Optimal Vertiport Airspace and Approach Control Strategy for Urban Air Mobility (UAM)

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Optimal Vertiport Airspace and Approach Control Strategy for Urban Air Mobility (UAM)

Optimal Vertiport Airspace and Approach Control Strategy for
Urban Air Mobility (UAM)
Kyowon Song

 Department of Future Mobility, Kookmin University, Seoul 02707, Republic of Korea;
 kyowon@kookmin.ac.kr; Tel.: +82-2910-6696

 Abstract: Recently, urban air mobility (UAM), a new transportation system that can expand urban
 mobility from 2D to 3D, has been in the spotlight all over the world. For successful implementation
 of UAM, not only eVTOL aircraft development but also various systems such as UAM traffic man-
 agement are required; however, research on these areas is still insufficient. Based on the BQA model,
 in this study, we introduce the balanced branch queuing approach (BBQA) model as a new approach
 control model that can improve operational efficiency by enabling the landing order to be changed
 more easily. Through simulation, its effectiveness was verified. The proposed BBQA achieved the
 identical airspace safety as the BQA model, in addition to showing a superior result to the SBA model
 in on-time performance (OTP). The vertiport airspace blueprint concept and approach control model
 proposed in this study are expected to play an important role in future studies in the area of air traffic
 management in UAM.

 Keywords: urban air mobility (UAM); UATM; vertiport; approach control; VTOL

 1. Introduction
 Rapid urbanization and sustainability challenges are generating huge interest in new
 transport concepts [1]. In particular, UAM (urban air mobility), a new transportation
 system that can expand urban mobility from 2D to 3D, is in the spotlight all over the world.
 In addition, UAM is recognized as a novel means of transportation with several advantages
Citation: Song, K. Optimal Vertiport that can alleviate traffic congestion, make streets safer, and reduce air pollution [2]. NASA
Airspace and Approach Control defines UAM as a subset of advanced air mobility (AAM) and expects applications in a
Strategy for Urban Air Mobility variety of fields, such as emergency patient transport, cargo transport, and passenger trans-
(UAM). Sustainability 2023, 15, 437. port [3]. To make UAM a reality, numerous venture companies, aviation manufacturers,
https://doi.org/10.3390/su15010437 and automobile companies around the world are eager to develop UAM aircraft, and many
 models have succeeded in first flights and are entering the commercialization phase [4–9].
Academic Editors: Honghai Zhang,
Xinglong Wang and Hao Liu
 In addition, the governments of various country are preparing for the commercialization of
 UAM by creating policies and related systems. In 2020, the FAA presented the “Concept
Received: 26 October 2022 of Operations v1.0”, which provides an initial foundational perspective supporting the
Revised: 14 December 2022 introduction and incorporation of UAM operations into the National Airspace System
Accepted: 23 December 2022 (NAS) [10]. In addition, to materialize this concept, NASA formed the AAM (Advanced
Published: 27 December 2022
 Air Mobility) working group in March 2020 and continues to discuss all matters related
 to ecosystem construction with many experts [11]. Recently, preparations for UAM infras-
 tructure construction were undertaken by announcing the “Engineering Brief No. 105,
Copyright: © 2022 by the author.
 Vertiport Design”, which contains guidelines for vertiport design, and related laws are
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. planned to be enacted by 2024 [12]. Europe is also preparing for the implementation of
This article is an open access article UAM by announcing “NPA 2022-06”, which contains relevant certification regulations and
distributed under the terms and comprehensive regulations for UAM operation—the first such regulations in the world [13].
conditions of the Creative Commons In industry, discussions continue on the introduction of digitally based ATM (air traffic
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// management) and the necessary systems and procedures for vertiport operation [14,15].
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ As such, preparations for the realization of UAM are underway in various stages around
4.0/). the world, especially in advanced aviation countries.

Sustainability 2023, 15, 437. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15010437 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability
Optimal Vertiport Airspace and Approach Control Strategy for Urban Air Mobility (UAM)
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 1.1. Related Work and Previous Research
 Since 2018, several researchers have been conducting academic research related to
 UAM. Several conceptual studies have been conducted, including on the integrated op-
 eration method of airspace for the introduction of UAM and the communication concept
 for ATC. Thipphavong et al. described NASA’s initial airspace integration concepts for
 both emergent and early expanded UAM operations [16]. Vascik, P.D. et al. investigated
 potential operational constraints that could arise during the implementation or scale-up
 of a UAM system from the perspective of ground infrastructure, ATC, and noise [17,18].
 Furthermore, L. E. Alvarez et al. analyzed how vertiport locations influence operational
 metrics such as passenger capacity, landing site vehicle capacity, and fleet size through
 a use case focused on New York City [19]. Balac et al. also proposed concepts for the
 integration of aerial vehicles in urban transportation systems, focusing mainly on three
 areas: network design, physical simulation, and demand modeling [20]. Rimjha et al. also
 estimated passenger demand for urban air mobility (UAM) and analyzed the feasibility of
 operating such a system in Northern California [21]. Lascara et al. suggested four concept
 components that could enable the routine integration of UAM traffic in existing terminal
 area airspace [22]. Another similar study was conducted by Weinert, A. et al. [23], who sug-
 gested an initial model of terminal operations in which an aircraft landing or taking off via
 a straight trajectory encounters another aircraft and evaluated the detection and avoidance
 systems. A small number of studies related to the trajectories or the collision avoidance of
 individual aircraft for the operation of UAM have been performed. Katz et al. presented
 an encounter model for the development of a UAM collision avoidance system [24] based
 on the encounter model proposed by Kochenderfer, Mykel J., et al. [25], and Euclides et al.
 proposed a simulation framework for measuring the safety and effectiveness of trajectory-
 based UAM operations in urban environments considering the presence of both manned
 and unmanned eVTOL (electric VTOL) vehicles [26]. Furthermore, several meaningful
 studies were conducted on computational guidance algorithms for free-flight aircraft en
 route in a UAM environment. In 2018, Xuxi Yang et al. [27] proposed a computational
 guidance algorithm with collision avoidance capability, with subsequent studies consider-
 ing multiaircraft [28] and communication constraints [29]. In their most recent study [30],
 they proposed a message-passing decentralized computational guidance algorithm with
 separation assurance capability for multiple cooperative aircraft in UAM. These studies
 are closely related to the area control problem normally encountered in airways, which is
 somewhat less relevant to the present work. Existing studies were primarily conducted on
 area control during the ATC phase, such as on the trajectories of individual aircraft and
 collision avoidance. Some related research on arrival sequencing and scheduling has been
 conducted [31–33]. however, there is a lack of access from an ATC perspective, such as
 approach control, which occurs around the vertiport. In July 2022, an interesting review
 paper [34] was published covering discussions between various industries and academia
 regarding the design and operation of vertiports. In the study, it was mentioned that
 the initial uncertainty about the name of UAM ground infrastructure was overcome, but
 studies related to vertiports still tend to describe a vision more than providing a realistic
 and implementable proposal. In our previous research [35], we proposed a concept for
 the design of vertiport airspace, which is needed for UAM to work in the real world and
 is generally applicable. Simulation and algorithm development were used to find the
 best airspace for each strategy. In the same study, we also proposed the idea of a verti-
 port terminal control area (VTCA), which is where UAM aircraft approach control occurs.
 The study also showed that the VTCA has multiple holding points that can be used by
 eVTOL aircraft, as well as a holding circle that connects the holding points. In addition,
 the study proposed the SBA method, which allows for free movement between holding
 circles according to landing order, as well as the BQA concept, which allows for movement
 only according to the queuing of the route by connecting the designated route between
 the holding points that can move from the time the airspace is designed. The problem of
Optimal Vertiport Airspace and Approach Control Strategy for Urban Air Mobility (UAM)
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 finding the minimum airspace according to each proposed method was mathematically
 formulated, and an algorithm was used to find the best way to design the airspace.
 The genetic algorithm (GA) was used to accomplish scheduling in [36] by applying
 it to three scheduling schemes for arriving aircraft. By comparing on-time performance
 (OTP), hovering time (HT), and ground time (GT), the optimal scheduling approach was
 determined. The optimal scheduling strategy suitable for UAM was chosen as a strategy
 to improve OTP by reducing the difference between the estimated arrival time and the
 actual arrival time and by minimizing the ground time that the UAM aircraft spends in
 the vertiport.
 In this research, a three-way approach control model was also discussed. In this
 model, the idea of a holding point for hovering eVTOL aircraft was proposed. During the
 research, a BQA model was proposed that emphasizes airspace safety by limiting aircraft
 flight paths before the airspace is even built. The research also proposed two models:
 the SBA model, which prioritizes the order in which aircraft arrive while allowing for
 unrestricted movement in the airspace, and the SBAM model, which introduced the idea of
 a moving circle to the SBA model. In addition, simulation was used to compare the on-time
 performance (OTP) and loss of separation (LOS) risks of the proposed model. Although the
 SBA model was the most punctual, with an OTP of 85.9%, this was not statistically different
 from the BQA model’s OTP of 85.5%, showing that the best approach control model for
 UAM was the BQA model, in which LOS risk never occurred.
 Based on the BQA model from the last study, in this study, we introduce the balanced
 branch queuing approach (BBQA) model as a new approach control model that can improve
 operational efficiency by enabling the landing order to be changed more easily. Through
 simulation, its effectiveness was verified.

