One Young World 2021 Summit Munich Highlights Report

Page created by Enrique Wang
One Young World 2021 Summit Munich Highlights Report
One Young World
2021 Summit Munich
Highlights Report
One Young World 2021 Summit Munich Highlights Report

                                04   The first truly hybrid event since COVID-19
                                06   One Young World 2021 Summit Munich
                                08   Digital Platform
                                10   USA Regional Hub

One Young World’s
                                11   Covid Security

                            AT THE SUMMIT

mission is to create a
                                12   Opening Ceremony
                                15   Presentation Stage
                                18   Plenary Sessions

better world, with more
                                22   Global Coverage

                            BEYOND THE PRESENTATION STAGE
                                23   Interactive Stages & Statistics

responsible and more            24
                                     The Building Process Stage
                                     The Digital Seeds Stage

effective leadership.
                                28   Summit Workshops
                                30   External Partner Breakouts
                                31   Exhibition

                            SPOTLIGHT SESSIONS
                                32   Lead2030

Every year, One Young
                                33   Leadership Award Winners
                                34   Ambassadors in Action
                                34   Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award

World achieves this by      SOCIAL PROGRAMMES
                                     CIty Tours
                                     Delegate Dinners

identifying, promoting      SCHOLARSHIPS
                                36   The Solidarität Scholarship

and connecting the
                                37   Scholarships Partners

                            CLOSING CEREMONY
                                38   Ceremony Highlights

world’s most impactful          39   What’s Next

                            SUSTAINABILITY AT THE SUMMIT

young leaders.
                                40   Good Health & Well-Being
                                41   Reduced Inequalities & Environment

                            SPECIAL THANKS
                                42   Global Advisory Board
                                42   Counsellors and Speakers, One Young World 2021 Munich
                                46   One Young World Partners
                                49   Workshop Hosts
One Young World 2021 Summit Munich Highlights Report
The first truly hybrid

event since COVID-19
    In the face of the on-going                                                                             My experience at the Summit was absolutely amazing, I really
    global pandemic, One                                                                                    enjoyed the variety of speakers and themes being addressed during
    Young World celebrates                                                                           plenary sessions and on other stages. It was a great way to learn
                                                       of Delegates were motivated to
    its 2021 Summit in a first                                                                       simultaneously about multiple issues and backgrounds. I was also
    of its kind hybrid format,
                                                       generate action after the Summit              particularly impressed by the digital platform, allowing me to catch up with
    welcoming Delegates,                                                                             certain live/online sessions I could not attend and to connect easily with
    Ambassadors and                                             I enjoyed how inclusive the          people sharing similar interests.”
    Counsellors both in-person                                  summit was. I liked how the hybrid
                                                                                                                                         - 2021 Delegate (In-Person Attendance)
    and digitally.                                     platform gave the exact benefit compared
                                                       to as if we were to be in-person. The

                                                       networking tables were brilliant, the                  In-Person                 Live Steamed                           Pre-Recorded

                                                       concept behind the briefcase, the IT help
                                                       desk who responded very quickly to our
    of Delegates felt                                  concerns were all critical success factors
    significantly impacted by                          of the summit.”
    the Summit                                               - 2021 Delegate (Digital Attendance)

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One Young World 2021 Summit Munich Highlights Report

    The In-Person Summit takes place                                                                                                         Such an
    in Munich this year, the Bavarian                                                                                                        amazing and
    capital known for its annual                                                                                                    transformative
    Oktoberfest celebration and its                                                                                                 experience. Every
    beer halls, including the famed                                                                                                 speaker was so
    Hofbräuhaus founded in 1589. With                                                                                               inspirational that it is
    a population of around 1.5 million, it                                                                                          difficult to summarize
    is the third-largest city in Germany                                                                                            At the end of the
    after Berlin and Hamburg.                                                                                                       Summit, I’m absolutely
    Munich’s Olympiapark is the home                                                                                                sure we can make a
    to the key Summit days, with                                                                                                    difference in carrying
    workshops and sessions running                                                                                                  our world to a better
    in person in Munich, on the digital                                                                                             place.”
    platform, and from the American                                                                                                          - 2021 Delegate
    hub. The Opening Ceremony,                                                                                                           (Digital Attendance)
    held at Olympiahalle, welcomes
    Counsellors, Delegates and special
    guests to a spectacular evening of
    entertainment to commence the
    summit weekend.
                                                                                               750                              139
            The incredible variety and                                                         Delegates                        Partners sent
            diversity of speakers and the                                                      participated in person           Delegates
    stories they told were truly inspiring.

                                                                                               1,500                            28
                                                            of Munich based Delegates
    The speakers themselves really gave
    me new motivation to use my skills
                                                            wanted to be connected
    and position to change the world - a                    with other One Young World
    feat which never felt realistic until the               Ambassadors in the city to         Delegates                        New Partners sent
    Summit.”                                                collaborate on generating          participated digitally           Delegates

                                                                                               45                               140
     - 2021 Delegate (Digital Attendance)                   impact in Munich

            The Summit was not about “talk” it was all about “action”, making an               In-Person Counsellors            Countries
            impact in different spheres to make the world a better place. The
                                                                                               and Guest Speakers               represented on site
    enthusiasm amongst us there was overwhelming and that energy is still
    alive and valid. I made the best of friends at the Summit and that is already
    life-changing. An awesome Summit it was!
                                                      - 2021 Delegate (In-Person Attendance)
                                                                                               118                              2,863
                                                                                               Digital Counsellors              Hotel nights provided
                                                                                               and Guest Speakers               from 21-26 July 2021
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One Young World 2021 Summit Munich Highlights Report

    Introduced specifically for the                                                                                                                                                                      I left the
    2021 Summit, One Young World                                                                                                                                                                         Summit as a
    has curated an online Platform,                                                                                                                                                             new person, someone
    where Delegates can access even                                                                                                                                                             who doesn’t let the
    more content, ranging from pre-                                                                                                                                                             past define my present
    recorded sessions with Counsellors                                                                                                                                                          and future, a person
    and guest speakers, to virtual                                                                                                                                                              who forgives and goes
    networking with their peers from                                                                                                                                                            on because I could see
    around the world.                                                                                                                                                                           that with determination
                                                                                                                                                                                                and good humanity, a
           Even though I couldn’t go to                                                                                                                                                         person can reach so
           Munich, I met so many                                                                                                                                                                many goals… I enjoyed
    Delegates online and exchange ideas                                                                                                                                                         that the Summit puts
    about the issue I would like to work                                                                                                                                                        people from different
    on.”                                                                                                                                                                                        countries, different
                                                                                                                                                                                                fields and different
      - 2021 Delegate (Digital Attendance)
                                                                                                                                                                                                titles and designations
                                                                                                                                                                                                for the sake of making
    The platform allows Delegates                                                                                                                                                               our ONE WORLD a

    the opportunity to access keynote                                      The Networking Lounge                                                                                                better place! Thank
    speeches and panel discussions                                         because we were able to                                                                                              you, One Young World,
    on the Presentation stage and to                               easily connect with several                                                                                                  you inspired me, and I
    join the online digital series from                                                                               of Digital delegates gave the Summit
                                                                   Delegates and Ambassadors in a                                                                                               promise you to keep
    ‘Breaking Bread’ to ‘One Note’                                 fantastic platform to discuss a
                                                                                                                      experience a 4 star to 5 star rating
                                                                                                                                                                                                inspired along the
    submissions. There are many extra                              wide range of topics and regions                                                                                             road!”
    sessions to connect with from                                  of the world.”                                                                                                                        - 2021 Delegate
    yoga, DJ Jenk, spotify playlists to
                                                                                  - 2021 Delegate (Digital            Most common rating of the usability of                                         (Digital Attendance)
    positive meditation sessions.
                                                                                             Attendance)              the Summit Platform by Digital Delegates

    The Global Goals are the Answer                             Genocide, Reconciliation and the Road to Peace        Sincerity and leadership will make a difference        The Rise of Anti-Asian Hate Crimes
    Richard Curtis, Writer, Director, Co-Founder of             John Simpson, Journalist (Moderator)                  Alexandra Palt, Executive Vice President Chief         Diana Chao, Founder, Letters to Strangers
    Red Nose Day and United Nations Sustainable                 Inge Bauecher, Hyppolite Ntigurirwa, Taban Shoresh,   Corporate Responsibility Office L’Oréal & Executive    Woody Milintachinda, Content Creator, TV & online
    Development Advocate                                        Genocide survivors (Panellists)                       Vice-President of the Foundation L’Oréal               host, and Executive Producer

