OPENBSD GAMING RESOURCE - Mr. Satterly Updated August 7, 2021 - A continually updated resource
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OPENBSD GAMING RESOURCE A continually updated resource for playing video games on OpenBSD. Mr. Satterly Updated August 7, 2021
III Title: OpenBSD Gaming Resource Author: Mr. Satterly Publisher: Mr. Satterly Date: Updated August 7, 2021 Copyright: Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Email: Website:
Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Ways to play the games 2 2.1 Base system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.2 Ports/Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.3 Ports/Emulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Arcade emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Computer emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Game console emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Operating system emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.4 Ports/Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Game engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Interactive fiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5 Ports/Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.6 Ports/Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.7 Ports/Shells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.8 Ports/WWW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3 Notable games 14 3.1 Free games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 A-I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 J-R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 S-Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.2 Non-free games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4 Getting the games 33 4.1 Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5 Former ways to play games 37 6 What next? 38 Appendices 39 A Clones, models, and variants 39 Index 51 IV
1 Introduction I use this document to help organize my thoughts, files, and links on how to play games on OpenBSD. It helps me to remember what I have gone through while finding new games. The biggest reason to read or at least skim this document is because how can you search for something you do not know exists? I will show you ways to play games, what free and non-free games are available, and give links to help you get started on downloading them. While the target audience is OpenBSD users it’s possible those of you using other Unix-like systems will see this. I make no comparisons or write about other operating systems outside of emulating them on OpenBSD. I decided to focus on ways to play games instead of details such as working around bugs and hardware support. That information would not only be out-of-date quickly, but harmful advice later. If you have questions about hardware support check the OpenBSD manuals and mailing lists https: // Bugs should be reported to the ports maintainers and software developers. Specifics about how to run games, game engines, and emulators are in their manuals, FAQs, Wikis, and ports documentation. OpenBSD users have high expectations in regards to accuracy and depth at the same time possessing both broad and deep tech- nical skills – in most cases far beyond my own. I hope what little I have compiled is useful. 1
2 Ways to play the games Playing games on OpenBSD can be both frustrating and rewarding. I find solutions are sometimes brilliantly simple, but only after I spend time reading through websites and documentation trying to understand the underlying software, standards, and technology. For me, it’s sometimes more about exploring OpenBSD than playing the actual games. For you it will probably be about blasting aliens, building cities, and the emotions from great stories. There are two major sources of playing games on OpenBSD. Those are the built-in games in the base system from OpenBSD and third-party software in ports. The base system refers to everything included from an installation of OpenBSD. Even if you didn’t select the games package during the installation there is still at least one game hidden away and others accessible through other programs. Ports is the software repository for OpenBSD. Packages are the binary distributions of ports. The ports FAQ and manual are both good places to start at. Ports has readmes, extra documentation, website URLs, and a software search. Packages are the preferred way for users to install software, but not always an option. When using packages make sure to pay special attention to pkg-readmes. There are more instructions specific to getting a game to run on OpenBSD in them. If you aren’t completely confident about installing ports and packages or are unsure about what any of that means stop here and reread the ports documentation. Now let’s take a look at how you can play games. 2.1 Base system The base system refers to everything from an installation of OpenBSD. Even if you didn’t select the games package during the installation there is still at least one game hidden away and others accessible through other programs. BSD Games BSD Games are a collection of terminal games and software toys that can be installed during an install or upgrade of OpenBSD. They existed before OpenBSD and now are significantly different than the original versions. Only two programs need further explanations than what the game manuals give. "pig" converts text into Pig Latin 2
CHAPTER 2. WAYS TO PLAY THE GAMES 3 while "wargames" is a simple launcher for other BSD Games. See intro (6). ddb ddb is the kernel debugger included in OpenBSD. The only time users will be forced to interact with it is when the system crashes. ddb includes a version of "hangman" similar to the one from BSD games. Unless you want to debug the OpenBSD kernel it is better to play hangman from BSD Games. telnet OpenBSD includes a telnet client which can be used to play games including MUDs, though MUD players will probably be better off using a dedicated client from ports. 2.2 Ports/Editors GNU Emacs Emacs is absolutely full of features so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that it includes several games and software toys called amusements. You can download more games as addons which are often clones of popular games. The Emacs Wiki documents built-in and 3rd-party games which are similar to the BSD Games collection. LibreOffice As an office suite LibreOffice can create several types of documents one of which is a slideshow. Any program that allows making choices interactively can at least have choice-based fiction games. Forgotten Island makes use of that slideshow feature, but it is more of a proof of concept than an actual game. Vim Several text editors are extensible including Vim. Its scripting language called Vimscript has been used to create several games. The Vim website has a games section with 3rd-party scripts. 2.3 Ports/Emulators Only emulated systems that have at least one free game and one emulator that works without non-free firmware are listed here. Em-
