OPEN MINUTES Manurewa Local Board - Thursday, 17 June 2021

Page created by Joshua Mendez
Manurewa Local Board
                                OPEN MINUTES

Minutes of a meeting of the Manurewa Local Board held in the Manurewa Local Board Office, 7 Hill
Road, Manurewa and via video conference (Skype for Business) on Thursday, 17 June 2021 at


 Chairperson                 Joseph Allan
 Deputy Chairperson          Melissa Atama
 Members                     Tabetha Gorrie
                             Rangi McLean
                             Glenn Murphy
                             Ken Penney
                             Dave Pizzini


 Member                      Anne Candy


 Councillors                 Angela Dalton           Until 7.05pm, Item 13
                             Daniel Newman, JP       Until 7.09pm, Item 13
Manurewa Local Board
17 June 2021

1     Welcome

      Member Rangi McLean led the meeting in a karakia.

2     Apologies

          Resolution number MR/2021/75
          MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member G Murphy:
          That the Manurewa Local Board:
          a)    accept the apology from Member Anne Candy for absence.

3     Declaration of Interest

      Member Tabetha Gorrie declared a conflict of interest with item 21, in relation to
      application LG2110-422 James Cook High School and did not speak or vote on this item.

      Member Melissa Atama declared a conflict of interest with item 21, in relation to application
      MB2021-251 Touch New Zealand Incorporated and did not speak or vote on this item.

4     Confirmation of Minutes

          Resolution number MR/2021/76
          MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member T Gorrie:
          That the Manurewa Local Board:
          a)    confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 20 May 2021, as
                true and correct.

5     Leave of Absence

      There were no leaves of absence.

6     Acknowledgements

          6.1   Acknowledgement – Queens Birthday Honours June 2021 - Ted Turua Ngataki,
                Resolution number MR/2021/77
                MOVED by Member R McLean, seconded by Chairperson J Allan:
                That the Manurewa Local Board:
                a)    acknowledge Mr Ted Turua Ngataki, Ngāti Tamaoho Kaumātua and
                      master carver, for being awarded the Member of the New Zealand Order
                      of Merit (MNZM) Queen’s Honour for services to Māori and the
                      community in the 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours list.

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          6.2   Acknowledgement – Queens Birthday Honours June 2021 - Takutai Moana
                Natasha Kemp, ONZM
                Resolution number MR/2021/78
                MOVED by Member R McLean, seconded by Member D Pizzini:
                That the Manurewa Local Board:
                a)    acknowledge Ms Takutai Moana Natasha Kemp, CEO Manurewa Marae,
                      Director at Hip Hop International and CEO of Te Kaha o Te Rangatahi, for
                      being awarded the (Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit) ONZM
                      Queen’s Honour for services to street dance and youth in the 2021
                      Queen’s Birthday Honours list.

          6.3   Acknowledgement – Judy Hughes
                Resolution number MR/2021/79
                MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member K Penney:
                That the Manurewa Local Board:
                a)    acknowledge Judy Hughes, Customer Service Representative based in
                      the Manurewa Local Board office. Judy has helped so many of our
                      customers in the community with all things local board and council
                      related with a friendly and welcoming disposition. A very conscientious
                      person, Judy always ensured her customers were heard and assisted to
                      the very best of her ability. Judy will be missed by both our customers
                      and staff alike. The board thanks Judy and wishes her well in her future

7     Petitions

      There were no petitions.

8     Deputations

          8.1   Deputation - Auckland Southern District Chinese Association
                Ellen Liu, Xiangchen Fan and Jingjian Li from Auckland Southern District Chinese
                Association were in attendance to speak to the board about their activities over the
                past year.
                Resolution number MR/2021/80
                MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member G Murphy:
                That the Manurewa Local Board:
                a)   thank Ellen Liu, Xiangchen Fan and Jingjian Li for their presentation and

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17 June 2021

9     Public Forum

      There was no public forum.

10    Extraordinary Business

      There was no extraordinary business.

11    Manurewa Youth Council Quarter Two Update
      Resolution number MR/2021/81
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member T Gorrie:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   receive the Manurewa Youth Council quarterly update.