    The Black Fund: Investing in Equality                       Decarbonisation & the Paris Agreement; How Costa      Education & Empowerment                                How To Become a Gritty Optimist
    Leigh-Anne Pinnock, Singer/Songwriter                       Rica is paving the way to a greener future’           Toni Garrn, Model and Actress                          Leena Nair, Chief Human Resources Office & Member
    Jamira Burley, Activist and Social Impact Strategist        Carlos Alvarado Quesada, President of Costa Rica      Mary Helda Akongo, Fundi Girls, Fundi Bots             of Unilever Leadership Executive

    Good Leadership & Learnings                                 The Art of Sustainable Living                         Eradicating White Supremacy & Racial Inequality        Addressing Inequality: Food Insecurity and Racial
    Carlos Brito, Former CEO Anheuser-Busch InBev               Ian Somerhalder, Actor, Environmentalist and          Ilia Calderon, Journalist and News Anchor              Injustice
    Elio Leoni-Sceti, Co-Founder & Chief Crafter, The           Entrepreneur                                          Bjorn Idler, Countering violent extremism expert       Matt James, Television Personality, Entrepreneur, and
    Craftory                                                    Rumaitha Al Busaidi, Middle East Climate Strategist   Vincent Egunlae, Co-Founder, The Open Private School   Activist
                                                                                                                      Mike Omoniyi, CEO, The Common Sense Network            Bonita Sharma, Founder, SOCHAI Youth For Nutrition
    Human Health is Planetary Health
    Laxman Narasimhan, CEO, Reckitt

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One Young World 2021 Summit Munich Highlights Report
USA REGIONAL HUB                                                                     COVID SECURITY

                                                                                                              TESTING IS THE
                                                                                                                        NEW NORMAL
     takes place simultaneously
     during the Summit at St Peter’s
     University in Jersey City, New
     Due to travel restrictions, the One                         The USA Regional HUB
     Young World USA Community                                   included speeches, networking,
     hosted the first ever One Young                             workshops, and live-streaming of
     World Regional Hub.                                         the Summit in Munich. Speakers
     Led by One Young World                                      included:
                                                                                                                          The safety of all One Young World Delegates, Ambassadors,
     Ambassador Ben Conard and                                   Shreyas Navare - Social Impact through
                                                                                                                          and Colleagues is of utmost priority. We put in place strict
     special guest, UN Secretary-                                                                                         covid social distancing and protective plans for the Munich
                                                                 Ben Conard - Building Responsible Business
     General’s Envoy on Youth and                                                                                         Summit and USA Regional Hub.
     One Young World Counsellor                                  Muhammed Ali Mustafa - Multilateralism &
                                                                 International Development
     Jayathma Wickramanayake.                                                                                                                                  Covid Protocol included:
                                                                 Jess Teutonico - WAFF (We Are We Family
                                                                 Foundation)                                                                                   • Daily testing in external tents
            It was an honour to host the                         Cecilia Chapiro - The use of crypto in the                                                    • Spaced seating throughout the
            first ever One Young World                           humanitarian sector?                                                                            arena
     Regional Hub, and to be a part of                           Jamira Burley - Racial equity for black                                                       • PPE masks whilst onsite
     the 2021 Munich Summit.”                                                                                                                                  • Bleepers on badges for social
                                                                 Isaac Bencomo - International Rescue                                                            distancing
     - Ben Conards, Regional Hub Host                            Committee, Border Crossing
                                                                                                                                                               • Outside venue space for Delegate
                                                                                                                                                                 lunches and meetups

                       • Opening Ceremony
                       • Cocktail event

                       •    Multilateralism and International Development: Muhammed Ali Mustafa
                       •    The use of crypto in the humanitarian sector: Cecilia Chapiro
                       •    WAFF: Jess Teutonico
                       •    Workshop: Peace in Our Cities
                                                                                                                     The safety and security measures
                       • Workshop: Institute for Economics & Peace
                       • Racial equity for black community: Jamira Burley
                                                                                                                     were incredible thanks to the
                       • Workshop: UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network                               organizers and the every-day testing
                       • Social Impact through stories: Shreyas Navare                                         - 2021 Delegate (In-Person Attendance)
                       • Workshop: Yunus & Youth

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One Young World 2021 Summit Munich Highlights Report
Ceremony Highlights
                                                             OPENING CEREMONY

     At Olympiahalle, One Young World gathers in person and in spirit to                                                             One Young World Founders, Kate Robertson and David Jones, welcome
     open the 2021 Munich Summit. The 2021 Opening Ceremony begins                                                                   us digitally and in-person. We then go live to our US hub to greet the
     with a welcome address from our Munich hosts and One Young World                                                                Delegates and Ambassadors joining us from the States.
     Counsellors - including:                                                                                                        Highlights include performances by:
                                                                                                                                     Soul Kitchen, Big band Jazzrausch, Pack mas O film from Munich,
                                                                                                                                     breakdance in Lederhosen, video Delegate Choir, Jesper Munk and the
                                                                                                                                     Flag Bearer ceremony with a mixture of film and live Delegates

                                                                                                                                              The opening ceremony left a mark on my life. Watching other
                               Angela Merkel                                     Dieter Reiter              Markus Söder
                                                                                                                                              flagbearers, how happy were they to represent their countries, and
                          Chancellor of Germany                               Mayor City of Munich       Prime Minister of Bavaria   then listening to the impactful opening speeches. It is really heartwarming
                                                                                                          Master of Ceremonies
                                                                                                                                     to reflect back how powerful it was to be a part of this Summit even with all
                                                                                                                                     the hurdles of Covid-19 pandemic.”
                                                                                                                                                                - 2021 Scholar Recipient (In-Person Attendance)
                                                                                                                                             The raising of flags was magical, it represented strength and
                                                                                                                                             togetherness of the One Young World Community. At that moment I
         Sir Bob Geldof                        Thomas Bach                      Roland Busch                Funda Vanroy             felt my dream had come true of being part of this great community.”
          Singer & Activist               President of the International   President & CEO, Siemens AG    Actress & TV Presenter
                                           Olympic Committee (IOC)
                                                                                                                                                                             - 2021 Delegate (Digital Attendance)

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One Young World 2021 Summit Munich Highlights Report
WELCOME TO MUNICH | Halima Aden | Activist & Humanitarian

                                                            Presentation stage sessions are curated and delivered in various
                                                            formats, including keynote speeches, interviews, and panel discussions,
                                                            spanning a wide range of subjects.
                                                            These sessions are delivered by Counsellors, Guest Speakers, Delegates
                                                            and Ambassadors, addressing the most pressing global issues
                                                            including climate change, education and poverty alleviation.


                                                            FREE THE WILD - KAAVAN’S                    BREAKING CODE SILENCE: A                       PROMOTING BLACK
                                                            RESCUE                                      SPOTLIGHT ON THE ABUSE                         OPPORTUNITY IN THE RACING
                                                            Cher, Singer and Founder of Free the Wild   BEHIND THE TROUBLED TEEN                       INDUSTRY
                                                            Mark Cowne, Co-Founder of Free the          INDUSTRY                                       Sir Lewis Hamilton, Seven time Formula
                                                            Wild, Orlando Ananya Founder & Executive                                                   One World Champion & the Founder, The
                                                                                                        Paris Hilton, Entrepreneur, DJ & Activist
                                                            Director at Kilometro Uno                                                                  Hamilton Commision
                                                                                                        Amanda Nguyen, CEO and Founder, Rise
                                                                                                                                                       George Imafidon, CEO, Motivez
                                                                                                                                                       Izzy Obeng, Managing Director, Foundervine
                                                                                                                                                       Introduced by Halima Aden, Activist &

                                                                                                          CLIMATE CRISIS

                                                            CLIMATE POSITIVE WORLD                      HOW YOUNG PROFESSIONALS                        BECOMING NET POSITIVE
                                                            Prof. Tom Crowther, Lead Scientist & Lab    CAN HELP MAKE COP26 A                          Paul Polman, Co-Founder & Chair, IMAGINE
                                                            Founder, Crowther Lab                       SUCCESS
                                                            Dr.Christoph Gebald, Director, Founder &
                                                                                                        The Rt Hon Alok Sharma, MP, COP26
                                                            Member of the Board Climeworks
                                                            Moderated by Cathrin Fluehler, Buhler

                                                                                                                                           2021 Summit Highlights Report      One Young World       15
One Young World 2021 Summit Munich Highlights Report
IT’S EASY, BUT BECAUSE IT’S HARD                                                                    LEADERSHIP
Ilka Horstmeier, Member of the Board of
Management of BMW AG, responsible for Human
Resources, and Labour Relations Director

                                              THE POWER OF                                    ADDRESS FROM THE FIRST                           EAT.LEARN.PLAY: GIVING
                                              INTERGENERATIONAL                               LADY OF COLOMBIA                                 BACK & TAKING CARE OF YOUR
                                              LEADERSHIP                                      Maria Juliana Ruiz, First Lady of Colombia       COMMUNITY
                                              Lord Michael Hasting, Member of House of                                                        Steph Curry, 7 time NBA All Star & Founder,
                                              Lords UK.Chancellor, Regent’s University                                                        Eat.Learn.Play

