Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - TYNTESFIELD Date published: October 2019 - Tyntesfield
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Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy TYNTESFIELD Date published: October 2019 Date of next review: October 2020
Inspiring Learners Trust is totally committed to Safeguarding Children and to a culture of vigilance. Safeguarding is core to our work, not an ‘add-on’. CONTENTS 1. Policy Consultation and Review 2. Introduction 3. Roles and Responsibilities 4. Creating a Safeguarding Culture 5. The Curriculum 6. Professional Code of Conduct 7. Safer Use of Internet and Digital Technology 8. Position of Trust 9. CHILD PROTECTION: Recognising Child Abuse 10. Management of Safeguarding in School 11. Safe Recruitment and selection of staff 12. Confidentiality and information sharing 13. Training for staff and volunteers 14. Recording and reporting concerns 15. Informing parents and carers 16. Specific child protection / safeguarding concerns 17. Child protection conferences and core group meetings 18. Safer working practice 19. Managing allegations and concerns against staff and volunteers 20. Complaints or concerns by pupils, staff or volunteer 21. Serious Case Reviews 22. Disqualification by association 2
1. POLICY CONSULTATION AND REVIEW This policy: has been developed in accordance with the principles established by the Children Acts 1989 and 2004; the Education Act 2002 has been written in line with the Department for Education (DfE) statutory guidance – Keeping Children Safe in Education, September 2019, and any other relevant UK legislation and government guidance should be read in conjunction with ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children’ 2018. applies at all times when providing services or activities directly under the management of the Tyntesfield Primary School staff is publically available on the school’s website ( is provided to all staff (including temporary staff) at induction including the Staff Code of Conduct Owing to the serious nature and importance of Safeguarding at Inspiring Learners Trust this policy will be reviewed annually in the autumn term and approved by the Trust Board as soon as possible thereafter. The policy is provided to all staff at induction alongside our Professional Code of Conduct. In addition, all staff are provided with Part One of the statutory guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’, DfE (2019). This policy has been amended to include advice for practitioners updated by the DfE as follows: What to do if you're worried a child is being abused, DfE (March 2015) Information Sharing: Advice for practitioners, providing safeguarding services DfE (2018) 2. INTRODUCTION This policy has been developed to ensure that all adults in Inspiring Learners Trust are working together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. This policy describes the management systems and arrangements in place to create and maintain a safe learning environment for all our children, young people and staff. It identifies actions that should be taken to redress any concerns about child welfare. The Head of School or in her absence, the authorised members of staff, have the ultimate responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people goes beyond implementing basic child protection procedures. It is an integral part of all activities and functions of Tyntesfield Primary School. This policy complements and supports other relevant school and Local Authority policies. Under the Education Act 2002 schools/settings have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of their pupils and, in accordance with guidance set out in ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018’. Tyntesfield Primary School will work in partnership with other 3
organisations where appropriate to identify any concerns about child welfare and take action to address them. The school’s commitment to safeguarding the welfare of is our highest priority etc. and should be mentioned about developing and maintaining a ‘culture of vigilance’ to ensure that signs and symptoms of abuse are picked up both the opportunity for those wishing to cause harm to children is drastically reduced. The purpose of this document is to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the arrangements that Tyntesfield Primary School has in place for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its pupils/students. It provides guidance to help staff who may have concerns about the safety or welfare of a child, and sets out the school's position in relation to the safeguarding process. This policy is consistent with all other policies adopted by the Governors and should in particular be read in conjunction with the following policies relevant to the safety and welfare of children: Staff Code of Conduct Online Safety Policy Acceptable Use Policy Social Media Policy Curriculum Design Whistle Blowing Policy Health and Safety Policy Children Missing from Education Policy Other relevant policies Learning Differences Behaviour Kindness/Anti-Bullying Equality Scheme Attendance Management Sex and Relationships Education Educational Trips and Visits Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions (including First Aid) Intimate Care Attendance TSCB Policies Managing Allegations and Concerns Against Staff and Volunteers Forced Marriage Domestic Abuse Encompass Procedure Missing from Home and Care Private Fostering Child Sexual Exploitation Guns and Gangs E-Safety Policy 4
3. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Role Name Contact details Designated Safeguarding Kathryn Manion Lead (DSL) 0161 973 4877 Deputy DSL Elizabeth McDonald 0161 973 4877 Head of School Kathryn Manion 0161 973 4877 Executive Headteacher Kylie Spark 0161 973 4877 Named Safeguarding Kerry Cleary Trustee 0161 973 4877 Named Safeguarding Deborah Turner Governor 0161 973 4877 Chair of Governors Helen Johnson 0161 973 4877 Online Safety Lead Claire Walmsley 0161 973 4877 The Head of School of Tyntesfield Primary School will ensure that: The policies and procedures adopted by the Trust Board/Governing Body to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils are fully implemented and followed by all staff including volunteers Safe recruitment and selection of staff and volunteers is practised At Tyntesfield Primary School the Head of School is responsible for: identifying a senior member of staff from leadership team to be the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL); - Identifying alternate members of staff to act as the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) in his/her absence to ensure there is always cover for the role; A Designated Safeguarding Lead for child protection is identified and receives appropriate on-going training, support and supervision 5
