The New Zealand Dance Advancement Trust (The New Zealand Dance Company) - Auckland ...

2020/2021 Multi-board Local Grants Round Two

         The New Zealand Dance Advancement Trust (The New
                      Zealand Dance Company)
Legal status:            Charitable Trust                  Activity focus:     Arts and Culture
Conflicts of interest:   None identified

Project: The New Zealand Dance Company Tāmaki Tour
Location:                Various Locations around Auckland
Summary:                 As part of NZDC's 2021 Community Development and Education Strategy, the
                         Tāmaki Tour programme focuses on connecting with youth and different
                         communities across Tāmaki-Makaurau through bringing adaptable, high calibre
                         dance engagements to Tāmaki schools - with low or no cost. This year we are
                         creating a brand-new work for our annual Tāmaki Tour exploring the values
                         around ‘equality’ through a playful and creative integration of dance, storytelling
                         and spoken word created by dance and theatre artists Batanai Mashingaidze,
                         James O’Hara and Cathy Livermore. This engagement includes a 35-minute
                         performance followed by creative engagement encompassing Korero (discussion)
                         sessions, creative tasks, games and movement exploration.
Expertise:               NZDC has been involved in engaging with youth and the community since its
                         inception in 2012 and has gained significant experience in delivering events in
                         schools and the community. NZDC delivered 9 performances, 11 workshops and
                         classes to 3,371 tamariki in schools across Auckland in 2020. We look forward to
                         bringing more access to dance for youth and communities across Tāmaki
                         Makauaru in 2021.

                         The New Zealand Dance Company exists with the desire to collectively transform
                         the way people experience contemporary dance—to break boundaries and share
                         its humility, its creativity and its openness. Art is a powerful catalyst for social
                         impact. We believe movement is key to this transformation.
Dates:                   21/06/2021 - 31/08/2021           Rain dates:          -
People reached:          3000
% of participants from Local Board         8.5 %8.5 %13 %10.5 %10.5 %8.5 %13 %4 %13 %10.5 %
Promotion:               We plan to deliver multi-channel marketing campaign, where the project will be
                         promoted on our website, social media channels as well as producing physical
                         print collateral. Our Community Administrator has also already reached out to
                         schools and will continue to kōrero around securing times and dates for
                         workshops and performances.

Community benefits
Identified community outcomes:
         NZDC’s annual Tāmaki Tour has toured to schools and played venues across Auckland over the
         past 4 years and was very well received by audiences and critics alike.
This project enables access, inclusivity, participation and opportunity for Aucklanders of all-
       ages to engage; employs NZ’s top dancers; and creates contemporary dance that is praised
       for its quality, creativity and contribution to the cultural fabric of Aotearoa.

       The key outcomes of this project are to encourage inclusiveness, increase participation and uplift
       our community. By bringing this project to schools, we would be able to engage with young people
       and initiate discussions around belonging, kindness and resilience in Aotearoa today. We hope to
       take young people on a journey of personal reflection engaging with perception, personality,
       purpose and place. This dance engagement will promote more active participation in the arts and
       develop young people’s collaborative skills and creative thinking.
Alignment with local board priorities:
              our residents benefit from relevant and high-quality community services and events
       As part of NZDC's 2021 Community Development and Education Strategy, our Tāmaki Tour
       programme focuses on connecting with youth and different communities across Tāmaki-Makaurau
       through bringing high calibre dance performances and engagements to Tāmaki schools. This year
       we are creating a brand-new work for our annual Tāmaki Tour exploring the values around ‘equality’
       through a playful and creative integration of dance, storytelling and spoken word. How do we
       engage with our perceptions and sense of place when we feel something’s not fair? What should
       belonging, kindness and resilience look like in Aotearoa today?
        Integrated with the 35-minute performance is a post-show engagement opportunity for students to
       engage with the content and themes of the work. These engagements are designed to be adaptable
       to different age groups, spaces and abilities and gives students the chance to investigate and
       interpret the performance through korero (discussion) sessions, creative tasks, games and
       movement exploration. These engagements will embrace the creative and artistic potential of
       students across Tāmaki-Makaurau, enhancing dance literacy and creating greater connections to
       the arts for our youth.

       This honest and uplifting performance opportunity offers students an entertaining and thought-
       provoking experience.The idea of engaging with local schools is to involve students and encourage
       active participation to celebrate the vibrant arts and cultural scene of our shared community.

       NZDC has initiated relationships with schools in the Kaipātiki Local Board area - notably
       Bayview Primary School. Funding dependant, we seek to actively build on such relationships,
       offering more schools performances and engagements at low or no cost.

       If COVID-19 disrupts the delivery of our Tāmaki Tour Programme live to schools, NZDC has the
       capacity to deliver this programme digitally. However, this still requires funding as the Programme
       requires a three weeks development and creation before delivery.

Collaborating organisation/individual                       Role
Batanai Mashingaidze                                        Co-Creator
Cathy Livermore                                             Co-Creator
Anita Clark (Motte)                                         Sound artist/composer
Amit Noy                                                    Dance artist/performer

Māori outcomes:                           Māori participation - Māori priority group, target group, high
                                           representation or Māori staff delivering
                               This project will fulfil the outcome of Māori participation. Through our Tāmaki
                               Tour we will deliver engagements and performances to predominantly Māori
                               and Pasifika populated areas such as Maungakiekie-Tāmaki, Henderson-
                               Massey, Māngere-Ōtāhuhu and other communities across Tāmaki
                               Makaurau. Our project also involves two dancers of Māori whakapapa and
                               two administrators of Māori whakapapa.
Accessible to people with      Yes - We have the ability to perform in adaptable spaces -individual school
disabilities                   dependant. If the current situation with COVID-19 continues and we are not
                               able to deliver in schools, our digital programme would be accessible to any
                               student in the school.
Target ethnic groups:          All/everyone
Healthy environment                       Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness
approach:                                  programmes
                               Through our physical engagements offered as part of our Tāmaki tour,
                               students will be encouraged to move their body and participate actively. We
                               hope that through this, youth will enjoy dancing and engaging their body
                               creatively, encouraging them to continue this practice in everyday life.

Percentage of males targeted           Percentage of females targeted         All - not targeted male/female
%                                      %                                      100%

0-5 years      < 15 years         15-24 years            25-44 years          >65 years           All ages
%              70%                30%                    %                    %                   %

Financial information
Amount requested:              $23,500.00
Requesting grant for:          Artistic costs and fees for the development and delivery of 2021 Tāmaki Tour
                               and associated workshops.
If part funded, how would you make up the difference:
Any amount would be helpful in the cost of delivering workshops and performances to local schools. We
would like to keep the cost to schools minimal or free of cost to accomplish our mission of making art
accessible for all. Therefore, we would still like to deliver this project even if only part of it is funded.
However, if the project is only partly funded, we may need to ask schools to contribute towards our delivery
cost or alternatively, reduce the number of schools we visit and mobilise financial reserves to cover shortfall
Cost of participation:         Scaled programme fee dependant on schools' ability to contribute to fee.
                               Performance fees would range from free to koha to a fee affordable by a
                               school ie $250.

