Our Movement. Our Moment - CONVENTION PROGRAM

Page created by Clifford Curry
Our Movement. Our Moment - CONVENTION PROGRAM
June 19–22 • Seattle

Our Movement.
Our Moment.

Our Movement. Our Moment - CONVENTION PROGRAM
        Workshop Tracks
        This year’s convention theme — “Our Movement. Our Moment.” — focuses on bringing
        change in three key areas. Follow your interests by looking for workshops in the
        following tracks.
        PERSONAL CHANGE — NAMI empowers individuals and families to seek support, find
        community and engage in personal advocacy. Our Personal Change track workshops
        address research, programs or practices that help individuals identify early symptoms,
        learn treatment options and find support groups and education programs.
        SOCIETAL CHANGE — NAMI raises awareness of mental illness across diverse cultures
        for individuals and the public. Relevant submissions in this category might address public
        awareness efforts, social media and other community outreach programs that help shift
        societal perceptions and increase recognition of mental illness as a health condition like
        any other.
        SYSTEMS CHANGE — NAMI accelerates innovation in our health care, education and
        justice systems. Our Systems Change track covers state or national public policy initiatives,
        approaches to educating health care professionals, and promising interventions that offer
        a better quality of life for people living with mental health conditions. Successful systems
        provide improved access to help and better health outcomes.

                Congratulations to the 2019                                                Lisa Carchedi, M.D.,
                Exemplary Psychiatrists!                                                   William Torrey, M.D.,
                                                                                           New Hampshire

             To be considered for the 2019 Exemplary
             Psychiatrist Awards, an individual must have set an example for
             his or her professional colleagues. NAMI would like to recognize and thank those psychiatrists who
             have made substantial contributions to NAMI Affiliate or NAMI State Organization activities. These are the
             doctors who have “gone the extra mile” with NAMI members in ways such as:

                 • Working alongside NAMI members for access to care, research, funding or other NAMI priorities
                 • Ensuring that the NAMI perspective helps shape state and local services
                 • Providing comprehensive treatment to people with mental illness including medical, rehabilitative
                   and social needs
                 • Educating people with mental illness and their family members
                 • Educating the public and fighting against prejudice and discrimination

                                                                                                     Learn more about exemplary
                                                                                                psychiatrists at www.nami.org/epa

2 | 2019 NAMI National Convention Program
Our Movement. Our Moment - CONVENTION PROGRAM

                          2019 NAMI National Convention Program | 3
Our Movement. Our Moment - CONVENTION PROGRAM
        Tuesday, June 18
         5:00 p.m. –
                          Registration Open
         7:00 p.m.

        Wednesday, June 19
         7:30 a.m. –                                      2:15 p.m. –   NAMI Council
                          Registration Open
         6:00 p.m.                                        4:45 p.m.     Business Meetings
         9:00 a.m. –                                      2:30 p.m. –   Education Program Directors/
                          NAMI Leadership Summit
         12:00 p.m.                                       4:30 p.m.     Coordinator Meeting
         12:00 p.m. –                                     5:00 p.m. –   Board Candidate Speeches
                          Lunch Break
         1:00 p.m.                                        6:15 p.m.     with Meet and Greet
                          A Philanthropic Framework for
         1:00 p.m. –                                      5:30 p.m. –
                          Donors in Mental Illness and                  Welcome Reception
         2:00 p.m.                                        7:00 p.m.
                          Substance Use Disorders

        Thursday, June 20
                                                          1:30 p.m. –
         7:00 a.m.        Sunrise Walk with NAMIWalks                   Workshop Group B
                                                          2:45 p.m.
         7:30 a.m. –                                      3:15 p.m. –
                          Registration Open                             State Caucuses
         6:00 p.m.                                        4:45 p.m.
         9:00 a.m. –      Welcome to Seattle, NAMI        4:30 p.m. –
                                                                        Support Groups
         10:30 a.m.       Opening Plenary                 6:00 p.m.

         10:00 a.m. –                                     5:00 p.m. –   NAMI Board Roundtable on
                          Exhibit Hall Open
         5:00 p.m.                                        6:00 p.m.     Diversity and Inclusion
                                                                        NAMI Service Member,
         11:00 a.m. –                                     5:30 p.m. –
                          Workshop Group A                              Veterans and Their Families
         12:15 p.m.                                       6:00 p.m.
                                                                        Council Candlelight Vigil
                                                                        CIT Networking Session and
         11:00 a.m. –                                     5:30 p.m. –
                          Flash Session in Exhibit Hall                 State Advocacy Leaders
         4:00 p.m.                                        6:30 p.m.
                                                                        Networking Session
         12:15 p.m. –                                     6:00 p.m. –   Spotlight Presentation — I Am
                          Lunch Break
         1:30 p.m.                                        7:30 p.m.     Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help
         12:30 p.m. –                                     6:00 p.m. –
                          Exhibit Hall Ice Cream Break                  Bipolar Rock ‘N’ Roller film
         1:30 p.m.                                        7:30 p.m.

4 | 2019 NAMI National Convention Program
Our Movement. Our Moment - CONVENTION PROGRAM
Friday, June 21
                                                   1:30 p.m. –   Workshops Group D &
7:00 a.m.      Sunrise Walk with NAMIWalks
                                                   2:45 p.m.     Research Updates
8:00 a.m. –                                        3:15 p.m. –   Workshops Group E &
               Registration Open
5:00 p.m.                                          4:30 p.m.     Research Updates
9:00 a.m. –                                        4:30 p.m. –
               Friday Plenary                                    Support Groups
10:00 a.m.                                         6:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. –                                        4:45 p.m. –   Special Interest
               Exhibit Hall Open
4:00 p.m.                                          6:00 p.m.     Networking Session
10:00 a.m. –                                       4:45 p.m. –   Celebrating Advancements:
               Flash Session in the Exhibit Hall
3:00 p.m.                                          6:15 p.m.     Special Judiciary Session
11:00 a.m. –
               Workshops Group C
12:15 p.m.                                                       Celebrate NAMI Washington’s
12:15 p.m. –                                       6:00 p.m. –   40th Anniversary with
               Lunch Break
1:30 p.m.                                          7:30 p.m.     The Brain Power Chronicles:
12:30 p.m. –                                                     Mental Health Stories
               Exhibit Hall Ice Cream Break
1:30 p.m.

