International Schools Guide - The Standard

Page created by Angela Griffith
International Schools Guide - The Standard
March 2018

International Schools Guide - The Standard

International schools set fine examples
for an all-rounded education
    The growing popularity of international schools                    must finish every night, robbing them of time to
is a direct result of parents’ general dissatisfaction                 develop their interests outside text books, and the
with the mainstream education system where                             precious opportunities of bonding with parents and
the emphasis lie on quantity instead of quality,                       siblings. Term breaks and vacations do not bring
where rote learning predominates over reasoning                        relief as assignments would multiply from each and
and imagination, and where examination results                         every subject teacher.
override every other consideration, not to mention                          Some over-zealous parents are partly to blame
the intense drilling for primary school students                       because they put pressure on the school for
created by the TSA, or BCA, or whatever new                            rigorous drilling, and complain when their children
acronyms the education bureaucrats can come up                         seem to have too much spare time at home for
with!                                                                  iphones, TV games and other electronic gadgetries.
    I n t e r n a t i o n a l s c h o o l s o ff e r a w e l c o m e   It is perfectly correct to pay attention to children’s
alternative, and are increasingly held in high regard                  schooling and personal development, but an over-
by parents because of their innovative curriculum                      programmed, over-protected or over-reliant child
and liberal teaching methodology. Traditional                          could turn out to be a misfit and a failure later in
schools focus on dishing out information en                            life. Positive reinforcement and encouragement for
masse in order to complete a demanding syllabus,                       our children is one thing, relentless pressurization
whereas international schools encourage and                            and regimentation is quite another.
support students to seek the knowledge and                                  In assembling experts from this education
answers for themselves. The holistic education is                      sector, The Standard’s International Schools Fair
effective in nurturing children to become intelligent,                 will provide you with the most updated information,
all-rounded whole persons who can realize their full                   and answers to a comprehensive range of
potentials.                                                            questions to help you make the optimum choice
    Many students dread school because of the                          for your children.
totally unjustifiable load of homework that they

                                                                                                           Features Editor

International Schools Guide - The Standard
ve Offer!

            01               Editor’s Message

            06               YCIS Embraces Integrated Subject Learning

                             Co-curricular programme develops a
            08               child’s full potentials

                                                                                                                      COME & ENJOY A VENTUR
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                                                                                  AN ADDITIONAL HK$2,000 CASH VOUCHER TOWARDS WALL PRODUCTS.
                             NAIS Hong Kong Campuses
            18               shine with excellence
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                             Cultivating curious students
            20               with the passion to learn                                 Find us on:

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                                                                                                                            Terms and Conditions Apply
2   | International Schools Guide 2018
International Schools Guide - The Standard
                                       Students learn best with strong academics foundation
                22                     coupled with remarkable peak moments

                                       Preparing Today’s Children
                24                     for Tomorrow’s World

                                       ESF students shine with stellar
                26                     university offers

                                       Letting Children Lead:
                28                     Developing Skills for the Next Generation

                30                     Go green by staying home
                                                                                                                                                   Going Beyond Borders
                31                     Revival of the Han dynasty

                                                                                                                                 Global Education
                33                     Directory                                                                                 YCIS prepares students to face the challenges of the unknown future                                      Now w
                                                                                                                                 and equips them to embrace the world with confidence.                                                   applic elcoming
                                                                                                                                 To learn more, contact us now to book your private tour                                                  20          for
                          March 2018

                                                                                                                                 or register for an upcoming information session.
    International                                                                                                                Tel: 2338 7106        |              |
    Schools                                “International Schools Guide” is published by The Standard

    Guide                                  Display Advertising Department                  Features Editor: Andy Ng
                                           3/F, Sing Tao News Corporation Building,        Reporters: Ambrose Li
                                           7 Chun Cheong Street,                           Business Director: Irene Chan           Why choose YCIS?
                                           Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate,                Website:            Strong bilingual focus      International curriculum         Multicultural environment
                                           Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong       Email:
                                                                                                                                      Ages 6 months to 18 years   100% university acceptance       Up to 7 years of Secondary scholarships
                                           Advertising Hotline: (852) 3181 3311
                                           Fax: 2758 3579
                                           All rights reserved.

4   | International Schools Guide 2018
International Schools Guide - The Standard
inspire. Their various subject teachers collectively plan and
                                                                                                                                              execute the sessions, mixing and overseeing the students’
                                                                                                                                              work. The flexible learning spaces have been specifically
                                                                                                                                              designed to facilitate observational, information-based,
                                                                                                                                              project-based, spontaneous, peer and individual learning.
                                                                                                                                              With a range of seating and gathering options, students
                                                                                                                                              are able to select the optimum setup for their own personal
                                                                                                                                              learning needs.
                                                                                                                                                  Mr. Amar Sharma, Head of Year 7 has found the new
                                                                                                                                              arrangements to work exceptionally well, saying, “In just
                                                                                                                                              a short time, we have already seen advanced student
                                                                                                                                              collaboration and positive responses. The Learning
                                                                                                                                              Communities do help maximizing students’ engagement
                                                                                                                                              and inspire them in a lot of ways.” Mrs. Cecille Nazareno,
                                                                                                                                              Year 8 Team Leader added, “Because of the free flow
                                                                                                                                              design of the learning areas, it really supports the integrated
                                                                                                                                              subjects learning. The whole floor is their classroom.”
                                                                                                                                                  The designs have been developed over several months,
                                                                                                                                              with input and guidance from academic leaders and
                                                                                                                                              specialists, and the project is set to significantly enhance
                                                                                                                                              the YCIS learning spaces and bring them up to speed with
                                                                                                                                              the school's progressive international curriculum. Flexible
                                                                                                                                              learning spaces are created to provide areas for a range

         YCIS Embraces                                                                                                                        of activities, albeit in an individual setting, peer learning or
                                                                                                                                              group settings. Another advantage of collaboration with
                                                                                                                                              such an environment is the limitless adaptation options, as
                                                                                                                                              per learning objective calls for.