Total expenditure            Total income                    Other grants               Applicant contribution
$42,050.00                   $1,550.00                       $10,000.00                 $7,000.00
Expenditure item                                                Amount                 Amount requested
                                                                                       from Local Board
Venue hire for planning and rehearsing space for 3 weeks        $4,050.00              $2,000.00
at Wellesley Studios
Dancer costs – Chrissy Kokiri 5 weeks x $1,000 pw               $5,000.00              $3,000.00

Dancer costs – Katie Rudd 5 weeks x $1,000 pw                   $5,000.00              $3,000.00

Dancer costs – Carl Tolentino 5 weeks x $1,048.00               $5,240.00              $3,000.00

Dancer Costs – Ngaere Jenkins 5 weeks x $894 pw                 $4,470.00              $2,500.00

Dancer Costs – Amit Noy 5 weeks x $850.00 pw                    $4,250.00              $2,500.00

Artistic/Rehearsal Manager – Caroline Bindon 5 weeks x          $5,990.00              $3,000.00
$1,198.00 pw
Production Manager – TBC sample Carol Harding 2020 5            $6,250.00              $3,000.00
weeks x $1,250 pw
Van Rental for 2 weeks hire for transportation to schools       $1,800.00              $1,500.00

Income description                                                          Amount
2x schools at no fee                                                        $ 0.00

3x schools paying $250                                                      $ 750.00

2x schools paying $400                                                      $ 800.00

Other funding sources                               Amount                     Current Status
Auckland Council Strategic Relationship             $5,000.00                  Approved

Foundation North                                    $5,000.00                  Pending

Donated materials                                                                    Amount
Rehearsal Venue x 1 week                                                             $1,350.00

Total number of volunteers                   Total number of volunteer       Amount
None Identified                                                              $0.00
Additional information to             We will actively be reaching out to low decile schools across the Local
support the application:              Board areas we are applying for to offer them free or low cost access
                                      to a high-calibre performing arts experience.

Funding history
Application ID   Project title                                                                       Decision
                 Round - Stage                                                                       Allocation
ASF202118                                                                                            Undecided
                 2021 Waitematā Accommodation Support Fund - Submitted                               $0.00
RegSR_21001                                                                                          Approved
                 Regional Arts and Culture strategic relationships 2020/21 - Project in Progress     $50,000.00
MB1920-268       The New Zealand Dance Company Tāmaki Tour                                           Approved
                 2019/2020 Multi-board Local Grants Round Two - Project in progress                  $5,500.00
RegPr20_2000                                                                                         Declined
15               Regional Arts and Culture grants programme 20_2 Projects - Business                 $0.00
RegPr20_2000     Night Light                                                                         Approved
14               Regional Arts and Culture grants programme 20_2 Projects - Project in Progress      $15,000.00
QR2020-118       This Fragile Planet                                                                 Declined
                 2019/2020 Waitematā Quick Response, Round One - Declined                            $0.00
LG2007-240       The New Zealand Dance Company Youth Engagement Programme                            Approved
                 2019/2020 Howick Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress                      $5,000.00
LG2008-227       Youth Engagement Programme                                                          Approved
                 2019/2020 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress                   $2,500.00
LG1912-241       Matariki for Tamariki – School Tour                                                 Declined
                 2018/2019 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round Two - Declined                                 $0.00
ASF192032                                                                                            Approved
                 2019 Waitematā Accommodation Support Fund - Project in progress                     $8,000.00
LG1909-252       Matariki for Tamariki                                                               Declined
                 2018/2019 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Declined                        $0.00
LG1902-240       Matariki for Tamariki                                                               Declined
                 2018/2019 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Declined                     $0.00
RegPr19_2000     Matariki for Tamariki                                                               Approved
21               Regional Arts & Culture Grants Programme 19_2 - Project in Progress                 $10,000.00
RENH18/19051     This Fragile Planet – a live and digital community “artivism” project               Approved
                 Regional Environment and Natural Heritage Grant 2018 - 2019 - Project completed -   $18,000.00
                 report received
RegPr19_1_00                                                                                         Approved
032              Regional Arts and Culture Grant Programme 19_1 Projects - Project in Progress       $10,000.00
RegPr19_1_00     Matariki for Tamariki                                                               Declined
022              Regional Arts and Culture Grant Programme 19_1 Projects - Assessment 19_1           $0.00
MB1819-151       2019 Youth & Community Engagement Programme                                         Approved
                 2018/2019 Multi-board Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted                           $2,500.00
QR1901-27        2018/2019 Youth & Community Engagement Programme - Feisty Feet                      Approved
                 2018/2019 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress               $1,500.00
LG1821-222       NZDC Youth & Community Engagement Programme                                         Declined
                 2017/2018 Whau Local Grants, Round Two - Declined                                   $0.00
ASF1820-035                                                                                          Approved
                 2018 Waitematā Accommodation Support Fund - Acquitted                               $8,000.00
LG1810-244       Dancing Toward A Better Day - NZDC Youth Engagement Program                         Approved
2017/2018 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted                              $1,400.00
Reg!C18_2_SR                                                                                        Approved
05              Regional Arts & Culture Grants Programme 18_2 Strategic Relationship - Project in   $50,000.00
QR1820-321      Are We There Yet - Senior & Youth Dance Collaboration with AWMM                     Approved
                2017/2018 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted                         $1,500.00
RegSREOI18_2                                                                                        Withdrawn
00009           Regional Arts & Culture Grant Programme 18_2 SR EOI - Submitted                     $0.00
QR1803-206      The New Zealand Dance Company - Youth Engagement Programme                          Declined
                2017/2018 Franklin Quick Response, Round Two - Declined                             $0.00
LG1808-211      The New Zealand Dance Company Youth Engagement Programme Delivery                   Approved
                2017/2018 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted                             $3,000.00
RegAC18_1_00    The New Zealand Dance Company's April - July Outreach in Tamaki Makaurau            Approved
004             Regional Arts & Culture Grants Programme 18_1 Projects - Project in Progress        $5,000.00
RegAC18_1_00                                                                                        Approved
005             Regional Arts & Culture Grants Programme 18_1 Projects - Project in Progress        $12,500.00
LG1806-138      NZDC Youth & Community Engagement Programme                                         Approved
                2017/2018 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted                     $2,000.00
LG1811-133      NZDC Youth & Community Engagement Programme                                         Declined
                2017/2018 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round One - Declined                    $0.00
QR1819-110      The New Zealand Dance Company Youth Engagement Programme Delivery                   Declined
                2017/2018 Waitākere Ranges Quick Response, Round One - Declined                     $0.00
QR1803-102      The New Zealand Dance Company Youth Engagement Programme Delivery                   Declined
                2017/2018 Franklin Quick Response, Round One - Declined                             $0.00
LG1802-114      The New Zealand Dance Company Youth/ Community Engagement Programme                 Approved
                Delivery                                                                            $2,000.00
                2017/2018 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted
LG1820-115      NZ Dance Company's Youth & Community Engagement Programme                           Approved
                2017/2018 Waitematā Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted                             $1,350.00
LG1815-110      The New Zealand Dance Company Youth Engagement Programme Delivery                   Approved
                2017/2018 Puketāpapa Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted                            $3,000.00
QR1814-101      The New Zealand Dance Company Youth Engagement Programme Delivery                   Approved
                2017/2018 Papakura Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted                            $2,000.00
QR1812-104      The New Zealand Dance Company Youth Engagement Programme Delivery                   Declined
                2017/2018 Ōrākei Quick Response, Round One - Declined                               $0.00
LG1807-124      The New Zealand Dance Company Youth Engagement Programme                            Approved
                2017/2018 Howick Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted                                $1,500.00
QR1813-104      The New Zealand Dance Company Youth Engagement Programme Delivery                   Approved
                2017/2018 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted                    $1,000.00
QR1805-106      The New Zealand Dance Company Youth Engagement Programme Delivery                   Approved
                2017/2018 Henderson-Massey Quick Response, Round One - Review accountability        $1,000.00
Applications prior to the 2017/2018 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary
2020/2021 Multi-board Local Grants Round Two

