Optimizing Technology - For a Globally Competitive IT-BPM Sector - Globe myBusiness Academy

Page created by Roland Young
Optimizing Technology - For a Globally Competitive IT-BPM Sector - Globe myBusiness Academy
Optimizing Technology
   For a Globally Competitive IT-BPM Sector
Optimizing Technology - For a Globally Competitive IT-BPM Sector - Globe myBusiness Academy
Optimizing Technology
For a Globally Competitive IT-BPM Sector

01   A Better Understanding of The IT-BPM Industry
     1.1   Challenges of The Sector
     1.2   How Has the Industry Grown?

02   Featured Companies
     2.1   Share Treats
     2.2   GameOps Inc.
     2.3   Go Motion
     2.4   GoodWork.ph
     2.5   Giftaway

03   What We Can Learn From These Companies?

04   What Technology is Available?

05   How Can You Speed Up The Digital Adoption
     of Your Company?
Optimizing Technology - For a Globally Competitive IT-BPM Sector - Globe myBusiness Academy
01              A Better Understanding of The IT-BPM Industry
Information and Communications Technology is
an extension of the information and technology
                                                                      AC T I VI T I E S I N TH E I N D U STRY
(IT) industry that puts emphasis on unified
communications and the integration of
telecommunications and computers.
                                                      A1.                      Hardware-Based                     A2   Back-Office Outsourcing
                                                                               •   Communications Equipment            •   Knowledge Process Outsourcing
                                                                               •   Electronic Equipment,               •   Data Entry Outsourcing
Businesses that fall under ICT include software
                                                                               Instruments, & Components               •   Legal Process Outsourcing
and application developers, research firms,
                                                                               •   Semiconductors &   		               •   Financial Services Outsourcing
hardware developers, audiovisual creators,
                                                                               Semiconductor Equipment                 •   IT Services Outsourcing
and technology-based startups.0
                                                                               •   Technology Hardware, Storage        •   Engineering Services Outsourcing
                                                                               & Periipherals
Meanwhile, outsourcing becomes a more common
practice among companies of different industries
and sizes, as BPO companies provide high quality
                                                      B1.                      Service-Based                      B2   Front-Office Outsourcing
                                                                               •   IT Technical Support                •   Tech Support Services
services at costs lower than those spent hiring
                                                                                                                       •   Telemarketing Services

in-house employees.
                                                                                                                       •   Customer Care Services
                                                                               Global In-House Centers
Aside from cost efficiency, the other advantages of
relying on BPOs are improved flexibility,
performance and diversity. 1

                                                          Sipin et al., n.d.
                                                          Digneo, n.d.                                                                                      1
Optimizing Technology - For a Globally Competitive IT-BPM Sector - Globe myBusiness Academy
The Backbone of the Economy
Since the IT-BPM industry uses technology as their foundation to perform the activities outsourced to them, it stands as a top driver of the
Philippine economy.

According to the IT-Business Processing Association of the Philippines (IBPAP), the country’s IT-BPM sector is poised to employ 7.6 million Filipinos and
generate $40 billion in revenues by 2022.2

However, with the quick turnover of trends, and with the onset of COVID-19, industry players must ask themselves: how can they remain globally
competitive? How can they be of better service to their clients? How can they help in the digital transformation of businesses and be more pandemic
resilient? What technology can be maximized?

                                                         Accelerate PH: Future-Ready Executive Summary, n.d.                                                2
Optimizing Technology - For a Globally Competitive IT-BPM Sector - Globe myBusiness Academy
1.1             Challenges of The Sector

There are challenges experienced before COVID-19 that have been worsened by the pandemic. Being the
top country performers in the global IT-BPM industry, India and the Philippines are heavily affected.3

        The scarcity of skilled IT workers, risk of             As more companies will be open to
        data breaches, and other cybersecurity                  outsourcing in the coming months for
        threats have increased their level of                   cost efficiency, the pressure for looking
        challenge with COVID-19’s onset.                        for skilled IT workers is higher.

