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I M PA C T M O D E L A N D PA R E N T H A N D B O O K 2021
CONTENTS DUBUQUE DREAM CENTER 3 Dubuque Dream Center (DDC) Organizational Chart 1600 White St. GENERAL Dubuque, Iowa 52001 563-845-7591 4 History 4 Mission Statement 4–5 Student Needs Assessment 6 Program Development Phases PROGRAMS AND OPERATIONS 7 Dream Center Programs and Impact Model 7–8 Academic Center and Academy 9 Transportation 9 Affordable and Quality Childcare 9–10 Students Served 11 Registration Process 12 DDC Program Schedule 12–13 DDC Program Structure 13 League vs Tournament Team 13 DDC Benefit Highlights 13 DDC Program Value and Cost 14 DDC Youth Development Staff 14 DDC School Connectors 15 DDC Strengthening Families Services 15–17 DDC Youth Career Development and Employment Program 17 DDC Measurable Outcomes 18 DDC Character Development & Behavior Management Strategies 18–20 Family/DDC Staff Relationship 20–25 Student Safety Policies 25–29 Health Promotion 29–30 Nutrition and Food Service 30–33 Emergency Procedures 33 Dissemination of Student Records © 2021 Dubuque Dream Center. All 34 Tuition Policies Rights Reserved. All material in this 34–35 Student Sponsors and Scholarships manual was researched and developed by the Dubuque Dream Center. No part 35 New Family Orientation of this handbook may be reproduced or used in any manner without written 36 How I can Help permission of the Dubuque Dream 37 Organization Impact Models Center, except for the use of quotations in a book review. 38 Sources 39 Parent Handbook Acknowledgement
ORGANIZATIONAL CHART GENERAL Radius Board Dream Center Board Executive Director Operations Manager Executive Assistant/Donor Academic Center Director Relations Coordinator Secretary Program Coordinator Program Coordinator School School School School School School School Connector Connector Connector Connector Connector Connector Connector Full Time Full Time Full Time Full Time Full Time Full Time Full Time School School School School School School School Connector Connector Connector Connector Connector Connector Connector Part Time Part Time Part Time Part Time Part Time Part Time Part Time Operations/Kitchen Manager Food Service Center Kitchen Staff Secretary Facilities Manager Cleaning Staff Drivers Finance Director/Human Resources 3
P R O G R A M SG EAN NEDR O A LP E R AT I O N S HISTORY Our goals is for the percentage of the students we serve to mirror the District average of 70% or more proficiency The Dubuque Dream Center was established in in reading and math, support and prepare our students July 2013 to build on Dr. Kings Dream by embracing, to graduate from High School, and prepare our students empowering, and unifying our community across racial to successfully enter college or a career. and socioeconomic lines. Shortage of Affordable & Quality After School Care The Dream Center is structured to provide programs that An essential service to combat poverty is removing address the social, academic, and economic needs of barriers to accessible and affordable childcare, that youth and families in a coordinated, systematic structure. can prevent residents from entering the workforce and taking classes to train for high-demand careers. MISSION STATEMENT From 2014 to 2019, Dubuque County experienced a The mission of the Dubuque Dream Center is to Impact decrease of 60 licensed day care providers — a 27% Youth, Strengthen Families, and Building Community. decline that equates to a loss of 876 childcare spaces.3 During that time frame, the number of children STUDENT NEEDS younger than 6 living in Dubuque County increased ASSESSMENT by 1% and the percentage of families with such children in which all parents were working increased from 79% Low Reading and Math Proficiency Scores to 82%, according to data from Iowa Child Care Reading and math proficiency data from Dubuque Resource & Referral. Community Schools since 2010-2019 reveals a Childcare centers report that they struggle to find significant disparity among scores for low income qualified workers to meet licensing requirements, and minority students. preventing them from expanding, according to Kristin A study conducted by the University of Iowa Urban and Dietzel, vice president of workforce solutions for Regional Planning revealed that Dubuque experienced Greater Dubuque Development Corp. a significant shift in youth population in 2000-2010 with “So we have this perfect storm where we have a an increase in non-white children by 124.3%. Dubuque’s shortage of child care workers and we’re experiencing Title 1 Schools experienced the highest minority increase.1 a shortage of child care slots,” she said. While 70.5% of Dubuque students in 2015 were “We’ve had people decline jobs in our community proficient in reading by 3rd grade, and 69.1% in math, because they couldn’t find adequate childcare,” Dietzel only 33% of African American students were proficient said. “Or we’ll have one spouse start working and the in reading by 3rd grade and 25% in math. other one can’t enter the workforce because of that The National Campaign for Grade Level Reading childcare barrier.” 4 notes that reading proficiency by third grade is the “For Dubuque, a healthy community means equitable most important predictor of high school graduation access to childcare and child development,” Duster said. and career success.2 The Dubuque Dream Center seeks to provide quality This local data and national assessment influenced and affordable care to children of working families, on the Dubuque Dream Center Youth Impact Goals and the foundation of our academic, college, and career Outcomes that were established in 2016. development model for the youth we serve. The Dream Center seeks to support the present workforce and develop the future workforce. 4
GENERAL Shortage of Quality Spark Activities for low The Dream Center organizes our “sparks” through a income children. program model that reinforce academic and character Search Institute, a research center for youth development and also provides opportunities for development, has developed a concept called students to be supported by family, friends, school, “sparks”: the interests and passions young people and the community. Our Model is implemented through have within them that light a fire in their lives and our Club Sports and Performing Arts activities. express the essence of who they are and what they Prevent Student Suspensions and Arrest offer to the world.5 2017-2018 data from the Iowa Department of Human Search Institute has repeatedly found that students with Rights reported that School Suspensions for White youth sparks and the support for developing them have better decreased 10%, while suspensions for African American results on both developmental and academic outcomes. youth increased by 49.4%.6 Two of the most commonly identified sparks for students African American youth comprised 31.5% of the are sports and arts, yet these programs are usually suspensions. A variety of research connects youth among the most vulnerable when school districts must involvement in the school discipline process with reduce costs. involvement in the juvenile justice system. Search Institute research indicates that bolstering these Suspensions for physical fighting without injury and programs would improve students’ connections to their disruptive behavior increased for African American and sparks, and in turn lead to greater school success. other Youth of Color yet decreased for White youth. The following themes emerged from several studies Criminal Complaints for White females decreased 62.3%, conducted by Search Institute and its partners of over while complaints for African American females increased 13,000 students in grades 5 through 12: 41.1%. 