                             The Operating Theatre Trust
Legal status:            Charitable Trust                  Activity focus:    Arts and culture
Conflicts of interest:   None identified

Project: Gift a Seat providing children equitable access to the arts
Location:                The PumpHouse Threatre, Takapuna, Te Oro, Glen Innes, Mānagere Arts Centre,
                         Māngere, Glen Eden Playhouse, Glen Eden, Vodafone events Centre, Manuka
Summary:                 We are requesting funding towards our Gift a Seat outreach programme to enable
                         children form low decile schools and ECE's to attend our production of 'The Twits'
                         by Roald Dahl, for free, achieving equitable access the the arts and inspiring
                         children of all backgrounds and abilities to be confident and creative though New
                         Zealand theatre.
                         We have received confirmation that rehearsals, set and lighting installation can
                         continue under Level 3 and filming of the show can occur under the ScreenSafe
                         COVID-19 Health and Safety protocols. In the event that the production cannot be
                         staged in front of a live audience due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will be filming
                         the production and will offer it in place of the tickets.
Expertise:               Tim Bray Theatre Company has been operating for 30 years, and our Gift a Seat
                         Outreach programme has been operating informally since 2005 and formally since
                         2016. We have a long history of successfully touring shows, and we have been
                         performing at many of the selected venues since 2019. We have strong
                         relationships with both high and low decile schools across Auckland. and despite
                         the challenges of COVID-19, have recently completed a successful tour of Greedy
                         Cat by Joy Cowley to 3 venues across Auckland.
Dates:                   25/09/2021 - 13/11/2021           Rain dates:         -
People reached:          1596
% of participants from Local Board         15.05 %6.27 %11.03 %31.28 %6.27 %15.05 %15.05 %
Promotion:               In promoting these shows we’ll follow our comprehensive promotional timetable
                         including social media, email campaigns to our databases and digital marketing
                         campaigns. We have a database of over 5,000 families and schools. Vodafone
                         Events Centre and Te Oro will also be promoting the event to their extensive
                         database. Advertising booked in local and regional media. We have contracted a
                         professional PR firm to promote our show to longlead, weekly & daily publications
                         and media outlets.
                         $10,000 a month free in Charity Google AdWords.
                         Paid boosted posts on Facebook.
                         MORE FM is our media partner and offer a range of activations.
                         Local Library events and book readings
                         We will acknowledge the Local Board in the free programmes and social media.

Community benefits
Identified community outcomes:
Tim Bray Theatre Company has been offering funded tickets to low decile schools since 2004, and
       schools come from all over Auckland through the programme to experience all the joy and learning
       opportunities that live theatre brings.

       Many of these children have never seen a full-scale live theatre production before. This immersive,
       interactive experience not only broadens their imaginations, it improves their understanding of
       drama, music and literacy, feeding directly into the NZ Primary Curriculum and supporting teachers
       to provide a balanced education. Teachers are provided with free resources so that learning can
       continue beyond the initial experience to build a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding.
       Importantly, the experience reaches beyond the classroom, teaching social skills and building
       confidence, which transfers into other aspects of their lives.

        As explained in thank you letters attached from some past Gift a Seat™ recipient schools, the
       response from teachers and students are heartfelt and encouraging, affirming that these
       performances are a vital part for children’s development; socially, educationally and emotionally –
       building confidence, enhancing wellbeing and improving learning outcomes – they are often a
       catalyst for increased involvement and participation in the arts, which in turn builds community,
       connectedness and inclusion.
Alignment with local board priorities:
              our residents benefit from relevant and high-quality community services and events
       This year, Tim Bray Theatre Company celebrates 30 years of children’s theatre, and since 2004 we
       have been based on the North Shore providing high-quality productions made with children at their
       heart. Exposure to the arts is vital to a holistic education system, and our relevant, engaging and
       inspiring productions are complemented by comprehensive cross curricular pre and post show
       Teachers’ Resource Guides to support teachers to use the experience to make a lasting impact on
       their children's learning.

       We have built strong relationships with schools in the Kaipatiki Local Board area, who have been
       coming to our shows for many years. The Kaipatiki area is a diverse and multicultural community
       and schools develop their curricular to engage and inspire their learners in ways that are relevant to
       their school community. Our shows and supporting resources enable teachers to meet both their
       learning and wellbeing goals for their tamariki.

       “Approximately 60% of our learners have English as a second language and require additional
       language support with their learning.... we believe that every child attending our school needs to
       have the opportunity to learn and develop rich language through engaging relevant activities as
       poor literacy skills stand in the way of many children achieving their full potential... We have found
       that our students benefit enormously when given the opportunity to experience live theatre as those
       experiences are invaluable in supporting our students oral language.” Glenfield Primary.

