OPEN MINUTES Papakura Local Board

Papakura Local Board
                                OPEN MINUTES

Minutes of a meeting of the Papakura Local Board held via Skype for Business on Wednesday, 22
September 2021 at 4.30pm. Either a recording or written summary will be uploaded on the Auckland
Council website.


 Chairperson            Brent Catchpole
 Deputy Chairperson     Jan Robinson
 Members                Felicity Auva'a
                        George Hawkins
                        Keven Mealamu
                        Sue Smurthwaite


 Councillors            Angela Dalton
                        Daniel Newman, JP
Papakura Local Board
22 September 2021

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Papakura Local Board
22 September 2021

1     Welcome

      Member Felicity Auva’a led the meeting in prayer.

2     Apologies

          Councillors Dalton and Newman were an apology for absence.

3     Declaration of Interest

      Member Sue Smurthwaite declared a conflict of interest for item 13, Papakura Local
      Grants and Multi-board Round One 2021/2022 grant allocations, in relation to application
      LG2214-122 Special Olympics Papakura and did not speak or vote on this item.
      Members Keven Mealamu and Felicity Auva’a declared a conflict of interest for item 13,
      Papakura Local Grants and Multi-board Round One 2021/2022 grant allocations, in relation
      to application MB2022-143, Counties Manukau Sports Foundation and did not speak or
      vote on this item.

4     Confirmation of Minutes

          Resolution number PPK/2021/159
          MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson:
          That the Papakura Local Board:
          a)    confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 25 August
                2021, as true and correct.

5     Leave of Absence

      There were no requests for leave of absence.

6     Acknowledgements

          6.1   Acknowledgements – Papakura Community Response to Covid
                Resolution number PPK/2021/160
                MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member K Mealamu:
                That the Papakura Local Board:
                a)     acknowledge the Papakura community during the current Delta variant
                       COVID-19 Level 4 lockdown:
                       Once again, our community has stood together to combat the threat of
                       COVID-19. This has not been an easy time, and we acknowledge the
                       personal sacrifices made in lost freedom, increased isolation and
                       increased financial burdens to protect our most vulnerable from the

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22 September 2021

                      We would like to thank the workers who have taken on the risk of
                      working during the outbreak so that our supermarkets, pharmacies,
                      hospitals and other essential services can continue to operate.
                      We would also like to thank all those who have been involved in the
                      tremendous work undertaken to vaccinate as much of our community
                      as quickly as possible.
                      We acknowledge the community organisations that have provided
                      support to those in need during this time: Takaanini Gurdwara Sikh
                      Temple, Kootuitui ki Papakura and many others – more than can be
                      mentioned here.
                      We acknowledge the Papakura Marae for stepping up for providing
                      increased testing and vaccination services since the beginning of the
                      Level 4 lockdown. This work has also been acknowledged by both
                      Prime Minister Ardern and Mayor Goff.
                      We also acknowledge the parents and teachers who have worked to
                      ensure that our tamariki and rangatahi can continue their education
                      during the lockdown.
                      It is through all our hard work that we have been able to move from
                      Alert Level 4 to Alert Level 3 today. It is by continuing this work that we
                      will be able to beat the virus and return to normal life.

          6.2   Acknowledgements – Papakura Lockdown Hero
                Resolution number PPK/2021/161
                MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member F Auva'a:
                That the Papakura Local Board:
                a)    acknowledge Bun Leng, owner of the Satay Noodle House Papakura,
                      for being selected as a Lockdown Hero by the New Zealand Herald:
                      Bun has been honoured for his positive use of social media to convey
                      his gratitude to his customers during lockdown, and for his plans to
                      launch a fundraiser to provide meals to police, frontline workers, other
                      essential workers, and those struggling in our community.

7     Petitions

      There were no petitions.

8     Deputations

      There were no deputations.

9     Public Forum

      There was no public forum.

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22 September 2021

10        Extraordinary Business

          There was no extraordinary business.

11        Governing Body Member's Update
          This item was withdrawn.

12        Chairperson's Update
          Resolution number PPK/2021/162
          MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member G Hawkins:
          That the Papakura Local Board:
          a)      receive the verbal report from the Papakura Local Board Chairperson.