Saturday, June 22
7:00 a.m.      Sunrise Walk with NAMIWalks                       Special Workshop — Cognitive
                                                   1:00 p.m. –   Behavioral Therapy for
7:30 a.m. –    Interfaith Prayer and               5:00 p.m.     Psychosis: What It Is, What It
8:30 a.m.      Share Services                                    Does, and How You Can Help
9:00 a.m. –                                        1:30 p.m. –
               Research Plenary                                  Workshops Group F
10:30 a.m.                                         2:45 p.m.
10:45 a.m. –                                       3:15 p.m. –
               NAMI Annual Business Meeting                      LGBTQ Networking Session
12:00 p.m.                                         4:30 p.m.
12:15 p.m. –                                       6:00 p.m. –   NAMI Celebration and
               Lunch Break
1:00 p.m.                                          8:00 p.m.     Awards Banquet

                                                                      2019 NAMI National Convention Program | 5
Our Movement. Our Moment - CONVENTION PROGRAM
        All NAMI Convention activities are held at the Hyatt Regency Seattle

        Third Floor
        Meeting Room Activities
        • Workshops
        Columbia Ballroom
        • Leadership Summit
        •   Welcome Reception
        •   Plenary Sessions
        •   Spotlight Sessions
        •   NAMI Annual Business
        •   NAMI Celebration and
            Awards Banquet

        Fourth Floor
        Meeting Room Activities
        • Workshops

6 | 2019 NAMI National Convention Program
Our Movement. Our Moment - CONVENTION PROGRAM
Fifth Floor
Quinault Room Activities
• NAMI Presentations
Elwha Room Activities
• Spotlight Session
•   CBTp Workshop
•   Brain Power
    Chronicles: Mental
    Health Stories

Seventh Floor
Regency Ballroom
• Registration
•   Exhibit Hall
•   NAMI Store
•   NAMI Information Desk
•   CEU Desk
•   NAMI Elections Booth
Meeting Room Activities:
• Welcome Center,
  Room 701
•   Workshops,
    Room 702

                            2019 NAMI National Convention Program | 7
Our Movement. Our Moment - CONVENTION PROGRAM
        7th Floor, Regency Ballroom Foyer
        Tuesday, June 18............ 5:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
        Wednesday, June 19...... 7:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
        Thursday, June 20......... 7:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
        Friday, June 21................. 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

        NAMI Information Desk
        7th Floor, Regency Ballroom Foyer
        Wednesday, June 19...... 7:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
        Thursday, June 20......... 7:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
        Friday, June 21................. 7:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
        Saturday, June 22.......... 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
                                                               Exhibit Hall
        Ask about NAMI, the convention, restaurants            7th Floor, Regency Ballroom
        and more.                                              Thursday, June 20......... 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
                                                               Friday, June 21................. 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
        Welcome Center                                         Find resources and information about
        7th Floor, Room 701                                    publications, facilities, products and services of
                                                               interest to NAMI members. Please stop by and
        Wednesday, June 19...... 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.           visit our exhibitors.
        Thursday, June 20......... 10:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.
        Friday, June 21................. 9:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.   NAMI Booth
        Saturday, June 22.......... 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.       7th Floor, Regency Ballroom
        NAMI welcomes people living with mental
                                                               Thursday, June 20......... 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
        illness and offers several special services,
        sponsored by Beacon Health Options.                    Friday, June 21................. 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
                                                               NAMI invites you to stop by the NAMI Booth
                                                               to learn what’s new at NAMI and connect
                                                               with staff.

                                                               NAMI Store
                                                               7th Floor, Regency Ballroom
                                                               Thursday, June 20......... 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
                                                               Friday, June 21................. 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
                                                               Purchase various wearables, novelty items and
                                                               books that encourage awareness and engage
                                                               others in conversation about mental health.
                                                               Also, attend book signings by notable authors.

                                                               Press Room
                                                               Room 308
                                                               Press and media may check in here to receive a
                                                               media pass.

8 | 2019 NAMI National Convention Program
Our Movement. Our Moment - CONVENTION PROGRAM
Continuing Education (CE)
Check-In at NAMI
Information Desk
7th Floor, Regency Ballroom
Wednesday, June 19...... 12:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
Thursday, June 20......... 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.                           Supporting NAMI as they
Friday, June 21................. 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.                     help millions of Americans
Saturday, June 22.......... 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.                          affected by mental illness.
Please see page 44 for more information.

FedEx Business Center
2nd Floor
Monday–Friday:.............. 7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.
Saturday:........................... 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Sunday:..................................12:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.

NAMI Council Meet                                                                       Takeda Pharmaceuticals, U.S.A., Inc.

and Greet Tables
                                                                © 2017 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited. All rights reserved. USD/TAK/17/0002 04/2017

Columbia Ballroom Foyer
NAMI Service Members, Veterans and
Their Families Council
NAMI Peer Leadership Council
                                                                    Leading humanity to
NAMI FaithNet                                                       healthy, vibrant lives
Meet council and advisory group members
and ask about activities.
                                                                    At Magellan, we have a unique vision
                                                                    of better and more affordable care that
NAMI Elections                                                      is helping millions of individuals enjoy
Booth Hours                                                         improved health and brighter futures.

Wednesday, June 19...... 12:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m.                       Magellan Cares Foundation is proud
Thursday, June 20......... 10:00 a.m.–6:30 p.m.                     to support NAMI

                                                                    The Magellan Cares Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit, charitable
                                                                    organization with the mission to improve the health and

                                                                    well-being of the lives and communities we serve.

   Don’t forget to use #NAMICON2019
   and tag us on social media using
   @NAMICommunicate! We’ll be sharing
   highlights throughout the week.

                                                                                          2019 NAMI National Convention Program | 9
Our Movement. Our Moment - CONVENTION PROGRAM
        NAMI is committed to providing a safe,               any harassing behavior are expected to
        productive and welcoming environment                 comply immediately.
        for all meeting participants and NAMI staff.
                                                             Sanctions may range from a verbal warning,
        All participants, including but not limited to
                                                             to ejection from the meeting without
        attendees, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors,
                                                             refund, to notifying appropriate authorities.
        NAMI staff, service providers and others are
                                                             Retaliation for complaints of inappropriate
        expected to abide by this Code of Conduct
                                                             conduct will not be tolerated. If a participant
        Policy. This policy applies to all NAMI
                                                             observes inappropriate comments or actions,
        meeting-related events, including those
                                                             please contact a NAMI staff person, who will
        sponsored by organizations other than NAMI
                                                             work with appropriate NAMI leadership to
        but held in conjunction with NAMI events, in
                                                             resolve the situation.
        public or private facilities.
                                                             If you are being harassed, notice that
        It is the policy of NAMI that all participants,
                                                             someone else is being harassed, or have any
        including attendees, vendors, NAMI staff,
                                                             other concerns, please notify Dawn Brown or
        volunteers and all other stakeholders at
                                                             Marguerite Leishman of any grievances so we
        NAMI meetings conduct themselves in a
                                                             can address them on-site.
        professional manner that is welcoming to
        all participants and free from any form of           Should you need to contact NAMI in
        discrimination, harassment or retaliation.           writing, please email dbrown@nami.org or
        Participants will treat each other with respect      mleishman@nami.org
        and consideration to create a collegial,
                                                             PARTICIPATION STATEMENT: Admittance
        inclusive and professional environment at
                                                             to all NAMI convention areas, sessions,
        NAMI meetings.
                                                             workshops and the exhibit hall is limited
        This Code of Conduct may be revised                  to registered attendees with convention
        at any time by NAMI and the terms are                badges. Admittance to ticketed luncheons
        non-negotiable. Your registration for, or            and dinners is limited to attendees with
        attendance at, any NAMI event indicates              tickets. The NAMI Convention is a private
        your agreement to abide by this policy               event, and organizers have the right to admit
        and its terms.                                       or deny entrance.
        Participants will avoid any inappropriate
        actions or statements based on individual
        characteristics such as age, race, ethnicity,
        sexual orientation, gender identity, gender
        expression, marital status, nationality,
        political affiliation, ability status, educational
        background, or any other characteristic
        protected by law. Disruptive or harassing
        behavior of any kind will not be tolerated.              Complimentary internet is available
        Harassment includes, but is not limited to,              in the meeting spaces and sessions
        inappropriate or intimidating behavior and               throughout the Convention for email,
        language, unwelcome jokes or comments,                   mobile app and social media access.
        unwanted touching or attention, offensive                From the list of Wi-Fi networks,
        images, photography without permission,                  connect to Hyatt_Meeting with
        stalking and disruption of presentations                 password nami19.
        or events. Participants asked to stop

