Onward upward and - Crop duster kerfuffle - WAPA

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Onward upward and - Crop duster kerfuffle - WAPA
Crop duster                    Carr Fire                    Writing   Safety
 kerfuffle                      rebuild                      tips      resources

W E S T E R N A R E A P O W E R A D M I N I S T R AT I O N              J U LY 2 0 2 1

Onward upward and - Crop duster kerfuffle - WAPA
                                                                  WAPA’s sUAS pilot program lifts off
                                                                  This I2T-Award-winning program saves time and money while reducing risk.
                                                                  Crop duster strikes Arizona T-line
                                                                  Repair work requires swift response and Tribal collaboration.
                                                             4    Civil engineer wins Emerging Leader Award
                                                                  Civil Engineer Rebecca Afsar is recognized by her peers at RMEL.
                                                                  Graduates reflect on DOE leadership program
                                                                  Five employees discuss their experiences with and value of the program.
                                                                  Firenado restoration and rebuild
                                                                  WAPA installs permanent replacement structures after the Carr Fire.
                                                                  Rewire your writing: tips to craft impactful pieces
                                                                  Regardless of your role at WAPA, you frequently communicate in writing.
                                                                  Explore Safety’s electronic toolbox
                                                                  Safety and Occupational Health offers helpful resources at your fingertips.
                                                             10   Host video conferences safely
                                                                  With teleconferencing becoming routine, it’s easy to overlook concerns.
                                                                  Rapid Recaps
                                                                  • Pilot receives Award of Merit
                                                                  • Mira Loma High School reaches top eight in National Science Bowl
                                                                  • Employees learn about Pride history

      VOL. 43 NO. 7, July 2021
                                                                  Brief Transmissions
                                                                  • WAPA selects UGP regional manager
                                                                  • Updated state and regional fact sheets available
             Editor: PHILIP REED                                  • Occupational Safety and Health training due July 30
   Graphic Designer: DANIELLE ORR                                 • Complete Standards of Conduct training
    Do you have an idea for a story?
       Contact reed@wapa.gov

                                                                                                        On the cover
                                                                                               WAPA’s Small Unmanned Aircraft
                                                                                             System pilot program learned how
                                                                                         these units can be used when surveying
                                                                                              and inspecting transmission lines,
        Western Area                                                                       increasing both safety and efficiency.
     Power Administration                                                                           Read the full story on Page 1.
                                                                                                       (Photo by David Katich.)
           P.O. Box 281213
      Lakewood, CO 80228-8213
www.wapa.gov | publicaffairs@wapa.gov

Onward upward and - Crop duster kerfuffle - WAPA
pilot program
lifts off
By Aidan Wiese
Photos by David Katich

           n March, WAPA’s Small
           Unmanned Aircraft
           System, or sUAS, pilot
           program reached its
           conclusion. These units
           can be used when
           surveying and
           inspecting miles
of transmission line,
saving both time and
money, as well as
preserving one
of WAPA’s most
valuable assets: the
safety of its workers
and linemen.
                  continued on Page 2

Small Unmanned Aircraft System units can
reduce the time spent on many maintenance
tasks from hours to minutes, all while
keeping transmission lines energized.

                                            July 2021
Onward upward and - Crop duster kerfuffle - WAPA
Small Unmanned Aircraft
                                                                                                              System units save time and
                                                                                                              money and could potentially
                                                                                                              benefit many other WAPA

The biggest benefit of the pilot program comes from integrating
Small Unmanned Aircraft System units into WAPA’s maintenance
operations, reducing the risk in climbing for craft employees.

   The program, which won an                        Electrician David Katich, who regu-        required up to three different outages
Inclusion, Innovation and Technology                larly works with this equipment.           in addition to the use of aerial lifts
Award last year, initially began in                    As reported in the program’s            and, of course, the use of proper fall
April 2018. At the time, three linemen              March 21 conclusions document, the         protection.
volunteered to study and pass the                   single biggest benefit of the sUAS             Work on this scale also requires
Federal Aviation Administration                     pilot program involves integrating the     numerous employee hours to schedule
Remote Pilot License requirements,                  unmanned aircraft into WAPA’s mainte-      the outages, perform the switching,
which would allow WAPA to legally fly               nance operations, reducing the risk in     testing and installation of grounds and
unmanned aircraft within line-of-sight              climbing for craft employees.              inspect the transformers themselves.
operations.                                            “Instead of having to climb the         Ordinarily, this task could take up
                                                    structure to look down on it, we’re able   to 90 employee hours. Using a small
    For more information, see                       to use the sUAS,” said Katich. “The        unmanned aircraft, the inspection was
    “Taking to the skies saves                      device is able to look down on the         completed in 15 minutes, all while the
    maintenance dollars” in the                     structure rather than look up from the     line remained energized.
    December 2019 issue of                          ground. That’s beneficial because you          “It eliminates the linemen hav-
    Closed Circuit.                                 get a more thorough inspection. From       ing to climb any structure if there’s
                                                    the ground during an asset inspection,     something to just be inspected,” said
    The sUAS program was specifically               we see 80-90% of a structure, but the      Aviation Manager Richard Westra.
intended to explore potential ways to               top 10-20% is where the sUAS comes         “If there’s any required maintenance,
use unmanned aircraft in the organiza-              in, because that can only be inspected     obviously it doesn’t. But if there’s a
tion, develop use cases and test their              looking down. We’re looking at the top     question about any structure, a perim-
practical applications in the field.                of crossarms and insulators.”              eter, a fence, anything you can’t see
    The pilot program successfully                     The use of sUAS units drastically       from the ground, that’s what this piece
determined a number of potential                    reduces the time required for a job,       of equipment is used for.”
applications for the devices, such as               as well as the number of outages               It can also be used to examine
inspection-related tasks for transmis-              required when performing routine           suspected damage from gunshots or
sion lines and substation equipment.                maintenance.                               lightning strikes on a structure.
They may also prove to be useful when                  In one instance, at Glen Canyon             Additionally, the devices are useful
it comes to vegetation management.                  Substation in Page, Arizona, an sUAS       for verifying the sizes of conductor
    “Those were all the use cases we                was used to inspect and evaluate           wires. The North American Electric
explored when we were doing the                     the top of the 345-kilovolt power          Reliability Corporation requires that
sUAS program and found that all those               transformers using visual imagery.         utilities verify the actual conductor
were beneficial,” said High Voltage                 Without the sUAS, the job could have       wire sizes in the field and compare