       “They were entranced from the beginning. The conversations after the show were ‘exciting to say
       the least. From and educational point of view, it allows children to participate and contribute and
       relate to others…”
       Beach Haven Primary

       In September this year we will be performing 'The Twits’ by Roald Dahl at The PumpHouse theatre
       in Takapuna. We expect the performance to be well attended by high decile schools in your local
       area and , if successful, this Gift a Seat request ensures equitable access to the arts so that
       children from all backgrounds and abilities can be inspired to be confident and creative through New
       Zealand theatre.
Collaborating organisation/individual                      Role
Vodafone Events Centre                                     Venue
Glen Eden Playhouse                                        Venue
Te Oro                                                     Venue
The PumpHouse Theatre                                      Venue
Māngere Arts Centre                                        Venue
Children's Autism Foundation                               Sensory relaxed accessible performance
Platform Interpreting                                      NZ Sign Language interpreting
Audio Descrined Aotearoa                                   Accessible Performance for Blind Low Vision

Māori outcomes:                       No Māori outcomes identified

Accessible to people with      Yes - In October 2020 Tim Bray Theatre Company was awarded the
disabilities                   prestigious Arts Access Creative New Zealand Arts For All Award at the Te
                               Putanga Toi Arts Access Awards 2020, recognising our “leadership and long-
                               term commitment to accessibility since 2004”. We offer NZSL interpreted
                               shows for Deaf and hard of hearing children, Audio Described show for Blind
                               and low vision children and sensory relaxed shows for neurodiverse children.
                               The company is an outstanding model of inclusion. "Our Gift a Seat™
                               programme allows these children to attend for free with pre-paid tickets. 'A
                               Lion in the Meadow and Other Stories' includes 15 Accessible performances
                               across 5 venues. We offer discounted Companion Tickets to carers. All
                               venues are accessible by wheelchairs.
Target ethnic groups:
Healthy environment                   Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero
approach:                              waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water
                                       as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement
                                       or fitness programmes, Encourage the reduction of carbon
                                       emissions or increase community resilience to the impacts of climate
                               We request that any of our cast or crew who smoke do not smoke (so few
                               don't these days) in view of the audience coming to see our shows as they
                               are role models to our young audiences. All our venues are smoke-free
                               Waste minimisation
                               Our set, costumes and props for our shows remain in storage when we know
                               they are likely to be represented within two years. We also reuse and recycle
                               sets, props and costumes for other productions wherever possible. We
                               belong to a Facebook group called Theatre Trade and Exchange and either
                               post surplus items for others to use or use other theatre productions' items
                               when possible.
                               We have stopped the printing and mailout of our quarterly newsletter that
was sent out to the 4,000 families on our database as a way to reduce paper.
                                 Healthy options
                                 No food or drink is supplied by us at the theatre and we encourage healthy
                                 choices. Our cross-curricular Teachers' Resource Guide includes content on
                                 health and where appropriate, directly linking learning opportunities on
                                 healthy eating to our productions (for example, the resource guide for our
                                 recent production of Greedy Cat, which featured the cat eating both healthy
                                 and unhealthy foods included a reflection on this).
                                 Active lifestyles
                                 In the 50 minute to one hour show, children and adults see very physical
                                 performances from our cast, and get to meet the sweaty actors after the
                                 show, We often hear how children recreate scenes from our shows at home.
                                 Climate Change - we are now touring our shows across Auckland bringing
                                 them closer to the schools and communities reducing transport, some of the
                                 students are able to walk to the venue.

Percentage of males targeted            Percentage of females targeted      All - not targeted male/female
%                                       %                                   100%

0-5 years      < 15 years           15-24 years         25-44 years        >65 years           All ages
20%            80%                  %                   %                  %                   %

Financial information
Amount requested:                $34,677.04
Requesting grant for:            Gift a Seat tickets for children in low decile schools and Early Childhood
                                 centres to attend The Twits by Roald Dahl
If part funded, how would you make up the difference:
If we are only part funded for this project, we would need to focus our strategy towards greater uptake from
high decile schools, thus widening inequality in access to the arts for Auckland tamariki.
Cost of participation:           There may be some transport costs for schools

Total expenditure               Total income                Other grants             Applicant contribution
$34,677.04                      $0.00                       $38,277.00               $0.00

Expenditure item                                                 Amount                   Amount requested
                                                                                          from Local Board
Gift a Seat tickets Whau                                         $5,217.60                $5,217.60

Gift a Seat Tickets Kaipatiki                                    $3,826.24                $3,826.24

Gift a Seat Tickets Puketapapa                                   $5,217.60                $5,217.60
Gift a Seat tickets Franklin                                        $2,174.00                 $2,174.00

Gift a Seat Tickets Papakura                                        $2,174.00                 $2,174.00

Gift a Sea tickets Otara Papateotoe                                 $10,850.00                $10,850.00

Gift a Sea tickets Henderson Massey                                 $5,217.60                 $5,217.60

Income description                                                               Amount
None Identified                                                                  $

Other funding sources                                   Amount                        Current Status
Creaive NZ (Gift a Seat tickets all venues)             $34,451.00                    Pending

Sargood Bequest                                         $3,826.00                     Pending

Donated materials                                                                         Amount
None Identified                                                                           $

Total number of volunteers                    Total number of volunteer              Amount
94                                            120                                    $2,538.00

Additional information to             None Identified
support the application:

Funding history
Application ID    Project title                                                                           Decision
                  Round - Stage                                                                           Allocation
MB2021-258        Placemaking NZ theatre for children of all backgrounds and abilities.                   Undecided
                  2020/2021 Multi-board Local Grants Round Two - Submitted                                $0.00
LG2101-241        Gift a Seat providing children equitable access to the arts                             Undecided
                  2020/2021 Albert Eden Local Grant Round Two - SME assessment completed                  $0.00
LG2110-312        A Lion in the Meadow production at Vodafone Events Centre                               Undecided
                  2020/2021 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Three - SME assessment completed                 $0.00
CCS21_3_040       Accessible Performance costs to create accessible, inclusive theatre.                   Undecided
                  Creative Communities Scheme CCS21_3 - North West 21_3                                   $0.00
CCS21_3_095       Accessible Performance costs to create accessible, inclusive theatre                    Undecided
                  Creative Communities Scheme CCS21_3 - South East 21_3                                   $0.00
LG2110-213     Gift a Seat Theatre Outreach Programme at Vodafone Events Centre                  Approved
               2020/2021 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Two - Awaiting funding agreement           $3,000.00
QR2113-08      Gift-a-Seat outreach programme - achieving equity in arts access.                 Approved
               2020/2021 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round Two - Approved                   $1,989.20
QR2114-12      Gift-a-Seat outreach programme - achieving equity in arts access.                 Approved
               2020/2021 Papakura Small Grants Round Two - SME assessment complete               $1,989.20
QR2120-140     Youth Theatre with senior Class Perfromance at TAPAC                              Approved
               2020/2021 Waitematā Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress               $1,000.00
RegPr044                                                                                         Declined
               Regional Arts and Culture grants 2020/2021 - Submitted                            $0.00
LG2109-129     Greedy Cat Live theatre production - Māngere tour                                 Approved
               2020/2021 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round One - Accountability overdue        $8,318.96
QR2020-221     Youth Theatre Covid-19 response performance by children and young people          Approved
               2019/2020 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Two - Accountability overdue            $1,000.00
QR2002-206     Youth Theatre Covid-19 response performance by children and young people          Declined
               2019/2020 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round Two - Declined                 $0.00
MB1920-2115    Gift a Seat™                                                                      Declined
               2019/2020 Multi-board Local Grants Round Two - Declined                           $0.00
LG2002-213     The Magic Faraway Tree / The Twits                                                Approved
               2019-2020 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Accountability overdue     $5,000.00
CCS20_2_106    Inspiring children and young people of all backgrounds and abilities to be        Approved
               confident and creative through accessible NZ theatre.                             $4,765.00
               Creative Communities Scheme 20_2 - North West 20_2
RegPr20_2000   Auckland Regional Tour 2020 - Greedy Cat by Joy Cowley (our 100th                 Approved
35             Production)                                                                       $10,000.00
               Regional Arts and Culture grants programme 20_2 Projects - Project in Progress
QR2002-125     The Santa Claus Show '19                                                          Declined
               2019/2020 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round One - Declined                 $0.00
CCS20_1_274    Accessible Inclusive Theatre                                                      Approved
               Creative Communities Scheme 20_1 - North West 20_1                                $2,860.00
RegPr20_1000   Audience and Community Engagement                                                 Approved
49             Regional Arts and Culture grants programme 20_1 Projects - Project in Progress    $25,000.00
MB1920-153     Gift a Seat™ - Inclusive and accessible theatre                                   Approved
               2019/2020 Multi-board Local Grants Round One - Accountability overdue             $16,914.20
QR1909-346     Gift-a-Seat™ free tickets for local tamariki to enjoy MargaretMahy's              Approved
               "TheManWhoseMotherWasAPirate"                                                     $1,978.00
               2018/2019 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted
MB1819-231     "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" / "The Little Yellow Digger"                         Approved
               2018/2019 Multi-board Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted                         $5,000.00
CCS19_2_246    Accessible Performances allow for inclusive participation                         Approved
               Creative Communities Scheme 19_2 - Acquitted                                      $6,918.00
RegPr19_2000   Video content for online promotion and implementation of digital media strategy   Declined
64             leading to audience development                                                   $0.00
               Regional Arts & Culture Grants Programme 19_2 - Submitted
RegPr19_2000                                                                                     Approved
37             Regional Arts & Culture Grants Programme 19_2 - Project in Progress               $6,800.00
00009-MTSP                                                                                       Declined
               Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Strategic Partnerships Grants 2018/2019 -                     $0.00
LG1908-222     Gift a Seat Outreach Programme                                                    Declined
               2018/2019 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round Two - Declined                            $0.00
LG1911-205     Gift a Seat Outreach Programme                                                    Approved
               2018/2019 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted                 $2,716.00
CCS19_1_215     Youth Theatre                                                                      Approved
                Creative Communities Scheme 19_1 - Acquitted                                       $4,000.00
MB1819-144      (changed to one) theatre production for children -                                 Approved
                TheManWhoseMotherWasAPirate by MargaretMahy                                        $5,000.00
                2018/2019 Multi-board Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted
RegPr19_1_00    Annual Season of Theatre for Children                                              Approved
054             Regional Arts and Culture Grant Programme 19_1 Projects - Project in Progress      $10,000.00
LG1802-217      Two productions: TheGreatWhiteMan-EatingSharkAndOtherStories by Margaret           Approved
                Mahy and BadjellyTheWitch                                                          $6,000.00
                2017/2018 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted
RegPr18_2000    Margaret Mahy's 'The Great White Man-Eating Shark and Other Stories'               Declined
32              Regional Arts & Culture Grants Programme 18_2 Projects - Assessment 18_2           $0.00
RegPr18_2000                                                                                       Approved
24              Regional Arts & Culture Grants Programme 18_2 Projects - Project in Progress       $12,600.00
CCS18_2_219     Audio Described Performances and Touch Tours                                       Approved
                Creative Communities Scheme 18_2 - Acquitted                                       $3,570.00
RegAC18_1_00                                                                                       Declined
047             Regional Arts & Culture Grants Programme 18_1 Projects - Assessment 18_1           $0.00
CCS18_1_228     Audio Described Performances and Touch Tours                                       Approved
                Creative Communities Scheme 18_1 - Acquitted                                       $5,565.00
RegAC18_1_00    2018 Season of Theatre for Children                                                Approved
054             Regional Arts & Culture Grants Programme 18_1 Projects - Project in Progress       $5,000.00
LG1802-136      Two Productions: The Santa Claus Show '17 / Pippi Longstocking                     Approved
                2017/2018 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted                   $2,500.00
RegAC18_1_E                                                                                        Undecided
OI_00026        Regional Arts & Culture Grant Programme 18_1 SR EOI - Strategic Relationship EOI   $0.00
LG1702-232      The Great Piratical Rumbustification / Mrs Wishy-Washy                             Approved
                Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two 2016/2017 - Acquitted                   $1,000.00
RegAC17_2_06                                                                                       Approved
9               Regional Arts and Culture Grant Programme 17_2 Project - Assessment 17_2           $7,000.00
CCS17_2_252     Audio Described Performances and Touch Tours                                       Approved
                Creative Communities Scheme 2017_2 - Acquitted                                     $5,480.00
REF17S00037     The Great Piratical Rumbustification by Margaret Mahy                              Declined
                Regional Event Fund 2016/2017 - Round 2 Strategic Priorities - Declined            $0.00
CCS17_1_201     Audio Described Performances and Touch Tours                                       Approved
                Creative Communities Scheme 2017_1 - North Assessment Committee Round 1            $5,480.00
Applications prior to the 2017/2018 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary
2020/2021 Multi-board Local Grants Round Two

                           North Harbour Community Patrol
Legal status:              Charitable Trust                   Activity focus:      Community
Conflicts of interest:     None identified

Project: Resources for volunteer mobile crime prevention patrols
Location:                  Waitemata East Policing District - 44 suburbs
Summary:                   Financial assistance will enable NHCP to continue to provide mobile patrols to
                           prevent crime, assist in solving crime by providing real time information to the NZ
                           police and provide the community with reassurance and safety so that they can
                           enjoy their communities and fully participate in all local opportunities.
Expertise:                 Nationally the Community Patrols of NZ have over 200 patrols with over 5000
                           volunteers. The North Shore branch has been patrolling since 2006. Training is
                           given to all patrollers including first aid, accident response , conflict resolution ,
                           council by laws , defensive driving and police reporting procedures.
Dates:                     01/06/2021 - 01/06/2022            Rain dates:          -
People reached:            250,000/350,000
% of participants from Local Board           100 %100 %100 %100 % %
Promotion:                 Facebook, website, newsletter, local media, community groups.