48.5% of allegations for White youth were simple misdemeanors, while 60.5% of the same allegations Helping young people identify their sparks, and were for African American youth. (2018 Dubuque County providing them opportunities to pursue and develop Juvenile Justice Report) those sparks, are important additions to the more overtly “academic” steps schools take to promote (See article “Tilling the Field: Lessons about students’ success. Philanthropy’s Role in School Discipline Reform” and “Breaking Schools’ Rules,” a report published in 2011 Sparks promote healthy, positive development and by the Council of State Governments’ (CSG) Justice contribute to psychological well-being and resilience. Center and the Public Policy Research Institute at Students with sparks engage in fewer risk-taking Texas A&M University). behaviors, such as substance use or violence or unsafe sexual behaviors. They are less depressed, The Dubuque Dream Center is a great option for youth less worried, and more satisfied with their lives overall. and working families of all backgrounds; however, the Dream Center also serves as an After School and Young people who have deep interests and are Summer Prevention option to keep students active, supported by family, friends, school, and community safe, supervised, and having fun during non-school in the development of those passions have more hours where youth are most at-risk of engaging in high interpersonal communication and friend-making skills, risk behaviors or encountering law enforcement, that more empathy and understanding of others’ feelings, can lead to poor performance during school hours, and a better ability to work in teams. criminal records, and cycles of generational poverty. 5
GENERAL PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT PHASES PHASE 1 Impact Youth Mission Establish Youth Program Model The Dubuque Dream Center was established in 2013 2013–2015 to Impact Youth, Strengthen Families and Building Community. The Dubuque Dream Center Complete 4 Phase Model is strategically planned to be established by 2024. PHASE 2 Impact Youth Expand capacity to serve 200 youth 2016–2018 PHASE 3 Strengthening Families Sustain Youth Impact Model for working families 2019–2022 PHASE 4 Building Community Individual family assessment and support 2022–2024 6
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S DREAM CENTER PROGRAMS As Dubuque becomes increasingly diverse, we believe our mission reflects the trends of community growth, AND IMPACT MODEL needs and demographics. Many of us are aware of the traditional philosophy The Dream Center ultimately is designed to impact “It takes a Community to raise a child.” Dr. Peter our community through providing a myriad of services Benson has authored a research-based system that addressing needs of youth and their families. Our encompasses this traditional philosophy known as Mission is to Impact Youth, Strengthen Families and Search Institutes 40 Developmental Assets.7 Build Community. Designed to minimize risk factors and increase (See Character Development, Academic Center, protective factors while focusing on asset building & Activity Guides) rather than liability management. Search Institutes 40 Developmental Assets are divided initially into two categories, External Assets and Internal Assets. ACADEMIC CENTER AND External Assets establish appropriate boundaries ACADEMY and connect the family, school, and neighborhood The program model and curriculums the Dream to encourage responsible behavior and also help Center utilizes to Impact Youth are provided through youth use their time constructively in structured our Academic Center and Academy in partnership with activities & programs. Dubuque Schools. The Dream Center Program portion of our Impact Model is structured in 3 areas of Youth Internal Assets focus on character development. Development: Character Development, Academic Instilling values, increasing skills in social competencies Achievement & Academy Activities. like decision making and conflict resolution, instilling a sense of positive identity, and value in education. Character Development Coupled together, external and internal assets help • Meal Mentoring: School Connectors strategically young people grow into healthy adults. engage and socialize with youth during mealtime to This system is the model of the Dubuque Dream Center intentionally build relationships and reinforce values strategy to Impact Youth we call In Your Life Mentoring.® through a model called Developmental Relationships by Search Institute. In Your Life Mentors are Connected Caring Adults who • Character Development Curriculums: C.E.F. are Unified in Purpose to build Assets in Youth designed (Child Evangelism Fellowship & Discipleship), social to build strong Children. Missions can serve as a natural & emotional development strategies, & Character strategy that unify communities. Development curriculums are provided during meal mentoring time to instill values and address issues The Dream Center mobilizes parents, teachers, and such as conflict and anger management, anti-bullying, Dream Center School Connectors to Influence Character hygiene, dealing with peer pressure, trauma informed Development and Academic Outcomes of each copping strategies, cultural competent topics relevant Individual D.D.C. student. to low-income and urban communities. Individual needs assessments, goal setting, and action Healthy Meals: The Dream Center provides a healthy plans are conducted for each student to determine the meal each program day during the school year and best action steps to influence the individual goals and summer. Meal guidelines, resources, and structures outcomes for each student. are provided though USDA Federal Grant funds and Dream Center Mission goals and outcomes are paired guidelines. Supper is provided during the school year with Individual goals and outcomes when defining and breakfast, lunch, and supper is provided during Dream Center successful Impact and Outcomes. the summer. As food insecurity is a major reality in 7