Sufficient time and resources are made available to enable the Designated and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead to discharge their responsibilities, including attending inter- agency meetings, contributing to the assessment of children and young people, supporting colleagues and delivering training as appropriate All staff and volunteers receive appropriate training which is updated annually All temporary staff and volunteers are made aware of the school’s safeguarding policy and arrangements All staff and volunteers feel safe about raising concerns about poor or unsafe practice in regard to the safeguarding and welfare of the children and young people and such concerns will be addressed sensitively and effectively. Parents/carers are aware of and have an understanding of the school’s responsibilities to promote the safety and welfare of its pupils by making its obligations clear in the school/setting prospectus. Appropriate safeguarding responses are in place for children who are absent from school or who go missing from education, particularly on repeat occasions. The Attendance Lead (Kathryn Manion) regularly liaises with the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and classteachers to discuss all persistently absent pupils and those who go missing to identify the risk of abuse and neglect including sexual abuse or exploitation and to ensure that appropriate safeguarding responses have been put in place to reduce the risk of future harm. A member of the Trust Board is identified as the designated trustee for Safeguarding and receives appropriate training. The identified trustee will provide the Trust Board with appropriate information about safeguarding and will liaise with the Executive Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead. The Trust’s safeguarding policy is reviewed annually and updated and the school complies with local safeguarding procedures. The Trust operates safe recruitment and selection practices including appropriate use of references and checks on new staff and volunteers. There are Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies together with a Staff Code of Conduct and a Whistleblowing Policy. The Trust has procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff and volunteers and to make a referral to the DBS if a person in regulated activity has been dismissed or removed due to safeguarding concerns, or would have had they not resigned. Any weaknesses in Child Protection are remedied immediately A named trustee for safeguarding, is nominated to liaise with the LA on Child Protection issues and in the event of an allegation of abuse made against the Executive Headteacher. Child Protection policies and procedures are reviewed annually and that the Child Protection policy is available on the Trust website. Parents/carers are made aware of this policy and their entitlement to have a copy of it via the school / website. Enhanced DBS checks are in place for all Trustees and Local Governing Body members. Our Trustees will also undertake appropriate training to ensure they are able to carry out their duty to safeguard all of the children at our school 5.2 The Local Governing Body of the school will ensure that: A member of the Local Governing Body is identified as the designated governor for Safeguarding and receives appropriate training. The identified Governing Body member will provide the Governing Body with appropriate information about safeguarding and will liaise with the Designated Safeguarding Lead member of staff. A senior leader has Designated Safeguarding Lead responsibility. The school’s safeguarding policy is reviewed annually and updated and the school complies with local safeguarding procedures. 6
The school operates safe recruitment and selection practices including appropriate use of references and checks on new staff and volunteers. All staff and volunteers who have regular contact with children and young people receive appropriate training which is up-dated by refresher training every 3 years. There are Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies together with a Staff Code of Conduct and a Whistleblowing Policy. The Trust has procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff and volunteers and to make a referral to the DBS if a person in regulated activity has been dismissed or removed due to safeguarding concerns, or would have had they not resigned. A senior member of staff from leadership team is designated to take the lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection and that there is a deputy DSL(s) who is appropriately trained member to deal with any issues in the absence of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). There will always be cover for this role; On appointment, the Designated Safeguarding Lead undertakes interagency training, at Level 4, and also undertakes an ‘update’ course every 2 years. In addition to formal training, DSL will ensure that they update their knowledge and skills at regular intervals but at least annually, to keep up with any developments relevant to their role. Any weaknesses in Child Protection are remedied immediately A member of the Local Governing Body, usually the Chair, is nominated to liaise with the LA on Child Protection issues and in the event of an allegation of abuse made against the Head of School. Child Protection policies and procedures are reviewed annually and that the Child Protection policy is available on the school website or by other means Parents/carers are made aware of this policy and their entitlement to have a copy of it via the school handbook/newsletter/website. The Local Governing Body considers how children may be taught about safeguarding. This may be part of a broad and balanced curriculum covering relevant issues through personal social health and economic education (PSHE) and/or for maintained schools through sex and relationship education (SRE). Enhanced DBS checks are in place for all Trustees and Local Governing Body members. Our Trustees / Local Governing Bodies will also undertake appropriate training to ensure they are able to carry out their duty to safeguard all of the children at our school The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) has a specific responsibility for championing the importance of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people registered in the school. The Designated Safeguarding Lead must be a member of the Senior Leadership Team of the school. The Designated Safeguarding Lead is the first point of contact for external agencies that are pursuing Child Protection investigations and co-ordinates the school’s representation at Child Protection Conferences and any other relevant meetings (including the submission of written reports for conferences). When an individual concern/incident is brought to the notice of the Designated Safeguarding Lead, they will be responsible for deciding upon whether or not this should be reported to other agencies as a safeguarding issue. KCSIE 2019: “The designated safeguarding lead (and any deputies) are most likely to have a complete safeguarding picture.” Arrangements are in place to ensure that at least one of the DSL trained persons in school is available when children are taking part in school led activity, this includes before and after school clubs and other extra-curricular activities. 7