                   Integrated Subject Learning                                                                                                                                                                   With a range of seating and gathering options,
        The Integrated Curriculum for           the traditional classroom, where         collaborative learning communities.                                                                                     students are able to select the optimum setup for
    Years 7 to 9 is the new Middle School       teachers are the subject experts, with                                                                                                                           their own personal learning needs.
                                                                                         How subjects are combined
    programme at Yew Chung International        the ‘integrated programme,’ where
                                                                                              For selected periods of the
    School (YCIS), reinforcing the school's     students approach the topics with a
                                                                                         t i m e t a b l e t h e w h o l e y e a r g ro u p
    vision of a vibrant learning community      skills-based emphasis as they gain
                                                                                         of Middle School and all relevant
    of self-directed, globally minded and       expertise. The new learning areas will
                                                                                         teachers can unite and link subjects.
    enthusiastic life-long learners. Students   be used in many different ways so that
                                                                                         For example, students exploring why
    at YCIS are engaged in authentic            students benefit from the flexibility
                                                                                         and how people write autobiographies
    educational experiences that develop        of their new learning space. The
    and nurture them as they develop into       current high standards of YCIS will      in an English lesson were able to
    young adults.                               be maintained as students gain           link their research to a major river
        YCIS uses flexible teaching             the necessary skills to outwardly        in Asia—the Yangtze. Looking at
    methods to ensure that the needs            communicate the knowledge they are       the river's birth point, its trickle to
    of all students are met, whatever           inwardly gaining.                        gain momentum and the landmarks
    their learning style, helping them to                                                along its journey towards the sea
                                                Collaborative learning spaces            became a fascinating 'life journey'—
    develop life-long skills so that they
                                                   YCIS is the first school to bring     an autobiography from the river’s
    graduate as global citizens. Each year,
                                                the concept of learning communities      viewpoint. Students could choose to
    the integrated programme will be
                                                from USA company Fielding Nair           work in small groups or pairs to plan
    introduced to the next year level and
                                                International (FNI) to Hong Kong.        and present a unique piece of creative
    will eventually run from Year 7 through
                                                Students from Years 7 to 9 and their     written work.
    to Upper School (Year 10 and above).
                                                teachers have already been enjoying
    At each stage, teachers will concentrate                                             A ‘non-classroom’
                                                the benefits of this concept and have
    on nurturing this approach in order to                                               environment
    help students connect with their peers,     made the transition towards deeper,
                                                more integrated subject learning. Now       Students and year group teachers
    their classroom area, their teachers and                                             are now able to use the open-air
    the school as a whole.                      the other parts of the YCIS Secondary
                                                campus are transforming as well,         podium space, which offers a 'non-
        The new curriculum combines                                                      classroom' environment, intended to
                                                in order to facilitate flexible and

6    | International Schools Guide 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                              7
International Schools Guide - The Standard
Co-curricular programme
    develops a child’s full potentials
    Students at Mount Kelly School go through an extended, rewarding
    school day as they participate in a variety of intellectual, social and
    physical activities and co-curricular programmes.

              pen since September 2017, Mount Kelly School           time for interest pursuits, read, talk to family members, have
              Hong Kong (MKSHK) provides an outstanding              dinner together and go to bed at a good time so their brains
              curriculum developed by eminent educators in the       are fully rested for the next day. This schedule obviates bad
    UK. Aside from adopting the world’s best in contemporary         practices like completing tedious hours of homework, being
    educational practices, it also offers quality opportunities      argumentative with parents and going to bed very late and
    for students to develop their interests and realize their full   exhausted.
    potentials.                                                         The co-curricular programmes encompass a diverse
        In line with the school pattern in Mount Kelly in the UK,    range of sports, performing arts, technology, communication
    a school day in MKSHK runs from 8.30 am till 4.30 pm each        and leadership training, such as the Shackleton Programme
    day. The school of course recognizes the importance of           designed to develop and celebrate leadership qualities and
    children making significant academic progress. There is, for     teamwork. Through the programme, students and their
    example, a strong emphasis on incorporating the Chinese          parents participate in various activities like mountain hikes
    language as an integral part of a student’s overall knowledge.   and kayaking whereby they gain valuable life skills.
    And the importance of information technology in the                 The teachers at Mount Kelly all are highly qualified
    modern world is underlined by lessons in coding, robotics,       and committed to nurturing student’s confidence, social
    programming and usage of state-of-the-art technologies.          development, physical well-being, intellectual growth and
        But the school also ensures that every child is given        academic success. All campuses feature state-of-the-art
    opportunities to discover interests and talents beyond the       facilities, and pupils are given the opportunity to transfer
    classroom, helping them build character, teamwork skills and     between campuses.
    self-confidence.                                                    All Mount Kelly School Hong Kong graduates will be
        Having an extended school day means that children can        granted guarantee placement at Mount Kelly UK Senior
    complete homework in their 20-minute ‘Prep’ session after        School in Devon, England. This advantage provides seamless
    lessons, and then they have access to school clubs each          transition from Preparatory school into one of the UK’s
    day from 3.30 to 4.30 pm when they can try something new,        leading Senior Schools, which in turn will lead to excellent
    or focus on improving their development in a specific area,      university placements across the world.
    from sports, music, arts, computing, public speaking, to
    learning a new language or calming skills, such as yoga and
    mindfulness through art.                                          Mount Kelly School Hong Kong Admissions Office
        The school prides itself on, for example, its very popular
    table tennis programme which is designed by world                 Shop 1, G/F, Austin Tower, 152 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,
    champion Wang Hui ( 王輝 ), and taught by China’s National          Hong Kong
    Coach Jin Yin Hua ( 金恩華 ).                                        Tel: 2157 9557 Email:
        The beauty of this arrangement is that it bolsters family
                                                                      • Mount Kelly School Hong Kong EDB Provisional Registration Number: 609781
    bonding. When pupils return home, they can have a relaxing        • Mount Kelly International Preschool EDB Provisional Registration Number: 608092

8    | International Schools Guide 2018
International Schools Guide - The Standard
  primary education
   With 465 years of heritage, Shrewsbury
   International School Hong Kong offers a
   long standing tradition of primary education                                                        Mr Ben Keeling,
   excellence and exceptional learning                                                                 Principal of Shrewsbury
                                                                                                       International School
   experiences within a world class facility.                                                          Hong Kong

    Founded by Royal Charter in 1552,       lear n as much from one another            focus extends to the care with which
                                                                                                                                         RIGHT START
Shrewsbury School is one of Britain’s       as they do from their teachers, the        the age-specific needs of students
best reputed schools and among              provision at Shrewsbury is driven by       have been carefully considered,
the original nine ‘Great Schools’ of        the benefits of collaboration, fostering   nurturing them in the refurbished
Britain. This August, it will be bringing   academic excellence within a nurturing     facility that has been designed with

its almost 500-year heritage and            and stimulating environment and            great diligence and driven by specific
commitment to excellence to its world       bringing out the best in every child.      expertise.
class site in Tseung Kwan O for primary

                                            Remarkable benefits of the                 Seamless and personalised                    C
students.                                   English National Curriculum                transition
Unique and tailored education
                                                Young children learn best when             Shrewsbury understands that every
for students                                they are engaged and enthralled.           child is unique and this purposeful          Y