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S the demographics served at the Dream Center, our sparks for 66% of more than 13,000 students surveyed Food Service is essential to the success of student nationally were sports and arts.8 and family impact. Spark Activities provide performance and competition Academic Center opportunities that teach youth respect for authority and The D.D.C. Academic Center is our program station peers and responsibility that includes character values that influences student academic achievement goals such as discipline. and outcomes. Through our Academic Center the Dream Center Academy Sparks also assist students D.D.C. continues the school day curriculum to provide in making connections to school, community culture, students with the additional support they need to academic achievement, and character development. progress towards reading and math proficiency, high school graduation, and college or career readiness The Dream Center presently offers Club Basketball (see our Youth Career Development Program Outlook). and Performing Arts structed programming, that includes Dance, Choir, and Instruments. A key part of effectiveness in improving student academic achievement is the creation of individualized The Dream Center long term goal is to expand “Sparks” plans for every student made in partnership with the offered and student demographics served. Students are Dream Center Academic Center Coordinator, D.C. required to meet a standard of school and Dream Center School Connectors, Parents, & the Dubuque Community attendance, reduced office referrals or suspensions, Schools. D.C. “School Connectors” and volunteers are and academic achievement standards to continue trained in reading prescriptions and math improvement participation in competition or performance opportunities strategies utilized by District educators to continue offered through the Dream Center Academy. teaching strategies and programs applied to students during the school day. Our Club Basketball Program offers the following benefits: Lexia and S.T. Math are the Core Academic Curriculums • Certified Coaches from the Dubuque School District utilized for School • Stages Player Development System & Prep for High Aged Children at the Dream Center. (See Academic School or College Coordinator for more details). • Local Leagues & Tournaments Activity Academy • NCAA Certified Tournaments for High Level Players The D.D.C. Academy is designed and structured to • Player Profiles for College Recruits influence student motivation towards Academic and Our Music & Performing Arts Program offers the Character Development goals and outcomes. The following benefits: D.D.C. Academy provide students with best practice training and development from college educated and • Certified Trainers & Coaches certified instructors. • Stages Artist Development System & Prep for High School or College Our Best-Practice Dream Center Academy program • Local Performances & Showcases model is based on Search Institute’s research and • Artist Profiles for Marketable Skills & Exposure identification that students with “Sparks” and related developmental support have better results on both Youth Career Development and Employment Program developmental and academic outcomes. A “spark” is Middle & High School age D.D.C. students have defined as “an interest and/or passion young people an opportunity to participate in our Youth Career have within them that light a fire in their lives and Development and Employment Program. express the essence of who they are and what they offer to the world.” The two most commonly identified (See Youth Career Development Program description on pages 15–17 for more information) 8
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S TRANSPORTATION GIRLS BASKETBALL Grade Staff Max # The Dream Center offers transportation to children in Kindergarten School Connector/Coach 10 need from school sites or home. Parents are required to fill out our transportation and needs assessment 1 School Connector/Coach 10 form to quality for transportation (See Transportation 2 School Connector/Coach 10 Packet for more information). 3 School Connector/Coach 10 4 School Connector/Coach 10 AFFORDABLE, QUALITY AFTER 5 School Connector/Coach 10 SCHOOL CARE OPTION FOR 6 School Connector/Coach 10 WORKING PARENTS 7 School Connector/Coach 10 8 School Connector/Coach 10 • The Dubuque Dream Center can serve as an 9 School Connector/Coach 10 Affordable and Quality care option for children 10 School Connector/Coach 10 of working families. 11 School Connector/Coach 10 • Although the Dubuque Dream Center is an Academic 12 School Connector/Coach 10 and Academy Program Model, the D.D.C. meets State Requirements as a Licensed Childcare Center for school aged youth K-6th grade and serves youth BOYS BASKETBALL year-round After School and Summer. Grade Staff Max # Kindergarten School Connector/Coach 10 STUDENTS SERVED 1 School Connector/Coach 10 • D.D.C. serves 10 students per grade. 2 School Connector/Coach 10 • D.D.C. seeks to keep a 1:10 staff to student ratio. 3 School Connector/Coach 10 • D.D.C. serves students K-6th for year-round care 4 School Connector/Coach 10 option for working families. 5 School Connector/Coach 10 • D.D.C. presently serves all K-12th school age students 6 School Connector/Coach 10 in our holistic program model. 7 School Connector/Coach 10 • D.D.C. enrolls/registers students based on their D.D.C. 8 School Connector/Coach 10 Spark or Interest. 9 School Connector/Coach 10 • The Dubuque Dream Center primarily serves students 10 School Connector/Coach 10 from Dubuque Title 1 Schools that are identified as 11 School Connector/Coach 10 below reading and math proficiency; however, the 12 School Connector/Coach 10 Dream Center is available to students and families of all Demographics. 9
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S GIRLS AND BOYS PERFORMING ARTS Student to Staff Ratio Best Practice and Model Grade Staff Max # The Dream Center seeks to apply Best Practice models to influence staff retention and student impact. This Kindergarten School Connector/Coach 10 requires providing livable and competitive wages to 1 School Connector/Coach 10 qualified staff and low student to staff ratio’s for student 2 School Connector/Coach 10 impact. The Dream Center utilizes Childcare Licensing 3 School Connector/Coach 10 standards and an organization called Friends of Children 4 School Connector/Coach 10 for Best Practice Model guidelines for Dream Center staff. 5 School Connector/Coach 10 • Child Care Licensing Standards9 6 School Connector/Coach 10 • Friends of Children Model10 7 School Connector/Coach 10 • Low student ratio’s result in higher impact 8 School Connector/Coach 10 • Livable wages and competitive salaries increase 9 School Connector/Coach 10 quality staff retention and student impact11 10 School Connector/Coach 10 11 School Connector/Coach 10 Programs Offered by Grade 12 School Connector/Coach 10 • K–6th (Year-round & full days) • Quality & Affordable Afterschool & Summer Care Enrollment by Grade for children of working parents The D.D.C. enrolls students to participate in programming • Non-school days and Early Dismissals by grade. Students participate in D.D.C. programs with • Academic Center other students in similar grades. Although students are • Club Sports enrolled by grade, the D.D.C. assesses and develops • Music & Performing Arts each Individual student based on their Developmental • Healthy Meals STAGE in their Academic and Activity progress. We • Character Development believe that each child is an individual who develops at an individual rate. • 7th–8th (Year-round & half days) Accommodations of Special Needs • Academic Center The D.D.C. believes in providing opportunities to • Club Sports everyone including children that may have some • Music & Performing Arts special needs requirements providing reasonable • Healthy Meals accommodations. • College and Career Readiness Employment Program D.D.C. will require a copy of a care plan such as IFSP or • Character Development IEP to determine the needs of the child and necessary • 9th–12th (summer only & half days) preparation. Often children will not have a diagnosed • Academic Center need therefore, D.D.C. will work closely with the child’s • Club Sports physician, health consultant, AEA, and therapists. All policies and procedures remain the same including • Music & Performing Arts our policies for misconduct. • Healthy Meals • College and Career Readiness Employment Program Once a care plan has been established, the plan will be • Character Development written, reviewed, and updated annually or as necessary to address changes. The plan will be maintained with the child’s confidential records. 10