        The pandemic is seen to implement                       With the mandatory Enhanced
        automation faster than expected to                      Community Quarantine national protocol,
        complement the limitations of human                     the industry has to operate their
        capability. Hence, IT-BPM companies are                 telecommuting policies for a longer
        pressured to speed up the training of the               duration than what the usual Business
        current workforce to elevate their IT skills,           Continuity Plans address. The office used
        and let robots help in the entry level skills.          to be the center of information, now work-
                                                                from-home may have to be
                                                                considered part of the new normal.
                                                                Because of this, businesses are requested
                                                                to give consent for BPO employees to
                                                                access their data even from their own
                                                                home-offices, which they are
                                                                understandably hesitant about, given the
                                                                higher possibility of data breaches.         3
                                                                                                                 Venzon, 2020
Optimizing Technology - For a Globally Competitive IT-BPM Sector - Globe myBusiness Academy
The IT-BPM industry, despite its lowered
productivity, has shown resilience, and is still on a
look out for more solutions and ways to enhance
their policies.

Being the backbone of many industries, they are
affected by the performance of their preferred
specialties. Jonathan de Luzuriaga, CEO of the
largest technology network in the Philippines,
Spring Valley Tech, details the affected versus
advantaged industries, as seen in the upper graphic
(left). He says, “It is time to evaluate what
industries to focus on, and how the evolution will
be. There will be a heavy shift from offline
to online, and the Philippine IT-BPM industry
will help shape the way.”

The industry shows us that the only way to survive
is to evolve--may it be in shifting the focus of the
served industries, or enhancing technologies, or in
in managing manpower. The lower graphic (left)
shows how various traditional industries will be
made to evolve, post-COVID19.

                                                            Spring Valley Tech, 2020   4
Optimizing Technology - For a Globally Competitive IT-BPM Sector - Globe myBusiness Academy
1.2              How Has The Industry Grown?

The Philippine IT-BPM sector had an estimated         copiers are on a downward trend, but a more            has employed 1.3M Filipinos, generated $23
US$1.9 billion in hardware sales last 2019, with      positive trend is expected for servers and storage.    billion in revenues, and contributed 10% to the
an annual growth rate of 5.8%. This growth rate       Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are                country’s gross domestic product (GDP).9 In fact,
is lower than originally expected because the         projected to automate, and larger companies            the Philippines contributes a 13% share to the
Philippine consumer is more inclined to invest on     are also expected to modernize their systems to        outsourcing industry worldwide.10
a smartphone than a PC.                               expand their computing capacity.7 The growing
                                                      middle class and youth are important market            This growth, however, has been affected by
There are more mobile subscriptions in the            drivers of IT because of their increasing spending     COVID-19 since its outbreak in February 2020.
Philippines than the Filipino population, with        levels on technology products.                         Even if this industry experiences continuous
129M mobile subscribers versus the 105M                                                                      demand for its services compared to other
headcount. Filipinos spend five hours and eleven
                                                      Additionally, infrastructure investments in the        industries, it remains challenged with limited
minutes daily on mobile, and the Philippines is the   country are expected to drive more demand for IT       operations due to the community
highest in terms of the number of hours spent on      hardware, software and services. Alongside IT’s        quarantine protocols.
the Internet via mobile. The total time spent by      growth, the local BPO sector is considered a ma-
Filipinos on the Internet is nine hours and forty     jor player in the global industry. The country was
five minutes daily.6                                  first hailed as the world’s “BPO capital” in 20108
                                                      and has remained on top of the pedestal to this
Demand for other hardware such as printers and        day. Referred to as an “economic pillar,” the sector

                                                          Digital in Southeast Asia, January 2018              9
                                                                                                                   Business World, May 2018                    5
                                                          We are Social, 2020                                  10
                                                                                                                    IBPAP, 2020
                                                          International Trade Administration, n.d.
                                                          Eniego, November 2016
Optimizing Technology - For a Globally Competitive IT-BPM Sector - Globe myBusiness Academy
2.1             Featured Companies
                                                     Alternative Payment Methods                          Pandemic Response

