Optimal Exit Strategy for CVC and IVC Backed startups
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Optimal Exit Strategy for CVC and IVC Backed startups Bing Guo, Yun Lou and David Pérez-Castrillo∗ April 14, 2011 Abstract We theoretically and empirically study the differences in invest- ment, duration and exit strategies between startups backed by two types of venture capital funds: corporate venture capital (CVC) and independent venture capital (IVC). According to our theoretical anal- ysis, CVC backed startups stay longer in the market before exit and they invest more than those financed by IVCs. Both properties imply a higher rate of successful exits. Moreover, while longer duration leads to a higher likelihood of an exit through acquisition, a larger invest- ment increases the probability of an IPO exit. These predictions find empirical support, using venture capital data from U.S. JEL Classification: G32, G24. Keywords: Startups, Duration Corporate Venture Capital, Independent Ven- ture Capital, Investment Strategy, exit Strategy, IPO, M&A. ∗ We would like to thank Albert Banal-Estañol, Gary Dushnisky, Marı́a Gutiérrez, Inés Macho-Stadler, Philipp Meyer, Pau Olivella-Cunill, and Pedro Rey-Biel for their helpful suggestions. We are grateful to AGAUR, research projects ECO2009-07616 and 2009SGR- 169, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, and ICREA Academia for the financial support. 1
1 Introduction There are two main exit routes for successful startups: the company can go to an Initial Public Offering (IPO) or it can be sold to an existing firm (Acquisition).1 Under an IPO, the venture achieves a stock market listing so that it can receive additional financing for its projects and the insiders (venture capitalists, entrepreneur and any other stockholders) can eventually sell their shares to the public. If the startup is acquired, the insiders get im- mediate cash in return from their shares. The optimal exit route for startups depends on multiple factors, such as expected profitability of the venture; level of uncertainty; asymmetry of information between insiders and outsiders (potential acquirers, investors); possible conflicts of interest among insiders; venture capital characteristics, etc. Understanding the main trade-offs faced by startups at the exit stage is crucial because it allows to see how venture capitalists and entrepreneurs divest their companies, and also because of the impact of the (anticipated) exit strategy on the decisions taken at the onset of the venture. Another important element that influences the investment decisions is the nature of the venture capital funds that finance the startup. Some startups receive financing from Corporate Venture Capital funds (CVCs) while others are financed only by Independent Venture Capital funds (IVCs). We argue that an important difference between CVC and IVC funds is that IVC funds care more about quick exits than CVC funds do; that is, IVC backed startups have higher discount rate than those backed by CVCs. Indeed, IVC man- agers’ payment is more based on financial returns and their ability to raise additional funds depends on their reputation, which is influenced by their history of successes (Gompers, 1996; Dushnitsky and Shapira, forthcoming). Therefore, they have strong incentives to cash their return from profitable projects early. In this paper, we abstract from possible internal conflicts among insiders and we propose a model of investment, duration, and exit taking into account first, the high level of uncertainty regarding returns from the investment in the startup, second, the more accurate information in the hands of insiders, and finally, the startups’ discount rate depending on the nature of the ven- ture capital fund. 1 Two other exit routes that are not so commonly used are Management Buy-out and Refinancing (or secondary sale); see, for example Schwienbacher, 2009. 2
In our model, the decision on the duration of the startup before exit affects the investment level, as well as the market information about the successful probability of a venture. Furthermore, the level of investment influences the expected value of the startup: we assume that higher investment leads to a more favorable distribution of the set of potential values. The level of uncertainty concerning the actual value of a startup is very high. Some of the uncertainty is resolved during the development stage and the market has access to that information at the time of the exit. In our model, the level of the potential value of the venture will be eventually known by every market participants. Nevertheless, the insiders have more precise information about the expected profitability of the startup because they learn the probability of success. Whether the outsiders can be informed of such probability depends on how long the startup stays in the market be- fore exit. We show that independently on the level of information received by the potential acquirers, the ventures whose probability of success is higher are more likely to try an IPO while those with lower probability prefer looking for an acquirer. Moreover, the likelihood of going to IPO increases with the potential value of the startup, if that value is high enough. Those startups with low potential value are liquidated. We relate the startup exit decision with the investment amount and with the market level of information. First, a higher investment level brings about both, a higher likelihood of a successful exit and a higher rate of IPO ex- its among the successful ones. Second, the IPO exit rate is lower when the outsiders receive more precise information, that is, when they are informed about the success probability. CVC backed startups have lower discount rate than IVC backed startups. We show that this difference leads to higher duration of the venture, that is, larger investment and more information transmission to the market. There- fore, CVC backing leads to a higher rate of successful exists. On the rate of IPO exits among successful ventures, the two forces that we identified go in opposite directions: larger investment leads to more IPOs while more accu- rate market information leads to more acquisitions. In the previous literature, the main argument supporting the differences between CVCs and IVCs is that the sole objective of IVCs is return on cap- 3