 1.2. Contributions and Outline of the Paper
 This study contributes to the literature in the following ways.
 (1) A new algorithm that uses both SBA and BQA approaches was developed to deter-
 mine the best way to set up the airspace in the BBQA model.
 (2) It has been confirmed that the new BBQA model can resolve the landing sequence
 reversal, which was recognized as a vulnerability of the BQA model in the previ-
 ous study.
 (3) A simulation was performed to show that the newly proposed BBQA model is better
 than the BQA model. The results show that OTP outcomes were improved, whereas
 airspace safety was unchanged relative to the BQA model.
 This study is organized as follows. In Section 2, the new model concept and optimal
 airspace are described. In Section 3, BBQA approach control models are proposed and
 empirical results obtained through simulation are described, and a discussion of the results
 and future work are covered in Section 4, followed by the conclusion.

 2. New Model: Balanced Branch Queuing Approach Model
 In previous studies [35], we proposed a branch queuing approach (BQA) and a
 sequence-based approach (SBA), which are UAM approach control concepts. In the SBA
 model, vehicles with the fastest arrival sequence in the upper holding circle are moved in a
 straight line by searching for an empty holding point in the lower holding circle without a
 fixed path. On the other hand, BQA allows for movement only within a predetermined
 path between the holding points. In our previous study [36], the BQA model was found
 to be the most suitable model for the approach control of a multicopter eVTOL aircraft,
 such as the EHang 184, EHang 216, or Volocopter 2x, which can accommodate one or
 two passengers. However, this result prioritized navigation safety through urban areas
 and did not show the best results on the actual OTP side compared to other models. This
 results from the structural problem of the BQA model, which is caused by landing sequence
 reversal and the bottleneck phenomenon. In this study, we propose the balanced branch
Optimal Vertiport Airspace and Approach Control Strategy for Urban Air Mobility (UAM)
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 did not show the best results on the actual OTP side compared to other models. This re-
Sustainability 2023, 15, 437 4 of 21
 sults from the structural problem of the BQA model, which is caused by landing sequence
 reversal and the bottleneck phenomenon. In this study, we propose the balanced branch
 queuing approach (BBQA) model, which provides identical airspace safety, as well as the
 queuing approach (BBQA) model, which provides identical airspace safety, as well as the
 OTP performance of an SBA model.
 OTP performance of an SBA model.
 The proposed BBQA model is based on the BQA model and is a concept that allows
 The proposed BBQA model is based on the BQA model and is a concept that allows
 for freer movementbetween
 for freer movement betweenholding
 holding points
 points to to improve
 improve thethe OTP.
 OTP. As shown
 As shown in Figure
 in Figure 1, 1,
 whereas the BQA model strictly regulates branches, which connect the holding points, the
 whereas the BQA model strictly regulates branches, which connect the holding points,
 the BBQA is aismore
 a more flexible
 allows for
 for movement
 movement when whenthere
 possibility of
 of collision between eVTOL aircraft. The airspace design concept of the BBQAmodel
 collision between eVTOL aircraft. The airspace design concept of the BBQA modelmini-
 mizes the bottleneck phenomenon encountered in the BQA model,
 minimizes the bottleneck phenomenon encountered in the BQA model, which is caused by which is caused by the
 the occupation of of
 aircraft in
 in the
 the same queue.
 queue. Therefore,
 Therefore, the
 the proposed
 proposed model
 model is is expectedtotominimize
 expected minimizethe thelanding
 landing sequence
 sequence reversal