CHAPTER 2. WAYS TO PLAY THE GAMES 4 ulators that require installing an operating system on an emulated disk are not listed. Arcade emulation Arcade emulation means MAME (or AdvanceMAME) which is an acronym for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator because it is the only arcade emulator in ports. MAME also emulates pinball and video poker systems, though getting games for it is difficult. Publishers rarely offered limited amounts of ROMs for sale in the past. Arcade games were designed to suck down quarters as much as possible. I found playing with infinite credits is close to cheating. It shows just how short some games are. With computer or game console emulation there a few controllers and even fewer button layouts. With arcade games every system can be a completely new layout. Computer emulation This section looks a little thin. That’s because computers usually require firmware to run. Most emulators don’t distribute or emulate it that firmware. Games for these systems shouldn’t require any installation. Computer Years Emulator Atari ST series 1985–1993 Hatari Commodore Amiga 1977–1982 FS-UAE UAE Commodore PET series 1985–1996 Frodo Vice MSX series 1983–1993 openMSX ZX Spectrum 1982–1992 fuse Game console emulation There is so much to cover about every console. Each one of these systems could fill a book by themselves. One real problem is I simply don’t have enough experience with every single console to write about them all. Another reason is why bother? Other websites such as Wikipedia and Emulation General Wiki already do a good enough job detailing
CHAPTER 2. WAYS TO PLAY THE GAMES 5 the history and emulation of hundreds of consoles. Wikimedia has hundreds if not thousands of photos of each system and their many controllers as well. What is needed is only information specific to emulating the countless consoles on OpenBSD. You can easily look up the console and emulator, but this table is a quick reference to exactly which emulators run on OpenBSD and which ones don’t require non-free firmware. Game console emulation without non-free firmware Name Years Emulator Amstrad GX4000 1990–1991 MAME Atari 2600 1977–1992 MAME Stella Atari Jaguar 1993–1996 Virtual Jaguar Audiosonic 1292 APVS 1978–1983 MAME NEC TurboGrafx-16 1987–1994 higan MAME Mednafen Nintendo 3DS 2011–2020 Citra Nintendo 64 1996–2002 Mupen64Plus Nintendo DS 2004–2014 DeSmuME Nintendo Entertainment System 1983–2003 FCEUX MAME Mednafen Nestopia RetroArch Nintendo Game & Watch 1980–1991 RetroArch MAME Nintendo Game Boy 1989–2003 Gambatte higan Mednafen mGBA RetroArch SameBoy VBA-M Nintendo Game Boy Color 1998–2003 Gambatte higan Mednafen mGBA RetroArch
CHAPTER 2. WAYS TO PLAY THE GAMES 6 SameBoy VBA-M Nintendo Game Boy Advance 2001–2010 Mednafen mGBA RetroArch VBA-M Nintendo GameCube 2001–2007 Dolphin Nintendo Virtual Boy 1995–1996 Mednafen MAME Nintendo Wii 2006–2017 Dolphin Sega Game Gear 1990–2000 higan Mednafen RetroArch Sega Genesis 1988–1999 DGen higan MAME Mednafen RetroArch Sega Master System 1985–1996 higan Mednafen RetroArch Sega SG-1000 1983–1986 MAME Mednafen RetroArch SNK Neo Geo Pocket 1998–1999 Mednafen SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color 1999–2000 Mednafen Sony PlayStation 1994–2006 RetroArch Sony PlayStation Portable 2004–2014 PPSSPP Super Nintendo Entertainment System 1990–2003 higan Mednafen Snes9x I want to make a special note here about RetroArch here. RetroArch is a frontend and the libretro cores are the backends. libretro cores for RetroArch • gw-libretro – Nintendo Game & Watch • libretro-genesis-plus-gx – Sega Genesis – Sega Master System – Sega Mega Drive
CHAPTER 2. WAYS TO PLAY THE GAMES 7 – Sega SG-1000 – Sega SG-1000 II • libretro-mgba – Nintendo Game Boy – Nintendo Game Boy Color – Nintendo Game Boy Advance • libretro-nestopia – Nintendo Entertainment System – Nintendo Famicom • libretro-pcsx-rearmed – Sony PlayStation • libretro-sameboy – Nintendo Game Boy – Nintendo Game Boy Color Operating system emulation The emulated operating systems listed here are live versions that are run on an emulator. That makes them similar to a game con- sole emulator requiring a ROM, except it needs an extra step of accessing the games through menus. Operating systems requiring an installation are excluded. DOSBox is a special case because it falls somewhere in between. Some problems with including it are you need to know how DOS works to install, configure, and make games work. That includes knowing about and finding DOS programs that aren’t distributed with the games. Anything that requires advanced knowledge of other operating systems is outside the scope of this document. For the Fedora Games live CD called a spin, ReactOS, and Tem- pleOS use the start menu or other top bar to find the games. They are in fairly obvious places. None of them games or OS will require setup or installation. The table is incomplete and the emulators may be too slow to run the games at full speed. OS emulation support in ports Name Years Arch Port Linux (Fedora Games spin) 1991– x86-64 QEMU ReactOS 1998– x86-64 QEMU TempleOS 2005–2017 x86-64 QEMU
CHAPTER 2. WAYS TO PLAY THE GAMES 8 2.4 Ports/Games When looking at games I think most start in Ports/Games. It’s the most obvious place they would be at. Games here span a wide range of genres with varying degrees of quality or there are some gems among the garbage. But the point of this document is there are more games than what you can find in Ports/Games. Game engines Game engines need games, game data, or other files to run. Ports sometimes includes games for them, but not always. Some of the programs are game engine recreations, forks, or source ports. A note about Ren’Py. Games for it are often distributed as binaries for Microsoft Windows, though sometimes the source and game files are put in a compressed file. I was able to get both Windows and Linux versions of games to work when all the files are exposed. Unfortunately, as time passes the games made for older versions of Ren’Py can stop working. Game engine support in ports Name Year Port Flare 2010 Flare id Tech 1 (Doom) 1993 Chocolate Doom PrBoom PrBoom+ ZDoom INSTEAD 2009 INSTEAD Magnetic Scrolls 1984 dMagnetic Gargoyle ScummVM Ren’Py 2004 Ren’Py RPG Maker 2000 2000 EasyRPG RPG Maker 2003 2002 EasyRPG SCI ScummVM SCUMM 1987 ScummVM Solarus 2011 Solarus I’m using the term game engine here liberally. Much of the software below includes source ports and game and game engine recreations. A second list is needed for software that support only a small amount of games. Sometimes that number is just one.
CHAPTER 2. WAYS TO PLAY THE GAMES 9 Other game support in ports Name Year Port Arx Fatalis 2002 Arx Libertatis Doom 3 2004 dhewm 3 Marathon Trilogy 1994 Aleph One Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind 2002 OpenMW Interactive fiction Interactive fiction might as well be its own universe. They are some of the oldest games out there and development continues today. I would guess there are probably over 10,000 free IF games. The ways to play IF includes interpreters, game engines, and virtual machines so I lumped everything together.