13 Papakura Local Grants and Multiboard Round One 2021/2022 grant allocations
     Member Sue Smurthwaite declared a conflict of interest in relation to application LG2214-122
     Special Olympics Papakura and did not speak or vote on this item.
     Members Keven Mealamu and Felicity Auva’a declared a conflict of interest in relation to
     application MB2022-143, Counties Manukau Sports Foundation and did not speak or vote on this
     Resolution number PPK/2021/163
     MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson:
     That the Papakura Local Board:
     a)        agree to fund, part-fund or decline the following 2021/2022 round one Papakura local
               grant applications:
      Application      Organisation   Main focus   Requesting        Amount       Local Board Decision
      ID                                           funding for       requested
      LG2214-          Well Women     Community    Towards venue      $3,560.00              $3,000.00
      101              Franklin                    hire costs of
                                                   the peer
                                                   support group
                                                   in Papakura.

      LG2214-          Auckland       Sport and    Towards the       $5,000.00                $2,500.00
      103              Basketball     recreation   hall hire costs                Towards venue hire –
                       Services                    at Pulman Park                 conditional on venue
                       Limited                     for Term 1                       being confirmed at
                                                   2022, the cost                         Pulman Park
                                                   of court
                                                   managers from
                                                   Oct 2021 to
                                                   Feb 2022, as
                                                   well as part of

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22 September 2021

                                         the cost of
                                         affiliation to
                                         Basketball NZ

    LG2214-   Papakura       Community   Towards            $3,577.55   $3,000.00
    104       Playcentre                 replacing

    LG2214-   Youthline      Community   Towards            $5,000.00   $4,250.00
    108       Auckland                   counselling for
              Charitable                 vulnerable
              Trust                      youth in
                                         Papakura and
                                         for the

    LG2214-   Jasmine Day    Arts and    Towards the        $2,249.00   $2,249.00
    111                      culture     cost of venue
                                         and lighting

    LG2214-   Papakura       Community   Towards the        $5,000.00   $5,000.00
    114       Business                   costs to install
              Association                and de-install
                                         128 Christmas
                                         flags in 7 main
                                         streets of

    LG2214-   Sustainable    Community   Towards            $5,000.00   $2,000.00
    115       Papakura                   upskilling
                                         volunteers by
                                         coaching and
                                         support to
                                         create a pool
                                         of Waste

    LG2214-   New Zealand    Community   Contribution       $5,000.00   $2,500.00
    116       Council of                 towards
              Victim                     operational
              Support                    expenses of
              Groups                     the volunteer
              Incorporated               support worker
                                         programme for
                                         the 2021/2022
                                         financial year

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    LG2214-   Mountains to   Community   Towards costs      $4,000.00             $2,500.00
    117       Sea                        of MTSCT crew
              Conservation               to run the
              Trust –                    event with both
              Experiencing               kayaking and
              Marine                     freshwater
              Reserves                   workshop,
                                         Auckland Sea
                                         Kayaks to
                                         provide the
                                         kayaks and to
                                         run a waste

    LG2214-   Gateway        Events      Towards venue      $5,000.00             $2,236.30
    118       Community                  hire, timing                   Towards venue hire
              Trust (aka                 services, stage                and timing services
              Navigators)                and sound hire
                                         for the
                                         Papakura Hope

    LG2214-   Auckland       Arts and    Towards            $2,677.00               $750.00
    119       southern       culture     coaching fee                     Towards coaching
              District                   for Chinese                    and drawing classes
              Chinese                    Drawing and
              Association                Calligraphy
              Incorporated               class,
                                         drums and
                                         shoes for
                                         Dancing Group
                                         and Class,
                                         mobile speaker
                                         for chorus and
                                         auditing fee for

    LG2214-   Papakura       Community   Towards costs      $5,000.00             $5,000.00
    120       Business                   for the
              Association                installation and
                                         take down of
                                         the flags.