 Figure Theconcepts
 balanced branch
 balanced queuing
 branch approach.
 queuing approach.
 In this study, we propose an algorithm that searches for the optimal airspace design
 In this study, we propose an algorithm that searches for the optimal airspace design
 for the newly introduced BBQA model, achieving improvements compared to the original
 for the
 models as newly introduced
 verified BBQAexperiments.
 by simulation model, achieving improvements compared to the original
 models as verified by simulation experiments.
 2.1. BBQA Airspace Design Concept
 2.1. BBQA
 To deduceAirspace Design Concept
 the optimal airspace design for the BQA model, we suggested a new
 algorithm that combines
 To deduce the optimal the methods of the SBA
 airspace design andBQA
 for the BQA. The existing
 model, BQA model
 we suggested a new al-
 had a restriction that limited the branches that connect the holding
 gorithm that combines the methods of the SBA and BQA. The existing BQA model had a points to only integer
 that limiteddue the to this restriction,
 branches thateven when
 connect theit holding
 had a lower capacity,
 points to onlytheinteger
 problem multi-
 of additional required airspace occurred, as shown in the previous
 ples. However, due to this restriction, even when it had a lower capacity, the problem of research [36]. The
 BBQA’s optimal airspace searching process combined the SBA process and BQA process,
 additional required airspace occurred, as shown in the previous research [36]. The BBQA’s
 as shown in Figure 2. In the BBQA model, the branch connection between holding points
 optimal airspace searching process combined the SBA process and BQA process, as shown
 is not required to be integer multiples nor to have the identical branch queuing shape.
 in Figure 2. In the BBQA model, the branch connection between holding points is not re-
 Therefore, based on the airspace design of the SBA’s holding point arrangement, a new
 quired to was
 algorithm be integer
 developed multiples
 that cannor to have
 connect thethe identical
 branches likebranch
 the BQA.queuing shape. Therefore,
 based on the airspace design of the SBA’s holding point
 The first step of designing the airspace for BBQA is identical to the SBA. arrangement, a new
 the developed that can circle
 of the holding connectandthethebranches like the point
 optimal holding BQA.arrangement based on the
 The first
 algorithm step of
 suggested in designing
 the previous thestudy
 [35]. for
 secondisstep identical to the the
 is to arrange SBA. First, find
 the radius of the holding circle and the optimal holding point
 branch in the airspace determined by methods identical to the SBA. The key to arranging arrangement based on the
 the optimal suggested
 branch is toin thethe
 find previous
 optimalstudy [35]. The
 pair between thesecond
 holdingstep is to
 points arrange
 that thetwo
 are in the optimal
 branch in holding circles, determined
 the airspace as shown in by Figure 3. In other
 methods words,
 identical to the adjacent
 SBA. Theholding
 key to point
 should be ablebranch
 the optimal to be connected
 is to findwithout causing
 the optimal anybetween
 pair collision the
 for all pairs that
 holding can be
 points thatmoved.
 are in the
 As shown in Figure 3, if there
 two adjacent holding circles, as shown are n 1 holding points in the inner holding
 in Figure 3. In other words, the adjacent circle and there
 are n2 holding
 point should points
 be ableintothe beouter holding
 connected circle, itcausing
 without can be altered to a problem
 any collision for alltopairs
 find that
 the can
 be moved.linkAsthatshown
 connects n1 + n23,nodes.
 in Figure If the
 if there are shortest
 holding n1 + points
 n2 pathsinout
 theof n1 ×holding
 inner n2 pathscircle
 are selected, the optimal combination can be found where no collision between branches
 and there are holding points in the outer holding circle, it can be altered to a problem
 occurs, even when the adjacent holding points are connected. Therefore, in this research,
Optimal Vertiport Airspace and Approach Control Strategy for Urban Air Mobility (UAM)
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 to find the optimal link that connects + nodes. If the shortest + paths out of
 Sustainability 2023, 15, 437 5 of 21
 to× find
 paths are selected,
 the optimal link thatthe optimal
 connects +combination
 nodes. If can be found
 the shortest where no collision
 + paths out of be-
 × branches
 paths areoccurs, even
 selected, thewhen thecombination
 optimal adjacent holding
 can be points are connected.
 found where Therefore,
 no collision be-
 in we
 we performed
 steps even when
 to produce
 steps to produce
 the adjacent
 a distance
 a distance
 betweenpoints matrix
 to find the shortest
 and to
 find the
 nin × n shortest
 this research,
 number of ×performed
 wepaths of to
 the distance paths in the
 matrix. distancematrix
 a distance matrix.
 between nodes and to
 1 2
 find the shortest × number of paths in the distance matrix.

 Figure 2. BBQA airspace design concept : Hybrid of SBA and BQA.
 Figure 2.2.BBQA
 Figure BBQAairspace
 airspace design conceptHybrid
 design concept: : Hybrid of SBA
 of SBA andand BQA.

 Figure 3. Branch design of BBQA.
 Figure 3. Branch design of BBQA.

 2.2. Algorithm
 Figure Algorithm for
 3. Branch for the BBQA
 design BBQA Airspace
 of BBQA.
 The algorithm
 The algorithm to to find
 find BBQA
 BBQA model’s
 model’s optimal
 optimal airspace
 airspace was
 was upgraded
 upgraded basedbased on on the
 2.2. Algorithm sinfor
 sin thethe
 the previous
 previous study
 BBQAstudy [35]. Identical
 Airspace Identicalto to SBA
 SBA and
 and BQA,
 BQA, as
 as itit was
 was more
 more important
 to find
 find an
 an exact
 exact design
 design than than having
 having aa faster
 faster solving
 solving speed,
 speed, more
 more focus
 focus was was put
 put on
 on finding
 the The algorithm to find BBQA model’s optimal airspace was upgraded based 1on the
 the exact
 exact solution
 solution through
 through aa full
 full search
 search rather
 rather than
 than using
 using heuristic
 heuristic methods.
 methods. Algorithm
 Algorithm 1
 shows the sin
 the the previous
 algorithm’s study [35].
 pseudocode to Identical
 to search
 search for to
 for the andairspace
 optimal BQA, asof
 airspace itBBQA.
 of was more
 BBQA. important
 to the
 the an exact
 given designthe
 algorithm, than
 the having
 most optimal
 optimal a faster
 point speed, more holding
 point arrangement,
 arrangement, focus was putradius,
 circle on finding
 theandexact solution
 branch design through
 for BBQA a full
 and branch design for BBQA can be determined.search
 be rather
 determined. than using heuristic methods. Algorithm 1
 shows the algorithm’s pseudocode to search for the optimal airspace of BBQA. Through
 given algorithm, the most
 1. Pseudocode optimal holding
 for determining pointairspace
 the optimal arrangement, holding
 algorithm circle radius,
 for BBQA
 and branch design for BBQA can be determined.
 : Max holding time
 : Min1.
 Algorithm time separation for
 Pseudocode between takeoff and
 determining thelanding
 optimal airspace algorithm for BBQA
 Given: : Minimum separation distance between eVTOL aircrafts.
 : Max holding time
 : Min time separation between takeoff and landing
 : Minimum separation distance between eVTOL aircrafts.
Optimal Vertiport Airspace and Approach Control Strategy for Urban Air Mobility (UAM)
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 Algorithm 1. Pseudocode for determining the optimal airspace algorithm for BBQA
 th : Max holding time
 ∆S : Min time separation between takeoff and landing
 du : Minimum separation distance between eVTOL aircrafts.
 K = 1 // Initial number of holding circles
 ropt = 500 // Initial optimal radius of the outermost holding circle
 Ct = 2×th∆S // Calculate maximum airspace capacity of VTCA.
 Find the combination of ni satisfying constraint ∑ ni = Ct
 FOR All combinations
  of ni 
 ri = MAX ◦ , ri−1 + du // Calculate the radius of each holding circle i.
 2×sin 180
 n i
 rout = rk // Radius of the outermost holding circle
 IF ropt ≥ MI N [rout ] THEN
 ropt = MI N [rout ]
 k = k + 1 // Increase the number of holding circles.
 Stop. No improved solution found via the swap.
 FOR all holding circles
 FOR x = 1 to ni of holding circle i
 FOR y = 1 to ni+1 of holding circle i + 1
 DIST(x, y) = distance between two points // Calculate distance matrix
 Find the ni + ni+1 shortest distance // find optimal branch design