10 | 2019 NAMI National Convention Program
     Adrienne Kennedy, M.A.,       Jim Hayes, M.D.,
     2020                          2020
     President                     Greer, SC
     West Lake Hills, TX

     Lacey Berumen, Ph.D.,         Carlos A. Larrauri, MSN,
     M.N.M., C.A.C.III,            ARNP, FNP-BC,
     2019                          2020
     First Vice President          Miami, FL
     Denver, CO
     Shirley J. Holloway, Ph.D.,   Amanda Lipp,
     2019                          2020
     Second Vice President         Sacramento, CA
     Anchorage, AK

     Barbara Ricci,                Jacqueline “Jackie”
     2019                          Martinez, C.P.S.,
     Treasurer                     2019
     New York City, NY             Revere, MA

     Dave Stafford,                Captain Stacey L. Owens,
     2021                          2021
     Secretary                     Simpsonville, SC
     Simpsonville, SC

     Judge Joyce A. Campbell,      Micah Pearson, C.P.S.W.,
     J.D.,                         2020
     2021                          Las Cruces, NM
     Fairfield, OH

     Charma D. Dudley, Ph.D.,      Steve Pitman, J.D.,
     FPPR,                         2021
     2019                          Lake Forest, CA
     Pittsburgh, PA

     Vanessa Fernandes,            Catherine “Carrie” Roach,
     2021                          M.S.
     Dallas, TX                    2019
                                   Saint Paul, MN

                                      2019 NAMI National Convention Program | 11
BOLD                                                                                                                                                Neurocrine Biosciences
                                                                                                                                        is proud to support NAMI
                                                                                                                                                    Thank you for your
                                                                                                                                                commitment and continued
    Allergan welcomes all
                                                                                                                                                efforts towards increasing
    2019 attendees.                                                                                                                              awareness around mental
                                                                                                                                               health and tardive dyskinesia
    Allergan is a bold, global
    pharmaceutical company with
    a purpose. We are focused on

                                                                                                                                                  (TD) in the community.
    developing, manufacturing and
    commercializing products for
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    dermatology, the central nervous
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    therapeutic categories.

    We are Bold for Life.


                                                                                                                                        ©2019 Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CP-TD-US-0394 06/19

          Janssen Neuroscience applauds those working together
          at the county, state, and federal levels, especially at the
          intersection of criminal justice and mental health reform,
          to champion a better future for individuals with serious
          mental illness, including schizophrenia.
                                                                    Yvonne Ford, Untitled Artwork from Reflections Art in Health

          We can and should continue to                                                  “When a person living
                                                                                         with serious mental illness
          set a higher standard for how we                                               relapses, it’s devastating and
          support individuals with serious                                               progressively makes it harder
                                                                                         to achieve their potential.
          mental illness.                                                                That’s why we continue to
                                                                                         work tirelessly to provide
          Janssen’s unwavering commitment to delivering             medicines and conduct research that offer hope
          innovative mental health therapies spans 50 years,        for the individual and their families, so they can
                                                                    live fulfilling and healthier lives.”
          and we will continue to champion treatments to
          improve the lives of those with serious mental illness.     —Courtney Billington
                                                                          President, Janssen Neuroscience

                                                                                © Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2018 03/18 cp-50804v1

12 | 2019 NAMI National Convention Program
Voting is done by credentialed delegates
and proxies on behalf of NAMI Affiliates
                                                   NEW THIS YEAR
and NAMI State Organizations. As a result,         Voting takes place at the new NAMI
most convention attendees do not vote.             Elections Booth located near the
However, all NAMI members can get to               registration area. Credentialed NAMI Affiliate
know the individuals who will represent            and NAMI State Organization representatives
them for the next three years. Here are            are invited to check in with staff at the booth
several opportunities to get to know these         to pick up credentials and cast ballots in the
NAMI leaders:                                      online voting system for their NAMI State
                                                   Organization or NAMI Affiliate. If you are
•   Listen to candidate speeches, scheduled for    not already credentialed, staff will assist
    Wednesday, June 19, 5:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.     with credentialing. Staff hours will be clearly
    in the Elwha A Ballroom.                       posted at the Elections Booth.
•   Join the candidates afterwards for a           The NAMI Elections Booth will open
    meet and greet immediately following the       Wednesday, June 19 at 12:00 p.m., and
    candidate speeches.                            will be staffed at specific times until
•   Check out www.nami.org/2019Candidates          Thursday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m. when online
    for the candidates’ letters of nomination,     voting closes.
    what they think are the important issues
    facing NAMI, short speeches that they          Winning candidates for the NAMI Board of
    recorded earlier this year and their photos.   Directors will be announced at the NAMI
                                                   Annual Business Meeting on Saturday,
•   Visit the candidate posters to learn more.     June 22, 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
•   Candidates are wearing red, white and
    blue “candidate” ribbons on their name
    badges. Members are encouraged to
    engage with them to learn about what they
    hope to accomplish on the NAMI Board
    of Directors.

                                                                   2019 NAMI National Convention Program | 13
                         Jim Reiser, M.B.A., M.A.     Nadine H. Lewis, CWO,
                         Nominated by NAMI            USCG (Ret.)
                         Gainesville (FL)             Nominated by NAMI

                         Kimmie Jordan, LMFT,         Doug Beach, M.S.
                         CPRP, LADAC                  Nominated by NAMI
                         Nominated by NAMI            San Antonio (TX)
                         Doña Ana County (NM)

                         Shirley J. Holloway, Ph.D.   Charma D. Dudley, Ph.D.,
                         Nominated by NAMI            FPPR
                         Alaska                       Nominated by NAMI
                                                      Keystone Pennsylvania

                         Lisa R. Carchedi, M.D.,      Ingrid Diaz, Ph.D., M.A.,
                         MS C-IAYT                    MSW, LCSW
                         Nominated by NAMI            Nominated by NAMI
                         Maryland                     New Jersey

                         Tracy Plouck                 Jeff Fladen, MSW
                         Nominated by NAMI            Nominated by NAMI
                         Ohio                         Tennessee

                         El Paso County               Jacqueline “Jackie”
                         Commissioner David Stout     Martinez, CPS, FPS
                         Nominated by NAMI            Nominated by NAMI
                         El Paso (TX)                 MetroWest (MA)