                                                     Upon selecting a “treat” and identifying the         Share Treats’ team could not report to the office and
                                                     mobile number of the recipient, consumers can        had to work from home. Customers were unable to
                                                     pay via alternative payment methods including        dine in or visit merchant stores, and some
                                                     prepaid load or postpaid bill through the Globe      merchants were completely unable to
                                                     Labs Charging API solution. Globe Labs SMS API       serve customers.
Company Overview                                     also makes the transaction safer. Through this
                                                     API, each transaction is verified through a          Thanks to technology, however, Share Treats

An O2O Commerce company under the ICT                One-Time Password (OTP) sent via SMS to the          minimized the challenges. Their team

branch of the industry, Share Treats began in        payee, as an added precaution and                    communicated through video calls and used the

2017 with the idea of providing customers with a     safety measure.                                      platform to give incentives to employees.

better way to send treats via payment options like                                                        They enhanced Share Treats’ platform features

cellphone load, GCash, and local wallets.                                                                 and worked closely with their merchants to serve

Working with brands from various industries,                                                              customers who purchase online, and are working to-

they make quality “treats” easily available                                                               gether with the Globe myBusiness to convert offline

between businesses and customers who have                                                                 merchants to online.

trouble reaching unbanked markets, or have low
                                                     The first in the country to introduce Gifticon,
or no online presence.                                                                                    Finally, while B2C usage faced a decline, B2B usage
                                                     Share Treats envisions a cultural shift where
                                                                                                          increased since merchants use Share Treats’
                                                     customer engagement is made easier through
                                                                                                          platform to give donations to frontliners nationwide
                                                     casual gifts. However, this shift has been stunted
                                                                                                          and provide support to their employees in the form
                                                     by the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                          of supermarket, pharmacy/drugstore, or
                                                                                                          fast food vouchers.
Optimizing Technology - For a Globally Competitive IT-BPM Sector - Globe myBusiness Academy
2.2             Featured Companies

                                                     Need For High-Speed Connectivity                    Pandemic Response

                                                     With the help of high speed connectivity care of    Despite being at lower than the usual 100%
                                                     Globe Telecom’s Direct Internet, they are able to   operational level, GameOps was able to thrive
                                                     focus on their top priority, their clients.         during the COVID-19 crisis by giving its
                                                                                                         employees Globe myBusiness Prepaid Internet
Company Overview
                                                     As home entertainment has been on a rise during     Kit. Specifics of their work-from-home scenario
                                                     the quarantine, so has the demand for online        had been planned since late January 2020, and
GameOps is a BPO company and a leading
                                                     game usage. Recruitment and training of new         since then, they practiced proper hygiene and
solutions provider for the Philippines’ thriving
                                                     employees is a good challenge, as it is the first   sanitation in the office to protect their employees.
video game industry. Established in 2010, they
                                                     time that they are doing virtual classes.
positioned themselves as the leader in their field
by specializing in live operations and customer
                                                     They are not yet able to aggressively promote
support and being “always on and online.”
                                                     their services because of the pandemic. Hence,
                                                     Owner/CEO Andro Baluyut emphasizes the
                                                     importance of good servicing. The clients
                                                     themselves are the ones referring new clients and
                                                                                                         They are continuously planning on how to send
                                                     projects to their company. Always a step ahead,
                                                                                                         their employees back to the office in batches
                                                     they are looking for new markets to serve in
                                                                                                         without compromising their health. The
                                                     addition to US, Europe, and South Korea.
                                                                                                         management team is constantly on performance.