     Shrewsbury welcomes children           Shrewsbury delivers a topic-based          clarity has inspired a truly bespoke        CM

into a community that pursues both          curriculum to immerse students fully       programme of student transition.
academic success and personal               within a rich and enveloping series of     Working closely with families, staff help   MY

development. Students are given             lessons, considerately designed to         to identify and shape the emerging          CY

outstanding opportunities to shine in       best embed key learning concepts.          strengths and ambitions of each
class as well as in other areas, such           The school’s close connection          student during their primary years.
as the concert hall, art studio, design
centre or sports grounds. Classrooms
                                            with the English National Curriculum
                                            provides a rigorous structure upon
                                                                                       Drawing upon the practice of its sister
                                                                                       school in the UK, Shrewsbury will offer
                                                                                                                                          School opens in August 2018
and curriculum have been designed to        which student performance can be           a personalised programme of transition
foster partnership and participation,       accurately gauged, allowing for helpful    that begins with a family meeting                  Shrewsbury International School Hong Kong is a brand new British curriculum
allowing every child to experience the      school performance comparisons, and        as children enter Year 4. Gathering                Primary School in Tseung Kwan O
unique blend of traditional educational     improving consistency when reporting       together crucial thoughts and ideas
values and innovative teaching              to parents.                                at this early stage will allow parents
methodology that will benefit them for      State-of-the-art purpose-built             to make a careful selection and a
life.                                       site                                       considered application. The individual
     Students are encouraged to explore                                                characteristics of each child and                  Learn more about our British Curriculum
                                               The school’s attention to detail and
the ideas, principles and beliefs of
                                            commitment to specialist provision
                                                                                       the personal circumstances of each                     Date: 14th March 2018
others, while developing a refined                                                     family will also be considered, shaping
understanding of their own strengths
                                            are instantly visible through its newly
                                                                                       the selection process. Shrewsbury’s
                                                                                                                                              Time: 1 PM - 2 PM
                                            built site. The design of a purpose-
through a programme of study founded                                                   detailed knowledge of schools both
                                            built school facility has enabled the                                                         Meet our teachers at the Site Welcome Centre
upon the rigour of the English National                                                within Hong Kong and beyond will
                                            development of a range of function-
                                            specific spaces for students to learn
                                                                                       provide the context required for parents              Date: 22nd March 2018
     With an understanding that children                                               to make an informed decision.
                                            within and be inspired. This determined                                                          Time: 1 PM / 3 PM / 5 PM                                         Register Online
                                                                                        Shrewsbury International                          Hear more about Personalised Learning at Shrewsbury
                                                                                        School Hong Kong                                     Date: 24th March 2018
                                                                                        10 Shek Kok Rd, Tseung Kwan O                        Time: 1 PM - 2 PM
                                                                                        Tel: 2480 1500 Fax: 2480 1231
                                                                                        Email:                 |      +852 2480 1500         |

                                                                                                                                         Exceptional People • Outstanding Opportunities • Academic Excellence
International Schools Guide - The Standard
A Unique International
      Community School
  With the aim of creating inquisitive students that seek to see the world
  beyond them, Discover Bay International School provides a curriculum
  that supports learning everywhere you go.

  D     iscovery Bay International School
        (DBIS) is very different from other
  international schools in Hong Kong.
                                                          supportive and inspirational parents
                                                          in focusing upon the individual. It also
                                                          allows students to concentrate on the
                                                                                                           High expectations and the pursuit
                                                                                                     of excellence are fundamental to
                                                                                                     their approach to learning at DBIS.
  Centered in the wonderful community                     challenging task of learning, growing,     From the Early Years, to the Primary
  of Discovery Bay on the beautiful                       and developing as individuals.             and into Secondary, the school is
  island of Lantau, the school derives                         Students enjoy a broad                focused on developing independent
  m u c h s t re n g t h f ro m i t s t r a n q u i l     international curriculum with British      learners who are curious about the
  location and surrounding active                         characteristics and a distinctive          world around them and have desire
  community.                                              learning journey that begins in Early      to explore and enquire. They want
       Establishing and maintaining                       Years (age 3-5), progresses to the         to create learners who thrive when
  s t ro n g , c a r i n g , re s p e c t f u l , a n d   Primary school (age 6-11), and             faced with a challenge and who are
  supportive personal relationships is                    culminates in the Secondary school         increasingly exposed to dynamic,
  key to the DBIS ethos. Their approach                   (age 12-18). The DBIS student              active and engaging opportunities and
  allows the school’s outstanding                         experience is characterised by small       experiences both inside and outside
  teachers to work in tandem with                         class sizes, creative approaches to        the classroom.
                                                          teaching and learning, and a broad               Students are encouraged to
                                                          range of extracurricular activities.       take part in the wider life of school
                                                               DBIS is incredibly ambitious          through participation in the extensive
                                                          for their students. They are intent        extracurricular activities programme.
                                                          on ensuring that every learner is          DBIS offer over 30 different activities
                                                          supported and encouraged to                t h ro u g h o u t t h e a c a d e m i c y e a r.
                                                          reach their individual potential. The      Students have the ability to pursue
                                                          school sees itself as an international     their individual passions and interests
                                                          community committed to the constant        or challenge themselves with
                                                          pursuit of excellence in order to          something new.
                                                          achieve the best possible outcomes
                                                          for all students.

                                                           Discovery Bay International School
                                                           Discovery Bay, Lantau Island, Hong Kong
                                                           Tel: Early Years: 2914 2142 Primary/Secondary: 2987 7331

12 | International Schools Guide 2018
International Schools Guide - The Standard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Photo credit: Esol Education’s American School Hong Kong

    Personalized learning
    with a holistic approach                                                                                                     C



   Standing at the forefront of education, American School Hong Kong develops well-                                             CM

   rounded, motivated, and thoughtful global citizens, equipping students with the academic,
   social, and entrepreneurial skills required for success in the 21st century.

