Our Code of Conduct and Ethics - ONE AIR NEW ZEALAND - DOING WHAT'S RIGHT

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Our Code of Conduct and Ethics - ONE AIR NEW ZEALAND - DOING WHAT'S RIGHT

Our Code of Conduct
and Ethics

Our Code of Conduct and Ethics - ONE AIR NEW ZEALAND - DOING WHAT'S RIGHT
A MESSAGE                                                ABOUT OUR CODE OF
FROM GREG                                                CONDUCT AND ETHICS
We are an iconic New Zealand business
committed to enriching our country by
                                                         The Code applies to all of us                             2. Operate safely, responsibly and
                                                                                                                      reliably at all times
connecting New Zealanders to each other                  The Code of Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”)               • Follow the health and safety procedures for
and New Zealand to the world. Under Kia                  provides guidance on standards of integrity and             your area.
Mau, we each have a role in keeping our                  business conduct. It doesn’t attempt to address           • Only undertake work if you are medically fit
promise of Manaaki – taking care further than            every situation that we might encounter.                    for duty, sufficiently rested and alert enough
                                                                                                                     to perform your duties.
any other airline to our customers every day.            Air New Zealand has specific policies and standards
                                                         that apply globally, geographically or to certain         3. Act with integrity, honesty
Let’s all take pride in working for this uniquely        divisions, functions or departments. Take the time           and transparency
Kiwi organisation and together commit to doing           to understand the policies that are referred to in this
                                                         Code and how they apply to you in your role.              • Be vigilant about IT security.
what’s right.
                                                         You are encouraged, and expected, to seek                 • Use the business resources in a responsible
Our Code of Conduct and Ethics reflects the way
                                                         additional help whenever you have questions or are          and ethical manner. This is especially important
we do things here, and is a guide to how we should
                                                         unsure about the right course of action. Managers,          if you are working from home.
behave and for the daily decisions we make.
Be honest, act with integrity, transparency and          Human Resources and our Risk & Compliance                 • Be mindful of what you are sharing on social
mutual respect.                                          team are available to help you if you need them.            media. Only authorised spokespeople can speak
                                                                                                                     to the media on behalf of our airline.
It is absolutely essential that all Air New Zealanders
read, understand and live by this Code. Apply the                                                                  4. Protect our people, property
principles to the work you do every day and speak
up if you have concerns about any behaviour
                                                         What we expect of you                                        and information
                                                                                                                   • Protect, sensitive, confidential and strategic
you feel is in breach of this Code.
                                                         This Code brings together all of our policy principles      information about Air New Zealand, our
Ngā mihi,                                                to set out what we expect from every person                 company, employees and customers at all times.
                                                         working for, and with Air New Zealand, regardless           Don’t share with anyone without permission.
                                                         of location – including our executives, employees,        • Secure equipment and other property properly
                                                         subsidiaries, directors, contract workers or agents         to prevent unauthorised use, damage or theft.
                                                         who provide services on our behalf. We also expect        • Immediately report any lost property, security
                                                         our suppliers and business partners to uphold               risks or unusual/suspicious activity to the
Greg Foran
                                                         equally high standards, and abide by our Supplier           Security team.
Chief Executive Officer
                                                         Code of Conduct.
                                                                                                                   • Only use approved suppliers and agreed
                                                                                                                     processes for finding and buying goods
                                                         We need all Air New Zealanders                              and services.
                                                         to read, understand and                                   • Always stay within your delegated financial
                                                         live by this Code and it’s                                  limits for any expenses or purchases and
                                                                                                                     consider whether the expense is essential for
                                                         5 key principles                                            the company’s business.
                                                                                                                   • Respect individual privacy when accessing,
                                                         1. Treat people fairly and with respect                     using or sharing personal information – report
                                                            in all your dealings                                     any concerns to Privacyofficer@airnz.co.nz.
                                                         • Be kind. Treat your colleagues with dignity             5. Comply with the Law
                                                           and respect.
                                                                                                                   • Operate within all applicable laws, rules and
                                                         • Do no harm. We do not tolerate any form of                regulations at all times.
                                                           discrimination, harassment or bullying.
Our Code of Conduct and Ethics - ONE AIR NEW ZEALAND - DOING WHAT'S RIGHT
ABOUT OUR CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS                                                                     ABOUT OUR CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS

Make a commitment                                      Our Code reinforces our commitment to both                                                                  There are three ways
                                                       the letter and spirit of our legal requirements
to do what’s RIGHT                                     and our policies. It cannot cover all laws,                                                                 to speak up:
                                                       regulations and other legal requirements of all
                                                       jurisdictions we operate in.                                                                                • Report it to your Manager
When making a business decision or deciding                                                                                                                          It’s not always easy to raise your concerns. We value open
what action to take, ask yourself:                     Make sure you are familiar with the relevant
                                                                                                           Speak Up
                                                                                                                                                                     and honest communications, so you’re encouraged to
                                                       laws and regulations that apply where you work.                                                               discuss any concerns with your manager.
        • Is this aligned with our Business
                                                       If there is a difference between a local legal
           Principles?                                                                                                                                             • Report it to your Human Resources team
                                                       requirement and our Code, apply the most            Don’t ignore behaviour that is unacceptable,
        • Is it dishonest?                             stringent standard. If in any doubt, contact your                                                             If it’s not appropriate, or if you are not comfortable
                                                                                                           even small things, because small things can make          discussing the issue with your manager, you should
        • Is this legal and ethical?                   manager or our Legal team.                          a big difference. SPEAK UP.                               discuss it with your HR Business Partner (ask your
        • Does it comply with our policies and                                                                                                                       manager if you don’t know who yours is).
                                                                                                           Whatever your concern, don’t wait until it becomes
           approved processes?
        • Am I acting with integrity?                  Your Compliance                                     a serious problem.
                                                                                                           We encourage everyone to raise concerns about
                                                                                                                                                                   • Report it confidentially using the
                                                                                                                                                                     Speak Up line
        • Who is this good for?                        Responsibilities                                    conduct that may be unethical or illegal. Our Just        You may want to report your concern to someone who is
        • Could I explain or defend it if it appears                                                       Culture policy and procedures support a fair and          independent from the situation. Search Speak Up on the
           in the media?                               As an employee you must:                            confidential process.                                     intranet to find the phone numbers, or form to make a
        • Could I explain it to family, friends                                                                                                                      report online.
                                                       • Understand and comply with the Code               Hold your colleagues accountable for behaving
           and colleagues?                                                                                 ethically and for following this Code. If you see
                                                       • Complete mandatory annual refresh training
        • Could anyone be harmed?                                                                          behaviour at work that you feel may breach this
        • Is this the right thing to do?
                                                         on their obligations under the Code; and
                                                                                                           Code, seems illegal or unethical, or is an abuse          Our promise of
                                                       • Immediately report any non-compliance
        • Could there be any possible                    with the Code.
                                                                                                           of our systems, processes or policies, you must
                                                                                                           report it, even if you only suspect it.
           unintended consequences?
                                                       Additionally if you are a leader, you must also:    This could be bullying or harassment, potential
If you are not comfortable with any of your                                                                                                                          Air New Zealand has a non-retaliation policy
                                                       • Enforce the Code consistently for all your        conflicts of interest, danger to the health and
answers above, DON’T do it.                                                                                                                                          when a genuine concern has been reported.
                                                         employees.                                        safety of employees or customers, bribery, theft or
                                                                                                                                                                     This means that no action will be taken against
If are still unsure, seek help by talking to your                                                          fraud, price fixing or a breach of data privacy.
                                                       • Prioritise our ethics over business objectives                                                              you, and you will be protected against any form
manager, HR Business Partner or the Risk
                                                         wherever there is a conflict.                     For safety-related incidents or issues, continue to       of harassment if you report concerns in good
& Compliance team.
                                                                                                           use our safety reporting process as a first priority.     faith, even if proven not to result in a breach.
                                                       • Support appropriate business conduct, ethical
                                                         behaviours and compliance activities.
Comply with the law                                    • Make sure appropriate controls are in place in
                                                         your team.
The airline industry is highly regulated by local      • Never cover up or ignore any actual or
government and the governments of other                  potential business conduct or ethical problem;
countries where we do business. Without                  address the matter immediately and seek
exception, Air New Zealand aims to comply                guidance if necessary.
with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in
                                                       • Encourage your team members to ask questions
the jurisdictions in which we operate, including
                                                         and raise any conduct or ethical concerns by
export control, sanctions and customs,
                                                         speaking up. Make sure that no one is treated
competition and anti-money laundering laws.
                                                         unfairly as a result of speaking up.
                                                       • Deal with concerns when they are raised.