                                                  EMBRACING THE ARTS                                                          TRANSFORMING TECH
                                                                                                                       TECHNOLOGY AT THE SERVICE OF SOCIETY,
                                                                                                                       EQUALITY AND EDUCATION
                                                                                                                       Alfonso Gomez Palacio, CEO, Telefonica Hispanoamerica

                                                                                                                       THE NEED FOR A GLOBAL RESPONSE TO A
                                                                                                                       GLOBAL CRISIS- INDIA’S FIGHT AGAINST
                                                                                                                       Ali Fazal, Actor
                                                                                                                       Dr. Rhadika Batra, Founder & President Every Infant Matters

                                              FREEDOMS, CONNECTIONS, AND THE POWER
                                              OF ARTS
                                                                                                                             CONFLICT RESOLUTION
                                              David Hasselhoff, Singer, Activist                                       THE FUTURE OF COLOMBIA’S PEACE IS IN THE
                                              Kate Robertson, Co-Founder of One Young World                            HANDS OF YOUNG PEOPLE
                                                                                                                       Juan Manuel Santos, Former President of Colombia and Nobel
                                                                                                                       Peace Prize 2016
                                                                                                                       The Compaz Scholars: Nevis Cadena, Head of Frutichar, Diana
                                                                                                                       Cortes, Pacific Dance, Laly Fernando Riascos, Guapi

                                                                                         RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS
                                              WHY FREIGHT TRAINS                              ACCELERATING PROGRESS                            WE CONTINUE TO LIVE AND
                                              COMBINE THE BEST OF TWO                         AROUND ACCESS TO                                 WORK AT AN EXTRAORDINARY
                                              WORLDS                                          EDUCATION                                        MOMENT IN TIME!
                                              Dr. Sigrid Nikutta, Member of the               Punit Renjen, Deloitte Global CEO               Tanuj Kapilashrami, Chief Human
                                              Management Board, Deutsche Bahn AG              Maseroto Shai, Deloitte Delegate                Resources Officer, Standard Chartered

                                              TACKLING GLOBAL                                 PURPOSE-DRIVEN CAPITALISM                        A SEAT AT THE TABLE
                                              CHALLENGES THROUGH                              Joe Kaeser, Chairman of the Supervisory         Bernard Looney, CEO BP
                                              BUSINESS MODELS                                 Board, Siemens Energy
                                              Feike Sijbesma, Honorary Chairman DSM

                                                                                                                                  2021 Summit Highlights Report        One Young World      17
One Young World 2021 Summit Munich Highlights Report

                The Agenda for Young Leaders by Young Leaders                                           Climate Crisis:
                                                                                                        Under 10 Years To Go, Can We Deliver The Paris Agreement?
     These Plenary sessions are a chance for selected Delegate Speakers to
                                                                                   Keynote speaker: Mary Robinson, Chair of the Elders & Former President of Ireland
     share their stories, and extraordinary impact, with their fellow Delegates.   Host: Sir Bob Geldof, Singer & Activist
     Each Plenary is introduced by a global figure on the specific Plenary
     theme, such as Mary Robinson, Dame Vivian Hunt and Angela Hwang.
     In a new format, each Delegate Speaker is introduced by a Counsellor
     Host. Due to Covid travel restrictions the session is a mix of live in
     person speakers and pre-recorded speeches.                                     Jamie Crummie                 Daniela              Vanessa Nakate                Jan Kairel             Joseph Tsongo
                                                                                           Ireland               Fernandez                    Uganda                Guillermom              Democratic Republic
                                                                                      Jamie Crummie,                Ecuador            Vanessa Nakate, is a           Philippines              of the Congo

                         Climate Crisis:                                             the co-founder of
                                                                                     Too Good To Go,
                                                                                    the world’s largest
                                                                                                                Daniela Fernandez,
                                                                                                                  at the age of 19,
                                                                                                              founded Sustainable
                                                                                                                                        climate activist from
                                                                                                                                        Uganda and founder
                                                                                                                                         of the Africa-based
                                                                                                                                                                 Jan Kairel Guillermom
                                                                                                                                                                  is a youth leader and
                                                                                                                                                                   a staunch advocate
                                                                                                                                                                                              Joseph Tsongo,
                                                                                                                                                                                            born in the midst of
                                                                                                                                                                                             the war in eastern
                         Under 10 Years To Go, Can We Deliver The Paris               marketplace for
                                                                                    surplus food. Too
                                                                                                                Ocean Alliance as
                                                                                                                  a college-room
                                                                                                                                       Rise Up Movement. In
                                                                                                                                       2020, she was named
                                                                                                                                                                    of climate change
                                                                                                                                                                   from local to global.
                                                                                                                                                                                           DRCongo, is a young
                                                                                                                                                                                           social change activist

                         Agreement?                                                    Good To Go is
                                                                                      now active in 15
                                                                                                               idea at Georgetown
                                                                                                              University. Five years
                                                                                                                                         a UN Young Leader
                                                                                                                                         for the Sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                    He survived Super
                                                                                                                                                                     Typhoon Yolanda
                                                                                                                                                                                            working to promote
                                                                                                                                                                                            the culture of peace
                                                                                    countries and has        later, SOA has created     Development Goals,       (Haiyan) – the world’s    and the development
                                                                                   40 million users who         the world’s largest    as well as being listed      strongest typhoon          of grassroots
                                                                                    have rescued over            network of young      one of the BBC’s 100          that ravaged the          communities.
                                                                                      77 million meals                                   Women of the year

                         Rights & Freedoms:
                                                                                                             Ocean Leaders in over                                  Philippines back in
                                                                                        collectively.           165 countries and         and the 100 most                 2013.
                                                                                                              launched the world’s         influential young
                                                                                                              first Ocean Solutions             Africans.
                         How Can We Defend Rights Online and Offline?                                               Accelerator.

                                                                                                        Rights & Freedoms:
                         Future Economies:                                                              How Can We Defend Rights Online and Offline?
                         How Can Economic Growth Be Most Just?                     Keynote speaker: Shoshana Zuboff, Author, Professor Emeritus, Harvard Business School
                                                                                   Host: Terry Crews, Actor & Activist

                         How Can We Prepare For The 4th Industrial
                                                                                   Firhaana Bulbulia         Ana Lucia Ixchiu Martin Karadzhov                      Sara Mardini               Peter Ogik             Paola Ramos

                         Conflict Resolution:
                                                                                         Barbados              Hernandez           Bulgaria                              Syria                    Uganda                    USA
                                                                                     Firhaana Bulbulia is         Guatemala          Martin Karadzhov is     Sara Mardini was a             Peter Ogik is the co-     Paola Ramos is an
                                                                                     the Founder of the         Ana Lucia Ixchiu    a queer human rights      law student when             founder and Executive     author, Emmy-award

                         Authoritarianism Is On The Rise, How Can We               Barbados Association
                                                                                      of Muslim Ladies,
                                                                                                             Hernandez is a K´iche activist from Bulgaria,
                                                                                                               woman, feminist,        has been involved
                                                                                                                                                             violence erupted in
                                                                                                                                                           Damascus during the
                                                                                                                                                                                           Director of the Source
                                                                                                                                                                                             of the Nile Union of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       winning journalist
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and Latinx advocate.

                         De-escalate Tensions?
                                                                                        a community-          architect, designer,   in the field of SRHR,  Syrian Civil War and           Persons with Albinism,      She is a host and
                                                                                     based organization      human rights activist, HIV/AIDS and LGBTIQ      their family fled the          a non-governmental           correspondent
                                                                                        promoting the          artist, and culture      rights for over 13   country. Known as                 organisation in         for VICE and VICE
                                                                                       socio-economic            manager. She         years working with      a hero, Sara saved               Uganda, led by           News, as well as
                                                                                       and educational        became an activist    diverse youth. He was the lives of her fellow                persons with           a contributor for
                                                                                       advancement of                                  recently appointed  passengers when their              albinism. He was         Telemundo News

                         Lessons From The Pandemic:
                                                                                                             and journalist for the
                                                                                    Muslim women and         massacre of October        to the High-Level   boat capsized whilst             recognised among         and MSNBC. She is
                                                                                    girls. She also serves   4, 2012 at the Alaska   Commission for the     making the crossing            the Champions of the     the author of “Finding
                                                                                       as an Education        summit against the      ICPD+25 Follow-up     from Turkey in 2015.           Albinism Cause by the     Latin-X: In Search of
                         The Road to Recovery                                        Ambassador to the
                                                                                      Shirley Chisholm
                                                                                                             indigenous people of and selected as Young
                                                                                                              Totonicapán by the     Leader for the SDGs,
                                                                                                                                                                                           United Nations Human
                                                                                                                                                                                            Rights, Office of The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the Voices redefining
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Latino Identity,”
                                                                                   Education Foundation.     Guatemalan army and recognised by the UN.                                      High Commissioner.       published in October
                                                                                                                 government.                                                                                                  2020.