 The BBQA model has basically an identical process of finding the optimal airspace to
 that of SBA and can produce various airspace designs including the radius of the outermost
 holding circle, like SBA. The problem of finding the optimal airspace can be expressed by a
 simple mixed-integer programming (MIP) formulation:

 Min router
 s.t ri ≥ 180◦
 2×sin ni
 r i ≥ r i −1 + d u
 ∑ ni = Ct
 0 ≤ ni ≤ Ct , ni is integer (ni ∈ Z)

 where ri : the radius of each holding circle (i);
 ni : the number of holding points on holding circle i;
 du : minimum separation distance between eVTOL aircraft;
 Ct : maximum airspace capacity of VTCA.
 The objective function seeks to minimize the radius of the outermost holding circle in
 the vertiport terminal control area (VTCA), which suggests using a minimal airspace to
 operate the vertiport. If the radius is the same, the BBQA model was designed to select the
 optimal airspace design using D HP , which was applied in SBA as well. D HP is an indicator
 that checks the difference between the maximum number of holding points in the holding
 circle and the actual number of holding points, and if D HP is smaller, the airspace design
 has adequate distribution of holding points. Figure 4 shows an instance in which there
 are five holding circles, with a maximum airspace capacity of VTCA of 60 eVTOL aircraft.
 Using the identical airspace as this example, it can be seen that the last instance in which
 the holding point has D HP = 72.3 and is well-distributed is the optimal airspace design.
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 Figure airspacedesigns

 2.3. Simulation Results
 2.3. Simulation Results
 We conducted a simulation to determine the optimal airspace for the BBQA strategy.
 We 5conducted
 Figure shows thea simulation
 simulation resultto determine
 for each the optimal
 model andairspace
 the optimalfor the BBQA model
 airspace strategy. fol-
 Figure 5 shows the simulation result for each model and the optimal
 lowing the number of holding circles. The radius of the outermost holding circle decreased airspace model follow-
 ing the the
 when numberholdingof holding circles. The
 circle increased fromradius
 one tooffour the for
 SBA, BQA, holding circle decreased
 and BBQA, but when
 when the holding circle increased from one to four for SBA,
 there were five holding circles, the radius increased, producing an inefficient airspaceBQA, and BBQA, but when
 there were five holding circles, the radius increased, producing
 design. In addition, the BQA needed more airspace than SBA or BBQA, as it has restrictions an inefficient airspace de-
 sign. In addition, the BQA needed more airspace than SBA or
 on its branches. The newly introduced BBQA requires identical airspace as SBA but also BBQA, as it has restrictions
 on its branches.
 finds the optimal The newlyshape
 branch introduced
 between BBQA
 holding requires
 points. identical airspacethe
 BQA increased as airspace
 SBA but safety also
 finds the optimal branch shape between holding points. BQA
 by restricting the paths of eVTOL aircraft with branches with the airspace design but increased the airspace safety
 restricting the paths of
 significantly eVTOL
 larger aircraft
 airspace with
 than SBA branches
 and proved with the to beairspace design
 inefficient but re-of
 in terms
 space significantly
 efficiency. As larger
 shown airspace
 in Figurethan5,SBA and proved
 if there are twoto be inefficient
 holding circles,inBQA terms of space
 requires an
 efficiency. As shown
 airspace radius in Figure
 of 115.7 5, if there
 m, whereas SBAare two holding
 requires circles,
 an airspace BQAofrequires
 radius 106.1 m.anInairspace
 all cases,
 radius of 115.7
 with three m, whereas
 to five SBA requires
 holding circles, it can beanseen
 airspace radius
 that the of 106.1
 required m. In of
 airspace allBQA
 cases, is with
 three to five holding circles, it can be seen that the required
 than that of SBA. BBQA used the same airspace as SBA and achieved the same airspace airspace of BQA is larger than
 that of SBA.
 safety as BQA.BBQA used the same airspace as SBA and achieved the same airspace safety as
 BQA. To check whether the suggested algorithm can find the optimal airspace effectively
 To check
 under various whether the suggested
 conditions, the parameters algorithm thatcan findthe
 affect theairspace
 optimal design
 airspacewere effectively
 under various conditions,
 The simulation the parameters
 was performed with the that
 holdingthe time
 (th ) design
 assumed were altered.
 to be 1200 s, Thethe
 minimumwas time performed
 separation with the max
 between holding
 takeoff andtime ( ) assumed
 landing (∆S ) assumed to be 1200
 to bes,5~15the mini-
 s, and
 the minimum
 mum time separationseparation
 between distance
 and landing eVTOL ( )aircraft
 assumed (duto
 ) in
 5~15 range
 s, and ofthe20~40min-m.
 The simulation
 imum separation result
 distanceis shown
 betweenineVTOL Figure aircraft
 6. Through ( ) inthis
 rangeitofcan be seen
 20~40 m. The that even
 with result
 lation various changes
 is shown inin conditions,
 Figure the optimal
 6. Through airspace
 this result, it cansearch
 be seenfor BBQA
 that evenperforms
 with various well.
 In addition,
 changes it can bethe
 in conditions, seen that the
 optimal shapesearch
 airspace of theforairspace is determined
 BBQA performs well. In ∆S . When
 byaddition, it
 ∆S be
 can is seen
 constant, the shape
 that the airspaceof thechanges
 airspacein size dependingby
 is determined on the du , but
 . When the branch shape
 is constant, the
 and holding
 airspace changes point arrangement
 in size dependingremain , but the
 on the identical. ∆Sbranch
 shapethe andmaximum
 holding point airspace
 rangement remain identical. determines the maximum airspace
 capacity of VTCA and therefore affects the airspace shape, but d only affects
 u capacity of VTCA the sizeandand
 affects the airspace shape, but only affects the size and not the shape.
 not the shape.
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 Figure 5. Airspace design for each model under the same conditions. (1), (2),... (5) means the number
 Figure 5. Airspace design for each model under the same conditions. (1), (2),... (5) means the num-
 of holding
 ber circles.
 of holding circles.
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 Figure 6. Various airspace designs of BBQA with parameter changes.
 Figure 6. Various airspace designs of BBQA with parameter changes.
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 3. Approach Control Using BBQA Model
 3. Approach Control Using BBQA Model
 3.1. Development
 Development of of BBQA
 BBQA Model
 The BBQA model operates similarly
 BBQA model operates similarly toto the
 the BQA
 BQA modelmodel proposed
 proposed in in our
 our previous
 research [36]. However, in the airspace design stage, it is not restricted in its branch count,
 [36]. However, in the airspace design stage, it is not restricted in its branch count,
 with increased in
 with increased inspace
 using SBA’s
 SBA’s airspace.
 airspace. Figure
 Figure 7 shows
 7 shows the the approxi-
 mate framework
 framework of the of the BBQA
 BBQA model.model.
 The BBQAThe BBQA model consists
 model consists of twosimilar
 of two stages stages to
 similar to
 existing models. The first step is a preparation step for the implementation
 models. The first step is a preparation step for the implementation of the model. In the of the model.
 In the
 first firstthe
 step, step, the parameters
 parameters necessary necessary for airspace
 for airspace design and design and approach
 approach control arecontrol are
 inserted, and based on this input, the optimal airspace, which includes
 and based on this input, the optimal airspace, which includes the radius of the holding the radius of the
 circle, thecircle, the holding
 holding point arrangement,
 point arrangement, and count,
 and branch branchiscount, is constructed.
 constructed. In addi-
 In addition, the
 basicthe basic initialization,
 initialization, whereby whereby
 the flight the
 dataflight data are
 are loaded and loaded and the
 the initial ETAinitial ETA (esti-
 (estimated time
 mated timeisof
 of arrival) arrival) isiscalculated,
 calculated, performed. is performed.