                                                                                                                                                                   POLICIES COVERED:
                                                                                                                                                                   JUST CULTURE AND REPORTING POLICY
                                                                                                                                                                   RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY

                                                                                                                                                                                                  AIR NEW ZEALAND CODE OF CONDUCT / 2
Our Code of Conduct and Ethics - ONE AIR NEW ZEALAND - DOING WHAT'S RIGHT

                          Our Business Principles
                          are at the heart of our
                          Code of Conduct and Ethics.
                          They form the foundation of how
                          our Company does business
                          everywhere we operate, and reflect
                          the commitments we make to
                          our people, our business partners
                          and stakeholders.

                                                      AIR NEW ZEALAND CODE OF CONDUCT / 4
Our Code of Conduct and Ethics - ONE AIR NEW ZEALAND - DOING WHAT'S RIGHT
OUR BUSINESS PRINCIPLES                                                                                        OUR BUSINESS PRINCIPLES

Our Business Principles apply to the Company as
they apply to you. This is how the Company will
apply the Principles.

1. Operate safely, responsibly and reliably            • We will not tolerate any form of forced or            • We will only spend company money where there            • We trust each other to deliver on our
                                                         compulsory labour, including human trafficking,         is a legitimate business need and where the cost          commitments and obligations, and value
                                                         slavery, torture, cruelty, inhuman or degrading         is worth the benefit.                                     collaboration as the best means of working
• We will protect the health, wellbeing, safety and      treatment or other violation of human rights in       • We will take into account social, ethical and             together to achieve superior outcomes.
  security of our customers, employees and the           any part of our business or in our supply chain.        environmental considerations in our procurement         • We will empower our people to enhance their
  communities in which we operate.                     • We will avoid any activity or contracts that may        and supply chain decisions.                               personal potential by offering satisfying and
• We will not tolerate anyone being affected by          lead to, or suggest, a conflict of interest between   • We will secure and safeguard our confidential             challenging work and career opportunities,
  alcohol or other drugs in the workplace.               personal activities and Air New Zealand.                and sensitive information from improper                   investing in development and personal growth.
• We will operate our business with discipline and     • We will build trust through integrity,                  disclosure to prevent harm to Air New Zealand,          • We will reward and recognise our people
  excellence to ensure sustainability, resilience        transparency, honesty and objectivity in our            our stakeholders, employees or customers who              for work which contributes to our mission to
  and effectiveness.                                     business dealings and relationships.                    have trusted us with their information.                   supercharge New Zealand’s success, and for
• We will protect and safeguard the natural            • We will use business resources in the best interest   • We will protect and safeguard our brand, property,        demonstrating the right behaviours that reflect
  environment (our Tiaki promise), minimising our        of Air New Zealand and not for personal gain.           intellectual property and financial assets.               our values.
  use of finite resources and the release of harmful   • We will communicate honestly, responsibly and         • We will respect people’s legal rights to privacy        • We will respect people’s lives outside of work,
  emissions to the environment.                          transparently with all stakeholders within the          and the confidentiality of personal information.          balancing life activities, and valuing their
• We will invest in society and communities              bounds of commercial confidentiality.                                                                             contribution to society.
  ensuring effective use of our resources and in                                                                                                                         • We will not tolerate child labour and are
  line with our mission.                                                                                                                                                   committed to the elimination of all forms of
                                                                                                               4. Treat people fairly and with respect
                                                                                                                                                                           forced and compulsory labour.
                                                       3. Protect our people, property and information

2. Act with integrity, honesty and transparency                                                                • We will not accept any form of discrimination,
                                                       • We will base our investment decisions and               harassment or bullying.                                 5. Comply with the Law
                                                         business relationships on economic criteria from      • We will treat people fairly, with dignity and will
• We will conduct our business with proper
                                                         objective and complete due diligence information.       pursue equality of opportunity and inclusion for
  regard for ethical business practices in all
                                                       • We will not commit to expenditure without               all employees through our employment policies           • We will comply with all applicable domestic and
  communities in which we operate.
                                                         appropriate authorisation.                              and practices.                                            international laws and regulations, appropriate
                                                                                                                                                                           standards and principles, including all export
                                                                                                               • We value diversity of people and thought.                 control, sanctions and customs, competition,
                                                                                                               • We will recruit, select and develop our people            and anti-money laundering laws in the
                                                                                                                 on merit – irrespective of age, race, colour,             jurisdictions in which we operate.
                                                                                                                 origin, gender, religious beliefs, disability, family   • We will not tolerate any form of bribery,
                                                                                                                 or marital status, sexual orientation or other            including improper offers of payments or gifts
                                                                                                                 prohibited grounds.                                       to or from employees.
                                                                                                               • We will perform at our best, demonstrating
                                                                                                                 professionalism, living our values and operating
                                                                                                                 with acute customer focus at all times. We will
                                                                                                                 proactively address under-performance.
                                                                                                               • We will work in good faith, within the
                                                                                                                 appropriate legal framework, with trade unions
                                                                                                                 and other bodies that our people collectively
                                                                                                                 choose to represent them.