Optimizing Technology - For a Globally Competitive IT-BPM Sector - Globe myBusiness Academy
2.3             Featured Companies

                                                    High-Speed Connectivity                                 Pandemic Response

                                                    Like most tech-driven companies, Go Motion re-          Advertising has been on a plateau due to
                                                    quires reliable, high-speed connection to operate       worldwide shift in consumer behavior. In addition
                                                    effectively. Additionally, creatives and staff need     to that, social distancing has prohibited the
Company Overview                                    to be productive during work-from-home by               traditional shoot sets which was normally full
                                                    utilizing remote collaboration, from viewing what       of people. On a positive note, they have taken
Go Motion has been specializing in video            the camera sees in a set to be transmitted miles        a more proactive look at this by revisiting their
creation and production since 2012. They are        away to their clients and colleagues to screen          roadmap to identify the type of storytelling that
among the many ICT startups leveraging the use      sharing while finalizing an edit.                       brings joy to people’s lives and homes. Remote
of technology as their main business. Driven by                                                             collaboration will be key as productions will need
out-of-the-box storytelling techniques, they work   Globe myBusiness has been a key partner in              to be lean and efficient. Technology
with multinational brands and advertising           helping augment their daily operations. Its             and the internet will be at the forefront.
agencies to high-quality and story driven video     stable Internet options provide assurance that
content that people love.                           the team can easily upload, download, and
                                                    distribute large files across their office and to
                                                    and from clients. Because of this, they have been
                                                    accomplishing non face-to-face ways of working
                                                    for faster approval of revisions. Additionally, Globe
                                                    myBusiness’ mobile plans fit employees’ needs
                                                                                                            Currently, the production team continues to work
                                                    corresponding to their designation, letting them
                                                                                                            on projects and is maintaining their virutal office
                                                    collaborate within the team and reach clients
                                                                                                            via G Suite, Basecamp, Google Hangouts/ Zoom,
                                                    without worrying about interrupted accessibility.
                                                                                                            Razer Hardware via Twitch, QTake/ Blackmagic 8
                                                                                                            Design, and Miro.
2.4             Featured Companies

                                                     Pandemic Response

                                                     GoodWork.ph connects customers to trusted
                                                     home service providers who take care of
                                                     cleaning, plumbing, carpentry, pest control, nail
Company Overview                                     care, massage and aircon services, among many
                                                     others. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
A pioneer in the e-commerce industry,                and resulting community quarantine, however,
GoodWork provides efficient and high quality         many of these services were put on hold.
services at competitive prices via a platform that
conveniently connects customers and service          Seeing the reinforced need for professional
providers. Founded in October 2018, the              medical services, they included telehealth and
company was built by CEO Andrew Koger and his        medical services within their lineup, and with the
team, who handpicked hundreds of talented            easing of community quarantine in various areas,
service providers and built their brand and          they are now able to restart services such as
customer base from scratch.                          laundry in metropolitan cities.

                                                     SMS Solutions

                                                     From past to present, Globe enables their
                                                     business with the Globe Labs SMS API, which
                                                     sends SMS notifications to platform users for
                                                     every update on the platform, such as available
                                                     jobs for service providers or job confirmations      9
                                                     for customers.
2.5              Featured Companies

                                                   SMS Solutions                                         Pandemic Response

                                                   At its onset, one of Giftaway’s biggest costs was     When the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting
                                                   for SMS, a challenge which was solved by Globe        community quarantine struck the Philippines,
                                                   Telecom. By providing Giftaway with SMS               Giftaway was greatly affected since most of its
Company Overview                                   solutions, Globe eliminated the concern and got       eGift merchants were inside local malls. On the
                                                   their costs down. As a bonus, by telling their cus-   positive side, however, it gave them the
CEO and founder Alvin Tan’s dream of sending       tomers that they work directly with Globe,            opportunity to showcase the convenience of their
gifts in the form of a surprise text message has   Giftaway gains more reliability.                      process to first time users, who used their service
grown into what is now a software company                                                                to send relief through eGift cards.
called Giftaway providing end-to-end online gift
giving. Today, their system includes management                                                          Currently, they are preparing marketing
tools for HR/procurement/marketing teams, eGift                                                          campaigns for the usage of eGifts.
generation and delivery, settlement with various                                                         Their merchants will be offering discounted eGifts
merchants including restaurants,                                                                         to encourage customers to buy in advance, and
retailers and digital services. They allow their                                                         Giftaway itself will also be using some of the
clients to launch tailor-fit programs and create                                                         proceeds to donate meals to those in need.
unique incentive systems and benefits programs,
something they alone currently offer.