12    Governing Body Members' Update
      Resolution number MR/2021/82
      MOVED by Member K Penney, seconded by Member R McLean:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   receive the written and verbal update from Councillor Angela Dalton and the
           verbal update from Councillor Daniel Newman.
      A 17 June 2021, Manurewa Local Board - Item 12, Governing Body Members Update -
          Councillor Angela Dalton Written Update

13    Members' Update
      Resolution number MR/2021/83
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member K Penney:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   receive the written update from Member Anne Candy and verbal updates from
           Members Melissa Atama, Rangi McLean and Dave Pizzini.
      A 17 June 2021, Manurewa Local Board - Item 13, Members' Update - Anne Candy
          Written Update

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14    Chairperson's Update
      Resolution number MR/2021/84
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member R McLean:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   receive the verbal report from the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson.

15    Auckland Transport Monthly Report – June 2021
      Resolution number MR/2021/85
      MOVED by Member K Penney, seconded by Member G Murphy:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   receive the Auckland Transport June 2021 report
      b)   note with gratitude the appointment of a project manager to progress the
           development of Te Mahia train station, and look forward to the access and
           safety improvements this will bring to the station and to Great South Road
      c)   note the school speed trial being carried out at four Auckland primary schools.
           The board has frequently been approached regarding keeping children safe
           from traffic around schools, including Hillpark School and Clayton Park School,
           and we look forward to similar solutions becoming available for schools in
      d)   request that Auckland Transport investigate ways to increase pedestrian safety
           around the pedestrian crossing at 98 Weymouth Road, due to community
           concerns raised following the death of Usufono Maloaufa'atasi Aivi (Malo)
           Leota, husband, father of five, uncle and grandfather to many, who was struck
           by a vehicle on Weymouth Road on 12 June 2021.

16    Road Name Approval for Extension of Laurelia Place, Manukau Central
      Resolution number MR/2021/86
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Atama:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   approves the name Laurelia Place for a new section of public road that
           connects to the existing section of Laurelia Place, providing access to the new
           subdivision at the end of this road, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the
           Local Government Act 1974 (resource consent references BUN60081464,
           LUC60290512 and SUB60299131).

17    Proposal to grant a new community lease for Senior Citizens Service Club of
      Manurewa Incorporated at Tadmor Park, 238R Great South Road, Manurewa
      Resolution number MR/2021/87
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member K Penney:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:

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17 June 2021

      a)   agree that item 17: Proposal to grant a new community lease for Senior Citizens
           Service Club of Manurewa Incorporated at Tadmor Park, 238R Great South
           Road, Manurewa be deferred to allow the board to have a workshop on the item.

18    New community lease for Homai Bowling Club Incorporated at War Memorial Park,
      16R Gibbs Road, Manurewa
      Resolution number MR/2021/88
      MOVED by Member G Murphy, seconded by Member D Pizzini:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   note public notification of Auckland Council’s intention to grant a new
           community lease for Homai Bowling Club Incorporated at War Memorial Park,
           16R Gibbs Road, Manurewa.
      b)   delegate to the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson the authority to appoint a
           hearings panel to consider any objections or submissions received, following
           the public notification, and for the panel to reach a decision.
      c)   grant, subject to any objections being resolved, under Section 54(1)(b) of the
           Reserves Act 1977, a new community lease to Homai Bowling Club
           Incorporated for the group-owned assets and the adjoining bowling greens
           comprising 5,232 square metres (more or less) located at War Memorial Park,
           16R Gibbs Road, Manurewa (outlined in red on Attachment A) on the land
           described as Lot 1 Deposited Plan 40551 contained in Record of Title
           NA1077/278 subject to the following terms:
           i)     term - five years commencing 17 June 2021, with one (1) five-year right of
                  renewal commencing 17 June 2026, reaching final expiry on 16 June 2031
           ii)    rent - $1.00 (plus GST) per annum if demanded
           iii)   all other terms and conditions to be in accordance with Auckland
                  Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the provisions of
                  the Reserves Act 1977.
      d)   approve the Homai Bowling Club Incorporated’s Community Outcomes Plan
           (Attachment B) for inclusion as the Third Schedule of the lease agreement.

19    New community lease for Counties Manukau Kindergarten Association Incorporated
      at 19S Solo Place and part of Leabank Park, 30R Claymore Street, Manurewa
      Resolution number MR/2021/89
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member R McLean:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   note, public notification of Auckland Council’s intention to grant a new
           community lease for Counties Manukau Kindergarten Association Incorporated
           for part of Leabank Park, 30R Claymore Street, Manurewa comprising 218
           square metres (more or less) and outlined in yellow on Attachment A.
      b)   delegate, to the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson the authority to appoint a
           hearings panel to consider any objections or submissions received, following
           the public notification, and for the panel to reach a decision.