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22 September 2021

    LG2214-   Te Whakaora   Community    Towards           $5,000.00            $1,000.00
    121       Tangata                    Auckland
                                         delivery costs
                                         which is to
                                         deliver two
                                         Courses (Oct-
                                         Nov ’21 and
                                         Jan-Feb ’22),
                                         Coaching, one-
                                         advocacy, and
                                         other wrap-
                                         services to the

    LG2214-   Special       Sport and    Towards the       $4,200.49            $2.609.00
    122       Olympics      recreation   cost of hiring
              Papakura                   Redhill
                                         centre for 40
                                         weeks to run

    LG2214-   Life          Community    Towards the       $7,656.72            $1,136.05
    123       Education                  delivery of the               Towards the health
              Trust                      health and                        and wellbeing
              Counties                   well-being                          programme
              Manukau                    programme to
                                         732 students
                                         aged 5-13 at
                                         Karaka School
                                         & Kelvin Rd
                                         the running
                                         costs of the
                                         insurances &

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22 September 2021

    LG2214-       Road Safety     Community    Towards the          $2,699.00                    $0.00
    124           Education                    cost of venue                               Declined –
                  Limited                      hire and                            insufficient funds
                                               costs required
                                               to deliver Road

    LG2214-       Papakura        Community    Towards              $5,000.00               $2,970.00
    127           Marae Maori                  providing the
                  Wardens                      Papakura
                                               Marae Maori
                                               Wardens the
                                               opportunity to
                                               complete a
                                               First Aid
                                               course and
                                               gain First Aid

    LG2214-       O Te Motu       Arts and     Towards              $2,990.91                   $0.00
    128           Creations Ltd   culture      wananga                                 Declined – low
                                               space,                                         priority
                                               facilitator fees,
                                               marketing and

    Total                                                          $78,610.67              $42,700.35

   b)     agree to fund, part-fund or decline the following 2021/2022 round one multi-board
          grant applications:
    Application   Organisation    Main focus   Requesting             Amount           Local Board
    ID                                         funding for            requested        Decision
    MB2022-       Big Buddy       Community    Towards                     $5,000.00             $0.00
    113           Mentoring                    operational costs                       Declined – Low
                  Trust                        including wages,                               priority
                                               rent, transport,
                                               and equipment to
                                               recruit, screen,
                                               and train up to 50
                                               more Auckland
                                               men to be
                                               volunteers (Big
                                               Buddies) to
                                               Auckland boys
                                               who do not have a
                                               father in their life

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22 September 2021

    MB2022-   The             Arts and     Towards gift a       $4,948.00        $1,000.00
    120       Operating       culture      seat theatre                            Towards
              Theatre Trust                tickets and                            targeting
                                           transport costs                   children from
                                           for low decile                   Papakura local
                                           school and early                         schools
                                           childhood centre
                                           children between
                                           October 2021 and
                                           May 2022

    MB2022-   The Student     Community    Towards the          $2,100.00        $1,000.00
    121       Volunteer                    Student Volunteer                       Towards
              Army                         Army (SVA)                             targeting
              Foundation                   programme                         children from
                                           volunteer project                Papakura local
                                           in various primary                       schools
                                           schools including
                                           the costs of a
                                           school kit, from
                                           31 October 2021
                                           to 1 August 2022.

    MB2022-   Babystart       Community    Towards 60           $3,452.00         $1,726.00
    123       Charitable                   babystart boxes,
              Trust                        baby clothing,
                                           care items,
                                           courier, logistics
                                           and storage

    MB2022-   East Skate      Sport and    Towards the          $4,500.00            $0.00
    124       Club            recreation   “Learn to Skate”                 Declined – low
              Incorporated                 programme                               priority
                                           transport costs,
                                           equipment &
                                           venue hire,
                                           marketing and

    MB2022-   Age Concern     Community    Towards              $2,000.00         $1,100.00
    135       Auckland                     counselling                       Towards non-
              Incorporated                 services for older               salary costs for
                                           adults between 1                   people in the
                                           October and 30                   Papakura Local
                                           June 2022                             Board area

    MB2022-   Graeme          Community    Towards salaries     $5,000.00         $2,000.00
    138       Dingle                       for two Kiwi Can
              Foundation                   Programme
              Auckland                     Coordinators from
                                           3 January 2021 to
                                           22 July 2022.

