Page created by Christopher Douglas
Mercy MyRetirement Program

Because your
is counting on you

                             Your MyRetirement 401(k)
                             Enrollment Guide
Invest some of what you earn today for
      what you plan to accomplish tomorrow.
    It’s a pleasure to let you know that you will be enrolled in the Mercy Health MyRetirement 401(k)
    Plan. Take a look and see what a difference the Plan could make in achieving your goals. If you
    have not enrolled in the MyRetirement 401(k) within 30 days of your eligibility date, you will be
    automatically enrolled in the Plan at a contribution rate of 6% of your pretax eligible earnings and
    your contributions will be invested by the ProManage PROgramTM account management service.
    We encourage you to take an active role in the MyRetirement 401(k) and choose a contribution
    rate and investment options that are appropriate to you. If you do not wish to contribute to the
    Plan, you must change your contribution rate to 0% within the first 30 calendar days of your
    eligibility and call Fidelity to opt out of the ProManage PROgramTM.

    Benefit from:                                      Roth contribution. Allows you to make
                                                       after‑tax contributions to your retirement
    Match Contribution. Mercy helps your
                                                       savings plan and take any associated earnings
    contributions grow through a generous match
                                                       completely tax free at retirement—so long
    of 50% of the first 4% you contribute to the
                                                       as the distribution is a qualified one.
    plan and 25% of the next 2%—it’s like getting
    “free” money. That’s why it makes good             Portability. You can roll over eligible savings
    financial sense to contribute at least 6% to the   from a previous employer into this Plan.
    plan. Both pretax and Roth contributions are       You can also take your plan vested account
    eligible for Match Contributions, up to 2.5% if    balance with you if you leave Mercy.
    you contribute at least 6%. Take advantage of
                                                       Investment options. You have the flexibility
    this great benefit today!
                                                       to select from investment options that range
    Mercy also makes an annual nonmatching             from conservative to aggressive, making
    Service Contribution to your account.              it easy for you to develop a well-diversified
                                                       investment portfolio. Your Plan offers you the
    Convenience. Your contributions are
                                                       option of having experienced professionals
    automatically deducted regularly from your
                                                       manage your account for you.
                                                       Online beneficiary(ies). With Fidelity’s Online
    Tax savings now. Your pretax contributions are
2                                                      Beneficiaries Service, you can designate
    deducted from your pay before income taxes
                                                       your beneficiaries, receive instant online
    are taken out. This means that you can actually
                                                       confirmation, and check your beneficiary
    lower the amount of current income taxes you
                                                       information virtually any time.
    pay each period. It could mean more money in
    your take-home pay versus saving money in a        Participate in your plan and invest
    taxable account.                                   in yourself today.
Frequently asked questions about your plan.
  Here are answers to questions you may have about the key features,
  benefits, and rules of your plan.

When can I enroll in the plan?                   How do I enroll in the Plan?
If you have not enrolled in the Plan within      You can enroll online at
30 days of your date of hire, you will be Click the
automatically enrolled at a contribution         Enroll Today box on the Homepage and the
rate of 6% of your pretax eligible earnings,     system will guide you through the enrollment
excluding certain bonus and other one-time       process. You can also enroll by calling the
payments covered under a separate deferral       Fidelity Retirement Benefits Line at
election. You will also be enrolled in the       1-800-343-0860.
account management service, the ProManage
                                                 What fees will be charged to my account for
PROgramTM. For a small fee, the PROgramTM
                                                 the administrative expenses of the plan?
determines and manages your investment
                                                 Plan administrative fees may include
mix for you. However, we encourage you
                                                 recordkeeping, accounting, trustee, and other
to take an active role in the Plan and to
                                                 administrative fees and expenses associated
choose a contribution rate and investment
                                                 with maintaining the Plans. Administrative
options that are appropriate for you. If you
                                                 fees for the MyRetirement 401(k) Plan are
do not wish to contribute to the Plan, you
                                                 $14 per quarter and are deducted from your
must change your contribution rate to 0%
within the first 30 days of your employment.
You may change your contribution rate            What is the Roth contribution option?
at any time by logging in to NetBenefits®        A Roth contribution to your retirement
at, or               savings plan allows you to make after-
by calling the Fidelity Retirement Benefits      tax contributions and take any associated
Line at 1-800-343-0860. To opt out of the        earnings completely tax free at retirement—
ProManage PROgramTM, you must contact            so long as the distribution is a qualified one. A
the Fidelity Retirement Benefits Line by         distribution from a Roth 401(k) is federally tax
phone at 1-800-343-0860 and choose your          free and penalty free, provided the five-year
investment options. You cannot opt out online.   aging requirement has been satisfied and one
Once you have opted out, you can make            of the following conditions is met: age 59½,
                                                 disability, or death. State taxes may apply.          3
investment option changes on NetBenefits
at                  Through automatic payroll deduction, you can
                                                 contribute from 1% to 75% of your eligible pay
                                                 as designated Roth contributions, up to the
                                                 annual IRS dollar limits.

                                                 For more information, please log in to NetBenefits®
                                                 at and
                                                 select Library from the home page.
How much can I contribute?                           Match Contribution:
    Through automatic payroll deduction, you may
                                                           When You Contribute           Mercy Will Match
    contribute up to 75% of your eligible pay on a
                                                                     1%                        0.5%
    pretax basis, a Roth basis, or a combination
                                                                     2%                         1%
    of both, up to the annual IRS dollar limits. A                   3%                        1.5%
    separate contribution election is available for                  4%                         2%
    certain bonus and other one-time payments.                       5%                       2.25%
    In addition, you can automatically increase                      6%                        2.5%
    your contributions each year through the
                                                         Service Contribution: This contribution is
    Annual Increase Program. You can sign
                                                         based on a percentage of your salary for the
    up by logging on to Fidelity NetBenefits®
                                                         year and is available to all eligible co-workers,
    at and
                                                         even if you do not contribute to the Plan.
    clicking on “Contributions” or by calling
    1-800-343-0860. Employees determined to                   If Your Service Is       Mercy Will Contribute
    be highly compensated may have additional                   1–4.99 years                    1%
    limitations.                                                5–9.99 years                    2%
                                                               10–14.99 years                   3%
    What are the IRS contribution limits?
                                                              15 or more years                  4%
    The IRS contribution limit for 2018 is $18,500.
    If you have reached or will reach age 50             Minimum Service Contribution: The Service
    during the calendar year (January 1–                 Contribution will be the greater of the
    December 31), your contribution limit                percentage of pay shown in the previous table
    is $24,500, which includes a “catch-up”              and the amount shown in the table below,
    contribution of $6,000.                              prorated if you’ve worked part time or a
                                                         partial year.
    When is my enrollment effective?
    Unless you elect otherwise, you will begin            If Your Benefit Service Is   Mercy Will Contribute