14 | 2019 NAMI National Convention Program
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Registration Open                                    Barbara Ricci, NAMI Board of Directors,
                                                     Senior Advisor, Behavioral Health, The
7:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m.                                  Center for High Impact Philanthropy,
                                                     Philadelphia, PA
NAMI Leadership Summit:                              Kristen K. Ward, Social Impact Fellow,
Forging Our Future                                   The Center for High Impact Philanthropy,
                                                     Philadelphia, PA
9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Columbia Ballroom Salon A                            NAMI Council
NAMI field leaders* will learn about the             Business Meetings
national strategic plan and how to position
for increased impact as an alliance.                 2:15 p.m.–4:45 p.m.
Opportunities and tools for effecting societal,      Executive Directors Council and Award
personal and systems change in 2019 will             Presentation – Room 405
be offered in addition to helping participants       2:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
envision their use in support of strategic plan
goals. Participants will leave the day having
                                                     State Presidents Council – Room 408
identified new insights for harnessing and           Peer Leadership Council and Award
facilitating the power of their organization         Presentation – Room 403
and the power of the alliance.                       NAMI Service Members, Veterans and
*NAMI field leaders include Board members,           Their Families Council – Room 306
Executive Directors, Education Directors,
Advocacy Directors, Development Directors/
NAMIWalks Walk Managers                              Education Program
Lunch Break                                          Meeting
12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.
                                                     2:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
NAMI Election Booth Hours                            Room 305
12:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m.                                 Board Candidate Speeches
A Philanthropic Framework                            with Meet & Greet
                                                     5:00 p.m.–6:15 p.m.
for Donors in Mental
                                                     Elwha A Ballroom
Illness and Substance                                Hear from candidates interested in serving on
Use Disorders                                        the NAMI Board for the next three years and
                                                     take the opportunity to meet them personally.
1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
Room 302
The University of Pennsylvania Center for High
                                                     Welcome Reception
Impact Philanthropy will present its proposed        5:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
framework for giving in behavioral health,           Columbia Ballroom
including mental illness and substance use           Kick off your 2019 NAMI National Convention
disorders. They will highlight priority areas that   experience connecting, networking and
committed, interested and emerging funders           sharing with attendees.
have expressed interest in supporting.

                                                                    2019 NAMI National Convention Program | 17
        Sunrise Walk                                      Exhibit Hall Open
        with NAMIWalks                                    10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
        7:00 a.m.
        Main Lobby
                                                          NAMI Election Booth Hours
        Start your day with a brisk 30-minute walk        10:00 a.m.–6:30 p.m.
        through the heart of Seattle, led by the
        NAMIWalks team.                                   WORKSHOPS – GROUP A
                                                          1.25 CE hours
        Registration Open                                 11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
        7:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
                                                          Life Changer: The Healing Power
        NAMI Opening Plenary                              of Telling Your Story
        1.5 CE hours                                      Room 305 – PERSONAL CHANGE
        9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.                              Sharing your story inspires others, but it also
                                                          serves as a tool for personal recovery. In
        Columbia Ballroom
                                                          this session, you will hear from individuals
        Join us in a conversation with Dr. McCance-
                                                          who describe the healing and growth they
        Katz, the first-ever Assistant Secretary to
                                                          experienced by telling their story through
        lead the Substance Abuse and Mental
                                                          platforms like NAMIWalks. Presenters will
        Health Services Administration, or SAMHSA.
                                                          offer practical tips on how to tell your story in
        Hear about what brought the Assistant
                                                          a way that supports your recovery.
        Secretary to her role, what inspires her, and
        the priorities she is advancing. Discover how     Wayne Baldaro, Lead, Field Resource
        SAMHSA is working to improve mental health        Development, NAMI, Arlington, VA
        and substance use care, the impact it may         Darcey Mamone, B.A., MBA Certificate,
        have on your own care, and how you, as a          Senior Manager, Field Resource
        NAMI leader or advocate, can complement           Development, NAMI, Arlington, VA
        SAMHSA’s efforts at the state and local levels.   Pooja Mehta, B.S., Development and Special
                                                          Events Manager, NAMI North Carolina,
                                                          Morrisville, NC
        Elinore F. McCance-Katz, M.D., Ph.D.,
        Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and         The Power of Employment
        Substance Use, Substance Abuse and Mental
                                                          Room 406 – PERSONAL CHANGE
        Health Services Administration (SAMHSA),
                                                          Although employment plays a critical role
        Rockville, MD
                                                          in achieving recovery, 80 percent of adults
                                                          with a serious and persistent mental illness
        Angela Kimball, Acting Chief Executive
                                                          are unemployed. Participants will walk away
        Officer, NAMI, Arlington, VA
                                                          from this session with resources to help
        Award Presentation:                               make employment a reality, learn about legal
        Outstanding Friend of NAMI Award                  protections and accommodations under the
        presented to Rodney F. Hochman                    Americans with Disabilities Act, and hear how
                                                          employment has the power to save lives.
        Rona and Ken Purdy Award to End
        Discrimination presented to Taraji P. Henson      Stephanie West-Potter, Communications &
                                                          Outreach Director, Disability Rights Center of
                                                          Kansas, Lawrence, KS

18 | 2019 NAMI National Convention Program
NAMI Ending the Silence                          Disparities Faced by Individuals with
for Families                                     Mental Health Problems: Tools to
Quinault Room – SOCIETAL CHANGE                  Forge Pathways for Change
Experience the new NAMI Ending the Silence       Room 301 – SYSTEMS CHANGE
for Families presentation for parents and        People living with mental health problems
other primary caregivers of middle and high      are more likely to experience negative social
school students. The presentation helps raise    determinants of health. This session will explore
awareness around mental health conditions        these disparities from diverse perspectives:
and includes warning signs, facts and            family, consumer/peer and provider/researcher.
statistics, and tips on how to approach your     The panelists will present tools to help create
student and work with school staff.              parity via innovative policy, programs, and
Katie Donohue, Volunteer Coordinator,            payment pathways.
Young Adult Presenter, NAMI Ending the           Moderator:
Silence, NAMI Greater Orlando, Orlando, FL       Adrienne Kennedy, M.A., President, NAMI
Donna Helsel, Education Director, NAMI           Board of Directors, Arlington, VA
Ending the Silence Lead Presenter, NAMI          Keris Myrick, M.S., M.B.S., Chief, Peer And
Greater Orlando, Orlando, FL                     Paraprofessional Service, Los Angeles
                                                 Department Of Mental Health,
A New Approach to                                Los Angeles, CA
Communicating and Breaking                       John Torous, M.D., M.B.I., Director, Digital
Barriers to Mental Health in                     Psychiatry, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Black Communities                                Center/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
                                                 The Evolution of a DBT-Informed
Barriers to identifying and treating mental
health concerns that minority communities
                                                 Parenting Skills Group for
face can lead to racial disparities in access    Caregivers of Youth
to treatment and quality of life. It also can    Room 408 – SYSTEMS CHANGE
give rise to inappropriate treatment and         The psychoeducational format of this dialectical
misdiagnoses. This session will discuss the      behavioral therapy (DBT)-informed parenting
fundamental need to address communities on       skills program equips parents with the necessary
their terms and focus on indivdual patient and   skills to support and manage their youth’s mental
community needs, rather than conforming to       health needs, while improving communication,
the “majority culture” approach.                 collaboration, and treatment outcomes. The
Ericka Goodwin, M.D., Psychiatrist, Global       goal of the session is to promote mental health
Health Psychiatry, Atlanta, GA                   wellness beyond youth treatment programs,
Napoleon Higgins, M.D., Psychiatrist, Bay        thereby fostering improved youth-family
Pointe Behavioral Health Service, Inc.,          engagement and family resiliency.
Friendswood, TX                                  Lisa Azzopardi, C.Y.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., Social
                                                 Worker and Psychotherapist, Catalyst Therapy,
                                                 Toronto, Ontario
                                                 Elizabeth Lovrics, B.F.A., M.S.W., R.S.W., Private
                                                 Practitioner, SickKids Community Mental Health,
                                                 Toronto, Ontario
                                                 Helen Stolte, B.A., J.D., Mental Health
                                                 Consultant, Cleveland, OH