The Designated Safeguarding Lead will: Act as the first point of contact with regards to all safeguarding matters Attend up-dated training every two years Provide relevant information to the LA on how the school carries out its safeguarding duties Provide support and training for staff and volunteers Ensure that the schools actions are in line with the TSCB Safeguarding Inter-Agency Procedures. (Guidance on these procedures may be found on the TSCB website at Refer a child if there are concerns about possible abuse, to the Local Authority, and acting as a focal point for staff to discuss concerns. Referrals should be made in writing, following a telephone call using a Single Agency Referral Form (SARF) Keep copies of all referrals to TRAFFORD CHILDREN’S FIRST RESPONSE and any other agencies related to safeguarding children (CPOPMs) Ensure that all staff and volunteers receive information on safeguarding policies and procedures from the point of induction Ensure that any staff with specific responsibility for safeguarding children receive Level 2 and above training Manage and keep secure the school’s safeguarding records Ensure that all staff and volunteers understand and are aware of the school’s reporting and recording procedures and are clear about what to do if they have a concern about a child Keep a declaration form/record to show that staff have read and understood specific safeguarding resources/materials Liaise with the Head of School about any safeguarding issues Ensure that the Safeguarding Policy is regularly reviewed and up-dated Keep up to date with changes in local policy and procedures and are aware of any guidance issued by the DFE concerning Safeguarding Send a pupil’s child protection or safeguarding file separately from the main file to a new establishment if a pupil leaves the school. Keep a copy of the file in line with GDPR retention. Provide, with the Head of School, a termly report for the governing body, detailing any changes to the policy and procedures; training undertaken by the Designated Safeguarding Lead, and by all staff and governors; number and type of incidents/cases, and number of children on the child protection register (anonymised) During term time the designated safeguarding lead and/ or a deputy will always be available (during school hours) for staff in the school to discuss any safeguarding concerns. If in exceptional circumstances, a DSL is not available on the school site in person, we will ensure that they are available via telephone and any other relevant media. Staff: All staff may raise concerns directly with Children’s Social Care services All staff must be aware that safeguarding incidents could happen anywhere and staff should be alert to possible concerns being raised in this school All staff are aware that safeguarding concerns about adults in the school should be made to the Designated Safeguarding Lead or to the Head of School. All members of staff and volunteers are provided with child protection awareness information at induction, including in their arrival pack, the school safeguarding statement so that they know who to discuss a concern with All members of staff are trained in and receive regular updates in online safety and reporting concerns KCSIE 2019: “always speak to the designated safeguarding lead (or deputy)” 8
KCSIE 2019: “Wherever possible, there should be a conversation with the designated safeguarding lead (or deputy), who will help staff decide what to do next KCSIE 2019: “If in exceptional circumstances, the designated safeguarding lead (or deputy) is not available, this should not delay appropriate action being taken” 4. CREATING A SAFEGUARDING CULTURE Tyntesfield Primary School aims to create and maintain a safe learning environment where all children and adults feel safe, secure and valued and know they will be listened to and taken seriously. Everyone within Tyntesfield Primary School has a responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and for ensuring that they are protected from harm. We should try to identify and address risks early and prevent issues escalating. “School should be a safe and affirming place for children where they can develop a sense of belonging and feel able to trust and talk openly with adults about their problems.” (DFE June 2014 – Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools) We believe that all members of the organisation are entitled to receive care and protection from harm. We will not accept inappropriate behaviour towards children, staff or volunteers and will ensure that any concerns or allegations of impropriety are dealt with quickly, fairly and sensitively. We are committed to robust recruitment and selection procedures (see below) to ensure that all staff and volunteers have been appropriately screened prior to appointment, and to the provision of appropriate guidance about safe working practice, boundaries and propriety. All Job Advertisements carry a statement on the school’s policy towards safeguarding children and the requirements for Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and Disqualification by Association. We ensure that appropriate child protection training is available to staff and volunteers through induction programmes and within continuing training and development opportunities. If there are any concerns relating to the welfare or safety of a child the Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures are followed (see Trafford Safeguarding Children Procedures). The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Kathryn Manion, will decide whether to refer the case to Children’s Social Care (TRAFFORD CHILDREN’S FIRST RESPONSE), the ‘SCIP’ Worker – Social Care in Partnership, or monitor the situation. **Anyone can make a direct referral to Social Care. In any conflict between the needs of the child or young person and those of others, the needs of the young person must come first. Any allegation which may indicate that an adult behaved in a way that has: harmed a child, or may have harmed a child; possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or, behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he is unsuitable to work with children. 9
will be reported to the TRAFFORD CHILDREN’S FIRST RESPONSE/Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and the appropriate procedures followed. At Tyntesfield Primary School, all staff should be familiar with the school’s Safeguarding systems: Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy CPOMS – Child Protection Online Monitoring System Whistle Blowing Policy Safer Recruitment procedures included in this Policy Staff Code of Conduct included in this Policy Online Safety and Social Media Policy Acceptable Use of Technology Policy Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy Learning Differences Policy Equality Scheme Confidentiality will be upheld as far as possible at all times. Tyntesfield Primary School works to ensure that Safeguarding is a priority. We have a Safer School Culture: We are open, no secrets We talk about Safeguarding Issues We are aware that it could happen here We take concerns seriously We have clear procedures for reporting concerns that are communicated and regularly reviewed We provide guidance for adults on appropriate and inappropriate behaviour Policies and Procedures are in place Good induction procedures exist We have clear Child Protection procedures in place We meet regularly to monitor and review the most vulnerable children and families (including Team Around the Child [TAC] meetings) Everybody understands their responsibility for safeguarding as a result of clear, precise job descriptions, procedures, staff training, induction, mentoring, guidance and practices. Staff may be required to contribute to reports, meetings with Social Care to take decisions about children. Our commitment to safeguarding is publicised regularly. We provide updates to parents and carers. The school complies with the DBS Code of Practice in regard to criminal record information. The school’s work within the areas of Child Protection/Multi Agency Work, Inclusion, Anti-Bullying, Equality of Opportunity, Pupil Provision and Vulnerable Pupils complements our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. The children have access to appropriate curriculum/learning opportunities including emotional health and well-being, to support the development of the skills needed to help them stay safe and healthy, develop their self-esteem and understand the responsibilities of adult life, particularly in regard to child care and parenting skills. 10