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Our Code of Conduct and Ethics - ONE AIR NEW ZEALAND - DOING WHAT'S RIGHT
OPERATE SAFELY, RESPONSIBLY AND RELIABLY                                                                                       OPERATE SAFELY, RESPONSIBLY AND RELIABLY

Safety                                                  Avoiding Alcohol                                                       Crisis, Emergency and                                Airline Security
Safety at Air New Zealand is a top priority. We         and Other Drugs                                                        Business Disruption                                  Global security remains volatile and we must
are committed to achieving a Zero Harm work
environment and a culture of safety and continuous      Alcohol and other drugs must never affect us in our                    Management                                           take our safety and security seriously. We must
                                                                                                                                                                                    all have a high level of security awareness and
improvement to protect our people, customers            work. Our safety, and that of our colleagues and                                                                            consistently apply appropriate security measures
                                                        customers, depend on it. Any possession, use, sale                     Crisis, emergency and business disruption
and communities in which we operate. It is vital that                                                                          management is important to protect our people        to protect our customers, employees, assets,
we maintain occupational health and help stop the       or distribution of illegal substances at work will be                                                                       premises and property.
                                                        treated very seriously. Air New Zealand provides                       and reduce any damage or loss. Effective crisis,
spread of COVID-19.                                                                                                            emergency and business disruption planning helps
                                                        support to those affected by problems with alcohol                                                                          What this means for you:
                                                        or other drugs.                                                        minimise damage and impact to the Company, and
What this means for you:
                                                                                                                               keeps our operations going after any disaster.       • Always wear your security ID in secure areas
• You are responsible for your own safety and           What this means for you:                                                                                                      so it is visible to others – make sure it’s current,
  wellbeing, and the safety of your colleagues and                                                                             What this means for you:                               accurate and valid for the area in which you work.
  our customers.                                        • Never work, under any circumstances, while
                                                           affected by alcohol or any other drug that                          • Know your individual responsibilities and local    • Immediately report to our Security team
• Comply with applicable safety laws and follow            impairs judgement, performance or behaviour.                          emergency contact details.                           any actual or perceived security risks,
  the safety procedures and requirements specific          Be drug free and maintain a zero blood alcohol                      • Help develop and implement crisis, emergency         weaknesses, threats, or unusual or suspicious
  for your area. This includes vigilantly following        level while working. This includes being free                         and business disruption plans for your business      activity or behaviour.
  workplace guidelines and recommended                     from the negative effects of legal drugs, such as                     area as requested – test these to improve          • Vigilantly adhere to safety and security protocol,
  practices on vaccines, masks and testing.                prescription medication.                                              response preparedness.                               standards and practices at all times, and follow
• Never compromise on safety or knowingly               • Never drive a vehicle used for business                              • Debrief following an event to ensure lessons are     requirements for your area.
  create situations where the safety and                   purposes if you aren’t drug and alcohol free.                         learned and actioned.                              • Only bring unauthorised individuals into secure
  wellbeing of any person is put at risk.                                                                                                                                             areas after appropriate security checks and
  Intervene where you see unsafe practices or           • Don’t store or consume alcohol on our premises                       • Follow crisis, emergency and business
                                                           unless it’s authorised (e.g. sponsored and                            disruption procedures.                               authorisation. Always escort your visitors while
  non-compliance with procedures.                                                                                                                                                     they are on the premises – never leave them
                                                           supervised functions on our premises).                              • Continually assess risks and threats that may
• Only undertake work if you are medically fit for                                                                                                                                    alone in secure areas.
  duty, sufficiently rested and alert.                  • Don’t use, sell, distribute or be in possession of                     impact your business area.
                                                           alcohol or other drugs while working or while                                                                            • Store equipment and other property securely to
• If injured, ensure you do all you can in your            on our premises.                                                                                                           prevent unauthorised use or theft.
  recovery and rehabilitation for a safe and timely                                                                                                                                 • Report any loss of property including security
  return to work.                                       • Discuss with the Medical team prescription
                                                           medication or other legal drugs which may                                                                                  ID cards, Air New Zealand uniforms or branded
• Prevention is critical – identify and report             impair your ability to work.                                                                                               work wear straight away, to local police and our
  any hazards.                                                                                                                                                                        Security team.
                                                        • Report in confidence any concerns you have
• Report safety and wellbeing concerns, no                 about your own use, or a colleague’s use, of                                                                             • Read travel advisories and security tips before
  matter how small, including any near miss,               alcohol or other drugs to our Medical team.                                                                                travelling overseas for business.
  incident, accident, injury, illness, unsafe or                                                                                                                                    Refer to the Information Security section for
  unhealthy condition.                                  • You may be required to undergo alcohol and
                                                           other drug testing for safety sensitive roles or                                                                         protecting and securing data and information.
• Always drive safely, responsibly and legally             where there is cause.
  when operating company vehicles.
• Limit using mobile devices in the workplace
  to maintain your attention to safety. Never use       POLICIES COVERED:
  handheld mobile devices while driving.                PEOPLE HEALTH SAFETY AND WELLBEING POLICY
                                                        AIRLINE SAFETY POLICY
                                                        ACCEPTABLE USE OF BUSINESS RESOURCES POLICY AND SUPPORTING STANDARDS

                                                                                                                                                                                                               AIR NEW ZEALAND CODE OF CONDUCT / 8
Our Code of Conduct and Ethics - ONE AIR NEW ZEALAND - DOING WHAT'S RIGHT
OPERATE SAFELY, RESPONSIBLY AND RELIABLY                                                                  ACT WITH INTEGRITY, HONESTY AND TRANSPARENCY