ital while a very important objective of most CVC programs is strategic: the development of new related, business (see for instance Sykes, 1990; Yost and Devlin, 1993; Dushnitsky and Lenox, 2006; Hellmann, Lindsey and Puri, 2008). According to this strategic argument, CVC backed startups are more likely to exit by acquisition when the potential acquirer is the affiliated com- pany of the CVCs (Gompers and Lerner, 1999; Hellmann, 2002; Riyanto and Schwienbacher, 2006; Cumming, 2008). And it is indeed the case empiri- cally that the percentage of CVC backed startups that are acquired is higher than that of IVC backed ventures (Siegel, Siegel and MacMillan, 1988; Sykes, 1990). However, it has also been shown that the number of startups acquired by the company behind the CVC funds is small (Maula and Murrey, forth- coming): and our own analysis using the VentureXpert database confirms that the percentage of startups acquired by companies related to CVC in- vestors is around 5%. We claim that the difference in the discount rate between IVC and CVC backed startups is also an important element that helps explaining the em- pirically observed different behavior among the two types of venture. The effect is large but indirect: A lower discount rate for CVC backed startups implies longer duration and a higher investment level. Both imply a higher success rate, while the former induces more exits through acquisition and the latter leads to more IPO exits. We empirically test the previous claim using data on 4801 US startups from the period 1969 to 2008. According to our empirical results, one per- cent increase in the level of investment significantly increases the probability of IPO exit by 0.065%. Also, one percent increase in the duration of the venture significantly decreases the likelihood of IPO exit by 0.017%. Finally, we show that, after controlling for the duration effect and for the level of investment, there is no significant difference in the rate of IPO exits between IVC and CVC backed startups. In fact, we observe that the presence of CVC investors has a positive, although not significant, effect on the IPO exit rate. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the model. In Section 3, we develop the analysis of the optimal exit strategy. In Section 4, we derive the main implications in terms of the optimal duration decision and we apply our conclusions to the discussion about the differences between CVC and IVC backed startups. In section 5, we empirically confirm our theoretical predictions. Section 6 concludes and discusses some exten- sions for future study. All the proofs are included in the Appendix. 4
2 The Model We analyze the optimal investment and duration decisions and exit strategy of startups (S). In our model, startups’ decisions at any stage are aimed to maximize the expected discounted profits. We assume that they behave as a unit and we abstract from the internal conflicts that may arise within them (mainly the conflicts between entrepreneurs of the startups and venture capitalists). However, we will allow later on startups receiving CVC funding and those receiving only IVC funding to have different objectives. For our purposes, the main difference between CVC and IVC funds is that they have different discount rate (r). The main characteristics of the model are the following. The first decision taken by the startup is the duration of the venture d. The decision is made at the beginning of the life of the startup and we do not take into account its dynamic aspect, which is not relevant for our purpose. The duration of the venture has two effects in the model: it determines the total level of investment I, which in turn has a positive impact on the expected quality of the venture, and it also influences the amount of information that flows to the market. When the startup makes its first decision, there is a high degree of un- certainty with respect to both, the potential value of the venture V and the probability p of being able to realize this value. Part of the uncertainty is resolved as the startup develops. All the market participants will be able to observe some of the information, but the insiders will acquire more precise information on the expected quality of the project. In our model, we reflect this asymmetry in the information between insiders and outsiders in a sim- ple way. When it is revealed, everybody can observe the potential value V . Moreover, the insiders always learn the probability p. However, the precision of the information received by the outsiders about p depends on the dura- tion of the venture: the longer d, the more precise the outsiders’ information. The venture requires additional financing C to possibly achieve the value V . Hence, if the potential value V is low, the startup will be liquidated (this is the first exit option). If, on the contrary, continuing the venture is prof- itable, then the startup will either look for a firm (an acquirer) interested in adding the venture into its business, or it will go to an initial public offering (IPO). In the first case, the acquirer will offer a deal to the startup that will reflect the expected value of the business and the bargaining power of the parties. Then, the acquirer will integrate the venture into its organization 5
and, when it confirms that it is worthwhile doing it, it will make the addi- tional financing to obtain V . In case the startup tries an IPO, then the market investors will go through a thorough analysis concerning all possible aspects of the startup. The mar- ket investors will make a careful auditing of the corporate valuation, market prospection and so on. The outcome of the analysis will be a new signal on the profitability of the startup that we model also in a simple way: either the market makers are convinced that the startup will be successful with proba- bility 1 (High signal), or they will still not be able to assess it with certainty (Low signal). All these processes are costly and the startup needs to cover the cost. The market investors will make an offer to the startup owners in case of a High signal. More precisely, the model is the following: At t = 1, the startup decides the duration of the venture d. • We assume that the startup receives a fixed investment stream of i. Hence, the total investment amount is I = di if the duration is d. In turn, the level of I determines the distribution of the potential value of the startup V : the value V follows a distribution function Γ(V ; I), with density function γ(V ; I). It can only be cashed if at later stages a fixed new funding C is made. After the investment and before all the other decisions are taken, the value of V is realized and it is observable by everybody. • The level of d determines the information learned by the potential ac- quirers about a signal p on the likelihood of success, i.e., the probability of realizing V . For simplicity, we assume that ex ante p is uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1]. The startup always learn p. The potential acquirers will learn p with probability h(d), increasing in the duration d. At t = 2, the startup takes the exit decision. It has three possibilities: liquidation (Liq), looking for an acquirer (Acq), or going to an IPO. • The liquidation value of the startup is always 0. 6