 Figure 7. The framework of the BBQA model.
 Figure 7. The framework of the BBQA model.

 During the second secondstep,
 controlisis performed.
 performed. InInthethe flight
 flight status
 status data,
 data, all
 all information
 information required
 required for approach
 for approach control,
 control, such as such
 the as the coordinates
 coordinates of the vehicles,
 of the vehicles, landing
 sequence, sequence,
 and vehicle andoccupancy
 vehicle occupancy
 of holding of points,
 included is included
 and checked and and
 in real time. in real time. Ifatlanding
 If landing a vertiport at aisvertiport
 possible, is possible,
 then a searchthen a search isfor
 is performed performed
 vehicles that for
 vehicles that can land in holding circle 1. If there is such a vehicle,
 can land in holding circle 1. If there is such a vehicle, then it gives landing clearance to then it gives landing
 the aircrafttowith the the
 aircraft with
 highest the highest
 priority in the priority in the landing
 landing sequence. At thesequence.
 same time, Atitthe same
 time, it searches
 for a vehicle thatfor a vehicle
 can enter the that can enter
 empty holdingthe point,
 empty which
 holding point, which
 becomes becomes
 unoccupied as un-
 aircraft that
 occupied as are
 the granted
 aircraft landing
 that are clearance in holding
 granted landing circle 1inbegin
 clearance the landing
 holding sequence.
 circle 1 begin the
 Unlike BQA,
 landing sequence.because BBQA
 Unlike is connected
 BQA, with diverse
 because BBQA branches,
 is connected witha diverse
 vehicle branches,
 with the fastest
 a ve-
 sequence is chosen among the eligible vehicles. This process is
 hicle with the fastest sequence is chosen among the eligible vehicles. This process is iden- identical all the way to
 holding circle N. The vehicles that are granted landing or moving
 tical all the way to holding circle N. The vehicles that are granted landing or moving clear-clearance move through
 a predetermined
 ance move through route. Additionally, they
 a predetermined update
 route. the landingthey
 Additionally, sequence
 update of the
 the flight
 data in real
 quence of the time by status
 flight performing
 data in GA-based
 real timeoptimal scheduling.
 by performing GA-based optimal scheduling.
 The biggest improvement
 improvementof ofthe
 BBQAmodel modelcompared
 comparedtoto the
 existing BQA BQAis the re-
 is the
 duction of the bottleneck phenomenon by designing a more flexible
 reduction of the bottleneck phenomenon by designing a more flexible branch structure. If branch structure. If the
 the bottleneck phenomenon
 phenomenon is decreased, the occurrence
 is decreased, the occurrence of landing reversal
 of landing is also is
 reversal decreased,
 also de-
 and the landing sequence calculated through schedule optimization
 creased, and the landing sequence calculated through schedule optimization can main- can maintained.
 tained.Figure 8 is a sample of an approach control with the BBQA model applied. The parts
 marked in shades of red represent vehicles with the moving clearance traveling. If the
 branch structure were the simple BQA, then the eVTOL entering holding circle 2 would be
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 21

 Figure 8 is a sample of an approach control with the BBQA model applied. The parts
 Sustainability 2023, 15, 437 11 of 21
 marked in shades of red represent vehicles with the moving clearance traveling. If the
 branch structure were the simple BQA, then the eVTOL entering holding circle 2 would
 be 26, not 36. However, the BBQA grants moving clearance to eVTOL number 26, which
 26, not 36. However, the BBQA grants moving clearance to eVTOL number 26, which has a
 a faster landing
 landing sequence.
 sequence. Through
 Through this procedure,
 this procedure, the landing
 the landing sequencesequence control effi-
 control efficiency
 ciency can be maximized.
 can be maximized.

 Figure A sample
 8. sample
 8. A ofofBBQA
 model application.