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        c)    grant, subject to any objections being resolved, under section 61(2A)(a) and
              section 73(3) of the Reserves Act 1977, a new community lease to Counties
              Manukau Kindergarten Association Incorporated for the group-owned assets
              and adjoining play area comprising 1035 square metres (more or less) located
              at 19S Solo Place and part of Leabank Park, 30R Claymore Street, Manurewa
              (outlined in red on Attachment B) on the land described as Lot 435 Deposited
              Plan 63195 contained in Record of Title NA20A/901 and Lot 1 Deposited Plan
              51364 contained in Record of Title NA1673/44 (cancelled) subject to the
              following terms:
              i)      term - 10 years commencing 17 June 2021, with one (1) 10-year right of
                      renewal commencing 17 June 2031, reaching final expiry on 16 June 2041
              ii)     rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if demanded
              iii)    all other terms and conditions to be in accordance with Auckland
                      Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the provisions of
                      the Reserves Act 1977.
        d)    approve the Counties Manukau Kindergarten Association Incorporated’s
              Community Outcomes Plan (Attachment C) for inclusion as the third schedule
              of the lease agreement.

20      Nathan Homestead Café Licence to Occupy Agreement
        Resolution number MR/2021/90
        MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Atama:
        That the Manurewa Local Board:
        a)    approve a Licence to Occupy agreement to Hill House Café Limited for the café
              premises at Nathan Homestead from 21 June 2021 – 20 June 2024, subject to
              the following conditions:
              i)      term – three years, with right for renewal for two years
              ii)     rent – fifty-six dollars ($56.15) plus GST, per square meter per annum for
                      the exclusive spaces occupied (65m2) plus outgoings as follows:
                      •   storage area (10.59 m2)
                      •   café area (38.80m2)
                      •   kitchen (15.61m2).
               iii)   access to shared spaces including the front and rear veranda and outside
                      storage area by negotiation with management.

21 Manurewa Local Grant Round Four 2020/2021 and Multiboard Grant Round Two 2020/2021 grant
     Member Tabetha Gorrie declared a conflict of interest with item 21, in relation to application LG2110-
     422 James Cook High School and did not speak or vote on this item.
     Member Melissa Atama declared a conflict of interest with item 21, in relation to application MB2021-
     251 Touch New Zealand Incorporated and did not speak or vote on this item.
     Resolution number MR/2021/91
     MOVED by Member K Penney, seconded by Member D Pizzini:

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17 June 2021

  That the Manurewa Local Board:
  a)      agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Manurewa Local Grant Round Four

  Table One: Manurewa Local Grant Round Four 2020/2021 applications

    Application Organisation       Main focus    Requesting           Amount        Eligibility
    ID                                           funding for          requested
    LG2110-       Environmental Environment Towards the                 $8,044.80         $0
    401           Education for             purchase and                            Decline due to
                  Resource                  delivery of 672                           grant round
                  Sustainability            native plants                           oversubscribed
                  Trust                     and108
                                            recycling bins to
                                            84 schools and
                                            preschools and

    LG2110-       Asthma New       Community     Towards the            $5,000.00         $0
    402           Zealand                        wages of a                         Decline due to
                  Incorporated                   asthma nurse                         grant round
                                                 educator to                        oversubscribed
                                                 deliver the free
                                                 home visits in
                                                 the Manurewa

    LG2110-       Weymouth         Community     Towards printing       $4,000.00         $0
    403           Residents and                  costs of                           Decline due to
                  Ratepayers                     Weymouth News                        grant round
                  Incorporated                   publication.                       oversubscribed

    LG2110-       Words Will       Arts and      Towards                  $540.00         $0
    404           Work             culture       advertising in                     Decline due to
                                                 the society of                       grant round
                                                 authors                            oversubscribed
                                                 newsletter and
                                                 website hosting

    LG2110-       Shiloh           Arts and      Towards artist        $20,218.00      $1,898.00
    407           Creative Life    culture       facilitation fees,                    Approved
                  Centre                         venue hire,
                  Charitable                     marketing and
                  Trust                          administration.

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    LG2110-   Te               Arts and     Towards venue       $12,151.00     $3,000.00
    408       Onikabwebwe      culture      hire, transport,                   Approved
              Women's Club                  snacks,
              Incorporated                  donations, three
                                            dance tutor fees,
                                            resources and
                                            costumes, a
                                            sound system
                                            and advertising
    LG2110-   Big Buddy        Community    Towards salary      $10,000.00         $0
    409       Mentoring                     for the South                    Decline due to
              Trust                         Auckland                           grant round
                                            mentoring                        oversubscribed
                                            from August to
                                            September 2021.