    contributing during the pay period following              Less than 3 years                $440
    your 30th day of employment—your third                        3–4 years                    $550

    or fourth paycheck, depending on how                          5–9 years                    $660

    payroll periods fall. If you log in and make a              10–14 years                    $880

    contribution election before the 30 days are                  15+ years                   $1,100

    up, it will take effect in one to two pay periods.

    Does Mercy contribute to my account?
4   Mercy helps you get retirement ready by
    making two annual contributions: the Match
    Contribution and the Service Contribution. To
    be eligible for these contributions, co-workers
    must be credited with working 1,000 hours
    per year (roughly 20 hours per week and must
    be employed on December 15 of the calendar
    year). Both contributions are made annually in
    February for the prior calendar year.
How do I designate my beneficiary?                 What if I don’t make an investment election?
If you have not already selected your              We encourage you to take an active role
beneficiaries, it’s time to consider your          in the MyRetirement 401(k) and choose
beneficiary designations. Fidelity’s Online        investment options that best suit your goals,
Beneficiaries Service, available through           time horizon, and risk tolerance. If you do
Fidelity NetBenefits®, offers a straightforward,   not select specific investment options in the
convenient process that takes just                 Plan, you will be enrolled in the ProManage
minutes. Simply log in to NetBenefits® at          PROgramTM, which not only determines an and click              investment mix for you, but also monitors and
Beneficiaries in the Profile tab. If you do not    rebalances your account each year. This is
have access to the Internet or you prefer to       the default option—all accounts are initially
complete your beneficiary information by           managed by ProManage unless you elect
paper form, please call 1-800-343-0860.            otherwise by calling the Fidelity Retirement
                                                   Benefits Line at 1-800-343-0860. You
What are my investment options?
                                                   cannot opt out of the service online. Please
To help you meet your investment goals,
                                                   review the ProManage brochure (included
the Plan offers you a range of options. You
                                                   with these new hire materials, posted on
can select a mix of investment options
                                                   the MyRetirement Page on Baggot and at
that best suits your goals, time horizon,
                                          for more
and risk tolerance. The many investment
                                                   information on how ProManage determines
options available through the Plan include
                                                   your investment mix and what the fees are.
conservative, moderately conservative,
and aggressive funds. Details about your           When am I vested?
investment options start on page 9 of this         You are always 100% vested in your own
booklet with more information on NetBenefits       contributions to the Plan as well as any
at                    earnings on them.

Do I have a self-directed                          Being vested means the Match and Service
brokerage account option?                          Contributions are yours to take when you leave
For those desiring the most investment             Mercy. You receive one year of vesting service
flexibility and choice, the Plan offers a self-    for any part of a calendar year in which you are
directed brokerage option, which gives you         credited with working 1,000 hours.
access to individual stocks and bonds as well
                                                   All contributions made by Mercy have a three-
as many other mutual funds. A complete
                                                   year vesting, which means if you have three
description of the Plan’s investment options                                                          5
                                                   or more years of service, the contributions
and their performance, as well as planning
                                                   are yours.
tools to help you choose an appropriate mix,
are available online at Fidelity NetBenefits®.          Years of Service      Vesting Percentage
                                                              ‹3                     0%
                                                              3+                    100%
Can I take a loan from my account?               Can I make withdrawals?
    Although your plan account is intended for the   Withdrawals from the Plan are generally
    future, you may borrow from your account for     permitted when you terminate your
    any reason.                                      employment, retire, reach age 59½, or if
                                                     you become permanently disabled or have
    Generally, the Plan allows you to borrow
                                                     severe financial hardship, as defined by your
    up to 50% of your vested account balance.
                                                     plan. You may take a distribution from your
    The minimum loan amount is $1,000 and
                                                     rollover accounts at any time. The taxable
    a loan must not exceed $50,000. You then
                                                     portion of your withdrawal that is eligible for
    pay the money back into your account, plus
                                                     rollover into an individual retirement account
    interest, through automatic payments from
                                                     (IRA) or another employer’s retirement plan
    your bank account. (Any outstanding loan
                                                     is subject to 20% mandatory federal income
    balances over the previous 12 months may
                                                     tax withholding, unless it is rolled directly
    reduce the amount you have available to
                                                     over to an IRA or another employer plan.
    borrow.) You may have one loan outstanding
                                                     (You may owe more or less when you file your
    at a time. The cost to initiate a loan is $50,
                                                     income taxes.) If you are under age 59½, the
    and there is a quarterly maintenance fee of
                                                     taxable portion of your withdrawal is also
    $6.25. The initiation and maintenance fees
                                                     subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty,
    will be deducted directly from your individual
                                                     unless you qualify for an exception to this
    plan account. If you fail to repay your loan
                                                     rule. To learn more about and/or to request
    (based on the original terms of the loan), it
                                                     a withdrawal, log in to Fidelity NetBenefits®
    will be considered in “default” and treated
                                                     at or call
    as a distribution, making it subject to income
                                                     the Fidelity Retirement Benefits Line at
    tax and possibly to a 10% early withdrawal
                                                     1-800-343-0860. The plan document and
    penalty. Defaulted loans may also affect your
                                                     current tax laws and regulations will govern in
    eligibility to request additional loans. Be
                                                     case of a discrepancy. Be sure you understand
    sure you understand the Plan guidelines and
                                                     the tax consequences and your plan’s rules for
    impact of taking a loan before you initiate a
                                                     distributions before you initiate a distribution.
    loan from your plan account.
                                                     You may want to consult your tax advisor about
    To learn more about or to request a loan,        your situation.
    log in to
                                                     When you leave Mercy, you can withdraw
    or call the Fidelity Retirement Benefits Line
                                                     contributions and any associated earnings
    at 1-800-343-0860.
                                                     or, if your vested account balance is greater
                                                     than $1,000, you can leave contributions
                                                     and any associated earnings in the Plan.
                                                     After you leave Mercy, if your vested account
                                                     balance is equal to or less than $1,000, it will
                                                     automatically be distributed to you.
Can I move money from another                       Where do I get more information?
retirement plan into my account in the              You can access your account and find
MyRetirement 401(k)?                                informative videos and articles along with
You are permitted to roll over eligible pretax      many retirement planning tools on NetBenefits
contributions from another 401(k) plan, 401(a)      at
plan, 403(b) plan, or traditional IRA.
                                                    You can also call the Fidelity Retirement
See the Transfer/Rollover/Exchange Form             Benefits Line at 1-800-343-0860 to speak
at the end of this Guide for incoming               with a representative who is familiar with your
rollovers, or call the Fidelity Retirement          plan from 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Central time,
Benefits Line at 1-800-343-0860                     or use the automated voice response system,
or log in to Fidelity NetBenefits® at               virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. for details.
                                                    The MyRetirement page on Baggot, Mercy’s
                                                    internal site, has links to the website, as
                                                    well as other helpful information—including
                                                    a link to the orientation presentation. Email
                                                    Mercy’s retirement team with questions at