• In case it decides to look for an acquirer, then a deal price is negotiated, depending on the bargaining power of the two parties and on the ac- quirer’s information. The bargaining power for the startup is denoted by m. In case of acquisition, the acquirer will invest C to realize V if it confirms that the project is successful. • Going to an IPO is the most complex and costly exit route for the startup. We denote by F all the fixed costs due to the IPO pro- cess. It leads to one public signal βe on the profitability of the venture, βe ∈ {H, L}. We assume that β is the probability for the market to be able to verify a successful project after receiving the public signal. Therefore, the probability of observing βe = H is equal to βp. In case the signal is H, the competitive market will set a price Z for IPO. If the startup accepts the price, then a successful IPO is carried out. In order to realize V , in addition to Z, the market needs to raise C to cover the remaining investment needs. In case the signal is L, then no offer is issued.2 The time line is captured by Figure 1. Given the fixed costs involved in IPOs, this exit route is an option only if the screening is informative enough. In our stylized model, IPOs may be chosen only if β > m, which we will assume from now on. We solve the model by backward induction, taking into account that there may exist asymmetric information among the participants. Therefore, we use sequential equilibrium as the solution concept, since it combines sub- game perfection ideas with Bayesian updating. 2 We assume that a startup that receives a low signal does not get any offer and quits the market. We make this assumption for simplicity. First, for those startups that receive a signal L, the situation is often similar to the lemon’s market in Akerlof (1970)’s model: there is no price under which market profits are non negative (taking into account the startups that accept that offer). Therefore, the assumption that IPOs do not make offers to startups that receive low signals can be sustained as a result of a more general model. Second, the startups may go to the acquisition market (at t = 3) once they fail at IPO, where the acquirers will take into account the new information produced at IPO. This adds some (small) additional profits to those ventures that choose the IPO exit. However, the qualitative results of our analysis do not change if we add this possibility. (For an analysis of the previous extensions, see Guo, 2010). 7
Figure 1: The Time Line 3 The Analysis of the Optimal Exit Strategy In this section, we start at t = 2, where the duration is decided and the investment made at t = 1 is already sunk. The potential value for the venture V is realized and observed by all the participants. Moreover, the startup has already received the private signal concerning the probability of success p. The potential acquirer may also know p (this happens with probability h(d)) or not. We study the optimal exit strategy in both situations. 3.1 Optimal Exit Strategy with informed outsiders As mentioned in the previous section, the value of the startup in case of Liq is 0. Also, the deal price of acquisition corresponds to a share m of the expected value of the venture. Remember that the potential acquirer needs to invest C to realize V , which will only be made when the venture is believed to be successful. Taking into account that the acquirer knows p, the expected value of the venture is p [V − C]. Therefore, if the startup goes to the acquisition market at t = 2, the deal price is mp [V − C], whenever V − C > 0. Consider now a startup characterized by (V, p) that goes through an IPO, with V − C > 0 (otherwise, profits are always negative). After the startup pays F , the market receives the signal β. e If the realization is βe = L, which happens with probability (1 − βp), it will not receive any offer. If the realiza- tion is βe = H, then the competitive market of investors will offer Z = V − C, 8
which the startup will accept. The startup obtains higher expected profits going to an IPO than looking for an acquirer if and only if3 βp [V − C] − F ≥ mp [V − C] . (1) The following proposition describes the optimal exit strategy of a startup characterized by (V, p) when outsiders are informed about p, where we denote 1 F po ≡ min ,1 . (2) [β − m] [V − C] Proposition 1. Consider the case of a startup characterized by (V, p) where potential acquirers have learned p. The startup’s optimal exit strategy is as follows: 1. If V − C 6 0, the startup is liquidated and gets the payoff Uo (V, p) = 0. 2. If V − C > 0 and p < po , the startup goes to the acquisition market and gets a deal value Uo (V, p) = mp [V − C]. 3. If V − C > 0 and p > po , the startup invests F and goes to the IPO market. Moreover, (a) if it gets public signal H, then it receives an offer Z = V − C from the IPO market and it accepts it; (b) if it gets public signal L, then it does not receive any offer from the IPO market. Therefore, in this case, Uo (V, p) = βp [V − C] − F . The basic trade-off between IPO and acquisition is that while the IPO process is very costly, it also allows the startup owners to get a larger share of the value of profitable ventures. Startups with high enough probability of success are ready to pay the cost of the process. To analyze the effect of the different parameters on this trade off, we conclude the analysis of the optimal exit strategy by doing the comparative statics of po with respect to 3 We take the convention that a startup indifferent between going to an IPO and looking for an aquirer at t = 2 goes to an IPO. Similarly, a startup indifferent between being liquidated and not chooses liquidation. 9
1 F all the parameters, for the interior case where [β−m] [V −C] < 1. This analysis highlights the characteristics of the startups and the market that make it more likely to observe exits through IPO or through acquisition. Indeed, a higher po implies a lower likelihood of exit through IPO. Proposition 2. Consider the situations where potential acquirers learn p. Then, the likelihood of IPO increases with V and β and it decreases with F , C, and m. According to Proposition ??, the higher the potential value of a startup V (similarly, the lower the additional funding C), the more willing it is to go to the IPO market. Given the costly IPO process, only those startups that really benefit from the more competitive IPO market are willing to follow this path. As expected, a higher bargaining power m in the acquisition market leads to less IPO exits. Finally, an efficient IPO process, reflected by a low cost F and powerful screening capability β, makes IPO an appealing exit. 3.2 Optimal Exit Strategy with uninformed outsiders The analysis of the optimal strategy of a startup that looks for an exit when the potential acquirers do not know the value of p has some similarities with the one developed previously. First, if the startup’s potential value V is lower than C , it is liquidated. Second, the IPO offer is Z = V − C if it receives a signal βe = H which, in particular, implies that the startup will accept the offer. Finally, potential profits from IPO versus Acquisition increase with the value of p; therefore, there will be a cut-off value poo (that depends on V and that can possibly be equal to 0 or 1) above which the startup goes to IPO. The main new aspect when the value of p is unknown by the potential acquirers is that the price that they may offer does not depend on the real value of p but on the expected value of p from the point of view of the ac- quirer, which is a function of the startup equilibrium behavior. The deal that a potential acquirer will make to a startup that approaches it at t = 2 will be based on the expected value of p at this time, which is p2oo . Therefore, the deal price at t = 2 will be m p2oo [V − C]. Similar to the informed outsiders’ case, a startup whose probability of success is equal to poo must be indifferent (if poo ∈ (0, 1)) between going to IPO and looking for an acquirer. Therefore, an interior poo is characterized by poo βpoo [V − C] − F = m [V − C] . (3) 2 10