18   One Young World   2021 Summit Highlights Report                                                                                                                         2021 Summit Highlights Report           One Young World         19
Future Economies:                                                                                                                                         Conflict Resolution:
                           How Can Economic Growth Be Most Just?                                                                                                                     Authoritarianism Is On The Rise, How Can We De-escalate Tensions?

     Keynote speaker: Professor Mohammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate & Founder of Grameen Bank                                                                        Keynote speaker: Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Belarusian politician
     Host: Hans Reitz, MD Grameen Creative Lab                                                                                                                  Host: Dr. Mandeep Rai, Broadcast Journalist & Author of The Values Compass

     Atuhurra Angella            Jonathan Chu               Mavis Elias              Narku Laing               Nadja Yang            Laura Velasquez               Mohammed                   Rez Gardi              Zarifa Ghafari         Nujeen Mustafa         Marigona Shabiu
         Marjorie                     Malaysia                 Namibia                  Jamaica                  Germany                   Colombia                  Foboi                    New Zealand               Afghanistan                Syria                  Kosovo
            Uganda                 Jonathan Chu is        Mavis Elias, Founder    Dr. des. Lorenz Narku       Nadja Yang is the        Laura Velasquez is               Liberia                Rez Gardi is an        Zarifa established      Nujeen Mustafa,     Marigona Shabiu is a
       Atuhurra Angella            passionate about         of ‘The EM Love’, a     Laing is a diversity       President of the      the President and co-         Mohammed Foboi          international lawyer,     the “Afghan Women        a Kurdish Syrian    passionate activist for
     Marjorie is a Ugandan       turning workplaces        poverty eradication        trainer, minority       “European Young         founder of Arkangel          is the Founder and     human rights activist,   Development and Help     refugee and activist   human rights, peace
      social entrepreneur           into Joyplaces,          NGO. Mavis has         rights activist and     Engineers”, an NGO           AI, a technology        Executive Director of    and Fulbright Scholar       Foundation” which      with cerebral palsy,  and gender equality.
        and the founder         where the business       facilitated workshops     social entrepreneur.    that represents about      company that uses          LIFT Liberia, a youth-        with a Master of       advocated for the       was listed as one    Since 2017, she has
        of Gejja Women            thrives and people           to implement            In 2020, Narku        500,000 members,         artificial intelligence       led peacebuilding       Laws from Harvard        inclusion of women       of the BBC’s 100     been working as the
         Foundation in          win by designing and       intervention efforts    Laing was awarded        and supports young         to end the crisis of     organization that runs      Law School. With a      to the National Army.    Women in 2018. In      Executive Director
       Mpigi Uganda. As        implementing Scaling      for vulnerable groups,       the 30 under 30         engineers across         highly preventable         peace clubs in high     wealth of experience     The first female mayor 2019 she became the       at Youth Initiative
       a leader that has          or Transformation         and contributed to    GenerationGrenzenlos     Europe to get engaged        diseases through          schools, community        advocating for the        of Maidan Wardak     first disabled person   for Human Rights –
       the confidence to       Programmes to boost         the implementation           by the Hertie         and broaden their       early detection. She      peace forums, a library      rights of refugees     province since 1397,     to brief the United    Kosovo (YIHR KS),
     empower and nurture          business strategy,            of providing             Foundation.        horizons in the fields   believes in innovation      and a media program        at global level, she    she is now appointed      Nations Security    leading a multi-ethnic
     new leaders, Atuhurra       operations, human       microfinance services                                 of energy, water,          as the primary            that highlights the       is the Founder of       as the Director for  Council, and was the group of young people
       strives to leave a      capital and leadership.     to the marginalized,                               circular economy,        weapon of change            activities of young       “Empower”, which           the Department    recipient of the Alison    who are working
             legacy.                                     to upskill and upscale                               STEM in politics,        and as a result has            people in their      aims to address the        of Support for the  Des Forges Award for     towards fostering a
                                                          informal businesses                              diversity within STEM,    been the only woman             communities on       underrepresentation        Families of Martyrs, Extraordinary Activism   free, equal, just and
                                                               for economic                                  future of work, and     and Latina to win the         peacebuilding and      of refugees in higher        the Disabled and     from Human Rights        peaceful society.
                                                                 inclusion.                                      future skills.      Global Everis Awards.         conflict resolution.           education.           Prisoners of War.           Watch.

                           Education:                                                                                                                                                Lessons From The Pandemic:
                           How Can We Prepare For The 4th Industrial Revolution                                                                                                      The Road to Recovery

     Keynote speaker: Dame Vivian Hunt, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company                                                                                      Keynote speaker: Angela Hwang, Executive Team & Group President of the Pfizer Biopharmaceuticals Group
     Host: Ronan Dunne, Executive VP & Group CEO, Verizon Consumer Group                                                                                        Host: Luis Javier Castro, President, Founding Partner, Mesoamerica

        Rowan Alawi               Akinyi Awora              Dauda Barry              Mock Yi Jun             Drilon Kastrati           Nitiya Walker            Sukhmeet Singh                 Mamello               Lavau Kwalam              Yulie Qiao           Yana Panfilova
     Palestinian Territories           Kenya                    Senegal                 Singapore               Switzerland                   USA                   Sachal                     Makhele                   Nalu                       USA                   Ukraine
        Rowan Alawi is an        Akinya Awora is a          Dauda Barry is a     Mock Yi Jun is the Co- Drilon Kastrati is part      Nitiya Walker is a                Canada                   Lesotho             Papua New Guinea    Yulie Qiao, a pricing   Yana Panfilova was
      entrepreneur building   Mandela Washington           computer scientist      Founder & President     of the Chief Digital     social entrepreneur,          Sukhmeet Singh is      Mamello Makhele is      Lavau Kwalam Nalu    analyst at BP, combats     born with HIV and
     a hi-tech startup called    Fellow, an Ashoka         and the founder of    of Advisory Singapore,     Officer & Strategy      media professional,           an award-winning        a registered nurse-   currently works as a     COVID-19 through        she discovered her
        Amal, which aims      Young Changemaker,         Alida School, an online a fully youth-led non- team at Credit Suisse.       and is passionate           social entrepreneur,   midwife dedicated to youth health educator       her passion about    HIV status at the age
        to bring efficiency     a One Young World        coding school training      profit. Through an  He focuses on digital        about economic                speaker, author,    improving healthcare       & executive team     human connection         of 10. The Founder
       to the workforce by     Enterprise for Peace       the next generation       online repository of     transformation.         empowerment for               and public health     in the rural areas of  member for the PNG     and working together    of Eurasian Union of
       gathering data then        Ambassador, an             of tech talent in      interviews, industry  When Drilon was 16, women. The Executive                activist. He serves   Lesotho, where there      Health Project, an   for the greater good, adolescents and youth
       analyzing it. Having   Africa Youth for SDG’s      Africa. Prior to Alida    panels and learning    he became almost        Director and Founder           as the Health and        is a high maternal  organization dedicated     creating bridges    “Teenergizer”, in 2020
         over six years of       Champion, SDG 5          School, he founded          journeys, as well  blind. He contributes      of Seeds of Fortune         Wellness Ambassador        mortality rate due    to improving health     across industries,   Yana was recognized
       experience working        Champion. Akinyi           Adama Robotics,          as mentorship and     to several diversity   Inc., which focuses on           for the Canadian       to early and forced   literacy amongst the   cultures, and regions.   in the Top 30 Under
        for tech startups,     Awora is a relentless        and developed a       schools-based career    & inclusion topics at    helping minority teen         Medical Association, teenage marriages. As youth population. He          As a catalyst for   30 by Forbes Ukraine,
      Rowan received two        force in advocating       visual programming        guidance, Advisory   Credit Suisse with the girls obtain local and            and is the founder    a SheDecides leader,      also serves as the   change, Yulie strives   and spoke on behalf
       promotions and led     for gender responsive          language called        has supported over    aim to promote the       national scholarships          of the Sikh Health   she contributed to the   Papua New Guinea -     to create meaningful     of 38 million people
        two departments.            approaches                AdamaScript.       139,000 students and employment of people            and learn about           Foundation, aiming to development and the        Australian Liaison &     connections and      living with HIV at the
                                   to sustainable                                youth from all walks of with a disability and to   career and financial        improve public health inclusivity of the SADC Cultural Advisor to the    partnerships that       opening of the UN
                                   development.                                   life to make informed  improve accessibility      management skills.          interventions in South strategy on sexual and Bush Dokta Initiative   strengthen society as High-Level Meeting on
                                                                                       career choices.           of tools.                                       Asian communities.      reproductive rights.        Project Yumi.            a whole.               AIDS 2021.