Closed Circuit
Onward upward and - Crop duster kerfuffle - WAPA
them to those listed in regulations for          “Drones are not there to replace;         For 25 towers, that would require 75
accurate thermal ratings.                    they’re there to enhance,” Westra ex-         hours of employee time and cost about
   Using sUAS units, crews were able         plained. “They are not going to change        $11,250. That alone is nearly the entire
to physically verify all of the wire sizes   the need for helicopter inspection or         cost of the pilot program.
on crimps at Flagstaff Substation in         for the linemen climbing the tower. It’s         Aviation has already procured 10
Arizona in around 10 minutes, without        just enhancing the process. In the past,      IT-approved, American-manufactured
outages or the need for climbing.            we might think we have a problem and          sUAS units in addition to the three
   According to Katich, the devices          need to verify it, but now the lineman        used in the pilot, with plans to expand
were additionally put to great use           can verify what he’s looking at from          further from there.
during the Desert Southwest facilities       the ground.”                                     “The end goal for the program,
ratings verification process, when they          Aside from the decreased risk to          what we envision, is for there to be an
were used to verify switch nameplates        craft employees and the time savings,         sUAS on every line crew and at every
and conductor jumper sizes.                  the devices also offer a large monetary       manned substation for craft personnel
   “We verify the conductor jumper           benefit. The total cost for the pilot pro-    to use,” says Katich.
sizes by reading the nomenclature on         gram, not including the labor, came              “I want to thank the many contribu-
the dead-end paddles,” he said. “The         out to $12,253. This includes the cost        tors from Aviation, Maintenance and
benefit is that we didn’t have to take       of the units themselves, the software         IT, who have worked very hard to
bus outages at a substation, where we        subscription, the drone pilot license         advance the program,” said Executive
basically have to turn half the substa-      test preparation course, additional           Vice President and Chief Operating
tion off or use aerial lifts and bucket      batteries and FAA registration costs.         Officer Kevin Howard, the program’s
trucks.”                                         This compares favorably to the            sponsor. “We have also received
   Another benefit comes from stream-        traditional costs of field work. In one       great advice and guidance from our
lining the process when there are            instance, inspections were performed          Office of General Counsel. The team
needs for proof or documentation of          for spacer replacements on 25 towers          has continuously adapted to chal-
damage before making repairs.                on a 345-kV transmission line in Craig,       lenges and the program has expanded
   The devices were also used to             Colorado, using conductor carts.              significantly over the past year or two,
investigate customer complaints                  With an estimated rate of approxi-        reaching all of WAPA’s regions and
regarding loud popping noises near           mately $150 per hour for a lineman,           providing a very cost-effective tool
Granby Substation in Colorado. The           an sUAS would take about half an hour         that helps us maintain system reliabil-
sUAS was able to fly within inches of        to perform the inspection, including          ity while minimizing safety risks.”
the energized conductor and discover         travel to each tower. For 25 towers,             Westra invites any programs or
that it was damaged as it was being          taking up about 12.5 hours, that would        departments to contact him if they feel
pulled over a malfunctioning traveler.       cost about $1,875.                            they could benefit from an sUAS.
This gave WAPA the documentation                 However, if the inspections were             “I think almost every department
required for warranty work to replace        done via climbing, the same task              within WAPA could use it,” he said. n
the malfunctioning conductor.                would require three linemen, each             Note: Wiese is a secretary who works
                                             spending about an hour at each tower.         under the MIRACORP contract.

                                                                      Aviation has procured 10 Information Technology-approved, American-
                                                                      manufactured Small Unmanned Aircraft System units in addition to the
                                                                      three used in the pilot, with plans to expand further from there.

                                                                                                                                 July 2021
Onward upward and - Crop duster kerfuffle - WAPA
WAPA crews mobilized quickly when a crop duster struck a
transmission line in Yuma, Arizona, damaging it before flying off.

       Crop duster strikes
       Arizona T-line

       Photos by Mike Simonton

                                              rop dusters do more than apply insecticide
                                              and torment Cary Grant. They also, on
                                              occasion, find themselves in unfortunate
                                              altercations with transmission lines. Such
                                              was the case March 31, when a crop-dusting
                                              helicopter struck the Gila-to-Knob 161-kilovolt
                                              transmission line in Yuma, Arizona, at around 6
                                              p.m., causing a service interruption.

Closed Circuit
Onward upward and - Crop duster kerfuffle - WAPA
By 6:30, Foreman II Lineman Justin
Swires was on site to assess the situa-
tion and the damage. He reported his
findings back to Dispatch, including
the fact that the helicopter had neither
crashed nor landed; the pilot who
struck the line continued flying. While
it was obviously good that the incident
did not result in any injuries, it was
up to WAPA to get power restored as
quickly and safely as possible.
    One complication was that repairs
and service restoration would require
access to the nearby Fort Yuma-
Quechan Reservation, which would
require approval from the Tribe.
    Transmission Lines and Substations
Maintenance Manager Mike Simonton
worked to get in touch with a represen-
tative of the Tribe who could authorize
access. By 9 p.m., he was able to do so,
and was informed that the Tribe was
both aware of the incident and happy
to allow WAPA to make any necessary
repairs on the reservation.
    Within 15 minutes of this approval,
WAPA crews were gathering the
necessary equipment and mobilizing
to address the outage.
    Restoration efforts continued
through the following morning, April 1,
as the impacted transmission line was
located on irrigated agricultural lands.
    In addition to needing to tow in
the equipment required to make the
necessary repairs on soggy land, the
crews had to be careful to avoid caus-
ing another kind of disruption.