This enrollment guide provides you with an overview of the MyRetirement 401(k) Plan benefits. It
covers only the key features of the program and is not intended to be a complete detailed summary. If
any conflict occurs between this material and the plan documents that define this program, the plan
documents will govern.

The plan sponsor and the individual employers who have co-workers covered under this plan will
be referred to as “Mercy” throughout this document. The plans are administered by the Benefits
Committee appointed by Mercy Health. Certain administrative functions have been delegated to the
Retirement Administrative Committee. The plan sponsor may amend or terminate the plan. The plan
is governed by the Internal Revenue Code rules pertaining to Church plans and is not subject to the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act.                                                                7
What is the Roth 401(k) Contribution Option?
    A Roth contribution is available to employees        How does a Roth 401(k) contribution
    who participate in the 401(k) plan. For payroll      option work?
    purposes, Roth contributions are treated as          You elect an amount of your salary that you
    after tax. This feature will allow participants      wish to contribute to the Roth source, just
    to make Roth contributions to their plan while       as you would for your traditional 401(k).
    taking their earnings completely federally tax       The contribution is based on your eligible
    free at retirement—so long as the withdrawal         compensation, not on your net pay—for
    is a qualified one. A distribution from a Roth       example, if your total annual eligible
    401(k) is federally tax free and penalty free,       compensation is $40,000 per year and you
    provided the five-year aging requirement             elect a 6% deferral amount, then $2,400 per
    has been satisfied and one of the following          year would go into your Roth 401(k) account.
    conditions is met: age 59½, disability, or death.
                                                         Unlike your traditional 401(k) pretax
    State taxes may apply.
                                                         contribution, with a Roth 401(k) contribution
    If you qualify to make traditional 401(k)            you pay the taxes now on the contributions you
    contributions, you are eligible for a Roth           make—but later your earnings are all tax free,
    401(k) contribution.                                 if you meet certain criteria.

                                                         Example: Sally earns $40,000 and has elected
                                                         to put 6% toward her Roth 401(k) contributions
                                                         and 6% toward her traditional 401(k) pretax
                                                         contributions on a monthly basis.

                                                                                           ROTH 401(k)*           401(k)*
                                                          Sally’s monthly
                                                          contribution into                     $200                 $200
                                                          each account
                                                          Sally’s reduction in
                                                                                                $200                 $150
                                                          take-home pay
                                                        *This hypothetical example is based solely on an assumed federal
                                                          income tax rate of 25%. No other payroll deductions are taken into
                                                          account. Your own results will be based on your individual tax situation.
                                                         Your combined Roth and traditional pretax 401(k) contributions
8                                                        cannot exceed the IRS limits for the year.
Investment Options
Here is a list of investment options for the MyRetirement 401(k) Plan. For up-to-date
performance information and other fund specifics, log in to
To discuss your objectives and options, contact a Fidelity Retirement Representative for a one-
on-one discussion at 1-800-343-0860.

Stock Investment Options                                                              Ticker

DFA U.S. Targeted Value Portfolio Institutional Class                                 DFFVX

Dodge & Cox International Stock Fund                                                  DODFX

Oppenheimer Developing Markets Fund Class I                                           ODVIX

Oppenheimer International Growth Fund Class I                                         OIGIX

Vanguard Explorer Fund Admiral Shares                                                 VEXRX

Vanguard Extended Market Index Fund Institutional Plus Shares                         VEMPX

Vanguard Institutional Index Fund Institutional Plus Shares                            VIIIX

Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Institutional Plus Shares               VTPSX

Balanced/Hybrid Investment Option                                                     Ticker

Principal Diversified Real Asset Fund Class R-6                                       PDARX

Bond Investment Options                                                               Ticker

Baird Aggregate Bond Fund Class Institutional                                         BAGIX

Vanguard Inflation-Protected Securities Fund Institutional Shares                     VIPIX

Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond Index Fund Institutional Plus Shares                  VBIUX

Vanguard Short-Term Bond Index Fund Admiral Shares                                    VBIRX

Short-Term Investment Option                                                          Ticker
JPMorgan U.S. Government Money Market Fund Capital Shares                             OGVXX
Investment options to the left have potentially                                   Investment options to the right have potentially
     more inflation risk and less investment risk                                          less inflation risk and more investment risk

      Money Market
        (or Short                              Balanced/                                                                   International/
          Term)                Bond             Hybrid                             Domestic Equity                          Global Equity