                                                                                                                                      MAKING A
                                                                                                                                             A WORLD
                                                                                                                                               WORLD OF
                                                                                                                                                     OF DIFFERENCE

      Every child is unique. American School Hong Kong           rigorous curriculum includes the US Common Core and            CMY

  (ASHK) addresses each child’s needs - academically,            Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) with an IB             K
  socially, and emotionally – with an accurate individual        Diploma option.
  assessment and provides the specific supports, guidance,
  and learning experiences aligned to these needs.
                                                                     Lessons are lively and interactive using a STEAM
                                                                 integrated approach that incorporates science, technology,           World-class American School in Hong Kong
      The learning experiences at the American School Hong       engineering, the arts and mathematics. Rather than                   American School Hong Kong (ASHK) is a KG to Grade 12 non-profit, college preparatory school offering a holistic American and
  Kong are unique in that they incorporate world renowned        looking at the blackboard and listening to never-ending              international education taught by qualified North American teachers who inspire, motivate and challenge students to achieve
  programs into an integrated approach to learning that          lectures, students are guided to ask, imagine, plan, create,         excellence.
  supports and encourages innovation and creativity.             and improve. As a result, they are able to share their
      Personalized learning experiences start from the use       understandings using different modalities, allowing for a            ASHK is operated by Esol Education, the world's largest operator of international American schools, with 40 years of experience
  of formative, summative, and standardized assessment           more individualized experience.                                      in establishing and operating high standard international schools worldwide. Currently, more than 10,000 students attend Esol’s nine
  data to drive instruction around the needs of the child. For       Learning is a pleasure in a caring and nurturing                 schools across three continents. Graduates from Esol Education schools are now attending leading universities, including Stanford,
  example, teachers use reading benchmark data (obtained         environment where children feel safe, secure, and                    MIT, Yale, Columbia and the London School of Economics.
  from a comprehensive US standardized assessment                respected. In addition to academic studies, a school
  administered in the classroom by the teacher) along            counselor is there to provide social and emotional support           Now accepting applications for KG to Grade 8 (ages 5-13). Join our Open House to discover the ASHK difference. Limited seating,
  with each child’s Rasch Unit (RIT) score (obtained from        in the classroom as children learn how to resolve conflict           please register early at
  an additional standardized assessment - Measures of            and how to offer support for each other. These lifelong
  Academic Progress - MAP test) to develop a personalized        skills are invaluable as they bloom and grow.                        ASHK features include:
  learning plan.                                                     Interested applicants are invited to forward an
      Each child’s learning can then be compared and             expression of interest to Admissions Director at:                              Standards-Based                IB
                                                                                                                                      v                                        Diploma
  analyzed in great depth, allowing the school to provide                                                        US Curriculum
                                                                                                                                                                                                  for 21st Century Learning                Stanford Summer Program
  a comprehensive program that prepares each child to
  continue their academic journey in any top school in the
                                                                  American School Hong Kong                                                    Apple                           Pathway to                                                                      Chinese Program
  world.                                                                                                                                                                                                      Student Learning
                                                                                                                                               Technology                      Leading                                                                         with Multiple Streams
  All-rounded education                                           6 Ma Chung Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong                                                                                         Support Services
                                                                                                                                               Program                         Universities
     ASHK offers a holistic American and international            Tel: 3919 4111 Email:
  education program taught by North American teachers. Its        Website:

14 | International Schools Guide 2018
International Schools Guide - The Standard
                                                                                                                                                  KOREAN                INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                                  55 Lei king Rd, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong - Tel: +852 2569 5500 - WWW.KIS.EDU.HK

    Embedding joyful and
    lasting memories in
    every student’s heart
  Message from the Principal                   Curriculum for England. Students have        education for some lessons. All
      KIS is a school filled with smiles and   to complete the Cambridge Primary            Springboard students have an
  laughter. “I want to make our school an      Checkpoint external examinations in          Individual Education Plan which caters
  'oasis in the heart of Hong Kong' that       the core subjects at the end of Year 6.      to each student’s needs.
  when you walk in you feel that this is a     Chinese, Spanish and Korean classes          Facilities
  place where everyone cares,” says Mr         are offered as elective subjects. At the
                                                                                                The Korean International School
  C.Chadwick, Principal.                       secondary level, students continue to
                                                                                            is known for its world class facilities.
      ‘I believe that if my students are       take the core subjects plus Art, PE,
                                                                                            The school embeds technology
  happy they will want to learn and            Information Computer Technology,
                                                                                            into its learning using iPads, Crome
  want to come to school. How will I           Korean/Mandarin, and Music, from Year
                                                                                            books, computers and introducing
  encourage this? Well, they will be           7 to 9 following the Cambridge Lower
                                                                                            Virtual Reality into its curriculum.
  engaged through challenging and              Secondary Programme (CLSP). At the
                                                                                            The school sport facilities include a
  interesting teaching. The students will      end of Year 9, students will complete
                                               the Cambridge Checkpoint external            25 meter swimming pool, 2 football
  follow a well -structured UK curriculum
                                               examinations in the core subjects.           pitches, basketball court, tennis court,
  which the teachers and I will monitor.
                                               Years 10 and 11 follow a programme           and sprint track. KIS also has two
  The curriculum we follow is distinctive
                                               of studies leading to the group award        laboratories, media studies studio,
  and customized for all of our children’s
                                               of the International General Certificate     a Music Room, two art studios,
  needs, carried out by a team of top-
                                               of Secondary Education (IGCSE), an           Canteen, Technology center and a
  quality professionals from around the
                                               international certificate based on a         brand new state of the art library.
  world who have chosen to devote their
  lives to teaching young people how to        syllabus and examinations developed
  think and learn.                             by Cambridge for students in countries
                                               outside of England. In Years 12 &
  School History and Curriculum                13, students follow the Cambridge
      Korean International School (KIS)        International AS and A2 Level Courses.
  stKorean International School (KIS)          Year 12 students should complete
  started out in 1988. It started its first    up to four subjects at the Cambridge                                                     Applications Now Open!
  class in 1994 and today KIS runs two         International AS Level and select three
  separate curricula, the Korean Section       of the subjects in Year 13 to complete
  and International Section. The Korean        the Cambridge International A2 Level.
  section teaches in Korean, while the             A unique feature of KIS is its special
  international section teaches in English.    unit provision called Springboard.
      At the primary level of the              Springboard is a special unit which
  International Section, the core subjects     caters to children and young adults
  of the curriculum, i.e. Mathematics,         with Special Educational Needs. KIS          Korean International School
  Sciences and English, are designed           supports students with a wide range of
  in accordance with the Cambridge                                                          55 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong
                                               learning difficulties, constantly striving
  International Examinations (CIE),                                                         Tel: 2569 5500 l Fax: 2886 2545
                                               to empower Springboard students to
  while other subjects are based on the        maximize their potential and where           International Section:
  broad curricular outline of the National     possible, transition into mainstream         Korean Section:

16 | International Schools Guide 2018
NAIS Hong Kong Campuses
                shine with excellence
  N    ord Anglia International School
       Hong Kong is passionate about
  ensuring that every single child
                                              of educational excellence further.
                                                   These brand new campuses are
                                              both located in beautiful locales and
                                                                                          schools to experience firsthand just
                                                                                          how wonderful the school campuses
                                                                                          and teaching staff truly are. Regular
  experiences success during their time       benefit from large outdoor play areas       small group tours at all of the campuses
  with the school, providing a learning       and an abundance of natural light. The      are offered, which provide the perfect
  experience that combines creativity and     Sai Kung campus is located close to the     chance to chat to teachers about the
  academic rigour to create the very best     harbour, providing great views of boats     school’s educational philosophy, ask
  educational platform for students.          passing by. The grassy outdoor area         specific educational questions, discuss
      Nord Anglia International School        is filled with climbing frames, bicycles,   the enrolment process; and the full
  teachers are UK trained and qualified,      and a play area that has a sand pit and     school campus tour will grant a clear
  and have the opportunity to continue        sensory activities. The Tai Tam campus      view of exactly where children will be
  to develop professionally through           is surrounded by beautiful green views      spending their school time which they
  Nord Anglia University which gives all      of the mountains and the turquoise          will cherish.
  staff access to high quality research,      ocean and the rooftop play area allows
  courses and the opportunity to              children’s imagination to run wild during
  share experiences and best practice.        playtime.
  Teachers are committed to a wide                 Not only does Nord Anglia
  range of professional learning activities   encourage more exploration and activity
  including a Masters Programme, which        for students, the school also constantly
  is delivered by Kings College London        seeks to spark their interest from an
  in collaboration with Nord Anglia. This     early age with specialist teachers in
  is to ensure that the highest level of      Music, Art, Drama, Mandarin and PE.
  education is being provided throughout      Their highly qualified teaching staff and
  the schools, especially with the addition   purpose designed equipment provide
  of the two brand new Early Years            students with the tools to promote and
  campuses in Tai Tam and Sai Kung that       fuel their curiosity further.
  have helped expand Nord Anglia’s vision          All parents are welcome to visit the

                                                                                      Nord Anglia International School
                                                                                     Pre-schools: Tai Tam and Sai Kung
                                                                                     Primary and Secondary: Lam Tin
                                                                                     Tel: +852 3958 1428
                                                                                                                                     +852 3958 1428
18 | International Schools Guide 2018
Studying the IB at The ISF Academy

        Cultivating curious students
         with the passion to learn                                                                                                     Personalized University Counseling
                                                                                                                                       Our systematic and personalized university guidance and careers program spans from
                                                                                                                                       Grade 9 to 12 and allows our students to make informed decisions for their DP subject
      The Independent Schools                activities that foster exploration             proponent of lear ning by doing.           choices and subsequent university applications.
  Foundation Academy (The ISF                and creativity. An ISF education               Its hallmark Experiential Learning
  Academy) is a non-profit private           emphasizes probing discussions,                Program features unfamiliar settings       Small Class Size
  independent primary and secondary          passionate debates, and free thinking.         and novel challenges that build            ISF Academy students benefit from small class sizes which range from 5 to 16 students per
  school providing a unique inquiry-         As cheerf u l h i gh ach i ev er s , IS F      character and confidence. An ISF           class. The overall student teacher ratio for all grades is 6:1.
  based Putonghua and English                learners exude a joy of learning that          learner is at home building a school
  bilingual immersion education. It          drives the development of culturally           hall in Yangshuo, researching ancient
                                                                                                                                       Bilingual Diploma and Bilingual Theory of Knowledge
  is a Chinese school with a global          agile and confident communicators              texts in Cambridge, or exploring the       We offer both English and Chinese as first language options (Group 1).
  perspective.                               who possess the social, creative,              rich history of the Silk Road.             Students also receive Theory of Knowledge instruction in both English
      The school believes that learning is   critical thinking skills necessary to              The Academy is an accredited           and Chinese, and may choose either language for their written paper.
  the active construction of knowledge       succeed and lead in a complex world.           International Baccalaureate (IB) World
  best experienced through meaningful            The ISF Academy is a strong                school. Its Diploma results place          University offers received in the last three years include:
                                                                                            it in the top tier of Hong Kong IB         Canada:    McGill University, University of British Columbia,
                                                                                            schools; and more than two thirds
                                                                                                                                                  University of Toronto
                                                                                            of its graduates achieve the coveted
                                                                                            Bilingual Diploma, twice the global        Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University,
                                                                                            average. Its graduates receive offers                 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
                                                                                            from the world’s most prestigious
                                                                                                                                       U.K.:      Durham University, Imperial College London,
                                                                                                                                                  London School of Economics and Political Science,
                                                                                                                                                  University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University of St Andrews
                                                                                                                                       U.S.A.:    Brown University, Cornell University, Princeton University, Stanford University,
                                                                                                                                                  University of California, Los Angeles, University of Pennsylvania
                                                                                         To submit an application or register
                                                                                         for a visit, please go to Friends of
                                                                                         The ISF at

                                                                                                                                     The Admissions Office
                                                                                                                                     Tel: 2202 2028
                                                                                                                                     Address: 1 Kong Sin Wan Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
20 | International Schools Guide 2018                                                                                                Website:
Students learn best with strong academics foundation
   coupled with remarkable peak moments
                                                                                                                                      A W E L L - R O U N D E D E D U C AT I O N F O R S T U D E N T S S I N C E 19 8 6

  The American International
  School offers unique
  opportunities for students to
  grow holistically as global

      Founded in 1986, the American          a dedicated community service hours          best when the learning is punctuated
  International School (AIS) has served      program. This is important as many           by truly memorable peak moments.”
  the local and international communities    colleges and universities are seeking        (What schools can do to help students
  of Hong Kong for 32 years. The             students with a strong academic              engage more in learning by Chip &
  distinctive red-brick campus on            background combined with evidence of         Dan Heath, an article published online
  Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, is home       a well-rounded education. Since 2005,        in Education Week, January 10, 2018).
  to 885 students from early childhood       AIS has partnered with leading non-          In many ways, this is what occurs
  through elementary, middle, and high       governmental organizations (NGOs)            during the OELP program, as students
  school.                                    from around the world in implementing        engage in activities that connect to the
      Over the years, AIS has built a        community service projects through           real world and make a difference. These
  strong reputation for the rigor of its     this program.                                experiences challenge them personally
  academic program and successfully              Through each carefully-designed          and positively impact their attitudes
  preparing its graduates to enter the       program, students face challenges,           and behaviors. The experiences have a
  finest universities in the United States   work together in teams to problem-           lasting impact on students which often
  and worldwide (visit http://www.           solve, overcome fears, and learn more        remain a highlight for them throughout              about living in a global community. The      their time at high school, and beyond.
  for details.) Fully accredited by the      students focus on a service project
  Western Association of Schools and         such as helping to construct homes             Remaining true to the founding
  Colleges (WASC), AIS is an accredited      for the underprivileged, or exploring a        mission of providing an affordable
  center for College Board’s SAT Exams.      specific global issue surrounding animal
                                                                                            option for families seeking an
  AIS offers a robust US Advanced            or environmental conservation. Each
                                                                                            American international educational
  Placement program to help prepare          overseas program enables students
  students for the demands of university                                                    program in Hong Kong, the
                                             to experience a different culture, make
                                                                                            American International School has

                                                                                                                                                         WELCOMING APPLICATIONS FOR
  education, as well as being one of the     connections with the locals that they
  first schools in the world offering the    work closely with, and often live among        instinctively resisted the introduction
  exclusive AP Capstone Program™ in          the local villagers. The feedback from         of a debenture scheme.