                                               Repair efforts required coordination with the Quechan Tribe, as
                                               well as careful planning to avoid disrupting agricultural lands.
  Get to know the
  Quechan Tribe                                   “We wanted to mitigate the impact                 a neighboring utility. WAPA’s crew
                                               to agricultural activities,” explained               partnered with them to lift the conduc-
  Quechan – pronounced “Kwatsáan” –
                                               Simonton.                                            tor above the distribution line and
  means “those who descended.” Their
                                                  This required not only careful plan-              perform repair work over the road
  language is also called Quechan. The         ning on WAPA’s end, but additional                   as opposed to on land, limiting the
  Fort Yuma-Quechan Reservation, which         coordination with the Quechan Tribe.                 amount of heavy equipment needed
  is considered the home of the Quechan           Supervisory Environmental                         in the agricultural fields and thereby
  Indians, is situated on both sides of the    Protection Specialist Sean Berry                     minimizing disruption.
  Colorado River near Yuma, Arizona, and       worked with the Quechan historic                        The repairs were successful and the
  is around 45,000 acres in size. Interstate   preservation officer regarding any                   line was placed back into service at
  8 runs through the reservation, bringing     environmental matters, and Realty                    around 4:30 p.m.
  several million travelers per year who       Specialist Angela Murphy initiated                      “This was yet another great effort
  drive through it on their way to Phoenix,    discussions with adjacent landowners                 by line crews, Dispatch, Environment
                                               regarding efforts that could prove to                and Lands,” Simonton said afterward.
  Arizona, or San Diego, California.
                                               be necessary post-repair.                            “Thank you all for contributing to this
  For more information, visit                     The project involved the grounding                team success!” n
  quechantribe.com                             and removal of the affected conduc-
                                               tor, which required coordination with

                                                                                                                                   July 2021
Onward upward and - Crop duster kerfuffle - WAPA
                                              “The Emerging Leader Award is RMEL’s

                                          opportunity to recognize new talent in the
                                          industry from RMEL’s member companies,”
                                          said RMEL Executive Director Richard J.
                                          Putnicki in his announcement. “The award
                 n May, Civil Engineer    honors RMEL members with five to 10 years
                 Rebecca Afsar            of industry experience who are making an
                                          impact through significant contributions
                 received the Emerging    within their organization and the electric
                 Leader Award from        energy industry.”
                                              “In just a few short years, Ms. Rebecca
                 RMEL – formerly          Afsar has become a ‘student of the business’
                 the Rocky Mountain       here at WAPA and embodies what it means
                                          to provide excellent customer service to
                 Electrical League – in   our internal and external stakeholders,”
                 Denver, Colorado.        said Vice President of Asset Planning and
                                          Management Chris Lyles, who nominated
                                          her for the award. “Her excellent customer
                                          service is derived from her leadership skills
                                          and the ability to see an organizational
                                          opportunity for improvement and to actively
                                          develop solutions using a collaborative
                                              His praise did not end there.
                                              “She is a true leader, as she is emotion-
                                          ally intelligent and leads with empathy and
                                          compassion,” Lyles continued. “Her passion
                                          for WAPA and our industry can be witnessed
                                          in any project or initiative she is leading.”
                                              Closed Circuit sat down with Afsar to
                                          discuss the award.

Closed Circuit
Onward upward and - Crop duster kerfuffle - WAPA
What is your definition of a good

                   A good leader’s                                                    I believe there are so many quali-
                                                                                   ties that make a good leader, so here

                     actions are
                                                                                   are just a few of my top ones. First, I
                                                                                   think they need to have the ability to
                                                                                   recognize and understand the feel-

                   motivated by a                                                  ings and emotions experienced by
                                                                                   their team. A good leader’s actions

                  genuine desire to                                                are motivated by a genuine desire to
                                                                                   help others.
                                                                                      Second, a good leader must
                     help others.                                                  imagine the future and reconcile it
                                                                                   with current realities. A good leader
                                                                                   will know how to bridge the gap
                                                                                   between where the team is and where
                                                                                   they want to be.
                                                                                      Finally, I believe that a good
                                                                                   leader can bring others together for
                                                                                   a common purpose. They help create
Tell us a little bit about your           How does it feel to be recognized        a sense of belonging on a team and
background.                               this way by RMEL?                        help others feel like they are a part of
   Before WAPA, I worked as a                 I want to thank RMEL for the award   something bigger than themselves.
hydraulic design engineer with the        and Chris Lyles for nominating me.       In essence, they develop a sense of
Army Corps of Engineers and the           I feel honored to receive the RMEL       community for their team.
Bureau of Reclamation. I performed        Emerging Leader Award, and I hope
hydrologic hazards analysis for dam       to continue to grow in my leadership     What is one piece of advice you
and canal overtopping scenarios,          skills at WAPA.                          have for WAPA employees wishing
designed instream salmonid habitat            It has been a pleasure working       to grow and develop as leaders?
for cold water refuge, studied the im-    within Asset Management, whose
                                                                                       My advice is to find a volunteer
pacts of climate change on irrigation     leadership team has allowed me to
                                                                                   organization where you can begin
cycles and helped develop their asset     take on many challenging initiatives.
                                                                                   your leadership journey in a low-
management’s Major Rehabilitation         I also want to thank my teammates
                                                                                   stress, low-stakes environment.
and Replacement Database.                 who have helped me be successful in
                                                                                       I was elected president of my
   I also participated in the Federal     many of our projects.
                                                                                   Toastmasters club. Our goal was
Asset Management Working
                                                                                   to maintain and improve the club
Group, where I met WAPA’s Asset           What has been your experience            environment for individuals to prac-
Management program managers.              with RMEL?                               tice and grow in their public speaking
                                             Before WAPA, my experience was        and leadership skills. I had a team of
Can you explain your role at              in the water industry; therefore, RMEL   six volunteer officers to help achieve
WAPA?                                     has been an excellent organization to    these goals. During this experience,
   I am a civil engineer in Asset         learn more about power utilities.        I learned how to communicate my
Management who specialties in                I have participated in the Fall       vision, develop a strategy and col-
transmission line risk assessments        Conference, learning more about as-      laborate with six individuals to set
and asset criticality analysis. My work   set management. In March 2019, I pre-    goals and achieve success. I learned
focuses on engineering analysis to        sented at the Transmission Planning      how to lead meetings, assign tasks to
evaluate transmission infrastructure      and Operations Conference. In April      leverage others’ strengths and how
performance and provide tools to          2019, I presented at the Electric Grid   to motivate others to accomplish a
prioritize capital investment and         Security Conference on Developing        common goal.
improve maintenance practices.            Graduated Physical Security                  It was a critical environment
   I make sure that decision makers       Protection Levels at Substations and     because it was low stress and low
have the information and tools they       Communication Sites.                     stakes, but it taught me so many valu-
need to measure and assess equip-            At these conferences, I have been     able lessons. It helped me understand
ment performance, improve mainte-         able to interface with many col-         that I like being a leader and that it
nance practices and develop capital       leagues within the industry and have     might be something I pursue in my
budgets.                                  learned a lot.                           career. n

                                                                                                                   July 2021
Onward upward and - Crop duster kerfuffle - WAPA
    reflect on DOE
    leadership                                  The eight-month program was
                                             designed as a career-development
                                             opportunity for new and current lead-