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S REGISTRATION PROCESS All paperwork must be completed prior to establishing your child’s first day at D.D.C. Periodically parents will Students qualify and register for Dubuque Dream be asked to update these forms. Failure to update the Center programing through the following process: required forms by deadline could result in temporary suspension of a child’s enrollment at D.D.C. until • Referrals from school administrators or teachers. required forms are complete. • Online registration. • According to student interest in a D.D.C. Activity For a child to remain enrolled it is also expected that (this supports student motivation). account balances be paid in full or requirements for CCA or Student Sponsor support complete prior to • Student and parent(s) attend D.D.C. orientation before the beginning of an upcoming session. their child can be officially enrolled and placed in Dream Center programming. If a family needs assistance completing the necessary • Student/Parent completes D.D.C. Student Profile paperwork, a D.D.C. representation will assist or connect Assessment & Questionnaire. parents to the relevant resource for support. • Individualized student goals and outcomes are D.D.C. prohibits discrimination against its families, established by student, parent, teacher, and in employees, or applicants for employment on the bases coordination with D.D.C. model and staff team. of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, religion, • Student fee payment source is determined and reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital processed (CCA, Student Sponsor, or parent direct pay). status, familial or parental status. • Parent agrees to Parent Partnership Pledge & Handbook. If you will be withdrawing from D.D.C., we ask that parents submit a 30-day written notice to your child’s Enrollment & Withdrawal School Connector/Coach or via email of your intended As part of Orientation, parents will be given a packet last day. of paperwork to be completed prior to enrollment. The packet includes: Absences We become concerned when a child does not arrive • Parent Handbook of policies and procedures; and at his/her scheduled time or is absent without advanced Parent Partnership Pledge notice. Parents, please make sure that you contact your • Child/Student Safety Guide child’s School Connector/Coach as soon as possible • Character Development Guide/Expectations Handbook if your child will be absent or late due to illness, doctor • Academic Center Guide/Expectations Handbook appointment, vacation, or a change in your schedule. • Activity Guide/Expectations Handbook Early Pick Up • Academic Waiver If a parent needs to pick up a student early from • USDA Forms (Federal Government required program, we request that parents attempt to inform the information for food service) School Connector/Coach 1-2 days prior. This allows for • Childcare Registration Card Coaches and Instructors to plan for student absence and • Physical and Immunization forms provide make up plans to student for missed instruction. • Fee Payment Agreement Form (Childcare Assistance If there is an unforeseen emergency, where a 1-2-day or Student Sponsor form if needed) notice is not possible, contacting the School Connector • Special needs children need an Individual Family or D.D.C. office as early as possible is appreciated. Service Plan • Transportation forms 11
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S DREAM CENTER PROGRAM D.D.C. DAILY PROGRAM SCHEDULE STRUCTURE School Year Dubuque Dream Center programs are structured Monday–Thursday: by stations. • Before School: 6:30–8:00 A.M. Youth rotate hourly to the Academic Center, Spark • After School: 3:00–6:30 P.M. Activity, and our Meal Mentoring station. Friday: During the summer program, field trips are included • Before School: 6:30–8:00 A.M. to our Program Stations. • After School: 3:00–5:30 P.M. The Dream Center provides certified para’s or teachers Saturdays (as scheduled) from the Dubuque Community Schools, Summer Dream Center staff titled School Connectors, and Monday–Friday: community volunteers to implement our program • Early drop off option: 6:30A.M. structure. • 9:00 A.M.–4:30 P.M. Holidays Saturdays (as scheduled) The Dubuque Dream Center is closed: Grades • New Year’s Day (See specialized schedule documents for each grade) • Memorial Day • K-6th (Year-round & full days) • Independence Day (closed all week) • 7th-8th (Year-round & half days) • Labor Day (as scheduled by coaches) • Thanksgiving • 9th-12th (summer only & half days) • The day after Thanksgiving (as scheduled by coaches) • Christmas Eve • Christmas Day *Before School and early drop off summer options are designated for parents in need. Q & A forms are • MLK Day provided during student registration and intake process Facility to determine families that qualify for this option. There Dubuque Dream Center Facility Structures are designed is an additional fee for this option. to meet the needs of our Holistic Program Structure. Late Pick Up Our facility is designed as an Academic Center and All children must be picked up by 5:00pm in summer Program Academy. Similar to school structures, the & 6:30 pm in school year. Families who pick up after Dream Center has classrooms designed to continue these times will be charged a late pick up fee of $1.00 the School Day Curriculum and prepare student for per minute per child. The Department of Human High School and College. Services will be contacted for children not picked up on time (Families who need later pick up time Our Cafeteria and Food Service Center is designed to for the summer can request this option but will be serve meals to students each program day after school charged an additional fee for additional staff needs). and breakfast, lunch, and supper during the summer. Our activity spaces include our Gymnasium for sports training and fun activities, our Dance, Choir, Production, and Instrument rooms for performing arts training, 12