20   One Young World           2021 Summit Highlights Report                                                                                                                                                                                          2021 Summit Highlights Report         One Young World   21
GLOBAL COVERAGE                                                       BEYOND THE PRESENTATION STAGE

           Digital Platforms                                         Media Outlets                    Beyond the Presentation Stage,            Summit content runs over
     People reached from 22-25 July 2021                   Global Coverage about 2021 Munich Summit   Delegates have the incredible             onto the Interactive Stages
                                                                                                      opportunity to network with               during the Networking breaks.

                       6.1M                                         37
                                                                                                      their peers, attend workshops or          These stages give Delegates
                                                                                                      mentorship sessions and watch             the opportunity to engage with
                                                                                                      more content across our Interactive       Counsellors, Delegate Speakers,
                       in total                                     Journalists on the ground         Stages.                                   Delegates, and Ambassadors,
                                                                    and attending virtually

                                                                                                                                                in a more immersive setting.

                       on Instagram
                                                                    covered the 2021 Summit
                                                                    from global media outlets

                       324K                                         965
                                                                    Pieces of coverage                Sessions on the
                       on LinkedIn                                  about the 2021 summit             Interactive Stage

                                                                    published in over 40

                       3.1M                                         countries

                       on Facebook
                                                                    11                                Speakers in Total
                       900K                                         Broadcast interviews took

                                                                                                      29               36
                                                                    place with Delegates and
                       on Twitter                                   Counsellors
                                                                                                      Men              Women
                       on TikTok                                                                      30               35
                                                                                                      Corporate        Non-Corporate

                                                                                                      Delegate Speakers

22   One Young World   2021 Summit Highlights Report                                                                                               2021 Summit Highlights Report   One Young World   23
The Building Progress Stage
             Interactive Stage sponsored by

     The Building Progress Stage,
     located on the Ground Floor
     of the Olympiahalle, hosts
     a range of panels and Q&A
     sessions addressing global
     issues from modern slavery
     to the power of AI.
     All sessions were
     livestreamed to the digital
     platform and engaged
     with Digital Delegates and
     Delegates in Munich.

     How can cities accelerate     The Power of AI               Cybersecurity - how to        Young Leadership,             The Plenaries              How do you eradicate         Promoting the resilience     The Appeal of Autocrats -
     the world’s green             Speakers: AI Nounouri, AI     give hackers a hard time      Global Governance, and        Speakers: Delegate         modern slavery from          of at-risk youth against     Athens Democracy Forum
     transformation?               Joerg Zuber, Creative         Speaker: Maya Knorpel,        Multilateralism: the          Speakers, an opportunity   supply chains?               disinformation in the        Speakers: Laura Thornton,
     Speakers: Magali              Director, Nounouri            Head of Transformation,       Future of Our Planet          to hear more about the     Speaker: Grace Forrest,      Covid-19 era                 Director and Senior Fellow
     Anderson, Chief                                             Siemens Cybersecurity         Speaker: Michael              Delegate Speakers’ work    Director and Co-founder of   Speaker: Natalie             at the Alliance for Securing
     Sustainability & Innovation   Loujain al-Hathloul’s Fight   Infrastructure                Møller, President of the      and personal stories.      Walk Free                    Pauwels, Head of Unit        Democracy at the German
     Officer Holcim                for Freedom: the Free                                       Diplomatic Forum of                                                                   for Stability & Peace,       Marshall Fund
     Nadja Yang, President,        Loujain Campaign              The Building Blocks for       the Geneva Science and        Impact and Action          Digital Inclusion            Global & Transregional       Emadeddin Badi, Senior
     European Young                Speakers: Lina al-            an Accessible Future          Diplomacy Anticipator         Speakers: Jason Pareja     Speaker: Ronan Dunne,        Threats in the European      Analyst at Global Initiative
     Engineers, PHD Candidate,     Hathloul, Lawyer and          Speaker: David Aguilar        Foundation livestream         Marce la Recicladora       CEO of Verizon               Commission’s Service         against Transnational
     University of Oxford          Activist                      Amphou, Student in            Moderator: Dyonne                                        Ambassador: Anna Anet        for Foreign Policy           Organized Crime;
                                   Uma Mishra-Newbery,           UicBioengineering Institute   Niehof, One Young World       Authentic Activism         Sambou, Founder/CEO,         Instruments (FPI) Maria      Non-Resident Fellow,
     A Seat at the Table           Campaign Manager for          of Technology                 Coordinating Ambassador,      Speaker: Halima Aden,      YMCA Computer Training       Sanchez Gil Cepeda,          Atlantic Council, Serge
     Speaker: Bernard Looney,      the Free Loujain campaign                                   Netherlands. Public Affairs   Activist, model and OYW    Centre & Digital Studio      Policy officer for Peace     Schmemann, Member of
     CEO of BP                                                   The Incomplete Picture        and Corporate Relations       Counsellor                                              Global and Transregional     Editorial Board, The New
     Ambassador: Rishi Dorai,                                    Speaker: Julia Leeb, Photo    Consultant, Dröge & van       Ambassador: Veronica                                    Threats in the European      York Times
     Strategy Advisor, Strategy                                  Journalist                    Drimmelen                     Almedom, CEO, Pamoja                                    Commission’s Service
     & Sustainability at BP                                                                                                  Technology                                              for Foreign Policy

24   One Young World    2021 Summit Highlights Report                                                                                                                                        2021 Summit Highlights Report   One Young World     25
The Digital Seeds Stage
            Interactive Stage sponsored by

     The Digital Seeds Stage,
     located in the Coubertin
     of the Olympiahalle, hosts
     discussions on topics from
     sustainability, access to
     COVID-19 treatment, and
     introduces the winners to
     the 2021 One Young World
     Leadership awards.
     All sessions were live
     streamed to the digital
     platform and engaged
     with Digital Delegates and
     Delegates in Munich.

     Digital bridges for a        Ambassadors in Action        Countering Violent           The Leadership Awards      City of Munich ‘Munich’s     Digital tech for a green   Social Business              Munich Urban
     sustainable tomorrow         Ambassador: Veronica         Extremism                    Speaker: Daniela           Climate Pact’                future                     Challenge                    Collaboration: a joint
     Speakers: Carsten Senz,      Almedom, CEO, Pamoja         Speaker: Bjorn Ihler, Co-    Fernandez, Founder         Speakers: Dr. Heike          Speaker: Benjamin Adjei,   Winners: Claire du           venture for smart city
     Vice President Corporate     Technology,                  Founder of the Khalifa       of Sustainable Ocean       Sarstedt, MAN Truck&Bus      Member of the State        Plessis, START               solutions
     Communications, Huawei       Luca Schmadalla, High-       Ihler Institute              Alliance, Paola Ramos,     SE                           Parliament for Munich-     SOMEWHERE                    Speakers: Sabine Hansky,
     Germany                      Power Charger Delivery       Fatima Zaman, UK             host and correspondent     Joachim Sandt,               Moosach                    Fritjof Knier, INTEGREAT     Program Director & Expert
                                  Manager, bp                  Government Official and      for VICE and VICE News     Telefónica Germany           Stephan Ramesohl, Co-      Markus C. Mueller, NUI       for Urban Development,
     The sacrifices &             Taichi Ichikawa, CEO,        Activist                     & Kiki Mordi, Journalist   GmbH & Co. OHG               Lead of Research Unit      CARE                         Munich Urban Colab
     challenges of being a        World Road Inc.                                           of the Year Award Winner   Christian Rothe, City of     Digital Transformation     Moderator: Sarah             GmbH
     peacebuilder                 Lucero Munoz, Executive      Lightening pitch             2020                       Munich Delegate              (Department Circular       Schappert, Member of the     Lukas Wiesmeier, Angsa
     Speaker: Safoora Biglari,    Director,                    Open to all Delegates to     Counsellor Moderator:      Host: Dr. Albert Hans Baur   Economy)                   Business Strategy Team at    Robotics
     Community Director, One      Catalina Muñoz               pitch their own projects     Luis Javier Castro,        Sustainable AG               Antonia Kutschenreuter,    MINI and at URBAN-X          Dr. Ursula Triebswetter,
     Young World                  Foundation & Colombia        to the wider One Young       Founding Partner and                                    Participant in Huawei’s                                 Deputy Director, Team
     Ramiz Bakhtiar, Co-          Coordinating Ambassador      World audience               current President at                                    “Seeds for the Future”                                  Principles of Economic
     Founder, iPEACE              Counsellor: Ilia Calderon,                                Mesoamerica Investments                                 Moderator: Franziska                                    Policy, Economic
     Katarina Boskovic,           Co-Anchor, Noticiero         Gilead’s role in enabling                                                            Helbig, Senior Corporate                                Development Strategies,
     Founder & President,         Univision and Co-Host,       access to COVID-19                                                                   Communications                                          City of Munich,
     European Association for     Aquí y Ahora                 treatment in the                                                                     Manager, Huawei                                         Department of Labor and
     Law and Finance                                           developing world                                                                     Deutschland                                             Economics
     Oluwafunke Adeoye,                                        Speaker: Elizabeth Murray,                                                                                                                   Moderator: Anna
     Founder, Hope Behind                                      Executive Director of                                                                                                                        Fischer, Project Manager
     Bars Africa                                               Global Patient Solutions,                                                                                                                    International Cooperation,
                                                               Gilead Sciences Inc.                                                                                                                         UnternehmerTUM GmbH