                                             ers. It focused on strategic alignment
                                             across all leadership levels, with the
                                             intention of driving transparency and

                                             accountability throughout the DOE.
                                                Participants knew that the program
                                             would help them to develop critical
                                             leadership skills and improve their
               n July 2020, five WAPA        leadership competency proficiencies.
               employees were selected       What they were less certain about was
               to participate in the         the approach, which would neces-
                                             sarily take a virtual format due to the
               Department of Energy’s        ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
               Leadership Development           “I was expecting the Leadership
                                             Development Program to be a ‘lecture’
               Program, sponsored by         series, where the instructor would lead
               the University of Maryland.   the attendees through the content,”
                                             said Information Technology Specialist
               With the recent conclusion    Corinna Gonzalez. “I was pleasantly
    of that program, Closed Circuit          surprised to find that the coursework
                                             encouraged a high amount of student
    reached out to the participants to       engagement, both with the instructor
    discuss their experience.                and the other attendees.”

Closed Circuit
She continued by saying she was          among team members. In addition,                  “I am so grateful to WAPA for
surprised by how well the program            each of them found different aspects of       encouraging my participation in the
still allowed for a feeling of fellowship.   the training especially compelling.           Leadership Development Program,”
    “The format encouraged open and             “We learned about effective com-           said Gonzalez. “My confidence as a
honest conversations in relation to          munication within teams, which I found        leader has grown tremendously. I was
the course material,” she said. “I was       particularly valuable,” said Gonzalez.        able to connect with current senior
grateful to be able to connect with             “One thing that I learned that I find      leaders throughout the DOE, and as
each of my classmates.”                      to be valuable is that as a leader it is      a result learned from their successes
    Human Resources Specialist Allison       acceptable to be vulnerable from time         and how they bounced back from
Burnett agreed that, while the virtual       to time,” said Valencia.                      failure.”
format complicated things somewhat,             Demchuk agreed, adding, “An                    Overall, the participants felt their
there was still a strong feeling of          environment where a leader is ‘com-           time with the program was beneficial,
togetherness and camaraderie.                fortable being uncomfortable’ allows          and would encourage others to attend
    “I feel as though we all came out of     team members to admit weaknesses,             this and similar trainings.
the program with strong relationships        share ideas and develop trust.”                   “As we entered into the last week I
with other participants, who we will            “I learned that to lead others, you        felt despondent, as I wanted additional
be able to rely on for support going         have to first learn about yourself and        time with the cohort,” said Valencia.
forward,” she said.                          your styles of leading and communica-         “I took so much away that I now have
    In addition, the program took a          tion, in order to understand where            in my tool bag to apply in my position
unique approach to its subject.              others may be different, so that you can      here at WAPA. I encourage emerging
    “This was not your typical               adapt and meet them in the middle,”           and existing leaders within the orga-
leadership program,” said Human              said Burnett. “What works for one may         nization to apply for the course, as you
Performance Program Manager                  not work for others.”                         unlock strengths and reflect on content
Krystall Valencia. “The course                  For Hively, the biggest takeaway           in a different perspective.”
covered how we, as leaders, go from          was the Lencioni Trust Pyramid, which             “It was a great program,” agreed
‘self to symphony.’ Within that, we          she said resonated with her the most.         Burnett. “I hope that I can take what I
learned about emotional intelligence            “The five biggest pitfalls of a team       have learned and use it to be a great
for leaders, building a cohesive team        are clearly mapped out in the model,          leader.”
and resilient leadership.”                   so that people can work toward a                  “I learned many valuable skills
    “I really expected this to be a          successful and effective team,” she           which I can use to make a positive
very structured program focused              explained. “Number two is Fear of             impact on the organization,” said
on spreadsheets and change man-              Conflict, which reminded me that there        Gonzalez. “I would absolutely recom-
agement,” said Human Resources               should be no hesitation to disagree           mend this training for those who are
Specialist Courtni Hively. “I was            with, challenge and question one              motivated to take an honest evaluation
pleasantly surprised to see the empha-       another. It is all in the spirit of finding   of themselves as leaders, and are open
sis on ‘self to symphony’ which took us      the right solutions, finding the truth        to change and self-improvement.”
on a journey of better understanding         and making great decisions! Usually               “Many people forget the impor-
who we are and how to effectively            I would get kind of frustrated with           tance of understanding oneself and
work with others, understanding our          conflict. Now I have changed my               the impact it has on working with
personalities, understanding that they       perspective, or remind myself to do           others,” added Hively. “I especially
may not also align with others, and          so, and I think, ‘What can I learn from       recommend this to supervisors and
how to use the strengths and weak-           this?’”                                       managers because their supervisory
nesses that we have identified within           The program left the participants          responsibilities are crucial to building
ourselves to lead teams.”                    with much to consider as they de-             and leading effective teams.”
    “It was not what I expected,” agreed     velop their leadership skills, and they           For Demchuk, the program also
Burnett. “I was thinking more along          believe that they’ve been given useful        provided an opportunity to reflect
the lines of what it takes to be a leader,   tools with which to do so.                    on broader ideas, and to express his
such as budgets and performance and             “The program put me in a position          gratitude.
so on, whereas this program taught us        to carefully evaluate myself and my               “Organizations that value leader-
a lot about ourselves and how we can         interactions with others, give more           ship development are better at devel-
use our skills and traits to lead others.”   grace and thought to situations that I        oping their leaders and placing the
    IT Web Architect Vitaliy Demchuk         don’t always agree with and better un-        right people in the right roles which,
said that he began the experience            derstand my personality,” Hively said.        in turn, drives greater innovation and
without any expectations at all.             “I can capitalize on the strengths and        stronger financial performance,” he
    “I went through the program with an      be aware of the possible blindsides.”         said. “I am glad WAPA is one of those
open mind, willing to learn anything            “It helped me discover some lead-          organizations.” n
and everything,” he explained. “And I        ership skills I didn’t know I possess,”
wasn’t disappointed.”                        said Demchuk. “It revealed different
    Some of the specific topics the          processes, tools and techniques that
participants studied included active         assist with developing new or enhanc-
listening, empathy and building trust        ing existing leadership qualities.”