      JPMorgan U.S.        Diversified          Principal                            Large Blend                             Diversified
       Government                              Diversified
                              Baird                                                    Vanguard                             Dodge & Cox
      Money Market                             Real Asset
                            Aggregate                                                Institutional                          International
       Fund Capital                            Fund Class
                            Bond Fund                                                 Index Fund                             Stock Fund
         Shares                                    R-6
                              Class                                                  Institutional
                           Institutional                                             Plus Shares
                             Vanguard                                                                                       Growth Fund
                                                                                      Mid Blend
                          Intermediate-                                                                                        Class I
                            Term Bond                                                  Vanguard
                                                                                                                           Vanguard Total
                            Index Fund                                                 Extended
                           Institutional                                                Market
                           Plus Shares                                                Index Fund
                                                                                                                              Index Fund
                            Vanguard                                                                                         Institutional
                                                                                     Plus Shares
                           Short-Term                                                                                        Plus Shares
                           Bond Index
                                                                  Small Value                           Small Growth          Emerging
                          Fund Admiral
                             Shares                                DFA U.S.                               Vanguard
                                                                   Targeted                               Explorer          Oppenheimer
                                                                Value Portfolio                         Fund Admiral         Developing
                                                                 Institutional                             Shares           Markets Fund
                             Vanguard                               Class                                                      Class I

     This spectrum, with the exception of the Domestic Equity category, is based on Fidelity’s analysis of the characteristics of the general
     investment categories of the investment options and not on the actual security holdings, which can change frequently. Investment
     options in the Domestic Equity category are based on the options’ Morningstar categories as of 11/30/2017. Morningstar categories
10   are based on a fund’s style as measured by its underlying portfolio holdings over the past three years and may change at any time.
     These style calculations do not represent the investment options’ objectives and do not predict the investment options’ future styles.
     Investment options are listed in alphabetical order within each investment category. Risk associated with the investment options can
     vary significantly within each particular investment category, and the relative risk of categories may change under certain economic
     conditions. For a more complete discussion of risk associated with the mutual fund options, please read the prospectuses before
     making your investment decision. The spectrum does not represent actual or implied performance.
Fidelity BrokerageLink                             ®

Fidelity BrokerageLink® combines the convenience of your workplace
retirement plan with the additional flexibility of a brokerage account.
BrokerageLink includes investments beyond those in your plan’s lineup.
The plan fiduciary neither evaluates nor monitors the investments
available through BrokerageLink. It is your responsibility to ensure that
the investments you select are suitable for your situation, including
your goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance. See the fact sheet and
commission schedule for applicable fees and risks.

Investment Option Descriptions
     Before investing in any mutual fund, consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and
     expenses. Contact Fidelity for a prospectus or, if available, a summary prospectus containing this
     information. Read it carefully.
     Ticker: This is also called the “trading” symbol for the fund. If the fund is listed and traded on any of the major
     exchanges, this is the code that is used to identify the fund.

     Baird Aggregate Bond Fund Class Institutional
     Ticker: BAGIX
     Objective: The investment seeks an annual rate of total return, before fund expenses, greater than the annual rate of
     total return of the Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index.
     Strategy: The fund normally invests at least 80% of its net assets in the following types of U.S. dollar–denominated
     debt obligations: U.S. government and other public-sector entities, asset-backed and mortgage-backed obligations
     of U.S. and foreign issuers, and corporate debt of U.S. and foreign issuers. It only invests in debt obligations rated
     investment grade at the time of purchase by at least one major rating agency or, if unrated, determined by Robert W.
     Baird & Co. Incorporated to be investment grade.
     Risk: In general, the bond market is volatile, and fixed income securities carry interest rate risk. (As interest rates
     rise, bond prices usually fall, and vice versa. This effect is usually more pronounced for longer-term securities.) Fixed
     income securities also carry inflation risk and credit and default risks for both issuers and counterparties. Unlike
     individual bonds, most bond funds do not have a maturity date, so avoiding losses caused by price volatility by holding
     them until maturity is not possible. Additional risk information for this product may be found in the prospectus or other
     product materials, if available.
     Short-term Redemption Fee Note: None
     Who may want to invest:
     • Someone who is seeking potential returns primarily in the form of interest dividends rather than through an increase
       in share price.
     • Someone who is seeking to diversify an equity portfolio with a more conservative investment option.
     This description is only intended to provide a brief overview of the mutual fund. Read the fund’s prospectus for more detailed
     information about the fund.
     The Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is an unmanaged market value–weighted index for U.S. dollar–denominated investment-
     grade fixed-rate debt issues, including government, corporate, asset-backed, and mortgage-backed securities with maturities of at
     least one year.

DFA U.S. Targeted Value Portfolio Institutional Class
Ticker: DFFVX
Objective: The investment seeks long-term capital appreciation.
Strategy: The U.S. Targeted Value Portfolio, using a market capitalization weighted approach, purchases a broad and
diverse group of the readily marketable securities of U.S. small and mid cap companies that the Advisor determines
to be value stocks. The U.S. Targeted Value Portfolio may use derivatives, such as futures contracts and options on
futures contracts for U.S. equity securities and indices, to adjust market exposure based on actual or expected cash
inflows to or outflows from the Portfolio.
Risk: The securities of smaller, less well-known companies can be more volatile than those of larger companies.
Value stocks can perform differently than other types of stocks and can continue to be undervalued by the market for
long periods of time. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political,
regulatory, market, economic or other developments. These risks may be magnified in foreign markets. Additional risk
information for this product may be found in the prospectus or other product materials, if available.
Short-term Redemption Fee Note: None
Who may want to invest:
• Someone who is seeking the potential for long-term share-price appreciation and, secondarily, dividend income.
• Someone who is comfortable with value-style investments and the potentially greater volatility of investments in
  smaller companies.
A mutual fund registered under DFA Investment Dimensions Group Inc., and managed by Dimensional Fund Advisors LP. This description
is only intended to provide a brief overview of the fund. Read the fund’s prospectus for more detailed information about the fund.