26   One Young World   2021 Summit Highlights Report                                                                                                                                   2021 Summit Highlights Report   One Young World   27
Summit Workshops
     Summit Workshops provide
     One Young World Delegates
     with practical insights into
     the issues and topics they
     are the most passionate
     These sessions deliver
     immediately applicable skills,
     strategies and actionable
     learning outcomes that help
     further Delegate projects and

     Application submissions,
     from over 45 countries
     globally, were received for
     hosting a workshop for the
     2021 Summit                                               BMW External Breakout

     Application Process                                                           On Site Highlights                                                                              Digital Highlights
     Workshops are selected through a rigorous application    Designing a Counter             Storytelling to Embrace                             The Age of                  Youth Leading the Way        Lessons from COVID-19:
     process. Sessions are assessed based on their            Narrative                       Young People in Peace-                              Disinformation: How to      to a More Inclusive          Building stronger
     practicality, along with their level of interactivity,   Host: Extremely Together        Building                                            get your story straight     COVID-19 Response and        healthcare systems
     engagement and provision of actionable learning                                          Host: Compaz & Save the      Digital Workshops      Host: The Google News       Recover                      to combat a future
     outcomes to further Delegate projects and initiatives.

                                                              How do you tackle               Children Foundation                                 Lab                         Host: Global Health          pandemic
                                                              modern slavery in global                                                                                        Council                      Host: AstraZeneca
     Workshops Spotlights:                                    supply chains?                  Activating Positive Peace:                          #NoFilterActivism: Real
     This year’s Munich Summit offered a wide range of        Host: Walk Free                 From Understanding to                               talk on how to create       Pursuing a Career AND        Understanding
     workshops both in-person and digitally for attending                                     Action                                              a global movement on        a Calling – Create a         Digital Investigative
     Delegates.                                                                               Host: Institute for                                 Instagram                   Positive Impact on           Methodologies
                                                              Addressing Mobility                                          Delegates registered

     30                            572
                                                              Challenges Around the           Economics & Peace                                   Host: Instagram             the World While Being        Host: Bellingcat
                                                                                                                           to attend in-person
                                                              World                                                                                                           Successful at the Same
                                                              Host: BP                        Indigenous struggles:        workshops              The Climate, Fairtrade      Time                         Mental Health Matters:
                                                                                              How food is produced at                             and You                     Host: Ubuntoo                Building your own
                                                              How can better homes            the expense of human                                Host: Fairtrade                                          resilience
     In-person Workshops           Delegates registered

                                                              lead to a better life?          rights                                              Foundation                  Bringing Diversity and       Host: Zurich
                                   to attend in-person        Host: IKEA                      Host: YOUNGO                                                                    Authenticity to Climate
                                   workshops                                                                                                      Enhancing Global            Campaigning                  Negotiating for Nature –
                                                              OYW x DSM Hackathon:          Rethinking Corporate                                  Security for People and     Host: Save the Children      Stakeholder Approaches
                                                              Unleash your Potential in     Ownership: The Case for                               Planet – Lessons from                                    to Climate Change
     In-person Spanish                                                                      Steward-Ownership                                     the Pandemic                                             Host: Fauna & Flora
                                                              a VUCA World
     speaking workshops                                       Host: DSM                     Host: Purpose Foundation                              Host: InterAction Council                                International

28   One Young World   2021 Summit Highlights Report                                                                                                                                  2021 Summit Highlights Report   One Young World   29
External Partner Breakouts
     In-person and Digital External
     Breakout sessions offer One
                                                              Employee Delegates inspired
                                                                                                              During the Summit, the Exhibition Area enables Delegates to engage
                                                                                                              with Partners in an interactive way. The hybrid Exhibition featured
     Young World Delegates the                                to generate social impact as                    both live in Munich stands and digital booths on the One Young World
     opportunity to hear from a                               employees of their company                      platform.
     selection of Munich based
     organisations leading in their
     industries.                                              Further Opportunities
     In-person Delegates are also                             Digital
     able explore the city of Munich                          • 63 Action Sessions hosted on Hubilo. Over
                                                                900+ registrants, mix of Munich and digital
     further by joining breakout hosts                          delegates. We’ve now launched a Slack
     offsite at their headquarters                              Team to connect them all
     for exclusive Delegate dinners                           • Supported by 31 session moderators
     following each session.                                  • 3 Mentor Sessions hosted digitally:

     3                              8
                                                                First Lady of Colombia, Juan Jose Haro
                                                                (Telefonica Director), Juergen Maier (ex
                                                                Siemens CEO). 25+ participants
                                                              • Daily regional networking tables
     In-person                      Digital Partner
                                                              • 2 x Ambassadors In Action sessions
     Partner                        Breakouts                 • 2 x Community information sessions on
     Breakouts                                                  platform
                                                              • Several other Ambassador speakers
                                                                spoke in sessions and contributed content
     Highlights                                                 to digital platform
                       Circular Economy to a Circular World
                       Host: BMW                              Munich
                       Let’s talk sustainable AI
                                                              • 8 Mentor Sessions with 25+ delegates
                       Host: Siemens                            participating. Counsellors included Halima
                                                                Aden, Terry Crews, Paul Polman, Ronan
                       Shaping the future of (Digital)          Dunne and Ilia Calderon among others.
                       Host: Deloitte                         • 3 x daily networking sessions in Munich

                       The power of sports: How can sports    • 3 Lightning Pitch Sessions
                       clubs contribute towards a more        • 1 Ambassadors In Action Sessions
                       sustainable future?
                       Host: FC Bayern                        • Supported Summit team in having
                                                                delegate and Ambassador representation
                                                                in several other sessions

30   One Young World     2021 Summit Highlights Report                                                                                                 2021 Summit Highlights Report   One Young World   31

                                                                                                                                                                Politician of the Year Award
                                                                                                                             The 2020 shortlist exemplifies the outstanding achievements of young leaders who have
                                                                                                                             infiltrated the old guard of politics worldwide. Through their important work, they highlight the
                                                                                                                             benefit of including young people in politics.

     Formed by One Young World and powered by some of the world’s leading businesses, Lead2030                                 Erik Marquardt     Joanah Mamombe        Michael Tubbs          Sarah Elago              Zarifa Ghafari
     finds, funds and accelerates SDG solutions created by founders under 30. Since coming                                                                    Entrepreneur of the Year Award
     together in 2018, Lead2030 partners have provided $1 million+ and hundreds of hours of
     executive mentorship to support enterprises identified through Lead2030.                                                The award honours five leaders - aged 35 and under - who have been judged on the positive
                                                                                                                             social impact of their business ventures and how they are inspiring others with their leadership.
     The latest cohort of Lead2030 winners joined the One Young World Summit 2021 where they                                 Through their important work, these winners are here to do more than create the next
     presented their solutions across multiple interactive stage sessions.                                                   convenient solution - they are here to take on the world’s major challenges.