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    MB2022-   Habitat for    Community    Towards the           $3,500.00              $0.00
    139       Humanity                    “Winter Warmer                         Declined –
              Northern                    and Healthy Home                      insufficient
              Region                      Intervention                                funds
              Limited                     Programme”
                                          volunteer costs,
                                          items for the
                                          packs and co-
                                          ordination costs.

    MB2022-   Counties       Sport and    Towards the 2021      $2,500.00         $1,000.00
    143       Manukau        recreation   Honda New                               Members
              Sports                      Zealand Counties                           Keven
              Foundation                  Manukau Sporting                   Mealamu and
                                          Excellence                        Felicity Auva’a
                                          Awards on 2                            declared a
                                          December 2021.                         conflict of
                                                                               interest and
                                                                             did not speak
                                                                            or vote on this

    MB2022-   People Frist   Community    Towards training      $2,500.00          $360.00
    151       New Zealand                 programmes for                       Towards the
              Incorporated                people with a                            training
                                          disability,                          programme.
                                          capability and
                                          being safe, held at
                                          Royal Oak from 1
                                          October 2021 to
                                          30 September

    MB2022-   Road Safety    Community    Towards the Road      $4,000.00             $0.00
    152       Education                   Safety                              Declined- not
              Trust                       Programme                                  in the
                                          including wages                   Papakura Local
                                          for the                               Board area
                                          programme co-
                                          ordinator, national
                                          manager and
                                          support staff for
                                          between 1
                                          October 2021 to
                                          30 September

    MB2022-   CNSST          Arts and     Towards the           $2,175.00              $0.00
    158       Foundation,    culture      Community                         Declined – Low
              formerly                    Connection                          priority. Also
              known as                    Programme at the                        not in the
              Chinese New                 training centre in
              Settlers                    Manukau from 30

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                    Services                    October 2021 to                    Papakura Local
                    Trust                       23 July 2022.                          Board area

     MB2022-        Interacting     Arts and    Towards the            $3,000.00             $0.00
     165            Theatre Trust   culture     “Interact                           Declined – not
                                                Disability Arts                             in the
                                                Festival 2021!” at                 Papakura Local
                                                Corbans Estate                         Board area
                                                on 1 to 5
                                                November 2021.

     MB2022-        Rainbow         Community   Towards the            $4,820.00          $500.00
     169            Youth                       Rainbow Youth
                    Incorporated                Support groups in
                                                multiple locations
                                                from 1 October to
                                                30 September

     Total                                                            $49,495.00        $8,686.00


14 Approval for five new public roads, one new private road and four existing road name
   extensions at 180 & 252 Park Estate Road, Hingaia
    Resolution number PPK/2021/164
    MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member G Hawkins:
    That the Papakura Local Board:
    a)     approve three new public road names as follows for Stage 1C and 1D of the ‘Park
           Green’ subdivision at 252 Park Estate Road, Hingaia, in accordance with section
           319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (resource consent references
           SUB60353400 and BUN60353348):
           i)   Juniper Drive (Public Road 3 & 15)
           ii) Wintergarden Avenue (Public Road 4)
           iii) Clover Avenue (Public Road 5)
    b)     approve two new public road names and one new private road (COAL) as follows for
           Stage 2A, 2B and 2C of the ‘Park Green’ subdivision at 180 & 252 Park Estate Road,
           Hingaia, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974
           (resource consent references SUB60363827 and BUN60363825):
           i)   Laurel Drive (Public Road 19)
           ii) Catalina Avenue (Public Road 22)
           iii) Paranui Way (COAL 604)
    c)     approve the extension of the following existing public road names; the first sections
           having already been named by the Papakura Local Board under resolutions
           PKK/2019/177, PKK/2020/130 and PPK/2021/102:
           i)   Parkmore Drive (Road 6, Stage 1C & 1D)
           ii) Emerald Avenue (Road 7, Stage 2)