CHAPTER 2. WAYS TO PLAY THE GAMES 10 Interactive fiction support in ports Name Year Port ADRIFT 1998 Gargoyle ScummVM AdvSys ScummVM AGT 1987 Gargoyle ScummVM ALAN 1985 Gargoyle ScummVM Archetype ScummVM Glulx 1999 Gargoyle ScummVM HUGO 1995 Gargoyle ScummVM Zoom JACL 1996 ScummVM Level 9 A-Code 1979 Gargoyle ScummVM Quest ScummVM TADS 1988 Gargoyle Zoom Z-code (Z-Machine) 1979 GNU Emacs (Maylon Mode) Frotz Gargoyle ScummVM Zoom 2.5 Ports/Math gnuplot It doesn’t seem possible at first that gnuplot could play games, yet in the source code there are games. They can be found in the source tree under demo/games/. 2.6 Ports/Net Gemini games An old rule says you are allowed one exclamation per document. I’m going to declare you are allowed one word with a cyber- prefix per work. I’m going to use mine now.
CHAPTER 2. WAYS TO PLAY THE GAMES 11 The Gemini protocol occupies a space between Gopher and HTTP. The hypertext stars in the Gemini constellation are on the edge of cyberspace (may I be forgiven). Just look around and you will find some games. Gopher games Because Gopher is menu driven so are the games. They are similar to BSD Games or other simple terminal programs where instead of inputting commands and text you select a menu option by navigating gopher links. Gopher clients list • cgo • Clic • Chromium (with addon) • Gopher+ • Lynx • Mozilla Firefox (with addon) • SeaMonkey (with addon) • sacc • VF-1 Mozilla Thunderbird Thunderbird is an email client with addons similar to Firefox. If you click on addons from the hamburger menu you can find a Snake clone. There was a version of Pong, but it only worked with old versions of Thunderbird. MUDs Multi-user dungeons or MUDs are the precursor to massively multi- player online games or MMOs and they could be described as text based MMOs or multiplayer interactive fiction (IF). Ports includes MUD clients, but not servers. MUD clients list • gMUDix • GNU Emacs • MUDix • telnet • TINTIN++ • TinyFugue • Web browsers
CHAPTER 2. WAYS TO PLAY THE GAMES 12 Telnet games See 2.1 telnet in Base System. 2.7 Ports/Shells Bash Bash is a popular shell especially in other operating systems besides OpenBSD. While Bash isn’t an ideal language for game development a few were made. 2.8 Ports/WWW Browser games Browser games are any game that runs in a browser. Any full- featured browser should work. The more popular ones are Chromium and Firefox, though there are few more in ports. While there is a Java plugin called IcedTea-Web there are no plugins for Flash, Silverlight, or Unity. Other game-enabling technologies include ev- erything from JavaScript to WebGL to plain HTML for choice-based fiction. Browser game features support Name Canvas JS SVG WebGL Chromium Y Y Y Y Firefox Y Y Y Y Links N N N N Links+ N N N N Lynx N N N N w3m N N N N Gopher games See 2.6 Gopher games in ports/net. Mozilla Firefox extensions The Mozilla add-ons website includes extensions, themes, language packs, and so on. While typical extensions might block content, convert websites to dark mode, or stop some browser fingerprinting there are some unexpected games mixed in. Finding games through
CHAPTER 2. WAYS TO PLAY THE GAMES 13 the add-ons website is difficult because the games and entertainment section includes extensions other than games. Try searching for the term "game" and see other extensions by the same developer.
3 Notable games Besides exploring OpenBSD through ways to play there is the gam- ing and computing history because most of what OpenBSD can run and emulate are old games. Old can also mean classic, best ever made, and great genres that are no longer commercially produced. But this isn’t an invitation to look back fondly at the past. OpenBSD also runs some impressive 3D games as you will find out soon. The game notability requirements are the same as Wikipedia. If it has an article then it shows up here. Not every game that deserves an article has one. I tested all the games and they at least worked at one point. There were a few games that had articles, but I couldn’t get them to work. Those games were excluded from the lists. 3.1 Free games These games were free when I checked. It’s possible they are no longer available for free when you read this. A-I Notable games 0 A.D. 2009 Real-time strategy Ports/Games Abuse 1996 Run and gun Ports/Games Adventureland 1978 Interactive fiction ScummVM 14
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 15 The Adventures of Robby Roto 1981 Maze Ports/Emulators (Arcade) Angband 1990 Roguelike Ports/Games Armagetron Advanced 2001 Snake Ports/Games AstroMenace 2007 Arcade Ports/Games Battle for Wesnoth 2005 Turn-based strategy Ports/Games Beneath A Steel Sky 1994 Adventure ScummVM Bos Wars 2004 Real-time strategy Ports/Games Butterfly Soup 2017 Visual novel Ren’Py
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 16 BZFlag 1993 First-person shooter Ports/Games C-Dogs 1997 Action Ports/Games Candy Box! 2013 Role-playing game Ports/WWW Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead 2013 Roguelike, survival horror Ports/Games Chromium B.S.U. 2000 Arcade Ports/Games Circus 1977 Arcade Ports/Emulators (Arcade) Colobot 2001 Real-time strategy Ports/Games