The children are regularly reminded that there are adults in school whom they can approach if they are in difficulty or feeling worried and that their concerns will be taken seriously and treated with respect. The school makes use of ChildLine assemblies and workshops to develop pupils’ understanding of their rights, own safety and voice. In the event that an allegation of abuse is made against a member of staff or volunteer, the designated person (Kathryn Manion, 0161 973 4877) will seek advice from the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and will agree the procedure to be followed. Where the allegation arises outside of the work setting the LADO will inform the organisations designated person. We have a separate Whistle Blowing Policy in place to enable concerns emerging about the conduct of an adult to be appropriately addressed. Any staff disclosing information regarding inappropriate behaviour by colleagues will be listened to and supported in accordance with the Whistle Blowing Policy. Parents of a child allegedly abused by a member of staff or other adult will be kept informed of the progress and outcome of any investigation. Any member of staff facing investigation into an allegation of abuse will be subject to the procedures laid down by TSCB, will be offered appropriate access to professional and personal support networks, and will be kept informed of the progress and outcome of any investigation. The Continuum of Needs and Response and the Common Assessment Framework is embedded into everyday practice and procedures when responding to children’s need. The children have access to appropriate curriculum opportunities, including emotional health and well-being, to support the development of the skills needed to help them stay safe and healthy, develop their self-esteem and understand the responsibilities of adult life, particularly in regard to child care and parenting skills. Access to cross-curricular activities will provide opportunities to develop self-esteem and self- motivation and to help pupils respect the rights of others, particularly those groups who may be considered a minority. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children. We recognise that staff at our school play a particularly important role as they are in a position to identify concerns early and provide help for children to prevent concerns from escalating. All staff are advised to maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ where safeguarding is concerned. When concerned about the welfare of a child, staff members must always act in the best interests of the child. At all times we will work in partnership and endeavour to establish effective working relationships with parents, carers and colleagues from other agencies in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015) and Trafford Safeguarding Children Board’s procedures. 5. THE CURRICULUM All children have access to an appropriate curriculum, differentiated to meet their needs. This enables them to learn to develop the necessary skills to build self-esteem, respect others, defend those in need, resolve conflict without resorting to violence, question and challenge and to make informed choices in later life. 11
Children and young people are encouraged to express and discuss their ideas, thoughts and feelings through a variety of activities and have access to a range of cultural opportunities which promote respect and empathy for others, age-appropriately. There is access to information and materials from a diversity of sources which promote social, spiritual and moral well-being and physical and mental health. Personal Health and Social Education, Citizenship and Religious Education lessons will provide opportunities for children and young people to discuss and debate a range of subjects including lifestyles, forced marriage, family patterns, religious beliefs and practices and human rights issues. All pupils will know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach in confidence if they are in difficulty or feeling worried and that their concerns will be taken seriously and treated with respect. The Governing Body ensures that children are taught about safeguarding, including online, through teaching and learning opportunities, as part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum. This may include covering relevant issues through personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), and through sex and relationship education (SRE). 6. PROFESSIONAL CODE OF CONDUCT Staff and volunteers are required to complete an annual declaration (see Appendix) to show that they have read and understood the Professional Code of Conduct at Tyntesfield Primary School. The school has adopted, in full, the Keeping Children Safe in Education (DFE September 2019) guidance. It is available on the school’s website and through the DFE website. The guidance is an attempt to identify what behaviours are expected of adults who work with pupils. Adults whose practice deviates from this guidance and/or their professional or employment- related code of conduct may bring into question their suitability to work with pupils. It is important that all adults working with pupils at Tyntesfield Primary School understand the appropriate and safe behaviour expected of them. Providing staff with clear guidance will ensure that the school’s expectations of Safer Working Practice are reinforced throughout a person’s employment. Confidentiality Members of staff may have access to confidential information about pupils and their families in order to undertake their everyday responsibilities. Information must never be used to intimidate, humiliate, or embarrass the pupil. Confidential information about a child or family should never be used casually in conversation (within or away from the school premises) or shared with any person other than on a need-to-know basis. Aspects detailed within the Safer Working Practice DFE Guidance are outlined below with the key messages from the guidance shared in italics, along with specific expectations of conduct at Tyntesfield Primary School: 12