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S and our Fitness Room, for health and wellness fitness *All 1st & 2nd Grade Players are League Teams only. training, that includes Boxing or MMA. (See Dubuque Dream Center Basketball Activity Guide All visitors must enter through the front doors and page for more information) the office to be let in. Parents and authorized pick up persons will receive a code to check children in or out of the Dream Center. DREAM CENTER BENEFIT HIGHLIGHTS — ONE STOP SHOP FOR YOUTH LEAGUE VS TOURNAMENT DEVELOPMENT TEAM • Quality & Affordable Afterschool & Summer Care for All D.D.C. students will have equal opportunity children of working parents for participation, training, and fun on our Club • Non-school days and Early Dismissals Basketball Teams. • Individual Academic Goals and Plans in partnership However, students will be trained and assessed to with Community Schools determine their level of development. This System • Development in Specialized Activity by Certified of Development is called STAGES. Coaches Stages allow coaches to measure whether a student • Developing Spark in Student Activity is at a Developmental or Advanced STAGE in their skill • Keeping kids active and productive year-round set for each activity. • Local Leagues and Tournaments • Traveling, AAU, and NCAA Certified Tournaments Player Development Assessments through STAGES will determine whether a player participates in Leagues or • Local Performances & Showcases Tournaments. Students that are at Developmental Stages • Transportation will participate in Leagues only. Players at Advanced • Healthy Meals Levels will participate in Leagues & Tournaments. • College and Career Readiness Employment Program Developmental Level • Character Development • Players that are at Developmental Levels means • Range of School age children served K-12th a player is still learning the basic skills and how to • Low Staff to Student Ratio for Impact apply those skills in a competitive game situation. • Trained Youth Development Mentors • Parents and players will receive visual updates that • Positive Peer Friendship Focus help parents and players visibly understand the STAGE their child is at presently and what is needed to progress towards the necessary skills to execute PROGRAM VALUE AND COST the basics and advance towards Tournament Team • $4,000 per child levels and prepare for High School. • $1,250.00 Session 1 (September – December) Advanced Level • $1,250.00 Session 2 (January – May) • Players that are at Advanced Levels means a player • $1,500 Session 3 (June – August) has the ability to execute basic skills in a competitive game situation. • Parents and players will receive visual updates and examples to assist in understanding the skills necessary to be identified as an Advanced Level Player. 13
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S DUBUQUE DREAM CENTER SCHOOL CONNECTORS YOUTH DEVELOPMENT STAFF Description: Dream Center staff that serve as Individual Qualified and Quality Staff are a national challenge for In Your Life Mentors and coaches are called School Youth Development and Childcare Centers. The Dubuque Connectors. School Connectors are the Dream Dream Center is committed as an essential function Center activity sports and music and performing arts and focus of our organization to recruit, retain, and train coaches who are also responsible for overseeing Quality and Qualified Staff to enhance student impact. and implementing youth academic and character development outcomes. School connectors supervise Academic Center Director and instruct youth at each program station. The D.D.C. Academic Center Director has a master’s Each School Connector is responsible for a Team. in education and works as a Teacher in the Dubuque A Team is a Sports Team or Music and Performing Public Schools. Our Academic Center Director works Arts Team such as a Dance Team or Choir. Our goal at the Dream Center after school during the school is to have a 1:10 ratio of School Connector per students year and full time during the summer. for quality impact. Program Coordinators The Dubuque Dream Center has part-time and full- Dream Center Program Coordinators oversee and time School Connectors. D.D.C. seeks to hire District provide accountability for Program Outcomes, School School Teachers or Paraprofessionals as part-time Connectors, and students in their department. Program School Connectors. Part-time School Connectors Coordinators have Education, Social Work, Sports work after school during the school year and full Management, or special skills educational background day during the summer. such as Music and Performing Arts. Full-time School Connectors oversee Dream Center School Connectors programming after school and summer. Full-time School Dream Center staff are called School Connectors. Connectors conduct school visits during the school day School Connectors are the Dream Center Youth to support teachers and D.D.C. students at local schools. Development Staff or District School Teachers who are also responsible for overseeing youth academic, D.D.C. School Connector Profile activity, and character development outcomes. School • Character and values consistent with D.D.C. mission Connectors supervise and instruct youth at 3 Stations: • Education and professional background in field of Academic Center, Club Sports or Music & Performing Youth Development Arts Activity, & Meal Mentoring. • Passion for Child and Youth Development Kitchen Manager • Professional history of responsibly, punctuality, and The Dream Center Kitchen Manager has extensive work ethic experience in professional food service and kitchen • Organizational skills Code Requirements. The Dream Center Kitchen • Contributes to positive workplace environment Manager oversees the USDA Grant and Healthy Meal • Willingness to grow professionally and utilize D.D.C. Plan Requirements. As food insecurity is a major reality Model to Impact and Development youth in the demographics served at the Dream Center, our • Passion, background, and experience in a D.D.C. Food Service and Kitchen Manager is essential to the Activity Area success of student and family impact. Counselors The Dream Center plans to partner with School or Brain Health Counselors beginning 2023-24. 14
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S DDC STRENGTHENING Through the Dream Center Youth Career Development and Employment Program, we focus on the future FAMILIES SERVICES to impact generational poverty by developing the • 5 Day week school year and summer Quality Childcare future workforce. for Working Families. Our Youth Career Development and Employment • College and Career Readiness Programming to impact Program benefits from our early school age feeder youth and reverse trends of Generational Poverty. system. Youth enrolled in Dream Center programming • Annual Family Events that bring together students, are students who have been identified by teachers, families, and the community through entertainment, counselors, or administrators based on academic, family friendly activities, food and fun in order social and emotional development needs during to support and enhance the focus of building their elementary ages, K-6th. relationships and community. Students enrolled in our Youth Career Development Connection to Family Support Services program have been participants in Dream Center Family support services give parents and other family programming during early childhood ages, having members the opportunity to take advantage of D.D.C. discipline and character development values instilled family assistance services in order to complete our and are now middle or high school students. mission of Impacting Youth, Strengthening Families, Students have the option to enroll in our Youth Career and Building Community. As families are strengthen, Development and Employment program from grades youth are further impacted. 