film and Photography

                   • Esports Diploma                                     • UAL Games Production                                • FdA Creative Digital Design
                                                                         • UAL Creative Media Production Extended Diploma      • FdA Games and Interactive Design
                                                                         • Esports Diploma
                                                                                                                               Higher/Degree Apprenticeships:
                                                                         Apprenticeships:                                      • Data Analyst
                                                                         • Junior Content Producer                             • Digital Marketing
                                                                         • Digital Marketer

                   ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                    ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                    ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                   • You must have a minimum of four GCSEs at            • You must have a minimum of five GCSEs at            • A minimum of 48 UCAS points
                     grade 3 or above                                      grade 4 or above                                    • You should be in an appropriate job role for your
                                                                         • You should be in an appropriate job role for your     apprenticeship

                                                                                  For the most up-to-date information, including entry requirements, please visit

                                                                                                                               APPLYING IS EASY                See how to apply
                                                                                                                                                               on page 26
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