Operations Research and Data Science in Public Services - 23-25 February

Page created by Troy Clark
Operations Research and Data Science in Public Services - 23-25 February
 Data Science
Public Services

23-25 February
Operations Research and Data Science in Public Services - 23-25 February
AIROYoung Researchers Chapter is part of the Italian Operational
Research Society (AIRO). Its aim is to foster collaboration
between students and early-career researchers interested in the
field of OR, and to provide them with new opportunities to
advance their career and expand their network. It also strives to
connect the demand and the offer in the OR job market, both in
academia and in the industry.

 • AIROYoung was born in 2016
 • The Workshop is now at its sixth edition

 •The AIROYoung network is growing!
Operations Research and Data Science in Public Services - 23-25 February
Previous editions         p                                       2
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                                           4th AIROYoung,
                                   Free University of Bozen, Bolzano

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Operations Research and Data Science in Public Services - 23-25 February
This edition
•   2 plenary sessions by prominent professors
•   1 tutorial by one of our sponsors
•   28 in-person seminars
•   17 Pitch online talks
•   2 Special Issues
•   A very nice social program around Rome!
Operations Research and Data Science in Public Services - 23-25 February

   Marco Pranzo              Paola Pellegrini
 University of Siena   Université Gustave Eiffel Lille
 24th February 11:30        25th February 11:30
Operations Research and Data Science in Public Services - 23-25 February
Special Issues
A dedicated Special Issue on the AIROSpringer series for
the participants to the workshop, on all the covered

An open Special Issue sponsored by AIROYoung on
Transportation Research Part E regarding “Optimization
and Data Science in Sustainable Public Transport and
Logistics”. We also thank for the help the AIRO OPTM
Operations Research and Data Science in Public Services - 23-25 February

 Amilcare Patacconi
 Federica Iacovella

                      Selene Silvestri
Operations Research and Data Science in Public Services - 23-25 February
           Selene Silvestri
           Partner Solution – Associate Partner, Optimization

               FICO Xpress Insight: the bridge between
                 Optimization and the Business World
Operations Research and Data Science in Public Services - 23-25 February
Operations Research and Data Science in Public Services - 23-25 February
    Gabriele Parolai
                                 Gabriele Simonetti
    Samuela Carosi
                              Francesco Romito (online)
     Lorenzo Sarti

Caterina Tamburini (online)      Veronica Dal Sasso
Nicolò Gusmeroli (online)         Valerio Agasucci
Social Program - today
This afternoon a GUIDED TOUR of Trastevere will take place
   ü Meeting at 17:20 at Isola Tiberina, in Piazza San Bartolomeo
      All'Isola with the guides
   ü There are still few places available, let us know if you’d like to

After the tour, a Dinner has been organized
   ü Meeting at 20:00 at the Restaurant “La Gattabuia”
   ü No additional places are available for this dinner
Social Program - tomorrow

The SOCIAL DINNER will be held tomorrow at
the Vineria il Chianti (Via del Lavatore, 82,
00187, Roma). It is nearby fontana di Trevi
  üMeeting at 20:00 outside of the Restaurant
The Organizing Committee

 •   Tommaso Bosi, Roma Tre University
 •   Matteo Cosmi, University of Luxembourg
 •   Bianca Pascariu, Roma Tre University
 •   Marcella Samà, Roma Tre University
 •   Marta Leonina Tessitore, Roma Tre University
AIROYoung Board
• Michele Barbuto, University of Milan
• Veronica Dal Sasso, OPTRAIL, Rome
• Serena Fugaro, Institute for Applications of
  Calculus "Mauro Picone" - CNR
• Giusy Macrina, University of Calabria
• Lorenzo Peirano, University of Brescia
• Alice Raffaele, University of Trento
We are social!
 • Website: www.airoyoung.org
 • Facebook: AIROYoung
 • Twitter: @AIROyoung
   • tweet this event by using #6AYW

 • Instagram: airoyoung
   • tag pictures by using #6AYW
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