Equation ?? implies that the cut-off value is ( ) 1 F poo ≡ min m ,1 . (4) β − 2 [V − C] For completeness, we state in Proposition ?? the equilibrium behavior of startups when outsiders are uninformed as to the value of p. Proposition 3. Consider the case of a startup characterized by (V, p) where potential acquirers have not learned p. The startup’ equilibrium exit strategy is as follows: 1. If V −C 6 0, the startup is liquidated and gets the payoff Uoo (V, p) = 0. 2. If V − C > 0 and p < poo , the startup goes to the acquiring market and gets a deal value Uoo (V, p) = m p2oo [V − C]. 3. If V − C > 0 and p > poo , the startup invests F and goes to the IPO market. Moreover, (a) if it gets public signal H, then it receives an offer Z = V − C from the IPO market and it accepts it; (b) if it gets public signal L, then it does not receive any offer from the IPO market. Therefore, in this case, Uoo (V, p) = βp [V − C] − F . Moreover, at equilibrium, the likelihood of IPO increases with V and β and it decreases with F , C, and m. The intuitions behind Proposition ?? are the same as those explained after Propositions ?? and ?? 4 Analysis of the Optimal Duration Decision We address now the optimal duration decision by the startup at t = 1. The analysis of the previous section allows computing the expected income Uo (V, p) or Uoo (V, p) of a startup whose potential, publicly known value is V and whose probability of success is p, depending on the level of information by the outsiders. We now calculate the expected profits for a given duration d, denoted as U (d), which requires taking the expectation of the expected 11
income over the possible values of V (whose distribution function Γ(V ; I) depends on I = di) and p: Z Z −rd i U (d) = e [h(d)Uo (V, p) + [1 − h(d)] Uoo (V, p)] dpdΓ(V ; di) − (1 − e−rd ) V p r i = e−rd [h(d)EUo (di) + (1 − h(d))EUoo (di)] − (1 − e−rd ) r (5) where ri (1 − e−rd ) is the discounted cost of the stream of investment i for a duration d and we denote Z Z EUo (di) = Uo (V, p)dpdΓ(V ; di), (6) V p Z Z EUoo (di) = Uoo (V, p)dpdΓ(V ; di). (7) V p We can interpret EUo (di) as the expected profits at the time of exit of a startup that has invested I = di at t = 0 and whose realized probability p is known by potential acquirers. Similarly, EUoo (di) is the startup’s expected profits if the realization of p is unknown by outsiders. The probability that the information is known by the potential acquirers, h(d) increases with the duration. Moreover, the longer d, the lower the expected profits at t = 0 due to the discounting. Next proposition shows an important result concerning the role of infor- mation on the expected profits by the startup: they are higher when the potential acquirers learn p than when they do not: Proposition 4. EUo (I) ≥ EUoo (I) for every I > 0, and the inequality is strict whenever poo < 1. Assuming an interior solution for the duration decision, the optimal du- ration d∗ is characterized by U 0 (d∗ ) = 0 and the implied optimal investment level is I ∗ = d∗ i. How does the optimal duration and the implied investment level change with the discount rate r? The next proposition states the intuitive result that more patient startups stay longer in the market before exit and there- fore, they invest more resources. 12
Proposition 5. The optimal duration d∗ and investment I ∗ decrease with the discount rate r. Our main interest is the analysis of the implications of a lower discount rate (r) on the number of successful exits and on the percentage of IPO among the total successful exits. The main consequence of a lower discount rate is a longer duration, stated in Proposition ??. We now see how this property affects the likelihood of success and IPO exit. A longer duration means higher investment, which should imply that the distribution of V s is more concentrated in higher values. This, in turn, should lead to higher likelihood of successful exit. Proposition ?? states this result, together with the simple hypothesis that guarranties it: all that is required is that the probability that the value V lies above C is decreasing with the investment level I. Proposition 6. If the value Γ(C; I) is decreasing in I, then the rate of successful exits decreases with r. To discuss the effect of r on the likelihood of IPO exit, we identify two effects. First, the longer duration implied by a lower r means that the mar- ket has more precise information which, in our model, is reflected through a higher probability for the public to know the successful probability p. Sec- ond, the longer duration leads to higher investment level. We now analyze the implications of these two facts on the likelihood of an IPO exit. The first question is, which informational setting (informed or uninformed outsiders) makes IPO exits more likely? The next proposition, whose proof is straightforward from equations (??) and (??), answers this question. Proposition 7. The probability of going to IPO is higher when the potential acquirers have not learned p than when they have learned p. More precisely, poo < po whenever poo ∈ (0, 1), and po = 1 whenever poo = 1. Figure 2 depicts the optimal exit strategy highlighted in propositions ?? and ??. For high values of p and V , IPO is the optimal exit route inde- pendently on the potential acquirers’ information. Similarly, going to the acquisition market is always the optimal startups’ strategy for low values of p and V (provided V > C). In the intermediate (shadow) region of Figure 2, startups go to IPO when the outsiders have not learned p, while they prefer going to the acquisition market if outsiders have observed p. 13
Figure 2: Optimal Exit Strategy The intuition of Proposition ?? is the following: When the outside ac- quirers observe the true value of p, they offer a deal according to p. However, when they do not observe the true successful probability, they can only offer an deal according to the expected probability, which is independent of the true value p. Consider a startup whose realized probability is po , that is, it is indifferent between IPO and acquisition if information about p is public. What happens if information is not public? The deal it will obtain in the acquisition market is lower, as it is based on the expected probability. There- fore, it would rather go to IPO than look for an acquirer. As a consequence, uninformed markets are more likely to lead to IPO exits. Longer duration leads to more information about p for outsiders that, ceteris paribus, implies a reduction in the likelihood of IPO exit, according to Proposition ??. The second effect of a longer duration is a higher investment level that, as mentioned before, should imply a shift in the distribution of V towards higher values. As shown in propositions ?? and ?? (see also Figure 2), the higher the value V , the more likely it is that the exit happens through an 14