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 17 Colossal Cave Adventure 1976 Adventure Base/BSD Games The Count 1979 Interactive fiction ScummVM Crossfire 1992 Role-playing Ports/Games Cube 2: Sauerbraten 2004 First-person shooter Ports/Games Danger from the Deep 2003 Submarine simulator Ports/Games Dark Mod 2013 Stealth Ports/Games Digital: A Love Story 2010 Visual novel Ren’Py Doki Doki Literature Club! 2017 Visual novel Ren’Py
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 18 don’t take it personally babe it just ain’t your story 2011 Visual novel Ren’Py Dračí Historie (Dragon History) 1995 Point-and-click adventure ScummVM Dráscula: The Vampire Strikes Back 1996 Adventure ScummVM DreamWeb 1994 Adventure ScummVM Dungeon (Zork) 1977 Text adventure Ports/Games Dungeons of Moria 1983 Roguelike Ports/Games Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 2006 Roguelike Ports/Games
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 19 Dunnet 1983 Text adventure Ports/GNU Emacs Dust Racing 2D 2012 Racing Ports/Games Egoboo 1999 Action role-playing Ports/Games Empire 1977 Strategy, Wargame Ports/Games Endgame: Singularity 2005 Strategy Ports/Games Enigma 2007 Puzzle Ports/Games Falcon’s Eye 1999 Roguelike Ports/Games
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 20 Fish Fillets NG 2004 Puzzle Ports/Games FlightGear Flight Simulator 1997 Flight simulator Ports/Games Flight of the Amazon Queen 1995 Adventure ScummVM fooBillard 2002 Sports Ports/Games Freeciv 1996 4X, Strategy Ports/Games FreeCol 2003 Strategy Ports/Games Frets on Fire 2006 Music Ports/Games
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 21 Frozen Bubble 2002 Puzzle Ports/Games gbrainy 2007 Brain teaser Ports/Games GCompris 2000 Educational entertainment Ports/Games Ghost Town 1979 Text adventure ScummVM GNU Chess 1984 Chess Ports/Games GNU Go 1989 Go Ports/Games
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 22 Google Feud 2013 Trivia Ports/WWW Hack 1982 Roguelike Base/BSD Games Hunt the Wumpus 1973 Adventure Base/BSD Games HyperRogue 2011 Roguelike Ports/Games J-R Notable games Jump ’n Bump 1998 Platform Ports/Games Kanye Zone 2012 Action Ports/WWW
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 23 Katawa Shoujo 2012 Visual novel Ren’Py Kingdom of Loathing 2003 Role-playing game Ports/WWW Lincity 1995 City-building Ports/Games Lugaru: The Rabbit’s Foot 2005 Action Ports/Games Lure of the Temptress 1992 Adventure ScummVM Marathon 1994 First-person shooter Aleph One Marathon 2: Durandal 1995 First-person shooter Aleph One
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 24 Marathon Infinity 1996 First-person shooter Aleph One Medieval Mayhem 2006 Action Atari 2600 MegaGlest 2010 Real-time strategy Ports/Games Minecraft 2011 Sandbox, survival Ports/Games Mystery Fun House 1979 Interactive fiction ScummVM Mystery House 1980 Adventure ScummVM NetHack 1987 Roguelike Ports/Games
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 25 Oolite 2004 Space trading combat simulator Ports/Games OpenArena 2005 First-person shooter Ports/Games OpenClonk 2010 Action Ports/Games OpenTTD 2004 Business simulation Ports/Games Pingus 1998 Puzzle Ports/Games Pioneer 2006 Space trading combat simulator Ports/Games Pirate Adventure 1979 Text adventure ScummVM PokerTH 2006 Card Ports/Games
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 26 Pyramid of Doom 1979 Interactive fiction ScummVM Questprobe featuring The Hulk 1984 Adventure ScummVM RE: Alistair 2010 Visual novel Ren’Py Red Eclipse 2011 First-person shooter Ports/Games Rocks’n’Diamonds 1995 Puzzle Ports/Games S-Z Notable games Scorched 3D 2001 Artillery Ports/Games
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 27 Sołtys (Mayor) 1995 Adventure ScummVM Space Trader 2002 Space trading combat simulator Ports/Games Spectar 1980 Maze Ports/Emulators (Arcade) Speed Dreams 2010 Racing Ports/Games Star Fire 1980 Space combat Ports/Emulators (Arcade) Star Trek 1971 Strategy Base/BSD Games StepMania 2001 Rhythm Ports/Games
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 28 Strange Odyssey 1979 Interactive fiction ScummVM Super Columbine Massacre RPG! 2005 Role-playing EasyRPG SuperTux 2003 Platform Ports/Games SuperTuxKart 2007 Platform Ports/Games Tales of Maj’Eyal 2012 Roguelike Ports/Games Targ 1980 Shoot’em up Ports/Emulators (Arcade) Teenagent 1995 Graphic adventure game ScummVM
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 29 Teeworlds 2007 Shooter Ports/Games UFO: Alien Invasion 2006 Turn-based tactics Ports/Games Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar 1985 Role-playing ScummVM Unknown Horizons 2008 City-building Ports/Games Urban Terror 1998 First-person shooter Ports/Games Vega Strike 2005 Space simulation Ports/Games Voodoo Castle 1979 Interactive fiction ScummVM
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 30 Warring Worms 2001 Action Atari 2600 Warzone 2100 1999 Real-time strategy Ports/Games Widelands 2002 Real-time strategy Ports/Games X-Moto 2005 Platform Ports/Games XBill 1994 Arcade Ports/Games XBoard 1991 Chess Ports/Games Xonotic 2011 First-person shooter Ports/Games