 3.2. Advantages of the BBQA Model
 3.2. Advantages of the BBQA Model
 To check the quality of the suggested BBQA model, a series of simulation experiments
 To check
 were the quality
 performed. of theit suggested
 To compare BBQA BQA,
 with the existing model, a series
 SBA, and SBAMof simulation
 models, we experi-
 ments a total of 200
 were performed. Tosimulations:
 compare it with100 different flightBQA,
 the existing schedules
 SBA,andandscenarios using we
 SBAM models,
 2 differenta scheduling
 performed total of 200 strategies. We analyzed
 simulations: the 12,000
 100 different vehicle
 flight flight data
 schedules andpoints deduced
 scenarios using 2
 from this scenario. In addition, we compared the result to the existing
 different scheduling strategies. We analyzed the 12,000 vehicle flight data points deducedmodels and checked
 the performance of the BBQA.
 from this scenario. In addition, we compared the result to the existing models and checked
 Figure 9 is a histogram of BQA and BBQA’s delay times. To check the excellence
 theofperformance of the BBQA.
 the suggested BBQA model, a series of simulation experiments were performed. The
 Figure 9 is a histogramaccording
 delay time was calculated of BQA and to the BBQA’s
 differencedelay times.the
 between Toactual
 arrival of
 and the BBQA model,
 scheduled a series
 time of simulation
 of arrival (STA); if thisexperiments
 value is negative,wereit performed. The de-
 signals an early
 time was Thecalculated
 delay time according
 the difference
 between between
 BQA and theBBQA
 actualwas time
 not of arrival
 (ATA) and theHowever,
 significant. scheduled the time
 arrival (STA);to
 similarly if existing
 this value is negative,
 models, had delayit signals an early
 times closer
 to zero
 arrival. Thewhen
 delay using
 timethe genetic-algorithm-based
 distribution difference betweenscheduling
 BQAmodeland BBQAcompared
 was tonotwhen
 very sig-
 nificant. However, the BBQA model, similarly to existing models, had delay that
 using the first-come-first-served (FCFS) model. Accordingly, it can be confirmed timesthecloser
 scheduling strategy that minimizes the deviation of STA and ATA is implemented well in
 to zero when using the genetic-algorithm-based scheduling model compared to when us-
 the BBQA model.
 ing the first-come-first-served (FCFS) model. Accordingly, it can be confirmed that the
 As another indicator that can check the excellence of BBQA, the punctuality was
 calculatedstrategy that In
 as follows. minimizes
 this study,theit deviation
 was assumed of STA
 thatand ATAwithin
 arriving is implemented
 2 min of thewell in
 BBQA model.
 schedule was on time.
 As another indicator that can check the excellence of BBQA, the punctuality was cal-
 culated as follows. In this study, it was assumed that arriving within 2 min of the planned
 schedule was on time.
 On-Time Performance (OTP) = ×100,
 1, if ≤ + 2
 where = ;
 0, otherwise
 : the number of UAM eVTOL aircraft.
Sustainability 2023, 15,
Sustainability 2023, 15, 437
 of 21

 Figure 9. Delay time for BQA and BBQA models.
 Figure 9. Delay time for BQA and BBQA models.
 Punctuality is an immensely important element not ∑ only
 xi in commercial airlines but
 On − Time Performance (OTP) = i=1 × 100,
 also in UAM. UAM has to operate a vertiport inside a limiting NV urban space, and if oper-
 ated as air taxis,
  the link between
 1, if ATAi ≤ STAi + 2 other forms of transportation is important; therefore,
 where x
 the arrival
 i = punctuality ;
 has great significance. Therefore, in UAM approach control, OTP
 0, otherwise
 (on-time performance)
 Nv : the number of UAM is an index
 eVTOLthat can prove the excellence of models. Figure 10
 shows the OTP result for each model
 Punctuality is an immensely important with a comparison
 element not of OTP
 only in for FCFS andairlines
 commercial GA-based
 scheduling. As in the results shown in Figure 10, the OTP of all models
 also in UAM. UAM has to operate a vertiport inside a limiting urban space, and if operated improved signifi-
 cantly whenthe
 as air taxis, GA-based scheduling
 link between otherwasformsapplied. Additionally,
 of transportation the BBQA model
 is important; had the
 therefore, an
 OTP of punctuality
 arrival 86.3%, which hasisgreat
 an even better rateTherefore,
 significance. than thatin ofUAM
 the SBA model.control,
 approach The newly
 gested BBQA achieved
 time performance) is anidentical
 index that airspace safety
 can prove theas BQA, in addition
 excellence of models. to Figure
 showing10 ashows
 result to that
 OTP result forofeach
 the SBAmodel in terms
 with aof OTP. In other
 comparison words,
 of OTP it proved
 for FCFS andto be the model
 GA-based which
 As inthe
 thesafest and
 results the most
 shown efficient
 in Figure 10,in terms
 the OTPof ofapproach
 all models control.
 improved significantly when
 GA-based scheduling was applied. Additionally, the BBQA model had an OTP of 86.3%,
 which is an even better rate than that of the SBA model. The newly suggested BBQA
 achieved identical airspace safety as BQA, in addition to showing a superior result to that
 of the SBA in terms of OTP. In other words, it proved to be the model which was the safest
 and the most efficient in terms of approach control.
Sustainability 2023,
 2023, 15,
 15, x437
 FOR PEER REVIEW 1313ofof21

 Figure 10.
 Figure On-timeperformance
 10. On-time performance results
 results for
 for each
 each model.

 canbebe found
 found in the
 in the landing
 landing sequence
 sequence reversal
 reversal occurrence
 occurrence status.
 status. The
 The BQA and BBQA models restrict vehicle movement strictly to branches and show a
 BQA and BBQA models restrict vehicle movement strictly to branches and show a bottle-
 bottleneck phenomenon due to queuing in identical branches. The bottleneck phenomenon
 neck phenomenon due to queuing in identical branches. The bottleneck phenomenon
 causes a reversal effect, whereby the aircraft is granted landing clearance, although its
 causes a reversal effect, whereby the aircraft is granted landing clearance, although its
 sequence is later, in contrast to the actual aircraft landing sequence. Table 1 shows the
 sequence is later, in contrast to the actual aircraft landing sequence. Table 1 shows the
 result that compares the landing sequence reversal of BQA and BBQA. Here, the BBQA
 result that compares the landing sequence reversal of BQA and BBQA. Here, the BBQA
 model was tested in two different situations. BBQA_A applied the newly suggested BBQA
 model was tested in two different situations. BBQA_A applied the newly suggested BBQA
 model perfectly. In other words, it searched for a more efficient airspace than in the airspace
 model perfectly. In other words, it searched for a more efficient airspace than in the air-
 design step. Therefore, the simulation began in a smaller airspace than the BQA model,
 space design step. Therefore, the simulation began in a smaller airspace than the BQA
 as in Table 1 and Figure 11. The holding point arrangement showed a different shape to
 model, as in Table 1 and Figure 11. The holding point arrangement showed a different
 that of BQA as well. However, BBQA_B used BQA’s holding point arrangement and radius
 shape to that of BQA as well. However, BBQA_B used BQA’s holding point arrangement
 of the holding circle and used BBQA’s branch design. This was compared for both cases
 and radius
 because it isofnot
 holdingtocircle and how
 compare usedapproach
 BBQA’s branch
 controldesign. This was
 purely effects compared
 landing for
 both cases because it is not possible to compare how approach control
 reversal if the airspace size and holding point arrangements are different. purely effects land-
 ing sequence reversal if the airspace size and holding point arrangements are different.
 Table 1. Holding circles for comparison of landing sequence reversal.
 Table 1. Holding circles for comparison of landing sequence reversal.
 Radius (m) # of Holding Points
 Radius (m) # of Holding Points
 Holding Circle 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
 Holding Circle 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
 BQA 32.4
 32.4 52.4
 52.4 72.4
 72.4 92.4
 92.4 1010 1010 2020 20
 BBQA_A 17 38.6 58.6 79.8 5 12 18 25
 BBQA_A 17 38.6 58.6 79.8 5 12 18 25
 BBQA_B 32.4 52.4 72.4 92.4 10 10 20 20
 BBQA_B 32.4 52.4 72.4 92.4 10 10 20 20
Sustainability 2023,15,
 Sustainability2023, 15,437
 x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 21
 14 of 21