Dodge & Cox International Stock Fund
Ticker: DODFX
Objective: The investment seeks long-term growth of principal and income.
Strategy: The fund invests primarily in a diversified portfolio of equity securities issued by non-U.S. companies from
at least three different countries, including emerging market countries. It will invest at least 80% of its total assets in
common stocks, preferred stocks, securities convertible into common stocks, and securities that carry the right to buy
common stocks of non-U.S. companies. The fund invests primarily in medium to large well-established companies
based on standards of the applicable market. It may also invest directly or indirectly in restricted securities of U.S. and
non-U.S. companies.
Risk: Foreign securities are subject to interest-rate, currency-exchange-rate, economic, and political risks, all of
which may be magnified in emerging markets. Value and growth stocks can perform differently from other types
of stocks. Growth stocks can be more volatile. Value stocks can continue to be undervalued by the market for long
periods of time. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political,
regulatory, market, economic or other developments. Additional risk information for this product may be found in the
prospectus or other product materials, if available.
Short-term Redemption Fee Note: None
Who may want to invest:
• Someone who is seeking to complement a portfolio of domestic investments with international investments, which                    13
  can behave differently.
• Someone who is willing to accept the higher degree of risk associated with investing overseas.
A mutual fund registered under Dodge & Cox Funds, and managed by Dodge & Cox. This description is only intended to provide a brief
overview of the fund. Read the fund’s prospectus for more detailed information about the fund.
JPMorgan U.S. Government Money Market Fund Capital Shares
     Ticker: OGVXX
     Objective: The investment seeks high current income with liquidity and stability of principal.
     Strategy: The fund normally invests its assets exclusively in debt securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S.
     government, or by U.S. government agencies or instrumentalities, and repurchase agreements fully collateralized by
     U.S. Treasury and U.S. government securities. The dollar-weighted average maturity of the fund will be 60 days or less
     and the dollar-weighted average life to maturity will be 120 days or less. The fund may invest significantly in securities
     with floating or variable rates of interest. Their yields will vary as interest rates change.
     Risk: You could lose money by investing in a money market fund. Although the fund seeks to preserve the value of your
     investment at $1.00 per share, it cannot guarantee it will do so. An investment in the fund is not insured or guaranteed
     by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. The fund’s sponsor has no legal
     obligation to provide financial support to money market funds and you should not expect that the sponsor will provide
     financial support to the fund at any time. Additional risk information for this product may be found in the prospectus or
     other product materials, if available.
     Short-term Redemption Fee Note: None
     Who may want to invest:
     • Someone who has a low tolerance for investment risk and who wishes to keep the value of his or her investment
       relatively stable.
     • Someone who is seeking to complement his or her bond and stock fund holdings in order to reach a particular
       asset allocation.
     A mutual fund registered under JP Morgan Trust II, and managed by J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. This description is only
     intended to provide a brief overview of the fund. Read the fund’s prospectus for more detailed information about the fund.
     For money market funds, weighted average life (WAL) is the weighted average of the life of the securities held in a fund or portfolio,
     and can be used as a measure of sensitivity to changes in liquidity and/or credit risk. Generally, the higher the value, the greater the
     sensitivity. WAL is based on the dollar-weighted average length of time until principal payments must be paid, taking into account
     any call options exercised by the issuer and any permissible maturity shortening features other than interest rate resets. For money
     market funds, the difference between weighted average maturity (WAM) and WAL is that WAM takes into account interest rate resets
     and WAL does not. WAL for money market funds is not the same as WAL of a mortgage- or asset-backed security.

Oppenheimer Developing Markets Fund Class I
Ticker: ODVIX
Objective: The investment seeks capital appreciation.
Strategy: The fund mainly invests in common stocks of issuers in developing and emerging markets throughout the
world and at times it may invest up to 100% of its total assets in foreign securities. Under normal market conditions, it
will invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus borrowings for investment purposes, in equity securities of issuers whose
principal activities are in a developing market, i.e., are in a developing market or are economically tied to a developing
market country. The fund will invest in at least three developing markets.
Risk: Foreign securities are subject to interest-rate, currency-exchange-rate, economic, and political risks, all of
which may be magnified in emerging markets. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response
to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, economic or other developments. Additional risk information for this
product may be found in the prospectus or other product materials, if available.
Short-term Redemption Fee Note: None
Who may want to invest:
• Someone who is willing to accept the higher degree of risk associated with investing in emerging markets.
• Someone who is seeking to complement a portfolio of domestic investments and/or international investments in
  developed countries with investments in developing countries, which can behave differently.
A mutual fund registered under Oppenheimer Developing Markets Fund, and managed by OFI Global Asset Management, Inc. This
description is only intended to provide a brief overview of the fund. Read the fund’s prospectus for more detailed information about
the fund.