Power and Positions of Trust It is vital for all those in positions of trust to understand the power this can give them over those they care for and the responsibility they must exercise as a consequence of this relationship. A relationship between an adult and a child or young person is not a relationship between equals. There is potential for exploitation and harm of vulnerable young people. Adults therefore have a responsibility to ensure that an unequal balance of power is not used for personal advantage or gratification. Adults should always maintain appropriate professional boundaries and avoid behaviour which might be misinterpreted by others. They should report and record any incident with this potential. Propriety and Behaviour All adults working with pupils have a responsibility to maintain public confidence in their ability to safeguard the welfare and best interests of pupils. It is therefore expected that they will adopt high standards of personal conduct in order to maintain the confidence and respect of their colleagues, pupils or students public in general and all those with whom they work. There may be times, for example, when an adult’s behaviour or actions in their personal life come under scrutiny from local communities, the media or public authorities. This could be because their behaviour is considered to compromise their position in their workplace or indicate an unsuitability to work with pupils. Misuse of drugs, alcohol or acts of violence would be examples of such behaviour. Adults in contact with pupils should, therefore, understand and be aware, that safe practice also involves using judgement and integrity about behaviours in places other than the work setting. Dress and Appearance A person's dress and appearance are matters of personal choice and self-expression. However, adults should dress in ways which are appropriate to their role and this may need to be different to how they dress when not at work. This includes jewellery and accessories. Adults who work with pupils should ensure they are dressed appropriately for the tasks and the work they undertake. Tattoos should be covered wherever possible and visible piercings, other than in the ear, should be removed when pupils are in school. The school operates a gender neutral policy with regard to clothing and should not discriminate against a person based upon gender. (See Equalities Scheme.) Use of Mobile Phones during the school day Mobile phones have a place in settings, especially when on outings. They are often the only means of contact available in settings and can be helpful in ensuring children are kept safe. The use of mobile phones on outings needs to be included as part of the risk assessment, for example, how to keep personal numbers that may be stored on the phone safe and confidential. Adults are discouraged from making use of their personal phones during the working school day, this includes in staff and briefing meetings and In Service Training. The use of a mobile phone or device must not detract from the quality of supervision and care of children, nor professional development. 13
Adults at Tyntesfield Primary School are requested to have personal phones switched off during times when they are working especially with pupils and or other services, except in exceptional circumstances which should be agreed with the Head of School or a senior leader. Adults are responsible for their own behaviour regarding the use of mobile phones and should avoid putting themselves into compromising situations, which could be misinterpreted and lead to potential allegations. (See also ‘Communication with pupils including use of technology’.) Personal Living Space No child or young person should be in or invited into, the home of an adult who works with them, unless the reason for this has been firmly established and agreed with parents/ carers and a senior manager or Head of School. Gifts, Rewards and Favouritism The giving of gifts or rewards to pupils should be part of an agreed policy for supporting positive behaviour or recognising particular achievements. Any gifts should be given openly and not be based on favouritism. Adults need to be aware however, that the giving of gifts can be misinterpreted by others as a gesture either to bribe or “groom” a young person. Gifts given to pupils who may be leaving the school or absent for health/long-term reasons may be gifted from the class rather than from an individual adult or member of staff. Infatuations Occasionally, a child or young person may develop an infatuation with an adult who works with them. These adults should deal with these situations sensitively and appropriately to maintain the dignity and safety of all concerned. They should remain aware, however, that such infatuations carry a high risk of words or actions being misinterpreted and should therefore make every effort to ensure that their own behaviour is above reproach. Adults who becomes aware that a child or young person is developing a infatuation, should discuss this at the earliest opportunity with the Head of School, DSL, senior manager and parent/carer so appropriate action can be taken to avoid any hurt, distress or embarrassment. This should be reported on CPOMS. Communication with pupils including Use of Technology (see Online Safety and Social Media Policy and Acceptable Use of Technology Policies) Communication between pupils and adults, by whatever method, should take place within clear and explicit professional boundaries. This includes the wider use of technology such as mobile phones, text messaging, emails, msn, social networking, digital cameras, videos, web-cams, websites and blogs. Staff must use an LA/School approved email solution should they need to communicate with pupils about their school work. Adults should not share any personal information or details with a child or young person; this includes personal email, home/mobile telephone numbers, social media addresses. They should not request, or respond to, any personal information from the child/young person, other than that which might be appropriate as part of their professional role (and only then after checking that the need to do so is agreed with senior management and parents/carers). Adults should ensure that all communications are transparent and open to scrutiny. 14
Adults should also be circumspect in their communications with children so as to avoid any possible misinterpretation of their motives or any behaviour which could be construed as grooming. E-mail or text communications between an adult and a child/young person outside agreed protocols may lead to disciplinary and/or criminal investigations. This also includes communications through social networking or internet based web sites. Social Contact Adults should not establish or seek to establish social contact with pupils for the purpose of securing a friendship or to pursue or strengthen a relationship. Sexual Contact All adults should clearly understand the need to maintain appropriate boundaries in their contacts with pupils. Intimate or sexual relationships between children/young people and the adults who work with them will be regarded as a grave breach of trust. Allowing or encouraging a relationship to develop in a way which might lead to a sexual relationship is also unacceptable. Any sexual activity between an adult and a child or young person with whom they work may be regarded as a criminal offence and will always be a matter for disciplinary action. All children and young people are protected by specific legal provisions in this respect regardless of whether the child or young person consents or not. The sexual activity referred to does not just involve physical contact including penetrative and non-penetrative acts. It may also include non-contact activities, such as causing children to engage in or watch sexual activity or the production of pornographic material. 