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 31 Zaz 2009 Puzzle Ports/Games 3.2 Non-free games For me, non-free is more accurate description for games that cost money than the word commercial. Many commercial games have been given away over the years. It would be impossible for me to list every single game for all ways to play, but I listed a few I tested. Notable games Arx Fatalis 2002 Action role-playing Arx Libertatis Doom 3 2004 First-person shooter, survival horror dhewm 3 Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil 2005 First-person shooter, survival horror dhewm 3 Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind 2002 Action role-playing OpenMW
CHAPTER 3. NOTABLE GAMES 32 Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal 2002 Action role-playing OpenMW Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon 2003 Action role-playing OpenMW I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream 1995 Point-and-click adventure ScummVM
4 Getting the games Websites come and go quickly so please excuse any broken links. If it’s broken try searching for its new URL or using WayBackMachine 4.1 Games games for nearly every method Base/BSD Games places to telnet Ports/Editors Emacs Wiki: games VIM: games hp?keywords=&script_type=game&order_by=rating&direc tion=descending&search=search Forgotten Island Ports/Emulators Homebrew Heroes Indie Retro News Ports/Emulators (Arcade) MAME ROMs World Rally 33
CHAPTER 4. GETTING THE GAMES 34 Ports/Emulators (Computer) Because computers are generally open platforms compared to game consoles the developers typically didn’t use the term homebrew. Try searching with terms such as shareware, freeware, and public domain. Many old games were released directly into the public domain decades ago. Watch out for demos disguised as shareware. If you look for the other kind of demo – a scene demo you might also find many of those sites host games as well. AMI Sector One: Amiga games _dl_0.htm Factor 5: Amiga downloads Fedora Games spin (live CD) MSXBLUE-DEV: MSX games ReactOS (live CD) TempleOS (live CD) Ports/Emulators (Game console) Finding free games for game console emulation can be as simple as searching the name of the console with the word homebrew. Brewology: PSP homebrew games Bride and Squeeze (Nintendo Game & Watch) omebrew-lcd-games-game-watch/ Candus Console Dev (PS1) Game Boy Advance Development: games and demos
CHAPTER 4. GETTING THE GAMES 35 GameBrew (DS, 3DS, Wii) GameCube Forever: homebrew games egory:Homebrew_Games GBAtemp: List of 3DS homebrew games w_games NES World (NES, N64, SNES, GB, GBC) PC Engine Software Bible: homebrew games htm PDROMS (many consoles) PSXDEV Network: homebrew (PS1) Retroguru (many consoles) SMS Power! (SMS, GG, SG) WiiBrew: list of homebrew games Ports/Games (Game engines) Flare: mods Instead-games (dig through the archives)*/http://instead-games. ru/ Ren’Py games list RMN: games (many engines)
CHAPTER 4. GETTING THE GAMES 36 Solarus: games ScummVM Wiki: Where to get the games _games Ports/Math gnuplot source: games games Ports/Net Mud Connector: listings Ports/Shells bash2048 -game/ Ports/WWW Game Jolt: HTML games Internet Archive: Internet Arcade Internet Archive: Console Living Room Internet Archive: Software Library Mozilla Firefox Browser Add-Ons
5 Former ways to play games Here is the graveyard of ways to play games no longer available on OpenBSD. I doubt any will return soon if ever. Blender Game Engine Blender did more than make 3D models it also included a game engine until 2018. When version 2.80 was released the game en- gine was removed from Blender. Few games worked on OpenBSD because they were not updated to the latest Blender API. Firefox OS app store Firefox OS was a short-lived mobile operating system. Until 2018 Firefox had a software repository called an app store where users could install software including games. While it worked on OpenBSD most of the games were ports of simple HTML5 games already online for free. Linux compatibility layer OpenBSD included a Linux compatibility until version 6.0 was re- leased in 2016. Even though I used OpenBSD when it was available I never tried games on the compatibility layer, though I assume it ran some Linux only games at the time. Sega Saturn The only emulator that did not require firmware was Yabause. It didn’t work well and eventually stopped working on OpenBSD com- pletely. Yabause was eventually removed from ports. 37
6 What next? Once you are done here you may want to check out the OpenBSD gaming forum on Reddit aming/ or the PlayOnBSD group on Steam https://steamcommu For possible future ports look at the OpenBSD work in progress ports rla/openbsd-wip/tree/master/. If you have the money another good OpenBSD gaming guide is the PlayOnBSD shopping guide There are so ways to play games on OpenBSD I couldn’t possibly list them all. There are plenty more games, game engines, live CDs, and emulators still out there I don’t know about. Hopefully I made you aware of some of those and gave you ideas about what to search for next. As always there will be updates in the future so check back later. Thanks for taking a look at my OpenBSD gaming resource. 38