IPO rather than through acquisition, independently on whether potential acquirers have learned p. Therefore, a lower discount rate r should imply a higher IPO rate among successful stories. Proposition ?? states this result, together with a sufficient condition on the behavior of the distribution func- tion Γ(V ; I) with respect to I. γ(V ;I) Proposition 8. Assume that the function 1−Γ(C;I) is non-decreasing in I from C on, i.e., ∂ γ(V ; I) ( ) > 0, f or V > C. ∂I 1 − Γ(C; I) Then, the likelihood of IPO among the successful exits increases with I both, when the potential acquirers have learned p and when they have not learned p. We notice that a simple distribution function that satisfies that sufficient conditions on propositions ?? and ?? is a uniform distribution function whose lower bound is increasing in I(t), for example, γ(V ; I) = V 1−I for V ∈ [I, V ], where V is some high value. Longer duration leads to a better distribution of values V that, ceteris paribus, implies an increase in the likelihood of IPO exit, according to Propo- sition ??. Therefore, we have identified two effects that go on different direc- tions: on the one hand, a longer duration implies a better informed potential acquirer, which should lead to more acquisitions; on the other hand, a larger investment should lead to more exits through IPO. 5 CVC vs IVC Backed startups The analysis of the previous sections allows us to contribute to the discussion of the differences between startups that receive funds from CVC and those that only receive IVC funding. As mentioned in the Introduction, several authors have addressed the differences in the exit strategy between the two types of startups, taking into account that CVCs (in addition to financial profits) aim at the potential strategic benefits from their investment in the startups (Gompers and Lerner, 1999; Hellmann, 2002; Riyanto and Schwien- bacher, 2006; Cumming, 2008). According to this literature, the strategic 15
motive behind CVC investment leads to more acquisitions. One important difference between CVCs and IVCs that has not received attention in the previous studies is the fact that CVCs are typically less compelled to recover the investment earlier (see Schwienbacher, 2009). We associate this difference with a lower discount rate for startups that receive CVC funding. According to our analysis, the difference in the discount rate between CVC and IVC backed startups has testable implications on their strategy. In this section, we report the results of an empirical study of our theoretical implications: CVC and IVC backed startups have different durations before exit, investment amount and exit strategies. CVC backed startups stay longer in the market before exit. The first theoretical prediction of our model shows that startups with lower dis- count rate choose to stay longer before exit. Since CVC funds are more patient than IVC funds, we expect that CVC invested startups have a longer duration before exit than those backed by IVC funds. CVC backed startups have a higher investment level than those financed by IVC funds. According to our theoretical implications, we should observe higher investments in CVC backed startups than in IVC backed startups. With less cash constraint and having strategic aim, CVC funds are less hurry to exit their startup projects than IVCs do, i.e. their startups have a longer duration before exit. Therefore, those startups have a higher investment amount. Longer duration implies more Acquisition exits and higher in- vestment level leads to more IPO exits. Our theoretical model indicates an indirect impact of VC funds’ characteristics on startups’ exit strategies. As we mentioned before, startups with CVC banking invest more in their projects than those with IVCs, which is triggered by a lower discount rate and longer duration in the market. The theoretical model predicts that a higher investment level would in turn increase the probability of an IPO exit. However, longer duration will increase the information related to the value of the startups in the market. More information is predicted to re- duce the probability of IPO exits. We are supposed to observe higher IPO frequency for larger investment amount (CVC funds) and more Acquisition exits for longer duration (CVC funds). Therefore, the effect of CVC funding on startups’ exit strategy is not clear. 16
5.1 Data Description We obtain the relevant data, i.e., investment amount, IPO date, acquisition (Acquisition) date, investment rounds, number of investors, investors’ type, IPO price, Acquisition deal value, VC fund size, etc, from the VentureXpert database. Our dataset contains 4801 startups in the US market from 1969 to 2008. Our final sample (4801 startups) covers 63 industries in US. Table 1 pro- vides an overview of the industry composition of our sample (by two-digit SIC code). In the table, we just include industries with more than 20 obser- vations. We observe concentration of industries with SIC code 28, 35, 36, 38 and 73. Those coes correspond to Chemical, Electronic and Business Service related industries, where venture capital investments are more common. 5.1.1 Dependent Variables We are testing the effect of VC funds’ characteristics (CVC or IVC) on star- tups’ investment and exit strategies. Therefore, two dependent variables are needed: startups’ investment amount and the exit rule (IPO or Acquisition). To measure the investment amount of a startup, we obtain the investment for startups in U.S. at each investment round. Then we sum up the round level investments to get the total investment amount for a startup. The exit strategy of a startup is indicated by a dummy variable. It is equal to 1 if a startup exits through an IPO and 0 if it exits through an Acquisition. 5.1.2 Independen Variables The theoretical model predicts the influence of different VC funds’ character- istics on startups’ investment and exit behavior. Therefore, the independent variable is whether a startup is financed with CVC funds or IVC funds. There are two definitions of CVC backed startups in the literature (Toldra, 2010). Under the first definition, a startup is defined as CVC financed if all the investments are from CVC funds. The second defines a startup as CVC backed if at least one of the investors are corporate venture capitalists. In this paper, we use the second definition because it gives us a larger dataset. We use two variables to measure the VC fund characteristics. Firstly, we create a dummy variable that is equal to 1 if a startup receives at least 17