'Working Together to Safeguard Children’ defines sexual abuse as “forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening”. Physical Contact There are occasions when it is entirely appropriate and proper for staff to have physical contact with pupils, but it is crucial that they only do so in ways appropriate to their professional role. A 'no touch' approach is impractical for most staff and will in some circumstances be inappropriate. When physical contact is made with pupils this should be in response to their needs at the time, of limited duration and appropriate to their age, stage of development, gender, ethnicity and background. Appropriate physical contact in schools will occur most often with younger pupils. It is not possible to be specific about the appropriateness of each physical contact, since an action that is appropriate with one child in one set of circumstances may be inappropriate in another, or with a different child. Staff should therefore, use their professional judgement at all times. Physical contact should never be secretive, or for the gratification of the adult, or represent a misuse of authority. If a member of staff believes that an action could be misinterpreted, the incident and circumstances should be recorded as soon as possible on CPOMs and, if appropriate, a copy placed on the child’s file. The general culture of 'limited touch' should be adapted, where appropriate, to the individual requirements of each child. Children with special needs may require more physical contact to assist their everyday learning. The arrangements should be understood and agreed by all concerned, justified in terms of the child's needs, consistently applied and open to scrutiny. It is recognised that some children who have experienced abuse may seek inappropriate physical contact. Adults should be particularly aware of this when it is known that a child has suffered 15
previous abuse or neglect. In the child's view, physical contact might be associated with such experiences and lead to some actions being misinterpreted. In all circumstances where a child or young person initiates inappropriate physical contact, it is the responsibility of the adult to sensitively deter the child and help them understand the importance of personal boundaries. Such circumstances must always be reported on CPOMs and discussed with a senior manager and the parent/carer. Other activities that require Physical Contact Physical contact should take place only when it is necessary in relation to a particular activity. It should take place in a safe and open environment i.e. one easily observed by others and last for the minimum time necessary. Behaviour Management (see school’s Behaviour and Kindness Policy) There are circumstances in which adults working with children displaying extreme behaviours can legitimately intervene by using either non-restrictive or restrictive physical interventions. This is a complex area and adults and school/service must have regard to legislation and government guidance in the development and implementation of their own policies and practice. The use of physical intervention should, wherever possible, be avoided. It should only be used to manage a child or young person’s behaviour if it is necessary to prevent personal injury to the child, other children or an adult, to prevent serious damage to property or in what would reasonably be regarded as exceptional circumstances. When physical intervention is used it should be undertaken in such a way that maintains the safety and dignity of all concerned. The scale and nature of any physical intervention must be proportionate to both the behaviour of the individual to be controlled and the nature of the harm they may cause. The minimum necessary force should be used and the techniques deployed in line with recommended policy and practice. Under no circumstances should physical force or intervention be used as a form of punishment. The duty of care which applies to all adults and school/service working with pupils requires that reasonable measures are taken to prevent children being harmed. The use of unwarranted physical force is likely to constitute a criminal offence. In all cases where physical intervention is employed the incident and subsequent actions should be documented and reported (CPOMS). This should include written and signed accounts of all those involved, including the child or young person. The parents/carers should be informed the same day. Children and Young People in Distress There may be occasions when a distressed child needs comfort and reassurance and this may involve physical contact. Young children, in particular, may need immediate physical comfort, for example after a fall, separation from parent etc. Adults should use their professional judgement to comfort or reassure a child in an age-appropriate way whilst maintaining clear professional boundaries. Intimate Care (See school’s Intimate Care Policy) Some job responsibilities necessitate intimate physical contact with children on a regular basis, for example assisting young children with toileting, providing intimate care for children with disabilities or in the provision of medical care. 16
Personal Care Young people are entitled to respect and privacy at all times and especially when in a state of undress, changing clothes, bathing or undertaking any form of personal care. There are occasions where there will be a need for an appropriate level of supervision in order to safeguard young people and/or satisfy health and safety considerations. This supervision should be appropriate to the needs and age of the young people concerned and sensitive to the potential for embarrassment. Adults need to be vigilant about their own behaviour, ensure they follow agreed guidelines and be mindful of the needs of the pupils with whom they work. First Aid and Administration of Medication (See school’s Supporting Pupils with Medication Policy) One to One Situations One to one situations have the potential to make child/young person more vulnerable to harm by those who seek to exploit their position of trust. Adults working in one to one settings with pupils may also be more vulnerable to unjust or unfounded allegations being made against them. Both possibilities should be recognised so that when one to one situations are unavoidable, reasonable and sensible precautions are taken. Every attempt should be made to ensure the safety and security of pupils and the adults who work with them. Home Visits All work with pupils and parents should, wherever possible, be undertaken in the school or other recognised workplace, There are, however, occasions, in response to an urgent or specific situation where it is necessary to make one-off or regular home visits. In these circumstances it is essential that appropriate policies and related risk assessments are in place to safeguard pupils and the adults who work with them. A risk assessment should include an evaluation of any known factors regarding the child/young