    LG2110-   Graeme           Community    Towards the          $2,000.00      $1,000
    410       Dingle                        salaries of two                    Approved
              Foundation                    trained Kiwi Can
              Auckland                      leaders to
                                            deliver the
                                            programme at
                                            Finlayson Park

    LG2110-   Clayton Park     Arts and     Towards the          $4,200.00     $4,200.00
    411       School           culture      services of a                      Approved
                                            mural painter.

    LG2110-   Totara Park      Sport and    Towards track       $20,000.00     $10,000.00
    413       Mountain Bike    recreation   maintenance                        Approved
              Club                          costs, tools and
              Incorporated                  maintenance
                                            contract labour
                                            with a digger,
                                            equipment hire
                                            and repairing
                                            two downhill

    LG2110-   Life Education   Community    Towards the          $8,514.44         $0
    414       Trust                         delivery of our                  Decline due to
              Counties                      health and well-                   grant round
              Manukau                       being                            oversubscribed
                                            programme to
                                            496 students at
                                            Manurewa East
                                            School and
                                            running costs of
                                            the mobile

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                                         insurances and

    LG2110-   South East     Arts and    Towards venue       $11,350.00     $3,000.00
    415       Auckland       culture     hire for the                       Approved
              Senior                     Diwali
              Citizens'                  celebrations,
              Association                hall decorations,
              Incorporated               rubbish removal,
                                         equipment hire
                                         and hiring of

    LG2110-   South East     Community   Towards venue       $13,900.00     $7,000.00
    416       Auckland                   hire, hall                         Approved
              Senior                     decorations,
              Citizens'                  rubbish removal,
              Association                entertainment,
              Incorporated               catering,
                                         equipment hire
                                         and hiring of

    LG2110-   Jagbir Singh   Community   Towards the          $5,000.00         $0
    417                                  production and                   Decline due to
                                         post production                    grant round
                                         of 'Manurewa in                  oversubscribed
                                         Auckland', a
                                         short video.
    LG2110-   Manurewa       Community   Towards the          $9,445.33     $9,445.00
    419       High School                purchasing of                      Approved
                                         supplies and
                                         tools to carry
                                         out the projects
                                         for the
                                         programme at

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    LG2110-   Weymouth        Community    Towards the          $1,000.00      $500.00
    421       Youth                        purchase of                        Approved
                                           resources to
                                           assist with the
                                           study group.
    LG2110-   James Cook      Sport and    Towards              $4,522.00     $2,000.00
    422       High School     recreation   accommodation                      Approved
                                           and travel to the
                                           North Island
                                           Mixed Hockey
                                           Tournament in
                                           Whangarei from
                                           Sunday 29th
                                           August to Friday
                                           3rd September
    LG2110-   Youthline       Community    Towards              $5,000.00         $0
    423       Auckland                     resources for                    Decline due to
              Charitable                   youthline                          grant round
              Trust                        programmes and                   oversubscribed
                                           supervision for
                                           youth workers
                                           and counsellors.

    LG2110-   Shivarchan      Community    Towards             $18,000.00         $0
    424       Senior                       programme                        Decline due to
              Citizens                     delivery,                          grant round
              Association                  operational                      oversubscribed
                                           costs, capacity
                                           capability and
                                           isolation for
                                           education and

    LG2110-   Ma Charitable   Arts and     Towards             $13,211.75     $13,211.00
    425       Trust           culture      developing and                     Approved
                                           printing small
                                           and large
                                           booklets for
                                           marae, and

    LG2110-   Diabetes NZ -   Community    Towards the          $8,000.00         $0
    426       Auckland                     “Hope                            Decline due to
              Branch                       Champions’                         grant round
                                           costs including                  oversubscribed
                                           venue hire, food,

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                                         participants, and
                                         and translator

    LG2110-   Independent    Community   Towards food,        $1,250.00     $1,250.00
    427       Living                     utensils, petrol                   Approved
              Charitable                 vouchers for
              Trust                      volunteers,
                                         printing and
                                         phone calls for
                                         the mid autumn
                                         celebration at
                                         Wiri Community
    LG2110-   Independent    Community   Towards food,         $875.00       $875.00
    428       Living                     utensils, petrol                   Approved
              Charitable                 vouchers for
              Trust                      volunteers,
                                         printing and
                                         phone calls for
                                         the mid autumn
                                         celebration at
                                         Community Hall.