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           iii) Evergreen Parade (Road 9, Stage 2)
           iv) Park Green Avenue (Road 17, Stage 2)

15 Auckland Transport Monthly Report - September 2021
    Resolution number PPK/2021/165
    MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member K Mealamu:
    That the Papakura Local Board:
    a)      receive the Auckland Transport September 2021 report.
    b)      note the information provided regarding the Papakura to Clevedon bike trail
            requiring a change in scope for the contractor to progress the next phase of the
    c)      agree to changing the scope of the next phase of work for the Papakura to
            Clevedon bike trail as follows, noting there is no Auckland Transport resource
            allocated to this project at this time:
            i)     option one – Advocacy approach ($50,000) – includes:
                   - progressing some concept designs and visualisations which can be used
                      to help communicate the vision for the project to key stakeholders.
                   - developing targeted information to support and assist the local board in
                      preparing and lodging applications for short term (tactical urbanism)
                   - this option includes applications to Auckland Council’s Streets for
                      People fund and Waka Kotahi’s Innovating Streets for People fund.
    d)     request that Auckland Transport appoint a project manager to support the
           Papakura to Clevedon cycle trail project with a view to including it in the next
           Regional Land Transport Plan as a multi-model shared cycleway to allow bike
           riders to use the pathways for connections within the area, particularly in the urban
           route areas.
    A 22 September 2021 - Papakura Local Board - Item 15 -Auckland Transport memo regarding
        the Papakura to Clevedon cycle way

16 Auckland Transport – Local Board Transport Capital Fund Report September 2021
    Resolution number PPK/2021/166
    MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson:
    That the Papakura Local Board:
    a)      request that Auckland Transport commits $1,164,000 from the Papakura Local
            Board Transport Capital Fund to the following projects:
            i)     Settlement/Marne safety and stormwater - $350,000
            ii)    Old Wairoa Road signage and marking - $24,000
            iii)   Roundabout improvements - $150,000
            iv)    Clevedon/Robb pedestrian safety - $50,000
            v)     Opaheke/Boundary Intersection - $120,000

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            vi)     Settlement Road Over bridge - $100,000
            vii)    Smiths Avenue Crossing - $100,000
            viii)   Riverton/Porchester corner improvements - $120,000
            ix)     Bus Shelters $150,000 total for:

                     Stop ID               Location

                       2724           222 Porchester Rd

                       2557            163 Clevedon Rd

                       2666          1/150 Porchester Rd

                       2583           187 Porchester Rd

                       2726           192 Porchester Rd

    b)      note the board’s allocation for the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 financial years is
            $1,443,780, with the recommended projects totalling $1,164,000 in resolution a)
            above, leaving $269,780 still to be allocated.
    c)      request a further workshop be scheduled on the Local Board Transport Capital
            Fund projects soon, to allocate the remaining $269,780 of the fund.

17 Local board feedback on Auckland Transport's Parking Strategy Review
    Resolution number PPK/2021/167
    MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member S Smurthwaite:
    That the Papakura Local Board:
    a)     provide the following feedback on the Auckland Transport Parking Strategy Review:
            Topic                     Local board feedback
            Comprehensive             The board believes this should not be a one size
            Parking Management        fits all approach.
                                      The board is concerned that any costs relating to
                                      parking restrictions or residential parking permits
                                      will impact on people who can least afford it.

                                      Any paid parking within the town centre area will
                                      impact on the local businesses.

            Parking for different     Truck parking should be encouraged on site for
            types of transport        the associated business.
            Event management          The board has no feedback on this topic.
            Regulation (including     The policy has the potential to impact those who
            pricing)                  can least afford it, ie:

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                                  •   increased vehicle insurance costs
                                  •   increased infringement costs
                                  •   permit costs for residential parking
                                  •   parking meters in the Papakura town centre
                                      would be a disincentive for local customers
                                      impacting local businesses.

          Technology for          Any technology should align with appropriate
          parking management      hours of business.
          Park and Ride           Charging for parking at the park and rides should
          provision and pricing   be implemented over time radiating out from

                                  Charging at park and rides needs to be
                                  accompanied with more frequent feeder services
                                  or specialised services such as on-demand ride
                                  share services.