                                                                 2019 NAMI National Convention Program | 19
        The Military Culture: Checking our                  Lunch Break
        Culture Competence                                  12:15 p.m.–1:30 p.m.
        Room 306 – SYSTEMS CHANGE
        Serving the mental health needs of military
        professionals and their families requires           Ice Cream Break in
        compassion and a clear understanding of what        Exhibit Hall
        it means to be a warrior. Military service has an
                                                            12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m.
        impact on each family member during war and
        peace. This session will explore characteristics
        of military culture: how it helps and hinders
                                                            Workshops – Group B
        mental health. Participants will examine the        1.25 CE hours
        trend of shifting more mental health care to the    1:30 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
        private sector, where fewer adults have served
        in the military.
        Margaret Gallagher, Ph.D., Retired RN/CNA-BC,       Spotlight Presentation
        Volunteer, NAMI Greater Houston, Houston, TX
        Brenda LaVar, Ph.D., Community Relations            The Kids We Lose: Partial
        Administrator, WellPath & Board Member,             Screening and Discussion
        NAMI Greater Houston, Spring, TX                    Room 302
        Holly Doggett, MS, Business Development
                                                            The recently released documentary film “The
        Manager, Cedar Crest Hospital, Temple, TX
                                                            Kids We Lose” draws attention to how the
        Ovi Rivera, MS, Master Sergeant, USA
                                                            counterproductive and often brutal treatment
        Retired, Outreach Director, The Steven A.
                                                            of kids with social, emotional, and behavioral
        Cohen Military Family Clinic at Endeavors,
                                                            challenges contributes to the school-to-
        Killeen, TX
                                                            prison pipeline.
        Expand NAMI Programs: Online                        Dr. Greene, author of the influential books
        Program Leader Training                             “The Explosive Child,” “Lost at School,”
        Room 307 – SYSTEMS CHANGE                           “Raising Human Beings” and “Lost & Found”
        Blended training (online/in-person) allows          will lead a discussion following a partial
        your NAMI State or Affiliate Organization to        screening of the documentary.
        increase participation, standardize quality and     Ross W. Greene, Ph.D., Founding Director,
        reduce costs of training program leaders. Learn     Lives in the Balance, Adjunct Associate
        best practices for utilizing blended training to    Professor, Department of Psychology, Virginia
        expand your program offerings. We’ll use the        Tech, Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Science,
        newest programs, NAMI Family & Friends and          University of Technology Sydney, and
        NAMI Sharing Your Story for Law Enforcement,        Executive Producer of “The Kids We Lose,”
        to illustrate strategies for bringing additional    Portland, ME
        successful programs to your community.
        Julie Erickson, M.A., Senior Program Manager,
        NAMI, Arlington, VA
        Suzanne Robinson, M.S.W., Assistant Director,
        National Education Programs, NAMI,
        Arlington, VA
        Shannon Scully, M.P.P., Senior Manager,
        Criminal Justice Policy, NAMI, Arlington, VA

20 | 2019 NAMI National Convention Program
Engaging Communities of Color                    Narrowing the Net: Reducing the
with NAMI Affiliates                             Role of Law Enforcement and the
Room 301 – SOCIETAL CHANGE                       Criminal Justice System in Mental
This session aims to help the NAMI increase      Health Care
its outreach to communities of color and raise   Room 702 – SYSTEMS CHANGE
awareness regarding mental illness. Panelists    While well intentioned, many efforts to
will present a theory of change strategy for     improve response to individuals experiencing
creating long-lasting and mission-driven         mental health crises are expanding the role
relationships between people of color and        of police in the provision of care. This session
local NAMI affiliates.                           covers potential dangers in this approach,
Henry Appiah, B.A., EMPA, New York               including the widening of the criminal
University, Robert F. Wagner School of Public    justice net, trauma and stigma. Speakers
Service, New York, NY                            will demonstrate how the Crisis Intervention
Fernando Brigidi de Mello, B.A., EMPA, New       Team (CIT) model can provide a foundation
York University, Robert F. Wagner School of      for supporting crisis system development
Public Service, New York, NY                     that promotes recovery and minimizes the
Rachel Danielle, B.A., EMPA Candidate, New       need for police involvement. while ensuring
York University, Robert F. Wagner School of      law enforcement is prepared to assist
Public Service, New York, NY                     when needed.
Jamal Robison, B.A., EMPA Candidate, New         Ron Bruno, 2nd Vice President, CIT
York University, Robert F. Wagner School of      International, Salt Lake City, UT
Public Service, New York, NY                     Sam Cochran, Major (Ret.), Co-Chairman of
                                                 the Board, CIT International, Memphis, TN
Family Inclusion in a Recovery
                                                 Shannon Scully, M.P.P., Senior Manager,
Oriented System of Care                          Criminal Justice Policy, NAMI, Arlington, VA
The primary focus of this session is to          Testing the Effectiveness of
introduce several ways of guiding families       the NAMI In Our Own Voice
and agencies through the recovery process.       Presentation Program
We help them with coping, communication
                                                 Room 306
and problem-solving skills. Workshop leaders
                                                 Stigma continues to be one of the strongest
will review how to collaborate in treating
                                                 deterrents against seeking help. The NAMI
chronic mental illness and addiction. They
                                                 In Our Own Voice program brings awareness
will also demonstrate two evidence-based
                                                 and education about mental health conditions
practices and identify three strategies for
                                                 to the general public. The NAMI In Our
supporting a Recovery Oriented System
                                                 Own Voice Evaluation Study proves that
of Care.
                                                 education is key in changing attitudes, ideas
Kevin Keefe, M.S.W., LICSW, Chief of             and assumptions about people with mental
Compliance & Service Excellence, CAI             health conditions.
WestBridge, Manchester, NH
                                                 Otto F. Wahl, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus,
Robin Pinard, M.A., LCMHC, Director of
                                                 Department of Psychology, University of
Family Services, WestBridge Inc.,
                                                 Hartford, Hartford, CT
Manchester, NH