                                                                                                          2. ACT WITH INTEGRITY,
                                                                                                             HONESTY AND
Sponsorship, Grants                                   Environment
and Donations                                         Sustainability
As New Zealand’s national carrier, we are             We are committed to preserving and protecting
                                                                                                          Ethical Behaviours                                         Human Rights Protection
committed to keeping our Tiaki promise.               New Zealand’s natural environment for the future
                                                                                                          Our ethics set standards of conduct and guide us           As part of our commitment to our communities
By properly managing our grants, sponsorships         by operating in an environmentally sustainable
                                                                                                          on what is the right thing to when making business         expressed in our Slavery and Human Trafficking
and donations, we protect Air New Zealand’s           way and improving our energy performance.
                                                                                                          decisions or entering into commitments. You can            Position Statement, we will not tolerate any
reputation with all stakeholders.
                                                      What this means for you:                            put your ethical dilemmas through the following            form of forced or compulsory labour, including
What this means for you:                                                                                  tests to see if they bring up any red flags.               human trafficking, slavery, torture, cruelty,
                                                      • Comply with applicable environmental laws                                                                    inhuman or degrading treatment or other
• Ensure all sponsorships or donations are              and regulations – report any non-compliance       • Even if its legal, is it the right thing to do?
                                                                                                                                                                     violation of human rights in any part of our
   appropriately authorised.                            with environmental laws and regulations to your   • Who could be harmed?                                     business or in our supply chain.
• Ensure that your personal fundraising activity        Property and Facilities Manager.
                                                                                                          • Does it involve any kind of dishonesty?
   is not construed by the public as being endorsed   • Do your bit to reduce, recycle, reuse and be
                                                                                                          • Will you be forced to rationalise it to justify
   by, or on behalf of Air New Zealand.                 energy efficient in your work environment
                                                                                                            your action?
• Never request sponsorships or use                     and support the Company’s environmental
                                                        sustainability initiatives.                       • Are there any possible unintended
   company money to make charitable                                                                         consequences?
   donations, to close deals, seek favours            • Support using and procuring sustainable
   from decision makers, support illegal                energy-efficient design, products and services
                                                                                                             If you are faced with an ethical dilemma or have identified a red flag, seek guidance from the Risk and
   activity or for personal gain.                       to help improve our energy performance.
                                                                                                             Compliance team or the General Counsel and Company Secretary.
• Question any charitable donation or                 • Educate, support and encourage others
   sponsorship that gives rise to any actual            (including suppliers and customers) to take
   or perceived conflict of interest.                   responsibility for efficient energy practices
                                                        in their workplaces and communities.
                                                                                                                                                                     • Remove yourself from decisions involving hiring,
                                                                                                          Be Free of Conflicts                                         supervising, managing, promoting, rewarding, or
                                                                                                          of Interest                                                  advancing any relative, close friend or partner.
                                                                                                                                                                     • Never influence the terms and conditions of
                                                                                                          A conflict of interest can happen if an employee’s           a contract for service, or for employment,
                                                                                                          personal, social, financial or political activities          of any employee, contractor or supplier who is
                                                                                                          interfere (or could be seen to interfere) with their         a relative, close friend or partner.
                                                                                                          judgement at work. Whenever possible, conflicts of         • Exercise care when providing travel services
                                                                                                          interest should be avoided – even the appearance             to relatives, friends or co-workers. Providing
                                                                                                          of a conflict of interest can be harmful.                    preferential treatment to them such as
                                                                                                                                                                       unauthorised deviations from established
                                                                                                          What this means for you:                                     rules for pricing, issuing, exchanging or
                                                                                                          • Act in Air New Zealand’s best interest and make            refunding tickets, inappropriate upgrades,
                                                                                                             objective decisions.                                      improperly withholding seats from inventory
                                                                                                                                                                       or blocking space and ignoring boarding
                                                                                                          • Remove yourself from business decisions or
                                                                                                                                                                       priorities is not allowed.
                                                                                                             activities where you have a personal interest.
                                                                                                                                                                     • Avoid working or consulting for, or providing
                                                                                                          • Discuss conflict of interest concerns with your            professional services to, anyone external
                                                                                                             manager and disclose them on the Conflicts of
                                                                                                                                                                       that you deal with as part of your job at
                                                                                                             Interest Register.
                                                                                                                                                                       Air New Zealand.
SPONSORSHIPS AND DONATIONS POLICY                                                                         POLICIES COVERED:
SUSTAINABILITY POLICY                                                                                     CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY

                                                                                                                                                                                              AIR NEW ZEALAND CODE OF CONDUCT / 10
Our Code of Conduct and Ethics - ONE AIR NEW ZEALAND - DOING WHAT'S RIGHT
ACT WITH INTEGRITY, HONESTY AND TRANSPARENCY                                                                  ACT WITH INTEGRITY, HONESTY AND TRANSPARENCY

• Never use business resources for personal                                                                   • Think about the context of the gifts or
   political activity, make political donations or
                                                       Outside activities or investments
                                                       You may have a personal interest in one of Air
                                                                                                                 entertainment – imagine how it might look             Using our Digital
   endorse any candidate, campaign or political
   issue in Air New Zealand’s name.
                                                       New Zealand’s existing or potential competitors,
                                                                                                                 to someone outside of Air New Zealand or to
                                                                                                                 the media.
                                                                                                                                                                       Communication Systems
                                                       suppliers or customers, which might affect or
• Never provide sensitive or confidential              compromise our business, or your ability to            • Never accept any cash or cash equivalent, even         Air New Zealand invests in strengthening our digital
   information to a competitor or third party,         perform your job.                                         as a tip for great service.                           workforce and provides a range of IT resources to
   including friends or relatives.                                                                            • Never give or accept gifts from competitors or         connect and collaborate as one Air New Zealand.
                                                       These situations can create an actual or perceived
• Never knowingly maintain substantial financial       conflict of interest if they involve you:                 public officials.                                     This gives us access to valuable information,
   interests or investments in a competitor,                                                                                                                           sensitive data and internal and external networks
                                                       • Having a second job                                  • Never ask for gifts, entertainment or any other
   customer or supplier without disclosing them.                                                                                                                       that must be protected and used responsibly.
• A relative or close personal friend cannot           • serving as a director or consultant, or providing
                                                          professional services                               Refer to additional guidance on inducements under        What this means for you:
   have any business dealings with you, anyone                                                                the Bribery and Improper Payments section.
   who reports to you (direct report), or anyone       • having material financial interests in a                                                                      • Use digital resources in a responsible, ethical
   working in your business unit (indirect report).       competitor, supplier or customer, or                                                                           and legal manner. Don’t use them for activities
                                                                                                                                                                         such as gambling, pornography or other
• Outside activities should not interfere
   or conflict with your job responsibilities.
                                                       • taking part in civic or public duties.               Using Business Resources                                   inappropriate purposes.
                                                       Knowingly maintaining substantial financial
   This includes selling goods or services for                                                                                                                         • Don’t use company computers and equipment
                                                       interests or investments in a competitor, customer     Resources are provided to you to perform the
   personal profit during work time or using                                                                                                                             for personal activities.
                                                       or supplier without disclosing them is not allowed.    requirements of your job. All business resources
   your employment at Air New Zealand as an                                                                                                                            • You are personally accountable and liable for
                                                                                                              have an economic value, so we must all use
   endorsement for personal business.                                                                                                                                    all activities associated with your user accounts
                                                                                                              them effectively, responsibly and only for
See our Subsidiary Directorships Policy and
Industry Associations Policy for information on
                                                       Giving and Receiving Gifts                             business purposes.                                         and company equipment. Incidental personal
                                                                                                                                                                         use of IT resources (email, internet, social
the invitations for directorships within the           and Entertainment                                      What this means for you:                                   media) at work is acceptable as long as it:
Air New Zealand Group or for Group representation                                                                                                                        – doesn’t affect your, or others’ job performance
                                                                                                              • Use business resources and assets (computer
on industry association boards/committees.             We support reasonable and proportionate giving                                                                       or productivity, and
                                                                                                                 equipment, access to networks, software,
                                                       and receiving of gifts and entertainment as part of       internet, desktops, laptops, mobile devices, office     – doesn’t interfere with operations or system
Here are some examples of when you might face
                                                       a normal business relationship or cultural practice.      furniture, equipment and supplies, vehicles and            performance (e.g. sending large personal files)
a conflict of interest:
                                                       We prohibit the giving or receiving of significant        car parks, branded material and official company           or consume significant time or resources, and
                                                       gifts or benefits that may be seen as preferential        images and content) for company business.
Friends, relatives and co-worker relationships                                                                                                                           – doesn’t create risk to Air New Zealand, and
                                                       treatment – these actions can create conflicts of
• Business relationships with relatives, spouses,      interest or raise questions about our judgement.       • Only use resources that you are authorised to use.       – doesn’t violate other company policies.
   partners/significant others or close friends                                                               • Only access or use authorised resources or
• Similarly, intimate relationships of any duration    What this means for you:                                  information where there is a legitimate
   between co- workers can, depending on the           • Record gifts, hospitality and entertainment on          business need.
   work roles, create an actual or apparent conflict      the Gifts Register if valued at NZ$250 or more.     • Use resources responsibly and cost effectively.
   of interest.
                                                       • Seek prior approval for gifts, hospitality and       • Don’t engage in personal activities during work
Political or civic involvement                            entertainment valued at NZ$1000 or more.               hours that interfere with you fulfilling your job
                                                       • Avoid giving or accepting anything of                   responsibilities.
Your involvement in any civic or political
activities must be on your own time, and with
                                                          inappropriate value.                                • Take all reasonable and necessary steps to
                                                       • Avoid giving or accepting any gifts or                  protect company resources and assets, including
your own resources.
                                                          entertainment during a tender process that             from theft.
                                                          would be perceived as preferential treatment        • Follow our confidentiality and privacy guidelines
                                                          or providing an unfair advantage.                      when using business resources.