          Compliance and          Better road marking and enforcement is required
          enforcement             for mobility parking areas.
          Management of on-       Priority should be given to:
          street and off-street   • Residents – during evening, weekends and
          parking                     public holidays
                                  • Businesses – during day
                                  • Business staff parking should be on site

                                  The impacts of growth need to be managed:
                                        • developments with no on-site parking or
                                           visitor parking leading to people
                                           parking on the footpath and berms
                                        • safe pedestrian and cycle access
                                        • narrow roads.

                                  Council planning teams should be looking at
                                  incentives to allow for onsite parking.

                                  Road width standards are required to ensure
                                  access for delivery vehicles, emergency vehicles
                                  and utility services.

                                  A holistic approach with standards that ensure
                                  amenity in developments is required.

                                  Incentivise business owners to cater for on-site
                                  staff carparking or alternative travel options for
                                  their staff.

          Discussion and          How might this policy change people’s mindsets
          direction on the        for alternatives to vehicle ownership?
          degree, extent and      Aucklanders are wedded to their vehicles. The
          timing of parking       public transport system needs to be reliable,
          policy change (as per   frequent, affordable and convenient.

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           slide 14 in workshop      Finding opportunities to promote alternatives in
           PowerPoint)               the suburbs experiencing intensification and in
                                     new subdivisions, such as:
                                            • City hop type car system
                                            • Vehicle hire
                                            • On demand ride share options
                                            • On-site parking for bikes / motorbikes.

           Are there any             The policy should encourage behavioural change
           particular issues that    rather than focus on revenue gathering.
           aren’t currently being
           addressed through the     People are being encouraged to move to e-
           Strategy that should      vehicles – if there is no onsite parking how do the
           be?                       vehicle owners recharge their vehicles?

                                     Encourage infrastructure for e-vehicle charging

           Are there any themes      The Parking Strategy must:
           in parking
           management issues         •   be supported with a more comprehensive
           that could inform             passenger transport network and active mode
           policy development?           infrastructure into employment areas

                                     •   be supported with alternatives for people that
                                         work anti-social hours.

                                     •   be considered in conjunction with the Public
                                         Transport Plan.

                                     •   align with the Unitary Plan.


18 Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi
    Resolution number PPK/2021/168
    MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson:
    That the Papakura Local Board:
    a)     support in principle the proposed amendments to the draft Business Improvement
           District Policy (2021) and supporting documents, noting:
           i)    the Papakura Business Association has raised concerns regarding the
                 proposed business Improvement District Policy (2021) in relation to:
                 •   the collection and distribution of funds, including ensuring funds are
                     only made available to Business Improvement Districts.
                 •   bringing council and its CCOs into disrepute or making public
                 •   managing conflicts of interest

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                  •   reporting requirements
                  •   requirement to register with the Charities Commission
                  •   businesses are severely impacted by the Covid-19 level 4 lockdown
                  •   pressures on the business association having to prepare for an AGM
                      while in lockdown
                  •   a request to extend the consultation closing period to March/April 2022.
           ii)    the Manager of CCO Governance & External Partnerships has responded to
                  the concerns raised and has agreed to:
                  •   reword the documents to give clarity of intent
                  •   extend the public consultation period which now closes on 20 October
                  •   meet with those Business Improvement Districts who have raised issues
                      to work through their concerns.
    b)     request that the Business Improvement District staff meet with the Papakura
           Business Association to further discuss the concerns they have raised.

19 Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua - Age-friendly Auckland Action Plan
    Resolution number PPK/2021/169
    MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member S Smurthwaite:
    That the Papakura Local Board:
    a)     supports in principle the draft Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua – Age-friendly Auckland
           Action Plan, noting the following board feedback:
           i)     the board would appreciate the opportunity to provide further feedback once
                  feedback has been received from the community.
           ii)    Counties Manukau District Health Board is not listed as one of the partner
                  organisations involved in the development of the plan. The board
                  recommends that all district health boards should be involved in the
                  development process.
           iii)   joined-up communication within the Auckland council family is essential for
                  this action plan to be a success
           iv)    the board would like to see the diversity of the community reflected with the
                  use of imagery and photographs.