                                                                                                                           July 2021
Firenado restoration
and rebuild
By Amy Fischbach                                                 This steel lattice tower on the Shasta-to-Cottonwood #2 transmission line near
                                                                 Keswick Dam in Redding, California, was destroyed during the Carr Fire that raged

                                                                 through Shasta and Trinity Counties in July and August 2018. (Photo by Matt Monroe)

                                      ftentimes, large forest fires are known
                                      to create their own wind and weather
                                      patterns. Whirlwinds of air and fire,
                                      called firenados, form near the edge
                                      of wildfires. Because they can quickly
                                      change direction, their movements are
                                      unpredictable, and their embers can
                                      rapidly spread wildfire to new areas.
Editor’s note: This story originally ran May 3 in Transmission and Distribution World. It is reprinted here with
permission. To see this story in its original context or to read other industry-related articles, visit tdworld.com

   For example, high winds associated            was near Keswick Dam to the north-                in tangled heaps of steel transmission
with the Carr Fire firenado completely           west of Redding, California.                      towers, cars, trees and other debris.”
destroyed three Western Area Power                  “Extreme heat mixed with                           After the firenado subsided, WAPA’s
Administration 230-kV transmission               high winds and cold air from the                  SN line crews worked around the
towers on two different lines between            Sacramento River caused a firenado                clock to complete the repair job. Due
Shasta Dam and the Cottonwood                    that resulted in catastrophic failure to          to high costs and long lead times from
Substation. The firenado also took               everything in its path,” says Foreman II          manufacturers, steel lattice towers had
down the conductor on the Shasta-to-             Lineman Ryan Yeager.                              a limited availability. Using temporary
Flannigan line taking the circuit out of                                                           wooden H-frame structures immedi-
service. It knocked out WAPA’s north             Installing temporary structures                   ately available in SN yards, however,
area infrastructure artery, directly or                                                            linemen worked to restore power as
                                                    The Department of Energy de-
indirectly impacting operations across                                                             quickly as possible.
                                                 scribed the firenado’s impact on one
the northern system in the Sierra                                                                      In emergency situations, WAPA
                                                 damaged line as “ripping the steel
Nevada region. The hardest hit area                                                                usually responds with in-house mainte-
                                                 structures from the ground, resulting

Closed Circuit
nance crews. WAPA can also reach out         because of its ease of construction and          Looking ahead
to mutual assistance partners for help       the availability of materials.
                                                                                                  SN’s approach to wildfire mitigation
to restore power. At the time of the            “This approach to temporary
                                                                                              is to manage the electric system in a
Carr Fire, however, contractors and          construction can be used on both
                                                                                              safe and reliable manner that mini-
mutual aid were not available due to         transmission and distribution systems,
                                                                                              mizes the risk of wildfire posed by its
the devastation to the Pacific Gas and       making it the go-to in the industry,”
                                                                                              electrical lines, substations, communi-
Electric Company, the City of Redding        Yeager said.
                                                                                              cation sites, compensation station and
and Shasta Lake City. As such, WAPA
                                                                                              related equipment. Over the years, SN
responded to the outages with its own        Lessons learned                                  has developed and operated a robust
maintenance crews.
                                                 Throughout the restoration and               and effective maintenance program,
   “Within 24 hours, WAPA line crews
                                             rebuilding process, the dedication               says SN’s Vegetation Management
had the Shasta-to-Flannigan line
                                             and professionalism of WAPA’s staff              and Access Roads Specialist Ricardo
energized, restoring power to Keswick
                                             members at all levels ensured the                Velarde.
Substation,” Yeager says. “Within
                                             success of its response to the wildfire              “Wildfire impacts continue to grow
five days crews had cleaned up old
                                             and firenado.                                    from year to year in California,” he
towers, set new poles, strung wire and
                                                 “The Emergency Operations Center             says. “In response, SN has identified
re-energized Shasta-to-Cottonwood 1
                                             model worked well, and the ability               potential wildfire risks and conse-
and 2.”
                                             to track and communicate real-time               quences within its service area and
                                             events was instrumental in our swift             developed response strategies, which
Preparing for permanent                      and strategic actions, which ensured             we have implemented region-wide
construction                                 our customers’ interests were protect-           while prioritizing activities within
   Wood poles catch fire easily during       ed,” says Field Maintenance Manager              elevated fire risk areas identified by
intense forest fires and fall due to high    Steve Tuggle.                                    the state.”
winds dropping the conductor. This               In addition, the operational support             SN supplemented its maintenance
can cause a domino effect, toppling          for the field crews, which ranged from           personnel to conduct focused trans-
over poles and damaging lines. Steel         addressing travel needs and purchas-             mission line and right-of-way inspec-
lattice tower structures, which are          ing equipment to arranging restoration           tions and document fuel-load con-
predominantly used across WAPA’s SN          schedules, was instrumental and                  cerns. In addition, WAPA developed
transmission system, are for the most        resourceful.                                     special inspection plans for equipment
part fire-resistant due to their all-steel       “After the Carr Fire, SN had sev-            in elevated fire risk-areas where crews
construction. In the case of the Carr        eral meetings to acknowledge what                climb and inspect every tower for
Fire firenado, however, the combina-         worked well but also to discuss and              structural and equipment issues. The
tion of extreme heat and high winds,         develop areas for improvement,”                  team performs a close visual inspec-
comparable to an EF3 tornado, caused         Tuggle says. “As a result, we have a             tion of the tower looking for any loose
the steel lattice structures to suffer       summary and debriefing document                  steel, bolts on the ground or any other
catastrophic failure.                        that describes and tracks the actions            aberrant condition.
   In September 2020, linemen                to improve our response readiness                    SN has expanded the use of in-
installed three permanent 100-foot tu-       moving forward.”                                 frared and corona cameras for early
bular steel tower H-structures to match                                                       identification of potential structural,
the height of the original lattice struc-                                                     equipment and related failures. In
tures. But in the meantime, to keep                                                           addition, SN is increasingly relying
wire height within North American
                                              By the numbers                                  upon lidar, high-definition video,
Electric Reliability Corporation              The Carr Fire was the seventh most              orthophotography and still imagery
standards, WAPA used four temporary                                                           to develop a baseline for in-ROW and
                                              destructive wildfire in California’s history.
wooden spar-arm H-structures in                                                               off-ROW conditions and to identify
                                              Here are some other statistics, according to
place of three steel lattice towers                                                           potential vegetation encroachments
                                              WAPA’s Closed Circuit and the Department        near powerline conductors. Through
destroyed in the blaze. Poles ranged
                                              of Energy.                                      these proactive strategies and best
from 70 feet to 90 feet tall. Engineers
determined the proper wire heights,             ƒ 38,000 evacuations.                         practices from previous events, WAPA
which dictated the temporary wooden                                                           is ready to respond to future wildfires
H-structure height. Four H-structures           ƒ 229,651 acres were affected.                in its service territory. n
were used in place of three towers to           ƒ 1,604 buildings were destroyed.             Note: Fischbach is the contributing editor
keep wire height up.                                                                          for the Electric Utility Operations section
   “The biggest challenge, besides              ƒ 11 injuries and eight deaths.               of Transmission and Distribution World.
the time crunch, was that we needed
to keep the wire height up because of           ƒ 10 WAPA structures were down and 15
                                                  115-kV and 230-kV lines, six substa-
homes and driveways in the immedi-
                                                  tions and 13 hydroelectric generators
ate area,” Yeager said.                           were out of service as a result of the
   This style of construction is standard         Carr Fire, according to the DOE.
practice for temporary restoration