Community benefits
Identified community outcomes:
         Safer communities, a decrease in disorder, crime and antisocial behaviours. Better economic
         opportunities for residents and ratepayers as they go about their business safely. Safer
         participation in sport, recreation and employment. Reassurance to retailers and other businesses
         that we are working night and day with NZ Police to reduce crime.
Alignment with local board priorities:
                our people (young and old) have a sense of belonging, are connected to one another and
                 are proud to live in Kaipātiki
         NHCP are tasked by the North Shore East Police liaison officer to patrol "hot spot" areas to assist in
         reducing crime to increase local safety, community participation, recreational usage and
         opportunities for youth, families and older residents to enjoy and feel proud living in the Kaipatiki
         ward. Patrols include urban centres, sports, parks, beaches, schools and business areas.

Collaborating organisation/individual                          Role
NZPolice                                                       Briefing, deployment and statistical review
SAR                                                            Engagement for missing persons
ST John Ambulance                                              Assistance at incidents
CPNZ                                                              Governance, electronic reporting systems
Local Business Associations                                       Event security attendance
Local council boards                                              Funding, intelligence gathering

Māori outcomes:                              Māori focus - tikanga (practices), mātauranga (knowledge), reo
                               Patrol volunteers provide Te Reo in their portfolio of 11 languages.
Accessible to people with      No -
Target ethnic groups:          All/everyone
Healthy environment                          Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero
approach:                                     waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water
                                              as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement
                                              or fitness programmes
                               Promotion of healthy lifestyles by encouraging community safety, appropriate
                               rubbish disposal, active lifestyles when recreational facilities are user friendly
                               and crime/disorder free.

Percentage of males targeted              Percentage of females targeted         All - not targeted male/female
%                                         %                                      100%

0-5 years     < 15 years            15-24 years             25-44 years          >65 years          All ages
%             %                     %                       %                    %                  100%

Financial information
Amount requested:              $5,669.63
Requesting grant for:          Petrol, safety equipment, phone and internet fees, torches and a dashcam
If part funded, how would you make up the difference:
We would continue to attempt to fundraise to keep our patrols active. The more financial support we have
particularly for petrol expenses mean that our two patrol vehicles can move freely around the community,
which is a very widespread area.
Cost of participation:         no

Total expenditure             Total income                      Other grants             Applicant contribution
$5,671.94                     $0.00                             $0.00                    $0.00

Expenditure item                                                        Amount                Amount requested
                                                                                              from Local Board
Petrol                                                           $3,468.00                  $3,468.00

Safety equipment                                                 $602.31                    $600.00

phone and internet expenses                                      $719.64                    $719.64

Torches                                                          $532.00                    $532.00

Dashcam                                                          $349.99                    $349.99

Income description                                                             Amount
None Identified                                                                $

Other funding sources                                 Amount                        Current Status
None Identified                                       $

Donated materials                                                                       Amount
None Identified                                                                         $

Total number of volunteers                     Total number of volunteer           Amount
37                                             2444                                $51,690.60

Additional information to             Yes. A letter from Andrew Hawkins from the NZ Police supporting
support the application:              and acknowledging the work of North Harbour Community Patrol.

                                      Photo of North Harbour Community Patrol and police working together
                                      in the community.

Funding history
Application ID    Project title                                                                         Decision
                  Round - Stage                                                                         Allocation
MB1920-235        Fuel resource for mobile crime prevention patrols                                     Approved
                  2019/2020 Multi-board Local Grants Round Two - Project in progress                    $3,000.00
QR1802-304        Resourcing North Harbour Community Patrol                                             Approved
                  2017/2018 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted                  $300.00
LG1808-128        Resourcing North Harbour Community Patrol                                             Approved
                  2017/2018 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted                               $1,680.00
Applications prior to the 2017/2018 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary
2020/2021 Multi-board Local Grants Round Two

           Yes Disability Resource Centre T/A Shore Junction
Legal status:             Charitable Trust                 Activity focus:     Community
Conflicts of interest:    None identified

Project: Build your side hustle
Location:                 Shore Junction, 19 Northcote Road, Takapuna
Summary:                  Due to Covid19 we have noticed an increase in uncertainty with the young people
                          visiting Shore Junction about their future and what work opportunities will be
                          available for them whether part time whilst at school, or opportunities for work
                          when they transition from school. We wish to pilot a 'Side Hustle' programme
                          during Youth Week aimed at young people aged 16 to 24 who live, work or study
                          in the Local Board areas. Those that are interested in developing their skills and
                          building a side business, have a problem they want to solve, or a passion they
                          want to turn into a side business.
Expertise:                Shore Junction has delivered a number of projects for young people and works in
                          co-design with young people so we get these project right. We have a lot of
                          contacts within the local business network on the North Shore to help these young
                          people develop their 'side hustle'. We already employ experts in the areas of
                          STEM, Music, Dance and Art who will be able to work with young people in their
                          specific area.
Dates:                    08/05/2021 - 16/05/2021          Rain dates:         -
People reached:           120
% of participants from Local Board          25 %25 %25 %25 % %
Promotion:                We are happy to include local board logos on any marketing material we create
                          and will put the logos on our website.

Community benefits
Identified community outcomes:
         Our social change model is based on evidence that when young people, regardless of socio
         economic, ethic or cultural backgrounds are participating and connected, and when they are given a
         safe platform to explore ideas and grow their sense of identity, then their full potential can be
         accelerated and actualised. To enable this, Shore Junction is designed as a space where young
         people can meet, connect with peers from a diverse range of backgrounds, be engaged in their
         wider communities, and develop successful future pathways through exposure to technology, arts
         and culture, enterprise and education. Shore Junction will be a safe space for all young people
         allowing increased inclusion and social cohesion. Based on evidence that when young people are
         participating and connected, and when they are given a safe platform to explore ideas and grow
         their sense of identity, then their full potential can be accelerated and actualised. This project
         creates a community space for innovation, creativity and connectedness, enabling young people to
         accelerate their potential and become tomorrow's changemakers. Young people will feel more
         confident in future career pathways and ways to support themselves and their families
Alignment with local board priorities:
                 our villages, town centres and business areas provide local employment and bring people
       Our "Build your Side Hustle" event will allow young people from the Kaipatiki area to create their
       own employment opportunities in the area. It will allow them to build contacts, promote their
       businesses on local Facebook pages and boost their confidence. Through our work we have
       learned that young people are uncertain of their future career prospects, with the Covid19 expected
       to create more obstacles in the labour market and to lengthen the transition from school to work.
       There is an uncertainty around what jobs are available for them in the future. Some have already
       felt a direct impact, with having lost their part time work since the onset of the pandemic. Many
       younger workers are more likely to be employed in highly affected occupations, such as support,
       services and sales-related work, making them more vulnerable to the economic consequences of
       the pandemic.