        Taylor Quinn             Diana Quintero              Edith Soria           Arielle Kitio       Katharine Shayne
        Tailored Food                BIVE                  Create Purpose            CAYSTI            Can I recycle this?
         supported by               supported by              supported by         supported by            supported by
           Reckitt                  AstraZeneca               AstraZeneca            Deloitte                AB InBev

                                                                                                                                Brianne West      Daniela Fernandez      Iman Usman          Jamie Crummie        Jessica O. Matthews

                                                                                                                                                                Journalist of the Year Award
                                                                                                                             One Young World believes that the next generation of young journalists are paramount to
                                                                                                                             creating powerful and meaningful change, providing the important means to ensure freedom
                                                                                                                             of speech and a defence of rights are justly upheld in all regions across the world. These young
       Ricardo Alba               Akshay Makar            Sonika Manandhar      Thalita Gelenske            Luna Yu          leaders fearlessly and boldly inspire others through their work.
      Eko Group H20+               Climatenza                   Aeloi              Blend Edu                Genecis
         supported by               supported by              supported by          supported by           supported by
           Reckitt                      bp                 Standard Chartered   Bristol-Myers Squibb          Mondi

      Javier Larragoiti             Svanika                Robert Godfrey
           Xilinat              Balasubramanian             Treeconomy
         supported by              rePurpose                  supported by
            Asahi                                               Novartis                                                         Ben Hunte        Hamoud Al-Mousa         Kiki Mordi           Neha Dixit               Paola Ramos
                                    supported by
                                    Credit Suisse

32   One Young World      2021 Summit Highlights Report                                                                                                                                 2021 Summit Highlights Report    One Young World   33

                                           Ambassadors in Action
     Leading by example, One Young World Ambassadors explain the ways in which they used
     their previous experiences at One Young World Summits to launch these initiatives within their
                                                                                                                              5                       92%
                                                                                                                                                      Delegates made promising connections
     companies and the wider community. The stories told in this video demonstrate the ways in                                Pre-summit Delegate
     which this year’s cohort of Delegates can take the inspiration they gain in Munich, and turn it
                                                                                                                              informational and       with other Delegates during the Summit
     into meaningful impact.

     Spotlight stories:
                                                                                                                              networking events
                                                                                                                                                                          City Tours

     Co-Founders, Refúgio 343 (COVID YOUNG LEADERS                 Women’s Rights Activist (HUMAN RIGHTS)
     FUND - COVID)
     Fernando Rangel & Laura Fatio - Brazil
                                                                   Loujain al-Hathloul - Saudi Arabia                                                 The City of Munich arranged as a Welcome
                                                                   Founder, Kilometro Uno (PLASTICS/CLIMATE)                                          for Delegates a chance to participate in
     Co-Founder & CEO, mPharma (COVID)                             Orlando Anaya - Mexico
     Gregory Rockson - Ghana                                                                                                  Send off events         coach tours across the city to take in some

     Education & Empowerment
                                                                   How To Become a Gritty Optimist
                                                                   Leena Nair, Chief Human Resources Office & Member
                                                                                                                                                      of Munich’s key historical sites, to see the
     Toni Garrn, Model and Actress                                 of Unilever Leadership Executive                                                   Marienplatz, at Munich’s heart and to view
     Mary Helda Akongo, Fundi Girls, Fundi Bots
                                                                   Co-Founder, ElectHER (POLITICS)                                                    the beautiful parks.
     Amanda Nguyen - USA
                                                                   Ibijoke Faborode - Nigeria
     Social Justice Advocate (RACIAL JUSTICE/
                                                                   Additional features:
                                                                   Pratik Gauri, Social entrepreneur, India (COVID)           regional events &
     Jamira Burley - USA
                                                                   Aya Chebbi, First African Union Envoy on Youth
                                                                   Zarifa Ghafari, First Female Mayor, Afghanistan

                                                                   Routouang Mohamed Ndonga Christian, appointed
     Founder, Citizen Gavel (ACTIVISM)                             Minister of Youth and Sport
     Nelson Olanipekun - Nigeria                                   Chad Benson Saulo, Australia’s first Indigenous
     Democracy & Human Rights Defender (ACTIVISM)
     Thinzar Shunlei Yi - Myanmar                                                                                             Participants at these
                                                                                                                              various forums
                            Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award
     For the fifth year running, One Young                  The award seeks to:
     World is teaming up with Mary                          •   Identify three young leaders at the forefront of impactful
     Robinson to support young leaders                          climate justice initiatives
     behind innovative and impactful climate                •   Raise awareness of and celebrate their initiatives
     justice initiatives that are preserving the
     earth for future generations.
                                                            •   Directly support their initiatives with grants of up to                                            Delegate Dinners
                                                                                                                                                      Partners and Sponsors have the opportunity
                                                                                                                                                      to host One Young World Delegates for
                                                                                                                                                      dinners. One Young World Delegates are
                                                                                                                                                      hosted at iconic venues on each night of
                                                                                                                                                      the Summit.
                                                                                                                                                      The purpose of these dinners is to allow
                                                                                                                                                      Delegates time to network and experience
          Swietenia Puspa Lestari                       Amira Odeh                                Petronilla Molioo                                   unique locations across the city.
      Developed waste management              Leads vital reforestation projects          Founded Eco-Hustle in Mauritius
     system and hired people who lost
      their jobs to clear rubbish from
                                              in Puerto Rico, building fruit tree
                                                parks to giving communities
                                                                                            for her initiative on upcycling
                                                                                             bags and the production of
                                                                                                                                                      The Host has the opportunity to address
       reefs across South East Asian          access to nutritious and free fruit          biodegradable sanitary pads.                               the Delegates and highlight their values and
     countries recycling what they find.                all year long.
                                                                                                                                                      initiatives whilst showcasing the city.
34   One Young World    2021 Summit Highlights Report                                                                                                                2021 Summit Highlights Report   One Young World   35

     One Young World scholarships                                                                                                     I think it has
     ensure that outstanding young                                                                                                    been a great
     leaders from all walks of life have                                                                                      way to take back the
     the opportunity to access the                                                                                            energy that the
     annual Summit.                                                                                                           pandemic and
     In advance of the 2021 Summit,                                                                                           confinement took
     One Young World received 50,000+                                                                                         away from us over the
     applications for 30 scholarship                                                                                          last year. It was great
     programmes run in collaboration                                                                                          to be reminded that we
     with its Partners, resulting in                                                                                          are not alone in
     450 scholarship places being                                                                                             building a more
     awarded. With 100+ applications                                                                                          sustainable, fair and
     for each place, One Young World                                                                                          multipolar world.”
     scholarships are some of the most                                                                                                 - 2021 Scholar
     competitive in the world.                                                                                                    Recipient (In-Person

                       28                                                                        2021 Scholarship Partners
                                                        The Solidarität Scholarship
                                                        The vision of “the world under one
                                                        roof” is key to the One Young World
                                                        To support this vision in the wake of

                       50K                              international travel restrictions, One
                                                        Young World launched the Solidarität
                       Applications                     The programme supported young
                                                        leaders from around the world who

                       453                              reside in Europe to participate in the
                                                        Munich Summit.
                                                        This initiative support 90+ candidates
                       recipients                       and helped ensure 150 nationalities
                                                        were represented in-person in Munich.

36   One Young World    2021 Summit Highlights Report                                                             2021 Summit Highlights Report   One Young World   37
Ceremony Highlights
                                                     CLOSING CEREMONY

     The 2021 Closing Ceremony begins with a welcome address, Counsellor
     speeches, and features Jazzrausch, Host City Tokyo performances,
                                                                                                                                                           What’s Next...
     Baton Handover, and the ribbon tying ceremony with deposit buckets.                                                     2022 Tokyo (May 16 - 19)                        Tokyo
                                                                                                                             One Young World will convene next year          The One Young World Summit in Tokyo
                                                                                                                             in Tokyo, Japan, for the One Young World        represents a significant moment for the
                                                                                                                             Summit 2022.                                    Japanese capital, which is iconic for its mix
                                                                                                                             With 2,000+ young leaders from 190+             of the ultramodern and the traditional, from
                                                                                                                             countries, gathering across the city’s most     neon-lit skyscrapers to historic temples.
                                                                                                                             iconic venues, such as Sensoji Temple,          Moreover, while Tokyo has a long history and
                                                                                                                             Shibuya, Akasaka Palace, Odaiba Marine          rich traditions as the capital of Japan, the
                                                                                                                             Park & the Hama Rikyu Gardens - Tokyo 2022      city is endlessly changing and evolving by
        Ilka Horstmeier               Katrin Habenschaden      Clemens Baumgartner            Minister Gerd Muller
       Member of the Board of            2nd Mayor, Munich     Head of Department of Labor   Federal Minister for Economic   is going to be an incredible location for One   mixing modernity and tradition.
      Management of BMW AG,                                    and Economic development,           Cooperation and           Young World’s next Summit.                      As one of the most energetic cities in the
      Human Resources, Labour                                        City of Munich             Development, Germany
         Relations Director                                                                                                                                                  world, Tokyo would allow One Young World
                                                                  Master of Ceremonies                                                                                       delegates to encounter something new, and
                                                                                                                                                                             an experience they’ll never forget.