A Clones, models, and variants This list of clones, models, and variants saves me from researching a system that turns out to be just another clone. It is not complete nor is it error free. Do not use it as an authoritative or primary source of information. Computers Atari ST series • Atari Coldfire Project FireBee • Atari – Atari Falcon030 Computer System – Atari Mega ST – Atari Mega STE – Atari ST – Atari ST BOOK – Atari Stacy – Atari Stacy 2 – Atari Stacy 4 – Atari STe – Atari STf – Atari STfm – Atari TT030 Commodore Amiga • ACube Systems Minimig • DCE/Power Computing Power A5000 • Commodore – Commodore Amiga 500 – Commodore Amiga 500 Plus – Commodore Amiga 600 – Commodore Amiga 600HD – Commodore Amiga 1000 – Commodore Amiga 1000 Plus – Commodore Amiga 1200 – Commodore Amiga 1200HD – Commodore Amiga 1200HD/40 – Commodore Amiga 2000 – Commodore Amiga 2000HD – Commodore Amiga 2500 39
APPENDIX A. CLONES, MODELS, AND VARIANTS 40 – Commodore Amiga 2500/30 – Commodore Amiga 3000 – Commodore Amiga 3000 Plus – Commodore Amiga 3000T – Commodore Amiga 3000T-040 – Commodore Amiga 3000UX – Commodore Amiga 3500 – Commodore Amiga 4000 – Commodore Amiga 4000T – Commodore Amiga Walker Commodore PET series • Commodore 64 – Commodore 64 – Commodore 64C – Commodore 64C CR – Commodore 64G – Commodore 64-Aldi – Commodore 64 Games System – Commodore 64 II • Commodore Executive 64 – Commodore Executive 64 (luggable) – Commodore DX-64 (luggable) – Commodore SX-64 (luggable) – Commodore SX-100 (luggable) – Commodore VIP-64 (luggable) – Tesa 6240 Etikettendrucker • Commodore 65 – Commodore 64DX (prototype) – Commodore 65 (prototype) • Commodore 128 series – Commodore 128 – Commodore 128D – Commodore 128D-CR • Commodore 264 series – Commodore 16 – Commodore 116 – Commodore 232 (prototype) – Commodore 264 (prototype) – Commodore 364 (prototype) – Commodore Plus/4 ∗ Commodore +/4 ∗ Commodore Plus/4
APPENDIX A. CLONES, MODELS, AND VARIANTS 41 – Drean Commodore 16 • Commodore MAX Machine – Commodore MAX Machine – Commodore Ultimax – Commodore VC-10 • Commoder PET series – Commodore PET 64 ∗ Commodore Educator 64-1 ∗ Commodore Educator 64-2 ∗ Commodore PET 64 – Commodore PET 2001 – Commodore PET 2001-B – Commodore PET 2001-N8 – Commodore PET 2001-N16 – Commodore PET 2001-N32 – Commodore PET 3008 – Commodore PET 3016 – Commodore PET 3032 – Commodore SuperPET 9000 • Commodore VIC-20 – Commodore VC-20 – Commodore VIC-20 – Commodore VIC-1001 – Retro Games The VIC 20 MSX • MSX (standard) – Daewoo CPC-50 Zemmix (console) – Daewoo CPC-51 Zemmix V (console) • MSX TurboR (standard) – Panasonic ∗ Panasonic FS-A1GT ∗ Panasonic FS-A1ST • MSX2 (standard) – 1chipMSX – Daewoo CPC-61 Zemmix Super V (console) • MSX2+ (standard) – AGE GR8BIT – Kimoan KimoHachi – Mini IQ3000 Cutie – Panasonic ∗ Panasonic FS-A1FX ∗ Panasonic FS-A1WSX
APPENDIX A. CLONES, MODELS, AND VARIANTS 42 ∗ Panasonic FS-A1WX ∗ Panasonic VW-KT300 – Sanyo ∗ Sanyo PHC-35J ∗ Sanyo PHC-35JN ∗ Sanyo PHC-70FD ∗ Sanyo PHC-70FD2 – Sony ∗ Sony HB-F1XDJ ∗ Sony HB-F1XV – Zemmix Neo • MSX3 (standard, unreleased) Game Consoles Atari 2600 • Atari – Atari 2600 – Atari 2700 (prototype) – Atari CX2000 (prototype) – Atari VCS • CCE Supergame VG 3000 • Coleco Gemini • Dactar Video Game • Dismac Video Game • Dynacom MegaBoy (handheld) • Hyperkin RetroN 77 • Rambo TV Game • Sears Video Arcade Audiosonic 1292 Advanced Programmable Video System • 1292 Advanced Programmable Video System family – Acetronic MPU-1000 – Acetronic MPU-2000 – Audiosonic PP-1292 Advanced Programmable Video Sys- tem – Audiosonic PP-1392 Advanced Programmable Video Sys- tem – Fountain 1292 Advanced Programmable Video System – Fountain 1392 Advanced Programmable Video System – Fountain Force 2
APPENDIX A. CLONES, MODELS, AND VARIANTS 43 – Grandstand Advanced Programmable Video System – Hanimex HMG-1292 Advanced Programmable Video Sys- tem – Hanimex HMG-1392 Advanced Programmable Video Sys- tem – Lansay 1392 – Prinztronic VC-6000 – Radofin 1292 Advanced Programmable Video System – Radofin 1392 Advanced Programmable Video System • Dasabase System family – Voltmace Database • Interton Electronic VC 4000 family – Aureac Tele Computer – Grundig Super Play Computer 4000 – Interton Electronic VC 4000 – Korting TVC 4000 – Palson CX 3000 Tele Computer – TRQ Video Computer H-21 • MPT-05 family – ITMC Video Ordinateur MPT-05 • Television Computer System family – Rowtron Television Computer System – Teleng Television Computer System • Video TV Game family – Karvan Jeu Video TV – Societe Occitane Electronique OC-2000 Emerson Arcadia 2001 • Emerson family – Advision Home Arcade – Bandai Arcadia – Emerson Arcadia 2001 – GiG Electronics Leonardo – Hanimex Home Arcade Centre – Hanimex HMG-2650 – Intercord XL-2000 – Leisure-Dynamics Leisure-Vision – Monaco Leisure Tunix Home Arcade – Schmid TVG-2000 – Tele-computer Cosmos – Tempest Video Computer Game • MPT-03 family – Morning-Sun Commerce Dynavision