person, parents and others living in the household. Specific consideration should be given to visits outside of ‘office hours’ or in remote or secluded locations. Transporting Pupils There will be occasions when adults are expected or asked to transport children as part of their duties, e.g. out of school activities, staff or volunteers may agree to transport children. Adults, who are expected to use their own vehicles for transporting children should ensure that the vehicle is roadworthy, appropriately insured and that the maximum capacity is not exceeded. It is a legal requirement that all passengers should wear seat belts and it is the responsibility of the staff member to ensure that this requirement is met. Adults should also be aware of current legislation and adhere to the use of car seats for younger children. Adults transporting pupils should, wherever possible, have another adult in the vehicle. Pupils should be seated in the back. There may be occasions where the child or young person requires transport in an emergency situation or where not to give a lift may place a child at risk. Such circumstances must always be recorded (CPOMS) and reported to a senior manager and parents/carers. Educational Visits and After-School Activities (See school’s Educational Visits Policy) Photography, Images and Videos 17
The vast majority of people who take or view photographs or videos of children do so for entirely innocent, understandable and acceptable reasons. However, due to cases of abuse to children through taking or using images, we must ensure that we have safeguards in place. Working with pupils may involve the taking or recording of images. Any such work should take place with due regard to the law and the need to safeguard the privacy, dignity, safety and well- being of pupils. Informed written consent from parents or carers and agreement, where possible, from the child or young person, should always be sought before an image is taken for any purpose. Adults need to remain sensitive to any children who appear uncomfortable, for whatever reason, and should recognise the potential for such activities to raise concerns or lead to misunderstandings. It is not appropriate for adults to take photographs of children for their personal use, or on their personal devices (such as iPads/tablets, cameras, mobile telephones, digital devices). Adults must ensure that only school’s designated recording devices/iPads/cameras are used The school maintains a record of parental permission given for the taking and use of photographic images. The following guidance is followed: Ensure that a child is appropriately dressed if the photograph is used, avoid naming the pupil if the pupil is named, only use a first name and avoid using their photograph writing times and dates alongside images (e.g. in a tweet) should be avoided if, by giving these, it may indicate to others where and when a child may be accessible schools should establish whether the image will be retained for further use or deleted (preferably these should be deleted after use) images should be securely store, password protected, and used only by those authorised to do so. Where images are stored the school will adhere to GDPR/ICO data protection laws. where professional photographers are used, DBS’s, references and parental consent will be obtained prior to photographs being taken. Access to Inappropriate Images and Internet Usage There are no circumstances that will justify adults possessing indecent images of children. Adults who access and possess links to such websites will be viewed as a significant and potential threat to children. Accessing, making and storing indecent images of children is illegal. This will lead to criminal investigation and the individual being barred from working with pupils, if proven. Adults should not use equipment belonging to their school/service to access adult pornography; neither should personal equipment containing these images or links to them be brought into the workplace. This will raise serious concerns about the suitability of the adult to continue to work with children. Adults should ensure that pupils are not exposed to any inappropriate images or web links. (See school Online Safety and Social Media Policy). Where indecent images of children or other unsuitable material are found, the police and Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) should be immediately informed. Adults should not attempt to investigate the matter or evaluate the material themselves, as this may lead to evidence being contaminated which in itself can lead to a criminal prosecution. 18
7. SAFER USE OF THE INTERNET AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY (see Online Safety and Social Media Policy) Tyntesfield Primary School recognise that in a modern learning environment, use of emerging technology, the internet, multimedia devices and digital imaging facilities are part of everyday requirements. However, a child/young person’s safety will remain the priority of the school. All staff are aware that any items that have capability for use of the Internet or the creation of digital images (including mobile phones) must be used by children/young people under appropriate supervision. If any such item that belongs to a member of staff is brought onto the school site, it is the responsibility of that staff member to ensure that these items contain nothing of an inappropriate nature. Children/young people are not permitted to directly access items that do not belong to the school. If there is any suspicion that any multimedia device or computer contains any images or content of an inappropriate nature, the Head of School or DSL should be informed immediately. Whilst it is essential that governing bodies and proprietors ensure that appropriate filters and monitoring systems are in place; they should be careful that “over blocking” does not lead to unreasonable restrictions as to what children can be taught with regards to online teaching and safeguarding. Social Networking Sites Social Networking sites are part of everyday culture within the cyber environment and all staff will promote safe use of the internet to all children/young people. The school curriculum will include the input of appropriately trained personnel around Internet Safety and safe use of media items. Staff will ensure that any personal use of Social Networking sites does not in any way impinge upon the school or their professional standards. Any concerns regarding a staff member’s conduct should be brought to the immediate attention of the Head of School or the DSL. Any attempt by a child/young person to contact staff via such internet sites will immediately be reported to the Head of School or DSL in order that appropriate advice can be given to the child/young person and their parents/carers regarding professional boundaries and the safety of the child/young person. Sexting ‘Sexting’ is one of a number of ‘risk-taking’ behaviours associated with the use of digital devices, social media or the internet. It is accepted that young people experiment and challenge boundaries and therefore the risks associated with ‘online’ activity can never be completely eliminated. However, Tyntesfield Primary School takes a pro-active approach in its Computing and Enrichment programmes to help children to understand, assess, manage and avoid the risks associated with ‘online activity’. The school recognises its duty of care to its young people who do find themselves involved in such activity as well as its responsibility to report such behaviours where legal or safeguarding boundaries are crossed. There are a number of definitions of ‘sexting’ but for the purposes of this policy sexting is simply defined as: Images or videos generated by children under the age of 18, or of children under the age of 18 that are of a sexual nature or are indecent. These images are shared between young people and/or adults via a mobile phone, hand held device, computer, ‘tablet’ or website with people they may not even know. 19