POLICIES COVERED:                                      POLICIES COVERED:

                                                                                                                                                                                                    AIR NEW ZEALAND CODE OF CONDUCT / 12
Our Code of Conduct and Ethics - ONE AIR NEW ZEALAND - DOING WHAT'S RIGHT
ACT WITH INTEGRITY, HONESTY AND TRANSPARENCY                                                                  ACT WITH INTEGRITY, HONESTY AND TRANSPARENCY

                                                                                                                                                                  • Separate your personal social media sites and
Duty Travel                                          Speaking on Behalf of                                    Using Social Media                                    accounts from work-related ones. Avoid using

As an airline, we must balance the needs of          Air New Zealand                                          We recognise the importance and benefit of
                                                                                                                                                                    Air New Zealand sites to distribute personal
                                                                                                                                                                    communications, and never use official company
commercial customers with our business travel                                                                 communicating through social media. We                images on personal social media.
requirements. When planning your business travel,    As a publicly-listed company, we are bound               want to empower all our employees to be good
                                                     by strict rules to ensure that publicly released                                                             • Clearly show when posts or comments are your
find the right balance between business need,                                                                 ambassadors for our brand, but be mindful
                                                     information is appropriately disclosed and                                                                     own views, and not that of Air New Zealand’s,
environmental impact, financial cost and your                                                                 that what you post online could have
                                                     accurately reflects the Company’s position.                                                                    when you talk about work related matters.
health and safety.                                                                                            unintended consequences.
                                                                                                                                                                  • Don’t disclose information about others, misuse
What this means for you:                             What this means for you:                                                                                       personal data or post photos without their
                                                                                                              Follow these general guidelines when using
                                                     • Only make comments on behalf of Air New Zealand        social media – both inside and outside of             knowledge and permission.
• Only travel on business when there is a
   genuine need.                                        if you are authorised to do so. This includes when    the Company:                                        • Be mindful of copyrights, trademarks and
                                                        contributing to professional journals or presenting                                                         intellectual property rights of others. Never post
• Obtain the appropriate approvals for travel.          at industry association conferences.
                                                                                                                       Think before you post                        copyrighted material (including published music,
• Use the defined procedures to book travel.         • Before contributing to professional journals or                                                              movies or video content) without permission.
• Use preferred suppliers to help minimise the          any speaking engagements, gain approval from                   Be truthful, accurate, and respectful      • Honour any confidentiality and non-disclosure
   cost of travel.                                      your GM and have your content reviewed by our                                                               requirements, even on personal sites.
• Only claim business expenses that are necessary       Corporate Communications team.
                                                                                                                       Use good judgement and common sense        • Never post information about legal matters,
   and reasonable for your business travel. Use a    • Direct any media enquiries or requests to the                                                                including corporate transactions or
   company credit card for travel-related expenses      Corporate Communications team.                                                                              investigations.
                                                                                                                       Do no harm
   whenever possible.                                • Never disclose commercial or strategic                                                                     • For security reasons, never post details
• Ensure you are medically fit for your planned         information about the Company, our employees          What this means for you:                              (including videos or photos) of any secure or
   travel and review safety protocols and security      or our customers without permission, even after                                                             restricted area, such as aircraft hangars or
   advisories for your destination – discuss any        you leave Air New Zealand. This includes sharing
                                                                                                              • You are personally responsible and liable
                                                                                                                 for anything you post online, whether              maintenance areas, runways, airline passenger
   concerns with our Safety and Security teams.         information intended for internal use only with                                                             areas, interiors of aircrafts cabins, cockpits,
                                                                                                                 speaking personally or in an official capacity
• Personal travel is not be taken in conjunction        third parties.                                                                                              under carriage, landing gear and baggage
                                                                                                                 for Air New Zealand.
   with business-related travel.                     • Return any unsolicited confidential information                                                              holding areas.
• To reduce risk, executives, management                you receive to the sender or ensure it’s deleted.
   groups or other key individuals should avoid
   travelling together.
• Maintain professionalism at all times – you are
   an ambassador for the airline.
Air New Zealand honours any provision in
employment agreements regarding duty travel,
where it differs to policy.

POLICIES COVERED:                                    POLICIES COVERED:                                        POLICIES COVERED:

                                                                                                                                                                                           AIR NEW ZEALAND CODE OF CONDUCT / 14
Our Code of Conduct and Ethics - ONE AIR NEW ZEALAND - DOING WHAT'S RIGHT

                                                                                                              Accurate and Complete                                  Protecting Privacy
                                                                                                              Information, Records,                                  and Confidentiality
                                                                                                              Reporting and Accounting
Financial Integrity                                    Committing to Contracts                                                                                       Privacy is about how we collect, use, process and
                                                                                                                                                                     share personal information about individuals,