APPENDIX A. CLONES, MODELS, AND VARIANTS 44 – P.I.C. Ekusera – Prestige Video Computer Game MPT-03 – Rowtron 2000 – Rowtron Video Computer Game MPT-03 – Soundic MPT-03 – Tryom Video Game Center • Orbit family – Grandstand Video Master – Orbit Electronics UVI Compu-game • Palladium family – Mr. Altus Tele Brain – Palladium Telespiel – Trakton Computer Video Game NEC TurboGrafx-16 • CYBER Gadget Retro Freak • Haitai Vistar 16 • Jamiko PC Boy • NEC TurboGrafx-16 – NEC PC Engine – NEC PC Engine CoreGrafx – NEC PC Engine CoreGrafx II – NEC PC Engine Duo-R – NEC PC Engine Duo-RX – NEC PC Engine GT (handheld) – NEC PC Engine LT (handheld) – NEC PC Engine Shuttle – NEC PC Engine SuperGrafx – NEC PC-KD863G (TV) – NEC TurboGrafx – NEC TurboGrafx-16 – NEC TurboExpress • PC-II • Pioneer – Pioneer LaserActive CLD-A100 – Pioneer LaserActive PCE-LD1 • PowerPlay Galaxy • Sunpronic – Sunpronic Super Engine – Sunpronic Super Engine II • UFO Super Game
APPENDIX A. CLONES, MODELS, AND VARIANTS 45 Nintendo 3DS • iQue 3DS XL • Nintendo – New Nintendo 2DS XL – New Nintendo 3DS – New Nintendo 3DS XL – Nintendo 2DS – Nintendo 3DS – Nintendo 3DS XL Nintendo 64 • Hyperkin Ultra Retron • Hyundai Comboy 64 • IntecGaming Warrior 64 (unrelased) • iQue Player • Nintendo 64 Nintendo DS • iQue – iQue DS – iQue DSi – iQue DS Lite • Nintendo – Nintendo DSi – Nintendo DSi XL – Nintendo DS Lite Nintendo Entertainment System • Analogue – Analogue Nt – Analogue Nt mini • Boss 3800a • Brightech FCCP03 • Bromak BM 1500 • CYBER Gadget Retro Freak • Dendy – Dendy Classic – Dendy Classic II – Dendy Junior – Dendy Junior II – Dendy Junior IIP
APPENDIX A. CLONES, MODELS, AND VARIANTS 46 – Dendy Junior IVP • Ending-Man Terminator • Gamerz Tek 8-Bit HD Entertainment System • Generation NEX • Hyperkin – Hyperkin RetroN 1 – Hyperkin RetroN 1 HD – Hyperkin RetroN 2 HD – Hyperkin RetroN 3 HD • Kenga Ken-Boy • Messiah Generation NEX • Micro Genius • Newtendo Super Famcom • Nintendo – Nintendo Entertainment System – Nintendo Family Computer Disk System • NrTrade – NrTrade Power Games – NrTrade Power Joy – NrTrade Power Play III – NrTrade Power Player Super Joy III – NrTrade XA-76-1E • Old Skool Classiq N HD • Planet Joy • Polystation – Polystation – Polystation II – Polystation III • Power Player 3D Station • Propoganda Prosystem 8 • Retro-Bit – Retro-Bit RES Plus – Retro-Bit Retro Duo – Retro-Bit Retro Duo Portable (handheld) – Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio – Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio Plus • Qishenglong – Qishenglong FC Twin – Qishenglong FC X2 • Sachen Q Boy • Savia • Sharp – Sharp C1 NES TV – Sharp Famicom Editor
APPENDIX A. CLONES, MODELS, AND VARIANTS 47 – Sharp Famicom Titler – Sharp Game Television – Sharp My Computer TV C1 – Sharp Nintendo Television – Sharp Twin Famicom • Super Design Ending-Man BS-500 AS • Super Pegasus Computer Family Game MT-555DX • Trontex Entertainment Computer System Nintendo Game Boy • Analogue Pocket • CYBER Gadget Retro Freak • GB Boy Colour • Nintendo – Nintendo Game Boy – Nintendo Game Boy Color – Nintendo Game Boy Light – Nintendo Game Boy Pocket Nintendo Game Boy Advance • Analogue Pocket • CYBER Gadget Retro Freak • iQue – iQue Game Boy Advance – iQue Game Boy Micro – iQue Game Boy SP • Nintendo – Nintendo Game Boy Advance – Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP – Nintendo Game Boy Micro • Revo – Revo K101 – Revo K101 Plus Nintendo Wii • Nintendo Wii • Nintendo Wii Family Edition • Nintendo Wii Mini Sega Game Gear • Analogue
APPENDIX A. CLONES, MODELS, AND VARIANTS 48 – Analogue Mega Sg – Analogue Pocket • CYBER Gadget Retro Freak • Sega Game Gear Sega Genesis • Analogue Mega Sg • CYBER Gadget Retro Freak • Gamerz Tek Minigen HD • Gemini Super Play 16 • GooDGo HD Game Console • Hyperkin – Hyperkin MegaRetroN HD – Hyperkin RetroN 3 HD • Micro Genius III • Mikki – Magistr Drive 2 – Mega Drive 2 • Samsung – Samsung Super Aladdin Boy – Samsung Super Aladdin Boy II – Samsung Super GamBoy • Sega – Sega Genesis – Sega New Mega Drive – Sega Mega Drive – Sega Mega Jet (handheld) – Sega Nomad (handheld) • Simba Mega Drive V • Retro-Bit – Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio – Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio Plus Sega SG-1000 • AARONIX • Analogue Mega Sg • CYBER Gadget Retro Freak • Othello – Othello Multivision FG-1000 – Othello Multivision FG-2000 • Sega – Sega 1000
APPENDIX A. CLONES, MODELS, AND VARIANTS 49 – Sega SC-3000 – Sega SG-1000 – Sega SG-1000 II Sega Master System • Analogue Mega Sg • CYBER Gadget Retro Freak • Samsung – Samsung Aladdin Boy – Samsung Gam*boy • Sega – Sega Game Box 9 (coin operated) – Sega Mark III – Sega Master System – Sega Master System II – Sega Master System Kiosk • Tectoy – Tectoy Master System Girl – Tectoy Master System II – Tectoy Master System III – Tectoy Master System Super Compact SNK Neo Geo Pocket • Analogue Pocket • SNK Neo Geo Pocket • SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color Sony PlayStation • Sony PlayStation • Sony Net Yaroze • Sony PlayStation PS One Sony PlayStation Portable • Sony PlayStation Portable 1000 • Sony PlayStation Portable 2000 • Sony PlayStation Portable 3000 • Sony PlayStation Portable E1000 (Street) • Sony PlayStation Portable N1000 (Go) • Sony PlayStation Portable Go • Sony PlayStation Portable Street