                                                                                                                                July 2021
Rewire your writing:
tips to craft
impactful pieces
By Eric Barendsen

          ike it or not, you probably practice writing every
          day. Whether it’s an email to a coworker, a text
          to a family member or an article about your work
          at WAPA, you frequently communicate through
          writing. Regardless of your role at WAPA, you
should keep your writing tools sharp as a student of the
business and lifelong learner. These 14 tips may help you
do that more easily.
Note: Barendsen is a public affairs specialist.

  The approach                                    Get folks into your stories.
                                                                                                 You don’t have to be a
                                                  Readers connect with the people in
  Creativity cuts through the noise.                                                             famous writer to have fun
                                                  a story. Find a human-interest angle
  Write something unexpected to capture           for your business story and show the           writing; just plug in some
  people’s attention. If you entertain or         experiences of those most involved in the
  enrich your audience, they will be more         work. If you can, go do the activity with
                                                                                                 of these tips, unwind your
  likely to keep reading and share with their     someone, write down your observations          bad habits and rewire your
  friends or coworkers.                           and recreate your adventure for your
                                                                                                 everyday writing.
  “Rope’s end, shoulders, song, all moved
  together, and life flowed in one stream.” –
  Oliver La Farge, Laughing Boy
                                                  Detail oriented? Minds latch on to           Put it simply.
                                                                                               Choose shorter words and craft simpler
  Weave a compelling tale.                        Concrete details boost understanding         sentences and paragraphs. You don’t need
                                                  and help readers remember what you           technical jargon to explain complicated
  Narrative stories stand out in a competitive    said. People recall things that elicit       topics.
  universe of information. Snag your readers’     sensations or emotions. The more they
  attention from the opening sentences and        can see and feel what you describe,
  reward them steadily throughout.                the more they take away from the
                                                  experience.                                  Limit self-editing in early drafts.
  “124 was spiteful. Full of a baby’s venom.
                                                  “It was inevitable: the scent of bitter      Write your first draft quickly, then cut
  The women in the house knew it and
                                                  almonds always reminded him of the           larger pieces before fine tuning, as you
  so did the children.” – Toni Morrison,
                                                  fate of unrequited love.” – Gabriel Garcia   approach a final draft. Listen to and learn
                                                  Marquez, Love in the Time of Cholera         from the feedback you receive.

Closed Circuit
The structure                                                                          Use a narrative story structure.
Topple the inverted pyramid!                                                           The body of your piece should include an
                                                                                       introduction, a body and a conclusion.
Don’t start with background or boilerplate – or, even worse, “acronym soup” –
about the organization. Avoid cramming the who, what, where, when, why and             Build the body of your story around a key inquiry.
how into the first paragraph. Instead, use a feature story introduction: lead, nut     Explore this theme throughout the piece using
graph and background.                                                                  techniques such as real-life events or anecdotes
                                                                                       to explain the need for the project or initiative,
Write your lead sentences with immediate, human-oriented specifics to catch
                                                                                       hypothetical situations in which the new innovation
attention. Don’t shy away from using sentence fragments and swift, lucid images.
                                                                                       would be helpful or case studies that illustrate the
“I write this sitting in the kitchen sink.” – Dodie Smith, I Capture the Castle        problem, solution and results.

Then write your nut graph, which is a sentence or two that summarizes the theme        Start with the dilemma of someone you interviewed.
of your piece in a nutshell. This is akin to the thesis statement you learned about    Engage your audience early with a moment of
in high school.                                                                        uncertainty or pivotal reaction to a challenge faced.
                                                                                       Spend more time showing the obstacles and less
The intro can then include two or three sentences of the most important                time telling about the solution.
background information: context, definitions, history or trends to help the reader
to understand the story.                                                               Expose the “why it matters” meaning of the project,
                                                                                       profession, partnership or industry. What is uplifting
                                                                                       or exhilarating about it?

The style                                                                              In the conclusion, restate the thesis or call the reader
                                                                                       to take action, and close with a surprising, concise
Active voices carry.                                                                   or concrete kicker sentence or quote that swings the
Minimize the “to be” verbs in your writing. Look for ways to inject powerful, active   story full circle.
verbs into your piece instead of using is, are, was and were.
“She read my palm and predicted that I would live to a hundred and five,
marry three times, and die in a traffic accident.” – Haruki Murakami,
                                                                                       Modulate your modifiers.
Norwegian Wood
                                                                                       Avoid adjectives or adverbs; rather, use your active
“Lightning streaks like gunfire through the clouds, volleys of thunder shake
                                                                                       voice and describe specific things in detail with
the air.” – Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire
                                                                                       strong verbs.