We expect all Air New Zealanders to understand         and Expenditure                                        Honest, complete and accurate recording and
                                                                                                              reporting of information is critical to protecting
                                                                                                                                                                     and how we respect the rights of our customers,
                                                                                                                                                                     employees and business partners with regards to
the financial management responsibilities relevant                                                            our credibility and reputation, and meeting our        their information. Privacy is also about regulatory
to their roles and be good stewards of company         It is critical for Air New Zealand to have oversight   legal obligations. Failure to keep accurate and
                                                       of it’s spend and commitments across the entire                                                               compliance. As an international airline, we are
funds. Our financial and accounting controls                                                                  complete records, falsifying information or creating   obligated to comply with personal information
ensure we apply sound financial principles in our      lifecycle We have defined processes for interacting    misleading information could constitute fraud, with
                                                       with suppliers, negotiating supply contracts and                                                              protection guidelines, specifications and
business transactions. We are all responsible                                                                 civil and criminal liability for Air New Zealand and   legislation everywhere we fly.
for following our policies and legal, financial and    making purchasing decisions. Legally binding           individuals involved.
accounting regulations.                                contracts, with agreed terms and conditions, are                                                              What this means for you:
                                                       required before we can commit our resources.           What this means for you:
What this means for you:                                                                                                                                             • Take care when you are accessing or using
                                                       These agreements protect us from financial,            • Always follow the correct governance for the            personal information and treat it as confidential.
• Understand the financial management                  commercial and legal risk.                                approval of contracts and projects.
   responsibilities, policies and processes relevant                                                                                                                 • Limit sharing, or access, to authorised people
                                                       What this means for you:                               • Record and report company information                   only who have a clear business need for that
   to your role.                                                                                                 accurately and objectively, with reasonable
                                                       • Ensure you understand how Delegated Financial                                                                  information.
• Understand when you can and when you can’t             Authority (DFA) rules apply to your role.               detail and supporting documentation for all
   commit company funds.                                                                                         transactions.                                       • Keep personal information no longer than
                                                       • Ensure every purchase, requisition or order you                                                                necessary to accomplish the legitimate purpose
• Only spend company funds on legitimate                 make is approved within DFA.                         • Don’t make false or misleading entries (or              (legal, regulatory or legitimate business need).
   business needs. Spend responsibly and keep                                                                    inappropriately alter) on company books,
   expenditure within budget.                          • Only make commitments or decisions on behalf            records or expense claims for any reason.           • Be aware of local privacy laws, especially when
                                                         of Air New Zealand if you are authorised and                                                                   transferring personal information outside of its
• Strive to find the best value when spending            within your DFA. Unless explicitly delegated,        • Comply with the Company’s system of                     country of origin.
   company money by considering quality, service,        no employee or contractor may commit to a               internal controls.
   reliability, sustainability, compliance with our                                                                                                                  • Be objective when making written comments
                                                         contract or incur expenses.                          • Be alert for unauthorised payments or invoices          about people, as all personal information may
   finance and procurement policies and any terms                                                                – ensure that no undisclosed or unrecorded
   and conditions.                                     • Follow defined processes and use approved                                                                      be disclosed. Personal information, including
                                                         suppliers when sourcing and purchasing goods            or ‘off the books’ amount, fund or asset is            your opinions, should be relevant, appropriate,
• Base your financial decisions on sound and             and services.                                           established or maintained (see the Anti-money          accurate and justifiable.
   objective information.                                                                                        Laundering section for more information).
                                                       • Report any breaches of DFA to your 2-up                                                                     • When using electronic communications,
• Run transparent tendering processes for                manager, or to your delegator’s 2-up manager,        • Cooperate fully with Internal Audit, Group              take extra care to ensure that any sharing of
   suppliers and business relationships.                 in accordance with the DFA Policy.                      Finance and external auditors and provide them         personal information is done in a secure and
• Report any suspected misuse of company                                                                         with accurate information and unrestricted             protected way.
                                                       • Ask Procurement if in doubt before ordering             access to necessary resources.
   property or funds.                                    a product or service.                                                                                       • If you believe personal information has been
                                                                                                              • Report any concerns or irregularities in                accidentally or intentionally viewed, shared,
                                                                                                                 accounting, auditing or internal controls.             altered, stolen or used in an unauthorised way
                                                                                                              • Secure all information to prevent unauthorised          contact Privacyofficer@airnz.co.nz.
                                                                                                                 access or disclosure.
                                                                                                              • Understand and follow our data retention
                                                                                                                 standards for creating, retaining and destroying
                                                                                                                 company information.
POLICIES COVERED:                                                                                             POLICIES COVERED:
FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING POLICIES                                                                               FINANCE & ACCOUNTING POLICIES
PROCUREMENT POLICY                                                                                            RECORD RETENTION AND DESTRUCTION POLICY                POLICIES COVERED:
DELEGATED FINANCIAL AUTHORITY POLICY                                                                          AUDIT INDEPENDENCE POLICY                              PRIVACY POLICY

                                                                                                                                                                                                AIR NEW ZEALAND CODE OF CONDUCT / 16
PROTECT OUR PEOPLE, PROPERTY AND INFORMATION                                                                     PROTECT OUR PEOPLE, PROPERTY AND INFORMATION

                                                                                                                                                                        • Use Confidentiality Agreements before disclosing
Keeping Information                                      Protecting and Respecting                               What this means for you:
                                                                                                                 • Protect all confidential, proprietary or other IP      confidential information to outside parties.
Secure                                                   our Property                                              information (whether printed material, electronic    • Avoid disclosing any details of new products,
                                                                                                                   files, email, or verbal conversations), even after     designs, patents, trademarks or other
Information is one of our most valuable assets.          Our brand, designs, patents, trademarks,                  you leave Air New Zealand.                             confidential or IP in public places, or with friends
We must protect our company and customer                 copyrights, trade secrets and know-how – our                                                                     and family, or anyone not authorised to access it.
                                                                                                                 • Comply with our Brand Guidelines.
information from unauthorised access by securing         intellectual property (‘IP’) are valuable assets that                                                          • Report any suspected misuse or theft of logos,
it appropriately at all times.                           we must safeguard.                                      • Never allow any third party to use our brand or
                                                                                                                                                                          trademarks or other Air New Zealand IP to Legal.
                                                                                                                   trademarks without first discussing it with Legal.
What this means for you:                                 We must comply with applicable laws and                                                                        • Report any lost or stolen confidential
                                                         regulations that help us protect our IP from theft or   • Retain confidential or proprietary information
• Classify and store information that you use for work                                                                                                                    information or other property immediately to
                                                         misuse – and in doing so, ensure it’s available to us     or other IP in accordance with our Record
   in line with the Information Classification Policy.                                                                                                                    Legal and Security.
                                                         for future innovation.                                    Retention Policy, and only share it with those
• Protect your password. Don’t share it with anyone                                                                who are authorised and have a business need          • Obtain permissions before using the IP of
   or write it down.                                     IP includes:                                              for the information.                                   others and report any activities that infringe on
                                                            – our brand, designs, patents, trademarks,                                                                    the IP of others.
• Protect information sensitive and confidential
   documents at all times. This includes looking               copyrights, trade secrets and know-how
   after laptops, mobile devices and storage devices        – pricing, marketing and customer strategies
   when left unattended.                                       and plans
• Dispose of information securely when it’s no              – research and technical data
   longer needed.                                           – business ideas, processes, proposals or
• Never save sensitive or confidential information             strategies
   on unauthorised systems or storage devices.              – new product and/or package design and
• Lock your computer screen if you leave your                  development
   computer unattended and switch off your                  – software bought or developed by the Company
   computer at the end of the day.
                                                            – information used in trading activities.
• Report incidents, breaches or lost laptops or
   mobile devices immediately to the IT Service Desk.
• Think before you click. Be careful when opening
   attachments from unknown addresses. Don’t
   click links which may take you to unsafe websites.
• Only use authorised software and hardware.
• Notify the Information Security team of any
   suspicious activity such as phishing emails
   or scams.