    LG2110-   Auckland       Arts and    Towards a            $2,410.00     $2,000.00
    430       Southern       culture     karaoke                            Approved
              District                   machine, visiting
              Chinese                    costs to nursing
              Association                homes and
              Incorporated               kindergartens
                                         and transport
                                         costs to
                                         participate in the

    LG2110-   Counties       Community   Towards              $9,315.00     $4,000.00
    431       Manukau                    coaches and                        Approved
              Sports                     instructors, St
              Foundation                 Johns
                                         portable toilets,
                                         equipment and
                                         resource costs,
                                         marketing and
                                         flyers for

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                                          activities 2021-

    LG2110-   New Zealand    Community    Towards             $5,044.00     $5,044.00
    432       Blue Light                  Rainbow's End                     Approved
              Ventures                    entry tickets for
              Incorporated                150
                                          and at risk youth
                                          and youth
                                          participating in
                                          leadership roles
                                          from primary
                                          and intermediate
                                          schools in the
                                          Manurewa local
                                          board area.
    LG2110-   The Rising     Community    Towards the         $5,923.00     $5,923.00
    433       Foundation                  operating costs                   Approved
              Trust                       for the
                                          based at
                                          Manurewa High

    LG2110-   Dance          Arts and     Towards venue       $8,000.00     $2,000.00
    434       Therapy NZ     culture      hire,                             Approved
                                          marketing and
    LG2110-   Weymouth       Sport and    Towards             $1,839.92     $1839.00
    435       Sea Scouts     recreation   purchasing of                     Approved
                                          eight handheld
                                          radios for the
                                          sea scouts.

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    LG2110-   Senior           Community   Towards the          $1,928.86     $1928.00
    436       Citizens                     rebranding of                      Approved
              Service Club                 the group
              of Manurewa                  including a
              Incorporated                 change of the
                                           logo and
                                           invitations and
                                           flowers for the
                                           club's diamond
                                           celebration on 6
                                           October 2021.

    LG2110-   St Elizabeth's   Community   Towards a            $5,000.00     $2,000.00
    437       Anglican                     community                          Approved
              Church                       garden for
                                           Clendon at the
              The Anglican                 Anglican church
              Diocese of                   including planter
              Auckland                     boxes, potting
                                           mix and a

    LG2110-   Totara           Community   Towards a            $7,375.00     $6,500.00
    438       Hospice                      gazebo at the                      Approved
                                           Totara Hospice.
    LG2110-   Te Whakaora      Community   Towards             $20,000.00     $2,000.00
    439       Tangata                      delivery costs                     Approved
                                           for family
                                           programmes in
                                           Manurewa from
                                           2 July 2021 to 31
                                           March 2022
                                           including venue
                                           hire, catering
                                           and co-ordinator

    LG2110-   Huelo 'oe        Arts and    Towards              $4,000.00         $0
    440       'Amanaki         culture     recycling                        Decline due to
              Lelei                        workshops and                      grant round
              Charitable                   costume making                   oversubscribed
              Trust                        from 28 July
                                           2021 to 25
                                           February 2022,
                                           including artist
                                           fees and utility

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    LG2110-        The All         Sport and      Towards a            $5,870.86      $4,000.00
    442            Seasons         recreation     fridge, a vacuum                    Approved
                   Community                      cleaner, a
                   Sports Trust                   security door
                                                  and a
                                                  microphone for
                                                  the use of the

    Total                                                            $262,928.96      $94,613.00

  b)      agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Manurewa Multiboard Local Grants
          Round Three 2020/2021

  Table Two: Manurewa Multiboard Local Grants Round Three 2020/2021 applications

    Application Organisation       Main focus    Requesting          Amount        Eligibility
    ID                                           funding for         requested
    MB2021-        YMCA North      Community Towards the               $5,000.00      $2,000.00
    210            Incorporated              delivery cost of                         Approved
                                             three week long
                                             sports camps for
                                             South Auckland
    MB2021-        Fix Up, Look    Community Towards leasing            $2000.00         $0
    216            Sharp                     costs for Fix Up,                     Decline due to
                                             Look Sharp at 50                        grant round
                                             Lovegrove                             oversubscribed
                                             Crescent, Ōtara
                                             from 2 July 2021
                                             to 4 July 2022.

    MB2021-        Habitat for     Community Towards heating           $1,000.00      $1,000.00
    221            Humanity                  items, volunteer                         Approved
                   Northern                  costs, and
                   Region                    transport for
                   Limited                   whanau winter
                                             warming packs
                                             from 1 June 2021
                                             to 30 September

    MB2021-        Pet Refuge      Community Towards the pet           $4,000.00         $0
    225            New Zealand               refuge shelter                        Decline due to
                   Charitable                landscaping and                         grant round
                   Trust                     tree planting                         oversubscribed

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    MB2021-   Re-Creators     Community Towards the            $4,766.00     $3,500.00
    228       Charitable                costs for                            Approved
              Trust                     upcycling
                                        workshops and to
                                        services in the
                                        local board area.