  High School.                               the school’s survey reassures that
      As a compulsory part of the AIS        students are not only having fun and
  High School curriculum, the Outdoor        developing friendships, but are also          American International School
  Education and Leadership Program           maturing in their roles as citizens of the

  (OELP) aims to build a deeper              world.                                        125 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong,
  understanding of our environment,              “Adventure Week taught me not to          Hong Kong
  the responsibilities we share as global    take things for granted and made me           Tel: 2336 3812
  citizens, and adds significant value to
  a student’s college application through
                                             realize how truly lucky I was.”
                                                 Research shows, “students learn
                                                                                                                                                       125 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
                                                                                                                                          T (852) 2336-3812      E     W
22 | International Schools Guide 2018
Begin Your Journey To Your
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Dream School Now!
    Preparing Today’s                                                                                                                   Profile Analysis & School Selection                                        Fundamentals & Portfolio Building
    Children for                                                                                                                         • Discover Strengths
                                                                                                                                         • Strategic Profile Building Based on Students’ Personality,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • Strategic Training
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • Portfolio Preparation to Demonstrate Students’

    Tomorrow’s World                                                                                                                       Interests, Strengths and Goals                                              Abilities, Skills and Achievements

  Dedicated to helping students                                                                                                         Interview Training & Entrance Test Support                                 Campus Visits
  pursue their dreams to study                                                                                                           • Comprehensive Interview Training                                              • Consolidate Intricate Details
  abroad, Foundation Global                                                                                                              • Extensive Question Bank                                                       • Better Understanding of Schools
  Education brings out the best                                                                                                          • Entrance Test Preparation                                                     • Bridge Positive Relations Between Family and Schools
  qualities in each individual
  throughout the admission

  S   ince its establishment in 2001,
      Foundation Global Education
  (FGE) has provided one-on-one
                                                 The group’s network spans over 61
                                             cities in 15 countries, and over the last
                                             17 years, they have directed admission
                                                                                          skills but also develop critical thinking.
                                                                                          The teachers at the academy will
                                                                                          support their students through their
  counseling to students in order to help    efforts to over 1,000 top independent        academic journey from primary school
  build an impressive portfolio based        schools.                                     to university, imparting necessary skills
  on their academic achievements and             FGE believes that school                 every step of the way.
  extracurricular activities. In addition,
  the group explores the personalities
                                             applications are a family affair, hence
                                             they meet with families as a whole to
                                                                                              Students can explore their talents
                                                                                          in a variety of unique and interactive                                                                                                     Call Us to Register
  and talents of each student and offers     determine the best approach for every        courses that will forge their creativity
  a thorough curriculum which helps
  them determine their positioning.
                                             case. Through establishing a long-
                                             term relationship with every family,
                                                                                          and unleash their potential.
                                                                                              For those interested in visual media,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          a FREE MOCK
                                                                                                                                         Novelist                                               Filmmaker
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      INTERVIEW Now!
      Advices from FGE are not based         counselors are able to strategically         there is ‘Filmmaker’ which inspires
  only on rankings, but also on their        develop a tailor-made training program       students to utilize their imagination          • Story Writing and                                    • Creative Thinking
  extensive understanding of the             for students to express themselves           to create their own short films while            Authorship                                           • Filming Techniques
  schools, and the years of experience       confidently and effectively. FGE             gaining hands-on training in various           • Imagination                                          • Speech Development
  communicating with admissions
  officers. FGE is confident that their
  close relationships with admission
                                             recommends the best strategy after
                                             taking the time to understand each
                                             child’s personality, interests, strengths,
                                                                                          filming techniques. ‘Novelist’ leads
                                                                                          students to become proficient writers
                                                                                          as they publish their own book through
                                                                                                                                         • Vocabulary Building
                                                                                                                                         • Varied Writing Styles
                                                                                                                                                                                                • Cooperative Learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3170 8810
  directors will allow them to establish     and goals.                                   learning the art of characterization and
  positive connections between families          Considering the variety of               different writing styles. Finally, ‘Orator’                                  Orator
  and schools, while sharing industry        international schools in Hong Kong, it       helps students discover the ways to                                          • Speech Development
  insights to help students stand out        is crucial that families visit each one to   captivate audience with their voices                                         • Voice Modulation
  from the crowd.                            personally see what is on offer. During      via body, breath, and vocal variety,                                         • Body Language
                                             the visit, FGE’s counselors will also        which culminates in their own audio                                          • Self-Confidence
                                             be there to help with all the intricate      drama production.
                                             details that go with international
                                             school applications, while helping to
                                             consolidate positive relations between
                                             students and the schools.                    Foundation Global Education
                                             Hands-on Education
                                                Foundation Academy believes in            13/F Chinachem Hollywood Centre,                   3107 8810       
                                             a creative and holistic approach to          1 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong
                                                                                          Tel: 3107 8810                                     13/F Chinachem Hollywood Centre, 1 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong
                                             mentoring every child enrolled in its
                                             programs which not only hone creative        Email:                       foundationglobal
                                                                                                                                             Foundation Global Education
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Hong Kong . Beijing . Shanghai . Shenzhen . Tokyo
24 | International Schools Guide 2018                                                                                                        Foundation_HongKong
ESF students
  shine with stellar
  university offers
  An impressive 15% of ESF leavers enter
  the top 30 universities in the world in
  2017. Stewart Redden, ESF’s Learning
  and Teaching Adviser – Post-16, shares
  with Ambrose Li about the institution’s
  commitment for academic excellence
  and diversity.
      A s a p ro v i d e r o f w o r l d - c l a s s   Australia (6%), plus countries such
  education in Hong Kong for over half                 as Spain, Germany, the Netherlands,
  a century, English Schools Foundation                China, South Korea, India and
  (ESF) has nurtured generations of high-              Switzerland. Redden points out the
  achieving students, as shown by offers               growing popularity of universities in
  from leading universities all over the               Hong Kong over the past decade, with
  world and the diversity of disciplines to            the percentage rising from 16% in 2009
  which students have been admitted.                   to 22% in 2017. Of these students, 73
      According to Redden, the United                  went to the University of Hong Kong
  Kingdom is the most popular among                    and 53 to the Chinese University of
  the 23 destinations ESF leavers go                   Hong Kong.
  to for university, accounting for 44%                    Commenting on the subject
  of students in 2017, with 13 students                choices, Redden says there is a good
  gaining Oxbridge (University of Oxford               balance. Social Economic Sciences               To ensure students get as much
  and University of Cambridge) places.                 stands out as a top choice with 22%         support as they need in the university
  “The affinity for the UK could be                    of students studying relevant degrees       application process, each ESF student
  attributed to not only traditional links             ranging from Law to Psychology.             is assigned a counselor to assist them
  between Hong Kong and the country,                   Business-related courses are also           along the way. All the schools have a
  but also to the cost and quality of the              popular among students at 16%.              well-qualified team of counselors who
  courses,” he observes.                               Science and Technology (14%) has            have close contacts with universities’
      Other popular destinations between               gained favor in the past decade,            admission teams from around the
  2013 and 2017 include Hong Kong                      followed by Creative Arts (9%) and          world.
  (21%), USA (16%), Canada (11%), and                  Performing Arts (6%).                           Redden highlights that the
                                                           “It is really encouraging to see        counseling team in each school is
                                                       that balance – which says something         very involved in listening to students
                                                       about how we prepare students at            regarding their career aspirations and
                                                       ESF schools,” Redden says. “We are          advising them on which pathways and
                                                       not only focused on one area, and are       options during their decision-making
                                                       enabling access to a wide range of          processes. “Parents are also welcome
                                                       courses at universities.”                   to consult counselors on advice for
                                                           S u s a n n a C h i u , E S F           their children,” he adds.
                                                       Communications Manager adds, “We                “I believe the quality of the
                                                       organize a university fair every year for   educational programs, the teaching
                                                       all Year 12 students. This year, it took    and learning that goes on within the
                                                       place in January with 185 universities      schools, as well as the extra-curricular
                                                       and institutions from all over the world    activities we provide, definitely help our
                                                       participating. It was a great opportunity   students achieve their university goals,”
                                                       for students and the institutions to        Redden says.
                                                       explore and learn more about each
   Stewart Redden