                                                                 2019 NAMI National Convention Program | 21
        Solving the Competency Dilemma                    Katrina Carter, B.S., Director of Reentry and
        — Reducing Inappropriate                          Treatment Services, Iowa Department of
                                                          Corrections, Des Moines, IA
        Incarceration of People with
                                                          Cassie Hindman, M.S., Psychologist, Iowa
        Mental Illness                                    Department of Corrections – Newton
        Room 401 – SYSTEMS CHANGE                         Correctional Facility, Newton, IA
        In many states, law enforcement agents            Peggy Huppert, B.A., Executive Director,
        hold people with mental illnesses charged         NAMI Iowa, Des Moines, IA
        with misdemeanors or minor felonies in            David Lange, B.A., NAMI State Trainer, NAMI
        jails unnecessarily because they are found        Iowa, Des Moines, IA
        incompetent for their criminal cases. This
        trend contributes to the inappropriate            Leading Your Organization:
        criminalization of people with mental illness     How the Standards of Excellence
        and diverts funding away from mental health       Maps the Way
        treatment. Using an important settlement
                                                          Room 406 – SYSTEMS CHANGE
        in a Washington State legal case as a focal
                                                          Drawing on lessons learned from all parts of
        point, this workshop unveils a point of crisis.
                                                          our alliance, this session brings together NAMI
        Workshop leaders discuss strategies for
                                                          State Organization and NAMI Affiliate leaders
        reducing incarceration and link people with
                                                          who share how they use the Standards
        services and supports they need.
                                                          of Excellence as a collaborative roadmap
        Sue Abderholden, M.P.H., Executive Director,      to foster communication and strategically
        NAMI Minnesota, St. Paul, MN                      achieve our shared mission. Attendees
        Kim Mosolf, J.D., Director of Treatment           come away with tangible ideas for improved
        Facilities Program, Disability Rights             effectiveness in leading their organizations.
        Washington, Seattle, WA
                                                          Renata Ponichtera, Senior Manager, Field
        Ron Honberg, J.D., Former Senior Policy
                                                          Capacity Building, NAMI, Arlington, VA
        Advisor, NAMI, Arlington, VA (Moderator)
                                                          Lynne Saunders, Senior Advisor, Field
        Integrating NAMI Peer-to-Peer                     Capacity Building, NAMI, Arlington, VA
                                                          Liz Taylor, Senior Manager, Field Capacity
        and NAMI Connection Recovery
                                                          Building, NAMI, Arlington, VA
        Support Group into a State Prison
        System: How Iowa Did It                           Measuring Impact:
        Room 305 – SYSTEMS CHANGE                         Begin at the Beginning
        Many individuals in prison have complex           Room 304 – SYSTEMS CHANGE
        health care needs and those returning             At all levels of the alliance, NAMI staff and
        to the community have higher rates of             volunteers should make sure we’re working
        chronic conditions, such as mental illness        on the right initiatives and telling the most
        and substance use disorders. Untreated,           compelling stories about what we do and our
        those conditions threaten their successful        impact on communities. A good place to start
        reentry. In 2014, the Iowa Department of          is clearly identifying and understanding who
        Corrections and NAMI partnered to introduce       benefits from the work we are doing. It also
        NAMI Peer- to-Peer and NAMI Connection            is important to define the change we hope to
        Recovery Support Group to nine prisons over       see and how we know we’ve succeeded.
        three years.
                                                          Heidi Guglielmino, MBA, PMP, Director of
                                                          Data Integration, NAMI, Arlington, VA

22 | 2019 NAMI National Convention Program
0.50 CE hours per session                          Community Response Team
Exhibit Hall                                       Program: Addressing Mental
11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.                             Wellness
Employment Opportunities                           2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
for All Abilities                                  Exhibit Hall – SYSTEMS CHANGE
                                                   The Community Response Team (CRT) is
11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.                            an award-winning co-responder program
Exhibit Hall – PERSONAL CHANGE                     designed to increase mental illness
The goal of this presentation is to introduce      identification and interventions. The Douglas
participants to the many employment                County Mental Health Initiative is the
opportunities available for individuals with       backbone organization for the CRT program
disabilities, as well as the variety of supports   which addresses unmet mental health needs.
available to assist with job success for all       Weston Body, B.A., Officer, Castle Rock Police,
abilities. This support includes the Ability       Castle Rock, CO
One/Source America federal program,                Allison Shew, Ph.D., Community Response
which enables nonprofits nationwide to offer       Team; Colorado Springs, CO
supported employment, with livable wages           Lynette Sanchez, M.A., Case Manager,
and a variety of career tracks.                    Community Response Team, Aurora, CO
Jo’el Roth, M.S., CRC, Certified Rehabilitation
Counselor, Global Connections to                   The SBIRT Evolution for
Employment, Lacey, WA                              Adolescents: A Recipe to Drive
                                                   Behavioral Health Integration
Leveraging the Power of Growing                    in Primary Care
Corporate Activism to Accelerate
Stigma Reduction                                   3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
                                                   Exhibit Hall – SYSTEMS CHANGE
12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.                            While the co-occurrence of mental health and
Exhibit Hall – SOCIETAL CHANGE                     substance use disorders in adolescents often
This session will educate attendees on how         leads to poor outcomes, broad adoption of an
businesses are expanding public activism           evidenced-based solution, Screening, Brief
to influence complex social issues that            Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT),
carry stigmas, just like mental health. Issues     is impeded because the medical system
that benefit from the power of corporate           does not universally address substance use
activism in mental health range from “toxic        on a continuum. Presenters will discuss a
masculinity” to gay marriage to immigrant          national pilot of an adolescent SBIRT change
rights. After reviewing lessons learned            package that provides guidance on clinical
and best practices, workshop leaders will          and operational transformation for integrated
support participants in building a case for        behavioral health care and real-world
involvement by their employers, clients or         implementation recommendations.
corporate partners.
                                                   Lindsi LoVerde, M.P.H., PMP, Healthcare
Mitul Desai, J.D., Vice President, Mastercard;     Transformation Director, National Council for
Senior Advisor, MindRight, New York, NY            Behavioral Health, Washington, DC
Ian Shea, MBA, Founder and CEO, I M                Pam Pietruszewski, M.A., Integrated Health
Human, San Francisco, CA                           Consultant, National Council for Behavioral
                                                   Health, Washington, DC

                                                                   2019 NAMI National Convention Program | 23
        Thursday, June 20, 3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
         State                                  Caucus Time         Location
         Alabama                             3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     402
         Alaska                              3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     402
         Arizona                             3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     403
         Arkansas                            3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     403
         California                          3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     407
         Colorado                            3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     403
         Connecticut                         3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     404
         District of Columbia                3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     404
         Florida                             3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     404
         Georgia                             3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     405
         Hawaii                              3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     405
         Idaho                               3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     405
         Illinois                            3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     405
         Indiana                             3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     301
         Iowa                                3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     301
         Kansas                              3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     301
         Kentucky                            3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     301
         Louisiana                           3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     302
         Maine                               3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     302
         Maryland                            3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     302
         Massachusetts                       3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     304
         Michigan                            3: 15 p.m.–4:00 p.m.     304

24 | 2019 NAMI National Convention Program
Thursday, June 20, 4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
State                 Caucus Time               Location
Minnesota             4:00–4:45 p.m.               407
Mississippi           4:00–4:45 p.m.               407
Missouri              4:00–4:45 p.m.               407
Montana               4:00–4:45 p.m.               407
Nebraska              4:00–4:45 p.m.               403
Nevada                4:00–4:45 p.m.               403
New Hampshire         4:00–4:45 p.m.               403
New Jersey            4:00–4:45 p.m.               403
New Mexico            4:00–4:45 p.m.                401
New York              4:00–4:45 p.m.                401
North Carolina        4:00–4:45 p.m.                401
North Dakota          4:00–4:45 p.m.                401
Ohio                  4:00–4:45 p.m.               402
Oklahoma              4:00–4:45 p.m.               404
Oregon                4:00–4:45 p.m.               404
Pennsylvania          4:00–4:45 p.m.               405
Rhode Island          4:00–4:45 p.m.               405
South Carolina        4:00–4:45 p.m.               405
South Dakota          4:00–4:45 p.m.               302
Tennessee             4:00–4:45 p.m.               302
Texas                 4:00–4:45 p.m.               406
Utah                  4:00–4:45 p.m.               406
Vermont               4:00–4:45 p.m.               406
Virgin Islands        4:00–4:45 p.m.               302
Virginia              4:00–4:45 p.m.               302
Washington            4:00–4:45 p.m.               702
West Virginia         4:00–4:45 p.m.               302
Wisconsin             4:00–4:45 p.m.               302