          Yuriko Koike                   Kimihito Okubo             Funda Vanroy
         Governor of Tokyo             One Young World Japan     Actress & TV Presenter
                                        Committee Chairman

38   One Young World     2021 Summit Highlights Report                                                                                                                             2021 Summit Highlights Report   One Young World   39

     Sustainability is a top priority at One Young World and is a core part                                    REDUCED INEQUALITIES
     of our operations. Between August and November, One Young World’s
     event management system and Summit processes were independently                                   • One Young World works to guarantee young people from all 196 countries in the world
     assessed by the British Standards Institute (BSI), the UK’s National                                are represented at OYW Summits, regardless of their ability to pay. To ensure this, fully-
                                                                                                         funded scholarship places were awarded to 352 outstanding young leaders with a range of
     Standards Body.                                                                                     backgrounds, skill sets and nationalities.
     As a result, One Young World was awarded ISO 20121:2012                                           • Integration of the ReciteMe software to the Digital Summit Platform and also OYW website,
     certification, an international standard governing sustainable event                                offering an accessibility toolbar that allows for adjustments to all elements of the page
                                                                                                         including text, graphics, language, and navigation
     management created by the International Standards Organisation.
                                                                                                       • Closed captioning available for all sessions on the Digital Summit Platform
                                                                                                       • In-person buddy system for anyone requiring extra support onsite
              GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING                                                               • Accessibility transport and rooms available
                                                                                                       • All Munich Summit venues were 100% accessible
     • Established detailed hygiene protocols in partnership with the City of Munich, Circ GmbH, and
       G.R.A.L GmbH, to mitigate the risk of anyone attending the Summit in Munich:
       • All attendees travelling to Germany required a negative PCR test 48 hours prior to their              ENVIRONMENT
       • Daily rapid lateral flow tests facilitated by One Young World for all attendees during the    • BP Target Neutral offset the carbon emissions of all flights to and from the Summit, as well
         Summit - access not allowed without proof of a negative test each day                           as all other emissions associated with Summit production and accommodation
       • A one-way system was implemented in venues to prevent overcrowding.                           • In-city VIP transportation was provided using plug-in hybrid vehicles
       • Every attendee issued with compulsory Social Distancing Contact Tracing Tag for lanyard -     • Delegates living in Europe were asked to travel to the Summit via train, where possible -
         using Bluetooth technology the device alerted the wearer if breaching 1m social distancing      Deutsche-Bahn provided discounted tickets for routes into Munich
         guideline for prolonged periods of time
                                                                                                       • Minimising single-use plastics in all our production and onsite materials
       • Device IDs on Social Distancing Contact Tracing Tags able to identify attendees who
                                                                                                       • Delegates were required to recycle their food and drink containers in bins provided where
         required self-isolation if in contact with someone who tested positive
                                                                                                         materials were collected and recycled post-Summit
       • Free face masks, hand sanitising stations, and additional signage were provided during
                                                                                                       • Notebooks handed out to Delegates by the City of Munich made from the highest grade
                                                                                                         recycled paper
       • 80% rated the Covid-19 prevention protocols 5 stars
                                                                                                       • Everyone offered a reusable water bottle and was provided with water refill points around the
     • Delegates experiencing emotional difficulties at the Summit provided with a support system        venue to alleviate the consumption of any soft plastics
       and a dedicated Quiet room in the venue
                                                                                                       • OYW merchandise store clothing is zero waste, made from certified organic cotton and
     • The mental well-being of participants was protected with warnings prior to sensitive content,     printed in a renewable energy-powered factory
       both on stage and in communications
                                                                                                       • Digital Summit Platform offered delegates the chance to attend virtually to avoid the
     • Safeguarding Policy and Procedure protects all attendees from abuse and promotes healthy          environmental cost of international travel
       welfare during the Summit.

40   One Young World   2021 Summit Highlights Report                                                                                                            2021 Summit Highlights Report   One Young World   41

     One Young World Global Advisory Board                                                             Munich ‘in person’ (continued)
     Feike Sijbesma, CEO & Chairman, DSM                                                               Mandeep Rai, Author & Journalist - Guest Speaker
     Monica de Greiff, President, the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá                                    Matthias Gilch, Deputy Head of Office of Mayor of Munich
     Michelle Yeoh, Actress and Philanthropist                                                         Natalie Pauwels, Head of Unit for Stability and Peace – Global and Transregional Threats in the
                                                                                                       European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments.
     Paul Polman, Co-Founder & Chair, IMAGINE
                                                                                                       Sabine Hansky, Program Director & Expert for Urban Development, Munich Urban Colab GmbH -
     Strive Masiyiwa, Founder & Executive Chairman, Econet Wireless and Econet Media
                                                                                                       Guest Speaker
     Khun Suphachai Chearavanont, CEO, Charoen Pokphand Group, and Chairman, the Executive
                                                                                                       Serge Schmemann, Member of Editorial Board, The New York Times - Guest Speaker
     Committee of True Corporation
                                                                                                       Sir Bob Geldof, Singer & Activist
     Per Heggenes, CEO, IKEA Foundation
                                                                                                       State Minister, Dr. Florian Herrmann, Head of the Bavarian State Chancellery, State Minister for
     Lord Michael Hastings, Chancellor, Regent’s University
                                                                                                       Federal and Media Affairs
     Luis Javier Castro, Founder & CEO of Mesoamerica Investments
                                                                                                       Stephan Ramesohl, Co-Lead of Research Unit Digital Transformation (Department Circular
     Michael Møller, President of the Diplomatic Forum of the Geneva Science and Diplomacy             Economy) - Guest Speaker
     Anticipator Foundation, Principle Advisor at Macro Advisory Partners
                                                                                                       Terry Crews, Actor and Activist
     Jessica Gladstone, Partner, Clifford Chance
                                                                                                       Theodor Meron, Judge and Past President, International Residual Mechanism for Criminal
     Counsellors and Speakers, One Young World 2021 Munich                                             Tribunals and Oxford University
     Munich ‘in person’                                                                                Uma Mishra-Newbery, Campaign Manager Free Loujain Campaign
     Anna Fischer, Project Manager International Cooperation, UnternehmerTUM GmbH - Guest              Live Stream
     Speaker                                                                                           Dr. Christoph Gebald, Director, Founder & Member of the Board Climeworks
     Benjamin Adjei, Member of the State Parliament for Munich-Moosach - Guest Speaker                 Juan Manuel Santos, Former President of Colombia & Recipient Nobel Peace Prize 2016
     Bilal Tariq, Angsa Robotics - Guest Speaker                                                       Michael Møller, President of the Diplomatic Forum of the Geneva Science and Diplomacy
     Clemens Baumgärtner, Head of Department of Labor and Economic development, City of Munich         Anticipator Foundation, Principal Advisor at Macro Advisory Partners and Member of the Boards
                                                                                                       of several Foundations
     David Hasselhoff, Actor & Singer
                                                                                                       Professor Mohammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Laureate & Founder of the Grameen Bank
     Dieter Reiter, Lord Mayor, Munich
                                                                                                       Professor Tom Crowther, Lead Scientist & Lab Founder, Crowther Lab
     Dr. Albert Hans Baur, Sustainable AG - Guest Speaker
                                                                                                       Digital (live stream and/or pre-record)
     Dr. Ursula Triebswetter, Deputy Director, Team Principles of Economic Policy, Economic
     Development Strategies, City of Munich, Department of Labor and Economics - Guest Speaker         Alfonso Herrera, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassadorand Actor,
     Emadeddin Badi, Senior Analyst at Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime; Non-   Ali Fazal, Bollywood actor and Human Rights Activist
     Resident Fellow, Atlantic Council - Guest Speaker                                                 Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
     Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany                   Arizona Muse, Environmentalist & Model
     Grace Forrest, Director and Co-Founder of Walk Free - Guest Speaker                               Bill Browder, Founder & CEO of Hermitage Capital, creator of the Magnitsky Act and sanctions
     Halima Aden, Humanitarian & Activist                                                              Caroline Casey, Disability Activist, Co-Founder the Valuable 500
     Ilia Calderón, Anchorwoman & Journalist                                                           Cher, Singer & Activist
     Joerg Zuber, Artistic Director & Creator of Noonoouri                                             Courtney Act, LGBTQ+ Activist (and in person)
     Julia Leeb, Photo Journalist – Guest speaker                                                      Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the WHO
     Katrin Habenschaden, Mayor Munich                                                                 Gilbert F. Houngbo, President of IFAD, Former Prime Minister of Togo
     Laura Thornton, Director and Senior Fellow at the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German   Hyram Yarbro, Social Entrepreneur
     Marshall Fund - Guest Speaker
                                                                                                       Ian Somerhalder, Environmentalist and Actor
     Lina Al-Hathloul, Activist, sister of jailed One Young World Ambassador Loujain Al-Hathloul
                                                                                                       Inge Auerbacher, Author and Genocide Survivor
     Lord Michael Hasting, Member of House of Lords UK
                                                                                                       James Chau, Host of the China Current

42   One Young World   2021 Summit Highlights Report                                                                                                             2021 Summit Highlights Report   One Young World   43
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