                                                         POLICIES COVERED:
POLICIES COVERED:                                        CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY

                                                                                                                                                                                                 AIR NEW ZEALAND CODE OF CONDUCT / 18
TREAT PEOPLE FAIRLY AND WITH RESPECT                                                                       TREAT PEOPLE FAIRLY AND WITH RESPECT

                                                                                                           Preventing Bullying                                   Air New Zealand will not tolerate any form
                                                                                                                                                                 of harassment or sexual harassment in the
                                                                                                           and Harassment                                        workplace, whether that is internal or third-
                                                                                                                                                                 party harassment towards an Air New Zealand
Equality, Diversity                                    Merit-based                                         We are all responsible for ensuring that
                                                                                                                                                                 employee, contractor or other representatives
                                                                                                                                                                 of the Air New Zealand Group. We may initiate
and Inclusion                                          Talent Acquisition                                  harassment and bullying doesn’t happen at
                                                                                                           Air New Zealand. Harassment and bullying can
                                                                                                                                                                 disciplinary or legal action against people who
                                                                                                                                                                 harass or bully others. This includes suppliers,
                                                                                                           take many forms and have serious repercussions.
We strive to create a working environment where        We are committed to attracting, developing and                                                            customers and other visitors to our premises.
everyone feels respected and valued, and that          advancing the best people through a fair and        Harassment includes language or conduct
reflects the diversity and characteristics of          merit-based process, and ensuring the process       that may be derogatory, intimidating or offensive
                                                                                                           to others.
the communities in which we operate and the
customers we serve. We respect and value the
                                                       is free from bias and discrimination. We adhere
                                                       to all employment regulations regarding staff,      Bullying and intimidating behaviour is repeated       Ethical Business
contribution of each team member, and regard
discrimination as unfair, unacceptable and
                                                       contractors and other complementary workforce
                                                       (outsourced workers, agents).
                                                                                                           inappropriate behaviour that undermines
                                                                                                           someone’s right to respect at work.
                                                                                                                                                                 Practices of Suppliers
unlawful. The Air New Zealand Group has zero                                                                                                                     We engage with suppliers who share our
tolerance for any form of Unlawful Discrimination of   What this means for you:                            What this means for you:
                                                                                                                                                                 commitment to sound, sustainable, safe and
employees or potential employees.                      • Base your decisions about recruitment,            • Never be derogatory or abusive to or                ethical business principles.
                                                         selection, development and advancement of            about others.                                      We are committed to doing business with
What this means for you:
                                                         employees on merit.                               • Never behave in a way that is unwelcome,            suppliers who, as a minimum:
• Act fairly and show respect towards others in        • Never allow race, colour, religion, gender,          intimidating or offensive, including threats,      • Supply products that are manufactured in safe
   all your dealings.                                    disability, age, country of origin, sexual           bullying, inappropriate jokes or actions of          and healthy conditions
• Actively seek, value and be mindful of cultural        orientation, gender identity, marriage status        a sexual nature. Discourage others from
                                                                                                                                                                 • Operate in an ethical manner
   sensitivities and different perspectives present      or any other characteristic protected by any         engaging in this behaviour.
                                                                                                                                                                 • Use voluntary workers (not indentured, forced
   in our global community.                              applicable law to influence your judgement.       • Always communicate in accordance with our             or bonded labour of any kind), that are paid a
• Challenge discriminatory behaviour.                  • Understand your responsibilities and comply          Code no matter how informal you are being.           proper wage under human conditions, are not
• Be inclusive in the language you use when              with all applicable labour and employment laws.   • Report, and encourage others to report,               discriminated against, exploited or subject to
   communicating.                                      • Expect others you work with (contractors,            incidents of harassment, sexual harassment           any kind of abuse, and work in conditions which
• Report any incidents that are inconsistent             agents, joint ventures) to act in a way that is      bullying or retaliation.                             are humane
   with our commitment to equal opportunity,             consistent with our fair treatment and equal      • Take all harassment, sexual harassment and          • Do not use child labour.
   inclusion and diversity.                              opportunity standards.                               bullying complaints seriously. Managers should
                                                       • Report any breaches of law or this Code, or          immediately address behaviour or conduct that      What this means for you:
                                                         any incidents that are inconsistent with our         may be offensive.                                  • Before engaging a supplier or business
                                                         commitment to equal opportunity, inclusion        • Don’t retaliate against anyone who makes a             partner, do your due diligence on ethical
                                                         and diversity when you become aware of them.         good-faith complaint of harassment, sexual            conduct requirements.
                                                         Cooperate with company investigations.               harassment or bullying, or who cooperates in
                                                                                                              an investigation of a complaint.
                                                                                                           • Seek support from your manager, your
                                                                                                              manager’s manager, your HR Business Partner
                                                                                                              or People Safety teams.

                                                                                                           POLICIES COVERED:
                                                                                                           HARASSMENT AND SEXUAL HARASSMENT: PREVENTION
POLICIES COVERED:                                                                                          AND COMPLAINTS POLICY                                 POLICIES COVERED:

                                                                                                                                                                                            AIR NEW ZEALAND CODE OF CONDUCT / 20
COMPLY WITH THE LAW                                                                                            COMPLY WITH THE LAW

                                                         • Escalate to the Executive any contract or project                                                          • Maintain accurate and complete records of
Anti-money Laundering                                      which you think may involve potentially unethical   Eliminating Bribery,                                      payments made to third parties to evidence the