one investment from CVCs. If all the investments are from IVC funds, the startup is IVC financed and the dummy variable is equal to 0. Secondly, we calculate the percentage of investment made by CVC funds out of total investment in each startup as another measure of the funds’ characteristics. As is discussed, we attribute the main difference between CVC and IVC funds to the fact that CVC funds are less compelled to recover the investment earlier. Therefore, duration of a startup is another relevant variable. It is calculated as the difference between the exit date (IPO date or Acquisition date) and the date at which a startup receives the first investment from venture capital firms. 5.1.3 Controlling Variables Based on previous literature, we use a set of controlling variables to estimate the effect of VC funds characteristics and the duration of startup projects, on their investment and exit strategies. It includes the average VC fund size, total number of investment round, VC syndication size, industry market-to- book value, the relationship between CVC funds and their invested startups (competitive or complimentary), 3 months and 6 months MSCI return4 be- fore the exit date, the industry fixed effect and the year fixed effect. Table 2 provides the definitions of all the variables and Table 3 summa- rizes the basic statistics of those variables. 5.2 Analysis and Results Two empirical questions are studied in this section: the influence of VC fund characteristics on startups’ investment strategy and exit strategy. Since VC fund characteristics is the main explanatory variable in our empirical study, we first look at whether startups backed by CVC funds and those financed by IVC funds have different behavior. We provide some basic statistic dif- ferences between CVC and IVC financing in Panel A of Table 4. We observe significant differences between startups with CVC funds and with IVC funds in most variables. In fact, CVC backing implies a significantly higher investment than IVC backing. The average investment per venture for 4 The Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) constructs a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that measures the equity market performance of developed and emerging markets. We use the MSCI ACWI (All Country World Index) Index of the United States in the paper. 18
both exit strategies is around 50 million USD for CVC backed startups while it is only around 21 million USD for those only backed by IVCs. This fact has already been highlighted by previous literature (Gompers and Lerner, 2000; Hellmann, 2002). Moreover, there is a large gap between the mean duration of the two types of venture. The mean duration for CVC backed startups is 1929 days, compared with 1649 days for IVC backed startups. We also find that compared with IVC financing, CVC financing leads to more investment rounds. CVC backed startups exit at later investment stages (i.e. more exits at expansion or later stages than exits at seeds or early stages). However, we have not found any significant difference in IPO exit rate and VC fund size between the two types of VC funds. We now have a deeper look at how the VC fund’s characteristics influence on the startups’ investment amount and exit strategy. 5.2.1 Fund’s Characteristics and Investment Strategy The difference in the investment amount might come either from differences in the type of projects in which the funds invest (selection bias), or from the intrinsic characteristics of the type of fund, such as the discount rate. We use the VentureXpert database to confirm that the selection bias does not seem important: it is only when CVCs enter the startups that there is a change in the investment amount. This result is included in Panel B and Panel C of Table 4. Table 4 (Panel B) depicts the number of startups that receive funds from the two types of the venture capitalists. The columns stand for different investment rounds and the lines are groups of startups, differentiated by the round in which CVC investors enter. We provide results until group 8, in which CVCs enter the project at the eighth investment round.5 The highlighted numbers represent the number of survival startups when CVC investors join in the venture. For example, the first line (Gr.0) describes the group of startups that only receive IVC funds. There are 2778 of them, out of which 2117 also receive second round financing, 1492 receive third round financing, and so on. The third line (Gr.2) includes the group of startups that start receiving CVC funds at the second investment round. There are 415 of them, out of which 291 also receive third round financing, and so on.6 5 There are CVCs that enter after the eighth round. Since the number of these CVCs is small, we don’t show the details of those cases. 6 The number just before 415 should have been 415. However, it is only 401 due to missing data. A similar problem appears in other lines. 19
It is worth highlighting that most CVC backed startups start receiving CVC financing at very early stages. One third of them (548 out of 1792) receive CVC funds at the first round, and almost 55% of them get CVC financing at the first two rounds. This is somehow at odds with previous findings sug- gesting that CVCs often enter at later investment rounds (Hellmann, Lindsey and Puri, 2008; Dushnitsky and Shapira, forthcoming; Masulis and Nahata, 2009). More interestingly, Table 4 (Panel C) shows the average investment per round and per group. Before CVCs enter the ventures, the investment amount is similar for all groups. For example, startups in Group 0 (that never receive CVC funds) invest almost 5.4 million USD in round 1, com- parable with the 5.47 million USD of those that will receive CVC backing in round 2. However, these numbers are quite lower than 8.90 million USD received by startups backed by CVCs at round 1. A similar effect appears for all the rounds. Hence, before CVC investors join in the ventures, IVCs invest in similar projects, suggesting no selection bias among the projects. The in- vestment levels are significantly increased when CVCs enter into the startups. To see whether the intrinsic characteristics of the type of fund has an effect on the investment decision, we also empirically test the different in- vestment amount between CVC and IVC backed startups. The main idea is summarized in the following hypothesis: Hypothesis 1. H0 : CVC backed startups have the same investment amount as IVC backed startups do. H1 : CVC backed startups have a higher investment amount than IVC backed startups do. The principal model applied for the estimation is: 6 X 0 ln Investi = α0 + α1 F und sCharacteristics + α2 ln Durationi + αk Zk + i k=1 (8) In equation(??), Investi is the total investment amount at the startup level. F und0 sCharacteristics measures whether the startup is financed by CVC funds or IVC funds. Durationi is the duration time for startup i. Zk is a set of controlling variables, including investment rounds, VC fund size, VC syndicate size, industry market-to-book value, industry and year fixed effect. To obtain a robust estimation of how venture capital funds influence 20