8th-12th at this time. As the D.D.C. transitions into our Strengthening Families 7th grade students are prepped through our stage, youth and families are registered in a dual intake Transitional High School, College and Career system where youth are registered for D.D.C. programs Development Summer Classes. and parent/guardians have an option of completing a family assistance intake process. Students enrolled will receive an individual career assessment, soft skills development, and job & career Families are connected to services that provide GED, readiness training in partnership with Local Colleges. Adult Literacy, Computer Training, job and career training, food assistance, shelter, clothing, or other Students can earn Employment opportunities and human needs assistance. These services and resources a stipend through a partnership with Dubuque Works are not all provided by the D.D.C., but the D.D.C. will and Private Donors. serve as a Connector to assist and direct families to the organizations or resources that meet their immediate and Soft skills provide a critical foundation for success at primary needs. D.D.C. Strengthening Families Phases are school and work. Nationwide, 62% of business decision- planned to be implemented in the Fall of 2021. makers have more difficulty recruiting candidates with soft skills than technical skills. YOUTH CAREER 55% of Dubuque-area employers consider work ethic DEVELOPMENT AND a major skills gap; 50% cite communication skills. EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM Additionally, 90% of decision-makers believe soft skills are developed more easily in early childhood Middle & High School age D.D.C. students have than later in life. an opportunity to participate in our Youth Career Development and Employment Program. 15
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S Sources: Greater Dubuque Dev. Corp; Iowa Policy • Financial Literacy and introductory business classes Project, American Enterprise Institute (2016); Zilliak and account management et al (2008); Care@Work Better Benefits Survey, • Carpentry: Home Repair and Support Project HOPE Childcare Needs Assessment; in-person • Culinary/Foods interviews; Child Care Aware, Child Care Partnership • Teacher Education Project Employer Toolkit. • Sports Management Student Enrollment • Basics of Mechanics; Engineer Dubuque Dream Center partnerships and resources • Office and Administration only allow a maximum of 20 students to enroll for our • Technology Skill Development Youth Career and Employment Program at this time. • Health or Medical Field Partners • Entrepreneur and Business Best Practices Students enrolled will receive training and employment • ACT/SAT Preparation experience in partnership with Dubuque Works, North Youth Career Development Program Steps East Iowa Community College (NICC) Career Pathway Coordinator, and our Dubuque Dream Center Youth 1. Individual career assessment. Career Coordinator(s). 2. Soft Skills education and assessment. 3. Soft Skills development and training through Local high schools, colleges or business partners will Employment and Training Program. provide training for properly filling out job applications, 4. J ob & career readiness training through evaluations resume building workshops, Soft skills etiquette, SAT and assessments. & ACT prep. D.D.C. Youth Career Development Model and Curriculum Students will gain skill development and on the job are determined through ongoing research and training and experience through summer employment assessments to determine Best Practices for academic, opportunities and earning a stipend for their work technical and soft skills training and development through Dubuque Dream Center Program Departments needed for our present and future workforce. in partnership with Dubuque Works and Private Donors. Career and College Credit Benefits Local colleges, or professional experts will also partner by providing financial literacy and business management Students will receive certificates and scholarships. introductory classes. These awards will provide essential value to each student who participates and completes the Youth Services Career Development Summer Program annually in After surveying D.D.C. students and parents, reviewing the following aspects: data from Future Ready Iowa, and available local • Serves as a documented reference for potential partnerships, we determined that our youth career future employers. development program will include an individual step • Adds to an ongoing Professional Portfolio. by step plan and Career Training options as follows: • Record for D.D.C. Youth Career and Employment • Career Assessment Development System. • Soft Skill Development • Scholarships to be used towards College or future Career. • Job and Career Readiness 16
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S Goals and Outcomes Midterm Outcomes: 4-7 years • 80% of students successfully complete Youth Career • 70 % of DC students AT Reading Proficiency by Development Summer Program. 4th Grade • 80% of students demonstrated soft skills through • 70% of DC students AT Reading Proficiency by Dream Center Youth Summer Employment High School Graduation opportunities that are measured and tracked. • 70% of DC students AT MATH Proficiency by • Have 80% of students earn a Certificate of Completion. High School Graduation • 50% or more of students earn Scholarship Funds Dubuque Dream Center Student Outcome Indicators towards College or Career. at School • 70% or more of students retain employment throughout 70% of DC students PROGRESSING towards Reading Youth Career Program. Proficiency by end School • 90% or more of students graduate High School. • 80% of H.S. Seniors enter college or career in their • 70% of DC students PROGRESSING towards Math related field of interest. Proficiency by end School Year • 100% of Alumni Give Back to D.D.C. through volunteer • 70% of DC students meeting Reading Proficiency or marketing efforts. Growth Target by end School • 70% of DC students meeting Math Proficiency How we Measurement Outcomes Growth Target by end School Year In partnership with Dubuque Community Schools, the • 70% of students receiving 9 or less absences Dubuque Dream Center SHARE OUTCOMES by utilizing from school the School District’s Academic, College, and Career • 70% of students receiving 0 school suspensions Measuring Systems to tract goals and progress of • 70% of students meeting school office referral students served at the D.D.C. requirement • 70% of students receiving 3.0 GPA or above (MS Only) DUBUQUE DREAM CENTER MEASURABLE OUTCOMES Student Outcome Indicators at Dream Center • 70% of DC students complete required hours of Lexia Long Term Outcomes: 7-10 years and S.T. Math instructions • All D.C. Students demonstrate Social and Emotional • 70% of students receiving O DC suspensions skills that prepare them for Academic and Career • 70% of students receive 9 or less absences from DC Success • 70% of DC students meeting R&R Expectations • All D.C Students Graduate from High School • All D.C. High School Graduates demonstrate College or Career Readiness 17