Oppenheimer International Growth Fund Class I
Ticker: OIGIX
Objective: The investment seeks capital appreciation.
Strategy: The fund mainly invests in the common stock of growth companies that are domiciled or have their primary
operations outside of the United States. It may invest 100% of its assets in securities of foreign companies. The fund may
invest in emerging markets as well as in developed markets throughout the world. It normally will invest at least 65% of its
total assets in common and preferred stocks of issuers in at least three different countries outside of the United States, and
emphasize investments in common stocks of issuers that the portfolio managers consider to be “growth” companies.
Risk: Foreign securities are subject to interest-rate, currency-exchange-rate, economic, and political risks, all of
which may be magnified in emerging markets. Growth stocks can perform differently from the market as a whole and
can be more volatile than other types of stocks. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response
to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, economic or other developments. Additional risk information for this
product may be found in the prospectus or other product materials, if available.
Short-term Redemption Fee Note: None
Who may want to invest:
• Someone who is seeking to complement a portfolio of domestic investments with international investments, which
  can behave differently.
• Someone who is willing to accept the higher degree of risk associated with investing overseas.
A mutual fund registered under Oppenheimer International Growth Fund, and managed by OFI Global Asset Management, Inc. This
description is only intended to provide a brief overview of the fund. Read the fund’s prospectus for more detailed information about the fund.
Principal Diversified Real Asset Fund Class R-6
     Ticker: PDARX
     Objective: The investment seeks a long-term total return in excess of inflation.
     Strategy: Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus any borrowings for
     investment purposes, in investments related to real assets and real asset companies. It seeks to achieve its investment
     objective by allocating its assets among general investment categories related to real assets and real asset companies
     (which include tangible assets and investments that are expected to perform well in periods of rising or high inflation).
     Risk: Foreign securities are subject to interest-rate, currency-exchange-rate, economic, and political risks, all of which
     may be magnified in emerging markets. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse
     issuer, political, regulatory, market, economic or other developments. These risks may be magnified in foreign markets.
     In general the bond market is volatile, and fixed income securities carry interest rate risk. (As interest rates rise, bond
     prices usually fall, and vice versa. This effect is usually more pronounced for longer-term securities.) Fixed income
     securities also carry inflation risk and credit and default risks for both issuers and counterparties. Additional risk
     information for this product may be found in the prospectus or other product materials, if available.
     Short-term Redemption Fee Note: None
     Who may want to invest:
     • Someone who is seeking to invest in a fund that invests in both domestic and international stocks and bonds.
     • Someone who is seeking the potential both for income and for long-term share-price appreciation and who is willing
       to accept the potentially greater volatility of the foreign bond and stock markets.
     This description is only intended to provide a brief overview of the mutual fund. Read the fund’s prospectus for more detailed
     information about the fund.

     Vanguard Explorer Fund Admiral Shares
     Ticker: VEXRX
     Objective: The investment seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation.
     Strategy: The fund invests mainly in the stocks of small companies. These companies tend to be unseasoned but
     are considered by the fund’s advisors to have superior growth potential. Also, these companies often provide little
     or no dividend income. It uses multiple investment advisors.
     Risk: The securities of smaller, less well-known companies can be more volatile than those of larger companies.
     Growth stocks can perform differently from the market as a whole and can be more volatile than other types of stocks.
     Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market,
     economic or other developments. These risks may be magnified in foreign markets. Additional risk information for
     this product may be found in the prospectus or other product materials, if available.
     Short-term Redemption Fee Note: None
     Who may want to invest:
     • Someone who is seeking the potential for long-term share-price appreciation.
     • Someone who is willing to accept the generally greater price volatility associated both with growth-oriented stocks
       and with smaller companies.
16   A mutual fund registered under Vanguard Explorer Fund, and managed by Vanguard Group, Inc. This description is only intended
     to provide a brief overview of the fund. Read the fund’s prospectus for more detailed information about the fund.
Vanguard Extended Market Index Fund Institutional Plus Shares
Ticker: VEMPX
Objective: The investment seeks to track the performance of a benchmark index that measures the investment return
of small- and mid-capitalization stocks.
Strategy: The fund employs an indexing investment approach designed to track the performance of the Standard &
Poor’s Completion Index, a broadly diversified index of stocks of small and mid-size U.S. companies. It invests all, or
substantially all, of its assets in stocks of its target index, with nearly 80% of its assets invested in approximately 1,000
of the stocks in its target index, and the rest of its assets in a representative sample of the remaining stocks.
Risk: Value and growth stocks can perform differently from other types of stocks. Growth stocks can be more volatile.
Value stocks can continue to be undervalued by the market for long periods of time. The securities of smaller, less
well-known companies can be more volatile than those of larger companies. Stock markets are volatile and can
decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, economic or other developments.
These risks may be magnified in foreign markets. Additional risk information for this product may be found in the
prospectus or other product materials, if available.
Short-term Redemption Fee Note: None
Who may want to invest:
• Someone who is seeking the potential for long-term share-price appreciation and, secondarily, dividend income.
• Someone who is seeking both growth- and value-style investments and who is willing to accept the generally greater
  volatility of investments in smaller companies.
A mutual fund registered under Vanguard Index Funds, and managed by Vanguard Group, Inc. This description is only intended to
provide a brief overview of the fund. Read the fund’s prospectus for more detailed information about the fund.
The S&P Completion Index contains all of the U.S. common stocks regularly traded on the New York and American Stock Exchanges
and the Nasdaq over-the-counter market, except those stocks included in the S&P 500 Index.

Vanguard Inflation-Protected Securities Fund Institutional Shares
Ticker: VIPIX
Objective: The investment seeks to provide inflation protection and income consistent with investment in inflation-
indexed securities.
Strategy: The fund invests at least 80% of its assets in inflation-indexed bonds issued by the U.S. government, its
agencies and instrumentalities, and corporations. It may invest in bonds of any maturity; however, its dollar-weighted
average maturity is expected to be in the range of 7 to 20 years. At a minimum, all bonds purchased by the fund will
be rated investment-grade or, if unrated, will be considered by the advisor to be investment-grade.
Risk: The interest payments of TIPS are variable; they generally rise with inflation and fall with deflation. In general,
the bond market is volatile, and fixed income securities carry interest rate risk. (As interest rates rise, bond prices
usually fall, and vice versa. This effect is usually more pronounced for longer-term securities.) Fixed income securities
also carry inflation risk and credit and default risks for both issuers and counterparties. Unlike individual bonds, most
bond funds do not have a maturity date, so avoiding losses caused by price volatility by holding them until maturity is
not possible. Additional risk information for this product may be found in the prospectus or other product materials,
if available.
Short-term Redemption Fee Note: None                                                                                                 17
Who may want to invest:
• Someone who is seeking potential returns primarily in the form of interest dividends and who can tolerate more
  frequent changes in the size of dividend distributions than those usually found with more conservative bond funds.
• Someone who is seeking to supplement his or her core fixed-income holdings with a bond investment that is tied
  to changes in inflation.
A mutual fund registered under Vanguard Fixed Income Securities Funds, and managed by Vanguard Group, Inc. This description
is only intended to provide a brief overview of the fund. Read the fund’s prospectus for more detailed information about the fund.
Vanguard Institutional Index Fund Institutional Plus Shares
     Ticker: VIIIX
     Objective: The investment seeks to track the performance of a benchmark index that measures the investment return
     of large-capitalization stocks.
     Strategy: The fund employs an indexing investment approach designed to track the performance of the Standard &
     Poor’s 500 Index, a widely recognized benchmark of U.S. stock market performance that is dominated by the stocks of
     large U.S. companies. It attempts to replicate the target index by investing all, or substantially all, of its assets in the
     stocks that make up the index, holding each stock in approximately the same proportion as its weighting in the index.
     Risk: Value and growth stocks can perform differently from other types of stocks. Growth stocks can be more volatile.
     Value stocks can continue to be undervalued by the market for long periods of time. Stock markets are volatile and
     can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, economic or other developments.
     These risks may be magnified in foreign markets. Additional risk information for this product may be found in the
     prospectus or other product materials, if available.
     Short-term Redemption Fee Note: None
     Who may want to invest:
     • Someone who is seeking the potential for long-term share-price appreciation and, secondarily, dividend income.
     • Someone who is seeking both growth- and value-style investments and who is willing to accept the volatility
       associated with investing in the stock market.
     A mutual fund registered under Vanguard Institutional Index Funds, and managed by Vanguard Group, Inc. This description is only
     intended to provide a brief overview of the fund. Read the fund’s prospectus for more detailed information about the fund.
     The S&P 500® Index is a registered service mark of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., and has been licensed for use by Fidelity
     Distributors Corporation and its affiliates. It is an unmanaged index of the common stock prices of 500 widely held U.S. stocks that
     includes the reinvestment of dividends.

     Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond Index Fund Institutional Plus Shares
     Ticker: VBIUX
     Objective: The investment seeks to track the performance of a market-weighted bond index with an intermediate-term
     dollar-weighted average maturity.
     Strategy: The fund employs an indexing investment approach designed to track the performance of the Barclays
     U.S. 5–10 Year Government/Credit Float Adjusted Index. This index includes all medium and larger issues of U.S.
     government, investment-grade corporate, and investment-grade international dollar–denominated bonds that have
     maturities between 5 and 10 years and are publicly issued. All of the fund’s investments will be selected through the
     sampling process, and at least 80% of the fund’s assets will be invested in bonds held in the index.
     Risk: In general, the bond market is volatile, and fixed income securities carry interest rate risk. (As interest rates
     rise, bond prices usually fall, and vice versa. This effect is usually more pronounced for longer-term securities.) Fixed
     income securities also carry inflation risk and credit and default risks for both issuers and counterparties. Unlike
     individual bonds, most bond funds do not have a maturity date, so avoiding losses caused by price volatility by holding
     them until maturity is not possible. Additional risk information for this product may be found in the prospectus or other
     product materials, if available.
     Short-term Redemption Fee Note: None
18   Who may want to invest:
     • Someone who is seeking potential returns primarily in the form of interest dividends rather than through an increase
       in share price.
     • Someone who is seeking to diversify an equity portfolio with a more conservative investment option.
     This description is only intended to provide a brief overview of the mutual fund. Read the fund’s prospectus for more detailed
     information about the fund.
Vanguard Short-Term Bond Index Fund Admiral Shares
Ticker: VBIRX
Objective: The investment seeks to track the performance of a market-weighted bond index with a short-term dollar-
weighted average maturity.
Strategy: The fund employs an indexing investment approach designed to track the performance of the Bloomberg
Barclays U.S. 1–5 Year Government/Credit Float Adjusted Index. This index includes all medium and larger issues of
U.S. government, investment-grade corporate, and investment-grade international dollar-denominated bonds that
have maturities between 1 and 5 years and are publicly issued. All of its investments will be selected through the
sampling process, and at least 80% of its assets will be invested in bonds held in the index.
Risk: In general, the bond market is volatile, and fixed income securities carry interest rate risk. (As interest rates
rise, bond prices usually fall, and vice versa. This effect is usually more pronounced for longer-term securities.) Fixed
income securities also carry inflation risk and credit and default risks for both issuers and counterparties. Unlike
individual bonds, most bond funds do not have a maturity date, so avoiding losses caused by price volatility by holding
them until maturity is not possible. Additional risk information for this product may be found in the prospectus or other
product materials, if available.
Short-term Redemption Fee Note: None
Who may want to invest:
• Someone who is seeking potential returns primarily in the form of interest dividends rather than through an increase
  in share price.
• Someone who is seeking to diversify an equity portfolio with a more conservative investment option.
This description is only intended to provide a brief overview of the mutual fund. Read the fund’s prospectus for more detailed
information about the fund.
The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit Float Adjusted 1–5 Year Bond Index includes all medium and larger issues of
U.S. government, investment-grade corporate, and investment-grade international dollar-denominated bonds that have maturities
between 1 and 5 years and are publicly issued.

Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Institutional Plus Shares
     VRS code: 77940
     Ticker: VTPSX
     Objective: The investment seeks to track the performance of a benchmark index that measures the investment return
     of stocks issued by companies located in developed and emerging markets, excluding the United States.
     Strategy: The fund employs an indexing investment approach designed to track the performance of the FTSE Global
     All Cap ex US Index, a float-adjusted market-capitalization-weighted index designed to measure equity market
     performance of companies located in developed and emerging markets, excluding the United States. The index
     includes approximately 5,800 stocks of companies located in over 45 countries.
     Risk: Foreign securities are subject to interest-rate, currency-exchange-rate, economic, and political risks, all of
     which may be magnified in emerging markets. Value and growth stocks can perform differently from other types
     of stocks. Growth stocks can be more volatile. Value stocks can continue to be undervalued by the market for long
     periods of time. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political,
     regulatory, market, economic or other developments. Additional risk information for this product may be found in the
     prospectus or other product materials, if available.
     Short-term redemption fee: None
     Who may want to invest: Someone who is seeking to complement a portfolio of domestic investments with
     international investments, which can behave differently; Someone who is willing to accept the higher degree of risk
     associated with investing overseas.
     This description is only intended to provide a brief overview of the mutual fund. Read the fund’s prospectus for more detailed
     information about the fund.
     The FTSE Global All Cap ex US Index is part of a range of indices designed to help US investors benchmark their international
     investments. The index comprises large, mid and small cap stocks globally excluding the US.