Collaborating organisation/individual                           Role
None Identified

Māori outcomes:                            No Māori outcomes identified

Accessible to people with       Yes - Everything at Shore Junction is accessible to any young person. Our
disabilities                    building is fully acccessible and our staff have all received Disability
                                Awareness Training. It is often that young people with disabilities find it hard
                                to find employment.
Target ethnic groups:           All/everyone
Healthy environment                        Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero
approach:                                   waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water
                                            as the first choice
                                Shore Junction is completely smoke free inside and out. We have options for
                                rubbish, compost and recycling for young people to use and supply healthy
                                snack options for young people i.e. fruit and veges and have water available
                                and encourage young people to bring their own drink bottles.

Percentage of males targeted            Percentage of females targeted       All - not targeted male/female
%                                       %                                    100%

0-5 years         < 15 years       15-24 years            25-44 years       >65 years           All ages
%                 %                100%                   %                 %                   %

Financial information
Amount requested:               $7,000.00
Requesting grant for:           The funding is towards koha for speakers, resources for young people and
                                assistance with transport for young people.
If part funded, how would you make up the difference:
We will adjust how many days we hold the side hustle events on and limit the speakers.
Cost of participation:         No cost for young people

Total expenditure            Total income                 Other grants                Applicant contribution
$4,000.00                    $0.00                        $1,000.00                   $1,000.00

Expenditure item                                                   Amount                    Amount requested
                                                                                             from Local Board
Advertising Costs - Flyers designed and printed                    $500.00                   $500.00

Speaker Koha x 8                                                   $1,200.00                 $1,200.00

Food costs                                                         $500.00                   $500.00

Assistance with transport for those out of area                    $200.00                   $200.00

Business support costs for young people                            $1,600.00                 $1,600.00

Income description                                                             Amount
None Identified                                                                $

Other funding sources                                  Amount                      Current Status
Youth Week Fund                                        $1,000.00                   Pending

Donated materials                                                                       Amount
None Identified                                                                         $

Total number of volunteers                   Total number of volunteer             Amount
8                                            16                                    $338.40

Additional information to            None Identified
support the application:
Funding history
Application ID   Project title                                                                     Decision
                 Round - Stage                                                                     Allocation
RegCD00050       I am Not a tickbox                                                                Declined
                 Regional Community Development grants programme 2020/2021 - Submitted             $0.00
QR2102-124       Artist Junction                                                                   Declined
                 2020/2021 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round One - Declined                 $0.00
LG2102-141       Accidental Connections                                                            Approved
                 2020/2021 Devonport Takapuna Local Grant Round One - Project in progress          $2,000.00
LG2002-219       Shore Junction Culture                                                            Declined
                 2019-2020 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Declined                   $0.00
MB1920-134       North Shore Disability Youth Engagement Group                                     Approved
                 2019/2020 Multi-board Local Grants Round One - Acquitted                          $12,000.00
DTEOI-14         Shore Junction - Recording Studio & music room                                    Undecided
                 2019 Devonport-Takapuna Arts & Culture - Expression of Interest - A&C Assessor    $0.00
                 EOI received
REGCD19-14       Disabled Parenting New Zealand                                                    Declined
                 Regional Community Development 2018/2019 - Declined                               $0.00
LG1902-117       Icebreaker Anti-Bullying                                                          Approved
                 2018/2019 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted                  $770.00
LG1802-210       Community Connectors                                                              Approved
                 2017/2018 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress        $4,000.00
LG1802-211       Shore Junction                                                                    Declined
                 2017/2018 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Declined                   $0.00
REGCD18-80       Invisible Disabilities Cube                                                       Declined
                 Regional Community Development 2017/2018 - Declined                               $0.00
 Applications prior to the 2017/2018 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary
2020/2021 Multi-board Local Grants Round Two

             North Shore Centres of Mutual Aid Incorporated
Legal status:            Incorporated Society              Activity focus:     Community
Conflicts of interest:   None identified

Project: Confronting the issue of social isolation for vulnerable older adults
Location:                Albany CMA - Albany Community Hub, 575A Albany Highway, Albany. Belmont
                         CMA - The Ro se Centre, School Road, Belmont. Birkdale CMA - Birkdale
                         Community Centre, 134 Birkdale Road, Birkdale. Glenfield CMA - War Memorial
                         Hall, Hall Rd, Glenfield. Mairangi Ba y CMA - Pr esbyterian Church Hall,
                         Penzance Rd, Mairangi Bay. Sunnynook CMA - Sunnynook Communit y Centre,
                         Sunnynook Rd, Sunnynook. Red Beach CMA - Methodist Church Hall, 76 Red
                         Beach Rd, Red Beach. Stanmore Bay CMA - Stanmore Bay Community Centre,
                         Wairoa R d, Stanmore Bay.
Summary:                 North Shore CMA runs 8 centres weekly during primary school terms offering
                         companionship and morning activities to isolated
                          seniors. Our emphasis is to enable our 'guests' to remain as independent as
                         possible and re-integrate them into their local communities. To achieve this each
                         centre offers a community activity programme based on the PIES programme
                         which centres on Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social activities. The focus
                         is on social participation and maintenance of strength and mobility through
                         activities relevant to the needs and abilities of older people with an emphasis on
                         building resilience, improving strength and balance and reducing falls.
Expertise:               The North Shore CMA has been operating its' services for more than 50 years.
                         We have 5 well trained, dedicated supervisors who bring vast knowledge and
                         expertise to CMA. Our supervisors are ably supported by over 50 incredible
                         committed volunteers from many walks of life with a varied range of experiences
                         to offer and share. Professional training for both supervisors and volunteers is
                         conducted annually on a variety of relevant topics including First Aid, Dementia
                         Care and Enabling Care. We work in close proximity and share knowledge with a
                         number of other community organisations including Age Concern, ANCAD and
                         Communicare. We also have regular cooperation with the WDHB Needs
                         Assessment team (NASC) to safeguard the welfare of our guests.
Dates:                   01/07/2021 - 31/12/2021           Rain dates:         -
People reached:          2100 - the number of centre attendances expected during the 6 month period
                         applied for
% of participants from Local Board         25 %37.5 %25 %12.5 % %
Promotion:               We have a brochure detailing our services that is widely available to our target
                         community. It can be obtained from healthcare providers, the CAB, the WDHB as
                         well as the community centres we operate in. We publish a quarterly newsletter
                         which we distribute to all guests and volunteers and encourage them to pass
                         these onto friends and family. We also ask them to leave the news letter in waiting
                         rooms of healthcare providers such as GP's and dentists to make others aware of
                         the services we offer. We have a website and a Facebook page which is regularly
updated with the events taking place in our centres each week. We advertise on
                         local community Facebook pages and ANCADS monthly newsletter.