    MB2021-   The StarJam     Community Towards tutor          $4,000.00     $2,000.00
    229       Charitable                fees, coordinator                    Approved
              Trust                     salary and levies,
                                        venue hire,
                                        equipment and
                                        resources, and

    MB2021-   Manukau         Arts and    Towards the           $500.00       $500.00
    234       Beijing Opera   culture     venue hire to host                 Approved
              Society                     the Auckland
              Incorporated                Beijing Opera
                                          Show at the
                                          Hawkins Theatre
                                          on 16 October
    MB2021-   Children's      Community Towards overall        $31,32.40     $2,000.00
    236       Autism                    costs to deliver                     Approved
              Foundation                community
                                        workshops and
                                        outreach visits
                                        between October
                                        2021 to May 2022.

    MB2021-   Empowerment     Community Towards the            $2,800.00         $0
    240       Trust                     facilitation and                   Decline due to
              (previously               delivery costs to                    grant round
              Kidpower                  deliver the                        oversubscribed
              Teenpower                 "Kidpower
              Fullpower                 programme"
              Trust)                    including the
                                        resources kit to
                                        schools in the
                                        local board area.

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    MB2021-   Social         Events       Towards the            $2,871.00         $0
    250       Enterprise                  delivery of the                    Decline due to
              Auckland                    Capability                           grant round
                                          Building                           oversubscribed
                                          which includes
                                          payments to host
                                          events, venue,
                                          food, gifts for the
                                          physical event,
                                          logistics and
                                          contractor costs,
                                          and project

    MB2021-   Touch New      Sport and    Towards the cost      $11,223.00     $2,000.00
    251       Zealand        recreation   of running the                       Approved
              Incorporated                "Community
                                          specifically the
                                          cost of venue hire
                                          and equipment.

    MB2021-   David Riley    Arts and     Towards the            $2,000.00         $0
    252                      culture      creation and                       Decline due to
                                          publication of                       grant round
                                          books and                          oversubscribed
                                          based on two
                                          Cook Island

    MB2021-   KidsCan        Community Towards                  $10,000.00         $0
    253       Charitable               programme items                       Decline due to
              Trust                    food, raincoats,                        grant round
                                       shoes and socks                       oversubscribed
                                       for children
                                       KidsCan low
                                       decile partner
                                       schools within the
                                       Auckland region

Minutes                                                                      Page 18
Manurewa Local Board
17 June 2021

    MB2021-   The Operating     Arts and    Towards venue          $8,042.60         $0
    258       Theatre Trust -   culture     hire, lighting, and                Decline due to
              Tim Bray                      free show tickets                    grant round
              Theatre                       for children from                  oversubscribed
              Company                       low decile
                                            schools in the
                                            local board area
                                            to attend the
                                            production "The
                                            Twits' by Roald

    MB2021-   PHAB              Community Towards the              $2,000.00     $2,000.00
    261       Association                 wages of the                           Approved
              (Auckland)                  Pasifika Club
              Incorporated                coordinator.

    MB2021-   The Kids for      Events      Towards National       $2,000.00    Ineligible as
    264       Kids                          Young Leaders                      the event has
              Charitable                    Day (NYLD)                         already taken
              Trust                         production                             place
                                            expenses on 25
                                            and 26 May 2021.

    MB2021-   OUTLine New       Community Towards a portion        $2,000.00      $780.00
    267       Zealand                     of general                             Approved
              Incorporated                operating
                                          telephone and
                                          internet costs,
                                          insurance, clinical
                                          wages, training
                                          fees and
                                          volunteer costs.