26 | International Schools Guide 2018
Letting Children Lead:
  Developing Skills for the Next Generation
     How can young children direct their own learning? Will they not just want to play? These are
     common questions we hear at Fairchild where we provide an emergent curriculum based on
     children’s interests and where we make learning through play meaningful, impactful, fun and
     memorable. We observe children’s interests, we pose questions, and before we know it, there is
     room full of children engaging in discussion, asking questions, solving problems, and coming up
     with ideas. These ideas are the basis for the children’s class projects delivered in the Reggio Emilia
     inspired approach of learning through play and inquiry.

         t Fairchild, we understand that     to those deemed important in the                      from materials in the classroom and
         children are innately curious       past. Employers now list problem                      they worked together to add details
         and when given the space,           solving, emotional intelligence, critical             like suitcases, passports, seat belts
  time and guidance they are able to         thinking, creativity and effective                    and tray tables. This project and
  learn naturally in an authentic and safe   communications with people, as                        the many others children initiate at
  environment which allows them to           critical work skills. It is incumbent                 Fairchild are layered with learning,
  make sense of the world around them.       now on educators, parents and the                     and cross all areas of early childhood
  In creating this learning experience,      community as a whole, to prepare                      learning including emotional, social
  each class is guided by an emergent        and equip children with the necessary                 and physical development, literacy,
  curriculum where children’s own            skills for future success. Moving away                numeracy, the concept of problem
  interests set the “theme” or “topic’”      from the traditional style of teaching                solving, negotiation and collaboration
  for exploration. Through the emergent      where teachers share pre-determined                   with peers.
  curriculum not only are all children’s     information, and adapting the learning                    By respecting children's choices,
  interests taken into account, but          e n v i ro n m e n t , a re k e y f a c t o r s i n   we empower them to feel confident
  children take ownership of their           preparing the upcoming generations                    and capable in their decision making,
  learning, making decisions from an         to meet these needs.                                  which connects and reflects the world
  early age. Children are intrinsically          Many parents are new to the                       they live in. The children at Fairchild
  motivated and invested in learning         emergent curriculum concept, relating                 have fun, the smiles on their faces are
  when they have chosen to explore           learning only to their own school                     proof of that and all the while, they are
  something of interest to them and          experiences. An example of an                         learning.
  their authentic experiences make           authentic emergent learning project                       For more information about
  learning memorable and long lasting.       was when our K1 children, guided by                   Fairchild and Fairchild’s approach to
      The demands of an ever-changing        their teacher began a discussion about                learning please visit www.fairchild.
  world, mean that skills required for       flying, airplanes and travel. This led                academy or contact +852 2803 2638
  the next generation are different          to children creating their own airplane               to arrange a visit or free trial class.

28 | International Schools Guide 2018
Revival of the
                                                                                                                                                Han dynasty
                                                                                                                                                While hong kong parents set much          280 classics during their time in primary                 Su said she would like the school
                                                                                                                                           store by English-language learning             and secondary school. The medium of                   to become diverse in future to attract
                                                                                                                                           when it comes to selecting schools,            instruction is Putonghua, with a linear               students from both Chinese and