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20   Local board feedback on the kerbside refuse charging mechanism policy
     The Papakura Local Board feedback on the Kerbside refuse charging mechanism policy was
     tabled at the meeting.
     A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website
     as a minutes attachment.
     Resolution number PPK/2021/170
     MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member G Hawkins:
     That the Papakura Local Board:
     a)    endorse the Papakura Local Board feedback on the Kerbside Refuse Charging Model
           Policy review tabled and attached to the minutes.
     A 22 September 2021 - Papakura Local Board - Item 20. The Papakura Local Board feedback
         on Kerbside Refuse Charging Policy

21 Public feedback on proposal to amend the Animal Management Bylaw 2015
     Resolution number PPK/2021/171
     MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member F Auva'a:
     That the Papakura Local Board:
     a)    receive the public feedback on the proposal to amend Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki
           Makaurau Te Ture-ā-rohe Tiaki Kararehe 2015 / Auckland Council Animal
           Management Bylaw 2015 and associated controls in this agenda report.
     b)    note there was no public feedback from people living in the Papakura local board
           area regarding the proposal to amend Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture-ā-
           rohe Tiaki Kararehe 2015 / Auckland Council Animal Management Bylaw 2015 and
           associated controls.
     c)    support in principle the proposal to amend Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture-
           ā-rohe Tiaki Kararehe 2015 / Auckland Council Animal Management Bylaw 2015 and
           associated controls subject to the following:
           i)   the definition of what constitutes one hive requires clarification as to how many
                stacked brood boxes would be considered to be one hive. As the bylaw is
                currently written, brood boxes could be stacked one on top of another while
                still being classed as one hive, even though the number of bees could be
                equivalent to six hives.
     b)    appoint Brent Catchpole (Chairperson) and Jan Robinson (Deputy Chairperson) to
           present the views in resolution c) to Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture-ā-rohe
           Tiaki Kararehe 2015 / Auckland Council Animal Management Bylaw 2015 Bylaw Panel
           on 29 October 2021.
     c)    delegate authority to the local board chairperson to appoint replacement(s) to the
           persons in resolution d) should an appointed member be unable to present to the
           Bylaw Panel on 29 October 2021.

 Minutes                                                                                  Page 18
Papakura Local Board
 22 September 2021

22 Public feedback on proposal to make a new Public Trading Events and Filming Bylaw 2022
    Resolution number PPK/2021/172
    MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson:
    That the Papakura Local Board:
    a)     receive public feedback on the proposal to make a new Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki
           Makaurau Te Ture ā-Rohe Tauhokohoko, Whakahaerenga me te Tango Kiriata
           Tūmatanui 2022 / Auckland Council Public Trading, Events and Filming Bylaw 2022 in
           this agenda report.
    b)     note there was no public feedback from the people living in the Papakura local board
           area on the proposal to make a new Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture ā-Rohe
           Tauhokohoko, Whakahaerenga me te Tango Kiriata Tūmatanui 2022 / Auckland
           Council Public Trading, Events and Filming Bylaw 2022.
    c)     support the proposal to make a new Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture ā-
           Rohe Tauhokohoko, Whakahaerenga me te Tango Kiriata Tūmatanui 2022 / Auckland
           Council Public Trading, Events and Filming Bylaw 2022, noting there was majority
           support for the proposed new bylaw in the feedback received.

23 Public feedback on proposal to amend the Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw
    Resolution number PPK/2021/173
    MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member S Smurthwaite:
    That the Papakura Local Board:
    a)     receive public feedback on the proposal to amend the Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki
           Makaurau Ture ā Rohe Whakarato Wai me te Pae Kōtuitui Wai Para / Auckland
           Council Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015 in this agenda report.
    b)     support the proposal to amend Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Ture ā Rohe
           Whakarato Wai me te Pae Kōtuitui Wai Para / Auckland Council Water Supply and
           Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015, noting the majority support for the proposal from
           the Auckland region.