                                       2019 NAMI National Convention Program | 25
        NAMI Family Support Group*                       State Advocacy Leaders
        4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m.                              Networking Session
        Room 304                                         5:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
        Support groups are opportunities for             Room 402
        people to share common experiences and           Join advocacy leaders, NAMI State
        receive group wisdom in a non-judgmental         Organization and Affiliate executive directors,
        environment. NAMI Family Support Groups          and NAMI staff to discuss the top policy and
        are for people who have loved ones with a        advocacy issues facing the NAMI alliance. We
        mental health condition.                         will address top state strategies to promote
                                                         innovation, improve care and support
        NAMI Connection Recovery                         recovery. Join us for an interactive discussion
        Support Group*                                   to share ideas with colleagues from across
                                                         the country and hear about current efforts,
        4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
                                                         new resources available for advocacy
        Room 306                                         leaders and tactics to advance mental health
        Support groups are opportunities for             priorities.
        people to share common experiences and
        receive group wisdom in a non-judgmental
                                                         CIT Networking Session
        environment. NAMI Connection Recovery
        Support Groups are for people who identify       5:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
        as having a mental health condition.             Room 401
        *Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to attend     Join us for an hour of networking and
        NAMI support groups. Support groups are          facilitated discussion about your efforts to
        limited to 15 participants each and are closed   grow Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) programs
        once they are full and/or in session.            in your community. Meet with experts from
                                                         NAMI, CIT International and others from
        NAMI Board Roundtable on
                                                         around the country who are passionate about
        Diversity and Inclusion                          improving responses to mental health crises.
        5:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.                              Whether you are just getting started or have
        Room 702                                         a well-established program, come learn from
        Join the Board of Directors for a special        others and share your knowledge.
        interest session that will discuss our common
        mission and goals. General and small group
        discussions will allow for listening and
        supported discussions. Diverse cultural
        communities are particularly encouraged to
        attend, but all are welcome.
        NAMI Board of Directors
        NAMI Service Members, Veterans                     Don’t forget to use #NAMICON2019
        and Their Families Council                         and tag us on social media using
        Candlelight Vigil                                  @NAMICommunicate! We’ll be sharing
        5:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m.                                highlights throughout the week.
        Columbia Ballroom Foyer

26 | 2019 NAMI National Convention Program
combats the stigma behind mental health
Spotlight Presentation                          issues and sheds light on what it is like being
1.5 CE hours                                    at the top of the industry despite seemingly
                                                insurmountable odds. NAMI partnered with
I Am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help                Showtime, a NAMI contributor, on the release
6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m.                             of the film; Ranallo is a NAMI Ambassador.
Columbia Ballroom Salons C/D                    Panel Discussion Featuring:
This session will highlight advances in         Brian Dailey, SVP, Showtime Networks Inc.,
education and training on anosognosia,          New York, NY
or poor adherence to treatment                  Mauro Ranallo, Combat Sports Announcer,
recommendations. The presenter will provide     NAMI Ambassador, Los Angeles, CA
practical LEAP® communication tools for         Frank Shamrock, Mixed Martial Arts
building bridges and partnerships with          Champion, Motivational Speaker, NAMI
people who have different views of their        Ambassador, Los Angeles, CA
illness and needs than those of their loved     Moderator:
ones, doctors and sometimes even law            Kenneth Duckworth, M.D., Medical Director,
enforcement.                                    NAMI, Arlington, VA

Dr. Xavier Amador is an internationally         Award Presentation:
renowned clinical psychologist and author       Lionel Aldridge Champions Award presented
of the international bestseller, “I Am Not      to Mauro Ranallo
Sick, I Don’t Need Help!” He is also a
family caregiver of two close relatives with
schizophrenia and another with bipolar
Xavier Amador, Ph.D., Co-founder, LEAP
Foundation for Research to Practice, Visiting
Professor, State University of New York,
Author of “I Am Not Sick I Don’t Need Help,”
Peconic, NY

Bipolar Rock ‘N’ Roller
Film Screening (Rated TVMA) with
Panel Discussion
6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Columbia Ballroom Salon A
A raw and unflinching account of Mauro
Ranallo’s decades-long struggle with bipolar
disorder. The voice of WWE and Showtime
Championship Boxing, Ranallo has called
some of the biggest sports events in history–                               Thursday, June 20
                                                                           Columbia Ballroom
                                                                                                                    6 pm –
                                                                                                                    7:30 pm

all the while fighting his own epic battles                                           Salon A

with mental health. Follow his journey as he
                                                        ©2018 Showtime Networks Inc. All rights reserved. SHOWTIME and related marks are registered trademarks of Showtime Networks Inc., a CBS Company.

                                                                                       2019 NAMI National Convention Program | 27
Thank You to Our NAMIWalks National Sponsors

                             NATIONAL ELITE SPONSOR

                             NATIONAL LEAD SPONSOR

                                         HBC Foundation
                                         is the charitable
                                              arm of:

NATIONAL SPONSOR                                     NATIONAL PARTNERS

     Over 300 NAMI State Organizations and NAMI Affiliates participate in NAMIWalks to raise
          awareness and engage supporters for the NAMI mission in their communities.

Funds raised through NAMIWalks directly support and strengthen local education programs, services
  and advocacy efforts for NAMI State Organizations and NAMI Affiliates across the United States.

                Thanks to the support of our sponsors and participants, NAMIWalks
                     is NAMI’s largest fundraising and awareness campaign.

Sunrise Walk with                                multilateral youth-to-youth mental health
                                                 nonprofit in the world. Since its inception,
NAMIWalks                                        L2S has impacted over 30,000 people on
7:00 a.m.                                        six continents. As a mental health advocate
                                                 and artist, Diana fervently seeks to integrate
Main Lobby
                                                 socio-culturally literate art to promote mental
Start your day with a brisk 30-minute walk
                                                 wellness for youth. Her “Minority Mental
through the heart of Seattle, led by the
                                                 Health Series: Thoughts” went viral in 2018,
NAMIWalks team.
                                                 engaging over 2 million people, and her
                                                 TEDxTeen talk has been viewed over 55,000
Registration Open                                times. Diana also serves as a crisis worker for
8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.                              the National Suicide Prevention Hotline and
                                                 Crisis Text Line. She speaks worldwide about
Friday Plenary                                   youth mental health and her own experience
1.0 CE hours                                     with bipolar disorder.