03      Breaking Through The Traditional
        What Can We Learn From These Companies?

     They faced the challenge of breaking
     through traditional methods, but
     they started or grew their businesses
     by digital techniques.

     Customer satisfaction is the name of
     the game for them, and will remain
     to be a constant priority.

                                             There were challenges breaking through traditional methods—from physical gifts to e-gifts;

     Technology helped them respond          conventional storytelling to out-of-the-box techniques; and linear customer support to dynamic and

     to challenges, including the effects    adaptive customer care—but with innovative technology and Globe’s solutions, the aforementioned

     of the COVID-19 epidemic to their       businesses were able to grow their operations. When disaster struck in the form of COVID-19,

     clients and company.                    technology further helped these businesses adapt and evolve to fit emerging market needs.

                                             As an SME forerunner, you can make as much of a difference in your company. With the right

     Globe Telecom has been helping          technology, which is made available and curated for your business needs by Globe, you can be well
     spearhead their growth through          on your way to having the same success.
     digital solutions.

Increased Productivity             Real-time collaboration
Data security                      Easier data sharing
Online communication               Collaborative culture
                                   G Suite adoptation

Workforce                        Business
Engagement                       Continuity
    Employee empowerment           Keeping systems up
    Better customer experience     and running
                                   Reducing unncessary costs
    Quality work

04              What Technology is Available?

                                                       01            Connectivity and                         02             Secure, Easier Sharing and
                                                                     Communications.                                         Real-time Collaboration

                                                       Having quick and reliable Internet Connection is       Various Mobile Plans are available depending on
                                                       now an indispensable prerequisite to other kinds       the employees’ designation and their forecasted
                                                       of digital technology. It creates better avenues for   usage, or appropriate device.
                                                                                                              G Suite has been proven to help foster
                                                       Direct Internet is highly needed for connectivity      collaborative cultures. For instance, in Globe
As proven by the aforementioned companies,             requiring high speed and less interruption to fuel     Telecom, with the help of the G Suite Memo App,
emerging strong in the industry is not easy, but it    running platforms or software and cloud usage.         the average approval duration has been
is possible through the tripartite help of people,     You can also opt to look into tools such as            shortened from 1 month to 1 week, and has
continuously refined policies, and technologies.       Managed IP PBX (Private Branch Exchange)               helped the institution be 80% paperless. With the
                                                       and Managed Wifi.                                      help of Hangouts Meet, hundreds of employees
There is a lot of technology available to SMEs to                                                             from different locations are able to congregate
help in their respective digital transformation. Not                                                          for virtual town halls. Lastly, G Suite has helped
only does Globe myBusiness offer a wide range of                                                              secure company data. Because everything is
tech solutions, it also serves as a working model                                                             saved in the cloud, there is no need for saving
of tech tool adoption done right.                                                                             data on physical devices using
                                                                                                              hard drive and USBs.

03             Business Continuity.
                                                                                                             04            Workforce Engagement.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen the         terabytes of data across 16 servers, which are just   The proper tools and technology can empower
greater importance of restoring businesses as fast     small subsets of their entire systems when more       employees to become more productive. For
as we can, especially in this industry since IT-BPMs   than Php26 million was spent annually. 11             example, Globe has been utilizing Globe Labs
take on outsourced tasks. In addition to the                                                                 IVES, a voice platform with multichannel
previously discussed Office Collaboration tools,       Through the implementation of cloud                   capabilities. This immensely improved the
we have Cloud as a tool for business continuity,       technologies, companies will be able to reduce        operations and enabled billing collections to be
which streamlines all business applications and        unnecessary costs from infrastructure                 more efficient. Since then, they are able to contact
allows faster restoration.                             investments. Because of efficient means of data       millions of its customers with the determined