24 Urgent Decision - Papakura Local Board feedback on the Three Waters reform proposal
    Resolution number PPK/2021/174
    MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson:
    That the Papakura Local Board:
    a)     note the Papakura Local Board urgent decision feedback on the Government’s Three
           Water reform proposal as attached (attachment A) to the report entitled “Urgent
           Decision - Papakura Local Board feedback on the Three Waters reform proposal”.

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Papakura Local Board
22 September 2021

25   Addition to the 2019-2022 Papakura Local Board meeting schedule
     Resolution number PPK/2021/175
     MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member F Auva'a:
     That the Papakura Local Board:
     a)    approve the following amendments to the 2019-2022 Papakura Local Board
           meeting schedule to accommodate the Annual Budget 2022/2023 timeframes as
           i)   add an additional meeting on Wednesday, 1 December 2021, 4.30pm
           ii) cancel the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 8 December 2021, 4.30pm
           iii) add an additional meeting on Wednesday, 11 May 2022, 4.30pm
           iv) note Wednesday, 22 June 2022, 4.30pm is an ordinary Papakura Local Board
               business meeting.

26   For Information: Reports referred to the Papakura Local Board
     Resolution number PPK/2021/176
     MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member G Hawkins:
     That the Papakura Local Board:
     a)   receive the following information from the Governing Body committee meetings,
          Council Controlled Organisations, forums, or other local board meetings:

      No. Report Title                  Item   Meeting Date     Governing Body
                                        no.                     Committee or Council
                                                                Organisation or Forum
                                                                or Local Board
      1    Proposal to make a new       15     18 August 2021   Kaipātiki Local Board
           Freedom Camping in                                   resolutions circulated
           Vehicles Bylaw                                       to all local boards for
                                                                their information


Minutes                                                                            Page 20
Papakura Local Board
22 September 2021

27   Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2019-2022 Political Term
     Resolution number PPK/2021/177
     MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member K Mealamu:
     That the Papakura Local Board:
     a)   request the following achievements be added to the Papakura Local Board
          Achievements Register for the 2019-2022 political term:

      Date              Achievement

      13 September      Attended ANCCG meeting via Teams

      10 September      Attended the Local Government New Zealand Zone Meeting
                        via Skype

      10 September      Attended Hingaia Plan Change 67 via Skype

      8 September       Attended Finance and Performance meeting via Zoom

      7 September       Attended Kuraconnect meeting via Zoom

      7 September       Attended the Papakura Youth Council Meeting via Zoom

      25 August 2021    Adopted the draft 2020/2021 Papakura Local Board Annual Report

      25 August 2021    Approved the Takaanini Reserve – renew play items project
                        for inclusion in the Risk Adjusted Programme (RAP)

      25 August 2021    Approved the revised concept plan for Kauri Heart Reserve
                        Approved the name Glenora Road for the new public road to be
      25 August 2021
                        extended at 62-66 Takanini Road, Papakura.
      25 August 2021    Endorsed the Papakura to Clevedon Bike Trail Feasibility Study

      24 August 2021    Attended the Harbourside Residents meeting via Skype

      18 August 2021    Attended the Ardmore Airport Noise Consultative Committee
                        (AANCC) meeting via Skype


Minutes                                                                          Page 21
Papakura Local Board
 22 September 2021

28   Papakura Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - September 2021
     Resolution number PPK/2021/178
     MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson:
     That the Papakura Local Board:
     a)      note the Governance Forward Work Calendar.

29   Papakura Local Board Workshop Records
     Resolution number PPK/2021/179
     MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member G Hawkins:
     That the Papakura Local Board:
     a)      note the Papakura Local Board workshop records held on:
             i)     18 August 2021
             ii)    1 September 2021
             iii)   8 September 2021.

30        Consideration of Extraordinary Items

          There was no consideration of extraordinary items.

          5.20 pm                            The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance
                                             and attention to business and declared the meeting

                                             CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD
                                             AT A MEETING OF THE PAPAKURA LOCAL BOARD
                                             HELD ON



 Minutes                                                                                                          Page 22
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