9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m.                             Award Presentation:
Dear Stranger: A Journey of Youth                Award Presentation: Young Leader Award
Mental Health                                    presented to Diana Chao
Columbia Ballroom
Diana Chao, 20, is a Chinese-American            Exhibit Hall Open
immigrant who grew up in Los Angeles,            9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
California. She is currently a sophomore
at Princeton University and is studying
geoscience, history, and diplomacy. After
being diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the
age of 13, she discovered that sharing her
thoughts and feelings in letters—addressed
to no one in particular—aided in her recovery.
As a result, she launched “Letters to
Strangers” (L2S), a global, youth-run mental
health organization that is currently the only

                                                                 2019 NAMI National Convention Program | 29
        Workshops – Group C                                     Joan DeFilippo, Manager, Field Resource
                                                                Development, NAMI, Arlington, VA
        1.25 CE hours
                                                                Kris Eschman, MBA, MSW, Senior Manager, Field
        11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m.                                   Resource Development, NAMI, Arlington, VA
                                                                Karen Ranus, Executive Director, NAMI Austin,
        Whole Health Coaching: A                                Austin, TX
        New Approach for Promoting                              Christina Schneider, Community Relations
        Psychosocial Recovery                                   Coordinator, NAMI Austin, Austin, TX
        Room 406 – PERSONAL CHANGE                              NAMI Family & Friends Presentation
        Holistic care is a core principle of psychosocial
        rehabilitation, which is embodied in a new              Quinault Room – SOCIETAL CHANGE
        approach for personal change called “Whole              Experience the NAMI Family & Friends program
        Health Coaching.” Whole Health Coaching                 that is offered throughout the country for families,
        encourages you to examine spiritual,                    partners and friends of people with mental
        environmental and physical factors that affect          illness. This seminar introduces participants to
        mental health. This session will review five            NAMI resources and programs in addition to key
        dimensions of Whole Health Coaching: food               topics: symptoms, diagnoses, treatment options
        insecurity, yoga, spirituality, mindfulness, and        and communication strategies.
        home environment.                                       Suzanne Robinson, MSW, Assistant Director,
        Jaclyn Clifford-Walter, MOT, OTR/L, Occupational        National Education Programs, NAMI,
        Therapist, Psychosocial Rehabilitation Fellowship,      Arlington, VA
        Durham VA Health Care System, Durham, NC                Mary M. Stephenson, B.S., CPM, President,
        Erin Garbarino, LLMSW, PSR Social Work Fellow,          NAMI Yakima, Yakima, WA
        Durham VA Health Care System, Durham, NC
                                                                Intercept Zero: Successfully
        Charles Jardin, Ph.D., M.D., Psychology Fellow,
        Psychosocial Rehabilitation Fellowship, Durham
                                                                Implement Prevention Within
        VA Health Care System, Durham, NC                       Your Community
        Taylor Thorpe, LCSWA, PSR Social Work Fellow,           Room 302 – SYSTEMS CHANGE
        Durham VA Medical Center, Durham, NC                    Our criminal justice, mental health and medical
        Zachary Hutchinson, M.Div., Psychosocial                care systems are all designed to be reactive.
        Rehabilitation and Recovery Chaplain Fellow,            However, too many people in mental health
        Durham VA Health Care System, Durham , NC               crisis spiral downward into incarceration,
                                                                institutionalization and suicide due to a lack
        Game Changer: Mo’ Money,                                ofearly intervention. This workshop will provide
        Mo’ Mission                                             real-world tips and tools for communities to
        Room 306 – SOCIETAL CHANGE                              design and implement useful, proactive solutions
        Mo’ Money, Mo’ Mission! Using examples from             to intervene early in the mental health crisis to
        across the country, we will talk about how              prevent these devastating outcomes.
        money raised via NAMIWalks has been used                Thomas Von Hemert, B.S., EMT, President, CIT
        to strengthen NAMI affiliates and enact NAMI            International, and CIT Coordinator, Thomas
        mission in communities. Attendees will learn the        Jefferson Area Crisis Intervention Team,
        importance of raising unrestricted funds through        Charlottesville, VA
        events like NAMIWalks—and using those funds             Rhonda Thissen, M.S.W., Executive Director,
        to grow their affiliate: with new staff, professional   NAMI Virginia, Richmond, VA
        development and more programs.

30 | 2019 NAMI National Convention Program
Achieving Evidenced-Based,                         Sam Cochran, Major (Ret.), Co-Chairman of the
Stepped Care, Technology-Informed                  Board, CIT International, Memphis, TN Ron
                                                   Honberg, J.D., Retired Senior Policy Advisor,
Comprehensive Mental Health Care
                                                   NAMI, Arlington, VA
Room 405 – SYSTEMS CHANGE                          Phillip Kassel, J.D., Executive Director, Mental
Comprehensive continuum of care provides           Health Legal Advisors Committee, Boston, MA
timely, targeted and appropriate care by           Robert Salazar, Vice President, NAMI
integrating mental health into primary care and    Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM
telehealth to increase access. Learn about best    Howard Trachtman, B.S., CPS, CPRP, COAPS,
practices, Assertive Community Treatment and       Chair, NAMI Peer Leadership Council,
strategies to support employment goals.            Advocacy Committee, NAMI, Waltham, MA
Shana K. Bakken, Ph.D., CRC, National Director,
Therapeutic and Supported Employment               WRAP: Advancing the Holistic
Services (TSES), Office of Mental Health and       Synergy Between the Medical and
Suicide Prevention (OMHSP), Veterans Health        the Recovery Models of Treatment
Administration; Washington, DC                     Room 407 – SYSTEMS CHANGE
Peggy M. Henderson, Psy.D., Deputy Director,       Learn about the universal principles of WRAP
Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery, Office   and identify how WRAP supports both the
of Mental Health & Suicide Prevention, Veterans    provider and recipient. Understanding holistic
Health Administration, Washington, DC              health options allow for the development of
Marsden H. McGuire, M.D., M.B.A., Director,        healthy boundaries between treatment models
Continuum of Care and General Mental               and with family/friend support.
Health Services, Office of Mental Health and
                                                   Kate Hewlett, AA, OMH, OASAS, Peer
Suicide Prevention (10NC5), VA Central Office,
                                                   Engagement Specialist, Otsego County
Washington, DC
                                                   Behavioral Health Services, Adult Clinic/NAMI
Andrew S. Pomerantz, MD, National Mental
                                                   Capital Region, Oneonta, NY
Health Director, Integrated Services, Acting
Director, Continuum of Care and General Mental     Writing from the Heart: Using
Health, Office of Mental Health and Suicide
Prevention, Veterans Health Administration;
                                                   Poetry as a Healing Response to
Washington, DC                                     Mental Illness
                                                   Room 304 – PERSONAL CHANGE
The Destructive Impact of                          Poetry can be a useful healing response to
Imprisonment: Solitary Confinement                 trauma in vulnerable populations, especially
of Prisoners with Mental Illness                   youth of color. Learn the rationale for poetry
                                                   in healing and ways to facilitate poetry with
                                                   people who have mental health issues.
De-institutionalization and underfunded
community-based services for people with           Paloma Andazola-Reza, M.S.W., LSWAIC,
psychiatric struggles has resulted in a large      Program Manager, Pongo Poetry Project,
number of these individuals being held in          Seattle, WA
jails and prisons. This session will focus         Richard Gold, M.A., Executive Director/
on the disproportionately large population         Founder, Pongo Poetry Project, Seattle, WA
of prisoners with mental illness living in         Ann Teplick, M.F.A., Pongo Project Leader,
psychologically devastating solitary confinement   Pongo Poetry Project/ Seattle Arts, Seattle, WA
cells, as well as what advocates are doing to
combat this phenomenon.

                                                                   2019 NAMI National Convention Program | 31
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