                                                       collection, scaling up the amount of capacity         frequency. This resulted in a 40% improvement in
Cloud technology allows for better business            needed can be done at any given time. This way,       delinquent payments. 12
continuity. The Globe Cloud journey with               more customers may be served as businesses
Amazon, for example, has led to reduced                decide to expand to new markets.
spending from Php 7 million to Php400,000
yearly. Shifting to the cloud has enabled Globe
to drastically change how it does business. This
is a far cry from when Globe used to back up 26
                                                            Globe, 2018
                                                            sGlobe, 2018                                                                                     14
How Can You Speed Up The Digital Adoption
05              of Your Company?
As for you, here’s what you can do to properly and seamlessly integrate digital technology into your existing setup:

01              Assess Your Company’s                 02             Consult                               03             Consider The Stage
                Work Culture.                                        Industry Experts.                                    of Your Business Cycle.
                First recognize how technology                        Tap into the expertise within your                   Now is the best time to
and people operate side by side. Human               company or seek it from industry experts, such as     reassess where you are heading because the crisis
resource and technology must operate in              Globe Telecom and its partners:                       is forcing us to adapt changes to the business,
tandem as opposed to independently of one                                                                  making it resilient—similar to the aforementioned
another. It should be people first, before                                                                 companies, who are constantly evaluating their
technology. Therefore, any new methods should                                                              new policies on work from home. Lasting changes
be chosen based on how wellv they can be                                                                   rarely occur overnight, so they must go through
adopted into the company’s existing workplace                                                              a well-thought-out process.
culture. Treat this pandemic as an opportunity to
implement digital transformation, as the need for
change is clearer for all stakeholders.

                                                     You can only be successful if you are able to draw
                                                     linkages across the industry, and work
                                                     hand-in-hand with various sectors.

04              Study The Implications.
                                                                                      06              Remote Office.

                 Are the tech tools being eyed appropriate for the current                            Use tech-driven means of collaboration to fast-track
state of your company? It would be helpful to identify which parts of the             processes and create efficient workplace communication via tools such
current process might be subjected to challenges during the transition.               as Zoom and Hangouts Meet.

05              Find A Trusted IT Partner.
                                                                                      07              Automated Office.

                 If the shift requires purchasing new hardware and equipment,                         Empower employees to build service interfaces that create
it is crucial to lay solid groundwork with a trusted IT partner that will offer the   better customer experiences, faster results, and efficient operations via
chosen solution at a fair, reasonable price. They must also value a long-term         tools such as Globe Labs APIs and Platforms.
relationship where they will assist your company well after the groundwork
has been set up.

08             Get Everyone on                                              10             Remote Data
               The Same Page.                                                              Storage.
                Digital transformation used to be an ambition. Today, the                   Cloud is used to reduce costs and remove infrastructure
post-covid landscape planning calls for its immediate consideration         investment needs. With this, enterprises can scale up or down their
to survive.                                                                 capacity demands within minutes. This allows them to reach more
                                                                            customers. Adopting cloud-based policies in the digital era empowers
                                                                            companies to scale up easily.
09             Remote Office
                                                                            Once the team has adapted to the new systems that are put in place, it
                Social distancing has brought upon the need for
                                                                            would be helpful to align the company’s key performance indicators. See
non-face-to-face communication and working through technology rather
                                                                            which of the new technological enhancements positively contribute to the
than manual means. In many cases, working from home has become the
                                                                            company’s growth and overall workplace culture.
norm for employees. In cases like this, tools like the Globe myBusiness
Prepaid Internet Kit and Load Up (a platform for employers to distribute
                                                                            For this, feedback from personnel should also be taken and valued, so
prepaid load) become much-needed digital solutions.
                                                                            empower your staff by letting them know their inputs are welcome.

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