APPENDIX A. CLONES, MODELS, AND VARIANTS 50 Super Nintendo Entertainment System • Analogue Super Nt • CYBER Gadget Retro Freak • Gamerz Tek 16-Bit HD Entertainment System • Hyperkin – Hyperkin RetroN 2 HD – Hyperkin RetroN 3 HD • Hyundai Super Comboy • Nintendo – Nintendo Super Famicom – Nintendo Super Famicom Jr. – Super Nintendo Entertainment System • Old Skool Classiq 2 HD • Retro-Bit – Retro-Bit Retro Duo – Retro-Bit Retro Duo Portable (handheld) – Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio – Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio Plus
Index Symbols Chocolate Doom, 8 0 A.D., 14 Chromium, 11, 12 Chromium B.S.U., 16 A Circus, 16 Abuse, 14 Citra, 5 ADRIFT, 10 Clic, 11 Adventureland, 14 Colobot, 16 AdvSys, 10 Colossal Cave Adventure, 17 AGT, 10 Commodore Amiga, 4 ALAN, 10 Commodore PET, 4 Aleph One, 9 Crossfire, 17 Amstrad GX4000, 5 Cube 2: Sauerbraten, 17 Angband, 15 Archetype, 10 D Armagetron Advanced, 15 Danger from the Deep, 17 Arx Fatalis, 9, 31 Dark Mod, 17 Arx Libertatis, 9 ddb, 3 AstroMenace, 15 DeSmuME, 5 Atari 2600, 5 dhewm 3, 9 Atari Jaguar, 5 Digital: A Love Story, 17 Atari ST, 4 dMagnetic, 8 Audiosonic 1292 APVS, 5 Doki Doki Literature Club, 17 B Dolphin, 6 Bash, 12 don’t take it personally babe it bash2048, 36 just ain’t your story, 18 Battle for Wesnoth, 15 Doom 3, 9, 31 Beneath A Steel Sky, 15 Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil, Blender, 37 31 Blender Game Engine, 37 Doom engine, 8 Bos Wars, 15 Dráscula: The Vampire Strikes BSD Games, 2 Back, 18 Butterfly Soup, 15 Dračí Historie (Dragon BZFlag, 16 History), 18 DreamWeb, 18 C Dungeon (Zork), 18 C-Dogs, 16 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Candy Box, 16 18 Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Dungeons of Moria, 18 16 Dunnet, 19 cgo, 11 Dust Racing 2D, 19 51
INDEX 52 E gnuplot, 10 EasyRPG, 8 Google Feud, 22 Egoboo, 19 Gopher+, 11 Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, 9 Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon, H 32 Hack, 22 Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, hangman, 3 31 Hatari, 4 Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal, 32, 36 Empire, 19 HUGO, 10 Endgame: Singularity, 19 Hunt the Wumpus, 22 Enigma, 19 HyperRogue, 22 F I Falcon’s Eye, 19 I Have No Mouth, and I Must FCEUX, 5 Scream, 32 Firefox, 12 id Tech 1, 8 Fish Fillets NG, 20 INSTEAD, 8 Flare, 8 interactive fiction, 9 Flight of the Amazon Queen, J 20 JACL, 10 FlightGear Flight Simulator, Jump ’n Bump, 22 20 fooBillard, 20 K Freeciv, 20 Kanye Zone, 22 FreeCol, 20 Katawa Shoujo, 23 Frets on Fire, 20 Kingdom of Loathing, 23 Frodo, 4 Frotz, 10 L Frozen Bubble, 21 Level 9 A-Code, 10 FS-UAE, 4 LibreOffice, 3 fuse, 4 Lincity, 23 Links, 12 G Links+, 12 Gambatte, 5 Linux, 7 Gargoyle, 8, 10 Lugaru: The Rabbit’s Foot, 23 gbrainy, 21 Lure of the Temptress, 23 GCompris, 21 Lynx, 11, 12 Ghost Town, 21 Glulx, 10 M gMUDix, 11 Magnetic Scrolls, 8 GNU Chess, 21 MAME, 5 GNU Emacs, 3, 11 Marathon, 9, 23 GNU Go, 21 Marathon 2: Durandal, 23
INDEX 53 Marathon Infinity, 24 PPSSPP, 6 Medieval Mayhem, 24 PrBoom, 8 Mednafen, 5 PrBoom+, 8 MegaGlest, 24 Pyramid of Doom, 26 mGBA, 5 Minecraft, 24 Q Mozilla Firefox, 11, 12 QEMU, 7 Mozilla Thunderbird, 11 Quest, 10 MSX, 4 Questprobe featuring The MUD, 11 Hulk, 26 MUDix, 11 R Mupen64Plus, 5 RE: Alistair, 26 Mystery Fun House, 24 ReactOS, 7 Mystery House, 24 Red Eclipse, 26 N Ren’Py, 8 NEC TurboGrafx-16, 5 Rocks’n’Diamonds, 26 NetHack, 24 RPG Maker 2000, 8 Nintendo 3DS, 5 RPG Maker 2003, 8 Nintendo 64, 5 S Nintendo DS, 5 sacc, 11 Nintendo Entertainment SameBoy, 5 System, 5 SCI, 8 Nintendo Game & Watch, 5 Scorched 3D, 26 Nintendo Game Boy, 5 SCUMM, 8 Nintendo Game Boy Advance, ScummVM, 8, 10 6 SeaMonkey, 11 Nintendo Game Boy Color, 5 Sega Game Gear, 6 Nintendo GameCube, 6 Sega Gesesis, 6 Nintendo Virtual Boy, 6 Sega Master System, 6 Nintendo Wii, 6 Sega Saturn, 37 O Sega SG-1000, 6 Oolite, 25 Snes9x, 6 OpenArena, 25 SNK Neo Geo Pocket, 6 OpenClonk, 25 SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color, 6 openMSX, 4 Sołtys (Mayor), 27 OpenMW, 9 Solarus, 8 OpenTTD, 25 Sony PlayStation, 6 Sony PlayStation Portable, 6 P Space Trader, 27 Pingus, 25 Spectar, 27 Pioneer, 25 Speed Dreams, 27 Pirate Adventure, 25 Star Fire, 27 PokerTH, 25 Star Trek, 27
INDEX 54 Stella, 5 V StepMania, 27 VBA-M, 5 Strange Odyssey, 28 Vega Strike, 29 Super Columbine Massacre VF-1, 11 RPG, 28 Vice, 4 Super Nintendo Vim, 3 Entertainment System, Virtual Jaguar, 5 6 Voodoo Castle, 29 SuperTux, 28 SuperTuxKart, 28 W w3m, 12 T Warring Worms, 30 TADS, 10 Warzone 2100, 30 Tales of Maj’Eyal, 28 Widelands, 30 Targ, 28 Wikipedia, 14 Teenagent, 28 Teeworlds, 29 X Telnet, 11 X-Moto, 30 telnet, 3 XBill, 30 TempleOS, 7 XBoard, 30 The Adventures of Robby Xonotic, 30 Roto, 15 The Count, 17 Y TINTIN++, 11 Yabause, 37 TinyFugue, 11 U Z UAE, 4 Z-code, 10 UFO: Alien Invasion, 29 Z-Machine, 10 Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar, Zaz, 31 29 ZDoom, 8 Unknown Horizons, 29 Zoom, 10 Urban Terror, 29 ZX Spectrum, 4
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