Transfer/Rollover/Exchange Form
Reference the instructions below while completing the form. For additional assistance, please contact Fidelity Investments at
1-800-343-0860 or, for the hearing impaired, 1-800-259-9743 (TTY), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to midnight Eastern time
(excluding New York Stock Exchange holidays, except Good Friday).
                                                   1. YOUR INFORMATION
Please provide your information in this section.
Please review your most recent statement for this name and address, and include a copy of the statement with this form. Please contact
your previous investment provider to see if additional paperwork is required.
                                    3. ACCOUNT(S) OR CONTRACT(S) TO MOVE
Account or Contract Number: This number is available on your previous investment provider account statement. If you are
unable to locate this number on your statement, please contact the investment provider. If you do not provide an account or contract
number, we will use your Social Security number or U.S. Tax Identification number to request the assets to be moved.
Type of Account or Contract: If you are unsure of the type of account or contract, please contact the Previous Investment Provider
or refer to your statement. Select at least one.
The Account or Contract Number is from: Please see the descriptions below that relate to each of the four transactions. If you
choose “A Previous Employer,” provide the name of that employer.
  The Same Employer as My Employer Plan with Fidelity. Movement of assets from 403(b) to 403(b) will be requested as a
  vendor or contract exchange. Movement of money between the same plan types, excluding 403(b) plans [401(a) to 401(a), 401(k)
  to 401(k), 457(b) to 457(b)], will be requested as an in-plan transfer. Movement of money between different plan types will be
  requested as a rollover.
  A Previous Employer. For 403(b) and 401(a)/(k) plans, this is a rollover transaction. For governmental 457(b) plans, this is a
  rollover unless Fidelity receives direction to process as a transfer.
  A Rollover IRA. This is a rollover transaction. After-tax value may not be rolled from an IRA.
  A Traditional IRA or SEP IRA. This is a rollover transaction. Roth IRAs and Coverdell IRAs cannot be accepted.
Liquidation Amount: Specify the amount of money you want moved to your Fidelity account. If you choose “Full Liquidation/100%,”
Fidelity will request your full balance. If you choose “Partial Liquidation,” Fidelity will request the dollar amount or percentage you
specify. If you do not specify an amount, Fidelity will move/liquidate 100%. If you are moving 457(b) assets, please be aware that
governmental 457(b) assets must be moved into a governmental 457(b) plan, and nongovernmental 457(b) assets must be moved into
a nongovernmental 457(b) plan. Transfers from nongovernmental 457(b) plans are not provided for on this form. Talk with your plan
sponsor or call Fidelity to discuss transfers from nongovernmental 457(b) plans. Rollovers from 403(b) plans, 401(a)/401(k) plans,
and IRAs to governmental 457(b) plans must be recordkept in separate rollover sources to limit the distributions that may be subject
to a 10% early distribution penalty.
                                    4. YOUR FIDELITY ACCOUNT INFORMATION
If you do not have a retirement account with Fidelity for the employer listed here, you must complete the enroll-
ment process. For help with enrollment, please contact Fidelity at 1-800-343-0860 or for the hearing impaired
1-800-259-9743 (TTY).
Employer Sponsoring Your Fidelity Retirement Account: The employer name appears on your Fidelity account statement or
in your enrollment paperwork.
Plan Type with this employer: This information is required to ensure that Fidelity credits your assets to the proper account. Please
contact Fidelity at 1-800-343-0860 or for the hearing impaired 1-800-259-9743 (TTY) if you do not know your plan type.
Plan Number: Please provide the plan number if you have multiple retirement plan accounts with Fidelity. Please contact Fidelity at
1-800-343-0860 or for the hearing impaired 1-800-259-9743 (TTY) to obtain the plan number.

Would you like the assets invested in your current investment selection? If “Yes” is selected, your assets will
be allocated to your current investment selection on file with Fidelity. If you do not select “Yes,” please list the fund
names, fund codes (if known), and percentages. Please ensure that the percentages equal 100%. Please list any
additional funds on a separate page and attach it to this form.
Fund Name: List the fund name(s) you want your assets credited to.
Fund Code: Provide the four-digit fund code(s) (if known).
Percentage: Please ensure that the percentages listed equal 100%.
Note: If no investment options are selected, your investment instructions are incomplete or invalid, or the percentages listed are
less than or exceed 100%, your entire contribution will be defaulted to the investment elections on file with Fidelity. If you have no
investment elections on file, your entire contribution will be defaulted to the investment option specified in the agreement currently
in place with Fidelity for the Plan.
                                           6. EMPLOYER PLAN ACCEPTANCE
Employer Authorized Signature: An authorized signature from the employer that sponsors your Fidelity retirement account may
be required. To verify if this section needs to be signed, contact your Human Resources office or Fidelity at 1-800-343-0860 or for
the hearing impaired 1-800-259-9743 (TTY).
                                  7. DUPLICATE DISPOSITION LETTER REqUEST
Entering a name and address in this section requests and authorizes Fidelity to send a duplicate disposition (status) letter to the
individual listed for this request only.
                                                 8. SIGNATURE AND DATE
Please read the legal information provided in this section and then sign and date the form. We
are unable to process your request without your signature and the date.

                  Transfer/Rollover/Exchange Form Checklist:
      Here is a checklist to ensure that your request is in good order.
      Please remember to:

                  Include your most recent account statement from your previous investment provider

                  Indicate the amount or percentage of money you are moving to Fidelity

                  Obtain the Employer Authorized Signature. Contact your Human Resources office or Fidelity to verify if this
                  is required.

                   Sign and date in Section 8 of the form

                  Return this form in the enclosed postage-paid envelope OR
                                                                          If you are sending this using an overnight delivery
                  Return to:                                              service, please send to:

                  Fidelity Investments                                    Fidelity Investments
                  P.O. Box 770002                                         100 Crosby Parkway, Mailzone KC1E
                  Cincinnati, OH 45277-0090                               Covington, KY 41015

      Please contact your previous investment provider to see if additional paperwork is required.
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