startups’ investment amount, we have estimated three models. Model 1. The first estimated model is described by the Equation (??). For F und0 sCharacteristics, we use the dummy variable CV C as an explanatory variable. It is equal to 1 if the startup receives investments from CVC funds and 0 otherwise. Model 2. In the second model, we still use the dummy variable CV C as a measure of fund’s characteristics, while include the controlling variable of CVC strategic relationship. The variable measures whether the corporation behind CVC funds is a potential com- petitor to the invested startups or not. It is a dummy variable which is equal to 1 if the corporation is in the same industry as the startup (competitors) and 0 if not. It is included accord- ing to Masulis and Nahata (2009). They indicate that because of the strategic aim of CVC funds, they can be competitors to the startups in the future. Therefore, startups ask for a higher investment from CVC funds than from IVC funds in order to be compensated for potential market competition. We include the variable in the model to control possible effects on startups’ investment strategy. Model 3. We use the percentage of investment made by CVCs (CV C per) as an indicator of CVC backed startups in the third model. It is constructed by dividing investment from CVC funds over the total investment amount of a startup. A higher value means that the startup is more CVC oriented. According to the theoretical prediction, α1 is expected to be positive for all the models. The results of an OLS regression on the three models are reported in Table 5. We obtain the same estimated results using three different mod- els. CVC funds have a significantly positive impact on the total investment amount of startups. Startups financed by CVC funds invest 0.28% more than those financed by IVC funds if VC fund’s characteristics is attributed by the dummy variable. Similarly, if the CVC investment amount as a percentage of the total investment for a startup increases 1%, the startup receives 0.34% more investment. Moreover, longer duration also implies significantly higher investment level. For all the three models, one percent increase in duration means 0.13% higher investment. These results match with our theoretical prediction. In addition, more investment rounds, larger fund size and larger 21
syndicate size lead to more investment in startups. We do not find any sig- nificant effect of the corporate venture capital funds’ relationship with the startups (competitive or complementary) on startups’ investment amount. 5.2.2 Funds’ Characteristics and Successful Exit Rate The second implication of our theoretical analysis is that the rate of liqui- dation (failure) among CVC backed startups should be smaller than that of IVC backed startups. We can not directly test this result because our database only contains successful stories, that is, those startups that either went to a successful IPO or were acquired. However, using indirect methods, the result has been empirically confirmed by Gompers and Lerner (2000); Chemmanur and Loutskina (2008); Masulis and Nahata (2009); Dushnitsky and Shapira (forthcoming); and Ivanov and Xie (forthcoming). For example, Dushnitsky and Shapira (forthcoming), show that CVC backed startups ex- hibit significantly better performance as measured by the rate of successful portfolio exits. The increase in the successful exit rate ranges from 9.7% to 20% depending on CVC managers’ incentives. 5.2.3 Funds’ Characteristics and Exit Strategy The common view on the influence of CVC funds on startups’ exit strategy in the empirical literature, is that there is a higher rate of acquisition exits for CVC startups, because of CVCs’ strategic aim. However, our theoretical model identifies two forces that go in opposite directions: CVC backed star- tups stay longer before exit and they invest more. The duration effect has a negative, while the investment has a positive effect on the likelihood of IPO exits. According to our model, the identity of the fund does not matter. It only influences the exit decision throught duration and investment. There- fore, it is interesting to see what happens in the real market. The following hypotheses summarize the idea: Hypothesis 2. H0 : CVC backed startups have the same probability of IPO exit as IVC backed startups. H1 : CVC backed startups have a higher probability of IPO exit than IVC backed startups do. Hypothesis 3. H0 : Duration of a startup before exit has no effect on the probability of IPO exit. 22
H1 : Duration of a startup before exit has a negative effect on the probability of IPO exit. Hypothesis 4. H0 : Investment amount has no effect on the probability of IPO exit. H1 : Investment amount has a positive effect on the probability of IPO exit. The following simple regression summarizes the estimation: X5 0 Exiti = α0 +α1 F und sCharacteristics+α2 ln Durationi +α3 ln Investi + αk Zk +i k=1 (9) The dependent variable Exiti is a dummy variable, with value of 1 if it is IPO exit and 0 for an Acquisition exit. Duration has the same definition as in Equation (??). We also control the effect of investment amount on the probability of an IPO exit. The set of controlling variables are similar to the previous regression, except that we include one additional controlling variable: later stage dummy variable. It is a proxy for the relative control between entrepreneurs and VC funds.7 If startups exit at some later stages (i.e. the expansion or the later stage), entrepreneurs have more controlling power. Otherwise, VC funds have more power. Hence, it is a dummy variable equal to 1 for expansion or later stage, and 0 for seed or early stage. To check the robustness of our results, we also apply regression estimation on four models based on the Equation(??). Model 1. The first estimated model is the one described in Equation (??), with a dummy variable CV C to measure the funds’ characteris- tics. We use an OLS regression to do the estimation. Model 2. In our second model, we include two more controlling variables: 3-month and 6-month MSCI index. Those variables are used to control the stock market condition before the exit date. This is because a strong stock market before the exit date may increase the probability of an IPO exit. Model 3. Similar to the estimation on investment amount, we consider the percentage of CVC investment out of the total investment amount at startup level as a measure of the funds’ characteristics. 7 Cumming (2008) points out that the relative controlling power between the en- trepreneur of a startup and VC funds influences the exit strategy. Entrepreneurs prefer IPO exit while VC funds could vote for Acquisition exit. Therefore, the relative controlling power between the two parties affects the choice of the exit strategy. 23
Model 4. Since the dependent variable in the estimation model is a dummy variable, we use a Logistic estimation in Model 4 to check the robustness of our OLS estimation. Model 5. In model 5, we estimate the effect of funds’ characteristics on startups’ exit strategy, without the control of duration effect or investment effect. For all the models, we expect to observe α2 to be negative and α3 to be positive. The results are described in Table 6. The effect of CVC fund’s charac- teristics on the IPO exit is positive but not statistically significant, using either the CVC dummy variable or the percentage investment of CVC as an explanatory variable. However, this effect of CVC funds on the exit strategy can be explained by startups’ duration and the investment amount. Longer duration means a significantly lower probability of IPO. One percent increase in the duration will decrease the probability of IPO by 0.017%. Differently, investment amount has a significantly positive effect on the probability of IPO. We observe that one percent increase in the investment amount in- creases the probability of IPO exit by 0.065%. These results are robust for all the first four models, with both OLS estimation and Logistic esti- mation. The results of Model 5 confirm that the duration effect and the investment effect explain the impact of VC funds’ characteristics on the exit strategy. Specifically, the investment effect dominates the duration effect, be- cause CVC funds increase the likelihood of IPO exits when neither duration nor investment effect is controlled. Furthermore, the competitive relation- ship between CVC funds and startups leads to more IPO exits. When the stock market is strong for 3 months before the exit date, there incur more IPO exits. On the contrary, if the stock market is strong for 6 months be- fore the exit date, the impact on IPO exits is negative. Interestingly, as the entrepreneurs have more controlling power over the startups than VC funds do, more IPO exits are observed. This result is consistent with the findings of Cumming (2008).8 All the results match with our theoretical predictions. 