    Total                                                         $72,335.00     $15,780.00


Minutes                                                                        Page 19
Manurewa Local Board
17 June 2021

22    Adoption of the Manurewa Local Board Agreement 2021/2022
      The Manurewa Local Board Agreement 2021/2022 was tabled at the meeting.
      A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council
      website as a minutes attachment.
      Resolution number MR/2021/92
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member K Penney:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   adopt the local content for the 10-year Budget, which includes the Manurewa
           Local Board Agreement 2021/22, the message from the chair, and local board
           advocacy, which was tabled at the meeting and attached to the minutes
      b)   adopt a local fees and charges schedule for 2021/2022 (Attachment A)
      c)   delegate authority to the Chair to make any final changes to the local content
           for the 10-year Budget 2021-2031 (the Manurewa Local Board Agreement
           2021/22, message from the chair, and local board advocacy)
      d)   note that the resolutions of this meeting will be reported back to the Governing
           Body when it meets to adopt the 10-year Budget 2021-2031, including each
           Local Board Agreement, on 29 June 2021.
      A 17 June 2021, Manurewa Local Board Agreement 2021/2022

23    Approval of the 2021/2022 Manurewa Local Board Customer and Community Services
      work programme
      A revised copy of the 2021/2022 Customer and Community Services work programme was
      tabled at the meeting.
      A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council
      website as a minutes attachment.
      Resolution number MR/2021/93
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member G Murphy:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   approve the 2021/2022 Customer and Community Services work programme
           and associated budget and approve, in principle, the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024
           work programmes (Attachment A to the agenda report)
      b)   approve the Risk Adjusted Programme projects identified in the 2021/2022
           Customer and Community Services work programme (Attachment A to the
           agenda report)
      c)   note that funding for the Coastal Renewals, Landslide Prevention, Local Parks
           and Sports Field Development budgets are subject to approval by the relevant
           Governing Body committee
      d)   support the Kaimoana Street Esplanade - renew wharf project funded from the
           Coastal Renewals programme and the Rukumoana Place and Burundi
           Foreshore - remediate landslide project funded from the Landslide Prevention
      e)   delegate to the Chairperson Joseph Allan to make any final minor editing
           changes to wording in the Manurewa Local Board 2021/2022 Customer and

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Manurewa Local Board
17 June 2021

           Community Services work programme supported by Local Board Services and
           relevant departmental staff
      f)   acknowledge Customer and Community Services for including an overview of
           Maori outcomes as part of the work programme report for the first time
           (Attachment B), noting that further refinement is required to reflect a more
           accurate account
      g)   acknowledge Customer and Community Services for the inclusion of
           Attachment E Climate Change Impacts, noting that it would have been
           preferrable to have had the opportunity to workshop this information during the
           development of the work programmes.
      A Customer and Community Services Work Programme 2021/2022

24    Approval of the 2021/2022 Manurewa Local Board Infrastructure and Environmental
      Services Work Programme
      Resolution number MR/2021/94
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member T Gorrie:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   approve its 2021/2022 Infrastructure and Environmental Services work
           programme and associated budgets, as summarised in the table below
           (Attachment A to the agenda report):

           Activity name                                              2021/2022
                                                                      budget for

           Industrial Pollution Prevention Programme – Wiri              $32,000

           Awa restoration programme                                     $45,000

           Pest Free Urban South                                         $60,000
           Auckland Teaching Gardens – rainwater tanks and                $7,100
           irrigation programme

           Manurewa waste minimisation                                   $50,000

           Papakura Stream landowner engagement programme                $14,600

           Papakura Stream maintenance                                    $3,000

           Manukau Harbour Forum                                          $7,400

                                                              Total     $219,100

      b)   approve in principle the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 Infrastructure and
           Environmental Services work programmes (Attachment A to the agenda report)
      c)   note that the indicative programmes and budgets for 2022/2023 and 2023/2024
           are subject to change, and will be confirmed on an annual basis through the
           approval of the respective work programmes.

Minutes                                                                            Page 21
Manurewa Local Board
17 June 2021

25    Approval of the Manurewa Local Board Auckland Unlimited work programme
      Resolution number MR/2021/95
      MOVED by Member K Penney, seconded by Member R McLean:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   approve the Auckland Unlimited work programme 2021/2022 (Attachment A to
           the agenda report).

26    Approval of the Manurewa Local Board Auckland Emergency Management work
      programme 2021/2022
      Resolution number MR/2021/96
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Atama:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   approve the Auckland Emergency Management work programme 2021/2022
           (Attachment A to the agenda report).