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S D.D.C. CHARACTER as a motivation for students to meet Academic and Character Development Expectations. Each student DEVELOPMENT & BEHAVIOR that completes the D.D.C. session will minimally receive MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES a participation award. We conduct two annual End of Session Award Ceremonies, one in December • The D.D.C. primary strategy for Managing the Behavior and June. of students we serve is focusing on Developmental Relationships and Character Development. (See our D.D.C. Character Development and Behavior Management System for more information) • Our initial focus is applying conflict prevention strategies through Intentional Relationship Building Strategies (Definition of Developmental Relationships), FAMILY/D.D.C. STAFF Instilling values and character in D.D.C. students we RELATIONSHIP serve through Developmental Relationships, Character Development Curriculums, and proper supervision. Healthy and positive relationships between D.D.C. staff and parents are a top priority and intentional focus for • However, in the event D.D.C. School Connectors or the D.D.C. Staff need to utilize Behavior Management Strategies, our D.D.C. Staff are training in Department of Education The D.D.C. encourages parents to contact their child’s Behavior Management Strategies designed to School Connector or D.D.C. Administrators regarding deescalate highly emotional student outburst and any suggestions, concerns, or support needed. maintain a safe culture and environment for all The D.D.C. has established at Parent Focus Group to students, staff, and volunteers. provide a formal and organized platform for parents to • R & R’s and Respect Reminders are the D.D.C. motto be informed, provided suggestions, address concerns, to assist in student Behavior Management, rewards, and support the growth and development of the D.D.C. and consequences. Respect, Responsibility, and All parents are welcome to join the committee or attend Represent are what we seek to instill and Remind the meetings. all students as representatives of D.D.C. There is a reciprocal responsibility of the family and • As students demonstrate respect and responsibility caregiver to observe, participate and be trained in the students are rewarded with what we call Dream Center care that each child requires. Involved, non-custodial Bucks. D.C. Bucks are not actual or real money. D.C. parents have access to the same developmental and Bucks are tied to a rewards and point system where behavioral information given to the custodial parent, if student can earn virtual “Bucks” or points that can be they have joint legal custody, permission by court order, accumulated towards earning prizes, snacks, or awards or written consent from the custodial parent at the end of each program session. Caregivers should informally share with the family • Participation and Playing Time through our Club information about their child's needs and activities. Sports and Performance Opportunities through Children’s experience in childcare will be most beneficial our Performing Arts activities are another strategy when parents and caregivers develop feelings of mutual coaches utilize to reward and hold students respect and trust. accountable to our D.D.C. academic and character development expectations. A family enrolling a child with special needs will need to provide the center with a copy of the child’s Individual • End of Session Awards are provided to recognize the Family Service Plan to assist the center and School hard work and accomplishments of our D.D.C. students, Connectors. staff, volunteers, and parents. Awards can also serve 18
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S If a parent or guardian has a concern, they should If the restricted parent would arrive at our program, the contact their child’s School Connector to set up a court order would allow us to receive police intervention meeting with the School Connector and Program while asking that parent to leave. Coordinator. If no court order is on file at D.D.C., then we can inform Situations that can’t be addressed by a School the custodial parent that the restricted person is at Connector or Coordinator such as tuition questions D.D.C., however we cannot physically stop the person will require a meeting with our Program Director and from taking the child. D.D.C. Administrative Assistant. Parents can see the Communication Program Director or Administrative Assistant regarding and questions or concerns at any time via a scheduled D.D.C. uses the following forms of communication: meeting, phone call, or email. D.D.C. Website Parent Code of Conduct • All D.D.C. Parents will receive monthly updates on • Parents or designated pick up persons are expected our D.D.C. website that will provide information and to be respectful to our staff and children. updates regarding program and activity schedules and upcoming events • Matters that are not resolved by School Connectors must be addressed to the Program Coordinator or Emails Academic Center Director. • D.D.C. School Connectors will provide monthly email • Shouting is not allowed. updates to parents with reminders and highlights • Profanity is not allowed. relevant to their child’s team or activity. • Persons shouting, using profanity, or engaged in • Direct emails will be sent by School Connectors to disruptive behavior will be asked to leave and may provide parents reminders and updates regarding be dismissed from our center. This may result in the session registrations and important information. dismissal of a child from the program. • D.D.C. utilizes an electronic communication tool that • Parents should conduct themselves appropriately requires an email address of each parent that would at activity competitions or performances like to receive email communication regarding D.D.C. special events and organization information. (See Activity Policies for more information). Letters and Flyers Violation of the parent code of conduct may result in • Letters and/or flyers will be provided to D.D.C. termination of care with no notice. students by School Connectors to take home to Parent Visits parents regarding: Parents may visit their child at the D.D.C. at any time. • Session registrations We have an “open door” policy, which means parents • Special events and activities are encouraged to drop in anytime during our hours • Important updates and information of operation. • Upcoming Awards Ceremonies However, if your child is in their Activity Station during Text a parent visit, we ask that parents wait outside the • D.D.C. utilizes a text alert system. The system may be activity area until activity is complete to avoid instruction used to alert parents to cancellation of activities and disruption during training and instruction. emergencies. Please submit your cell phone carrier When parental contact is prohibited, the parent that has (Verizon, US Cellular, etc.) and cell phone number to custody of the child must provide D.D.C. with a written participate in this system. court order documenting the restriction. 19