8 We acknowledge that the result of later exit stage associated with higher IPO exit rate can be explained by other stories. For example, since the startup exits at the expansion or the late stages, it is better developed. This leads to a higher probability of IPO exit. However, we can not measure the relative controlling power between the entrepreneurs and VC funds directly because of limited data. The later exit stage dummy variable is the best proxy we can find. 24
5.2.4 Sensitivity Test In this section, we estimate the previous regressions by removing the star- tups in the Business Service industry (SIC2 = 73). The Business Service industry contains almost 50% startups in our sample. Therefore, we exclude the startups from that industry, to mitigate the concern that our results are driven by certain industry. Table 7 provides the estimated results for the subsample. Our results are qualitively robust, although the effect of duration on the exit strategy is not statistically significant. 6 Conclusion In this paper, we study the optimal initial and exit decisions by startups. In particular, we focus on the difference in behavior between CVC backed startups and IVC backed startups. In our theoretical model, the difference between CVC and IVC financing is attributed to different discount rates. We assume that (for example be- cause of strategic objectives) CVC funds are less hurried to exit than IVC funds. Therefore, startups backed by CVC funds have a lower discount rate than those backed by IVCs. We find that CVC backed startups have longer duration before exit and larger investment level than those financed by IVCs. These properties, in turn, lead to higher successful exit rates and to two op- posite impacts on the likelihood of an IPO exit. Longer duration, implying more information in the acquisition market, increases the probability that the startup looks for an acquirer. On the contrary, higher investment level, increasing the value of the startups, encourages more IPO exits. The theoretical results are then empirically tested with data from Ventur- eXpert database. Our empirical study indicates that CVC financing do imply longer duration and larger investment level than IVC funding. Moreover, the effect of venture capital funds’ characteristics on startups’ exit strategy can be explained through the investment and duration decisions. Shorter dura- tion as well as larger investment level significantly lead to a higher likelihood of IPO exit. Once these two effects are taken into account, whether the venture capital fund is corporate or independent does not have a significant influence on the startup exit decision. 25
Appendix Proof of Lemma 1. Proof. Propositions ?? and ?? imply that Z Z p o Z 1 EUo (I) = mp(V − C)dp + [βp(V − C) − F ] dp dΓ(V ; I) V ≥C 0 po Z 1 1 2 = β(V − C) − (β − m) po (V − C) + F (1 − po ) dΓ(V ; I) V ≥C 2 2 and Z Z poo Z 1 poo EUoo (I) = m (V − C)dp + [βp(V − C) − F ] dp dΓ(V ; I) V ≥C 0 2 poo Z 1 1 2 = β(V − C) − (β − m) poo (V − C) + F (1 − poo ) dΓ(V ; I). V ≥C 2 2 Therefore, EUo (I) ≥ EUoo (I) if 1 1 (β − m) p2o (V −C)+F (1 − po ) ≤ (β − m) p2oo (V −C)+F (1 − poo ) . (10) 2 2 Equation (??) holds if equality if poo = 1 (and then, po = 1 as well). Otherwise, denote j(p) ≡ 12 (β − m) p2 (V − C) + F (1 − p). Then, j 0 (p) = (β − m) p(V − C) − F < 0 for all p < min {po , 1}, given the definition of po . Therefore, j(poo ) > j(po ) whenever poo < 1, that is, (??) holds with strict inequality when poo < 1. Proof of Proposition ?? Proof. The First Order Condition of Equation (??) w.r.t. d is: EU 0 (d) = −re−rd [h(d)EUo (di) + (1 − h(d)EUoo (di)] + e−rd h0 (d)[EUo (di) − EUoo (di)] + ie−rd [h(d)EUo0 (di) + (1 − h(d))EUoo 0 (di)] − ie−rd . (11) Then at d = d∗ , ∂EU 0 (d) < 0, (12) ∂d and ∂EU 0 (d) = −dEU 0 (d) − e−rd [h(d)EUo (di) + (1 − h(d))EUoo (di)] ∂r (13) = −e−rd [h(d)EUo (di) + (1 − h(d))EUoo (di)] < 0. 26
Using the Implicit Function Theorem, we obtain ∂d < 0. (14) ∂r ∂I Moreover, since I = di, ∂r < 0 as well. Proof of Proposition ?? Proof. We notice that the rate of IPO exits over the total successful exits is either Z γ(V ; I) [1 − po (V )] dV (15) F V >C+ β−m [1 − Γ(C; I)] or Z γ(V ; I) [1 − poo (V )] dV. (16) V >C+ β−Fm [1 − Γ(C; I)] 2 Both expressions increase in I under the proposed assumption. 27
Table 1. Industry Composition of the Sample Two-Digit SIC Code Industry Name Number of Startups 13 Oil and gas extraction 27 20 Food and kindred products 21 27 Printing and publishing 24 28 Chemicals and allied products 360 35 Industrial machinery and equipment 274 36 Electronic and other electronic equipment 510 38 Instruments and related products 348 48 Communications 199 50 Wholesale trade - durable goods 57 51 Wholesale trade - nondurable goods 20 59 Miscellaneous retail 64 62 Security and commodity brokers 20 63 Insurance carriers 29 73 Business services 2, 199 80 Health services 127 87 Engineering and management services 195 28
Table 2. Definitions of Variables Variables Definitions CVC Dummy variable equal to 1 for CVC backed startups and 0 for IVC backed startups CVC Per Percentage of investment by CVC in each startup IPO Dummy variable equal to 1 for IPO exit and 0 for Acquisition exit Investment amount Total investment amount at startup level, measured by disclosed equity amount summed over investment rounds Duration Difference in days between the exit date and the date at which a startup receives the first investment from venture capital firms Investment rounds Number of investment rounds for a startup VC syndicate Number of venture capital firms that invest in a startup VC fund size Average size of venture capital funds that finance the startup CVC strategic relationship Measure of CVC strategic competitors, dummy variable of 1 if a CVC has the same 4-digit SIC code as its start-up, and 0 otherwise Industry MB Industry market-to-book value at the year that CVC firm makes the first investment MSCI 3 mon MSCI return 0-3 months prior to the exit date MSCI 6 mon MSCI return 3-6 months prior to the exit date Later stage dummy Relative controlling power between entrepreneur and VC, a dummy variable of 1 if a startup is at expansion or later stage at the exit, and 0 otherwise 29
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