Community benefits
Identified community outcomes:
       Longer life-expectancy combined with the workings of everyday life means more seniors are living
       alone, often away from the direct support of their families. Our service benefits the community by
       reducing social isolation, leading to older people having more fulfilled lives, improved health and
       creating friendships. Through collaboration with Harbour Sport we have gained ACC accreditation
       as an approved community group strength and balance class provider at 7 of our centres. We have
       developed a set of gentle exercises that are delivered weekly in our CMA centres to our members
       and guests who are also welcome and encouraged to attend. These exercises have been
       developed specifically to improve strength and balance in older people, which results in a reduction
       of falls and fall related injuries like fractures which may require hospital stays. By becoming an
       approved community group strength and balance class provider we have established links to other
       organisations involved in preventing falls (GP's, physios), the ability to use the quality logo tick of
       approval and benefit from national promotion and increased referrals to CMA to take advantage of
       the service we offer.
Alignment with local board priorities:
               our residents benefit from relevant and high-quality community services and events
       We can help the local board to achieve the priority of our residents benefit from relevant and high-
       quality community services and events through our centres in Birkdale and Glenfield that bring
       socially isolated and vulnerable seniors together for companionship
       and morning activities, relative to their needs and abilities. This includes social interaction, morning
       tea and a home made nutritious lunch, games both intellectual and physical along with emotional
       support. Many of our guests in this area attend both centres weekly to take further advantage of the
       diverse activities and support CMA offers. These guests have created strong friendship bonds with
       people from all walks of life. Our guests benefit greatly from our accredited strength and balance
       exercises classes, helping to reduce falls and minimizing hospital admissions.

Collaborating organisation/individual                       Role
Age Concern                                                 Sharing expertise
Harbour Sport                                               Collaboration and Providing exercise progra
ANCAD                                                       Sharing expertise
Communicare Auckland                                        Sharing expertise
NASC Team -WDHB                                             Supporting guests
Volunteering Auckland                                       Sourcing Volunteers
Kiwi Harvest                                                Utilisation of rescued food
Kai for Communities                                         Providing meals to seniors
Positive Aging Network Meetings                             Collaboration

Māori outcomes:                    Māori focus - tikanga (practices), mātauranga (knowledge), reo
                            CMA recognises the four cornerstones of Maori health – Whānau (family
                            health), Tinana
                            (physical health), Hinengaro (mental health) and wairua (spiritual health) as
                            well asWhānau,
                            Hapu and Iwi structures, and the role the Service User, particularly of Koroua
                            Kuia, plays within these structures. Positive intervention for Māori Service
                            Users can help
                            to introduce healthier lifestyles, change habits and enhance positive social
                            and functional
                            activities. To this end we also have a Maori representative on the North
                            Shore CMA staff
                            and Governance Team and our head office staff have completed the level 1
                            Papa Reo NZ
                            Certificate in Te Reo through Te Wananga o Aotearoa.
Accessible to people with   Yes - Our centres are easily accessible to people with all disabilities. Many of
disabilities                our guests are referred by the WDHB through the needs assessment
                            service, by their GP's and/or other health professionals. We organise and
                            make available to all staff and
                            volunteers a two part training day. This covers education for people caring
                            for dementia sufferers and Enabling Care education from NZTC (this entails
                            helping people to help themselves). This helps ensure our staff and
                            volunteers have a greater appreciation and
                            ability to care for guests with disabilities. Along with this we also provide
                            annually First Aid Training relevant to carers of older people.
Target ethnic groups:       All/everyone
Healthy environment                Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero
approach:                           waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water
                                    as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement
                                    or fitness programmes
                            CMA has a Smoke Free Policy which states: As part of its wider role in
                            promoting health and well-being, CMA has a responsibility to encourage and
                            support members, staff and their families/whanau to become smoke-free.
                            CMA is required to ensure that no person smokes at any time while they are
                            working to keep employees and visitors to CMA's centres free from the
                            health risks of smoking. The purpose of this policy is to outline CMA’s
                            expectations regarding the health and safety of all individuals within CMA’s
                            premises and environments to enhance the health of employees and those
                            who access CMA’s services. CMA is ever mindful of waste minimisation
                            initiatives. To this end all staff, volunteers and guests are encouraged to
                            follow the three R's – reduce, reuse and recycle – to help to cut down on the
                            amount of waste we throw away that contributes to increased landfills. We
                            remain partnered with KiwiHarvest and receive weekly deliveries of
                            perishable and non perishable food enabling us to provide healthy meals for
                            our guests. Any leftover product is given to our guests in the form of food
                            parcels further helping to reduce food wastage in landfills.
                            We have also recently partnered with Kai for Communities, with funding from
                            Devonport Takapuna Local Board, to distribute home cooked frozen meals to
                            seniors living in the local community. CMA has a Healthy Food and
Beverages Policy implemented with assistance from the WDHB which
                             includes offering a variety of foods from the four food groups using plenty of
                             vegetables and fresh fruit; grain foods, mostly whole grain and those
                             naturally high in fibre; some milk and milk products, mostly low and reduced
                             fat and a protein containing food (e.g.milk, cheese, red meat, poultry, eggs,
                             beans, lentils, nut based spread) Food should be mostly prepared with, or
                             contain minimal saturated fat, salt and added sugar and should be mostly
                             whole or less processed. The beverages available should be predominantly
                             water, unflavoured milk, tea and coffee.

Percentage of males targeted        Percentage of females targeted       All - not targeted male/female
%                                   %                                    100%

0-5 years     < 15 years        15-24 years         25-44 years         >65 years            All ages
%             %                 %                   5%                  95%                  %

Financial information
Amount requested:            $40,000.00
Requesting grant for:        A proportion of overall operating costs, excluding wages, for 8 CMA Centre
                             for the 6 month
                             period 1/7/21 to 31/12/21 from the 4 Local Boards our centres operate in.
If part funded, how would you make up the difference:
The project will go ahead as planned and we will approach other community funders to
make up any shortfall
Cost of participation:       We ask for a contribution of $6 from guests attending a centre. This is to
                             cover the cost of m orning tea, lunch and activities. If transport is provided by
                             CMA we ask for a further donation of $2 each way. We do not exclude guest
                             from attending due to financial hardship. Annual membership costs $25
                             enabling guests to attend and vote at our AGM.

Total expenditure           Total income               Other grants               Applicant contribution
$179,600.00                $15,975.00                  $26,902.00                 $136,723.00

Expenditure item                                              Amount                    Amount requested
                                                                                        from Local Board
Operating Expenditur e (excluding wages)                      $50,100.00                $40,000.00

Wages                                                         $129,500.00              $

Income description                                                          Amount
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