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S Phone Calls STUDENT SAFETY POLICIES • Phone calls are encouraged if parents have questions or want additional information on how your child is The D.D.C. takes the safety of your children seriously doing. Naptime is between 12:00pm and 2:00pm and as a top priority in our organization. daily and is an ideal time for parents to call their The Following are D.D.C. Child Safety Policies child’s teacher. Highlights: Direct Mailing • We maintain state mandated adult to child ratios at • Direct mailing may be utilized as an extra step to all times. ensure families get important information or forms • Whenever possible, more than one adult is present in related to the following: a classroom or activity with students. • Session registrations • Employees meet state mandated training requirements • Special events and activities including First Aid and CPR, Mandatory Reporting • Important updates and information of Child and Dependent Adult Abuse, and Universal Precautions. • Upcoming Awards Ceremonies • Tornado, Fire, additional safety drills recommended by Personal Connections Homeland Security and the State Fire Marshall’s office • The D.D.C. conducts an Individual Orientation and are conducted each session. Intake System with each New Student and Family that • Indirect care employees move throughout the building registers for D.D.C. programs. The D.D.C. provides and are available to assist with students at any time. morning or evening schedule options for Orientations • Bathroom and Supervision policies and guidelines and Intakes. are designed and instructed to provide safety, proper • The D.D.C. will organize 1 on 1 student and family privacy, and supervision for the safety of all children. Intakes with any student or family who has not Adults are instructed not to utilize bathrooms at the conducted a 1 on 1 D.D.C. Intake. same time as children. • The D.D.C. Individual student and family Intakes are • The Dubuque Dream Center annually review our designed to assess and communicate to students and Student Safety Policies to understand all the systems parents the Individual Academic, Activity and Character and safety precautions the D.D.C. has in place and Development goals and needs or each student, as well annually assess and update as needed to keep your as gather information regarding any support the D.D.C. child safe. can provide to the parents or family of the students • All employees are required to read this manual and we serve. are given an orientation to become familiar with D.D.C. • Parents are encouraged to stop in at the D.D.C. and Child Safety policies and procedures. speak directly with their child’s School Connector/ • Parents are encouraged to drop in at any time. Coach at the beginning or end of any program day, with any questions, clarification or update needs. (See additional D.D.C. child safety policies for more • Any concerns or matters that require more in-depth information) conversations, parents should schedule a meeting Supervision outside program time with their child’s School • D.D.C. School Connectors & Coaches directly Connector/Coach. supervise students by sight and sound at all times. • D.D.C. School Connectors and teachers may • D.D.C. staff should not supervise or instruct any contact some parents to partner during Parent- student of any age without another adult volunteer teacher conferences. These partnerships are or staff present. designed to coordinate student academic progress • If supervision or instruction is done in view of our D.D.C. and individual goals. 20
P R O G R A M S A N D O P E R AT I O N S camera’s, D.D.C. staff or volunteers may supervise or • Appropriate adult to child ratios will be met during instruct a student for the designated time authorized all hours of operation, including onsite and offsite by a Supervisor. activities, and field trips, following precautions for • Active and positive supervision involves: specific areas and equipment. • Knowing student attendance at each station Offsite Contact • Knowing each child's abilities and tendencies “OUTSIDE CONTACT” is defined as any type of ongoing • Establishing clear and simple safety rules contact outside of the Dream • Being aware of potential safety hazards Center between Staff/Volunteer and youth (individually • Standing in a strategic position or in small groups). • Scanning play activities and circulating • Focusing on the positive rather than the negative This includes any type of direct contact between 1 to teach a child what is safe for the child and other Staff/Volunteer and 1 youth (“1-1 Contact”). children. • Staff/Volunteers should NOT exchange ANY personal • These precautions are designed to reduce the risk of contact information with ANY youth unless they have inappropriate student behavior, a student wandered gone through our D.D.C. Screening and Contact off or ending up missing for any reason. process. If a student is noticed to be missing, the D.D.C. School • Only Screened Volunteers and D.C. Staff/Interns are Connector will ask for the support of other Staff or allowed to go through this process to have Outside Administrators to find the child. Contact with youth. • In order for a Staff/Volunteer to have any Outside Administrators and Staff will conduct an extensive Contact with a youth (visits, phone calls, emails, search of the facility or designated areas that include letters, online chats, text messaging, etc.), they must: classrooms, offices, bathrooms, dining areas or other • Get the approval of their D.D.C. Coordinator and designated areas if the search involves an offsite field Direct Supervisor. trip, activity, or event. • The D.D.C. Coordinator will get the specific written After an extensive search is complete, and the child is permission from the youth’s parent. not found, the parents and police will be notified. • This permission slip must give detailed Contact Specifications that the parent is agreeing to permit The Director will notify the DHS Childcare Licensing between this Staff / Volunteer and their child. Consultant that a child is missing. • The D.D.C. Coordinator will also inform the parent of A DHS and possible Law Enforcement investigation, who they should contact if they become concerned the circumstances, and the safety level of the child about any of the communication between their child when s/he was found will determine what future actions and the Staff/Volunteer. will be taken as it relates to the D.D.C. Organization and • The Staff/Volunteer’s Supervisor needs to keep this Staff involved. permission slip in the appropriate file at the D.D.C. (the original in the youth’s file and a copy with the Offsite Field Trips Staff/Volunteer’s file). • D.D.C. students will be permitted to participate in offsite activities with written approval by a parent. Non-Center Activities • D.D.C. School Connectors will regularly count students If a D.D.C. student needs to leave the center for an on a scheduled basis, at every transition, and whenever activity at another location (e.g. swimming lessons, leaving one area and arriving at another, to confirm the doctor appointments, and other activities), safe whereabouts of every child at all times. 21
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