 Figure 11.Airspace
 Figure11. Airspacedesign

 therewas wasan
 averageof of3.8
 sequence reversal and 3 instances which showed 8 reversal phenomena in the BQA model.
 reversal and 3 instances which showed 8 reversal phenomena in the BQA model.
 showedan anaverage
 averageof of5.8
 However, asas
 shownin Figure 11, 11,
 in Figure it isitunreasonable to directly
 is unreasonable compare
 to directly com-
 withitBQA, as the as
 with BQA, result was derived
 the result from an
 was derived airspace
 from different
 an airspace than that
 different thaninthat
 the in
 mode. It is also shown in Figure 11 that although there were more reversal phenomena, the
 BQA mode. It is also shown in Figure 11 that although there were more reversal phenom-
 OTP improved significantly. The result of BBQA_B, which was conducted under identical
 ena, the OTP improved significantly. The result of BBQA_B, which was conducted under
 airspace conditions as BQA, showed a definite decrease in reversal phenomena. There was
 identical airspace conditions as BQA, showed a definite decrease in reversal phenomena.
 an average of 2.76 reversals and even 4 cases in which no reversal occurred. In an airspace
 There was an average of 2.76 reversals and even 4 cases in which no reversal occurred. In
 identical to BQA, the BBQA model showed an improvement in landing sequence reversal.
 an airspace identical to BQA, the BBQA model showed an improvement in landing se-
 quence reversal.
 Table 2. Comparison results of landing sequence reversal.

 Table 2. Comparison
 Landing Sequenceresults of landing sequence reversal.
 Landing Sequence
 Reversal - - 4
 10 8- -- 164
 21 178 -- 2816
 3 24 4 21
 2 17 - 28
 4 17 12 16
 53 24
 17 254 1321
 64 17
 10 12
 23 216
 75 17
 4 25
 29 13
 86 3
 10 6
 23 2
 97 -4 1
 Total 1003 1006 100
 9 - 1
 In this study, we also compared 100 airspace safety using 100 the LOS (loss of100 separation)
 concept. LOS indicates that the distance between two aircraft is not secured by the minimum
 this study,
 In also compared
 addition, airspaceerror
 operational safety using
 (OE) the LOS
 is when LOS(loss of separation)
 occurs due to an
 concept. LOS indicates that the distance between two aircraft is not
 air traffic control mistake, as defined by the FAA’s Air Traffic Organization (ATO) secured by theandmini-
 mum safety distance [37]. In addition, operational error (OE) is when LOS
 classified into four hazardous stages. Table 3 shows the occurrence status and occurrence occurs due to
 an air traffic control mistake, as defined by the FAA’s Air Traffic Organization
 ratio of the OE’s danger stage for each model. Identical to the BQA model, the BBQA model (ATO) and
 is classified
 only enabled into four
 travel hazardous
 on routes where stages. Tabledistance
 the safety 3 showswas thesecured
 occurrence status
 due to and occur-
 branches in its
 rence ratio
 airspace of the
 design OE’s
 and dangerdid
 therefore stage
 notfor each model.
 generate OE inIdentical
 both the to the BQA
 FCFS and GAmodel, the BBQA
 methods. It is
 model only enabled travel on
 therefore confirmed to be a safe model. routes where the safety distance was secured due to
 branches in its airspace design and therefore did not generate OE in both the FCFS and
 GA methods. It is therefore confirmed to be a safe model.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 437 15 of 21

 Table 3. Comparison of airspace safety for each model.

 OE Severity
 Proximity Events 3139 3152 69 64
 - -
 (PE) (1.77%) (1.78%) (0.04%) (0.04%)
 Low Risk 2234 2093 378 369
 - -
 (LR) (1.26%) (1.18%) (0.21%) (0.21%)
 Moderate Risk 1151 1142
 - - - -
 (MR) (0.65%) (0.65%)
 High Risk 983 835
 - - - -
 (HR) (0.56%) (0.47%)
 5373 5245 2581 2410
 OE Total - -
 (3.04%) (2.96%) (1.46%) (1.36%)

 The BBQA model, which was developed to strengthen BQA model’s weaknesses,
 showed equal airspace safety as BQA and that same space-usage efficiency as SBA, as well
 as an improvement in OTP compared to SBA from the previous test results. Furthermore,
 by fixing BQA’s weakness, i.e., the landing sequence kept breaching due to branches, the
 landing sequence reversal was improved.

 3.3. Simulation and Empirical Results
 In this study, in order to determine how the BBQA model performs in different sce-
 narios, we conducted simulations on BBQA and analyzed the results. The basic parameter
 settings were set as shown in Table 4, and we conducted the simulation in various situations
 by adjusting the data generation standard OTP and average landing interval (ALI).

 Table 4. BBQA simulation parameters.