27    Feedback on Equity of Service Levels and Funding Proposals - Draft Report
      The feedback was tabled at the meeting.
      A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council
      website as a minutes attachment.
      Resolution number MR/2021/97
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member G Murphy:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   provide the tabled feedback to the Joint Governance Working Party on the
           funding and decision-making proposals set out in the Equity of Service Levels
           and Funding Proposals – Draft Report.
      A 17 June 2021, Manurewa Local Board Governance Framework Review equity of
          service levels and funding feedback

28    Economic Development Action Plan: Draft for feedback
      The feedback was tabled at the meeting.
      A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council
      website as a minutes attachment.
      Resolution number MR/2021/98
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member K Penney:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:

Minutes                                                                                 Page 22
Manurewa Local Board
17 June 2021

      a)   adopt the tabled feedback for consideration in the final draft Economic
           Development Action Plan: Council’s role in Auckland’s recovery 2021-24.
      A 17 June 2021, Manurewa Local Board Economic Development Action Plan feedback

29    Delegation of feedback to be provided to the Establishment Unit Board of the City
      Centre to Māngere light rail project
      Resolution number MR/2021/99
      MOVED by Member D Pizzini, seconded by Member R McLean:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   delegate Chair Joseph Allan to provide feedback on behalf of the local board to
           the Establishment Unit Board of the City Centre to Māngere light rail project.

30    Urgent Decision Memo - Light Rail Establishment Unit Board delegation to Chairs'
      Resolution number MR/2021/100
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member T Gorrie:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   note the urgent decision to endorse the use of the Chairs’ Forum as the
           selection panel to appoint the local board representative to the Establishment
           Unit Board of the City Centre to Māngere light rail project as provided in
           Attachment A.

31    Manurewa Local Board input approved and submitted for inclusion in Auckland
      Council submissions - May 2021
      Resolution number MR/2021/101
      MOVED by Member K Penney, seconded by Member D Pizzini:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   note the Manurewa Local Board input into Auckland Council’s submissions on:
           i)    the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s proposed changes
                 to support effective management of freedom camping in New Zealand
           ii)   the Transport and Infrastructure Committee inquiry into congestion
                 pricing in Auckland.

32    Eke Panuku Development Auckland - Manurewa Local Board Six-Monthly Report to
      31 March 2021
      Resolution number MR/2021/102
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Atama:

Minutes                                                                            Page 23
Manurewa Local Board
17 June 2021

      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)      receive the Eke Panuku Development Auckland - Manurewa Local Board Six-
              Monthly Report to 31 March 2021.

33    Auckland Unlimited Quarter Three Performance Report
      Resolution number MR/2021/103
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member G Murphy:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)      receive the Auckland Unlimited Performance Report included as Attachment A
              for the quarter ending 31 March 2021.

34    For Information: Reports referred to the Manurewa Local Board
      Resolution number MR/2021/104
      MOVED by Member T Gorrie, seconded by Member R McLean:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)      receive the following information from the Governing Body committee
              meetings, Council Controlled Organisations, forums or other local board

          No. Report Title                    Item   Meeting Date   Governing Body
                                              no.                   Committee or Council
                                                                    Organisation or Forum
                                                                    or Local Board
          1    Review of the Code of          13     6 May 2021     Howick Local Board
               Conduct - draft revised                              resolutions circulated
               code                                                 to all local boards for
                                                                    their information
          2    Notice of Motion -             13     18 May 2021    Devonport-Takapuna
               Chairperson R Jackson -                              Local Board
               Open Workshops                                       resolutions circulated
                                                                    to local boards for
                                                                    their information
          3    Notice of Motion - Member      12     20 May 2021    Ōrākei Local Board
               Troy Churton - Delegated                             resolutions circulated
               authority for certain                                to all local boards for
               notification decisions                               their information
          4    Notice of Motion - Member      13     20 May 2021    Ōrākei Local Board
               David Wong - Request for                             resolutions circulated
               Regular Communication                                to all local boards for
               and Transparency on                                  their information
               Helicopter Activity over the
               Ōrākei Local Board area


Minutes                                                                              Page 24
Manurewa Local Board
 17 June 2021

35     Manurewa Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - June 2021
       Resolution number MR/2021/105
       MOVED by Member D Pizzini, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Atama:
       That the Manurewa Local Board:
       a)   note the Governance Forward Work Calendar.

36     Manurewa Local Board Workshop Records
       Resolution number MR/2021/106
       MOVED by Member R McLean, seconded by Member D Pizzini:
       That the Manurewa Local Board:
       a)   note the Manurewa Local Board workshop records held on:
            i)     6 May 2021
            ii)    12 May 2021
            iii)   13 May 2021
            iv)    27 May 2021.

37     Consideration of Extraordinary Items

       There was no consideration of extraordinary items.

Member Rangi McLean closed the meeting with a karakia.

       8.07 pm                            The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance
                                          and attention to business and declared the meeting

                                          CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD
                                          AT A MEETING OF THE MANUREWA LOCAL BOARD
                                          HELD ON



 Minutes                                                                                                       Page 25
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