There are many different types of sexting and it is likely that no two cases will be the same. It is necessary to carefully consider each case on its own merit. However, it is important that Tyntesfield Primary School applies a consistent approach when dealing with an incident to help protect young people and the school. For this reason, the Designated Safeguarding Lead (or DDSL in the absence of the DSL) needs to be informed of any ‘sexting’ incidents. The Online Safety Coordinator may be informed; he should then share this information with the DSL. The range of contributory factors in each case also needs to be considered in order to determine an appropriate and proportionate response. All colleagues are expected to be aware of this policy. The school adopts the UK Council for Child Internet Safety guidance ‘Sexting in schools and colleges: Responding to incidents and safeguarding young people’ in respect of our response to sexting. This guidance clearly sets out how to handle incidents, should they occur and what preventative steps can be taken to educate young people. This guidance can be found in Appendix 6. 8. POSITION OF TRUST All school staff are aware that inappropriate behaviour towards children is unacceptable and that their conduct towards all children must be beyond reproach. In addition, staff should understand that, under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, it is an offence for a person over the age of 18 to have a sexual relationship with a person under the age of 18, where that person is in a position of trust, even if the relationship is consensual. This means that any sexual activity between a member of the school staff and a child under 18 may be a criminal offence, even if that child is over the age of consent. 9. CHILD PROTECTION - Recognising Child Abuse All staff should be aware that abuse, neglect and safeguarding issues are rarely standalone events that can be covered by one definition or label. In most cases multiple issues will overlap with one another Abuse: a form of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting by those known to them or, more rarely, by others (e.g. via the internet). They may be abused by an adult or adults or another child or children. Recognising signs of child abuse Categories of Abuse: All staff are aware of the categories of abuse, which are: Emotional Physical Sexual Neglect Abuse Abuse Abuse The definitions of which can be found below and in the glossary, and signs and symptoms of the four categories of abuse can be found below and in Appendix 3. 20
Staff are also made aware of other key safeguarding topics: Children with Bullying & Child Sexual Contextual SEN and/or Cyberbullying Exploitation Safeguarding disabilities Criminal Female Domestic Exploitation Early Help Gential Abuse 'County Lines' Mutilation Preventing Gangs & Youth Peer on Peer Hate Radicalisation Violence Abuse & Extremism Private Relationship Sexting Trafficking Fostering Abuse The definitions of the above can be found in the glossary. Information and learning relating to the above topcs is shared in school, but staff are also encouraged to undertake their own learning. More information in relation to staff training etc. can be found in the ‘Staff learning and development’ section of this policy. Signs of Abuse in Children: The following non-specific signs may indicate something is wrong: Significant change in behaviour Extreme anger or sadness Aggressive and attention-seeking behaviour Suspicious bruises with unsatisfactory explanations Lack of self-esteem Self-injury Depression Age inappropriate sexual behaviour Child Sexual Exploitation. Risk Indicators The factors described in this section are frequently found in cases of child abuse. Their presence is not proof that abuse has occurred, but: Must be regarded as indicators of the possibility of significant harm Justifies the need for careful assessment and discussion with designated / named / lead person, manager, (or in the absence of all those individuals, an experienced colleague) May require consultation with and / or referral to Children’s Services 21
The absence of such indicators does not mean that abuse or neglect has not occurred. In an abusive relationship the child may: Appear frightened of the parent/s Act in a way that is inappropriate to her/his age and development (though full account needs to be taken of different patterns of development and different ethnic groups) The parent or carer may: Persistently avoid child health promotion services and treatment of the child’s episodic illnesses Have unrealistic expectations of the child Frequently complain about/to the child and may fail to provide attention or praise (high criticism/low warmth environment) Be absent or misusing substances Persistently refuse to allow access on home visits Be involved in domestic abuse Staff should be aware of the potential risk to children when individuals, previously known or suspected to have abused children, move into the household. Recognising Physical Abuse The following are often regarded as indicators of concern: An explanation which is inconsistent with an injury Several different explanations provided for an injury Unexplained delay in seeking treatment The parents/carers are uninterested or undisturbed by an accident or injury Parents are absent without good reason when their child is presented for treatment Repeated presentation of minor injuries (which may represent a “cry for help” and if ignored could lead to a more serious injury) Family use of different doctors and A&E departments Reluctance to give information or mention previous injuries Bruising Children can have accidental bruising, but the following must be considered as non- accidental unless there is evidence or an adequate explanation provided: Any bruising to a pre-crawling or pre-walking baby Bruising in or around the mouth, particularly in small babies which may indicate force feeding Two simultaneous bruised eyes, without bruising to the forehead, (rarely accidental, though a single bruised eye can be accidental or abusive) Repeated or multiple bruising on the head or on sites unlikely to be injured accidentally Variation in colour possibly indicating injuries caused at different times The outline of an object used e.g. belt marks, hand prints or a hair brush Bruising or tears around, or behind, the earlobe/s indicating injury by pulling or twisting Bruising around the face Grasp marks on small children Bruising on the arms, buttocks and thighs may be an indicator of sexual abuse 22
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