 Parameter Value
 STAi (scheduled time of arrival) U (1, 20 )
 th (max holding time) 1200 s
 ∆S (min time separation between takeoff and landing) 10 s
 Ct (max airspace capacity of VTCA) 60 vehicles
 Sv (vertical speed of approach) 2.5 m/s
 Sc (vertical speed of approach) 3 m/s
 du (min separation distance between eVTOL aircrafts) 20 m

 Figure 12 shows the overall performance scenarios of the simulation. The flight data
 generation needed for the simulation were OTP 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, and 90%, performed
 for five different cases and produced 100 sets of flight data per case. The standard for
 generating flight data was set to 60 eVTOL aircraft attempting to approach for 20 min, so
 an increase in OTP indicates a possible eVTOL aircraft overload in a certain time period. In
 addition, for each case, the average landing interval (ALI) was set as 20 s, 25 s, and 30 s. ALI
 is a parameter that can reflect the vertiport’s landing capacity and can guarantee the ∆S of
 the simulation, in addition to reflecting the congestion of the vertiport. The simulation was
 performed on both BQA and BBQA under identical conditions, and through 3000 scenarios,
 we obtained 180,000 vehicle flights for analysis.
ustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW
 Sustainability 2023, 15, 437 16 of 21

 Figure 12. Simulation scenario.
 Figure 12. Simulation scenario.
 Figure 13 shows the BQA simulation result when the OTP and ALI were altered.
 Except for when ALI was 20 s, when the data OTP increased, the operation OTP slightly
 Figure 13 shows the BQA simulation result when the OTP and ALI wer
 increased. However, when ALI was 25 s and 30 s, as the data OTP increased, the operation
 cept for whenThe
 OTP decreased. ALI wasin20
 increase datas, OTP
 when the data
 is premised OTP
 on the factincreased,
 that 60 eVTOLthe operation
 increased. However,
 were attempting when
 to approach ALIspan
 in a time wasof25 20 smin;
 30 s, asitthe
 can data OTP increased,
 be concluded that
 the flight density of eVTOL aircraft was high. Consequently, when ALI was 20 s, the
 OTP decreased. The increase in data OTP is premised on the fact that 60 eV
 vertiports’ landing capacity could cover the concentrated eVTOL aircraft flights, increasing
 were attempting
 the operation towhen
 OTP, but approach
 ALI wasin 25 a time
 s or 30 s, span ofworsened.
 the OTP 20 min; therefore, it can be co
 the flight density of eVTOL aircraft was high. Consequently, when ALI was 2
 ports’ landing capacity could cover the concentrated eVTOL aircraft flights, i
 operation OTP, but when ALI was 25 s or 30 s, the OTP worsened.
 A similar result can be found in Figure 14, showing the simulation
 model. As in the BQA simulation, when ALI was 20 s, the operation OTP inc
 data OTP increased, but when ALI was 25 s or 30 s, the OTP decreased. M
 had more impact than the data OTP on both the BQA and BBQA model op
 This result indicates that the concentrated demand of the data OTP affects
 OTP, but the ALI or the vertical landing capacity is a more important elem
 mining the operation OTP.
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 21
 Sustainability 2023, 15, 437 17 of 21

 Figure 13. Simulation results of BQA model with average landing interval and OTP.
 Figure 13. Simulation results of BQA model with average landing interval and OTP.
 A similar result can be found in Figure 14, showing the simulation of the BBQA model.
 As in the BQA simulation, when ALI was 20 s, the operation OTP increased as the data
 OTP increased, but when ALI was 25 s or 30 s, the OTP decreased. Moreover, ALI had
 more impact than the data OTP on both the BQA and BBQA model operation OTP. This
 result indicates that the concentrated demand of the data OTP affects the operation OTP,
 but the ALI or the vertical landing capacity is a more important element in determining the
 operation OTP.
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 21
Sustainability 2023, 15, 437 18 of 21

 Figure 14. Simulation results of BBQA model with average landing interval and OTP.
 Figure 14. Simulation results of BBQA model with average landing interval and OTP.
 Table 5 shows the OTP comparison chart for BQA and BBQA for each scenario. Previ-
 ously, 5 shows the
 we confirmed OTP
 that comparison
 BBQA shows achart
 OTPBQA and compared
 result BBQA for each scenario.
 to BQA. Pre-
 viously, we confirmed that BBQA shows a better OTP result compared
 when the ALI was 20 s, the BBQA model showed a superior OTP performance to BQA, to BQA. Especially
 when the it
 although ALI
 used was 20s, the
 smaller BBQA model
 airspace. On theshowed a superior
 other hand, when OTP performance
 ALI was 25 s and to30 BQA,
 s, the
 although it used smaller airspace. On the other hand, when ALI was
 BQA’s OTP was better. This result occurred because BQA used a larger airspace than 25s and 30s,
 BQA’s OTP was better. This result occurred because BQA used a larger
 and if they used identical airspace, BBQA would show a better result, even when the ALI airspace than
 BBQA, and
 is 25 s or 30 ifs. they used identical
 Therefore, airspace,
 as the BBQA BBQA
 model, whichwould show a better
 was designed to useresult, even when
 a relatively small
 airspace, cannot always show better OTP than BQA, it is expected to show even better rela-
 ALI is 25 s or 30 s. Therefore, as the BBQA model, which was designed to use a OTP
 the BBQA cannot always as
 has airspace show
 as theOTP
 BQAthan BQA, it is expected to show
 even better OTP results when the BBQA has airspace as large as the BQA model.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 437 19 of 21

 Table 5. Comparison of OTP for BQA and BBQA.

 OTP 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90%
 Average 20 s 80.8 80.8 81.8 82.8 84.2 84.2 83.1 83.2 85.0 85.4
 Landing 25 s 52.3 53.6 50.4 48.7 47.7 53.6 50.3 45.8 45.6 45.0
 Interval 30 s 39.7 34.5 31.2 30.1 29.1 32.3 28.4 27.1 26.0 25.3

 4. Conclusions and Future Work
 Although in this research, we suggested a scheduling technique suited for UAM
 and an approach control model called BBQA, proving their excellence in OTP and LOS,
 there are more issues to be further studied and tested. First, UAM is a concept that is not
 established and is in its early stage around the world, and eVTOL aircraft used in UAM
 do not have accurate operating specs organized. If there are technical developments on
 eVTOL aircraft and more specific establishment on UAM operating concepts, this research
 could be reinforced and be extended to a more niche and meaningful study. Secondly, in
 this research, the eVTOL aircraft used in UAM are assumed to be multicopter VTOL of
 a small category, such as the EHang 184, EHang 216, and Volocopter 2x. This assumes
 short-distance travel in urban areas, and if an actual UAM is operated, deeper thought
 should be put into operating conditions under which different types of aircraft coexist.
 Therefore, future studies should be conducted on UAM with a mix of various aircraft.
 Lastly, this research provides an approach control model for a single vertiport. However, a
 multivertiport should also be considered. In reality, commercial aircraft operation takes
 alternate airport, as well as destination airport, into consideration when performing air
 traffic management. If there are weather difficulties at the destination airport or capacity
 problems and aircraft cannot land, there is a need for traffic control that is connected to
 surrounding vertiports. Hence, for a more finalized and safer UAM operation, studies
 should be conducted taking these factors into consideration.

 Funding: This research was supported by the BK21 Program (5199990814084) through the National
 Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education.
 Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
 Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
 Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
 Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.

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