                                                                                       “And then – the glory – so that a cricket song
                                    Dabble in wordplay.                                sweetens his ears, the smell of the earth rises
Vary your sentence
and paragraph                                                                          chanting to his nose, and dappling light under a
                                    Creative turns of phrase work well in headlines,   tree blesses his eyes.” – John Steinbeck,
                                    subheads and leads. Pick a phrase, buzzword        East of Eden
Short sentences can                 or song lyric and apply or change it in an
be more effective than              unexpected way that will surprise and amuse
long, complex sentences             your reader. Use subheads to transition
in getting your point               between scenes.                                    Compared to what?
across and keeping the
audience’s attention.                                                                  Similes, analogies and metaphors express complex
                                                                                       concepts with fewer words. They give people a
“He did not know where                                                                 clearer understanding by illuminating something
it came from, the pain,             Know when to hold ‘em.
                                                                                       novel using familiar terms.
nor why. It had nothing             Downplay or soften your language when
to do with his thoughts.                                                               “The West has had a way of warping well-
                                    describing serious emotional content, but go
Almost it had nothing                                                                  carpentered habits and raising the grain on
                                    over the top – Embellish! Elaborate! – when
to do with him.” – D.H.                                                                exposed dreams.” – Wallace Stegner, The American
                                    your topic treads on the lighter side.
Lawrence, Daughters of                                                                 West as Living Space
the Vicar                           “This wallpaper will be the death of me. One
                                                                                       One question to ask yourself when writing about
                                    of us will have to go.” – Oscar Wilde
On the flip side, long                                                                 a complicated topic or large numbers: How would
sentences can take                  “I think I may boast myself to be, with all        you explain it to your mother, who knows nothing
readers on an adventure             possible vanity, the most unlearned and            about the topic? Plain language and comparisons to
of linguistic and                   uninformed female who ever dared to be an          common objects or known quantities can help.
expressive significance.            authoress.” – Jane Austen

                                                                                                                                        July 2021
Explore Safety’s
By Paul Robbins

                                      he Safety and Occupational Health
                                      website offers WAPA employees a variety
                                      of online tools that are just a click away.
                                      Think of it as an electronic toolbox full
                                      of safety tools, resources and important
                                      reference documents. Here is a brief
                                      overview of what is available to WAPA
                                      employees right now.

             The welcome page has a list of announce-            Incident Library and Tools
          ments that keep employees up to date with what
                                                                    At the top of the site’s main navigation bar is
          is happening in the safety world. They include
                                                                 the “Incident Library and Tools” section, which
          summaries of safety incidents, near misses,
                                                                 is home to WAPA’s Incident Reports, Learning
          safety alerts and product recalls.
                                                                 Summaries and Near-Miss Reports.
             There are a number of informative links, such
                                                                    When someone is seriously injured, an
          as to the fall protection and regional safety sites,
                                                                 internal review team investigates and prepares
          providing information about events, contacts,
                                                                 an Incident Report. The document presents a
          training and more. There is also a link to the
                                                                 scope of the investigation with a description
          Occupational Safety and Health Administration,
                                                                 of events, facts, analyses, conclusions, recom-
          presenting OSHA standards, outreach and
                                                                 mendations and other information. Employees
                                                                 can review reports that date back to the 1970s
             The “Standards Expert” link connects to
                                                                 and see how Safety has evolved over the years
          a portal that accesses nationally recognized
                                                                 at WAPA.
          consensus standards, such as the National Fire
                                                                    Safety prepares a Learning Summary when a
          Protection Association.
                                                                 safety incident takes place to help others learn
Upcoming feature: Report a Safety Concern
                                               Have you ever had a safety concern and not known what to do
                                               about it? Safety is in the process of developing a new website
                                               tool with IT.

                                               The “Report a Safety Concern” feature will enable employees
                                               to report concerns and get direct safety manager follow-up.

                                               Employees will be able to fill out a simple electronic form
                                               and quickly submit it to the Safety and Occupational
                                               Health Council. The appropriate regional safety manager
                                               will respond to the concern, follow up with the
                                               employee and address corrective actions.

from what occurred. The summary            Maintenance Manual, Power System                  and watching videos such as “The
includes a description of events, con-     Operations Manual and other industry              Employee Safety Orientation” and
tributing factors, lessons learned and     standard handbooks.                               “Substation Orientation for Non-
questions for discussion. These topics        The site also contains handy links             Technical Visitors.” Other information,
help employees understand why the          to a variety of other references. These           such as the Substation Orientation for
event took place and how to prevent        include orders that establish official            Non-Technical Visitors brochure, is
similar incidents in the future.           policies, such as WAPA Order 440.1B               available as well.
    A near miss is what the National       Safety and Occupational Health                        Finally, for exhaustive writeups of
Safety Council defines as, “an un-         Program, and other policies and                   safety-related topics or to reference
planned event that did not result in       guides related to building safety, tire           previous articles, you can access past
injury, illness, or damage – but had the   maintenance, claim processing and                 issues of our newsletter, Safety Works.
potential to do so.” A Near-Miss Report    more.                                             If you enjoy Safety Corner in Closed
is filled out by an employee for other        There are also standardized                    Circuit every month, Safety Works will
employees to learn from. It includes an    procedures on specific topics, such               provide you with even more informa-
account of what happened and lessons       as hoisting and rigging, developed                tion on a larger number of topics.
learned.                                   and established by professional                       Discover our electronic tool-
    Both Near-Miss Reports and             organizations.                                    box of safety; visit the Safety and
Learning Summaries are used as topics                                                        Occupational Health website today. n
during regional safety meetings and        Forms, training and back issues
tailgate discussions.                                                                          Visit the site at myWAPA,
                                              Employees will also find links to
                                           forms, training modules and even past               Departments, Safety and
Manuals and policies                       publications on the site.                           Occupational Health
   What if you have a safety question,        For instance, what if you are injured
but you don’t have a safety manual         on the job? There are forms and re-               Note: Robbins is a technical writer
handy? Choose “Safety Manuals” on          ports to help you, including the WAPA             who works under the Cherokee Nation
the navigation bar and you will find       F 5484.1 Individual Incident Report,              Strategic Programs contract.
manuals and handbooks that offer           workers’ compensation information
important direction to employees.          and other safety documents.
   Here you will find the Power System        Employees always have the op-
Safety Manual, which details our safety    portunity to learn more about safety
rules, as well as the Power System         by clicking the “Safety Training” link

                                                                                                                            July 2021
Host video
conferences safely

By Lodrina Cherne

                 f you will be hosting a                             Note from the editor: Information Technology
                                                                     shared the following videoconferencing tips from the
                 virtual conference, here                            Escal Institute of Advanced Technologies, also known
                 are some additional                                 as the SANS Institute, with WAPA employees via email.
                                                                     The article is reproduced below.
                 steps you should take.

                                                              Require a password
                                                              To protect the privacy and security of your
                                                              conference and control who can join, protect your
                                                              meeting with a password. This way only people who
                                                                                    have the conference password
  Inform if recording                                                               can join the event.