                                    Go green by staying home                                                                               private school Han Academy is going in
                                                                                                                                           a different direction. For principal Shirley
                                                                                                                                           Su, what distinguishes her academy
                                                                                                                                                                                          progression to English.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Head of debate curriculum and
                                                                                                                                                                                          Chinese teacher Jeff Chen said there
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                western backgrounds, noting that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                a youngster of mixed German and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Chinese parentage has just been
                                                                                                                                           from other international schools is            is one lesson on debating a week. He                  admitted.
                                                                                                                                           that hers is a bilingual school that also      discovered many parents welcome                           “The students have different values,
      A round-trip flight to Japan by plane        Winning th e com peti ti on h as         Kong’s attractions.”
                                                                                                                                           delves into the Chinese language and           different kinds of lessons, like on                   religious beliefs, cultural background
  spews one tonne of carbon emissions,         since opened a new chapter. V’air                The team has recently co-authored
                                                                                                                                           culture.                                       debating, as many students have shown                 and nationality. But all of them focus on
  while the carbon footprint of each           was established in 2015, with the aim        the Chinese book, Low-Carbon Tours,
                                                                                                                                                For Su – who has taught at Yew            improvement after debate training.                    one thing – developing their Chinese-
  Hongkonger is about 13 tonnes per            of changing people’s mindset, from           introducing 39 routes urban and rural
                                                                                                                                           Chung International School, one of the             “We have special extracurricular                  language skills,” Su said.
  year. But carbon emissions don’t seem        sharing tips on reducing one’s carbon        areas with ecological knowledge and
                                                                                                                                           top English and international schools in       activities for kids every morning,” Chen                  The school is using the Cambridge
  to be factored in traveling costs.           footprint as well as natural sites on        low carbon tips attached to each route.
                                                                                                                                           the SAR – there is a problem: children         said.                                                 International curriculum for students
      Student-run non-profit organization      the website, to co-organizing local              Although all the routes and spots
                                                                                                                                           are no longer interested in speaking, or           “They can have some Chinese                       from years one to 11.
  V’air – or vert, which means green in        ecological tours with other parties.         were discovered during team members’
                                                                                                                                           refusing to do so, in Chinese at home          reading time in the mornings. At noon,                    However, for the last two years of
  French – is determined to change the             They also want to build up               leisure time, they took six months to
                                                                                                                                           with their parents.                            they will have Chinese calligraphy                    study, years 12 and 13 students are free
  new “flash-traveling” trend of going to      Hongkongers’ sense of identity.              walk through the routes again to update
                                                                                                                                                “I would like to change this kind of      writing.”                                             to opt for the curriculum they want to
  nearby destinations for a few days by        “When you get more and a better              photographs and information.
                                                                                                                                           trend, to modify the situation at a very           Cantonese is not one of the                       proceed to higher education, such as
  plane.                                       understanding of your own place,                 “We cross-checked the information
                                                                                                                                           initial stage, and emphasize Chinese           compulsory subjects, but an option                    an A-Level program of development, or
      I n st e a d , t he alter native is to   you are able to discover something           and facts quite a few times,” said
                                                                                                                                           language and culture and Chinese               from among extracurricular activities.                the International Baccalaureate Diploma
  encourage local tourism, exploring the       different,” Chung said. “Every time          Nicole Cho, who is reading translation
                                                                                                                                           identity as our main focus,” she said.             “We have some teachers with                       program.
  glamour of Hong Kong that we might           you pass through the same place, it          of Chinese literature at the University of
                                                                                                                                                Han Academy, founded in late July         a Hong Kong background to teach                           Han Academy is currently located
  overlook in our daily lives, according       is not merely somewhere that is full of      Hong Kong. She proofread the articles
                                                                                                                                           by Happy Life Education Foundation,            students Cantonese, as a kind of                      at a rented industrial building in Wong
  to group co-founder Natalie Chung,           pressure and difficulties.”                  every weekend for a month, despite
                                                                                                                                           offers diversity in Chinese subjects:          choice or a club. But the main medium                 Chuk Hang.
  a third-year student at the Chinese              Some blame the monotonous living         working as an intern on weekdays.
                                                                                                                                           language and literature, debate, drama         of instruction for Chinese-language                       Although it has 23,680 square feet
  University of Hong Kong.                     environment in the SAR as the reason             H ow ev er, th e u n der l y i n g rea l
                                                                                                                                           and performance, and library course.           lessons is Putonghua,” Su said.                       space accommodating a maximum of
      “We are so willing to plan when          locals travel a lot. However, that doesn’t   challenge wasn’t in planning routes
                                                                                                                                           Students are expected to learn about               W i t h re f e re n c e t o s u c c e s s f u l   290 students, Su pointed out it lacks
  doing outbound traveling – such              mean Hong Kong is a boring place,            or writing, but bringing in tailor-made
                                                                                                                                                                                          examples like the Independent Schools                 outdoor space, so the school is looking
  as reading through a whole travel            said activity coordinator Tommy So, a        environmental tips to each spot, such
                                                                                                                                                                                          Foundation, Su noted that Chinese is                  for another campus.
  guidebook for a trip to Taiwan. But you      third-year nursing student at CUHK.          as reminding the public not to step on
                                                                                                                                                                                          more difficult to learn, so building up the               Han Academy registered with the
  hardly hear someone saying that I want           He believes Hong Kong is a hidden        the seaweed when going to Ha Pak
                                                                                                                                                                                          foundation from a young age is needed.                Hong Kong Education Bureau last year.
  to stay in Hong Kong,” said Chung.           gem with a long history and stories          Nai, in Yuen Long. “We were kind of
                                                                                                                                                                                              She said the majority of students                     Those who purchase the capital
  “De-stressing doesn’t necessarily mean       behind the scenes to be told, citing his     lost at the beginning,” Chung said.
                                                                                                                                                                                          in the first cohort, which started the                bond of HK$3 million per unit, issued by
  one has to get on an air plane.”             experience of noticing a milestone in            Starting with a team of three people
                                                                                                                                                                                          academic year in late September, are                  the Happy Life Education Foundation,
      The idea germinated from Chung’s         Tai Tam Country Park for an example.         and expanding to 10, V’air has been
                                                                                                                                                                                          mainly from China, and it was difficult               receives priority for admission for one
  entry in the Hong Kong Sustainable           It was built in the colonial period –        participating in competitions and
                                                                                                                                                                                          to fully immerse them in a total English-             school place if the student passes the
  Campus Consortium COP 21                     marking how many kilometers from             funding schemes. For example, the
                                                                                                                                                                                          speaking environment at first.                        entrance examination.
  Challenge contest in conjunction with        there to the City of Victoria, which         team won gold in Wu Yee Sun College’s
                                                                                                                                                                                              There are currently 47 students from                  The annual fee for the primary
  Arthur Yeung, her senior who also read       today encompasses Central, Wan Chai,         Sunny Passion Programme at CUHK,
                                                                                                                                                                                          years one to 11, though years 12 and                  section, from years one to six, is
  geography and resource management            Sai Wan, and Sheung Wan.                     raising HK$10,000.
                                                                                                                                                                                          13 are also open for admission. About                 HK$198,000, rising to HK$208,000 for
  for his degree.                                  “Some people stay at home all the            Members are looking to turn the
                                                                                                                                                                                          60 percent of students are born in the                the secondary section, which involve
      Their task was, of course, to come       time, so they don’t realize Hong Kong        organization into a social enterprise to
                                                                                                                                                                                          mainland, and the rest in Hong Kong.                  years seven to 13.
  up with a solution aimed at reducing         has so many fun and beautiful places,”       offer paid eco-tours for the pubic.
                                                                                                                                                                                              The normal class size is 12 and 16
  emissions, which led to the building of      he said. “V’air gives youngsters a good
                                                                                                                         Katie Hung                                                       students for primary and secondary                                               Katie Hung
  a website promoting local tourism.           opportunity to become aware of Hong
                                                                                                                                                                                          sections, respectively.

30 | International Schools Guide 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   31
You can also read