Money laundering is the use of transactions by
                                                           activities or sensitive industries (e.g. concerns
                                                           around human trafficking, child labour, mining,
                                                                                                               Corruption and                                            business reason for such transactions.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Providing money or gifts to any Public Official
criminals, terrorists, or others to conceal the
illegal source of their funds. We are committed to
                                                           contracts with military involvement.                Improper Payments                                         for the purpose of influencing them in their
                                                         • Consider where you are undertaking business                                                                   official capacity is not allowed.
the highest standards of anti-money laundering                                                                 The law prohibits bribery in every kind of
                                                           and whether that country raises any geopolitical
compliance to prevent use of our products and                                                                  commercial setting. Facilitation payments, or
                                                           risks or reputational concerns.
services for money laundering purposes or for
financing of terrorism.                                  • Seek guidance from Government Affairs or the
                                                           Group Security team and consult the Legal team
                                                                                                               kickbacks, are examples of bribery and are illegal.
                                                                                                               Giving or receiving gifts or entertainment might       Avoiding Insider Trading
                                                                                                               also be bribery in certain circumstances, as many
What this means for you:                                   if in doubt.                                                                                               In most countries, it is illegal for people to
                                                                                                               countries have stringent rules that prohibit giving
• Use defined processes in your area to identify                                                               anything of value to public officials to influence     profit from insider trading ( trading securities
   and manage money laundering activities and                                                                  their actions.                                         or manipulating share prices based on ‘inside
   the financing of terrorism.                           Ensuring Continuous                                                                                          information’ – information that is not publicly
                                                                                                                                                                      available that we may have as a result of working
                                                                                                               What this means for you:
• Complete customer due diligence to verify
   their identity.
                                                         Disclosure                                            • Be cautious when giving or receiving gifts or
                                                                                                                                                                      for Air New Zealand, and that is ‘material’ or
                                                                                                                                                                      could have an impact on the value of those
• Look out for any suspicious transactions using                                                                  entertainment, especially when a public official
                                                         Air New Zealand is a listed public company under                                                             shares or securities if it was made public). These
   cash payments or monetary instruments.                                                                         is involved (refer to the Gifts and Entertainment
                                                         the New Zealand Stock Exchange, and must                                                                     rules apply regardless of how you acquire the
                                                                                                                  policy for more information).
• Follow procedures to report money laundering           comply with the NZX Listing Rules. Harsh penalties                                                           inside information, whether you are aware of the
   or illegal financing activity.                        exist for breaches of the Listing Rules and other     • Ensure that all gifts and entertainment are          sensitivity of the information, and continue even
                                                         applicable laws which may result in personal             permitted by local law.                             after you stop working for Air New Zealand.
• Report any suspicious activity to Legal
                                                         exposure to regulatory penalties, company liability   • If you are engaging third parties, always            Insider trading can result in severe penalties
                                                         and disciplinary action.                                 complete sufficient due diligence to confirm        including criminal liability, fines, and imprisonment.
                                                                                                                  that bribery is unlikely, before any agreement
                                                         What this means for you:                                 or contract is signed or renewed, or before any     What this means for you:
Export and Sanctions                                     • If you become aware of anything that may               work is undertaken under that relationship.         • Protect inside information from accidental
                                                           be considered ‘material information’,               • Refuse to pay facilitation or other improper            disclosure.
What this means for you:                                   immediately discuss it with a member of the            payments.                                           • Never spread false information or engage in
• Do not undertake work or contract or project,            Disclosure Committee. Material information
                                                                                                               • Never make donations to political parties,              activities to manipulate the price of publicly
   at its outset or over time, that involves work for      means any information that a reasonable person
                                                                                                                  candidates, or to any political cause or               listed securities.
   any military outside of the Five Eyes without           would expect, if it were available to the general
                                                                                                                  election fund.                                      • While having ‘inside information’, you are
   Executive approval.                                     market, to have a material effect on Air New
                                                           Zealand’s share price (i.e. commercially and        • Never make charitable donations for purposes            prohibited from directly or indirectly:
• Check carefully before exporting whether the                                                                    of gaining commercial advantage.
                                                           price sensitive)                                                                                              – trading securities of Air New Zealand
   relevant goods are on the Ministry of Foreign
   Affairs and Trades’ NZ Strategic Goods List.          • If in doubt whether it is ‘material information’,   • Never make, offer to make or authorise                  – trading securities of any other publicly
                                                           keep it confidential and seek guidance                 payment to a third party knowing that the                 traded company
• Screen all parties involved in a transaction or                                                                 payment will be offered or given to secure an
                                                           from Legal.
   agreement against the Countries of Concern List.                                                               improper commercial advantage or secure an             – leaking, tipping off or otherwise passing
                                                         • Keep the material information confidential until                                                                 inside information to third parties.
• Escalate to the Executive any contracts involving                                                               improper business benefit. Even charitable
                                                           officially disclosed to the public.
   the countries or industries listed on the Countries                                                            donations can be seen as bribes if payments         • If you have questions or concerns about insider
   of Concern List.                                      • Only conduct discussions with analysts,                are made to facilitate a process or secure a           trading, contact Legal for guidance.
                                                           investment professionals, shareholders or other        commercial advantage.
                                                           market participants if you are an Authorised
POLICIES COVERED:                                          Spokesperson as defined in the Continuous                                                                  POLICIES COVERED:
                                                           Disclosure Policy.                                  POLICIES COVERED:                                      ANTI-BRIBERY & CORRUPTION POLICY
ANTI-BRIBERY & CORRUPTION POLICY                                                                               ANTI-BRIBERY & CORRUPTION POLICY                       GIFTS AND ENTERTAINMENT POLICY
GIFTS AND ENTERTAINMENT POLICY                                                                                 GIFTS AND ENTERTAINMENT POLICY                         SECURITIES TRADING POLICY

                                                                                                                                                                                                    AIR NEW ZEALAND CODE OF CONDUCT / 22
COMPLY WITH THE LAW                                                                                           LIVING OUR CODE

                                                                                                              OUR CODE
                                                    • Always collect competitor information in legally        This Code is not a contract of employment,
Competing Fairly                                      appropriate and ethical ways.
                                                    • Unless you obtain prior approval from Legal,
                                                                                                              and Air New Zealand may interpret,
We make independent business decisions that are
in our best commercial interests, compete fairly,
                                                      don’t:                                                  modify or rescind some or all of the Code
and comply with all applicable competition laws       – engage in benchmarking or other information           provisions, as well as related policies and
                                                         exchanges or activities with competitors – use
around the world.
                                                         publicly available information instead
                                                                                                              standards, at any time.
What this means for you:                              – begin any negotiations on mergers, acquisitions,
• Never pursue any unfair advantages or                  joint ventures or similar transactions, especially
   misrepresent facts about our business when            if competitors are involved
   engaging with customers, suppliers and             – negotiate in joint activities with competitors to
   competitors.                                          influence government action.
• Never exchange sensitive information with         • Never use trade associations or professional
   competitors.                                       societies for contacts or communications with
• Never make false or misleading statements           competitors that violate the law or company
   about our competitors.                             policy, such as discussions about price or other
                                                      sensitive information.
• When dealing with competitors, do not to
   participate in any arrangement that could be     • Never encourage customers, suppliers or
   construed as anti-competitive collusion.           former employees of competitors to provide
                                                      information that they should keep confidential.
• Never enter into anti-competitive agreements
   with competitors, (such as price fixing, bid     • If you have any concerns, contact Legal.
   rigging, market allocation and agreements) to
   restrict supply to another competitor.
• Never discuss costs, pricing or competitive
   bids with competitors or agree on who will win
   a competitive bid.

                                                                                                              Abiding by our Code
                                                                                                              Agreement to abide by the Code
                                                                                                              All Air New Zealanders must acknowledge that they’ve read, understood and agree to abide by the Code.
                                                                                                              We are required to do this when we are hired and to renew this commitment annually by completing Code of
                                                                                                              Conduct refresh training.

                                                                                                              Consequences of non-compliance
                                                                                                              Our Code represents our commitment to do the right thing, including respecting the rights of others. As an
                                                                                                              Air New Zealander, you agree to uphold this commitment. If you don’t, you could put yourself, your colleagues
                                                                                                              and Air New Zealand at risk.
                                                                                                              Our Just Culture philosophy focuses on open reporting, process improvement and prevention measures,
                                                                                                              rather than on blame or punitive action.
                                                                                                              However, reckless behaviour is a failure to follow this Code and is misconduct, which could result in disciplinary
                                                                                                              action and even dismissal. Breaches of law may also result in civil or criminal penalties.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   AIR NEW ZEALAND CODE OF CONDUCT / 24
You can also read