  If you intend to record the event
                 (and have permission
                 to record), be sure
                 to inform everyone
                 on the conference
                 ahead of time.
                                                                                     Sharing your screen
                                                                                        If you will be sharing your
                                                                                         computer screen at any
                                                                                           point, be sure to first close
     Review attendees                                                                       all other applications and
                                                                                             remove any sensitive
     Review the people attending your event. If there is      files from your computer’s desktop. Also disable
     someone you do not know or cannot identify, have         any pop-up notifications. This helps ensure you
     that person confirm their identity. If you have any      don’t accidently share sensitive or
     concerns, or if someone is being rude or disruptive,     embarrassing information while sharing
     remove them from the conference. Many solutions          your computer screen. Another option
     offer the option to lock the conference once it has      is to consider sharing just the program
     begun, so no one else can join unless you let them in.   you want to show instead of sharing your
     Another option may be to initially place                 entire computer screen.
     people in a virtual waiting room, so you
     can approve who joins the call.
                                                                     These technologies are a fantastic tool and, in
                                                                   many ways, represent the future of how we will
                                                                   work, collaborate, and communicate with others.
                                                                   These simple steps will go a long way to ensure
                                                                   you safely and securely make the most of them. n
                                                                   Note: Cherne teaches Windows forensics at the SANS
                                                                   Institute. She is also the principal security advocate at

Closed Circuit
Rapid Recaps

 Pilot receives Award of Merit
 O    n March 30, Aviation Manager Rich Westra pre-
      sented Helicopter Pilot Todd Slade with an Award of
 Merit for Five Years of Accident-Free Flying for the U.S.
 Department of Energy.
    Slade is one of several WAPA pilots. He supports Rocky
 Mountain Maintenance, Construction, Communication
 and Lands employees and also serves as Aviation’s
 instructor pilot. He has more than 25 years of experience
 as a commercial pilot, law enforcement officer and first-
 responder pilot with Flight for Life.

 Mira Loma High School reaches
 top eight in National Science Bowl
 O     n May 22, the winners of this year’s regional Science
       Bowl competitions met virtually to compete in the National
 Science Bowl, testing their knowledge of biology, chemistry,
 Earth science, physics, energy and math.
    Due to the ongoing concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic, the
 format was different this year, with teams competing in an elimi-
 nation tournament format. Each round saw the lowest-scoring
 teams eliminated with the others advancing to another round.
    Mira Loma High School, winner of the WAPA-sponsored
 Sacramento Regional High School Science Bowl, made it to the
 final eight teams of the competition before being eliminated.
 Closed Circuit congratulates them on their strong showing and
 thanks all of the students, coaches and volunteers who made this
 year’s competition possible.

 Employees learn about Pride history
 O     n June 15, in celebration of Pride Month, the Office of
       Economic Impact and Diversity hosted a virtual presen-
 tation by LGBTQ Historian David Duffield of The Center on
     He spoke about the history of the LGBTQ community in the
 U.S., focusing on the years between 1945 and 1975. He used
 video, photographs and other historical documentation to
 illustrate both the discrimination faced by the community and
 the successes through which it achieved political, social and
 cultural change.
     Duffield manages the Colorado LGBTQ History Project,
 which was established to collect and preserve oral histories,
 archive them and educate and make them available to the
     The Center on Colfax is the largest LGBTQ community
 center in the Rocky Mountain region. It opened in 1976,
 providing a voice to Colorado’s LGBTQ community and
 playing a role in statewide initiatives to reduce harass-
 ment and discrimination.

                                                                     July 2021
Brief Transmissions

        WAPA selects UGP regional manager                              Occupational Safety and Health
        O    n June 9, WAPA announced its selection of Lloyd           training due July 30
             Linke as senior vice president and Upper Great                 ll Department of Energy federal employees
        Plains regional manager, pending approval from the                  must complete the HQ-101DE Federal Employee
        Office of Personnel Management.                                Occupational Safety and Health training in Learning
           Linke began his federal career with WAPA and has also       Nucleus by July 30.
        served as the administrator of the former Alaska Power            Contractors are required to complete this training
        Administration. Most recently he was vice president of         only if their employer has elected to comply with title 10
        operations for UGP.                                            Code of Federal Regulations, part 851 by adopting the
           “Lloyd has over 30 years of experience working in           DOE’s Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health
        the electrical power industry and brings a wealth of           program.
        knowledge regarding the operation of the Upper Great              Please note that after completing the course, employ-
        Plains Region,” said Interim Administrator and CEO Tracey      ees must complete a brief survey. Failure to complete
        A. LeBeau. “His extensive experience with customers,           the survey will result in the course not being marked as
        customer groups and regulatory agencies mirrors his            complete.
        active involvement in industry nationwide.”
           Linke has experience with a number of industry
                                                                         Complete this mandatory training by visiting
        groups, including various committees under the North             Learning Nucleus at learningnucleus.energy.gov
        American Electric Reliability Corporation and the
        Southwest Power Pool. He also served as director of the
        Midwest Reliability Organization’s board.
                                        “I’m looking forward to        Complete Standards of Conduct
                                      my new role within WAPA,”        training
                                      Linke said. “WAPA’s mission
                                      brings significant value to
                                        our customers and I’m          A    ll WAPA federal employees are required to complete
                                                                            the annual Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
                                                                       Standards of Conduct training. Log in to Learning Nucleus
                                           excited to work with the
                                           dedicated and hardwork-     to check your due date.
                                            ing UGP staff to ensure       This training covers various SOC requirements as they
                                            that our customers         apply to WAPA’s organizational structure. It covers the
                                            continue to receive        three primary SOC rules established by FERC Order No.
                                            these benefits and value   717, most notable of which for all employees is the No
                                            our partnership.”          Conduit Rule prohibiting the communication of non-
                                                                       public Transmission Function Information to Marketing
        Updated state and regional fact                                Function Employees.
                                                                          The training also provides overviews of permissible
        sheets available                                               and impermissible

        W      APA has published its updated state and regional
               fact sheets, reflecting the most recent data from its
        Fiscal Year 2020 Statistical Appendix.
                                                                       between WAPA’s
           These fact sheets, as part of the organization’s com-       and Marketing
        mitment to transparency, provide a clear and simplified        Functions and of
        understanding of WAPA’s presence in each of the 15             the guidelines that
        states that define its service territory.                      should be followed
                                                                       for meetings
                                                                       between the two.
          To view and download the updated fact sheets, visit
          wapa.gov, Newsroom, Fact Sheets

                                                                         Complete this mandatory training by visiting
                                                                         Learning Nucleus at learningnucleus.energy.gov

Closed Circuit
You can also read